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A nerdy female scientist has created a technology to help her and her friends with the perfect Halloween costume, someone else’s body.
Amy has created a possession technology and invited two of her friends over to demonstrate it for them before they head to the Halloween party. The technology is a microchips and high tech pairs of glasses, each of a different color. When a microchip is attached to someone their body is available to possess, that’s where the glasses come in. The glasses transfer the mind of the wearer into the body of anyone wearing a microchip. Amy has invited two of her friends over to show them the technology before the head to the biggest Halloween party and town and find sexy women to possess as their Halloween costume. But before they head out Amy must show them how the microchip and glasses work. She invites her sister in and demonstrates by placing a microchip on her sister and then possessing her sister’s body by putting on one of the pairs of glasses.
You - you (the POV) do not exist in the story, you are just a narrator who chooses the actions of the story
Amy - a shy nerdy dark haired girl with a boyish figure.
Katie - Amy’s nerdy blonde haired friend
Penelope - Amy‘s nerdy ginger friend
Tricia - Amy’s beautiful sister
In Amy’s lab at her parent’s house to start before moving to the Halloween party at the local convention center.
Amy has created a possession technology and invited two of her friends over to demonstrate it for them before they head to the Halloween party. The technology is a microchips and high tech pairs of glasses, each of a different color. When a microchip is attached to someone their body is available to possess, that’s where the glasses come in. The glasses transfer the mind of the wearer into the body of anyone wearing a microchip. Amy has invited two of her friends over to show them the technology before the head to the biggest Halloween party and town and find sexy women to possess as their Halloween costume. But before they head out Amy must show them how the microchip and glasses work. She invites her sister in and demonstrates by placing a microchip on her sister and then possessing her sister’s body by putting on one of the pairs of glasses.
You - you (the POV) do not exist in the story, you are just a narrator who chooses the actions of the story
Amy - a shy nerdy dark haired girl with a boyish figure.
Katie - Amy’s nerdy blonde haired friend
Penelope - Amy‘s nerdy ginger friend
Tricia - Amy’s beautiful sister
In Amy’s lab at her parent’s house to start before moving to the Halloween party at the local convention center.
A female scientist creates latex catsuits that allow someone to possess the wearer.
Amy is a scientist who has created five latex catsuits that allow the wearer to be possessed by someone else. The catsuits are enhanced with nanotechnology that allows someone to use a special set of high tech glasses to possess the body of the person wearing the catsuit. Each set of glasses connects to a specific catsuit and Amy has made the catsuits different colors to coordinate which glasses go with which catsuit. The glasses also glow with the same color as the catsuit to easily identify. Amy has invited Tracy and 4 of Tracy’s friends over to show off her new invention. She has also invited Tracy to try on the catsuit without telling her what it does.
Amy: An average looking 25 year old female nerd
Tracy: Amy’s sister. A beautiful blonde goddess with a fit body and DD boobs.
Jenna: Tracy’s sexy dark haired friend with a body like Tracy
Kara: Tracy’s sexy brunette friend with a body like Tracy
Penelope: Tracy’s sexy red haired friend with a body like Tracy
Lisa: Tracy’s sexy blonde friend with a body like Tracy
This is set in Amy’s lab to start out which is in her parent’s house.
Amy is a scientist who has created five latex catsuits that allow the wearer to be possessed by someone else. The catsuits are enhanced with nanotechnology that allows someone to use a special set of high tech glasses to possess the body of the person wearing the catsuit. Each set of glasses connects to a specific catsuit and Amy has made the catsuits different colors to coordinate which glasses go with which catsuit. The glasses also glow with the same color as the catsuit to easily identify. Amy has invited Tracy and 4 of Tracy’s friends over to show off her new invention. She has also invited Tracy to try on the catsuit without telling her what it does.
Amy: An average looking 25 year old female nerd
Tracy: Amy’s sister. A beautiful blonde goddess with a fit body and DD boobs.
Jenna: Tracy’s sexy dark haired friend with a body like Tracy
Kara: Tracy’s sexy brunette friend with a body like Tracy
Penelope: Tracy’s sexy red haired friend with a body like Tracy
Lisa: Tracy’s sexy blonde friend with a body like Tracy
This is set in Amy’s lab to start out which is in her parent’s house.
I try not to think of myself as the bad guy. Yes, I found myself involved in the development of mind-control technology, but I did my best to protect the world from the worst of it. After that, things just kind of happened on their own.At least, that's what I try to tell myself.
In hindsight, I don’t see how things could have turned out any other way. I’m not saying that as an excuse for any of the things I did or as if it makes them any less bad, but having taken the first step, things just kind of kept happening.
It started at work. I won’t say where.
We were testing methods of remote information transmission that didn’t rely on explicit outputs or inputs. Basically communication that bypassed the barriers outlined in models like Berlo’s SMCR: Instead of relying on language to convey meaning, our aim was to find a way to convey meaning itself directly from one mind to at least one other.
Again, with the benefit of hindsight, the implications were obvious, but we weren’t concerned with whether we should, we just wanted to see if we could. Classic hubris of the scientifically minded.
And it turns out we can. Or more specifically, I can. I’ve made sure all traces of the research material has been scrubbed from any database; every hard drive degaussed, every memory stick smashed into tiny pieces, every document shredded and the whole lot set on fire just to be safe. The technology is too dangerous to risk falling into the wrong hands.
Yes, like mine. It turns out my hands are also the wrong hands, but I didn’t know it at the time. I thought if I just kept the research to myself and studied it in secret, I could find a way to use it to make the world a better place. I guess I can still do that. Maybe it will make up for the bad that I’ve done, which on reflection isn’t even that bad.
Sure, I accidentally corrupted the free will of a fellow human being and inadvertently turned them into my loyal assistant and sex slave, but they’re happy. I know they’re happy, because in a lot of ways, they’re also me.
That helps, right?
* * *
Everyone was very excited. It was something worth being excited about. Transmission was old tech and measuring changes in brain waves was old tech, but reliably translating knowledge as it was being recalled into data, then being able to implant that data into another mind was a big fucking deal.
Other departments in other labs were specialising in mechanical transmission - robotics and cybernetics, for replacement or auxiliary limbs or remote work in hazardous environments. Useful stuff, but not nearly as delicate as what we were trying to achieve. They were trying to transmit a signal to a robot hand to gently hold an egg: We were trying to pull a single thought out of one mind and stitch it seamlessly into another.
Our first major breakthrough was impression: Not the conveyance of explicit knowledge or of a specific message, just a vague sense experienced by the broadcaster transmitted to the receiver. It had to be a strong sense, which meant staff with intense phobias being the broadcaster knowing what objects were beneath a series of cups, and the receiver choosing a cup at random based on the impression being transmitted to them.
It wasn’t a hundred percent accurate, but the results fell well outside of what would have been possible on pure guesswork and we were pumped to fine tune the technology to see what it could do.
I say “random,” because even though it wasn’t, even though we knew it wasn’t and even though the receiver knew that a successful test would be proof that it wasn’t, they still felt as though they were choosing randomly. At no point did they feel like they were under someone else’s influence or receiving information externally; in every single instance, they were convinced that the experiment had failed and they were just choosing at random.
That should have been our first warning.
We advanced from cups viewed from two positions to mazes navigated from two positions, and then from mazes to simple guessing games like battleships and go fish. Again, no explicit information, but impressions that still left the receiver under the illusion that they were just lucky guessers.
From simple games we moved on to more advanced guessing games like celebrity heads and poker. This was a significant step forwards, but we were still relying on impressions that could be rationalised by the receiver as guesswork and luck. At no point was anyone being fed information that they couldn’t have conceivably deduced, remembered, calculated or bumbled their way into naturally.
That’s when the second major breakthrough happened. One of our broadcasters, Jackson, had gotten tired transmitting the correct answers to his receiver and had started feeding them deliberately incorrect answers. Nothing obvious - just answers that were close enough that they could make even someone who already knew second guess themselves. His receiver had a post-it note on her forehead with “Tiger Woods” written in permanent marker on it, and she had been given the clue “Golfing champion.”
By now, everyone had gotten used to Jackson’s shenanigans, so we grinned or grimaced as poor Lena rattled through every wrong answer she could be compelled to try.
“Tony the Tiger. Michael Jordan. Walt Disney. Santa Claus. Mickey Mouse. Bullroarer Took. Babe Ruth. Heisenberg. Wait, who the hell is Bullroarer Took?”
She didn’t get an answer, as the lab immediately exploded into questions and exclamations and people generally just freaking out. We’d done it, and somehow completely by accident: An entirely new, explicit piece of information had been seamlessly added to a receiver’s brain and it wasn’t until a few seconds after they’d actually said it that they even realised it wasn’t information from their own brain.
That was our second warning.
The third warning came quite a bit later, but by pure chance, I was the only one who noticed and when I did, I acted immediately.
Jackson’s shenanigans had inadvertently opened up new paths of inquiry. By randomly but deliberately poking at areas of knowledge specifically unrelated to the task at hand, we were able to isolate the neural activation patterns associated with conscious knowledge independent of emotional belief.
What followed were several successful instances of transmitting discrete pieces of data from broadcaster to receiver, however we then ran into the new problem of getting the receiver to distinguish between their own thoughts and the information being fed to them. Furthermore, when asked to explain the reasoning behind the transmitted answers, receivers became dismissive, evasive and sometimes even agitated, later explaining that the information just “felt true,” a sensation that applied even in instances where the receiver had been deliberately fed incorrect data.
With mounting dread, we realised the danger of the technology we had created.
The true horror sunk in during a coffee break, when by pure chance I saw Jackon’s reflection making an odd hand gesture over the drink of a coworker whose back was turned. I had to force myself to turn around slowly, watching Jackson converse casually without his eyes leaving her face. It wasn’t until she took a sip that he seemed to relax and noticed me by the coffee machine. I did my best to betray nothing, placing my own coffee onto the table in front of him and moving as though to sit when I “remembered” to get cream from the fridge.
This time when I turned I saw his hurried motion plainly in the brushed metal door, and it took all the self control I had not to confront him or punch his lights out. I returned to the table, adding the cream without sitting before returning it to the fridge. I picked up my coffee and was about to walk out of the room with it when Jackson called out to me with some innocent question about my department. It quickly became clear that he was stalling, waiting for me to drink, so I feigned a casual sip with tightly pursed lips as we spoke and he seemed to relax. I took the opportunity to leave with my cup and as soon as I was out of sight went straight to the micro-observation facility.
We had initially aimed to use physical chips implanted in the subject’s brains to establish a connection, but the risk of accidental damage compounded by multiple intrusions in the case of faulty hardware or the replacement of redundant units made this untenable. Thankfully (or perhaps not), we were assisted by our sister department in nanotech, who had developed a biomonitoring system using carbide nanites that could enter the bloodstream through the digestive tract. To test for successful nanite absorption, we just needed to take a blood sample and insert it into an observation case. And it didn’t just work on blood.
I felt my stomach drop as the coffee reading came back positive. A concentration high enough that even a mouthful would fully colonise a body within hours. I felt sick as I entered a vial of my own saliva, and when that test also came back as a weak positive and rising, I almost fainted.
That fucking bastard.
I had to stop myself from running to the configuration deck and came to a sudden halt halfway there. There’s no way Jackson could have done anything underhanded on one of the terminals without someone seeing him. The room, the equipment and change was constantly monitored as a security measure. If he were going to do anything without being detected, it would need to be somewhere private where he could still access the server and the network. He wasn’t authorised to be anywhere near the site’s core infrastructure, but it was the only place where he would have everything he needed.
I didn’t know how I was going to get access to the server room when I arrived - it’s not as if I had access either - but it turned out that I didn’t need access and neither did Jackson.
Lena had access, and she had left the door unlocked.
She looked up at me owlishly from where she was sitting on the floor, cross-legged with a laptop on her knees.
“Oh, Hi Marcus,” she said, parroting Tommy Wiseau’s infamous line as though we were meeting in the break room.
“Lena?” I asked cautiously. “What are you working on?”
“Oh, I’m just making sure that anytime a new host comes online, they’re set to receive only,” she said, as though she were just filling out her calendar. She turned the laptop so that I could see the screen and pointed at the second of two dots on a map of the facility. “See? There you are right next to me. You came online just a minute ago, so I’ve already made you a receiver.”
“And why would you do that?”
“Because Jackson told me to.”
I stared at the unquestioning innocence in her eyes.
“And you have to do what he says?”
Lena rolled her eyes at me. “Obviously.”
“Obviously,” I repeated. The silence was broken only by the steady whine of cooling fans.
Eventually, Lena shifted uncomfortably. “So, what are you doing here? You’re not IT.”
Not wanting to alarm her, I said the first thing that I could think of. “No, but Jackson sent me.”
The way Lena’s face lit up at his name made me feel ill.
“Does that mean you’re working for him too?”
“Yes,” I lied. Like a man laying down rails for a moving train as he’s riding on it, I grabbed blindly for any string of words that might work. “And he told me to come get you for something important. He’s… outside in the parking lot and says you need to come straight away.”
Lena’s brow wrinkled. “Oh, but I have to stay here for stage three. I’ve just finished getting everyone online.”
“That’s fine. He told me to take over. I have to do what he says, remember? You’ve finished stage two, haven’t you? He says you’ve done a very good job.”
Again, the look of bliss that took over Lena’s face twisted my gut.
“Great! Where can I find him?”
“He just told me as he was walking out,” I said, letting Lena stand up and hand me the laptop. “You’ll have to go look for him. He’s keeping an eye out for you.”
“Okay!” I watched Lena leave the room and closed it behind her, making sure to lock it this time. We shared our parking with three other departments across eight floors, so unless Jackson really was there already, that would keep her out of the way.
She’d been right. Jackson had worked his way through the entire department’s staff and I had a live view of every single person in the facility. Watching the glowing dots meander around the map gave me a truly terrifying glimpse into the future we had made possible.
What caught my eye was something that didn’t exist in the standard interface. We had created individual controls for the kind of transmissions we wanted and the direction we wanted them to go in, but Lena had added a new input without a label.
Clicking on it, a text field appears in which the name “Enfield, Lena” was already populated followed by a yes/no switch.
I pressed “yes” and blacked out.
* * *
I was in the parking lot, on the blue level by bay two-zero-two. At first I wondered how I had been suddenly transported when I realised how strange I felt all over - my body, my clothes and my hair all felt wrong somehow.
I looked down and felt the strength leave my legs as I saw a woman’s body stretching out below me. A woman’s body in a pair of black Mary Janes, matching pencil skirt, white dress shirt and a lanyard whose ID read “Lena Enfield.”
I stared at myself in shock, having fallen to my knees and began running my unfamiliar hands over my unfamiliar body, trying to confirm that I wasn’t somehow dreaming.
“Lena!” a voice echoed across the concrete, causing me to jump in a mix of fear and guilt. I turned in the direction of the voice and felt my heart quail at the side of Jackson striding towards me, his face contorted with fury.
In that instant I felt an overwhelming sense of panic take over and I wanted to be absolutely anywhere except anywhere near him, and in that same moment I felt myself dragged back into the cool air of the server room, sitting on the floor with Lena’s laptop on my legs.
We had theorised that it was possible, but had never been arrogant or stupid enough to try it. The psychological risks and ethical dangers it posed were beyond our ability to rationalise and well outside the original scope of the project, though there were rumours that it would eventually be turned towards a similar end.
But I didn’t have time to marvel at the development. Jackson would interrogate Lena, Lena would tell him the truth, and he would run straight here. I had to act fast.
Jackson would head straight for the server room once he realised what had happened.
I could head straight for the director’s office, but there was no guarantee that she wasn’t also in on his plot. I checked the map again: She had her nanites installed and despite her rank in the organisation had also been set to receive, as had every guard on her floor. Jackson really intended to just dominate everyone in the building. I had all the proof I needed to expose Jackson and have him arrested.
We would need to deprogram Lena. Shit, assuming that was even possible. God only knew how badly Jackson had been screwing with her brain, or for how long. And there was always a chance the higher ups would find out and do what higher ups always do when they have the opportunity to take even more wealth and power.
I fretted for much longer than I should have under the circumstances. Maybe there really was no other way, or maybe I was just deliberately backing myself into a corner. Whatever the case, the sudden jangle of keys at the door alerted me that I had run out of time, and that within seconds, Jackson would be in the room to steal back the laptop, or possibly even frame me, now that he’d been discovered.
I’d considered the option and dismissed it as immoral. Self-serving. A road too dangerous to even consider walking down. But having failed to take any other action, it was the only one I had left.
It was the right thing to do. It was the only thing to do. When the chips are down and the pressure is on, the only person you can depend on is yourself.
I dragged my own icon into the super broadcaster position, and hit “execute.”
* * *
There wasn’t any sudden rush of sensation. There never had been: Broadcasting just took the data you wanted to impart and transmitted a copy to the target. But for some reason, I still expected something.
What did happen was the sound of keys hitting the floor outside, followed by a hollow groan of absolute despair.
I unlocked the door and opened it to find Jackson, grey-faced and swaying with his hands covering his face. Lena was behind him, looking pitiful, but not nearly as distraught as Jackson.
“Hello, Jackson.” I said flatly.
“Don’t…” he moaned through his hands.
People had begun to file into the room, ashen-faced but with a mix of anger, all of them staring at Jackson as he tried to hide behind himself.
I’d used the nanites to broadcast two things: The knowledge of what Jackson had tried to do, and my overwhelming disgust at him for the attempt.
Now everyone knew what he’d done, he knew that they knew and he shared their hatred for himself because I had copied it directly from my mind into his.
“Nobody hurt him,” I said, seeing the balled fists and shaking hands around me. “Nobody let him hurt himself, either. Get him out of here.”
Four men approached Jackson, who didn’t resist as they grimly marched him away. I turned to Lena, who was running her hands through her hair, wide-eyed and shivering.
“H-he was-s in m-my head…” she stammered.
I didn’t have any words of consolation for her. Least of all, because not moments ago I had also been inside her mind. The only reason she knew about Jackson was because I had “told” her. I motioned for another one of the staff to take her away.
“Alright, everyone,” I said to those who remained. “I want an all-hands meeting in the break room. Tell everyone you see, and someone head upstairs to find…”
I trailed off as I realised how much time would be wasted finding everyone in the building and telling them where to go, and then more wasted simply having the meeting itself, and that was assuming nobody disagreed with what I was about to say.
Well, neither of those things were problems anymore, were they?
I activated my transmitter and broadcast a new set of instructions.
“The project is to be terminated. Nobody can be trusted with this power. Destroy all hardware, all documentation, strip the building down and wipe everything.”
The effect was instant: People began moving with an almost frantic purpose, delegating tasks to themselves or people nearby as files began to be pulled out of drawers and shredded, computers wiped and machinery disassembled. I had intended to join in, but found myself at sea in a centre of bustling activity, so instead walked myself out to my car to lie down and clear my head.
Had I done the right thing? Yes. Absolutely. Any other decision would have exposed everyone to the risk of Jackson regaining control, or the project being compromised by a figure in authority. Even if the director was of sound moral character, her superiors might not be, or their superiors above them. Someone, somewhere in the organisation would have tried to take advantage, just like Jackson did. Better to destroy everything and pretend it never happened.
I watched numbly as a procession of staff began to file out with armfuls and boxes of shredded documents, leaving trails of confetti in their wake. Like ants, they threw their boxes into one of the massive steel containers used for waste disposal. Some others had started fussing over the nearest cars, and it took me a while to realise that they were siphoning the petrol.
My initial alarm was quelled somewhat when they left the containers of fuel to one side instead of lighting it immediately. Any kind of fire would alert the emergency services, who would no doubt try to stop what was happening once they arrived.
It was actually kind of peaceful, sitting apart from the action and just watching it unfold. Almost like watching an ant colony cleaning out a lunchbox: All of the inside bits got broken down and taken outside until all that was left was the shell.
They had filled all six bins and four of the cargo trucks by the time they were done. Everything had been reduced to the smallest parts it could be torn, cut, unscrewed, unplugged or just smashed into. There was no cheering as fuel was added or the flames lit from a safe distance. Just the quiet relief of a terrible future averted.
Someone coughed near me and I turned to see Lena and a few other members of staff with a single trolley loaded with some equipment that hadn’t been destroyed. Confused, I turned to Lena.
“Aren’t you going to add it to the pile?” I asked.
“Not this stuff,” Lena said cheerfully, apparently recovered from her earlier breakdown. “We figured it would be a shame if we destroyed literally everything, so we’ve saved some of it. And because you decided to be mister lazy-pants while the rest of us were hard at work, we’re giving you the job of taking care of it.”
I couldn’t stop my brow furrowing in confusion. “I never told you to do that.”
Lena scoffed as the others began loading the equipment into my car. “Good. We’re not here to do what you tell us. The vote was unanimous: We’re all getting out, so you get to babysit the last remnants. Hide it, destroy it, do whatever you want. This is your share of the responsibility. Maybe next time, do your bit instead of wandering off for a nap, okay?”
And with that, they left to join the rapidly dispersing crowd as everyone jumped into their cars or hitched a ride from the others. A column of black smoke reached up from the facility, and it would be a matter of minutes before the firefighters arrived. Just by virtue of the work we were doing, the cops wouldn’t be far behind.
Without time to get everything out of my car and into the fire, I jumped into the driver’s seat and made my way out with the rest, racking my brain furiously as I tried to avoid speeding on my way home.
I never told them to set aside any equipment for me. No, I never CONSCIOUSLY told them. That really was the only explanation: There was no way that - after being given the artificial impression that the entire project needed to be burned to the ground - they would somehow conveniently decide that I should be trusted with the last pieces of evidence. Not just any evidence, either: At a glance I could tell that I had been left with everything I needed to manufacture and configure the nanites myself, just on a much smaller scale.
Despite my best intentions, some small part of myself had subconsciously implanted the addendum that one way or another, I should have the power to continue the project privately.
Fine, then. I’d get home, pack up what little I could fit and get the hell out of the city, state, maybe even country before finding somewhere I could safely destroy the last remains of a terrible mistake.
That was almost two years ago.
I never did get around to destroying that equipment.
In hindsight, I don’t see how things could have turned out any other way. I’m not saying that as an excuse for any of the things I did or as if it makes them any less bad, but having taken the first step, things just kind of kept happening.
It started at work. I won’t say where.
We were testing methods of remote information transmission that didn’t rely on explicit outputs or inputs. Basically communication that bypassed the barriers outlined in models like Berlo’s SMCR: Instead of relying on language to convey meaning, our aim was to find a way to convey meaning itself directly from one mind to at least one other.
Again, with the benefit of hindsight, the implications were obvious, but we weren’t concerned with whether we should, we just wanted to see if we could. Classic hubris of the scientifically minded.
And it turns out we can. Or more specifically, I can. I’ve made sure all traces of the research material has been scrubbed from any database; every hard drive degaussed, every memory stick smashed into tiny pieces, every document shredded and the whole lot set on fire just to be safe. The technology is too dangerous to risk falling into the wrong hands.
Yes, like mine. It turns out my hands are also the wrong hands, but I didn’t know it at the time. I thought if I just kept the research to myself and studied it in secret, I could find a way to use it to make the world a better place. I guess I can still do that. Maybe it will make up for the bad that I’ve done, which on reflection isn’t even that bad.
Sure, I accidentally corrupted the free will of a fellow human being and inadvertently turned them into my loyal assistant and sex slave, but they’re happy. I know they’re happy, because in a lot of ways, they’re also me.
That helps, right?
* * *
Everyone was very excited. It was something worth being excited about. Transmission was old tech and measuring changes in brain waves was old tech, but reliably translating knowledge as it was being recalled into data, then being able to implant that data into another mind was a big fucking deal.
Other departments in other labs were specialising in mechanical transmission - robotics and cybernetics, for replacement or auxiliary limbs or remote work in hazardous environments. Useful stuff, but not nearly as delicate as what we were trying to achieve. They were trying to transmit a signal to a robot hand to gently hold an egg: We were trying to pull a single thought out of one mind and stitch it seamlessly into another.
Our first major breakthrough was impression: Not the conveyance of explicit knowledge or of a specific message, just a vague sense experienced by the broadcaster transmitted to the receiver. It had to be a strong sense, which meant staff with intense phobias being the broadcaster knowing what objects were beneath a series of cups, and the receiver choosing a cup at random based on the impression being transmitted to them.
It wasn’t a hundred percent accurate, but the results fell well outside of what would have been possible on pure guesswork and we were pumped to fine tune the technology to see what it could do.
I say “random,” because even though it wasn’t, even though we knew it wasn’t and even though the receiver knew that a successful test would be proof that it wasn’t, they still felt as though they were choosing randomly. At no point did they feel like they were under someone else’s influence or receiving information externally; in every single instance, they were convinced that the experiment had failed and they were just choosing at random.
That should have been our first warning.
We advanced from cups viewed from two positions to mazes navigated from two positions, and then from mazes to simple guessing games like battleships and go fish. Again, no explicit information, but impressions that still left the receiver under the illusion that they were just lucky guessers.
From simple games we moved on to more advanced guessing games like celebrity heads and poker. This was a significant step forwards, but we were still relying on impressions that could be rationalised by the receiver as guesswork and luck. At no point was anyone being fed information that they couldn’t have conceivably deduced, remembered, calculated or bumbled their way into naturally.
That’s when the second major breakthrough happened. One of our broadcasters, Jackson, had gotten tired transmitting the correct answers to his receiver and had started feeding them deliberately incorrect answers. Nothing obvious - just answers that were close enough that they could make even someone who already knew second guess themselves. His receiver had a post-it note on her forehead with “Tiger Woods” written in permanent marker on it, and she had been given the clue “Golfing champion.”
By now, everyone had gotten used to Jackson’s shenanigans, so we grinned or grimaced as poor Lena rattled through every wrong answer she could be compelled to try.
“Tony the Tiger. Michael Jordan. Walt Disney. Santa Claus. Mickey Mouse. Bullroarer Took. Babe Ruth. Heisenberg. Wait, who the hell is Bullroarer Took?”
She didn’t get an answer, as the lab immediately exploded into questions and exclamations and people generally just freaking out. We’d done it, and somehow completely by accident: An entirely new, explicit piece of information had been seamlessly added to a receiver’s brain and it wasn’t until a few seconds after they’d actually said it that they even realised it wasn’t information from their own brain.
That was our second warning.
The third warning came quite a bit later, but by pure chance, I was the only one who noticed and when I did, I acted immediately.
Jackson’s shenanigans had inadvertently opened up new paths of inquiry. By randomly but deliberately poking at areas of knowledge specifically unrelated to the task at hand, we were able to isolate the neural activation patterns associated with conscious knowledge independent of emotional belief.
What followed were several successful instances of transmitting discrete pieces of data from broadcaster to receiver, however we then ran into the new problem of getting the receiver to distinguish between their own thoughts and the information being fed to them. Furthermore, when asked to explain the reasoning behind the transmitted answers, receivers became dismissive, evasive and sometimes even agitated, later explaining that the information just “felt true,” a sensation that applied even in instances where the receiver had been deliberately fed incorrect data.
With mounting dread, we realised the danger of the technology we had created.
The true horror sunk in during a coffee break, when by pure chance I saw Jackon’s reflection making an odd hand gesture over the drink of a coworker whose back was turned. I had to force myself to turn around slowly, watching Jackson converse casually without his eyes leaving her face. It wasn’t until she took a sip that he seemed to relax and noticed me by the coffee machine. I did my best to betray nothing, placing my own coffee onto the table in front of him and moving as though to sit when I “remembered” to get cream from the fridge.
This time when I turned I saw his hurried motion plainly in the brushed metal door, and it took all the self control I had not to confront him or punch his lights out. I returned to the table, adding the cream without sitting before returning it to the fridge. I picked up my coffee and was about to walk out of the room with it when Jackson called out to me with some innocent question about my department. It quickly became clear that he was stalling, waiting for me to drink, so I feigned a casual sip with tightly pursed lips as we spoke and he seemed to relax. I took the opportunity to leave with my cup and as soon as I was out of sight went straight to the micro-observation facility.
We had initially aimed to use physical chips implanted in the subject’s brains to establish a connection, but the risk of accidental damage compounded by multiple intrusions in the case of faulty hardware or the replacement of redundant units made this untenable. Thankfully (or perhaps not), we were assisted by our sister department in nanotech, who had developed a biomonitoring system using carbide nanites that could enter the bloodstream through the digestive tract. To test for successful nanite absorption, we just needed to take a blood sample and insert it into an observation case. And it didn’t just work on blood.
I felt my stomach drop as the coffee reading came back positive. A concentration high enough that even a mouthful would fully colonise a body within hours. I felt sick as I entered a vial of my own saliva, and when that test also came back as a weak positive and rising, I almost fainted.
That fucking bastard.
I had to stop myself from running to the configuration deck and came to a sudden halt halfway there. There’s no way Jackson could have done anything underhanded on one of the terminals without someone seeing him. The room, the equipment and change was constantly monitored as a security measure. If he were going to do anything without being detected, it would need to be somewhere private where he could still access the server and the network. He wasn’t authorised to be anywhere near the site’s core infrastructure, but it was the only place where he would have everything he needed.
I didn’t know how I was going to get access to the server room when I arrived - it’s not as if I had access either - but it turned out that I didn’t need access and neither did Jackson.
Lena had access, and she had left the door unlocked.
She looked up at me owlishly from where she was sitting on the floor, cross-legged with a laptop on her knees.
“Oh, Hi Marcus,” she said, parroting Tommy Wiseau’s infamous line as though we were meeting in the break room.
“Lena?” I asked cautiously. “What are you working on?”
“Oh, I’m just making sure that anytime a new host comes online, they’re set to receive only,” she said, as though she were just filling out her calendar. She turned the laptop so that I could see the screen and pointed at the second of two dots on a map of the facility. “See? There you are right next to me. You came online just a minute ago, so I’ve already made you a receiver.”
“And why would you do that?”
“Because Jackson told me to.”
I stared at the unquestioning innocence in her eyes.
“And you have to do what he says?”
Lena rolled her eyes at me. “Obviously.”
“Obviously,” I repeated. The silence was broken only by the steady whine of cooling fans.
Eventually, Lena shifted uncomfortably. “So, what are you doing here? You’re not IT.”
Not wanting to alarm her, I said the first thing that I could think of. “No, but Jackson sent me.”
The way Lena’s face lit up at his name made me feel ill.
“Does that mean you’re working for him too?”
“Yes,” I lied. Like a man laying down rails for a moving train as he’s riding on it, I grabbed blindly for any string of words that might work. “And he told me to come get you for something important. He’s… outside in the parking lot and says you need to come straight away.”
Lena’s brow wrinkled. “Oh, but I have to stay here for stage three. I’ve just finished getting everyone online.”
“That’s fine. He told me to take over. I have to do what he says, remember? You’ve finished stage two, haven’t you? He says you’ve done a very good job.”
Again, the look of bliss that took over Lena’s face twisted my gut.
“Great! Where can I find him?”
“He just told me as he was walking out,” I said, letting Lena stand up and hand me the laptop. “You’ll have to go look for him. He’s keeping an eye out for you.”
“Okay!” I watched Lena leave the room and closed it behind her, making sure to lock it this time. We shared our parking with three other departments across eight floors, so unless Jackson really was there already, that would keep her out of the way.
She’d been right. Jackson had worked his way through the entire department’s staff and I had a live view of every single person in the facility. Watching the glowing dots meander around the map gave me a truly terrifying glimpse into the future we had made possible.
What caught my eye was something that didn’t exist in the standard interface. We had created individual controls for the kind of transmissions we wanted and the direction we wanted them to go in, but Lena had added a new input without a label.
Clicking on it, a text field appears in which the name “Enfield, Lena” was already populated followed by a yes/no switch.
I pressed “yes” and blacked out.
* * *
I was in the parking lot, on the blue level by bay two-zero-two. At first I wondered how I had been suddenly transported when I realised how strange I felt all over - my body, my clothes and my hair all felt wrong somehow.
I looked down and felt the strength leave my legs as I saw a woman’s body stretching out below me. A woman’s body in a pair of black Mary Janes, matching pencil skirt, white dress shirt and a lanyard whose ID read “Lena Enfield.”
I stared at myself in shock, having fallen to my knees and began running my unfamiliar hands over my unfamiliar body, trying to confirm that I wasn’t somehow dreaming.
“Lena!” a voice echoed across the concrete, causing me to jump in a mix of fear and guilt. I turned in the direction of the voice and felt my heart quail at the side of Jackson striding towards me, his face contorted with fury.
In that instant I felt an overwhelming sense of panic take over and I wanted to be absolutely anywhere except anywhere near him, and in that same moment I felt myself dragged back into the cool air of the server room, sitting on the floor with Lena’s laptop on my legs.
We had theorised that it was possible, but had never been arrogant or stupid enough to try it. The psychological risks and ethical dangers it posed were beyond our ability to rationalise and well outside the original scope of the project, though there were rumours that it would eventually be turned towards a similar end.
But I didn’t have time to marvel at the development. Jackson would interrogate Lena, Lena would tell him the truth, and he would run straight here. I had to act fast.
Jackson would head straight for the server room once he realised what had happened.
I could head straight for the director’s office, but there was no guarantee that she wasn’t also in on his plot. I checked the map again: She had her nanites installed and despite her rank in the organisation had also been set to receive, as had every guard on her floor. Jackson really intended to just dominate everyone in the building. I had all the proof I needed to expose Jackson and have him arrested.
We would need to deprogram Lena. Shit, assuming that was even possible. God only knew how badly Jackson had been screwing with her brain, or for how long. And there was always a chance the higher ups would find out and do what higher ups always do when they have the opportunity to take even more wealth and power.
I fretted for much longer than I should have under the circumstances. Maybe there really was no other way, or maybe I was just deliberately backing myself into a corner. Whatever the case, the sudden jangle of keys at the door alerted me that I had run out of time, and that within seconds, Jackson would be in the room to steal back the laptop, or possibly even frame me, now that he’d been discovered.
I’d considered the option and dismissed it as immoral. Self-serving. A road too dangerous to even consider walking down. But having failed to take any other action, it was the only one I had left.
It was the right thing to do. It was the only thing to do. When the chips are down and the pressure is on, the only person you can depend on is yourself.
I dragged my own icon into the super broadcaster position, and hit “execute.”
* * *
There wasn’t any sudden rush of sensation. There never had been: Broadcasting just took the data you wanted to impart and transmitted a copy to the target. But for some reason, I still expected something.
What did happen was the sound of keys hitting the floor outside, followed by a hollow groan of absolute despair.
I unlocked the door and opened it to find Jackson, grey-faced and swaying with his hands covering his face. Lena was behind him, looking pitiful, but not nearly as distraught as Jackson.
“Hello, Jackson.” I said flatly.
“Don’t…” he moaned through his hands.
People had begun to file into the room, ashen-faced but with a mix of anger, all of them staring at Jackson as he tried to hide behind himself.
I’d used the nanites to broadcast two things: The knowledge of what Jackson had tried to do, and my overwhelming disgust at him for the attempt.
Now everyone knew what he’d done, he knew that they knew and he shared their hatred for himself because I had copied it directly from my mind into his.
“Nobody hurt him,” I said, seeing the balled fists and shaking hands around me. “Nobody let him hurt himself, either. Get him out of here.”
Four men approached Jackson, who didn’t resist as they grimly marched him away. I turned to Lena, who was running her hands through her hair, wide-eyed and shivering.
“H-he was-s in m-my head…” she stammered.
I didn’t have any words of consolation for her. Least of all, because not moments ago I had also been inside her mind. The only reason she knew about Jackson was because I had “told” her. I motioned for another one of the staff to take her away.
“Alright, everyone,” I said to those who remained. “I want an all-hands meeting in the break room. Tell everyone you see, and someone head upstairs to find…”
I trailed off as I realised how much time would be wasted finding everyone in the building and telling them where to go, and then more wasted simply having the meeting itself, and that was assuming nobody disagreed with what I was about to say.
Well, neither of those things were problems anymore, were they?
I activated my transmitter and broadcast a new set of instructions.
“The project is to be terminated. Nobody can be trusted with this power. Destroy all hardware, all documentation, strip the building down and wipe everything.”
The effect was instant: People began moving with an almost frantic purpose, delegating tasks to themselves or people nearby as files began to be pulled out of drawers and shredded, computers wiped and machinery disassembled. I had intended to join in, but found myself at sea in a centre of bustling activity, so instead walked myself out to my car to lie down and clear my head.
Had I done the right thing? Yes. Absolutely. Any other decision would have exposed everyone to the risk of Jackson regaining control, or the project being compromised by a figure in authority. Even if the director was of sound moral character, her superiors might not be, or their superiors above them. Someone, somewhere in the organisation would have tried to take advantage, just like Jackson did. Better to destroy everything and pretend it never happened.
I watched numbly as a procession of staff began to file out with armfuls and boxes of shredded documents, leaving trails of confetti in their wake. Like ants, they threw their boxes into one of the massive steel containers used for waste disposal. Some others had started fussing over the nearest cars, and it took me a while to realise that they were siphoning the petrol.
My initial alarm was quelled somewhat when they left the containers of fuel to one side instead of lighting it immediately. Any kind of fire would alert the emergency services, who would no doubt try to stop what was happening once they arrived.
It was actually kind of peaceful, sitting apart from the action and just watching it unfold. Almost like watching an ant colony cleaning out a lunchbox: All of the inside bits got broken down and taken outside until all that was left was the shell.
They had filled all six bins and four of the cargo trucks by the time they were done. Everything had been reduced to the smallest parts it could be torn, cut, unscrewed, unplugged or just smashed into. There was no cheering as fuel was added or the flames lit from a safe distance. Just the quiet relief of a terrible future averted.
Someone coughed near me and I turned to see Lena and a few other members of staff with a single trolley loaded with some equipment that hadn’t been destroyed. Confused, I turned to Lena.
“Aren’t you going to add it to the pile?” I asked.
“Not this stuff,” Lena said cheerfully, apparently recovered from her earlier breakdown. “We figured it would be a shame if we destroyed literally everything, so we’ve saved some of it. And because you decided to be mister lazy-pants while the rest of us were hard at work, we’re giving you the job of taking care of it.”
I couldn’t stop my brow furrowing in confusion. “I never told you to do that.”
Lena scoffed as the others began loading the equipment into my car. “Good. We’re not here to do what you tell us. The vote was unanimous: We’re all getting out, so you get to babysit the last remnants. Hide it, destroy it, do whatever you want. This is your share of the responsibility. Maybe next time, do your bit instead of wandering off for a nap, okay?”
And with that, they left to join the rapidly dispersing crowd as everyone jumped into their cars or hitched a ride from the others. A column of black smoke reached up from the facility, and it would be a matter of minutes before the firefighters arrived. Just by virtue of the work we were doing, the cops wouldn’t be far behind.
Without time to get everything out of my car and into the fire, I jumped into the driver’s seat and made my way out with the rest, racking my brain furiously as I tried to avoid speeding on my way home.
I never told them to set aside any equipment for me. No, I never CONSCIOUSLY told them. That really was the only explanation: There was no way that - after being given the artificial impression that the entire project needed to be burned to the ground - they would somehow conveniently decide that I should be trusted with the last pieces of evidence. Not just any evidence, either: At a glance I could tell that I had been left with everything I needed to manufacture and configure the nanites myself, just on a much smaller scale.
Despite my best intentions, some small part of myself had subconsciously implanted the addendum that one way or another, I should have the power to continue the project privately.
Fine, then. I’d get home, pack up what little I could fit and get the hell out of the city, state, maybe even country before finding somewhere I could safely destroy the last remains of a terrible mistake.
That was almost two years ago.
I never did get around to destroying that equipment.
The opening couple of scenes for a slice-of-life stealth control story featuring a group of college friends. In this opening, Luna & Alphonse experiment with the technology with each other for the first time, and Luna is quite a bit bolder with it that Alphonse. It is largely ftm, from the male third person perspective.
The chilly air of Alphonse's dorm room was cut by the soft humming of a high end laptop, built more for specs than style. Alphonse himself sat hunched over, squinting at the glow of the screen in the darkness. The page he had stumbled upon was unlike anything he’d seen before, its dark background and neon lines carrying an aura of the illicit.
Or at least, an aura of a programmer who used dark mode, which was always a good sign.
It was late - late enough that his roommate Quincy was out on the town, courting danger or a damsel (or both). Alphonse sighed, running a hand through his mousy brown hair as he considered the proposition before him: a chance to buy into the surreal, the impossible.
Stealth Control Nanobots™
They were the stuff of whispered rumours and online conspiracy theories. The government had banned the technology long ago, citing concerns over privacy, consent, and potential for abuse. Concerns that were well founded. Even though the tech had never reached the mainstream, and was tightly controlled for government use only, there were still regular stories of leaks. It seemed like every few months some starlet would seem to lose her mind, and go masturbate in public, or dance nude on a balcony.
Stealth control was always blamed, and tighter controls always followed. Alphonse wondered how many of these cases were real – and how many times a drugged up rock star would just blame their latest bender on stealth control. “It wasn’t me! It was just my body!”
Still, if they were real… well, basic logic would dictate for every case you heard about, there were probably hundreds of people being controlled in ways that weren’t overt enough to make the news.
And if that were true, then maybe you *could* just buy a vial of the stuff from a random Russian IP address.
Alphonse knew he was talking himself into it.
His mouse hovered over the 'Buy Now' button, his heart pounding. He looked at the reviews again: users swearing up and down that the tech was real, functional, and life-altering. A few death threats to the seller. Someone asking how to exit vim. It seemed legitimate enough…
A mental image of Luna filled his mind, her dark goth aesthetic barely containing her wild exuberance. What would it be like to *be* her? His pulse quickened at the thought of experiencing her world, of seeing the universe through her eyes. It was such an intimate thought that he felt a pang of guilt immediately. Yet, there was a small part of him that yearned for that intimacy, a desire fueled by a confusing amalgam of curiosity, love, and the heady promise of forbidden… …science.
Maybe, if he controlled her, he could plant the idea in her mind that they should date… “incept” it, if you will. Alphonse rolled his eyes.
His sister Christina's warnings echoed in his mind. "Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should." She would definitely disapprove of his current predicament.
Just as he was about to close the tab, a notification beeped. A text from Quincy: "Bro, where you at? Rosa and Luna asking for you at the Fox's Den." His heartbeat quickened again. Luna was asking for him?
The weight of the decision weighed heavy on his heart. He was no womaniser like Quincy, no social butterfly like Rosa. He was Alphonse, the bassist in the band, the nerd in the corner, the one who was always observing, dreaming… not doing. This technology, dangerous and alluring as it was, could be his chance to connect, to understand, to be a part of something bigger.
"Damn it," he muttered under his breath, his hands trembling as he clicked 'Buy Now'. The screen confirmed his purchase, and the weight seemed to lift a little, replaced with a heady blend of exhilaration and anxiety.
He hastily shut his laptop, grabbed his bass, and left the dorm room. Tonight, he was going to enjoy his regular life. Tomorrow, he thought, with a mix of excitement and fear, everything could change. He could change. He only hoped that the price wouldn't be too high.
A week later Alphonse and Luna sat in that same dorm room, staring at a non-descript metal box. It had arrived that morning.
Alphonse, tall and gangly, was hunched over it. His fingers tapped on the plain surface, a thumb running over the embossed logo of a butterfly - a suitable symbol for a box of Stealth Control Nanobots™, he thought.
Luna, wearing her habitual black skinny jeans and band tee, watched Alphonse with a barely contained excitement in her emerald eyes. It was a look that Alphonse knew too well, and it always made his heart stumble and his palms dampen. How was it possible that she would even want to hang out with him, when she was so damn cool, and he… well, he wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans. He wondered if she noticed his pulse thundering in his throat, betraying his nervousness.
"Alphonse, stop stalling," she teased, playfully punching his arm. He winced, more from the contact than any supposed pain, but he allowed a hesitant smile. "I want to see what they look like!"
He opened up the box with a click. Inside lay rows of vials, each containing a small amount of silvery liquid. They were tiny, barely a few millilitres, and yet they held the power to wrestle control from the mind of one and place it into the hands of another.
“Huh, smaller than I thought”, said Luna. She picked one up, and he winced at the sacrilege. “Ready to give it a go?”
A ripple of unease traversed Alphonse's spine as he carefully picked up one of his own. He looked down at Luna and found himself wondering what it would be like to *be* her. Her dainty hands fiddled with the vial impatiently, the pale skin and black painted nails looking ghostly against the silvery vial. Was he really about to have a turn controlling those hands?
He looked down at himself. Large. Kinda gangly. Not unfit, just, like his limbs didn’t quite sit right. Would she even want a turn controlling him? Would he let her? Immeasurably powerful tiny little robots were about to float across his blood brain barrier, attach themselves to his neurons, and force them to fire in a pattern that matched the one in Luna’s brain – at least, as far as sensation and movement were concerned.
He shivered. Then he thought of Luna – lively, unpredictable Luna – wielding that power over him and shivered again, and not just from fear. He could feel a stirring beginning in his pants. That might be an awkward one to explain if Luna took a turn using it on him.
"Are you sure about this?" he questioned, his voice barely a whisper.
Luna responded with an impish grin. "You’re not backing out on me, are you! Al, when on earth will we get another chance like this! I want to know what it’s like!"
Her eyes sparkled with a dangerous sort of thrill.
"I-I'm- no! Let’s do it!" Alphonse managed, voice steady despite the tumultuous storm of anxiety brewing within him.
Luna raised her vial in the air as if making a toast, then swallowed it in one go. Alphonse hesitated and then drank his as well.
She looked down at herself. “Okay, I don’t feel any different. What now?”
Alphonse swallowed, finding his voice again. "It said that the nanobots in the liquid will make their way to our brains and establish a sort of connection with our neurons." He explained, hands slightly shaking as he held up his own, now empty, vial.
"Once that's done, a small light will flash in our vision, and we'll be able to navigate a basic user interface in our minds. It's like... you know, when you're dreaming, and you're aware that you're dreaming? It's a bit like that. It doesn't intrude on your day-to-day life; it's just there, waiting to be accessed."
Luna's eyebrows furrowed as she took in his explanation, a tinge of curiosity and apprehension in her eyes. "And then what?"
"There's an option in the UI," Alphonse continued, gesturing vaguely with his hands, "that lets us select whether to make ourselves 'open' to being controlled by anybody else who's swallowed the nanobots. It's like setting your phone to hotspot. Anyone can connect, provided they have the same kind of nanobots, and are nearby"
“Wait, anyone?” Luna stared at him, silent for a moment, before a slow smile spread across her face. “I really should have waited before chugging that. Remind me not to leave that setting on! Don’t want me to be taken over by some old perv! Ha!”
Alphonse blushed and nodded.
“Oh, wait, wait! Something’s changed! I saw the flash!”
As she spoke, Alphonse himself saw a brief flash of yellow light pulse in the exact centre of his vision and then fade away. His brain felt different somehow, like there was something else in there with him…
“Okay! I’m trying the UI!” said Luna excitedly.
Alphonse watched as Luna closed her eyes. He couldn't help but marvel at her. She was so beautiful! Fierce, fearless… cute. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, her lips forming a small 'o' as if she was exercising a muscle that she had never used before.
A moment later, her eyes sprang open. "I did it!" she announced, grinning wide enough to light up the room. "I set it to 'open', Al!"
She threw her arms wide. “I’m open!”
Alphonse nearly choked on his saliva. Did she know what she was doing to him? How turned on he was? His dick throbbed in his pants, and he tried to adjust as subtly as he could. “Don’t be a creep, don’t be a creep.” he thought to himself. “Don’t do it!”
"A-alright," he stuttered, his fingers nervously entwining together in his lap. He concentrated on his own UI, bringing forth that odd feeling that was layered behind his thoughts. It was a surreal feeling, like reaching out for a dream and finding it solid under your touch.
Navigating the interface was strange, like trying to control an extra limb that he'd never noticed before. He squinted, a line of concentration forming between his brows as he looked for Luna in his mind's eye. And there she was, a clear node of light, pulsating softly, inviting him in. Open. Ready for him.
"Are you sure about this, Luna?" he asked, his voice a threadbare whisper.
"Absolutely!" she replied, the excitement in her voice doing little to calm his racing heart. "Now, come on! Try controlling me!"
Alphonse took a deep breath, readying himself for the plunge, then reached out to that pulsing light. The world shifted, tilted, and for a moment he was standing on the edge of an abyss, a strange sense of anticipation and terror swirling within him.
And then, he fell.
Into her.
The sensation of falling was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. It wasn't just a jolting sense of weightlessness – it was like he was passing through something, a layer, a boundary that held his own self distinct from Luna's. Like rising up from deep underwater, feeling the changing sensations as the water changed temperature and the light got brighter… and then he landed!
Alphonse jolted and gasped. He was here! He was inside Luna! His mind stuttered at the realisation, his thoughts becoming a chaotic whirlpool. The interface was still there, a pressure at the edge of his perception, giving him a semblance of stability.
He heard a soft thud as his own body slumped to the floor across from him. What the hell…
His floating mind seemed to settle a little bit, the sensations becoming less fuzzy, more distinct. He looked down, Luna's hands were smaller, softer than his. Her nails, painted a deep black, looked stark against the pale complexion of her skin. He clenched and unclenched the delicate fingers, feeling the smoothness of her skin, the fragility of her slender bones beneath.
He looked around the room. The world seemed sharper, clearer, as if he was seeing through a camera lens. He knew Luna wore glasses for reading, but her natural eyesight seemed to be so much better than his. Colours were brighter, shapes more distinct.
The strangest feeling, however, was the raw sensation of being in a female body. It was an uncanny mix of familiarity and strangeness. The contours of her body were alien to him, the slight swell of her breasts, the narrowness of her waist, the curve of her hips. It was like he had been handed a new instrument and was expected to play without any practice.
He glanced down for a second, and caught a glimpse of his new breasts inside his shirt, held by a plain black bra. He jolted his head back up as if burned.
Don’t be a creep, don’t be a creep!
Instead, Alphonse slowly and deliberately lifted his -- Luna's -- hand to his face. Smooth, soft. His fingers traced over the foreign features, feeling the curve of her cheekbones, the button-like softness of her nose, the plumpness of her lips. Her nose felt particularly different. It was smaller and flatter than his own, and, strangely, easier to breathe through.
His heart was beating like a war drum in his tiny chest as he slowly lowered his hand again, careful not to touch anything *inappropriate*. That thought brought his mind to the body below him, hidden beneath his clothes. He had tits on his chest. Luna’s tits. A warmth spread through his nether region, and a very strange sensation of a wetness appearing in his underwear. A wetness… He had a vagina! He, Alphonse, could *feel* Luna’s vagina. Involuntarily, he felt it pulse at the thought, a wave of foreign pleasure spreading up through him.
Oh god, oh god. Could she tell? Surely she could tell. She was supposed to be aware of everything. Oh god, he’d blown it. He’d blown it!
His breathing increased, his heart pounded. He felt his new face flush, and his fingers began to lightly tingle. He needed to get out! Out out out! Something instinctual kicked in within him and he found himself reaching out with that mental limb, that construct of a UI, and somehow managed to force himself out of the body. He felt like he was swimming upward, through currents and waves pushing him back down, upward and upward towards the light, his body going numb, his senses a dull ringing!
With a jolt, Alphonse found himself laying on his back.
The sudden sensation of returning to his own body was a shock in and of itself, like being thrust into ice-cold water. His senses scrambled to readjust, vertigo swooping through him like a bird of prey. The ceiling spun above him, a hazy whirl of colours before it gradually settled into the familiar sight.
He blinked, his eyelashes brushing against the lenses of his glasses. His hands, rougher and larger, lay on his stomach. He was back in his body.
Sitting up, Alphonse drew in a shuddering breath. From across the room, Luna began to laugh, a sound as clear and bright as the sun. "Holy shit, Alphonse! Did you really control me?"
Her eyes were shining with excitement as she sat up. Her fingers brushed back the hair from her face, her movements noticeably more fluid and familiar than when Alphonse was in charge.
“Um”, said Alphonse, “Sorry.”
“Sorry? Al! This is amazing!” she looked down at herself, then she grabbed her boobs through her shirt and jiggled them up and down. “It’s so weird. I felt like I *really* wanted to do this a few moments ago, but couldn’t bring myself to for some reason. Being controlled by this thing is wild!”
“Oh… um…” Alphonse stammered. “I- uh- I didn’t do anything! I was decent!”
“Yeah, yeah I know!” said Luna with a laugh. “I was getting so horny though. It must have been really strange for you to feel me getting horny while you were in control. Sorry about that!”
“Um, yeah, it was odd.” Alphonse said, blushing.
“Wait! *You* were in control! I didn’t get horny! You did!” Luna cackled like a madman. “Oh my god that’s so much worse. You made me horny!”
Alphonse buried his head in his hands, but he couldn’t help but smile. Somehow he always assumed Luna would act way more… normal… then she did.
Luna bounced on the spot, her face ablaze with excitement, her teeth biting at her bottom lip as she examined her own hands. "You know what's crazy? I was fully aware. I knew what I was doing, how I was moving… I felt like I was doing everything myself!" She tilted her head back, eyes wide as they stared at the ceiling in wonderment. "But like, I knew that I wasn’t? I saw you fall back, I knew I was acting unnatural, but it was just… it felt so normal!! Al, this stuff is incredible. If I didn’t know I was going to be controlled, there is *no way* I’d be able to tell."
Alphonse watched her, his own thoughts a jumble of emotions. Awe, curiosity, apprehension, guilt...
"Did you... um, did you feel uncomfortable?" he asked tentatively, his gaze dropping to his own lap.
Luna let out a bark of laughter. "Uncomfortable? No! It was insane! Good insane! Sort of like... you know when you're in a dream, and you're just kind of going along with it because dream logic?"
Alphonse nodded, an uneasy chuckle escaping his lips. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense..."
“You made me feel so awkward!” Luna chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eye. “When I was trying not to look at my boobs, I felt like a naughty school girl caught kissing in the locker room. If you wanted to see them that bad, you could have just asked.” she winked at him, and Alphonse felt himself turning a deep red and his previously subsiding erection shot back up. She couldn’t be serious, could she?
“Anyway! My turn now!”
“Wait, what?”
“Yes! I want a turn! It’s only fair - you got to be me.”
Alphonse cringed. One part of him desperately wanted Luna to experience being him, and he was scared and turned on at the idea of being controlled by his crush. Another part of him was aware of the throbbing erection between his legs, and the fact that Luna would *know*.
“Hurry up! I can’t see you yet!” Luna called out, her eyes squeezed shut as she navigated the ghostly UI.
Fuck it.
Alphonse reached out with that strange new part of his mind, and found the right settling. A strange sensation went through his body as he flipped it from ‘closed’ to ‘open’. There he was. Totally exposed.
“Okay, I’m-”
He stopped talking and looked down at himself. What would it feel like to be controlled? Nearby, Luna’s body slumped to the ground.
“Wow, you were really excited!” he said to himself as he reached down to adjust his erection. It seemed to grow three times harder as he tried to adjust it, not quite getting the usual knack right.
“Do you mind?” he said, and began undoing his belt.
Some part of him cringed for a moment. He really shouldn’t undress with Luna *right there*. She literally just needed to turn her head a little, and she’d see him exposing himself right in front of her!
Wait a minute…
Alphonse tried to say something to Luna, to ask if she had remote accessed his nanobots, but some part of him decided against it. Best not to disturb her.
Best… not to disturb her? What the hell?
He was being controlled, wasn’t he?
It didn’t feel like it. He stared down at his hands as they worked his belt and buttons. It felt like he was just taking off his pants. But… Luna was passed out, he’d set his nanobots to receive the connection, and they had *literally* just agreed to have her control him.
Even knowing all of that, Alphonse didn’t believe it in his bones.
“Wow, these things really are powerful”, he thought.
He finally got the buckle undone and ripped his pants down, his erect dick catching a bit as he yanked them roughly. He stared at it. Average size, average width. Hard as a nail. It was the most erotic thing he’d seen in his life.
Hey wait, if he was being controlled by Luna right now, did that mean she was feeling turned on too?
He reached down to feel it in his hands, gently running his fingers along the length of his shaft, and lightly squeezing the end. It felt amazing.
Not just feeling turned on too, she was turning *him* on. If Alphonse was being controlled, then this wasn’t really his erection! It was hers!
He wanted to chuckle at that thought, but decided not to.
He reached a little lower and cupped his balls, lightly lifting them with his hand and feeling how they responded. He gave them a little slap and felt them jiggle.
“Hah, that’s not so bad.” he said “I knew guys were exaggerating.”
He flicked one a little harder and- Argh!
A heavy throbbing pain washed over him. The taste of bile appeared in his throat. He doubled over and gasped.
“Ugh. Okay. Okay. Bad idea.”
Still, he was hard. The pain gradually subsided as he played more with his erect dick. He wanted so badly to quickly rub one out, but couldn’t seem to bring himself to get into bed or the bathroom to do it the way he usually would.
Instead, Alphonse reached up to his chest and cupped his pecks through his t-shirt.
“Heh, these certainly beat boobs”, he said. He tapped one, and tried to make them dance by flexing them, but couldn’t quite manage it properly. Then he grabbed his shirt, dug his fingers in hard, and with as much force as he could muster, tore it open right down the middle.
“I always wanted to do that!” he laughed. “I guess I owe you a shirt now.”
Pretty soon his eyes fell upon Luna’s unconscious body, slumped on the ground. He effortlessly picked it up and dumped it on his bed, giggling as he watched her flop around.
“I’m so light! I never realised how easy that was for you!” he laughed again, pushing Luna’s empty head side to side. “I should be a lot less impressed, but you do have some serious muscles for such a serious geek.”
He flexed an arm and looked at it approvingly. Meanwhile, his dick still beckoned.
He found himself biting his lip.
“Now”, he said to himself, “I knoooow how you felt when you were me. And how I felt like I was doing everything. And I don’t want to freak you out. But, this is me in here. This is Luna speaking right now.”
Alphonse tried to force that thought to stay with him. It still didn’t feel like it.
“And that’s my body lying right there.” he continued, “So, I’m going to just go ahead, and, well…”
He looked down at his dick again, which had hardened right back up to full mast. Then, Alphonse found himself climbing on top of the bed… over Luna’s vacant face… and…
Oh, no, he couldn’t do that, could he?
He lined up his dick and gently pushed it into Luna’s mouth.
But it was Luna doing this, right? Luna was controlling him now?
He slowly pushed it inside, passed the teeth, and deep down her throat.
“Hah. No gag reflex!” he laughed.
If Luna was controlling him, did that mean she *wanted* to give him a blowjob? Or… did she want to get a blowjob?
He began thrusting slowly. It felt… very strange. He was extraordinarily horny, and the idea that Luna was making him do this was hot as fuck, but at the same time, the blowjob kind of sucked.
“I wish I could make my body suck properly!” said Alphonse, frustrated. He readjusted his position, and pushed in deeper. He could feel Luna’s body’s lips pressing right down near the base of his shaft.
Did Luna have a crush on him? Or did this fall under the category of masturbation?
He didn’t have long to think about it because soon, far sooner than he was ready, he felt a familiar barrier get crossed, and his load spurted out into Luna’s throat and over her face. The orgasm was a surprisingly disappointing one, all things considered.
“Gah!” he said. “That can’t be it!”
He kept thrusting, but his dick quickly became soft and uncomfortably sensitive against Luna’s teeth. He sighed.
“That was definitely an experience. Thanks Alphonse.”
He wanted to collapse down onto the bed and fall asleep, but instead he found himself climbing off of Luna. Without bothering to get dressed, he grabbed some tissues and cleaned up her face a bit.
“Might as well do this before heading back!”
And with that, he lay down on the floor, still naked below the waist, and-
“What the hell…” muttered Alphonse. Nearby, Luna pushed herself up, gagging slightly.
“Ugh, that is not very comfortable on this end.” she coughed. “Do you have any water?”
“That was… did you really control me?” Alphonse asked.
“Na-dar. Looking good by the way.” she smirked.
Alphonse glanced down and then sat up with a start. Apparently he’d- she’d- forgotten to put his pants back on. He quickly covered himself up, blushing.
“That was the strangest thing that has ever happened in my life.” he said.
“Maybe third, for me” Luna laughed. “Hey, sorry for really jumping into it, I just… ah, I dunno, you felt the same things right?”
Alphonse nodded, blushing. “It felt like I was the one doing everything.”
“I know right!” Luna smiled down at him. “I think we need to bring the others in on this.”
“Ye-huh. Tomorrow night. I’ve got a game in mind.”
Luna picked up her bag.
“I really need a shower after all of that. I’ll call you later, okay?”
And with that, she left. Alphonse flopped back down and sighed. What he just unleashed?
The chilly air of Alphonse's dorm room was cut by the soft humming of a high end laptop, built more for specs than style. Alphonse himself sat hunched over, squinting at the glow of the screen in the darkness. The page he had stumbled upon was unlike anything he’d seen before, its dark background and neon lines carrying an aura of the illicit.
Or at least, an aura of a programmer who used dark mode, which was always a good sign.
It was late - late enough that his roommate Quincy was out on the town, courting danger or a damsel (or both). Alphonse sighed, running a hand through his mousy brown hair as he considered the proposition before him: a chance to buy into the surreal, the impossible.
Stealth Control Nanobots™
They were the stuff of whispered rumours and online conspiracy theories. The government had banned the technology long ago, citing concerns over privacy, consent, and potential for abuse. Concerns that were well founded. Even though the tech had never reached the mainstream, and was tightly controlled for government use only, there were still regular stories of leaks. It seemed like every few months some starlet would seem to lose her mind, and go masturbate in public, or dance nude on a balcony.
Stealth control was always blamed, and tighter controls always followed. Alphonse wondered how many of these cases were real – and how many times a drugged up rock star would just blame their latest bender on stealth control. “It wasn’t me! It was just my body!”
Still, if they were real… well, basic logic would dictate for every case you heard about, there were probably hundreds of people being controlled in ways that weren’t overt enough to make the news.
And if that were true, then maybe you *could* just buy a vial of the stuff from a random Russian IP address.
Alphonse knew he was talking himself into it.
His mouse hovered over the 'Buy Now' button, his heart pounding. He looked at the reviews again: users swearing up and down that the tech was real, functional, and life-altering. A few death threats to the seller. Someone asking how to exit vim. It seemed legitimate enough…
A mental image of Luna filled his mind, her dark goth aesthetic barely containing her wild exuberance. What would it be like to *be* her? His pulse quickened at the thought of experiencing her world, of seeing the universe through her eyes. It was such an intimate thought that he felt a pang of guilt immediately. Yet, there was a small part of him that yearned for that intimacy, a desire fueled by a confusing amalgam of curiosity, love, and the heady promise of forbidden… …science.
Maybe, if he controlled her, he could plant the idea in her mind that they should date… “incept” it, if you will. Alphonse rolled his eyes.
His sister Christina's warnings echoed in his mind. "Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should." She would definitely disapprove of his current predicament.
Just as he was about to close the tab, a notification beeped. A text from Quincy: "Bro, where you at? Rosa and Luna asking for you at the Fox's Den." His heartbeat quickened again. Luna was asking for him?
The weight of the decision weighed heavy on his heart. He was no womaniser like Quincy, no social butterfly like Rosa. He was Alphonse, the bassist in the band, the nerd in the corner, the one who was always observing, dreaming… not doing. This technology, dangerous and alluring as it was, could be his chance to connect, to understand, to be a part of something bigger.
"Damn it," he muttered under his breath, his hands trembling as he clicked 'Buy Now'. The screen confirmed his purchase, and the weight seemed to lift a little, replaced with a heady blend of exhilaration and anxiety.
He hastily shut his laptop, grabbed his bass, and left the dorm room. Tonight, he was going to enjoy his regular life. Tomorrow, he thought, with a mix of excitement and fear, everything could change. He could change. He only hoped that the price wouldn't be too high.
A week later Alphonse and Luna sat in that same dorm room, staring at a non-descript metal box. It had arrived that morning.
Alphonse, tall and gangly, was hunched over it. His fingers tapped on the plain surface, a thumb running over the embossed logo of a butterfly - a suitable symbol for a box of Stealth Control Nanobots™, he thought.
Luna, wearing her habitual black skinny jeans and band tee, watched Alphonse with a barely contained excitement in her emerald eyes. It was a look that Alphonse knew too well, and it always made his heart stumble and his palms dampen. How was it possible that she would even want to hang out with him, when she was so damn cool, and he… well, he wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans. He wondered if she noticed his pulse thundering in his throat, betraying his nervousness.
"Alphonse, stop stalling," she teased, playfully punching his arm. He winced, more from the contact than any supposed pain, but he allowed a hesitant smile. "I want to see what they look like!"
He opened up the box with a click. Inside lay rows of vials, each containing a small amount of silvery liquid. They were tiny, barely a few millilitres, and yet they held the power to wrestle control from the mind of one and place it into the hands of another.
“Huh, smaller than I thought”, said Luna. She picked one up, and he winced at the sacrilege. “Ready to give it a go?”
A ripple of unease traversed Alphonse's spine as he carefully picked up one of his own. He looked down at Luna and found himself wondering what it would be like to *be* her. Her dainty hands fiddled with the vial impatiently, the pale skin and black painted nails looking ghostly against the silvery vial. Was he really about to have a turn controlling those hands?
He looked down at himself. Large. Kinda gangly. Not unfit, just, like his limbs didn’t quite sit right. Would she even want a turn controlling him? Would he let her? Immeasurably powerful tiny little robots were about to float across his blood brain barrier, attach themselves to his neurons, and force them to fire in a pattern that matched the one in Luna’s brain – at least, as far as sensation and movement were concerned.
He shivered. Then he thought of Luna – lively, unpredictable Luna – wielding that power over him and shivered again, and not just from fear. He could feel a stirring beginning in his pants. That might be an awkward one to explain if Luna took a turn using it on him.
"Are you sure about this?" he questioned, his voice barely a whisper.
Luna responded with an impish grin. "You’re not backing out on me, are you! Al, when on earth will we get another chance like this! I want to know what it’s like!"
Her eyes sparkled with a dangerous sort of thrill.
"I-I'm- no! Let’s do it!" Alphonse managed, voice steady despite the tumultuous storm of anxiety brewing within him.
Luna raised her vial in the air as if making a toast, then swallowed it in one go. Alphonse hesitated and then drank his as well.
She looked down at herself. “Okay, I don’t feel any different. What now?”
Alphonse swallowed, finding his voice again. "It said that the nanobots in the liquid will make their way to our brains and establish a sort of connection with our neurons." He explained, hands slightly shaking as he held up his own, now empty, vial.
"Once that's done, a small light will flash in our vision, and we'll be able to navigate a basic user interface in our minds. It's like... you know, when you're dreaming, and you're aware that you're dreaming? It's a bit like that. It doesn't intrude on your day-to-day life; it's just there, waiting to be accessed."
Luna's eyebrows furrowed as she took in his explanation, a tinge of curiosity and apprehension in her eyes. "And then what?"
"There's an option in the UI," Alphonse continued, gesturing vaguely with his hands, "that lets us select whether to make ourselves 'open' to being controlled by anybody else who's swallowed the nanobots. It's like setting your phone to hotspot. Anyone can connect, provided they have the same kind of nanobots, and are nearby"
“Wait, anyone?” Luna stared at him, silent for a moment, before a slow smile spread across her face. “I really should have waited before chugging that. Remind me not to leave that setting on! Don’t want me to be taken over by some old perv! Ha!”
Alphonse blushed and nodded.
“Oh, wait, wait! Something’s changed! I saw the flash!”
As she spoke, Alphonse himself saw a brief flash of yellow light pulse in the exact centre of his vision and then fade away. His brain felt different somehow, like there was something else in there with him…
“Okay! I’m trying the UI!” said Luna excitedly.
Alphonse watched as Luna closed her eyes. He couldn't help but marvel at her. She was so beautiful! Fierce, fearless… cute. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, her lips forming a small 'o' as if she was exercising a muscle that she had never used before.
A moment later, her eyes sprang open. "I did it!" she announced, grinning wide enough to light up the room. "I set it to 'open', Al!"
She threw her arms wide. “I’m open!”
Alphonse nearly choked on his saliva. Did she know what she was doing to him? How turned on he was? His dick throbbed in his pants, and he tried to adjust as subtly as he could. “Don’t be a creep, don’t be a creep.” he thought to himself. “Don’t do it!”
"A-alright," he stuttered, his fingers nervously entwining together in his lap. He concentrated on his own UI, bringing forth that odd feeling that was layered behind his thoughts. It was a surreal feeling, like reaching out for a dream and finding it solid under your touch.
Navigating the interface was strange, like trying to control an extra limb that he'd never noticed before. He squinted, a line of concentration forming between his brows as he looked for Luna in his mind's eye. And there she was, a clear node of light, pulsating softly, inviting him in. Open. Ready for him.
"Are you sure about this, Luna?" he asked, his voice a threadbare whisper.
"Absolutely!" she replied, the excitement in her voice doing little to calm his racing heart. "Now, come on! Try controlling me!"
Alphonse took a deep breath, readying himself for the plunge, then reached out to that pulsing light. The world shifted, tilted, and for a moment he was standing on the edge of an abyss, a strange sense of anticipation and terror swirling within him.
And then, he fell.
Into her.
The sensation of falling was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. It wasn't just a jolting sense of weightlessness – it was like he was passing through something, a layer, a boundary that held his own self distinct from Luna's. Like rising up from deep underwater, feeling the changing sensations as the water changed temperature and the light got brighter… and then he landed!
Alphonse jolted and gasped. He was here! He was inside Luna! His mind stuttered at the realisation, his thoughts becoming a chaotic whirlpool. The interface was still there, a pressure at the edge of his perception, giving him a semblance of stability.
He heard a soft thud as his own body slumped to the floor across from him. What the hell…
His floating mind seemed to settle a little bit, the sensations becoming less fuzzy, more distinct. He looked down, Luna's hands were smaller, softer than his. Her nails, painted a deep black, looked stark against the pale complexion of her skin. He clenched and unclenched the delicate fingers, feeling the smoothness of her skin, the fragility of her slender bones beneath.
He looked around the room. The world seemed sharper, clearer, as if he was seeing through a camera lens. He knew Luna wore glasses for reading, but her natural eyesight seemed to be so much better than his. Colours were brighter, shapes more distinct.
The strangest feeling, however, was the raw sensation of being in a female body. It was an uncanny mix of familiarity and strangeness. The contours of her body were alien to him, the slight swell of her breasts, the narrowness of her waist, the curve of her hips. It was like he had been handed a new instrument and was expected to play without any practice.
He glanced down for a second, and caught a glimpse of his new breasts inside his shirt, held by a plain black bra. He jolted his head back up as if burned.
Don’t be a creep, don’t be a creep!
Instead, Alphonse slowly and deliberately lifted his -- Luna's -- hand to his face. Smooth, soft. His fingers traced over the foreign features, feeling the curve of her cheekbones, the button-like softness of her nose, the plumpness of her lips. Her nose felt particularly different. It was smaller and flatter than his own, and, strangely, easier to breathe through.
His heart was beating like a war drum in his tiny chest as he slowly lowered his hand again, careful not to touch anything *inappropriate*. That thought brought his mind to the body below him, hidden beneath his clothes. He had tits on his chest. Luna’s tits. A warmth spread through his nether region, and a very strange sensation of a wetness appearing in his underwear. A wetness… He had a vagina! He, Alphonse, could *feel* Luna’s vagina. Involuntarily, he felt it pulse at the thought, a wave of foreign pleasure spreading up through him.
Oh god, oh god. Could she tell? Surely she could tell. She was supposed to be aware of everything. Oh god, he’d blown it. He’d blown it!
His breathing increased, his heart pounded. He felt his new face flush, and his fingers began to lightly tingle. He needed to get out! Out out out! Something instinctual kicked in within him and he found himself reaching out with that mental limb, that construct of a UI, and somehow managed to force himself out of the body. He felt like he was swimming upward, through currents and waves pushing him back down, upward and upward towards the light, his body going numb, his senses a dull ringing!
With a jolt, Alphonse found himself laying on his back.
The sudden sensation of returning to his own body was a shock in and of itself, like being thrust into ice-cold water. His senses scrambled to readjust, vertigo swooping through him like a bird of prey. The ceiling spun above him, a hazy whirl of colours before it gradually settled into the familiar sight.
He blinked, his eyelashes brushing against the lenses of his glasses. His hands, rougher and larger, lay on his stomach. He was back in his body.
Sitting up, Alphonse drew in a shuddering breath. From across the room, Luna began to laugh, a sound as clear and bright as the sun. "Holy shit, Alphonse! Did you really control me?"
Her eyes were shining with excitement as she sat up. Her fingers brushed back the hair from her face, her movements noticeably more fluid and familiar than when Alphonse was in charge.
“Um”, said Alphonse, “Sorry.”
“Sorry? Al! This is amazing!” she looked down at herself, then she grabbed her boobs through her shirt and jiggled them up and down. “It’s so weird. I felt like I *really* wanted to do this a few moments ago, but couldn’t bring myself to for some reason. Being controlled by this thing is wild!”
“Oh… um…” Alphonse stammered. “I- uh- I didn’t do anything! I was decent!”
“Yeah, yeah I know!” said Luna with a laugh. “I was getting so horny though. It must have been really strange for you to feel me getting horny while you were in control. Sorry about that!”
“Um, yeah, it was odd.” Alphonse said, blushing.
“Wait! *You* were in control! I didn’t get horny! You did!” Luna cackled like a madman. “Oh my god that’s so much worse. You made me horny!”
Alphonse buried his head in his hands, but he couldn’t help but smile. Somehow he always assumed Luna would act way more… normal… then she did.
Luna bounced on the spot, her face ablaze with excitement, her teeth biting at her bottom lip as she examined her own hands. "You know what's crazy? I was fully aware. I knew what I was doing, how I was moving… I felt like I was doing everything myself!" She tilted her head back, eyes wide as they stared at the ceiling in wonderment. "But like, I knew that I wasn’t? I saw you fall back, I knew I was acting unnatural, but it was just… it felt so normal!! Al, this stuff is incredible. If I didn’t know I was going to be controlled, there is *no way* I’d be able to tell."
Alphonse watched her, his own thoughts a jumble of emotions. Awe, curiosity, apprehension, guilt...
"Did you... um, did you feel uncomfortable?" he asked tentatively, his gaze dropping to his own lap.
Luna let out a bark of laughter. "Uncomfortable? No! It was insane! Good insane! Sort of like... you know when you're in a dream, and you're just kind of going along with it because dream logic?"
Alphonse nodded, an uneasy chuckle escaping his lips. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense..."
“You made me feel so awkward!” Luna chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eye. “When I was trying not to look at my boobs, I felt like a naughty school girl caught kissing in the locker room. If you wanted to see them that bad, you could have just asked.” she winked at him, and Alphonse felt himself turning a deep red and his previously subsiding erection shot back up. She couldn’t be serious, could she?
“Anyway! My turn now!”
“Wait, what?”
“Yes! I want a turn! It’s only fair - you got to be me.”
Alphonse cringed. One part of him desperately wanted Luna to experience being him, and he was scared and turned on at the idea of being controlled by his crush. Another part of him was aware of the throbbing erection between his legs, and the fact that Luna would *know*.
“Hurry up! I can’t see you yet!” Luna called out, her eyes squeezed shut as she navigated the ghostly UI.
Fuck it.
Alphonse reached out with that strange new part of his mind, and found the right settling. A strange sensation went through his body as he flipped it from ‘closed’ to ‘open’. There he was. Totally exposed.
“Okay, I’m-”
He stopped talking and looked down at himself. What would it feel like to be controlled? Nearby, Luna’s body slumped to the ground.
“Wow, you were really excited!” he said to himself as he reached down to adjust his erection. It seemed to grow three times harder as he tried to adjust it, not quite getting the usual knack right.
“Do you mind?” he said, and began undoing his belt.
Some part of him cringed for a moment. He really shouldn’t undress with Luna *right there*. She literally just needed to turn her head a little, and she’d see him exposing himself right in front of her!
Wait a minute…
Alphonse tried to say something to Luna, to ask if she had remote accessed his nanobots, but some part of him decided against it. Best not to disturb her.
Best… not to disturb her? What the hell?
He was being controlled, wasn’t he?
It didn’t feel like it. He stared down at his hands as they worked his belt and buttons. It felt like he was just taking off his pants. But… Luna was passed out, he’d set his nanobots to receive the connection, and they had *literally* just agreed to have her control him.
Even knowing all of that, Alphonse didn’t believe it in his bones.
“Wow, these things really are powerful”, he thought.
He finally got the buckle undone and ripped his pants down, his erect dick catching a bit as he yanked them roughly. He stared at it. Average size, average width. Hard as a nail. It was the most erotic thing he’d seen in his life.
Hey wait, if he was being controlled by Luna right now, did that mean she was feeling turned on too?
He reached down to feel it in his hands, gently running his fingers along the length of his shaft, and lightly squeezing the end. It felt amazing.
Not just feeling turned on too, she was turning *him* on. If Alphonse was being controlled, then this wasn’t really his erection! It was hers!
He wanted to chuckle at that thought, but decided not to.
He reached a little lower and cupped his balls, lightly lifting them with his hand and feeling how they responded. He gave them a little slap and felt them jiggle.
“Hah, that’s not so bad.” he said “I knew guys were exaggerating.”
He flicked one a little harder and- Argh!
A heavy throbbing pain washed over him. The taste of bile appeared in his throat. He doubled over and gasped.
“Ugh. Okay. Okay. Bad idea.”
Still, he was hard. The pain gradually subsided as he played more with his erect dick. He wanted so badly to quickly rub one out, but couldn’t seem to bring himself to get into bed or the bathroom to do it the way he usually would.
Instead, Alphonse reached up to his chest and cupped his pecks through his t-shirt.
“Heh, these certainly beat boobs”, he said. He tapped one, and tried to make them dance by flexing them, but couldn’t quite manage it properly. Then he grabbed his shirt, dug his fingers in hard, and with as much force as he could muster, tore it open right down the middle.
“I always wanted to do that!” he laughed. “I guess I owe you a shirt now.”
Pretty soon his eyes fell upon Luna’s unconscious body, slumped on the ground. He effortlessly picked it up and dumped it on his bed, giggling as he watched her flop around.
“I’m so light! I never realised how easy that was for you!” he laughed again, pushing Luna’s empty head side to side. “I should be a lot less impressed, but you do have some serious muscles for such a serious geek.”
He flexed an arm and looked at it approvingly. Meanwhile, his dick still beckoned.
He found himself biting his lip.
“Now”, he said to himself, “I knoooow how you felt when you were me. And how I felt like I was doing everything. And I don’t want to freak you out. But, this is me in here. This is Luna speaking right now.”
Alphonse tried to force that thought to stay with him. It still didn’t feel like it.
“And that’s my body lying right there.” he continued, “So, I’m going to just go ahead, and, well…”
He looked down at his dick again, which had hardened right back up to full mast. Then, Alphonse found himself climbing on top of the bed… over Luna’s vacant face… and…
Oh, no, he couldn’t do that, could he?
He lined up his dick and gently pushed it into Luna’s mouth.
But it was Luna doing this, right? Luna was controlling him now?
He slowly pushed it inside, passed the teeth, and deep down her throat.
“Hah. No gag reflex!” he laughed.
If Luna was controlling him, did that mean she *wanted* to give him a blowjob? Or… did she want to get a blowjob?
He began thrusting slowly. It felt… very strange. He was extraordinarily horny, and the idea that Luna was making him do this was hot as fuck, but at the same time, the blowjob kind of sucked.
“I wish I could make my body suck properly!” said Alphonse, frustrated. He readjusted his position, and pushed in deeper. He could feel Luna’s body’s lips pressing right down near the base of his shaft.
Did Luna have a crush on him? Or did this fall under the category of masturbation?
He didn’t have long to think about it because soon, far sooner than he was ready, he felt a familiar barrier get crossed, and his load spurted out into Luna’s throat and over her face. The orgasm was a surprisingly disappointing one, all things considered.
“Gah!” he said. “That can’t be it!”
He kept thrusting, but his dick quickly became soft and uncomfortably sensitive against Luna’s teeth. He sighed.
“That was definitely an experience. Thanks Alphonse.”
He wanted to collapse down onto the bed and fall asleep, but instead he found himself climbing off of Luna. Without bothering to get dressed, he grabbed some tissues and cleaned up her face a bit.
“Might as well do this before heading back!”
And with that, he lay down on the floor, still naked below the waist, and-
“What the hell…” muttered Alphonse. Nearby, Luna pushed herself up, gagging slightly.
“Ugh, that is not very comfortable on this end.” she coughed. “Do you have any water?”
“That was… did you really control me?” Alphonse asked.
“Na-dar. Looking good by the way.” she smirked.
Alphonse glanced down and then sat up with a start. Apparently he’d- she’d- forgotten to put his pants back on. He quickly covered himself up, blushing.
“That was the strangest thing that has ever happened in my life.” he said.
“Maybe third, for me” Luna laughed. “Hey, sorry for really jumping into it, I just… ah, I dunno, you felt the same things right?”
Alphonse nodded, blushing. “It felt like I was the one doing everything.”
“I know right!” Luna smiled down at him. “I think we need to bring the others in on this.”
“Ye-huh. Tomorrow night. I’ve got a game in mind.”
Luna picked up her bag.
“I really need a shower after all of that. I’ll call you later, okay?”
And with that, she left. Alphonse flopped back down and sighed. What he just unleashed?
Hey /r/newyoubodyswap! As the title suggests, I am a 23-year-old woman who just a few months ago, was living life as a 27-year-old man. This transformation has been made possible by the NewYou body swap service. The platform leverages neuralink technology to let transgender individuals experience life in a body that aligns with their gender identity. Ask me anything!
Hey /r/newyoubodyswap! As the title suggests, I am a 23-year-old woman who just a few months ago, was living life as a 27-year-old man. This transformation has been made possible by the NewYou body swap service. The platform leverages neuralink technology to let transgender individuals experience life in a body that aligns with their gender identity.
To put it simply, NewYou essentially bridges two bodies, transmitting sensations and motor commands between the two neuralink implants. It's a form of technological telepathy, I suppose, which allows each of us to live within the other's body.
I took the plunge a couple of months ago, opting to swap bodies with a wonderful trans man who was seeking the same sense of alignment that I was. After several medical and psychological assessments, we both decided to proceed, undergoing the surgical procedure to have the neuralink implants put in place. We then began the process of acclimating to our new bodies.
It's been a surreal, challenging, and ultimately rewarding experience. I am living life as a woman now, something I had yearned for, for as long as I can remember. This service has allowed me to be me, fully and unabashedly.
Now, I know a lot of you may have questions about this process and what it’s like living in a different body. I'm here, ready and willing to share my experience, hoping it may be helpful to those who are considering a similar journey. AMA!
Could you tell us about the differences between your new body and old one?
Absolutely, I'd be happy to elaborate. The differences are quite stark, both physically and emotionally.
Physically, the changes are noticeable in every aspect. My new body is shorter and smaller in stature compared to my old one. My skin is softer, and I've noticed the change in my hair texture as well. The body shape is entirely different, featuring curves where there were none before. I'm also getting used to the lack of facial and body hair, which is a pleasant change for me.
The sensory experiences are also very different. I've noticed that smells and tastes seem somewhat amplified, which took some adjusting. Physically, I feel lighter and more agile. The hormonal changes have also affected my emotional state quite a bit. I tend to feel emotions more intensely than before, which has been an enlightening experience.
One thing that took some getting used to was the different strengths. I'm not as physically strong as I used to be, which was a bit of a surprise at first. Even everyday tasks like opening jars or moving furniture took some adjusting.
On the inside, it's hard to explain, but I just feel more aligned, more 'me'. It's like I've been wearing a mask my entire life, and I've finally taken it off. It's truly liberating. And, of course, experiencing life as a woman brings with it a host of societal and cultural differences that I'm still navigating.
Overall, I'm incredibly grateful for this experience. It's been challenging but also so rewarding. I finally feel comfortable in my own skin.
It must have been odd to go from what, 6’ to 5’2”?
Absolutely, it took some getting used to for sure! The change in height and proportions was particularly striking, and led to a few amusing (and mildly embarrassing) incidents.
One day, about three weeks after the swap, I was at the supermarket doing some grocery shopping. It was the same store I'd always shopped at, and I was so used to just reaching out and grabbing things from the shelves. I was going about my shopping as usual, when I reached the aisle with canned goods. I saw a can of soup I wanted that was, unfortunately, sitting on the top shelf.
Without thinking much of it, I reached up to grab the can, as I always had. But, to my surprise, my hand found nothing but air. I looked up, perplexed, and realized the top shelf was now well out of my reach.
Standing there, looking at that can of soup like it was the Holy Grail, I felt a little foolish. I glanced around, half-expecting to see people pointing and laughing. Instead, I saw a fellow shopper looking at me with a knowing smile. He was tall, and without a word, he reached up and handed me the can of soup. He simply said, "I got you," and walked away.
I must have stood there, blushing, for a good minute before I finally moved on. The experience was a reality check for me, underscoring just how much my world had changed, literally and figuratively. It was a small, somewhat silly moment, but it was significant in helping me realize the ways in which I would have to adapt to my new body and its capabilities.
So yes, while it's been an adjustment, these little moments have also made me appreciate my new reality in ways I hadn't anticipated. It's a learning experience, and I'm enjoying the journey.
What's it like to have guys hit on you now?
Oh man, that’s a whole different ball game! I've had my share of cringe-worthy moments, believe me.
The first time it happened, I was at a café, minding my own business, when this dude walked over. He starts off with, "Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears." I'm not gonna lie, I thought he was trying to sell me something at first, so I just blinked at him and then looked around like I was trying to find the hidden cameras. It was only when he sat down that it clicked, and I was like, "Oh...oh!"
Honestly, it's a bit weird. Like, I appreciate a good compliment as much as the next person, but the over-the-top, cheesy pick-up lines? Those are something else. And then there's the whole etiquette around who pays for meals, holding doors open, all that stuff. It's like learning a whole new social dance.
Don't get me wrong, though, there's a certain charm to it too. The little kindnesses, when genuine, can be very sweet. And I’ve had a lot of fun gently letting down the ones who just don’t get the hint.
But yeah, it’s definitely a new and sometimes awkward experience. I’m still getting the hang of it. So, to all the guys out there, remember: cheese is great on pizza, not so much in your pick-up lines! ;)
Does everybody know you used to be a dude, or are you kind of stealth?
That's a great question. The truth is, it's a bit of both. My close friends and family, of course, are all aware of my transition. They've been wonderfully supportive and understanding throughout this whole process. As for everyone else, it really depends on the situation and the person.
I do want to clarify that using terms like 'used to be a dude' can be a little oversimplified for many of us in the trans community. While I understand the spirit of the question, I like to think of it as 'I've always been a woman, but I was in a male body before.' Language matters, as it helps shape our understanding and attitudes!
Back to your question, though: in casual interactions, I don't generally bring it up unless it's relevant or I feel comfortable enough to share. It's not exactly a secret, but it's also not the first thing I share about myself.
Online, it's a different story. As you can tell from this AMA, I'm pretty open about my experiences. I believe that sharing these stories can help build understanding and empathy. But I'm also aware that privacy is important, and not every trans person may feel comfortable or safe to be as open.
So yeah, I guess you could say I'm semi-stealth. It's a balancing act, and one that I'm still figuring out as I go along. Like everything else in this process, it's a journey! And one that I’m glad to be on.
So since it's a neuralink thing, does that mean you're technically still in your original body, and just being sort of broadcast into the new one? Like, if the girl you swapped with got your old body drunk, would it affect you?
So, it's not quite a full upload, more like a continuous live stream of consciousness between the two bodies.
To make it clearer, both my original body and my new one have Neuralink implants. These implants communicate constantly, sending and receiving signals between the two bodies. When I say "I'm in a new body," it's because I'm experiencing all the sensory input and motor control from this female body, all the time. My old body is essentially being piloted remotely in the same way, by my swap partner.
The ‘would I get drunk’ question is a bit harder. I think I would? I’m actually not sure exactly. They did tell us not to do anything like that. All the sensations, including ones like hunger, tiredness, etc, are transferred, so I think the sensation of being drunk would be to – that is, if my original body was drunk, I wouldn’t feel it, but I think the alcohol would still affect my brain processing? Like, the chemicals are still in there, interfering with whatever thoughts the neuralink isn’t adjusting back to baseline me. Just a guess, really.
What was the first week of being a girl like? I'm thinking about signing up myself, but I'm a bit nervous.
The first week was a whirlwind, no doubt about it. Excitement, confusion, nerves - all mixed into one crazy cocktail. But, I have to say, it's been the best decision I ever made, despite the challenges.
Waking up for the first time in my new body was a surreal experience. Imagine waking up one morning and you're not just in a different bed, but in a different body. I was shorter now, and definitely felt it – I kept bumping into things and everything in my apartment seemed weirdly big. I had to throw out almost all of my clothes too. I kept one big jacket that I loved, but now it hangs practically down to my knees when I wear it haha.
My new body was previously owned by a trans man, so it was initially very masculine in appearance. He'd kept the hair short, and I had hair everywhere else too. Apart from being only 5’2” tall, he was basically passing. It was a strange middle ground, looking down and seeing a female body that was so much more masculine than I'd expected, like the opposite of my own body lol
The first thing I did, once I got over the initial dizziness and giddy disbelief, was to take a long, hard look at myself in the mirror. I remember running my fingers through the short hair, touching my smooth cheeks. I remember flexing my arms and giggling at how tiny they looked. Obvious spent a long time getting used to my boobs and vagina. I loved wearing really tight pants for a while afterwards and looking down and just… flat.
Re-feminizing the body was a process. My skin was different, so my makeup came out basically looking like a clown at first. I was so excited the first time I went shopping in my new body the sales girl didn’t know what to do with me. She kinda gave me a judgemental frown the whole time I was there which honestly I loved. Sounds weird, but it was like, she was judging me like a girl judges a girl? I don’t know if that makes sense.
I was pretty bad to be first tbh. I didn’t know my proportions, and the clothes I tried on were all kind of ill fitting and honestly, way too revealing. But I was revealing in it, you know! I wish I'd taken more pictures.
Working on my physique was another task altogether. I started doing more cardio, less weights, to get a softer, more feminine figure. Seeing the changes week after week was a really powerful motivator. It made the whole experience feel more real, and it was incredibly rewarding to see my reflection in the mirror become more and more the woman I felt inside.
Hope this helps you a bit with your decision. Feel free to ask any other questions you may have. Good luck on your journey, wherever it may lead!
Did you ever meet your original body again?
I certainly did! It was about two months after the swap, once we had both gotten somewhat used to our new bodies. We had agreed to meet up, both out of curiosity and to see how the other was adjusting. It was one of the strangest and most enlightening experiences of my life.
I remember walking into the café where we'd agreed to meet and seeing him - or rather, seeing my old body, sitting there in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It was bizarre seeing myself from the outside, like watching some kind of strange doppelgänger.
The first thing he said when he saw me was, "Wow, you really went all out, didn't you?" I'd dressed up a bit for the meeting - a tasteful dress, some light makeup, and yes, a pair of modest high heels. I'd even managed to coax my growing hair into a somewhat elegant style.
I'll never forget the look on his face as he took in the changes - a mix of amazement, amusement, and a touch of shock. He laughed and shook his head, saying, "I would have never thought to see this body in heels."
We had a good laugh about that. It was a moment of shared understanding - we'd both lived in these bodies, and we both knew the strange, surreal journey we were on. There was something comforting in that shared experience.
It was also a poignant reminder of the drastic changes we were each making to adapt to our new bodies. For him, it was about embracing the masculine physique he'd always wanted, while for me, it was about bringing out the femininity I'd always felt.
So yes, seeing my old body again was an experience, to say the least. It was strange, funny, and a little bittersweet, but I wouldn't change it for anything. It's all part of this incredible journey I've embarked upon.
What’s the most unexpected thing about being female?
I'd have to say it's the grip strength. I had been prepared for a lot of the differences, but that one took me by surprise.
It's the weirdest thing, like my hands just don't work the same way they used to. I remember the first time I really noticed it. I was trying to open a jar of pickles and it just... wouldn't budge. I tried and tried, my hand wrapped around the lid, the tiny muscles straining in my forearm. And nothing.
I remember staring at my hand, this delicate, slender thing with neat, short nails. The wrist was thin, the knuckles less pronounced than I remembered. It was like my hand was a doll's hand, dainty and pretty, but lacking the raw strength I was used to.
I won't lie, it was a bit of a blow to my ego. I used to pride myself on my grip strength. I was the jar-opener of the house, the go-to person for stubborn bottle caps. And now, I was staring at this jar of pickles like it was an unsolvable puzzle.
But you know what? After a moment of sulking, I just laughed it off. I found a rubber band, wrapped it around the lid for extra grip, and voila - open jar of pickles.
I guess it's just one of those things you don't really think about until you're in the situation. But, as with everything else in this journey, it's about adapting and overcoming. So now, I keep a rubber band in the kitchen drawer and I've started doing some grip strength exercises.
I might not have the same brute strength I used to have, but I'm learning to navigate this world in a different way. And there's something really empowering about that. It's a daily reminder of the woman I've become, and every time I open a jar, it's a tiny victory. Plus, the pickles taste pretty good too! ;)
Have you had sex yet? What did it feel like? How was it different?
I have, aha, and it was goooood. I mean, weird, but good. When you’re a guy it’s more concentrated in your dick right? As a girl it’s more spread out, warm and inside. To be honest, I never really liked having sex when I had a male body, so that’s probably part of it, but it was so much more enjoyable as a girl. It’s slower, more difficult to orgasm, but my whole body gets hot and I have a kind of shaky feeling now that I never used to? Also the orgasm itself lasts so much longer than before! It’s like stomach, leg, mind, everything all at once.
The other difference was just being less in control? Like, I had this odd sensation when I was being thrown around and moved about by my boyfriend in a way that I couldn’t have been before, and he really loved teasing me about it – holding me down in ways he couldn’t before, because I used to be bigger than him, haha.
What was it like choosing your new outfits and things for the first time?
Ah, the first shopping trip. Now that was a trip in more ways than one.
When I first decided to go shopping for new clothes, I was a ball of nerves and excitement. I had this mental checklist of all the feminine clothing items I'd always admired but never had the chance to wear - dresses, skirts, blouses, you name it.
But the biggest revelation was definitely the shoes. Oh my gosh, the shoes.
As a guy, I had pretty large feet and finding stylish shoes that fit was always a struggle. Now, in my new body, my feet were comparatively tiny. The first time I stepped into a shoe store, I was gobsmacked. All these shoes, in all these styles, and they all actually FIT.
I remember sitting there, a pair of cute flats in one hand and a stylish heel in the other, just marveling at the fact that they were my size. The sleek curves of the heel, the delicate design of the flats - these were things I'd always admired from afar, and now they were mine to wear.
Slipping my foot into a heel for the first time was like stepping into a new world. The way it changed my posture, made me stand taller, the confident click-clack they made on the floor. It felt powerful in a way I hadn't anticipated.
And then came the challenge of walking in them. I won't lie, I was wobbly as a newborn deer at first. But after some practice (and a few hilarious missteps), I started getting the hang of it. Now, I can strut around in those babies like a runway model - well, a runway model on her first day, maybe.
But shoes were just the beginning. Dresses, skirts, jeans that actually fit - it was like stepping into a whole new world of fashion, and I was eager to explore it all. It was a journey of self-discovery and self-expression, and I'm still riding that wave.
As overwhelming as it was at first, I wouldn't trade those moments for anything. Every time I slip into a pair of heels, it's a reminder of how far I've come, and how much further I still have to go on this journey of mine. And let me tell you, I'm excited to see where it takes me. So here's to the road ahead - may it be as fabulous as my shoe collection!
Do you ever get dressed up and just admire being a woman?
So about a month in, I decided to treat myself. I'd seen this stunning dress in a boutique window - knee-length, black, with a plunging neckline and an open back. It was a bold piece, the kind of thing that demands attention and confidence. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that, but I figured why not? I was embarking on a new life, and I wanted to experience it all.
Trying it on was...an experience. At first, I was a bit self-conscious. I mean, it was more revealing than anything I'd ever worn before. But as I pulled the zipper up and looked at myself in the full-length mirror, something amazing happened.
I saw a woman staring back at me. Not just any woman - but me, as a woman. The dress hugged my curves, accentuated the softness of my new figure. The open back was elegant, daring, and the neckline...well, let's just say it made the most of what I had.
I remember turning this way and that, watching how the fabric shimmered under the lights. I ran a hand down my side, marveling at the softness of my skin, the slender line of my waist. And for the first time since the swap, I felt...well, hot.
I know that sounds vain, but it was an incredible feeling. After years of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, of not recognizing the person in the mirror, I finally felt at home. I was finally seeing the person I'd always felt I was, inside and out.
I bought the dress right then and there, and wore it out of the boutique. Strutting down the sidewalk, head high, I felt on top of the world. I won't say I didn't get a few stares - but for the first time in my life, I didn't mind. I was proud of who I was, proud of the journey I'd taken to get here.
And that dress? It's still hanging in my closet, a constant reminder of the woman I've become. It's a symbol of my transformation, a testament to my courage, and the best impulse buy I've ever made.
Hey /r/newyoubodyswap! As the title suggests, I am a 23-year-old woman who just a few months ago, was living life as a 27-year-old man. This transformation has been made possible by the NewYou body swap service. The platform leverages neuralink technology to let transgender individuals experience life in a body that aligns with their gender identity.
To put it simply, NewYou essentially bridges two bodies, transmitting sensations and motor commands between the two neuralink implants. It's a form of technological telepathy, I suppose, which allows each of us to live within the other's body.
I took the plunge a couple of months ago, opting to swap bodies with a wonderful trans man who was seeking the same sense of alignment that I was. After several medical and psychological assessments, we both decided to proceed, undergoing the surgical procedure to have the neuralink implants put in place. We then began the process of acclimating to our new bodies.
It's been a surreal, challenging, and ultimately rewarding experience. I am living life as a woman now, something I had yearned for, for as long as I can remember. This service has allowed me to be me, fully and unabashedly.
Now, I know a lot of you may have questions about this process and what it’s like living in a different body. I'm here, ready and willing to share my experience, hoping it may be helpful to those who are considering a similar journey. AMA!
Could you tell us about the differences between your new body and old one?
Absolutely, I'd be happy to elaborate. The differences are quite stark, both physically and emotionally.
Physically, the changes are noticeable in every aspect. My new body is shorter and smaller in stature compared to my old one. My skin is softer, and I've noticed the change in my hair texture as well. The body shape is entirely different, featuring curves where there were none before. I'm also getting used to the lack of facial and body hair, which is a pleasant change for me.
The sensory experiences are also very different. I've noticed that smells and tastes seem somewhat amplified, which took some adjusting. Physically, I feel lighter and more agile. The hormonal changes have also affected my emotional state quite a bit. I tend to feel emotions more intensely than before, which has been an enlightening experience.
One thing that took some getting used to was the different strengths. I'm not as physically strong as I used to be, which was a bit of a surprise at first. Even everyday tasks like opening jars or moving furniture took some adjusting.
On the inside, it's hard to explain, but I just feel more aligned, more 'me'. It's like I've been wearing a mask my entire life, and I've finally taken it off. It's truly liberating. And, of course, experiencing life as a woman brings with it a host of societal and cultural differences that I'm still navigating.
Overall, I'm incredibly grateful for this experience. It's been challenging but also so rewarding. I finally feel comfortable in my own skin.
It must have been odd to go from what, 6’ to 5’2”?
Absolutely, it took some getting used to for sure! The change in height and proportions was particularly striking, and led to a few amusing (and mildly embarrassing) incidents.
One day, about three weeks after the swap, I was at the supermarket doing some grocery shopping. It was the same store I'd always shopped at, and I was so used to just reaching out and grabbing things from the shelves. I was going about my shopping as usual, when I reached the aisle with canned goods. I saw a can of soup I wanted that was, unfortunately, sitting on the top shelf.
Without thinking much of it, I reached up to grab the can, as I always had. But, to my surprise, my hand found nothing but air. I looked up, perplexed, and realized the top shelf was now well out of my reach.
Standing there, looking at that can of soup like it was the Holy Grail, I felt a little foolish. I glanced around, half-expecting to see people pointing and laughing. Instead, I saw a fellow shopper looking at me with a knowing smile. He was tall, and without a word, he reached up and handed me the can of soup. He simply said, "I got you," and walked away.
I must have stood there, blushing, for a good minute before I finally moved on. The experience was a reality check for me, underscoring just how much my world had changed, literally and figuratively. It was a small, somewhat silly moment, but it was significant in helping me realize the ways in which I would have to adapt to my new body and its capabilities.
So yes, while it's been an adjustment, these little moments have also made me appreciate my new reality in ways I hadn't anticipated. It's a learning experience, and I'm enjoying the journey.
What's it like to have guys hit on you now?
Oh man, that’s a whole different ball game! I've had my share of cringe-worthy moments, believe me.
The first time it happened, I was at a café, minding my own business, when this dude walked over. He starts off with, "Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears." I'm not gonna lie, I thought he was trying to sell me something at first, so I just blinked at him and then looked around like I was trying to find the hidden cameras. It was only when he sat down that it clicked, and I was like, "Oh...oh!"
Honestly, it's a bit weird. Like, I appreciate a good compliment as much as the next person, but the over-the-top, cheesy pick-up lines? Those are something else. And then there's the whole etiquette around who pays for meals, holding doors open, all that stuff. It's like learning a whole new social dance.
Don't get me wrong, though, there's a certain charm to it too. The little kindnesses, when genuine, can be very sweet. And I’ve had a lot of fun gently letting down the ones who just don’t get the hint.
But yeah, it’s definitely a new and sometimes awkward experience. I’m still getting the hang of it. So, to all the guys out there, remember: cheese is great on pizza, not so much in your pick-up lines! ;)
Does everybody know you used to be a dude, or are you kind of stealth?
That's a great question. The truth is, it's a bit of both. My close friends and family, of course, are all aware of my transition. They've been wonderfully supportive and understanding throughout this whole process. As for everyone else, it really depends on the situation and the person.
I do want to clarify that using terms like 'used to be a dude' can be a little oversimplified for many of us in the trans community. While I understand the spirit of the question, I like to think of it as 'I've always been a woman, but I was in a male body before.' Language matters, as it helps shape our understanding and attitudes!
Back to your question, though: in casual interactions, I don't generally bring it up unless it's relevant or I feel comfortable enough to share. It's not exactly a secret, but it's also not the first thing I share about myself.
Online, it's a different story. As you can tell from this AMA, I'm pretty open about my experiences. I believe that sharing these stories can help build understanding and empathy. But I'm also aware that privacy is important, and not every trans person may feel comfortable or safe to be as open.
So yeah, I guess you could say I'm semi-stealth. It's a balancing act, and one that I'm still figuring out as I go along. Like everything else in this process, it's a journey! And one that I’m glad to be on.
So since it's a neuralink thing, does that mean you're technically still in your original body, and just being sort of broadcast into the new one? Like, if the girl you swapped with got your old body drunk, would it affect you?
So, it's not quite a full upload, more like a continuous live stream of consciousness between the two bodies.
To make it clearer, both my original body and my new one have Neuralink implants. These implants communicate constantly, sending and receiving signals between the two bodies. When I say "I'm in a new body," it's because I'm experiencing all the sensory input and motor control from this female body, all the time. My old body is essentially being piloted remotely in the same way, by my swap partner.
The ‘would I get drunk’ question is a bit harder. I think I would? I’m actually not sure exactly. They did tell us not to do anything like that. All the sensations, including ones like hunger, tiredness, etc, are transferred, so I think the sensation of being drunk would be to – that is, if my original body was drunk, I wouldn’t feel it, but I think the alcohol would still affect my brain processing? Like, the chemicals are still in there, interfering with whatever thoughts the neuralink isn’t adjusting back to baseline me. Just a guess, really.
What was the first week of being a girl like? I'm thinking about signing up myself, but I'm a bit nervous.
The first week was a whirlwind, no doubt about it. Excitement, confusion, nerves - all mixed into one crazy cocktail. But, I have to say, it's been the best decision I ever made, despite the challenges.
Waking up for the first time in my new body was a surreal experience. Imagine waking up one morning and you're not just in a different bed, but in a different body. I was shorter now, and definitely felt it – I kept bumping into things and everything in my apartment seemed weirdly big. I had to throw out almost all of my clothes too. I kept one big jacket that I loved, but now it hangs practically down to my knees when I wear it haha.
My new body was previously owned by a trans man, so it was initially very masculine in appearance. He'd kept the hair short, and I had hair everywhere else too. Apart from being only 5’2” tall, he was basically passing. It was a strange middle ground, looking down and seeing a female body that was so much more masculine than I'd expected, like the opposite of my own body lol
The first thing I did, once I got over the initial dizziness and giddy disbelief, was to take a long, hard look at myself in the mirror. I remember running my fingers through the short hair, touching my smooth cheeks. I remember flexing my arms and giggling at how tiny they looked. Obvious spent a long time getting used to my boobs and vagina. I loved wearing really tight pants for a while afterwards and looking down and just… flat.
Re-feminizing the body was a process. My skin was different, so my makeup came out basically looking like a clown at first. I was so excited the first time I went shopping in my new body the sales girl didn’t know what to do with me. She kinda gave me a judgemental frown the whole time I was there which honestly I loved. Sounds weird, but it was like, she was judging me like a girl judges a girl? I don’t know if that makes sense.
I was pretty bad to be first tbh. I didn’t know my proportions, and the clothes I tried on were all kind of ill fitting and honestly, way too revealing. But I was revealing in it, you know! I wish I'd taken more pictures.
Working on my physique was another task altogether. I started doing more cardio, less weights, to get a softer, more feminine figure. Seeing the changes week after week was a really powerful motivator. It made the whole experience feel more real, and it was incredibly rewarding to see my reflection in the mirror become more and more the woman I felt inside.
Hope this helps you a bit with your decision. Feel free to ask any other questions you may have. Good luck on your journey, wherever it may lead!
Did you ever meet your original body again?
I certainly did! It was about two months after the swap, once we had both gotten somewhat used to our new bodies. We had agreed to meet up, both out of curiosity and to see how the other was adjusting. It was one of the strangest and most enlightening experiences of my life.
I remember walking into the café where we'd agreed to meet and seeing him - or rather, seeing my old body, sitting there in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It was bizarre seeing myself from the outside, like watching some kind of strange doppelgänger.
The first thing he said when he saw me was, "Wow, you really went all out, didn't you?" I'd dressed up a bit for the meeting - a tasteful dress, some light makeup, and yes, a pair of modest high heels. I'd even managed to coax my growing hair into a somewhat elegant style.
I'll never forget the look on his face as he took in the changes - a mix of amazement, amusement, and a touch of shock. He laughed and shook his head, saying, "I would have never thought to see this body in heels."
We had a good laugh about that. It was a moment of shared understanding - we'd both lived in these bodies, and we both knew the strange, surreal journey we were on. There was something comforting in that shared experience.
It was also a poignant reminder of the drastic changes we were each making to adapt to our new bodies. For him, it was about embracing the masculine physique he'd always wanted, while for me, it was about bringing out the femininity I'd always felt.
So yes, seeing my old body again was an experience, to say the least. It was strange, funny, and a little bittersweet, but I wouldn't change it for anything. It's all part of this incredible journey I've embarked upon.
What’s the most unexpected thing about being female?
I'd have to say it's the grip strength. I had been prepared for a lot of the differences, but that one took me by surprise.
It's the weirdest thing, like my hands just don't work the same way they used to. I remember the first time I really noticed it. I was trying to open a jar of pickles and it just... wouldn't budge. I tried and tried, my hand wrapped around the lid, the tiny muscles straining in my forearm. And nothing.
I remember staring at my hand, this delicate, slender thing with neat, short nails. The wrist was thin, the knuckles less pronounced than I remembered. It was like my hand was a doll's hand, dainty and pretty, but lacking the raw strength I was used to.
I won't lie, it was a bit of a blow to my ego. I used to pride myself on my grip strength. I was the jar-opener of the house, the go-to person for stubborn bottle caps. And now, I was staring at this jar of pickles like it was an unsolvable puzzle.
But you know what? After a moment of sulking, I just laughed it off. I found a rubber band, wrapped it around the lid for extra grip, and voila - open jar of pickles.
I guess it's just one of those things you don't really think about until you're in the situation. But, as with everything else in this journey, it's about adapting and overcoming. So now, I keep a rubber band in the kitchen drawer and I've started doing some grip strength exercises.
I might not have the same brute strength I used to have, but I'm learning to navigate this world in a different way. And there's something really empowering about that. It's a daily reminder of the woman I've become, and every time I open a jar, it's a tiny victory. Plus, the pickles taste pretty good too! ;)
Have you had sex yet? What did it feel like? How was it different?
I have, aha, and it was goooood. I mean, weird, but good. When you’re a guy it’s more concentrated in your dick right? As a girl it’s more spread out, warm and inside. To be honest, I never really liked having sex when I had a male body, so that’s probably part of it, but it was so much more enjoyable as a girl. It’s slower, more difficult to orgasm, but my whole body gets hot and I have a kind of shaky feeling now that I never used to? Also the orgasm itself lasts so much longer than before! It’s like stomach, leg, mind, everything all at once.
The other difference was just being less in control? Like, I had this odd sensation when I was being thrown around and moved about by my boyfriend in a way that I couldn’t have been before, and he really loved teasing me about it – holding me down in ways he couldn’t before, because I used to be bigger than him, haha.
What was it like choosing your new outfits and things for the first time?
Ah, the first shopping trip. Now that was a trip in more ways than one.
When I first decided to go shopping for new clothes, I was a ball of nerves and excitement. I had this mental checklist of all the feminine clothing items I'd always admired but never had the chance to wear - dresses, skirts, blouses, you name it.
But the biggest revelation was definitely the shoes. Oh my gosh, the shoes.
As a guy, I had pretty large feet and finding stylish shoes that fit was always a struggle. Now, in my new body, my feet were comparatively tiny. The first time I stepped into a shoe store, I was gobsmacked. All these shoes, in all these styles, and they all actually FIT.
I remember sitting there, a pair of cute flats in one hand and a stylish heel in the other, just marveling at the fact that they were my size. The sleek curves of the heel, the delicate design of the flats - these were things I'd always admired from afar, and now they were mine to wear.
Slipping my foot into a heel for the first time was like stepping into a new world. The way it changed my posture, made me stand taller, the confident click-clack they made on the floor. It felt powerful in a way I hadn't anticipated.
And then came the challenge of walking in them. I won't lie, I was wobbly as a newborn deer at first. But after some practice (and a few hilarious missteps), I started getting the hang of it. Now, I can strut around in those babies like a runway model - well, a runway model on her first day, maybe.
But shoes were just the beginning. Dresses, skirts, jeans that actually fit - it was like stepping into a whole new world of fashion, and I was eager to explore it all. It was a journey of self-discovery and self-expression, and I'm still riding that wave.
As overwhelming as it was at first, I wouldn't trade those moments for anything. Every time I slip into a pair of heels, it's a reminder of how far I've come, and how much further I still have to go on this journey of mine. And let me tell you, I'm excited to see where it takes me. So here's to the road ahead - may it be as fabulous as my shoe collection!
Do you ever get dressed up and just admire being a woman?
So about a month in, I decided to treat myself. I'd seen this stunning dress in a boutique window - knee-length, black, with a plunging neckline and an open back. It was a bold piece, the kind of thing that demands attention and confidence. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that, but I figured why not? I was embarking on a new life, and I wanted to experience it all.
Trying it on was...an experience. At first, I was a bit self-conscious. I mean, it was more revealing than anything I'd ever worn before. But as I pulled the zipper up and looked at myself in the full-length mirror, something amazing happened.
I saw a woman staring back at me. Not just any woman - but me, as a woman. The dress hugged my curves, accentuated the softness of my new figure. The open back was elegant, daring, and the neckline...well, let's just say it made the most of what I had.
I remember turning this way and that, watching how the fabric shimmered under the lights. I ran a hand down my side, marveling at the softness of my skin, the slender line of my waist. And for the first time since the swap, I felt...well, hot.
I know that sounds vain, but it was an incredible feeling. After years of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, of not recognizing the person in the mirror, I finally felt at home. I was finally seeing the person I'd always felt I was, inside and out.
I bought the dress right then and there, and wore it out of the boutique. Strutting down the sidewalk, head high, I felt on top of the world. I won't say I didn't get a few stares - but for the first time in my life, I didn't mind. I was proud of who I was, proud of the journey I'd taken to get here.
And that dress? It's still hanging in my closet, a constant reminder of the woman I've become. It's a symbol of my transformation, a testament to my courage, and the best impulse buy I've ever made.
Quinn goes to a technology exhibition just for a fun day out, but when she agrees to test one of the products there on herself, she can't possibly forsee the consequences.
Quinn Leslie woke up in a good mood that day. To her mind, she was in the prime of her life at the age of 27, and it was a beautiful, sunny day— a day she also had off from work. Plenty of reason to be in a good mood.
She was ready for an adventure today.The past few years, she hadn’t done much beside working— she’d rarely ever ventured out of her apartment for any reason, other than to go to work, or to run errands.
She was trying something new today— she’d seen flyers up around town for a big technology expo in the exhibition center of her town— and unlike past occasions, where she had ignored any and all events in favor of staying home, or working overtime, today she was going to go.
She had no shame, either, in the fact that she would be going by herself. She’d been looking forward to today, ever since she’d made her mind up to go to the technology expo, and nothing could ruin those feelings for her.
She just had to make sure she quickly got ready. First, Quinn stepped in front of her standing mirror, which was kitty corner from her bed— and assessed her hair situation.
The curly blonde tresses which hung to her shoulders were what needed assessing— the curls were quite predisposed to tangling, and today as usual, they were a mess. She reached for her brush, to brush them out.
It was the work of a few minutes to return her curling hair to a semblance of order— but Quinn was satisfied at having done it, because it represented the bulk of the work she would need to do in order to prepare herself.
She set her brush down, and considered her face. Her eyes were a bit small, and most of the structural lines in her, there and elsewhere on her body, were a bit wispy and indistinct— her cheeks had some light freckling in patches here and there.
She turned to consider her body in the gray nightgown she was wearing— like the lines in her physical structure, the distribution of assets to her body was slight and easy to overlook. Her breasts were only A-cups, and even so she basically had to wear half-moon cup bras, because she just couldn’t fill out a full cup at the A size— her hips were similarly slender— and her legs and arms both were somewhat stickwidth.
She took her nightgown off, and put on a bra and some underwear first, both made of t-shirt material, and a faint blue color.
Then she put on a blue sleeveless top, which was more of a teal in color, and followed it with a brown-orange woven skirt that had a band of purple parallel to the hem, just for color. It was a sunny day, so she could dress like it was summer.
She finished with a pair of brown sandals, and was ready to go.
A quick exit from her apartment building and a bus ride later, and Quinn had arrived outside the expo building; a large banner was hanging along the roof announcing the tech expo taking place today, tomorrow and the day after.
But tomorrow and the day after, Quinn would be back to work; so she was glad that she had carved the time out to come today, while she was still available.
She’d let herself sleep in, so now it was only about ten o’clock— the doors to the expo had opened at eight am, and the expo would continue operating all day until about five pm, so there was no rush. She could really take her time, attending multiple demonstrations; seeing if there were any samples available for purchase, or items available to take that were still in their beta-testing phase.
If she had come at eight am, too, there likely would have been long lines, and a delay before getting inside. But now that the expo was running and had been doing so for two hours, there were no lines out the door at all.
Quinn looked up at the building itself. It looked a bit like a stadium, with a domed roof, and mostly concrete forming its structure— but it was probably only three-stories tall.
There were small groups of people here and there— some entering the expo building, some exiting it, but it was as easy as anything to walk directly towards the entrance and pass inside.
Inside, the ceilings were very high, just as one might have expected from a stadium-shaped thing, even if the building was only the size of a small stadium. Quinn couldn’t think of a time she’d ever been into the expo building before— but she appreciated that there were no rooms wrapping around a center— stepping through the exterior doors took her right into the expo, and then she was walking around, marveling at what she was seeing.
There were electrical displays, where different rays of electricity danced and intersected with each other— there were everyday products that operated themselves to the full extent a human could have; there were things that looked like they were well on their way to being fully sentient human androids; there were pills that boasted themselves as miraclecures— and when sick people came up to sample them, those people were healed.
Quinn never stopped walking in front of any one kiosk long enough to listen to full spiels, or to try any samples. She wanted to get around the entire exhibition floor before she made any decisions; her eyes were still wide-eyed in wonder at each new technological marvel she saw; she didn’t want to slow down. She enjoyed the vibe of the entire place; each kiosk was under a small tent, or in a glass booth; somehow, the tents looked futuristic, looking to be woven of a fabric only discovered recently, and so did the glass, it having been pressed into various geometric forms.
She had made it all the way along one wall, to the first corner of the room, and down another, and it was just as she was reaching the second corner (with still the other two to go, so much exciting possibility!) that something interrupted her reverie of enjoyment.
Quinn’s eyes searched to identify the sound.
She’d overlooked it, but there was a booth directly in the corner— and really directly in the corner, it had been pushed right to the wall, and was built in a cornershape, half going along one wall, the other half going along the other. It fit perfectly.
Her eyes were still scanning— there was a man standing in front of it, but he had been easy to overlook, because he had been wearing dark clothing, and the booth behind him was that catching geometric glass which seemed to draw the eye.
Quinn made eyecontact with the man now, and rested her hand to her sternum, indicating herself, silently asking, Me?
The man nodded emphatically. “Yes, you. Come over here!”
Quinn approached, leaving the regular traffic of expoattenders to step aside to where the man was.
“How would you like to test our new equipment?”
Quinn frowned. “What does it do?”
“It regulates relaxation in the body,” — the man’s answer.
There was no banner above the kiosk which named the organization or the product, which struck Quinn as a little weird.
But— she hadn’t tested anything yet, and he had called specifically to her.
She was having a fun day, and for now she just wanted to stay in the flow of that fun, and go where it carried her.
“Alright,” she said, with a throwing up of her hands. “What do you want me to do?”
“Just hold out your hand for me,” the man said. “This whole thing gives you a chance to experience the wonder of our technology, but it also doubles as a demonstration for anyone who passes by our booth.” The man looked past her just as he said this, leaning to look around at, presumably, a small group of people that was walking past. He flashed them a very bright smile.
Quinn didn’t turn to look at the people herself. She was sampling the tech— and demonstrating it— she wanted to be part of that, a participant, not someone watching after onlookers, onlooking them. She held out her hand.
The man produced a jar with a screwed-in dropper— which he unscrewed, and held over the back of her hand— she had extended it palmfacedown, and he had not objected. He squeezed the squeeze end, once, twice, thrice— three magenta drops which looked— plastic-y, somehow— came out of the end, and landed on her hand.
“How does it work?” Quinn asked on instinct— but she was already seeing— those three drops landed, but didn’t stay put. She felt her skin like it was a thin membrane— she could feel those drops passing through it unimpeded, getting inside of her.
It was a weird feeling, once the droplets were inside— they’d really disappeared from the surface— there wasn’t even a trace of that magenta color left staining Quinn’s hand.
And she could feel them inside her hand— then inside her arm, because they were moving; like three peasized drops of plastic which she could feel brushing against things inside her— there wasn’t supposed to be internal sensation like that— things inside weren’t supposed to be touched; but she could feel them when they brushed bone, when they brushed muscle and tendon, and each accidental touch made Quinn jump like she’d been jolted because, even if she knew logically to expect it, her body was not accustomed to feeling foreign objects move around inside, wasn’t used to having foreign objects bump into her inner framework.
And— was that— it felt like each of those plastic peas were splitting— they were doubling themselves— then doubling again; they had gone in her right arm, and her arm was starting to feel like it was being weighed down by marbles— they were doubling almost too fast to keep track of, and her shoulder was getting sore from the weight of her right arm— hanging down, it was like all those marbles were stacked in a tower— from her fingers to her shouldersocket— and in her fingers, she could see those bubbles of round marble popping her skin— on the whole, her entire right arm was looking patchy and knobbly from all those tiny spheres.
Her eyes were confirming what she could feel internally.
She looked back at the man, using her free arm to hold the other one up. It didn’t seem like she could really move it normally anymore.
“How did you say this thing works?” Quinn asked uncertainly. She was starting to wonder if she’d been foolish, volunteering for something she knew nothing about.
A small crowd was starting to gather around her.
The man smiled. “I didn’t, but it interfaces with your nervous system to regulate your levels of serenity.”
Quinn frowned. “I don’t… I don’t think I want to continue with this demonstration.”
The man was still smiling. “It’s too late.”
Those marbles were doing something else. It felt like each one was bubbling— but not to multiply anymore. They were pulsing— throbbing— then; as if each one was a berry, they burst from the center outward, whatever inside of them being crushed free— and she could feel each one gushing, all the weight relieving— her arm looked normal— and then she could feel it; that same plastic-y feeling, but now it was all liquid— she could picture it magenta in her mind’s eye— it was running alongside her blood— and now it was getting everywhere in her— it was in both her arms, in both her legs, in her butt, in her chest— in every part of her body; and then it stopped moving, sitting everywhere it had gotten to.
Then she felt it budding up into marbles again.
It seemed some of it was in her brain— she could feel that plastic-y fluid there, encasing her brain, and when it budded up marbled again, she felt those marbles indenting into her brainfolds— was she thinking about all of this the right way? It was sort of satisfying, feeling all those little rounds in her— massaging things that had never been massaged before.
There was added weight coming into her chest with the movement of the fluid— when the marbles formed, they pushed up and out— pushing her to a full A-cup; no more halfmoon-cups for her— pushing her to a B— to a C— her skin was all knobbly and uneven, but it seemed to be burning now— burning through the clothes that she had been wearing, leaving her naked.
She could feel the fluid expanding up and out elsewhere; in her hips, making them shapelier; in her ass, making it rounder; and everywhere else, making her body fuller; no one could ever say she was sticksized again, or wirey, not if she kept the dimensions and proportions of this frame; she could feel that budding in her brain; and when the marbles rolled around up there, rolling up and down soft folds; she felt better and better about this whole thing. She was glad to be standing here, naked and on display; she liked the way her body felt when there was more substance to it— and she could feel all the marbles throbbing like berries again.
It was making her whole body shake— all of her skin was rippling; and then she felt all those rounded marble-shapes bursting open and gushing in her; the fluid was loose in her again, but this time, when everything burst, the external form of her body stayed the same— she was a C-cup, she was more filled-in, with shapelier hips, and a rounded ass; and still naked; everyone in the crowd that had gathered around her gasped and ahhed as though very impressed; the man was now standing, holding both his hands out to gesture to her, saying nothing but letting all that happened to her speak for itself.
The liquid was moving again. Her skin had burned— now there seemed to be a strange pale magenta glow behind it— as if all of her was transparent and showing what was inside— and now the magenta was the only thing inside; the liquid was moving, passing through barriers— it was gathering in the channel of her pussy.
She gasped, but she liked it there— it was quickly forming itself into the roughest, knobbliest dildo she’d ever felt, permanently embedded into backwall of her vagina; stabbing into her, penetrating her so deep; and just sitting there, with all of her permanently clenched tight around it; her nipples, now turning magenta, tensed as she felt that permanently-installed phallus fucking her, felt her body responding to it. She could only let out a guttural gasp— but this was right— all her inhibitions, gone.
Now the man finally walked over to her; it felt like the fluid inside was dissolving, now that the phallus had formed— and the little cups that seemed to on reverse side of her nipples, that could tense and squeeze them from within— but when the fluid dissolved it passed through her skin again, and turned her magenta everywhere— even her curls too.
The kioskmanager knocked her legs apart with his hands, and pushed her by the shoulders into more of a squat, then placed his fingers at the base of internal phallus, which was just shallowly present in her opening, and she gasped as it opened in the center, and he slid his fingers up it, like it was a sleeve.
This of course made it expand widthwise and fuck her even harder.
“This forms a tighter seal around any penis entering her— it’s become part of her body, so fucking her in this penis-encasing sleeve is the same as fucking her— it will just be that much tighter, and it will fuck her twiceover.”
It was an overwhelming feeling, especially when the kioskmanager wiggled his fingers in the center of the thing; three fingers he had up it, and when they all moved, it made the phallus ripple and shift and swell in unbearable ways.
The man withdrew his hand, and instinctively, Quinn knew to stand again; in her magentapink brain, turned the same color as the rest of her, it made so much sense.
She preened herself.
“That concludes our demonstration,” the man said, once again producing the jar with the dropper. “Three drops of this, and you’ll turn anyone you want into a living sexdoll. Of course, if you’d prefer not making one yourself— our fine specimen here is also for sale!”
Again, she preened, looking out into the faces of the adults in the crowd who regarded her— wondering which one of them, if any, would own her— she would serve them, be fucked by them forever, and she was only impatient to be claimed.
There were no thoughts in her head of going back to her old life— and no thoughts of leaving the expo today by herself. She would leave as someone’s possession— whoever chose her would be the right one to serve. No part of her was sad about this.
She had lived 27 years as Quinn; but this was better than being a 27-year-old woman, now.
She had achieved a kind of immortality; it didn’t feel to her as if she would further age or in anyway degraded; she would remain in her perfected 27-year-old form, servicing whoever owned her, and perhaps passing between different ownerships.
But that kind of life of endless fucking and being fucked; it didn’t sound like drudgery to her, really. It sounded like something she was looking forward to. Like something she couldn’t wait to embark on.
She only hoped she’d be chosen soon, so she could leave with her owner and start fucking right away.
Quinn Leslie woke up in a good mood that day. To her mind, she was in the prime of her life at the age of 27, and it was a beautiful, sunny day— a day she also had off from work. Plenty of reason to be in a good mood.
She was ready for an adventure today.The past few years, she hadn’t done much beside working— she’d rarely ever ventured out of her apartment for any reason, other than to go to work, or to run errands.
She was trying something new today— she’d seen flyers up around town for a big technology expo in the exhibition center of her town— and unlike past occasions, where she had ignored any and all events in favor of staying home, or working overtime, today she was going to go.
She had no shame, either, in the fact that she would be going by herself. She’d been looking forward to today, ever since she’d made her mind up to go to the technology expo, and nothing could ruin those feelings for her.
She just had to make sure she quickly got ready. First, Quinn stepped in front of her standing mirror, which was kitty corner from her bed— and assessed her hair situation.
The curly blonde tresses which hung to her shoulders were what needed assessing— the curls were quite predisposed to tangling, and today as usual, they were a mess. She reached for her brush, to brush them out.
It was the work of a few minutes to return her curling hair to a semblance of order— but Quinn was satisfied at having done it, because it represented the bulk of the work she would need to do in order to prepare herself.
She set her brush down, and considered her face. Her eyes were a bit small, and most of the structural lines in her, there and elsewhere on her body, were a bit wispy and indistinct— her cheeks had some light freckling in patches here and there.
She turned to consider her body in the gray nightgown she was wearing— like the lines in her physical structure, the distribution of assets to her body was slight and easy to overlook. Her breasts were only A-cups, and even so she basically had to wear half-moon cup bras, because she just couldn’t fill out a full cup at the A size— her hips were similarly slender— and her legs and arms both were somewhat stickwidth.
She took her nightgown off, and put on a bra and some underwear first, both made of t-shirt material, and a faint blue color.
Then she put on a blue sleeveless top, which was more of a teal in color, and followed it with a brown-orange woven skirt that had a band of purple parallel to the hem, just for color. It was a sunny day, so she could dress like it was summer.
She finished with a pair of brown sandals, and was ready to go.
A quick exit from her apartment building and a bus ride later, and Quinn had arrived outside the expo building; a large banner was hanging along the roof announcing the tech expo taking place today, tomorrow and the day after.
But tomorrow and the day after, Quinn would be back to work; so she was glad that she had carved the time out to come today, while she was still available.
She’d let herself sleep in, so now it was only about ten o’clock— the doors to the expo had opened at eight am, and the expo would continue operating all day until about five pm, so there was no rush. She could really take her time, attending multiple demonstrations; seeing if there were any samples available for purchase, or items available to take that were still in their beta-testing phase.
If she had come at eight am, too, there likely would have been long lines, and a delay before getting inside. But now that the expo was running and had been doing so for two hours, there were no lines out the door at all.
Quinn looked up at the building itself. It looked a bit like a stadium, with a domed roof, and mostly concrete forming its structure— but it was probably only three-stories tall.
There were small groups of people here and there— some entering the expo building, some exiting it, but it was as easy as anything to walk directly towards the entrance and pass inside.
Inside, the ceilings were very high, just as one might have expected from a stadium-shaped thing, even if the building was only the size of a small stadium. Quinn couldn’t think of a time she’d ever been into the expo building before— but she appreciated that there were no rooms wrapping around a center— stepping through the exterior doors took her right into the expo, and then she was walking around, marveling at what she was seeing.
There were electrical displays, where different rays of electricity danced and intersected with each other— there were everyday products that operated themselves to the full extent a human could have; there were things that looked like they were well on their way to being fully sentient human androids; there were pills that boasted themselves as miraclecures— and when sick people came up to sample them, those people were healed.
Quinn never stopped walking in front of any one kiosk long enough to listen to full spiels, or to try any samples. She wanted to get around the entire exhibition floor before she made any decisions; her eyes were still wide-eyed in wonder at each new technological marvel she saw; she didn’t want to slow down. She enjoyed the vibe of the entire place; each kiosk was under a small tent, or in a glass booth; somehow, the tents looked futuristic, looking to be woven of a fabric only discovered recently, and so did the glass, it having been pressed into various geometric forms.
She had made it all the way along one wall, to the first corner of the room, and down another, and it was just as she was reaching the second corner (with still the other two to go, so much exciting possibility!) that something interrupted her reverie of enjoyment.
Quinn’s eyes searched to identify the sound.
She’d overlooked it, but there was a booth directly in the corner— and really directly in the corner, it had been pushed right to the wall, and was built in a cornershape, half going along one wall, the other half going along the other. It fit perfectly.
Her eyes were still scanning— there was a man standing in front of it, but he had been easy to overlook, because he had been wearing dark clothing, and the booth behind him was that catching geometric glass which seemed to draw the eye.
Quinn made eyecontact with the man now, and rested her hand to her sternum, indicating herself, silently asking, Me?
The man nodded emphatically. “Yes, you. Come over here!”
Quinn approached, leaving the regular traffic of expoattenders to step aside to where the man was.
“How would you like to test our new equipment?”
Quinn frowned. “What does it do?”
“It regulates relaxation in the body,” — the man’s answer.
There was no banner above the kiosk which named the organization or the product, which struck Quinn as a little weird.
But— she hadn’t tested anything yet, and he had called specifically to her.
She was having a fun day, and for now she just wanted to stay in the flow of that fun, and go where it carried her.
“Alright,” she said, with a throwing up of her hands. “What do you want me to do?”
“Just hold out your hand for me,” the man said. “This whole thing gives you a chance to experience the wonder of our technology, but it also doubles as a demonstration for anyone who passes by our booth.” The man looked past her just as he said this, leaning to look around at, presumably, a small group of people that was walking past. He flashed them a very bright smile.
Quinn didn’t turn to look at the people herself. She was sampling the tech— and demonstrating it— she wanted to be part of that, a participant, not someone watching after onlookers, onlooking them. She held out her hand.
The man produced a jar with a screwed-in dropper— which he unscrewed, and held over the back of her hand— she had extended it palmfacedown, and he had not objected. He squeezed the squeeze end, once, twice, thrice— three magenta drops which looked— plastic-y, somehow— came out of the end, and landed on her hand.
“How does it work?” Quinn asked on instinct— but she was already seeing— those three drops landed, but didn’t stay put. She felt her skin like it was a thin membrane— she could feel those drops passing through it unimpeded, getting inside of her.
It was a weird feeling, once the droplets were inside— they’d really disappeared from the surface— there wasn’t even a trace of that magenta color left staining Quinn’s hand.
And she could feel them inside her hand— then inside her arm, because they were moving; like three peasized drops of plastic which she could feel brushing against things inside her— there wasn’t supposed to be internal sensation like that— things inside weren’t supposed to be touched; but she could feel them when they brushed bone, when they brushed muscle and tendon, and each accidental touch made Quinn jump like she’d been jolted because, even if she knew logically to expect it, her body was not accustomed to feeling foreign objects move around inside, wasn’t used to having foreign objects bump into her inner framework.
And— was that— it felt like each of those plastic peas were splitting— they were doubling themselves— then doubling again; they had gone in her right arm, and her arm was starting to feel like it was being weighed down by marbles— they were doubling almost too fast to keep track of, and her shoulder was getting sore from the weight of her right arm— hanging down, it was like all those marbles were stacked in a tower— from her fingers to her shouldersocket— and in her fingers, she could see those bubbles of round marble popping her skin— on the whole, her entire right arm was looking patchy and knobbly from all those tiny spheres.
Her eyes were confirming what she could feel internally.
She looked back at the man, using her free arm to hold the other one up. It didn’t seem like she could really move it normally anymore.
“How did you say this thing works?” Quinn asked uncertainly. She was starting to wonder if she’d been foolish, volunteering for something she knew nothing about.
A small crowd was starting to gather around her.
The man smiled. “I didn’t, but it interfaces with your nervous system to regulate your levels of serenity.”
Quinn frowned. “I don’t… I don’t think I want to continue with this demonstration.”
The man was still smiling. “It’s too late.”
Those marbles were doing something else. It felt like each one was bubbling— but not to multiply anymore. They were pulsing— throbbing— then; as if each one was a berry, they burst from the center outward, whatever inside of them being crushed free— and she could feel each one gushing, all the weight relieving— her arm looked normal— and then she could feel it; that same plastic-y feeling, but now it was all liquid— she could picture it magenta in her mind’s eye— it was running alongside her blood— and now it was getting everywhere in her— it was in both her arms, in both her legs, in her butt, in her chest— in every part of her body; and then it stopped moving, sitting everywhere it had gotten to.
Then she felt it budding up into marbles again.
It seemed some of it was in her brain— she could feel that plastic-y fluid there, encasing her brain, and when it budded up marbled again, she felt those marbles indenting into her brainfolds— was she thinking about all of this the right way? It was sort of satisfying, feeling all those little rounds in her— massaging things that had never been massaged before.
There was added weight coming into her chest with the movement of the fluid— when the marbles formed, they pushed up and out— pushing her to a full A-cup; no more halfmoon-cups for her— pushing her to a B— to a C— her skin was all knobbly and uneven, but it seemed to be burning now— burning through the clothes that she had been wearing, leaving her naked.
She could feel the fluid expanding up and out elsewhere; in her hips, making them shapelier; in her ass, making it rounder; and everywhere else, making her body fuller; no one could ever say she was sticksized again, or wirey, not if she kept the dimensions and proportions of this frame; she could feel that budding in her brain; and when the marbles rolled around up there, rolling up and down soft folds; she felt better and better about this whole thing. She was glad to be standing here, naked and on display; she liked the way her body felt when there was more substance to it— and she could feel all the marbles throbbing like berries again.
It was making her whole body shake— all of her skin was rippling; and then she felt all those rounded marble-shapes bursting open and gushing in her; the fluid was loose in her again, but this time, when everything burst, the external form of her body stayed the same— she was a C-cup, she was more filled-in, with shapelier hips, and a rounded ass; and still naked; everyone in the crowd that had gathered around her gasped and ahhed as though very impressed; the man was now standing, holding both his hands out to gesture to her, saying nothing but letting all that happened to her speak for itself.
The liquid was moving again. Her skin had burned— now there seemed to be a strange pale magenta glow behind it— as if all of her was transparent and showing what was inside— and now the magenta was the only thing inside; the liquid was moving, passing through barriers— it was gathering in the channel of her pussy.
She gasped, but she liked it there— it was quickly forming itself into the roughest, knobbliest dildo she’d ever felt, permanently embedded into backwall of her vagina; stabbing into her, penetrating her so deep; and just sitting there, with all of her permanently clenched tight around it; her nipples, now turning magenta, tensed as she felt that permanently-installed phallus fucking her, felt her body responding to it. She could only let out a guttural gasp— but this was right— all her inhibitions, gone.
Now the man finally walked over to her; it felt like the fluid inside was dissolving, now that the phallus had formed— and the little cups that seemed to on reverse side of her nipples, that could tense and squeeze them from within— but when the fluid dissolved it passed through her skin again, and turned her magenta everywhere— even her curls too.
The kioskmanager knocked her legs apart with his hands, and pushed her by the shoulders into more of a squat, then placed his fingers at the base of internal phallus, which was just shallowly present in her opening, and she gasped as it opened in the center, and he slid his fingers up it, like it was a sleeve.
This of course made it expand widthwise and fuck her even harder.
“This forms a tighter seal around any penis entering her— it’s become part of her body, so fucking her in this penis-encasing sleeve is the same as fucking her— it will just be that much tighter, and it will fuck her twiceover.”
It was an overwhelming feeling, especially when the kioskmanager wiggled his fingers in the center of the thing; three fingers he had up it, and when they all moved, it made the phallus ripple and shift and swell in unbearable ways.
The man withdrew his hand, and instinctively, Quinn knew to stand again; in her magentapink brain, turned the same color as the rest of her, it made so much sense.
She preened herself.
“That concludes our demonstration,” the man said, once again producing the jar with the dropper. “Three drops of this, and you’ll turn anyone you want into a living sexdoll. Of course, if you’d prefer not making one yourself— our fine specimen here is also for sale!”
Again, she preened, looking out into the faces of the adults in the crowd who regarded her— wondering which one of them, if any, would own her— she would serve them, be fucked by them forever, and she was only impatient to be claimed.
There were no thoughts in her head of going back to her old life— and no thoughts of leaving the expo today by herself. She would leave as someone’s possession— whoever chose her would be the right one to serve. No part of her was sad about this.
She had lived 27 years as Quinn; but this was better than being a 27-year-old woman, now.
She had achieved a kind of immortality; it didn’t feel to her as if she would further age or in anyway degraded; she would remain in her perfected 27-year-old form, servicing whoever owned her, and perhaps passing between different ownerships.
But that kind of life of endless fucking and being fucked; it didn’t sound like drudgery to her, really. It sounded like something she was looking forward to. Like something she couldn’t wait to embark on.
She only hoped she’d be chosen soon, so she could leave with her owner and start fucking right away.
What if athletes could compete in a body perfectly designed for their sport? What if the same athletes had to compete again in a randomly-asssigned body?In the not-too-distant future, technology has advanced to allow people to experience life in any body of their choosing, then return to their own body after six hours. Athletes compete in body-swapping sports to test their skills, their athletic intelligence, and the genetic limits of the human body.
As usual, the tingling subsided as soon as Zella stepped out of the chamber. She looked down over her new body - well by now, she’d spent so much time in this body, pushing it to its physical limits, the lines were starting to blur between this body and her own. She studied her hands.
“You know what,” she said carefully. “Let’s do the longer fingers.”
“You sure?” asked Nix. “These are the ones I gave you for the time trials yesterday.”
“Yep. I was thinking about it last night. They didn't feel quite right.”
Zella turned on her heels and clicked the door to the chamber open again.
“Zel, this isn’t the time to play around,” her coach, Liza, said sternly from over Nix’s shoulder. “Your career is on the line.”
“I’m sure.” Zella said confidently as she lay down on the chamber’s smooth white bench. “Change the fingers.”
Nix tapped on the projection display in front of him and the chamber’s machinery whirred. Zella felt the familiar pins and needles, but only in her fingers this time. Finally, the whirring stopped and the door’s lock clicked open again.
“Perfect,” Zella said, admiring Nix’s work. “Let’s go.”
As Zella, Nix and Liza wove their way through the smooth, gray halls of the stadium’s interior, Zella took deep breaths to calm her anxiety. There was so much at stake. Sure, she’d been a world champion several times over, but the Olympics was a different thing altogether. Earning a cobalt medal at the centuries-old games, could mean lucrative sponsorships, projector broadcasts around the world, becoming a household name. 2084 was only the third year that body decathlon was recognized as an official olympic event, so there wasn’t much precedent to look to for clues about what today’s competition might be like.
Zella was one of the last to arrive at the track. Most of the other athletes were already warming up their competition bodies. Zella scanned the crowd until she locked eyes with Ji Yoon Kim. She instantly recognized the intimidating scowl that the United Korean Peninsula athlete chose for her competition body’s face. The grimace had become something of a calling card and Zella had seen Ji Yoon’s fans wearing caricatures of it on t-shirts.
Ji Yoon and Zella had been neck and neck in the standings for the last two years, alternating first and second place at other world-class body decathlons. Winning the olympic cobalt would solidify one of them as the reigning champion. Zella had sighed with relief when she found out she’d beat Ji Yoon at the time trials yesterday, although it was only by half a second.
Ji Yoon shot Zella a nod of recognition, then went back to bending straight down over her competitive body’s long, muscular legs. Zella noticed that she’d chosen to fill out her body’s shoulders a tiny bit since yesterday. Smart move. She’d seen Ji Yoon lagging a bit during the boulder carry at time trials.
The announcer’s voice sounded through the stadium ordering the athletes to take their places at the starting gates. Cheers roared around the building. Zella scanned the stands looking for Americanadian flags. It was hard to believe that so much time had passed since the civil war, that the Americanadian team could sit right next to the Dixieland team with no violence.
She spotted her family sitting in the front row of the balcony, decked-out in maple leaves and stripes. She caught her wife, Charelle’s eye and blew her a kiss. Her sister, Malya and twelve-year-old nephew, Kit waved excitedly, their faces painted red white and blue. Zella beamed, she knew it’d been difficult for her sister and nephew to travel and she was so grateful to see them there.
Zella took a deep, calming breath as she pushed her feet up against the starting blocks. The organizers had placed her and Ji Yoon beside each other in the center of the track. Zella willed herself not to peek over at her rival
“On your marks,” spoke the announcer through the speakers.
“Get set.” Zella tucked her chin.
Zella breezed through the 200-meter dash, Ji Yoon right beside her. The two of them pulled slightly ahead of the rest of the pack. They worked the sinewy legs of their competition bodies until they reached a sprinting speed of almost thirty miles an hour. They passed the 200-meter finish line and kept sprinting down the track towards the climbing wall. Zella saw Liza waiting with the harness ready.
“You’re doing great,” Liza whispered as she fastened Zella’s buckles. “Remember, clear mind, think only about the competition at hand.”
Zella nodded and hooked her foot into the first rung of the 50-foot wall climb. She pushed up on her competition body’s strong feet and began to ascend. The long, slender fingers Nix built for her were stretching perfectly to reach the holds in the rock. Much better than yesterday. Zella silently celebrated her smart decision as she looked down and saw Ji Yoon climbing ten feet below her.
She focused on the wall, pushing her competition body to move up the rocks as quickly as possible. Zella executed movements she’d never dream of achieving in her natural 45-year-old woman’s body. The proliferation of body swapping sports had been a gift for older athletes and female athletes like Zella. Suddenly, she could compete in a situation where her athletic intelligence was the most important factor, as opposed to her body’s physical traits.
CRISPR, the technology that supported body-swapping sports, had matured in the late 2030s, but it hadn’t been used for recreation until the last decade. When it was first developed, the changes CRISPR made to human DNA were unpredictable. A CRISPR mutation that was meant to cure Multiple Sclerosis left the patient with limb paralysis. A treatment for blindness also caused seizures. Not only were these changes permanent and irreversible, scientists were shocked to find that the mutations lived on into the children of these patients and into the next generation as well.
After some time, CRISPR technology became more precise, but the process was still prohibitively expensive. For the next two decades it was reserved for curing debilitating diseases. Of course there were debates over the ethics of using CRISPR to make yourself taller or more attractive, but these were mostly theoretical. The long-term side effects were still unknown, so people were wary of using it to give themselves bigger breasts or bluer eyes.
In the 2070s, however, a breakthrough made the CRISPR process much faster and more affordable, but the DNA changes made using this method wore off after six hours. The impermanent results almost made this technique even more exciting. A revolution in body experimentation began.
People harnessed the technology for sexual adventures and movie stunts. It was used to help the elderly regain mobility. CRISPR salons sprung up where customers could alter their appearances before a night out on the town. It became illegal to seduce another person in a CRISPR body without disclosure.
The technology was life-changing for the trans and gender-fluid community. Suddenly, trans people could experience life within the exact bodies they were meant to have. This was how Zella’s body designer, Nix, began their career. Every morning and afternoon, Nix stepped into the CRISPR chamber and came out in their androgynous body, expertly fine-tuned after years of tweaks to its programming. Zella knew that it must break their heart to have the changes wear off overnight.
People quickly discovered CRISPR’s profound implications for sports. Most major leagues banned the technology, but side leagues popped up almost immediately. Spectators were fascinated to see what a body perfectly designed for basketball could achieve on the court. And sports like the body decathlon were invented to test the overall limits of the human body.
Zella caught a glimpse of her competition face’s triumphant grin on the stadium’s huge projection screen as she rang the bell at the top of the climbing wall. She was comfortably in the lead now, but she chided herself for the display of arrogance as she repelled down. There were still three other events in today’s race - this wasn’t the time to become complacent.
“Great work,” said Liza as she unclipped Zella’s harness. “Keep it steady on the uneven bars. Remember, elbows straight on the spin. You got this.”
Zella nodded with gratitude. She would never stop being impressed by Liza’s versatility as a coach. Like most other elite body decathletes, Zella worked with specialized coaches for each event. It was crucial to have a head coach like Liza who could pull all the events together. Event coaches always pushed the body designer for tweaks that benefited their own sport. The 200-meter dash coach wants long legs, the boulder carry coach wants bulky arms. Liza was well-versed enough that she knew which adjustments would be detrimental to other events. It was Liza’s direction that led Nix to fine-tune Zella’s competition body to work well for everything.
Zella took a deep breath as she chalked her hands for the uneven bar routine. Of all the events, this one challenged her the most. Each athlete had to complete a pre-set gymnastics routine under a referee's watchful eye. There were no extra points given for perfect form, but certain mistakes could mean disqualification. In every body decathlon, several athletes were usually removed due to a missed catch or a single flip instead of a double. Zella spent months practicing the uneven bars with an olympic gymnast’s physique, barely coming close to completing a successful routine. Her own body was nowhere near flexible enough to execute any of the stunts, so it felt unnatural to trust that her competition body would bend that way.
Zella hopped up to grab the high bar, swung up into a handstand and leapt into her first catch on the low bar. It was going well today. The trick felt good, as natural as walking down the street.
Now for the combination. This was always the toughest to execute. The competition body needed long limbs for climbing and running. These weren’t ideal for gymnastics. Zella had suffered a few embarrassing early-career disqualifications for awkwardly whacking her foot against the bar.
She swung into a pike position, bending her legs up towards her face until the tops of her thighs made contact with the bar. For a moment, she panicked that she might lose her balance, but no, just as she’d done a thousand times in practice, she executed a graceful leap to catch the high bar again. Relief washed over Zella as she completed the final spin around the high bar into a perfect double backflip dismount. The worst was over.
Zella was still in first place, with Ji Yoon on her tail. The Australian, Japanese and South American Republic athletes were close behind. They rounded the track to take their seats at the sewing table. The roar of the crowd always hushed to a whisper at this part of the competition. Fans collectively held their breath to watch close-ups of the athletes’ fingers on the projection screen.
Zella completed her first of twenty stitches, right through the middle of the guideline. It had taken her years to learn how to keep her hands from shaking after the demands of the wall climb and the uneven bars.
As Zella sewed, the long fingers that had been such a boon during the wall climb were feeling more and more like a bad decision. Zella and Ji Yoon were seated next to each other, so she could see that her foe was already completing her tenth stitch, while she had only finished four.
A thunderous gasp rang through the stadium. Zella couldn’t help but look up from her work to catch a glance at the projection screen. She saw a close-up of the Australian athlete’s needle popping through the fabric, ever-so-slightly outside the guideline. This meant instant disqualification. Zella’s heart sank with pity, she’d met the Australian athlete last month at the world championships and liked her.
She narrowed her eyes to focus on her own sewing, She could not afford a similar mistake. Ji Yoon was nearly at the end of the guideline now, how was she going so fast? Zella silently cursed herself for her last-minute choice to lengthen her body’s fingers.
Ji Yoon held her completed stitches over her head triumphantly and raced towards the final event. Zella still had four stitches to go. Finally, after what felt like eons, Zella’s needle made its twentieth stitch. She threw the fabric aside and launched herself up from the table.
The body decathlon’s final event was the boulder carry. Ten rocks of increasing weight had to be moved from one basket to another ten feet away. Most athletes went from lightest to heaviest, but Zella preferred to move the heaviest boulder in the middle to avoid getting too fatigued to lift it.
Ji Yoon was already on her third boulder by the time she arrived, so Zella worked quickly to catch up. She had to resist working too quickly, however, as she knew that any injury made to her competition body would show up on her own body as well.
As Zella heaved the heaviest boulder into the second basket, she saw that Ji Yoon was nearly done, with only two boulders left. Of course, Ji Yoon still had her heaviest boulder to go, while Zella had already taken care of hers. It was hard to tell who was in the lead.
Zella passed Ji Yoon carrying her next boulder, but she still had two more left, while Ji Yoon only had one. The fans in the crowd were all on their feet cheering now. Zella raced back to grab her last boulder. Her rival was almost finished. She’d nearly caught up just as Ji Yoon was tipping her last boulder into the basket. The buzzer sounded. Ji Yoon had finished the day’s events 0.7 seconds ahead of her.
Zella hung her head with disappointment. She remembered that the projection cameras were focused on her, so she tried to remain stoic.
Liza appeared by her side and patted her on the shoulder.
“It’s OK, Zel,” she said. “It’s not over yet. There’s still tomorrow.”
The next morning, the sun was just beginning to rise as Zella and Liza walked through the belly of the stadium to meet Nix at the Americanadian CRISPR chamber.
Nix had already received the olympic committee’s instructions to program today’s body and they were hunched over the machine, entering commands into the control panel. Yesterday, the athletes competed in their own unique competition bodies, but today they would all compete using the same randomly-assigned body. This posed a different test of athletic intelligence; how well could each athlete adapt to a less-than-ideal physique?
To prepare her for this part of the competition, Zella’s training regimen alternated bodies each day. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, she practiced in her ideal competition body. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Nix threw her whatever challenge he could think of - seven-foot-tall bodies, three-foot-tall bodies, toddlers, 75-year-olds, amputees, cancer patients with painful tumors that inhibited her movements, 300-pound bodies, 75-pound bodies - you name it.
The only limits set by the Body Decathlon Federation were that the bodies had to exist within the genetic limits of humanity and they had to theoretically be able to complete the competition. Infants and bodies with extremely low mobility were a no-go.
Zella and Liza waited for Nix to complete the programming instructions, rocking from foot to foot with anticipation. Nix was taking longer than usual today.
“You okay Nix?” asked Liza.
They furrowed their brow. “Um… yep. Almost done, I think.”
“We’ve got lots of time, so don’t rush.” Liza assured them.
“Mhm,” they grunted, running their hands over their chin-length hair nervously as they squinted at the control panel. This confusion was uncharacteristic of Nix. Zella had been working with them for nearly five years and she’d never seen anything phase them.
“Okay. Ready.” Nix finally said and pressed the button that opened the chamber’s door.
Zella entered, the machinery whirred and she felt the tingling rush throughout her body. After twenty minutes, the door clicked open and she stepped out into the room.
Liza and Nix took Zella’s new body in. “A ten-year-old boy?” Liza said, dumbfounded.
Zella looked down and patted her new hands up and down her new body’s smooth chest. “Really? So easy.”
Four years ago, the day-two body at the Olympics had been a fifty-year-old woman with severe scoliosis. Zella was expecting something more challenging. Sure, children’s lack of fine motor control made sewing more difficult and the boulders would be challenging, but overall, a ten-year-old’s body would be a cinch.
Liza shrugged. “If that’s what the instructions said, I’m not going to argue. Let’s go to the field.”
The team moved towards the doorway. Nix drew in their breath as if they wanted to say something. Liza and Zella whirled around.
“What is it, Nix?” Zella asked.
“Um… it’s just... “ Nix looked conflicted. Their eyes darted back and forth between Zella and Liza. “Never mind.”
“If you made a mistake programming the body, now is the time to say so. We can still go back and fix it.” Liza said sternly.
“No, it’s not that at all,” they promised. “It’s nothing. Let’s go.”
Liza rolled her eyes and the three of them began to walk briskly towards the track.
Zella’s team arrived at the starting gates. Now, the only visual difference between the athletes were the flags on their uniforms. Zella always thought it strange that she was a world-famous athlete, but her fans never saw her real face when she competed. Zella saw that most of the other athletes and coaches wore the same bewildered expression at the assignment of the ten-year-old’s body.
Again, the announcer called the athletes to take their places. Zella and Ji Yoon nodded their identical faces towards each other as they lined up at their blocks.
“On your marks…” the announcer called. “Get set… Go!”
The athletes launched into the 200-meter dash. Zella felt her heart rate speed up as she ran. It was more intense than usual, like her heart was about to leap up into her throat. She compensated by taking bigger, gulping breaths into her diaphragm.
Although the body’s heart was racing, its other muscles felt slower than they should, as if she was trying to run under water. She was at the front of the pack, but she didn’t feel like she was performing at her peak. Ji Yoon raced just behind her, also gasping for air.
As Zella and Ji Yoon crossed the 200-meter finish line, a loud gasp resounded around the stadium. Zella glanced backwards to see that the Japanese athlete had tripped and fallen mid-race. Falls during the uneven bars were common, but a fall during the sprint was unheard of. Something about today’s body was not as it seemed.
“Keep your head in the game,” Liza reminded Zella as she fastened her climbing harness.
Zella began scaling the wall. She made what should have been an easy reach for a hold above her head, but found that her hand missed its target. Her legs refused to push straight up off the footholds. She began to take smaller steps, using rungs that were close together. Her heart continued to pound as she climbed. She wondered if Nix had made a mistake in the programming. But if that were true, all the other athletes would be ahead of her by now and she was still leading the pack by a hair.
After several agonizing minutes of struggle, Zella rang the bell at the top of the wall. She looked up at her family in the stands and saw her nephew, Kit staring down at her, his eyes wide with shock.
The moment she locked eyes with Kit, she knew.
Her mind flashed back over memories of anxious, late-night phone calls with her sister, Malya. The hours they’d spent poring over clinical test reports, trying to decipher the doctors’ notes on Kit’s condition. CRISPR treatments had improved his prognosis, but they couldn’t cure him entirely. He still lived with the unique challenge of having a neuromuscular disability that was invisible at first glance. Malya worried he’d be bullied on the playground for his clumsiness. People were always confused as to why he couldn’t do the same physical activities as his classmates.
Zella realized that today’s competition body must be burdened with a neuromuscular disease similar to Kit’s. As she repelled down the wall, she mulled over what to do with this information. She guessed that most of the other contestants hadn’t caught on yet and would continue to use the body as if it were a typical ten-year-old’s. She could use this to her advantage.
“Something seems off today, but keep pushing,” Liza said as she unfastened Zella’s harness. Ji Yoon had also just made it down the wall, so they were tied for first.
“I got this.” Zella nodded confidently and jogged away from the climbing wall towards the next event.
The gymnastics event at day two of the body decathlon took place on a balance beam instead of the uneven bars. The upper-body strength required to complete the uneven bar routine was too difficult for most bodies. Still, Zella knew she’d have to be cautious.
She clenched her muscles and pushed herself up onto the beam. Pausing for a moment, she considered how she might complete the first spin. She decided to copy a technique she’d seen Kit use on the playground. She took a deep breath in and focused her eyes on a spot in front of her before attempting the trick. Slowly and carefully, Zella executed the move. Success. Only two more moves to go.
She rose to her feet and lifted her arms over her head. Now for the split jump. Remembering that there were no points given for perfect form, Zella completed the smallest amount of movement allowed. Even then, she had to strain against the cramps in her legs and she wobbled as she landed on the beam.
All around her, other athletes were falling off their beams and disqualifying themselves. Beside her, Ji Yoon wind-milled her arms, nearly losing her balance after the leap.
Last was the cartwheel dismount. She recalled the summer when Kit first received his diagnosis. One of the early clues that something in his body was amiss was that his elbows kept giving out when he attempted a cartwheel. Zella copied the form she’d seen him use with bent arms. She sank low to absorb the shock in her legs as she landed.
Suddenly, the crowd let out a loud “ooh!” The projection screen showed an instant replay of the French athlete painfully smacking their shoulder as he failed his dismount.
Only five athletes remained in the competition when Zella sat down at the sewing tables. She knew she’d have to be extremely cautious to avoid disqualification.
She picked up her needle and thread. It took six tries today to thread the needle because her hand kept slipping and missing the hole. Slowly, painstakingly, she made the first stitch, then another. She moved at a snail’s pace, watching as other athletes attempted to rush through and were disqualified. Ji Yoon seemed to sense that slow and steady was the best bet as well and she crept along with Zella. By the time they finished their twenty stitches, nearly thirty minutes later, the two rivals were the only athletes left in the competition.
Zella put down her sewing and jogged with dread towards the boulder carry. How would she ever complete it? The day-two boulders were lighter than yesterday’s, but it would still be an inconceivable challenge.
Zella mulled over the problem. Maybe rolling the boulders would be easier. There were no rules against rolling, but this would use up so much extra time. It was a risky move, but it would pay off immensely if she managed to preserve her strength and Ji Yoon tapped out early. Zella heard the crowd muttering with confusion as she began to roll the smallest boulder.
By the time her first boulder was in the basket, Ji Yoon was already way ahead of her, carrying her third. Zella began to worry that she’d guessed wrong.
She snapped back to attention and scolded herself for focusing on Ji Yoon. There was no point in looking at what her competitor was doing. She’d decided on her strategy and she would stick with it.
By the time Zella had moved her third boulder, things were looking as though they might take a turn. Ji Yoon was working on her fifth boulder and struggling miserably. For the sixth, she began to copy Zella’s method of rolling them. Zella managed to catch up and the two athletes rolled their sixth boulders into their baskets at exactly the same time.
Zella decided that now was the time to try the heaviest boulder. She knew she’d have to save some strength for the end. She heaved against the rock with all her might and it barely moved an inch. Ji Yoon passed her with the seventh-heaviest boulder. Little by little, she rolled it across the field.
When Zella finally tipped the heaviest boulder into the basket, Ji Yoon was working on her ninth boulder, struggling against its weight. Her competitor stopped mid-field, her hands on her thighs, painting with exhaustion and Zella caught up. Both athletes tipped their ninth boulders into the basket at the same time. They were tied again with one more rock to go, although Ji Yoon still had her heaviest. Both athletes trudged back to the first basket.
Ji Yoon braced her body against the boulder. It didn’t budge. She’d used up all her strength and couldn’t push any longer. Zella realized that the cobalt medal was hers, just as long as she could move the last boulder. Her body was so sore by now, it felt like her arms and legs might fall out of their sockets. She stretched the fingers of her hands in the same way she’d seen Kit do it. She steeled herself and began to move the last rock.
It took all her might, every last ounce of strength she had to roll it across the floor. She passed Ji Yoon and saw tears running down her competitor’s face as she tried in vain to catch up. Zella heaved and heaved, taking breaks to breath and stretch out her fingers. She worried that Ji Yoon might regain her strength at any minute.
In the stands, the Americanadian fans were on their feet, fervently waving their flags and cheering. She saw Kit yelling, “Go! Go!” She knew she had to win this for him. If she could do this, it would help prove that he could live any kind of life he wanted. Determined, she made the final heave and the boulder landed in the basket. Zella collapsed on the ground, exhausted but elated. She’d won.
Liza and Nix rushed onto the field to join her. They lifted her up with her arms around their shoulders and helped her walk to the first-place podium. Someone brought out a cobalt medal and hung it around her neck.
“I wanted to tell you!” Nix whispered breathlessly in her ear as she waved to the cameras. “I wanted to tell you so badly, but I knew it was against the rules.”
“I know,” Zella nodded. “I figured it out, I guess.”
Nix and Liza raised Zella’s exhausted arms over her head in triumph. Ji Yoon nodded at her respectfully. She would take home the silver for advancing the farthest of any other competitors.
Zella’s family made their way down from the stands and joined her on the field. Her wife embraced her and kissed her deeply. She knelt down to meet Kit’s eye and the two looked at each other knowingly for a long time.
“I’m proud of you, Auntie,” Kit said.
“I’m proud of you,” said Zella and she pulled him in for a hug.
As usual, the tingling subsided as soon as Zella stepped out of the chamber. She looked down over her new body - well by now, she’d spent so much time in this body, pushing it to its physical limits, the lines were starting to blur between this body and her own. She studied her hands.
“You know what,” she said carefully. “Let’s do the longer fingers.”
“You sure?” asked Nix. “These are the ones I gave you for the time trials yesterday.”
“Yep. I was thinking about it last night. They didn't feel quite right.”
Zella turned on her heels and clicked the door to the chamber open again.
“Zel, this isn’t the time to play around,” her coach, Liza, said sternly from over Nix’s shoulder. “Your career is on the line.”
“I’m sure.” Zella said confidently as she lay down on the chamber’s smooth white bench. “Change the fingers.”
Nix tapped on the projection display in front of him and the chamber’s machinery whirred. Zella felt the familiar pins and needles, but only in her fingers this time. Finally, the whirring stopped and the door’s lock clicked open again.
“Perfect,” Zella said, admiring Nix’s work. “Let’s go.”
As Zella, Nix and Liza wove their way through the smooth, gray halls of the stadium’s interior, Zella took deep breaths to calm her anxiety. There was so much at stake. Sure, she’d been a world champion several times over, but the Olympics was a different thing altogether. Earning a cobalt medal at the centuries-old games, could mean lucrative sponsorships, projector broadcasts around the world, becoming a household name. 2084 was only the third year that body decathlon was recognized as an official olympic event, so there wasn’t much precedent to look to for clues about what today’s competition might be like.
Zella was one of the last to arrive at the track. Most of the other athletes were already warming up their competition bodies. Zella scanned the crowd until she locked eyes with Ji Yoon Kim. She instantly recognized the intimidating scowl that the United Korean Peninsula athlete chose for her competition body’s face. The grimace had become something of a calling card and Zella had seen Ji Yoon’s fans wearing caricatures of it on t-shirts.
Ji Yoon and Zella had been neck and neck in the standings for the last two years, alternating first and second place at other world-class body decathlons. Winning the olympic cobalt would solidify one of them as the reigning champion. Zella had sighed with relief when she found out she’d beat Ji Yoon at the time trials yesterday, although it was only by half a second.
Ji Yoon shot Zella a nod of recognition, then went back to bending straight down over her competitive body’s long, muscular legs. Zella noticed that she’d chosen to fill out her body’s shoulders a tiny bit since yesterday. Smart move. She’d seen Ji Yoon lagging a bit during the boulder carry at time trials.
The announcer’s voice sounded through the stadium ordering the athletes to take their places at the starting gates. Cheers roared around the building. Zella scanned the stands looking for Americanadian flags. It was hard to believe that so much time had passed since the civil war, that the Americanadian team could sit right next to the Dixieland team with no violence.
She spotted her family sitting in the front row of the balcony, decked-out in maple leaves and stripes. She caught her wife, Charelle’s eye and blew her a kiss. Her sister, Malya and twelve-year-old nephew, Kit waved excitedly, their faces painted red white and blue. Zella beamed, she knew it’d been difficult for her sister and nephew to travel and she was so grateful to see them there.
Zella took a deep, calming breath as she pushed her feet up against the starting blocks. The organizers had placed her and Ji Yoon beside each other in the center of the track. Zella willed herself not to peek over at her rival
“On your marks,” spoke the announcer through the speakers.
“Get set.” Zella tucked her chin.
Zella breezed through the 200-meter dash, Ji Yoon right beside her. The two of them pulled slightly ahead of the rest of the pack. They worked the sinewy legs of their competition bodies until they reached a sprinting speed of almost thirty miles an hour. They passed the 200-meter finish line and kept sprinting down the track towards the climbing wall. Zella saw Liza waiting with the harness ready.
“You’re doing great,” Liza whispered as she fastened Zella’s buckles. “Remember, clear mind, think only about the competition at hand.”
Zella nodded and hooked her foot into the first rung of the 50-foot wall climb. She pushed up on her competition body’s strong feet and began to ascend. The long, slender fingers Nix built for her were stretching perfectly to reach the holds in the rock. Much better than yesterday. Zella silently celebrated her smart decision as she looked down and saw Ji Yoon climbing ten feet below her.
She focused on the wall, pushing her competition body to move up the rocks as quickly as possible. Zella executed movements she’d never dream of achieving in her natural 45-year-old woman’s body. The proliferation of body swapping sports had been a gift for older athletes and female athletes like Zella. Suddenly, she could compete in a situation where her athletic intelligence was the most important factor, as opposed to her body’s physical traits.
CRISPR, the technology that supported body-swapping sports, had matured in the late 2030s, but it hadn’t been used for recreation until the last decade. When it was first developed, the changes CRISPR made to human DNA were unpredictable. A CRISPR mutation that was meant to cure Multiple Sclerosis left the patient with limb paralysis. A treatment for blindness also caused seizures. Not only were these changes permanent and irreversible, scientists were shocked to find that the mutations lived on into the children of these patients and into the next generation as well.
After some time, CRISPR technology became more precise, but the process was still prohibitively expensive. For the next two decades it was reserved for curing debilitating diseases. Of course there were debates over the ethics of using CRISPR to make yourself taller or more attractive, but these were mostly theoretical. The long-term side effects were still unknown, so people were wary of using it to give themselves bigger breasts or bluer eyes.
In the 2070s, however, a breakthrough made the CRISPR process much faster and more affordable, but the DNA changes made using this method wore off after six hours. The impermanent results almost made this technique even more exciting. A revolution in body experimentation began.
People harnessed the technology for sexual adventures and movie stunts. It was used to help the elderly regain mobility. CRISPR salons sprung up where customers could alter their appearances before a night out on the town. It became illegal to seduce another person in a CRISPR body without disclosure.
The technology was life-changing for the trans and gender-fluid community. Suddenly, trans people could experience life within the exact bodies they were meant to have. This was how Zella’s body designer, Nix, began their career. Every morning and afternoon, Nix stepped into the CRISPR chamber and came out in their androgynous body, expertly fine-tuned after years of tweaks to its programming. Zella knew that it must break their heart to have the changes wear off overnight.
People quickly discovered CRISPR’s profound implications for sports. Most major leagues banned the technology, but side leagues popped up almost immediately. Spectators were fascinated to see what a body perfectly designed for basketball could achieve on the court. And sports like the body decathlon were invented to test the overall limits of the human body.
Zella caught a glimpse of her competition face’s triumphant grin on the stadium’s huge projection screen as she rang the bell at the top of the climbing wall. She was comfortably in the lead now, but she chided herself for the display of arrogance as she repelled down. There were still three other events in today’s race - this wasn’t the time to become complacent.
“Great work,” said Liza as she unclipped Zella’s harness. “Keep it steady on the uneven bars. Remember, elbows straight on the spin. You got this.”
Zella nodded with gratitude. She would never stop being impressed by Liza’s versatility as a coach. Like most other elite body decathletes, Zella worked with specialized coaches for each event. It was crucial to have a head coach like Liza who could pull all the events together. Event coaches always pushed the body designer for tweaks that benefited their own sport. The 200-meter dash coach wants long legs, the boulder carry coach wants bulky arms. Liza was well-versed enough that she knew which adjustments would be detrimental to other events. It was Liza’s direction that led Nix to fine-tune Zella’s competition body to work well for everything.
Zella took a deep breath as she chalked her hands for the uneven bar routine. Of all the events, this one challenged her the most. Each athlete had to complete a pre-set gymnastics routine under a referee's watchful eye. There were no extra points given for perfect form, but certain mistakes could mean disqualification. In every body decathlon, several athletes were usually removed due to a missed catch or a single flip instead of a double. Zella spent months practicing the uneven bars with an olympic gymnast’s physique, barely coming close to completing a successful routine. Her own body was nowhere near flexible enough to execute any of the stunts, so it felt unnatural to trust that her competition body would bend that way.
Zella hopped up to grab the high bar, swung up into a handstand and leapt into her first catch on the low bar. It was going well today. The trick felt good, as natural as walking down the street.
Now for the combination. This was always the toughest to execute. The competition body needed long limbs for climbing and running. These weren’t ideal for gymnastics. Zella had suffered a few embarrassing early-career disqualifications for awkwardly whacking her foot against the bar.
She swung into a pike position, bending her legs up towards her face until the tops of her thighs made contact with the bar. For a moment, she panicked that she might lose her balance, but no, just as she’d done a thousand times in practice, she executed a graceful leap to catch the high bar again. Relief washed over Zella as she completed the final spin around the high bar into a perfect double backflip dismount. The worst was over.
Zella was still in first place, with Ji Yoon on her tail. The Australian, Japanese and South American Republic athletes were close behind. They rounded the track to take their seats at the sewing table. The roar of the crowd always hushed to a whisper at this part of the competition. Fans collectively held their breath to watch close-ups of the athletes’ fingers on the projection screen.
Zella completed her first of twenty stitches, right through the middle of the guideline. It had taken her years to learn how to keep her hands from shaking after the demands of the wall climb and the uneven bars.
As Zella sewed, the long fingers that had been such a boon during the wall climb were feeling more and more like a bad decision. Zella and Ji Yoon were seated next to each other, so she could see that her foe was already completing her tenth stitch, while she had only finished four.
A thunderous gasp rang through the stadium. Zella couldn’t help but look up from her work to catch a glance at the projection screen. She saw a close-up of the Australian athlete’s needle popping through the fabric, ever-so-slightly outside the guideline. This meant instant disqualification. Zella’s heart sank with pity, she’d met the Australian athlete last month at the world championships and liked her.
She narrowed her eyes to focus on her own sewing, She could not afford a similar mistake. Ji Yoon was nearly at the end of the guideline now, how was she going so fast? Zella silently cursed herself for her last-minute choice to lengthen her body’s fingers.
Ji Yoon held her completed stitches over her head triumphantly and raced towards the final event. Zella still had four stitches to go. Finally, after what felt like eons, Zella’s needle made its twentieth stitch. She threw the fabric aside and launched herself up from the table.
The body decathlon’s final event was the boulder carry. Ten rocks of increasing weight had to be moved from one basket to another ten feet away. Most athletes went from lightest to heaviest, but Zella preferred to move the heaviest boulder in the middle to avoid getting too fatigued to lift it.
Ji Yoon was already on her third boulder by the time she arrived, so Zella worked quickly to catch up. She had to resist working too quickly, however, as she knew that any injury made to her competition body would show up on her own body as well.
As Zella heaved the heaviest boulder into the second basket, she saw that Ji Yoon was nearly done, with only two boulders left. Of course, Ji Yoon still had her heaviest boulder to go, while Zella had already taken care of hers. It was hard to tell who was in the lead.
Zella passed Ji Yoon carrying her next boulder, but she still had two more left, while Ji Yoon only had one. The fans in the crowd were all on their feet cheering now. Zella raced back to grab her last boulder. Her rival was almost finished. She’d nearly caught up just as Ji Yoon was tipping her last boulder into the basket. The buzzer sounded. Ji Yoon had finished the day’s events 0.7 seconds ahead of her.
Zella hung her head with disappointment. She remembered that the projection cameras were focused on her, so she tried to remain stoic.
Liza appeared by her side and patted her on the shoulder.
“It’s OK, Zel,” she said. “It’s not over yet. There’s still tomorrow.”
The next morning, the sun was just beginning to rise as Zella and Liza walked through the belly of the stadium to meet Nix at the Americanadian CRISPR chamber.
Nix had already received the olympic committee’s instructions to program today’s body and they were hunched over the machine, entering commands into the control panel. Yesterday, the athletes competed in their own unique competition bodies, but today they would all compete using the same randomly-assigned body. This posed a different test of athletic intelligence; how well could each athlete adapt to a less-than-ideal physique?
To prepare her for this part of the competition, Zella’s training regimen alternated bodies each day. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, she practiced in her ideal competition body. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Nix threw her whatever challenge he could think of - seven-foot-tall bodies, three-foot-tall bodies, toddlers, 75-year-olds, amputees, cancer patients with painful tumors that inhibited her movements, 300-pound bodies, 75-pound bodies - you name it.
The only limits set by the Body Decathlon Federation were that the bodies had to exist within the genetic limits of humanity and they had to theoretically be able to complete the competition. Infants and bodies with extremely low mobility were a no-go.
Zella and Liza waited for Nix to complete the programming instructions, rocking from foot to foot with anticipation. Nix was taking longer than usual today.
“You okay Nix?” asked Liza.
They furrowed their brow. “Um… yep. Almost done, I think.”
“We’ve got lots of time, so don’t rush.” Liza assured them.
“Mhm,” they grunted, running their hands over their chin-length hair nervously as they squinted at the control panel. This confusion was uncharacteristic of Nix. Zella had been working with them for nearly five years and she’d never seen anything phase them.
“Okay. Ready.” Nix finally said and pressed the button that opened the chamber’s door.
Zella entered, the machinery whirred and she felt the tingling rush throughout her body. After twenty minutes, the door clicked open and she stepped out into the room.
Liza and Nix took Zella’s new body in. “A ten-year-old boy?” Liza said, dumbfounded.
Zella looked down and patted her new hands up and down her new body’s smooth chest. “Really? So easy.”
Four years ago, the day-two body at the Olympics had been a fifty-year-old woman with severe scoliosis. Zella was expecting something more challenging. Sure, children’s lack of fine motor control made sewing more difficult and the boulders would be challenging, but overall, a ten-year-old’s body would be a cinch.
Liza shrugged. “If that’s what the instructions said, I’m not going to argue. Let’s go to the field.”
The team moved towards the doorway. Nix drew in their breath as if they wanted to say something. Liza and Zella whirled around.
“What is it, Nix?” Zella asked.
“Um… it’s just... “ Nix looked conflicted. Their eyes darted back and forth between Zella and Liza. “Never mind.”
“If you made a mistake programming the body, now is the time to say so. We can still go back and fix it.” Liza said sternly.
“No, it’s not that at all,” they promised. “It’s nothing. Let’s go.”
Liza rolled her eyes and the three of them began to walk briskly towards the track.
Zella’s team arrived at the starting gates. Now, the only visual difference between the athletes were the flags on their uniforms. Zella always thought it strange that she was a world-famous athlete, but her fans never saw her real face when she competed. Zella saw that most of the other athletes and coaches wore the same bewildered expression at the assignment of the ten-year-old’s body.
Again, the announcer called the athletes to take their places. Zella and Ji Yoon nodded their identical faces towards each other as they lined up at their blocks.
“On your marks…” the announcer called. “Get set… Go!”
The athletes launched into the 200-meter dash. Zella felt her heart rate speed up as she ran. It was more intense than usual, like her heart was about to leap up into her throat. She compensated by taking bigger, gulping breaths into her diaphragm.
Although the body’s heart was racing, its other muscles felt slower than they should, as if she was trying to run under water. She was at the front of the pack, but she didn’t feel like she was performing at her peak. Ji Yoon raced just behind her, also gasping for air.
As Zella and Ji Yoon crossed the 200-meter finish line, a loud gasp resounded around the stadium. Zella glanced backwards to see that the Japanese athlete had tripped and fallen mid-race. Falls during the uneven bars were common, but a fall during the sprint was unheard of. Something about today’s body was not as it seemed.
“Keep your head in the game,” Liza reminded Zella as she fastened her climbing harness.
Zella began scaling the wall. She made what should have been an easy reach for a hold above her head, but found that her hand missed its target. Her legs refused to push straight up off the footholds. She began to take smaller steps, using rungs that were close together. Her heart continued to pound as she climbed. She wondered if Nix had made a mistake in the programming. But if that were true, all the other athletes would be ahead of her by now and she was still leading the pack by a hair.
After several agonizing minutes of struggle, Zella rang the bell at the top of the wall. She looked up at her family in the stands and saw her nephew, Kit staring down at her, his eyes wide with shock.
The moment she locked eyes with Kit, she knew.
Her mind flashed back over memories of anxious, late-night phone calls with her sister, Malya. The hours they’d spent poring over clinical test reports, trying to decipher the doctors’ notes on Kit’s condition. CRISPR treatments had improved his prognosis, but they couldn’t cure him entirely. He still lived with the unique challenge of having a neuromuscular disability that was invisible at first glance. Malya worried he’d be bullied on the playground for his clumsiness. People were always confused as to why he couldn’t do the same physical activities as his classmates.
Zella realized that today’s competition body must be burdened with a neuromuscular disease similar to Kit’s. As she repelled down the wall, she mulled over what to do with this information. She guessed that most of the other contestants hadn’t caught on yet and would continue to use the body as if it were a typical ten-year-old’s. She could use this to her advantage.
“Something seems off today, but keep pushing,” Liza said as she unfastened Zella’s harness. Ji Yoon had also just made it down the wall, so they were tied for first.
“I got this.” Zella nodded confidently and jogged away from the climbing wall towards the next event.
The gymnastics event at day two of the body decathlon took place on a balance beam instead of the uneven bars. The upper-body strength required to complete the uneven bar routine was too difficult for most bodies. Still, Zella knew she’d have to be cautious.
She clenched her muscles and pushed herself up onto the beam. Pausing for a moment, she considered how she might complete the first spin. She decided to copy a technique she’d seen Kit use on the playground. She took a deep breath in and focused her eyes on a spot in front of her before attempting the trick. Slowly and carefully, Zella executed the move. Success. Only two more moves to go.
She rose to her feet and lifted her arms over her head. Now for the split jump. Remembering that there were no points given for perfect form, Zella completed the smallest amount of movement allowed. Even then, she had to strain against the cramps in her legs and she wobbled as she landed on the beam.
All around her, other athletes were falling off their beams and disqualifying themselves. Beside her, Ji Yoon wind-milled her arms, nearly losing her balance after the leap.
Last was the cartwheel dismount. She recalled the summer when Kit first received his diagnosis. One of the early clues that something in his body was amiss was that his elbows kept giving out when he attempted a cartwheel. Zella copied the form she’d seen him use with bent arms. She sank low to absorb the shock in her legs as she landed.
Suddenly, the crowd let out a loud “ooh!” The projection screen showed an instant replay of the French athlete painfully smacking their shoulder as he failed his dismount.
Only five athletes remained in the competition when Zella sat down at the sewing tables. She knew she’d have to be extremely cautious to avoid disqualification.
She picked up her needle and thread. It took six tries today to thread the needle because her hand kept slipping and missing the hole. Slowly, painstakingly, she made the first stitch, then another. She moved at a snail’s pace, watching as other athletes attempted to rush through and were disqualified. Ji Yoon seemed to sense that slow and steady was the best bet as well and she crept along with Zella. By the time they finished their twenty stitches, nearly thirty minutes later, the two rivals were the only athletes left in the competition.
Zella put down her sewing and jogged with dread towards the boulder carry. How would she ever complete it? The day-two boulders were lighter than yesterday’s, but it would still be an inconceivable challenge.
Zella mulled over the problem. Maybe rolling the boulders would be easier. There were no rules against rolling, but this would use up so much extra time. It was a risky move, but it would pay off immensely if she managed to preserve her strength and Ji Yoon tapped out early. Zella heard the crowd muttering with confusion as she began to roll the smallest boulder.
By the time her first boulder was in the basket, Ji Yoon was already way ahead of her, carrying her third. Zella began to worry that she’d guessed wrong.
She snapped back to attention and scolded herself for focusing on Ji Yoon. There was no point in looking at what her competitor was doing. She’d decided on her strategy and she would stick with it.
By the time Zella had moved her third boulder, things were looking as though they might take a turn. Ji Yoon was working on her fifth boulder and struggling miserably. For the sixth, she began to copy Zella’s method of rolling them. Zella managed to catch up and the two athletes rolled their sixth boulders into their baskets at exactly the same time.
Zella decided that now was the time to try the heaviest boulder. She knew she’d have to save some strength for the end. She heaved against the rock with all her might and it barely moved an inch. Ji Yoon passed her with the seventh-heaviest boulder. Little by little, she rolled it across the field.
When Zella finally tipped the heaviest boulder into the basket, Ji Yoon was working on her ninth boulder, struggling against its weight. Her competitor stopped mid-field, her hands on her thighs, painting with exhaustion and Zella caught up. Both athletes tipped their ninth boulders into the basket at the same time. They were tied again with one more rock to go, although Ji Yoon still had her heaviest. Both athletes trudged back to the first basket.
Ji Yoon braced her body against the boulder. It didn’t budge. She’d used up all her strength and couldn’t push any longer. Zella realized that the cobalt medal was hers, just as long as she could move the last boulder. Her body was so sore by now, it felt like her arms and legs might fall out of their sockets. She stretched the fingers of her hands in the same way she’d seen Kit do it. She steeled herself and began to move the last rock.
It took all her might, every last ounce of strength she had to roll it across the floor. She passed Ji Yoon and saw tears running down her competitor’s face as she tried in vain to catch up. Zella heaved and heaved, taking breaks to breath and stretch out her fingers. She worried that Ji Yoon might regain her strength at any minute.
In the stands, the Americanadian fans were on their feet, fervently waving their flags and cheering. She saw Kit yelling, “Go! Go!” She knew she had to win this for him. If she could do this, it would help prove that he could live any kind of life he wanted. Determined, she made the final heave and the boulder landed in the basket. Zella collapsed on the ground, exhausted but elated. She’d won.
Liza and Nix rushed onto the field to join her. They lifted her up with her arms around their shoulders and helped her walk to the first-place podium. Someone brought out a cobalt medal and hung it around her neck.
“I wanted to tell you!” Nix whispered breathlessly in her ear as she waved to the cameras. “I wanted to tell you so badly, but I knew it was against the rules.”
“I know,” Zella nodded. “I figured it out, I guess.”
Nix and Liza raised Zella’s exhausted arms over her head in triumph. Ji Yoon nodded at her respectfully. She would take home the silver for advancing the farthest of any other competitors.
Zella’s family made their way down from the stands and joined her on the field. Her wife embraced her and kissed her deeply. She knelt down to meet Kit’s eye and the two looked at each other knowingly for a long time.
“I’m proud of you, Auntie,” Kit said.
“I’m proud of you,” said Zella and she pulled him in for a hug.
The plans for Stealth Control have been leaked onto the dark web. A mistreated loner decides to use the technology to take control of his small town.
I knew my girlfriend Anna was mad at me by the way she slammed my car door. She knew I hated that, but it was her go to move whenever she was pissed at me. “Something wrong?” I asked irritably as we walked up to Dustin’s apartment.
“Yeah. I told you I wanted to go shopping, Kyle, not go to your dorky friend’s house.”
“He’s not my friend,” I argued. “Not really”
“Bullshit! You hang out with him at least a couple times a month.”
“We play games or watch movies. Doesn’t mean we’re tight.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Anna said sarcastically. “He’s just an acquaintance that you hang out with on a regular basis and share hobbies and interests with. Like a friend!”
“Look, I only do it because he helped me graduate last year. You know this.”
“Doesn’t mean you owe him a kidney or anything.”
“This is hardly a kidney. He asked for me to stop by today, and to bring you along. He said it was really important, and fuck it, I owe him.”
Before we got to the steps that led to Dustin’s third floor apartment, my girlfriend grabbed my arm to stop me. “You don’t owe him anything. You were nice to him at school, and that was enough. You can stop now. He’s a lost cause.”
I just smiled at her, and shrugged free of her grip. I hated when she tried to tell me what to do, which was becoming more and more frequent.
As she huffed behind me, she kept on grumbling. “Why the hell did I have to come anyway?”
I tried to placate as we climbed the stairs. “I’m sure it’ll be quick. He probably just needs a woman’s perspective on something, and that’s why he had me bring you.”
Anna groaned. “My perspective is that he hit a treadmill and shower more than once a week. Let’s just go. Let’s say that something came up and you can come back by yourself tomorrow.”
I whirled around to face her. “Give me a blowjob in the car and you got a deal.”
She pursed her lips. “Counter offer. I let you be single again.”
I sighed. “Sorry,” I said half heartedly. “But he probably already saw us pull up. Let’s just go. It’ll be quick, then I’ll take you shopping.”
She stared at me for a moment, weighing her options, deciding if this was the hill she wanted to die on. Finally, she said, “Fine, but if all he does is look me in the tits like last time I saw him, I’m out.”
As I turned my back on her, I said, “They are nice looking tits.”
She punched me in the butt and said, “You must really miss being single.”
We got to his door, and I looked at Anna. She had arranged her pretty face into something that made you think she wasn’t totally annoyed at your presence, which was close enough for me. I knocked.
Dustin answered the door immediately, like he had been waiting on the other side. He ushered us in enthusiastically saying, “Thank you so much for coming. Come in, come in. It’s good to see you both.”
Dustin was shorter than us both. I’m tall, about 6 foot 4 inches, but Anna’s like, 5 foot 9 or something. And Dustin is even shorter. It’s probably why he got picked on so much in high school. That and his interpersonal skills were fucking terrible. I’m pretty sure I was the only friend he had, which was really more of an alliance born out of necessity. He helped me graduate, and I kept him from getting forced into lockers.
“Alright, Dustin,” I said as he shut the door. “Anna and I are in a hurry, so we won’t be able to stay long. What did you want to show us?”
Dustin smiled in a mad scientist sort of way that I knew Anna would find a little unnerving. “Only something that’s going to blow your mind.” He snapped his fingers and pointed at me as if remembering something. “But first, can I offer you both a drink?”
“Uh, no thanks,” I informed him under the watchful eye of my girlfriend.
“Are you sure? I just made mimosas.” He said, looking hopefully at Anna.
He made eye contact with her for two whole seconds before I saw his eyes drift down to her boobs. The girls in school had always thought he was a creep, and that wasn’t going to change anytime soon. And since he didn’t like sports or talking about cars, which was what every guy cared about in our small rural town, he pretty much assured himself that he was going to be a loner.
What Dustin liked was computers and smelling like a combination of body odor and nachos. But the guy had helped me graduate by hacking into the school’s servers and changing a couple of grades. Since we were one of a few recent graduates that hadn’t gone off to college, I didn’t mind hanging out with him from time to time. But my girlfriend sure seemed had a problem with it.
I watched Anna stare daggers at him, then look at me and mouth the word, “Tits.” But Dustin had said something I knew would spark her attention. She sighed, snapped her fingers near her eyes, causing Dustin to look at her in the face and said, “Eyes up here, creep. Yes, I will have a mimosa.”
“Me too, I guess,” I said. “But not too much. I’m driving.”
As he turned his back on us, I thought I heard mumble, “It won’t take much.”
He came back seconds later and handed us plastic cups, one filled to the brim, the other, only halfway. “I remember you liking mimosas, Anna.” Dustin said. “I figured you couldn’t say no to one.”
Anna took a sip and said, “You figured right, Dustbin.”
I saw Dustin bristle at his old high school nickname, something he got all the way back in elementary school. Someone called him Dustbin because he often came to school dirty and smelly, like that Peanuts character. I knew he hated the nickname. Anna knew it too. It was how she not so subtly voiced her displeasure at being here.
I watched Dustin’s eyes grow dark, and for a second I thought he was going to tell Anna off. But then he seemed to veil his annoyance at my girlfriend, and said, “Well I hope you like it.” He looked at me with a nervous expectation. “Try yours too, Kyle.”
“You promise there’s not too much alcohol in this?”
He blew air out his nose. “No. You’ll barely even know it's there.”
“Is that why it tastes funny?” Anna asked.
I looked into the glass dubiously.
“Just please try it,” Dustin begged. “Just a sip.”
I rolled my eyes and brought the cup up to my lips. As the liquid passed into my mouth, Dustin broke into a huge grin. I didn’t know what he was so happy about. It was not the best mimosa I’d ever had. Anna was right. There was a funny taste.
I downed it though and said, “You’re right. I couldn’t taste any alcohol.”
“Me neither,” Anna complained.
“I’m sorry,” Dustin apologized. “It was probably 98 percent orange juice. Kyle, can I see you in the other room real quick?”
I looked towards the only other room he must be talking about. It was a one bedroom apartment after all. The door to it was open and I could see clothes strewn about the floor and at least two empty pizza boxes. “Whatever you needed us for, can’t you show us out here?”
Dustin rubbed his hands together. “I’ve got to show it to you, and only you, first.”
I hesitated, but my girlfriend prodded me to action. “Just go so we can get out of here.”
I looked towards the room again, and wondered how long I could hold my breath. “Okay, but make it quick.” I walked into the room, followed closely by Dustin. He shut the door behind me, leaving my girlfriend alone in his living room. I was jealous of her, because at least the smell was better out there.
The only furniture in his room was a small bed currently full of comic books, and a computer desk with a chair.
Dustin sat at his computer desk, and since there was no other place, I moved some comic books on his bed so I could sit down. “Alright,” I said insistently. “What’s up?”
I watched him become more animated than I’ve ever seen him before as he asked, “Have you ever heard of Stealth Control?”
I nodded slowly. “Yeah. I heard about it. It was some government project, right? And people got all worried and there were all these conspiracies. But all that blew over and now it’s used at some resort. People our age can go on vacation there so other people can experience a vacation through their eyes. Like through virtual reality or something.”
Dustin turned towards his computer screen and pointed at a black screen filled with white ones and zeros. “It’s better than that.”
“Okay. I’m sure it’s great. We done here?”
Dustin gave me a disappointed look. “You don’t understand. This is incredible technology that allows others to hijack someone else’s mind and control their actions. It’s so much more than virtual reality.”
I nodded along, but was quickly losing patience.
He continued. “Someone on the dark web leaked everything about this project, and I mean everything. How it all works. How to build a working prototype. How to put together the necessary transmitters. How to utilize the program. It took a long time to read through, and even longer to build, but I did it. The only thing that was hard to get my hands on were the neuro-receivers themselves. I had to order them from some very sketchy people online, but I got them. And today I get to see if they work.”
“I’m going to pretend like I understood any of that. Good luck with your stealth project. I’m going to go try and make my girlfriend not mad at me for the rest of the day so I can maybe get lucky later.”
“Wait!” he exclaimed. “Give me thirty seconds to show you how awesome this is!”
I gave an exasperated sigh. “Let’s see it.”
I watched as his fingers flew across the keyboard for ten seconds. Then he picked up a round silver halo looking thing and put it on his head and began to explain. “This is very rudimentary of course. I’m sure the resort has much better equipment, but this should still be sufficient. By putting this on, I become the sender. And if it works, you become the receiver.”
I guffawed. “Wait, what? How can I be a receiver? I thought I read that the people in Stealth Control had to get a shot of neuro somethings.”
“Neuro-receivers, yes. They had to be injected into the bloodstream, yeah,” he said. “They’ve made a few advances though. For one, they can be given orally. And two, instead of a 24 hour period, they can stay in the body indefinitely.”
Before he finished talking, I realized what he’d done. He’d spiked the mimosas with something he’d gotten from some shady website. He was going to kill me and Anna.
Before I could lash out at him, he said, “Here goes nothing,” and pressed the enter button on his keyboard.
Nothing was right. I watched with some alarm as he slumped forward. A pulse of alarm ran through my body. I stood up quickly and looked at my friend. What was he playing at? I wanted to yell at him for spiking our drinks, but I decided not to give him the attention he so obviously wanted. I turned on the camera on his monitor instead and looked at myself reflected on the screen.
I let out a whoop! I’m not a narcissist, not compared to my girlfriend anyway, but I did know I looked good. At that moment, I thought I looked so good that I started flexing my biceps, and pounded my abs a few times with my meaty fists.
“It feels good in here!” I proclaimed to Dustin, who still showed no movement at all. I didn’t care. It gave me a good excuse to leave. But before I went, I decided to tell him a message on his computer that I was taking off.
“Okay, don’t hate me because of what I’m about to do,” I said to the camera. I winked at myself. That should be enough. And then I walked out of the room, and closed the door behind me.
Anna looked up from her phone and said, “About time. What did he show you?”
“Nothing,” I said truthfully. I plopped down next to my girlfriend and put my arms around her kind of awkwardly. She gave me a weird look. Trying to alleviate some of the tension from earlier, I told her, “Hey, you look really good today. Can I have a kiss?”
Her eyes went back to her phone and she said, “Depends on if we’re leaving this dump.”
“That’s not very nice,” I said. I grabbed her face and turned it towards me. She acted surprised, probably because I’m usually not this forceful, but I really wanted a kiss right then. I pressed my mouth to hers, and for a moment she resisted, but then her lips parted for me.
A few seconds later she pushed me back. “Kyle! That is way too much tongue!”
“Sorry, uh, babe,” I said. I’m usually a better kisser than that. I don’t know why I was trying to rush it. It was probably because I had gotten really horny when I saw her. On a whim, I reached out and cupped her boobs with my hands and squeezed.
She didn’t stop me as I fondled them, but did say, “Uh, excuse you?”
I felt like it had been ages since I touched them, so I said, “They feel as amazing as I thought they would.”
“Kyle, stop it!” she protested. “You’re being really weird. Can we go already?”
I kept groping her, getting more and more turned on. Her boobs were so great. They were two big handfulls. I couldn’t stop squeezing them through her shirt. But I wanted more. So I tried to leverage the situation in my favor. “We can go if you show me your boobs.”
Anna looked at me with disgust. “Ew, here? No. What if Dustin walked in and saw me. It’d blow his mind and he’d die.”
“It’s okay,” I told her. “He’s taking a nap. I’m the only one that will see them. And it’s okay because I’m your boyfriend.” It was flawless logic really.
For a second, I wasn’t sure she was going to do it. But then she rolled her eyes, gave a half smile, and pulled up her shirt. A second later, she flipped up her bra, and let her breasts pop out. They looked better than ever.
I must have really been gawking, because she started to tease me. “They’re just my boobs, Kyle. You’ve seen them like, a thousand times.”
That was true. But every time seemed like the first time when it came to boobs. I was so turned on. I wondered if… “Would you suck my dick?”
I watched with disappointment as she frowned, and then put the bra back in place. “You’re so romantic. No. I flashed you, which was more than you deserved, now let’s go.”
“Okay, hold on,” I said. “I need to go tell Dustin goodbye.”
Anna gave me a puzzled look. “I thought you said he was taking a nap?”
I had said that. Probably because he looked like he had been taking a nap in his chair. But the way I’d rushed out of there, I should probably go check to be sure he was alright. “He is, but I’ll tell him bye anyway.”
I went back into Dustin’s room and shut the door behind me. Instead of saying anything to Dustin directly, I looked back at my reflection in the monitor to say goodbye to him that way. “Hey, Kyle. You’re not going to believe this. But I just took over your body, went out, kissed your girlfriend, and got her to flash me. Don’t be mad. It’s true though. I’ve been you for the last few minutes. Anna’s boobs are perfect by the way,” I finished with two thumbs up.
I don’t know why I said all that, it was just the first thing that came to mind. I pressed a button on the keyboard to stop the recording. Then I pressed some other buttons just to act like Dustin who was always clacking away on the thing. But as I pressed the last button, I felt strange, like some invisible force had released me. A second later, I saw Dustin’s face come up from his reclined position with the hugest grin on it.
“That was fantastic!” he said.
“Your nap?” I asked. “That was really weird by the way. We were talking and then you just-”
“No!” he interrupted. “I stealthed into your body. I was controlling you like a freaking puppet, and if I understand it right, you had no idea.”
“Bro, whatever you’re on, save some for me next time. I’m out.”
“Wait,” Dustin said, his fingers flying on the keyboard. “Why would you say this to me?”
I watched as the video I just made appeared on the screen. It was near the end, and I heard myself say, “I just took over your body, went out, kissed your girlfriend, and got her to flash me.”
“Why would you tell me something like that?” Dustin insisted.
“I don’t know. Maybe because I see the way you’re always staring at her tits, and I guess I just, I called you out on it!”
“Holy shit, dude!” my Dustin exclaimed. “You really do believe it was you and not me who just went out there, crammed your tongue down your girl’s throat, and felt her up?”
Dustin’s words pissed me off, and I told him so. “She is my girlfriend, so yeah, bro, it was certainly me who went out there and did those things.”
I watched Dustin’s mouth twist into a mean smirk. “But how can I know that’s what happened if I was in here the whole time with the door shut?”
That question rattled me for some reason. But, wait, there was an explanation. “Because…because I told you on the video. You heard me say all those things, because you weren’t really asleep.”
Dustin’s smirk grew. “But how would I know that she thinks I used too much tongue?”
What the hell? Did he have cameras set up in his living room? “You fucking pervert! I don’t know how you know, but I’m leaving. And if you see me on the street, go the other way.”
As I put my hand on the doorknob to leave, I heard him say, “I guess I’ll have to show you another way.”
I heard him begin clacking on his keyboard, which was fine by me. I didn’t particularly feel like listening to anything he had to say.
This was fucking riduculous. First, I get dragged to this loser’s house. Then my boyfriend treats me like an object on a couch that should be condemned because it smells like loser. And now he’s back in Dustin’s stupid room doing who knows what. If Kyle thinks he’s getting any today, he is sorely mistaken. I’m so pissed that dumping him doesn’t sound like a horrible idea. I won’t, because he’s so fucking hot, but if he keeps this shit up, even that won’t be enough.
I heard the door open and I looked up at him from my seat on the couch. He really did look good 24/7. But I wasn’t about to tell him right then. “About damn time!” I seethed.
“I’m sorry, babe,” Kyle started, and it really did sound like he meant it. “I think Dustin’s smoking something. You wouldn’t believe the stuff he’s saying right now?”
“Tell me all about it on the way to the mall,” I said as I stood up. I was almost to the door, when I got dizzy all of a sudden. I might have fallen, had Kyle moved quickly to steady me.
“Are you all right?” Kyle asked, looking at me with genuine concern.
“My hero,” I giggled. As he righted me, I felt my anger towards him. I reached up on my tiptoes to put my arms around him, and kissed him on the cheek. Then I whispered in his ear, “It’s me. Dustin.”
I thought it would be a funny thing to say to him, and I was right. My boyfriend jumped back from me like I was radioactive.
“Why did you say that?” he asked.
“Because I am,” I said with a smile. It was hilarious to me that he was taking what I’d said so seriously.
“No, no you’re not,” he argued.
I ignored him and looked down at my cleavage. “Wow!” I exclaimed. My tits looked fantastic in this low cut top I’d recently purchased. Kyle liked it too, because he’d been sneaking glances at my chest since he picked me up. As long as it was Kyle, that was okay by me. I pressed them together, giving him even more cleavage to stare at. “It feels different seeing them from this angle.” I slipped a hand down the front of my shirt, going beneath the bra and feeling the soft flesh there. “Oh, that feels different too. Really nice.”
It was true. Kyle could be rough, which I liked sometimes. But the way I was gently rubbing my boob right then made me hot.
“Anna, are you and Dustin playing some sick prank on me right now? Is he paying you? Whatever this is, it’s not funny.”
Dustin wasn’t paying me, but I did feel like joking some more. “It’s really me in here,” I said, and I pulled my top off. As expected his eyes zeroed in on my chest. “You wouldn’t punch your girlfriend for feeling up her own tits, would you?”
Kyle’s eyes were wide as he snapped at me. “Cover yourself up! Dustin’s right in the other room!”
“No, he’s not,” I said in a sing song voice. “I keep telling you, he’s right here. What can I do to prove it to you?”
I watched my boyfriend clench his fist. He was angry now. Good. Serves him right for making me wait all this time.
“Just put your top back on,” he ordered.
I gave him a pitying smirk. “I don’t think so.”
“Why not?” he pleaded.
“Because I want you to believe me, duh. Why don’t you ask me to do something that Anna would never do in a million years. Something like, um, oh, I could get completely naked and run up and down the street.”
I would never do that in a million years, but figured it was the best way to keep messing with him. I waited for him to call my bluff, but he just stood there with a dumb look on his face. So after a few seconds of silence had passed between us, I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra. Well, I tried to unhook it. More like I fumbled and struggled with it until my fingers got lucky. As I slid the straps off my shoulders, I looked down to watch the girls bounce free. It captivated me more than usual. I even gave a couple jumps to see them jiggle more.
Kyle put his hands up in surrender, and tried to look me in the eyes. It was really cute how much power my boobs had over him.
“Okay, okay,” he begged. “Uh, something you wouldn’t do. Why don’t you, uh, give me a blowjob right now in Dustin’s living room?”
I put my hands on my hips and smirked at him. “Something less gay, dude.” It was a weird excuse not to blow my boyfriend, I know. But I’ve come up with more creative reasons than that before.
Kyle seemed to think it was strange too, because he gave a dismissive chuckle and said, “Less gay? Okay, how about you go flash your tits to Dustin in the other room.”
I let my shoulders slump. I let him think he had me there, because he knew I’d never want that lazy slob to see my tits. But as I walked towards Dustin’s bedroom door, I knew this was the thing that would really make Kyle regret bringing me here and wasting my time. Besides, they were my tits, and I could show them to whomever I damn well wanted.
I pulled the door open and was instantly disappointed. Dustin wasn’t even looking at me. He looked like he was passed out in his chair. Undeterred, I whirled around and winked at Kyle and said, “Oh, looks like I’m sleeping. I guess I’ll have to do more than flash him.”
I laughed at Kyle’s disbelieving face. He really didn’t think I’d take things this far. But that’s what he got for bringing me to this dump. Maybe next time he’d think twice before dragging me along. To drive my point home, I walked over and sat on Dustin’s lap facing him. Then I took my tits and began rubbing them all over Dustin’s face.
To give a bit more theater, I said in my sexiest voice possible, “Ooh, Dustin. I love putting my big boobs in your face. I wish you’d put your cock in me. I bet it’s so much bigger than Kyle’s.”
“That’s enough!” Kyle roared.
He was so loud that I jumped on Dustin’s lap. I turned toward him and said, “Do you believe me now?”
Kyle was seething, but he nodded at me.
“Good. Are you willing to help me with it?” I asked. I did want my boyfriend’s help. I wanted to leave. But…I also was feeling pretty aroused, like, more than usual, especially for being in a guy’s smelly room.
“Get out of her first, and then I’ll listen,” he demanded.
“Okay, but you’ll want me to exit her in a slightly less compromised position. As great as this is, she might have some questions if I stopped sending the signal right now.” I sounded so smart just then, about as smart as I knew Dustin was. I turned and began typing on his keyboard like I was a real hacker.
“There,” I said, pretending I was as nerdy as Dustin. “It’s all set. Just hit enter once I’m in the other room, and we can talk.”
He fumed some more, but nodded again.
“Just don’t hit me,” I said as I extracted myself from Dustin’s lap, and walked out of the room. I had just closed the door when I shivered. I looked down and immediately knew why. I was chilly because of all my exposed flesh. As I stooped to pick up my discarded clothes, I pondered why I had pushed things so far.
Those thoughts were quickly pushed aside by a loud scuffle on the other side of Dustin’s door. Then I heard Dustin shout, “I said don’t fucking hit me!”
I rubbed my cheek where the meathead’s fist hit me. It was already starting to swell. I liked Kyle well enough, but he was really starting to piss me off. I was showing him something truly amazing, and he thanks me by punching me. He hadn’t given me a choice. I had to take over Anna. It was the only way to get him to believe me. It hadn’t hurt anything, because Anna had no idea what I’d done. That was the beauty of Stealth Control.
He towered over me, but I wasn’t intimidated. “Don’t do that again,” I warned.
“I should do a lot more than that,” Kyle said threateningly. “I don’t know how you convinced Anna to go along with this fiction, but I’m out.”
It was then that I realized how incredibly thick Kyle was. He still didn't believe me. I had taken over his body and felt up his girlfriend. I had taken over Anna and shoved her titties right in my own face. What did a guy have to do to convince people around here that they had access to a dark web mind possession program? I figured there was only one way now, and my fingers hit the keyboard.
As Kyle turned to leave, I stood up and pushed him onto my bed. He hadn’t been expecting that. He sat back up quickly, and I jammed the silver halo onto his head, then reached over and hit the enter key.
I looked back over and saw his eyes roll back in his head. I whispered in his ear, “Third time’s the charm.” Then he fell back onto my bed.
My double D’s were sugly back into my bra, and I had just gotten my top back on when I shivered. Was I still cold? I began to feel my arms, my face, and eventually looked down at my chest. I definitely wasn’t cold. In fact, I felt my body warming up again. I was getting hot even. So hot that I screamed, “Aah! What is happening?”
I saw Dustin come through his door. His face looked like Kyle had punched him. It didn’t stop him from smiling at me though.
“How about now?” He asked. “Do you believe me now?”
I didn’t know what he was talking about, but I saw Kyle’s legs on the bed. I peered around Dustin to see a bit more into his room. From what I could tell, Kyle was passed out on his bed. Dustin must’ve retaliated somehow. I responded with a question of my own. “What the fuck did you do?” I sounded furious. Good.
Dustin walked over to me and I went to hit him, but he caught my arm. I was taller than he was, but not stronger apparently.
“Don’t even try in this body,” he sneered. “Behave yourself, and I’ll put you back. I just need you to believe that I’m telling you the truth.”
The truth about what? What was he talking about? I decided to play along like I knew, because right then I just wanted to see if Kyle was okay. “I believe you! I believe you! Now put me back!”
“Well now hold on,” Dustin drawled. “I want you to be real sure. I’m not going to transfer you back and then you think it’s still just a dream, right?”
I shook my head.
“But also, you see, I feel I’m owed a bit of an apology. I was telling you the truth after all, letting you in on something very special, and then you hit me.”
If saying sorry would let me check on my boyfriend, that seemed easy enough. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. How could I know?”
“Because I told you, dude. I showed you and…shit. I guess I can’t blame you too much. Stealth Control is real good at covering its tracks. The host body thinks everything they’re made to say and do is their idea. Anything they can’t understand, that doesn’t make sense, their brain finds a way to excuse it or justify it. If push comes to shove, it’ll even block it out if it has to, so don’t worry about what happens next.”
It seemed to me like Dustin had completely lost his mind, because he sounded like something out of a science fiction movie. But it was not lost on me the way his voice dripped with lust as he told me not to worry. I did indeed worry as he continued.
“In way of a sincere apology, I’d like you to strip naked. Right now.”
I couldn’t believe this creep. My boyfriend was in the other room, possibly hurt, and all he cared about was seeing my tits. “Bro, that’s not going to happen.”
“It’s not, huh? Do you know how to get back to your body? Do you understand anything you saw on the monitor? It’s not point and click.”
I thought about the keys on a keyboard, and said the first one that came to mind. “Enter.”
Dustin laughed at my answer. “Sure, sure. Yes, you do eventually have to press Enter. But do you know the sequence you have to press before that?”
I shook my head no because I really didn’t understand the question.
“Well then, you’re wasting my time. You can either take off your clothes, or drag your body out of here and come back when you’re ready to show me how sorry you are.”
I didn’t have time to play games. Kyle wasn’t stirring at all. He could be really hurt. I huffed angrily and took off my top. I struggled with my bra again for the second time today. I didn’t usually have this much trouble. I got it unclasped, then took off my jeans. I stood there in front of the loser, hoping it would be enough.
“All of your clothes,” Dustin insisted.
“Dude, c’mon!” I whined. I did not want this idiot to see any more of me than he already had. Still, as I glanced through the open door at Kyle again, I figured I didn’t have much of a choice. I gripped the sides of my panties and slid them down.
As I did, I glanced at my bush. I studied it, appreciating the fact that at least it was well trimmed. I touched the top of it, letting my fingers feel the sparse hair. Then I put a finger right on top of my bottom lips and…
“Ahem,” Dustin said. “Not distracting you, am I?”
I quickly put my hands at my sides and glared at him. “No! It’s just, I’ve never seen it from this angle.”
He chuckled. “Believe me, I understand. Now get over here and suck my dick.”
I couldn’t help it as my face twisted in obvious disgust. “You’re joking,” I said.
“You can still leave,” Dustin said, pointing at his front door.
I hesitated. Kyle was always asking for blowjobs, but I very, very rarely gave them. But if this was something I had to do for Kyle’s sake, to make sure he was okay… “I thought you said nothing gay?” It was a flimsy argument, but I’d say anything if it meant keeping Dustin’s dick out of my mouth.
“Ha! That only pertained to me. You, however, are allowed to do gay stuff, as long as you got a pussy and tits.”
I scrunched up my face with rage. I thought about rushing him. But I knew he’d probably be able to stop me again. And I’d never be able to help Kyle if I couldn’t get past this jerk. As a feeling of defeat washed over me, I walked over to Dustin and dropped to my knees.
“I can’t fucking believe this,” I said.
“Oh shut up. If you had been a better friend, this wouldn’t be happening right now.”
As he unbuttoned his jeans, I looked up at him and asked, “What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
His eyes darkened as he said, “It means you’ve always thought you were better than me. Better than everyone. Well I was the one that saved your ass senior year. Yet whenever you come over and we hang out, you act like you’ve come down from on high and are doing me this huge favor. It’s bullshit. You’re not better than me. All you are is a musclehead that couldn’t go to college and got stuck in this hick town same as me. But you did get the hottest girl in our class, who was also too stupid to get out of here, but that worked out fine for me. Now, get to sucking.”
I gave him a look that would melt stone. His words stung. He was right though. I was stuck in this stupid town. But at least I had Kyle. And Kyle might be really hurt. Why else would he be in the other room, allowing this to happen. I steeled myself. I lowered the front of his underwear, and almost got poked in the eye by miniature Dustin, who was not as miniature as I thought it might be.
“Damn, man,” I gagged. “It smells. When was the last time you showered?”
“I don’t know,” he answered with a dismissive wave. “I’ll put it on my calendar.”
“Dude, no joke. I will straight throw up on your dick if it tastes half as bad as it smells.”
Dustin groaned, and to my surprise, he walked over to a kitchen cabinet. He pulled out a bottle of honey and let it drip onto his dick. “There,” he said after he’d drizzled the sticky substance along the length of his shaft.
“Still fucking gross,” I complained.
“Suck it or get out,” he said as he walked back over.
I kneeled there in front of him for a few seconds, then looked at him and said, “You can’t tell anyone about this. Not ever.”
“Your secret is safe with me. Especially since we’ll both be sharing many secrets in the days to come.”
As I pondered what that could mean, I parted my lips, and put them around the tip of Dustin’s cock. I kept my tongue back though. I wanted to delay that as long as possible. Dustin, however, did not want to wait. I felt a hand grip the back of my soft, blonde hair. A second later, he shoved me down on his cock. Sweat, precum and honey all rushed onto my taste buds, but I barely sensed them as my airway was constricted and I began to choke. His hand let go and I pulled off him sputtering.
“Dude, do not do that!”
“I don’t have time for you to wade into dick sucking waters, so I gave you a push. You’re welcome.”
He was such a jerk. He was right though. Other than not breathing, it hadn’t been terrible as I thought. Thanks to the honey, his dick tasted sweet. The smell was still there, but it was amazing how you could get used to a smell. I ran my tongue up and down his dick, getting all the honey. He began to moan. I wasn’t great at giving Kyle blowjobs, but he always liked it when I applied more pressure with my mouth. I wanted this to be over with as soon as possible so I could check on Kyle, so I tightened the seal on his shaft with my lips. At the same time, I started moaning like a bitch in heat. I intuited that would make him cum quicker.
As soon as I started moaning, I swear he grew another two inches. He didn’t care that I was faking it. For more of a show, I started caressing my boobs. That made me feel a little too good though. Damn it. I wasn’t trying to get turned on, but I knew I was wet. The whole thing was beyond fucked up.
I let a hand drop to my crotch and clumsily rubbed the area there that was begging for attention. But then I felt the cock in my mouth twitch. A second later, it began to pulse. I knew what was coming, and I panicked. I tried to jerk back, but Dustin’s hand was behind my head again, urging his cock deeper as his cum filled my mouth and went down my throat.
When the last drop was out, he let go and I came off spitting and yelling, “You fucking jerk!”
He had the nerve to laugh at me. “I think you were liking it there at the end, weren’t you?”
“The hell I was!” I said defensively.
“You were moaning like a porn star.”
“To get you to finish, dummy!”
“Yeah, is that why you started touching yourself? To get me to cum?”
“Shut up. I was not touching myself.” I lied.
“I’ll tell you what. How about I return the favor.”
“What?” I asked, but then he was picking me up and dumping me on the sofa. “No! Fuck! You don’t have to. No.” I squirmed as he pinned me with his weight. I could’ve fought harder, but I was so turned on right then. A sick part of me wanted to see what he meant by returning the favor. As he spread my legs and revealed my dripping pussy, I had a pretty good idea.
He leaned forward, and his tongue began to lick directly on my clit. It felt good. Better than good. He was better at eating pussy than I would have anticipated. I began squirming again, but this time out of pleasure. I began to play with my boobs, rubbing and cupping them first, but then teased my nipples. My whole body was on fire. Everything felt tremendously erotic to me, and my moans filled the tiny apartment. This time though, I wasn’t faking.
“Fuck, bro!” I exclaimed after my second orgasm. “How’d you learn to eat pussy so good?”
His face appeared to answer, and I immediately missed the absence of his tongue. I put a hand behind his head to push him back down, but before he was muffled by my pussy, he answered, “Porn!”
I giggled at this, and then was lost in pleasure. He ate me like a starving man at a buffet. I came again and again and again. He finally relented, and I lay panting on his couch. I felt so good I even complimented him. “That felt fucking amazing. Like, way better than…” I stopped, as I didn’t really have anything else to compare it to.
He gave me an inquisitive look. “I might…I might have to try it sometime.”
“That wouldn’t be too gay?” I asked as we both put our clothes back on.
“Eh, I’m sure we’ll blur the lines on all that real soon.”
“Well, I’m not doing it again,” I said, but without conviction. I mean, it was definitely a one time thing. But who knew Dustbin had such an amazing tongue. His dick hadn’t looked half bad either.
“We’ll see,” Dustin winked.
Before my mind could wonder further, I said firmly, “Just put me back now.”
Now fully dressed, I followed him into his room. I watched as he pressed a few buttons, then my body gave a jolt, as a wave of guilt crashed over me as I looked at Kyle. I had forgotten about him when Dustin had…when he had… I couldn’t believe what I’d done to him, and then what I’d let him do to me. As Kyle began to stir on Dustin’s bed, I realized I had just cheated on him.
Tears came to my eyes. But I brushed them away. Kyle never had to know. And if Dustin told him, I’d deny it. Kyle knew how much I hated Dustin. He’d totally believe me over him. I forced a smile and said, “Kyle, thank goodness you’re okay. You were out for a while. How do you feel?”
I truly did not know how to answer that. I had been inside my girlfriend’s body, and not the old fashioned way. I had been forced to do things I never thought I’d do. And a very small part of me, a part that would never tell anyone in a million years, had liked it.
“I…I’m good. Uh, what about you?” I watched as my girlfriend’s face went scarlett. She was embarrassed!
“Uh, yeah. You scared us there for a minute. Dustin and I were really-”
Dustin cut her off. “Yeah, see how fine he is, Anna. Now give me a moment to talk with him again.”
I looked at Dustin dumbfounded. He was just carrying on like he hadn’t give me a series of mind blowing orgasms. I still needed to process it. But as I looked back at Anna, I saw I wasn’t the only one that need time to think.
“Oh, sure,” Anna said. “Yeah, I’ll just, uh…I’ll leave you to it then.”
“I thought you wanted to leave?”
“It’s okay. I’ll just…I’ll just sit here and uh…think about things.”
She was going to think about the fact that Dustin’s tongue had been lapping at her clit like a man possessed. She wouldn’t say it though. That was crazy to me! This Stealth Control was incredible in how it made the hosts think their actions were their own. I was now a believer, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to be involved. Especially if it meant aligning myself with Dustin. I told him that straight up.
“I believe you. But I don’t think I want anything to do with it.” I couldn’t look at him. I’d had his dick in my mouth. It hadn’t been my mouth, but…that didn’t matter. I had been the one in Anna’s body. I could remember how his dick tasted. I could remember how his tongue had parted my…my pussy lips.”
But Dustin wasn’t having it. “I’m afraid that’s not an option. I got plans for this town, and I need a partner. Someone’s got to man the computer and pull the other person out.”
The way he said it didn’t sit right with me. I wouldn’t hit him again, but I wasn’t going to let him hijack me or Anna again either. “Not interested.” And before he could argue, I picked up his computer, and threw it on the ground.
“Oh what the hell man!” he yelled.
“Just be glad I didn’t throw it at your head,” I retorted.
I managed to look at his face. All I saw there was anger, but I didn’t care. This hadn’t been the quick little stop I’d promised Anna earlier. I got my girlfriend, and walked out. I assumed I wouldn’t be hearing from Dustin anytime soon. As far as I was concerned, we were now even.
Anna was quiet as I took her for an early lunch. I took her to a couple of shops afterwards, but then she asked to go home. I was glad, because I was just going through the motions. I kept thinking about how Dustin had used me. How I’d never experienced anything like it. I wonder what Dustin had been planning to do with Stealth Control beyond today. I was sort of glad our little town wouldn’t have to find out. But only sort of. I had thought about how I might have used it. It was silly. It was no longer an option, but I couldn’t stop my imagination from wondering as I headed home.
After I graduated, I kept living with my parents. I was saving up money by working at a used car lot, one of the few businesses in town. Eventually, I’d have enough money to get my own place. And maybe after a small eternity, I’d have enough to go somewhere else. Anywhere else. Maybe I’d take Anna with me. Up until today, I’d thought that was a given, but who knows where her head was at now given today’s events.
As I pulled into my driveway, I saw that my dad’s car wasn’t there. He was probably at work as usual. But I noticed an all too familiar car in its place. It was a clunker that was so broken down it was probably held together by dark magic. The worst thing about it though, was that it belonged to Dustin. If he had come to apologize, that was fine. I still might have to kick his ass first.
My adrenaline was up as I burst through my front door. “Mom, is Dustin here?”
“He sure is,” she chirped. “He’s with me in the living room.”
I would tell Dustin to get out. Then I’d follow him outside. I might punch him again. Maybe more than once. But for sure I’d send him packing. At least, that’s what I thought I’d do before I walked into my living room.
The first thing I saw was my mother dressed in her dark blue bikini. I hadn’t seen her wear that in years, not since she took me to the water park for my twelfth birthday. Why the hell was she wearing it in our living room?
She had a laptop in her lap and way faster than I’d ever seen her before. Usually she’d poke a key here and a key there. She looked up and smiled at me. “Hey there, son.” She really emphasized the son for some reason. “Your friend stopped by and gave me a bottle of champagne his parents didn’t want. I tried to refuse, but he insisted. Even poured me a glass, which I happily accepted. Then he told me he needed to look at your laptop, and I said okay.”
My eyes finally took in the other figure in the room. Dustin was passed out on the recliner, the silver halo over his head. As I understood what was happening, a wave of nausea rolled over me. Somehow, even though I’d smashed his computer, Dustin was controlling my mother. My mother who was in a bikini. Dustin had taken control of my mother and then put on her old bikini, which meant he had seen her naked. I was going to have to do more than punch him. But I couldn’t yet. He was in my mother. I finally found words, and they were mostly questions.
“How? I broke your computer! How are you in my mother right now? Why my mother? You’re going to pay for this!”
“Careful, son,” my mother said as she put the laptop on the coffee table and spun it around for me to see the screen. “Your stupidity is showing. I told you, not that you were paying attention, that Stealth Control is available on the dark web. It’s open to anyone who knows where to look, and on any computer that can access the internet. So I came over to here to permanently borrow your laptop since you wrecked my computer. And also to convince you to help me out.”
“But…my mom? Why mom mom?” I finally got out.
“Because if I wasn’t inside of her right, you’d probably have kicked my ass and thrown me out. That about right, Kyle?”
I nodded slowly. He was correct. He was in charge at the moment. But the second he was out…
My mother sighed. “Look, I’m not going to stay in her. I just really need you to listen, and then I’ll go. I’m sorry for coming on so strong at my place. I got a little frustrated at not being able to convince you, then a lot frustrated, then just pissed off. I went too far. I know that now.”
“You put me in my girlfriend and then fucked my face!”
“Again, very sorry. I won’t be so rough next time. You did seem to enjoy the part after that if I recall.”
I didn’t acknowledge that I had, because I wasn’t moving on from the sight in front of me. “You put my mom in a bikini!”
I watched as he looked down at his cleavage, and then back up and me sheepishly. “Yeah, well, you only live once. Anyway, I thought I was doing you this big favor by showing you all this.”
“My mom’s body!”
“No! Stealth Control!”
I was still angry. But my imagination started whirring in the background. I hadn’t destroyed it. Stealth Control was still there, was still capable of taking over anyone that got a dose of those neuro thingies. “Why me?”
My mother looked at me like I was born yesterday, but only for a moment, then her face softened. “Kyle, has this town treated you well?” she asked gently.
“Uh, sort of, I mean…”
“No, no they haven’t. You were going to get a football scholarship, get out of this town, really make something of yourself. But as soon as you got hurt in that sports injury at the beginning of your senior year, all those opportunities vanished. I watched as this town turned their back on you. Everyone liked you as long as you could throw a ball. But once you couldn’t, they treated you like me. Like a leper, an outcast. Did you forget?”
I hadn’t. I got dealt a bum hand, and went from hero to zero in a matter of days. “I haven’t. But can’t do nothing about it.”
Dustin used my Mom’s body to lean forward and smile. As he did, her boobs sagged forward. I tried not to think about my mom’s boobs as he continued.
“Listen, Kyle. With Stealth Control, we can run this town.”
I hated to admit it, but I was curious. “How?”
“By taking over all those people that treated us like dirt. We give them a bottle of water spiked with neuro-receivers. And then whenever we need to, we take control of them and make them do whatever we want. Don’t you see? This is a short cut to money, power, and sex. This town stops feeling like a place we’re trapped in, and becomes our own little kingdom. Everything will go your way again. And you’ll be able to sleep with anyone that catches your eye, just like when you were the star quarterback.”
The idea of money and power intrigued me. So did having more dating options than Anna, but I wasn’t going to tell Dustin that. “What…what would you need me for?”
“This is really a two man operation. First, we’ve got to get the neuro-receivers into as many residents as possible.”
“Like, everyone?” I interrupted.
“Everyone 18 and older.”
“Even your parents?” I asked pointedly.
“Ew, no, dude. They’re my parents, and it’s not like I live with them anymore.”
I glared at him.
“Right. Fair point,” he said apologetically. “But my parents aren’t really a good resource. They don’t have any money, and unless you wanted to fuck my mom…”
I didn’t. I wished I did, because if I wanted to see her naked, I’d at least be able to get even with Dustin for being inside my mom. But his mom had a trainwreck of a body, and was not someone I’d ever fantasize about. I gestured with my finger that he should keep going.
“Anyways, once enough key people have the neuro-transmitters in them, we stash these throughout the town.” My mom held up a small yellow device that looked like a pencil, but had a red light on one end that flashed every few seconds. “This is a transmitter, and it extends the signal. With enough of these in the right places, we can take over anyone we want, whenever we want, for as long as we want.”
“And nobody else knows about this?”
“I mean, it’s on the dark web. It’s out there. I’m sure there are people that are already using it in the cities, but no one around here is smart enough to figure this all out, “he said while using my mom’s arms to indicate our town. “It’ll be only you and me that benefit from it. Once we take over enough people, and the right people, this place becomes our paradise.”
I wasn’t entirely sure who he meant by the right people. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. But I knew two things. I wanted to be on the side that got to be in control. And I really wanted Dustin to get out of my mom. “What would I need to do?”
“Obviously a lot of leg work at first. Getting the neuro-receivers into everyone. Placing the transmitters. That’s phase one. Phase two is I start sending you into key people, like ones who work at the bank for starters. We use them to improve our financial situation, and after that, we start having fun.”
“But, we’ll get found out eventually. Probably go to jail.”
“No, we won’t,” Dustin said, laughing his nerdy laugh with my mother’s vocal chords. That was probably the most disconcerting thing I’d seen all day, and I’d seen Dustin’s dick up close. “Everyone we control thinks they’re the ones doing it. Right now, your mom thinks she’s having a pleasant conversation with her son while she’s wearing a bikini. She probably doesn’t understand everything we’re talking about, but her mind will make it make sense to her somehow.”
I thought back to how everything had seemed my idea when Dustin had controlled me and made me go grab Anna’s boobs. And Anna had thought everything I’d done in her body had been her decisions, her choices. If it really worked like that, I couldn’t see any downside. “Okay,” I said. “As long as you get out of my mom in the next thirty seconds.”
My mom held out her hand for me to shake and said, “Deal!”
I shook it. I let out a sigh of relief and said, “Man, I thought you were going to try and use my mom to have sex with me.”
“Hadn’t planned on it,” Dustin winked at me. “Unless that’s something you’re into.”
“Get the fuck out of her now,” I said as my hand squeezed hers tighter.
“Ow, fuck, I will, dude. I’ll do it right now.”
I let go of his hand, and he pulled the laptop back onto his lap. He hit the button and I watched as my mom stiffened for a moment, then relaxed. She looked at me and pointed at the laptop, “I’m glad you and Dustin are working on this project together. I don’t understand a lick of what’s on this screen though.”
I watched as Dustin sat up out of the corner of my eye. “Uh, what project do you think we’re working on?”
She looked at Dustin like he’d said something stupid. “You just told me. You’re going to work with key people in our town, and…” she faltered for words. “And the bank is giving you a loan I think…”
“It’s a lot of complicated stuff,” Dustin said, getting up from the chair. He grabbed the laptop from my mom. “I showed it all to you on the screen there, but I told you it’d be hard to understand.”
“Yes,” she said with a vacant nod. “It was a little confusing.”
I asked her the big question. “Mom, why are you wearing a bikini in our living room?”
She looked down at herself. Then looked back at me and smiled. “It was because of the champagne. I told you about it when you first got here. Dustin brought over some champagne that his parents didn’t want. And I drank some, and it made me feel really warm like alcohol does. And since Dustin took a nap while waiting for you to come home, I decided to shed a few layers and put on this bikini.”
“A bikini, mom?” I pushed.
“Well if it’s making you uncomfortable I’ll go change,” she huffed.
“Mom, I didn’t mean anything by it.”
“No, no,” she said, anger in her voice as she got up. “It’s just my house. I would think I could wear what I wanted to in my own home! But I’ve gone and made my son uncomfortable so I guess I”ll just go cover up my hideous, old body.”
Dustin piped up, “I thought you looked hot, Kyle’s mom!”
She smiled at him. Actually smiled at the person that made her put the bikini on in the first place.
“Thank you, Dustin,” she said, and then walked out of the room to change.
I saw Dustin’s eyes track her ass, so I growled, “I could still kill you, you know.”
“I know. But you won’t. Because I see it in your eyes now. You’re on board.”
He was right. After seeing my mother’s reaction, how she thought she hadn’t been manipulated at any point, that was enough to assuage any doubt.
As our town has a population of just over 1,800 people, it took us less than a month to get all the adults in our town a dose of the neuro-receivers. The first several people were a challenge, because not everyone will drink something handed to them by a geeky loner, or even a former football star. It got significantly easier however, once all the transmitters were placed and we started taking over the few we had dosed up to that point. By becoming other people’s husbands, wives, and neighbors, they’d drink whatever we handed them.
Shortly after, phase two was in full swing. I had Kyle man the computer while I used Stealth Control to get us some money. I didn’t bleed the town dry, just took a little here and there, which added up to a lot!
When I wasn’t making us money, I was stealthing into the husbands and boyfriends of the most attractive women in our town. In those men’s bodies, it was so easy to coerce their significant other into sleeping with me. I did Kyle’s mom more than once. That woman’s got a high sex drive. When I came on to her as Kyle’s dad that first time, she was like a wild animal. An experienced wild animal, that did things with her mouth and pussy that, well, let’s just say Kyle’s dad is a very lucky man.
Of course, I never told Kyle I was fucking his mom. We might have an alliance, but I knew he’d kill me for real over that. It was real easy to fool him though. I told him I was screwing Mrs. Petersen or some such, or making us money. There weren’t names in the Stealth Control code, so he didn’t know, and I wasn’t ever going to teach him how to use the program. Every time Kyle manned it, I had it preset so that all he had to do was press the return button. At the start, that’s all he wanted, money in the bank.
But after a short time, Kyle felt like he needed a turn at being the sender, especially after he and Anna broke up. I knew this was coming, and I saw it as an opportunity. There were several hotties in our town I hadn’t been able to plow, because they were single. I was sure they wouldn’t be for long, but I didn’t have time to wait around for them to get boyfriends. And I wanted to do more than take over their bodies and see them naked, which, I did do on occasion. But what I really wanted was to stick my dick in them. And that’s where Kyle came in.
I sent him into a few husbands and boyfriends first to lull him into a sense of security. I’d pull him back after an hour, and he’d tell me all about fucking a milf that I’d fucked already. He began to look forward to me sending him. So he was excited when I told him I was sending him to a special target a week later. What I did not tell him, however, was that it was a girl. I hadn’t sent Kyle into a female body since Anna. I wasn’t sure how he’d take it, but I really wanted to fuck this person and didn’t want to wait around anymore.
I’d had this girl in mind when I first discovered Stealth Control online. Her name was Layla. She was cute as hell, and worked at our small food mart. She was a few years older than me, and I’d had a crush on her since forever. Since I’d graduated, I’d got up the nerve to ask her out several times. But even though I was pretty sure she didn’t have a boyfriend, she always said no. I was used to being rejected by girls, but this one stung, because the last time she’d said no, she’d called me by my school’s nickname for me, “Dustbin.”
So yeah. I had no problem making her mine with a little help from Kyle and Stealth Control. Did I feel bad about using Kyle to make that happen? Maybe a little. Not really though. If anything, he should be thanking me for including him at all. I was the one doing the lion’s share of the work, and he was benefitting tremendously from it. To smooth out any ill feelings though, I would endeavor to make him feel as good as I did when he was inside Anna.
So that day, Kyle totally thought he was going to bang another hot chick as I put the device over his head. The next thing he knows, he’s in a girls’ body and in the middle of a shift at the food mart.
The hilarious thing was that he didn’t leave! I gave 50/50 odds that he’d come running the two blocks to my apartment and accuse me of sending him into the wrong person. But he just stayed there, stocking or working Layla’s register or whatever. He did manage to sneak away though, and call me to find out why I wanted him there. I told him to wait, and that all would be revealed shortly.
Five minutes later, I strode into the food mart and made a beeline to Kayla’s register. When he saw me come in, he got nervous and asked why I was there in person. I winked, and told him to meet me in the bathroom. I think that’s when he figured it out. He crossed Layla’s arms and told me to go fuck myself.
I leaned forward and in a hushed whisper, I reminded him of a couple things. Like that I was the only one that could operate Stealth Control. And that shit like this was the whole reason were were doing this in the first place. I let him know that I’d had a crush on the girl he was in for years, but still couldn’t hook up with her since she was single. The only way I’d get to fuck her was if Kyle took one for the team, and if he said no, we might have to reevaluate our partnership.
He scrunched up her face and tried to look mad at me. He might have been furious, I didn’t know, and didn’t care. He seemed to grasp the importance of the situation he was in though. And a few minutes later, he fell in line, just like I thought he would.
I was waiting for him in the small men’s room. It was just a small concrete room with one toilet, a sink, and a mirror, and most importantly, a lock on the door. A minute later, I heard a knock.
I opened it, and the girl I’d been fantasizing about said, “Okay, I’m on break. Make it quick. I don’t want to get her fired.”
Seeing Layla talk to me in the bathroom, and knowing what I was about to do to her body, made my dick rock solid. I pulled up her black, polyester work shirt so I could see her small boobs. She sighed as she began to unbutton her black pants. She slid them and her panties down. She was shorter than me, and I was able to lift her up and put her ass on the sink. I didn’t waste time, and thrust into her right away. To my surprise, she was wet and ready.
I pulled out of her, and explored her down there with a finger. I slid it up and down for a few seconds. She wouldn’t look at me, but I held my glistening finger up where she could see it and asked, “What’s up with this, Kyle?”
“Please do not say my name right now?” was his only reply.
“I just want to know why you're so wet, is all? I asked. Kayla’s face turned a pretty shade of pink, right before I rammed my full length back into her pussy.
“Fuck,” she moaned. “I don’t know. This body was horny the minute I got here, and it’s only gotten worse. Even though I couldn’t see myself, I realized pretty quick you’d put me into Layla at the food mart. At first I thought you’d sent me to the wrong person, or that you wanted me to take lottery tickets or cash from the till. But the second you showed up here, I knew what was coming.”
“Oh, I’ll be coming all right,” I quipped. But amazingly, Kyle beat me to it. The hot little bod he found himself in began to quiver and quake after I’d been pumping Layla’s tight pussy for just a few minutes. Kyle couldn’t be quiet about it either. Layla’s voice began making these slutty squeals, and begged me to go deeper. And then I heard someone bang on the door and ask what was going on, which was pretty fucking stupid because by the sound alone it should have been obvious.
After Layla came, she began rocking her hips back and forth on the edge of the sink. She gave me a real sultry look, then leaned forward and put her lips on mind. That took me by surprise, but Kyle wasn’t done, because a second later, Layla’s tongue forced its way into my mouth. I began pumping her even faster. This was amazing. I was fucking Layla. This was incredible. Not quite as good as Kyle’s mom, which was more of a surprise to me, but still pretty freaking fantastic.
She broke off the kiss, and our eyes met. She said, “You know, I always wanted to get fucked in here. I’m glad it was by you, Dustin.”
I knew it was just Kyle messing with me, trying to get me to cum. And it worked. I erupted inside of her. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me deeper as I coated her insides.
Reality set in pretty quick, as someone was still pounding on the fucking door. I pulled my pants up, and Kyle made Layla’s uniform as presentable as he could. I told Kyle I’d get him out of Layla second I got back to the apartment. I unlocked the restroom door, and one of our town’s nosiest residents greeted me. Her name was Sheri Egret, and she looked pleased as punch to be witnessing such salacious gossip as a public hook up in the food mart. She glanced past me and saw Layla, then she started to berate us both. I just left and let Kyle deal with the aftermath. I also made it a point to confirm that Sheri had been dosed with nero-receivers. Not because I wanted to have sex with her, but because if she wanted gossip, I’d make her the center of it.
When I pulled Kyle back ten minutes later, I was amazed to hear that Layla wasn’t going to get fired. Sheri had tattled to the manager about our hook up, and publicly, the manager had promised repercussions. But once Sheri left, the manager said what Layla did on her break was her business. I found out later that Layla and the manager had been fuck buddies at one point in time, so the manager pretty much let her get away with whatever.
I went into the food mart the next day to check on Layla’s thoughts on our bathroom tryst. I wanted to see how she’d justified what had happened while under Stealth Control. She gave me an appraising look when I got there, like, really looked me over. She didn’t say anything, so I figured what the hell, and asked her out again. She still said no! However, she also said she wouldn’t mind meeting me in the bathroom again in the future. When I pressed her what she meant, she told me that for a supposed loser, I was a pretty good lay. She said she was glad she’d given me a chance.
That made Kyle’s behavior worth it. Yes, he had been absent with me about ambushing him into sex as a woman. I thought it was interesting that he didn’t seem near as angry as when I put him into Anna. Regardless, I told him I’d make it up to him. I wasn’t sure why I needed to, especially since he seemed to enjoy getting fucked as a girl.
That’s probably why I did what I did next, because I wanted to experience sex as a woman for myself. So the next day, I showed up at Kyle’s house, stealthed as Anna. Kyle was surprised to see his ex there, and I didn’t let on that it was actually me. His parents doted on me in Anna’s body, and couldn’t stop fussing about how glad they were that I’d visited.They invited me to stay for dinner. I spent most of the meal trying not to stare at Kyle’s mom’s tits.
After dessert, Kyle took me upstairs and was all, I miss you, and thinking maybe we should get back together, and other bullshit. I laughed and finally let him in on the charade.
He started to get angry, like, angrier than I’d ever seen. But then I took Anna’s clothes off and said he could do whatever he wanted to her body, as long as I didn’t have to kiss him. He wasn’t angry after that. Well, he fucked me like he was angry, but I didn’t mind. It was so weird being a chick and having a dick shoved into me. But other than having to see Kyle’s face or his junk, it wasn’t bad. It was actually really good. I liked getting groped. And the feeling of Kyle’s eyes roaming all over Anna’s body, and how much he got off onto it, wow. I think he really liked her.
He came all too quick though, and so I had him finger fuck me to climax. He started to protest, but I told him I’d go find someone else to make me cum in Anna’s body, and then he obliged me. After that, I told him he should thank me, because he got to experience sex with an ex. I ordered him to go to my apartment, and press the waiting enter key. I was hoping he’d take his time, but I was back in my body less than an hour later.
The next day, I busied myself by taking over Sheri Egret. I didn’t stay long, just long enough to mow her lawn in the nude. It caused quite a stir. A lot of pictures and videos were taken by curious and horny neighbors before a visit from the county sheriff’s department put a stop to it. That was fine, because I’d finished the lawn.
For quite awhile, the whole town was our playground. We did what we wanted, when we wanted, and who we wanted. Right up until the day it all ended.
I had slept in, and got woken up by Kyle knocking on my door. I let him in, and he smiled and clapped me on the back like we were best friends. Over the last few weeks, he’d become a real team player. He didn’t argue or complain anymore if I sent him into a girl I wanted to fuck.
He asked to speak with me in my room. I thought that was weird, but whatever. I went to sit in my computer chair, but he chuckled and told me to have a seat on my bed. Again, I obliged, wondering what he thought he was going to do on my computer. I watched in astonishment as his fingers became a blur on my keyboard. I asked him what the hell he was doing, but he didn’t respond. When I tried to stop him, he shoved me hard onto the floor. That was the moment I knew something was wrong.
When he was done typing, he turned to me, still with that damned smile, and apologized. “Sorry about that, Dustin. Couldn’t have you interrupting me while I was locking you out though.”
“Locking me out? What are you talking about?”
“First, let me thank you by saying-”
He stopped as we both heard the door to my apartment open. I heard several voices in my living room.
“Who the fuck is in my-”
“You’ll find out soon enough,” Kyle said smoothly. “But first let me say, thank you so much, from all of us, for the fantastic job you’ve done here in this little town. Very few people showed as much initiative as you. We’d hoped to take over some residences here and there throughout the country, but a whole town! This is really special. It creates a whole bunch of new options.”
I was getting very worried. Kyle never sounded this smart. And he couldn’t type that fast to save his life. “Tell me what’s going on!” I demanded.
Kyle grinned and spread out his arms. “Isn’t it obvious? I helped get Stealth Control into the wild, well, me and a team of very talented hackers. And we kept tabs on the people who were smart enough to use it, first through with a back hack into your devices. But eventually, something a little more intimate.”
I gulped.
“Did you think you were the one always in control since you began your little town takeover? Ha! My colleagues and I spent so much time in you both, helping you along as you made this a perfect little black market stealth site.”
I couldn’t believe it. I’d been the puppet on a string this whole time. “Buy why? There’s a whole resort for this sort of thing?”
He laughed. “That’s run by people I used to work with. They’re doing okay, but they have all these rules and regulations, and all the money gets filtered up the ladder. That won’t be the case here in your town. There will be almost no restrictions. The gloves come off so to speak. Anyone that pays us will get to come here, and use the residents however they please, as long as it’s not in a way that draws undue attention to police or government.”
“You can’t do this!”
“Come now. You’re smart enough to realize that it’s already done. And all because of you! Please know, we want to acknowledge that. You really did great! So, on behalf of me and my team, we’re willing to offer you something very special.”
“No! This is my town! I’m in charge here! I call the shots! Find your own town!”
Kyle gave me a sympathetic look. “Dustin, are you sure? There’s something amazing on the other side of that door. If you’re willing to just let go and let us do our thing, I think you’ll find-”
“Fuck you!” I shouted. I’d worked too hard to let someone else just take this from me. The first chance I got, I was getting on a computer and finding a way to kick them all out. They couldn’t do this. They didn’t have the right! I was the one who-
Kyle shouted through the door, “We’re going with Plan B!”
“What the hell’s plan B?” I asked, but a second later, a shiver ran through my body. I stood up. I might as well see who the hell was in my living room. “Let’s do this,” I said to Kyle.
Kyle opened the door and said, “After you.”
My eyes bulged as I surveyed the inhabitants of my living room. Twelve of the hottest women in our town were there, all at once, and very naked.
“Hi, Dustin!” they said at once.
And then it was on. They swarmed me and practically ripped the clothes from my body. I helped out where I could, and then I became completely enveloped in soft flesh. Boobs were shoved in my face. Multiple tongues found my dick. My hands were grabbed and I was allowed to paw anywhere and everywhere my hearts desired. I was more turned on than I’d ever been.
Repeatedly the horny mob got me to the brink of climax, then backed off. One of them would stroke me gently and let me watch as the rest of them made out together. Kyle got in on the action and was thrusting his dick in a new hole every twenty seconds.
“This guy’s going to burst eventually,” I said. “Is she almost here?”
I assumed there were even more girls, which was why I had asked.
Kyle checked his phone between thrusts and said, “Yeah, she’s pulling up now.”
A minute later, my mother came through the door. My mom was not an ugly woman, but she wasn’t going to win any beauty pageants either. Years of smoking, drinking, and who knows what else had stolen her good looks. And right then her face was covered in makeup that made her look like a two bit whore.
Kyle stopped fucking and started filming on his phone. “Hey! Look who it is, Dustin! It’s your mom! You ready to fuck your mom?”
I wanted to say no, but I was so horny, and my lust compelled me to yell, “Get over here, Mom!”
She marched right over, shedding her clothes as she came. She bent over in front of me, and I impaled her loose pussy with my cock.
As Kyle’s phone kept recording, she yelled, “Fuck me Dustin! Fuck your mother! That’s right! Treat me like the whore that I am! I love it! I love my son’s dick! Tell the world how much you love fucking your own mom, Dustin!”
A part of me wondered in that moment as my dick slid in and out of my mom’s wet hole, was I really the one in control? I felt like I was. Everything had been my idea, right? It was my idea to keep fucking my mom in that moment.
But that illusion was shatters as Kyle came in for a closeup and said seriously, “It didn’t have to be this way, Dustin. If you had just played ball, you could have fucked the other girls as a thank you, and we’d have left your mother out of it. Too bad, I guess.”
While he was talking, I came. I came inside my mom, and it felt great.
Then Kyle said, “I’ll send you a copy of the video tomorrow. If you remove even one of the transmitters, or do anything to remotely piss us off, me leaking the video online won’t be the worst of your problems.” Then he turned to the naked, writhing females still going at it in every free space of my kitchen and living room. “Pack it up horndogs! You can finish this orgy at Kyle’s house! I’m sure my ‘mom and dad’ want in on the action too!”
It’s been a week since that happened. I’m scared to leave the house. I question whether any of my decisions and actions are my own. I know not to try and stop them. I’m sure by now, they’ve got enough information and blackmail on me and the residents of this town to ruin us all.
The end.
I knew my girlfriend Anna was mad at me by the way she slammed my car door. She knew I hated that, but it was her go to move whenever she was pissed at me. “Something wrong?” I asked irritably as we walked up to Dustin’s apartment.
“Yeah. I told you I wanted to go shopping, Kyle, not go to your dorky friend’s house.”
“He’s not my friend,” I argued. “Not really”
“Bullshit! You hang out with him at least a couple times a month.”
“We play games or watch movies. Doesn’t mean we’re tight.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Anna said sarcastically. “He’s just an acquaintance that you hang out with on a regular basis and share hobbies and interests with. Like a friend!”
“Look, I only do it because he helped me graduate last year. You know this.”
“Doesn’t mean you owe him a kidney or anything.”
“This is hardly a kidney. He asked for me to stop by today, and to bring you along. He said it was really important, and fuck it, I owe him.”
Before we got to the steps that led to Dustin’s third floor apartment, my girlfriend grabbed my arm to stop me. “You don’t owe him anything. You were nice to him at school, and that was enough. You can stop now. He’s a lost cause.”
I just smiled at her, and shrugged free of her grip. I hated when she tried to tell me what to do, which was becoming more and more frequent.
As she huffed behind me, she kept on grumbling. “Why the hell did I have to come anyway?”
I tried to placate as we climbed the stairs. “I’m sure it’ll be quick. He probably just needs a woman’s perspective on something, and that’s why he had me bring you.”
Anna groaned. “My perspective is that he hit a treadmill and shower more than once a week. Let’s just go. Let’s say that something came up and you can come back by yourself tomorrow.”
I whirled around to face her. “Give me a blowjob in the car and you got a deal.”
She pursed her lips. “Counter offer. I let you be single again.”
I sighed. “Sorry,” I said half heartedly. “But he probably already saw us pull up. Let’s just go. It’ll be quick, then I’ll take you shopping.”
She stared at me for a moment, weighing her options, deciding if this was the hill she wanted to die on. Finally, she said, “Fine, but if all he does is look me in the tits like last time I saw him, I’m out.”
As I turned my back on her, I said, “They are nice looking tits.”
She punched me in the butt and said, “You must really miss being single.”
We got to his door, and I looked at Anna. She had arranged her pretty face into something that made you think she wasn’t totally annoyed at your presence, which was close enough for me. I knocked.
Dustin answered the door immediately, like he had been waiting on the other side. He ushered us in enthusiastically saying, “Thank you so much for coming. Come in, come in. It’s good to see you both.”
Dustin was shorter than us both. I’m tall, about 6 foot 4 inches, but Anna’s like, 5 foot 9 or something. And Dustin is even shorter. It’s probably why he got picked on so much in high school. That and his interpersonal skills were fucking terrible. I’m pretty sure I was the only friend he had, which was really more of an alliance born out of necessity. He helped me graduate, and I kept him from getting forced into lockers.
“Alright, Dustin,” I said as he shut the door. “Anna and I are in a hurry, so we won’t be able to stay long. What did you want to show us?”
Dustin smiled in a mad scientist sort of way that I knew Anna would find a little unnerving. “Only something that’s going to blow your mind.” He snapped his fingers and pointed at me as if remembering something. “But first, can I offer you both a drink?”
“Uh, no thanks,” I informed him under the watchful eye of my girlfriend.
“Are you sure? I just made mimosas.” He said, looking hopefully at Anna.
He made eye contact with her for two whole seconds before I saw his eyes drift down to her boobs. The girls in school had always thought he was a creep, and that wasn’t going to change anytime soon. And since he didn’t like sports or talking about cars, which was what every guy cared about in our small rural town, he pretty much assured himself that he was going to be a loner.
What Dustin liked was computers and smelling like a combination of body odor and nachos. But the guy had helped me graduate by hacking into the school’s servers and changing a couple of grades. Since we were one of a few recent graduates that hadn’t gone off to college, I didn’t mind hanging out with him from time to time. But my girlfriend sure seemed had a problem with it.
I watched Anna stare daggers at him, then look at me and mouth the word, “Tits.” But Dustin had said something I knew would spark her attention. She sighed, snapped her fingers near her eyes, causing Dustin to look at her in the face and said, “Eyes up here, creep. Yes, I will have a mimosa.”
“Me too, I guess,” I said. “But not too much. I’m driving.”
As he turned his back on us, I thought I heard mumble, “It won’t take much.”
He came back seconds later and handed us plastic cups, one filled to the brim, the other, only halfway. “I remember you liking mimosas, Anna.” Dustin said. “I figured you couldn’t say no to one.”
Anna took a sip and said, “You figured right, Dustbin.”
I saw Dustin bristle at his old high school nickname, something he got all the way back in elementary school. Someone called him Dustbin because he often came to school dirty and smelly, like that Peanuts character. I knew he hated the nickname. Anna knew it too. It was how she not so subtly voiced her displeasure at being here.
I watched Dustin’s eyes grow dark, and for a second I thought he was going to tell Anna off. But then he seemed to veil his annoyance at my girlfriend, and said, “Well I hope you like it.” He looked at me with a nervous expectation. “Try yours too, Kyle.”
“You promise there’s not too much alcohol in this?”
He blew air out his nose. “No. You’ll barely even know it's there.”
“Is that why it tastes funny?” Anna asked.
I looked into the glass dubiously.
“Just please try it,” Dustin begged. “Just a sip.”
I rolled my eyes and brought the cup up to my lips. As the liquid passed into my mouth, Dustin broke into a huge grin. I didn’t know what he was so happy about. It was not the best mimosa I’d ever had. Anna was right. There was a funny taste.
I downed it though and said, “You’re right. I couldn’t taste any alcohol.”
“Me neither,” Anna complained.
“I’m sorry,” Dustin apologized. “It was probably 98 percent orange juice. Kyle, can I see you in the other room real quick?”
I looked towards the only other room he must be talking about. It was a one bedroom apartment after all. The door to it was open and I could see clothes strewn about the floor and at least two empty pizza boxes. “Whatever you needed us for, can’t you show us out here?”
Dustin rubbed his hands together. “I’ve got to show it to you, and only you, first.”
I hesitated, but my girlfriend prodded me to action. “Just go so we can get out of here.”
I looked towards the room again, and wondered how long I could hold my breath. “Okay, but make it quick.” I walked into the room, followed closely by Dustin. He shut the door behind me, leaving my girlfriend alone in his living room. I was jealous of her, because at least the smell was better out there.
The only furniture in his room was a small bed currently full of comic books, and a computer desk with a chair.
Dustin sat at his computer desk, and since there was no other place, I moved some comic books on his bed so I could sit down. “Alright,” I said insistently. “What’s up?”
I watched him become more animated than I’ve ever seen him before as he asked, “Have you ever heard of Stealth Control?”
I nodded slowly. “Yeah. I heard about it. It was some government project, right? And people got all worried and there were all these conspiracies. But all that blew over and now it’s used at some resort. People our age can go on vacation there so other people can experience a vacation through their eyes. Like through virtual reality or something.”
Dustin turned towards his computer screen and pointed at a black screen filled with white ones and zeros. “It’s better than that.”
“Okay. I’m sure it’s great. We done here?”
Dustin gave me a disappointed look. “You don’t understand. This is incredible technology that allows others to hijack someone else’s mind and control their actions. It’s so much more than virtual reality.”
I nodded along, but was quickly losing patience.
He continued. “Someone on the dark web leaked everything about this project, and I mean everything. How it all works. How to build a working prototype. How to put together the necessary transmitters. How to utilize the program. It took a long time to read through, and even longer to build, but I did it. The only thing that was hard to get my hands on were the neuro-receivers themselves. I had to order them from some very sketchy people online, but I got them. And today I get to see if they work.”
“I’m going to pretend like I understood any of that. Good luck with your stealth project. I’m going to go try and make my girlfriend not mad at me for the rest of the day so I can maybe get lucky later.”
“Wait!” he exclaimed. “Give me thirty seconds to show you how awesome this is!”
I gave an exasperated sigh. “Let’s see it.”
I watched as his fingers flew across the keyboard for ten seconds. Then he picked up a round silver halo looking thing and put it on his head and began to explain. “This is very rudimentary of course. I’m sure the resort has much better equipment, but this should still be sufficient. By putting this on, I become the sender. And if it works, you become the receiver.”
I guffawed. “Wait, what? How can I be a receiver? I thought I read that the people in Stealth Control had to get a shot of neuro somethings.”
“Neuro-receivers, yes. They had to be injected into the bloodstream, yeah,” he said. “They’ve made a few advances though. For one, they can be given orally. And two, instead of a 24 hour period, they can stay in the body indefinitely.”
Before he finished talking, I realized what he’d done. He’d spiked the mimosas with something he’d gotten from some shady website. He was going to kill me and Anna.
Before I could lash out at him, he said, “Here goes nothing,” and pressed the enter button on his keyboard.
Nothing was right. I watched with some alarm as he slumped forward. A pulse of alarm ran through my body. I stood up quickly and looked at my friend. What was he playing at? I wanted to yell at him for spiking our drinks, but I decided not to give him the attention he so obviously wanted. I turned on the camera on his monitor instead and looked at myself reflected on the screen.
I let out a whoop! I’m not a narcissist, not compared to my girlfriend anyway, but I did know I looked good. At that moment, I thought I looked so good that I started flexing my biceps, and pounded my abs a few times with my meaty fists.
“It feels good in here!” I proclaimed to Dustin, who still showed no movement at all. I didn’t care. It gave me a good excuse to leave. But before I went, I decided to tell him a message on his computer that I was taking off.
“Okay, don’t hate me because of what I’m about to do,” I said to the camera. I winked at myself. That should be enough. And then I walked out of the room, and closed the door behind me.
Anna looked up from her phone and said, “About time. What did he show you?”
“Nothing,” I said truthfully. I plopped down next to my girlfriend and put my arms around her kind of awkwardly. She gave me a weird look. Trying to alleviate some of the tension from earlier, I told her, “Hey, you look really good today. Can I have a kiss?”
Her eyes went back to her phone and she said, “Depends on if we’re leaving this dump.”
“That’s not very nice,” I said. I grabbed her face and turned it towards me. She acted surprised, probably because I’m usually not this forceful, but I really wanted a kiss right then. I pressed my mouth to hers, and for a moment she resisted, but then her lips parted for me.
A few seconds later she pushed me back. “Kyle! That is way too much tongue!”
“Sorry, uh, babe,” I said. I’m usually a better kisser than that. I don’t know why I was trying to rush it. It was probably because I had gotten really horny when I saw her. On a whim, I reached out and cupped her boobs with my hands and squeezed.
She didn’t stop me as I fondled them, but did say, “Uh, excuse you?”
I felt like it had been ages since I touched them, so I said, “They feel as amazing as I thought they would.”
“Kyle, stop it!” she protested. “You’re being really weird. Can we go already?”
I kept groping her, getting more and more turned on. Her boobs were so great. They were two big handfulls. I couldn’t stop squeezing them through her shirt. But I wanted more. So I tried to leverage the situation in my favor. “We can go if you show me your boobs.”
Anna looked at me with disgust. “Ew, here? No. What if Dustin walked in and saw me. It’d blow his mind and he’d die.”
“It’s okay,” I told her. “He’s taking a nap. I’m the only one that will see them. And it’s okay because I’m your boyfriend.” It was flawless logic really.
For a second, I wasn’t sure she was going to do it. But then she rolled her eyes, gave a half smile, and pulled up her shirt. A second later, she flipped up her bra, and let her breasts pop out. They looked better than ever.
I must have really been gawking, because she started to tease me. “They’re just my boobs, Kyle. You’ve seen them like, a thousand times.”
That was true. But every time seemed like the first time when it came to boobs. I was so turned on. I wondered if… “Would you suck my dick?”
I watched with disappointment as she frowned, and then put the bra back in place. “You’re so romantic. No. I flashed you, which was more than you deserved, now let’s go.”
“Okay, hold on,” I said. “I need to go tell Dustin goodbye.”
Anna gave me a puzzled look. “I thought you said he was taking a nap?”
I had said that. Probably because he looked like he had been taking a nap in his chair. But the way I’d rushed out of there, I should probably go check to be sure he was alright. “He is, but I’ll tell him bye anyway.”
I went back into Dustin’s room and shut the door behind me. Instead of saying anything to Dustin directly, I looked back at my reflection in the monitor to say goodbye to him that way. “Hey, Kyle. You’re not going to believe this. But I just took over your body, went out, kissed your girlfriend, and got her to flash me. Don’t be mad. It’s true though. I’ve been you for the last few minutes. Anna’s boobs are perfect by the way,” I finished with two thumbs up.
I don’t know why I said all that, it was just the first thing that came to mind. I pressed a button on the keyboard to stop the recording. Then I pressed some other buttons just to act like Dustin who was always clacking away on the thing. But as I pressed the last button, I felt strange, like some invisible force had released me. A second later, I saw Dustin’s face come up from his reclined position with the hugest grin on it.
“That was fantastic!” he said.
“Your nap?” I asked. “That was really weird by the way. We were talking and then you just-”
“No!” he interrupted. “I stealthed into your body. I was controlling you like a freaking puppet, and if I understand it right, you had no idea.”
“Bro, whatever you’re on, save some for me next time. I’m out.”
“Wait,” Dustin said, his fingers flying on the keyboard. “Why would you say this to me?”
I watched as the video I just made appeared on the screen. It was near the end, and I heard myself say, “I just took over your body, went out, kissed your girlfriend, and got her to flash me.”
“Why would you tell me something like that?” Dustin insisted.
“I don’t know. Maybe because I see the way you’re always staring at her tits, and I guess I just, I called you out on it!”
“Holy shit, dude!” my Dustin exclaimed. “You really do believe it was you and not me who just went out there, crammed your tongue down your girl’s throat, and felt her up?”
Dustin’s words pissed me off, and I told him so. “She is my girlfriend, so yeah, bro, it was certainly me who went out there and did those things.”
I watched Dustin’s mouth twist into a mean smirk. “But how can I know that’s what happened if I was in here the whole time with the door shut?”
That question rattled me for some reason. But, wait, there was an explanation. “Because…because I told you on the video. You heard me say all those things, because you weren’t really asleep.”
Dustin’s smirk grew. “But how would I know that she thinks I used too much tongue?”
What the hell? Did he have cameras set up in his living room? “You fucking pervert! I don’t know how you know, but I’m leaving. And if you see me on the street, go the other way.”
As I put my hand on the doorknob to leave, I heard him say, “I guess I’ll have to show you another way.”
I heard him begin clacking on his keyboard, which was fine by me. I didn’t particularly feel like listening to anything he had to say.
This was fucking riduculous. First, I get dragged to this loser’s house. Then my boyfriend treats me like an object on a couch that should be condemned because it smells like loser. And now he’s back in Dustin’s stupid room doing who knows what. If Kyle thinks he’s getting any today, he is sorely mistaken. I’m so pissed that dumping him doesn’t sound like a horrible idea. I won’t, because he’s so fucking hot, but if he keeps this shit up, even that won’t be enough.
I heard the door open and I looked up at him from my seat on the couch. He really did look good 24/7. But I wasn’t about to tell him right then. “About damn time!” I seethed.
“I’m sorry, babe,” Kyle started, and it really did sound like he meant it. “I think Dustin’s smoking something. You wouldn’t believe the stuff he’s saying right now?”
“Tell me all about it on the way to the mall,” I said as I stood up. I was almost to the door, when I got dizzy all of a sudden. I might have fallen, had Kyle moved quickly to steady me.
“Are you all right?” Kyle asked, looking at me with genuine concern.
“My hero,” I giggled. As he righted me, I felt my anger towards him. I reached up on my tiptoes to put my arms around him, and kissed him on the cheek. Then I whispered in his ear, “It’s me. Dustin.”
I thought it would be a funny thing to say to him, and I was right. My boyfriend jumped back from me like I was radioactive.
“Why did you say that?” he asked.
“Because I am,” I said with a smile. It was hilarious to me that he was taking what I’d said so seriously.
“No, no you’re not,” he argued.
I ignored him and looked down at my cleavage. “Wow!” I exclaimed. My tits looked fantastic in this low cut top I’d recently purchased. Kyle liked it too, because he’d been sneaking glances at my chest since he picked me up. As long as it was Kyle, that was okay by me. I pressed them together, giving him even more cleavage to stare at. “It feels different seeing them from this angle.” I slipped a hand down the front of my shirt, going beneath the bra and feeling the soft flesh there. “Oh, that feels different too. Really nice.”
It was true. Kyle could be rough, which I liked sometimes. But the way I was gently rubbing my boob right then made me hot.
“Anna, are you and Dustin playing some sick prank on me right now? Is he paying you? Whatever this is, it’s not funny.”
Dustin wasn’t paying me, but I did feel like joking some more. “It’s really me in here,” I said, and I pulled my top off. As expected his eyes zeroed in on my chest. “You wouldn’t punch your girlfriend for feeling up her own tits, would you?”
Kyle’s eyes were wide as he snapped at me. “Cover yourself up! Dustin’s right in the other room!”
“No, he’s not,” I said in a sing song voice. “I keep telling you, he’s right here. What can I do to prove it to you?”
I watched my boyfriend clench his fist. He was angry now. Good. Serves him right for making me wait all this time.
“Just put your top back on,” he ordered.
I gave him a pitying smirk. “I don’t think so.”
“Why not?” he pleaded.
“Because I want you to believe me, duh. Why don’t you ask me to do something that Anna would never do in a million years. Something like, um, oh, I could get completely naked and run up and down the street.”
I would never do that in a million years, but figured it was the best way to keep messing with him. I waited for him to call my bluff, but he just stood there with a dumb look on his face. So after a few seconds of silence had passed between us, I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra. Well, I tried to unhook it. More like I fumbled and struggled with it until my fingers got lucky. As I slid the straps off my shoulders, I looked down to watch the girls bounce free. It captivated me more than usual. I even gave a couple jumps to see them jiggle more.
Kyle put his hands up in surrender, and tried to look me in the eyes. It was really cute how much power my boobs had over him.
“Okay, okay,” he begged. “Uh, something you wouldn’t do. Why don’t you, uh, give me a blowjob right now in Dustin’s living room?”
I put my hands on my hips and smirked at him. “Something less gay, dude.” It was a weird excuse not to blow my boyfriend, I know. But I’ve come up with more creative reasons than that before.
Kyle seemed to think it was strange too, because he gave a dismissive chuckle and said, “Less gay? Okay, how about you go flash your tits to Dustin in the other room.”
I let my shoulders slump. I let him think he had me there, because he knew I’d never want that lazy slob to see my tits. But as I walked towards Dustin’s bedroom door, I knew this was the thing that would really make Kyle regret bringing me here and wasting my time. Besides, they were my tits, and I could show them to whomever I damn well wanted.
I pulled the door open and was instantly disappointed. Dustin wasn’t even looking at me. He looked like he was passed out in his chair. Undeterred, I whirled around and winked at Kyle and said, “Oh, looks like I’m sleeping. I guess I’ll have to do more than flash him.”
I laughed at Kyle’s disbelieving face. He really didn’t think I’d take things this far. But that’s what he got for bringing me to this dump. Maybe next time he’d think twice before dragging me along. To drive my point home, I walked over and sat on Dustin’s lap facing him. Then I took my tits and began rubbing them all over Dustin’s face.
To give a bit more theater, I said in my sexiest voice possible, “Ooh, Dustin. I love putting my big boobs in your face. I wish you’d put your cock in me. I bet it’s so much bigger than Kyle’s.”
“That’s enough!” Kyle roared.
He was so loud that I jumped on Dustin’s lap. I turned toward him and said, “Do you believe me now?”
Kyle was seething, but he nodded at me.
“Good. Are you willing to help me with it?” I asked. I did want my boyfriend’s help. I wanted to leave. But…I also was feeling pretty aroused, like, more than usual, especially for being in a guy’s smelly room.
“Get out of her first, and then I’ll listen,” he demanded.
“Okay, but you’ll want me to exit her in a slightly less compromised position. As great as this is, she might have some questions if I stopped sending the signal right now.” I sounded so smart just then, about as smart as I knew Dustin was. I turned and began typing on his keyboard like I was a real hacker.
“There,” I said, pretending I was as nerdy as Dustin. “It’s all set. Just hit enter once I’m in the other room, and we can talk.”
He fumed some more, but nodded again.
“Just don’t hit me,” I said as I extracted myself from Dustin’s lap, and walked out of the room. I had just closed the door when I shivered. I looked down and immediately knew why. I was chilly because of all my exposed flesh. As I stooped to pick up my discarded clothes, I pondered why I had pushed things so far.
Those thoughts were quickly pushed aside by a loud scuffle on the other side of Dustin’s door. Then I heard Dustin shout, “I said don’t fucking hit me!”
I rubbed my cheek where the meathead’s fist hit me. It was already starting to swell. I liked Kyle well enough, but he was really starting to piss me off. I was showing him something truly amazing, and he thanks me by punching me. He hadn’t given me a choice. I had to take over Anna. It was the only way to get him to believe me. It hadn’t hurt anything, because Anna had no idea what I’d done. That was the beauty of Stealth Control.
He towered over me, but I wasn’t intimidated. “Don’t do that again,” I warned.
“I should do a lot more than that,” Kyle said threateningly. “I don’t know how you convinced Anna to go along with this fiction, but I’m out.”
It was then that I realized how incredibly thick Kyle was. He still didn't believe me. I had taken over his body and felt up his girlfriend. I had taken over Anna and shoved her titties right in my own face. What did a guy have to do to convince people around here that they had access to a dark web mind possession program? I figured there was only one way now, and my fingers hit the keyboard.
As Kyle turned to leave, I stood up and pushed him onto my bed. He hadn’t been expecting that. He sat back up quickly, and I jammed the silver halo onto his head, then reached over and hit the enter key.
I looked back over and saw his eyes roll back in his head. I whispered in his ear, “Third time’s the charm.” Then he fell back onto my bed.
My double D’s were sugly back into my bra, and I had just gotten my top back on when I shivered. Was I still cold? I began to feel my arms, my face, and eventually looked down at my chest. I definitely wasn’t cold. In fact, I felt my body warming up again. I was getting hot even. So hot that I screamed, “Aah! What is happening?”
I saw Dustin come through his door. His face looked like Kyle had punched him. It didn’t stop him from smiling at me though.
“How about now?” He asked. “Do you believe me now?”
I didn’t know what he was talking about, but I saw Kyle’s legs on the bed. I peered around Dustin to see a bit more into his room. From what I could tell, Kyle was passed out on his bed. Dustin must’ve retaliated somehow. I responded with a question of my own. “What the fuck did you do?” I sounded furious. Good.
Dustin walked over to me and I went to hit him, but he caught my arm. I was taller than he was, but not stronger apparently.
“Don’t even try in this body,” he sneered. “Behave yourself, and I’ll put you back. I just need you to believe that I’m telling you the truth.”
The truth about what? What was he talking about? I decided to play along like I knew, because right then I just wanted to see if Kyle was okay. “I believe you! I believe you! Now put me back!”
“Well now hold on,” Dustin drawled. “I want you to be real sure. I’m not going to transfer you back and then you think it’s still just a dream, right?”
I shook my head.
“But also, you see, I feel I’m owed a bit of an apology. I was telling you the truth after all, letting you in on something very special, and then you hit me.”
If saying sorry would let me check on my boyfriend, that seemed easy enough. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. How could I know?”
“Because I told you, dude. I showed you and…shit. I guess I can’t blame you too much. Stealth Control is real good at covering its tracks. The host body thinks everything they’re made to say and do is their idea. Anything they can’t understand, that doesn’t make sense, their brain finds a way to excuse it or justify it. If push comes to shove, it’ll even block it out if it has to, so don’t worry about what happens next.”
It seemed to me like Dustin had completely lost his mind, because he sounded like something out of a science fiction movie. But it was not lost on me the way his voice dripped with lust as he told me not to worry. I did indeed worry as he continued.
“In way of a sincere apology, I’d like you to strip naked. Right now.”
I couldn’t believe this creep. My boyfriend was in the other room, possibly hurt, and all he cared about was seeing my tits. “Bro, that’s not going to happen.”
“It’s not, huh? Do you know how to get back to your body? Do you understand anything you saw on the monitor? It’s not point and click.”
I thought about the keys on a keyboard, and said the first one that came to mind. “Enter.”
Dustin laughed at my answer. “Sure, sure. Yes, you do eventually have to press Enter. But do you know the sequence you have to press before that?”
I shook my head no because I really didn’t understand the question.
“Well then, you’re wasting my time. You can either take off your clothes, or drag your body out of here and come back when you’re ready to show me how sorry you are.”
I didn’t have time to play games. Kyle wasn’t stirring at all. He could be really hurt. I huffed angrily and took off my top. I struggled with my bra again for the second time today. I didn’t usually have this much trouble. I got it unclasped, then took off my jeans. I stood there in front of the loser, hoping it would be enough.
“All of your clothes,” Dustin insisted.
“Dude, c’mon!” I whined. I did not want this idiot to see any more of me than he already had. Still, as I glanced through the open door at Kyle again, I figured I didn’t have much of a choice. I gripped the sides of my panties and slid them down.
As I did, I glanced at my bush. I studied it, appreciating the fact that at least it was well trimmed. I touched the top of it, letting my fingers feel the sparse hair. Then I put a finger right on top of my bottom lips and…
“Ahem,” Dustin said. “Not distracting you, am I?”
I quickly put my hands at my sides and glared at him. “No! It’s just, I’ve never seen it from this angle.”
He chuckled. “Believe me, I understand. Now get over here and suck my dick.”
I couldn’t help it as my face twisted in obvious disgust. “You’re joking,” I said.
“You can still leave,” Dustin said, pointing at his front door.
I hesitated. Kyle was always asking for blowjobs, but I very, very rarely gave them. But if this was something I had to do for Kyle’s sake, to make sure he was okay… “I thought you said nothing gay?” It was a flimsy argument, but I’d say anything if it meant keeping Dustin’s dick out of my mouth.
“Ha! That only pertained to me. You, however, are allowed to do gay stuff, as long as you got a pussy and tits.”
I scrunched up my face with rage. I thought about rushing him. But I knew he’d probably be able to stop me again. And I’d never be able to help Kyle if I couldn’t get past this jerk. As a feeling of defeat washed over me, I walked over to Dustin and dropped to my knees.
“I can’t fucking believe this,” I said.
“Oh shut up. If you had been a better friend, this wouldn’t be happening right now.”
As he unbuttoned his jeans, I looked up at him and asked, “What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
His eyes darkened as he said, “It means you’ve always thought you were better than me. Better than everyone. Well I was the one that saved your ass senior year. Yet whenever you come over and we hang out, you act like you’ve come down from on high and are doing me this huge favor. It’s bullshit. You’re not better than me. All you are is a musclehead that couldn’t go to college and got stuck in this hick town same as me. But you did get the hottest girl in our class, who was also too stupid to get out of here, but that worked out fine for me. Now, get to sucking.”
I gave him a look that would melt stone. His words stung. He was right though. I was stuck in this stupid town. But at least I had Kyle. And Kyle might be really hurt. Why else would he be in the other room, allowing this to happen. I steeled myself. I lowered the front of his underwear, and almost got poked in the eye by miniature Dustin, who was not as miniature as I thought it might be.
“Damn, man,” I gagged. “It smells. When was the last time you showered?”
“I don’t know,” he answered with a dismissive wave. “I’ll put it on my calendar.”
“Dude, no joke. I will straight throw up on your dick if it tastes half as bad as it smells.”
Dustin groaned, and to my surprise, he walked over to a kitchen cabinet. He pulled out a bottle of honey and let it drip onto his dick. “There,” he said after he’d drizzled the sticky substance along the length of his shaft.
“Still fucking gross,” I complained.
“Suck it or get out,” he said as he walked back over.
I kneeled there in front of him for a few seconds, then looked at him and said, “You can’t tell anyone about this. Not ever.”
“Your secret is safe with me. Especially since we’ll both be sharing many secrets in the days to come.”
As I pondered what that could mean, I parted my lips, and put them around the tip of Dustin’s cock. I kept my tongue back though. I wanted to delay that as long as possible. Dustin, however, did not want to wait. I felt a hand grip the back of my soft, blonde hair. A second later, he shoved me down on his cock. Sweat, precum and honey all rushed onto my taste buds, but I barely sensed them as my airway was constricted and I began to choke. His hand let go and I pulled off him sputtering.
“Dude, do not do that!”
“I don’t have time for you to wade into dick sucking waters, so I gave you a push. You’re welcome.”
He was such a jerk. He was right though. Other than not breathing, it hadn’t been terrible as I thought. Thanks to the honey, his dick tasted sweet. The smell was still there, but it was amazing how you could get used to a smell. I ran my tongue up and down his dick, getting all the honey. He began to moan. I wasn’t great at giving Kyle blowjobs, but he always liked it when I applied more pressure with my mouth. I wanted this to be over with as soon as possible so I could check on Kyle, so I tightened the seal on his shaft with my lips. At the same time, I started moaning like a bitch in heat. I intuited that would make him cum quicker.
As soon as I started moaning, I swear he grew another two inches. He didn’t care that I was faking it. For more of a show, I started caressing my boobs. That made me feel a little too good though. Damn it. I wasn’t trying to get turned on, but I knew I was wet. The whole thing was beyond fucked up.
I let a hand drop to my crotch and clumsily rubbed the area there that was begging for attention. But then I felt the cock in my mouth twitch. A second later, it began to pulse. I knew what was coming, and I panicked. I tried to jerk back, but Dustin’s hand was behind my head again, urging his cock deeper as his cum filled my mouth and went down my throat.
When the last drop was out, he let go and I came off spitting and yelling, “You fucking jerk!”
He had the nerve to laugh at me. “I think you were liking it there at the end, weren’t you?”
“The hell I was!” I said defensively.
“You were moaning like a porn star.”
“To get you to finish, dummy!”
“Yeah, is that why you started touching yourself? To get me to cum?”
“Shut up. I was not touching myself.” I lied.
“I’ll tell you what. How about I return the favor.”
“What?” I asked, but then he was picking me up and dumping me on the sofa. “No! Fuck! You don’t have to. No.” I squirmed as he pinned me with his weight. I could’ve fought harder, but I was so turned on right then. A sick part of me wanted to see what he meant by returning the favor. As he spread my legs and revealed my dripping pussy, I had a pretty good idea.
He leaned forward, and his tongue began to lick directly on my clit. It felt good. Better than good. He was better at eating pussy than I would have anticipated. I began squirming again, but this time out of pleasure. I began to play with my boobs, rubbing and cupping them first, but then teased my nipples. My whole body was on fire. Everything felt tremendously erotic to me, and my moans filled the tiny apartment. This time though, I wasn’t faking.
“Fuck, bro!” I exclaimed after my second orgasm. “How’d you learn to eat pussy so good?”
His face appeared to answer, and I immediately missed the absence of his tongue. I put a hand behind his head to push him back down, but before he was muffled by my pussy, he answered, “Porn!”
I giggled at this, and then was lost in pleasure. He ate me like a starving man at a buffet. I came again and again and again. He finally relented, and I lay panting on his couch. I felt so good I even complimented him. “That felt fucking amazing. Like, way better than…” I stopped, as I didn’t really have anything else to compare it to.
He gave me an inquisitive look. “I might…I might have to try it sometime.”
“That wouldn’t be too gay?” I asked as we both put our clothes back on.
“Eh, I’m sure we’ll blur the lines on all that real soon.”
“Well, I’m not doing it again,” I said, but without conviction. I mean, it was definitely a one time thing. But who knew Dustbin had such an amazing tongue. His dick hadn’t looked half bad either.
“We’ll see,” Dustin winked.
Before my mind could wonder further, I said firmly, “Just put me back now.”
Now fully dressed, I followed him into his room. I watched as he pressed a few buttons, then my body gave a jolt, as a wave of guilt crashed over me as I looked at Kyle. I had forgotten about him when Dustin had…when he had… I couldn’t believe what I’d done to him, and then what I’d let him do to me. As Kyle began to stir on Dustin’s bed, I realized I had just cheated on him.
Tears came to my eyes. But I brushed them away. Kyle never had to know. And if Dustin told him, I’d deny it. Kyle knew how much I hated Dustin. He’d totally believe me over him. I forced a smile and said, “Kyle, thank goodness you’re okay. You were out for a while. How do you feel?”
I truly did not know how to answer that. I had been inside my girlfriend’s body, and not the old fashioned way. I had been forced to do things I never thought I’d do. And a very small part of me, a part that would never tell anyone in a million years, had liked it.
“I…I’m good. Uh, what about you?” I watched as my girlfriend’s face went scarlett. She was embarrassed!
“Uh, yeah. You scared us there for a minute. Dustin and I were really-”
Dustin cut her off. “Yeah, see how fine he is, Anna. Now give me a moment to talk with him again.”
I looked at Dustin dumbfounded. He was just carrying on like he hadn’t give me a series of mind blowing orgasms. I still needed to process it. But as I looked back at Anna, I saw I wasn’t the only one that need time to think.
“Oh, sure,” Anna said. “Yeah, I’ll just, uh…I’ll leave you to it then.”
“I thought you wanted to leave?”
“It’s okay. I’ll just…I’ll just sit here and uh…think about things.”
She was going to think about the fact that Dustin’s tongue had been lapping at her clit like a man possessed. She wouldn’t say it though. That was crazy to me! This Stealth Control was incredible in how it made the hosts think their actions were their own. I was now a believer, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to be involved. Especially if it meant aligning myself with Dustin. I told him that straight up.
“I believe you. But I don’t think I want anything to do with it.” I couldn’t look at him. I’d had his dick in my mouth. It hadn’t been my mouth, but…that didn’t matter. I had been the one in Anna’s body. I could remember how his dick tasted. I could remember how his tongue had parted my…my pussy lips.”
But Dustin wasn’t having it. “I’m afraid that’s not an option. I got plans for this town, and I need a partner. Someone’s got to man the computer and pull the other person out.”
The way he said it didn’t sit right with me. I wouldn’t hit him again, but I wasn’t going to let him hijack me or Anna again either. “Not interested.” And before he could argue, I picked up his computer, and threw it on the ground.
“Oh what the hell man!” he yelled.
“Just be glad I didn’t throw it at your head,” I retorted.
I managed to look at his face. All I saw there was anger, but I didn’t care. This hadn’t been the quick little stop I’d promised Anna earlier. I got my girlfriend, and walked out. I assumed I wouldn’t be hearing from Dustin anytime soon. As far as I was concerned, we were now even.
Anna was quiet as I took her for an early lunch. I took her to a couple of shops afterwards, but then she asked to go home. I was glad, because I was just going through the motions. I kept thinking about how Dustin had used me. How I’d never experienced anything like it. I wonder what Dustin had been planning to do with Stealth Control beyond today. I was sort of glad our little town wouldn’t have to find out. But only sort of. I had thought about how I might have used it. It was silly. It was no longer an option, but I couldn’t stop my imagination from wondering as I headed home.
After I graduated, I kept living with my parents. I was saving up money by working at a used car lot, one of the few businesses in town. Eventually, I’d have enough money to get my own place. And maybe after a small eternity, I’d have enough to go somewhere else. Anywhere else. Maybe I’d take Anna with me. Up until today, I’d thought that was a given, but who knows where her head was at now given today’s events.
As I pulled into my driveway, I saw that my dad’s car wasn’t there. He was probably at work as usual. But I noticed an all too familiar car in its place. It was a clunker that was so broken down it was probably held together by dark magic. The worst thing about it though, was that it belonged to Dustin. If he had come to apologize, that was fine. I still might have to kick his ass first.
My adrenaline was up as I burst through my front door. “Mom, is Dustin here?”
“He sure is,” she chirped. “He’s with me in the living room.”
I would tell Dustin to get out. Then I’d follow him outside. I might punch him again. Maybe more than once. But for sure I’d send him packing. At least, that’s what I thought I’d do before I walked into my living room.
The first thing I saw was my mother dressed in her dark blue bikini. I hadn’t seen her wear that in years, not since she took me to the water park for my twelfth birthday. Why the hell was she wearing it in our living room?
She had a laptop in her lap and way faster than I’d ever seen her before. Usually she’d poke a key here and a key there. She looked up and smiled at me. “Hey there, son.” She really emphasized the son for some reason. “Your friend stopped by and gave me a bottle of champagne his parents didn’t want. I tried to refuse, but he insisted. Even poured me a glass, which I happily accepted. Then he told me he needed to look at your laptop, and I said okay.”
My eyes finally took in the other figure in the room. Dustin was passed out on the recliner, the silver halo over his head. As I understood what was happening, a wave of nausea rolled over me. Somehow, even though I’d smashed his computer, Dustin was controlling my mother. My mother who was in a bikini. Dustin had taken control of my mother and then put on her old bikini, which meant he had seen her naked. I was going to have to do more than punch him. But I couldn’t yet. He was in my mother. I finally found words, and they were mostly questions.
“How? I broke your computer! How are you in my mother right now? Why my mother? You’re going to pay for this!”
“Careful, son,” my mother said as she put the laptop on the coffee table and spun it around for me to see the screen. “Your stupidity is showing. I told you, not that you were paying attention, that Stealth Control is available on the dark web. It’s open to anyone who knows where to look, and on any computer that can access the internet. So I came over to here to permanently borrow your laptop since you wrecked my computer. And also to convince you to help me out.”
“But…my mom? Why mom mom?” I finally got out.
“Because if I wasn’t inside of her right, you’d probably have kicked my ass and thrown me out. That about right, Kyle?”
I nodded slowly. He was correct. He was in charge at the moment. But the second he was out…
My mother sighed. “Look, I’m not going to stay in her. I just really need you to listen, and then I’ll go. I’m sorry for coming on so strong at my place. I got a little frustrated at not being able to convince you, then a lot frustrated, then just pissed off. I went too far. I know that now.”
“You put me in my girlfriend and then fucked my face!”
“Again, very sorry. I won’t be so rough next time. You did seem to enjoy the part after that if I recall.”
I didn’t acknowledge that I had, because I wasn’t moving on from the sight in front of me. “You put my mom in a bikini!”
I watched as he looked down at his cleavage, and then back up and me sheepishly. “Yeah, well, you only live once. Anyway, I thought I was doing you this big favor by showing you all this.”
“My mom’s body!”
“No! Stealth Control!”
I was still angry. But my imagination started whirring in the background. I hadn’t destroyed it. Stealth Control was still there, was still capable of taking over anyone that got a dose of those neuro thingies. “Why me?”
My mother looked at me like I was born yesterday, but only for a moment, then her face softened. “Kyle, has this town treated you well?” she asked gently.
“Uh, sort of, I mean…”
“No, no they haven’t. You were going to get a football scholarship, get out of this town, really make something of yourself. But as soon as you got hurt in that sports injury at the beginning of your senior year, all those opportunities vanished. I watched as this town turned their back on you. Everyone liked you as long as you could throw a ball. But once you couldn’t, they treated you like me. Like a leper, an outcast. Did you forget?”
I hadn’t. I got dealt a bum hand, and went from hero to zero in a matter of days. “I haven’t. But can’t do nothing about it.”
Dustin used my Mom’s body to lean forward and smile. As he did, her boobs sagged forward. I tried not to think about my mom’s boobs as he continued.
“Listen, Kyle. With Stealth Control, we can run this town.”
I hated to admit it, but I was curious. “How?”
“By taking over all those people that treated us like dirt. We give them a bottle of water spiked with neuro-receivers. And then whenever we need to, we take control of them and make them do whatever we want. Don’t you see? This is a short cut to money, power, and sex. This town stops feeling like a place we’re trapped in, and becomes our own little kingdom. Everything will go your way again. And you’ll be able to sleep with anyone that catches your eye, just like when you were the star quarterback.”
The idea of money and power intrigued me. So did having more dating options than Anna, but I wasn’t going to tell Dustin that. “What…what would you need me for?”
“This is really a two man operation. First, we’ve got to get the neuro-receivers into as many residents as possible.”
“Like, everyone?” I interrupted.
“Everyone 18 and older.”
“Even your parents?” I asked pointedly.
“Ew, no, dude. They’re my parents, and it’s not like I live with them anymore.”
I glared at him.
“Right. Fair point,” he said apologetically. “But my parents aren’t really a good resource. They don’t have any money, and unless you wanted to fuck my mom…”
I didn’t. I wished I did, because if I wanted to see her naked, I’d at least be able to get even with Dustin for being inside my mom. But his mom had a trainwreck of a body, and was not someone I’d ever fantasize about. I gestured with my finger that he should keep going.
“Anyways, once enough key people have the neuro-transmitters in them, we stash these throughout the town.” My mom held up a small yellow device that looked like a pencil, but had a red light on one end that flashed every few seconds. “This is a transmitter, and it extends the signal. With enough of these in the right places, we can take over anyone we want, whenever we want, for as long as we want.”
“And nobody else knows about this?”
“I mean, it’s on the dark web. It’s out there. I’m sure there are people that are already using it in the cities, but no one around here is smart enough to figure this all out, “he said while using my mom’s arms to indicate our town. “It’ll be only you and me that benefit from it. Once we take over enough people, and the right people, this place becomes our paradise.”
I wasn’t entirely sure who he meant by the right people. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. But I knew two things. I wanted to be on the side that got to be in control. And I really wanted Dustin to get out of my mom. “What would I need to do?”
“Obviously a lot of leg work at first. Getting the neuro-receivers into everyone. Placing the transmitters. That’s phase one. Phase two is I start sending you into key people, like ones who work at the bank for starters. We use them to improve our financial situation, and after that, we start having fun.”
“But, we’ll get found out eventually. Probably go to jail.”
“No, we won’t,” Dustin said, laughing his nerdy laugh with my mother’s vocal chords. That was probably the most disconcerting thing I’d seen all day, and I’d seen Dustin’s dick up close. “Everyone we control thinks they’re the ones doing it. Right now, your mom thinks she’s having a pleasant conversation with her son while she’s wearing a bikini. She probably doesn’t understand everything we’re talking about, but her mind will make it make sense to her somehow.”
I thought back to how everything had seemed my idea when Dustin had controlled me and made me go grab Anna’s boobs. And Anna had thought everything I’d done in her body had been her decisions, her choices. If it really worked like that, I couldn’t see any downside. “Okay,” I said. “As long as you get out of my mom in the next thirty seconds.”
My mom held out her hand for me to shake and said, “Deal!”
I shook it. I let out a sigh of relief and said, “Man, I thought you were going to try and use my mom to have sex with me.”
“Hadn’t planned on it,” Dustin winked at me. “Unless that’s something you’re into.”
“Get the fuck out of her now,” I said as my hand squeezed hers tighter.
“Ow, fuck, I will, dude. I’ll do it right now.”
I let go of his hand, and he pulled the laptop back onto his lap. He hit the button and I watched as my mom stiffened for a moment, then relaxed. She looked at me and pointed at the laptop, “I’m glad you and Dustin are working on this project together. I don’t understand a lick of what’s on this screen though.”
I watched as Dustin sat up out of the corner of my eye. “Uh, what project do you think we’re working on?”
She looked at Dustin like he’d said something stupid. “You just told me. You’re going to work with key people in our town, and…” she faltered for words. “And the bank is giving you a loan I think…”
“It’s a lot of complicated stuff,” Dustin said, getting up from the chair. He grabbed the laptop from my mom. “I showed it all to you on the screen there, but I told you it’d be hard to understand.”
“Yes,” she said with a vacant nod. “It was a little confusing.”
I asked her the big question. “Mom, why are you wearing a bikini in our living room?”
She looked down at herself. Then looked back at me and smiled. “It was because of the champagne. I told you about it when you first got here. Dustin brought over some champagne that his parents didn’t want. And I drank some, and it made me feel really warm like alcohol does. And since Dustin took a nap while waiting for you to come home, I decided to shed a few layers and put on this bikini.”
“A bikini, mom?” I pushed.
“Well if it’s making you uncomfortable I’ll go change,” she huffed.
“Mom, I didn’t mean anything by it.”
“No, no,” she said, anger in her voice as she got up. “It’s just my house. I would think I could wear what I wanted to in my own home! But I’ve gone and made my son uncomfortable so I guess I”ll just go cover up my hideous, old body.”
Dustin piped up, “I thought you looked hot, Kyle’s mom!”
She smiled at him. Actually smiled at the person that made her put the bikini on in the first place.
“Thank you, Dustin,” she said, and then walked out of the room to change.
I saw Dustin’s eyes track her ass, so I growled, “I could still kill you, you know.”
“I know. But you won’t. Because I see it in your eyes now. You’re on board.”
He was right. After seeing my mother’s reaction, how she thought she hadn’t been manipulated at any point, that was enough to assuage any doubt.
As our town has a population of just over 1,800 people, it took us less than a month to get all the adults in our town a dose of the neuro-receivers. The first several people were a challenge, because not everyone will drink something handed to them by a geeky loner, or even a former football star. It got significantly easier however, once all the transmitters were placed and we started taking over the few we had dosed up to that point. By becoming other people’s husbands, wives, and neighbors, they’d drink whatever we handed them.
Shortly after, phase two was in full swing. I had Kyle man the computer while I used Stealth Control to get us some money. I didn’t bleed the town dry, just took a little here and there, which added up to a lot!
When I wasn’t making us money, I was stealthing into the husbands and boyfriends of the most attractive women in our town. In those men’s bodies, it was so easy to coerce their significant other into sleeping with me. I did Kyle’s mom more than once. That woman’s got a high sex drive. When I came on to her as Kyle’s dad that first time, she was like a wild animal. An experienced wild animal, that did things with her mouth and pussy that, well, let’s just say Kyle’s dad is a very lucky man.
Of course, I never told Kyle I was fucking his mom. We might have an alliance, but I knew he’d kill me for real over that. It was real easy to fool him though. I told him I was screwing Mrs. Petersen or some such, or making us money. There weren’t names in the Stealth Control code, so he didn’t know, and I wasn’t ever going to teach him how to use the program. Every time Kyle manned it, I had it preset so that all he had to do was press the return button. At the start, that’s all he wanted, money in the bank.
But after a short time, Kyle felt like he needed a turn at being the sender, especially after he and Anna broke up. I knew this was coming, and I saw it as an opportunity. There were several hotties in our town I hadn’t been able to plow, because they were single. I was sure they wouldn’t be for long, but I didn’t have time to wait around for them to get boyfriends. And I wanted to do more than take over their bodies and see them naked, which, I did do on occasion. But what I really wanted was to stick my dick in them. And that’s where Kyle came in.
I sent him into a few husbands and boyfriends first to lull him into a sense of security. I’d pull him back after an hour, and he’d tell me all about fucking a milf that I’d fucked already. He began to look forward to me sending him. So he was excited when I told him I was sending him to a special target a week later. What I did not tell him, however, was that it was a girl. I hadn’t sent Kyle into a female body since Anna. I wasn’t sure how he’d take it, but I really wanted to fuck this person and didn’t want to wait around anymore.
I’d had this girl in mind when I first discovered Stealth Control online. Her name was Layla. She was cute as hell, and worked at our small food mart. She was a few years older than me, and I’d had a crush on her since forever. Since I’d graduated, I’d got up the nerve to ask her out several times. But even though I was pretty sure she didn’t have a boyfriend, she always said no. I was used to being rejected by girls, but this one stung, because the last time she’d said no, she’d called me by my school’s nickname for me, “Dustbin.”
So yeah. I had no problem making her mine with a little help from Kyle and Stealth Control. Did I feel bad about using Kyle to make that happen? Maybe a little. Not really though. If anything, he should be thanking me for including him at all. I was the one doing the lion’s share of the work, and he was benefitting tremendously from it. To smooth out any ill feelings though, I would endeavor to make him feel as good as I did when he was inside Anna.
So that day, Kyle totally thought he was going to bang another hot chick as I put the device over his head. The next thing he knows, he’s in a girls’ body and in the middle of a shift at the food mart.
The hilarious thing was that he didn’t leave! I gave 50/50 odds that he’d come running the two blocks to my apartment and accuse me of sending him into the wrong person. But he just stayed there, stocking or working Layla’s register or whatever. He did manage to sneak away though, and call me to find out why I wanted him there. I told him to wait, and that all would be revealed shortly.
Five minutes later, I strode into the food mart and made a beeline to Kayla’s register. When he saw me come in, he got nervous and asked why I was there in person. I winked, and told him to meet me in the bathroom. I think that’s when he figured it out. He crossed Layla’s arms and told me to go fuck myself.
I leaned forward and in a hushed whisper, I reminded him of a couple things. Like that I was the only one that could operate Stealth Control. And that shit like this was the whole reason were were doing this in the first place. I let him know that I’d had a crush on the girl he was in for years, but still couldn’t hook up with her since she was single. The only way I’d get to fuck her was if Kyle took one for the team, and if he said no, we might have to reevaluate our partnership.
He scrunched up her face and tried to look mad at me. He might have been furious, I didn’t know, and didn’t care. He seemed to grasp the importance of the situation he was in though. And a few minutes later, he fell in line, just like I thought he would.
I was waiting for him in the small men’s room. It was just a small concrete room with one toilet, a sink, and a mirror, and most importantly, a lock on the door. A minute later, I heard a knock.
I opened it, and the girl I’d been fantasizing about said, “Okay, I’m on break. Make it quick. I don’t want to get her fired.”
Seeing Layla talk to me in the bathroom, and knowing what I was about to do to her body, made my dick rock solid. I pulled up her black, polyester work shirt so I could see her small boobs. She sighed as she began to unbutton her black pants. She slid them and her panties down. She was shorter than me, and I was able to lift her up and put her ass on the sink. I didn’t waste time, and thrust into her right away. To my surprise, she was wet and ready.
I pulled out of her, and explored her down there with a finger. I slid it up and down for a few seconds. She wouldn’t look at me, but I held my glistening finger up where she could see it and asked, “What’s up with this, Kyle?”
“Please do not say my name right now?” was his only reply.
“I just want to know why you're so wet, is all? I asked. Kayla’s face turned a pretty shade of pink, right before I rammed my full length back into her pussy.
“Fuck,” she moaned. “I don’t know. This body was horny the minute I got here, and it’s only gotten worse. Even though I couldn’t see myself, I realized pretty quick you’d put me into Layla at the food mart. At first I thought you’d sent me to the wrong person, or that you wanted me to take lottery tickets or cash from the till. But the second you showed up here, I knew what was coming.”
“Oh, I’ll be coming all right,” I quipped. But amazingly, Kyle beat me to it. The hot little bod he found himself in began to quiver and quake after I’d been pumping Layla’s tight pussy for just a few minutes. Kyle couldn’t be quiet about it either. Layla’s voice began making these slutty squeals, and begged me to go deeper. And then I heard someone bang on the door and ask what was going on, which was pretty fucking stupid because by the sound alone it should have been obvious.
After Layla came, she began rocking her hips back and forth on the edge of the sink. She gave me a real sultry look, then leaned forward and put her lips on mind. That took me by surprise, but Kyle wasn’t done, because a second later, Layla’s tongue forced its way into my mouth. I began pumping her even faster. This was amazing. I was fucking Layla. This was incredible. Not quite as good as Kyle’s mom, which was more of a surprise to me, but still pretty freaking fantastic.
She broke off the kiss, and our eyes met. She said, “You know, I always wanted to get fucked in here. I’m glad it was by you, Dustin.”
I knew it was just Kyle messing with me, trying to get me to cum. And it worked. I erupted inside of her. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me deeper as I coated her insides.
Reality set in pretty quick, as someone was still pounding on the fucking door. I pulled my pants up, and Kyle made Layla’s uniform as presentable as he could. I told Kyle I’d get him out of Layla second I got back to the apartment. I unlocked the restroom door, and one of our town’s nosiest residents greeted me. Her name was Sheri Egret, and she looked pleased as punch to be witnessing such salacious gossip as a public hook up in the food mart. She glanced past me and saw Layla, then she started to berate us both. I just left and let Kyle deal with the aftermath. I also made it a point to confirm that Sheri had been dosed with nero-receivers. Not because I wanted to have sex with her, but because if she wanted gossip, I’d make her the center of it.
When I pulled Kyle back ten minutes later, I was amazed to hear that Layla wasn’t going to get fired. Sheri had tattled to the manager about our hook up, and publicly, the manager had promised repercussions. But once Sheri left, the manager said what Layla did on her break was her business. I found out later that Layla and the manager had been fuck buddies at one point in time, so the manager pretty much let her get away with whatever.
I went into the food mart the next day to check on Layla’s thoughts on our bathroom tryst. I wanted to see how she’d justified what had happened while under Stealth Control. She gave me an appraising look when I got there, like, really looked me over. She didn’t say anything, so I figured what the hell, and asked her out again. She still said no! However, she also said she wouldn’t mind meeting me in the bathroom again in the future. When I pressed her what she meant, she told me that for a supposed loser, I was a pretty good lay. She said she was glad she’d given me a chance.
That made Kyle’s behavior worth it. Yes, he had been absent with me about ambushing him into sex as a woman. I thought it was interesting that he didn’t seem near as angry as when I put him into Anna. Regardless, I told him I’d make it up to him. I wasn’t sure why I needed to, especially since he seemed to enjoy getting fucked as a girl.
That’s probably why I did what I did next, because I wanted to experience sex as a woman for myself. So the next day, I showed up at Kyle’s house, stealthed as Anna. Kyle was surprised to see his ex there, and I didn’t let on that it was actually me. His parents doted on me in Anna’s body, and couldn’t stop fussing about how glad they were that I’d visited.They invited me to stay for dinner. I spent most of the meal trying not to stare at Kyle’s mom’s tits.
After dessert, Kyle took me upstairs and was all, I miss you, and thinking maybe we should get back together, and other bullshit. I laughed and finally let him in on the charade.
He started to get angry, like, angrier than I’d ever seen. But then I took Anna’s clothes off and said he could do whatever he wanted to her body, as long as I didn’t have to kiss him. He wasn’t angry after that. Well, he fucked me like he was angry, but I didn’t mind. It was so weird being a chick and having a dick shoved into me. But other than having to see Kyle’s face or his junk, it wasn’t bad. It was actually really good. I liked getting groped. And the feeling of Kyle’s eyes roaming all over Anna’s body, and how much he got off onto it, wow. I think he really liked her.
He came all too quick though, and so I had him finger fuck me to climax. He started to protest, but I told him I’d go find someone else to make me cum in Anna’s body, and then he obliged me. After that, I told him he should thank me, because he got to experience sex with an ex. I ordered him to go to my apartment, and press the waiting enter key. I was hoping he’d take his time, but I was back in my body less than an hour later.
The next day, I busied myself by taking over Sheri Egret. I didn’t stay long, just long enough to mow her lawn in the nude. It caused quite a stir. A lot of pictures and videos were taken by curious and horny neighbors before a visit from the county sheriff’s department put a stop to it. That was fine, because I’d finished the lawn.
For quite awhile, the whole town was our playground. We did what we wanted, when we wanted, and who we wanted. Right up until the day it all ended.
I had slept in, and got woken up by Kyle knocking on my door. I let him in, and he smiled and clapped me on the back like we were best friends. Over the last few weeks, he’d become a real team player. He didn’t argue or complain anymore if I sent him into a girl I wanted to fuck.
He asked to speak with me in my room. I thought that was weird, but whatever. I went to sit in my computer chair, but he chuckled and told me to have a seat on my bed. Again, I obliged, wondering what he thought he was going to do on my computer. I watched in astonishment as his fingers became a blur on my keyboard. I asked him what the hell he was doing, but he didn’t respond. When I tried to stop him, he shoved me hard onto the floor. That was the moment I knew something was wrong.
When he was done typing, he turned to me, still with that damned smile, and apologized. “Sorry about that, Dustin. Couldn’t have you interrupting me while I was locking you out though.”
“Locking me out? What are you talking about?”
“First, let me thank you by saying-”
He stopped as we both heard the door to my apartment open. I heard several voices in my living room.
“Who the fuck is in my-”
“You’ll find out soon enough,” Kyle said smoothly. “But first let me say, thank you so much, from all of us, for the fantastic job you’ve done here in this little town. Very few people showed as much initiative as you. We’d hoped to take over some residences here and there throughout the country, but a whole town! This is really special. It creates a whole bunch of new options.”
I was getting very worried. Kyle never sounded this smart. And he couldn’t type that fast to save his life. “Tell me what’s going on!” I demanded.
Kyle grinned and spread out his arms. “Isn’t it obvious? I helped get Stealth Control into the wild, well, me and a team of very talented hackers. And we kept tabs on the people who were smart enough to use it, first through with a back hack into your devices. But eventually, something a little more intimate.”
I gulped.
“Did you think you were the one always in control since you began your little town takeover? Ha! My colleagues and I spent so much time in you both, helping you along as you made this a perfect little black market stealth site.”
I couldn’t believe it. I’d been the puppet on a string this whole time. “Buy why? There’s a whole resort for this sort of thing?”
He laughed. “That’s run by people I used to work with. They’re doing okay, but they have all these rules and regulations, and all the money gets filtered up the ladder. That won’t be the case here in your town. There will be almost no restrictions. The gloves come off so to speak. Anyone that pays us will get to come here, and use the residents however they please, as long as it’s not in a way that draws undue attention to police or government.”
“You can’t do this!”
“Come now. You’re smart enough to realize that it’s already done. And all because of you! Please know, we want to acknowledge that. You really did great! So, on behalf of me and my team, we’re willing to offer you something very special.”
“No! This is my town! I’m in charge here! I call the shots! Find your own town!”
Kyle gave me a sympathetic look. “Dustin, are you sure? There’s something amazing on the other side of that door. If you’re willing to just let go and let us do our thing, I think you’ll find-”
“Fuck you!” I shouted. I’d worked too hard to let someone else just take this from me. The first chance I got, I was getting on a computer and finding a way to kick them all out. They couldn’t do this. They didn’t have the right! I was the one who-
Kyle shouted through the door, “We’re going with Plan B!”
“What the hell’s plan B?” I asked, but a second later, a shiver ran through my body. I stood up. I might as well see who the hell was in my living room. “Let’s do this,” I said to Kyle.
Kyle opened the door and said, “After you.”
My eyes bulged as I surveyed the inhabitants of my living room. Twelve of the hottest women in our town were there, all at once, and very naked.
“Hi, Dustin!” they said at once.
And then it was on. They swarmed me and practically ripped the clothes from my body. I helped out where I could, and then I became completely enveloped in soft flesh. Boobs were shoved in my face. Multiple tongues found my dick. My hands were grabbed and I was allowed to paw anywhere and everywhere my hearts desired. I was more turned on than I’d ever been.
Repeatedly the horny mob got me to the brink of climax, then backed off. One of them would stroke me gently and let me watch as the rest of them made out together. Kyle got in on the action and was thrusting his dick in a new hole every twenty seconds.
“This guy’s going to burst eventually,” I said. “Is she almost here?”
I assumed there were even more girls, which was why I had asked.
Kyle checked his phone between thrusts and said, “Yeah, she’s pulling up now.”
A minute later, my mother came through the door. My mom was not an ugly woman, but she wasn’t going to win any beauty pageants either. Years of smoking, drinking, and who knows what else had stolen her good looks. And right then her face was covered in makeup that made her look like a two bit whore.
Kyle stopped fucking and started filming on his phone. “Hey! Look who it is, Dustin! It’s your mom! You ready to fuck your mom?”
I wanted to say no, but I was so horny, and my lust compelled me to yell, “Get over here, Mom!”
She marched right over, shedding her clothes as she came. She bent over in front of me, and I impaled her loose pussy with my cock.
As Kyle’s phone kept recording, she yelled, “Fuck me Dustin! Fuck your mother! That’s right! Treat me like the whore that I am! I love it! I love my son’s dick! Tell the world how much you love fucking your own mom, Dustin!”
A part of me wondered in that moment as my dick slid in and out of my mom’s wet hole, was I really the one in control? I felt like I was. Everything had been my idea, right? It was my idea to keep fucking my mom in that moment.
But that illusion was shatters as Kyle came in for a closeup and said seriously, “It didn’t have to be this way, Dustin. If you had just played ball, you could have fucked the other girls as a thank you, and we’d have left your mother out of it. Too bad, I guess.”
While he was talking, I came. I came inside my mom, and it felt great.
Then Kyle said, “I’ll send you a copy of the video tomorrow. If you remove even one of the transmitters, or do anything to remotely piss us off, me leaking the video online won’t be the worst of your problems.” Then he turned to the naked, writhing females still going at it in every free space of my kitchen and living room. “Pack it up horndogs! You can finish this orgy at Kyle’s house! I’m sure my ‘mom and dad’ want in on the action too!”
It’s been a week since that happened. I’m scared to leave the house. I question whether any of my decisions and actions are my own. I know not to try and stop them. I’m sure by now, they’ve got enough information and blackmail on me and the residents of this town to ruin us all.
The end.
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