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  • Shudder: Happy Birthday

    Chapter by Kripto · 25 Dec 2024
  • Richard and Nancy celebrate his birthday by trying to help him get lucky from an assortment of patrons at a hotel bar.
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  • It was Richard Johnson’s birthday, and he was a man on a mission. He was going to pick up a beautiful woman in a hotel bar using only his appearance and charm. He hadn’t needed to rely on those attributes in a very long time, but still managed to have a different woman in his bed every night. That was one of the perks to being married to a bodyhopper.

    For the ten years that she’d been a bodyhopper, Nancy Johnson loved bringing home women that would entice her husband to fuck her senseless. If a pretty cashier caught his eye, or the cute teller at the bank, or a seductive college cheerleader, or one of the many local milfs, Nancy would make sure each of their bodies spent some very intimate time with her man. She’d even gone on a few trips to bring in some celebrities that he’d crushed on forever.

    Nancy became bodyhopper during an experiment run by her twin children, Derek and Aubrey. They’d used an electrical charge to spark a gene inside of her. They knew it was there, because it ran in their family. Once activated, she gained the ability to pass her soul from one body to the next. In doing so, she gained access to that person’s mind and could pass for them with the greatest of ease. She had used it to seduce her husband, and eventually persuaded him to leave her aging body behind.

    The couple were still very much in love, and when Nancy wasn’t fucking her husband’s brains out in a body typically younger than her previous one, they were enjoying hobbies and conversations that were akin to people who had been together for many years. They didn’t go out on many dates though since Nancy was usually in the body of a woman in her 20’s that could have been Richard’s granddaughter. It was here that the trouble started.

    A week ago Nancy had gently teased her husband while in the guise of a cute, blonde 21 year old. She told him he’d never be able to pick up someone like her in real life because of the age gap. She thought it would turn him on. One of his favorite things was when she brought home a young woman and began calling him ‘Daddy.’ Perhaps because his 55th birthday was a week away, or the fact that they could no longer grow old together, he took it poorly.

    “Age is just a number,” he snapped back. “I could go into a bar, any bar, and have a woman on my arm by the end of the night.”

    Nancy had then made the catastrophic mistake of laughing at this remark. The idea of her husband with his wrinkles and gray hair going to a club and using his cheesy lines on a woman to take her back home was honestly absurd to her.

    Richard’s pride took a hit, and he went to sleep on the couch that night, and no amount of cajoling or seduction could get him to return. This was also a blow to Nancy, because a bodyhopper continually craved sex. It seemed to be part of the gene. In instances like these, she’d had to seek other options. In that case, she’d taken the blonde home and fucked her boyfriend.

    Nancy fucked a lot of boyfriends and husbands when she inevitably returned a host body. Richard knew this of these indiscretions, but also knew that as horny as he often was, his wife had an itch that he couldn’t always scratch, especially as he got older. He’d never resented her for it, because he’d been around a few bodyhoppers the last decade. Derek was one, and like Nancy, no longer had a body of his own. Aubrey was too, but had to keep her body hooked up to life support if she ever hopped someone.

    Then there was the third bodyhopper they all knew. The one who had passed the gene on to so many people over the last few centuries. His name was Nevyn, and he’d almost ruined all of their lives.

    Nevyn had possessed Nancy for a few months long ago, living with the Johnsons and teasing Derek relentlessly. But after Nevyn lost his bodyhopping power and became stuck in Derek’s body, he’d briefly aligned himself with the Johnsons in the pursuit of getting Derek his body back. They’d studied the gene and made several breakthroughs, and somewhere during this process, Nevyn felt sidelined, and eventually betrayed. He used what he knew to get his powers back by himself, which led to a close friend of the Johnsons named Bekka to lose her life, although the twins often spoke of her like she was still alive.

    Nevyn’s actions spurred the twins along two different paths that ran parallel to each other. Aubrey continued unlocking the secrets of the bodyswapping gene to try and find a way to track it, while Derek pursued Nevyn by thinking like him, and looking for his telltale signatures in society.

    A month ago, Derek had success, and had intercepted Nevyn. In a phone call, Derek had given his parents the good news that it was finally over.

    “Nevyn’s dead. He knew I was chasing him and he ran into traffic. A second later he was hit by a bus. After all this time, that’s how it ends. It’s so strange. We finally all have our lives back.”

    The Johnsons had all moved on as best they could, with Aubrey stating she was going back to college to get her doctorate, and Derek possibly moving back home.

    But tonight, none of this was on Richard’s mind. Because tonight he was celebrating his birthday. Because of Nancy’s insensitive remarks, husband and wife made a wager. If he could pick up a woman at a local hotel bar and get her to go upstairs to a room for sex, she’d join them for a threesome.

    “But what if she doesn’t want a threesome?” Richard had asked.

    “You mean if I can’t convince her with my very impressive feminine wiles?” his wife had responded with a laugh. “Then I guess I’ll be doing some very fast hopping. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

    This is why Richard now found himself up past his bedtime at a crowded hotel bar where the music was too loud. He’d much rather be at home, waiting to see who his wife was bringing him that night. But his pride was on the line.

    Even though he’d been out of the dating game for a long time, he felt confident he’d be able to land a hottie and take her up to the hotel room they’d booked. He scanned the sea of people. It seemed full of possibilities. He locked eyes with a pretty raven haired woman behind the bar as she mixed a drink. She winked at him. Nancy had chosen this bartender as her vantage point to watch the proceeding.

    She totally wanted him to win, which is why she pointed towards a small circular table where a couple of young women sat, chatting and giggling away. After observing them for a few seconds, he shot an upturned eyebrow back at Nancy. He knew these women were at least 21 years of age, but probably not a day older. They still had their whole lives ahead of them. He was just the man that could teach them a thing or two. Richard strode over confidently, believing that this would be over quickly, he’d be fucking one or both of them within the hour, and could go to sleep.

    He assessed them as he got closer. The girl to his left was a curly haired brunette with a dazzling smile. She wore a short black dress, but didn’t have a lot going on in the chest department. That was okay. He was always partial to brunettes. They reminded him of his wife and his daughter Aubrey, although they had both been stacked.

    To her right was a shoulder length blonde who was offering a generous amount of cleavage to all passersby in a low red blouse with lipstick that matched. His eyes lingered on her exposed skin, and it distracted him so much that he forgot to say anything upon his arrival.

    “Can we…help you with something old man?” the blonde said with a pitying smirk.

    “He looks lost,” the brunette giggled. “It seems like he’s trying to find directions to your tits.”

    “Don’t even!” the blonde squealed, and whacked the brunette on the shoulder playfully. “I’m sure this grandpa is harmless.”

    “Or he’s a dirty old man,” the brunette clapped back. “He’s gotta be, right? I mean he came over to our table. To what? Hit on us?” She crossed her legs and looked up at him as if she’d caught him doing something scandalous. “Do you even know how old we are, mister?”

    “Um, uh, 21?” Richard replied as he tried to recover from their verbal assault.

    “I am,” the blonde said, “But Kinzie here is only 19.”

    “How did you…” Richard started to ask.

    But the girl identified as Kinzie interjected. “Fake ID grandpa. What? They didn’t have those back in your day?”

    “I don’t think they had that kind of technology back then,” the blonde added.

    “Just had the wheel and fire, right gramps?”

    “I am not that old!” Richard fumed.

    “Yeah? How old are you then?” Kinzie asked with a raised eyebrow as she haughtily picked up her drink to take a sip.

    “Old enough to…uh…teach you a few things,” Richard said as he tried to turn this interaction around.

    This elicited a cringe response on both their faces that ended when they looked at each other and burst into a giggle fit.

    The blonde’s eyes drifted down to Richard’s crotch, then back up to meet his. “Can you even get it up? I hear that can be a real problem for senior citizens.”

    “I’m sure he can, Mckayla, withe the help of a pill!”

    The giggle fit resumed in earnest, and Richard found himself wanting to retreat, from this table, from the premises from civilization. This had been a horrible idea.

    Suddenly the bartender was at his side carrying a tray that had three drinks in martini glasses on it. “Here’s your drink sir, and how nice of you to buy a round for these two lovely ladies.”

    “Ugh,” Kinzie said with an eye roll. “Well, a free drink’s a free drink.

    She reached for it, but Mckayla hesitated and asked the bartender, “He didn’t pay you to slip something into it, did he?”

    The bartender’s pretty face faltered as if she’d been slapped. But then she set her jaw, and said tightly, “I can assure you that he’d never have to do anything of the sort. Not when he has me.”

    As Kinzie’s fingers curled around the thin stem of a glass, the bartender’s fingers brushed against her for the briefest of moments in a way that so often happens while passing something from one person to the next. A fleeting second of contact that feels both innocuous and yet strangely intimate. It is usually a moment that is here, then gone, but this time, it left a lingering effect in the form of a shudder that began in Kinzie’s hand.

    “Excuse me?” Mckayla asked loudly in response to what the bartender had just said. But she got no response, because the bartender’s gaze had gone slack.

    “Um, Mckayla, I think maybe I’ve had too much to drink,” Kinzie said as she looked at the tremor rapidly spreading up her arm.

    Mckayla didn’t look at her friend but continued to study the bartender. It was like she was asleep, but her eyes were open. She was just standing as still as a statue holding the tray. “You’ve only had one Kinzie. I swear, you’re such a lightweight. You really should be building up more of a tolerance for the parties at college.”

    “No, really, I…I think I want to go…” but the rest of what she might have said was lost as her mind was no longer her own.

    “Just kidding!” Kinzie suddenly squealed. “I feel fine! In fact, I think we should go to this handsome guy’s room. You got a room, don’t ya mister?”

    Mckayla’s jaw dropped as she turned her head away from the bartender towards her friend. “Are you fucking kidding me girl? You’ve got to be insane if you think that I’m going anywhere with grandpa here just cause he got us a free-”

    But she stopped mid sentence as her friend grabbed her wrist, and it too began to shudder.

    “What the hell? Why’s my arm fucking doing that? Am I having a stroke or some-”

    But then Mckayla went quiet for a second before looking up at the bartender and taking the drink she’d previously insinuated was spiked. “Thank you, ma’am. Now go back and attend to your duties.”

    “Yes,” the pretty bartender said in a flat tone before she turned away and went back behind the bar.

    “So, stud,” Mackayla said as she eyed Richard up and down as if he were a snack. “I believe you were about to sit down and talk us two lovely ladies into having a threesome with you?” She set her glass down on the table and touched her friend’s hand.


    A second later Kinzie said, “Yeah. We’d totally say yes. You can take us upstairs to your room and fuck us stupid. We’re both really nimble. We were both cheerleaders!” She touched Mckayla’s hand.


    “I bet you like cheerleaders, don’t ya?” Mckayla said with a wink. “Especially ones that like kissing each other.” She looked at her friend and said, “Kiss me passionately.”

    “Yes,” Kinzie said, and then their lips were together as they kissed each other deeply.


    “So, what do you say?” Kinzie asked with her thousand watt smile.


    “Please take us horny sluts up to your room and be our daddy for the night.”

    This sudden reversal of fortune seemed to darken Richard’s mood. “Dammit Nancy! The deal was I do this on my own!”

    Several people glanced at the tiny outburst from the older gentleman standing in front of the two young women. He seemed to be reprimanding them for something. Richard seemed to understand he’d made a scene, and smiled bashfully. A few seconds later, everyone went back to their drinks and conversations.

    “I’m sorry, Richard,” Nancy’s voice came quietly out of Mckayla’s mouth. “It’s just, I heard these cunts being horrible to you and I thought we could teach them a lesson.” She put a hand on his leg and began sliding it upwards. “Together.”

    Mckayla’s voice was back then. “Please mister. Please fuck some manners into us. Kinzie and I would learn so much from you.” She touched her friend on the arm.


    “Yeah. Teach us Daddy,” Kinzie whined. “We’ll be good girls for you. We’ll even let you-”

    “Enough,” Richard said quietly but firmly. “Anyone I take upstairs tonight will come because they want to. So…get out of these girls and let me get back to finding that person.”

    “Fine!” Nancy said with an eye roll. “You still interested in teaching them a lesson though?”

    “What did you have in mind?”

    Nancy waved over the bartender who approached them quickly. Her eyes seemed less vacant than before, but there was still a bit of a haze there. Nancy casually brushed the back of Kinzie’s hand against the bartender, who shuddered.

    “Well,” the bartender said, and she sounded as if she were recommending a drink. “Since you two are such good friends, you’re going to get each other off. I want you to go into the ladies room and strip naked, then toss your clothes out the window in there. Then go into a stall and begin licking and fingering each other. Try to make each other cum as fast as you can.”

    “Yes,” they both said in perfect unison. They immediately stood, and with robotic grace walked to the ladies room.

    “Well fuck me,” Richard said. “Now I want to go to the ladies room.”

    “You had your chance,” Nancy said with a smirk. “Although I did memorize Mckayla’s address if you ever want me to go pay her a visit.”

    A huge grin crept over Richard’s face. “I love you.”

    “I know. Now get back on the horse and go get ‘em tiger. I’ll be over there watching. Best of luck. I do want you to have a happy birthday!”

    “I think I’ll go hit on someone near the ladies room.”

    “You do that, dear,” she said with a laugh, then went back to resume bartending.

    Richard set off in the direction the two girls had gone. He passed by several people that looked like couples or were just trying to relax by themselves. He considered hitting on a few of them, but crossed off the ones that looked under 26. No more early twentysomethings. Too obnoxious and rude. He’d go aim a bit higher, which, he didn’t want to admit, would probably up his chances of success.

    He decided on a professionally dressed woman in a light blue blouse and dark skirt sitting by herself. She wore her sandy blonde hair in a bun. She had glasses, and was staring intently at a laptop. If he struck out with her, she’d probably let him down gently unlike those first two had. He wondered if they were in the stall by now, their naked bodies pressed together invading each other’s holes with their tongues and fingers in a desperate attempt to make the other cum.

    “This seat taken?” he asked with what he believed to be a suave demeanor.

    “Huh, what?” the woman said, not bothering to look at him. “No? You can take it if you want.”

    Richard was confused for a second, then understood. “No, I don’t need it for another table. I wanted to sit with you.”

    This caused her to look up at him like he’d just said something very stupid. “Why?”

    “Because…” he said, as he tried to think of something clever. He was beginning to wonder if he’d ever actually been clever in his life. “Because I wanted to get to know the prettiest woman in this bar.”

    Her eyebrow raised and she gave him a quick up and down assessment. Then her lips pursed together like she’d tasted something sour. “Um…no. Thank you.”

    Richard had been in sales for a long time, and never accepted the first no. Sometimes not the second. He could do this. He just needed a chance to show her what a catch he was. “I really think you’ll like me if you get to know me.”

    “Probably not,” she said dismissively. “Because I tend not to like married men who hit on other women.”

    This comment took Richard aback. “What? Why would you think I’m-”

    “Wedding ring, dipshit,” the woman said, pointing at his left hand.

    Despite the fact that Nancy’s actual body had been declared dead and they’d had a funeral and everything, to Richard, and to Nancy, she was very much alive. Of course he wore his ring. He’d never even thought about taking it off until this very second. Now he realized how foolish it had been to wear it while trying to pick up women in a bar. Then he had an idea.

    “Oh, um…yeah, I’m…a widower. Just can’t bear to take it off.”

    The woman’s eyes went wide and her face went very red. She began fidgeting with her hands as she apologetically blurted out, “Oh shit! I’m so sorry. I should not have…uh, has she been gone long? I mean…I didn’t mean to ask something so personal! I feel so bad! I honestly don’t know what to say.”

    “How about you just let me buy you a drink and we get to know each other,” Richard offered as his confidence level soared to new heights. He glanced towards his wife behind the bar and signaled that he had someone on the hook.

    The woman grimaced and said, “It’s really flattering, but…I have a deadline and-”

    Richard interrupted. “It was a few years back when I lost her, but it still feels like yesterday. She was the love of my life, you know. Tonight was the first night I worked up the courage to put myself back out there.”

    The woman’s expression became one of deepest sympathy and she closed her laptop. “I…I suppose one drink wouldn’t hurt. Uh…I’m Natalie.”

    “Yes!” Richard exclaimed, and he couldn’t help but give a little fist pump. “That’ll show her.”

    “Show who?”

    Without thinking he said, “My wife. She didn’t think I could still get a woman to give me the time of…” He trailed off as he recognized his mistake.

    The woman’s face shifted into one of loathing. “Wait! Was that whole dead wife thing a line?”

    “No, I-”

    “You’re disgusting. Go find someone else to be sleazy to,” she said with a wave of her hand.

    “So close,” Richard said as he stood. Back to square one. He was a few steps away when a hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.

    “Fine! Natalie said with a bit of contempt still etched on her face. “You wanna fool around, I could use a destresser. Let’s go.”

    Richard couldn’t believe his luck! “I have a room we can-”

    “I know someplace closer,” she said, and still clasping his hand, she drug him to the ladies room and pushed open the door.

    They both stopped at the sight of two naked women who appeared to be having a wild night. Their hair was a mess and their lipstick was smeared. They were both attempting to cover their bodies with paper towels, but it was not working very well. At the sight of the woman, Kinzie said, “Ohmygosh can you please help us? We need some clothes. Can you-”

    “Ah!” Mckayla yelled. “There’s a man with her!”

    She made a better attempt to cover her boobs, but her crotch was very much exposed. Richard knew where some of Kinzie’s lipstick went, because some remnants of her shade were between Mckayla’s legs.

    “It’s the old guy from before!” Kinzie hissed, and they both darted into a stall.

    “Looks like this one has other stuff going on,” Natalie quipped, and pulled Richard out and into the men’s. She led him to a stall, pushed him inside and said, “Take off your pants.”

    Richard’s fingers flew to his crotch where they momentarily seemed to forget how to unbuckle a belt.

    “Let me help,” Natalie said with an eye roll. She sank to her knees and was much more adept at getting Richard’s pants off than he seemed to be. She made no pretense of why they were there as she yanked down his underwear. She took his cock in her hand, holding it up to be level with her face. Then she leaned forward and took him in her mouth.

    “Oh fuck! That was fast!” he said. His mojo was back! It might not have worked the way he’d planned, but a win was still a-

    He felt it then. A telltale shudder. He’d felt it many, many times while he and his wife made love. A shudder was the telltale sign of a bodyhopper moving into a new host. But it continued to happen intermittently while the hopper remained inside. It was a brief struggle of one soul dominating the other. It was like a reflex, and could even be done while a hopper slept, but it was also very noticeable, especially for someone who had been around hoppers as much as Richard.

    “Seriously Nancy! Again!” he said as he pushed Natalie’s head back. He’d really been enjoying himself too, but his dick was suddenly deflating as he realized he’d been duped.

    The woman’s face looked up at him sheepishly. “I thought I could get you off real quick before I shuddered and then you’d have a win and you could take me upstairs and fuck.”

    Richard frowned, pissed that he was still 0 for 2. “Well, you almost got me there. Another 20 seconds of your world class dick sucking and I would have busted all over your face.”

    She reached up and stroked his cock, which twitched hopefully in her hand. “You still could, darling. Seriously. I’m so horny in this body. I’d love it if you took me right here in this stall.”

    Richard had to hand it to his wife. She could bring out the sluttiest part of any woman. He could take her right here and she’d never know because of how Nancy could alter her memories. But he shook his head and helped her to her feet.

    “Wait! When did you even hop her?” he asked as he pulled his pants up.

    She gave a small smile. “I’d just arrived to take your drink order when you got up to leave her table. A second later I was her, and pulled you into the bathroom so you wouldn’t notice the bartender right behind us.”

    “That was so funny seeing those two girls in the bathroom.”

    “That’s why I took you in there first. Did you see the lipstick on the one girl’s hoo ha?”

    “Oh yeah.”

    The couple burst out laughing, but then Richard said, “Okay, I’m going back out there. No help this time, understood?”

    Nancy slumped Natalie’s shoulders. “I don’t think you know how much I want you to succeed, dear. I really need it right now. I might just rub one out in the stall real quick when you leave. Unless you want to watch?” She began to unbutton her blouse while she bit her lower lip. “You could still help this uptight business woman unwind?”

    Richard left in a hurry before his wife could tempt him further. What did he do to deserve such a seductive creature?

    As he left the restroom, he eyed the occupants of the bar with new determination. Third time’s the charm. He’d just…pick someone closer to his age. Not his preferred choice, but a gal with experience could certainly bring a lot to the table, or in this case, the bedroom. He pocketed his wedding ring as he circled the perimeter, finally coming back near the entrance where other hotel guests passed close by.

    It was there he saw someone he’d passed by earlier. A woman in her early 40’s that he hadn’t really considered. She was quite striking though with her long auburn hair and legs that went on for miles. Richard thought she somewhat resembled Nancy in the face. And also the boobs. The woman was stacked.

    She had a duffel bag on the chair next to her. Richard put a hand on the handle of the bag and said, “Mind if I move this so I can have a seat?” As he started to lift it, it began to shake. And growl.

    The woman’s eyebrows shot up and she protectively reached for it and pulled it onto her lap. “Have a seat if you must, but Daisy doesn’t like to be jostled unnecessarily.”

    Out of the top of the bag popped the face of an adorable Yorkshire terrier. Her furry brown face looked up into his and gave a small yip.

    “Good girl,” the woman said with a small smile as she pulled the terrier out of the bag and put her on her lap. “She can be a very good judge of character. You must be a bad man.” The terrier growled at him.

    Richard put his hands up and chuckled, then said to the small dog, “I can assure you I meant no harm little lady.” He held out a hand for her to sniff. The terrier did, and then gave his palm a lick.

    The woman assessed him, and by her expression, she liked what she saw. “Perhaps you’re not terrible. Go ahead and have a seat.”

    Richard did so. “I didn’t know you could have dogs in here.”

    “You probably can’t,” the woman said with an air of indifference. “But she’s my emotional support animal. That’s what I tell everyone anyways.”

    This annoyed Richard, but he tried hard to focus on her figure, something which the woman didn’t seem to mind him eyeing. “So, what’s your sign?”

    This elicited a shrill laugh from the woman. “I haven’t heard that one in awhile.”

    “I really need to get some new material.”

    “Do you find yourself coming out to hotel bars often enough that you need to constantly refresh it?”

    “Er, no,” Richard said. “I usually just stick with the basics. Like, hi, I’m Richard, and you are a very beautiful woman that I would like to get to know better.”

    She cocked her head at him, studying him closely like a cat might before pouncing on a mouse, then said, “That was a much better line. I’m Crystal. What would you like to know?”

    The two hit it off, and Richard found Crystal’s banter refreshing. She didn’t look at him like he was ancient, or pitied him in any way. Best of all though, she hadn’t shuddered once.

    They were mid conversation discussing childhood pets when the bartender came up and asked, “Can I get you two anything?”

    “I’ll take a bourbon,” Richard said, not taking his eyes away from Crystal.

    “Nothing for me,” Crystal said as she tapped a glass she’d barely touched.

    They both just stared at each other, mirroring a smile that belied a bubbling chemistry under the surface.

    The spell was momentarily broken by the sound of the bartender clearing her throat. “Will you be taking that bourbon up to your room…sir?”

    Richard looked up at the raven haired bartender. “In a bit. We’re in no rush.”

    The bartender’s eyes narrowed, and her smile became tight lipped. “Of course…sir. By all means, take your time.”

    As she walked away, she touched the shoulder of a woman passing by, who shuddered. That woman whispered something into the bartender’s ear, who went about her duties a moment later.

    Richard was oblivious to this. He was enjoying the massive ego boost Crystal was giving him. He found himself opening up to her, sharing things like it was a first date. He was used to seeing different women all the time, but the conversation was always the same, because his wife knew everything about him. This was nice, so much so that he didn’t mind talking and throwing back a few. He was slightly worried that he’d pissed Nancy off, because she acted like she didn’t know him whenever she brought the drinks.

    “Well, this has been lovely,” Crystal finally said. “But I should be going.”

    “Oh, um, I was wondering if you wanted to…” Richard started, not entirely sure how to seal the deal.

    She grinned at him and finished the proposition for him. “If I wanted to come up to your room and we have casual sex like grown adults?”

    “Uh…” Richard stammered. “Y-yeah. I guess…that.”

    “You’re very cute when you’re flustered.”

    “Well if you’d like to see me flustered you should see me try to take my pants off when I’m really excited.” She laughed. “I feel like I’m missing something.”

    “Sorry, it’s just been awhile since I…”

    “Mommy, mommy, she’s got a dog!”

    A boy about five or six walking by the hotel bar area with his mom had broken free of her hand and ran to their table. The boy put his hand on the dog’s fur, and gave it a hard pet, causing the dog to shake at the sudden attention.

    “Mason!” his mom snapped as she grabbed the boy’s arm and pulled him back. “We ask permission before touching someone’s pet. It might have bit you. I’m so sorry,” she said to Crystal as she backpedaled out of the bar with her son.

    “No harm done,” Crystal said graciously.

    “Mason, use your feet,” the mom admonished. “I feel like I’m dragging you out of here.”

    When they were out of earshot, Crystal said, “Kids. They never can resist a cute dog like Daisy.” She gave her pet a loving pat. The dog looked at Richard and yipped playfully. Then she kept yipping.

    “Well, if you’re going to start making all that noise, I probably should get you up to a room,” she said. “And it seems like we have options,” she said looking slyly at Richard. “Yours or mine?”

    They both laughed and got up from the table. Richard let Crystal take the lead so he could wave at the pretty bartender, who didn’t seem to understand why he was pointing at Crystal and giving her the thumbs up. The bartender just smiled awkwardly back at him and returned the thumbs up.

    Richard was glad his wife was letting him get a head start, knowing she’d show up soon. He and Crystal got in the elevator and faced the closing doors. He pressed the button to his floor, and as he did, he didn’t notice the dog’s nose reaching up out of the bag to press against Crystal’s hip. Nor did he see Crystal shudder a moment later.

    “Let’s go to mine actually,” she said. “It’s on the top floor. The penthouse suite. Great view.”

    “Um…” Richard said, unsure of what to do. It was okay. He could just call down and let his wife know they’d received an upgrade. “Sure thing.”

    As soon as the doors were shut, her mouth was on his. He responded in kind, and their hands roamed freely about each other. The dog was oddly silent despite being jostled.

    They practically fell out into the empty hallway when the doors opened. They were both panting and pulling at each other’s clothes as they stumbled their way to an ornate door. Crystal pulled out a card from a side pocket of Daisy’s carrier, and pressed it to an electronic device next to the door. The light went green, and the sound of a click could be heard. Crystal pushed her way in, and Richard stepped into a room that was much bigger than the one he thought he’d be sleeping in. There was an entire living room, kitchen, and bedroom area. And as he walked further in, he saw that Crystal hadn’t been kidding. There was an amazing view. He strode to the far side of the living room where a sliding glass door led out to a balcony. He opened it, and stepped out into the night. He was ten stories up, with the city a twinkling sea of lights below him.

    “If you’d rather stay out there you can,” a sultry voice called from behind. “But I think you’ll find the view in here much more interesting.”

    Richard turned and found that yes, the view was much better inside this penthouse suite. Crystal hand dispensed with her dress, and was standing in a black lingerie set that she must have been wearing underneath in the off chance she got lucky. With a body like hers though, she didn’t need luck. He was just glad he’d been the one she’d decided to take to bed, but he also chalked some of that up to his own good looks and charm.

    He came over to her and pulled her into a kiss. He’d expected it to feel different kissing someone that his wife wasn’t possessing. New. Foreign. But…there was a surprising familiarity to it. New mouth, new tongue, but the way their mouths met was how he’d kissed Nancy for so many years.

    An annoying sound went off in Crystal’s purse that she’d tossed onto the bed. It disrupted their entwined tongues. “Sorry,” Crystal said as she scooped her purse up. “That’s the alarm on my phone. I need to go…take my medication. High blood pressure.”

    “Totally get it,” Richard started to say as Crystal quickly disappeared into the bathroom a few feet away. “I have high cholesterol.” He wasn’t sure if she’d heard all of that, because she’d slammed the door so fast.

    What seemed like just a few seconds later though, she came out again. And her hands were behind her back.

    “You found those pills fast,” he said. “It takes my wife a long time to dig anything out of her purse.” He went red immediately, as he realized his little slip of the tongue.

    “Are you married, Richard?” she asked sweetly as the tension in her bra gave way as she released the clasp. She began to lower it, giving him a great view of her impressive breasts.

    “Uh…y-yes,” he said.

    “But you’re here with me?” she said in a teasing manner. “And you’re going to fuck me, aren’t you.” She hadn’t said it as a question, but as a fact.

    Richard nodded quickly. “I am!”

    “Does your wife know you’re here?” Crystal asked as her fingers began to unbutton his shirt.

    “Yes, well, no, not here. She knows I’m in the hotel. It’s a long story, you see, it’s my birthday. She said I could have a threesome if I could pick up a woman at the bar.”

    Crystal laughed softly. “Oh. So I’m expected to invite someone else up to my suite am I? Is your wife attractive?”

    Richard thought that was a rather funny question since Nancy could be anyone she pleased. Currently, she was in that very pretty bartender. “Yeah, she’s…very attractive,” he said earnestly as he pulled out his phone to call the bar. “I can let her we’re in your suite so she can come up and-”

    Crystal grabbed the phone from his hand and threw it with a smile onto the bed. “Not just yet. I want you to myself for a little bit. That okay?”

    “Yes, ma’am,” he said.

    She winked at him as she unzipped his pants. “That was the right answer.” And then she was dropping to her knees, pulling his pants down as she went. Her fingers deftly moved to the hem of his boxers, which came down just as fast. “My, my!” she said as Richard’s sizeable erection popped out. She licked her lips at the sight of it. “Someone is very excited to see me.”

    “Oh he is,” Richard chuckled. “So how do you want to-” was as far as he got before he gave a happy little strangled moan, because Crystal had taken him in her mouth. And the way she used her tongue, Richard knew this was not her first rodeo. His stamina had increased with age, probably because he was getting laid about every night from a different beautiful woman. But the way Crystal was sucking him, he wasn’t going to last long.

    He tried to signal this by tapping her on the head, and then by sputtering a very coherent, “Um...”

    But she kept going, getting him right up to the edge, and then…stopped just as quickly as she’d started. She’d seemed to know where his line was, and had backed off in the nick of time.

    “Sorry,” she said as she stood and delicately wiped her mouth. “I just had to see if it tasted as good as it looked.”

    Richard was trying to catch his breath as he asked, “And?”

    “It was even better,” she giggled. Then she led him to the bed, and pushed him onto it. “What’s your favorite position, Richard?” she asked.

    “Uh, basically just…”

    “Whatever your wife wants?” Crystal finished for him. “You must be happily married,” she added with a wink. “Well, I like to be on top.”

    “That works for me,” Richard said happily as he flopped his body against the bed.

    Crystal started to crawl on top of him with a seductive smile, when her phone went off again. She blew a strand of hair out of her face as she got up and looked in annoyance in the direction of her phone. “Sorry. Just let me go take care of something real quick.”

    “Whatever you need to do,” Richard said. “I’m not going anywhere.”

    “I’m counting on it,” she said with a smile as she again slipped quickly into the bathroom.

    Richard spied the hotel phone next to the bed, and reached for it.

    “How can I help you?” a polite voice asked on the other end.

    “Bar please?”


    A second later the familiar voice of the bartender picked up. “Hello. What drink order would you like sent to your-”

    Richard cut her off. “Nancy, it’s me. I’m in the penthouse suite. Come join us as soon as you can.” He heard the turning of the bathroom handle and said, “Love you!”

    “Excuse me?” came the voice on the other end, but the receiver was already on its way forcibly back to its cradle.

    “Ordering room service?” Crystal asked coyly as she reentered the room. She walked nimbly towards him with searching eyes.

    “Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. Hope that’s okay?” Richard noticed she’d left her phone in the bathroom. Hopefully that was the last interruption.

    “As long as you charged it to my room,” she said demurely. “Now, where were we? Oh yes. I think I was about to get on top of you and ride your dick until you cum inside my wet pussy.”

    Richard stretched out and smiled. “Well, if you must.”

    Crystal’s eyes flashed, and she looked almost predatory as she made her way onto the bed. She eyed his cock like it was a prize that was just there for her. She curled her fingers around it and gave it a gentle squeeze. It throbbed in appreciation. She leaned forward and pressed her large breasts against his chest. She made eye contact with him while she used the hand gripping his shaft to guide it in. Her mouth formed an ‘O’ the second he parted her. She stayed there for a moment, with just his tip in, then she rocked her hips forward, and he was suddenly deep inside her.

    Richard let out the breath he hadn’t known he was holding when he felt the tip go in. Nancy always watched him very closely whenever he went into new pussy that she’d brought home. Crystal continued watching him closely too.

    “So big,” she cooed. “So hard. So…familiar,” she said with a sly smile.

    “Familiar?” he asked, his chest rising and falling from the way she was grinding her hips. This woman was something else. She really knew how to use her body.

    In lieu of an answer, she leaned down again and kissed him passionately. She flexed her pussy as their tongues danced together.

    Richard loved everything this woman was doing. Clearly she had a lot of experience, but what she said, and how she kissed him. It was so like Nancy would kiss him. He tried to ask her about it, but her mouth continued to cover his, almost as if she didn’t want him to talk yet. His hands came up to her face but she intercepted them and pushed them back against the bed, pinning him.

    At last Crystal ended the kiss and raised her face up just enough so their noses touched. “Just like old times, Richard,” she purred.

    And then her face moved rapidly in front of him, as her whole body gave way to a violent shudder.

    Richard’s temper flared and he tried to push up, but Crystal held him down. “Nancy, what the hell! I wanted to do this on my own!”

    A wicked smile spread across Crystal’s face as she continued to fuck him very slowly. “Afraid you’re mistaken, Richard. I’m not your wife. But I’m not Crystal either.”


    One hour earlier.

    Nancy hadn’t planned on Richard’s foray back into the dating pool taking this long. She had needs! He knew this. And birthday or no, she needed to scratch that itch. The need to wrap her legs around him had increased exponentially as she watched him successfully hit it off with an attractive middle aged woman.

    It was not lost on Nancy that Crystal somewhat resembled her as she had been a decade ago. She wished she could hop her. Find out her story real quick and make sure she wasn’t wasting her husband’s time. But that’d have to wait till later. She saw that every second Crystal spent with Richard was doing wonders for his self esteem. And it was also making Nancy jealous, something she had not felt in some time. She kind of liked it, because watching her husband interact from afar with a beautiful woman that she was not possessing spiked her lust. She wanted them to go upstairs now! But since they were taking their sweet time, Nancy decided to quell some of her desire by popping out for a quickie as someone else.

    In a hotel, this prospect was incredibly easy. She grabbed a bottle of champagne and went to the front desk. She hopped the man behind a computer, looked up who was in a honeymoon suite, hopped back into the bartender, and went to one of the corresponding rooms.

    There was a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign hanging from the door handle of the room she’d chosen. Nancy knocked anyway. A loud curse was heard along with the sound of giggles. A half a minute later, an attractive young man opened the door wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He looked flushed and agitated.

    “We put the sign on the door,” he spluttered.

    “So sorry,” Nancy said as she held out the bottle of champagne. “We forgot to give this to you at the front desk as a way of congratulations.”

    The man’s demeanor changed as he saw the expensive looking bottle. He reached out to take it. “Well…thanks I-”

    But the words ceased as his fingers brushed the bartender’s, and a shudder spread rapidly through him. He smiled back at the bartender a moment later. “Go resume your duties. This shouldn’t take long.”

    “Yes,” the bartender said vacantly, and left.

    Nancy shut the door, and let the towel drop. She looked down at a semi flaccid penis that was rapidly reclaiming its hardened status. “Not bad. Now let’s see who’s the lucky recipient of this fine specimen.”

    She went deeper into the room and found a gorgeous blonde wearing nothing but a smile. Nancy usually preferred being in a female during sex, but she figured what the hell. She’d show this bride a good time on her wedding night. She climbed confidently onto the bed and spread the woman’s legs.

    “Oh!” she gasped. “Jackson you, you seem…more sure of yourself all of a sudden!”

    Nancy smiled down at the pretty girl. She’d be letting Jackson keep his memory of what was about to transpire. “I’m just so excited to do this with you for the first time, Lilly.” And with that, Nancy thrust into her, and did her very best to last longer than five minutes. She made it to six, but redeemed herself by some fancy finger work on Lilly after. She got Lilly off three times, and then did some cuddling.

    Nancy found the young man’s recovery time impressive, because she was hard again and ready to go in no time. Being in a young stud certainly had its advantages. She couldn’t help but compare Richard’s recovery time, which was 24 hours these days unless he took a pill. She didn’t like when he did that though, because they could be bad for his heart.

    Nancy left a well fucked and very happy Lilly in the room to go ‘get ice’ for the champagne. She made sure to let Jackson keep the memory of what happened to be their first sexual encounter, and then hopped back into the bartender.

    She surveyed the room and discovered quickly that her husband had left. She perused the bartender’s memories and discovered her husband’s phone call. He wouldn’t be in their room, but had hung up before saying which it was. She’d have to play detective. Thankfully that was very easy to do when you had complete access to someone’s mind from just a touch. She headed to the front desk again to find out where her man was.


    “What do you mean you’re not my wife,” Richard asked. “I…I saw you shudder, Nancy. Hell, I felt you shudder,” he added with a forced grin. He did not like whatever game his wife was playing.

    The voice that came out of Crystal’s mouth was not her own, but that of a man, low and gravelly. “I miss playing the part of your wife, Richard. Did it for a few months, remember? You were a stallion back then. Always happy to fuck me every day.”

    Richard knew that voice all too well, and a chill ran up his spine. “Nevyn. I thought you were dead.”

    “Sorry to disappoint,” Nevyn said coldly. “But I’m afraid it’s not that easy to kill me. Some might say, it’s impossible. Uh oh…someone’s trying to get all soft on me.”

    Crystal’s voice came back as Nevyn sat up straight and began bouncing on Richard’s cock. “We can’t have that, baby. If this voice keeps you nice and hard I’ll use it from now on while we fuck. Mm…that’s right. Stay nice and hard for me. I always did appreciate your big dick.”

    “What do you want?” Richard asked, furious that his penis had a mind of its own.

    “To wish you a happy birthday of course.” He brought Richard’s hands up to Crystal’s chest and placed them firmly on them. “Be a dear and hold these. Big tits like these need support when I really get going. And they liked to be squeezed. I know that’s something you’ve always been willing to do.”

    “Nevyn, I can’t…we can’t…”

    “Oh but we can,” Nevyn said with Crystal’s seductive voice. “We certainly used to. You made love to me every night, remember? I’d be waiting for you in the most scandalous lingerie. Nancy had stopped wearing it for you back then, but I had something provocative on that showed off her body for you all the time. And we used so many toys on each other. I really loved what you did with those handcuffs. You were an animal that night. Remember when I let you cover me in whip cream that other time. Ha! I know Derek remembers that night too. Our naughty son caught Mommy in the kitchen. He had to go back to his room and think about how you were gonna lick it off me. I was so loud that night. All so Derek could hear. So it would drive him nuts. Or should I say, drive him to nut.”

    “Stop…talking about stuff like that,” Richard groaned, trying his best not to cum.

    “Don’t play innocent with me, Richard. All this talk about me being in your wife and making her do all those kinky things is making you harder than ever. I can FEEL it because I’m as connected with you right now as anyone can be. Let me tell you something else you might not want to hear, but I know is the truth. You loved it when I was Nancy. You loved the kinky shit I let you do to her.”

    Crystal’s body sped up as Nevyn began lifting her up higher and slamming down the length of him. “And I was happy to do it, Richard. Because your dick, well, it is really great. I’ve had thousands of cocks over the centuries, and yours was easily top five. It can stretch a girl out real nice. And your stamina, damn! It took a lot ot wear you out. You gonna have that same stamina tonight for me, Richard? Gonna make me cum on your big hard dick before you blow your load inside me like you used to? I loved that by the way. You always shot out so much! Hung like a horse and cums like one too. Oh I miss it Richard. Yeah! Fuck me like you used to!”

    Richard hated how much he had liked that time. He’d always loved sex, and Nevyn had hopped Nancy during a dry spell in their lives. He’d used Nancy’s body to great effect. “Shut the fuck up! Oh fuck! Fuck! You’re sick! You’re a fucking psychopath!”

    All of a sudden there was a loud knock on the door. “It’s me!” a voice called.

    “That’s Nancy,” Richard said as relief washed over him.

    “I knew she’d be along shortly,” Nevyn said as he continued to ride Richard. “And what good timing. Tell her to come in. I’m sure she has a key with since she is probably in the body of a hotel staff member.”

    It seemed to Richard that Nevyn was five steps ahead of him. That wasn’t unusual. There was a reason that Derek and Aubrey had struggled to catch him for so long.

    A hard slap across his face cleared the thoughts from his mind, and then Nevyn’s voice hissed menacingly, “I said tell her to come in.”

    He wanted to protect his wife, but she was immune to Nevyn’s bodyhopping abilities. She should be fine. It was him that was at risk, so he yelled, “Come in Nancy!”

    Just outside the door Nancy wondered why Richard wasn’t coming to let her in himself, but…maybe the woman, whose name she’d learned was Crystal, had him tied to the bed or something. She could only hope. What a fun night this could turn out to be.

    She pressed a master key card against the locking mechanism and pushed the door open. There was her husband underneath the beautiful woman, who was craning her neck to look back at her.

    “Nancy,” the woman called out. “So good to see you again. Your husband’s just as good as I remember, and if I’m not mistaken, given his shortness of breath and the way he can’t help but thrust his hips under me, he’s about to cum.”

    “Richard, you’d better wait until-” Nancy began with a smile on her face. But it faltered as her mind started to piece together the words Crystal had just said, and another layer of tension was added by the fearful expression on her husband’s face.

    “It’s Nevyn,” he moaned. “Ah! Dammit!” His whole body tensed as his cock began to pulse.

    “Oh yes!” Nevyn cheered. “That’s it. There’s so much! Let it out! Here, I’ll help you!”

    Richard felt Crystal’s vaginal walls flex and milk every drop from him. He also felt Nancy watching him in a mix of shock and horror. He mouthed, ‘I’m sorry.’

    “It’s not your fault, honey,” she said. Then her tone turned to ice as she looked at Nevyn. “Get off him you sick freak. You’ve had your fun.”

    Richard wondered if he could push Nevyn off and run. But it would only take a touch for Nevyn to possess his body. He felt his dick slide out of Crystal’s pussy, and his cum began to leak out of her onto his torso.

    “I will when I’m ready,” Nevyn’s voice growled. He switched back to Crystal’s voice. “Did you ever tell your wife that you liked her more when I was possessing her?”

    Richard looked at his wife pitifully “Honey, that’s not-”

    Nevyn clucked his tongue. “Let’s not lie, Richard. I went through your memories when I visited your house this last week.”

    “What’re you talking about?” Nancy asked.

    “Don’t interrupt me when I’m talking!” Nevyn’s voice bellowed. He quickly switched back to the seductive tone of Crystal as he stroked Richard’s face. “I looked way back and saw that you were very happy during the time I pretended to be your wife. You never told her that, but it’s the truth. I was better at making you happy than she ever was. I was such a good wife and perfect slut for you in her body.”

    “He’s lying!” Richard yelled.

    “It’s fine, honey,” Nancy said. “He’s just trying to wind us up.”

    Nevyn smiled. “Aw, you guys are sweet. Might as well get down to business then. I need to make a phone call to your kids. I’m sure you got a way to reach them, don’t you?”

    Richard shook his head.

    “Liar,” Nevyn spat. “Well, I guess say goodbye to Nancy, Richard.”

    “What!” Richard blurted, and then he felt the shudder begin in his groin and spread out like lightning through his body. His face turned to Nancy. “I love you!” he said.

    And then he blinked. And Richard was no longer in control.

    “Get off me,” Nevyn said from underneath a now vacant eye’d Crystal. She immediately did, getting off him and standing expressionless at the side of the bed.

    Nancy watched nervously as her husband’s body got up from the bed and went to dig his phone out of the pants that he’d tossed into a corner. “Just…let him go, please,” she begged.

    “I will,” Nevyn said while he initiated a video call. “After I’ve delivered a message to Derek and Bri.” He walked over to the sliding glass door and opened it.

    A second later, Aubrey’s face came on the screen. “Hey Derek! Dad’s calling. Happy birthday Dad!”

    Another face pushed its way onto the screen, that of a pretty redhead with lots of freckles. “Hey Dad! Happy birthday! Sorry we couldn’t be there. Mom do something special for you?”

    “She took me to a hotel with a great view!” Nevyn said imitating Richard’s voice and cadence flawlessly. “Wanna see?” He turned the camera so they could see the city lights below.

    “Aw, that’s nice,” Aubrey gushed. “Is she there?”

    Nevyn turned the phone so they could see the body that Nancy was in. The kids, used to this, called out, “Hi mom!”

    “Nevyn’s not dead,” she replied grimly. “He’s here, inside your father.”

    Nevyn turned the camera back to their father’s face. He’d wiped it off its smile, and traded it for a darkened scowl directed at Nancy. “Your family really sucks at letting me have any fun.”

    The twins' faces had become hardened masks.

    “Leave our parents alone, Nevyn,” Derek’s voice said harshly.

    “What?” Nevyn said menacingly. “The way you left me alone? The way you keep trying to track me down. I know you don’t want to lock me away somewhere. You want to kill me!”

    He’d shouted those last two words, making Nancy jump.

    “I know you thought you had, but I’ve learned something, unlike you two and anyone else with my gene, I can’t be killed. Isn’t that great! But I CAN be annoyed at having my plans interrupted. So I’m going to respond to your attempt on my life, by an attempt on someone you love. I just think I’ll be a little more successful. Let’s find out, shall we?”

    And with that, Nevyn swung a leg over the balcony railing, and leapt off.

    Screams pierced the air as Nancy rang to the edge and looked down. They came from Nancy, and from the phone that Nevyn had pulled close to Richard’s chest. He held it in such a way that when his body met the ground, the phone remained intact. Aubrey’s scream could still be heard from the speaker.

    In the busy downtown district, a crowd quickly formed. Nancy watched as a man approached her husband’s body. “Don’t touch him!” she yelled, but no one on the ground could make it out.

    But the twins also knew the danger and understood what would come next. “Get away from him!” Derek cried.

    “Stay away!” Aubrey shouted.

    But all it takes is one touch.

    The man touched Richard’s arm, and immediately began to shudder as Nevyn’s soul passed from their dead father, into the stranger, who then took the phone out of Richard’s hand and held it to his face.

    “If you get in my way again,” Nevyn warned. “This is how it will end for all of you.”

    With that, he ended the call, and walked away past the crowd, satisfied that he’d been understood.



    65 years later.

    Derek sat in the passenger seat as Stephanie drove them out of Maine. They had one more stop to make before they made the long journey to headquarters. Derek hadn’t been back there since coming into possession of the mirror. That had been for his safety, and everyone else’s. At a place filled with active bodyhoppers, the mirror was sexual napalm, and the ramifications could be catastrophic. It really said something about the current state of the world that it was worth the risk.

    Stephanie had assured him that all the pieces were coming together. They finally had the means to track Nevyn after he’d created a world filled with people just like him. But if Derek could just get near him, it would all be over. The world still might not be the same, but at least, if his hypothesis was right, the body swapping everyone worldwide was experiencing would finally come to an end.

    He became aware that his hand was in the bag. His fingers were running along the smooth wooden handle. It called to him.

    “This isn’t going to end well, you know,” Bekka’s voice said in his head.

    “I know,” Derek said aloud.

    “Know what?” Stephanie asked.

    “Nothing,” Derek grunted. “I just talk to myself sometimes.”

    “I’ve noticed.”

    Stephanie gripped the steering wheel tightly as they passed a POM security vehicle. She breathed easier after she saw it continue on its way in their rearview. She reached into her pocket and took out a phone. “It’s a burner. Untraceable. Call the saved number. Someone really wants to talk to you.”

    Derek took it and fumbled with the small device with his large calloused hands. He finally found the contact, and pressed it.

    It barely rang when a middle aged blonde woman appeared on the screen.

    “Hi Derek,” she said with a wide smile.

    Despite himself, Derek smiled back. “How’d you know it was me?”

    “A mother always knows.”

    He nodded. “It’s good to see you. Sorry I’ve been away so long. But I’m glad it’s finally time. Ready to help set the world right, Mom?”

    “I am. All of us are ready to do whatever it takes to stop Nevyn, and we can track him now thanks to Trevor. Thanks for sending him to us by the way, he’s been really great. Like, REALLY great.”

    Derek tried to keep the smile on his face, but at the sound of the shapeshifter’s name, his grip involuntarily tightened on the mirror’s handle. “You don’t have to elaborate mom, I get it. It’ll be good to see all of you soon. And to finally have justice for dad.”

    To be continued in Shudder: Worldwide.
No more chapters.
VexenFox Supporter ∙ 26 Dec 2024

65 years later!?! :O :O

Tinykoz ∙ 26 Dec 2024

I absolutely love this series. 🖤❤️

RT101 Supporter ∙ 26 Dec 2024

Thanks for the chapter!!

Medigane ∙ 16 Feb 2025

So great to have a new chapter of the Shudder series. I’m more anticipating this than the MCU for some years !

anon_fb69f2d1f604 ∙ 09 Mar 2025