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  • Stealth Control: Takeover

    Chapter by Kripto · 20 Sep 2022
  • The plans for Stealth Control have been leaked onto the dark web. A mistreated loner decides to use the technology to take control of his small town.
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  • Kyle

    I knew my girlfriend Anna was mad at me by the way she slammed my car door. She knew I hated that, but it was her go to move whenever she was pissed at me. “Something wrong?” I asked irritably as we walked up to Dustin’s apartment.

    “Yeah. I told you I wanted to go shopping, Kyle, not go to your dorky friend’s house.”

    “He’s not my friend,” I argued. “Not really”

    “Bullshit! You hang out with him at least a couple times a month.”

    “We play games or watch movies. Doesn’t mean we’re tight.”

    “Oh, I’m sorry,” Anna said sarcastically. “He’s just an acquaintance that you hang out with on a regular basis and share hobbies and interests with. Like a friend!”

    “Look, I only do it because he helped me graduate last year. You know this.”

    “Doesn’t mean you owe him a kidney or anything.”

    “This is hardly a kidney. He asked for me to stop by today, and to bring you along. He said it was really important, and fuck it, I owe him.”

    Before we got to the steps that led to Dustin’s third floor apartment, my girlfriend grabbed my arm to stop me. “You don’t owe him anything. You were nice to him at school, and that was enough. You can stop now. He’s a lost cause.”

    I just smiled at her, and shrugged free of her grip. I hated when she tried to tell me what to do, which was becoming more and more frequent.

    As she huffed behind me, she kept on grumbling. “Why the hell did I have to come anyway?”

    I tried to placate as we climbed the stairs. “I’m sure it’ll be quick. He probably just needs a woman’s perspective on something, and that’s why he had me bring you.”

    Anna groaned. “My perspective is that he hit a treadmill and shower more than once a week. Let’s just go. Let’s say that something came up and you can come back by yourself tomorrow.”

    I whirled around to face her. “Give me a blowjob in the car and you got a deal.”

    She pursed her lips. “Counter offer. I let you be single again.”

    I sighed. “Sorry,” I said half heartedly. “But he probably already saw us pull up. Let’s just go. It’ll be quick, then I’ll take you shopping.”

    She stared at me for a moment, weighing her options, deciding if this was the hill she wanted to die on. Finally, she said, “Fine, but if all he does is look me in the tits like last time I saw him, I’m out.”

    As I turned my back on her, I said, “They are nice looking tits.”

    She punched me in the butt and said, “You must really miss being single.”

    We got to his door, and I looked at Anna. She had arranged her pretty face into something that made you think she wasn’t totally annoyed at your presence, which was close enough for me. I knocked.

    Dustin answered the door immediately, like he had been waiting on the other side. He ushered us in enthusiastically saying, “Thank you so much for coming. Come in, come in. It’s good to see you both.”

    Dustin was shorter than us both. I’m tall, about 6 foot 4 inches, but Anna’s like, 5 foot 9 or something. And Dustin is even shorter. It’s probably why he got picked on so much in high school. That and his interpersonal skills were fucking terrible. I’m pretty sure I was the only friend he had, which was really more of an alliance born out of necessity. He helped me graduate, and I kept him from getting forced into lockers.

    “Alright, Dustin,” I said as he shut the door. “Anna and I are in a hurry, so we won’t be able to stay long. What did you want to show us?”

    Dustin smiled in a mad scientist sort of way that I knew Anna would find a little unnerving. “Only something that’s going to blow your mind.” He snapped his fingers and pointed at me as if remembering something. “But first, can I offer you both a drink?”

    “Uh, no thanks,” I informed him under the watchful eye of my girlfriend.

    “Are you sure? I just made mimosas.” He said, looking hopefully at Anna.

    He made eye contact with her for two whole seconds before I saw his eyes drift down to her boobs. The girls in school had always thought he was a creep, and that wasn’t going to change anytime soon. And since he didn’t like sports or talking about cars, which was what every guy cared about in our small rural town, he pretty much assured himself that he was going to be a loner.

    What Dustin liked was computers and smelling like a combinat