Outfox Stories is a platform for reading and co-writing stories with our community, and our AI.
We allow adult content and AI generations (and will be introducing a filter for this that you can turn on or off shortly).
Find stories you like using tags or our navigation page, or just by seeing what other people have favourited.
We also have a discord where you can commission stories, or accept commissions of your own.
Navigate Stories
You can publish stories you've already written, contribute to existing stories, or generate new stories by working with our AI model. If the community likes what you do, you might even be able to earn a little money by doing it!
When you create your own stories, you can choose whether to share them with the world, and whether or not to let other users continue them in new directions.
Get Started
Encourage your favourite authors to write more by committing to pay a few dollars for each chapter published, and get tips from your own supporters!
Your niche lives here.
Explore our popular tags to start reading:
possession mtf mind control body swap ftm ftf lesbian masturbation stealth control
Or try searching for something else:
Outfox Premium
Read all of our stories as soon as they are published, and get much higher AI generation limits!
Learn more

We are a very small team, so please be patient with us as we continually fix bugs and make improvements to the site.
Want to make a suggestion, a complaint, or get help that you can't find on the discord? Contact us