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  • Working Remotely Chapter 4

    Chapter by Kripto ∙ 22 July 2024
  • Marcus reluctantly gains an ally who pushes up his agenda with Riley. Despite their marriage seeming back on track, Ben grows more suspicious.

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  • The demise of Marcus’s promising future flashed before his eyes. He was pretty sure he was finished at Del Corp because someone had downloaded into the blonde drone he’d requisitioned for his office, and this mystery person had heard his entire discussion with his pet project, Riley Harper. This person was now privy to the fact that Riley was married, which was in direct conflict with one of Del Corp’s major policies for recruitment. He regretted not letting Riley go the second he knew. But he’d been so smitten by her good looks and bubbly personality, he’d wanted to keep her. So he’d hid her from the board, and now it was all over. He’d be fired, or killed. He wasn’t exactly sure of the protocol when it came to this kind of deceitfulness towards a company that can brainwash minds and download into bodies.

    But…when had this random blonde drone he’d summoned been taken over? He’d never heard the telltale ‘Uploading’ cadence that the remote workers spoke during the log in process. That would mean…the person had logged into this worker prior to entering his office. Then they’d pretended to be in free use mode, and given him a stellar blowjob while he talked to Riley. 


    There was no way a board member would have done that. Marcus couldn’t imagine any of those powerful men using this blonde’s mouth to go down on him. They’d teased him before, sure, but to actually take his cock into one of their mouths, he doubted it. This had to be one of their professional sex workers.


    Doris! Of course! That’s why she’d made the dig about Riley being his favorite. 


    All this flashed through Marcus’s mind in the few seconds that the blonde was tucking his limp dick back into his pants and carefully zipping him up.

    Acting on his hunch, he wiped the look of shock off his face, and tried to gain control of the situation. “What can I do for you Doris?”


    The wicked grin never left the attractive blonde’s face as she said, “I came to see if I could find out why Riley Harper was still in review, and thought you might spill the beans if I visited you in this blonde bombshell’s body. Turns out I was right.” She finished buttoning his pants and patted his crotch. “Nice cock by the way.”

    She raised herself up and sat on his desk. In slow, purposed movements, she spread her legs and and put a foot on either side of his chair, giving him a great view. She began to finger herself boldly in front of him.

    “Sucking dick, especially one as big as yours, always gets me worked up.”


    Marcus was unmoved by this lascivious display and muttered, “Please don’t get my desk wet.”


    “Or else what, you’ll kick me out,” she chided as she stuck two fingers into her temporarily much younger pussy. “I don’t think you want to do that, Marcus. Cause then I’d have to go to the board and tell them you’ve been knowingly hiding the fact that we have a married woman as one of our remote workers. That’s putting the whole company in jeopardy. They’d fire you for that on the spot, or worse. You’d be amazed at what these nanites can do…”


    A chill ran down Marcus’s spine at Doris’s threat. He steeled himself and did his best to show no weakness. “What do you want, you sneaky bitch?”


    “I want a lot of things, Marcus,” she drawled. She leaned forward and placed a firm hand on top of the team lead’s head and pulled it towards her dripping snatch. “Like for starters, I want you to return the favor. It’s the least you can do for the amazing deep throat I gave you a minute ago.”


    Marcus allowed himself to be drawn towards this woman’s immaculately shaved pussy. He hadn’t eaten pussy in quite some time, not in his own body anyway. He usually just cared about his own self pleasure since the mindless drones at the office couldn’t think about their own.


    But this was not the time to give excuses or protest. He extended his tongue, and began to lick. Doris shuddered appreciatively.

    “Tell me about his cock?” she moaned.


    Marcus looked up at her, confused.

    Doris moved the woman’s fingers to where Marcus had been licking and said firmly, “Tell me about the husband’s cock. I’m sure you saw it, didn’t you? You were there a long time yesterday. I saw the log sheet.”


    Anger flared behind Marcus’s eyes. “You were checking up on me!”


    In response, Doris shoved Marcus’s face back between her borrowed legs. “And a good thing too. Because you are being reckless. That hot married pussy has made you stupid. So now I’m here to help you, Marcus. But first, you’re gonna make me cum with your mouth and fingers, while you tell me all about the husband’s dick. Like for instance, is it big?”


    An image of Ben’s cock sprang into Marcus’s mind. He knew the answer very well. It had been so incredibly close to him. Closer than any man’s had ever been before, and he’d memorized its thickness and length. He’d seen what it did when it got excited. How it had shot all over the body he’d been in, which had been Ben’s wife, Riley. Marcus had intentionally got Ben all hot and bothered, and then in the heat of the moment, had encouraged Ben to shoot all over his/Riley’s boobs. He’d never done anything like that before, and certainly didn’t plan on ever doing something like it again. 


    He couldn’t help but swallow, and struggled to make eye contact as he answered, “It was a reasonable size.”


    Doris smiled, an easier thing to do with a mouth that still had all its pretty teeth. “How does it compare to yours?”


    Marcus really didn’t want to answer that. “It’s…just a bit bigger,” he admitted.

    “I’ll have to see that for myself,” she said as she began to pump her fingers vigorously into the woman’s pussy. “Very up close and personal like.”


    “You…you can’t…” Marcus protested. “Nobody should log into her right now. Not until I’ve found a way to-”


    “Hide her from the board?” Doris finished, grabbing his hair again and shoving him back down to her snatch. This time she held him there. “That’s why I’m getting involved, Marcus. I’m gonna help you get what you want, while seeing to it that this girl is profitable for the company. Starting very soon. Like, tomorrow. I’m going to log into that sweet young thing’s body and wear her around for a bit, with the added bonus of taking advantage of her husband.” Marcus tried to lean back to argue, but Doris held him in place. “We can hash out the details after you’ve made me squirt in that handsome face of yours.”


    Marcus sighed, then went to work. Very soon he felt strong thighs squeezing his head, as Doris received her just rewards. Afterwards, Marcus listened to her ideas, and walked a line between irritated and pleased, as he found most of those ideas to be very good.


    Ben awoke that next morning to an empty bed, but this time, he was alright with the fact that Riley was getting ready to work. He still didn’t understand her need to look her best when she’d be working from home, but if that’s what she wanted to do, he wouldn’t object, especially now that everything seemed back on track in their marriage. If anything, they were stronger than ever, because she’d been so willing to try new things yesterday. Not once did she complain, or second guess. She’d just let him do whatever he wanted. He didn’t think that’d be the case today, but that would be fine, because their general intimacy problem seemed to be over.


    Ben saw he had a text message on his phone. He sat up and looked at it. It was from the factory he worked at. They’d be starting up production again effective next Monday. He hoped to get a lot more sex these last four days before he began his rigorous ten hour shifts. 


    The object of his affection walked in, a towel around her chest and another wrapped around her blonde hair. Riley looked at her man and said sweetly, “Hey babe. Want to eat breakfast with me before I gotta log in to work?”


    “Depends,” Ben said jokingly. “You going to be naked while I do?”


    She stared at him, seemingly confused, for several seconds. Finally, she asked, “Is that an order?”


    “An order?” Ben asked, sure he was missing something. When she just kept waiting for a response, he said, “Um, sure. It’s an order.”


    Riley smiled brightly. “Well then, yes daddy.” She pulled the towel off her body and let it drop to the floor. Her body was pink from the hot water, and still dripping in places. She unwrapped the towel from her head, and her wet hair cascaded down to her shoulders. She turned in a stiff, almost robotic fashion, and walked out of the bedroom, down the hallway towards their kitchen. 


    Ben was all too happy to follow after her. He had not bothered to put clothes on. That was a huge perk of being young and married. Clothing was optional. In most circumstances. Obviously, if someone came over, they’d put on clothes. Except, Riley hadn’t when that delivery guy rang their doorbell. She’d just gone straight to the door and opened it, exposing herself to a stranger. Ben still wanted to talk about that. It hadn’t sat right with him. But as his eyes lingered on his wife’s ass as she reached up to get cereal bowls for them, he decided it could wait. Maybe he’d broach it tonight, or on the weekend. With no work for either of them, they had nowhere to be and nothing to do but talk and fuck, and Ben knew which one he was looking forward to the most.


    His eyes stayed on his wife, taking in her natural grace and curves. She set a bowl down in front of him, a quart of milk, and two spoons on the table. She went to retrieve one of only two cereal boxes. She made her selection, and brought it to the table. It was the Frosted Pebbles. It had a cartoon lion dipping a spoon into a bowl of sugar coated spheres that could in no way be a source of a balanced breakfast. She put the box down on the table between them, and sat down.


    Ben was frankly sick of frosted pebbles, and wanted the other box. The one with the owl on it that was diving into a bowl of chocolate covered sugar bombs. He was perfectly capable of standing and getting it himself, but on the off chance he’d get to see her ass again, he said, “Riles, please get me the other box of cereal.”


    She opened her mouth to tell him he had two feet, but her face twitched. She couldn’t get out the words. Didn’t want to get out the words. Not those words, anyways. As a pleasant smile formed on her mouth, she found all she wanted to say now was, “Yes, Daddy.” She scooted out of her chair and went to grab the box, placing it on the table next to her husband. It was good to do this for him. He was a very important person. She needed to tend to his needs. All of them. 


    Ben had not expected Riley to actually do this for him, and what’s more, she was still calling him Daddy. “Uh, Riles, you don’t need to uh…call me daddy anymore,” he said, his cheeks burning a little. “Don’t get me wrong I appreciate it, but-”


    His wife looked at him with genuine concern in her eyes and said, “Oh, I’m so sorry. What would you like your designation to be moving forward?”


    Ben’s eyebrows furrowed. That sounded like the thing she’d said last night when he told her to stop calling him ‘sir.’ In fact, he thought it might be the exact same words she’d said. Even though they were having sex again, there was still something very strange going on. “Uh, how about just, Ben.”


    As soon as the words were out of his mouth, she beamed at him and said, “Yes, Ben.”

    Ben studied her for a moment as she proceeded to pour her cereal and add the milk. “Is this some new, uh, submissive thing you’ve got going on?”


    “What do you mean?” she asked just before taking a bite.


    The last thing Ben wanted to do was explain to his naive conservative wife the nature of dominant and submissive personalities in the bedroom. However, her recent behavior had made him wonder if she’d been looking at some seedier places on the internet, or had taken up reading erotic novels. Something had to be making her act this way.

    “I mean, you’ve been…” he thought back to certain things last night. How she’d given herself to him however he wanted, even doing things she’d told him before she’d never do. “You’ve been very willing to do whatever I say. Last night during sex, and just now, with the cereal.”


    She stopped chewing and her face grew very concerned again. “Is that a problem?”


    “No!” Ben replied emphatically, waving his hands in front of him. He saw that Riley’s face relax immediately, and it distracted him from what he was going to say next. Instead, he decided to give an order. “Um…take a bite of cereal.”


    “I was going to do that any…” her face scrunched up before she could finish her statement, and then she smiled pleasantly and said, “Yes Ben.” She got a big scoop of frosted pebbles, opened wide, and shoved them inside her mouth. 


    Ben knew she was right. She would have taken a bite anyway. But she’d said, ‘Yes Ben.’ It was like she had to say it. This was crazy. It was a game, like the one she’d played with him the other day, where he couldn’t touch her. Had to be. Well if it was, he’d see how far she’d go.


    “Stand up,” he said.


    “But I’m eat-” she began, then suddenly finished with, “Yes, Ben.” She stood up straight, and looked at him as if to see if he was happy that she’d followed his instructions so well. 


    Ben smiled up at her and said, “Okay, so you want to play Ben says, huh? Let’s see how well you do.” He figured he had the perfect way to beat her at her game. “Put your bowl of cereal on the floor and eat out of it like you’re a dog.” There was no way, just no way she’d do that.


    But Riley was full of surprises. She did glare at him for a split second, then that sweet smile of hers returned, and she said, “Yes Ben.” She took her bowl, and placed it on the ground at his feet. She got down on her knees, pulled her hair back with one hand, and put her face into the bowl. She began to loudly slurp up the frosted pebbles and milk.


    Ben’s heart started to beat faster, as his brain and penis came to an understanding of how they could take advantage of Riley’s submissive little game. He looked at the clock on the microwave. He didn’t have a lot of time. If he pushed this, he might make Riley late for work. But…what the hell. Marcus thought she was just the best, so he wasn’t gonna fire her if she were a little tardy.


    “Stop eating and get up on your knees,” he ordered.


    Instantly she stopped slurping, and said into the bowl, “Yes Ben.” She raised herself up. She looked at him, and still wore that smile and expression of hope in her eyes that she was doing everything he wanted.


    “Pick up the bowl.”


    “Yes, Ben.” She picked it up. It was still half full of milk and sugary cereal. 


    “Lean back slightly, and stick your boobs out.”


    “Yes, Ben.” She leaned back a few inches, and jutted her breasts out for him. 


    Ben noted the smile on her face had become lustful. That was good, because he was hard as a rock. “Now take the cereal, and pour it slowly all over your chest.”


    “Yes, Ben.” She raised the bowl to where it was level with her face, and began to let out a slow stream of milk and cereal onto her chest. She moved it left and right and made sure to get the sticky liquid everywhere as he’d directed.


    Ben marveled at the spectacle. She’d actually done it. She’d made herself all sticky and messy. This would ensure she was late for work. Ben swallowed and asked, “Do you like me telling you what to do Riles?”


    As she shook the bowl, making sure to get every last drop onto her boobs, she answered hesitantly, “I…I think so?”


    “You’re not sure?”


    “I mean…do you want me to like it?”


    Ben almost laughed. Was she giving him say over her feelings as well? “Yes, I want you to like it. I want you to get turned on every time you obey me.”


    Riley’s eyes widened, and at that second, the last of the milk dribbled out of the bowl, and she moaned as if she were close to orgasm.


    Ben wanted to jump her right there, but he wasn’t done. “Beg me to lick that milk and cereal off your boobs.”


    Riley nodded swiftly. “Yes Ben! Please! Lick this milk and cereal off my boobs!”

    He shook his head, his mouth curling up on one end. “I said beg me!”


    Riley’s face grew anxious and worried that she hadn’t pleased him with her first try. She used that expression, and made her voice high and needy. “Please, Ben. I’m all sticky. I need to get to work soon. I can’t clean myself up without your help. Please, put your mouth on me. I need to feel your tongue all over my big sticky boobies! Please! Please Ben! Do it for me?”


    Ben was breathing so hard as he watched her. She’d truly begged, her voice rising in crescendo, sounding absolutely desperate there at the end. He dove on top of her, sending the porcelain bowl flying from her hand and shattering a few feet away on the kitchen floor. She giggled at his assault as he knocked her back. She might have hit her head hard had his hand not moved swiftly to be under it. He never wanted to see her get hurt. He pressed his tongue against her soft, supple flesh. He thought about how he hadn’t wanted frosty pebbles a minute ago, and now he couldn’t imagine life without them. He lapped at her breasts quickly. Everywhere on her skin the milk tried to run, he chased after it relentlessly, exchanging his saliva for the mess she’d made on herself. 


    Riley was moaning so loudly. She wasn’t even being fingered, but it just felt so good to obey her husband since he’d ordered that be the case. Plus his tongue on her always felt amazing. As she arched her back, she saw the clock from upside down, and panic hit her. “I’m going to be late, Ben,” she yelled. But there was no anger in her tone, only desire. 


    “We’re gonna have sex first,” Ben said confidently.

    “Order me to fuck you, Ben,” she begged, knowing that obeying an order was directly linked to her own pleasure.


    Ben smiled. “Get on top and fuck me, Riley.”


    “YES Ben!” she exclaimed. She grabbed him, and he allowed her to roll them over to where Ben was flat on his back. Riley placed her legs on either side of his hips, and sank onto his hard cock as fast as she could. The pleasure from the obedience she just achieved made her cum instantly. 


    As Riley shook from pleasure, Ben realized how much his wife wasn’t faking this. It was more than just a game. She had to do what he said. But why? His dick convinced him that question could wait. 


    “Talk dirty to me, Riles,” Ben ordered. He remembered how she’d sounded like a total slut the other day when she’d had him jack off onto her chest. He wondered what she’d say this time.


    She began to bounce on top of his shaft, but her eyes darted side to side, like she was trying to think of the right words. 


    “Um…your penis, er, your dick, no, your cock? Yeah! Your cock feels good. I…I like it inside of me. Inside my, uh, pussy. It’s really good. Like, really really good. Um…G-give it to me harder?”


    It was probably the worst dirty talk Ben had ever heard, which was the one thing that totally made sense to him. Riley was not a talker in bed. It was all about action. Kissing, groping, fondling, sucking, and as Ben would say, fucking, but as Riley would say, love making, or maybe screwing if she was feeling extra naughty.


    She did not speak with the filthy seduction she’d used two days ago, like she’d forgotten how. Ben really wanted to know why, but as he watched her breasts wobble beautifully up and down while she rode him, he switched tactics. “Tell me what you love about us.”


    Riley’s face didn’t go slack for a moment to process this. She didn’t have to think long and hard about it. She just started talking, sweetly and sincerely, as she brought a hand up to feel her boobs. “I love how much we support each other. How we’re always there for each other. How we still love hanging out, and can’t wait to tell each other about our day. About how well we fit together. How I can’t stop thinking how lucky I am that we found each other and about how good you make me feel everytime we make lo- aaahhhh!”


    Having obeyed another directive, Riley came again. Seeing Riley cum a second time was all Ben needed. He raised up his hips and shot deep inside her, grunting happily as he did so. 


    Riley sat there on top of him, grinding him slowly until he slipped out of her. She still seemed to be trying to ride him, so Ben said, “Go get ready for work Riley. Sorry for making you late. I’m…going to call Marcus and let him know. I’ll tell him it’s my fault.”


    “Oh no, please don’t-” Riley began. She couldn’t bear to disappoint her team leader.


    “Don’t worry about it,” Ben winked. “I owe him a phone call anyway.”


    Riley cocked her head, wondering why that would be the case. But she found she couldn’t worry. All she could think about was getting ready, so she raced off to do just that.


    Ben sat back down at the table and picked up his cell phone. He dialed Marcus, who picked up very quickly. 


    “Yes, Mr. Harper? Are you calling to ask me to terminate your wife from our employ?”


    Ben grimaced, and felt very stupid again for his behavior at the diner yesterday. “Uh, no. Quite the opposite actually. I…I don’t know. I was just, I guess, having a bad day. I’m sorry I came off like an asshole. I’m…very glad my wife is working for Del Corp, and I hope you won’t take it out on her because of me.”


    Marcus smiled to himself, but kept his tone professional. “It sounds like you and her were able to work things out.”


    “You could, uh, say that. And…working things out went so well that…she might be a few minutes late this morning.”


    Marcus laughed. “Don’t worry. I won’t hold it against her. I’ll send her a message to her bracelet that she needn’t log in until 9:30 am today. How’s that sound?”


    “Uh, real great actually. Thank you, sir,” Ben replied, then rolled his eyes. Even he was calling Marcus ‘sir’ now.


    “No problem. Do me a favor though, Mr. Harper-”


    Ben interjected, “Ben, please call me Ben. And sure. What do you need?”


    Marcus’s voice was warm as he said, “Well Ben,we’ll be discussing a potential client with Riley today, and I’m afraid I absolutely must insist that she not be disturbed while logged on going forward. Each client is very valuable to the company, and if they thought their privacy was in jeopardy, well, it could be very costly to us. Please understand this is not personal, just business.”


    Ben actually felt better that Marcus had explained it this way. He felt more clued in. He’d been so stupid to let his brief marital issues jeopardize his wife’s career. “Sure thing. I’ll stay out while she’s in there. Promise.”


    “Thank you so much Mr. Harper, oh, I mean Ben,” he said with a chuckle. “And I’ll be sure to give her a nice long lunch today so you two can have some more fun together.”


    “Uh…thank you?” Ben replied awkwardly.


    “Back to the grind I’m afraid. Have a nice day.”


    “You-” but Ben heard the line go dead before he could finish. That was fine. Everything was great. 




    Riley checked her bracelet, and saw she’d been given an extension. That was wonderful, because the thoughts in her head had been reminding nonstop that she was late but needed to look her best and hurry hurry hurry! The constant internal buzz had been making her feel ill, and she knew she’d only be okay once she was logged in to her laptop. As soon as she read the message, the feeling went away. She continued getting ready quickly though, and just before 9:30 am, she kissed her husband on the cheek, and went inside her office.


    Marcus was ready for her. He and Doris had worked on a new set of instructions to flash intermittently on her screen when she ran the data entry program. Minute after minute, the nanites that pervaded her mind would absorb the new information and tell Riley how to think, what to say, and how to act even more than their other remote workers. It would up the defenses she would need to protect Del Corp from her husband finding out. But it would also condition in her other way. Ways that Marcus hoped would be useful for a new service Del Corp could offer through Riley. If it went well, it would ensure board approval, or at least, Doris thought so.


    As Riley absent mindedly clicked through the program, her pupils took in every word that flashed on the screen.


    You love the attention of men that are not your husband.


    It makes you happy to flirt with men that are not your husband.


    You love to show off your body to other men. 


    You know it’s wrong, but when a man comes to your house, you will think about how much you want to sleep with them.


    You will have sex with any man or woman Del Corp tells you to have sex with. 


    You will become a total slut whenever you cheat on your husband with another man or woman.


    You will do whatever needed to please your client.


    You will not let your husband catch you cheating.


    You will watch all manners of porn when you are alone so that you can learn new ways of pleasing your husband and the men and women you cheat on him with.


    It is important to please your husband and attend to his sexual needs to he always thinks you are faithful to him.


    Marcus and Doris endeavored to mold the young married woman’s mind while at the same time reinforcing a new layer of discretion. It was true that most of the time one of Del Corp’s professional sex workers would log into a remote worker’s body to do the heavy lifting and ensure nothing could go wrong, but there were times when their programmed drones needed to be able to act on their own. 


    Doris explained to Marcus that this was the key. This was the way to show the board that a married woman could be safe, and also lucrative. Cheating with a married woman was not the number one kink requested by their clients, but it was up there. As good as the professionals were, they would struggle to bring the authenticity of cheating that Riley could naturally. To ensure this new programming stuck, however, they’d need a guinea pig.


    Thankfully, Marcus had a plan for that, but it was a big swing. He would offer a visit with Riley to his biggest client, arguably the one that got him in with the board and got him promoted to team leader. If the visit went poorly, Marcus would not just lose his most valued client, but get fired, or worse.


    The client’s name was Victor Spanelli. He made millions in the import export business, a lot of which saw bribery and other moral shades of gray. He was the furthest thing from a ladies’ man, but his wealth made a slew of eligible women ignore his rotund physique and total lack of class. The problem was, he didn’t want eligible women. During a tour of Del Corp’s facilities, he confided in Marcus that the type of woman he always wanted the most, was the one he shouldn’t be able to have. He wanted a happily married woman. 


    Victor had been very disappointed that Del Corp possessed no married remote workers, but he still had a membership with Del Corp and took advantage of its services whenever he could. Marcus saw Riley as his chance to give Victor what he’d always wanted. She was the answer to, do you get a guy that has everything. An unbelievably attractive blonde that is technically off the market. Marcus and Doris would tailor everything about the visit, record as much as they could, and hopefully use the data to convince the board that it could be done with little to no risk, same as the rest of their workers. 


    The fact that Ben would soon be employed back at his factory job significantly decreased the risk. Marcus tried to convince Doris to wait until next week when Ben would no longer be there, but Doris was firm about moving forward. And since she had Marcus by the balls, he made a video call to Victor. 


    A large bald man in his early fifties wearing an expensive white suit popped up on Marcus’s screen. “I’m the one who usually calls Del Corp,” Victor said flippantly with a hint of an Eastern European accent. “And I haven’t had a reason to, so…” He let the silence stretch out, losing interest by the second as he took a bite of a large sandwich. A dollop of something brown leaked out and dribbled onto his suit, but he didn’t seem to notice.


    Marcus jumped in and did his best to channel all his charisma. “Yes, that’s right, Victor. We’ve kind of let you down here at Del Corp. Until now. We finally have the thing you want the most!”


    Victor’s shrewd eyes narrowed. “You have a beautiful married woman that I can bed whenever I want?”


    “Oh, she’s very beautiful, and very married. But you can only bed her while her husband is at work, otherwise you two would get caught. You’d have to sneak around.”


    Victor squinted, but then began nodding as his mouth broke into a grin, highlighting bits of food between his teeth. “Yes, yes I like that. Sneaking around. Very good. Do you have a picture of this woman?”


    Marcus had it all queued up for him, and sent him a picture of Riley. It was a shot of her naked from the front and the back that they’d taken after her physical exam during orientation. She was looking straight ahead, and sporting a blank eyed smile. Even though she didn’t look all there, she was still exceptionally beautiful, with shoulder length blonde hair, her large breasts on full display, and plus a heart shaped ass you could bounce a quarter off of.


    As Victor began looking at the pictures, his eyebrows shot up. “Yes, I would like her very much. And she will not have someone inside her? She will not be used as a puppet of someone else? I don’t want her that way. I want her in the way you are promising. A married woman who is willing to fuck me behind her husband’s back.”


    Marcus glanced away from his tablet to Doris who was sitting quietly just out of view of the camera. She was in her actual body, that of an 81 year old woman full of wrinkles and age spots. Marcus shuddered at the thought of her being the one to suck him off yesterday. She’d been inside a much more attractive body while she’d done it, but still. It had been so underhanded and devious, and Marcus couldn’t help but respect her for it. That and the fact that her blowjob skills were top notch.


    He thought Doris would shake her head, because they needed more time to let the nanites instill the programming within Riley. But to Marcus’s surprise, Doris nodded at him, a silent approval for him to tell Victor what he wanted to hear. 


    “Um…we…we might be able to make that happen…” Marcus said noncommittally. 


    “Do it, or don’t ever call me again,” Victor said firmly. 


    “Absolutely, we can have her ready as early as…” Marcus paused. He wanted to say never, because it was more than just needing time. Deep down, Marcus wanted Riley for himself. But that wasn’t realistic. He also knew that without one of their professional sex workers logged into Riley, piloting her body, the odds of something going wrong increased dramatically again. Still, this whole venture was now about taking chances, so Marcus reluctantly said, “...as early as next Wednesday.”


    “Can’t she be ready sooner?” Victor countered.


    “This worker is a part of our new married woman initiative, so we’re making sure we’ve got all the kinks worked out. But, uh, not the kinks you care about!” Marcus said, trying to make a clever joke.


    Victor stared at him blankly for a few seconds, then burst out laughing. “I do like you Marcus. You are funny guy. Okay. Wednesday. I will meet her at her house. Send me the address when it is time.”


    “Her house?” Marcus blurted out in panic.


    “Yes. I want to see the pictures of her husband. Their wedding album. The place they’ve made a home. And if it doesn’t feel real, I will express my displeasure to your board. They asked me to come on last year you know. They want to use my contacts to help them expand overseas. But I turned them down. That doesn’t mean I still don’t know how to get ahold of them at a moment’s notice.”


    Marcus wanted to scream. To give a string of excuses why that was a terrible, terrible idea. Why it would be so much safer and easier to have them meet at a hotel where Victor could fuck Riley with the most anonymity possible. He was breathing hard, and he adjusted his tie to get more air. He suddenly felt a bony hand on his leg, and Doris gave him a sharp squeeze.


    “As you wish,” Marcus croaked. “Uh, that will create a very specific time window for you to be at her house. Usually we give clients blocks of time in two, four, 8, or 24 hour increments-”


    “I know how your price scale works. Get to the point.”


    “You’ll have, uh, three hours. You’ll have to arrive at a very specific time, and leave at a very specific time,” Marcus said, making shit up as he went along. In the off chance that this went off without a hitch, he might be setting future precedents right now. “At anytime if the husband were to be headed towards the premises, you would receive a phone call and leave immediately, and our worker will receive a quick mind wipe of your time together before her husband arrives. If you can’t comply with these non negotiables that the board has set, I’m afraid this would conclude our-”


    “Deal,” Victor snapped. “I’ll pay whatever your new rates are for this special service. If it goes well, I’ll also be in your debt.”


    “Thank-” Marcus started, but Victor’s face disappeared as he ended the video call. He looked over at Doris. “Well, this is all most assuredly going to blow up in our faces. Why did you have me say it was okay for him to meet Riley at her home?”


    “Didn’t you hear the client,” Doris said as she slowly and painfully got to her feet. “He wants the thrill of possibly getting caught. He wants to fuck Riley in their marital bed. So we’re going to let him. And it’s going to go smoothly, because between now and next Wednesday, we’re going to program the shit out of her.”


    “What about Ben?” Marcus asked, remembering how suspicious Riley’s husband had been yesterday.


    Doris grinned. “Oh don’t worry about the hubby. After I’m through with him tonight, he won’t be worried about anything.”


    “Tonight? What are you going to…oh shit. You’re going to…”


    Doris was hobbling towards the door, but turned back to give him a wink. “I’ve given all my current clients to the other girls, starting at the end of today’s shift. Afterwards, Riley will be my priority. Unless she’s in front of her laptop being programmed, she’s where I’ll be.”


    Marcus’s face soured. “Well, I don’t think you need to-”


    “Don’t worry, loverboy,” Doris teased, or tried, but it came out as more of a wheeze. “You can fuck her six ways to Sunday when she’s here next Tuesday for her weekly check in.”


    Marcus’s expression did not change, because Doris didn’t understand. It wasn’t about fucking her. It was about much more than that. But he said nothing more as the old woman hobbled out of his office.




    Riley blinked. Everything suddenly seemed to come back into focus and she glanced at the time on her laptop. It was already noon! She’d zoned out while inputting data again. It was crazy how fast time went when she was doing her job. She loved it so much! The only thing she loved more than working remotely was maybe going back to Del Corp headquarters and being around Marcus. 


    A thrill ran through her as she thought about her handsome team lead. He was so mature and confident and put together. Ben was great. She loved Ben very much. It was just, he lacked ambition sometimes and didn’t care about how he looked, but Marcus just…he got it. He knew how to act and dress and be a put together adult. It was very sexy. 


    Riley shook her head. Where had that thought come from? She didn’t like Marcus. She liked Ben. No, she loved Ben. But…she did love doing whatever Marcus said. “I would too. I’d do anything,” she heard herself say aloud, and she felt a tingle in a place that made her blush after she’d said it. 


    She resolved to put it out of her mind, and go have lunch with her husband. She was grateful to Del Corp for giving them that time together. Today she’d use it to remember how great her husband was. She needed that apparently, because Ben was the love of her life, and she should not be thinking about another man. 


    But it is nice to have attention from men that aren’t your husband.


    The thought burned its way into Riley’s mind. She didn’t know where that came from. She knew she got looks from other men, had grown almost used to their lecherous stares, but never gave them the time of day. She tried to dress modestly when she went out, and to not show off too much of her skin and curves.


    But it would be nice to show off your body to other men. It would make you feel good to flirt with them.


    Riley felt her body heat up as these intrusive thoughts kept bubbling up to the surface of her mind. She needed to see Ben. She flung open the door, and saw him watching a mindless action movie in their living room.


    “It’s lunch time!” she said with loud enthusiasm. “But first!” She spread her arms wide, and sprinted towards her husband.


    Ben was already laughing by the time she’d leapt onto him and began peppering his cheeks with kisses. “It’s nice to see you too!” he said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. “I missed you.”


    “I was in the other room silly!” she said, still kissing his cheeks. 


    “But it feels like you’re so far away when you’re in there and I can’t come-”


    He couldn’t say anything more, because Riley’s mouth had found his. They kissed long and deeply, two lovers fully appreciating their shared space. 


    They finally came up for air, and Riley asked cheerfully, “So what do you want for lunch? Sandwiches? I think we got some macaroni?”


    “Hm…” Ben said, seeming to ponder their sparse food inventory. “How about…” he booped her nose. “You? I’d like to have you for lunch.”


    Riley’s eyes darted wildly for a moment, as if she were processing something. Her pupils suddenly focused on him, and she said in an almost monotone voice, “How do you want me?”


    Ben chuckled and swatted her butt. She didn’t move though, and seemed to be awaiting his response. “Oh, are we still doing the game from before?” he asked. 


    She cocked her head and looked at him questioningly. “What game?”


    “The one where you do anything I say,” he said. “Like you’re a…” Ben stopped for a second, as a sexy idea came to him. The way her tone had changed a moment ago, how it had been almost robotic. If she were still playing, he’d keep seeing how far she’d go. “Riles, I want you to be my own personal sex bot right now, okay?”


    “Yes, Ben, if that’s what you want? Um…but it seems more data is needed to fulfill that request.”


    Ben hugged her while he said, “You’re so freaking cute! Okay, all you have to do is talk like you did a minute ago, where you were all…” Ben made his voice sound flat and stilted as he completed his sentence. “...how do you want me?”


    Riley was listening very closely, trying to give her husband, her very sexy husband who she loved, exactly what he wanted. 


    ‘It is important to please him. It’s important to attend to his sexual needs so he thinks I’m being faithful to him.’


    She scrunched up her face as this thought crossed her mind. The first part made sense. But…she always had been faithful to him? Why would she need to have sex with him so he’d think that?


    ‘You’re not pleasing him. Begin pleasing him now!’


    Before she could argue with herself any further, she found she was speaking aloud, “Yes, Ben.” Her voice sounded flat and montonone. It was hopefully what he wanted. She remembered how giving him what he wanted made her feel very, very good.


    Ben stroked his chin, which had grown quite a bit of stubble since he’d shaved yesterday. “Hm…I think you need to call me something else when you’re my little sexbot.”


    Riley nodded vigorously. “Yes, Ben. What would you like your new designation to be?”


    That familiar phrase raised a red flag in Ben’s mind, but he shoved it aside. He had less than an hour before she went back to work, so he would make the most of it. “Call me, master.”


    “Yes, master,” she said seriously.


    Just like that, Ben was hard. “Oh yeah. I like that a lot. Um…get up Riles, and take off your clothes.”


    “Yes, master.” She stood, and with expedient efficiency, removed her clothes. 


    Ben appreciated that there was no sexiness to it. She’d done it like a robot, with no attempt to seduce him, just the quickest path to nudity. “Very good, Riley bot. That’s what I’m going to call you now.”


    Riley became wet as he complimented her. She was doing well. She got so turned on when he let her know she’d correctly followed his orders.That hadn’t been a thing when she first got married. She’d been very opinionated about their love life, but now she couldn’t get enough of obeying whatever he said. 


    “Good,” Ben said as he looked his naked wife up and down. “Now Riley bot, I want you to drain my balls with your mouth.”


    Riley dropped swiftly to her knees and pulled down her husband’s boxers. His dick sprang up, and she swallowed it as if it were the tastiest treat imaginable. 


    Seeing his wife so desperate for his cock made Ben open his mouth and let out a long groan. “Riley bot, you’re amazing. Such a good cocksucker. I want you to moan while you do it. I want you to get off on it.”


    She obediently began a fake but sensual moan as she sucked him. Riley wasn’t sure how she was supposed to get off on it though. Blowjobs were fun and all, but it’s not like there was ever anything special that was happening down on her end.


    Except suddenly there was. She felt her pussy begin to tingle every time she bobbed down onto Ben’s shaft, and the deeper she took him into her mouth, the better it felt. 


    Her moaning was no longer fake. It was real. She wanted to suck him harder, take him deeper. Blowing him felt amazing. She was going to cum. Or at least, she thought she would. But she didn’t. Couldn’t. Because her master had not told her she could.


    Ben had thought he’d had a good blowjob before. But they all paled in comparison to this one. Riley seemed so into it. She was really committed to this game she’d started. 


    At the risk of ruining a good thing, Ben decided to keep pushing. He was still looking for that place she wouldn’t go. He wanted to find the line, the thing she would say no to. He couldn’t believe he still hadn’t found it yet. 


    “I’m going to take some pics while you blow me, Riley bot,” he said casually. Riley had never let him do that before. She’d been told that the internet was forever, and had a few friends whose nudes had leaked online.


    Ben reached for his phone beside him on the couch, and brought it up like he was going to take a picture of her. She made no move to stop him, just kept slurping and sucking at his dick with mindless efficiency. So he doubled down. “Maybe I’ll make it a video. I’d love to have a record of how loud and sexy you’re being.”


    A distant part of Riley registered Ben’s words.


    ‘A video. No. I don’t…don’t want that. No Ben. Stop…’


    But a wave of pleasure flared up in her body, drowning out protests that could not be heard. She began to shake and gag as she came again, shoving Ben’s dick deeper than before. She was Riley bot right now. She didn’t have a gag reflex. She didn’t care if he took pictures or video. A robot like her was not to complain or resist, but to serve her master.


    All thoughts ceased in her head and Riley knew only pleasure, even as Ben said, “Okay, Riles, seriously, I’m gonna hit record.”


    “Mmm!” was her only response as she drowned his dick and balls with her saliva.


    So Ben hit record. She didn’t protest, or stop, or even slow down as the phone gave its ding that it had started recording. Ben got everything his wife was doing to him in high definition. But he found he suddenly wanted a different angle. 


    “Stand up, Riley bot.”


    Riley did, and her face showed no emotion, even though she’d been so close to cumming if her master had let her. She stood, causing her boobs to jiggle hypnotically for the camera. 


    “Now turn around and bend over. I’m going to fuck your ass again.”


    Riley had started to turn, but encountered an error. She had conflicting orders in her head, and one clearly superceded the other, because it had come from her team lead, Marcus.


    In a flat tone, she said, “I can turn around and bend over, but my ass is currently off limits.”


    Ben chuckled. “Off limits?”


    “Yes, it has been reserved by another user.”


    Ben’s smile faltered. “Excuse me?” he said, with surprise and anger in his voice. “What other user?”


    Riley began to answer saying, “Mar-” but her voice faltered, and her face twitched, and the next thing she knew, she was saying in her most robotic sounding voice yet, “M-master. I am sorry, but my rear port needs rest after you serviced it yesterday.”


    Ben studied his wife’s face. It sounded like she’d been about to say Marcus. He was tempted to ask her, but it would lead to an argument. He was sick of feeling this way. They were in a good place, and she was being so wonderfully kinky. So he let it drop. He seemed to be developing a habit of that these days.


    “Um…sit on the couch Riley bot, and spread your legs.”


    “Yes, master.” Riley sat on the couch opened up her legs wide for her husband. 


    Ben recorded all of it, and got a close up of her dripping snatch that was begging for cock. His cock. Not Marcus’s. Never Marcus’s. He shook his head, not wanting to think anymore about her attractive supervisor. He got on his knees, and thrust into her. He was not gentle, but she did not protest. In fact, she didn’t make a sound as he pumped into her again and again. He used his wife’s pussy to take out the jealous anger that had begun to simmer in the back of his mind. 


    “Play with your boobs!” he demanded, trying to keep the camera steady as best he could.


    “Yes, master.”


    Her hands came up to her breasts and she began to fondle them, gently at first, but as she felt his dick stiffen inside of her, she became rougher with them. She pulled at her nipples and squeezed her breasts aggressively . His phone captured every second, and Ben knew he’d be watching this at least once a day for the foreseeable future. 


    “Cum, Riley bot!” he grunted.


    “THANK YOU MASTER!” she yelled, and a moment later shook violently on his cock as her biggest orgasm rocked her body, multiplied because it was part of obeying him.


    Ben’s mouth fell open as he watched this display. He pushed into her and stayed there as he also came. 


    Riley kept grinding on him feebly as Ben’s dick soon went limp, and Ben was reminded of the last time, when he had to tell her to stop. He did so now, and she plopped onto the sofa behind him, which would no doubt leave a wet spot. He thought about telling her to clean it, but first, there was the matter of lunch.


    It was here that Ben found a foolproof way to win this little game they were playing. “Riley bot, go make us a gourmet meal out of whatever we have in the house.”


    Riley’s face became pensive, and for a moment, she looked unhappy with the request. But a second later, she popped up on wobbly legs, said, “Yes master,” and went to the kitchen where she began taking a quick inventory of everything in the pantry and fridge.


    ‘Get your cell phone,’

    an insistent voice inside her head said after she’d looked at every ingredient.


    She wasn’t going to at first. She was just going to throw something together like she normally did. But she found the tug in her mind so strong that she went back into her office and grabbed her phone. Her fingers became a blur as she pulled up her browser and began inputting recipes for gourmet meals that could be made with their meager offering.


    Riley didn’t have an aptitude for cooking. Far from it. But her racing thoughts seemed to be piecing things together very quickly, helping her create a winning dish she could do in the time allotted to her. She raced back to the kitchen and began pulling out pots and pans. She got butter melting, water boiling, began chopping, stirring, mincing, seasoning, all in a way that suddenly made sense to her in a way it never had. 


    Ben heard the flurry of activity from the kitchen while he scrolled on his phone. Any minute now he expected to smell something burning, or another horrid odor. But after just 15 minutes, he was very surprised to detect a very pleasant aroma. As soon as it entered his nostrils, he stood up and looked to the open kitchen. His wife was at the stove and seemed to be doing five things at once, but didn’t appear to be struggling in any way. 


    He approached her, appreciating how good she looked cooking while naked. As soon as he was at arm's length of her, she turned with a spoon and said, “Taste this, master.”


    Ben smirked, not believing it could taste as good as it smelled. He opened his mouth, and closed it around the smooth. His eyebrows shot up. It tasted better than anything she’d ever made before. Hell, anything he’d ever made. 


    “Riley, this is really good! How long have you been practicing this?”


    Riley felt a shudder of pleasure at his compliment, but became confused by his question. “I don’t know what you mean master? This is the first time I have made this dish.”


    “Oh!” he exclaimed, very impressed. But as he thought about that, the more his smile vanished. “Oh…” he repeated.


    He looked at the clock on the stove. “Um, if it’s ready, we should eat.”


    “Right away master!” she said brightly.


    As she set a plate for him, Ben said, “Don’t call me master anymore.”


    “What would you like your new designation to-”


    “Ben,” he said firmly. “Just, Ben. You’re no longer a sexbot. You’re just my wife again.”


    “Yes, Ben,” she said, handing him his plate. She suddenly felt filled with emotion, and was so happy to be giving her husband a meal that he would enjoy. She began making her own plate, and joined him at the table.


    She ate quickly, and finished before him. She stood and asked, “Can you put the rest away so we can eat it later?”


    “Sure,” he said with a hint of irritation.


    “Is something wrong?” she asked worriedly.


    He looked up into her eyes, then back down at his almost finished plate. It tasted so good. He could totally do seconds. “No, Riles. Everything is…great. Thanks for an amazing lunch.”


    Riley kissed the top of his head. “Thank you Ben!” she squealed. She practically skipped towards her office, shutting the door behind her.


    As Riley began another intense round of brainwashing on her laptop, Ben was left alone with his thoughts. They were becoming a dark cloud that swirled about in his mind. He tried to calm it by playing video games. But no matter what shooter or platformer he attempted to dive into, he kept coming back to the same troubling conclusion. Riley couldn’t cook. That wasn’t an opinion. It was a fact. She’d never been able to since he’d known her. So how had she made to cobble together an amazing dish for them on the fly like that?


    Becoming sexually adventurous was one thing. He put that down to Riley coming out of her conservative shell. But cooking? There was just no way. The more he thought about this, the more he was certain that something was very wrong with his wife. But what was the cause?


    As he contemplated the this, he recalled the time he’d gotten a rash when he was younger. His mother had taken him to the doctor, who’d asked questions about if Ben had been playing outside near poisonous plants, or gotten stung by a bug. He hadn’t. Then the doctor asked his mother if there had been any changes in his daily routine, any new foods or clothing. His mother shook her head, but admitted to recently switching to a cheaper laundry detergent. It turned out Ben was allergic to it. 


    Ben could only think of one big change to their routine since they’d gotten married. A big, obvious one. Del Corp. He’d been down this road before, but had allowed Marcus to change his mind. Well, sort of. He’d been convinced that Riley should quit Del Corp yesterday, but Marcus had sold him on the fact that their marriage was just in a slump. And after Ben got laid last night, he was sure Marcus had been right. 


    Having sex again, actual sex, had been good, great even. But breakfast and lunch reminded him of all the other irregularities. The way she’d gone from hot to cold to very, very hot. The repetitive speech patterns she had sometimes. The game she was playing where she’d do whatever he told her to EXCEPT for very specific things, like fuck her ass again. The way he was pretty sure she’d almost said Marcus’s name. The way she had looked at Marcus in that damn diner. 


    Ben paused his game and looked at that closed door. He’d promised not to go in there while she was working. He’d keep that promise. But when she came out, he was going to ask his wife a lot of questions. He’d remain calm. He’d be patient. But he was going to get to the bottom of this. 


    At the end of her work day when Riley logged off, she found Ben waiting for her in the living room with a very serious expression on his face. The high that she felt at the end of another fulfilling data entry session vanished and was replaced with an urgent need to make her husband happy. With genuine concern, she asked, “What’s wrong baby?”


    “Nothing,” Ben lied. He patted the cushion next to him. “Come here and have a seat.”


    “Yes, Ben,” she said, and quickly came over to sit next to him on the couch. She faced him attentively.


    “Riley,” Ben began, “I want you to tell me everything about Del Corp, from your first interview, to your orientation, to now. Especially every conversation you’ve had with Marcus. And that’s an order.”


    Thanks to the bug Marcus had planted on Ben’s phone, Marcus heard every word of that order. He leapt from his office chair and ran down the long hallway, knocking over a drone and sending the papers she was carrying flying into the air. He didn’t stop to help her or see if he was alright. He had to get to Doris, and he couldn’t do it by paging her. This had to be handed swiftly and discreetly, or else his and Doris’s plans were all over before they could begin. He hit the stairs and took them three at a time as he made his way to the pod room.


    Back at her house, Riley gave her husband a demure smile and touched him on the arm, running her fingertips up and down his skin. “I’ve told you before, my job is only boring data entry.”


    “Yeah,” Ben pressed as he took his wife’s hand off his arm. “And I want to know all about it. Every boring detail.” It hadn’t escaped his attention that she had answered him without saying, ‘Yes, Ben.’


    “I…I…” Riley said, fidgeting. She was unsure of what to say. Thankfully a voice inside her head reminded her.


    ‘Tell him you value our clients’ privacy so you can’t elaborate further.’


    “I’m afraid I can’t, Ben, because I value our clients’ privacy so I can’t elaborate further.”


    Ben put his hand on his temple and breathed. He’d heard that before. It was like a scripted response. The whole, ‘what would you like your designation to be’ nonsense. He needed to ask the right questions.


    “That’s fine, that’s okay,” he continued. “I value your clients’ privacy too. I don’t want to know anything about Del Corp’s clients. I want to know about your interview. What precisely were they looking for in their applicants?”


    Riley scrunched up her face as a phrase started to repeat in the back of her mind. 


    ‘Analyzing for threat. Analyzing for threat.’


    She tried to answer his question. It was important to answer his question, because she wanted to please her husband. “Um, just like, if I was single, and, um…”


    “They asked if you were single?” Ben asked, dumbfounded.


    “No, but another applicant there said they wouldn’t hire someone who’s ma…mar…ma…” Try as she might, Riley could not get out the last word.


    Ben clenched his fists. “Why can’t you answer me, Riley? Did Del Corp do something to you? Something during orientation?”


    ‘I can’t…why can’t I remember?’

    Riley wondered. But she was already shaking her head and words were spilling out of her mouth in a flat monotone. “They did nothing bad. I was fed a nice meal and learned computer programs.”


    Ben shook his head in frustration. “What happened right when you got there?”


    Riley’s brow furrowed as she thought hard. “Marcus led us down several long hallways, a few flights of stairs, and brought us to this lovely room that had couches and…and…”


    Ben was on the edge of his seat. “And what?”


    “I’m…I’m sorry, I can’t remember.” Riley felt like her brain was being pulled apart as she tried to obey the need to answer her husband’s questions, while also not being able to remember what he wanted her to know or unable to say what she needed to say.


    Ben saw the internal struggle etched on her face. He tried a different approach. He took her hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly. “It’s okay, babe. It’s okay. Just breathe. Deep breath. In. Out. Just do that for me right now.”


    Riley did. She was so grateful for that. This was easy. So much easier than answering questions about Del Corp.


    As Riley focused on breathing, Marcus was huffing and puffing as he burst into the pod room. Several were in use. He needed the one with Doris in it. He brought out his phone and quickly scanned the names. Doris was in pod 23. He initiated an override that would exit her from the body she was inhabiting, then he ran to it. An alarm went off at the interruption to the upload program. Several people looked at the offending pod and Marcus as he ran past. He got there as it opened and Doris emerged, weak and sputtering. 


    The old woman collapsed into his arms, and looked up at him very confused. “What the hell…” she rasped. “I was in the right in the middle of-”


    Marcus put his mouth right next to her ear and whispered, “Ben is interrogating Riley, and I’m not sure her programming will hold.”


    Doris’s jaw set, and she said, “Get me in there.”


    Marcus nodded, and got her upright in pod 23 again. He closed it, and as soon as it was secured, he pulled up Riley’s biometrics and sent an urgent command to her bracelet. 


    Back at their house, Ben hoped that getting his wife to relax would lower her defenses. As soon as she looked calm, he fired his biggest question yet.


    “What did Marcus whisper in your ear at the diner yesterday when we were leaving?”


    “He told me to treat you like a valued Del Corp client until…” Riley said, but her throat began to constrict midway, which kept her from finishing the sentence.


    “What the hell does that mean?” Ben asked, his voice rising in anger.




    Riley’s eyes snapped to her bracelet. She read the message, and went to stand up, but Ben’s hand closed around her wrist. “I’ve got to go log on Ben! It’s urgent.”


    “I don’t care!” Ben retorted sharply. “Stay here and talk to me!”


    ‘I love him. I want to stay.’


    As if in response to her own thoughts, a voice in her mind said,

    ‘You must obey a direct order from Del Corp! You must do what your team lead commands!’


    The voice was so forceful and abrupt. Against her will, she found herself jerking her hand away from her husband. 


    “I’m…I’m sorry. I’ll just go check in, and then come right back. I promise.” 


    But she wasn’t sure she could promise that. She only knew she had to log on right away. If she didn’t, she felt like her whole purpose for being would disappear. She ran to the door, and shut and locked it.


    A split second later, she heard Ben pounding on the other side. 


    “Riley. Come on! Don’t do this. Please open the door!”


    “It’s fine, Ben,” she said. But she didn’t believe that. She didn’t feel fine. She felt like crying. She didn’t want to go log on. She wanted to fix things with her husband. She felt like she was on autopilot as she brought the laptop out of hibernation. She saw an icon flashing on the screen, and knew she had to push it. A second later she heard herself saying, “Uploading…


    Ben couldn’t make out what his wife was saying and pressed his ear to the door.




    Riley wanted to call out, to stand and go to her husband, but she couldn’t move. Couldn’t speak. She could only feel her mind blissfully fading away right before she said, “Upload complete.”


    To be continued…

Next Chapters

RT101 ∙ 19 July 2024

Great continuation! I can't wait for the next chapter

peanutbuttergirl ∙ 23 August 2024

What a cliff

RT101 ∙ 24 August 2024

I know! Waiting for the next chapter has been rough...

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