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This Shudder one shot takes place between Shudder: The College Years and The Last Shapeshifter. I have tried to write all but the epilogue in a way that if you haven't read those you'll be able to understand what's going on.
It was Richard Johnson’s birthday, and he was a man on a mission. He was going to pick up a beautiful woman in a hotel bar using only his appearance and charm. He hadn’t needed to rely on those attributes in a very long time, but still managed to have a different woman in his bed every night. That was one of the perks to being married to a bodyhopper.
For the ten years that she’d been a bodyhopper, Nancy Johnson loved bringing home women that would entice her husband to fuck her senseless. If a pretty cashier caught his eye, or the cute teller at the bank, or a seductive college cheerleader, or one of the many local milfs, Nancy would make sure each of their bodies spent some very intimate time with her man. She’d even gone on a few trips to bring in some celebrities that he’d crushed on forever.
Nancy became bodyhopper during an experiment run by her twin children, Derek and Aubrey. They’d used an electrical charge to spark a gene inside of her. They knew it was there, because it ran in their family. Once activated, she gained the ability to pass her soul from one body to the next. In doing so, she gained access to that person’s mind and could pass for them with the greatest of ease. She had used it to seduce her husband, and eventually persuaded him to leave her aging body behind.
The couple were still very much in love, and when Nancy wasn’t fucking her husband’s brains out in a body typically younger than her previous one, they were enjoying hobbies and conversations that were akin to people who had been together for many years. They didn’t go out on many dates though since Nancy was usually in the body of a woman in her 20’s that could have been Richard’s granddaughter. It was here that the trouble started.
A week ago Nancy had gently teased her husband while in the guise of a cute, blonde 21 year old. She told him he’d never be able to pick up someone like her in real life because of the age gap. She thought it would turn him on. One of his favorite things was when she brought home a young woman and began calling him ‘Daddy.’ Perhaps because his 55th birthday was a week away, or the fact that they could no longer grow old together, he took it poorly.
“Age is just a number,” he snapped back. “I could go into a bar, any bar, and have a woman on my arm by the end of the night.”
Nancy had then made the catastrophic mistake of laughing at this remark. The idea of her husband with his wrinkles and gray hair going to a club and using his cheesy lines on a woman to take her back home was honestly absurd to her.
Richard’s pride took a hit, and he went to sleep on the couch that night, and no amount of cajoling or seduction could get him to return. This was also a blow to Nancy, because a bodyhopper continually craved sex. It seemed to be part of the gene. In instances like these, she’d had to seek other options. In that case, she’d taken the blonde home and fucked her boyfriend.
Nancy fucked a lot of boyfriends and husbands when she inevitably returned a host body. Richard knew this of these indiscretions, but also knew that as horny as he often was, his wife had an itch that he couldn’t always scratch, especially as he got older. He’d never resented her for it, because he’d been around a few bodyhoppers the last decade. Derek was one, and like Nancy, no longer had a body of his own. Aubrey was too, but had to keep her body hooked up to life support if she ever hopped someone.
Then there was the third bodyhopper they all knew. The one who had passed the gene on to so many people over the last few centuries. His name was Nevyn, and he’d almost ruined all of their lives.
Nevyn had possessed Nancy for a few months long ago, living with the Johnsons and teasing Derek relentlessly. But after Nevyn lost his bodyhopping power and became stuck in Derek’s body, he’d briefly aligned himself with the Johnsons in the pursuit of getting Derek his body back. They’d studied the gene and made several breakthroughs, and somewhere during this process, Nevyn felt sidelined, and eventually betrayed. He used what he knew to get his powers back by himself, which led to a close friend of the Johnsons named Bekka to lose her life, although the twins often spoke of her like she was still alive.
Nevyn’s actions spurred the twins along two different paths that ran parallel to each other. Aubrey continued unlocking the secrets of the bodyswapping gene to try and find a way to track it, while Derek pursued Nevyn by thinking like him, and looking for his telltale signatures in society.
A month ago, Derek had success, and had intercepted Nevyn. In a phone call, Derek had given his parents the good news that it was finally over.
“Nevyn’s dead. He knew I was chasing him and he ran into traffic. A second later he was hit by a bus. After all this time, that’s how it ends. It’s so strange. We finally all have our lives back.”
The Johnsons had all moved on as best they could, with Aubrey stating she was going back to college to get her doctorate, and Derek possibly moving back home.
But tonight, none of this was on Richard’s mind. Because tonight he was celebrating his birthday. Because of Nancy’s insensitive remarks, husband and wife made a wager. If he could pick up a woman at a local hotel bar and get her to go upstairs to a room for sex, she’d join them for a threesome.
“But what if she doesn’t want a threesome?” Richard had asked.
“You mean if I can’t convince her with my very impressive feminine wiles?” his wife had responded with a laugh. “Then I guess I’ll be doing some very fast hopping. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
This is why Richard now found himself up past his bedtime at a crowded hotel bar where the music was too loud. He’d much rather be at home, waiting to see who his wife was bringing him that night. But his pride was on the line.
Even though he’d been out of the dating game for a long time, he felt confident he’d be able to land a hottie and take her up to the hotel room they’d booked. He scanned the sea of people. It seemed full of possibilities. He locked eyes with a pretty raven haired woman behind the bar as she mixed a drink. She winked at him. Nancy had chosen this bartender as her vantage point to watch the proceeding.
She totally wanted him to win, which is why she pointed towards a small circular table where a couple of young women sat, chatting and giggling away. After observing them for a few seconds, he shot an upturned eyebrow back at Nancy. He knew these women were at least 21 years of age, but probably not a day older. They still had their whole lives ahead of them. He was just the man that could teach them a thing or two. Richard strode over confidently, believing that this would be over quickly, he’d be fucking one or both of them within the hour, and could go to sleep.
He assessed them as he got closer. The girl to his left was a curly haired brunette with a dazzling smile. She wore a short black dress, but didn’t have a lot going on in the chest department. That was okay. He was always partial to brunettes. They reminded him of his wife and his daughter Aubrey, although they had both been stacked.
To her right was a shoulder length blonde who was offering a generous amount of cleavage to all passersby in a low red blouse with lipstick that matched. His eyes lingered on her exposed skin, and it distracted him so much that he forgot to say anything upon his arrival.
“Can we…help you with something old man?” the blonde said with a pitying smirk.
“He looks lost,” the brunette giggled. “It seems like he’s trying to find directions to your tits.”
“Don’t even!” the blonde squealed, and whacked the brunette on the shoulder playfully. “I’m sure this grandpa is harmless.”
“Or he’s a dirty old man,” the brunette clapped back. “He’s gotta be, right? I mean he came over to our table. To what? Hit on us?” She crossed her legs and looked up at him as if she’d caught him doing something scandalous. “Do you even know how old we are, mister?”
“Um, uh, 21?” Richard replied as he tried to recover from their verbal assault.
“I am,” the blonde said, “But Kinzie here is only 19.”
“How did you…” Richard started to ask.
But the girl identified as Kinzie interjected. “Fake ID grandpa. What? They didn’t have those back in your day?”
“I don’t think they had that kind of technology back then,” the blonde added.
“Just had the wheel and fire, right gramps?”
“I am not that old!” Richard fumed.
“Yeah? How old are you then?” Kinzie asked with a raised eyebrow as she haughtily picked up her drink to take a sip.
“Old enough to…uh…teach you a few things,” Richard said as he tried to turn this interaction around.
This elicited a cringe response on both their faces that ended when they looked at each other and burst into a giggle fit.
The blonde’s eyes drifted down to Richard’s crotch, then back up to meet his. “Can you even get it up? I hear that can be a real problem for senior citizens.”
“I’m sure he can, Mckayla, withe the help of a pill!”
The giggle fit resumed in earnest, and Richard found himself wanting to retreat, from this table, from the premises from civilization. This had been a horrible idea.
Suddenly the bartender was at his side carrying a tray that had three drinks in martini glasses on it. “Here’s your drink sir, and how nice of you to buy a round for these two lovely ladies.”
“Ugh,” Kinzie said with an eye roll. “Well, a free drink’s a free drink.
She reached for it, but Mckayla hesitated and asked the bartender, “He didn’t pay you to slip something into it, did he?”
The bartender’s pretty face faltered as if she’d been slapped. But then she set her jaw, and said tightly, “I can assure you that he’d never have to do anything of the sort. Not when he has me.”
As Kinzie’s fingers curled around the thin stem of a glass, the bartender’s fingers brushed against her for the briefest of moments in a way that so often happens while passing something from one person to the next. A fleeting second of contact that feels both innocuous and yet strangely intimate. It is usually a moment that is here, then gone, but this time, it left a lingering effect in the form of a shudder that began in Kinzie’s hand.
“Excuse me?” Mckayla asked loudly in response to what the bartender had just said. But she got no response, because the bartender’s gaze had gone slack.
“Um, Mckayla, I think maybe I’ve had too much to drink,” Kinzie said as she looked at the tremor rapidly spreading up her arm.
Mckayla didn’t look at her friend but continued to study the bartender. It was like she was asleep, but her eyes were open. She was just standing as still as a statue holding the tray. “You’ve only had one Kinzie. I swear, you’re such a lightweight. You really should be building up more of a tolerance for the parties at college.”
“No, really, I…I think I want to go…” but the rest of what she might have said was lost as her mind was no longer her own.
“Just kidding!” Kinzie suddenly squealed. “I feel fine! In fact, I think we should go to this handsome guy’s room. You got a room, don’t ya mister?”
Mckayla’s jaw dropped as she turned her head away from the bartender towards her friend. “Are you fucking kidding me girl? You’ve got to be insane if you think that I’m going anywhere with grandpa here just cause he got us a free-”
But she stopped mid sentence as her friend grabbed her wrist, and it too began to shudder.
“What the hell? Why’s my arm fucking doing that? Am I having a stroke or some-”
But then Mckayla went quiet for a second before looking up at the bartender and taking the drink she’d previously insinuated was spiked. “Thank you, ma’am. Now go back and attend to your duties.”
“Yes,” the pretty bartender said in a flat tone before she turned away and went back behind the bar.
“So, stud,” Mackayla said as she eyed Richard up and down as if he were a snack. “I believe you were about to sit down and talk us two lovely ladies into having a threesome with you?” She set her glass down on the table and touched her friend’s hand.
A second later Kinzie said, “Yeah. We’d totally say yes. You can take us upstairs to your room and fuck us stupid. We’re both really nimble. We were both cheerleaders!” She touched Mckayla’s hand.
“I bet you like cheerleaders, don’t ya?” Mckayla said with a wink. “Especially ones that like kissing each other.” She looked at her friend and said, “Kiss me passionately.”
“Yes,” Kinzie said, and then their lips were together as they kissed each other deeply.
“So, what do you say?” Kinzie asked with her thousand watt smile.
“Please take us horny sluts up to your room and be our daddy for the night.”
This sudden reversal of fortune seemed to darken Richard’s mood. “Dammit Nancy! The deal was I do this on my own!”
Several people glanced at the tiny outburst from the older gentleman standing in front of the two young women. He seemed to be reprimanding them for something. Richard seemed to understand he’d made a scene, and smiled bashfully. A few seconds later, everyone went back to their drinks and conversations.
“I’m sorry, Richard,” Nancy’s voice came quietly out of Mckayla’s mouth. “It’s just, I heard these cunts being horrible to you and I thought we could teach them a lesson.” She put a hand on his leg and began sliding it upwards. “Together.”
Mckayla’s voice was back then. “Please mister. Please fuck some manners into us. Kinzie and I would learn so much from you.” She touched her friend on the arm.
“Yeah. Teach us Daddy,” Kinzie whined. “We’ll be good girls for you. We’ll even let you-”
“Enough,” Richard said quietly but firmly. “Anyone I take upstairs tonight will come because they want to. So…get out of these girls and let me get back to finding that person.”
“Fine!” Nancy said with an eye roll. “You still interested in teaching them a lesson though?”
“What did you have in mind?”
Nancy waved over the bartender who approached them quickly. Her eyes seemed less vacant than before, but there was still a bit of a haze there. Nancy casually brushed the back of Kinzie’s hand against the bartender, who shuddered.
“Well,” the bartender said, and she sounded as if she were recommending a drink. “Since you two are such good friends, you’re going to get each other off. I want you to go into the ladies room and strip naked, then toss your clothes out the window in there. Then go into a stall and begin licking and fingering each other. Try to make each other cum as fast as you can.”
“Yes,” they both said in perfect unison. They immediately stood, and with robotic grace walked to the ladies room.
“Well fuck me,” Richard said. “Now I want to go to the ladies room.”
“You had your chance,” Nancy said with a smirk. “Although I did memorize Mckayla’s address if you ever want me to go pay her a visit.”
A huge grin crept over Richard’s face. “I love you.”
“I know. Now get back on the horse and go get ‘em tiger. I’ll be over there watching. Best of luck. I do want you to have a happy birthday!”
“I think I’ll go hit on someone near the ladies room.”
“You do that, dear,” she said with a laugh, then went back to resume bartending.
Richard set off in the direction the two girls had gone. He passed by several people that looked like couples or were just trying to relax by themselves. He considered hitting on a few of them, but crossed off the ones that looked under 26. No more early twentysomethings. Too obnoxious and rude. He’d go aim a bit higher, which, he didn’t want to admit, would probably up his chances of success.
He decided on a professionally dressed woman in a light blue blouse and dark skirt sitting by herself. She wore her sandy blonde hair in a bun. She had glasses, and was staring intently at a laptop. If he struck out with her, she’d probably let him down gently unlike those first two had. He wondered if they were in the stall by now, their naked bodies pressed together invading each other’s holes with their tongues and fingers in a desperate attempt to make the other cum.
“This seat taken?” he asked with what he believed to be a suave demeanor.
“Huh, what?” the woman said, not bothering to look at him. “No? You can take it if you want.”
Richard was confused for a second, then understood. “No, I don’t need it for another table. I wanted to sit with you.”
This caused her to look up at him like he’d just said something very stupid. “Why?”
“Because…” he said, as he tried to think of something clever. He was beginning to wonder if he’d ever actually been clever in his life. “Because I wanted to get to know the prettiest woman in this bar.”
Her eyebrow raised and she gave him a quick up and down assessment. Then her lips pursed together like she’d tasted something sour. “Um…no. Thank you.”
Richard had been in sales for a long time, and never accepted the first no. Sometimes not the second. He could do this. He just needed a chance to show her what a catch he was. “I really think you’ll like me if you get to know me.”
“Probably not,” she said dismissively. “Because I tend not to like married men who hit on other women.”
This comment took Richard aback. “What? Why would you think I’m-”
“Wedding ring, dipshit,” the woman said, pointing at his left hand.
Despite the fact that Nancy’s actual body had been declared dead and they’d had a funeral and everything, to Richard, and to Nancy, she was very much alive. Of course he wore his ring. He’d never even thought about taking it off until this very second. Now he realized how foolish it had been to wear it while trying to pick up women in a bar. Then he had an idea.
“Oh, um…yeah, I’m…a widower. Just can’t bear to take it off.”
The woman’s eyes went wide and her face went very red. She began fidgeting with her hands as she apologetically blurted out, “Oh shit! I’m so sorry. I should not have…uh, has she been gone long? I mean…I didn’t mean to ask something so personal! I feel so bad! I honestly don’t know what to say.”
“How about you just let me buy you a drink and we get to know each other,” Richard offered as his confidence level soared to new heights. He glanced towards his wife behind the bar and signaled that he had someone on the hook.
The woman grimaced and said, “It’s really flattering, but…I have a deadline and-”
Richard interrupted. “It was a few years back when I lost her, but it still feels like yesterday. She was the love of my life, you know. Tonight was the first night I worked up the courage to put myself back out there.”
The woman’s expression became one of deepest sympathy and she closed her laptop. “I…I suppose one drink wouldn’t hurt. Uh…I’m Natalie.”
“Yes!” Richard exclaimed, and he couldn’t help but give a little fist pump. “That’ll show her.”
“Show who?”
Without thinking he said, “My wife. She didn’t think I could still get a woman to give me the time of…” He trailed off as he recognized his mistake.
The woman’s face shifted into one of loathing. “Wait! Was that whole dead wife thing a line?”
“No, I-”
“You’re disgusting. Go find someone else to be sleazy to,” she said with a wave of her hand.
“So close,” Richard said as he stood. Back to square one. He was a few steps away when a hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.
“Fine! Natalie said with a bit of contempt still etched on her face. “You wanna fool around, I could use a destresser. Let’s go.”
Richard couldn’t believe his luck! “I have a room we can-”
“I know someplace closer,” she said, and still clasping his hand, she drug him to the ladies room and pushed open the door.
They both stopped at the sight of two naked women who appeared to be having a wild night. Their hair was a mess and their lipstick was smeared. They were both attempting to cover their bodies with paper towels, but it was not working very well. At the sight of the woman, Kinzie said, “Ohmygosh can you please help us? We need some clothes. Can you-”
“Ah!” Mckayla yelled. “There’s a man with her!”
She made a better attempt to cover her boobs, but her crotch was very much exposed. Richard knew where some of Kinzie’s lipstick went, because some remnants of her shade were between Mckayla’s legs.
“It’s the old guy from before!” Kinzie hissed, and they both darted into a stall.
“Looks like this one has other stuff going on,” Natalie quipped, and pulled Richard out and into the men’s. She led him to a stall, pushed him inside and said, “Take off your pants.”
Richard’s fingers flew to his crotch where they momentarily seemed to forget how to unbuckle a belt.
“Let me help,” Natalie said with an eye roll. She sank to her knees and was much more adept at getting Richard’s pants off than he seemed to be. She made no pretense of why they were there as she yanked down his underwear. She took his cock in her hand, holding it up to be level with her face. Then she leaned forward and took him in her mouth.
“Oh fuck! That was fast!” he said. His mojo was back! It might not have worked the way he’d planned, but a win was still a-
He felt it then. A telltale shudder. He’d felt it many, many times while he and his wife made love. A shudder was the telltale sign of a bodyhopper moving into a new host. But it continued to happen intermittently while the hopper remained inside. It was a brief struggle of one soul dominating the other. It was like a reflex, and could even be done while a hopper slept, but it was also very noticeable, especially for someone who had been around hoppers as much as Richard.
“Seriously Nancy! Again!” he said as he pushed Natalie’s head back. He’d really been enjoying himself too, but his dick was suddenly deflating as he realized he’d been duped.
The woman’s face looked up at him sheepishly. “I thought I could get you off real quick before I shuddered and then you’d have a win and you could take me upstairs and fuck.”
Richard frowned, pissed that he was still 0 for 2. “Well, you almost got me there. Another 20 seconds of your world class dick sucking and I would have busted all over your face.”
She reached up and stroked his cock, which twitched hopefully in her hand. “You still could, darling. Seriously. I’m so horny in this body. I’d love it if you took me right here in this stall.”
Richard had to hand it to his wife. She could bring out the sluttiest part of any woman. He could take her right here and she’d never know because of how Nancy could alter her memories. But he shook his head and helped her to her feet.
“Wait! When did you even hop her?” he asked as he pulled his pants up.
She gave a small smile. “I’d just arrived to take your drink order when you got up to leave her table. A second later I was her, and pulled you into the bathroom so you wouldn’t notice the bartender right behind us.”
“That was so funny seeing those two girls in the bathroom.”
“That’s why I took you in there first. Did you see the lipstick on the one girl’s hoo ha?”
“Oh yeah.”
The couple burst out laughing, but then Richard said, “Okay, I’m going back out there. No help this time, understood?”
Nancy slumped Natalie’s shoulders. “I don’t think you know how much I want you to succeed, dear. I really need it right now. I might just rub one out in the stall real quick when you leave. Unless you want to watch?” She began to unbutton her blouse while she bit her lower lip. “You could still help this uptight business woman unwind?”
Richard left in a hurry before his wife could tempt him further. What did he do to deserve such a seductive creature?
As he left the restroom, he eyed the occupants of the bar with new determination. Third time’s the charm. He’d just…pick someone closer to his age. Not his preferred choice, but a gal with experience could certainly bring a lot to the table, or in this case, the bedroom. He pocketed his wedding ring as he circled the perimeter, finally coming back near the entrance where other hotel guests passed close by.
It was there he saw someone he’d passed by earlier. A woman in her early 40’s that he hadn’t really considered. She was quite striking though with her long auburn hair and legs that went on for miles. Richard thought she somewhat resembled Nancy in the face. And also the boobs. The woman was stacked.
She had a duffel bag on the chair next to her. Richard put a hand on the handle of the bag and said, “Mind if I move this so I can have a seat?” As he started to lift it, it began to shake. And growl.
The woman’s eyebrows shot up and she protectively reached for it and pulled it onto her lap. “Have a seat if you must, but Daisy doesn’t like to be jostled unnecessarily.”
Out of the top of the bag popped the face of an adorable Yorkshire terrier. Her furry brown face looked up into his and gave a small yip.
“Good girl,” the woman said with a small smile as she pulled the terrier out of the bag and put her on her lap. “She can be a very good judge of character. You must be a bad man.” The terrier growled at him.
Richard put his hands up and chuckled, then said to the small dog, “I can assure you I meant no harm little lady.” He held out a hand for her to sniff. The terrier did, and then gave his palm a lick.
The woman assessed him, and by her expression, she liked what she saw. “Perhaps you’re not terrible. Go ahead and have a seat.”
Richard did so. “I didn’t know you could have dogs in here.”
“You probably can’t,” the woman said with an air of indifference. “But she’s my emotional support animal. That’s what I tell everyone anyways.”
This annoyed Richard, but he tried hard to focus on her figure, something which the woman didn’t seem to mind him eyeing. “So, what’s your sign?”
This elicited a shrill laugh from the woman. “I haven’t heard that one in awhile.”
“I really need to get some new material.”
“Do you find yourself coming out to hotel bars often enough that you need to constantly refresh it?”
“Er, no,” Richard said. “I usually just stick with the basics. Like, hi, I’m Richard, and you are a very beautiful woman that I would like to get to know better.”
She cocked her head at him, studying him closely like a cat might before pouncing on a mouse, then said, “That was a much better line. I’m Crystal. What would you like to know?”
The two hit it off, and Richard found Crystal’s banter refreshing. She didn’t look at him like he was ancient, or pitied him in any way. Best of all though, she hadn’t shuddered once.
They were mid conversation discussing childhood pets when the bartender came up and asked, “Can I get you two anything?”
“I’ll take a bourbon,” Richard said, not taking his eyes away from Crystal.
“Nothing for me,” Crystal said as she tapped a glass she’d barely touched.
They both just stared at each other, mirroring a smile that belied a bubbling chemistry under the surface.
The spell was momentarily broken by the sound of the bartender clearing her throat. “Will you be taking that bourbon up to your room…sir?”
Richard looked up at the raven haired bartender. “In a bit. We’re in no rush.”
The bartender’s eyes narrowed, and her smile became tight lipped. “Of course…sir. By all means, take your time.”
As she walked away, she touched the shoulder of a woman passing by, who shuddered. That woman whispered something into the bartender’s ear, who went about her duties a moment later.
Richard was oblivious to this. He was enjoying the massive ego boost Crystal was giving him. He found himself opening up to her, sharing things like it was a first date. He was used to seeing different women all the time, but the conversation was always the same, because his wife knew everything about him. This was nice, so much so that he didn’t mind talking and throwing back a few. He was slightly worried that he’d pissed Nancy off, because she acted like she didn’t know him whenever she brought the drinks.
“Well, this has been lovely,” Crystal finally said. “But I should be going.”
“Oh, um, I was wondering if you wanted to…” Richard started, not entirely sure how to seal the deal.
She grinned at him and finished the proposition for him. “If I wanted to come up to your room and we have casual sex like grown adults?”
“Uh…” Richard stammered. “Y-yeah. I guess…that.”
“You’re very cute when you’re flustered.”
“Well if you’d like to see me flustered you should see me try to take my pants off when I’m really excited.”
It was Richard Johnson’s birthday, and he was a man on a mission. He was going to pick up a beautiful woman in a hotel bar using only his appearance and charm. He hadn’t needed to rely on those attributes in a very long time, but still managed to have a different woman in his bed every night. That was one of the perks to being married to a bodyhopper.
For the ten years that she’d been a bodyhopper, Nancy Johnson loved bringing home women that would entice her husband to fuck her senseless. If a pretty cashier caught his eye, or the cute teller at the bank, or a seductive college cheerleader, or one of the many local milfs, Nancy would make sure each of their bodies spent some very intimate time with her man. She’d even gone on a few trips to bring in some celebrities that he’d crushed on forever.
Nancy became bodyhopper during an experiment run by her twin children, Derek and Aubrey. They’d used an electrical charge to spark a gene inside of her. They knew it was there, because it ran in their family. Once activated, she gained the ability to pass her soul from one body to the next. In doing so, she gained access to that person’s mind and could pass for them with the greatest of ease. She had used it to seduce her husband, and eventually persuaded him to leave her aging body behind.
The couple were still very much in love, and when Nancy wasn’t fucking her husband’s brains out in a body typically younger than her previous one, they were enjoying hobbies and conversations that were akin to people who had been together for many years. They didn’t go out on many dates though since Nancy was usually in the body of a woman in her 20’s that could have been Richard’s granddaughter. It was here that the trouble started.
A week ago Nancy had gently teased her husband while in the guise of a cute, blonde 21 year old. She told him he’d never be able to pick up someone like her in real life because of the age gap. She thought it would turn him on. One of his favorite things was when she brought home a young woman and began calling him ‘Daddy.’ Perhaps because his 55th birthday was a week away, or the fact that they could no longer grow old together, he took it poorly.
“Age is just a number,” he snapped back. “I could go into a bar, any bar, and have a woman on my arm by the end of the night.”
Nancy had then made the catastrophic mistake of laughing at this remark. The idea of her husband with his wrinkles and gray hair going to a club and using his cheesy lines on a woman to take her back home was honestly absurd to her.
Richard’s pride took a hit, and he went to sleep on the couch that night, and no amount of cajoling or seduction could get him to return. This was also a blow to Nancy, because a bodyhopper continually craved sex. It seemed to be part of the gene. In instances like these, she’d had to seek other options. In that case, she’d taken the blonde home and fucked her boyfriend.
Nancy fucked a lot of boyfriends and husbands when she inevitably returned a host body. Richard knew this of these indiscretions, but also knew that as horny as he often was, his wife had an itch that he couldn’t always scratch, especially as he got older. He’d never resented her for it, because he’d been around a few bodyhoppers the last decade. Derek was one, and like Nancy, no longer had a body of his own. Aubrey was too, but had to keep her body hooked up to life support if she ever hopped someone.
Then there was the third bodyhopper they all knew. The one who had passed the gene on to so many people over the last few centuries. His name was Nevyn, and he’d almost ruined all of their lives.
Nevyn had possessed Nancy for a few months long ago, living with the Johnsons and teasing Derek relentlessly. But after Nevyn lost his bodyhopping power and became stuck in Derek’s body, he’d briefly aligned himself with the Johnsons in the pursuit of getting Derek his body back. They’d studied the gene and made several breakthroughs, and somewhere during this process, Nevyn felt sidelined, and eventually betrayed. He used what he knew to get his powers back by himself, which led to a close friend of the Johnsons named Bekka to lose her life, although the twins often spoke of her like she was still alive.
Nevyn’s actions spurred the twins along two different paths that ran parallel to each other. Aubrey continued unlocking the secrets of the bodyswapping gene to try and find a way to track it, while Derek pursued Nevyn by thinking like him, and looking for his telltale signatures in society.
A month ago, Derek had success, and had intercepted Nevyn. In a phone call, Derek had given his parents the good news that it was finally over.
“Nevyn’s dead. He knew I was chasing him and he ran into traffic. A second later he was hit by a bus. After all this time, that’s how it ends. It’s so strange. We finally all have our lives back.”
The Johnsons had all moved on as best they could, with Aubrey stating she was going back to college to get her doctorate, and Derek possibly moving back home.
But tonight, none of this was on Richard’s mind. Because tonight he was celebrating his birthday. Because of Nancy’s insensitive remarks, husband and wife made a wager. If he could pick up a woman at a local hotel bar and get her to go upstairs to a room for sex, she’d join them for a threesome.
“But what if she doesn’t want a threesome?” Richard had asked.
“You mean if I can’t convince her with my very impressive feminine wiles?” his wife had responded with a laugh. “Then I guess I’ll be doing some very fast hopping. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
This is why Richard now found himself up past his bedtime at a crowded hotel bar where the music was too loud. He’d much rather be at home, waiting to see who his wife was bringing him that night. But his pride was on the line.
Even though he’d been out of the dating game for a long time, he felt confident he’d be able to land a hottie and take her up to the hotel room they’d booked. He scanned the sea of people. It seemed full of possibilities. He locked eyes with a pretty raven haired woman behind the bar as she mixed a drink. She winked at him. Nancy had chosen this bartender as her vantage point to watch the proceeding.
She totally wanted him to win, which is why she pointed towards a small circular table where a couple of young women sat, chatting and giggling away. After observing them for a few seconds, he shot an upturned eyebrow back at Nancy. He knew these women were at least 21 years of age, but probably not a day older. They still had their whole lives ahead of them. He was just the man that could teach them a thing or two. Richard strode over confidently, believing that this would be over quickly, he’d be fucking one or both of them within the hour, and could go to sleep.
He assessed them as he got closer. The girl to his left was a curly haired brunette with a dazzling smile. She wore a short black dress, but didn’t have a lot going on in the chest department. That was okay. He was always partial to brunettes. They reminded him of his wife and his daughter Aubrey, although they had both been stacked.
To her right was a shoulder length blonde who was offering a generous amount of cleavage to all passersby in a low red blouse with lipstick that matched. His eyes lingered on her exposed skin, and it distracted him so much that he forgot to say anything upon his arrival.
“Can we…help you with something old man?” the blonde said with a pitying smirk.
“He looks lost,” the brunette giggled. “It seems like he’s trying to find directions to your tits.”
“Don’t even!” the blonde squealed, and whacked the brunette on the shoulder playfully. “I’m sure this grandpa is harmless.”
“Or he’s a dirty old man,” the brunette clapped back. “He’s gotta be, right? I mean he came over to our table. To what? Hit on us?” She crossed her legs and looked up at him as if she’d caught him doing something scandalous. “Do you even know how old we are, mister?”
“Um, uh, 21?” Richard replied as he tried to recover from their verbal assault.
“I am,” the blonde said, “But Kinzie here is only 19.”
“How did you…” Richard started to ask.
But the girl identified as Kinzie interjected. “Fake ID grandpa. What? They didn’t have those back in your day?”
“I don’t think they had that kind of technology back then,” the blonde added.
“Just had the wheel and fire, right gramps?”
“I am not that old!” Richard fumed.
“Yeah? How old are you then?” Kinzie asked with a raised eyebrow as she haughtily picked up her drink to take a sip.
“Old enough to…uh…teach you a few things,” Richard said as he tried to turn this interaction around.
This elicited a cringe response on both their faces that ended when they looked at each other and burst into a giggle fit.
The blonde’s eyes drifted down to Richard’s crotch, then back up to meet his. “Can you even get it up? I hear that can be a real problem for senior citizens.”
“I’m sure he can, Mckayla, withe the help of a pill!”
The giggle fit resumed in earnest, and Richard found himself wanting to retreat, from this table, from the premises from civilization. This had been a horrible idea.
Suddenly the bartender was at his side carrying a tray that had three drinks in martini glasses on it. “Here’s your drink sir, and how nice of you to buy a round for these two lovely ladies.”
“Ugh,” Kinzie said with an eye roll. “Well, a free drink’s a free drink.
She reached for it, but Mckayla hesitated and asked the bartender, “He didn’t pay you to slip something into it, did he?”
The bartender’s pretty face faltered as if she’d been slapped. But then she set her jaw, and said tightly, “I can assure you that he’d never have to do anything of the sort. Not when he has me.”
As Kinzie’s fingers curled around the thin stem of a glass, the bartender’s fingers brushed against her for the briefest of moments in a way that so often happens while passing something from one person to the next. A fleeting second of contact that feels both innocuous and yet strangely intimate. It is usually a moment that is here, then gone, but this time, it left a lingering effect in the form of a shudder that began in Kinzie’s hand.
“Excuse me?” Mckayla asked loudly in response to what the bartender had just said. But she got no response, because the bartender’s gaze had gone slack.
“Um, Mckayla, I think maybe I’ve had too much to drink,” Kinzie said as she looked at the tremor rapidly spreading up her arm.
Mckayla didn’t look at her friend but continued to study the bartender. It was like she was asleep, but her eyes were open. She was just standing as still as a statue holding the tray. “You’ve only had one Kinzie. I swear, you’re such a lightweight. You really should be building up more of a tolerance for the parties at college.”
“No, really, I…I think I want to go…” but the rest of what she might have said was lost as her mind was no longer her own.
“Just kidding!” Kinzie suddenly squealed. “I feel fine! In fact, I think we should go to this handsome guy’s room. You got a room, don’t ya mister?”
Mckayla’s jaw dropped as she turned her head away from the bartender towards her friend. “Are you fucking kidding me girl? You’ve got to be insane if you think that I’m going anywhere with grandpa here just cause he got us a free-”
But she stopped mid sentence as her friend grabbed her wrist, and it too began to shudder.
“What the hell? Why’s my arm fucking doing that? Am I having a stroke or some-”
But then Mckayla went quiet for a second before looking up at the bartender and taking the drink she’d previously insinuated was spiked. “Thank you, ma’am. Now go back and attend to your duties.”
“Yes,” the pretty bartender said in a flat tone before she turned away and went back behind the bar.
“So, stud,” Mackayla said as she eyed Richard up and down as if he were a snack. “I believe you were about to sit down and talk us two lovely ladies into having a threesome with you?” She set her glass down on the table and touched her friend’s hand.
A second later Kinzie said, “Yeah. We’d totally say yes. You can take us upstairs to your room and fuck us stupid. We’re both really nimble. We were both cheerleaders!” She touched Mckayla’s hand.
“I bet you like cheerleaders, don’t ya?” Mckayla said with a wink. “Especially ones that like kissing each other.” She looked at her friend and said, “Kiss me passionately.”
“Yes,” Kinzie said, and then their lips were together as they kissed each other deeply.
“So, what do you say?” Kinzie asked with her thousand watt smile.
“Please take us horny sluts up to your room and be our daddy for the night.”
This sudden reversal of fortune seemed to darken Richard’s mood. “Dammit Nancy! The deal was I do this on my own!”
Several people glanced at the tiny outburst from the older gentleman standing in front of the two young women. He seemed to be reprimanding them for something. Richard seemed to understand he’d made a scene, and smiled bashfully. A few seconds later, everyone went back to their drinks and conversations.
“I’m sorry, Richard,” Nancy’s voice came quietly out of Mckayla’s mouth. “It’s just, I heard these cunts being horrible to you and I thought we could teach them a lesson.” She put a hand on his leg and began sliding it upwards. “Together.”
Mckayla’s voice was back then. “Please mister. Please fuck some manners into us. Kinzie and I would learn so much from you.” She touched her friend on the arm.
“Yeah. Teach us Daddy,” Kinzie whined. “We’ll be good girls for you. We’ll even let you-”
“Enough,” Richard said quietly but firmly. “Anyone I take upstairs tonight will come because they want to. So…get out of these girls and let me get back to finding that person.”
“Fine!” Nancy said with an eye roll. “You still interested in teaching them a lesson though?”
“What did you have in mind?”
Nancy waved over the bartender who approached them quickly. Her eyes seemed less vacant than before, but there was still a bit of a haze there. Nancy casually brushed the back of Kinzie’s hand against the bartender, who shuddered.
“Well,” the bartender said, and she sounded as if she were recommending a drink. “Since you two are such good friends, you’re going to get each other off. I want you to go into the ladies room and strip naked, then toss your clothes out the window in there. Then go into a stall and begin licking and fingering each other. Try to make each other cum as fast as you can.”
“Yes,” they both said in perfect unison. They immediately stood, and with robotic grace walked to the ladies room.
“Well fuck me,” Richard said. “Now I want to go to the ladies room.”
“You had your chance,” Nancy said with a smirk. “Although I did memorize Mckayla’s address if you ever want me to go pay her a visit.”
A huge grin crept over Richard’s face. “I love you.”
“I know. Now get back on the horse and go get ‘em tiger. I’ll be over there watching. Best of luck. I do want you to have a happy birthday!”
“I think I’ll go hit on someone near the ladies room.”
“You do that, dear,” she said with a laugh, then went back to resume bartending.
Richard set off in the direction the two girls had gone. He passed by several people that looked like couples or were just trying to relax by themselves. He considered hitting on a few of them, but crossed off the ones that looked under 26. No more early twentysomethings. Too obnoxious and rude. He’d go aim a bit higher, which, he didn’t want to admit, would probably up his chances of success.
He decided on a professionally dressed woman in a light blue blouse and dark skirt sitting by herself. She wore her sandy blonde hair in a bun. She had glasses, and was staring intently at a laptop. If he struck out with her, she’d probably let him down gently unlike those first two had. He wondered if they were in the stall by now, their naked bodies pressed together invading each other’s holes with their tongues and fingers in a desperate attempt to make the other cum.
“This seat taken?” he asked with what he believed to be a suave demeanor.
“Huh, what?” the woman said, not bothering to look at him. “No? You can take it if you want.”
Richard was confused for a second, then understood. “No, I don’t need it for another table. I wanted to sit with you.”
This caused her to look up at him like he’d just said something very stupid. “Why?”
“Because…” he said, as he tried to think of something clever. He was beginning to wonder if he’d ever actually been clever in his life. “Because I wanted to get to know the prettiest woman in this bar.”
Her eyebrow raised and she gave him a quick up and down assessment. Then her lips pursed together like she’d tasted something sour. “Um…no. Thank you.”
Richard had been in sales for a long time, and never accepted the first no. Sometimes not the second. He could do this. He just needed a chance to show her what a catch he was. “I really think you’ll like me if you get to know me.”
“Probably not,” she said dismissively. “Because I tend not to like married men who hit on other women.”
This comment took Richard aback. “What? Why would you think I’m-”
“Wedding ring, dipshit,” the woman said, pointing at his left hand.
Despite the fact that Nancy’s actual body had been declared dead and they’d had a funeral and everything, to Richard, and to Nancy, she was very much alive. Of course he wore his ring. He’d never even thought about taking it off until this very second. Now he realized how foolish it had been to wear it while trying to pick up women in a bar. Then he had an idea.
“Oh, um…yeah, I’m…a widower. Just can’t bear to take it off.”
The woman’s eyes went wide and her face went very red. She began fidgeting with her hands as she apologetically blurted out, “Oh shit! I’m so sorry. I should not have…uh, has she been gone long? I mean…I didn’t mean to ask something so personal! I feel so bad! I honestly don’t know what to say.”
“How about you just let me buy you a drink and we get to know each other,” Richard offered as his confidence level soared to new heights. He glanced towards his wife behind the bar and signaled that he had someone on the hook.
The woman grimaced and said, “It’s really flattering, but…I have a deadline and-”
Richard interrupted. “It was a few years back when I lost her, but it still feels like yesterday. She was the love of my life, you know. Tonight was the first night I worked up the courage to put myself back out there.”
The woman’s expression became one of deepest sympathy and she closed her laptop. “I…I suppose one drink wouldn’t hurt. Uh…I’m Natalie.”
“Yes!” Richard exclaimed, and he couldn’t help but give a little fist pump. “That’ll show her.”
“Show who?”
Without thinking he said, “My wife. She didn’t think I could still get a woman to give me the time of…” He trailed off as he recognized his mistake.
The woman’s face shifted into one of loathing. “Wait! Was that whole dead wife thing a line?”
“No, I-”
“You’re disgusting. Go find someone else to be sleazy to,” she said with a wave of her hand.
“So close,” Richard said as he stood. Back to square one. He was a few steps away when a hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.
“Fine! Natalie said with a bit of contempt still etched on her face. “You wanna fool around, I could use a destresser. Let’s go.”
Richard couldn’t believe his luck! “I have a room we can-”
“I know someplace closer,” she said, and still clasping his hand, she drug him to the ladies room and pushed open the door.
They both stopped at the sight of two naked women who appeared to be having a wild night. Their hair was a mess and their lipstick was smeared. They were both attempting to cover their bodies with paper towels, but it was not working very well. At the sight of the woman, Kinzie said, “Ohmygosh can you please help us? We need some clothes. Can you-”
“Ah!” Mckayla yelled. “There’s a man with her!”
She made a better attempt to cover her boobs, but her crotch was very much exposed. Richard knew where some of Kinzie’s lipstick went, because some remnants of her shade were between Mckayla’s legs.
“It’s the old guy from before!” Kinzie hissed, and they both darted into a stall.
“Looks like this one has other stuff going on,” Natalie quipped, and pulled Richard out and into the men’s. She led him to a stall, pushed him inside and said, “Take off your pants.”
Richard’s fingers flew to his crotch where they momentarily seemed to forget how to unbuckle a belt.
“Let me help,” Natalie said with an eye roll. She sank to her knees and was much more adept at getting Richard’s pants off than he seemed to be. She made no pretense of why they were there as she yanked down his underwear. She took his cock in her hand, holding it up to be level with her face. Then she leaned forward and took him in her mouth.
“Oh fuck! That was fast!” he said. His mojo was back! It might not have worked the way he’d planned, but a win was still a-
He felt it then. A telltale shudder. He’d felt it many, many times while he and his wife made love. A shudder was the telltale sign of a bodyhopper moving into a new host. But it continued to happen intermittently while the hopper remained inside. It was a brief struggle of one soul dominating the other. It was like a reflex, and could even be done while a hopper slept, but it was also very noticeable, especially for someone who had been around hoppers as much as Richard.
“Seriously Nancy! Again!” he said as he pushed Natalie’s head back. He’d really been enjoying himself too, but his dick was suddenly deflating as he realized he’d been duped.
The woman’s face looked up at him sheepishly. “I thought I could get you off real quick before I shuddered and then you’d have a win and you could take me upstairs and fuck.”
Richard frowned, pissed that he was still 0 for 2. “Well, you almost got me there. Another 20 seconds of your world class dick sucking and I would have busted all over your face.”
She reached up and stroked his cock, which twitched hopefully in her hand. “You still could, darling. Seriously. I’m so horny in this body. I’d love it if you took me right here in this stall.”
Richard had to hand it to his wife. She could bring out the sluttiest part of any woman. He could take her right here and she’d never know because of how Nancy could alter her memories. But he shook his head and helped her to her feet.
“Wait! When did you even hop her?” he asked as he pulled his pants up.
She gave a small smile. “I’d just arrived to take your drink order when you got up to leave her table. A second later I was her, and pulled you into the bathroom so you wouldn’t notice the bartender right behind us.”
“That was so funny seeing those two girls in the bathroom.”
“That’s why I took you in there first. Did you see the lipstick on the one girl’s hoo ha?”
“Oh yeah.”
The couple burst out laughing, but then Richard said, “Okay, I’m going back out there. No help this time, understood?”
Nancy slumped Natalie’s shoulders. “I don’t think you know how much I want you to succeed, dear. I really need it right now. I might just rub one out in the stall real quick when you leave. Unless you want to watch?” She began to unbutton her blouse while she bit her lower lip. “You could still help this uptight business woman unwind?”
Richard left in a hurry before his wife could tempt him further. What did he do to deserve such a seductive creature?
As he left the restroom, he eyed the occupants of the bar with new determination. Third time’s the charm. He’d just…pick someone closer to his age. Not his preferred choice, but a gal with experience could certainly bring a lot to the table, or in this case, the bedroom. He pocketed his wedding ring as he circled the perimeter, finally coming back near the entrance where other hotel guests passed close by.
It was there he saw someone he’d passed by earlier. A woman in her early 40’s that he hadn’t really considered. She was quite striking though with her long auburn hair and legs that went on for miles. Richard thought she somewhat resembled Nancy in the face. And also the boobs. The woman was stacked.
She had a duffel bag on the chair next to her. Richard put a hand on the handle of the bag and said, “Mind if I move this so I can have a seat?” As he started to lift it, it began to shake. And growl.
The woman’s eyebrows shot up and she protectively reached for it and pulled it onto her lap. “Have a seat if you must, but Daisy doesn’t like to be jostled unnecessarily.”
Out of the top of the bag popped the face of an adorable Yorkshire terrier. Her furry brown face looked up into his and gave a small yip.
“Good girl,” the woman said with a small smile as she pulled the terrier out of the bag and put her on her lap. “She can be a very good judge of character. You must be a bad man.” The terrier growled at him.
Richard put his hands up and chuckled, then said to the small dog, “I can assure you I meant no harm little lady.” He held out a hand for her to sniff. The terrier did, and then gave his palm a lick.
The woman assessed him, and by her expression, she liked what she saw. “Perhaps you’re not terrible. Go ahead and have a seat.”
Richard did so. “I didn’t know you could have dogs in here.”
“You probably can’t,” the woman said with an air of indifference. “But she’s my emotional support animal. That’s what I tell everyone anyways.”
This annoyed Richard, but he tried hard to focus on her figure, something which the woman didn’t seem to mind him eyeing. “So, what’s your sign?”
This elicited a shrill laugh from the woman. “I haven’t heard that one in awhile.”
“I really need to get some new material.”
“Do you find yourself coming out to hotel bars often enough that you need to constantly refresh it?”
“Er, no,” Richard said. “I usually just stick with the basics. Like, hi, I’m Richard, and you are a very beautiful woman that I would like to get to know better.”
She cocked her head at him, studying him closely like a cat might before pouncing on a mouse, then said, “That was a much better line. I’m Crystal. What would you like to know?”
The two hit it off, and Richard found Crystal’s banter refreshing. She didn’t look at him like he was ancient, or pitied him in any way. Best of all though, she hadn’t shuddered once.
They were mid conversation discussing childhood pets when the bartender came up and asked, “Can I get you two anything?”
“I’ll take a bourbon,” Richard said, not taking his eyes away from Crystal.
“Nothing for me,” Crystal said as she tapped a glass she’d barely touched.
They both just stared at each other, mirroring a smile that belied a bubbling chemistry under the surface.
The spell was momentarily broken by the sound of the bartender clearing her throat. “Will you be taking that bourbon up to your room…sir?”
Richard looked up at the raven haired bartender. “In a bit. We’re in no rush.”
The bartender’s eyes narrowed, and her smile became tight lipped. “Of course…sir. By all means, take your time.”
As she walked away, she touched the shoulder of a woman passing by, who shuddered. That woman whispered something into the bartender’s ear, who went about her duties a moment later.
Richard was oblivious to this. He was enjoying the massive ego boost Crystal was giving him. He found himself opening up to her, sharing things like it was a first date. He was used to seeing different women all the time, but the conversation was always the same, because his wife knew everything about him. This was nice, so much so that he didn’t mind talking and throwing back a few. He was slightly worried that he’d pissed Nancy off, because she acted like she didn’t know him whenever she brought the drinks.
“Well, this has been lovely,” Crystal finally said. “But I should be going.”
“Oh, um, I was wondering if you wanted to…” Richard started, not entirely sure how to seal the deal.
She grinned at him and finished the proposition for him. “If I wanted to come up to your room and we have casual sex like grown adults?”
“Uh…” Richard stammered. “Y-yeah. I guess…that.”
“You’re very cute when you’re flustered.”
“Well if you’d like to see me flustered you should see me try to take my pants off when I’m really excited.”
A bodyhopper husband and wife decide to spice up their sex life by possessing a mother and son.
There comes a time in every marriage where the spark dims, or goes out entirely. For some, it can happen very quickly, over the course of a few months or years. For other couples, it can take much longer, but at some point, it is inevitable. It doesn’t mean the love isn’t there. It just means that the romantic fire is smoldering, or about to go out altogether.
Peter and Christine were in that season of marriage. They never thought they would get there, and perhaps for good reason. They had said their vows in their early twenties, and were still very much in love after 42 years. They weren’t in the best of shape, the wrinkles were plentiful, and everything seemed harder to do. But they’d say they were happy, and if asked, would say they wanted for nothing. But that wasn’t entirely true. Because they both felt their marriage was in a slump.
The love was still there, but the sex life had wained. This is something that for so many years they would have thought impossible. They felt their sex life was richer than most, especially since they were both bodyhoppers.
Their first date had been while inside other people’s bodies, as had their second. For the third they met up in real life, and had been together ever since. They hopped many people all throughout their relationship, and lived out each other's fantasies in any body that caught their eye.
There were certainly lots of people to choose from. They could be anyone, their neighbors, the clerk at the grocery store, the waiter at a local restaurant, a random passerby, or a person at their place of employment. Peter had fucked so many of his secretaries that he’d lost count.
And there was the problem. It all felt the same now. Even their ability to be anyone new had become a rut, because after a couple of decades living in the same town, they had been there, done that. Was this how they were to spend their golden years? Just come home, drink wine, watch television, and sleep. And the problem would just get worse when they retired in a few years. What they needed was to renew the spark. Could they? Is that what they wanted at this stage? Or would it just be better to coexist in a loving but sexless marriage?
Peter especially had felt this for a few months. As he poured his wife a cup of coffee that particular morning, he decided they should finally talk about it.
“You know,” he started carefully. “It’s been awhile.”
Christine half heard him as she cracked his eggs. Her husband liked his eggs cooked in a very specific way. It was both endearing, and a little annoying, because if they weren’t perfect, he wouldn’t eat them. He really should have learned to cook his own eggs by now. But no. Like so many other things, she was always the one to do it because he proved too incompetent. She was sure he could have mastered them by now, especially folding laundry, if he just put in the same effort he did with his hobbies. But he hadn’t when they were young, and so why would anything ever change. She was stuck making his eggs until one of them died.
As the eggs sizzled and marital complaints ran through her mind, her only response was a mumbled, “Put it on the calendar.”
“You want me to put our sex life on the calendar?”
“I…what? No! What are you on about?”
“It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?”
“Since what?”
“Since we’ve had sex.”
“With each other?”
“Yes. But also, as other people.”
That answer gave Christine pause. They hadn’t hopped someone to have sex in long while. They used to do it all the time in their first couple decades of marriage, multiple times a day, whenever they got half a chance. It had lessened after that, both getting swept up in the busy of life and preferring to relax at the end of the day. When was the last time they had bodyhopped someone for sex?
“Didn’t we hop the Johnson’s?”
“Yes, what for my birthday last year, right?”
“The Smith’s?”
“For your birthday two years ago, I believe.”
“Oh, what about the Parker’s?”
“Is your memory alright? That was ages ago!”
Christine sighed. “I know. But we had really great sex in them, didn’t we?”
“I suppose,” Peter agreed. “Maybe if we hadn’t hopped them after work for a month straight they wouldn’t have lost their appeal.”
“Or maybe if they hadn’t gotten old like we did.”
“So that brings me back to my question. When was the last time we had sex?”
“I…I don’t know. Oh damn it! I’ve ruined your eggs.”
“That’s okay, I don’t have to-”
Her glare made him change course.
“But I will, I will eat them, because I love you so much,” Peter finished.
“Smart man,” she smiled as she scraped them onto a plate. As she started making her own, she asked, “So what are you proposing?”
“Well, I mean, I think we should have sex.”
“I gathered that much. You want to do it now, or after breakfast.” It was as romantic as scheduling a trip to the store.
“Are you in the mood right now?” Peter asked curiously.
Christine pursed her lips. “Not particularly. You?”
“Me neither.”
“Part of getting older I guess.”
“But when did that happen?”
“For me it was probably after the millionth load of laundry, or maybe thinking about all the repairs that need done to this house. Or one of the other hundreds of things that I’m thinking about all the time.”
Peter nodded. “For me it's just, well, I come home, and I don’t even think about sex.”
Christine furrowed her brow. She felt the same way. “And no one does it for you out there anymore?” Christine gestured to the outside world. “No people you want to hop, or make me hop?”
“I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’ll think about it every once in a while. But not as much as I used to. And when I do, it’s fleeting. By the time I get home from work, it feels like another thing that I, we, keep putting off to do other things.”
“Oh, speaking of work. I’d better get going. I’ve got a meeting.”
Peter checked his watch and made a face. “Me too. I guess we can pick this up later.”
“Don’t forget your eggs.”
“I’ll be late.”
“But you’ll be alive.”
Peter paused, then quickly ate his eggs under the watchful eye of his wife.
As the hours passed that day, both husband and wife would ponder this conversation. It was one of those brief interactions that gnawed at both of them. They both wondered, was the other person getting bored of them? Why had they stopped pursuing each other as they had in the past? Both took note of the people around them throughout the day, and briefly fantasized about their significant other hopping them for a sexual liaison. Every person they saw, no matter how attractive, barely moved the needle.
Peter arrived home from work first and poured two glasses of wine. He looked at the dark red liquid in the glass. As he did, he wondered if he should pick up that morning’s conversation, or let it lapse.
Two minutes later, Christine practically burst through the door. She moved quickly to where she knew her husband would be and picked up her glass of wine. She downed it in two gulps, and then said, “I’ve been thinking about it, and I think we should hop the next couple we see, and fuck.”
Peter took a sip of wine and shook his head. “Look, I wasn’t trying to upset you this morning. We don’t have to rush into anything. It’s been a long day and-”
“No, no, you were right earlier,” Chrstine said firmly. We are in a rut. We’ve become boring.”
“There’s nothing wrong with boring,” Peter argued.
“Boring is fine sometimes. But is that’s what our marriage has become all the time. We used to take chances, and hop someone at the slightest hint of arousal. Let’s step outside of our comfort zone and try something new.”
Peter sighed. At their age, when they assumed an incorporeal form, their range was limited. “So you want to go out? Cause new is several miles in any direction.”
“We could pick one of the neighbors.”
“I thought you said new.”
Christine crossed her arms as she thought about potential candidates. The well really had run dry all around them. Even if there was someone that piqued their interest, it would still be the same. Their sexual proclivites over the years had been very vanilla by other bodyhopper standards. But still, it should be this hard to convince her husband to go out with her to bodyhop and fuck someone. The situation was really more dire than she thought.
“Well, we need to get out there and start looking?”
“That’s the problem isn’t it. I haven’t seen anyone that gets me going anywhere recently. Maybe we find someone if we go into the city. And you know how that story goes. I have to fight city traffic. We take forever to find someone we like. And if and when we find a pair we can agree on, we have the logistics of getting somewhere private to have sex, and that’s a whole thing. And then it’s late, and I have to fight traffic on the way back. And then we’re both tired the next morning-”
“I get it, Peter. But we can’t just shove this under the rug. It might take some effort on our part. It’s not like the perfect solution is just going to show up right outside our door.”
Peter was about to respond, when a series of loud beeps echoed up and down their street. It was the familiar cry of a large truck signaling its intentions to back up. Peter and Christine went to investigate, and saw a large truck pull into the driveway across from their house. Two men wearing a moving company logo exited and opened the back of the truck to unload it.
Two car doors slammed, and Peter and Christine noticed two other people. A man and a woman had parked their car along the curb, and were heading towards the house. The woman put her arm around the man’s shoulder. The man reciprocated, and they gave each other a side squeeze. They began talking. Peter and Christine couldn’t hear what they were saying, but they appeared very excited.
The man went back to the car and began to retrieve a couple of bags from what Peter now saw was a very full car. The man was young, probably in his early twenties. He had fair skin and short brown hair. He wasn’t muscular per se, but the way he lifted the bags, Peter knew he was fit. He probably had abs. Christine loved men with abs.
The woman came to the trunk and took out a small cardboard box. Christine noticed two things about her right away. The first was that she was very pretty, in a girl next door kind of way. She had a very cute face, and long hair a shade darker than the man’s. The second thing she noticed was that she was for sure older than the man. If she had to guess, at least 9 or 10 years older. That wasn’t a big deal when you got to be Christine’s age, but she’d bet that woman had been accused of robbing the cradle when they got married.
“What are you thinking?” she asked her husband. She saw that his eyes had fixated on the woman.
Peter looked at his wife and winked at her. “I think the woman’s my type.”
Christine smiled. “I know she is.”
“And what are you thinking?” Peter asked.
“I haven’t had that young in years,” Christine mused. She arched an eyebrow. “I bet he’s got a lot of stamina.”
“So, shall we go introduce ourselves to the new neighbors?”
By the time the older couple crossed the street, they were already fantasizing about the many different sexual positions they would put the other couple in. Peter had to stop himself and think about work so he didn’t appear too aroused. A pitched tent did not make for a good first impression.
They were on the front lawn when the couple reappeared from the house, on their way to grab another load. They saw Peter and Christine, and the woman beamed at them.
“Are you the welcoming party?” she asked.
“Only the first wave, I’m sure,” Peter said. Now that he was closer, he tried not to stare at her ample chest which strained under a lavender shirt. He looked forward to seeing this woman naked.
Christine was having the same thoughts about the man, but saw that she was perhaps mistaken about his age. He was even more attractive up close, but now she thought he might be 20, or…even 19. Was that too young? And how old was the woman then? Because she appeared a few years older than she previously thought, like 33 or 34. That was a large gap at that age.
She extended her hand to the woman. “I’m Christine, and this is my husband Paul. We live right across from you. Happy to see someone finally moved into this house.”
“Oh we are happy to be here,” she said, taking Christine and Peter’s hands in turn. “My name’s Sara, and this is Mark.”
Mark took the cue, and also shook their hands. “Pleased to meet you,” he said, then began rifling through the contents of the car. He carefully extracted a fragile wooden clock. “Where do you want this, Mom?” he asked.
Peter and Christine stiffened at this question. For them, the idea of incest had always been off the table.
“Um, so, uh,” Peter sputtered, wanting to make absolutely sure he had heard correctly. He pointed towards Mark who was already heading back to the house with the clock. “So he’s…not your husband?”
Sara laughed. “Oh heavens no. He’s way too young for me. And also he’s my son. That’s why he calls me mom.”
Christine nodded her head like this made perfect sense. Without thinking, she said, “He seems younger up close.”
Sara thought that was an odd thing to say. She must have communicated that with her face, because Christine quickly added, “You both look young. Everyone looks young at our age.”
“Sweet of you to say,” Sara said graciously. “I’ll be 35 this year, so compliments like that keep me going.”
“So, will your husband be along shortly?” Peter asked insistently, and with less tact that Christine would have liked.
Sara’s face tightened a little. “My husband died a long time ago, unfortunately.”
“Well, we’re sorry to hear that, dear,” Christine said sympathetically.
Peter’s face looked like he was trying to solve a challenging riddle. “But…you look too young to have a son that old.”
“You two are just full of compliments!” Sara said, beaming again. “His father and I were high school sweethearts, and I had Mark when I was still a teenager. I was younger than he is now when I had him.”
Despite new reservations, Chrstine was still trying to do the math. “So, Mark is how old exactly?”
“He’s 18,” Sarah replied. She was beginning to feel like she was in an interview. “He seems older because he’s been the man of the house for so long. It’s been just the two of us for almost his whole life.”
“I see,” Peter and Christine said in unison.
The couple did not want to dally now, and looked for a way to excuse themselves without appearing rude. As Mark reappeared to collect more items from the car, Peter piped in, “Well, we don’t want to interrupt you while you’re moving. Lots to do I suppose.”
Before she could stop herself, Christine offered, “Unless you would like any help?”
Peter silently cursed his wife. She knew about his bad back. And he knew about her bad knees. What did she expect them to do that would actually be helpful?
During this meeting, Sara had also been giving her neighbors a bit of an appraisal. They seemed nice enough. But as far as helpful moving candidates, they might be a little past their prime. The husband looked like he might have a heart attack if she asked him to do any manual labor. Probably best not to chance it. Plus, there was something a little creepy about the way they had looked at her and her son. She had caught Peter staring at her chest repeatedly. She didn’t like it, but given her figure, she had lived with it for most of her life. What she hadn’t appreciated was how Christine had looked at Mark like he was a piece of meat, right up until she told them they were mother and son.
She began filling her arms with more odds and ends from the car. “You know, I think we’ve got it. But thank you!”
“Oh, okay, we’ll let you get to it,” Peter said quickly. And the couple turned and walked back to their house.
Sara cocked her head as she watched them go. Maybe her intuition was off. They clearly meant well, coming over to meet them and offering to help. Maybe she was just tired from the trip. She shouldn’t make such rash judgments against her neighbors. She pushed the thoughts aside and focused on the task of moving into their new home.
Back across the street, Peter and Christine were discreetly watching from each end of the living room curtains.
After a minute, Chrstine gave a heavy sigh. “Well, I guess it was too good to be true.”
“So we’re for sure ruling them out?” Peter asked regretfully. “I mean, you did say the next guy and gal-”
“They’re related,” Christine said sharply. “And not distantly. They’re mother and son. About as close as it gets.”
“I know, but-”
“How is there a but? We’ve always had that rule, Peter. No incest.”
That should have been the end of it. They should have explored other options, or turned on the television. But they both stood rooted to the spot, and continued to stare across the lawn. Peter watched intently as Sara hurried to get another load from her car. Her breasts bounced rhythmically as she hurried her steps. It was a warm summer afternoon, and she paused briefly before lifting anything to wipe her brow with her short sleeve.
Mark did something similar on one of his trips, but Christine watched, entranced, as the young man lifted the whole front of his shirt to wipe the sweat. She saw the outline of abs. Young, eighteen year old abs. She unconsciously licked her lips.
After what could have been a few minutes or a few hours of spying on their new neighbors, Peter suggested, “Maybe…maybe we try it anyway.”
Christine tried to swat him, but couldn’t quite reach without looking away, which she didn’t want to do. “No! We’re not going to go there.”
“In all our years, we have done a lot of kinky stuff. But we’ve sure never done that before. And you’re the one who suggested we try something new.”
Christine shook her head, not that her husband noticed, as his eyes were devouring Sara’s legs at the time. “I didn’t mean that.”
They kept watching, then Peter put out another proposition. “What if we take turns hopping them?”
“Right now? While they’re all hot and sweaty?” Christine said this like it was a bad thing. But she wouldn’t at all mind running her hands all over the front of Mark’s perspiring body. And she wouldn’t stop with her hands.
“No, of course not. We’d pick another time when they don’t have so much going on.”
Christine honestly thought about it, but then shook her head. “No. It’s more fun to bodyhop as a couple. And no one feels left out that way.”
“Well then let’s just hop them both and we can…we can just look at them while we make them masturbate.”
Christine didn’t like that Peter’s propositions kept turning her on. Regardless, she stuck to her guns. “I said no, Peter. We’ll find someone else. Someone that isn’t related.”
“I could go hop Mark tonight and-”
“You’re not listening, Peter. Maybe that’s part of our problem.”
“I thought our problem was we stopped having sex.”
“And that’s all my fault, is it? What about you? You’re always too tired after coming home. You don’t want to go anywhere or do anything. It’s pretty difficult to try something new if you won’t put forth some effort!”
Peter pointed across the street and his voice grew louder. “I’m not too tired for this right here! It’s something we’ve never done, and I’m more than willing to try it!”
“Because it’s something only the most degenerate bodyhoppers do! Remember? We always thought it was disgusting.”
“I mean, almost all bodyhoppers would qualify as degenerate then. All of them we’ve run into seem to have a incest story or two. Maybe we shouldn’t knock it before we try it.”
Christine gasped. “The last time a bodyhopper brought it up, you said the very idea was appalling.”
“I was just saying what I thought you wanted to hear.” He regretted the words as soon as they tumbled out of his mouth.
Christine shot him a withering look. “Well, I guess I thought you were better than that. If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll retire early tonight.” She swept from the room, taking the rest of the bottle of wine with her.
“So does this mean we’re not having…” He left the rest of the question hang in the air.
It didn’t hang there long. “Not tonight!” she yelled. “I’m no longer in the mood.”
He almost yelled after her that this wouldn’t be any different than any other night. Almost.
Both tossed and turned restlessly in bed. Both found their thoughts returning to the new neighbors and the tempting possibilities there. One kept trying to put it out of her mind. When Christine bodyhopped, she loved to become the other person as much as possible. To talk like they talked, to act like they acted, and fuck like they fucked. To take on that role of a mother and then…it was out of the question. Even if the son was the sexiest thing she’d seen in some time.
Mark, on the other hand, wasn’t trying to convince himself not to. He was thinking of a way to push them both into uncharted waters without ending their marriage. And he had an idea.
The next morning, Christine woke up first. She looked over at her snoring husband for half a minute, decided she still loved him, and lightly kissed his cheek. That was as far as she’d go in way of an apology right that second. He stirred and reached for her, but she backed away and got out of bed. As she put on her light pink robe, she decided she’d also go as far as to make sure Peter’s eggs weren’t burnt this morning.
The second Peter heard his wife’s footsteps on the stairs, his eyes popped open. He looked at his alarm clock. He had time. He quietly got out of bed and cracked open a bedroom window. He closed his eyes and concentrated. It had been awhile since he took on an incorporeal form. It took him longer than usual, but that was like everything else he did at his age. Finally, after several seconds, his body seemed to evaporate and become a transparent mist. He floated out the window, and swirled across the street towards their new neighbors’ house. He shot through the front door keyhole and began gliding room to room. In an upstairs bedroom, he came upon Mark, still asleep in bed with his mouth slightly open. The mist rushed towards Mark’s mouth, and a second later, Mark’s body twitched. He coughed once, then his eyes flew open and he sat up.
It felt so good to be in a young body again. Peter studied the room through Mark’s eyes. He saw a box marked clothes. He rushed to open it. He found a new shirt, but no pants. He saw yesterday’s on the floor, and quickly put them on. He raced downstairs and was headed towards the door, when a familiar voice called, “Mark?”
Peter halted in his tracks, and turned Mark’s head towards the sound. It was the very cute neighbor, Sara. Or more appropriately at the moment, Mom. “Yeah, Mom?”
She looked at him with cheerful curiosity. “I thought you’d probably sleep til noon. What got you up so early?”
Peter tried to keep from staring directly at Sara’s chest, but it was difficult. Her hair still looked bedraggled, but it didn’t take away from her sex appeal at all. He realized too late that he was getting an erection and turned away from her. “I don’t know. Just felt like an early breakfast.”
“So grab some cereal and pull up a chair next to your mom.”
“I, uh, felt like eggs this morning,” Mark said with a hand on the door.
“We don’t have any eggs yet. I haven’t gotten a chance to go to the store.”
Mark smiled. “I know. I was going to go borrow some from our new neighbors.”
Sara frowned. “Okay, tell them I said hello.”
“Most definitely,” Mark agreed as he slid out the door.
Christine had just dropped the second egg in the sizzling pan when the doorbell rang. She was in a robe, but was in no state to be opening the front door. She thought about yelling for her husband, but by the time he put clothes on and stumbled downstairs, whoever it was would be long gone. She sighed and headed towards the door. She wondered who it could be? Were they expecting a package? It still seemed too early for that.
She made sure the robe was tight around her, and opened the door. There stood the new neighbor boy, wearing yesterday’s jeans and a green shirt with a band’s name she’d never heard of. He was smiling politely at her, but didn’t say anything, so she took the initiative. “Yes, Mark was it?” As if she didn’t know and hadn’t thought about running her tongue up and down his body. Can I help you?”
“Oh, uh. Sorry for coming over so early, ma’am. I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“No, no. I was making breakfast. Oh shoot, I’ve got to get back to my eggs. Come in, come in.”
“Thanks,” he said as he followed her inside and shut the door. “That’s actually why I’m here. To see if I could borrow some eggs.”
Christine was glad it was something simple. “Of course. Yes, yes. Help yourself to as many as you need in the fridge,” she said as she pointed to the refrigerator on her right.
The kitchen had an island in the middle for prepping food, storage, and trash. Mark could have gone around the island on the right, directly to the fridge. But instead, he went to the left, which put him in very close proximity to Christine.
She didn’t notice this until he was brushing past her. He was so close she could smell his musk. He obviously hadn’t showered since yesterday’s move, but it wasn’t altogether unpleasant.
“Excuse me,” he said as he passed. He put his hand briefly on her lower back. The area where he touched radiated warmth.
As he opened the refrigerator door, she let out the breath that had gotten lodged in her throat and asked shakily, “So, all moved in?”
“Yup,” he said as he began looking through the contents of the fridge.
Christine watched him closely. She couldn’t see his face, but could make out his backside. She’d bet anything that he had a very tight, good looking butt. “So what brought you and your mom to our town?”
“Well, I got accepted to the local college here, which I’ll be starting in the fall. And my mom got a transfer from her bank management job to a branch here, so I’ll still be able to live at home and help her however she needs.” He took out the egg carton and shut the door.
She looked away from his direction quickly. Had he seen her perving on him? Was he going to take the rest of the eggs? “Well, it sounds like you’re a very good son. I hope that, oh shoot!” she yelped. “Not again!”
“What’s wrong?” Mark asked concernedly.
Christine gave a sad chuckle as she looked at her pan. “Oh nothing. Just ruined my husband’s eggs for the second day in a row.”
And then she felt strong arms wrap around her waist. She felt something hard poke against her behind. Mark’s hot breath tickled her ear, as he said, “I know of a way you could make it up to him.”
For a moment she was too stunned to speak. Her body was responding, as it felt his strong arms around her, and a hardness that made her wet. But she knew the truth, and with a sharp intake of breath, she exclaimed, “Peter! What are you doing in the neighbor boy?”
“Why don’t you turn around and find out.” He loosened his grip as she spun about.
As she did, she concentrated and so she could see the face of her bodyhopping husband. It made it easier for her to yell at him that way. “Peter, what have you done? I thought we agreed that the new neighbors were off limits!”
“I just wanted to show you what you’re missing darling,” her husband’s voice said. And then he looked down.
Christine followed his gaze, and saw that her husband had seen fit to take Mark’s dick out of his pants. It was thick and long. She hadn’t seen one that nice for a long time. She didn’t realize it, but her breath had quickened, and one hand was reaching out to touch it. At the last second, she stopped. “We…we can’t.”
“Sure you can. You clearly like this body. It’s right here in front of you. You can touch it all you want. Here.”
A strong hand grabbed Christine’s and wrapped her palm around Mark’s cock. She gave it an instinctive squeeze, and got to hear Mark’s voice moan appreciatively. She stroked it once, then twice. She felt him tug at the knot in her robe. It parted for him, and she felt a strong hand paw at her sagging breasts. He leaned in close, his lips almost to hers.
Then all at once he pulled back. His rigid penis withdrew from her hand. As it went, she reached out for it, but her husband was already tucking it back into Mark’s jeans.
“Thanks for the eggs,” Marks’ voice said as he retrieved them from the counter.
“Peter! Are you going to leave me in this state?” she asked angrily.
“I’m not really in the mood,” Peter with a wink and his voice. Then he shut the door.
Right when Mark stepped back inside his own house, mist leaked out of him. A few seconds later, he wondered why he was standing in their entryway, sporting an erection and holding a carton of eggs. He had a vague recollection of getting them from the neighbors, but everything else was like a dream that he could not recall.
A few minutes later, Peter came downstairs from their bedroom, fully dressed and ready to go to work.
“Here’s your eggs!” Christine snapped as she pointed to a plate’s white and yellow rubbery contents.
Peter ignored the eggs. He pulled his wife into an embrace, and kissed her passionately. She was still angry at him, and definitely sexually frustrated, but she kissed him back anyway.
“C’mon. That was kind of fun, right?” Peter teased. “And no one got hurt, did they?”
“Oh, someone will get hurt if you do that again.”
“So you don’t want to see Mark’s cock again? Don’t want to hold it in your hand? Don’t want it inside of you?”
Christine narrowed her eyes and huffed. The problem was, that’s exactly what she wanted, but she didn’t want her husband to think that he’d gotten to her. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Now eat your eggs.”
Peter did eat the overdone eggs. And that night, they made love in their own bodies for the first time in many weeks.
“Peter, Peter,” Christine said insistently the next morning to her slumbering husband.
“Yes. What?”
“I’m determined to fix your eggs right this morning, but someone took them all yesterday. Can you go get some?”
Peter stretched and yawned, then said, “I suppose I can make a run to the store before work.”
“No, just go across the street and ask for some of ours back. You took the whole carton, remember? There were still seven in there. I just need two.”
“Okay, okay. Let me get dressed.”
“Thank you. And be quick so we’re not late for work.”
Had his brain fully cleared, he might have asked why his wife didn’t go ask. He also might have wondered why his wife wasn’t in the kitchen when he came downstairs. The fact was, she wasn’t in the house at all anymore. As soon as she left their bedroom, she hung up her bathrobe in the bathroom, and dissolved into a transparent mist. She zoomed out of the house, to the neighbor’s front door, through the keyhole, and began looking for her quarry. Christine found her coming out of the shower. Perfect.
As the doorbell rang, Christine looked at her newly acquired naked and dripping wet body in the foggy mirror. “I can’t answer the door like this, or I’ll give him a heart attack.” She wrapped a large towel around herself, and headed towards the door. She opened it and put on one of Sara’s huge smiles and said to the man gaping at her, “Howdy neighbor.”
Peter’s eyes were all over her. He couldn’t stop himself. She was covered, yes, but there was still so much flesh. Water still dripped from her hair, her legs. His mouth remembered that there was a job to do. “Eggs,” he rasped.
“You need some eggs. Well come on in,” she said, and gestured for him to come inside. “I wouldn’t want to give any more neighbors a free show. Just imagine what would happen if this towel suddenly decided to fall off.”
And then Peter watched as it did just that. The towel hit the tile floor, and there stood Sara with a very embarrassed look on her face.
“Oh my! I’m so sorry!”
She bent quickly to get it, and Peter did the same. His hand was a little quicker, and it grasped the damp fabric. But he couldn’t lift it, because her foot was firmly on it. A warm, slightly wet foot. A foot connected to a very attractive, very naked woman. And she was looking at him with a seductive smile.
“Maybe I don’t need a towel just yet,” she purred. Then she took his hand and pressed it firmly against her supple breasts. “You don’t mind, do you?”
Peter nodded dumbly. Then his mind registered the obvious. He concentrated, and saw his wife’s face inhabiting the young mother. He smiled. “I see you’ve had a change of heart.”
She pressed against him, feeling his hardness on her skin. “What can I say? I felt like being a couple decades younger this morning.” And then she kissed him. She felt his hands grip her, then begin to travel over her body. Before they could get very far, she broke off the kiss and pushed him back. ‘Nuh uh, mister. Now it’s your turn to feel frustrated.” She retrieved the egg carton from the refrigerator, being sure to put a little extra sway in her hips as she went. She gave them to Peter and said with a smile, “Why don’t you take those back to the Missus.”
“But, we could just…”
Sara gave him the look, and even without seeing her actual face, he knew his wife wouldn’t allow him to push. He dutifully took the carton. He was backing towards the door, slowly, so as to drink in as much of Sara’s body as possible, when he heard Mark yell from the adjoining hallway.
“Mom! What’s going on?”
Sara quickly reached for the towel and covered herself. She turned sheepishly to Mark and said, “Oops, sorry. I dropped my towel. Very clumsy of me. I’m so sorry for flashing you both. You’re welcome for the eggs Peter.”
Mark turned away from the sight of his barely covered Mom. Peter retreated quickly, but held the door open for his wife to follow. Mark didn’t see the mist that escaped from his mother and flew back across the street.
When Peter came back into his house, he found his wife naked, sitting on the table with her legs spread wide. Nobody got eggs that morning, and they were both late to work.
When they got home later that day, they were both very quiet for the first hour. They drank wine and gave each other nervous fleeting glances. Neither wanted to voice what they really wanted. Peter didn’t because he thought his wife would still turn the idea down. And Christine didn’t because she didn’t want to admit how much she had come around to the idea.
Finally, Peter asked. “So, it’s Friday. Shall we go out to eat?”
In way of reply, Christine opened the curtains that faced the street. They both looked towards the neighbors house. A shirtless Mark was outside mowing the lawn. “How about we order in?”
Peter nodded. “If that’s what you want.”
“I’m beginning to think it is.”
“What should we get?”
Christine gave her husband a winning smile. “I think I’d like to try something we’ve never done before.”
“Oh really.”
“Yeah. Who knows. Maybe we’ll discover something that will become our new favorite.”
“I’m glad you’re open to trying new things.”
“As long as I get to try it with you.”
“So should we, uh, do it right now?”
“Probably. Every place takes about an hour to get here.”
Peter’s shoulders sagged. “Oh. Right. Of course. For a second there I thought maybe we were talking about something else.”
Christine tore her eyes away from the neighbor boy and walked towards her husband. She put a hand on his cheek, and gave him a passionate kiss. Then she said, “I can talk about two things at the same time, dear.”
For the second time that day they made love in their own bodies while waiting for food to be delivered. That hadn’t happened in quite some time.
Afterwards they poured more wine. By the time the food arrived, they had a nice buzz going. After eating, they talked about next steps, as they climbed the stairs to their bed. They fell asleep in each other’s arms earlier than they’d anticipated. It had been a long week, but they were looking forward to tomorrow.
When Peter awoke that Saturday morning, a thrill went through him. He rolled over to see if his wife was awake, and saw that she was. She had been waiting for him. The expression on her face told him that she was just as excited.
“Shall we?” Peter asked.
Christine winked. “Let’s shall.”
Peter got up and opened the window a crack. After a few moments, their bodies dissolved into mist, and zoomed across the street and through the neighbor’s keyhole. They drifted room to room, and grew more impatient as they came up empty. It was taxing to be in this form at their age, and they both wanted to find their desired hosts soon.
After coming to the conclusion that no one was home, they went back outside. They verified that the car was in the driveway. They drifted higher over the house, looking to and fro, and finally spotted their neighbors. They were jogging, about half a block away.
Peter and Christine’s ethereal forms raced towards their marks. Peter outpaced his wife and got there first. He took a moment to watch mother and son as they ran together. He admired the way Sara’s ponytail swung back and forth. He admired even more how her ass looked in the light blue lycra running shorts. They were tight and rode up the crack between her cheeks. He turned his attention toward Mark and shot forward. He hung in the air a few paces ahead, and allowed Mark to run into him.
Mark was briefly aware of running into a patch of fog as mist hit his face. But the condensation quickly started flowing into his mouth and nose. Something wasn’t right. He felt his mind clouding, as if something were trying to make him go to sleep. But it also felt like he wasn’t alone. Like someone else was there with him in his mind. Fear gripped him, but only for a moment, then everything went dark.
Peter instantly felt the power of strong legs and a youthful physique. He hated running, or jogging, or even a slow walk in his older body. But this body seemed like it could run for miles with no complaints. But he wasn’t here to win any races.
The first thing Peter did was slacken Mark’s pace. This allowed him to have an excellent view of Sara’s tight butt. He could watch those cheeks move up and down all day. He wanted to spread them, to stick Mark’s dick between them. The more he looked, the harder it became to run, because of the monster growing in his running shorts.
He looked up and saw his wife’s mist keeping pace over Sara’s head. What was she waiting for? Then he realized that she was probably enjoying his new problem, as his boner was easily viewable as it tented his shorts.
Peter stopped running and began a leisurely walk. “C’mon,” he said Mark’s voice. “Just do it already.”
Sara was twenty paces ahead, and didn’t quite hear what her son said. She turned around. “What did you say? And what are you stopping for?”
“I said I’m tired already. I feel like something’s slowing me down.”
Concerned, she walked back towards her son. “Are you feeling okay?”
He smiled at her. “It’s just hard to run when I’ve got this problem down here.” He gestured towards the tent in his shorts.
Sara looked down and gasped, then began to sputter, “Um, okay. That, uh, that doesn’t usually happen when we run.”
“I know. But this time I couldn’t keep myself from looking at your butt, so now I’ve got this massive boner.”
She was about to admonish him, when a mist flew into her face. She flailed as a presence hit her consciousness like a wrecking ball. Her eyes rolled back in her head, but a moment later, they reappeared with a lustful gleam. She smiled and said, “Do you like looking at mommy’s butt?”
Peter found that Mark was so hard it was almost painful. “I sure do.”
“Well maybe I’ll walk ahead of you on the way back home. Would you like that? Would you like to see my sexy ass sway back and forth?”
“I sure would?”
“And maybe when we get home, you can take those constricting shorts off and let that massive pecker free.”
Mark looked at his mother and asked, “Is that something you’d like to see?”
“I just might.”
Peter and Christine walked briskly in the direction of their neighbor’s house. It took a supreme effort by Peter not to reach out and slap or grab Sara’s ass. It took plenty of willpower for Christine not to turn around and reach down the front of Mark’s shorts to touch his throbbing member.
“They expecting anyone?” Peter asked in his voice. “The boy’s pretty clueless about what’s happening.other than helping Sara”
Christine easily rifled through Sara’s thoughts and memories. “Nope,” Chrstine replied in her voice. “They were going to focus on setting up the house this weekend. Then Sara reports to her new job on Monday.”
“So we’ve got the weekend then.”
Christine quickened Sara’s pace. “So it would seem.”
Christine began perusing Sara’s mind for other details. All of Sara’s life was an open book for Christine. It was the thing she loved most about bodyhopping, to have complete and utter access to another person’s deepest wants and desires, and be able to act them out in the way the real Sara never would.
Christine thought about the last time Sara had had sex. The hardworking mom hadn’t dated in two years, and that relationship hadn’t lasted more than a few weeks. She rarely pleasured herself, opting to put her time into work and raising her son. But now, faced with sudden and intense arousal, it was apparent that the woman was a little more than pent up. By the time they got to the front door, there was a growing damp spot on the front of Sara’s shorts. The woman desperately needed to get laid. Thankfully she had a stud in close proximity.
As soon as the door was closed, Peter grabbed Sara. The sweat of their bodies intertwined as mother and son’s mouths met. Mark’s hands began to grope and squeeze. He was so horny. Peter knew the kid had only ever had sex once, and he didn’t think he had been any good at it. But his body was now touching a beautiful, experienced woman, who just happened to be his mom, and it was sending his hormones into overdrive.
He stopped kissing after a few seconds, but spun Sara around. He shoved her up against the wall and cupped her butt. As he let a hand slide along the fabric buried between her cheeks, he let her in on Mark’s recent thoughts. “He hasn’t been able to get the picture of you naked out of his head. It really did a number on him, seeing his hot mom without a stitch on her in the kitchen. He feels ashamed, because he can’t stop thinking about it, and was turned on by it.”
Christine moaned in her voice, then turned back around to kiss Mark’s lips again. They stayed connected that way for a minute. Christine was content to let her husband paw greedily at the tight fitting sports bra. She also busied herself by letting a hand snake down Mark’s front and feel the length of him. Chrstine had seen bigger, but Sara hadn’t. Right before being hopped, Sara’s thoughts had been surprised by the size of her son’s penis. And unbidden, the thought of what it would feel like to be stretched out by a dick that big had flitted through her head. It was quickly replaced with fury over her son exposing himself to her, and in public. But there was no fury now. Only need. The need to know what a dick like that could do to Sara’s very neglected pussy.
As Peter tried and failed to remove Sara’s sports bra, Christine gently pushed his hands down. In her own voice, she said, “Peter, they’re both hot and sweaty. Why don’t we go make use of the showers in this house before we have our fun?”
“We could shower together,” Peter said hopefully.
“No. It’ll build up the anticipation, and give us a chance to learn about our hosts more. You know I like it when we play out a couple’s fantasies.”
“But they’re not a couple?” Peter pointed out before he could stop himself.
“That didn’t stop Mom here from fantasizing about her son’s big dick.”
Mark’s jaw dropped. “Really?”
“Only for a split second. And she’d never act on it in a million years, but the thought was still there. Her body is hungry for sex, and when it saw that hard young dick, it’s thought of little else. She’s got a wild side her son knows nothing about, until today.”
Peter reached for her again, but Christine swatted him away. “Nope. No more until you’re all clean.”
Knowing there was no sense arguing, Peter nodded Mark’s head. “Whatever you say, dear.”
Sara’s mouth burst into a smile. It was the same one she had used when greeting them the first time on their front lawn. She put a hand on Mark’s shoulder and said with genuine warmth and affection in Sara’s voice, “Call me Mom.”
Mark’s dick found a new level of hard. In Mark’s voice, he dutifully replied, “Yes Mom.”
She patted his cheek. “That’s my good boy. For right now, there is no Peter and Christine. Only Sara and Mark, a mother and her son.”
They went their separate ways, Mark to the smaller bathroom on the ground floor. It had a shower that Mark had to stoop slightly to use, but Sara had already claimed the upstairs one as hers. Sara always liked to have her own personal bathroom. It was about the only thing she didn’t share.
Sara climbed the stairs and entered her much larger bathroom. She turned on the shower to get it to the temperature she wanted. Then she slowly began to undress in front of the large vanity. Chrstine was thoroughly impressed by what was underneath. She had been in such a hurry yesterday, she hadn’t gotten much time to appreciate it. Sara had a tight body with ample boobs with barely any sag to them. “Oh, to be young again,” Christine said aloud.
As Christine stepped into shower, she began a thorough examination of the inner workings of Sara’s mind.She looked at how Sara saw herself. She was a woman who liked to stay professional at work, and carefree at home. She hadn’t really dressed up or pampered herself since that last date two years ago. She also didn’t think much of her body, which Christine thought was ridiculous. As she brought a hand up to pinch a sensitive nipple, she said, “If you only knew how hot and bothered your son is right now for this body, you’d think otherwise.”
As Peter showered in Mark’s body, he let his thoughts blend with Mark’s sexual preferences. The kid liked porn, what teenager didn’t. He masturbated almost every day. He recognized that his mother was attractive, only very recently though for obvious reasons. He hadn’t stroked it to her yet, but it was probably inevitable that her face popped up the next time he stroked it. Before yesterday, he had got a brief side view of her tits while she was changing. She thought she had the door closed, but it was open enough that he saw her without a bra. He had never told her about it. He had been too embarrassed to ever tell her about it, and had buried it in his memories.
But Peter saw, just below the surface of tits and ass, there was another kink that really got him going. It was in almost every internet search he did these days. He realized he’d need to clue Christine in. He got out of the shower and toweled off. He saw no need for clothes, so he bounded upstairs naked. He heard water running, so he opened the door.
“Is that you, Mark?” his mother’s voice called. “I’m in the shower.”
Peter began in his voice, “This kid really likes-”
“I’m sorry, Mark. You don’t sound like yourself. Could you try again?”
Peter nodded. He’d forgotten to stay in character. “Right, sorry Mom. I was wondering if you could scrub your feet like, really well. And when you get out of the shower, maybe like, put some toenail polish on them.”
The top part of the shower curtain popped to the side and Sara’s face appeared. “Ooh, does my son have a foot fetish?”
“I believe I do. A big one. Did you suspect at all?”
Sara’s lips pursed as she thought. “Yeah, oh, actually very much, yes. You forgot to close out a browser once. And I’ve seen your search history several times, young man.”
“Yeah,” Mark nodded. “I remember getting a lecture from you recently. You said it was natural for me to masturbate, but you didn’t want to ever see the kinky stuff I jacked off to.”
A little bit more of the curtain moved, and Sara revealed the top half of her body. “Do you still like looking at kinky stuff, Mark?”
Mark gulped. “Yes, Mom.”
She noticed his penis begin to rise. “Oh my. Does looking at your mother in the shower count as kinky?”
“I think it does, Mom.”
“I see,” she said, as she began to soap up her boobs. “Well since it’s about your mother and not some random internet hussy, I suppose we can make an exception this time. Why don’t you run along now, so I can give my feet some special attention.”
“Seriously. I’m going to get blue balls here,” Mark pouted.
“Tsk, tsk. It’ll be worth the wait. I promise. Now go on.”
As Mark exited, Sara chuckled to herself, then grabbed the loofa and resumed scrubbing between her toes. “I’ll make sure these feet are squeaky clean for you, son.”
Peter began pacing up and down the upstairs hallway. He finally heard the shower shut off. He knew Christine was drying off Sara’s body. She was on the other side of the bathroom door, completely naked and wanted to fuck. He paced faster. He kept this up for 20 seconds, when finally, Sara called out, “Mark, I can hear you pacing. Please go wait in my bedroom.”
“How much longer do I have to wait, Mom?” Mark groaned.
“Painting toes takes time, sweetie. And then I’ll have to dry them. Why don’t you go busy yourself picking out something for Mommy to wear. I forgot to bring anything in here with me, and I’d just hate to expose my naked body to you again so soon. Please pick out something from my top middle dresser drawer.”
Peter was off like a shot. When he got there, he saw that it was familiar to Mark. He had gone snooping through it once, to see what a bra looked like. He had marveled at how soft and silky they were. There were plenty of bras and panties, but nothing too terribly scandalous. That would have to be remedied soon. Peter took the time to sniff a few of the undergarments. They smelled like Sara. He longed to smell her skin directly instead of this material that had held up her boobs or rubbed against her pussy.
He finally decided on a red, lace bustier that he thought would display her boobs perfectly. It also went with the only thong she possessed. He took them and stood outside the bathroom door. He heard a blow dryer running. He knocked loudly.
“Yes sweetie?”
“I picked out some clothes for you, Mom.”
“Thank you so much. You can leave them on the floor and I’ll get them shortly.”
“How much longer?”
“Don’t rush me young man, or I'll break out the nail polish remover. Now go and wait in my room.”
Shortly after Peter went back to Sara’s room, he heard the bathroom door open and close. Christine had retrieved the lingerie. She’d be putting it on, then coming to the room. Why did this turn him on so much more than anything he’d ever experienced before as a bodyhopper? Was it the incestual nature of it all? It must be. But the wait was driving him mad. He lay sprawled out naked on his mother’s bed for what seemed like hours, absently mindedly stroking his meat every few seconds. And then finally he heard soft footsteps padding towards the room. He moved to the end of the bed and sat there, waiting expectantly for the door to open.
As Sara opened her bedroom door, she said, “Mark, I’m not sure you picked out something that’s appropriate for me to wear around her son.” And then she saw her son sitting on her bed, naked and staring at her with wide eyes. “Mark, please cover yourself!” She chided, and then bit her lip.
“It is not okay to be naked in my room, Mark. Were you masturbating again? Was it because you got to go through Mommy’s underwear drawer?”
Peter could see the outline of Sara’s nipples. They were hard and pointed in his direction. Obediently, he reached back and grabbed a pillow to cover his crotch. “Yeah. I couldn’t stop myself. I, I sniffed your panties and now I can’t get it to go back down. Sorry, Mom.”
Sara gave him a knowing look. “Well, you are still a teenager. I’m sure you get turned on by so many things. I just didn’t think it would be from sniffing your Mom’s panties.”
“Do you think I’m a pervert?”
“No. Well, maybe a little. I have seen your internet history, you know. I was surprised by some of the things you searched for. Your fascination with feet for example.”
“It’s not a fascination, Mom. It’s a fetish. I get off on looking at them. I think about touching them, and…and more.”
Sara cocked her head inquisitively. “Like what?”
Mark looked away. “I…can we not talk about this anymore, Mom? It’s embarrassing.”
“It’s okay, Mark. I’m your mother, and I love you. You can tell me anything. Why don’t you start by telling me what kind of feet you like?”
“What kind?”
“Yes, sweetie.” Sara lifted a leg and placed her delicate foot onto the pillow positioned over her son’s crotch. “Take mine for example. Do you like my feet?”
Peter couldn’t have cared less about feet when he woke up this morning. He was always a boob guy. But as he saw Sara’s feet through Mark’s eyes, the clean skin, the toenails with bright red polish, he knew these were exactly the kind of feet that got him off. “I do Mom. Very much.”
“Well thank you, Mark. Now tell me, what else would you do?”
“If you could do more than look, I mean. Would you touch them? Would you like to touch my feet?”
“Mom, please. We don’t have to.”
“They’re your mother’s feet, Mark. I don’t mind. You’ve seen them before. You can touch them if you want.”
Mark put a hand on her foot and began to caress it, letting his palm slide up and down and feel its smoothness. He loved the dark red color she had used on her toenails. It really made them stand out. “It’s so nice, Mom. Would you let me feel the other one too?”
“Of course dear, but why don’t we get more comfortable first.” Sara crawled onto the bed on all fours, and gave Mark another great view of her ass in the thong. She propped herself up against the headboard, and then waved one of her feet invitingly at her son. “Come on. Touch them. Touch them both as much as you want.”
Mark got on his knees at the end of the bed and reached for his mother’s feet. He lowered his face to them and sniffed. They smelled of her rose scented body wash. “They smell really nice, Mom.”
“I’m glad you think so. Is there anything else you’d like to do to them?”
“Uh, well, I’d like to, uh…”
“It’s okay, Mark. Spit it out. You don’t have to be shy. You can do anything you want to Mommy’s feet.”
“I’d like to suck your toes.”
Sara feigned shock. “Oh my. You…you want to put your mouth on my feet? To lick my toes with your tongue?”
“Yes, Momma.”
Sara licked her lips. “Well, I guess it’s okay, if it’s just this once.”
Mark smiled, lowered his mouth, and kissed her big toe. Then he put it into his mouth and let his tongue swirl around it.
Sara began to squirm. “It kind of tickles, but it feels nice. How about you? How does it make you feel, sucking Mommy’s toes?”
Mark didn’t answer right away, but continued to lick and kiss his mother’s feet. Then he showed her how it made him feel, as he raised his upper half, pulling her forward a little to keep one foot near his mouth. Sara saw that his dick was fully extended and rigid. A bit of precum dribbled down the front.
“My feet did that?” Sara gasped.
“They did.”
“Would it feel good if Mommy did this?” She lifted her free foot, and pressed it against her son’s cock. She was rewarded with a moan. She pulled her other foot free, and he looked at her like a child that had been deprived of their favorite toy. But his expression changed when it joined the other foot touching his dick. She let both feet encircle Mark’s engorged member. Then ever so slowly, she began to stroke it with her feet. She’d never done anything like this before. Her late husband and few other sexual partners had never requested anything like this. Still, by the way her son was moaning, she’d say she was a natural. “I believe I saw the term, footjob, in your history. Is that what this is?” she asked innocently.
“Oh fuck,” Peter said in his voice. “This kid’s always dreamed of something like this. Too bad I’m the one that gets to enjoy it, and with his mother’s feet at that.”
“Peter!” Christine’s voice snapped. “Stay in the moment!” And then to shut him up, she brought a foot back up to Mark’s lips. In Sara’s voice, she said, “Did I get them clean enough for you, Mark. I gave them so much attention because, well, I thought you’d like to look at them up close. I didn’t intend for it to go this far though.”
As the other foot encircled his dick, Mark opened his mouth and began licking the bottom of her feet, from sole to toe. “”Oh, they’re clean alright.”
“Oh, Mark,” Sara’s voice moaned. “This is turning me on so much. I haven’t been treated like a woman for so long. We should stop before it goes any further.” Her words didn’t match her actions, because even as she said them, she spread her legs at the knees, and shoved the front of the thong to the side. This gave Mark an unfettered view of her glistening snatch. She began to rub it slowly. She wanted to quench the burning ache she felt there. “We should stop, right Mark?”
Mark fervently shook his head side to side.
“Well if you get to put Mommy’s toes in your mouth, I think it’s only fair that you let your mother put something of yours in hers.” She withdrew her feet and kneeled facing him on the bed. Her hands lightly gripped his penis and squeezed. “You're such a big boy. I don’t know if I can fit it all in, but I’m going to try.”
She lowered her head, put her elbows on the bed, and slowly took her son’s cock into her mouth. At first, it was just the tip. Her tongue greedily lapped up on the pre cum. There wasn’t near enough of it. She longed to taste more of him. More of her son. She crawled forward, and took inch after inch of him into her mouth. And then she began to slide her lips up and down his shaft. While she did, her tongue never stopped moving. She was on a mission now. She wouldn’t stop until she gave her son release.
“Uh, Christine. I mean, Mom. That feels really good. Too good! This body isn’t going to be able to-to…oh, here we go!”
Christine had sucked a lot of cock in many bodies. Some couldn’t take it, others faired better, but Sara took her son’s spunk like a pro. She didn’t lose suction as it spewed into her mouth, and quickly and efficiently, she swallowed it down her throat. When she finally relinquished his cock, it was as clean as her feet.
“I’m sorry, Mom. I’ve never had a girl go down on me before.”
Sara sat up and stroked his cheek. “That’s okay. As hard as you were, I didn’t think you’d last too long. I hope you recover quickly though.”
“Because I’d like you to stick that hard dick into more than just my mouth.”
“Really?” Mark asked excitedly.
“Really. I’m afraid you’ve got mommy very hot and bothered. But I can’t wait for your dick to recover. I’ll need you to tend to Mommy right away.”
“I’ll do anything you say, Mom.”
“I know you will, son.” She unfastened the bustier, and took it off, then pulled down the red thong. She lay back down on the bed fully naked, and spread her legs. “Have you ever eaten a woman out before?”
Mark shook his head no.
“Well I’ll teach you.” She used her fingers to spread her pussy. “You see this?” she asked, as she pointed to her clit. “It feels very good when I rub here. I’d like you to put your tongue there. Move it up and down, and side to side, and every so often, I want you to stick it way up inside me right here. Can you do that for your very horny Momma?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
A new wave of moisture coated her pussy as Mark began licking her. The way he did, it certainly seemed like he was lying about never having done it before. “That’s it Mark. You’re doing so good, baby. Oh, bring a hand up here and squeeze Mommy’s tits.”
A strong arm reached up and began groping and pawing at her boobs. “Do you like my tits, Mark? Have you ever thought about them before?” She thought she heard a muffled yes. “Of course you have. They’re amazing, aren’t they? They got so much bigger after I had you. It’s only natural to want to sneak a peek at them. To want to put your hands and mouth on them. You did it when you were little, and now you’re doing it again. Feel them. Grab them. Pull at them. Yes. Yes! That’s Mommy’s good little pervert. You are a pervert, aren’t you, Mark, with your face buried in your mother’s pussy. You love it, don’t you? Oh right there. Right there! Oh, fuck! Yes. Yes! Harder! Use that long tongue of yours. Yes!”
Her hips began to buck and writhe. And then Mark’s tongue went deep inside her as she came.
She let out a few longs breaths, then said, “Oh, sweetie. That was-”
Before she could finish, he had lifted a leg onto his shoulder. He spread her other leg just a little bit, and then he stuck his rejuvenated penis into her and began thrusting for all he was worth.
“Oh!” she screamed with pleasure. “Oh fuck! What are you doing Mark? Oh, I was wrong about you! You are a damned pervert, fucking your mom’s pussy like this! Please, please lick my foot while you pound mommy’s pussy!”
Mark did. His tongue was a blur on her foot. His dick was a blur in her drenched pussy. Peter was able to go on for longer this time, and he loved every second of it as he watched Sara come again and again and again. Finally, he erupted in her a second time. His strength left him, and he flopped onto the bed next to her.
After they lay there for several minutes, Peter’s voice mumbled. “That was amazing. Should we…should we clean them up and go back home?”
“We’re in no rush,” Christine’s voice panted. “We could stay inside these bodies for the night. Or the weekend.”
Peter chuckled. “I think you really liked it this mother son roleplay. You might be one of those bodyhopping degenerates I’ve heard so much about.”
“Oh be quiet. This was a one time thing.”
“Was it?”
“I mean…well. I suppose now I’m more open to trying something new.”
The end?
Author's note.
I'd be willing to continue this with the same couple as they try brother/sister, father/daughter, etc. Feel free to create a commission, and consider becoming one of my supporters here on outfoxstories. Your comments and support keep motivating me to write.
There comes a time in every marriage where the spark dims, or goes out entirely. For some, it can happen very quickly, over the course of a few months or years. For other couples, it can take much longer, but at some point, it is inevitable. It doesn’t mean the love isn’t there. It just means that the romantic fire is smoldering, or about to go out altogether.
Peter and Christine were in that season of marriage. They never thought they would get there, and perhaps for good reason. They had said their vows in their early twenties, and were still very much in love after 42 years. They weren’t in the best of shape, the wrinkles were plentiful, and everything seemed harder to do. But they’d say they were happy, and if asked, would say they wanted for nothing. But that wasn’t entirely true. Because they both felt their marriage was in a slump.
The love was still there, but the sex life had wained. This is something that for so many years they would have thought impossible. They felt their sex life was richer than most, especially since they were both bodyhoppers.
Their first date had been while inside other people’s bodies, as had their second. For the third they met up in real life, and had been together ever since. They hopped many people all throughout their relationship, and lived out each other's fantasies in any body that caught their eye.
There were certainly lots of people to choose from. They could be anyone, their neighbors, the clerk at the grocery store, the waiter at a local restaurant, a random passerby, or a person at their place of employment. Peter had fucked so many of his secretaries that he’d lost count.
And there was the problem. It all felt the same now. Even their ability to be anyone new had become a rut, because after a couple of decades living in the same town, they had been there, done that. Was this how they were to spend their golden years? Just come home, drink wine, watch television, and sleep. And the problem would just get worse when they retired in a few years. What they needed was to renew the spark. Could they? Is that what they wanted at this stage? Or would it just be better to coexist in a loving but sexless marriage?
Peter especially had felt this for a few months. As he poured his wife a cup of coffee that particular morning, he decided they should finally talk about it.
“You know,” he started carefully. “It’s been awhile.”
Christine half heard him as she cracked his eggs. Her husband liked his eggs cooked in a very specific way. It was both endearing, and a little annoying, because if they weren’t perfect, he wouldn’t eat them. He really should have learned to cook his own eggs by now. But no. Like so many other things, she was always the one to do it because he proved too incompetent. She was sure he could have mastered them by now, especially folding laundry, if he just put in the same effort he did with his hobbies. But he hadn’t when they were young, and so why would anything ever change. She was stuck making his eggs until one of them died.
As the eggs sizzled and marital complaints ran through her mind, her only response was a mumbled, “Put it on the calendar.”
“You want me to put our sex life on the calendar?”
“I…what? No! What are you on about?”
“It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?”
“Since what?”
“Since we’ve had sex.”
“With each other?”
“Yes. But also, as other people.”
That answer gave Christine pause. They hadn’t hopped someone to have sex in long while. They used to do it all the time in their first couple decades of marriage, multiple times a day, whenever they got half a chance. It had lessened after that, both getting swept up in the busy of life and preferring to relax at the end of the day. When was the last time they had bodyhopped someone for sex?
“Didn’t we hop the Johnson’s?”
“Yes, what for my birthday last year, right?”
“The Smith’s?”
“For your birthday two years ago, I believe.”
“Oh, what about the Parker’s?”
“Is your memory alright? That was ages ago!”
Christine sighed. “I know. But we had really great sex in them, didn’t we?”
“I suppose,” Peter agreed. “Maybe if we hadn’t hopped them after work for a month straight they wouldn’t have lost their appeal.”
“Or maybe if they hadn’t gotten old like we did.”
“So that brings me back to my question. When was the last time we had sex?”
“I…I don’t know. Oh damn it! I’ve ruined your eggs.”
“That’s okay, I don’t have to-”
Her glare made him change course.
“But I will, I will eat them, because I love you so much,” Peter finished.
“Smart man,” she smiled as she scraped them onto a plate. As she started making her own, she asked, “So what are you proposing?”
“Well, I mean, I think we should have sex.”
“I gathered that much. You want to do it now, or after breakfast.” It was as romantic as scheduling a trip to the store.
“Are you in the mood right now?” Peter asked curiously.
Christine pursed her lips. “Not particularly. You?”
“Me neither.”
“Part of getting older I guess.”
“But when did that happen?”
“For me it was probably after the millionth load of laundry, or maybe thinking about all the repairs that need done to this house. Or one of the other hundreds of things that I’m thinking about all the time.”
Peter nodded. “For me it's just, well, I come home, and I don’t even think about sex.”
Christine furrowed her brow. She felt the same way. “And no one does it for you out there anymore?” Christine gestured to the outside world. “No people you want to hop, or make me hop?”
“I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’ll think about it every once in a while. But not as much as I used to. And when I do, it’s fleeting. By the time I get home from work, it feels like another thing that I, we, keep putting off to do other things.”
“Oh, speaking of work. I’d better get going. I’ve got a meeting.”
Peter checked his watch and made a face. “Me too. I guess we can pick this up later.”
“Don’t forget your eggs.”
“I’ll be late.”
“But you’ll be alive.”
Peter paused, then quickly ate his eggs under the watchful eye of his wife.
As the hours passed that day, both husband and wife would ponder this conversation. It was one of those brief interactions that gnawed at both of them. They both wondered, was the other person getting bored of them? Why had they stopped pursuing each other as they had in the past? Both took note of the people around them throughout the day, and briefly fantasized about their significant other hopping them for a sexual liaison. Every person they saw, no matter how attractive, barely moved the needle.
Peter arrived home from work first and poured two glasses of wine. He looked at the dark red liquid in the glass. As he did, he wondered if he should pick up that morning’s conversation, or let it lapse.
Two minutes later, Christine practically burst through the door. She moved quickly to where she knew her husband would be and picked up her glass of wine. She downed it in two gulps, and then said, “I’ve been thinking about it, and I think we should hop the next couple we see, and fuck.”
Peter took a sip of wine and shook his head. “Look, I wasn’t trying to upset you this morning. We don’t have to rush into anything. It’s been a long day and-”
“No, no, you were right earlier,” Chrstine said firmly. We are in a rut. We’ve become boring.”
“There’s nothing wrong with boring,” Peter argued.
“Boring is fine sometimes. But is that’s what our marriage has become all the time. We used to take chances, and hop someone at the slightest hint of arousal. Let’s step outside of our comfort zone and try something new.”
Peter sighed. At their age, when they assumed an incorporeal form, their range was limited. “So you want to go out? Cause new is several miles in any direction.”
“We could pick one of the neighbors.”
“I thought you said new.”
Christine crossed her arms as she thought about potential candidates. The well really had run dry all around them. Even if there was someone that piqued their interest, it would still be the same. Their sexual proclivites over the years had been very vanilla by other bodyhopper standards. But still, it should be this hard to convince her husband to go out with her to bodyhop and fuck someone. The situation was really more dire than she thought.
“Well, we need to get out there and start looking?”
“That’s the problem isn’t it. I haven’t seen anyone that gets me going anywhere recently. Maybe we find someone if we go into the city. And you know how that story goes. I have to fight city traffic. We take forever to find someone we like. And if and when we find a pair we can agree on, we have the logistics of getting somewhere private to have sex, and that’s a whole thing. And then it’s late, and I have to fight traffic on the way back. And then we’re both tired the next morning-”
“I get it, Peter. But we can’t just shove this under the rug. It might take some effort on our part. It’s not like the perfect solution is just going to show up right outside our door.”
Peter was about to respond, when a series of loud beeps echoed up and down their street. It was the familiar cry of a large truck signaling its intentions to back up. Peter and Christine went to investigate, and saw a large truck pull into the driveway across from their house. Two men wearing a moving company logo exited and opened the back of the truck to unload it.
Two car doors slammed, and Peter and Christine noticed two other people. A man and a woman had parked their car along the curb, and were heading towards the house. The woman put her arm around the man’s shoulder. The man reciprocated, and they gave each other a side squeeze. They began talking. Peter and Christine couldn’t hear what they were saying, but they appeared very excited.
The man went back to the car and began to retrieve a couple of bags from what Peter now saw was a very full car. The man was young, probably in his early twenties. He had fair skin and short brown hair. He wasn’t muscular per se, but the way he lifted the bags, Peter knew he was fit. He probably had abs. Christine loved men with abs.
The woman came to the trunk and took out a small cardboard box. Christine noticed two things about her right away. The first was that she was very pretty, in a girl next door kind of way. She had a very cute face, and long hair a shade darker than the man’s. The second thing she noticed was that she was for sure older than the man. If she had to guess, at least 9 or 10 years older. That wasn’t a big deal when you got to be Christine’s age, but she’d bet that woman had been accused of robbing the cradle when they got married.
“What are you thinking?” she asked her husband. She saw that his eyes had fixated on the woman.
Peter looked at his wife and winked at her. “I think the woman’s my type.”
Christine smiled. “I know she is.”
“And what are you thinking?” Peter asked.
“I haven’t had that young in years,” Christine mused. She arched an eyebrow. “I bet he’s got a lot of stamina.”
“So, shall we go introduce ourselves to the new neighbors?”
By the time the older couple crossed the street, they were already fantasizing about the many different sexual positions they would put the other couple in. Peter had to stop himself and think about work so he didn’t appear too aroused. A pitched tent did not make for a good first impression.
They were on the front lawn when the couple reappeared from the house, on their way to grab another load. They saw Peter and Christine, and the woman beamed at them.
“Are you the welcoming party?” she asked.
“Only the first wave, I’m sure,” Peter said. Now that he was closer, he tried not to stare at her ample chest which strained under a lavender shirt. He looked forward to seeing this woman naked.
Christine was having the same thoughts about the man, but saw that she was perhaps mistaken about his age. He was even more attractive up close, but now she thought he might be 20, or…even 19. Was that too young? And how old was the woman then? Because she appeared a few years older than she previously thought, like 33 or 34. That was a large gap at that age.
She extended her hand to the woman. “I’m Christine, and this is my husband Paul. We live right across from you. Happy to see someone finally moved into this house.”
“Oh we are happy to be here,” she said, taking Christine and Peter’s hands in turn. “My name’s Sara, and this is Mark.”
Mark took the cue, and also shook their hands. “Pleased to meet you,” he said, then began rifling through the contents of the car. He carefully extracted a fragile wooden clock. “Where do you want this, Mom?” he asked.
Peter and Christine stiffened at this question. For them, the idea of incest had always been off the table.
“Um, so, uh,” Peter sputtered, wanting to make absolutely sure he had heard correctly. He pointed towards Mark who was already heading back to the house with the clock. “So he’s…not your husband?”
Sara laughed. “Oh heavens no. He’s way too young for me. And also he’s my son. That’s why he calls me mom.”
Christine nodded her head like this made perfect sense. Without thinking, she said, “He seems younger up close.”
Sara thought that was an odd thing to say. She must have communicated that with her face, because Christine quickly added, “You both look young. Everyone looks young at our age.”
“Sweet of you to say,” Sara said graciously. “I’ll be 35 this year, so compliments like that keep me going.”
“So, will your husband be along shortly?” Peter asked insistently, and with less tact that Christine would have liked.
Sara’s face tightened a little. “My husband died a long time ago, unfortunately.”
“Well, we’re sorry to hear that, dear,” Christine said sympathetically.
Peter’s face looked like he was trying to solve a challenging riddle. “But…you look too young to have a son that old.”
“You two are just full of compliments!” Sara said, beaming again. “His father and I were high school sweethearts, and I had Mark when I was still a teenager. I was younger than he is now when I had him.”
Despite new reservations, Chrstine was still trying to do the math. “So, Mark is how old exactly?”
“He’s 18,” Sarah replied. She was beginning to feel like she was in an interview. “He seems older because he’s been the man of the house for so long. It’s been just the two of us for almost his whole life.”
“I see,” Peter and Christine said in unison.
The couple did not want to dally now, and looked for a way to excuse themselves without appearing rude. As Mark reappeared to collect more items from the car, Peter piped in, “Well, we don’t want to interrupt you while you’re moving. Lots to do I suppose.”
Before she could stop herself, Christine offered, “Unless you would like any help?”
Peter silently cursed his wife. She knew about his bad back. And he knew about her bad knees. What did she expect them to do that would actually be helpful?
During this meeting, Sara had also been giving her neighbors a bit of an appraisal. They seemed nice enough. But as far as helpful moving candidates, they might be a little past their prime. The husband looked like he might have a heart attack if she asked him to do any manual labor. Probably best not to chance it. Plus, there was something a little creepy about the way they had looked at her and her son. She had caught Peter staring at her chest repeatedly. She didn’t like it, but given her figure, she had lived with it for most of her life. What she hadn’t appreciated was how Christine had looked at Mark like he was a piece of meat, right up until she told them they were mother and son.
She began filling her arms with more odds and ends from the car. “You know, I think we’ve got it. But thank you!”
“Oh, okay, we’ll let you get to it,” Peter said quickly. And the couple turned and walked back to their house.
Sara cocked her head as she watched them go. Maybe her intuition was off. They clearly meant well, coming over to meet them and offering to help. Maybe she was just tired from the trip. She shouldn’t make such rash judgments against her neighbors. She pushed the thoughts aside and focused on the task of moving into their new home.
Back across the street, Peter and Christine were discreetly watching from each end of the living room curtains.
After a minute, Chrstine gave a heavy sigh. “Well, I guess it was too good to be true.”
“So we’re for sure ruling them out?” Peter asked regretfully. “I mean, you did say the next guy and gal-”
“They’re related,” Christine said sharply. “And not distantly. They’re mother and son. About as close as it gets.”
“I know, but-”
“How is there a but? We’ve always had that rule, Peter. No incest.”
That should have been the end of it. They should have explored other options, or turned on the television. But they both stood rooted to the spot, and continued to stare across the lawn. Peter watched intently as Sara hurried to get another load from her car. Her breasts bounced rhythmically as she hurried her steps. It was a warm summer afternoon, and she paused briefly before lifting anything to wipe her brow with her short sleeve.
Mark did something similar on one of his trips, but Christine watched, entranced, as the young man lifted the whole front of his shirt to wipe the sweat. She saw the outline of abs. Young, eighteen year old abs. She unconsciously licked her lips.
After what could have been a few minutes or a few hours of spying on their new neighbors, Peter suggested, “Maybe…maybe we try it anyway.”
Christine tried to swat him, but couldn’t quite reach without looking away, which she didn’t want to do. “No! We’re not going to go there.”
“In all our years, we have done a lot of kinky stuff. But we’ve sure never done that before. And you’re the one who suggested we try something new.”
Christine shook her head, not that her husband noticed, as his eyes were devouring Sara’s legs at the time. “I didn’t mean that.”
They kept watching, then Peter put out another proposition. “What if we take turns hopping them?”
“Right now? While they’re all hot and sweaty?” Christine said this like it was a bad thing. But she wouldn’t at all mind running her hands all over the front of Mark’s perspiring body. And she wouldn’t stop with her hands.
“No, of course not. We’d pick another time when they don’t have so much going on.”
Christine honestly thought about it, but then shook her head. “No. It’s more fun to bodyhop as a couple. And no one feels left out that way.”
“Well then let’s just hop them both and we can…we can just look at them while we make them masturbate.”
Christine didn’t like that Peter’s propositions kept turning her on. Regardless, she stuck to her guns. “I said no, Peter. We’ll find someone else. Someone that isn’t related.”
“I could go hop Mark tonight and-”
“You’re not listening, Peter. Maybe that’s part of our problem.”
“I thought our problem was we stopped having sex.”
“And that’s all my fault, is it? What about you? You’re always too tired after coming home. You don’t want to go anywhere or do anything. It’s pretty difficult to try something new if you won’t put forth some effort!”
Peter pointed across the street and his voice grew louder. “I’m not too tired for this right here! It’s something we’ve never done, and I’m more than willing to try it!”
“Because it’s something only the most degenerate bodyhoppers do! Remember? We always thought it was disgusting.”
“I mean, almost all bodyhoppers would qualify as degenerate then. All of them we’ve run into seem to have a incest story or two. Maybe we shouldn’t knock it before we try it.”
Christine gasped. “The last time a bodyhopper brought it up, you said the very idea was appalling.”
“I was just saying what I thought you wanted to hear.” He regretted the words as soon as they tumbled out of his mouth.
Christine shot him a withering look. “Well, I guess I thought you were better than that. If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll retire early tonight.” She swept from the room, taking the rest of the bottle of wine with her.
“So does this mean we’re not having…” He left the rest of the question hang in the air.
It didn’t hang there long. “Not tonight!” she yelled. “I’m no longer in the mood.”
He almost yelled after her that this wouldn’t be any different than any other night. Almost.
Both tossed and turned restlessly in bed. Both found their thoughts returning to the new neighbors and the tempting possibilities there. One kept trying to put it out of her mind. When Christine bodyhopped, she loved to become the other person as much as possible. To talk like they talked, to act like they acted, and fuck like they fucked. To take on that role of a mother and then…it was out of the question. Even if the son was the sexiest thing she’d seen in some time.
Mark, on the other hand, wasn’t trying to convince himself not to. He was thinking of a way to push them both into uncharted waters without ending their marriage. And he had an idea.
The next morning, Christine woke up first. She looked over at her snoring husband for half a minute, decided she still loved him, and lightly kissed his cheek. That was as far as she’d go in way of an apology right that second. He stirred and reached for her, but she backed away and got out of bed. As she put on her light pink robe, she decided she’d also go as far as to make sure Peter’s eggs weren’t burnt this morning.
The second Peter heard his wife’s footsteps on the stairs, his eyes popped open. He looked at his alarm clock. He had time. He quietly got out of bed and cracked open a bedroom window. He closed his eyes and concentrated. It had been awhile since he took on an incorporeal form. It took him longer than usual, but that was like everything else he did at his age. Finally, after several seconds, his body seemed to evaporate and become a transparent mist. He floated out the window, and swirled across the street towards their new neighbors’ house. He shot through the front door keyhole and began gliding room to room. In an upstairs bedroom, he came upon Mark, still asleep in bed with his mouth slightly open. The mist rushed towards Mark’s mouth, and a second later, Mark’s body twitched. He coughed once, then his eyes flew open and he sat up.
It felt so good to be in a young body again. Peter studied the room through Mark’s eyes. He saw a box marked clothes. He rushed to open it. He found a new shirt, but no pants. He saw yesterday’s on the floor, and quickly put them on. He raced downstairs and was headed towards the door, when a familiar voice called, “Mark?”
Peter halted in his tracks, and turned Mark’s head towards the sound. It was the very cute neighbor, Sara. Or more appropriately at the moment, Mom. “Yeah, Mom?”
She looked at him with cheerful curiosity. “I thought you’d probably sleep til noon. What got you up so early?”
Peter tried to keep from staring directly at Sara’s chest, but it was difficult. Her hair still looked bedraggled, but it didn’t take away from her sex appeal at all. He realized too late that he was getting an erection and turned away from her. “I don’t know. Just felt like an early breakfast.”
“So grab some cereal and pull up a chair next to your mom.”
“I, uh, felt like eggs this morning,” Mark said with a hand on the door.
“We don’t have any eggs yet. I haven’t gotten a chance to go to the store.”
Mark smiled. “I know. I was going to go borrow some from our new neighbors.”
Sara frowned. “Okay, tell them I said hello.”
“Most definitely,” Mark agreed as he slid out the door.
Christine had just dropped the second egg in the sizzling pan when the doorbell rang. She was in a robe, but was in no state to be opening the front door. She thought about yelling for her husband, but by the time he put clothes on and stumbled downstairs, whoever it was would be long gone. She sighed and headed towards the door. She wondered who it could be? Were they expecting a package? It still seemed too early for that.
She made sure the robe was tight around her, and opened the door. There stood the new neighbor boy, wearing yesterday’s jeans and a green shirt with a band’s name she’d never heard of. He was smiling politely at her, but didn’t say anything, so she took the initiative. “Yes, Mark was it?” As if she didn’t know and hadn’t thought about running her tongue up and down his body. Can I help you?”
“Oh, uh. Sorry for coming over so early, ma’am. I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“No, no. I was making breakfast. Oh shoot, I’ve got to get back to my eggs. Come in, come in.”
“Thanks,” he said as he followed her inside and shut the door. “That’s actually why I’m here. To see if I could borrow some eggs.”
Christine was glad it was something simple. “Of course. Yes, yes. Help yourself to as many as you need in the fridge,” she said as she pointed to the refrigerator on her right.
The kitchen had an island in the middle for prepping food, storage, and trash. Mark could have gone around the island on the right, directly to the fridge. But instead, he went to the left, which put him in very close proximity to Christine.
She didn’t notice this until he was brushing past her. He was so close she could smell his musk. He obviously hadn’t showered since yesterday’s move, but it wasn’t altogether unpleasant.
“Excuse me,” he said as he passed. He put his hand briefly on her lower back. The area where he touched radiated warmth.
As he opened the refrigerator door, she let out the breath that had gotten lodged in her throat and asked shakily, “So, all moved in?”
“Yup,” he said as he began looking through the contents of the fridge.
Christine watched him closely. She couldn’t see his face, but could make out his backside. She’d bet anything that he had a very tight, good looking butt. “So what brought you and your mom to our town?”
“Well, I got accepted to the local college here, which I’ll be starting in the fall. And my mom got a transfer from her bank management job to a branch here, so I’ll still be able to live at home and help her however she needs.” He took out the egg carton and shut the door.
She looked away from his direction quickly. Had he seen her perving on him? Was he going to take the rest of the eggs? “Well, it sounds like you’re a very good son. I hope that, oh shoot!” she yelped. “Not again!”
“What’s wrong?” Mark asked concernedly.
Christine gave a sad chuckle as she looked at her pan. “Oh nothing. Just ruined my husband’s eggs for the second day in a row.”
And then she felt strong arms wrap around her waist. She felt something hard poke against her behind. Mark’s hot breath tickled her ear, as he said, “I know of a way you could make it up to him.”
For a moment she was too stunned to speak. Her body was responding, as it felt his strong arms around her, and a hardness that made her wet. But she knew the truth, and with a sharp intake of breath, she exclaimed, “Peter! What are you doing in the neighbor boy?”
“Why don’t you turn around and find out.” He loosened his grip as she spun about.
As she did, she concentrated and so she could see the face of her bodyhopping husband. It made it easier for her to yell at him that way. “Peter, what have you done? I thought we agreed that the new neighbors were off limits!”
“I just wanted to show you what you’re missing darling,” her husband’s voice said. And then he looked down.
Christine followed his gaze, and saw that her husband had seen fit to take Mark’s dick out of his pants. It was thick and long. She hadn’t seen one that nice for a long time. She didn’t realize it, but her breath had quickened, and one hand was reaching out to touch it. At the last second, she stopped. “We…we can’t.”
“Sure you can. You clearly like this body. It’s right here in front of you. You can touch it all you want. Here.”
A strong hand grabbed Christine’s and wrapped her palm around Mark’s cock. She gave it an instinctive squeeze, and got to hear Mark’s voice moan appreciatively. She stroked it once, then twice. She felt him tug at the knot in her robe. It parted for him, and she felt a strong hand paw at her sagging breasts. He leaned in close, his lips almost to hers.
Then all at once he pulled back. His rigid penis withdrew from her hand. As it went, she reached out for it, but her husband was already tucking it back into Mark’s jeans.
“Thanks for the eggs,” Marks’ voice said as he retrieved them from the counter.
“Peter! Are you going to leave me in this state?” she asked angrily.
“I’m not really in the mood,” Peter with a wink and his voice. Then he shut the door.
Right when Mark stepped back inside his own house, mist leaked out of him. A few seconds later, he wondered why he was standing in their entryway, sporting an erection and holding a carton of eggs. He had a vague recollection of getting them from the neighbors, but everything else was like a dream that he could not recall.
A few minutes later, Peter came downstairs from their bedroom, fully dressed and ready to go to work.
“Here’s your eggs!” Christine snapped as she pointed to a plate’s white and yellow rubbery contents.
Peter ignored the eggs. He pulled his wife into an embrace, and kissed her passionately. She was still angry at him, and definitely sexually frustrated, but she kissed him back anyway.
“C’mon. That was kind of fun, right?” Peter teased. “And no one got hurt, did they?”
“Oh, someone will get hurt if you do that again.”
“So you don’t want to see Mark’s cock again? Don’t want to hold it in your hand? Don’t want it inside of you?”
Christine narrowed her eyes and huffed. The problem was, that’s exactly what she wanted, but she didn’t want her husband to think that he’d gotten to her. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Now eat your eggs.”
Peter did eat the overdone eggs. And that night, they made love in their own bodies for the first time in many weeks.
“Peter, Peter,” Christine said insistently the next morning to her slumbering husband.
“Yes. What?”
“I’m determined to fix your eggs right this morning, but someone took them all yesterday. Can you go get some?”
Peter stretched and yawned, then said, “I suppose I can make a run to the store before work.”
“No, just go across the street and ask for some of ours back. You took the whole carton, remember? There were still seven in there. I just need two.”
“Okay, okay. Let me get dressed.”
“Thank you. And be quick so we’re not late for work.”
Had his brain fully cleared, he might have asked why his wife didn’t go ask. He also might have wondered why his wife wasn’t in the kitchen when he came downstairs. The fact was, she wasn’t in the house at all anymore. As soon as she left their bedroom, she hung up her bathrobe in the bathroom, and dissolved into a transparent mist. She zoomed out of the house, to the neighbor’s front door, through the keyhole, and began looking for her quarry. Christine found her coming out of the shower. Perfect.
As the doorbell rang, Christine looked at her newly acquired naked and dripping wet body in the foggy mirror. “I can’t answer the door like this, or I’ll give him a heart attack.” She wrapped a large towel around herself, and headed towards the door. She opened it and put on one of Sara’s huge smiles and said to the man gaping at her, “Howdy neighbor.”
Peter’s eyes were all over her. He couldn’t stop himself. She was covered, yes, but there was still so much flesh. Water still dripped from her hair, her legs. His mouth remembered that there was a job to do. “Eggs,” he rasped.
“You need some eggs. Well come on in,” she said, and gestured for him to come inside. “I wouldn’t want to give any more neighbors a free show. Just imagine what would happen if this towel suddenly decided to fall off.”
And then Peter watched as it did just that. The towel hit the tile floor, and there stood Sara with a very embarrassed look on her face.
“Oh my! I’m so sorry!”
She bent quickly to get it, and Peter did the same. His hand was a little quicker, and it grasped the damp fabric. But he couldn’t lift it, because her foot was firmly on it. A warm, slightly wet foot. A foot connected to a very attractive, very naked woman. And she was looking at him with a seductive smile.
“Maybe I don’t need a towel just yet,” she purred. Then she took his hand and pressed it firmly against her supple breasts. “You don’t mind, do you?”
Peter nodded dumbly. Then his mind registered the obvious. He concentrated, and saw his wife’s face inhabiting the young mother. He smiled. “I see you’ve had a change of heart.”
She pressed against him, feeling his hardness on her skin. “What can I say? I felt like being a couple decades younger this morning.” And then she kissed him. She felt his hands grip her, then begin to travel over her body. Before they could get very far, she broke off the kiss and pushed him back. ‘Nuh uh, mister. Now it’s your turn to feel frustrated.” She retrieved the egg carton from the refrigerator, being sure to put a little extra sway in her hips as she went. She gave them to Peter and said with a smile, “Why don’t you take those back to the Missus.”
“But, we could just…”
Sara gave him the look, and even without seeing her actual face, he knew his wife wouldn’t allow him to push. He dutifully took the carton. He was backing towards the door, slowly, so as to drink in as much of Sara’s body as possible, when he heard Mark yell from the adjoining hallway.
“Mom! What’s going on?”
Sara quickly reached for the towel and covered herself. She turned sheepishly to Mark and said, “Oops, sorry. I dropped my towel. Very clumsy of me. I’m so sorry for flashing you both. You’re welcome for the eggs Peter.”
Mark turned away from the sight of his barely covered Mom. Peter retreated quickly, but held the door open for his wife to follow. Mark didn’t see the mist that escaped from his mother and flew back across the street.
When Peter came back into his house, he found his wife naked, sitting on the table with her legs spread wide. Nobody got eggs that morning, and they were both late to work.
When they got home later that day, they were both very quiet for the first hour. They drank wine and gave each other nervous fleeting glances. Neither wanted to voice what they really wanted. Peter didn’t because he thought his wife would still turn the idea down. And Christine didn’t because she didn’t want to admit how much she had come around to the idea.
Finally, Peter asked. “So, it’s Friday. Shall we go out to eat?”
In way of reply, Christine opened the curtains that faced the street. They both looked towards the neighbors house. A shirtless Mark was outside mowing the lawn. “How about we order in?”
Peter nodded. “If that’s what you want.”
“I’m beginning to think it is.”
“What should we get?”
Christine gave her husband a winning smile. “I think I’d like to try something we’ve never done before.”
“Oh really.”
“Yeah. Who knows. Maybe we’ll discover something that will become our new favorite.”
“I’m glad you’re open to trying new things.”
“As long as I get to try it with you.”
“So should we, uh, do it right now?”
“Probably. Every place takes about an hour to get here.”
Peter’s shoulders sagged. “Oh. Right. Of course. For a second there I thought maybe we were talking about something else.”
Christine tore her eyes away from the neighbor boy and walked towards her husband. She put a hand on his cheek, and gave him a passionate kiss. Then she said, “I can talk about two things at the same time, dear.”
For the second time that day they made love in their own bodies while waiting for food to be delivered. That hadn’t happened in quite some time.
Afterwards they poured more wine. By the time the food arrived, they had a nice buzz going. After eating, they talked about next steps, as they climbed the stairs to their bed. They fell asleep in each other’s arms earlier than they’d anticipated. It had been a long week, but they were looking forward to tomorrow.
When Peter awoke that Saturday morning, a thrill went through him. He rolled over to see if his wife was awake, and saw that she was. She had been waiting for him. The expression on her face told him that she was just as excited.
“Shall we?” Peter asked.
Christine winked. “Let’s shall.”
Peter got up and opened the window a crack. After a few moments, their bodies dissolved into mist, and zoomed across the street and through the neighbor’s keyhole. They drifted room to room, and grew more impatient as they came up empty. It was taxing to be in this form at their age, and they both wanted to find their desired hosts soon.
After coming to the conclusion that no one was home, they went back outside. They verified that the car was in the driveway. They drifted higher over the house, looking to and fro, and finally spotted their neighbors. They were jogging, about half a block away.
Peter and Christine’s ethereal forms raced towards their marks. Peter outpaced his wife and got there first. He took a moment to watch mother and son as they ran together. He admired the way Sara’s ponytail swung back and forth. He admired even more how her ass looked in the light blue lycra running shorts. They were tight and rode up the crack between her cheeks. He turned his attention toward Mark and shot forward. He hung in the air a few paces ahead, and allowed Mark to run into him.
Mark was briefly aware of running into a patch of fog as mist hit his face. But the condensation quickly started flowing into his mouth and nose. Something wasn’t right. He felt his mind clouding, as if something were trying to make him go to sleep. But it also felt like he wasn’t alone. Like someone else was there with him in his mind. Fear gripped him, but only for a moment, then everything went dark.
Peter instantly felt the power of strong legs and a youthful physique. He hated running, or jogging, or even a slow walk in his older body. But this body seemed like it could run for miles with no complaints. But he wasn’t here to win any races.
The first thing Peter did was slacken Mark’s pace. This allowed him to have an excellent view of Sara’s tight butt. He could watch those cheeks move up and down all day. He wanted to spread them, to stick Mark’s dick between them. The more he looked, the harder it became to run, because of the monster growing in his running shorts.
He looked up and saw his wife’s mist keeping pace over Sara’s head. What was she waiting for? Then he realized that she was probably enjoying his new problem, as his boner was easily viewable as it tented his shorts.
Peter stopped running and began a leisurely walk. “C’mon,” he said Mark’s voice. “Just do it already.”
Sara was twenty paces ahead, and didn’t quite hear what her son said. She turned around. “What did you say? And what are you stopping for?”
“I said I’m tired already. I feel like something’s slowing me down.”
Concerned, she walked back towards her son. “Are you feeling okay?”
He smiled at her. “It’s just hard to run when I’ve got this problem down here.” He gestured towards the tent in his shorts.
Sara looked down and gasped, then began to sputter, “Um, okay. That, uh, that doesn’t usually happen when we run.”
“I know. But this time I couldn’t keep myself from looking at your butt, so now I’ve got this massive boner.”
She was about to admonish him, when a mist flew into her face. She flailed as a presence hit her consciousness like a wrecking ball. Her eyes rolled back in her head, but a moment later, they reappeared with a lustful gleam. She smiled and said, “Do you like looking at mommy’s butt?”
Peter found that Mark was so hard it was almost painful. “I sure do.”
“Well maybe I’ll walk ahead of you on the way back home. Would you like that? Would you like to see my sexy ass sway back and forth?”
“I sure would?”
“And maybe when we get home, you can take those constricting shorts off and let that massive pecker free.”
Mark looked at his mother and asked, “Is that something you’d like to see?”
“I just might.”
Peter and Christine walked briskly in the direction of their neighbor’s house. It took a supreme effort by Peter not to reach out and slap or grab Sara’s ass. It took plenty of willpower for Christine not to turn around and reach down the front of Mark’s shorts to touch his throbbing member.
“They expecting anyone?” Peter asked in his voice. “The boy’s pretty clueless about what’s happening.other than helping Sara”
Christine easily rifled through Sara’s thoughts and memories. “Nope,” Chrstine replied in her voice. “They were going to focus on setting up the house this weekend. Then Sara reports to her new job on Monday.”
“So we’ve got the weekend then.”
Christine quickened Sara’s pace. “So it would seem.”
Christine began perusing Sara’s mind for other details. All of Sara’s life was an open book for Christine. It was the thing she loved most about bodyhopping, to have complete and utter access to another person’s deepest wants and desires, and be able to act them out in the way the real Sara never would.
Christine thought about the last time Sara had had sex. The hardworking mom hadn’t dated in two years, and that relationship hadn’t lasted more than a few weeks. She rarely pleasured herself, opting to put her time into work and raising her son. But now, faced with sudden and intense arousal, it was apparent that the woman was a little more than pent up. By the time they got to the front door, there was a growing damp spot on the front of Sara’s shorts. The woman desperately needed to get laid. Thankfully she had a stud in close proximity.
As soon as the door was closed, Peter grabbed Sara. The sweat of their bodies intertwined as mother and son’s mouths met. Mark’s hands began to grope and squeeze. He was so horny. Peter knew the kid had only ever had sex once, and he didn’t think he had been any good at it. But his body was now touching a beautiful, experienced woman, who just happened to be his mom, and it was sending his hormones into overdrive.
He stopped kissing after a few seconds, but spun Sara around. He shoved her up against the wall and cupped her butt. As he let a hand slide along the fabric buried between her cheeks, he let her in on Mark’s recent thoughts. “He hasn’t been able to get the picture of you naked out of his head. It really did a number on him, seeing his hot mom without a stitch on her in the kitchen. He feels ashamed, because he can’t stop thinking about it, and was turned on by it.”
Christine moaned in her voice, then turned back around to kiss Mark’s lips again. They stayed connected that way for a minute. Christine was content to let her husband paw greedily at the tight fitting sports bra. She also busied herself by letting a hand snake down Mark’s front and feel the length of him. Chrstine had seen bigger, but Sara hadn’t. Right before being hopped, Sara’s thoughts had been surprised by the size of her son’s penis. And unbidden, the thought of what it would feel like to be stretched out by a dick that big had flitted through her head. It was quickly replaced with fury over her son exposing himself to her, and in public. But there was no fury now. Only need. The need to know what a dick like that could do to Sara’s very neglected pussy.
As Peter tried and failed to remove Sara’s sports bra, Christine gently pushed his hands down. In her own voice, she said, “Peter, they’re both hot and sweaty. Why don’t we go make use of the showers in this house before we have our fun?”
“We could shower together,” Peter said hopefully.
“No. It’ll build up the anticipation, and give us a chance to learn about our hosts more. You know I like it when we play out a couple’s fantasies.”
“But they’re not a couple?” Peter pointed out before he could stop himself.
“That didn’t stop Mom here from fantasizing about her son’s big dick.”
Mark’s jaw dropped. “Really?”
“Only for a split second. And she’d never act on it in a million years, but the thought was still there. Her body is hungry for sex, and when it saw that hard young dick, it’s thought of little else. She’s got a wild side her son knows nothing about, until today.”
Peter reached for her again, but Christine swatted him away. “Nope. No more until you’re all clean.”
Knowing there was no sense arguing, Peter nodded Mark’s head. “Whatever you say, dear.”
Sara’s mouth burst into a smile. It was the same one she had used when greeting them the first time on their front lawn. She put a hand on Mark’s shoulder and said with genuine warmth and affection in Sara’s voice, “Call me Mom.”
Mark’s dick found a new level of hard. In Mark’s voice, he dutifully replied, “Yes Mom.”
She patted his cheek. “That’s my good boy. For right now, there is no Peter and Christine. Only Sara and Mark, a mother and her son.”
They went their separate ways, Mark to the smaller bathroom on the ground floor. It had a shower that Mark had to stoop slightly to use, but Sara had already claimed the upstairs one as hers. Sara always liked to have her own personal bathroom. It was about the only thing she didn’t share.
Sara climbed the stairs and entered her much larger bathroom. She turned on the shower to get it to the temperature she wanted. Then she slowly began to undress in front of the large vanity. Chrstine was thoroughly impressed by what was underneath. She had been in such a hurry yesterday, she hadn’t gotten much time to appreciate it. Sara had a tight body with ample boobs with barely any sag to them. “Oh, to be young again,” Christine said aloud.
As Christine stepped into shower, she began a thorough examination of the inner workings of Sara’s mind.She looked at how Sara saw herself. She was a woman who liked to stay professional at work, and carefree at home. She hadn’t really dressed up or pampered herself since that last date two years ago. She also didn’t think much of her body, which Christine thought was ridiculous. As she brought a hand up to pinch a sensitive nipple, she said, “If you only knew how hot and bothered your son is right now for this body, you’d think otherwise.”
As Peter showered in Mark’s body, he let his thoughts blend with Mark’s sexual preferences. The kid liked porn, what teenager didn’t. He masturbated almost every day. He recognized that his mother was attractive, only very recently though for obvious reasons. He hadn’t stroked it to her yet, but it was probably inevitable that her face popped up the next time he stroked it. Before yesterday, he had got a brief side view of her tits while she was changing. She thought she had the door closed, but it was open enough that he saw her without a bra. He had never told her about it. He had been too embarrassed to ever tell her about it, and had buried it in his memories.
But Peter saw, just below the surface of tits and ass, there was another kink that really got him going. It was in almost every internet search he did these days. He realized he’d need to clue Christine in. He got out of the shower and toweled off. He saw no need for clothes, so he bounded upstairs naked. He heard water running, so he opened the door.
“Is that you, Mark?” his mother’s voice called. “I’m in the shower.”
Peter began in his voice, “This kid really likes-”
“I’m sorry, Mark. You don’t sound like yourself. Could you try again?”
Peter nodded. He’d forgotten to stay in character. “Right, sorry Mom. I was wondering if you could scrub your feet like, really well. And when you get out of the shower, maybe like, put some toenail polish on them.”
The top part of the shower curtain popped to the side and Sara’s face appeared. “Ooh, does my son have a foot fetish?”
“I believe I do. A big one. Did you suspect at all?”
Sara’s lips pursed as she thought. “Yeah, oh, actually very much, yes. You forgot to close out a browser once. And I’ve seen your search history several times, young man.”
“Yeah,” Mark nodded. “I remember getting a lecture from you recently. You said it was natural for me to masturbate, but you didn’t want to ever see the kinky stuff I jacked off to.”
A little bit more of the curtain moved, and Sara revealed the top half of her body. “Do you still like looking at kinky stuff, Mark?”
Mark gulped. “Yes, Mom.”
She noticed his penis begin to rise. “Oh my. Does looking at your mother in the shower count as kinky?”
“I think it does, Mom.”
“I see,” she said, as she began to soap up her boobs. “Well since it’s about your mother and not some random internet hussy, I suppose we can make an exception this time. Why don’t you run along now, so I can give my feet some special attention.”
“Seriously. I’m going to get blue balls here,” Mark pouted.
“Tsk, tsk. It’ll be worth the wait. I promise. Now go on.”
As Mark exited, Sara chuckled to herself, then grabbed the loofa and resumed scrubbing between her toes. “I’ll make sure these feet are squeaky clean for you, son.”
Peter began pacing up and down the upstairs hallway. He finally heard the shower shut off. He knew Christine was drying off Sara’s body. She was on the other side of the bathroom door, completely naked and wanted to fuck. He paced faster. He kept this up for 20 seconds, when finally, Sara called out, “Mark, I can hear you pacing. Please go wait in my bedroom.”
“How much longer do I have to wait, Mom?” Mark groaned.
“Painting toes takes time, sweetie. And then I’ll have to dry them. Why don’t you go busy yourself picking out something for Mommy to wear. I forgot to bring anything in here with me, and I’d just hate to expose my naked body to you again so soon. Please pick out something from my top middle dresser drawer.”
Peter was off like a shot. When he got there, he saw that it was familiar to Mark. He had gone snooping through it once, to see what a bra looked like. He had marveled at how soft and silky they were. There were plenty of bras and panties, but nothing too terribly scandalous. That would have to be remedied soon. Peter took the time to sniff a few of the undergarments. They smelled like Sara. He longed to smell her skin directly instead of this material that had held up her boobs or rubbed against her pussy.
He finally decided on a red, lace bustier that he thought would display her boobs perfectly. It also went with the only thong she possessed. He took them and stood outside the bathroom door. He heard a blow dryer running. He knocked loudly.
“Yes sweetie?”
“I picked out some clothes for you, Mom.”
“Thank you so much. You can leave them on the floor and I’ll get them shortly.”
“How much longer?”
“Don’t rush me young man, or I'll break out the nail polish remover. Now go and wait in my room.”
Shortly after Peter went back to Sara’s room, he heard the bathroom door open and close. Christine had retrieved the lingerie. She’d be putting it on, then coming to the room. Why did this turn him on so much more than anything he’d ever experienced before as a bodyhopper? Was it the incestual nature of it all? It must be. But the wait was driving him mad. He lay sprawled out naked on his mother’s bed for what seemed like hours, absently mindedly stroking his meat every few seconds. And then finally he heard soft footsteps padding towards the room. He moved to the end of the bed and sat there, waiting expectantly for the door to open.
As Sara opened her bedroom door, she said, “Mark, I’m not sure you picked out something that’s appropriate for me to wear around her son.” And then she saw her son sitting on her bed, naked and staring at her with wide eyes. “Mark, please cover yourself!” She chided, and then bit her lip.
“It is not okay to be naked in my room, Mark. Were you masturbating again? Was it because you got to go through Mommy’s underwear drawer?”
Peter could see the outline of Sara’s nipples. They were hard and pointed in his direction. Obediently, he reached back and grabbed a pillow to cover his crotch. “Yeah. I couldn’t stop myself. I, I sniffed your panties and now I can’t get it to go back down. Sorry, Mom.”
Sara gave him a knowing look. “Well, you are still a teenager. I’m sure you get turned on by so many things. I just didn’t think it would be from sniffing your Mom’s panties.”
“Do you think I’m a pervert?”
“No. Well, maybe a little. I have seen your internet history, you know. I was surprised by some of the things you searched for. Your fascination with feet for example.”
“It’s not a fascination, Mom. It’s a fetish. I get off on looking at them. I think about touching them, and…and more.”
Sara cocked her head inquisitively. “Like what?”
Mark looked away. “I…can we not talk about this anymore, Mom? It’s embarrassing.”
“It’s okay, Mark. I’m your mother, and I love you. You can tell me anything. Why don’t you start by telling me what kind of feet you like?”
“What kind?”
“Yes, sweetie.” Sara lifted a leg and placed her delicate foot onto the pillow positioned over her son’s crotch. “Take mine for example. Do you like my feet?”
Peter couldn’t have cared less about feet when he woke up this morning. He was always a boob guy. But as he saw Sara’s feet through Mark’s eyes, the clean skin, the toenails with bright red polish, he knew these were exactly the kind of feet that got him off. “I do Mom. Very much.”
“Well thank you, Mark. Now tell me, what else would you do?”
“If you could do more than look, I mean. Would you touch them? Would you like to touch my feet?”
“Mom, please. We don’t have to.”
“They’re your mother’s feet, Mark. I don’t mind. You’ve seen them before. You can touch them if you want.”
Mark put a hand on her foot and began to caress it, letting his palm slide up and down and feel its smoothness. He loved the dark red color she had used on her toenails. It really made them stand out. “It’s so nice, Mom. Would you let me feel the other one too?”
“Of course dear, but why don’t we get more comfortable first.” Sara crawled onto the bed on all fours, and gave Mark another great view of her ass in the thong. She propped herself up against the headboard, and then waved one of her feet invitingly at her son. “Come on. Touch them. Touch them both as much as you want.”
Mark got on his knees at the end of the bed and reached for his mother’s feet. He lowered his face to them and sniffed. They smelled of her rose scented body wash. “They smell really nice, Mom.”
“I’m glad you think so. Is there anything else you’d like to do to them?”
“Uh, well, I’d like to, uh…”
“It’s okay, Mark. Spit it out. You don’t have to be shy. You can do anything you want to Mommy’s feet.”
“I’d like to suck your toes.”
Sara feigned shock. “Oh my. You…you want to put your mouth on my feet? To lick my toes with your tongue?”
“Yes, Momma.”
Sara licked her lips. “Well, I guess it’s okay, if it’s just this once.”
Mark smiled, lowered his mouth, and kissed her big toe. Then he put it into his mouth and let his tongue swirl around it.
Sara began to squirm. “It kind of tickles, but it feels nice. How about you? How does it make you feel, sucking Mommy’s toes?”
Mark didn’t answer right away, but continued to lick and kiss his mother’s feet. Then he showed her how it made him feel, as he raised his upper half, pulling her forward a little to keep one foot near his mouth. Sara saw that his dick was fully extended and rigid. A bit of precum dribbled down the front.
“My feet did that?” Sara gasped.
“They did.”
“Would it feel good if Mommy did this?” She lifted her free foot, and pressed it against her son’s cock. She was rewarded with a moan. She pulled her other foot free, and he looked at her like a child that had been deprived of their favorite toy. But his expression changed when it joined the other foot touching his dick. She let both feet encircle Mark’s engorged member. Then ever so slowly, she began to stroke it with her feet. She’d never done anything like this before. Her late husband and few other sexual partners had never requested anything like this. Still, by the way her son was moaning, she’d say she was a natural. “I believe I saw the term, footjob, in your history. Is that what this is?” she asked innocently.
“Oh fuck,” Peter said in his voice. “This kid’s always dreamed of something like this. Too bad I’m the one that gets to enjoy it, and with his mother’s feet at that.”
“Peter!” Christine’s voice snapped. “Stay in the moment!” And then to shut him up, she brought a foot back up to Mark’s lips. In Sara’s voice, she said, “Did I get them clean enough for you, Mark. I gave them so much attention because, well, I thought you’d like to look at them up close. I didn’t intend for it to go this far though.”
As the other foot encircled his dick, Mark opened his mouth and began licking the bottom of her feet, from sole to toe. “”Oh, they’re clean alright.”
“Oh, Mark,” Sara’s voice moaned. “This is turning me on so much. I haven’t been treated like a woman for so long. We should stop before it goes any further.” Her words didn’t match her actions, because even as she said them, she spread her legs at the knees, and shoved the front of the thong to the side. This gave Mark an unfettered view of her glistening snatch. She began to rub it slowly. She wanted to quench the burning ache she felt there. “We should stop, right Mark?”
Mark fervently shook his head side to side.
“Well if you get to put Mommy’s toes in your mouth, I think it’s only fair that you let your mother put something of yours in hers.” She withdrew her feet and kneeled facing him on the bed. Her hands lightly gripped his penis and squeezed. “You're such a big boy. I don’t know if I can fit it all in, but I’m going to try.”
She lowered her head, put her elbows on the bed, and slowly took her son’s cock into her mouth. At first, it was just the tip. Her tongue greedily lapped up on the pre cum. There wasn’t near enough of it. She longed to taste more of him. More of her son. She crawled forward, and took inch after inch of him into her mouth. And then she began to slide her lips up and down his shaft. While she did, her tongue never stopped moving. She was on a mission now. She wouldn’t stop until she gave her son release.
“Uh, Christine. I mean, Mom. That feels really good. Too good! This body isn’t going to be able to-to…oh, here we go!”
Christine had sucked a lot of cock in many bodies. Some couldn’t take it, others faired better, but Sara took her son’s spunk like a pro. She didn’t lose suction as it spewed into her mouth, and quickly and efficiently, she swallowed it down her throat. When she finally relinquished his cock, it was as clean as her feet.
“I’m sorry, Mom. I’ve never had a girl go down on me before.”
Sara sat up and stroked his cheek. “That’s okay. As hard as you were, I didn’t think you’d last too long. I hope you recover quickly though.”
“Because I’d like you to stick that hard dick into more than just my mouth.”
“Really?” Mark asked excitedly.
“Really. I’m afraid you’ve got mommy very hot and bothered. But I can’t wait for your dick to recover. I’ll need you to tend to Mommy right away.”
“I’ll do anything you say, Mom.”
“I know you will, son.” She unfastened the bustier, and took it off, then pulled down the red thong. She lay back down on the bed fully naked, and spread her legs. “Have you ever eaten a woman out before?”
Mark shook his head no.
“Well I’ll teach you.” She used her fingers to spread her pussy. “You see this?” she asked, as she pointed to her clit. “It feels very good when I rub here. I’d like you to put your tongue there. Move it up and down, and side to side, and every so often, I want you to stick it way up inside me right here. Can you do that for your very horny Momma?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
A new wave of moisture coated her pussy as Mark began licking her. The way he did, it certainly seemed like he was lying about never having done it before. “That’s it Mark. You’re doing so good, baby. Oh, bring a hand up here and squeeze Mommy’s tits.”
A strong arm reached up and began groping and pawing at her boobs. “Do you like my tits, Mark? Have you ever thought about them before?” She thought she heard a muffled yes. “Of course you have. They’re amazing, aren’t they? They got so much bigger after I had you. It’s only natural to want to sneak a peek at them. To want to put your hands and mouth on them. You did it when you were little, and now you’re doing it again. Feel them. Grab them. Pull at them. Yes. Yes! That’s Mommy’s good little pervert. You are a pervert, aren’t you, Mark, with your face buried in your mother’s pussy. You love it, don’t you? Oh right there. Right there! Oh, fuck! Yes. Yes! Harder! Use that long tongue of yours. Yes!”
Her hips began to buck and writhe. And then Mark’s tongue went deep inside her as she came.
She let out a few longs breaths, then said, “Oh, sweetie. That was-”
Before she could finish, he had lifted a leg onto his shoulder. He spread her other leg just a little bit, and then he stuck his rejuvenated penis into her and began thrusting for all he was worth.
“Oh!” she screamed with pleasure. “Oh fuck! What are you doing Mark? Oh, I was wrong about you! You are a damned pervert, fucking your mom’s pussy like this! Please, please lick my foot while you pound mommy’s pussy!”
Mark did. His tongue was a blur on her foot. His dick was a blur in her drenched pussy. Peter was able to go on for longer this time, and he loved every second of it as he watched Sara come again and again and again. Finally, he erupted in her a second time. His strength left him, and he flopped onto the bed next to her.
After they lay there for several minutes, Peter’s voice mumbled. “That was amazing. Should we…should we clean them up and go back home?”
“We’re in no rush,” Christine’s voice panted. “We could stay inside these bodies for the night. Or the weekend.”
Peter chuckled. “I think you really liked it this mother son roleplay. You might be one of those bodyhopping degenerates I’ve heard so much about.”
“Oh be quiet. This was a one time thing.”
“Was it?”
“I mean…well. I suppose now I’m more open to trying something new.”
The end?
Author's note.
I'd be willing to continue this with the same couple as they try brother/sister, father/daughter, etc. Feel free to create a commission, and consider becoming one of my supporters here on outfoxstories. Your comments and support keep motivating me to write.
A long time bodyhopper finds a person he can't possess.
Derek was about to have a problem. He was in the middle of class when
his lifelong crush Amy, short brown hair, soft, sweet Amy, walked in
and handed the teacher a note, then came to sit in the seat in front of
him on the right far side. He didn't miss any of her movements and she
seemed to glide towards him, her chest bouncing more than usual. He
wasn't complaining, but that was different.Right before she sat,
their eyes met. She smiled slyly, then slowly, purposefully, lowered her
gaze to her breasts, and gave them a little shake, and then laughed at
the reaction on Derek's face. That was the moment when Derek realized
Amy wasn't wearing a bra. This was way out of the norm for Amy. She was
about as straight laced and conservative as they come. She rarely dated,
and if she did, no one ever got anywhere. She was easily the most
sought after girl in his school. Derek assumed she was probably waiting
to cut loose in college as soon as she got away from her parents.College.
Right. He needed to pay attention. This was easily his worst subject
and he needed to focus up. It was his senior year and a scholarship was
his only shot at getting into college. He had turned 18 a month ago and
had decided he need to get serious about planning for his future. But
Amy's swaying breasts kept jutting into his memory, blocking out the
lesson from the teacher's mouth.If it wasn't Amy's breasts, he
was thinking about the teacher's mouth. Mrs. Darcy was discussing the
industrial revolution at the front of the classroom. She was a knockout
with bright red hair and the definition of an hour glass figure. Between
Amy and Mrs. Darcy, it was no wonder this was his worst class.He
noticed Amy's right arm move in front of him. Her shoulder was making a
circular motion. Her left had was grabbing the edge of her desk. She
had propped up her textbook on the desk in such a way to obscure her
chest from the other students and teacher. He was the only one to seem
to have noticed her strange behavior so far.Deciding he needed to
investigate further, Derek shoved his pencil off the right side of his
desk and watched as it rolled until it bumped the wall. He playfully
smacked his hand to indicate what a klutz he was, then got up to
retrieve it.He glanced to see what Amy was up to and saw, as he
was now the only one who could see over her book, that she had
unbuttoned her yellow blouse and was slowly, methodically, massaging her
exposed left breast.He stood there, frozen by what he was
seeing. The girl he fantasized about, doing something so erotic in a
classroom full of people. Then in a quick movement, she turned and
stared at him as if she had caught him peeping. Then her expression
turned into a wicked smile, and she shifted her breast so the nipple was
pointing right at him. Then she winked at him and kissed the air with
her mouth.Derek's erection was so fast, he sat down a little too
quickly and loudly, causing other students and Mrs. Darcy to look at
him. He smiled sheepishly, and the lesson continued, but Derek would not
remember a fact or date of this history lesson. He just continued to
stare at the back of Amy's head, replaying that erotic moment in his
head over and over.He watched as both of her hands started deftly
moving and assumed she must be buttoning up as class was about over. He
must have been right because a moment later, she laid the book flat on
her desk. Then he saw something weirder than he had seen thus far. Her
entire body shuddered, just for a moment. It was like her body had
jumped into cold water and she had experienced a frigid chill. Then as
suddenly as it had started, it stopped, and Amy was still.Derek
was even more confused. Plenty was amiss, but this was another out of
the ordinary piece of behavior. They were inside, it was warm, not a bit
drafty. Why had she shivered like that? And then the bell rang. Amy
spun around in her seat and looked at Derek as if he were a hearty meal."I
hope you enjoyed the show. She knows you look at her all the time." Amy
said matter of factly. "But don't worry, I won't let your hard on go to
waste. I'll just be taking charge of it for a while." And with that she
touched his cheek with his hand. He felt a tiny jolt ripple through his
face, and then... nothing.If Derek was confused, it was nothing
compared to the look on Amy's face. She withdrew her hand from his face,
then touched his nose, then his arm, then his hand, each time furrowing
her brow and getting more and more frustrated. "What is going on?" she
exclaimed."Is something the matter?" Mrs. Darcy called from the front of the room as the last of the students filed out the door."Yes
something's the matter!" said Amy impatiently. "This works every time!
Every time!" Amy grabbed Derek by the arm one last time and waited. When
nothing happened, she narrowed her eyes, looked at him closely, then
got up and walked towards the front of the classroom, straight towards
Mrs. Darcy.Mrs. Darcy calmly asked, "Could you please tell me the nature of your problem Ms. Fairchild?""It'll just be faster if I show you," Amy said coldly. And then she reached out and touched Mrs. Darcy on the shoulder.Derek
watched, fascinated and utterly confused by everything going on. He
watched as, for a moment, Mrs. Darcy looked at Amy with great concern on
her face, and then for only a moment more, Mrs. Darcy's body gave a
little shudder. Mrs. Darcy looked at Derek immediately and said, "Mr.
Johnson, please see me before you go to your next class.""Um,
okay." Derek muttered. He continued to look from Mrs. Darcy to Amy. Amy
was just standing there, looking dazed, like she was in the middle of
waking up. She looked like she was trying to focus on her surroundings,
trying to get her bearings. When she spotted Derek, she licked her lips
and her eyes filled with lust."You may go to your next class now Ms. Fairchild," Mrs. Darcy ordered.Amy
slowly turned to face Mrs. Darcy, and then, as if she was trying to
figure out a very complex math equation while still sleeping, she said,
"Okay... " and then headed out the door.Mrs. Darcy seemed to
relax, leaned back a bit in her chair and began unbuttoning the top two
buttons on her blouse. "Why does know one at this school show a decent
amount of cleavage?" Mrs. Darcy mused. "But much more importantly? Who
are you Derek?"Derek's mind was whirring as fast as it could but
half of it was now consumed with the breast's that were starting to
spill out of Mrs. Darcy's top. "I, um... What? Wait, did Amy seem to be
acting weird? I mean, you're also, um.. "Mrs. Darcy frowned.
"Focus up Derek. She'll be fine. She should be back to her boring
uptight self in a few minutes. And she'll probably only think about your
cock for the next hour. I wasn't inside her that long. Back to the
original question. Who are you?""I.. You know who I am!" Derek managed to get out. "What do you mean she'll want my, my.. ""Cock, Derek. It's not a bad word. And I'd like to see yours but first I must have answers!"Derek
shook his head and said incredulously, "You need answers? I've been
clueless ever since Amy walked in today as to what is going on? What are
you even talking about?"Mrs. Darcy's eyes seemed to bore into
his soul. "You have to know what I'm talking about," she snarled. "I
can't possess you. I always assumed if I met someone like me, we
wouldn't be able to possess each other."The pieces started to
click for Derek, but he struggled to believe what he was hearing.
"Possess? You, you were Amy during class?" he asked.Mrs. Darcy
sighed. "You've known her since you were little. You have always acted
like you were intimidated by her and she has never once seen you in a
romantic light because of it. Do you think she'd just all of a sudden
flash you her boob out of boredom?""How do you know that about her?" Derek asked."Because
I was her," Mrs. Darcy explained. "I mean to say, I didn't just inhabit
her body. I had access to her memories, her mannerisms, everything that
makes her the Amy you're infatuated with, I had access to. But... you
really don't know all this? You can't possess? Or you can, you've just
never tried?"Mrs. Darcy had casually begun massaging her breasts
with both hands, almost but not quite letting her nipples become
exposed. Derek was trying to keep up, but this did not help. "Okay, so, I
accept this isn't a prank.Mrs. Darcy smirked. "Because your hot
teacher is fondling herself in front of you? Tell you what. You tell me
why I can't possess you and I'll let you suck on her tits. I'll even
role play for you. That's one of my favorite things to do. But first,
Mr. Johnson, answer my questions.""We can't do that! "Derek almost yelled. "What about the next class coming in?"Derek
watched as Mrs. Darcy's eyes rolled to the upper left side and she
pursed her lips, thinking. "That won't be a problem," she said
confidently. "This is her free period. So what do you say?" She
unbuttoned another button and pulled her left breast out of her top.
"Will you let Mrs. Darcy tutor you? I know you've been struggling in my
class. Just answer my questions and I'll tutor you so good." She then
slid a hand down her skirt and started moaning while her other hand
pinched her nipple.Derek paused. His hormones were raging, but
this seemed.. dangerous. "I'd feel better if you'd tell me something
about you first, like who are you?"Mrs. Darcy stopped. Her eyes
narrowed. "Well that's the problem. I'm a very private person who has
always been able to know what I want to know by possessing someone. I
can see all their memories laid out like a book. I've been able to fool
everyone around me, and if, if I messed up, I can make people forget by
possessing them too. That way I've been able to be careful and go
completely undetected, until now. I can't possess you and I can't make
you forget, and that's a huge problem for me.""Make me forget?" Derek said worriedly.Mrs.
Darcy got to her feet and stood over him and acted as if teaching. "No
one remembers what I made them do while I was possessing them. To them,
it seems to be like a blank spot that they can almost but not quite
remember. What does happen though is, right after I leave them, they
have some residual thoughts and emotions left over from my thoughts and
actions when I was in control. It's why Amy wanted you right after,
because I did. And everyone in that state is very suggestible for a tiny
bit. I can tell them what to do for a little while or tell them what
happened during their memory lapse, and they'll do or believe whatever I
say."Derek was shocked. "That seems like an incredible abuse of power."Mrs.
Darcy undid her blouse and let it fall to the floor, all while staring
directly into Derek's widening eyes. Then she slowly pulled down the
pink panties she had on underneath. Then she walked purposefully over to
Derek's chair, shoved the desk in front of him aside, and straddled
him. "Oh, it is," she demurred. "I've been presidents. Kings.
Celebrities. But it all gets old so fast. I'd much rather be just a
married school teacher who is sitting on a student who is starting to
show a lot of promise in the boner department."She started
grinding against his crotch and leaned into his ear so that her hot
breath left goose bumps down his spine. "Tomorrow's panties would have
been much sexier. Tomorrow is Saturday and I always wear something sexy
for my husband since I know he'll fuck my brains out before noon. Could I
pretend you're my husband right now? Just answer my question first,"
she purred."I, I'm just me," Derek said, struggling to
concentrate as Mrs. Darcy rubbed harder and harder against him. He was
still a virgin and would not be able to last much longer without leaving
a mess on his jeans. "You know me. You can access Mrs. Darcy's memories
about me, can't you?"Mrs. Darcy took off her top and shoved both
tits into Derek's face. "Of course. But all she knows about you is that
you're a bright boy that could be doing better in her class if you'd
just focus on the subject matter instead of her sexy mouth and titties.
Not that I mind at the moment. But I don't know what I want to know and
this is your last chance to tell me. Just tell me and maybe we can be
friends. Don't, and I will make your life a living hell."Derek
was close to orgasm, but the threat scared him enough to rally. He
shoved her off and Mrs. Darcy landed on the floor, hard. "Don't threaten
me! I told you, I'm just me. Just a normal guy trying to finish high
school and get out of this town."Mrs. Darcy glared at him from
the floor. When she spoke next, it was not with Mrs. Darcy's voice, but
the deep voice of a man. "Fine kid. Play dumb. Maybe I just find out
from your best friend. Or a family member. Getting the information out
of them should be easy, and a lot of fun."Mrs. Darcy got to her
feet and started dressing, and continued to speak in that same low
voice. "It's funny. I've been bouncing all over this school, possessing
different people here and there. Getting off where I could and causing a
little drama. It's the only thing that keeps me going since I don't
have my own body anymore. And I was just about to move on, today in
fact, but now, I'll be sticking around. Thanks for livening up my... "The
words were cut off and for the third time today, Derek watched a person
in front of him shudder for a second from head to toe. Something
clicked in Derek's brain. "That shudder thing I saw Amy do, her whole
body just shook for a moment like she had caught a chill, then you did
it when she touched you at the end of class. That's when you took over
Mrs. Darcy. A person shudders when you... jump in or whatever and then..
I'm guessing it's something that happens every so often.Mrs.
Darcy now looked very annoyed. "Yeah, there's that intelligence this
chick knows you have. It's about the only involuntary reaction I have.
My tell as it were. And yes, it happens when I take over someone, or
when I need to reassert control of my host."Derek nodded along,
then said, "I'm sorry. It's so weird to hear a strange man's voice come
out of Mrs. Darcy's mouth. Could you maybe, speak like her again?"Mrs.
Darcy finished buttoning her top and bellowed, "I'll talk how I damn
well please kid! You have no idea how long it's been since I was able to
use my real voice to talk to someone. I've been at this a long time. A
very long time.""How long till you have to reassert control of someone?" Derek asked."Everyone's
a little different, but the longer I'm in someone, the less it happens,
and the more and more I can change their personality."Now it was Derek's turn to shudder. "You can... rewrite someone?"Mrs. Darcy grinned coolly. "Sort of. But you'll see soon enough."Then
she walked to the door and held it open. Then in Mrs. Darcy's voice,
she declared loudly, "Just follow that lesson plan and that should get
you caught up. If you still need help, well," she put on a flirty smile.
"I'm sure I'll be seeing you real soon. Here's a note so you won't be
counted tardy for your next class.""Really? You think I'm worrying about a tardy?" Derek wondered aloud as he stepped into the empty school hallway."Appearances
are everything Mr. Johnson. Like I said, I'm careful. Now if you'll
excuse me, I'd like to make the most out of this free period." And with
that Mrs. Darcy closed and locked the door of her classroom.Derek
floated through his remaining classes for the day in a state of
paranoia. He really didn't know why he would be so important to Mrs.
Darcy, or Amy, or, really, this mystery man that had somehow inhabited
their bodies. It was like something out of a cheap science fiction film.
Was he safe from him, or her, whoever? Would he see her again as Mrs.
Darcy, or someone else next time? Maybe someone closer to him? He had to
tell someone, but who on earth would believe him. Maybe he should do
nothing and wait to see if it would blow over. He doubted it, but didn't
see any other choice.When the last bell rang, he figured he'd
make a beeline for home and so he could keep a close eye on his family.
He knew his parents were okay because they would still be at work, and
his twin sister had been sick. He wasn't sure they were in danger, but
he didn't know what to think, and that was the worst part. Nothing had
happened since history class, and he was hopeful nothing else would.As
he exited the school, Derek took a second to look around. Students
milling about, talking laughing, waiting for a ride. He noticed his
neighbor, Jessica. She was in his grade, also 18, and currently sporting
her cheerleader outfit. Her long, blonde hair was tied up in a long
ponytail and she was standing on her tiptoes as she kissed her
boyfriend, Brad, the star quarterback . Both were just a few feet away
from him.As their lips detached, he overheard Jessica say, "I
told you, I can't stay to watch you practice today. The squad is already
mad at me but they understand. Nana is not doing well and so my parents
are taking us to see her in the hospital.""Then why are you wearing your cheerleader outfit?" Brad asked as his eyes and hands raked across her figure."Down boy," she giggled. "I wore it just so you could see me in it before I said goodbye.""Well,
goodbye," and Brad leaned in and they were joined at the mouth again.
Derek was almost past them, when Jessica detached herself from Brad and
grabbed Derek's arm. "You'll walk me home, won't you Derek? Brad can't
be late for football practice."Derek eyed her warily. "We haven't walked home together in years?"Jessica shrugged. "I know. I miss those days, don't you?""Not really."She
playfully punched his arm. "Rude much." She laughed. "C'mon, you can
fill me in on your latest college prospects. Don't tell me you're still
thinking about taking a year off?"Derek looked at her intently.
"No, no I decided against that. I guess, let's just go, I gotta get
home?" He started walking away from her."Okay," she gave an
apologetic wave to her boyfriend and ran to catch up. She jogged up to
him and they had walked a couple blocks before she asked, "What's got
you in such a hurry today? Hot date tonight?"He kept glancing at her, as if he were looking for something. "No. I just, need to get home is all. It's been a weird day.""How so?" she asked casually."I don't want to talk about it," he replied sharply. They were now a block away from their houses. He just wanted to get there.She
gingerly grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop. "Hey," she said, and
there was compassion in her voice. "We used to talk about anything and
everything. I opened up to you all the time when my parents were
fighting and it really helped. If something's bothering you, I want to
hear it."Derek's armor was starting to crack. "I mean, I would like to talk about it. But, you have to go see your grandma.""It's
okay," and her eyes went up and to the left. "My parents won't be here
for another 20 or so minutes, so come inside real quick and tell me
what's on your mind."Reluctantly, Derek stopped outside her house, then said, "Okay.""Yay,"
she squealed and started fishing out her house keys. "C'mon in. Gosh,
it's been awhile since you were inside. Mom painted again as you can
see."Derek nodded before diving in with, "Yeah, look, I'll make this short and I know you're not going to believe me but.. ""Hold
that thought," Jessica interrupted. "I need to change so I can be ready
when my parents get here. Follow me upstairs and you can tell me
there?""While you're changing!" Derek exclaimed.Jessica
eyed him wryly. "No you pervert. You'll be outside my bedroom, and I'll
be on the inside, and there will be a door between us. I'll be able to
hear you just fine." She hit his arm again as if playing tag, then
bounded up the stairs ahead of him. Derek turned to follow, but when he
looked up he was temporarily distracted by a vision of bright orange
panties at the top of the stairs."You coming?" she asked as she looked back,
and then realized the view she had just given him and pulled her skirt
down in embarrassment."Ooh," she murmured, blushing. "Can we just pretend that didn't happen?""Nope," he said with a wide smile, the first he could remember today. "It's locked in my brain forever.""Pervert,"
she said again rolling her eyes and smiling. She went into her bedroom,
shutting the door almost but not quite all the way. "So, what's going
on?""Well," he didn't really know how to begin, "I guess it started when Amy came in to history class.. ""What?" Jessica yelled. "Come closer. I can't hear you."Derek moved closer towards the crack in the door. "I said, it started when Amy.. "Then
Derek noticed the crack in the door in front of him. It gave him a
direct line of sight to her closet doors, one of which had a full length
mirror. That door had been opened in such a way as to give him a
perfect view of Jessica's reflection next to her dresser, just behind
the door he was standing in front of. She was just starting to pull off
her cheerleader top and he was suddenly captivated by the two D size
orbs on her chest which strained at her flowery bra. "I should've
known it would have something to do with the girl you've had a crush on
since middle school," she said, as her thumbs hooked her cheerleader
skirt and he got an even better view of her orange panties. He
watched, speechless as she started rummaging through her dresser. Her
perfect ass was now turned towards the mirror as she bent to the lowest
drawer to look for a top, when he saw it. A shudder. If he hadn't been
transfixed on her, he might have missed it. Jessica stood up
straight, and turned to the mirror, making eye contact with Derek. "Oh
poo," she pouted. "You saw that didn't you?"She reached behind
her back and unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor. "You were
watching so closely, weren't you," she said seductively. "You were just
being a good neighbor, weren't you?" In one quick movement, she pulled
off her panties, and then opened the door. One hand went to his cheek,
while the other went to his rock hard crotch. "Tell me something,
Derek," she pressed her naked body against him, "why did we never get
together? I mean, I'm the girl next door after all.""Why are you doing this?" Derek demanded, taking a step back. "Because
of that right there," the deep man's voice was back. "I'm used to being
in control of each and every situation, and I can't control you. Can't
make you forget, and I'm going to find out why. I found out where you
lived easy enough with Mrs. Darcy's access to student's files. Then
hopped a few more people till I found someone who lived close to you.
Someone who's known you for awhile and might have a clue to this mystery
for me.""It's just wrong," Derek grumbled, while trying not to keep staring at Jessica's marvelous chest. Jessica
took a step towards him. "No, what's wrong is that this fine piece of
ass had the hots for you a couple years ago and you never made a move.
Other than that there were no useful memories.""I was dating someone a couple years ago," Jake defended. Jessica's
eyes went up and to the left. "Heather. Yeah, okay, she was pretty hot
too. But you weren't married." The voice then switched over to Jessica's
seamlessly. "You could have had us both." And she lunged for him,
wrapping her body around him and kissing him on the mouth. Derek
momentarily kissed back. It was what his body wanted. Really wanted. He
felt like he had had blue balls since history class. But.. he ended the
kiss and gently pushed her back. " You're not Jessica!" he snapped.
"This isn't what she'd want.""But I am, and it is, at least for
now," she smiled demurely. "I'm willing to put my question on hold for a
bit. I need some release."She was about to pounce again when
they heard the door slam. Panic shot through Derek's eyes as he realized
he was standing in front of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts daughter. Mr. Roberts
liked him, but would still probably kill him anyway in this
circumstance. "I figured you were lying about her parents coming home,"
Derek whispered. "I was and I wasn't," Jessica said quietly as
she stepped inside her room and put on a bathrobe. "That should be my
mom. Remember a few years back when you told me you had a sex dream
about her and I said it was totally gross.""I.. Man I hate how you can just tap into her memories like that," Derek said, anticipating the worst. "Aw, you're so nervous, it's cute." Jessica gestured towards her room. "Go hide in the closet. I'll take care of 'mom."As
Derek walked into Jessica's room and crammed himself into her closet,
Jessica yelled, "Mom, can you help me with something real quick?"From
downstairs, Derek heard Mrs. Roberts yell back, "Jessica? What are you
doing home? Shouldn't you be at cheerleader practice?" He then heard
her footsteps on the stairs. He watched through the slats in the
closet as "Jessica" walked into her room. Now he started to sweat. He
didn't know how this was going to play out, but it couldn't be good. "Jessica?" her mother called out. "In here mom," Derek saw Jessica say, and then she turned and winked at him, knowing he was watching through the closet slats.Derek
saw as Mrs. Roberts entered her daughter's room. She had apparently
been out for a light jog. She had on tight black running shorts and a
tight purple top. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail just like her
daughter. They looked very much alike. Mrs. Roberts had certainly aged
well and had certainly kept her figure and was probably in her late
forties but looked like a woman in her thirties. Derek didn't tell
Jessica that there had been more than one sex dream about her mother. "Mom,
I was wondering if you'd act out a little scene with me," Jessica
started. "You see, I never have an audience. Sure, I've had some fun
before, but I was the only one who could enjoy it. It was just for me.
Would you help me?""I, sure honey," Mrs. Roberts hesitated, "but what are you talking... "Jessica
touched her mom. Mrs. Roberts shuddered, then her face slowly turned,
as she aimed the most seductive grin at Derek in the closet. Jessica
didn't fall to the floor, but continued to stand there, her eyes
slightly glazed over. Mrs. Roberts turned to face her daughter
and said in a concerned mother's tone, but with a hint of lust, "Yes,
Jessica dear. I'll help in any way I can." She touched her daughter. Jessica shuddered, took her mother's hand and said, "Well, there's this boy see, and I think he likes me."Shudder. Mrs.
Roberts resumed speaking, "How could he not like you dear. I mean, look
at these spectacular breasts you have." Mrs. Roberts pulled her
daughter's robe apart, and then pushed it off her shoulders, letting it
hit the floor. She then reached out and started groping her daughter's
chest. Shudder. Mrs. Roberts continued to squeeze her
daughter's breasts, but it was Jessica who said, "Well, I have you to
thank for that Momma. I mean, just look at yours." Jessica pulled her
mother's top over her head, and then helped remove her sports bra that
was underneath. "They're even bigger than mine!" Jessica proclaimed as
if seeing them for the first time. Then she bent over and started
kissing her mother's breasts. Derek felt his eyes try to jump out
of his sockets as he took in Mrs. Roberts' massive tits. They were
nearly identical to her daughter's, just a little bigger, and a little
saggier. His eyes kept trying to jump out as Mrs. Roberts continued
groping her daughter's chest, while Jessica kissed her mother's tits.
Derek noted that the formerly possessed would continue to actions of the
possessor even when he had jumped into his next victim. Shudder. "Oh Jessica dear," Mrs. Roberts moaned. "I hope he's as good at foreplay as you are?"Shudder. "That's
the problem Momma," Jessica pouted as she looked up from her mother's
tits. "There hasn't been any foreplay yet. We haven't even kissed, and
I'm just so nervous I'll do it wrong."Shudder. Mrs.
Roberts put her hand under her chin and brought up her daughter's pretty
face. She then looked into her glassy eyed daughter's eyes. "I'd be
happy to give you a lesson in kissing."Derek's jaw was on the
floor as he watched mother and daughter shudder again and again, a new
one taking the lead each time as their mouths met and they started to
embrace and let their hands roam over each other. This went on for a few
minutes, Derek completely swept along by what was easily the most
erotic thing he'd ever seen. His heart raced as he saw Jessica remove
her mother's running shorts and give her mom's ass a playful smack, then
resume their makeout session. Finally Mrs. Roberts broke from a
prolonged, sloppy kiss and said breathily, "Yes. Kiss him like that and
he'll have the hardest dick you've ever seen."Shudder. "Oh Momma, you think so? Could we test it right now?" And Jessica hopped up and down with feigned excitement. Shudder. "What do you mean dear daughter?" Mrs. Roberts asked as if clueless.Shudder. "Well
Momma, I'm pretty sure he's been staring at us from inside my closet
this whole time," and Jessica blew a kiss at the closet.Shudder. Derek
knew this was being staged, but it was hard not to get swept up in the
moment as his hot, naked classmate's mother walked over and slid the
closet door open and looked at Derek with mock outrage on her face. "Derek!
You naughty boy! All this time you were in my daughter's closet,
watching us kiss and groping one another?" Mrs. Roberts said
accusingly. "Hey," Derek said somewhat amused and a lot horny, "You would know, you put me in here."Mrs.
Roberts covered her hand with her face, "How dare you? I would never do
something so scandalous. I'll have to ask you to leave." Mrs. Roberts
reached over and tagged her daughter who hadn't moved. Shudder. "But
Momma, I'd like to practice more, and he's right here," Jessica pulled
Derek out of the closet and started taking off his jeans. When she
pulled off his underwear, she looked at her mother and stated, "And it
looks like he's got that nice hard dick you were talking about." When
Jessica had Derek as naked as she was, she stood and tapped her mom's
shoulder. Shudder. "Well, I do want to be a good mother,
and a good neighbor." Mrs. Roberts eyed Derek with pure carnal desire,
then started removing his shirt. She then led him to Jessica's queen
sized bed. "Having fun so far Derek? Enjoying my little play?""Y-yes, ma'am" he admitted. He couldn't stop this now if he wanted to."Good,"
Mrs. Roberts smiled, shoving him down on the mattress. "And please,
call me Mrs. Roberts like you always have. Now watch this. Jessica."
Jessica was still standing in the place where she had taken off Derek's
pants, but now she turned and faced her mother. "Come over here and put
those perky tits in our neighbor boy's face while I start sucking his
dick."Derek watched in amazement as Jessica obediently came over
and clumsily placed her large breasts in his face. Derek wasn't sure if
it was Mrs. Roberts who was fantastic at blowjobs, or her possessor, but
either way he came in seconds. He watched as Mrs. Roberts swallowed,
then tapped her daughter.Shudder. "Oh, now that just won't
do Derek." Jessica circled her right breast with her hand before
squeezing it and guiding the nipple into his mouth. "Momma, please keep
stroking his cock until he gets hard again. She looked at him with an
innocent, questioning face. "Or maybe you'd like us to make out some
more? Or you could watch as my mom ate out my pussy?"And just
like that Derek was ready to go again. This time he grabbed Jessica and
kissed her. She returned his kiss then broke for air to say, "Momma,
play with this boy's balls while I ride his dick." And then Jessica
mounted him and rode him for all he was worth. He watched as she came
multiple times and was about to himself, when she expertly rolled off
him and slapped her mother's ass hard causing the firm flesh to jiggle
slightly. Shudder. "Sorry," said Mrs. Roberts
apologetically, climbing on top of him. "I like to have multiple orgasms
in multiple bodies when I can." And then she started to ride him, nice
and slow, squeezing her breasts and moaning like a porn star, achieving
orgasm in just a few minutes. "Older ladies bodies must be a lot
more sensitive," Derek thought to himself as he came for the second
time. Mrs. Roberts dismounted and they both lay there a few moments with
Jessica standing with a vacant expression inches away. Then an
uncharacteristically low voice came out of Mrs. Roberts mouth. "Sorry
neighbor boy. That was fun but I can never bask in the afterglow when
I've had two at once." Then Mrs. Roberts got up and started to put
herself back together. Derek sat up and started getting dressed himself. "You've done that before!""A
few times," the deep voice said. "It's not always worth it to me
because I have to move quick before one of them comes to their senses,
and there's a slight buffer in sensation when I'm hopping so quickly.
But like I said, I ain't never had an audience before, and that made it
really hot.""It was hot," Derek agreed. "The hottest thing ever.
But you know what's not hot? Hearing your voice coming out of Mrs.
Roberts' mouth."Mrs. Roberts frowned, then walked over and touched her daughter. Shudder. Jessica's
peppy voice burst out of her mouth indignantly, "I'm sorry. You only
like it when I 'pretend' to be the person I'm possessing, is that it?""I'm
sorry, no, it's just a lot to get used to," Derek tried to say coolly.
"It just, makes me feel like I just slept with a man is all.""I
was a man!" said the male voice indignantly. Jessica started to put her
clothes back on but it was the low voice that continued. "That's what I
started out as anyways. But when my situation happened years ago, I
could become whatever gender I wanted on the fly. I haven't used my
original voice in decades, mainly because I like fooling everyone around
me into thinking I'm the person I'm possessing. It's my biggest kink
really.""It feels like I should call you another name when you
use that voice, or if we meet again and you're in some other body,"
Derek offered, trying to be helpful. "Ha! Sure kid. You can call me Nevyn when and if you figure me out again. Like I said, you not knowing is my biggest turn on."And
with that Nevyn looked at Mrs. Roberts and switched back to Jessica's
voice. "Mom, go use the restroom, then lay down in your bed. When you
come around you'll remember taking a nap after you went for a run and
nothing else." Mrs. Roberts walked out of the room. "That's all you have to do?" Derek said in disbelief. "Yeah,"
Nevyn shrugged, talking like his original male self again. "It's pretty
easy. As long as I've possessed someone recently, they're in that
obedient and suggestible window like you saw with me and 'mom.' If I
miss the window at all, I just possess that person, making them forget,
and it's all fixed. Which brings us back to business. We've had our fun.
I put on a good show for you. Now why can't I possess you?" She/he
poked Derek in the chest. "Look, I honestly don't know. If I knew I would tell you."Nevyn studied him a moment. "I think I believe you, but I'm not through investigating."Derek smiled a little. "You gonna go dust for some clues? Interview some witnesses?"He
watched Jessica's mouth curved wickedly and resume her girlish voice.
"Witnesses. Yes. That's exactly what I'm going to do. Find more
witnesses. Examine more memories. Find out from the people who know you
best and for the longest."The smile was gone from Derek's face. "What do you mean? You're not talking about.. ""Your family of course," Jessica said with laughter in her voice. "No!" Derek growled. "Oh,
I'm sorry," Jessica's voice was still playful, but with a bite. "I
don't like being told what to do. But I do take requests. Usually I just
find out what people want by taking them over. But since I can't do
that with you, you'll have to tell me.""I don't want you to do it at all," Derek barked. Jessica
looked at him as if he were being a disobedient child. "Now now, I
haven't given you the options. I can hop in with you knowing full well
I'm there. Finding out what I want to know from each of your family
members. Maybe we act out a little incest fantasy, your mom and sister
are both very attractive. That's not just my assessment by the way, my
'mom' thinks so too.""Why you," Derek started to shout. "Or,"
Jessica interrupted, "I can sneak in. I can disguise myself from you
and act like your family members completely. Until I get bored and start
to mess with you.""Or until I see your tell!" Derek countered. "But you won't get them. I won't let you."Jessica
put both her hands on his face. "Derek sweetie. Are you going to lock
them up in your house? If you can't, I can come at them a million
different ways."She leaned in and kissed him forcibly, then shoved him
away. "Now get out of here. My 'mom' will be waking up from her nap any
minute." Jessica waved him towards the stairs, then Derek saw the
familiar eye movement that meant Nevyn was accessing her memories. "And
my daddy will be home any second, so beat it."Derek looked at
her/him with loathing. He tried to disassociate her from Nevyn who was
inside, but it was difficult. When he was downstairs and starting to
open the front door, he heard Jessica call, "Derek, I'll be seeing you
real soon."To be continued...
Derek was about to have a problem. He was in the middle of class when
his lifelong crush Amy, short brown hair, soft, sweet Amy, walked in
and handed the teacher a note, then came to sit in the seat in front of
him on the right far side. He didn't miss any of her movements and she
seemed to glide towards him, her chest bouncing more than usual. He
wasn't complaining, but that was different.Right before she sat,
their eyes met. She smiled slyly, then slowly, purposefully, lowered her
gaze to her breasts, and gave them a little shake, and then laughed at
the reaction on Derek's face. That was the moment when Derek realized
Amy wasn't wearing a bra. This was way out of the norm for Amy. She was
about as straight laced and conservative as they come. She rarely dated,
and if she did, no one ever got anywhere. She was easily the most
sought after girl in his school. Derek assumed she was probably waiting
to cut loose in college as soon as she got away from her parents.College.
Right. He needed to pay attention. This was easily his worst subject
and he needed to focus up. It was his senior year and a scholarship was
his only shot at getting into college. He had turned 18 a month ago and
had decided he need to get serious about planning for his future. But
Amy's swaying breasts kept jutting into his memory, blocking out the
lesson from the teacher's mouth.If it wasn't Amy's breasts, he
was thinking about the teacher's mouth. Mrs. Darcy was discussing the
industrial revolution at the front of the classroom. She was a knockout
with bright red hair and the definition of an hour glass figure. Between
Amy and Mrs. Darcy, it was no wonder this was his worst class.He
noticed Amy's right arm move in front of him. Her shoulder was making a
circular motion. Her left had was grabbing the edge of her desk. She
had propped up her textbook on the desk in such a way to obscure her
chest from the other students and teacher. He was the only one to seem
to have noticed her strange behavior so far.Deciding he needed to
investigate further, Derek shoved his pencil off the right side of his
desk and watched as it rolled until it bumped the wall. He playfully
smacked his hand to indicate what a klutz he was, then got up to
retrieve it.He glanced to see what Amy was up to and saw, as he
was now the only one who could see over her book, that she had
unbuttoned her yellow blouse and was slowly, methodically, massaging her
exposed left breast.He stood there, frozen by what he was
seeing. The girl he fantasized about, doing something so erotic in a
classroom full of people. Then in a quick movement, she turned and
stared at him as if she had caught him peeping. Then her expression
turned into a wicked smile, and she shifted her breast so the nipple was
pointing right at him. Then she winked at him and kissed the air with
her mouth.Derek's erection was so fast, he sat down a little too
quickly and loudly, causing other students and Mrs. Darcy to look at
him. He smiled sheepishly, and the lesson continued, but Derek would not
remember a fact or date of this history lesson. He just continued to
stare at the back of Amy's head, replaying that erotic moment in his
head over and over.He watched as both of her hands started deftly
moving and assumed she must be buttoning up as class was about over. He
must have been right because a moment later, she laid the book flat on
her desk. Then he saw something weirder than he had seen thus far. Her
entire body shuddered, just for a moment. It was like her body had
jumped into cold water and she had experienced a frigid chill. Then as
suddenly as it had started, it stopped, and Amy was still.Derek
was even more confused. Plenty was amiss, but this was another out of
the ordinary piece of behavior. They were inside, it was warm, not a bit
drafty. Why had she shivered like that? And then the bell rang. Amy
spun around in her seat and looked at Derek as if he were a hearty meal."I
hope you enjoyed the show. She knows you look at her all the time." Amy
said matter of factly. "But don't worry, I won't let your hard on go to
waste. I'll just be taking charge of it for a while." And with that she
touched his cheek with his hand. He felt a tiny jolt ripple through his
face, and then... nothing.If Derek was confused, it was nothing
compared to the look on Amy's face. She withdrew her hand from his face,
then touched his nose, then his arm, then his hand, each time furrowing
her brow and getting more and more frustrated. "What is going on?" she
exclaimed."Is something the matter?" Mrs. Darcy called from the front of the room as the last of the students filed out the door."Yes
something's the matter!" said Amy impatiently. "This works every time!
Every time!" Amy grabbed Derek by the arm one last time and waited. When
nothing happened, she narrowed her eyes, looked at him closely, then
got up and walked towards the front of the classroom, straight towards
Mrs. Darcy.Mrs. Darcy calmly asked, "Could you please tell me the nature of your problem Ms. Fairchild?""It'll just be faster if I show you," Amy said coldly. And then she reached out and touched Mrs. Darcy on the shoulder.Derek
watched, fascinated and utterly confused by everything going on. He
watched as, for a moment, Mrs. Darcy looked at Amy with great concern on
her face, and then for only a moment more, Mrs. Darcy's body gave a
little shudder. Mrs. Darcy looked at Derek immediately and said, "Mr.
Johnson, please see me before you go to your next class.""Um,
okay." Derek muttered. He continued to look from Mrs. Darcy to Amy. Amy
was just standing there, looking dazed, like she was in the middle of
waking up. She looked like she was trying to focus on her surroundings,
trying to get her bearings. When she spotted Derek, she licked her lips
and her eyes filled with lust."You may go to your next class now Ms. Fairchild," Mrs. Darcy ordered.Amy
slowly turned to face Mrs. Darcy, and then, as if she was trying to
figure out a very complex math equation while still sleeping, she said,
"Okay... " and then headed out the door.Mrs. Darcy seemed to
relax, leaned back a bit in her chair and began unbuttoning the top two
buttons on her blouse. "Why does know one at this school show a decent
amount of cleavage?" Mrs. Darcy mused. "But much more importantly? Who
are you Derek?"Derek's mind was whirring as fast as it could but
half of it was now consumed with the breast's that were starting to
spill out of Mrs. Darcy's top. "I, um... What? Wait, did Amy seem to be
acting weird? I mean, you're also, um.. "Mrs. Darcy frowned.
"Focus up Derek. She'll be fine. She should be back to her boring
uptight self in a few minutes. And she'll probably only think about your
cock for the next hour. I wasn't inside her that long. Back to the
original question. Who are you?""I.. You know who I am!" Derek managed to get out. "What do you mean she'll want my, my.. ""Cock, Derek. It's not a bad word. And I'd like to see yours but first I must have answers!"Derek
shook his head and said incredulously, "You need answers? I've been
clueless ever since Amy walked in today as to what is going on? What are
you even talking about?"Mrs. Darcy's eyes seemed to bore into
his soul. "You have to know what I'm talking about," she snarled. "I
can't possess you. I always assumed if I met someone like me, we
wouldn't be able to possess each other."The pieces started to
click for Derek, but he struggled to believe what he was hearing.
"Possess? You, you were Amy during class?" he asked.Mrs. Darcy
sighed. "You've known her since you were little. You have always acted
like you were intimidated by her and she has never once seen you in a
romantic light because of it. Do you think she'd just all of a sudden
flash you her boob out of boredom?""How do you know that about her?" Derek asked."Because
I was her," Mrs. Darcy explained. "I mean to say, I didn't just inhabit
her body. I had access to her memories, her mannerisms, everything that
makes her the Amy you're infatuated with, I had access to. But... you
really don't know all this? You can't possess? Or you can, you've just
never tried?"Mrs. Darcy had casually begun massaging her breasts
with both hands, almost but not quite letting her nipples become
exposed. Derek was trying to keep up, but this did not help. "Okay, so, I
accept this isn't a prank.Mrs. Darcy smirked. "Because your hot
teacher is fondling herself in front of you? Tell you what. You tell me
why I can't possess you and I'll let you suck on her tits. I'll even
role play for you. That's one of my favorite things to do. But first,
Mr. Johnson, answer my questions.""We can't do that! "Derek almost yelled. "What about the next class coming in?"Derek
watched as Mrs. Darcy's eyes rolled to the upper left side and she
pursed her lips, thinking. "That won't be a problem," she said
confidently. "This is her free period. So what do you say?" She
unbuttoned another button and pulled her left breast out of her top.
"Will you let Mrs. Darcy tutor you? I know you've been struggling in my
class. Just answer my questions and I'll tutor you so good." She then
slid a hand down her skirt and started moaning while her other hand
pinched her nipple.Derek paused. His hormones were raging, but
this seemed.. dangerous. "I'd feel better if you'd tell me something
about you first, like who are you?"Mrs. Darcy stopped. Her eyes
narrowed. "Well that's the problem. I'm a very private person who has
always been able to know what I want to know by possessing someone. I
can see all their memories laid out like a book. I've been able to fool
everyone around me, and if, if I messed up, I can make people forget by
possessing them too. That way I've been able to be careful and go
completely undetected, until now. I can't possess you and I can't make
you forget, and that's a huge problem for me.""Make me forget?" Derek said worriedly.Mrs.
Darcy got to her feet and stood over him and acted as if teaching. "No
one remembers what I made them do while I was possessing them. To them,
it seems to be like a blank spot that they can almost but not quite
remember. What does happen though is, right after I leave them, they
have some residual thoughts and emotions left over from my thoughts and
actions when I was in control. It's why Amy wanted you right after,
because I did. And everyone in that state is very suggestible for a tiny
bit. I can tell them what to do for a little while or tell them what
happened during their memory lapse, and they'll do or believe whatever I
say."Derek was shocked. "That seems like an incredible abuse of power."Mrs.
Darcy undid her blouse and let it fall to the floor, all while staring
directly into Derek's widening eyes. Then she slowly pulled down the
pink panties she had on underneath. Then she walked purposefully over to
Derek's chair, shoved the desk in front of him aside, and straddled
him. "Oh, it is," she demurred. "I've been presidents. Kings.
Celebrities. But it all gets old so fast. I'd much rather be just a
married school teacher who is sitting on a student who is starting to
show a lot of promise in the boner department."She started
grinding against his crotch and leaned into his ear so that her hot
breath left goose bumps down his spine. "Tomorrow's panties would have
been much sexier. Tomorrow is Saturday and I always wear something sexy
for my husband since I know he'll fuck my brains out before noon. Could I
pretend you're my husband right now? Just answer my question first,"
she purred."I, I'm just me," Derek said, struggling to
concentrate as Mrs. Darcy rubbed harder and harder against him. He was
still a virgin and would not be able to last much longer without leaving
a mess on his jeans. "You know me. You can access Mrs. Darcy's memories
about me, can't you?"Mrs. Darcy took off her top and shoved both
tits into Derek's face. "Of course. But all she knows about you is that
you're a bright boy that could be doing better in her class if you'd
just focus on the subject matter instead of her sexy mouth and titties.
Not that I mind at the moment. But I don't know what I want to know and
this is your last chance to tell me. Just tell me and maybe we can be
friends. Don't, and I will make your life a living hell."Derek
was close to orgasm, but the threat scared him enough to rally. He
shoved her off and Mrs. Darcy landed on the floor, hard. "Don't threaten
me! I told you, I'm just me. Just a normal guy trying to finish high
school and get out of this town."Mrs. Darcy glared at him from
the floor. When she spoke next, it was not with Mrs. Darcy's voice, but
the deep voice of a man. "Fine kid. Play dumb. Maybe I just find out
from your best friend. Or a family member. Getting the information out
of them should be easy, and a lot of fun."Mrs. Darcy got to her
feet and started dressing, and continued to speak in that same low
voice. "It's funny. I've been bouncing all over this school, possessing
different people here and there. Getting off where I could and causing a
little drama. It's the only thing that keeps me going since I don't
have my own body anymore. And I was just about to move on, today in
fact, but now, I'll be sticking around. Thanks for livening up my... "The
words were cut off and for the third time today, Derek watched a person
in front of him shudder for a second from head to toe. Something
clicked in Derek's brain. "That shudder thing I saw Amy do, her whole
body just shook for a moment like she had caught a chill, then you did
it when she touched you at the end of class. That's when you took over
Mrs. Darcy. A person shudders when you... jump in or whatever and then..
I'm guessing it's something that happens every so often.Mrs.
Darcy now looked very annoyed. "Yeah, there's that intelligence this
chick knows you have. It's about the only involuntary reaction I have.
My tell as it were. And yes, it happens when I take over someone, or
when I need to reassert control of my host."Derek nodded along,
then said, "I'm sorry. It's so weird to hear a strange man's voice come
out of Mrs. Darcy's mouth. Could you maybe, speak like her again?"Mrs.
Darcy finished buttoning her top and bellowed, "I'll talk how I damn
well please kid! You have no idea how long it's been since I was able to
use my real voice to talk to someone. I've been at this a long time. A
very long time.""How long till you have to reassert control of someone?" Derek asked."Everyone's
a little different, but the longer I'm in someone, the less it happens,
and the more and more I can change their personality."Now it was Derek's turn to shudder. "You can... rewrite someone?"Mrs. Darcy grinned coolly. "Sort of. But you'll see soon enough."Then
she walked to the door and held it open. Then in Mrs. Darcy's voice,
she declared loudly, "Just follow that lesson plan and that should get
you caught up. If you still need help, well," she put on a flirty smile.
"I'm sure I'll be seeing you real soon. Here's a note so you won't be
counted tardy for your next class.""Really? You think I'm worrying about a tardy?" Derek wondered aloud as he stepped into the empty school hallway."Appearances
are everything Mr. Johnson. Like I said, I'm careful. Now if you'll
excuse me, I'd like to make the most out of this free period." And with
that Mrs. Darcy closed and locked the door of her classroom.Derek
floated through his remaining classes for the day in a state of
paranoia. He really didn't know why he would be so important to Mrs.
Darcy, or Amy, or, really, this mystery man that had somehow inhabited
their bodies. It was like something out of a cheap science fiction film.
Was he safe from him, or her, whoever? Would he see her again as Mrs.
Darcy, or someone else next time? Maybe someone closer to him? He had to
tell someone, but who on earth would believe him. Maybe he should do
nothing and wait to see if it would blow over. He doubted it, but didn't
see any other choice.When the last bell rang, he figured he'd
make a beeline for home and so he could keep a close eye on his family.
He knew his parents were okay because they would still be at work, and
his twin sister had been sick. He wasn't sure they were in danger, but
he didn't know what to think, and that was the worst part. Nothing had
happened since history class, and he was hopeful nothing else would.As
he exited the school, Derek took a second to look around. Students
milling about, talking laughing, waiting for a ride. He noticed his
neighbor, Jessica. She was in his grade, also 18, and currently sporting
her cheerleader outfit. Her long, blonde hair was tied up in a long
ponytail and she was standing on her tiptoes as she kissed her
boyfriend, Brad, the star quarterback . Both were just a few feet away
from him.As their lips detached, he overheard Jessica say, "I
told you, I can't stay to watch you practice today. The squad is already
mad at me but they understand. Nana is not doing well and so my parents
are taking us to see her in the hospital.""Then why are you wearing your cheerleader outfit?" Brad asked as his eyes and hands raked across her figure."Down boy," she giggled. "I wore it just so you could see me in it before I said goodbye.""Well,
goodbye," and Brad leaned in and they were joined at the mouth again.
Derek was almost past them, when Jessica detached herself from Brad and
grabbed Derek's arm. "You'll walk me home, won't you Derek? Brad can't
be late for football practice."Derek eyed her warily. "We haven't walked home together in years?"Jessica shrugged. "I know. I miss those days, don't you?""Not really."She
playfully punched his arm. "Rude much." She laughed. "C'mon, you can
fill me in on your latest college prospects. Don't tell me you're still
thinking about taking a year off?"Derek looked at her intently.
"No, no I decided against that. I guess, let's just go, I gotta get
home?" He started walking away from her."Okay," she gave an
apologetic wave to her boyfriend and ran to catch up. She jogged up to
him and they had walked a couple blocks before she asked, "What's got
you in such a hurry today? Hot date tonight?"He kept glancing at her, as if he were looking for something. "No. I just, need to get home is all. It's been a weird day.""How so?" she asked casually."I don't want to talk about it," he replied sharply. They were now a block away from their houses. He just wanted to get there.She
gingerly grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop. "Hey," she said, and
there was compassion in her voice. "We used to talk about anything and
everything. I opened up to you all the time when my parents were
fighting and it really helped. If something's bothering you, I want to
hear it."Derek's armor was starting to crack. "I mean, I would like to talk about it. But, you have to go see your grandma.""It's
okay," and her eyes went up and to the left. "My parents won't be here
for another 20 or so minutes, so come inside real quick and tell me
what's on your mind."Reluctantly, Derek stopped outside her house, then said, "Okay.""Yay,"
she squealed and started fishing out her house keys. "C'mon in. Gosh,
it's been awhile since you were inside. Mom painted again as you can
see."Derek nodded before diving in with, "Yeah, look, I'll make this short and I know you're not going to believe me but.. ""Hold
that thought," Jessica interrupted. "I need to change so I can be ready
when my parents get here. Follow me upstairs and you can tell me
there?""While you're changing!" Derek exclaimed.Jessica
eyed him wryly. "No you pervert. You'll be outside my bedroom, and I'll
be on the inside, and there will be a door between us. I'll be able to
hear you just fine." She hit his arm again as if playing tag, then
bounded up the stairs ahead of him. Derek turned to follow, but when he
looked up he was temporarily distracted by a vision of bright orange
panties at the top of the stairs."You coming?" she asked as she looked back,
and then realized the view she had just given him and pulled her skirt
down in embarrassment."Ooh," she murmured, blushing. "Can we just pretend that didn't happen?""Nope," he said with a wide smile, the first he could remember today. "It's locked in my brain forever.""Pervert,"
she said again rolling her eyes and smiling. She went into her bedroom,
shutting the door almost but not quite all the way. "So, what's going
on?""Well," he didn't really know how to begin, "I guess it started when Amy came in to history class.. ""What?" Jessica yelled. "Come closer. I can't hear you."Derek moved closer towards the crack in the door. "I said, it started when Amy.. "Then
Derek noticed the crack in the door in front of him. It gave him a
direct line of sight to her closet doors, one of which had a full length
mirror. That door had been opened in such a way as to give him a
perfect view of Jessica's reflection next to her dresser, just behind
the door he was standing in front of. She was just starting to pull off
her cheerleader top and he was suddenly captivated by the two D size
orbs on her chest which strained at her flowery bra. "I should've
known it would have something to do with the girl you've had a crush on
since middle school," she said, as her thumbs hooked her cheerleader
skirt and he got an even better view of her orange panties. He
watched, speechless as she started rummaging through her dresser. Her
perfect ass was now turned towards the mirror as she bent to the lowest
drawer to look for a top, when he saw it. A shudder. If he hadn't been
transfixed on her, he might have missed it. Jessica stood up
straight, and turned to the mirror, making eye contact with Derek. "Oh
poo," she pouted. "You saw that didn't you?"She reached behind
her back and unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor. "You were
watching so closely, weren't you," she said seductively. "You were just
being a good neighbor, weren't you?" In one quick movement, she pulled
off her panties, and then opened the door. One hand went to his cheek,
while the other went to his rock hard crotch. "Tell me something,
Derek," she pressed her naked body against him, "why did we never get
together? I mean, I'm the girl next door after all.""Why are you doing this?" Derek demanded, taking a step back. "Because
of that right there," the deep man's voice was back. "I'm used to being
in control of each and every situation, and I can't control you. Can't
make you forget, and I'm going to find out why. I found out where you
lived easy enough with Mrs. Darcy's access to student's files. Then
hopped a few more people till I found someone who lived close to you.
Someone who's known you for awhile and might have a clue to this mystery
for me.""It's just wrong," Derek grumbled, while trying not to keep staring at Jessica's marvelous chest. Jessica
took a step towards him. "No, what's wrong is that this fine piece of
ass had the hots for you a couple years ago and you never made a move.
Other than that there were no useful memories.""I was dating someone a couple years ago," Jake defended. Jessica's
eyes went up and to the left. "Heather. Yeah, okay, she was pretty hot
too. But you weren't married." The voice then switched over to Jessica's
seamlessly. "You could have had us both." And she lunged for him,
wrapping her body around him and kissing him on the mouth. Derek
momentarily kissed back. It was what his body wanted. Really wanted. He
felt like he had had blue balls since history class. But.. he ended the
kiss and gently pushed her back. " You're not Jessica!" he snapped.
"This isn't what she'd want.""But I am, and it is, at least for
now," she smiled demurely. "I'm willing to put my question on hold for a
bit. I need some release."She was about to pounce again when
they heard the door slam. Panic shot through Derek's eyes as he realized
he was standing in front of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts daughter. Mr. Roberts
liked him, but would still probably kill him anyway in this
circumstance. "I figured you were lying about her parents coming home,"
Derek whispered. "I was and I wasn't," Jessica said quietly as
she stepped inside her room and put on a bathrobe. "That should be my
mom. Remember a few years back when you told me you had a sex dream
about her and I said it was totally gross.""I.. Man I hate how you can just tap into her memories like that," Derek said, anticipating the worst. "Aw, you're so nervous, it's cute." Jessica gestured towards her room. "Go hide in the closet. I'll take care of 'mom."As
Derek walked into Jessica's room and crammed himself into her closet,
Jessica yelled, "Mom, can you help me with something real quick?"From
downstairs, Derek heard Mrs. Roberts yell back, "Jessica? What are you
doing home? Shouldn't you be at cheerleader practice?" He then heard
her footsteps on the stairs. He watched through the slats in the
closet as "Jessica" walked into her room. Now he started to sweat. He
didn't know how this was going to play out, but it couldn't be good. "Jessica?" her mother called out. "In here mom," Derek saw Jessica say, and then she turned and winked at him, knowing he was watching through the closet slats.Derek
saw as Mrs. Roberts entered her daughter's room. She had apparently
been out for a light jog. She had on tight black running shorts and a
tight purple top. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail just like her
daughter. They looked very much alike. Mrs. Roberts had certainly aged
well and had certainly kept her figure and was probably in her late
forties but looked like a woman in her thirties. Derek didn't tell
Jessica that there had been more than one sex dream about her mother. "Mom,
I was wondering if you'd act out a little scene with me," Jessica
started. "You see, I never have an audience. Sure, I've had some fun
before, but I was the only one who could enjoy it. It was just for me.
Would you help me?""I, sure honey," Mrs. Roberts hesitated, "but what are you talking... "Jessica
touched her mom. Mrs. Roberts shuddered, then her face slowly turned,
as she aimed the most seductive grin at Derek in the closet. Jessica
didn't fall to the floor, but continued to stand there, her eyes
slightly glazed over. Mrs. Roberts turned to face her daughter
and said in a concerned mother's tone, but with a hint of lust, "Yes,
Jessica dear. I'll help in any way I can." She touched her daughter. Jessica shuddered, took her mother's hand and said, "Well, there's this boy see, and I think he likes me."Shudder. Mrs.
Roberts resumed speaking, "How could he not like you dear. I mean, look
at these spectacular breasts you have." Mrs. Roberts pulled her
daughter's robe apart, and then pushed it off her shoulders, letting it
hit the floor. She then reached out and started groping her daughter's
chest. Shudder. Mrs. Roberts continued to squeeze her
daughter's breasts, but it was Jessica who said, "Well, I have you to
thank for that Momma. I mean, just look at yours." Jessica pulled her
mother's top over her head, and then helped remove her sports bra that
was underneath. "They're even bigger than mine!" Jessica proclaimed as
if seeing them for the first time. Then she bent over and started
kissing her mother's breasts. Derek felt his eyes try to jump out
of his sockets as he took in Mrs. Roberts' massive tits. They were
nearly identical to her daughter's, just a little bigger, and a little
saggier. His eyes kept trying to jump out as Mrs. Roberts continued
groping her daughter's chest, while Jessica kissed her mother's tits.
Derek noted that the formerly possessed would continue to actions of the
possessor even when he had jumped into his next victim. Shudder. "Oh Jessica dear," Mrs. Roberts moaned. "I hope he's as good at foreplay as you are?"Shudder. "That's
the problem Momma," Jessica pouted as she looked up from her mother's
tits. "There hasn't been any foreplay yet. We haven't even kissed, and
I'm just so nervous I'll do it wrong."Shudder. Mrs.
Roberts put her hand under her chin and brought up her daughter's pretty
face. She then looked into her glassy eyed daughter's eyes. "I'd be
happy to give you a lesson in kissing."Derek's jaw was on the
floor as he watched mother and daughter shudder again and again, a new
one taking the lead each time as their mouths met and they started to
embrace and let their hands roam over each other. This went on for a few
minutes, Derek completely swept along by what was easily the most
erotic thing he'd ever seen. His heart raced as he saw Jessica remove
her mother's running shorts and give her mom's ass a playful smack, then
resume their makeout session. Finally Mrs. Roberts broke from a
prolonged, sloppy kiss and said breathily, "Yes. Kiss him like that and
he'll have the hardest dick you've ever seen."Shudder. "Oh Momma, you think so? Could we test it right now?" And Jessica hopped up and down with feigned excitement. Shudder. "What do you mean dear daughter?" Mrs. Roberts asked as if clueless.Shudder. "Well
Momma, I'm pretty sure he's been staring at us from inside my closet
this whole time," and Jessica blew a kiss at the closet.Shudder. Derek
knew this was being staged, but it was hard not to get swept up in the
moment as his hot, naked classmate's mother walked over and slid the
closet door open and looked at Derek with mock outrage on her face. "Derek!
You naughty boy! All this time you were in my daughter's closet,
watching us kiss and groping one another?" Mrs. Roberts said
accusingly. "Hey," Derek said somewhat amused and a lot horny, "You would know, you put me in here."Mrs.
Roberts covered her hand with her face, "How dare you? I would never do
something so scandalous. I'll have to ask you to leave." Mrs. Roberts
reached over and tagged her daughter who hadn't moved. Shudder. "But
Momma, I'd like to practice more, and he's right here," Jessica pulled
Derek out of the closet and started taking off his jeans. When she
pulled off his underwear, she looked at her mother and stated, "And it
looks like he's got that nice hard dick you were talking about." When
Jessica had Derek as naked as she was, she stood and tapped her mom's
shoulder. Shudder. "Well, I do want to be a good mother,
and a good neighbor." Mrs. Roberts eyed Derek with pure carnal desire,
then started removing his shirt. She then led him to Jessica's queen
sized bed. "Having fun so far Derek? Enjoying my little play?""Y-yes, ma'am" he admitted. He couldn't stop this now if he wanted to."Good,"
Mrs. Roberts smiled, shoving him down on the mattress. "And please,
call me Mrs. Roberts like you always have. Now watch this. Jessica."
Jessica was still standing in the place where she had taken off Derek's
pants, but now she turned and faced her mother. "Come over here and put
those perky tits in our neighbor boy's face while I start sucking his
dick."Derek watched in amazement as Jessica obediently came over
and clumsily placed her large breasts in his face. Derek wasn't sure if
it was Mrs. Roberts who was fantastic at blowjobs, or her possessor, but
either way he came in seconds. He watched as Mrs. Roberts swallowed,
then tapped her daughter.Shudder. "Oh, now that just won't
do Derek." Jessica circled her right breast with her hand before
squeezing it and guiding the nipple into his mouth. "Momma, please keep
stroking his cock until he gets hard again. She looked at him with an
innocent, questioning face. "Or maybe you'd like us to make out some
more? Or you could watch as my mom ate out my pussy?"And just
like that Derek was ready to go again. This time he grabbed Jessica and
kissed her. She returned his kiss then broke for air to say, "Momma,
play with this boy's balls while I ride his dick." And then Jessica
mounted him and rode him for all he was worth. He watched as she came
multiple times and was about to himself, when she expertly rolled off
him and slapped her mother's ass hard causing the firm flesh to jiggle
slightly. Shudder. "Sorry," said Mrs. Roberts
apologetically, climbing on top of him. "I like to have multiple orgasms
in multiple bodies when I can." And then she started to ride him, nice
and slow, squeezing her breasts and moaning like a porn star, achieving
orgasm in just a few minutes. "Older ladies bodies must be a lot
more sensitive," Derek thought to himself as he came for the second
time. Mrs. Roberts dismounted and they both lay there a few moments with
Jessica standing with a vacant expression inches away. Then an
uncharacteristically low voice came out of Mrs. Roberts mouth. "Sorry
neighbor boy. That was fun but I can never bask in the afterglow when
I've had two at once." Then Mrs. Roberts got up and started to put
herself back together. Derek sat up and started getting dressed himself. "You've done that before!""A
few times," the deep voice said. "It's not always worth it to me
because I have to move quick before one of them comes to their senses,
and there's a slight buffer in sensation when I'm hopping so quickly.
But like I said, I ain't never had an audience before, and that made it
really hot.""It was hot," Derek agreed. "The hottest thing ever.
But you know what's not hot? Hearing your voice coming out of Mrs.
Roberts' mouth."Mrs. Roberts frowned, then walked over and touched her daughter. Shudder. Jessica's
peppy voice burst out of her mouth indignantly, "I'm sorry. You only
like it when I 'pretend' to be the person I'm possessing, is that it?""I'm
sorry, no, it's just a lot to get used to," Derek tried to say coolly.
"It just, makes me feel like I just slept with a man is all.""I
was a man!" said the male voice indignantly. Jessica started to put her
clothes back on but it was the low voice that continued. "That's what I
started out as anyways. But when my situation happened years ago, I
could become whatever gender I wanted on the fly. I haven't used my
original voice in decades, mainly because I like fooling everyone around
me into thinking I'm the person I'm possessing. It's my biggest kink
really.""It feels like I should call you another name when you
use that voice, or if we meet again and you're in some other body,"
Derek offered, trying to be helpful. "Ha! Sure kid. You can call me Nevyn when and if you figure me out again. Like I said, you not knowing is my biggest turn on."And
with that Nevyn looked at Mrs. Roberts and switched back to Jessica's
voice. "Mom, go use the restroom, then lay down in your bed. When you
come around you'll remember taking a nap after you went for a run and
nothing else." Mrs. Roberts walked out of the room. "That's all you have to do?" Derek said in disbelief. "Yeah,"
Nevyn shrugged, talking like his original male self again. "It's pretty
easy. As long as I've possessed someone recently, they're in that
obedient and suggestible window like you saw with me and 'mom.' If I
miss the window at all, I just possess that person, making them forget,
and it's all fixed. Which brings us back to business. We've had our fun.
I put on a good show for you. Now why can't I possess you?" She/he
poked Derek in the chest. "Look, I honestly don't know. If I knew I would tell you."Nevyn studied him a moment. "I think I believe you, but I'm not through investigating."Derek smiled a little. "You gonna go dust for some clues? Interview some witnesses?"He
watched Jessica's mouth curved wickedly and resume her girlish voice.
"Witnesses. Yes. That's exactly what I'm going to do. Find more
witnesses. Examine more memories. Find out from the people who know you
best and for the longest."The smile was gone from Derek's face. "What do you mean? You're not talking about.. ""Your family of course," Jessica said with laughter in her voice. "No!" Derek growled. "Oh,
I'm sorry," Jessica's voice was still playful, but with a bite. "I
don't like being told what to do. But I do take requests. Usually I just
find out what people want by taking them over. But since I can't do
that with you, you'll have to tell me.""I don't want you to do it at all," Derek barked. Jessica
looked at him as if he were being a disobedient child. "Now now, I
haven't given you the options. I can hop in with you knowing full well
I'm there. Finding out what I want to know from each of your family
members. Maybe we act out a little incest fantasy, your mom and sister
are both very attractive. That's not just my assessment by the way, my
'mom' thinks so too.""Why you," Derek started to shout. "Or,"
Jessica interrupted, "I can sneak in. I can disguise myself from you
and act like your family members completely. Until I get bored and start
to mess with you.""Or until I see your tell!" Derek countered. "But you won't get them. I won't let you."Jessica
put both her hands on his face. "Derek sweetie. Are you going to lock
them up in your house? If you can't, I can come at them a million
different ways."She leaned in and kissed him forcibly, then shoved him
away. "Now get out of here. My 'mom' will be waking up from her nap any
minute." Jessica waved him towards the stairs, then Derek saw the
familiar eye movement that meant Nevyn was accessing her memories. "And
my daddy will be home any second, so beat it."Derek looked at
her/him with loathing. He tried to disassociate her from Nevyn who was
inside, but it was difficult. When he was downstairs and starting to
open the front door, he heard Jessica call, "Derek, I'll be seeing you
real soon."To be continued...