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  • Working Remotely Chapter 5

    Chapter by Kripto · 05 Sep 2024
  • Doris seduces Ben with Riley's body. Meanwhile, Marcus attempts to cover up what he are Doris are doing at Del Corp.
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  • Doris had lived a long hard life, but she’d survived it by being adaptable. She’d used her body to great effect for three decades to extract money from her clients by becoming whatever they wanted. For multiple men in one night, she could be anything from the kinkiest slut, to the most innocent maiden, and everything in between. She had quite literally seen it all in the bedroom, and nothing surprised her anymore. But as her looks faded, she was no longer sought after, and eventually retired from the sex work.

    When Del Corp had given the former sex worker the chance to ply her trade again, she’d jumped at the opportunity. For a time she was very happy, but eventually felt there was little room for advancement, until Riley Harper came along. The young blonde woman was stunning, and didn’t seem to realize it. Probably didn’t even know how good she could have it with that body.

    Marcus knew immediately that she would be of great use for Del Corp. Doris had thought the same, even though she’d kept a cool exterior. She was already imagining how fun it would be to download into Riley’s skin and use her body again and again in service of her growing list of clients. The girl would be on everyone’s requested list in a matter of weeks.

    Then Marcus had gone and fucked everything up by keeping secrets, like the fact that Riley was married. According to company guidelines, she should have been let go immediately. A married remote worker was deemed too risky for the company. This fact proved true after her husband, Ben Harper, figured out something was very wrong in less than a week with her time at the company. That’s why Del Corp stuck with single, primarily unattached people. No one would notice if they suddenly became obedient pawns for a company that serviced the elite in their area.

    Marcus had put everyone in Del Corp at risk, and worst of all, he really had no plan on what to do next. Like any typical man, he was only thinking with his dick. That’s why it had been easy to pretend to be an office drone he’d requested. All she’d had to do was keep a vacant expression on her face while she sucked him off in order to learn what he’d been up to. Now thanks to the blackmail she had on him, she would conspire with him to turn this into something great.

    If their venture blew up in their faces, so be it. She was 81 years old and her health was on the decline. Marcus would be the one that would be screwed, not her. But if this worked the way she hoped it would, maybe the board would reward her with something much more than money and power. But first she had to set things in motion with great care, and a small portion of luck.

    While still in that office drone, she’d made Marcus eat her out while telling him her ideas. They both agreed it was too risky to leave Riley alone with her husband. No matter how good the nanites were at enforcing the brainwashing program, Riley was bound to spill the beans sooner or later. So Doris would hand off her regular clients to her fellow sex workers over the course of the next day. Then at the end of her shift, she would download into Riley, and wear her as a suit until she could be parked in front of her computer screen like a good little drone.

    It had almost worked perfectly. Arrangements had been made, and Doris shuffled off most of her clients to her colleagues. When she had time, she kept up to date on what was going on in the Harper household through the bug that had been planted on Ben’s phone.

    She had one client she needed to take care of herself near the end of the day. She didn’t mind, because it put her in the body of a buxom redhead, and the client was enthusiastically fucking her brains out. But then abruptly, the connection had been severed. For a moment, she thought she was dead, but then she awoke to loud beeping, predicated on Marcus’s impulsive action to drag her mind back to her body. When he told her why he’d done it, she didn’t waste time telling him he’d been reckless. She just told him to download her consciousness into Riley immediately, trusting that Marcus would have the wherewithal to cover things up on his end.

    As Doris waited in the pod, she saw Marcus ping Riley’s bracelet. As soon as the girl obediently answered his summons and went to her laptop, Doris would be in. She waited for what seemed like an eternity, which didn’t make sense. The nanites should be making her want to run to that laptop. As the seconds ticked by, Doris figured that either Riley was fighting hard against her programming, or her husband was keeping her from obeying. Either option was a problem. She was about to tell Marcus to drive to their house, when her body stiffened. The upload was imminent, and she felt the pull in her mind towards the body of a new host.

    “Don’t fuck up your end,” she said coldly to Marcus through the glass. She blinked, and was suddenly somewhere else.

    Her favorite part about downloading into a remote worker was usually the first few seconds. The aches and pains of her actual body were suddenly gone. Her eyesight was sharp, her senses heightened. And that was all just the initial sensations. The stamina and pleasure she had access to in these younger bodies was always wonderful. Young people had it so good!

    The light in this new room was dim, with only the glow from the laptop screen. Riley must have rushed in and not bothered to turn on a light in her haste to obey Marcus’s command. It was a small space, and didn’t look very professional, clearly just a slapped together home office.

    Doris heard pounding on the door behind her. She stood, and felt two heavy breasts jiggle as she got to her feet. A buoyant pair like these were so welcome compared to the saggy tits on her actual body.

    Doris went to the door, and prepared Riley’s face. Even though it was not her own, she knew how to mold and shape it so that she could get what she wanted with just a look. Thanks to the bug on Ben’s phone and Riley’s reports to Marcus, Doris knew that Riley had been acting as a subservient little sex slave to Ben the last 24 hours. She hadn’t fought that, cause she was in love with the guy. But that all changed now. Ben was obviously more suspicious of Del Corp than ever, and since being an obedient drone hadn’t alleviated the problem, Doris would change tactics.

    As Ben brought his fist down to bang on the door again, it hit nothing but air as his wife flung it open. She was glaring at him with a hard expression he’d never seen on her before, not even during their worst arguments. Even though he was determined to get to the bottom of whatever was going on, her look gave him pause.

    “I’m finished,” his wife said coldly. “They just needed me to submit an important document I forgot to attach earlier.” As an added bonus she added with obvious sarcasm, “Thank you for being patient.”

    “Um…” Ben stammered. He suddenly found himself on the defensive. He needed to take back control with a simple command. “That’s…fine. Go sit down and let’s finish our conver-”

    “Nope, I’m good thanks!” she said bitterly, crossing her arms and staring up at him defiantly. “You wanna fight, we can have this out standing up. That way I can walk away if you say something stupid. Given your incessant pounding on the door when I needed to do something for WORK that shouldn’t take long.”

    It was a bit of a gamble. Doris was trying to glean more information as she didn’t know exactly what had spiked Ben’s suspicions while she’d been getting fucked in the body of a busty redhead. Marcus hadn’t been able to fill her in, so she was playing catch up. She hoped putting Ben on the defensive would do the trick and buy her time to extract any relevant details and ammunition.

    “I said something stupid?” Ben spluttered. “Are you joking? You’re the one who's been saying crazy shit! Telling me that Marcus told you to treat me like a client. Almost saying Marcus’s name while we were having sex. Seriously, Riles, I don’t see how any of this is my fault! But…I’m not sure it’s yours either. I think that maybe Del Corp did something to your brain and-”

    But Ben couldn’t finish that thought, as his wife firmly put a finger to his lips.

    “Let me stop you right there,” she said with fire in her eyes. “The thing Marcus said, it was a joke. I knew you were jealous of him, which is silly, because I’ve been fucking YOU, and quite a bit, haven’t I?”

    Ben stepped back like she’d slapped him, and eyed his wife carefully. “You’re just…you’re acting like a different person every day. Each morning, I don’t know which version of Riley I’m going to get. The one that’s distant and doesn’t want me to touch her, or the one that says ‘fuck’ and acts like a porn star, or the completely submissive one that does whatever I want.”

    Riley folded her arms and returned his gaze. Her eyes softened a little as she sighed. “I think I see what’s happening here, Ben. You don’t understand that I’m changing as a person.”

    “What does that mean?” Ben asked, glad to hear Riley’s tone calm a little.

    “You know that I was pretty conservative before we got together, right? All young and naive. I think that was something you liked about me.”

    “Yeah, of course,” Ben agreed. “But that’s just who you are, and that’s-”

    “But I’m allowed to change, right? We’re married, and now I’ve had sex, and that’s opened me up to a lot of new experiences, and I’m trying to find out who I am sexually. I’ve been trying out different things to see what I like, what YOU like. I gotta say, you really seemed to like the whole submissive thing today. I mean, I can’t believe what you had me do with the cereal.”

    Ben’s face went red as he thought about all his wife had done for him earlier that day. It had all been an act! “I, uh, I really thought that, um…that maybe you’d been…”

    “What?” she scoffed. “Brainwashed? That Del Corp injected me with nanites that program me into being a good little sex toy.”

    After a few awkward seconds of silence, Ben finally said, “Uh…yeah. You…you cooked, Riley? An amazing meal. You’ve never done that before.”

    “Unfreaking believable!” Riley exclaimed as she threw up her hands. She looked around the room, and saw her phone on the table. “Well, let me just check something real quick,” she snapped. She picked up her phone, opened the browser history, and her face split into a victorious smile. “Look at my history, Ben.” She threw him the phone. “It’s all about how to prepare a meal. I’ve been practicing, you jerk. For you! Cause I know I suck at cooking. I see it in your face every time you take a bite of something I tried to make, so I’m making a real effort. But wait wait wait, maybe that’s my evil corporate overlords whole big plan. To help me cook better meals for you. You know how crazy that sounds, Ben? It seems like I finally got a great job that makes us some decent money and you’re determined to ruin it because of your overactive imagination!”

    She turned around in a huff and began striding towards their room.

    Ben felt like he’d been punched in the gut, but rallied quickly and chased after his wife. “Riley, wait, I’m sorry, I-”

    She whirled around when she heard him coming down the hall after her. “No, I’m sorry that I married such an insecure man who is crazy paranoid and doesn’t trust me!”

    “I DO trust you!”

    “You think I wanna sleep with my boss!”

    “Well…” Ben said, even as his brain told him to not continue. “You said his name during sex. Or almost did. And you said that your ass was off limits because it was claimed by someone-”

    Riley stomped right up to him and raised a hand towards his face. Ben flinched, thinking she was going to slap him. But her palm just gently rested on his cheek as she stared intently into his eyes. “No dummy!” She sighed, and her shoulders slumped. When she spoke next, her previous anger had greatly diminished. “When I said that, I just meant I wasn’t in the mood right then to do anal. It wasn’t, ‘we can’t do that cause my ass belongs to my boss!’ Geez!”

    Ben suddenly felt very, very mad at himself. “I…I’m sorry. There’s just been so much that’s been changing since you took this job. And…I haven’t handled it well, and I’m sorry. I won’t be paranoid anymore, I promise.”

    The left side of Riley’s lip quirked upwards. “Well, I’m sorry if my becoming a more sexual person has made you become a jealous ogre sometimes.”

    The two looked at each other for a long time, and Ben was so happy that at the end of even the worst fights, they were still committed to loving each other. Finally, Ben opened his arms, and Riley stepped into them, and they embraced.

    “So, we’re good?” he asked, his hands sliding up and down his wife’s back as he held her.

    “I suppose,” she teased. “But…well, I suppose since I’m being honest about my sexual awakening, I’d better fill you in on some stuff I’ve been collecting.”

    “You’ve been collecting…sex stuff?”

    Riley stepped back from Ben, and her expression was sly and seductive. “Yeah. I’ve come into possession of some costumes and toys. I thought during a birthday or some other special occasion, I’d let you pick out something to try. Something I’d wear, or let you use on me.”

    “I…what? Can I see?”

    Riley’s eyebrows went up, and her face became stern again. “Sure, Ben. But that’s all. Even though I forgive you, but we are not having sex. You’ve lost access to my body for tonight.” Her hand moved up to cup her boob, which she playfully began to squeeze. “Who knows, maybe you’ve lost access for the whole weekend. We’ll just have to see if I’m still married to a paranoid jerk tomorrow.” With that she turned and walked into their bedroom. She looked back and said, “You coming?”

    Ben nodded, and followed quickly. He was still trying to come to terms with everything his wife had just told him. She was changing. Learning. Growing. Of course she was, and he’d been too stupid to see it. Of course his wife’s thoughts and feelings would adapt after she began having a healthy sex life. Sex did that. And he’d been a part of it. And now she wanted to do more, and he’d almost ruined that!

    He wondered what kinds of things she’d been buying. But with what money? “Hey, wait a second Riles. You said you’ve been collecting stuff. When did you buy these thi-”

    “Shh sh sh,” she said, as she reached up and took out a large black duffel bag hidden behind a box in their bedroom closet. She brought it over to the bed and unzipped it. “Some of these items were from friends as late wedding presents. A few I got on sale when we did have a little money.” She winked at him. “If you don’t like them, I’ll try and take them back.”

    She bit her lower lip, and extracted a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs and put them on the bed. She took out a french maid costume. A bright pink latex costume complete with a mask. Some nipple clamps. A buttplug. A few things that Ben wasn’t exactly sure what they were for. And finally, the largest black dildo Ben had ever seen. She laid it all out on the bed, then winked at him after looking inside the bag. “There’s more. But I think you’ve seen enough for now.”

    Ben’s mind was already fantasizing as he thought about how to incorporate what she’d just shown him. He was thinking about his wife in that latex outfit. About how tight it would be on her body. How her boobs would look amazing in it. About how he’d handcuff her to the bed frame while she wore it, and maybe get those nipple clamps, and then have her clean the house in that french maid costume while he…

    His face fell as she began to put everything quickly back into the bag. “Hey, no, you don’t have to, put that stuff back!” he pleaded. “If you wanted to do something, tonight could still be special! We had an argument, so we should have makeup sex, right? Cause I was wrong. I admitted it. I was a big fat idiot face. And you forgave me, right?”

    She pursed her lips contemplatively, then shook her head. In a sensuous, teasing voice, she said, “Yes, Ben. But I told you, WE are not having sex tonight. But you can watch as I use one of these items on myself. You can stay and watch the whole time, as long as you don’t touch me. Understand?”

    Ben looked, and saw that Riley hadn’t put everything back in the bag. The long, thick dildo was still on the bed. His mouth fell open as he took her meaning. She was going to fuck herself with that thing in front of him, and he wasn’t allowed to touch her. The thought of being so close to her while she got herself off with that monster cock made him so hard. It was also exciting to him that she’d gone so far the other direction