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Megan Arvel agrees to keep an eye on Tom's plants while he's away. Little does she know that not paying attention to the fine print will let her live out her exhibitionist dream – for a price.
Hello Megan,
Thank you so much for taking care of my plants while I'm away! It's pretty easy - I've even labeled them so you know which is which.
Monstera Deliciosa: This is the big one in the corner of the dining room. It needs a thorough watering every 1-2 weeks or when the first few inches of soil are dry. IMPORTANT: Don't water after 9 PM.
Prayer Plant: This one lives in the living room, between the armchair and the window. Same as above, but this one tends to be a little more thirsty, so water about every week. It also likes plant food every month added to its pot. Please drain the catch at the bottom of the pot every time you water it.
Krimson Queen: The little one in my office. Please water it thoroughly if the soil is dry – it doesn't like overwatering as it can be susceptible to root rot. For me, this is usually about every week.
Philodendron Brasil: On the window ledge in the kitchen. Same as the Krimson Queen, water about every week until water runs down into the saucer and remove the excess.
As always, if you have any questions at all or if any of the plants aren't doing well, don't hesitate to reach out. See you when I get back!
Summer had the city of San Angeles in a sweltering late-July chokehold. As the sun came up the metropolis was already uncomfortably hot and became increasingly so as it was baked to hazy perfection. Excessive heat advisories were so run-of-the-mill it was safer to assume they were perpetually in effect than not. By the time the afternoon rolled around the only places where one could find any human activity were air-conditioned buildings, swimming pools, or the overcrowded beaches.
Megan Arvel was no exception to this rule, arriving on the palm-dotted strip of sand where at least the steady breeze from the sea provided a modicum of relief. The letter from Tom was the farthest thing from her mind as she slid off her cover-up to reveal her latest article of beachwear: a silver micro bikini. The fabric, obscenely priced considering it was best measured in square centimeters, left nothing save her truly private areas to the imagination. Two tiny triangles clung to her nipples, the matching metallic thong threatening a scandal if she spread her legs too wide. Fuck, I'm such a slut, Megan "chided" herself. The truth was that Megan did this every day on her summer break and had never been happier.
As a child she'd been sheltered, growing up in a small town on the other side of the Amarillo mountains. After coming to Anchor University and getting to be on her own she discovered how much sexual attention from anyone excited her. Megan began dressing in less and less modest clothing and overhauling her wardrobe to show as much skin as she could without catching too many nasty looks from the faculty. During the summer there was no shortage of eager viewers with all the young men – and women – around to stare at her curves on the beach.
She started wading into the crowd to find a good spot, giddy with excitement as people turned to watch her. Some showed disgust, others concern, others interest, others arousal, and still others were too far away to tell. Most of them she couldn't notice – there were too many eyes on her to keep track of. All of them excited Megan. The more excited she got, the more her nipples made the bikini top irrelevant and the more stares her pert B-cups got.
A few more minutes spent negotiating the thin strip of sand that wove between towels led her to a good spot – or a tolerable one, at least. Before her was a gap of sand large enough to lay her towel and not rub elbows with her neighbors. She threw her towel to the wind, slowly bringing it to the scorching sand and spending plenty of time bent double as she adjusted the corners. Megan then produced a bottle of suntan oil from her bag. She began at her shoulders and thoroughly worked her way down her sun-kissed body. As she wrapped up the tops of her feet, she cast a glance around her neighbors. Who's my prey today, she thought, smirking as she surveyed her immediate company. A handful of young, single men were eyeing her rather obviously, but those were easy pickings. A few rows down in front of her, however, she caught a hasty glance away from a man sitting next to a woman.
Megan sauntered over to the couple, doing her best to act demure despite her almost comically lewd beachwear. "Excuse me, sorry to bother you all, but would you mind getting my back?" Megan watched as the one-piece-clad lady shot daggers at the strapping young man, caught in the middle as he sheepishly looked back and forth from Megan to her. Red tint crept onto his cheeks as the awkward silence was punctuated by seagulls wheeling overhead. Wife, Megan noted as she spied the rings the two of them were wearing. Jackpot.
"Ah, ha, ah..." his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. "Sure, yeah, I - I can get your back." he caved, standing up from his beach chair. Megan lived for the crestfallen look on his wife's face, having to do her best not to break out into a fiendish smile.
"Devon," The wife's tone spoke volumes as she tried to hide her surprise and disappointment that he'd accepted the harlot's offer.
"It'll just be a minute, honey."
Megan could feel her stare at their backs as they made their way to her spot. She laid facedown back at her spot, feeling the heat on her chest as it radiated through the towel. Devon's hands began to rub oil onto her back, traveling down her neck to her shoulder blades, working around her straps as he hastily tried to finish up the small of her back and get back without only a mild tongue-lashing.
"Lower, please." Megan cooed. She felt him hesitate, weigh his options, and finally oblige, hands inching down to where her lithe hips began to blossom out. She could feel her fingers tugging at that place in his heart where lust lives, feel his cheeks reddening, his pulse quicken, a bulge begin taking shape in his swim trunks. Again he paused, and again Megan pushed her luck.
"Lower." Oh my GOD, I'm such a little homewrecker, she thought. Megan certainly wasn't immune to the feeling building in her loins either as Devon's hands began to graze the curves of her ass. Her nipples dug into the towel as her thong did its best to absorb the growing excitement between her legs.
"Lower." Too far – the pause was longer this time, and Megan knew he'd had enough even before he spoke.
"I'm – look, I'm sorry, but I don't really think I should. You should be able to take it from here." Megan rolled onto her side to find Devon exactly as she'd pictured: cheeks on fire, conflicted grimace, and a tent between his legs. Megan made a show of noticing that last point, fixing Devon with a knowing look.
"Suit yourself. I'll be here if you wanna enjoy the show." Devon rose as Megan winked, dosing her hands to finish what he couldn't. She took great pleasure in watching him awkwardly waddle back, trying to tuck his boner into the waistband of his trunks. Her hands worked over her ass cheeks as she took a sinful delight in hearing his partner decry what he'd done. Someone's sleeping on the couch tonight.
A buzz in Megan's beach bag pulled her from her thoughts. She adjusted her sunglasses and took a closer look at her phone, struggling to see through the glare as she angled her hand to get at the screen, now displaying a text from Tom.
Hey Megan! I haven't heard from you - how are the plants doing?
Shit. No sugar coating it. Megan had forgotten about that itsy-bitsy favor Tom had asked before he left for his 6-week trip to Spain. Not that Tom had to know about it, and not that he would know about it, Megan corrected herself.
Hey Tom! No worries, they're doing great.
Megan figured her little white lie would just go unnoticed. It was just a month, wasn't it? Surely the plants were fine, and she could stop in tonight before Tom returned to make it look like she'd been taking care of the plants since he'd left. She'd finish up here and then take care of his plants, simple as that.
The hours melted away as Megan drank in the low whistles and blatant stares that sweltering afternoon. It wasn't until the sun met the horizon that she slipped her cover-up back on and headed for home. Streetlights flickered to life, illuminating overly manicured beachside hotels with hedges and grass so lush it either wasn't real or the sole cause of the city's water crisis. Block after block of luxury property passed as it transitioned to generic cityscape, the sidewalks increasingly cracked after years of thermal cycling and neglect. Megan made a right on Orville Street, heading back to the familiar landscape or discount student apartments that surrounded Anchor University. Once inside she breathed a sigh of deep relaxation, kicking off her flip-flops and adding a fine dusting of sand to the grains already deposited from her daily sojourns to the seaside.
Megan might have called her apartment lived-in, but to the average person, it was just messy. Old textbooks and notes obscured much of the table save the little square where she ate her meals. Clothes of every sort lay scattered as if by the wind, the covers of her bed thrown off and twisted into a knot. To Megan, it wasn't truly messy since she knew where everything was. Laptop? Under the coffee table, beneath the pile of magazines. Spare batteries? Under her bed, somewhere in the box that had that half-open pack of fishnets on it. Easy - she had her system, and if someone thought it was still a dump that was their problem, not hers. Besides, she was still sweating even as she pulled a frozen dinner out of the freezer and stabbed the plastic cover. The last thing she wanted to do with her summer vacation was spend it cleaning her dingy apartment. The ancient window unit struggled mightily to keep the space cool but proved far too weak for summer temperatures.
As the equally Mesozoic microwave hummed life into her lo mein, Megan turned to the only plant she kept in her apartment. It had been given to her by Tom when they had both been freshmen: a little succulent, hardly the size of a tennis ball, and consisting entirely of short, squat green leaves. He had told her its name when he first gave her it, but Megan just called him Sunny. It was the lone plant she hadn't killed in her apartment, largely because it could last months without water. While the others had all become crinkly and brown, Sunny seemed fine with Megan's once-in-a-blue-moon caretaking style. Speaking of which, she noted as she felt the dusty soil in Sunny's cup, giving him a little from the sink as the microwave chirped. It was a miracle that Tom trusted Megan to care for his plants, but then again, he didn't have much choice - most of the residents had gone afield for the summer.
Megan made short work of the MSG-laden dinner, snagged Tom's letter - tucked between the toaster oven and the wall, right where she'd left it - and set off to do damage control. It was scarcely a five minute given they lived in the same complex, deserted halls and sidewalks her only company as she crossed the overgrown central courtyard. Insects crooned all around her as they celebrated the coming of the marginally cooler night air.
Tom's apartment was tidy, far tidier than Megan's. The kitchen table was clear save for the watering can, plant food, and a duplicate of the letter. The vacuum had made its rounds before he left, and the place smelled like citrus-scented cleaner. The only items that looked out of place were the plants. The one in the living room looked like it was dying for water, leaves fringed with a worrying amount of brown and yellow. A panicked search of the other locations turned up similar results.
Pulling out her phone Megan contemplated texting Tom and got halfway through drafting an urgent message before realizing it was the crack of dawn in Europe. Besides, she wanted to seem competent. He'd paid her well to do this and, green thumb or not, she wasn't about to let him down.
A bit of Googling assuaged her fears. The plants, although they all looked a little withered after nearly a month of negligence, would be fine if she just added water in the amounts Tom had put in the letter. She skimmed the letter: dining room, living room, office, kitchen. All were past their due date, so Megan just hefted the watering pail over to the sink and got to it. She set to work, starting with the smaller ones and working her way up to the big one in the dining room. Mentally Megan knew that plants didn't have feelings, but she could swear they perked up the minute she added water and breathed a sigh of relief.
The giant plant in the dining room turned out to be a little difficult to water, as it stood a head taller than she did and was planted in a vessel that bore more resemblance to an urn than a flowerpot. Megan had to delve into the foliage to get close enough to locate the bedding. Emptied the last of the contents into the loamy bedding, Megan was taken aback when a tendril reached out and fastened itself around her wrist. It couldn't have been much thicker than a rubber band but felt like a steel cable, the force of its sudden pull causing the watering can to clatter to the floor. Megan pulled on the tendril in a bid to escape the embrace, only managing to rock the urn slightly and rustle the leaves.
It was then that she vaguely remembered something about not watering one of the plants after 9 PM. So much good that's gonna do me now, she fumed, planting a foot against the urn and pulling until she felt like her shoulder was about to dislocate. The plant, a rather special variant of Monstera Deliciosa known as domina prehenderat, made no haste in catching its prey. Another emerald tendril struck a course for Megan's other wrist as she dove into her pockets for keys to try and slice her way free.
Taking advantage of the tropical plant's lackadaisical nature, Megan wasted no time in taking the makeshift blade to the shoot anchoring her right hand to Tom's flora. While she did manage to get through the outer hide and make some progress in sawing through to the white inner fibers, the Monstera took notice. The second vine hastened its approach as it arrested Megan's left wrist. The end seemed to split into hundreds of hairsbreadth appendages, worming between her fingers and forcing her fingers open, the keys joining the watering pail on the floor.
"What the fuck?" Megan snarled under her breath, half in terror and half in frustration. She'd never seen a plant do anything like this before, and the sight of three more ropey fasteners erupting from the dirt only made Tom's warning that much clearer. She'd never heard of a carnivorous plant that ate humans, but perhaps she was the first such victim.
The next ten minutes made Megan feel as though she was a mouse in a glue trap. She continued resisting, planting her feet and pulling, yanking, even biting the tendrils to try to get free. The monstrous plant plodded on at a speed that seemed almost insultingly unbothered by Megan's protests and resistance. Tendrils grew and spread out all over her body, snaking beneath the cover-up and the micro bikini she'd worn to the beach. Filaments wove up her arms, pulling her in until she had to place her feet into the urn to avoid toppling over. Once there her feet got the same treatment, verdant shoots weaving between her toes, fastening around her ankles, and then gliding up her smooth calves and thighs, the force of their steady tightening burying her feet in the rich, tropical potting soil.
By the time vines were entwining her neck and torso, Megan had given up. Her shouts and grunts of effort and frustration were now a mix of whimpering and morbid fascination as she watched each tendril spread out and adhere to her sun-kissed skin. There were probably worse ways to die, she figured. Like burning alive. Or being shot. Hell, who even said this plant was going to kill her? Maybe Tom just kept a guard plant and would have it unhand her when he returned tomorrow night. Fat chance, she thought as she shook her head at the idea. Guard plant – as if! At least the warning meant Tom in some way knew about this odd feature of his plant. Monstera had now covered virtually all of Megan in its vines, binding her arms down in front of her and the tension keeping her standing upright as it began assimilating its new prey.
The plant had begun to do something new, and Megan could feel it. Little icy pinpricks, starting at her feet and working their way up in rhythmic waves bristled against her skin. She craned her neck, looking down at the cobwebs of vines but not seeing any indication of what was going on – they appeared to be resting peacefully on her. The first few waves hurt a little, but after the initial prickles the cooling sensation felt wonderful on her skin.
No. No, I shouldn't be enjoying this, I should be getting out, Megan corrected herself. She wondered momentarily if she could just knock the plant over and escape, but a few fleeting tries went nowhere, the urn barely budging. Whatever, she figured. If this plant is gonna eat me, at least it's giving me what feels like an upscale spa treatment while doing so.
The little pinpricks were beginning to feel hotter – and deeper. Were they? No – Megan could swear they felt like they were in her muscles, giving her the most thorough deep tissue massage she'd ever received. No pair of hands could match this – it'd take 20 pairs alone to equal the dining room ornament's coverage on Megan's body. She couldn't help herself as her shoulders relaxed, her core loosened, and the tightness in her glutes and calves released. Megan let out a deep breath, unaware of the potent dose of muscle relaxants the Monstera was pumping directly into her bloodstream – plus a cocktail of mutation enzymes. Even if she were, there wasn't much she could do.
Just as she was beginning to look back up and close her eyes, Megan spied something that made her do a double-take. Right there, right on her thigh, a little green splotch had begun to slowly bloom. She blinked, but it remained there. A few dazzled moments later, another began to spread out over her midsection, a rough circle that seemed to spread like moss beneath her skin, turning it from a healthy bronze to a shiny emerald texture. She involuntarily squirmed as the restraints held her in place, more patches blooming on her tits, her ass, her shoulders, arms, hands, neck, and even face if she could see it. Nowhere was safe as the Monstera remade Megan in its image, giving her a healthy, glossy, viridescent skin that, if touched, would give one the impression of ripe fruit.
Megan was stunned into silence as she drank in her changes. It was only now that she realized her legs couldn't move. She could move her hips a little, and bend at the knee, but her legs were welded together where they had once touched, save her thigh gap. They still presented as two distinct pillars supporting her, but in appearance only. Her feet, too, were gone. She couldn't feel them anymore – when she wiggled her toes, everything felt stiff and rigid, the closest sensation she could call to mind being when she used to bury her feet in mud as a kid. She carefully bent at her waist and knees to investigate further. Sure enough, as she probed beneath the soil, her feet had morphed into countless intertwining brown roots – or perhaps merged with the Monstera's roots, it was impossible to tell. It was all the same, Megan able to feel the contours of her urn as she got used to the sensation of her new root system.
Pricks of pain bubbled up on Megan's scalp, her hands immediately seeking the source of the sudden pain. The skin of her scalp felt like it was melting, layers peeling away alarmingly quickly. Pulling her hands away made her stomach drop a little: both gripped chunks of her chestnut hair, shockingly untainted given the rest of her body. Well, maybe being bald isn't the worst thing given... this, she thought as she glanced down at her verdant coloration. Megan had to immediately eat her words. She wasn't going bald at all; she felt a familiar weight returning that had been lifted moments ago, growing out from her head and rolling down her shoulders. Whatever it was, it wasn't hair - it didn't feel soft or fuzzy but rather cool and springy. Megan was a little afraid to see what had transpired but forced a hand to her head anyway. Holding it out so she could see, a frond of Monstera Deliciosa loomed over her face, hand-like leaves letting light trickle between their fenestrations. The rest of her hair was the same, long vines studded with leaves that grew right out from her head. No more shampoo, I guess, Megan thought. The fact that, of all things, that was what her stressed-out mind came up with when confronted with what was before her made her laugh, if only at the absurdity of her situation.
To Megan's surprise, the nearly exhausted plant had one last change in store for her. She began feeling a pulsing in the core of her body, just below the ribcage. It was subtle at first but as it grew and began to encompass more and more of her body in waves, each one stronger than the last. Her leaves quivered in anticipation with each passing flux before she began to notice what was taking shape. A tightness developed in her breasts and hips, and with each pulse her body felt like it was about to burst. In minutes the erogenous zones were so tight as to render them immobile, feeling uncomfortable pressure under her jade skin.
All at once, just when it began to border on genuine pain, the pulses stopped – and the release began. Megan felt the pressure ease as her curves began to swell. They were slow at first but gathered steam at an alarming rate. Her tits pushed out well beyond what her micro bikini could handle, the straps digging into her new bosom before it snapped the strings and sent it to the floor in tatters. Her hips followed suit, her expanding ass and thighs first swallowing the thong she had on before tearing it at the seams and spitting it onto the floor.
As Megan was about to reach out and touch her swollen chest, she felt a sensation that made her repeat the motion. There it was - her hand had grazed a leaf, and not one from her head. She had felt it. As she did so again and again, she felt it again and again. She tried with other leaves to her right and back, and it was all the same. Every time she touched them, she felt not only the frond on her hand but her hand on the frond as well. It made sense, in the same way that none of this made sense. When she examined the roots, there wasn't a distinction between what had been her feet, now her roots, and the original plant's roots. They were now the same, intertwined at the physical and, she could only imagine, genetic level.
Thankfully it was over. All she could see before her were her new massive boobs, obscuring the rest of her body. They must have grown at least four or five cup sizes, topped off by puffy dark green nipples that yearned for attention. Craning her neck she could see what had been done to her ass. It appeared to be modeled on beach balls, each one a globe in its own right and connected to a thick, plush thigh. Nestled between these pillowy new assets lay a fat camel toe, Megan's clit turned a matching shade to her nipples and displayed prominently, swollen so large it eclipsed her hood.
Megan's hand felt herself up, unable to believe what had happened in such a short time. To top it off, Tom was returning tomorrow – and what was he going to think when he found her like this? Megan smirked as the naughty part of her mind made a few suggestions as to what he might think – and do – but only time would tell how he'd react to Megan becoming one with his houseplants.
Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it - feedback is always appreciated.
Hello Megan,
Thank you so much for taking care of my plants while I'm away! It's pretty easy - I've even labeled them so you know which is which.
Monstera Deliciosa: This is the big one in the corner of the dining room. It needs a thorough watering every 1-2 weeks or when the first few inches of soil are dry. IMPORTANT: Don't water after 9 PM.
Prayer Plant: This one lives in the living room, between the armchair and the window. Same as above, but this one tends to be a little more thirsty, so water about every week. It also likes plant food every month added to its pot. Please drain the catch at the bottom of the pot every time you water it.
Krimson Queen: The little one in my office. Please water it thoroughly if the soil is dry – it doesn't like overwatering as it can be susceptible to root rot. For me, this is usually about every week.
Philodendron Brasil: On the window ledge in the kitchen. Same as the Krimson Queen, water about every week until water runs down into the saucer and remove the excess.
As always, if you have any questions at all or if any of the plants aren't doing well, don't hesitate to reach out. See you when I get back!
Summer had the city of San Angeles in a sweltering late-July chokehold. As the sun came up the metropolis was already uncomfortably hot and became increasingly so as it was baked to hazy perfection. Excessive heat advisories were so run-of-the-mill it was safer to assume they were perpetually in effect than not. By the time the afternoon rolled around the only places where one could find any human activity were air-conditioned buildings, swimming pools, or the overcrowded beaches.
Megan Arvel was no exception to this rule, arriving on the palm-dotted strip of sand where at least the steady breeze from the sea provided a modicum of relief. The letter from Tom was the farthest thing from her mind as she slid off her cover-up to reveal her latest article of beachwear: a silver micro bikini. The fabric, obscenely priced considering it was best measured in square centimeters, left nothing save her truly private areas to the imagination. Two tiny triangles clung to her nipples, the matching metallic thong threatening a scandal if she spread her legs too wide. Fuck, I'm such a slut, Megan "chided" herself. The truth was that Megan did this every day on her summer break and had never been happier.
As a child she'd been sheltered, growing up in a small town on the other side of the Amarillo mountains. After coming to Anchor University and getting to be on her own she discovered how much sexual attention from anyone excited her. Megan began dressing in less and less modest clothing and overhauling her wardrobe to show as much skin as she could without catching too many nasty looks from the faculty. During the summer there was no shortage of eager viewers with all the young men – and women – around to stare at her curves on the beach.
She started wading into the crowd to find a good spot, giddy with excitement as people turned to watch her. Some showed disgust, others concern, others interest, others arousal, and still others were too far away to tell. Most of them she couldn't notice – there were too many eyes on her to keep track of. All of them excited Megan. The more excited she got, the more her nipples made the bikini top irrelevant and the more stares her pert B-cups got.
A few more minutes spent negotiating the thin strip of sand that wove between towels led her to a good spot – or a tolerable one, at least. Before her was a gap of sand large enough to lay her towel and not rub elbows with her neighbors. She threw her towel to the wind, slowly bringing it to the scorching sand and spending plenty of time bent double as she adjusted the corners. Megan then produced a bottle of suntan oil from her bag. She began at her shoulders and thoroughly worked her way down her sun-kissed body. As she wrapped up the tops of her feet, she cast a glance around her neighbors. Who's my prey today, she thought, smirking as she surveyed her immediate company. A handful of young, single men were eyeing her rather obviously, but those were easy pickings. A few rows down in front of her, however, she caught a hasty glance away from a man sitting next to a woman.
Megan sauntered over to the couple, doing her best to act demure despite her almost comically lewd beachwear. "Excuse me, sorry to bother you all, but would you mind getting my back?" Megan watched as the one-piece-clad lady shot daggers at the strapping young man, caught in the middle as he sheepishly looked back and forth from Megan to her. Red tint crept onto his cheeks as the awkward silence was punctuated by seagulls wheeling overhead. Wife, Megan noted as she spied the rings the two of them were wearing. Jackpot.
"Ah, ha, ah..." his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. "Sure, yeah, I - I can get your back." he caved, standing up from his beach chair. Megan lived for the crestfallen look on his wife's face, having to do her best not to break out into a fiendish smile.
"Devon," The wife's tone spoke volumes as she tried to hide her surprise and disappointment that he'd accepted the harlot's offer.
"It'll just be a minute, honey."
Megan could feel her stare at their backs as they made their way to her spot. She laid facedown back at her spot, feeling the heat on her chest as it radiated through the towel. Devon's hands began to rub oil onto her back, traveling down her neck to her shoulder blades, working around her straps as he hastily tried to finish up the small of her back and get back without only a mild tongue-lashing.
"Lower, please." Megan cooed. She felt him hesitate, weigh his options, and finally oblige, hands inching down to where her lithe hips began to blossom out. She could feel her fingers tugging at that place in his heart where lust lives, feel his cheeks reddening, his pulse quicken, a bulge begin taking shape in his swim trunks. Again he paused, and again Megan pushed her luck.
"Lower." Oh my GOD, I'm such a little homewrecker, she thought. Megan certainly wasn't immune to the feeling building in her loins either as Devon's hands began to graze the curves of her ass. Her nipples dug into the towel as her thong did its best to absorb the growing excitement between her legs.
"Lower." Too far – the pause was longer this time, and Megan knew he'd had enough even before he spoke.
"I'm – look, I'm sorry, but I don't really think I should. You should be able to take it from here." Megan rolled onto her side to find Devon exactly as she'd pictured: cheeks on fire, conflicted grimace, and a tent between his legs. Megan made a show of noticing that last point, fixing Devon with a knowing look.
"Suit yourself. I'll be here if you wanna enjoy the show." Devon rose as Megan winked, dosing her hands to finish what he couldn't. She took great pleasure in watching him awkwardly waddle back, trying to tuck his boner into the waistband of his trunks. Her hands worked over her ass cheeks as she took a sinful delight in hearing his partner decry what he'd done. Someone's sleeping on the couch tonight.
A buzz in Megan's beach bag pulled her from her thoughts. She adjusted her sunglasses and took a closer look at her phone, struggling to see through the glare as she angled her hand to get at the screen, now displaying a text from Tom.
Hey Megan! I haven't heard from you - how are the plants doing?
Shit. No sugar coating it. Megan had forgotten about that itsy-bitsy favor Tom had asked before he left for his 6-week trip to Spain. Not that Tom had to know about it, and not that he would know about it, Megan corrected herself.
Hey Tom! No worries, they're doing great.
Megan figured her little white lie would just go unnoticed. It was just a month, wasn't it? Surely the plants were fine, and she could stop in tonight before Tom returned to make it look like she'd been taking care of the plants since he'd left. She'd finish up here and then take care of his plants, simple as that.
The hours melted away as Megan drank in the low whistles and blatant stares that sweltering afternoon. It wasn't until the sun met the horizon that she slipped her cover-up back on and headed for home. Streetlights flickered to life, illuminating overly manicured beachside hotels with hedges and grass so lush it either wasn't real or the sole cause of the city's water crisis. Block after block of luxury property passed as it transitioned to generic cityscape, the sidewalks increasingly cracked after years of thermal cycling and neglect. Megan made a right on Orville Street, heading back to the familiar landscape or discount student apartments that surrounded Anchor University. Once inside she breathed a sigh of deep relaxation, kicking off her flip-flops and adding a fine dusting of sand to the grains already deposited from her daily sojourns to the seaside.
Megan might have called her apartment lived-in, but to the average person, it was just messy. Old textbooks and notes obscured much of the table save the little square where she ate her meals. Clothes of every sort lay scattered as if by the wind, the covers of her bed thrown off and twisted into a knot. To Megan, it wasn't truly messy since she knew where everything was. Laptop? Under the coffee table, beneath the pile of magazines. Spare batteries? Under her bed, somewhere in the box that had that half-open pack of fishnets on it. Easy - she had her system, and if someone thought it was still a dump that was their problem, not hers. Besides, she was still sweating even as she pulled a frozen dinner out of the freezer and stabbed the plastic cover. The last thing she wanted to do with her summer vacation was spend it cleaning her dingy apartment. The ancient window unit struggled mightily to keep the space cool but proved far too weak for summer temperatures.
As the equally Mesozoic microwave hummed life into her lo mein, Megan turned to the only plant she kept in her apartment. It had been given to her by Tom when they had both been freshmen: a little succulent, hardly the size of a tennis ball, and consisting entirely of short, squat green leaves. He had told her its name when he first gave her it, but Megan just called him Sunny. It was the lone plant she hadn't killed in her apartment, largely because it could last months without water. While the others had all become crinkly and brown, Sunny seemed fine with Megan's once-in-a-blue-moon caretaking style. Speaking of which, she noted as she felt the dusty soil in Sunny's cup, giving him a little from the sink as the microwave chirped. It was a miracle that Tom trusted Megan to care for his plants, but then again, he didn't have much choice - most of the residents had gone afield for the summer.
Megan made short work of the MSG-laden dinner, snagged Tom's letter - tucked between the toaster oven and the wall, right where she'd left it - and set off to do damage control. It was scarcely a five minute given they lived in the same complex, deserted halls and sidewalks her only company as she crossed the overgrown central courtyard. Insects crooned all around her as they celebrated the coming of the marginally cooler night air.
Tom's apartment was tidy, far tidier than Megan's. The kitchen table was clear save for the watering can, plant food, and a duplicate of the letter. The vacuum had made its rounds before he left, and the place smelled like citrus-scented cleaner. The only items that looked out of place were the plants. The one in the living room looked like it was dying for water, leaves fringed with a worrying amount of brown and yellow. A panicked search of the other locations turned up similar results.
Pulling out her phone Megan contemplated texting Tom and got halfway through drafting an urgent message before realizing it was the crack of dawn in Europe. Besides, she wanted to seem competent. He'd paid her well to do this and, green thumb or not, she wasn't about to let him down.
A bit of Googling assuaged her fears. The plants, although they all looked a little withered after nearly a month of negligence, would be fine if she just added water in the amounts Tom had put in the letter. She skimmed the letter: dining room, living room, office, kitchen. All were past their due date, so Megan just hefted the watering pail over to the sink and got to it. She set to work, starting with the smaller ones and working her way up to the big one in the dining room. Mentally Megan knew that plants didn't have feelings, but she could swear they perked up the minute she added water and breathed a sigh of relief.
The giant plant in the dining room turned out to be a little difficult to water, as it stood a head taller than she did and was planted in a vessel that bore more resemblance to an urn than a flowerpot. Megan had to delve into the foliage to get close enough to locate the bedding. Emptied the last of the contents into the loamy bedding, Megan was taken aback when a tendril reached out and fastened itself around her wrist. It couldn't have been much thicker than a rubber band but felt like a steel cable, the force of its sudden pull causing the watering can to clatter to the floor. Megan pulled on the tendril in a bid to escape the embrace, only managing to rock the urn slightly and rustle the leaves.
It was then that she vaguely remembered something about not watering one of the plants after 9 PM. So much good that's gonna do me now, she fumed, planting a foot against the urn and pulling until she felt like her shoulder was about to dislocate. The plant, a rather special variant of Monstera Deliciosa known as domina prehenderat, made no haste in catching its prey. Another emerald tendril struck a course for Megan's other wrist as she dove into her pockets for keys to try and slice her way free.
Taking advantage of the tropical plant's lackadaisical nature, Megan wasted no time in taking the makeshift blade to the shoot anchoring her right hand to Tom's flora. While she did manage to get through the outer hide and make some progress in sawing through to the white inner fibers, the Monstera took notice. The second vine hastened its approach as it arrested Megan's left wrist. The end seemed to split into hundreds of hairsbreadth appendages, worming between her fingers and forcing her fingers open, the keys joining the watering pail on the floor.
"What the fuck?" Megan snarled under her breath, half in terror and half in frustration. She'd never seen a plant do anything like this before, and the sight of three more ropey fasteners erupting from the dirt only made Tom's warning that much clearer. She'd never heard of a carnivorous plant that ate humans, but perhaps she was the first such victim.
The next ten minutes made Megan feel as though she was a mouse in a glue trap. She continued resisting, planting her feet and pulling, yanking, even biting the tendrils to try to get free. The monstrous plant plodded on at a speed that seemed almost insultingly unbothered by Megan's protests and resistance. Tendrils grew and spread out all over her body, snaking beneath the cover-up and the micro bikini she'd worn to the beach. Filaments wove up her arms, pulling her in until she had to place her feet into the urn to avoid toppling over. Once there her feet got the same treatment, verdant shoots weaving between her toes, fastening around her ankles, and then gliding up her smooth calves and thighs, the force of their steady tightening burying her feet in the rich, tropical potting soil.
By the time vines were entwining her neck and torso, Megan had given up. Her shouts and grunts of effort and frustration were now a mix of whimpering and morbid fascination as she watched each tendril spread out and adhere to her sun-kissed skin. There were probably worse ways to die, she figured. Like burning alive. Or being shot. Hell, who even said this plant was going to kill her? Maybe Tom just kept a guard plant and would have it unhand her when he returned tomorrow night. Fat chance, she thought as she shook her head at the idea. Guard plant – as if! At least the warning meant Tom in some way knew about this odd feature of his plant. Monstera had now covered virtually all of Megan in its vines, binding her arms down in front of her and the tension keeping her standing upright as it began assimilating its new prey.
The plant had begun to do something new, and Megan could feel it. Little icy pinpricks, starting at her feet and working their way up in rhythmic waves bristled against her skin. She craned her neck, looking down at the cobwebs of vines but not seeing any indication of what was going on – they appeared to be resting peacefully on her. The first few waves hurt a little, but after the initial prickles the cooling sensation felt wonderful on her skin.
No. No, I shouldn't be enjoying this, I should be getting out, Megan corrected herself. She wondered momentarily if she could just knock the plant over and escape, but a few fleeting tries went nowhere, the urn barely budging. Whatever, she figured. If this plant is gonna eat me, at least it's giving me what feels like an upscale spa treatment while doing so.
The little pinpricks were beginning to feel hotter – and deeper. Were they? No – Megan could swear they felt like they were in her muscles, giving her the most thorough deep tissue massage she'd ever received. No pair of hands could match this – it'd take 20 pairs alone to equal the dining room ornament's coverage on Megan's body. She couldn't help herself as her shoulders relaxed, her core loosened, and the tightness in her glutes and calves released. Megan let out a deep breath, unaware of the potent dose of muscle relaxants the Monstera was pumping directly into her bloodstream – plus a cocktail of mutation enzymes. Even if she were, there wasn't much she could do.
Just as she was beginning to look back up and close her eyes, Megan spied something that made her do a double-take. Right there, right on her thigh, a little green splotch had begun to slowly bloom. She blinked, but it remained there. A few dazzled moments later, another began to spread out over her midsection, a rough circle that seemed to spread like moss beneath her skin, turning it from a healthy bronze to a shiny emerald texture. She involuntarily squirmed as the restraints held her in place, more patches blooming on her tits, her ass, her shoulders, arms, hands, neck, and even face if she could see it. Nowhere was safe as the Monstera remade Megan in its image, giving her a healthy, glossy, viridescent skin that, if touched, would give one the impression of ripe fruit.
Megan was stunned into silence as she drank in her changes. It was only now that she realized her legs couldn't move. She could move her hips a little, and bend at the knee, but her legs were welded together where they had once touched, save her thigh gap. They still presented as two distinct pillars supporting her, but in appearance only. Her feet, too, were gone. She couldn't feel them anymore – when she wiggled her toes, everything felt stiff and rigid, the closest sensation she could call to mind being when she used to bury her feet in mud as a kid. She carefully bent at her waist and knees to investigate further. Sure enough, as she probed beneath the soil, her feet had morphed into countless intertwining brown roots – or perhaps merged with the Monstera's roots, it was impossible to tell. It was all the same, Megan able to feel the contours of her urn as she got used to the sensation of her new root system.
Pricks of pain bubbled up on Megan's scalp, her hands immediately seeking the source of the sudden pain. The skin of her scalp felt like it was melting, layers peeling away alarmingly quickly. Pulling her hands away made her stomach drop a little: both gripped chunks of her chestnut hair, shockingly untainted given the rest of her body. Well, maybe being bald isn't the worst thing given... this, she thought as she glanced down at her verdant coloration. Megan had to immediately eat her words. She wasn't going bald at all; she felt a familiar weight returning that had been lifted moments ago, growing out from her head and rolling down her shoulders. Whatever it was, it wasn't hair - it didn't feel soft or fuzzy but rather cool and springy. Megan was a little afraid to see what had transpired but forced a hand to her head anyway. Holding it out so she could see, a frond of Monstera Deliciosa loomed over her face, hand-like leaves letting light trickle between their fenestrations. The rest of her hair was the same, long vines studded with leaves that grew right out from her head. No more shampoo, I guess, Megan thought. The fact that, of all things, that was what her stressed-out mind came up with when confronted with what was before her made her laugh, if only at the absurdity of her situation.
To Megan's surprise, the nearly exhausted plant had one last change in store for her. She began feeling a pulsing in the core of her body, just below the ribcage. It was subtle at first but as it grew and began to encompass more and more of her body in waves, each one stronger than the last. Her leaves quivered in anticipation with each passing flux before she began to notice what was taking shape. A tightness developed in her breasts and hips, and with each pulse her body felt like it was about to burst. In minutes the erogenous zones were so tight as to render them immobile, feeling uncomfortable pressure under her jade skin.
All at once, just when it began to border on genuine pain, the pulses stopped – and the release began. Megan felt the pressure ease as her curves began to swell. They were slow at first but gathered steam at an alarming rate. Her tits pushed out well beyond what her micro bikini could handle, the straps digging into her new bosom before it snapped the strings and sent it to the floor in tatters. Her hips followed suit, her expanding ass and thighs first swallowing the thong she had on before tearing it at the seams and spitting it onto the floor.
As Megan was about to reach out and touch her swollen chest, she felt a sensation that made her repeat the motion. There it was - her hand had grazed a leaf, and not one from her head. She had felt it. As she did so again and again, she felt it again and again. She tried with other leaves to her right and back, and it was all the same. Every time she touched them, she felt not only the frond on her hand but her hand on the frond as well. It made sense, in the same way that none of this made sense. When she examined the roots, there wasn't a distinction between what had been her feet, now her roots, and the original plant's roots. They were now the same, intertwined at the physical and, she could only imagine, genetic level.
Thankfully it was over. All she could see before her were her new massive boobs, obscuring the rest of her body. They must have grown at least four or five cup sizes, topped off by puffy dark green nipples that yearned for attention. Craning her neck she could see what had been done to her ass. It appeared to be modeled on beach balls, each one a globe in its own right and connected to a thick, plush thigh. Nestled between these pillowy new assets lay a fat camel toe, Megan's clit turned a matching shade to her nipples and displayed prominently, swollen so large it eclipsed her hood.
Megan's hand felt herself up, unable to believe what had happened in such a short time. To top it off, Tom was returning tomorrow – and what was he going to think when he found her like this? Megan smirked as the naughty part of her mind made a few suggestions as to what he might think – and do – but only time would tell how he'd react to Megan becoming one with his houseplants.
Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it - feedback is always appreciated.
Hi there! I'm a 23-year-old woman, renting out my body to pay for medical school. I work with an agency that uses neuralink implants to let my renters see through my eyes, control my actions, and essentially live in my skin while I'm unconscious. Once their session is over, I wake up without any recollection of what they've done. It's like I was asleep or in a coma, but meanwhile my body was up and about doing things. The industry calls us 'bodies for rent' or 'meatsuits', though some of us prefer to be known as 'surrogates'.
I let people rent my meatsuit (and I can’t remember it) AMA
Hi there! I'm a 23-year-old woman, renting out my body to pay for medical school. I work with an agency that uses neuralink implants to let my renters see through my eyes, control my actions, and essentially live in my skin while I'm unconscious. Once their session is over, I wake up without any recollection of what they've done. It's like I was asleep or in a coma, but meanwhile my body was up and about doing things. The industry calls us 'bodies for rent' or 'meatsuits', though some of us prefer to be known as 'surrogates'.
It sounds scary, but it's completely safe, regulated, and - dare I say it - kinda fun. Let's get into all the gritty realities of the renting industry. Ask me anything!
How does it feel when you wake up after being 'rented'? Any physical fatigue?
Great question! It's a bit like waking up from a deep sleep. There's a period of disorientation, but that clears up quickly. As for physical fatigue, it depends on what my body has been doing. If my renter had been doing strenuous activities, then yes, I might feel a little worn out.
Aren't you afraid that someone might misuse your body?
That's a common concern, but the industry has safeguards in place. Renters sign contracts agreeing not to harm the body or engage in illegal activities. Plus, there's constant monitoring by a neutral third party during the rental period. If anything suspicious happens, they can shut down the session.
How much can you make in this business?
It varies depending on factors like the duration of the session, what the renter plans to do, and even the desirability of the surrogate. I make a comfortable amount, enough to pay my medical school tuition and living expenses.
Can you sense anything while being rented? Any kind of dreams?
Not at all. It's like being in a very deep sleep, without dreams. I wake up completely blank, with no memory or sensation from the rental period.
Do people ever have sex or masturbate when they rent you?
Yes, of course, it’s part of the job. I basically expect more often than not to have the renter touch me. It’s not as bad as it sounds – it’s basically my hand doing it, after all. Sometimes I feel a little sore after – especially when I’m rented by guys, who tend to be a bit less gentle with my body – but nothing serious.
Do your friends and family know about this? How do they feel?
Yes, they know, and it took some time for them to understand. They were concerned at first, but they've seen how regulated and safe it is, and how it's helping me achieve my dream of becoming a doctor. So, they're supportive now!
How did you get into this business?
I stumbled upon an advertisement and was intrigued. I did my research, understood the risks and benefits, and decided it was a viable way to finance my medical studies. And here I am!
Any advice for someone considering becoming a surrogate?
Do your homework. Understand the pros and cons. Consider the physical and mental aspects - remember, your body might be doing things you're not used to. Also, ensure you're working with a reputable company. There are sketchy operators out there.
What was your most memorable experience after waking up from a rental period?
There was this one time when I woke up in a beautiful dress, covered in glitter and glam, standing in the middle of what seemed to be a high-end fashion event. The smooth silk of the dress hugged my body, contrasting starkly against the cold, air-conditioned atmosphere of the venue. The dress was a stunning shade of midnight blue, matching the color of my eyes, and it was sprinkled with silver glitters, twinkling as they caught the spotlights. High heels elongated my petite frame, although they made my feet ache a bit. People were clapping and cheering, and I had this feeling of exhilaration that lingered even after the confusion had passed.
The aroma of rich perfume and champagne wafted through the air, and my lips tasted faintly of a delicate canapé. My hands were a little shaky from the adrenaline, and I felt the cool touch of a glass of bubbly in my right hand. I could tell by the appreciative eyes and stunned silence that my renter had just pulled off a fantastic runway walk.
I felt strangely empowered, stepping out of my usual comfort zone of t-shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes, into this glamorous world of fashion, something I'd never dare to do on my own. The moment felt almost surreal, like a scene straight out of a movie. I loved the feeling of confidence, of owning the room. Even though it wasn't me who had strutted down the catwalk, a small part of that boldness lingered, reminding me of my own potential.
Have you ever felt violated or uneasy after a rental session?
Yes, there have been moments of discomfort. One time, I woke up in a very crowded place, in the middle of a music festival. I’m a bit of an introvert, so waking up in such a noisy, chaotic environment was quite jarring. My body was adorned in a loose crop top, denim shorts, and a floral headband – typical festival attire, but it felt strange since I usually prefer more conservative clothing. My hair, normally tied up in a neat bun, was let loose and felt messy with dried sweat and probably some beer someone had spilled.
I could still feel the throb of the loud music in my ears, the vibrations settling into my body, like a low hum beneath my skin. My feet ached from dancing, my throat was parched, and there was a residual taste of beer and cheap festival food on my tongue. My hands were stained with neon paint, evidence of the craziness of the night. The faint smell of sweat, alcohol, and smoke clung to my skin, making me feel a bit dirty.
I remember feeling lost and out of place among the sea of enthusiastic festival-goers. Although the monitors had ended the rental as soon as I started to regain consciousness, the sudden shift from unconscious tranquility to overwhelming sensory stimulation was a shock. I felt a twinge of unease, realizing how vulnerable I was during these rentals, but it also reminded me of the importance of trust in this profession.
Have you ever considered renting out your body for more extended periods, like a week or a month?
I've given it some thought, but there are practical and emotional challenges to consider. Physically, the neuralink is designed for shorter periods – up to 24 hours. So, waking up in the same clothes I wore a day ago is common, sometimes with minor changes like a different pair of shoes or an added accessory. My body, toned from regular exercise and yoga, would handle the physical strain quite well, but there is a limit to how long the technology can keep my consciousness suppressed. The device needs to be recharged, and my body needs rest and rejuvenation.
Emotionally, there's a strange intimacy in sharing my body for such extended periods. Every time I wake up after a rental, it's as though a veil is lifted from my eyes. There's a brief moment of disorientation, like a foggy morning, where I'm not quite sure where I am or what has happened. My fingers would glide over the fabric of my clothes, tracing the alien feel of a shirt or a dress that I didn’t remember putting on. There's a rush of sensations, the leftover smells of where my renter has been, the lingering tastes on my tongue, and the physical echoes of their activities.
Imagine that feeling extended for a week or a month. Imagine the shift in my daily routines, my eating habits, and my social interactions. My body would live a life that my mind wasn't a part of. As it stands, the rental periods are already a leap of faith, a testament to my trust in the technology, the system, and the people who rent me. Prolonging the rental period only escalates the implications.
However, the notion isn't without its appeal. I could potentially earn more, and it might provide a unique opportunity for me to experience different lives. But for now, the constraints outweigh the benefits. I've chosen to prioritize my sense of self, my personal boundaries, and the preservation of my own life experiences.
Do you have any plans for after medical school? Will you continue to be a surrogate?
Once I'm done with medical school, I plan to specialize in neurology. Being a surrogate has given me an intriguing perspective on how our brain functions and how advanced technology like neuralink can integrate with it. I'm eager to dive deeper, to understand the complex mysteries of our brains. My body, though petite and young, has become a fascinating landscape for my academic curiosity. Each pulse in my veins, every breath I take, has become a testament to the marvels of human biology and technology intertwined.
As for continuing as a surrogate, it's unlikely. Once I start my practice, my focus will be on my patients. I won’t have the time, or the emotional bandwidth, to lend my body to others. Plus, there's a certain comfort in the idea of regaining exclusive ownership of my body. To wake up in my bed, in my clothes, knowing that whatever memories I have from the previous day are my own, sounds incredibly comforting after a few years of sharing it with people.
There's a strange satisfaction in being a surrogate. It's not just about the money, although that's a significant factor. It's about providing a service, allowing people to experience life from a different perspective. There's a sense of pride, of fulfillment, in knowing that my body can help fulfill someone else's dream or desire, even if I don't remember any of it. So, while I look forward to focusing on my medical career, I'll always cherish the experiences and insights I've gained as a surrogate.
Ever stumbled upon photos or videos of yourself from a rental session you don't remember?
Yes, it's happened on more than one occasion. There's something strangely unnerving about seeing photos or videos of yourself in action, knowing that you don’t remember a single moment of it.
The first time this happened, I was scrolling through social media when I found a picture of myself at a charity marathon. My usually fair complexion was flushed with exertion, sweat glinting on my forehead, my blonde hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, strands sticking to my moist skin. The tight runner’s outfit clung to my petite frame, accentuating my toned muscles, highlighting my runner's posture. In the photo, I was crossing the finish line, arms in the air, a picture of triumph and satisfaction.
Seeing myself there, the exuberance on my face, the sheer exhilaration in my wide, bright eyes was surreal. It felt like looking at a doppelganger or a twin, someone who shared my body, my face, but lived experiences that I didn’t remember. It was as if this 'other me' had successfully completed a marathon, something I'd never done. It was a bizarre mixture of pride and confusion, seeing a triumphant moment that I had no recollection of.
There were a few other times that it happened – one in particular was pretty creepy – but there’s no rule against it right now, so, you know.
Have you ever confronted a renter about the things they've done while renting your body?
I’ve never directly confronted a renter, but there have been times when I've requested the agency to talk to them. Once, I found a video of myself eating a tarantula at a food festival. My stomach churned as I watched 'me' in the video, sporting a wide grin, taking a big bite of the deep-fried spider, savoring the crunch with evident delight.
I remembered feeling a bizarre disconnect as I watched my own fingers delicately holding the spider, the crunch echoing in my ears as I bit down, the sound so vivid, it felt real. My heart pounded as my face on the screen twisted into an expression of joy and satisfaction, my blue eyes twinkling with daring and adventure. The image haunted me, even when I had closed my eyes, the back of my eyelids mirroring the ghastly sight. The discomfort was so intense that I had to reach out to the agency, reminding them of my arachnophobia and the importance of renters respecting the surrogate's personal boundaries.
The process was quite straightforward, actually. The agency assured me they would remind the renter of the rules. The interesting (and perhaps, unnerving) part of this whole situation was the realization of how much control I had surrendered. While I was tucked safely away in the realm of unconsciousness, my body was out there, in the world, engaging in activities I’d never imagine doing in a conscious state. It brought up a mix of feelings – a tad of unease, a hint of exhilaration, and an odd sense of curiosity about what my body is capable of when untethered from my conscious mind.
It was unsettling to find a video of myself doing something that was so contradictory to my personality. Yet, it was also an opportunity for me to face my fear, albeit in a roundabout way. It didn't cure my arachnophobia, but it did make me question how much of our fears are mental barriers. It was like staring at a reflection of what I could potentially be, unbound by personal fears or biases. And in a twisted way, it was liberating.
Although I don’t wish for a repeat of such experiences, these instances have pushed me to reflect on myself and consider my perceptions. They've nudged me out of my comfort zone and made me realize the extraordinary adaptability of the human mind and body. And for that, I am oddly grateful.
Have you ever found provocative photos of yourself from a rental session? How did you react?
Yes, I have. One incident that particularly stands out was when I stumbled upon a series of photos of me dressed as a 'catgirl' at what seemed to be a cosplay event.
In these images, I was dressed in a black, form-fitting bodysuit that hugged my petite figure, accentuating my curves. Ears pointed upwards were attached to a headband on my blonde hair, which was styled into playful, loose curls. A long, fluffy tail was clipped onto the back of the bodysuit, and a mischievous smirk played on my face. My eyes were highlighted with dramatic, catlike makeup, and I had a delicate, diamond-shaped nose and whiskers painted on. Completing the look were long, black gloves and boots, adding a certain allure to the whole ensemble.
Seeing myself in this provocative outfit was an unnerving experience. I've always been more of a modest dresser, preferring comfort and functionality over fashion or trends. My heart pounded in my chest as I looked at the photos. My cheeks, usually fair, turned a deep shade of red, my body reacting to the shock and embarrassment even though my mind was still trying to process what it was seeing.
Despite the initial shock, I had to admire the artistry involved. The attention to detail in the costume and makeup was impeccable. My body looked confident, empowered, even seductive - a stark contrast to my usual demeanor. There was an undeniable beauty in the images that I couldn't ignore, a transformation so complete that it was hard to believe it was me.
Although this incident did make me feel uncomfortable, it also forced me to confront my own perceptions of my body and my sexuality. It showed me a version of myself that I had never considered before, pushing me to reassess my boundaries and my comfort zones.
These photos served as a reminder of how diverse and varied human experiences can be, and how our bodies can be a canvas for different forms of expression. It wasn't an easy experience, but it was a learning opportunity for me. Since then, I've become more open-minded, learning to embrace the unexpected and finding beauty in all forms of self-expression.
What's the most bizarre situation you've found yourself in after a rental session?
One of the most bizarre situations I've woken up to was when I found myself at a beach party, covered in chocolate, and wearing a bikini.
The moment my consciousness resurfaced, I was greeted by the smell of salt and sunscreen, underscored by the sweet scent of melted chocolate. My skin felt sticky, and as I glanced down, I saw my petite body donned in a vibrant red bikini, smothered with chocolate sauce. The droplets were scattered like modern art across the soft, fair skin of my abdomen, my arms, and even my legs. The sunlight glinted off the slick coating, giving me an oddly shiny appearance.
Around me, people were laughing and cheering, music blaring from nearby speakers. The party seemed to be in full swing, the beach lined with young people engaged in various activities - some were playing beach volleyball, others were tanning, sipping cocktails, or dancing to the lively music. A makeshift stage had been set up nearby, and it seemed like I had just participated in a chocolate-themed competition.
The sandy grit beneath my feet, the comforting warmth of the sun on my chocolate-covered skin, the riotous noise of the party, all contributed to a sensory overload. But amidst the chaos, there was also an underlying feeling of exhilaration and freedom, a giddy aftertaste of what seemed to have been a wild and enjoyable event.
Despite the initial shock, a part of me couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. There was something incredibly surreal and yet comically charming about it. Extracting myself from the party, I made my way towards the sea, intending to wash off the chocolate and to reclaim a sense of normalcy. As the cool waves lapped against my legs, I remember feeling a renewed sense of appreciation for my unusual job. While it occasionally landed me in sticky situations (quite literally in this case), it also made for some truly unforgettable experiences.
Have you ever found photos taken by a renter afterwards, anything embarrassing?
Oh, you have no idea. There was this one time when I woke up to find a series of pictures on my phone that left me both amused and perplexed.
The first photo showed me in a bright yellow chicken costume. My usually petite and slender figure was enveloped in a fluffy, oversized suit, complete with a red plume on top. My face, usually serene or focused, was contorted into a comical squawk, my mouth wide open, my eyes squeezed shut in exaggerated expression.
Next, I found a picture of myself wearing a pair of oversized glasses, their frames so large they covered half my face, my blue eyes appearing comically magnified. A fluorescent green wig was placed haphazardly on my head, strands of synthetic hair falling over my forehead. My lips were stretched into a goofy grin, my cheeks dimpled with laughter.
The photo parade continued with me donning an array of humorous costumes – a pirate with a plastic hook, a faux fur-lined onesie of a unicorn, a clown with a red nose and oversized shoes. In each photo, I was making different faces - there was a mock-scared expression, a wide-eyed surprise, a faux-angry scowl, and many more.
A couple got a little bit more lewd. There were a few, um, revealing selfies in the mix – one where they’d stuck my tongue out and rolled my eyes back in a pretty stupid looking way. And one really embarrassing one where they were basically naked and cupping my boobs for the camera. I did have a word with the agency after that one – the renters aren’t meant to do that.
Does your body ever feel different when you return to it? Like, sore, worn out, used differently?
Absolutely, my body often feels different when I return to it after a rental session. It’s almost like getting reacquainted with a familiar yet slightly altered space.
One instance that particularly stands out was after a renter who was evidently a dance enthusiast had used my body. I woke up in a dance studio, my reflection mirrored in the wall-length mirror. My petite frame was dressed in a flowing, practice skirt and a snug-fitting top. My blonde hair, usually worn down, was pulled up into a tight, professional bun.
When I moved, I felt a certain soreness in my muscles that I wasn’t used to. It was clear that my body had been stretching and moving in ways that were unfamiliar. My calves throbbed slightly, hinting at an intense session of pointe work. My shoulders and back felt looser, likely the result of expressive modern dance movements.
Despite the soreness, there was also an underlying sense of satisfaction. I could tell that my body had been put through a substantial, yet enjoyable workout. As I moved, I could feel a fluidity in my motions, a rhythm that seemed to resonate in my muscles. It was as if my body had picked up a faint echo of the dance, a lingering melody imprinted in the way I moved.
In these moments, my body sometimes feels like an instrument that has been played beautifully and then set aside. There’s a feeling of having been ‘used’ – not in a negative sense, but in the way that a well-loved book is used, its pages turned carefully, its spine bearing the imprints of a reader's hands. There’s a sense of having been part of someone else’s story, even if just for a while.
So wait, you wake up in random positions after each session? What happens if you don't know how to get home after, haha
Haha, yes, I do wake up in different places following a rental session, but it's not as chaotic as it sounds.
Renters are required to ensure I'm in a safe environment before the rental period ends. This rule is strictly enforced by the agency, ensuring that I don't wake up in dangerous or compromising situations. The location can be anywhere - a park, a café, a shopping mall, even a dance studio, as I mentioned in an earlier response. But whatever the location, safety is paramount.
As for getting back home, that's rarely been a problem. My phone is always with me, and it has all the necessary apps and information for navigation. Plus, we live in an era where rideshares are just a few taps away.
However, there was this one time when I woke up in a botanical garden. It was early evening, the setting sun casting long, golden shadows around me. I was seated on a park bench, amidst a riot of colorful flowers and lush greenery. A gentle breeze was playing with my blonde curls, carrying the scent of earth and blooming roses. The tranquillity of the scene was almost meditative.
Despite not immediately recognizing the place, a quick check on my phone showed it to be within the city limits. Instead of rushing home, I decided to take my time exploring the garden, reveling in the unexpected treat. It was a refreshing change of pace from my usual, fast-paced life. Moments like these make the unpredictable nature of my work not just tolerable, but sometimes surprisingly rewarding.
Do people ever... you know... need to use the toilet when you're being rented?
That's a part of the reality not often talked about, isn't it? Yes, biological needs don't stop during a rental session. The human body, including mine, continues to function as usual - this includes needing to use the toilet.
However, I must assure you that the agency has regulations in place to ensure that renters deal with such situations appropriately. Before a rental session, every renter is thoroughly briefed about treating the body with respect and maintaining personal hygiene.
The first time I woke up in a restroom, I must admit it was a bit disconcerting. I was in a posh restaurant's restroom, staring at my reflection in a tastefully framed mirror. My body was dressed in an elegant black cocktail dress, my blonde hair swept into an intricate updo. My usually bare face had a dash of makeup - a subtle smoky eye and a soft pink lip color.
What startled me was not the environment, but the stark realisation of the intimacy that the rental process implied. In that moment I understood that my renters weren't just walking in my shoes; they were living in my skin. It brought a level of humility and vulnerability that took me a while to get used to.
Over time, however, I've come to terms with it. It's a part of the job, as mundane as it might sound. And it underscores the fact that even when dressed up for an elegant evening out, the human body has its fundamental needs that don't pause for anyone, renter or otherwise. It's a humbling reminder of our shared biology, stripping away the glamour and bringing us down to the basics of existence.
Wait, you woke up in a restroom? Why did they take your body somewhere else before dismounting? Did something go wrong?
It's an interesting question, and to be honest, each rental experience can be quite unique, including where I regain consciousness.
In the case of the restroom scenario, nothing actually went wrong. Renters are advised to ensure I'm in a safe and private location before the rental period ends. In this particular case, I suspect the renter wanted to ensure privacy at the moment of dismounting, which is why they chose a restroom – I suppose they didn’t want to waste their rental minutes walking back through the city.
When I regained consciousness, I was in the ladies' room. Despite the initial disorientation, the transition was smooth. I was safe, and as per the regulations, my dignity and privacy were maintained.
In such circumstances, it's vital to maintain composure and confidence, which is something I've learned with experience. While it can feel strange to navigate these post-rental situations, it's also a fascinating exploration of human behavior and norms. It's like jumping into the middle of a movie and trying to figure out the plot. And in a strange way, that's part of the appeal for me. It keeps life interesting.
What happens to the renter's bodies while they control yours?
While the renters are controlling my body, their own bodies are in a state of neural stasis, almost akin to being in a deep sleep or a coma. The Neuralink technology takes over the function of their neural signals, effectively allowing their consciousness to be projected into my body. However, their bodies do require care during this time, which is where the agency comes in.
The agency has a specialized facility where renters' bodies are looked after during the rental period. They're kept in a safe, controlled environment, with continuous monitoring of vital signs to ensure their physical well-being. Medical professionals are always on standby to intervene if any health concerns arise.
I once had the chance to visit this facility. It was a rather surreal experience, seeing rows of bodies lying still, as if in a peaceful sleep. The room was bathed in a soft, soothing light, the air regulated to maintain an optimal temperature. The silence was punctuated by the occasional beep of a heart monitor, lending a rhythmic undertone to the tranquility.
It felt oddly serene, each body representing a person exploring the world in a different form. I remember standing there, thinking about the paradox of the situation - the quiet, unmoving bodies and the vibrant, active minds experiencing life through rented bodies.
This level of care gives me peace of mind, knowing that my renters are taken care of while they're renting my body. It also underscores the mutual trust inherent in this process - while they trust me with their consciousness, I trust them with my body, all the while knowing that we both are in safe hands.
I couldn't imagine doing that work. What if someone made you do something illegal! Or creepy!
While there are thorough safeguards in place to prevent misuse of the rental service, there was one instance that gave me quite a bit of a scare. It's an interesting story about a renter who got too attached to the rental experience and crossed some boundaries.
This individual, let's call him John, had rented my body a few times, and initially, everything seemed fine. However, over time, his behavior started to become problematic. He began requesting my body more frequently, and started leaving me in places that were meaningful to him - his favorite coffee shop, the park where he used to play as a child, and once even outside his apartment.
It was disorienting and unnerving to say the least. Waking up outside John's apartment was particularly alarming. It was late at night, and the street was bathed in the harsh, white glow of the streetlights. I was dressed in casual jeans and a t-shirt, my hair pulled back in a loose ponytail. The quiet, residential area felt foreign and eerily silent, the only sound being the occasional rustling of leaves in the breeze.
I started receiving messages from John too, filled with sentiments that were too intimate, too personal. It was as if he was confusing me with someone he knew closely or someone he wished to be close with. The messages made me uncomfortable, their tone straying from friendly to obsessive.
Then he began sending me photographs - selfies he had taken while renting my body. In each of these images, my body was in various scenarios, some casual, others more intimate.
One of the first pictures was of 'me' at his favorite coffee shop, sipping on a caramel latte. The backdrop was familiar to me - the vintage posters on the wall, the warm, wooden interior of the café. My body was casually dressed, a cozy sweater hugging my petite frame, my blonde hair tumbling over my shoulders. It was as if he had taken me on a casual, coffee date.
At first, I found it a bit amusing, even endearing. Here was a man so taken by the experience of renting my body that he wanted to share his moments with me. It was a new angle to the renting experience that I hadn't considered before - the renter wanting to connect on a more personal level.
As more photographs followed, the tone of them started to change. There was one where 'I' was standing on the edge of a rooftop, the city lights glittering in the background. My body, clad in a fitting leather jacket and ripped jeans, seemed to emanate an air of recklessness that was not me. It was unnerving, a stark contrast to the earlier, cozy coffee shop picture.
Some photos of my feet came next, which was kind of odd, and then my own face making a kissy face at the camera. Ugh. Then came the intimate ones - a picture of 'me' lounging on a bed, dressed in a silk nightgown, a soft smile playing on 'my' lips. The familiarity of the scenario, coupled with the knowledge that it wasn't truly me, left me with an uncomfortable feeling, a breach of privacy that was hard to ignore.
That's when it dawned on me that this was more than just a renter enjoying his experiences - it was veering into an obsessive territory. I could see John blurring the lines between the rented experience and real connection, transforming the relationship into something it was not supposed to be.
Things took a turn for the more disturbing when I received a video from John.
I remember when the notification popped up on my phone, it was late at night, and I was just wrapping up some study session. Intrigued and admittedly a little apprehensive, I clicked on the message.
The video was a selfie, but not just any selfie – it was John, renting my body, talking directly into the camera. He’s dressed me in a guy’s business shirt, boxers, and nothing else. The shirt was unbuttoned, and you could see my bare breasts underneath, pretty much totally exposed.
He was sat *outside* on a park bench, legs spread, leaning back with a smirk. He winked at the camera, a mischievous glint in his eyes, before launching into a monologue. The topics were all over the place - he shared his thoughts on books he liked, mused about our supposed 'connection', even hinted at plans he had for future rentals. His gestures were expressive, my hands moving animatedly as he spoke, the sunlight bouncing off the silver watch wrapped around his wrist. The watch was his, I’d never seen it before.
Throughout the video, he wore a knowing smile that was a clear departure from my typical expressions. It was chillingly intimate, uncomfortably personal. Here was a man who seemed to be under the delusion that he was developing a personal, almost romantic relationship with me, despite the starkly impersonal nature of our interaction.
Watching that video, it became clear to me that I needed to act. His delusions, his growing obsession was not just disturbing but potentially dangerous. It was then that I decided to report him to the agency. Despite the uncomfortable circumstances, I take solace in knowing that the system worked as it should, ensuring safety and enforcing boundaries when necessary. It served as a stark reminder of the potential risks and oddities I might face in my unique line of work.
Do renters take care of you? Like, do they eat properly? Exercise?
While renters are usually respectful, it's important to remember that for them, renting a body is often seen as a kind of vacation or escape from their own lives. As such, they might not stick to the same kind of diet and exercise routines I typically do.
There have been times when I've woken up to the remnants of a food binge - empty pizza boxes, chocolate wrappers, ice cream tubs - the works. It's amusing in a way, a clear indication of the renter letting loose and enjoying their 'time off'. I've found myself in the middle of a carnival, the sweet scent of cotton candy lingering on my tongue, or sometimes at an upscale restaurant, the remnants of a steak dinner still on the plate.
Exercise, unfortunately, doesn't seem to be a priority for most renters. Understandably, hitting the gym or going for a run might not be their idea of a fun time while renting someone else's body. As a result, I have to put in the extra work to maintain my fitness and health.
It's an interesting trade-off - I get to pay for medical school, and they get to take a break from their own lives, diets, and routines. It does add an extra layer of challenge to my life, but it's one I've grown accustomed to. I've learned to appreciate the workout sessions, the way my muscles ache after a good run or the soothing burn of a yoga routine. It's a part of my life that's wholly mine, a piece of routine and normalcy amidst the chaotic nature of my job.
At the end of the day, it's about understanding and accepting that my body is shared space. I do my best to provide a fit, healthy body for my renters to use, and in return, they give me the means to chase my dreams.
Hey meatsuitAMA, ever woke up with a badass tattoo that you didn't remember getting?
Ha! Luckily, no! The agency's pretty strict about that stuff - no permanent changes to the body, and that includes tattoos. Although, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about what kind of ink a renter might choose.
Do you ever feel like you're missing out on your own life?
Damn, you're getting deep on me, aren't ya? It's a trip, no doubt. I mean, one minute I'm me, next I'm catching up on the shenanigans some renter got up to. But hey, at least I'm missing out on my life for a good cause, right? And who knows, maybe one day I'll wake up with a Nobel Prize because some renter used my body to solve quantum physics or something!
So, what if a renter decides to go skydiving or bungee jumping?
Well, they're supposed to stick to a set of ground rules, and extreme sports is a big no-no. But honestly? If someone secretly went skydiving with my body, I'd be pissed I missed out on the thrill! But for real, don't do that, future renters. I don't want my heart giving out at 22.
Are you ever scared of not getting your body back?
Haha, you know how to keep a girl up at night. But no, the tech's solid, and I trust the agency. But you bet your ass I've had some nightmares about that. If my body goes on a world tour without me, I better at least get a postcard.
Do your friends or family know about your job?
Well, mom knows, and she wasn't thrilled, let me tell ya. Tried to get me to consider waitressing or something. But my pals think it's pretty cool. And it's one hell of an ice breaker at parties. Imagine - "Hey, I'm meatsuitAMA, I rent out my body for a living. Pass the chips?"
What happens if the renter gets drunk or high?
Don't get me started. I basically wake up in whatever condition they leave me in. This one time, I woke up on a bed made of candy wrappers and empty bottles. My head is pounding, and I'm pretty sure I can still taste tequila. The renter had a full-on party, got sloshed, and binged on candy.
It wasn’t my best wake-up call, I’ll tell ya that much. Had to down a gallon of water and pop a few aspirins just to stop the world from spinning. And I was finding candy wrappers in my clothes for days after!
Have you ever been rented by someone famous?
Okay, I can’t reveal names ‘cause privacy and all that jazz, but holy crap, yes! And it was wild! Woke up in this swanky hotel suite, there's room service on the table, and I'm wearing designer gear head to toe. Even found a selfie with a major celeb on my phone. They were on a secret vacation or something. Crazy, right?
What about romantic stuff? Ever wake up with a partner next to you?
Sure, it's happened. I woke up once cuddling another sleeping lady, and I was wearing this cute red dress pulled up around my waist. There were rose petals everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE. Took me hours to clean up. Turns out the renter had a long-distance relationship, wanted to surprise their partner. Sweet, but talk about awkward for me!
Have you ever woken up eating something really weird?
Haha, well, get ready for this. Once, I woke up in a chilli eating competition. I kid you not, I was in the middle of chewing this nuclear-level hot chilli. My eyes were watering, my throat was burning, and I was sweating like I just ran a marathon. My lips were stained a bright red from the chilli, and I could feel the heat radiating off my tongue, my entire mouth felt like it was on fire.
I was wearing this ridiculous chilli-shaped hat and a bib with "Chilli Queen" printed on it. It took every ounce of my control not to spit out the chilli right then and there. With tears streaming down my face, I somehow managed to swallow the damn thing, then proceeded to drink about a gallon of milk straight from the jug.
Let's just say, the after-effects were...not pleasant. And that's the last time I ever want to be part of a chilli eating competition!
Do people ever rent you for physical labor or things like that?
It happens sometimes. I hadn’t thought it would ahead of time – who would want *my* body to do manual labour, I can lift like, two bricks on a good day. But it turns out there’s so few bodies available at any given time, sometimes there are shortages, and they just want more hands on site.
Once I woke up in a construction site wearing those baggy, heavy duty work clothes, you know the kind, and a hard hat. There were smudges of dirt on my hands and face, and my muscles ached like I'd been lifting weights all day. The work gloves were still on my hands, and I could feel the rough material chafing against my skin. The boots were a bit too large for my feet, and I had to be careful not to trip over anything.
Apparently, the renter was a contractor from the other side of the country. The agency assures me that they ensure safety measures for such rentals, but I still found it a bit weird. But hey, I guess it’s a way for people to get their work done :/.
What are the most common reasons people rent your body?
Good question! It's a mixed bag, honestly. Sometimes it's for the experience of being a petite woman, which is kinda weird but hey, to each their own. Other times they want to use me like a canvas. I woke up once in a room filled with wigs and makeup. I was wearing this professional grade makeup, you know, the kind you see on models during fashion week.
I’m talking glittery eye shadow that matched the exact color of my eyes, perfectly applied red lipstick that made my lips look fuller, and a rosy blush that gave my cheeks a healthy glow. The fake eyelashes were a bit annoying though. Every blink felt heavy, and my eyes were watering a bit from the glue.
I later found out that the renter was a makeup artist. They had used my face as a canvas to practice new makeup techniques. I gotta say, it felt pretty cool walking around looking like I stepped straight out of a beauty magazine.
Other people might rent me to explore the city, like for travel and tourism things. Sometimes I'm rented for people to go to meetings or hangouts long distance. Occasionally it seems to be just a sex thing -- girls (or even guys, idk) renting me to have fun on the town -- which I'm less keen on, but as long as they take it easy.
I let people rent my meatsuit (and I can’t remember it) AMA
Hi there! I'm a 23-year-old woman, renting out my body to pay for medical school. I work with an agency that uses neuralink implants to let my renters see through my eyes, control my actions, and essentially live in my skin while I'm unconscious. Once their session is over, I wake up without any recollection of what they've done. It's like I was asleep or in a coma, but meanwhile my body was up and about doing things. The industry calls us 'bodies for rent' or 'meatsuits', though some of us prefer to be known as 'surrogates'.
It sounds scary, but it's completely safe, regulated, and - dare I say it - kinda fun. Let's get into all the gritty realities of the renting industry. Ask me anything!
How does it feel when you wake up after being 'rented'? Any physical fatigue?
Great question! It's a bit like waking up from a deep sleep. There's a period of disorientation, but that clears up quickly. As for physical fatigue, it depends on what my body has been doing. If my renter had been doing strenuous activities, then yes, I might feel a little worn out.
Aren't you afraid that someone might misuse your body?
That's a common concern, but the industry has safeguards in place. Renters sign contracts agreeing not to harm the body or engage in illegal activities. Plus, there's constant monitoring by a neutral third party during the rental period. If anything suspicious happens, they can shut down the session.
How much can you make in this business?
It varies depending on factors like the duration of the session, what the renter plans to do, and even the desirability of the surrogate. I make a comfortable amount, enough to pay my medical school tuition and living expenses.
Can you sense anything while being rented? Any kind of dreams?
Not at all. It's like being in a very deep sleep, without dreams. I wake up completely blank, with no memory or sensation from the rental period.
Do people ever have sex or masturbate when they rent you?
Yes, of course, it’s part of the job. I basically expect more often than not to have the renter touch me. It’s not as bad as it sounds – it’s basically my hand doing it, after all. Sometimes I feel a little sore after – especially when I’m rented by guys, who tend to be a bit less gentle with my body – but nothing serious.
Do your friends and family know about this? How do they feel?
Yes, they know, and it took some time for them to understand. They were concerned at first, but they've seen how regulated and safe it is, and how it's helping me achieve my dream of becoming a doctor. So, they're supportive now!
How did you get into this business?
I stumbled upon an advertisement and was intrigued. I did my research, understood the risks and benefits, and decided it was a viable way to finance my medical studies. And here I am!
Any advice for someone considering becoming a surrogate?
Do your homework. Understand the pros and cons. Consider the physical and mental aspects - remember, your body might be doing things you're not used to. Also, ensure you're working with a reputable company. There are sketchy operators out there.
What was your most memorable experience after waking up from a rental period?
There was this one time when I woke up in a beautiful dress, covered in glitter and glam, standing in the middle of what seemed to be a high-end fashion event. The smooth silk of the dress hugged my body, contrasting starkly against the cold, air-conditioned atmosphere of the venue. The dress was a stunning shade of midnight blue, matching the color of my eyes, and it was sprinkled with silver glitters, twinkling as they caught the spotlights. High heels elongated my petite frame, although they made my feet ache a bit. People were clapping and cheering, and I had this feeling of exhilaration that lingered even after the confusion had passed.
The aroma of rich perfume and champagne wafted through the air, and my lips tasted faintly of a delicate canapé. My hands were a little shaky from the adrenaline, and I felt the cool touch of a glass of bubbly in my right hand. I could tell by the appreciative eyes and stunned silence that my renter had just pulled off a fantastic runway walk.
I felt strangely empowered, stepping out of my usual comfort zone of t-shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes, into this glamorous world of fashion, something I'd never dare to do on my own. The moment felt almost surreal, like a scene straight out of a movie. I loved the feeling of confidence, of owning the room. Even though it wasn't me who had strutted down the catwalk, a small part of that boldness lingered, reminding me of my own potential.
Have you ever felt violated or uneasy after a rental session?
Yes, there have been moments of discomfort. One time, I woke up in a very crowded place, in the middle of a music festival. I’m a bit of an introvert, so waking up in such a noisy, chaotic environment was quite jarring. My body was adorned in a loose crop top, denim shorts, and a floral headband – typical festival attire, but it felt strange since I usually prefer more conservative clothing. My hair, normally tied up in a neat bun, was let loose and felt messy with dried sweat and probably some beer someone had spilled.
I could still feel the throb of the loud music in my ears, the vibrations settling into my body, like a low hum beneath my skin. My feet ached from dancing, my throat was parched, and there was a residual taste of beer and cheap festival food on my tongue. My hands were stained with neon paint, evidence of the craziness of the night. The faint smell of sweat, alcohol, and smoke clung to my skin, making me feel a bit dirty.
I remember feeling lost and out of place among the sea of enthusiastic festival-goers. Although the monitors had ended the rental as soon as I started to regain consciousness, the sudden shift from unconscious tranquility to overwhelming sensory stimulation was a shock. I felt a twinge of unease, realizing how vulnerable I was during these rentals, but it also reminded me of the importance of trust in this profession.
Have you ever considered renting out your body for more extended periods, like a week or a month?
I've given it some thought, but there are practical and emotional challenges to consider. Physically, the neuralink is designed for shorter periods – up to 24 hours. So, waking up in the same clothes I wore a day ago is common, sometimes with minor changes like a different pair of shoes or an added accessory. My body, toned from regular exercise and yoga, would handle the physical strain quite well, but there is a limit to how long the technology can keep my consciousness suppressed. The device needs to be recharged, and my body needs rest and rejuvenation.
Emotionally, there's a strange intimacy in sharing my body for such extended periods. Every time I wake up after a rental, it's as though a veil is lifted from my eyes. There's a brief moment of disorientation, like a foggy morning, where I'm not quite sure where I am or what has happened. My fingers would glide over the fabric of my clothes, tracing the alien feel of a shirt or a dress that I didn’t remember putting on. There's a rush of sensations, the leftover smells of where my renter has been, the lingering tastes on my tongue, and the physical echoes of their activities.
Imagine that feeling extended for a week or a month. Imagine the shift in my daily routines, my eating habits, and my social interactions. My body would live a life that my mind wasn't a part of. As it stands, the rental periods are already a leap of faith, a testament to my trust in the technology, the system, and the people who rent me. Prolonging the rental period only escalates the implications.
However, the notion isn't without its appeal. I could potentially earn more, and it might provide a unique opportunity for me to experience different lives. But for now, the constraints outweigh the benefits. I've chosen to prioritize my sense of self, my personal boundaries, and the preservation of my own life experiences.
Do you have any plans for after medical school? Will you continue to be a surrogate?
Once I'm done with medical school, I plan to specialize in neurology. Being a surrogate has given me an intriguing perspective on how our brain functions and how advanced technology like neuralink can integrate with it. I'm eager to dive deeper, to understand the complex mysteries of our brains. My body, though petite and young, has become a fascinating landscape for my academic curiosity. Each pulse in my veins, every breath I take, has become a testament to the marvels of human biology and technology intertwined.
As for continuing as a surrogate, it's unlikely. Once I start my practice, my focus will be on my patients. I won’t have the time, or the emotional bandwidth, to lend my body to others. Plus, there's a certain comfort in the idea of regaining exclusive ownership of my body. To wake up in my bed, in my clothes, knowing that whatever memories I have from the previous day are my own, sounds incredibly comforting after a few years of sharing it with people.
There's a strange satisfaction in being a surrogate. It's not just about the money, although that's a significant factor. It's about providing a service, allowing people to experience life from a different perspective. There's a sense of pride, of fulfillment, in knowing that my body can help fulfill someone else's dream or desire, even if I don't remember any of it. So, while I look forward to focusing on my medical career, I'll always cherish the experiences and insights I've gained as a surrogate.
Ever stumbled upon photos or videos of yourself from a rental session you don't remember?
Yes, it's happened on more than one occasion. There's something strangely unnerving about seeing photos or videos of yourself in action, knowing that you don’t remember a single moment of it.
The first time this happened, I was scrolling through social media when I found a picture of myself at a charity marathon. My usually fair complexion was flushed with exertion, sweat glinting on my forehead, my blonde hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, strands sticking to my moist skin. The tight runner’s outfit clung to my petite frame, accentuating my toned muscles, highlighting my runner's posture. In the photo, I was crossing the finish line, arms in the air, a picture of triumph and satisfaction.
Seeing myself there, the exuberance on my face, the sheer exhilaration in my wide, bright eyes was surreal. It felt like looking at a doppelganger or a twin, someone who shared my body, my face, but lived experiences that I didn’t remember. It was as if this 'other me' had successfully completed a marathon, something I'd never done. It was a bizarre mixture of pride and confusion, seeing a triumphant moment that I had no recollection of.
There were a few other times that it happened – one in particular was pretty creepy – but there’s no rule against it right now, so, you know.
Have you ever confronted a renter about the things they've done while renting your body?
I’ve never directly confronted a renter, but there have been times when I've requested the agency to talk to them. Once, I found a video of myself eating a tarantula at a food festival. My stomach churned as I watched 'me' in the video, sporting a wide grin, taking a big bite of the deep-fried spider, savoring the crunch with evident delight.
I remembered feeling a bizarre disconnect as I watched my own fingers delicately holding the spider, the crunch echoing in my ears as I bit down, the sound so vivid, it felt real. My heart pounded as my face on the screen twisted into an expression of joy and satisfaction, my blue eyes twinkling with daring and adventure. The image haunted me, even when I had closed my eyes, the back of my eyelids mirroring the ghastly sight. The discomfort was so intense that I had to reach out to the agency, reminding them of my arachnophobia and the importance of renters respecting the surrogate's personal boundaries.
The process was quite straightforward, actually. The agency assured me they would remind the renter of the rules. The interesting (and perhaps, unnerving) part of this whole situation was the realization of how much control I had surrendered. While I was tucked safely away in the realm of unconsciousness, my body was out there, in the world, engaging in activities I’d never imagine doing in a conscious state. It brought up a mix of feelings – a tad of unease, a hint of exhilaration, and an odd sense of curiosity about what my body is capable of when untethered from my conscious mind.
It was unsettling to find a video of myself doing something that was so contradictory to my personality. Yet, it was also an opportunity for me to face my fear, albeit in a roundabout way. It didn't cure my arachnophobia, but it did make me question how much of our fears are mental barriers. It was like staring at a reflection of what I could potentially be, unbound by personal fears or biases. And in a twisted way, it was liberating.
Although I don’t wish for a repeat of such experiences, these instances have pushed me to reflect on myself and consider my perceptions. They've nudged me out of my comfort zone and made me realize the extraordinary adaptability of the human mind and body. And for that, I am oddly grateful.
Have you ever found provocative photos of yourself from a rental session? How did you react?
Yes, I have. One incident that particularly stands out was when I stumbled upon a series of photos of me dressed as a 'catgirl' at what seemed to be a cosplay event.
In these images, I was dressed in a black, form-fitting bodysuit that hugged my petite figure, accentuating my curves. Ears pointed upwards were attached to a headband on my blonde hair, which was styled into playful, loose curls. A long, fluffy tail was clipped onto the back of the bodysuit, and a mischievous smirk played on my face. My eyes were highlighted with dramatic, catlike makeup, and I had a delicate, diamond-shaped nose and whiskers painted on. Completing the look were long, black gloves and boots, adding a certain allure to the whole ensemble.
Seeing myself in this provocative outfit was an unnerving experience. I've always been more of a modest dresser, preferring comfort and functionality over fashion or trends. My heart pounded in my chest as I looked at the photos. My cheeks, usually fair, turned a deep shade of red, my body reacting to the shock and embarrassment even though my mind was still trying to process what it was seeing.
Despite the initial shock, I had to admire the artistry involved. The attention to detail in the costume and makeup was impeccable. My body looked confident, empowered, even seductive - a stark contrast to my usual demeanor. There was an undeniable beauty in the images that I couldn't ignore, a transformation so complete that it was hard to believe it was me.
Although this incident did make me feel uncomfortable, it also forced me to confront my own perceptions of my body and my sexuality. It showed me a version of myself that I had never considered before, pushing me to reassess my boundaries and my comfort zones.
These photos served as a reminder of how diverse and varied human experiences can be, and how our bodies can be a canvas for different forms of expression. It wasn't an easy experience, but it was a learning opportunity for me. Since then, I've become more open-minded, learning to embrace the unexpected and finding beauty in all forms of self-expression.
What's the most bizarre situation you've found yourself in after a rental session?
One of the most bizarre situations I've woken up to was when I found myself at a beach party, covered in chocolate, and wearing a bikini.
The moment my consciousness resurfaced, I was greeted by the smell of salt and sunscreen, underscored by the sweet scent of melted chocolate. My skin felt sticky, and as I glanced down, I saw my petite body donned in a vibrant red bikini, smothered with chocolate sauce. The droplets were scattered like modern art across the soft, fair skin of my abdomen, my arms, and even my legs. The sunlight glinted off the slick coating, giving me an oddly shiny appearance.
Around me, people were laughing and cheering, music blaring from nearby speakers. The party seemed to be in full swing, the beach lined with young people engaged in various activities - some were playing beach volleyball, others were tanning, sipping cocktails, or dancing to the lively music. A makeshift stage had been set up nearby, and it seemed like I had just participated in a chocolate-themed competition.
The sandy grit beneath my feet, the comforting warmth of the sun on my chocolate-covered skin, the riotous noise of the party, all contributed to a sensory overload. But amidst the chaos, there was also an underlying feeling of exhilaration and freedom, a giddy aftertaste of what seemed to have been a wild and enjoyable event.
Despite the initial shock, a part of me couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. There was something incredibly surreal and yet comically charming about it. Extracting myself from the party, I made my way towards the sea, intending to wash off the chocolate and to reclaim a sense of normalcy. As the cool waves lapped against my legs, I remember feeling a renewed sense of appreciation for my unusual job. While it occasionally landed me in sticky situations (quite literally in this case), it also made for some truly unforgettable experiences.
Have you ever found photos taken by a renter afterwards, anything embarrassing?
Oh, you have no idea. There was this one time when I woke up to find a series of pictures on my phone that left me both amused and perplexed.
The first photo showed me in a bright yellow chicken costume. My usually petite and slender figure was enveloped in a fluffy, oversized suit, complete with a red plume on top. My face, usually serene or focused, was contorted into a comical squawk, my mouth wide open, my eyes squeezed shut in exaggerated expression.
Next, I found a picture of myself wearing a pair of oversized glasses, their frames so large they covered half my face, my blue eyes appearing comically magnified. A fluorescent green wig was placed haphazardly on my head, strands of synthetic hair falling over my forehead. My lips were stretched into a goofy grin, my cheeks dimpled with laughter.
The photo parade continued with me donning an array of humorous costumes – a pirate with a plastic hook, a faux fur-lined onesie of a unicorn, a clown with a red nose and oversized shoes. In each photo, I was making different faces - there was a mock-scared expression, a wide-eyed surprise, a faux-angry scowl, and many more.
A couple got a little bit more lewd. There were a few, um, revealing selfies in the mix – one where they’d stuck my tongue out and rolled my eyes back in a pretty stupid looking way. And one really embarrassing one where they were basically naked and cupping my boobs for the camera. I did have a word with the agency after that one – the renters aren’t meant to do that.
Does your body ever feel different when you return to it? Like, sore, worn out, used differently?
Absolutely, my body often feels different when I return to it after a rental session. It’s almost like getting reacquainted with a familiar yet slightly altered space.
One instance that particularly stands out was after a renter who was evidently a dance enthusiast had used my body. I woke up in a dance studio, my reflection mirrored in the wall-length mirror. My petite frame was dressed in a flowing, practice skirt and a snug-fitting top. My blonde hair, usually worn down, was pulled up into a tight, professional bun.
When I moved, I felt a certain soreness in my muscles that I wasn’t used to. It was clear that my body had been stretching and moving in ways that were unfamiliar. My calves throbbed slightly, hinting at an intense session of pointe work. My shoulders and back felt looser, likely the result of expressive modern dance movements.
Despite the soreness, there was also an underlying sense of satisfaction. I could tell that my body had been put through a substantial, yet enjoyable workout. As I moved, I could feel a fluidity in my motions, a rhythm that seemed to resonate in my muscles. It was as if my body had picked up a faint echo of the dance, a lingering melody imprinted in the way I moved.
In these moments, my body sometimes feels like an instrument that has been played beautifully and then set aside. There’s a feeling of having been ‘used’ – not in a negative sense, but in the way that a well-loved book is used, its pages turned carefully, its spine bearing the imprints of a reader's hands. There’s a sense of having been part of someone else’s story, even if just for a while.
So wait, you wake up in random positions after each session? What happens if you don't know how to get home after, haha
Haha, yes, I do wake up in different places following a rental session, but it's not as chaotic as it sounds.
Renters are required to ensure I'm in a safe environment before the rental period ends. This rule is strictly enforced by the agency, ensuring that I don't wake up in dangerous or compromising situations. The location can be anywhere - a park, a café, a shopping mall, even a dance studio, as I mentioned in an earlier response. But whatever the location, safety is paramount.
As for getting back home, that's rarely been a problem. My phone is always with me, and it has all the necessary apps and information for navigation. Plus, we live in an era where rideshares are just a few taps away.
However, there was this one time when I woke up in a botanical garden. It was early evening, the setting sun casting long, golden shadows around me. I was seated on a park bench, amidst a riot of colorful flowers and lush greenery. A gentle breeze was playing with my blonde curls, carrying the scent of earth and blooming roses. The tranquillity of the scene was almost meditative.
Despite not immediately recognizing the place, a quick check on my phone showed it to be within the city limits. Instead of rushing home, I decided to take my time exploring the garden, reveling in the unexpected treat. It was a refreshing change of pace from my usual, fast-paced life. Moments like these make the unpredictable nature of my work not just tolerable, but sometimes surprisingly rewarding.
Do people ever... you know... need to use the toilet when you're being rented?
That's a part of the reality not often talked about, isn't it? Yes, biological needs don't stop during a rental session. The human body, including mine, continues to function as usual - this includes needing to use the toilet.
However, I must assure you that the agency has regulations in place to ensure that renters deal with such situations appropriately. Before a rental session, every renter is thoroughly briefed about treating the body with respect and maintaining personal hygiene.
The first time I woke up in a restroom, I must admit it was a bit disconcerting. I was in a posh restaurant's restroom, staring at my reflection in a tastefully framed mirror. My body was dressed in an elegant black cocktail dress, my blonde hair swept into an intricate updo. My usually bare face had a dash of makeup - a subtle smoky eye and a soft pink lip color.
What startled me was not the environment, but the stark realisation of the intimacy that the rental process implied. In that moment I understood that my renters weren't just walking in my shoes; they were living in my skin. It brought a level of humility and vulnerability that took me a while to get used to.
Over time, however, I've come to terms with it. It's a part of the job, as mundane as it might sound. And it underscores the fact that even when dressed up for an elegant evening out, the human body has its fundamental needs that don't pause for anyone, renter or otherwise. It's a humbling reminder of our shared biology, stripping away the glamour and bringing us down to the basics of existence.
Wait, you woke up in a restroom? Why did they take your body somewhere else before dismounting? Did something go wrong?
It's an interesting question, and to be honest, each rental experience can be quite unique, including where I regain consciousness.
In the case of the restroom scenario, nothing actually went wrong. Renters are advised to ensure I'm in a safe and private location before the rental period ends. In this particular case, I suspect the renter wanted to ensure privacy at the moment of dismounting, which is why they chose a restroom – I suppose they didn’t want to waste their rental minutes walking back through the city.
When I regained consciousness, I was in the ladies' room. Despite the initial disorientation, the transition was smooth. I was safe, and as per the regulations, my dignity and privacy were maintained.
In such circumstances, it's vital to maintain composure and confidence, which is something I've learned with experience. While it can feel strange to navigate these post-rental situations, it's also a fascinating exploration of human behavior and norms. It's like jumping into the middle of a movie and trying to figure out the plot. And in a strange way, that's part of the appeal for me. It keeps life interesting.
What happens to the renter's bodies while they control yours?
While the renters are controlling my body, their own bodies are in a state of neural stasis, almost akin to being in a deep sleep or a coma. The Neuralink technology takes over the function of their neural signals, effectively allowing their consciousness to be projected into my body. However, their bodies do require care during this time, which is where the agency comes in.
The agency has a specialized facility where renters' bodies are looked after during the rental period. They're kept in a safe, controlled environment, with continuous monitoring of vital signs to ensure their physical well-being. Medical professionals are always on standby to intervene if any health concerns arise.
I once had the chance to visit this facility. It was a rather surreal experience, seeing rows of bodies lying still, as if in a peaceful sleep. The room was bathed in a soft, soothing light, the air regulated to maintain an optimal temperature. The silence was punctuated by the occasional beep of a heart monitor, lending a rhythmic undertone to the tranquility.
It felt oddly serene, each body representing a person exploring the world in a different form. I remember standing there, thinking about the paradox of the situation - the quiet, unmoving bodies and the vibrant, active minds experiencing life through rented bodies.
This level of care gives me peace of mind, knowing that my renters are taken care of while they're renting my body. It also underscores the mutual trust inherent in this process - while they trust me with their consciousness, I trust them with my body, all the while knowing that we both are in safe hands.
I couldn't imagine doing that work. What if someone made you do something illegal! Or creepy!
While there are thorough safeguards in place to prevent misuse of the rental service, there was one instance that gave me quite a bit of a scare. It's an interesting story about a renter who got too attached to the rental experience and crossed some boundaries.
This individual, let's call him John, had rented my body a few times, and initially, everything seemed fine. However, over time, his behavior started to become problematic. He began requesting my body more frequently, and started leaving me in places that were meaningful to him - his favorite coffee shop, the park where he used to play as a child, and once even outside his apartment.
It was disorienting and unnerving to say the least. Waking up outside John's apartment was particularly alarming. It was late at night, and the street was bathed in the harsh, white glow of the streetlights. I was dressed in casual jeans and a t-shirt, my hair pulled back in a loose ponytail. The quiet, residential area felt foreign and eerily silent, the only sound being the occasional rustling of leaves in the breeze.
I started receiving messages from John too, filled with sentiments that were too intimate, too personal. It was as if he was confusing me with someone he knew closely or someone he wished to be close with. The messages made me uncomfortable, their tone straying from friendly to obsessive.
Then he began sending me photographs - selfies he had taken while renting my body. In each of these images, my body was in various scenarios, some casual, others more intimate.
One of the first pictures was of 'me' at his favorite coffee shop, sipping on a caramel latte. The backdrop was familiar to me - the vintage posters on the wall, the warm, wooden interior of the café. My body was casually dressed, a cozy sweater hugging my petite frame, my blonde hair tumbling over my shoulders. It was as if he had taken me on a casual, coffee date.
At first, I found it a bit amusing, even endearing. Here was a man so taken by the experience of renting my body that he wanted to share his moments with me. It was a new angle to the renting experience that I hadn't considered before - the renter wanting to connect on a more personal level.
As more photographs followed, the tone of them started to change. There was one where 'I' was standing on the edge of a rooftop, the city lights glittering in the background. My body, clad in a fitting leather jacket and ripped jeans, seemed to emanate an air of recklessness that was not me. It was unnerving, a stark contrast to the earlier, cozy coffee shop picture.
Some photos of my feet came next, which was kind of odd, and then my own face making a kissy face at the camera. Ugh. Then came the intimate ones - a picture of 'me' lounging on a bed, dressed in a silk nightgown, a soft smile playing on 'my' lips. The familiarity of the scenario, coupled with the knowledge that it wasn't truly me, left me with an uncomfortable feeling, a breach of privacy that was hard to ignore.
That's when it dawned on me that this was more than just a renter enjoying his experiences - it was veering into an obsessive territory. I could see John blurring the lines between the rented experience and real connection, transforming the relationship into something it was not supposed to be.
Things took a turn for the more disturbing when I received a video from John.
I remember when the notification popped up on my phone, it was late at night, and I was just wrapping up some study session. Intrigued and admittedly a little apprehensive, I clicked on the message.
The video was a selfie, but not just any selfie – it was John, renting my body, talking directly into the camera. He’s dressed me in a guy’s business shirt, boxers, and nothing else. The shirt was unbuttoned, and you could see my bare breasts underneath, pretty much totally exposed.
He was sat *outside* on a park bench, legs spread, leaning back with a smirk. He winked at the camera, a mischievous glint in his eyes, before launching into a monologue. The topics were all over the place - he shared his thoughts on books he liked, mused about our supposed 'connection', even hinted at plans he had for future rentals. His gestures were expressive, my hands moving animatedly as he spoke, the sunlight bouncing off the silver watch wrapped around his wrist. The watch was his, I’d never seen it before.
Throughout the video, he wore a knowing smile that was a clear departure from my typical expressions. It was chillingly intimate, uncomfortably personal. Here was a man who seemed to be under the delusion that he was developing a personal, almost romantic relationship with me, despite the starkly impersonal nature of our interaction.
Watching that video, it became clear to me that I needed to act. His delusions, his growing obsession was not just disturbing but potentially dangerous. It was then that I decided to report him to the agency. Despite the uncomfortable circumstances, I take solace in knowing that the system worked as it should, ensuring safety and enforcing boundaries when necessary. It served as a stark reminder of the potential risks and oddities I might face in my unique line of work.
Do renters take care of you? Like, do they eat properly? Exercise?
While renters are usually respectful, it's important to remember that for them, renting a body is often seen as a kind of vacation or escape from their own lives. As such, they might not stick to the same kind of diet and exercise routines I typically do.
There have been times when I've woken up to the remnants of a food binge - empty pizza boxes, chocolate wrappers, ice cream tubs - the works. It's amusing in a way, a clear indication of the renter letting loose and enjoying their 'time off'. I've found myself in the middle of a carnival, the sweet scent of cotton candy lingering on my tongue, or sometimes at an upscale restaurant, the remnants of a steak dinner still on the plate.
Exercise, unfortunately, doesn't seem to be a priority for most renters. Understandably, hitting the gym or going for a run might not be their idea of a fun time while renting someone else's body. As a result, I have to put in the extra work to maintain my fitness and health.
It's an interesting trade-off - I get to pay for medical school, and they get to take a break from their own lives, diets, and routines. It does add an extra layer of challenge to my life, but it's one I've grown accustomed to. I've learned to appreciate the workout sessions, the way my muscles ache after a good run or the soothing burn of a yoga routine. It's a part of my life that's wholly mine, a piece of routine and normalcy amidst the chaotic nature of my job.
At the end of the day, it's about understanding and accepting that my body is shared space. I do my best to provide a fit, healthy body for my renters to use, and in return, they give me the means to chase my dreams.
Hey meatsuitAMA, ever woke up with a badass tattoo that you didn't remember getting?
Ha! Luckily, no! The agency's pretty strict about that stuff - no permanent changes to the body, and that includes tattoos. Although, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about what kind of ink a renter might choose.
Do you ever feel like you're missing out on your own life?
Damn, you're getting deep on me, aren't ya? It's a trip, no doubt. I mean, one minute I'm me, next I'm catching up on the shenanigans some renter got up to. But hey, at least I'm missing out on my life for a good cause, right? And who knows, maybe one day I'll wake up with a Nobel Prize because some renter used my body to solve quantum physics or something!
So, what if a renter decides to go skydiving or bungee jumping?
Well, they're supposed to stick to a set of ground rules, and extreme sports is a big no-no. But honestly? If someone secretly went skydiving with my body, I'd be pissed I missed out on the thrill! But for real, don't do that, future renters. I don't want my heart giving out at 22.
Are you ever scared of not getting your body back?
Haha, you know how to keep a girl up at night. But no, the tech's solid, and I trust the agency. But you bet your ass I've had some nightmares about that. If my body goes on a world tour without me, I better at least get a postcard.
Do your friends or family know about your job?
Well, mom knows, and she wasn't thrilled, let me tell ya. Tried to get me to consider waitressing or something. But my pals think it's pretty cool. And it's one hell of an ice breaker at parties. Imagine - "Hey, I'm meatsuitAMA, I rent out my body for a living. Pass the chips?"
What happens if the renter gets drunk or high?
Don't get me started. I basically wake up in whatever condition they leave me in. This one time, I woke up on a bed made of candy wrappers and empty bottles. My head is pounding, and I'm pretty sure I can still taste tequila. The renter had a full-on party, got sloshed, and binged on candy.
It wasn’t my best wake-up call, I’ll tell ya that much. Had to down a gallon of water and pop a few aspirins just to stop the world from spinning. And I was finding candy wrappers in my clothes for days after!
Have you ever been rented by someone famous?
Okay, I can’t reveal names ‘cause privacy and all that jazz, but holy crap, yes! And it was wild! Woke up in this swanky hotel suite, there's room service on the table, and I'm wearing designer gear head to toe. Even found a selfie with a major celeb on my phone. They were on a secret vacation or something. Crazy, right?
What about romantic stuff? Ever wake up with a partner next to you?
Sure, it's happened. I woke up once cuddling another sleeping lady, and I was wearing this cute red dress pulled up around my waist. There were rose petals everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE. Took me hours to clean up. Turns out the renter had a long-distance relationship, wanted to surprise their partner. Sweet, but talk about awkward for me!
Have you ever woken up eating something really weird?
Haha, well, get ready for this. Once, I woke up in a chilli eating competition. I kid you not, I was in the middle of chewing this nuclear-level hot chilli. My eyes were watering, my throat was burning, and I was sweating like I just ran a marathon. My lips were stained a bright red from the chilli, and I could feel the heat radiating off my tongue, my entire mouth felt like it was on fire.
I was wearing this ridiculous chilli-shaped hat and a bib with "Chilli Queen" printed on it. It took every ounce of my control not to spit out the chilli right then and there. With tears streaming down my face, I somehow managed to swallow the damn thing, then proceeded to drink about a gallon of milk straight from the jug.
Let's just say, the after-effects were...not pleasant. And that's the last time I ever want to be part of a chilli eating competition!
Do people ever rent you for physical labor or things like that?
It happens sometimes. I hadn’t thought it would ahead of time – who would want *my* body to do manual labour, I can lift like, two bricks on a good day. But it turns out there’s so few bodies available at any given time, sometimes there are shortages, and they just want more hands on site.
Once I woke up in a construction site wearing those baggy, heavy duty work clothes, you know the kind, and a hard hat. There were smudges of dirt on my hands and face, and my muscles ached like I'd been lifting weights all day. The work gloves were still on my hands, and I could feel the rough material chafing against my skin. The boots were a bit too large for my feet, and I had to be careful not to trip over anything.
Apparently, the renter was a contractor from the other side of the country. The agency assures me that they ensure safety measures for such rentals, but I still found it a bit weird. But hey, I guess it’s a way for people to get their work done :/.
What are the most common reasons people rent your body?
Good question! It's a mixed bag, honestly. Sometimes it's for the experience of being a petite woman, which is kinda weird but hey, to each their own. Other times they want to use me like a canvas. I woke up once in a room filled with wigs and makeup. I was wearing this professional grade makeup, you know, the kind you see on models during fashion week.
I’m talking glittery eye shadow that matched the exact color of my eyes, perfectly applied red lipstick that made my lips look fuller, and a rosy blush that gave my cheeks a healthy glow. The fake eyelashes were a bit annoying though. Every blink felt heavy, and my eyes were watering a bit from the glue.
I later found out that the renter was a makeup artist. They had used my face as a canvas to practice new makeup techniques. I gotta say, it felt pretty cool walking around looking like I stepped straight out of a beauty magazine.
Other people might rent me to explore the city, like for travel and tourism things. Sometimes I'm rented for people to go to meetings or hangouts long distance. Occasionally it seems to be just a sex thing -- girls (or even guys, idk) renting me to have fun on the town -- which I'm less keen on, but as long as they take it easy.
Zach was a tech wiz. He planted all sorts of surveilance equipment in his and his neighbors' houses in preparation for the beginning of his Stealth Control network. He was ready to enjoy all these bodies to his own pleasure, maybe even manage to change a thing or two in them, during his two month break from college. He was ready to have the time of his life, playing and manipulating the bodies of his hot mom and sisters, and his neighbors.
Zach had been ecstatic when his latest parcel arrived in the mail. Though it was very expensive to use it legally, the college student had heard about a few rogue servers of Stealth Control here and there, and had been wanting to try setting one up for himself.
He had spent the weekends at his family’s home preparing the grounds, just waiting to get his hands on some real hardware. He had used all of his IT knowledge to place an extensive array of spy cameras, and wireless network routers in his house, and both side neighbors, enjoying the good old excuse of helping them with technical problems, that in reality, had been caused by him.
His specialized hardware had arrived a week before his summer break started, meaning he’d have just enough time to finish setting it up in time for two months of pure debauchery in the three houses he’d use as testing grounds.
Fortunately, with all of his previous prepwork, the next step would be easy. First he’d need to set up a main control hub in the server he installed in his room, and tinker a bit with his wireless routers to interact with the proper receivers.
He also had to make sure that both his transmission points and his receiver nanobots were absolutely sealed to intrusions outside of what he wanted it to. Stories of people setting up entire networks of Stealth Control, just to have it promptly hijacked by other more experienced hackers scared him to death. The only one that had the right to play god in his neighborhood was him, thank you very much.
He had gotten enough nanobots to control a hundred people, but he’d start small, increasing his range as he got more and more people dancing in his hands. Beyond using all of his best methods to black box his network, this was his main defense against other Stealth Control users, his network would be small at first, but would slowly grow, making it a lot harder to detect.
He’d spread it naturally. Give his mom a cup of infected juice here, his sisters, some infected cake. The neighbors themselves would take some more effort, but he’d get there eventually, especially if he managed to use his mom to do it.
Zach was the quintessential IT major. He was lanky and awkward, plain face, and big round glasses, and though certainly not as shy as most of his peers, still hadn’t managed to get himself a girlfriend.
To spectacular contrast, his mom and two sisters were gorgeous. Alice was a 45 year old woman, who despite her age, still had an amazing figure. The widow made sure to keep in shape, so still seemed to be no older than 30. Brunette hair and large breasts, coupled with her wide hips, she was very famous among Zach’s friends when he was still in high school.
Blake and Charlie were both older than Zach by a couple of years. Blake had just graduated with a physical education degree, and Charlie was in the final year of her business major. Though neither carried their mom’s sexy older woman appeal, they were still beauties in their own right.
Blake was tall and fit. Her breasts and ass were smaller than Charlie, or Alice’s, but she more than made it up by having the perfect balance of muscles and fat to still look feminine, while being a top athlete, her short boyish hair completing the tomboy look.
Charlotte, usually shortened to Charlie, was thin, and held the classic model look. She was a bit shorter than Blake, but had her beat in the chest department. Somehow, she had even larger breasts than their mom, and her svelte form did wonders to accentuate it.
Knowing all of this, Zach had been jittery when he first arrived home after his last day at school this semester. He quickly ran to his room in the attic, checked his diagnostics program, and booted Stealth Control up.
While it should already work immediately, he knew that having the host acclimate to the nanobots before use would make it easier to connect himself, and smoother for any mental effect his mind being in control of their bodies could have.
He set the controller band over his head, and set a timer for 30 seconds to start, while he laid down in bed, and got comfortable.
Once the 30 seconds passed, he began hearing the band starting to humm, which slowly made him lose consciousness, which had the effect of getting him to find himself in a wide blue expanse.
Zach could barely believe that it had worked. While all legal operations of Stealth Control kept a very strict hold over how the process worked, having a few employees taking requests of who wanted to possess who, and either connecting them, or denying the connections, pirate networks worked in many different ways. Some kept to the basics, having people controlling connections between server nodes and client nodes, others, tried to implement ways that the users themselves could have some control, by either using specific passwords, or using a managing system.
To solve that, Zach had installed a very well hidden backdoor, straight into his main control hub, in every wifi network in the three houses he worked on, so he could theoretically access it from anywhere, as long as he had the right tools, namely, a smartphone with the right apps, one he made sure got installed in every smartphone connected to the wifi networks he set up.
The operating system he had developed to do this, made it so that instead of going straight into the head of one of his hosts, he would go to a digital space, where he could monitor every node connected. He could see three bright spots of light around his own spot, each with the same address and a different port. He had no way of knowing who each node was before possessing them, so he decided to just pick one at random.
Target locked, he entered the command, and for the first time, became someone else.
Alice was about to go upstairs to wake her youngest, when she felt a shudder run through her body. Weird, she thought, it was summer, so there shouldn’t be random cold breezes running through her house.
For some reason, her bra was feeling constricting, so instead, she went to her room to take it off, while idly picking at it. Slowly but surely, as she approached her room, she could feel her heartbeat speeding up.
Once inside, she made sure to lock the door, before removing her clothes. They felt stuffy, she needed to breathe a little. When she stood naked in front of the mirror, she couldn’t help herself.
“Damn. You’re -I mean- I’m hot!” exclaimed the older woman, staring lecherously at her own tits. She had never thought about it, but all her hard work at keeping her body had certainly paid off.
She didn’t really know why she was suddenly so attracted to her own body, but seeing herself, massaging her own boobs, made her so wet she could barely hold herself from just going to town on her now sopping wet pussy.
“God, this body is awesome, I love it.” she made sure to say out loud. She really enjoyed hearing her own voice right now. She sounded so slutty, so sexual. Usually, whenever she was playing with herself, she would just do it as silently as possible, feeling no need to vocalize beyond any moan that came naturally, since she had no partner to communicate her feelings.
She could feel the distinct call of her climax coming. Usually, when she got this close, she would try and ride it for as long as she could, taking her time to make sure all her pleasure points were being given equal attention, but not today. Today she felt like just ramming her fingers as deep inside herself as she could, and pressing her ample breasts with her whole palm, twisting her nipples every once in a while.
It came very suddenly, one moment, she was forcefully trying to extract an orgasm out of herself, the next it came, like a tsunami breaking through a barrier, flooding her entire body with pleasure.
She could barely breathe through it, orgasming had never felt like this. She felt a brief shudder, followed by hearing a light knock on her door.
“H-hey mom… Charlie and I are leaving for work, talk to you later…”she heard Blake awkwardly say.
After she got her breath back, she finally felt her mind clear. She had been going to wake Zach up, so they all could have breakfast together. Was this a symptom of her menopause coming? She still had her regular cycle, so she didn’t think so, but a sudden lustful surge like this was very unusual indeed.
In the attic, Zach could barely believe what had happened. For the entire duration, he could control his mother’s body as his own. It worked. It really, actually worked! After taking off the headband, he jumped in joy, before going downstairs. He had spent the night finishing his network’s set up process, so now that he finally had tangible proof that it worked, he felt himself held down by exhaustion.
Still, while he wore his mom’s body as a meat puppet, he felt as well as she did, so he could spend the day experimenting, and compensate for his sleep during the night.
Getting to the kitchen, he grabbed a mug, and filled it with coffee, before sitting down to drink it. After a few minutes, his mother entered the room.
“Good morning, sweety…” she still seemed to be somewhat dazed.
“Hey mom, are you feeling ok?” asked the college student, feigning true concern, knowing exactly what she had been feeling.
“Oh, I'm good, thanks for worrying. I was going to wake you up, but felt a little faint, so I went to my room to lie down a bit,” said the older woman, face slightly blushing.
“Well, good to know that you’re feeling better. I gotta test some new tech, so I’ll probably be in my room the whole day, if you need me.”
“Oh, ok. I might need to go out during the afternoon to buy some groceries, do you want me to get you anything?”
“Humm, could you bake two cakes for me at some time this week?”
“Sure thing honey, why do you need more than one cake, though? Not trying to prick any delicate subject, but you don’t usually have anyone over.”
“Oh, I’m giving one to mrs. Evans, and one to the twins. The money I got from the IT gig I did for them really helped me during a personal project, so I wanna thank them with the cakes.”
“Aww Zach, you’re too nice sometimes, but I’ll make sure to buy the ingredients. I’ll only be free to bake them tomorrow, but by Monday they should be ready.”
“Thanks mom, you’re the best,” he said, before standing up and leaving for his room.
This time, when he started the program once again, he noticed that only one spot was appearing. Since his sisters were currently working, they would be unavailable to play with.
He made sure to use the nickname function to mark his mother’s node with her name. Later in the night, once both his sisters arrived, he’d make sure to mark them, and once he got his neighbors in the network, they too.
Still, he could barely help himself, he jacked into his mother’s body as fast as he could. He got the tail end of the shiver that signaled the successful connection between a server and a client. The shiver felt wonderful on his mom’s skin. He was almost hypnotized with how soft and smooth it was, and with how different it felt with the goosebumps across his new body.
She had just finished setting an alarm in her phone for when she would go to the market. Zach set his mothers phone down, and once again walked to her room. The first time he possessed her, he had been too overwhelmed by the whole experience, but now he could fully appreciate how different it felt compared to his.
His mother’s body was shorter than his, but the weight distribution was also distinct enough that he felt it. Her center of gravity was easy to deal with, all he had to do was not think too hard about it, and the body’s own muscle memory would take care of it, but had yet to get used to having his mother’s large breasts jiggling in his chest.
He noticed that even after she got dressed, she still didn’t put on her bra again. That was good, it meant that already his influence could be felt. He could barely hold from squeeing from imagining all he could do in the coming months until he had to leave for college.
This time he was more contained. He wanted to fully enjoy it. Sitting on his mom’s bed, in front of her mirror, he examined her body. His mother was 170 cm tall,and had beautiful brown eyes, and hair. She looked stereotypically motherly, but instead of where there would be a slight hint of fat and sagging skin, Alice was still slim and taut. She was a very good middle ground between his sister’s figures. Not too fit, not too ample, she was just right, and right now, she was fully his to enjoy.
Zach slowly undressed himself once again, committing every detail of his mother’s form to his mind. Once he had a proper mental map of it, he’d fill it with all the best places to touch, for maximum pleasure. He had heard that some Stealth Control networks had some features that allowed the one in control to directly access the host’s mind for better impersonation, or to get general information, but he couldn’t find how to replicate it, yet.
Now, with his head not being overcome by lust, he had to admit, his mother was incredibly hot. He gently took both her breasts in his hands, massaging them slowly. He really did have nothing to compare the feeling in his male body, but it felt nice, comfortable. Once the nipples stood erect, he ventured to play with them softly. It was weird knowing that these breasts, that he suckled when he was just a baby, were now on his chest, being enjoyed once again by him, for a different purpose.
Zach could feel her slit quickly moistening itself. He allowed a hand to wander towards it, spreading his lips. He could see it in the mirror, his mom had a bush, and small inner lips. When he spread them open, he audibly gasped, his mom’s pink pussy looked so very pretty.
He started massaging her clitoris. The wave of pleasure hit him unaware. He had already been out of his mind when he began using her clitoris the last time, but now he was still completely in control, so he was surprised by the sudden intensity of pleasure a simple small nub could provide. His other hand left the tit it had been holding, probing the inside of his vagina. He really liked the feeling of being filled, and though he wasn’t gay, he could only dream of what it felt like to be filled by a proper cock.
Though he had to admit that he could easily solve that problem, after all, there was still a cock in this house right now.
Alice was very horny today. She really was worried about it now, but she felt so good today. It was like she had been opened to a whole new universe. By now, she was sure that if she had a clone, she would bed it as soon as it would be humanly possible to do.
“Oof, that was a good one,” she said, relaxed from the, now more thorough, self pleasure session. “Still have some time before she gotta leave to buy stuff,” commented the woman, finding it weird to refer to herself in the third person.
She stood from the bed, and left the room. Her first reflex had been to wear clothes, before deciding that it wasn’t like Zach would be leaving his room anyway, and since she wouldn’t be going anywhere with an exposed window to the outside, there wouldn’t be any danger of peepers catching a look of her naked body.
First she went to the kitchen, to drink a cup of water. She really must’ve been out of it, even as she swallowed tap water, she couldn’t help but note how nice her plump lips felt. She prodded both upper and lower lips with her tongue and teeth, indulging in their soft fullness.
Hydrated after a long masturbation session, Alice slowly crept towards the attic. She wasn’t sure what she would do there, but hopefully Zach would be asleep, or deep enough inside whatever technology he was playing with, to not see her naked body.
Entering the dark room, she couldn’t help but notice how warm it was in here. She turned on the fan, to at least circulate the air inside. She took a brief look at the computer screen. It was filled with all sorts of graphs and diagrams that she couldn’t make any sense of, but she felt that it was like it was supposed to be. Then, she laid her eyes on her own son.
Zach was such a good kid, though she still worried he was too awkward amongst his peers. He had friends, and would often go out with them, but lately, he had spent all his free time at home, doing some errand or another.
Her eyes slowly panned over his body. He was wearing an off white shirt, and she couldn’t help but blush after noticing he wasn’t wearing pants, his boxer being the only thing between his penis and herself.
At least it was, since the first thing she did after looking at it, was to kneel beside his bed, and remove it, leaving his dick exposed to the world. As her loins started to heat up, she couldn’t help but think, sure, she was unusually horny today, but she didn’t think she was the kind of person that would use her son’s unconscious body to satisfy any hidden desire. She was sure that she had never felt anything like this towards him, though she had to admit that her own body had also never aroused her like it had today.
She took her son’s dick into her hands, carefully massaging it, she could feel the blood slowly pumping into it, heating it up, more and more. As it grew, she eventually placed it in her mouth, trying to speed up the process. It tasted salty, and smelled musky. She didn’t know when was the last time her son had taken a bath, but it must’ve been not too long ago, since it wasn’t bad, just a bit strong.
“There you go, now mommy can have some fun,” she said, smiling wide open. She couldn’t believe that she was really going to do this, the taboo of the situation making it so much hotter than sex usually was for her.
“Gonna be honest, using these smaller hands, my dick even looks larger, maybe that's what women usually mean when they say that size isn’t everything…”, she commented, unsure of the reason, before placing herself atop Zach.
“Anyway, I guess I’ll be losing both my virginities right now, though I guess it is a shame that I won’t get to feel my first time.” She lined up her crotch with his, marveling at how wet she currently was. Without waiting, she used her hands to place it in the correct hole, before impaling herself into Zach’s dick.
“Augh!” she moaned from the sudden intrusion, even as she expected it.
“Dear God, my fingers feel nothing like the real thing,” said Alice, enthusiastically moving her hips atop her son.
She took her time, fully enjoying having her inner emptiness filled. She guessed that there were some advantages to using her son like this, unlike the usual one night stand, she had complete control over the speed and intensity during the intercourse, and unlike a dildo, it was warm, and throbbed slightly every so often, reminding her that it was an actual person.
She still had a few minutes before she knew her orgasm would come, when she heard a ringing downstairs.
“Crap, just my luck,” her face turned into a snarl of fury, she had been having fun, but now she had to leave, otherwise the market would close, and she wouldn’t be able to buy groceries for the week. She slowly took off her son’s erect dick from inside her sopping pussy. She was lucky too, a few moments after it finished exiting her, he came, the white semen missing her by centimeters.
“What the hell, might as well try it,” she said, before licking it all from him, leaving no trace of this. She placed his boxer back on, and went downstairs to her room. As she put on her clothes back on, this time she made sure to not wear her panties. She wasn’t sure why, but the thought of going shopping while going commando did wonders to her pussy.
She grabbed her purse, and got into the car, when a shudder passed through her body, making the woman flush intensely at everything she did in the past few hours.
Zach was loving it. His mother’s body felt like a dream. He could only imagine how it’d feel to be in one of his sister’s even younger bodies.
Once again, he went downstairs to rehydrate. Though all the physical effort he did was using his mother’s body, the sex, coupled with the heat from the day, and the prior lack of ventilation in his room, meant that he had sweated quite a bit.
He drank a cup of juice, and made himself a sandwich, before going to take a bath. Once he left the bathroom, he heard motion inside the house
"Who 's there?” he asked.
“Afternoon Zach, I was just waiting for you to finish your bath before taking one myself,” shouted Blake from the kitchen.
His sister Blake was currently working as a personal trainer for a gym downtown. Zach had assumed he’d have less time to play with his sisters, since during the day they were at work, and both were still regularly going out to have fun during the night. He knew that they usually spent the whole Sunday lazing around, and that was when he expected he’d have the most access to them.
“Hey Blake”, greeted Zach, entering the kitchen, towel around his neck. “Are either of you going out tonight?”
“What’s up with the sudden interest in your big sisters’ social life?”, asked the smirking woman. “I think I heard Charlie would be going out with some friends, but I had a rough day at work, so I’ll be turning in early this weekend.”
Zach could barely hold himself from grinning and running straight to his room to try her out.
“Oh, by the way, did you find anything weird with mom today?”
“What do you mean?”
“It's just- She went to wake you up this morning and… well, nevermind,” hesitantly finished the brunette.
“When I woke up, she said she felt faint and went to lie down a bit.”
“I see… Well, I gotta take a bath, see you later, Zach” finished the young woman, leaving the kitchen.
Zach quickly hung his towel outside to dry, before running towards his room. This time he made sure to open the windows, before lying down on his bed, put on the headband, and started the program.
Blake was tired. She had a surprising number of mutual students today, so she spent most of the day running through the gym, helping each of them with whatever they needed. At least she got enough time at the end to do her own workout routine.
She had been slightly disturbed with what happened this morning, so she had tried to go head first into work to try and forget it. It worked until she returned home. She had nothing against her mother doing that kind of stuff, of course, she just hoped she’d try and do it after all of them left the house, though she did know that Zach would probably be spending all his free time in his room.
Still, she was tired, and was just about to enter the shower, when she felt a sudden shiver run through her body. Thinking better, she had to gather her dirty clothes and take them to her bedroom first. Locking the door after entering, she carefully displayed them on the floor.
She carefully stepped around them, going to look at herself in the mirror. She was beginning to feel a familiar heat in her lower abdomen. Had she always been this hot? Blake knew that she was an attractive woman, but never had any sort of reason to feel this impressed by her own figure.
If anything, she felt very conscious about not being as full figured as her mother and sister. Her breasts were very petite compared to theirs, but the only reason she could take her own eyes from them right now was because she was salivating at the sight of the rest of her body.
Though she knew how to do it, she did a mocked version of a few bodybuilding poses. She knew she wouldn’t be correctly showing any muscle like this, but she supposed it was all for good fun.
She massaged her boobs a bit, moaning softly.
“Huunh… Smaller, but just as sensitive…”
After a few more minutes of boob fondling, and quite a few twisting of her erect nipples, her hands went south and back. She really was proud of her ass, and it was an ass. She wouldn’t accept any other word to describe it, not after all the work she had done to make it this big, round and firm. She hadn’t tried, but she could probably bounce coins on it.
Massaging her ass didn’t feel particularly good, but it still aroused her, for some reason. She wasn’t really sure why she was feeling like this, but whatever it was, she liked it.
Suddenly she stopped the exploration, looking into her own eyes in the mirror.
“You know, I really wonder what’s going on inside there. Maybe you’ll think you got whatever mom got this morning, or maybe you’re just going a little bit crazy… Still, I’ll make sure to enjoy ‘myself’ as long as I’m you, hehe.” she laughed, though it did make sense.
Maybe something was happening in the house, though she would hold on before blaming the supernatural, since it could only be that. She had been feeling very frustrated lately, and work was very tiring, so she could be just very pent up. She certainly wasn’t feeling anything weird.
Blake lifted her arms, probing the skin of her forearm with her nose and tongue. She tasted salty, and smelled like she usually did, though it felt very stimulating right now, for some reason. She slowly went over her arms, gently biting into her tensed biceps.
Her armpits' smell was stronger than the other parts of her arm. She sniffed her own musk deeply, deeply hypnotized by her own aroma.
Blake didn’t really know why she smelled so good today, but she wasn’t complaining. Turning towards her dirty clothes in the ground, she went through each piece, smelling them, and comparing. Though each part had gotten impregnated with her sweat, the smell was a lot stronger in her socks, sports bra, and panties. She put those aside and gathered the rest, before returning to the bathroom.
Placing them in the dirty laundry basket, she finally started to take her bath.
The warm water felt soothing over her tired muscles. She made sure to diligently lather every inch of her skin with soap, carefully cleaning between each of her toes. She was really feeling it now, the warmth that had begun while at her room was returning every second she spent gently spreading soap with her own hands.
Slowly but surely, she finally got to her vagina. Once her hands got there, she wasted no time to penetrate herself with one hand and massaging her clitoris. She wasn’t usually this aggressive while masturbating, but she really liked how it was feeling today.
She paused a little to clean her hair. She really didn’t know why, but even the flowery scent of her shampoo felt arousing as hell. With one hand scrubbing her scalp, she gathered some of her juices and spread it over her hair too. The thought of her hair being washed with pussy juice was the edge she needed, climaxing instantly, her legs giving.
After a few moments enjoying the warm water caressing her skin, she stood up in shaky legs. Blake finished rinsing her hair, and left the bathroom, while drying herself.
Since only Zach and herself were home, like when she first left the bathroom for her room, and then went back to it, she didn’t bother covering herself, crossing the house naked.
Once she arrived in her room, she grabbed her discarded clothing pieces, and went towards the attic. Zach was in need of a real prank, so she would sneak into his room and place her dirty stinky clothes there. She would love to see his face when he discovered it, but them’s the breaks.
Inside there, she saw that he was in his bed, with some kind of silver ring around his head. Was this some new sort of VR game machine? Anyway, she placed her used panties over his face, and hid the dirty socks and sports bra in his backpack.
Prank done, she went downstairs, wandering naked though the house. It felt really liberating to walk around naked. Pity. If she lived alone, she would do it all the time, but it simply wasn’t possible right now.
She was broken out of her thoughts when she heard her mom’s car entering the garage, which accompanied a distinct shudder.
Oh shit! her mother was coming, she had to put on something before she saw her naked in the middle of the house!
Zach was getting the hang of it. Blake’s body, while familiar, felt very distinct from his mothers. What caught his attention the most was the smell. While his mother had been clean that morning, and had only started to smell of sweat as he used her during the early afternoon, Blake had spent the day at a gym, so every moment he spent in her body, he was accompanied by her own body odor.
He hadn’t thought about it before, but when he was in there, it was a distinct reminder that she had spent the whole day doing all sorts of stuff, and he could easily just take it for himself to use as he wished.
While he was inside her, feeling the mix between her perfume and natural musk had made him so horny that he could hardly believe he waited that long before starting to masturbate.
But he held on, trying to do things before beginning to pleasure himself. If his predictions were correct, like his mom not wearing a bra today, if he consistently acted a certain way, his hosts would eventually adapt said behavior for themselves. Fortunately, he had a lot of time to play and experiment with it.
After leaving Blake’s toned body, Zach masturbated once as himself, before playing some games, waiting for dinner to be ready. Beyond everything he did today, waking up with his sister’s used underwear was definitely not something he was expecting to do today, but he made good use of it while pleasing himself.
Still he had to sleep properly tonight, so he’d have tomorrow’s entire day to play with his family, so he dutifully went down and ate with his mom and Blake.
His mother warned him that she’d be making his cakes tomorrow, meaning he’d have a very brief window he could spike the ingredients with his nanobots. He didn’t know much about how baking’s chemistry worked, but he hoped the nanobots wouldn’t stop the cake from working out.
Later, after everyone went to sleep, but before Charlie arrived from whatever she had gone, Zach snuck downstairs and mixed the nanobots with the sugar, flour and the milk his mother had bought to make the cakes and the frosting. Once he delivered them, by this time next week, he’d have at least 5 more nodes in his network.
It was a little after noon when Zach woke up the next day. He could barely believe that he had spent a not insignificant amount of time as his mother and one of his sisters yesterday. Before leaving the room, he checked the server, and saw that Charlie was already home. His first instinct was to jack in her head, and have some fun, but he held himself. He had done a lot yesterday, so he wanted to check the lay of the land first- seeing if his mom or Blake had any noticeable effect from his time inside them.
As he went down to the kitchen, he bumped into his mom.
“Oh, good afternoon, Zach. I was just going upstairs to wake you up. Lunch is almost ready.”
“Oh, thanks mom.”
Zach did notice that his mother’s eyes lingered on his crotch a bit when she first saw him, but after catching herself and blushing, she quickly averted her eyes. Once she turned her back to him, he also noticed she lacked a bra strap. Zach quietly smiled, his actions already making a noticeable change in his mother’s actions.
Downstairs, he helped his mother in the kitchen, setting the table, and cleaning some of the remaining dishes in the sink. Half an hour later, his sisters also came downstairs to have a family lunch.
It was a pleasant time, all four of them making small talk. Blake talked about her work, while Charlie talked about her last few classes and internship. Alice told Zach that his cakes only need frosting before being ready. After they were all finished, Zach and his mom went to the living room to watch a movie on the TV, while the sisters washed the new dishes, and stored any remaining food.
Zach really enjoyed seeing how close his mom was sitting to him on the couch, her hands caressing his legs every so often. After 15 minutes, Zach’s sisters finished their chores, and sat down to see the movie too.
Zach noticed that Blake seemed a little uncomfortable. She would every so often try to discreetly sniff herself, her face blushing every time she thought she got away with it.
On the other hand, Charlie was as normal as she could be. Zach noticed that she also realized something weird was going on with their mom and sisters, giving them silent looks every so often.
Knowing that he was the reason for both his mom and Blake’s unusual behavior, was very hot for him.
Once the movie finished, Alice informed Zach that she would be finishing the cakes, so he could deliver them in two hours. Charlie and Blake both went to their rooms, and so did Zach.
He checked the server, named the only remaining node as Charlie, and got ready to jack in. He had some fun to have with his remaining sister, and he could barely wait to decide what he’d try to program her into liking.
Charlotte was currently laying in bed, headphones on, listening to some music. Yesterday had been a weird day, what with her mom audibly masturbating during the morning. She had tried to keep that out of her mind during her internship, but she couldn’t, so she had a subpar performance yesterday.
She hoped everything would go back to normal, though she was at least grateful that since she was on a break from college, she didn’t have to study for a test while being this distracted.
She could even blame the smaller amount of work she finished, on not being used to work that much, since her supervisor asked her to do some more work, since she would be free from school for a bit. Because of the extra hours, she’d even be able to take a two week vacation from it before the end of her school break, meaning she’d get two weeks of lazing around.
She envied Zach a little, for being able to just spend two months doing whatever, but she had to take her punches. If she worked hard enough, she'd eventually be as lazy as she wanted, without needing to work anymore.
Still, it had been an unusual weekend, her mom’s unexpected, very vocal masturbation session, Blake was also weird, though she couldn’t put her finger on what, exactly.
She shuddered, but kept relaxing on her bed. She could lower the ceiling fan’s power level, but she wasn’t feeling like it.
She paused the music in her phone, and removed her headphones, before sitting on the bed, and gently massaging a boob.
“It’s bigger than moms, but it’s slightly less sensitive though…” she muttered. She had felt very conscious about her breasts when she was younger, what with being considerably larger than her older sister’s, and most other girls her age, but she had grown to like them.
She balanced her phone on her desk, angling it so she could record the bed. She quickly stepped out of her clothes, before hitting the record button.
She stretched a bit, before showcasing each of her best body parts to the camera. She would be worried about someone getting their hands on the video, but felt herself slowly but surely moistening at the thought of someone else watching it.
Charlotte started looking inside her drawers, though she wasn’t sure what she was looking for. Only once she opened a very well hidden compartment inside her wardrobe, she realized she had been looking for toys.
She took everything in it, dumping it in the bed. Charlotte had been very proud of her sex toy collections, having experimented extensively with them, though taking care to only do so when the rest of the house were either asleep, or outside.
She attached a pair of breast massage vibrators to her nipples, and grabbed a dildo that could stimulate both her insides, and her clitoris with over 12 patterns of vibration. She laid down in her bed, making sure the camera had a good view of her, and turned on the breast massagers.
She blanked a little. She usually started her toys on low, then gradually powered them up, but not today, so she was really surprised by the intensity of the stimulation in her breasts. Though she wasn’t planning on it, she knew that whoever got to watch her video would be having a treat.
Somehow, while all of this was happening, she still managed to keep quiet. She wasn’t keen on her family knowing about what she was doing. She even began using the dildo, fitting it neatly inside her pussy, leaving the clit stimulator resting against her clitoris, before turning it on too.
She didn’t blank this time, but she did almost scream. The waves of pleasure felt so good, if she didn’t know better she’d say she was melting. And so she continued, toys going as strong as they could, her every reaction filmed, until she could feel herself getting close to climax.
And then she heard something close to her door.
“Zach! Your cakes are ready!” exclaimed her mom at the foot of the stair to the attic.
Instead of finishing, she stopped herself, and removed her toys. Maybe it was knowing that her mother was that close to her room, maybe it was something else, but she stopped playing with herself, her pussy still burning with desire. She was frustrated, but she went to her phone, stopped the recording, and emailed it to some random address.
She didn’t know whose it was, but she felt that she needed to send it.
“Well, it’s a pity we couldn’t finish, but I have something else I need to do right now. See you later Charlotte,” she said, looking into her phone’s face camera, and then she shuddered.
Charlie started blushing immediately. She wasn’t sure what came over her, but filming herself felt so good, that she almost started it once again, before thinking better about it. She still went and finished masturbating, she wasn’t a self cock-blocking savage after all.
Zach removed the headband in a hurry. As soon as he got those cakes to their destinations, the sooner he’d get even more toys. Even better, he still loved his family, so he wasn’t planning on doing anything too extreme to them, his current plan consisted of mostly getting them all to see no problem with walking around naked, and with having some fun with each other, but his neighbors had none of those limitations.
He'd be able to do anything with them, push as far as he wanted, turn them into caricatures of themselves. In theory at least. He still wasn’t sure about what sorts of limits were inherent to the program or to the human mind itself, so he couldn’t be sure he’d even be able to go as far as he wanted with his sisters and mom, or if he’d be able to do it without ridiculous amounts of time, and/or effort.
First he knocked on mrs. Evans’ house. The family of 3 that lived here was perfect for his plans. Mrs. Evans was around his mom’s age, but unlike her, she looked about what one would expect from a 47 years old woman. She had quite the plain face, adorned by signs of aging, framed by short blonde hair, though not as short as Blake’s. She rocked the kind neighbor lady attitude, and had never been rude to Zach, unlike her husband.
Mr. Evans was a very grumpy man, always complaining about stuff, though his wife assured Zach that he was nicer when they were alone. The short and stocky man had worked in construction in his youth, and was pretty damn good at it, before an accident forced him to start working in the management part of the family business.
Their son was called Francis, and had gone to school with Blake during their childhood. Zach hadn’t been particularly close to him, what with him being part of all sorts of sport clubs, and Zach being the quintessential nerd. While keeping his father’s stocky build, he had a more average height, which together with his quite common face, helped him a lot in his gigs as a martial arts double for action actors.
Mrs. Evans didn’t want to accept the cake, but after much insistence, her husband arrived from work and accepted it on her behalf, while also claiming their TV’s internet functions weren’t working, prompting Zach to check it out.
Zach had gladly done it, taking the chance to double check his previous work on the house. The scarily extensive network of hidden cameras would greatly assist him in his experiments with the house’s inhabitants.
His other neighbors apparently weren’t at home, so Zach went back home. He’d deliver the remaining cake later, for now he had a few things to check.
Zach kept a window with the server’s current available nodes open on his secondary monitor. He wanted to jack in as soon as one of his neighbors had eaten enough cake for the nanobots to activate, but while that didn’t happen, he’d be checking the hidden cameras he set in his own house.
Charlie had actually gone back and finished masturbating after he left, which surprised him a bit, since the last time he had been interrupted, his mom had just gone on her merry way. That meant that his arousal affected the host enough that they’d still feel aroused if he left before relieving themselves.
His mother had been mostly normal, sans being more touchy with him in the living room, and the lack of underwear. As he hadn’t possessed her beyond those first two times, he supposed that he couldn’t expect to see any radical change. Once he got his hands on his neighbors, he’d try and leave her alone a bit, so he’d see if with time, his manipulations got cleansed from the host’s mind.
Blake had the most impressive change. While not acting too overtly different while with the rest of the family, she was currently locked up in her room, sniffing some of her dirty clothes, and furiously masturbating. Maybe some people were more susceptible to his modifications? It could also be that different things affected people differently, so maybe she had already had some sort of smell fetish, though probably not directed at her own body odor.
Zach almost went and joined his sister, but before he could, he saw that one of the twins had arrived.
Gary and Harriet were twins, and lived together. The pair were in their 30s, and had very good jobs in their parents’ company. Zach didn’t know as much about them as he did about the Evans, but he nonetheless had gotten his Stealth Control Network, and his camera networks set up in their house.
It was through that that he discovered that they were a very kinky pair. They usually shared partners, though Zach had never seen them do the same person at the same time.
Gary happily accepted the cake, and actually ate a piece of it right there in front of Zach, complimenting his mother’s cooking. Before leaving, Zach made sure to ask him to leave some to his sister,to which the male twin answered with a mock disgust face, before agreeing.
Within a month, Zach could already see the fruits of his labor. He had successfully conditioned his family into being a whole lot lewder. Now all three women walked around the house naked, and neither of them cared about anyone else in the house masturbating openly.
It had been harder to shape Charlies’ mind into accepting it, but once he managed to instill an exhibitionism fetish into her mind, it was only a matter of time.
Neither of them would have sex, of course. That was the one limit he didn’t manage to cross. No matter how many times he had with them, the three simply refused to have sex with each other, which bothered Zach a little. He could solve this by managing to quickly change between hosts, his current network needing at least a couple of minutes between each different possession, but he hadn’t figured out how to do that yet, so it’d remain something for later.
His neighbors on the other hand, had been way more successful subjects. He got all three of the Evans to have sex with each other, the same with the twins.
Gary and Harrier had been the first ones, though he could see why. During one of their kinky dates, all he needed was to slowly get each twin to slowly tease the other while they were too busy with someone else to deal with it. He could still remember Gary’s face, when his sister started to step on his face while he was being ridden by one of their female friends with benefits.
He had also managed to accidentally give Harriet a slight appreciation for being a domme, and her brother a foot fetish, but he swears it wasn’t intentional. At least not a first.
The three Evans had been a bit harder. He needed to do some extensive solo play with each of them, trying to slowly acclimate them to the idea of their family members being sexually attractive. Getting Mr. Evans to see another man, his son at that, sexually, had been very hard, though he had cracked in the end.
Zach had to admit that he never hadn’t intended to have any gay sex between men, but the time he jacked into Gary while he was being fucked in the ass had awakened him to that possibility.
Somewhat surprising, once they lost all their inhibitions, the Evans ended up assembling into a matriarchal structure, with Francis and Mr. Evans both being Mrs. Evans’ pets. Zach had seen her walking both in leashes in their backyard, hidden from every sight but his cameras’ lenses.
He didn’t like needing to act like a dog while inside them sometimes, but alas, he needed to keep reinforcing, since before these behaviors took root, if he stayed long enough without entering their minds, they’d start reverting to their previous state.
Keeping being 8 people simultaneously, and long enough as each of them to keep his modifications had been beyond exhausting. Zach also had to keep being himself at least enough for his muscles to not atrophy. He had found that the big networks, like that one resort, used machines to hold their user’s bodies, machines that kept them safe and healthy while they had fun as the young people visiting the resort.
Still, from a virgin, to someone that had sex with, or as, sometimes both, 8 different people, in 29 days. Zach was having the time of his life, each of his bodies felt just different enough that he couldn’t get tired of them. All he needed to do was to change who he was at the moment, and BAM! A different experience.
Garry was drinking some water, after a very intense marathon of sex between him, his sister, and a coworker of theirs. If he didn’t know better, he thought his dick was about to fall off, so they agreed to give him a break. He could barely believe what he had been missing before he started to fuck Harriet.
He had never seen her like this before, the extent of his sexual feelings about her being related to knowing they were both fucking the same person in the same night. He loved that idea, that someone could feel both of them, one after the other, again and again. Then she stepped on his face.
He had felt uncomfortable at first. It wasn’t bad, he just didn’t know what to do about it. He tried talking with her after she started to do it every time they shared someone, but all she said was that she wasn’t sure why she was doing it, but that it felt good for some reason.
The next time she did it, he couldn’t help but lick and suckle on her toes, like he was a man in a desert, and her foot held the only source of water for kilometers. After that he slowly started noticing the feet of both men and women around him, but especially his sisters’ pair.
Once they started actually finding pleasure in each other, not just at sharing a third person, they quickly started exploring it. She had started it by giving him a footjob, and he answered it by eating her out. Before long, every night they didn’t have a partner, they would find themselves fucking each other’s brains out, indulging in their newfound fetishes.
And that wasn’t even the stranger part of this weird month they were currently in. This was the fourth night he went to his kitchen to drink water, just in time to see something absolutely unexpected in the street.
It was around 2 in the morning, and walking outside, wearing everyday clothes, the mother from two houses down the street, was walking her husband and son on a leash, like they were dogs. They were both naked, and had just stopped, so the boy could piss on his lawn.
The first three days he just felt a bit exasperated, but today the sight had made him rock hard once again. His eyes were locked to the spectacle outside, while his hands stroked his engorged member. Once they were out of sight, he returned to the bedroom.
Britney was asleep, tired from all the sex, and his sister’s new tastes, so he felt free to talk to her.
“You know, I’ve just seen a woman walk two other men in leashes down the street…”
“Not gonna lie, when you walked back in, with your dick that hard, that was not what I expected you to say. ‘Harriet, could you help me with this’, ‘Harriet use your foot like you know I love’, sure, but if I didn’t know better, ‘a woman is walking men on leashes down the street’ could be one of those brand new sentences.”
“Ain’t you just so funny. Turns out we’re not the only weirdly kinky family in the street, it was the Evans.”
“Wait what? No way! You mean the mother was…”
“Yep, the husband and the son.”
“Damm… That is actually even weirder than what we do…”
“Yep… So-”
“You’re about to ask if we could also do it, right?”
Garry’s dick, which started to soften while they talked, immediately stood back up.
“I suppose that answers it. Come here, I’ll give you a footjob, we’ll talk tomorrow.”
Garry felt a certain smug happiness. He wasn’t sure what it was about, but he did. He approached her in the bed, and shuddered for a moment, before Harriet’s expert toes massaged his penis, until he came for the last time that night.
After leaving Garry’s body, Zach went to bed. He woke up early the next morning, waiting for the mail truck. Once his new long distance router arrived, he went back up to his room, configured it, and as fast as he could, installed it in his sister’s car.
He connected it to his Stealth Control network, and hoped it would work. He was trying to circle the distance limit in his control over his new bodies, meaning he could take them over while they weren’t at home. He had set his private network on the internet, so he could connect anywhere, as long as he knew the right passwords, addresses and ports.
Sure, it’d be less safe and private now, but the network was still small and hard to find, so he still felt confident that until he found a more stable base, it would do.
He had breakfast with his family, and anxiously waited for Blake to leave for work, Charlotte now being free from work for a couple of weeks.
Blake was having quite the slow day, since her usual clients were not here today. She walked around the gym, greeting people that arrived, and correcting anyone she saw doing any exercise wrong.
She was bored out of her mind, when she felt a shudder. Through the last month or so, she had come to associate shudders to pleasure coming soon, which really worried her, since she was currently at work.
She looked at her phone, checking that the only client that had reserved a time slot, had done so only a couple of hours later.
“Lucky me, huh, really good day to be trying this new set up,” she muttered.
She felt something weird, like there was a slight delay between her thinking, and actually saying something. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she wouldn’t worry for now.
She moved quickly, looking around the gym, her eyes locking onto every toned woman that was currently exercising. Seeing the soft curves in their bodies got her lower body to slowly warm up. Just imagining all of them grabbing her at once, with their sweaty bodies- she shook her head, she’d have more time to fantasize once she was somewhere more private.
Blake walked to the restroom, before stopping in front of the doors. She carefully looked around, before deciding to enter the blue door. The act of entering a place she wasn’t allowed into, walking into it confidently, made her feel invincible.
She entered a cubicle, and sat on the toilet. It was a lot cleaner than she expected, so she started to remove her clothes.
Blake had worked out a bit before she decided to do devious shit at work, so she had worked a bit of sweat, so she briefly sniffed her own armpits. The strong scent of chemicals in the bathroom mixed with her own body odor, which was still being kept under control by her deodorant. It wasn’t as good as when it was all her, but the change in pace was also arousing.
Blake began feeling herself up, her hands cupping and massaging her humble breasts, before caressing her skin on their way towards her slit. She was honestly surprised at how wet she currently was. Could the thought of being caught masturbating at work, and in the men’s restroom at that, be making this so much better for her?
She could feel waves of warmth coursing through her nerves, starting from her pussy, and reverberating all the way from the tip of her toes, until the top of her head. Blake started picking up her pace, until she heard someone else opening the door, at which point her body locked up, two of her fingers inside her vagina.
There were two men inside here. Any noise she made, would probably be heard by them. She quietly placed one of her hands over her mouth, mortified as her other hand kept slowly and carefully teasing her clitoris. She could feel her heart trying to jump out of her mouth.
“Hey man, did you hear anything?” asked one of the gym goers.
“Not really, what’s up?” questioned the other. Blake could hear them coming closer to her cubicle.
“I’m not sure, it was a wet sound, like someone placing a hand inside a pot of hair gel…” Blake heard them both entering the other two cubicles, the sound of urine hitting the water quickly filling the air.
All the while, she kept teasing herself, her eyes almost rolling into her head from pleasure.
“I don’t know, maybe there’s someone in the women's restroom doing their hair? The walls in this kind of place are usually very thin,” answered the second man, after they left their cubicles, the sink now gushing water.
“I guess, let’s go, I’ll treat you for lunch today,” finished the first man, opening the door.
Once she was again alone in the restroom, Blake immediately stuck as many fingers inside her pussy as she could, the shock claiming an orgasm out of her. It took 4 minutes until she was fit to move again. She had never had such an overpowering climax in her life.
She used the toilet paper to clean herself as well as she could, before wearing her clothes, and walking to the mirror.
She looked herself in the eye.
“You know Blake, even hotter than being able to partake in your body like this, is knowing that no matter what I do as you, you will think it’s your own action,” she said.
Was this what was happening? Was she being taken over by some other person? Was this why she felt so horny all the time this last month? But it felt so natural, she knew that she was perfectly able to do this sort of thing.
“Come on now, I just admitted to possessing your body and mind, using you as my own toy, and your pussy is already growing moist again, even after this whole thing?” she smirked at herself, hands caressing her face.
“I suppose there’s a reason you’re my favorite between my new lives, if you really like this sort of thing, I suppose that it makes us just that more compatible than Charlie and Alice.”
Was this what was happening to her family? Why now everyone was so happy to masturbate out loud during the day, to walk around naked inside the house? It was so hot! She almost wanted to touch herself at the thought once more, but she couldn’t, someone else might come, and she couldn’t be seen doing these sorts of things.
She shuddered and left the men’s restroom, her mind reeling at the thought of someone else being controlling hers, and her family’s bodies. She just hoped that they weren’t doing anything to Zach, she hoped that by now, if he was willing to have sex with them, it was by his own will.
Zach couldn’t stop himself, the latest experiment had been a success. There was a slight delay between him doing anything, compared to when he did it close by, but it had worked.
The sheer pleasure Blake’s body felt while he was in that restroom, was overpowering, even now, he was sporting the hardest erection he ever had. Still he had restrained himself. He still had a lot to do before his break ended in a couple of weeks, so he couldn’t waste time having sex using his own body.
Still, he knew exactly who’d he'd wear for now. Francis was a very handsome man, and Zach had quite the fun turning him into his mother’s pet dog/sex slave. He knew that Charlie had a huge crush on him when they were teenages, and though he wasn’t sure how she felt now, he was sure that with how absolutely horny he had made all of his family members, she’d love to get a different cock to fill her needy pussy.
He really had been lucky that Charlie ended up receiving a two weeks break from her internship, meaning he had a lot more time to work on her than he expected to.
First things first, he jacked in Charlie. When he found himself in her supple body, she had been watching a show in her room. Zach slowly began teasing his sister’s body, which quickly responded, a pleasant warmth blooming in his lower parts.
Though he preferred Blake’s body, Charlotte’s was also very good. Compared to his other sister, Charlie was simply ampler, and the bigger heft of her breasts were a wonder to play with. Her sensitive nipples almost leapt at the attention, getting harder and even more sensitive in response to his ministrations.
Another big difference was the pussy. Blake’s really enjoyed a slow crescendo that finished into an earth-shattering orgasm, while Charlie really liked intense and almost aggressive stimulation throughout the whole session, usually ending more subdued than Blake’s, but having longer lasting orgasms.
Still, climaxing was not his purpose right now, Zach slowed down a bit, and grabbed his sister’s phone, and looked for a picture of Francis he knew she had stored somewhere. Once he found it, he looked at it for a bit, planting the idea of screwing the neighbor in his sister’s mind, and then, he disconnected.
Disconnecting was a lot more jarring this time. The whiplash between being mid-pleasure to just having a hard on was uncomfortable, but he needed to do things in the right order for his plan to work without a hitch. As fast as he could, he connected to Francis, needing to wait just 30 seconds for the program to finish loading again.
Once more he found himself in a different location. He recognized his neighbor’s backyard, though he had to admit this was an angle he wasn’t used to. Zach was currently crouching down over a sandbox. He looked down and noticed a very conspicuous small amount of shit.
Though greatly repulsed by it, he tried to not express anything in his borrowed face, lest his indoctrination worked in the wrong direction he wanted. Francis was a dog, as far as his family was concerned, and dogs did their business outside. The sight did make him wonder if he wasn’t going too far with this whole thing, but he shook his new head.
Zach entered the house and went to a bathroom, cleaned himself, before he went to have sex with Charlie. He was very grateful for the Evans’ bidet, making the cleaning process a lot easier. He got dressed and went outside, towards his usual house.
Being Francis always felt novel for Zach. Though not as short as his dad, the young man was buff. Zach liked to sometimes possess his body just to flex on the mirror and admire his borrowed body, in different ways than he did his female hosts.
He knocked on the door, waiting for his sister to open. He knew that she would come, her new exhibitionist tendencies would make sure that was the only course of action she could take while this pleasure drunk.
A few minutes later, he heard the door unlocking, and opening slightly. A red flushed face met his eyes opening perceptibly when they crossed his.
“H-hey Francis, d-do you n-need anyth-thing?” Charlie stuttered, and even now, he could hear the slow shclick of her fingers pistoning her vagina, even with her whole body hidden behind the door.
“Hi there, Charls,” that was his nickname for her from school. “I just wanted to know if you were interested in having some fun today?”
If he didn’t know exactly how she’d react to that, Zach would have been very surprised to be on the receiving end of what was about to happen.
Upon hearing his words, Charlie’s pupils dilated, before she quickly opened the door, showing her almost naked body to the world, aggressively grabbed Francis, and pulled him inside, and locked the door once again.
The sudden movement made him lose his balance, which resulted in Zach being down on the floor of his house’s lobby. Charlie eyed him like a piece of meat, and almost pounced on his chiseled body, pressing her hands, coated in her juices, on his face, as if to mark him with her scent.
She kissed him deeply, her lips tasting like strawberries. Finally gathering his wits, Zach caught her head, his hand full of her deep brown long hair. That was one thing he loved about Charlie, unlike Blake’s short sporty cut, she kept her hair long and silky, like their mother did, though hers was curlier than Charlie’s.
Zach gently held Charlie down, as she indulged in his new body like he was an oasis in the desert. Her hands caressed his body’s every inch, tracing his muscles, until they got to the best part. She expertly took off his shorts and boxers, before shoving his hard cock deep inside her slit.
Her insides were warm and wet, the previous lubrication she had making his dick thrust inside her smoothly. Charlie rode him like a champion, only letting him go when he warned her he was about to come, before she promptly placed her mouth in his cock, making sure to swallow every drop of his cum.
“Well, I’m not done yet, so you better make sure I’ll finish too, got it,” Charlie said, dilated eyes looking straight into his soul.
“Yes, ma’am,” Zach answered instinctively.
Charlie stood up, turned around and promptly sat on Francis’ face. Zach went to work, licking as much of Charlie’s pussy as he could. She tasted different with Francis’ tongue, but he still loved it, supping deeply of her essence and juices. The slick and smooth texture of Charlie’s pussy had felt wonderful on his dick, and even now he couldn’t help but enjoy it with his tongue, the slight salty and tangy taste, mixed with her natural musk quickly got his dick hard as soon as his refractory period ended, it being a lot faster on Francis’ fitter body than on Zach’s own.
Charlotte licked and teased Zach’s new cock with her large breasts for a minute, before standing up, and once again impaling herself on his dick, pressing her tits on Zach’s borrowed face.
Zach was surprised, Charlie hadn’t been this aggressive during the times he fucked her on his own body. He wondered if it was a mixture of his previous actions before he jacked into Francis, and her having a crush on him way back.
Still, he went to work, placing his hands on both of Charlie’s breasts, his fingers sinking into her pale orbs, as he nibbled her nipples every once in a while. During this, she rode his dick as hard as she could. He was a bit worried she’d accidentally break it, but since it wasn’t his own, he let her do as she wished. Zach was glad though, that this being the second time it was being used this soon, his dick was a little less sensitive, as he wasn’t sure he’d be able to hold on cumming for long with this much stimulation normally.
Charlie’s breasts tasted of sweat, and felt like two big, and warm marshmallows, her svelte body felt fragile, as if his big, strong arms could break her by accident. Her inner warmth made him feel like he was melting inside her folds, the quick in and out motion, making her feel like a sex machine, designed to milk him for as much cum as Francis’ body could produce.
When Zach noticed his sister’s pussy gripping his dick more and more he actually felt glad that it was coming to an end. When she finally came, moaning loudly, he felt like his borrowed cock was being held in a very moist, warm, but very firm vise. He began to moan, feeling his own orgasm rapidly arriving, trying in vain to warn her, when it happened.
Francis’ dick exploded inside Charlotte’s tight pussy. He shivered, before catching his breath.
“Holy shit, I-I tried to warn you, I swear I didn’t mean to cum inside,” stammered the man.
“Don’t worry, I’m on the pill, and this wasn’t my fertile period, so it wouldn’t do anything anyways…” softly said the young woman, turning to look at Francis, his dick slowly softening, still inside her.
“Oh, yeah, that’s good.” he said softly, tension leaving his body as he relaxed, “You know, I’m not sure why we never did this before.”
“Who knows, this has been a weird month for me, so maybe it’s something related…”
“Yeah, for me too. I knew that you had a crush on me, but I guess I just thought of you as Blake’s little sister, until earlier today, when I felt the sudden urge to come looking for you.”
“Huh, it was something kinda like that for me too…” answered Charlie, finally opting to stand up, fully removing Francis’ soft dick from her.
“Let’s keep in touch, I’ve changed a lot this past month, so maybe we could have some more fun later,” said the young woman, leaving the young man to go to the bathroom to clean herself.
As she walked, she couldn’t help but to think to herself, maybe he’d like to do it in riskier places too, softly smiling.
As Zach sat in his room, looking like a supervillain, he watched his hidden cameras. It was the last Sunday before he had to start going back to college. He was sad to have a lot less free time to enjoy anyone else’s bodies, but he would be getting a chance to score himself a few new hosts.
On one camera, he could see the Evans, all three naked, save for the little collars in the father and son’s necks. The mother was sitting at the table, eating dinner, as her pets ate in bowls of human food, on the ground. Zach laughed a bit, as Francis peed on the floor, before his mother stood, and grabbed a rolled up newspaper to hit him.
On the other, he could see Harriet, clad in tight leather, holding a bright pink riding crop, punishing Gary for cumming in one of her running shoes. Even as he got lashed, the twin smiled, and tried to lick her still exposed toes, before she lashed him again, before his tongue could reach her.
Zach was proud of all the progress he had had in his immediate neighborhood. He was even prouder that all 5 of them were perfectly capable of just switching from pervert mode to normal people once they either left the house, or had someone else coming over.
He looked on the other monitor, seeing his mom walking naked inside the house, cooking dinner, even as she swapped her left hand between massaging one breast and her not-so-private-anymore parts. He had done the least modifications in his mother, focusing on making her feel comfortable with walking around naked, and pleasing herself as often as she could.
Charlie was filming herself with one vibrator on each hole she managed to fit. She still sent those videos to him, though she didn’t know it was him. He had seen her having sex with Francis a few more times, usually outside, whenever he wasn’t busy being his mom’s little puppy.
Blake currently had one of her worn panties on her head. She had taken to, besides greatly enjoying her own, and other women’s body odor, roleplay being possessed. He had really impacted her that time he possessed her at the gym. Still, it was very hot, and as long as she didn’t go around blabbing it to his other subjects, or worse, to someone that wasn’t one of them, he would let her do as she wanted.
Despite everything, Zach was satisfied with his break from college. He had all but assured he wouldn’t become a wizard and gained magic powers, but he had something he thought was at least as good as that.
It was with that in mind, that he went downstairs to have dinner. His whole family was naked, eating and having the same old small talk as always, at least until all 4 of them finished their meals.
To Zach’s surprise, once all four of them were sitting in the living room, subtly all three of his female relatives started to feel each other up. He hadn’t managed to do it himself, but they did end up doing it by themselves. He was quick to join in, partaking of all those nubile bodies that he so often wore during the last two months.
Zach really was in a blessed place in the world, his skin shuddering for a second.
Zach had been ecstatic when his latest parcel arrived in the mail. Though it was very expensive to use it legally, the college student had heard about a few rogue servers of Stealth Control here and there, and had been wanting to try setting one up for himself.
He had spent the weekends at his family’s home preparing the grounds, just waiting to get his hands on some real hardware. He had used all of his IT knowledge to place an extensive array of spy cameras, and wireless network routers in his house, and both side neighbors, enjoying the good old excuse of helping them with technical problems, that in reality, had been caused by him.
His specialized hardware had arrived a week before his summer break started, meaning he’d have just enough time to finish setting it up in time for two months of pure debauchery in the three houses he’d use as testing grounds.
Fortunately, with all of his previous prepwork, the next step would be easy. First he’d need to set up a main control hub in the server he installed in his room, and tinker a bit with his wireless routers to interact with the proper receivers.
He also had to make sure that both his transmission points and his receiver nanobots were absolutely sealed to intrusions outside of what he wanted it to. Stories of people setting up entire networks of Stealth Control, just to have it promptly hijacked by other more experienced hackers scared him to death. The only one that had the right to play god in his neighborhood was him, thank you very much.
He had gotten enough nanobots to control a hundred people, but he’d start small, increasing his range as he got more and more people dancing in his hands. Beyond using all of his best methods to black box his network, this was his main defense against other Stealth Control users, his network would be small at first, but would slowly grow, making it a lot harder to detect.
He’d spread it naturally. Give his mom a cup of infected juice here, his sisters, some infected cake. The neighbors themselves would take some more effort, but he’d get there eventually, especially if he managed to use his mom to do it.
Zach was the quintessential IT major. He was lanky and awkward, plain face, and big round glasses, and though certainly not as shy as most of his peers, still hadn’t managed to get himself a girlfriend.
To spectacular contrast, his mom and two sisters were gorgeous. Alice was a 45 year old woman, who despite her age, still had an amazing figure. The widow made sure to keep in shape, so still seemed to be no older than 30. Brunette hair and large breasts, coupled with her wide hips, she was very famous among Zach’s friends when he was still in high school.
Blake and Charlie were both older than Zach by a couple of years. Blake had just graduated with a physical education degree, and Charlie was in the final year of her business major. Though neither carried their mom’s sexy older woman appeal, they were still beauties in their own right.
Blake was tall and fit. Her breasts and ass were smaller than Charlie, or Alice’s, but she more than made it up by having the perfect balance of muscles and fat to still look feminine, while being a top athlete, her short boyish hair completing the tomboy look.
Charlotte, usually shortened to Charlie, was thin, and held the classic model look. She was a bit shorter than Blake, but had her beat in the chest department. Somehow, she had even larger breasts than their mom, and her svelte form did wonders to accentuate it.
Knowing all of this, Zach had been jittery when he first arrived home after his last day at school this semester. He quickly ran to his room in the attic, checked his diagnostics program, and booted Stealth Control up.
While it should already work immediately, he knew that having the host acclimate to the nanobots before use would make it easier to connect himself, and smoother for any mental effect his mind being in control of their bodies could have.
He set the controller band over his head, and set a timer for 30 seconds to start, while he laid down in bed, and got comfortable.
Once the 30 seconds passed, he began hearing the band starting to humm, which slowly made him lose consciousness, which had the effect of getting him to find himself in a wide blue expanse.
Zach could barely believe that it had worked. While all legal operations of Stealth Control kept a very strict hold over how the process worked, having a few employees taking requests of who wanted to possess who, and either connecting them, or denying the connections, pirate networks worked in many different ways. Some kept to the basics, having people controlling connections between server nodes and client nodes, others, tried to implement ways that the users themselves could have some control, by either using specific passwords, or using a managing system.
To solve that, Zach had installed a very well hidden backdoor, straight into his main control hub, in every wifi network in the three houses he worked on, so he could theoretically access it from anywhere, as long as he had the right tools, namely, a smartphone with the right apps, one he made sure got installed in every smartphone connected to the wifi networks he set up.
The operating system he had developed to do this, made it so that instead of going straight into the head of one of his hosts, he would go to a digital space, where he could monitor every node connected. He could see three bright spots of light around his own spot, each with the same address and a different port. He had no way of knowing who each node was before possessing them, so he decided to just pick one at random.
Target locked, he entered the command, and for the first time, became someone else.
Alice was about to go upstairs to wake her youngest, when she felt a shudder run through her body. Weird, she thought, it was summer, so there shouldn’t be random cold breezes running through her house.
For some reason, her bra was feeling constricting, so instead, she went to her room to take it off, while idly picking at it. Slowly but surely, as she approached her room, she could feel her heartbeat speeding up.
Once inside, she made sure to lock the door, before removing her clothes. They felt stuffy, she needed to breathe a little. When she stood naked in front of the mirror, she couldn’t help herself.
“Damn. You’re -I mean- I’m hot!” exclaimed the older woman, staring lecherously at her own tits. She had never thought about it, but all her hard work at keeping her body had certainly paid off.
She didn’t really know why she was suddenly so attracted to her own body, but seeing herself, massaging her own boobs, made her so wet she could barely hold herself from just going to town on her now sopping wet pussy.
“God, this body is awesome, I love it.” she made sure to say out loud. She really enjoyed hearing her own voice right now. She sounded so slutty, so sexual. Usually, whenever she was playing with herself, she would just do it as silently as possible, feeling no need to vocalize beyond any moan that came naturally, since she had no partner to communicate her feelings.
She could feel the distinct call of her climax coming. Usually, when she got this close, she would try and ride it for as long as she could, taking her time to make sure all her pleasure points were being given equal attention, but not today. Today she felt like just ramming her fingers as deep inside herself as she could, and pressing her ample breasts with her whole palm, twisting her nipples every once in a while.
It came very suddenly, one moment, she was forcefully trying to extract an orgasm out of herself, the next it came, like a tsunami breaking through a barrier, flooding her entire body with pleasure.
She could barely breathe through it, orgasming had never felt like this. She felt a brief shudder, followed by hearing a light knock on her door.
“H-hey mom… Charlie and I are leaving for work, talk to you later…”she heard Blake awkwardly say.
After she got her breath back, she finally felt her mind clear. She had been going to wake Zach up, so they all could have breakfast together. Was this a symptom of her menopause coming? She still had her regular cycle, so she didn’t think so, but a sudden lustful surge like this was very unusual indeed.
In the attic, Zach could barely believe what had happened. For the entire duration, he could control his mother’s body as his own. It worked. It really, actually worked! After taking off the headband, he jumped in joy, before going downstairs. He had spent the night finishing his network’s set up process, so now that he finally had tangible proof that it worked, he felt himself held down by exhaustion.
Still, while he wore his mom’s body as a meat puppet, he felt as well as she did, so he could spend the day experimenting, and compensate for his sleep during the night.
Getting to the kitchen, he grabbed a mug, and filled it with coffee, before sitting down to drink it. After a few minutes, his mother entered the room.
“Good morning, sweety…” she still seemed to be somewhat dazed.
“Hey mom, are you feeling ok?” asked the college student, feigning true concern, knowing exactly what she had been feeling.
“Oh, I'm good, thanks for worrying. I was going to wake you up, but felt a little faint, so I went to my room to lie down a bit,” said the older woman, face slightly blushing.
“Well, good to know that you’re feeling better. I gotta test some new tech, so I’ll probably be in my room the whole day, if you need me.”
“Oh, ok. I might need to go out during the afternoon to buy some groceries, do you want me to get you anything?”
“Humm, could you bake two cakes for me at some time this week?”
“Sure thing honey, why do you need more than one cake, though? Not trying to prick any delicate subject, but you don’t usually have anyone over.”
“Oh, I’m giving one to mrs. Evans, and one to the twins. The money I got from the IT gig I did for them really helped me during a personal project, so I wanna thank them with the cakes.”
“Aww Zach, you’re too nice sometimes, but I’ll make sure to buy the ingredients. I’ll only be free to bake them tomorrow, but by Monday they should be ready.”
“Thanks mom, you’re the best,” he said, before standing up and leaving for his room.
This time, when he started the program once again, he noticed that only one spot was appearing. Since his sisters were currently working, they would be unavailable to play with.
He made sure to use the nickname function to mark his mother’s node with her name. Later in the night, once both his sisters arrived, he’d make sure to mark them, and once he got his neighbors in the network, they too.
Still, he could barely help himself, he jacked into his mother’s body as fast as he could. He got the tail end of the shiver that signaled the successful connection between a server and a client. The shiver felt wonderful on his mom’s skin. He was almost hypnotized with how soft and smooth it was, and with how different it felt with the goosebumps across his new body.
She had just finished setting an alarm in her phone for when she would go to the market. Zach set his mothers phone down, and once again walked to her room. The first time he possessed her, he had been too overwhelmed by the whole experience, but now he could fully appreciate how different it felt compared to his.
His mother’s body was shorter than his, but the weight distribution was also distinct enough that he felt it. Her center of gravity was easy to deal with, all he had to do was not think too hard about it, and the body’s own muscle memory would take care of it, but had yet to get used to having his mother’s large breasts jiggling in his chest.
He noticed that even after she got dressed, she still didn’t put on her bra again. That was good, it meant that already his influence could be felt. He could barely hold from squeeing from imagining all he could do in the coming months until he had to leave for college.
This time he was more contained. He wanted to fully enjoy it. Sitting on his mom’s bed, in front of her mirror, he examined her body. His mother was 170 cm tall,and had beautiful brown eyes, and hair. She looked stereotypically motherly, but instead of where there would be a slight hint of fat and sagging skin, Alice was still slim and taut. She was a very good middle ground between his sister’s figures. Not too fit, not too ample, she was just right, and right now, she was fully his to enjoy.
Zach slowly undressed himself once again, committing every detail of his mother’s form to his mind. Once he had a proper mental map of it, he’d fill it with all the best places to touch, for maximum pleasure. He had heard that some Stealth Control networks had some features that allowed the one in control to directly access the host’s mind for better impersonation, or to get general information, but he couldn’t find how to replicate it, yet.
Now, with his head not being overcome by lust, he had to admit, his mother was incredibly hot. He gently took both her breasts in his hands, massaging them slowly. He really did have nothing to compare the feeling in his male body, but it felt nice, comfortable. Once the nipples stood erect, he ventured to play with them softly. It was weird knowing that these breasts, that he suckled when he was just a baby, were now on his chest, being enjoyed once again by him, for a different purpose.
Zach could feel her slit quickly moistening itself. He allowed a hand to wander towards it, spreading his lips. He could see it in the mirror, his mom had a bush, and small inner lips. When he spread them open, he audibly gasped, his mom’s pink pussy looked so very pretty.
He started massaging her clitoris. The wave of pleasure hit him unaware. He had already been out of his mind when he began using her clitoris the last time, but now he was still completely in control, so he was surprised by the sudden intensity of pleasure a simple small nub could provide. His other hand left the tit it had been holding, probing the inside of his vagina. He really liked the feeling of being filled, and though he wasn’t gay, he could only dream of what it felt like to be filled by a proper cock.
Though he had to admit that he could easily solve that problem, after all, there was still a cock in this house right now.
Alice was very horny today. She really was worried about it now, but she felt so good today. It was like she had been opened to a whole new universe. By now, she was sure that if she had a clone, she would bed it as soon as it would be humanly possible to do.
“Oof, that was a good one,” she said, relaxed from the, now more thorough, self pleasure session. “Still have some time before she gotta leave to buy stuff,” commented the woman, finding it weird to refer to herself in the third person.
She stood from the bed, and left the room. Her first reflex had been to wear clothes, before deciding that it wasn’t like Zach would be leaving his room anyway, and since she wouldn’t be going anywhere with an exposed window to the outside, there wouldn’t be any danger of peepers catching a look of her naked body.
First she went to the kitchen, to drink a cup of water. She really must’ve been out of it, even as she swallowed tap water, she couldn’t help but note how nice her plump lips felt. She prodded both upper and lower lips with her tongue and teeth, indulging in their soft fullness.
Hydrated after a long masturbation session, Alice slowly crept towards the attic. She wasn’t sure what she would do there, but hopefully Zach would be asleep, or deep enough inside whatever technology he was playing with, to not see her naked body.
Entering the dark room, she couldn’t help but notice how warm it was in here. She turned on the fan, to at least circulate the air inside. She took a brief look at the computer screen. It was filled with all sorts of graphs and diagrams that she couldn’t make any sense of, but she felt that it was like it was supposed to be. Then, she laid her eyes on her own son.
Zach was such a good kid, though she still worried he was too awkward amongst his peers. He had friends, and would often go out with them, but lately, he had spent all his free time at home, doing some errand or another.
Her eyes slowly panned over his body. He was wearing an off white shirt, and she couldn’t help but blush after noticing he wasn’t wearing pants, his boxer being the only thing between his penis and herself.
At least it was, since the first thing she did after looking at it, was to kneel beside his bed, and remove it, leaving his dick exposed to the world. As her loins started to heat up, she couldn’t help but think, sure, she was unusually horny today, but she didn’t think she was the kind of person that would use her son’s unconscious body to satisfy any hidden desire. She was sure that she had never felt anything like this towards him, though she had to admit that her own body had also never aroused her like it had today.
She took her son’s dick into her hands, carefully massaging it, she could feel the blood slowly pumping into it, heating it up, more and more. As it grew, she eventually placed it in her mouth, trying to speed up the process. It tasted salty, and smelled musky. She didn’t know when was the last time her son had taken a bath, but it must’ve been not too long ago, since it wasn’t bad, just a bit strong.
“There you go, now mommy can have some fun,” she said, smiling wide open. She couldn’t believe that she was really going to do this, the taboo of the situation making it so much hotter than sex usually was for her.
“Gonna be honest, using these smaller hands, my dick even looks larger, maybe that's what women usually mean when they say that size isn’t everything…”, she commented, unsure of the reason, before placing herself atop Zach.
“Anyway, I guess I’ll be losing both my virginities right now, though I guess it is a shame that I won’t get to feel my first time.” She lined up her crotch with his, marveling at how wet she currently was. Without waiting, she used her hands to place it in the correct hole, before impaling herself into Zach’s dick.
“Augh!” she moaned from the sudden intrusion, even as she expected it.
“Dear God, my fingers feel nothing like the real thing,” said Alice, enthusiastically moving her hips atop her son.
She took her time, fully enjoying having her inner emptiness filled. She guessed that there were some advantages to using her son like this, unlike the usual one night stand, she had complete control over the speed and intensity during the intercourse, and unlike a dildo, it was warm, and throbbed slightly every so often, reminding her that it was an actual person.
She still had a few minutes before she knew her orgasm would come, when she heard a ringing downstairs.
“Crap, just my luck,” her face turned into a snarl of fury, she had been having fun, but now she had to leave, otherwise the market would close, and she wouldn’t be able to buy groceries for the week. She slowly took off her son’s erect dick from inside her sopping pussy. She was lucky too, a few moments after it finished exiting her, he came, the white semen missing her by centimeters.
“What the hell, might as well try it,” she said, before licking it all from him, leaving no trace of this. She placed his boxer back on, and went downstairs to her room. As she put on her clothes back on, this time she made sure to not wear her panties. She wasn’t sure why, but the thought of going shopping while going commando did wonders to her pussy.
She grabbed her purse, and got into the car, when a shudder passed through her body, making the woman flush intensely at everything she did in the past few hours.
Zach was loving it. His mother’s body felt like a dream. He could only imagine how it’d feel to be in one of his sister’s even younger bodies.
Once again, he went downstairs to rehydrate. Though all the physical effort he did was using his mother’s body, the sex, coupled with the heat from the day, and the prior lack of ventilation in his room, meant that he had sweated quite a bit.
He drank a cup of juice, and made himself a sandwich, before going to take a bath. Once he left the bathroom, he heard motion inside the house
"Who 's there?” he asked.
“Afternoon Zach, I was just waiting for you to finish your bath before taking one myself,” shouted Blake from the kitchen.
His sister Blake was currently working as a personal trainer for a gym downtown. Zach had assumed he’d have less time to play with his sisters, since during the day they were at work, and both were still regularly going out to have fun during the night. He knew that they usually spent the whole Sunday lazing around, and that was when he expected he’d have the most access to them.
“Hey Blake”, greeted Zach, entering the kitchen, towel around his neck. “Are either of you going out tonight?”
“What’s up with the sudden interest in your big sisters’ social life?”, asked the smirking woman. “I think I heard Charlie would be going out with some friends, but I had a rough day at work, so I’ll be turning in early this weekend.”
Zach could barely hold himself from grinning and running straight to his room to try her out.
“Oh, by the way, did you find anything weird with mom today?”
“What do you mean?”
“It's just- She went to wake you up this morning and… well, nevermind,” hesitantly finished the brunette.
“When I woke up, she said she felt faint and went to lie down a bit.”
“I see… Well, I gotta take a bath, see you later, Zach” finished the young woman, leaving the kitchen.
Zach quickly hung his towel outside to dry, before running towards his room. This time he made sure to open the windows, before lying down on his bed, put on the headband, and started the program.
Blake was tired. She had a surprising number of mutual students today, so she spent most of the day running through the gym, helping each of them with whatever they needed. At least she got enough time at the end to do her own workout routine.
She had been slightly disturbed with what happened this morning, so she had tried to go head first into work to try and forget it. It worked until she returned home. She had nothing against her mother doing that kind of stuff, of course, she just hoped she’d try and do it after all of them left the house, though she did know that Zach would probably be spending all his free time in his room.
Still, she was tired, and was just about to enter the shower, when she felt a sudden shiver run through her body. Thinking better, she had to gather her dirty clothes and take them to her bedroom first. Locking the door after entering, she carefully displayed them on the floor.
She carefully stepped around them, going to look at herself in the mirror. She was beginning to feel a familiar heat in her lower abdomen. Had she always been this hot? Blake knew that she was an attractive woman, but never had any sort of reason to feel this impressed by her own figure.
If anything, she felt very conscious about not being as full figured as her mother and sister. Her breasts were very petite compared to theirs, but the only reason she could take her own eyes from them right now was because she was salivating at the sight of the rest of her body.
Though she knew how to do it, she did a mocked version of a few bodybuilding poses. She knew she wouldn’t be correctly showing any muscle like this, but she supposed it was all for good fun.
She massaged her boobs a bit, moaning softly.
“Huunh… Smaller, but just as sensitive…”
After a few more minutes of boob fondling, and quite a few twisting of her erect nipples, her hands went south and back. She really was proud of her ass, and it was an ass. She wouldn’t accept any other word to describe it, not after all the work she had done to make it this big, round and firm. She hadn’t tried, but she could probably bounce coins on it.
Massaging her ass didn’t feel particularly good, but it still aroused her, for some reason. She wasn’t really sure why she was feeling like this, but whatever it was, she liked it.
Suddenly she stopped the exploration, looking into her own eyes in the mirror.
“You know, I really wonder what’s going on inside there. Maybe you’ll think you got whatever mom got this morning, or maybe you’re just going a little bit crazy… Still, I’ll make sure to enjoy ‘myself’ as long as I’m you, hehe.” she laughed, though it did make sense.
Maybe something was happening in the house, though she would hold on before blaming the supernatural, since it could only be that. She had been feeling very frustrated lately, and work was very tiring, so she could be just very pent up. She certainly wasn’t feeling anything weird.
Blake lifted her arms, probing the skin of her forearm with her nose and tongue. She tasted salty, and smelled like she usually did, though it felt very stimulating right now, for some reason. She slowly went over her arms, gently biting into her tensed biceps.
Her armpits' smell was stronger than the other parts of her arm. She sniffed her own musk deeply, deeply hypnotized by her own aroma.
Blake didn’t really know why she smelled so good today, but she wasn’t complaining. Turning towards her dirty clothes in the ground, she went through each piece, smelling them, and comparing. Though each part had gotten impregnated with her sweat, the smell was a lot stronger in her socks, sports bra, and panties. She put those aside and gathered the rest, before returning to the bathroom.
Placing them in the dirty laundry basket, she finally started to take her bath.
The warm water felt soothing over her tired muscles. She made sure to diligently lather every inch of her skin with soap, carefully cleaning between each of her toes. She was really feeling it now, the warmth that had begun while at her room was returning every second she spent gently spreading soap with her own hands.
Slowly but surely, she finally got to her vagina. Once her hands got there, she wasted no time to penetrate herself with one hand and massaging her clitoris. She wasn’t usually this aggressive while masturbating, but she really liked how it was feeling today.
She paused a little to clean her hair. She really didn’t know why, but even the flowery scent of her shampoo felt arousing as hell. With one hand scrubbing her scalp, she gathered some of her juices and spread it over her hair too. The thought of her hair being washed with pussy juice was the edge she needed, climaxing instantly, her legs giving.
After a few moments enjoying the warm water caressing her skin, she stood up in shaky legs. Blake finished rinsing her hair, and left the bathroom, while drying herself.
Since only Zach and herself were home, like when she first left the bathroom for her room, and then went back to it, she didn’t bother covering herself, crossing the house naked.
Once she arrived in her room, she grabbed her discarded clothing pieces, and went towards the attic. Zach was in need of a real prank, so she would sneak into his room and place her dirty stinky clothes there. She would love to see his face when he discovered it, but them’s the breaks.
Inside there, she saw that he was in his bed, with some kind of silver ring around his head. Was this some new sort of VR game machine? Anyway, she placed her used panties over his face, and hid the dirty socks and sports bra in his backpack.
Prank done, she went downstairs, wandering naked though the house. It felt really liberating to walk around naked. Pity. If she lived alone, she would do it all the time, but it simply wasn’t possible right now.
She was broken out of her thoughts when she heard her mom’s car entering the garage, which accompanied a distinct shudder.
Oh shit! her mother was coming, she had to put on something before she saw her naked in the middle of the house!
Zach was getting the hang of it. Blake’s body, while familiar, felt very distinct from his mothers. What caught his attention the most was the smell. While his mother had been clean that morning, and had only started to smell of sweat as he used her during the early afternoon, Blake had spent the day at a gym, so every moment he spent in her body, he was accompanied by her own body odor.
He hadn’t thought about it before, but when he was in there, it was a distinct reminder that she had spent the whole day doing all sorts of stuff, and he could easily just take it for himself to use as he wished.
While he was inside her, feeling the mix between her perfume and natural musk had made him so horny that he could hardly believe he waited that long before starting to masturbate.
But he held on, trying to do things before beginning to pleasure himself. If his predictions were correct, like his mom not wearing a bra today, if he consistently acted a certain way, his hosts would eventually adapt said behavior for themselves. Fortunately, he had a lot of time to play and experiment with it.
After leaving Blake’s toned body, Zach masturbated once as himself, before playing some games, waiting for dinner to be ready. Beyond everything he did today, waking up with his sister’s used underwear was definitely not something he was expecting to do today, but he made good use of it while pleasing himself.
Still he had to sleep properly tonight, so he’d have tomorrow’s entire day to play with his family, so he dutifully went down and ate with his mom and Blake.
His mother warned him that she’d be making his cakes tomorrow, meaning he’d have a very brief window he could spike the ingredients with his nanobots. He didn’t know much about how baking’s chemistry worked, but he hoped the nanobots wouldn’t stop the cake from working out.
Later, after everyone went to sleep, but before Charlie arrived from whatever she had gone, Zach snuck downstairs and mixed the nanobots with the sugar, flour and the milk his mother had bought to make the cakes and the frosting. Once he delivered them, by this time next week, he’d have at least 5 more nodes in his network.
It was a little after noon when Zach woke up the next day. He could barely believe that he had spent a not insignificant amount of time as his mother and one of his sisters yesterday. Before leaving the room, he checked the server, and saw that Charlie was already home. His first instinct was to jack in her head, and have some fun, but he held himself. He had done a lot yesterday, so he wanted to check the lay of the land first- seeing if his mom or Blake had any noticeable effect from his time inside them.
As he went down to the kitchen, he bumped into his mom.
“Oh, good afternoon, Zach. I was just going upstairs to wake you up. Lunch is almost ready.”
“Oh, thanks mom.”
Zach did notice that his mother’s eyes lingered on his crotch a bit when she first saw him, but after catching herself and blushing, she quickly averted her eyes. Once she turned her back to him, he also noticed she lacked a bra strap. Zach quietly smiled, his actions already making a noticeable change in his mother’s actions.
Downstairs, he helped his mother in the kitchen, setting the table, and cleaning some of the remaining dishes in the sink. Half an hour later, his sisters also came downstairs to have a family lunch.
It was a pleasant time, all four of them making small talk. Blake talked about her work, while Charlie talked about her last few classes and internship. Alice told Zach that his cakes only need frosting before being ready. After they were all finished, Zach and his mom went to the living room to watch a movie on the TV, while the sisters washed the new dishes, and stored any remaining food.
Zach really enjoyed seeing how close his mom was sitting to him on the couch, her hands caressing his legs every so often. After 15 minutes, Zach’s sisters finished their chores, and sat down to see the movie too.
Zach noticed that Blake seemed a little uncomfortable. She would every so often try to discreetly sniff herself, her face blushing every time she thought she got away with it.
On the other hand, Charlie was as normal as she could be. Zach noticed that she also realized something weird was going on with their mom and sisters, giving them silent looks every so often.
Knowing that he was the reason for both his mom and Blake’s unusual behavior, was very hot for him.
Once the movie finished, Alice informed Zach that she would be finishing the cakes, so he could deliver them in two hours. Charlie and Blake both went to their rooms, and so did Zach.
He checked the server, named the only remaining node as Charlie, and got ready to jack in. He had some fun to have with his remaining sister, and he could barely wait to decide what he’d try to program her into liking.
Charlotte was currently laying in bed, headphones on, listening to some music. Yesterday had been a weird day, what with her mom audibly masturbating during the morning. She had tried to keep that out of her mind during her internship, but she couldn’t, so she had a subpar performance yesterday.
She hoped everything would go back to normal, though she was at least grateful that since she was on a break from college, she didn’t have to study for a test while being this distracted.
She could even blame the smaller amount of work she finished, on not being used to work that much, since her supervisor asked her to do some more work, since she would be free from school for a bit. Because of the extra hours, she’d even be able to take a two week vacation from it before the end of her school break, meaning she’d get two weeks of lazing around.
She envied Zach a little, for being able to just spend two months doing whatever, but she had to take her punches. If she worked hard enough, she'd eventually be as lazy as she wanted, without needing to work anymore.
Still, it had been an unusual weekend, her mom’s unexpected, very vocal masturbation session, Blake was also weird, though she couldn’t put her finger on what, exactly.
She shuddered, but kept relaxing on her bed. She could lower the ceiling fan’s power level, but she wasn’t feeling like it.
She paused the music in her phone, and removed her headphones, before sitting on the bed, and gently massaging a boob.
“It’s bigger than moms, but it’s slightly less sensitive though…” she muttered. She had felt very conscious about her breasts when she was younger, what with being considerably larger than her older sister’s, and most other girls her age, but she had grown to like them.
She balanced her phone on her desk, angling it so she could record the bed. She quickly stepped out of her clothes, before hitting the record button.
She stretched a bit, before showcasing each of her best body parts to the camera. She would be worried about someone getting their hands on the video, but felt herself slowly but surely moistening at the thought of someone else watching it.
Charlotte started looking inside her drawers, though she wasn’t sure what she was looking for. Only once she opened a very well hidden compartment inside her wardrobe, she realized she had been looking for toys.
She took everything in it, dumping it in the bed. Charlotte had been very proud of her sex toy collections, having experimented extensively with them, though taking care to only do so when the rest of the house were either asleep, or outside.
She attached a pair of breast massage vibrators to her nipples, and grabbed a dildo that could stimulate both her insides, and her clitoris with over 12 patterns of vibration. She laid down in her bed, making sure the camera had a good view of her, and turned on the breast massagers.
She blanked a little. She usually started her toys on low, then gradually powered them up, but not today, so she was really surprised by the intensity of the stimulation in her breasts. Though she wasn’t planning on it, she knew that whoever got to watch her video would be having a treat.
Somehow, while all of this was happening, she still managed to keep quiet. She wasn’t keen on her family knowing about what she was doing. She even began using the dildo, fitting it neatly inside her pussy, leaving the clit stimulator resting against her clitoris, before turning it on too.
She didn’t blank this time, but she did almost scream. The waves of pleasure felt so good, if she didn’t know better she’d say she was melting. And so she continued, toys going as strong as they could, her every reaction filmed, until she could feel herself getting close to climax.
And then she heard something close to her door.
“Zach! Your cakes are ready!” exclaimed her mom at the foot of the stair to the attic.
Instead of finishing, she stopped herself, and removed her toys. Maybe it was knowing that her mother was that close to her room, maybe it was something else, but she stopped playing with herself, her pussy still burning with desire. She was frustrated, but she went to her phone, stopped the recording, and emailed it to some random address.
She didn’t know whose it was, but she felt that she needed to send it.
“Well, it’s a pity we couldn’t finish, but I have something else I need to do right now. See you later Charlotte,” she said, looking into her phone’s face camera, and then she shuddered.
Charlie started blushing immediately. She wasn’t sure what came over her, but filming herself felt so good, that she almost started it once again, before thinking better about it. She still went and finished masturbating, she wasn’t a self cock-blocking savage after all.
Zach removed the headband in a hurry. As soon as he got those cakes to their destinations, the sooner he’d get even more toys. Even better, he still loved his family, so he wasn’t planning on doing anything too extreme to them, his current plan consisted of mostly getting them all to see no problem with walking around naked, and with having some fun with each other, but his neighbors had none of those limitations.
He'd be able to do anything with them, push as far as he wanted, turn them into caricatures of themselves. In theory at least. He still wasn’t sure about what sorts of limits were inherent to the program or to the human mind itself, so he couldn’t be sure he’d even be able to go as far as he wanted with his sisters and mom, or if he’d be able to do it without ridiculous amounts of time, and/or effort.
First he knocked on mrs. Evans’ house. The family of 3 that lived here was perfect for his plans. Mrs. Evans was around his mom’s age, but unlike her, she looked about what one would expect from a 47 years old woman. She had quite the plain face, adorned by signs of aging, framed by short blonde hair, though not as short as Blake’s. She rocked the kind neighbor lady attitude, and had never been rude to Zach, unlike her husband.
Mr. Evans was a very grumpy man, always complaining about stuff, though his wife assured Zach that he was nicer when they were alone. The short and stocky man had worked in construction in his youth, and was pretty damn good at it, before an accident forced him to start working in the management part of the family business.
Their son was called Francis, and had gone to school with Blake during their childhood. Zach hadn’t been particularly close to him, what with him being part of all sorts of sport clubs, and Zach being the quintessential nerd. While keeping his father’s stocky build, he had a more average height, which together with his quite common face, helped him a lot in his gigs as a martial arts double for action actors.
Mrs. Evans didn’t want to accept the cake, but after much insistence, her husband arrived from work and accepted it on her behalf, while also claiming their TV’s internet functions weren’t working, prompting Zach to check it out.
Zach had gladly done it, taking the chance to double check his previous work on the house. The scarily extensive network of hidden cameras would greatly assist him in his experiments with the house’s inhabitants.
His other neighbors apparently weren’t at home, so Zach went back home. He’d deliver the remaining cake later, for now he had a few things to check.
Zach kept a window with the server’s current available nodes open on his secondary monitor. He wanted to jack in as soon as one of his neighbors had eaten enough cake for the nanobots to activate, but while that didn’t happen, he’d be checking the hidden cameras he set in his own house.
Charlie had actually gone back and finished masturbating after he left, which surprised him a bit, since the last time he had been interrupted, his mom had just gone on her merry way. That meant that his arousal affected the host enough that they’d still feel aroused if he left before relieving themselves.
His mother had been mostly normal, sans being more touchy with him in the living room, and the lack of underwear. As he hadn’t possessed her beyond those first two times, he supposed that he couldn’t expect to see any radical change. Once he got his hands on his neighbors, he’d try and leave her alone a bit, so he’d see if with time, his manipulations got cleansed from the host’s mind.
Blake had the most impressive change. While not acting too overtly different while with the rest of the family, she was currently locked up in her room, sniffing some of her dirty clothes, and furiously masturbating. Maybe some people were more susceptible to his modifications? It could also be that different things affected people differently, so maybe she had already had some sort of smell fetish, though probably not directed at her own body odor.
Zach almost went and joined his sister, but before he could, he saw that one of the twins had arrived.
Gary and Harriet were twins, and lived together. The pair were in their 30s, and had very good jobs in their parents’ company. Zach didn’t know as much about them as he did about the Evans, but he nonetheless had gotten his Stealth Control Network, and his camera networks set up in their house.
It was through that that he discovered that they were a very kinky pair. They usually shared partners, though Zach had never seen them do the same person at the same time.
Gary happily accepted the cake, and actually ate a piece of it right there in front of Zach, complimenting his mother’s cooking. Before leaving, Zach made sure to ask him to leave some to his sister,to which the male twin answered with a mock disgust face, before agreeing.
Within a month, Zach could already see the fruits of his labor. He had successfully conditioned his family into being a whole lot lewder. Now all three women walked around the house naked, and neither of them cared about anyone else in the house masturbating openly.
It had been harder to shape Charlies’ mind into accepting it, but once he managed to instill an exhibitionism fetish into her mind, it was only a matter of time.
Neither of them would have sex, of course. That was the one limit he didn’t manage to cross. No matter how many times he had with them, the three simply refused to have sex with each other, which bothered Zach a little. He could solve this by managing to quickly change between hosts, his current network needing at least a couple of minutes between each different possession, but he hadn’t figured out how to do that yet, so it’d remain something for later.
His neighbors on the other hand, had been way more successful subjects. He got all three of the Evans to have sex with each other, the same with the twins.
Gary and Harrier had been the first ones, though he could see why. During one of their kinky dates, all he needed was to slowly get each twin to slowly tease the other while they were too busy with someone else to deal with it. He could still remember Gary’s face, when his sister started to step on his face while he was being ridden by one of their female friends with benefits.
He had also managed to accidentally give Harriet a slight appreciation for being a domme, and her brother a foot fetish, but he swears it wasn’t intentional. At least not a first.
The three Evans had been a bit harder. He needed to do some extensive solo play with each of them, trying to slowly acclimate them to the idea of their family members being sexually attractive. Getting Mr. Evans to see another man, his son at that, sexually, had been very hard, though he had cracked in the end.
Zach had to admit that he never hadn’t intended to have any gay sex between men, but the time he jacked into Gary while he was being fucked in the ass had awakened him to that possibility.
Somewhat surprising, once they lost all their inhibitions, the Evans ended up assembling into a matriarchal structure, with Francis and Mr. Evans both being Mrs. Evans’ pets. Zach had seen her walking both in leashes in their backyard, hidden from every sight but his cameras’ lenses.
He didn’t like needing to act like a dog while inside them sometimes, but alas, he needed to keep reinforcing, since before these behaviors took root, if he stayed long enough without entering their minds, they’d start reverting to their previous state.
Keeping being 8 people simultaneously, and long enough as each of them to keep his modifications had been beyond exhausting. Zach also had to keep being himself at least enough for his muscles to not atrophy. He had found that the big networks, like that one resort, used machines to hold their user’s bodies, machines that kept them safe and healthy while they had fun as the young people visiting the resort.
Still, from a virgin, to someone that had sex with, or as, sometimes both, 8 different people, in 29 days. Zach was having the time of his life, each of his bodies felt just different enough that he couldn’t get tired of them. All he needed to do was to change who he was at the moment, and BAM! A different experience.
Garry was drinking some water, after a very intense marathon of sex between him, his sister, and a coworker of theirs. If he didn’t know better, he thought his dick was about to fall off, so they agreed to give him a break. He could barely believe what he had been missing before he started to fuck Harriet.
He had never seen her like this before, the extent of his sexual feelings about her being related to knowing they were both fucking the same person in the same night. He loved that idea, that someone could feel both of them, one after the other, again and again. Then she stepped on his face.
He had felt uncomfortable at first. It wasn’t bad, he just didn’t know what to do about it. He tried talking with her after she started to do it every time they shared someone, but all she said was that she wasn’t sure why she was doing it, but that it felt good for some reason.
The next time she did it, he couldn’t help but lick and suckle on her toes, like he was a man in a desert, and her foot held the only source of water for kilometers. After that he slowly started noticing the feet of both men and women around him, but especially his sisters’ pair.
Once they started actually finding pleasure in each other, not just at sharing a third person, they quickly started exploring it. She had started it by giving him a footjob, and he answered it by eating her out. Before long, every night they didn’t have a partner, they would find themselves fucking each other’s brains out, indulging in their newfound fetishes.
And that wasn’t even the stranger part of this weird month they were currently in. This was the fourth night he went to his kitchen to drink water, just in time to see something absolutely unexpected in the street.
It was around 2 in the morning, and walking outside, wearing everyday clothes, the mother from two houses down the street, was walking her husband and son on a leash, like they were dogs. They were both naked, and had just stopped, so the boy could piss on his lawn.
The first three days he just felt a bit exasperated, but today the sight had made him rock hard once again. His eyes were locked to the spectacle outside, while his hands stroked his engorged member. Once they were out of sight, he returned to the bedroom.
Britney was asleep, tired from all the sex, and his sister’s new tastes, so he felt free to talk to her.
“You know, I’ve just seen a woman walk two other men in leashes down the street…”
“Not gonna lie, when you walked back in, with your dick that hard, that was not what I expected you to say. ‘Harriet, could you help me with this’, ‘Harriet use your foot like you know I love’, sure, but if I didn’t know better, ‘a woman is walking men on leashes down the street’ could be one of those brand new sentences.”
“Ain’t you just so funny. Turns out we’re not the only weirdly kinky family in the street, it was the Evans.”
“Wait what? No way! You mean the mother was…”
“Yep, the husband and the son.”
“Damm… That is actually even weirder than what we do…”
“Yep… So-”
“You’re about to ask if we could also do it, right?”
Garry’s dick, which started to soften while they talked, immediately stood back up.
“I suppose that answers it. Come here, I’ll give you a footjob, we’ll talk tomorrow.”
Garry felt a certain smug happiness. He wasn’t sure what it was about, but he did. He approached her in the bed, and shuddered for a moment, before Harriet’s expert toes massaged his penis, until he came for the last time that night.
After leaving Garry’s body, Zach went to bed. He woke up early the next morning, waiting for the mail truck. Once his new long distance router arrived, he went back up to his room, configured it, and as fast as he could, installed it in his sister’s car.
He connected it to his Stealth Control network, and hoped it would work. He was trying to circle the distance limit in his control over his new bodies, meaning he could take them over while they weren’t at home. He had set his private network on the internet, so he could connect anywhere, as long as he knew the right passwords, addresses and ports.
Sure, it’d be less safe and private now, but the network was still small and hard to find, so he still felt confident that until he found a more stable base, it would do.
He had breakfast with his family, and anxiously waited for Blake to leave for work, Charlotte now being free from work for a couple of weeks.
Blake was having quite the slow day, since her usual clients were not here today. She walked around the gym, greeting people that arrived, and correcting anyone she saw doing any exercise wrong.
She was bored out of her mind, when she felt a shudder. Through the last month or so, she had come to associate shudders to pleasure coming soon, which really worried her, since she was currently at work.
She looked at her phone, checking that the only client that had reserved a time slot, had done so only a couple of hours later.
“Lucky me, huh, really good day to be trying this new set up,” she muttered.
She felt something weird, like there was a slight delay between her thinking, and actually saying something. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she wouldn’t worry for now.
She moved quickly, looking around the gym, her eyes locking onto every toned woman that was currently exercising. Seeing the soft curves in their bodies got her lower body to slowly warm up. Just imagining all of them grabbing her at once, with their sweaty bodies- she shook her head, she’d have more time to fantasize once she was somewhere more private.
Blake walked to the restroom, before stopping in front of the doors. She carefully looked around, before deciding to enter the blue door. The act of entering a place she wasn’t allowed into, walking into it confidently, made her feel invincible.
She entered a cubicle, and sat on the toilet. It was a lot cleaner than she expected, so she started to remove her clothes.
Blake had worked out a bit before she decided to do devious shit at work, so she had worked a bit of sweat, so she briefly sniffed her own armpits. The strong scent of chemicals in the bathroom mixed with her own body odor, which was still being kept under control by her deodorant. It wasn’t as good as when it was all her, but the change in pace was also arousing.
Blake began feeling herself up, her hands cupping and massaging her humble breasts, before caressing her skin on their way towards her slit. She was honestly surprised at how wet she currently was. Could the thought of being caught masturbating at work, and in the men’s restroom at that, be making this so much better for her?
She could feel waves of warmth coursing through her nerves, starting from her pussy, and reverberating all the way from the tip of her toes, until the top of her head. Blake started picking up her pace, until she heard someone else opening the door, at which point her body locked up, two of her fingers inside her vagina.
There were two men inside here. Any noise she made, would probably be heard by them. She quietly placed one of her hands over her mouth, mortified as her other hand kept slowly and carefully teasing her clitoris. She could feel her heart trying to jump out of her mouth.
“Hey man, did you hear anything?” asked one of the gym goers.
“Not really, what’s up?” questioned the other. Blake could hear them coming closer to her cubicle.
“I’m not sure, it was a wet sound, like someone placing a hand inside a pot of hair gel…” Blake heard them both entering the other two cubicles, the sound of urine hitting the water quickly filling the air.
All the while, she kept teasing herself, her eyes almost rolling into her head from pleasure.
“I don’t know, maybe there’s someone in the women's restroom doing their hair? The walls in this kind of place are usually very thin,” answered the second man, after they left their cubicles, the sink now gushing water.
“I guess, let’s go, I’ll treat you for lunch today,” finished the first man, opening the door.
Once she was again alone in the restroom, Blake immediately stuck as many fingers inside her pussy as she could, the shock claiming an orgasm out of her. It took 4 minutes until she was fit to move again. She had never had such an overpowering climax in her life.
She used the toilet paper to clean herself as well as she could, before wearing her clothes, and walking to the mirror.
She looked herself in the eye.
“You know Blake, even hotter than being able to partake in your body like this, is knowing that no matter what I do as you, you will think it’s your own action,” she said.
Was this what was happening? Was she being taken over by some other person? Was this why she felt so horny all the time this last month? But it felt so natural, she knew that she was perfectly able to do this sort of thing.
“Come on now, I just admitted to possessing your body and mind, using you as my own toy, and your pussy is already growing moist again, even after this whole thing?” she smirked at herself, hands caressing her face.
“I suppose there’s a reason you’re my favorite between my new lives, if you really like this sort of thing, I suppose that it makes us just that more compatible than Charlie and Alice.”
Was this what was happening to her family? Why now everyone was so happy to masturbate out loud during the day, to walk around naked inside the house? It was so hot! She almost wanted to touch herself at the thought once more, but she couldn’t, someone else might come, and she couldn’t be seen doing these sorts of things.
She shuddered and left the men’s restroom, her mind reeling at the thought of someone else being controlling hers, and her family’s bodies. She just hoped that they weren’t doing anything to Zach, she hoped that by now, if he was willing to have sex with them, it was by his own will.
Zach couldn’t stop himself, the latest experiment had been a success. There was a slight delay between him doing anything, compared to when he did it close by, but it had worked.
The sheer pleasure Blake’s body felt while he was in that restroom, was overpowering, even now, he was sporting the hardest erection he ever had. Still he had restrained himself. He still had a lot to do before his break ended in a couple of weeks, so he couldn’t waste time having sex using his own body.
Still, he knew exactly who’d he'd wear for now. Francis was a very handsome man, and Zach had quite the fun turning him into his mother’s pet dog/sex slave. He knew that Charlie had a huge crush on him when they were teenages, and though he wasn’t sure how she felt now, he was sure that with how absolutely horny he had made all of his family members, she’d love to get a different cock to fill her needy pussy.
He really had been lucky that Charlie ended up receiving a two weeks break from her internship, meaning he had a lot more time to work on her than he expected to.
First things first, he jacked in Charlie. When he found himself in her supple body, she had been watching a show in her room. Zach slowly began teasing his sister’s body, which quickly responded, a pleasant warmth blooming in his lower parts.
Though he preferred Blake’s body, Charlotte’s was also very good. Compared to his other sister, Charlie was simply ampler, and the bigger heft of her breasts were a wonder to play with. Her sensitive nipples almost leapt at the attention, getting harder and even more sensitive in response to his ministrations.
Another big difference was the pussy. Blake’s really enjoyed a slow crescendo that finished into an earth-shattering orgasm, while Charlie really liked intense and almost aggressive stimulation throughout the whole session, usually ending more subdued than Blake’s, but having longer lasting orgasms.
Still, climaxing was not his purpose right now, Zach slowed down a bit, and grabbed his sister’s phone, and looked for a picture of Francis he knew she had stored somewhere. Once he found it, he looked at it for a bit, planting the idea of screwing the neighbor in his sister’s mind, and then, he disconnected.
Disconnecting was a lot more jarring this time. The whiplash between being mid-pleasure to just having a hard on was uncomfortable, but he needed to do things in the right order for his plan to work without a hitch. As fast as he could, he connected to Francis, needing to wait just 30 seconds for the program to finish loading again.
Once more he found himself in a different location. He recognized his neighbor’s backyard, though he had to admit this was an angle he wasn’t used to. Zach was currently crouching down over a sandbox. He looked down and noticed a very conspicuous small amount of shit.
Though greatly repulsed by it, he tried to not express anything in his borrowed face, lest his indoctrination worked in the wrong direction he wanted. Francis was a dog, as far as his family was concerned, and dogs did their business outside. The sight did make him wonder if he wasn’t going too far with this whole thing, but he shook his new head.
Zach entered the house and went to a bathroom, cleaned himself, before he went to have sex with Charlie. He was very grateful for the Evans’ bidet, making the cleaning process a lot easier. He got dressed and went outside, towards his usual house.
Being Francis always felt novel for Zach. Though not as short as his dad, the young man was buff. Zach liked to sometimes possess his body just to flex on the mirror and admire his borrowed body, in different ways than he did his female hosts.
He knocked on the door, waiting for his sister to open. He knew that she would come, her new exhibitionist tendencies would make sure that was the only course of action she could take while this pleasure drunk.
A few minutes later, he heard the door unlocking, and opening slightly. A red flushed face met his eyes opening perceptibly when they crossed his.
“H-hey Francis, d-do you n-need anyth-thing?” Charlie stuttered, and even now, he could hear the slow shclick of her fingers pistoning her vagina, even with her whole body hidden behind the door.
“Hi there, Charls,” that was his nickname for her from school. “I just wanted to know if you were interested in having some fun today?”
If he didn’t know exactly how she’d react to that, Zach would have been very surprised to be on the receiving end of what was about to happen.
Upon hearing his words, Charlie’s pupils dilated, before she quickly opened the door, showing her almost naked body to the world, aggressively grabbed Francis, and pulled him inside, and locked the door once again.
The sudden movement made him lose his balance, which resulted in Zach being down on the floor of his house’s lobby. Charlie eyed him like a piece of meat, and almost pounced on his chiseled body, pressing her hands, coated in her juices, on his face, as if to mark him with her scent.
She kissed him deeply, her lips tasting like strawberries. Finally gathering his wits, Zach caught her head, his hand full of her deep brown long hair. That was one thing he loved about Charlie, unlike Blake’s short sporty cut, she kept her hair long and silky, like their mother did, though hers was curlier than Charlie’s.
Zach gently held Charlie down, as she indulged in his new body like he was an oasis in the desert. Her hands caressed his body’s every inch, tracing his muscles, until they got to the best part. She expertly took off his shorts and boxers, before shoving his hard cock deep inside her slit.
Her insides were warm and wet, the previous lubrication she had making his dick thrust inside her smoothly. Charlie rode him like a champion, only letting him go when he warned her he was about to come, before she promptly placed her mouth in his cock, making sure to swallow every drop of his cum.
“Well, I’m not done yet, so you better make sure I’ll finish too, got it,” Charlie said, dilated eyes looking straight into his soul.
“Yes, ma’am,” Zach answered instinctively.
Charlie stood up, turned around and promptly sat on Francis’ face. Zach went to work, licking as much of Charlie’s pussy as he could. She tasted different with Francis’ tongue, but he still loved it, supping deeply of her essence and juices. The slick and smooth texture of Charlie’s pussy had felt wonderful on his dick, and even now he couldn’t help but enjoy it with his tongue, the slight salty and tangy taste, mixed with her natural musk quickly got his dick hard as soon as his refractory period ended, it being a lot faster on Francis’ fitter body than on Zach’s own.
Charlotte licked and teased Zach’s new cock with her large breasts for a minute, before standing up, and once again impaling herself on his dick, pressing her tits on Zach’s borrowed face.
Zach was surprised, Charlie hadn’t been this aggressive during the times he fucked her on his own body. He wondered if it was a mixture of his previous actions before he jacked into Francis, and her having a crush on him way back.
Still, he went to work, placing his hands on both of Charlie’s breasts, his fingers sinking into her pale orbs, as he nibbled her nipples every once in a while. During this, she rode his dick as hard as she could. He was a bit worried she’d accidentally break it, but since it wasn’t his own, he let her do as she wished. Zach was glad though, that this being the second time it was being used this soon, his dick was a little less sensitive, as he wasn’t sure he’d be able to hold on cumming for long with this much stimulation normally.
Charlie’s breasts tasted of sweat, and felt like two big, and warm marshmallows, her svelte body felt fragile, as if his big, strong arms could break her by accident. Her inner warmth made him feel like he was melting inside her folds, the quick in and out motion, making her feel like a sex machine, designed to milk him for as much cum as Francis’ body could produce.
When Zach noticed his sister’s pussy gripping his dick more and more he actually felt glad that it was coming to an end. When she finally came, moaning loudly, he felt like his borrowed cock was being held in a very moist, warm, but very firm vise. He began to moan, feeling his own orgasm rapidly arriving, trying in vain to warn her, when it happened.
Francis’ dick exploded inside Charlotte’s tight pussy. He shivered, before catching his breath.
“Holy shit, I-I tried to warn you, I swear I didn’t mean to cum inside,” stammered the man.
“Don’t worry, I’m on the pill, and this wasn’t my fertile period, so it wouldn’t do anything anyways…” softly said the young woman, turning to look at Francis, his dick slowly softening, still inside her.
“Oh, yeah, that’s good.” he said softly, tension leaving his body as he relaxed, “You know, I’m not sure why we never did this before.”
“Who knows, this has been a weird month for me, so maybe it’s something related…”
“Yeah, for me too. I knew that you had a crush on me, but I guess I just thought of you as Blake’s little sister, until earlier today, when I felt the sudden urge to come looking for you.”
“Huh, it was something kinda like that for me too…” answered Charlie, finally opting to stand up, fully removing Francis’ soft dick from her.
“Let’s keep in touch, I’ve changed a lot this past month, so maybe we could have some more fun later,” said the young woman, leaving the young man to go to the bathroom to clean herself.
As she walked, she couldn’t help but to think to herself, maybe he’d like to do it in riskier places too, softly smiling.
As Zach sat in his room, looking like a supervillain, he watched his hidden cameras. It was the last Sunday before he had to start going back to college. He was sad to have a lot less free time to enjoy anyone else’s bodies, but he would be getting a chance to score himself a few new hosts.
On one camera, he could see the Evans, all three naked, save for the little collars in the father and son’s necks. The mother was sitting at the table, eating dinner, as her pets ate in bowls of human food, on the ground. Zach laughed a bit, as Francis peed on the floor, before his mother stood, and grabbed a rolled up newspaper to hit him.
On the other, he could see Harriet, clad in tight leather, holding a bright pink riding crop, punishing Gary for cumming in one of her running shoes. Even as he got lashed, the twin smiled, and tried to lick her still exposed toes, before she lashed him again, before his tongue could reach her.
Zach was proud of all the progress he had had in his immediate neighborhood. He was even prouder that all 5 of them were perfectly capable of just switching from pervert mode to normal people once they either left the house, or had someone else coming over.
He looked on the other monitor, seeing his mom walking naked inside the house, cooking dinner, even as she swapped her left hand between massaging one breast and her not-so-private-anymore parts. He had done the least modifications in his mother, focusing on making her feel comfortable with walking around naked, and pleasing herself as often as she could.
Charlie was filming herself with one vibrator on each hole she managed to fit. She still sent those videos to him, though she didn’t know it was him. He had seen her having sex with Francis a few more times, usually outside, whenever he wasn’t busy being his mom’s little puppy.
Blake currently had one of her worn panties on her head. She had taken to, besides greatly enjoying her own, and other women’s body odor, roleplay being possessed. He had really impacted her that time he possessed her at the gym. Still, it was very hot, and as long as she didn’t go around blabbing it to his other subjects, or worse, to someone that wasn’t one of them, he would let her do as she wanted.
Despite everything, Zach was satisfied with his break from college. He had all but assured he wouldn’t become a wizard and gained magic powers, but he had something he thought was at least as good as that.
It was with that in mind, that he went downstairs to have dinner. His whole family was naked, eating and having the same old small talk as always, at least until all 4 of them finished their meals.
To Zach’s surprise, once all four of them were sitting in the living room, subtly all three of his female relatives started to feel each other up. He hadn’t managed to do it himself, but they did end up doing it by themselves. He was quick to join in, partaking of all those nubile bodies that he so often wore during the last two months.
Zach really was in a blessed place in the world, his skin shuddering for a second.
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