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  • Possession Party: Chapter 2

    Chapter by Kripto · 19 Aug 2022
  • Ryan deals with the fallout of his crush being possessed by another person for an extended period of time.  Frank convinces Steven to make the most of his 24 hours while he's possessing Kim's body.
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  • Ryan lay panting and sweaty next to Bailey, the girl of his dreams. The girl he had met at orientation at college. Who he had been smitten with the moment she spoke to him. The girl who he believed had permanently friend zoned him. He had gotten to see her naked and touch her perfect body. He had been inside of her. It was everything he had ever hoped for. This should have been the start of their timeless romance.

    The problem was, it hadn’t really been her. Thanks to Topher’s possession sticker, it had been some random girl he only knew as Tabitha. She had found Bailey, placed the sticker on her, and possessed her body. Then she had tricked Ryan into thinking she was really Bailey, and fucked him.

    What made it worse, what kept him from reveling in the afterglow, was that when he had discovered the ruse mid sex, he hadn’t stopped it. All he saw was Bailey’s body, her face looking back at him, telling him it was okay to fuck her, telling him to cum inside her pussy. So he did. He didn’t fight her, or argue, or protest. He let her keep riding him, let her keep his dick deep inside her, until she got her wish.

    But now he couldn’t enjoy the afterglow. His mind was wracked with guilt and questions of what had just transpired. Had he betrayed Bailey by sleeping with her body while she was unawares? Would she hate him for it? Why did Tabitha trick him like that? She had seemed to have a crush on him, but to go this far. And how come she had been able to stay in Bailey’s body past the sticker’s 90 second window?

    All this crossed his mind as Bailey’s naked body snuggled up next to him under the sheets of the bed. She was so soft, so perfect. He had felt every inch of her skin. As she continued to press up against him, Ryan could feel his dick try to rally. But his conscience tugged at him. He pushed away from her and sat up on the bed.

    Tabitha/Bailey sneered at him. “What’s up with you? I thought you’d be down to cuddle with your crush after.”

    Ryan tried to quell his anger as he looked back at her. Bailey had never looked at him that way before. “How are you still in Bailey’s body?”

    “This body?” Tabitha teased as she threw back the sheet that had been covering her. She put a hand on her face and slid it down the length of Bailey’s body. She watched as Ryan’s eyes couldn’t help but follow the movements of her fingers as they caressed the soft skin she temporarily inhabited.

    Tabitha could see that Ryan really had it bad for this girl. It was probably why the sex had been so good. She had thought he was cute before, but it was so hot the way he had looked at her when he thought she was Bailey. Then the way his face had contorted in shame and betrayal when he realized Bailey wasn’t really present. But he hadn’t been able to stop himself. He just kept looking at her face, her body. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from cumming inside her. It had given Tabitha the best orgasm she’d ever had. She definitely wanted at least one more go with him.

    Ryan’s mouth had come open as he watched Tabitha continually trace the contours of Bailey’s skin. He stood there transfixed, and for a moment, he forgot to breathe. But his shame gave him the resolve he needed. “Answer the question!”

    Tabitha rolled Bailey’s eyes. “Geez, lighten up. I paid Topher for a possession sticker that lasts a little longer, that’s all.”

    Ryan’s eyes narrowed. “How much longer?”

    Tabitha hesitated for a second. She didn’t have to tell him 24 hours. He wasn’t there when she bought the sticker. She could say anything, and use it to her advantage. “For eight hours. That means you can have your crush’s body all night long.”

    “Eight hours?” Ryan muttered quietly. That was too long. He needed Tabitha to get out sooner than later. He needed to keep her from doing anything scandalous in Bailey’s body, or sleeping with someone else. Or…sleeping with him again. He’d have to rebuff her advances. He could this time. He knew better now, he told himself.

    Bailey’s eyes challenged his thought process, as they looked him over hungrily. She smiled sweetly and stood up. She walked around the bed, and Tabitha appreciated that Ryan drank in every bit of her movement. She stopped in front of him and put her arms around his neck. She looked up at him and asked innocently, “You will fuck me again, won’t you? This could be your last chance to ravish this body, and I promise I’ll let you do anything you want to me…to her.”

    Ryan felt like an alien ship had locked onto him with a tractor beam. He couldn’t move, couldn’t break away from what came next. He stood as still as a statue as Bailey’s lips drew close to his. His dick jumped slightly as Bailey’s tongue entered his mouth and connected with his own. Is this how Bailey would really kiss? Would she use her tongue the same way? Did it matter? Couldn’t he just stop thinking and go along with it for eight hours? No. No! He was her friend! And if he ever wanted to be more than that, he needed to stop Tabitha from using her body further. But how?

    He ended the kiss abruptly, and stepped back from her. “I think…uh, we should leave the party first.”

    Tabitha nodded Bailey’s head. “Yeah, that’d be alright. I can’t possess anyone else for the time being, and I’d like a shower. Let’s head back to my place.”

    “Your place?” Ryan asked worriedly. “Won’t your roommate think it’s weird when you come walking in with someone else’s body?”

    Tabitha laughed. It was different than how Bailey would laugh, Ryan noticed. It was Bailey's voice, but the laugh was sharper, shorter, and less pleasant than how she normally sounded.

    “I live off campus. My parents are kind of loaded and they lease a single bedroom apartment for me. You don’t have to worry about any roommate awkwardness. We’ll have the whole place to ourselves.”

    Ryan gulped, but then a thought occurred to him. He remembered Topher’s explanation of the possession stickers’ rules. They only worked in this house. If they left, Tabitha would be forced out of Bailey’s body. “Yeah, sure,” he nodded eagerly. “Let’s go to your place.”

    As they put their clothes back on, Ryan’s eyes kept drifting to Bailey’s body, catching her in various stages of dress. He watched closely as she pulled her panties up, covering her small, round butt. He stared openly as she hooked the bra in front of her stomach, then pulled it around.

    Before she brought the cups up to her boobs, he heard her speak. “Don’t worry. I’ll let you see them again real soon.”

    She had caught him staring. And he wanted to look away. But he also wanted to sear the image of her perfect tits into his memory forever in case he never got to see them again. And then just like that, they were hidden behind silken padding.

    “Fuck!” Tabitha/Bailey exclaimed as a thought occurred to her. “I don’t have my keys. They’re with my actual body, which I can’t get to. You got a car?”

    “I do.” he answered proudly. “I drove us here.”

    “Good. That’ll work. Let’s go.”

    “But what about your apartment? Is it locked?”

    “I got a way to get us in,” she winked.

    They left the room, went down the stairs, and Ryan could count the steps to the door. Bailey would be back to herself again momentarily. But when they crossed the threshold, nothing happened.

    Tabitha must’ve seen his disappointment, because she said, “This sticker lets me go outside the house too. You won’t get rid of me that easily.” And then she walked past him and gave Bailey’s hips a bit of extra sway.

    Ryan couldn’t seem to stop staring. This was going to be harder than he thought.

    The possession party in the house was nearing a close as the adhesive on the stickers wore off. But the party was still going for Frank and his girlfriend Kim. After this party, Frank surmised that she would probably be his ex girlfriend, but that only made him all the more reckless with his behavior towards her.

    At the moment, Kim wasn’t really Kim, but a guy named Steven. He had loved using his possession sticker repeatedly on the beautiful brunette. Frank didn’t have the same urge to become Kim, but he was smitten with her body just the same. As Kim had been less and less keen to let him explore that body near the twilight of their relationship, a deal had been struck between the two men.

    Frank had procured a 24 hour possession sticker that Steven would use on Kim. In exchange, Frank got to fool around with Kim’s body. This bit was tricky for Steven, as he fancied himself very much a heterosexual male.  But after lots of foreplay, fondling, and clitoris tongue lashing, Steven had agreed to let Frank penetrate Kim’s body, provided Steven didn’t have to look at him. Frank wasted no time entering his girlfriend’s pussy. It had been a little weird, as Kim’s eyes were tightly shut the whole time. But her pussy had been plenty wet, so he didn’t care.

    Steven had cared very much two minutes later, as Frank busted a nut inside him. He allowed Kim's eyes to flutter open then, as a warm feeling flooded her insides. He saw the look on Frank’s face as it was scrunched up in ecstasy. But then it was over. “Are you kidding me? That’s it? That was like, no time at all!” He wondered briefly why he was upset as Frank pulled out of him. He hadn’t wanted this guy to penetrate him two minutes ago. But now he felt empty, and the itch to get off seemed to grow ten fold.

    “Just give me a few minutes to rally,” Frank groaned as he rolled onto his side.

    “No, fuck no!” Steven whined in Kim’s voice. “You need to figure something out because I’m still horny as hell!”

    Frank almost laughed at how much Steven acted like the real Kim right then. “Okay, okay, I’m on it. Lift your head.”


    “Just trust me.”

    Steven lifted Kim’s head, and felt Frank’s strong arm slide underneath Kim’s head. Then he felt Frank’s soft, wet penis press against Kim’s leg as Frank rolled towards him. “What are you…” he started to ask when a finger slid between Kim’s lower lips and found just the right spot. “Oh!” Kim’s voice cried. “Okay, yeah, keep, yeah…right there.”

    “I know how you like it, babe,” Frank chuckled.

    “Don’t call me babe,” Steven/Kim protested.

    Frank’s fingers didn’t stop as he positioned his face over Kim’s right breast. “What would you like me to call you then?”

    Steven didn’t have a quick answer to that one. Partially because he didn’t want this guy calling him by his name while getting finger blasted. But what also gave Steven pause was Frank’s warm breath that cascaded over his boob. The sensitive nipple was rigid and pointed straight   towards Frank as if to demand his undivided attention.

    Steven started to ask for the second time, “What are you…” But then forgot how to make words as Frank’s mouth descended onto Kim’s breast. Frank’s mouth enveloped it. Steven could feel the tongue swirling about the nipple, occasionally pinching it between tongue and teeth. Then suddenly both teeth clamped down on Kim’s tit, and Steven understood fully how pleasure and pain could coexist.

    Frank heard Kim moan appreciatively as his mouth and fingers did their work. He loved Kim’s boobs, and had fantasized slobbering all over them during sex. He had longed to coat them with his saliva, but when he tried, she stopped him. She told him it was gross. But Steven didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he was pretty sure Kim’s body was only getting wetter. Her hips had begun to thrust under his fingers, and Frank knew she was close.

    And then Frank’s mouth came off her breast, and his fingers slowed. Her eyes looked at him with frantic pleading. “What are you doing? Keep going!”

    Frank smiled. He’d never seen his girlfriend beg for it. “What would you like me to keep doing? Be specific.”

    “Using your…your fingers, and…”

    “And what?”

    “Put your mouth back on my boob.”

    Frank lowered his mouth and stuck out his tongue. He gave the tip of her nipple a tiny flick, then looked back into Kim’s eyes. “And what would you like me to call you?”

    Her eyes flashed at him with need. “Call me babe! Or Kim! I don’t fucking care, just-”

    In a flash, Frank rolled on top of her. His soft dick pressed against her upper thigh. His fingers plunged into her pussy. His other hand began kneading and squeezing between each breast for a few seconds, before he lowered his mouth and gave his full attention to her other breast. He sucked, slobbered, licked and bit, all while Kim’s body began to buck wildly under him. She was crying out in ecstasy at the sudden sensations that Frank was triggering all over her.

    “I love your body, Kim!” Frank exclaimed between mouthfuls of boob as his girlfriend writhed in pleasure beneath him. “You’re the hottest girl I’ve ever been with. I only want to be with you.” His dick was ready again. He positioned himself over her pussy. “I just wish you weren’t…” He plunged inside her. “...such a bitch all the time!”

    Steven had seen what Frank intended to do. He was aware of it, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was how good Frank was making Kim’s body, his body, feel. When he felt Frank’s dick go into his sopping canal, he saw what Kim couldn’t. Frank was a really good lay. He knew how to wind this body up. And then he saw Frank’s face dip towards his. And then his mouth was on Kim’s lips. As he felt Frank’s dick jackhammer his pussy, he didn’t push him back, or protest. He allowed Kim’s lips to part, and their tongues intertwined. As he shut Kim’s eyes, he told himself he could put up with anything if he got to receive as many orgasms as Frank was giving him.

    Ten minutes away, Ryan and Tabitha/Bailey had just arrived at Tabitha’s apartment. Ryan had regretted playing chauffeur for Tabitha. She had spent most of the ride giving him directions and fondling his junk through his pants. It seemed like she was in a  constant state of arousal. For that matter, so was he.

    “Follow me,” she ordered as they exited the car. “I’ll get a spare key from the apartment manager.”

    Ryan wondered how Tabitha was going to convince someone to give a random stranger a key. He needn’t have worried about that, as he watched her knock on a door. He heard someone swear loudly, and then a few seconds later, a large, bearded man yanked open the door.

    “What?” he asked gruffly. It was clear he resented being bothered after hours.

    “Reggie, I need a spare key for 207,” Tabitha/Bailey said brightly.

    Reggie glared at her nonplussed. “Who the hell are you?”

    “I’m staying with Tabitha. She’s not home yet, but said I could get a key from you.”

    “I don’t know you, girl. So you’ll have to wait.”

    Bailey beamed at him. “Tabitha said you might say something like that. Then she told me she knows how much you like ogling her boobs, so if I flash you, you’d probably give me a key.”

    “What!” Ryan protested. “No, you can’t-”

    “Shut up!” Reggie growled, suddenly keen to see how this played out. “She’s an adult, ain’t she?”

    Bailey nodded as she began to raise the hem of her shirt. “Sure am.”

    “Don’t do it,” Ryan warned. But it was too late. He watched as the shirt came up, followed closely by the bra. And then he was staring at Bailey’s boobs again, but this time with an audience.

    Reggie suddenly had a phone in his hand and began to take pictures. To his delight, this strange girl began posing for the camera. She cupped a boob with one hand, then pinched the nipple. Then pulled it up and lowered her head to suck it.

    “That’s enough!” Ryan shouted. “Will you please give her the key?”

    “Your boyfriend’s uptight,” Reggie said as he took one last picture. Then he fished out a set of keys from his pocket and took one off. “Here. Tell Tabitha I’m willing to take her picture too.”

    Bailey rolled her eyes as she took the key. “Oh, she knows. But I wouldn’t hold your breath on that one.”

    A minute later, they stood in the small living room of Tabitha’s apartment. It was adjoined to an even smaller kitchen, and two doors that led to the bathroom and bedroom.

    “This is it,” Tabitha/Bailey declared. “Care to join me for a shower?”

    Ryan very much did. If Bailey had asked him that this morning, or yesterday, or any other time previous other than the last hour he would have raced her to the bathroom. But it wasn’t Bailey. He had to keep reminding himself of that. It sure looked like her, but it absolutely wasn’t her. He’d have to explain anything he did to her while she had been possessed. She’d probably forgive him for that…that first time. He hadn’t known. He’d been tricked. She’d forgive him. And then maybe she’d see him the way he’d always seen her.

    But while this idealistic rationale was running through his brain, his eyes had gone to her boobs. They remained fixed there with hungry anticipation. They were rewarded as she took off the shirt. Then she lost her shorts. She was practically naked again. It seemed like an eternity since he had seen her naked. He could look, couldn’t he? There was no harm in that. He was just looking out for Bailey, making sure that Tabitha didn’t do anything stupid with her body…like letting a creep take topless pictures of her.

    Bailey smiled at him and took his hand. “Come on. I won’t bite, unless you want me to.”

    Ryan’s voice came out hoarse as he declined. “No, you, uh, you go ahead. I’ll stay out here.”

    “Are you sure?” Bailey asked. She began to run her hands up her arms, face and chest. “There was something in that sticker that made me hornier than I’ve ever been. I’d love for you to soap me up, then bend me over backwards in that shower and stick your cock into me.” She poked his hard on with her finger. “And I think you’d like that too.”

    Ryan groaned, but still found the strength to shake his head.

    Bailey’s mouth formed into a pout. “That’s a shame. I’ll have to wash your crush’s body all by myself. If you change your mind and want to help, you can always join me.”

    Ryan watched as she spun around and unfastened her bra. Then she disappeared behind the bathroom door. It would be so easy to follow her, to see her naked again. She wanted him to. But no. Tabitha wanted, not Bailey. He cursed his predicament, and sat on her couch. He checked the time on his phone. He just needed to keep control of the situation for another 6 hours or so. He wasn’t sure exactly when Tabitha had possessed Bailey at the party, so there was probably some leeway.

    A thought occurred to him. The sticker! Where was this possession sticker that worked outside of Topher’s house and lasted 8 hours? He hadn’t seen her with it. She wouldn’t leave something so valuable at the party. It had to be hidden in her clothes. He wasn’t sure if it was like the 90 second stickers, if it could be used repeatedly until the adhesive wore off. But just in case, he needed to get it away from Tabitha so it couldn’t be used on Bailey a second time.

    He hastily went to Bailey’s shorts that Tabitha had left on the floor. He checked the back pockets. There was nothing there but Bailey’s college id and phone. He examined her shirt, turned it inside out, still nothing. That meant she had gotten rid of it after using it, which Ryan thought unlikely. But there was also her bra and panties. He looked towards the bathroom door. It was open a crack, and Bryan could see bits of steam eking out. The curtain would be drawn. She wouldn’t see him investigate. As quietly as he could, he pushed the door open. There was the bra and panties lying at the foot of the sink.

    His hand picked up the light purple panties. He examined them front and back, inside and out. He brought them closer than he needed to, and learned they still smelled like her. His breath quickened at the thought that he was smelling a girl’s panties while she was a few feet away, in the shower, naked.

    Just as Ryan went to reach for the bra, he heard Bailey moan. “Oh fuck! This body is insatiable! This pussy feels so good. I hope Ryan joins me soon.”

    Did she know he was here? He had to be quick. He turned the bra over, and there it was. A dark blue sticker. He pulled it off and shoved it into his pocket. Then he realized his error. She’d know he’d taken it as soon as she looked at the bra. Should he put it back? No. But maybe he could distract her from putting the bra back on?

    He was still thinking it through when the water turned off and the curtain flew back. Bailey gave him a seductive grin as water dripped down her body. “Oh, better late than never I suppose.”

    “I…I’m sorry, I…”

    She stepped out of the tub and came towards him. She pressed against him with her lithe, wet body. She looked up at him, daring him to make a move. All he could do was take shallow breaths. She had him. “Would you like to towel me off?”

    “What?” was all Ryan could manage.

    Her smile never left her lips as she reached over and plucked a towel from a shelf, and handed it to Ryan. “Here. You can get the water off me. It’s everywhere though, so you’ll have to be thorough.”

    Ryan’s hand was shaking as he pressed the towel to her. His eyes were locked onto hers as he began to move it over her front.

    “There’s quite a bit that wants to cling to these,” she cooed.

    He looked down. Her tits were right there. They were as beautiful as ever. He rubbed the towel over them. She reached out and squeezed his rigid cock. He let out a breath that he hadn’t known he was holding. He remembered he couldn’t let her put a bra on. He needed to focus. He’d dry her off, and then get her into the bedroom.

    Tabitha/Bailey never stopped smiling as Ryan rubbed the towel all over her. She loved how he slowed in certain places, lingering on her breasts and rear. He made sure to get those places much drier than the rest of her. He got so close that she could feel his breath on her skin. This was so fun, playing the seductress. She had no problem getting men in her other body, but she had never been someone’s fantasy girl. But now here she was, with a decent looking freshman who was completely smitten with the body she possessed. She wanted him to take her like he did earlier, to have his eyes be upon her and drink in her beauty.

    “Thank you,” she purred. “Now let me just grab my bra and-”

    Ryan dropped the towel, grabbed her arm and pulled her close. He heard her exhale right before his lips connected with hers. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling her warm skin, letting her tongue wrestle with his. He let it happen longer than he intended. It was so good. He didn’t want to fight it. He didn’t want it to stop. But it must.

    He broke off the kiss and said with feigned confidence, “Let’s go to your room.”

    He started to pull her, but she skipped past him and yanked him through her bedroom door. She pushed him onto her bed and began to unbutton his pants.

    “No, no,” Ryan sputtered. “Let’s just cuddle for a bit. Like you wanted to before.”

    Tabitha lifted Bailey’s leg and let her foot press down gently on Ryan’s dick. “As hard as you are, I think you want to do more than cuddle.”

    After a groan escaped him, Ryan tried putting his own foot down. “I’m not going to sleep with you again until you’re out of Bailey’s body.”

    “Well gee champ, that’s really not going to work for me. I’ll go outside naked if you prefer and start knocking on doors until I find someone ready and willing. I know Reggie would be.”

    “No, you don’t have to do that!”

    Tabitha cocked Bailey’s head. “I don’t? Who’s going to make me stay?”

    “If you need me to get you off, I can…I can do that.”

    Bailey’s mouth twitched. “Oh, okay. You won’t stick your dick in me out of some weird loyalty to her, even though she agreed to stay at that possession party. But you’ll lick her pussy, is that it?”

    “I could use my finger,” Ryan suggested.

    “No, if that’s the way it’s going to be…” Tabitha said as she plopped her butt next to him on the bed. “...you’re going to use your mouth.” She lay back and spread her legs. She watched him, waiting for him to make a move. She didn’t have to wait long as he slid down to his knees and turned towards her.

    He looked at her blonde, neatly shaved snatch. It was all clean for him and glistened invitingly. He put his hands on her legs to steady himself, then leaned forward. He smelled her first. Tabitha had used her body wash, which had a tropical, coconut smell. He extended his tongue, unsure of where to lick. He’d never done this before, so he decided to just go straight up the middle. Bailey’s soft moan gave him encouragement, and he did it again.

    “That’s good, but focus here,” she said, pointing towards her clit. “And mix it up. Don’t just go up and down with your tongue, but side to side and around.”

    He followed her instructions, and after a few minutes, he felt Bailey’s thighs clamp down on his head.

    “Stick your tongue inside me!” she ordered.

    Ryan wanted to argue that it was hard to move, but he managed to wiggle his head lower, and stuck out his tongue as far as he could. He felt his tongue go between her velvet folds. This is where her taste came from. Saliva gushed from his mouth, adding to her moisture. He didn’t know that his nose was rubbing against her clit at the same time, but he figured he was doing something right as he felt her body begin to shake and her legs tighten around him even more.

    “Fuck! Right there! Right there! Don’t stop! Don’t ever stop! Eat Bailey’s pussy! You love this pussy don’t you! Stick your tongue all the way up inside her Ryan! Yes! Right there! Do it! Do it for Bailey!”

    Ryan felt Bailey’s body quiver and shake as she cried out in pleasure. Then the pressure on his head released as her thighs stopped squeezing, and he fell backward onto his butt. Tabitha/Bailey had fallen onto her bed. Within seconds, he heard her breathing deepen, and knew she was asleep. He got up and gazed at her naked backside. He could admire it forever. He hoped he’d have the opportunity again. It would all depend on how Bailey reacted in the morning when Tabitha hopped out.

    He stood, ready to go crash on her couch. He had one foot out her doorway, when he heard her mumble, “No. Sleep here.” He looked over, and she was patting the empty space next to her on the bed.

    He couldn’t help but smile as he approached her. He picked her up slightly and positioned her on one side of the bed. He pulled the blanket and sheet down from the other side, then moved her over, and covered her up. He stood watching her like that for a few minutes as his brain warred with itself. One side wanted to go into the other room and jerk off so his dick would finally relent. The other didn’t want to leave her sight just in case Tabitha tried…well, he wasn’t sure what she’d try. He had the possession sticker after all. This would all be over soon. In the end, he decided the closer he was to her, the better. He got in the bed fully clothed on top of the blanket, told his dick to shut up, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

    “Wake up!” Topher yelled at the couple slumbering in one of his guest rooms.

    Frank groggily registered the man, and tried to protest. “What? Why? It’s dark out.”

    “This isn’t a hotel, Frank” Topher snapped. “Everyone else split half an hour ago. So get your shit, and get out.”

    “But I paid for a longer sticker,” Frank argued.

    “That doesn’t mean you live here. And you don’t want to be here when she…when, never mind. Just hurry up and leave.”

    “What time is it?” Kim’s voice asked.

    Frank looked at his phone. “Almost 4am. C’mon, grab Kim’s clothes and purse and let’s go.”

    “Where? I can’t go back to my dorm like this,” Steven/Kim whined.

    Frank frowned as he threw his clothes on. “How about I get us a hotel. That way we can keep…you know.”

    Steven felt Kim’s face get hot. Was he blushing? Did he actually want more of this? “I…I feel gross.” It was true. The sex had been a workout, and there was sweat in areas Steve had never had to worry about before.

    “You just need a shower and a change of clothes. Tell you what. How about I take you to your dorm and you pack a bag, and then-”

    “I just told you I’m not going to my dorm like this!”

    “Not your dorm. Kim’s dorm. Get something clean for her to wear for…a bit longer.”

    Steve noticed that Frank had trailed off. The sticker lasted only 24 hours. Did Frank want him to reuse it when the time was up? Steve didn’t want that. 90 seconds was fine, very fine. 24 hours was almost too much. To go another round for that long was out of the question. But why did the thought of it make his pussy tingle?

    “I guess,” Steven/Kim finally agreed.

    Fifteen minutes later, Frank pulled up to Kim’s dorm. “She’s room 337. Her key is in her purse, but it probably won’t be locked if her roommate’s there.”

    “She’s got a roommate?”

    “Yeah. Sasha, a senior. Hm, you know, that’s something weird actually. I thought she would have been at the party tonight. Kim only came because Sasha told her she’d be there. Kim likes to have someone to socialize with other than me. She tried to make me leave early when Sasha was a no show. Man, to think I almost missed all this?”

    “Her name’s Sasha.”


    “And they’re like, best friends or whatever?” Steven/Kim asked worriedly.

    Frank gave a sharp laugh. “Well, I know Sasha would like to be more.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “I mean she’s into chicks. She’s hit on Kim more than once, which has annoyed the hell out of her. But they still get along real well mostly, I think.”

    “You think?”

    “Well, Kim does complain about her a lot to me. But if I try to say anything negative about her, she’ll defend her and tell me to shut up.”

    “Women,” Steven/Kim said with a head shake.

    They both laughed.

    Steven/Kim proceeded to open the door. There was a brief pause, then Kim’s face looked back at Frank with a raised eyebrow, “Any requests?”

    “What do you mean?”

    Kim’s face blushed. “Like, is there any particular outfit you want to see her in?”

    Frank sat up straighter and was suddenly all business. “Yes! She’s got a red thong that…but also this blue bra that makes her tits look-oh wait! There’s this black latex number. She’s only ever worn it once, when we were first d