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  • Working Remotely Chapter 2

    Chapter by Kripto · 21 May 2024
  • Riley has her first day of working from home. Marcus learns the truth about Riley and must make a choice, causing Ben to see his wife in an entirely new light.
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  • The room rippled with sexual tension as Ben tried to understand what he was seeing. He wasn’t dumb, it was that this just defied what he knew of his wife’s sexual proclivities. Riley, his sweet wife, was slouched in his gaming chair in her makeshift office, masturbating as she stared at the screen of her company laptop.

    The erotic sounds he’d heard through the thin walls had led him to investigate, but they had not been coming from porn, but directly from his wife as she got herself off. Even now Ben saw that Riley was not watching a video of actors, but was watching her own body projected onto the screen from the laptop’s camera. A blinking red light indicated that she was recording herself.

    Ben had never before seen his wife masturbate. She’d always been very conservative, even making them wait till marriage to have sex. She’d made it absolutely clear that she did not approve of masturbation. Yet here she was, rubbing one out like he hadn’t been a room away and very capable of hearing her.

    Riley had swiveled to face him, her face a mask of confusion and irritation. She held him fast with her piercing blue eyes and asked him who he was. But Ben had barely registered this. He was too focused on where her hands still were. One cupped her left breast, her small fingers curling around the large springy boob, squeezing it rhythmically. Her other hand was between her legs, which were spread wide. Her middle finger rubbed frantically up and down her slit.

    Ben was not capable of answering Riley at that moment. All he saw was his wife behaving in a way he’d wished she would for so long. Misunderstanding the situation, he tried to seize an opportunity.

    “Please,” Ben begged as he lowered his sweatpants to reveal his hard dick. “Please let me watch you babe. I’ve never seen you touch yourself before. It’s fucking hot!”

    Riley’s eyes lowered to Ben’s rigid member. It twitched just a few feet away in her direction, and her face became a disgusted sneer as she looked back up at him. “Watch where you point that thing,” she said coldly. She seemed to hesitate then, to almost turn back around. She even pulled her left hand off her boob and reached behind her to help spin her around, but stopped. She studied Ben intently, as if trying to make up her mind about something. All the while though, her other hand never left her pussy, and she gasped as she plunged two fingers deep inside.

    Ben’s hand was on his cock. He was tugging at his dick, which was very eager for the attention after having been celibate for almost 24 hours. That had to be a record for them since they’d been married. He suddenly stopped though as a thought occurred to him. His face went white as his imagination began to run wild. Jealousy coursed through every fiber of his being, and he tried to keep his voice from shaking as he asked, “Is this…is your new job one of those subscription porn sites?”

    The thought of men watching his wife online. Of watching her strip naked and debase herself for them. That was what he was doing every time he’d ever watched porn. And he’d watched a lot of porn before marrying Riley. Been addicted to it. When things got serious between them, she’d asked him to stop. He’d said yes, but had slipped up more than a few times. But ever since they’d been married, for five straight weeks, he hadn’t slipped once because there’d always been sex on tap. She’d been eager to give herself to him whenever they were together, until yesterday.

    With Riley gone to her orientation at a job an hour away, yesterday had seemed like a month. He’d almost slipped, and looked up his old friend porn to alleviate his libido. But he’d waited. For Riley. He’d built up the moment in his head of her coming home and them making love before they even ate. But that hadn’t happened at all. Because she’d turned him down. He’d fallen asleep wishing he had indeed jerked off to some adult entertainment.

    But now here it was before him. Live. And with his wife as the star. Surely she wasn’t showing this to anyone else online. Surely it was just for him. He already wanted to touch himself again, even before she gave him an answer. She was so beautiful. Any man would be lucky to see her in this way. But she only belonged to him.

    After several seconds that felt like a small eternity to Ben, Riley laughed. She turned fully towards Ben and slid down in the office chair and spread her legs even wider. She made slow circles on her clit, a place Ben had wanted to become more familiar with himself. He’d touched it many times with his own fingers, but never his tongue. He found himself panting for his wife.

    “I’m not making porn…” she began, but stopped and cocked her head. “But if you want to keep watching me play with this body, we’re gonna play a game.”

    Ben was already nodding along. He’d agree to anything his sexy wife said in that moment.

    “Good. Here’s what we’re going to do,” she said smoothly. “I’m going to pretend like you’re a stranger, and you’re going to answer any question I ask about yourself and about Riley, and about your life together.”

    “That’s…kind of weird, but…” Ben started, but he saw his wife scowl. “N-no, no. I’ll do it. You can ask me anything like we’re strangers, and I’ll answer babe.”

    Riley put a hand up, and she punctuated each word of her first question. “What. Is. Your. Fucking. Name?”

    Riley never swore. Part of her upbringing. To see her so casually say ‘fuck’ really got Ben’s motor running.

    “It’s Ben.”

    “And how do we know each other, Ben?”

    “Like…uh, we’re strangers?” Ben asked in confusion, his voice rising in pitch.

    Riley closed her eyes and seethed for a moment. “No you fucking idiot.” As if to calm herself, she brought her finger up to her mouth, the finger that glistened with her arousal, and wrapped her lips around it. She sucked on it, and made a show of using her tongue to lick it clean. When she was satisfied, she clarified her question. “I mean right now, in this moment, what is Riley and your relationship to one another? Roommates? Boyfriend girlfriend? Fuck buddies with a key to her place?”

    Ben's mouth had gone dry as he watched his wife become ever sexier before his eyes. He finally found his voice and croaked, “We’re married.”

    Riley's scowl deepened and her nostrils flared. She brought her left hand up and studied the ring on her finger as if he were noticing it for the first time. Under her breath she muttered, “Bitch must have taken it off for the interview.” She half turned in the chair and put a hand on the keyboard. She seemed to contemplate tapping some keys. “You should leave Ben. I'll be out soon,” she said with a tone of dismissive finality.

    “No,” Ben pleaded. “Whatever this is Riles, whatever game you're playing, I'm in. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you be sexier. It’s like you’re a totally different person.”

    Her fingers, which had been twiddling over the keyboard, froze as he said this. Ben couldn’t read her calcuating expression as her face was away from him, but her scowl became a crooked smile. “And…you like that?”

    “I do. Very much.”

    Riley’s smile grew wider, and if Ben could have seen it, he would not have liked how menacing it seemed. “Well, if you insist.”

    Her fingers stopped hovering, and she raised her hands to the monitor, and slowly pulled it down until the laptop clicked shut. She spun back towards him. Her eyes were narrowed as she gave him a long calculating look. She took in his eagerness, his lust, although she did not allow herself to linger on his package that he was openly stroking.

    Suddenly she stood and walked purposefully towards him. She got within inches of him, and Ben thought they were about to kiss. Then fuck. On the floor. In his chair. Anywhere and everywhere.

    But she didn’t come any closer than that. She looked up at him with wide bright blue eyes and said, “Since I’m a stranger, I’m going to explore our living space.” She pushed him gently aside and stepped out into a sparsely furnished living room. She looked at it as if seeing it for the first time. “How long have I lived here?”

    Ben watched her go, his eyes focusing on her cute butt. He followed her gladly and answered her. “With the help of my brother, we bought this house a month before we got married. But you wouldn't move into it with me till we tied the knot, so only the five weeks. Actually six now!”

    Riley couldn’t seem to contain her exasperation. “You two, I mean…WE, have only been married six weeks?!” She kept going, taking the house in, what little of it there was. The ramshackle office, a sparse living room with a mounted tv, a used sofa, used coffee table, used recliner. There was definitely a theme. It was directly connected to an open kitchen with a small countertop island. The fridge looked like it was made 50 years ago. There was a mounted microwave over the stove that probably had been installed when the house was built. Every part of this place screamed starter home. “Your brother had to help you get this place?”

    There was plenty wrong with Riley’s behavior. But Ben was having trouble thinking about that as he stayed just behind his wife, watching her naked ass cheeks go up and down as she walked with purpose through their house. It really was like she was inspecting the place, but very different than the first time.

    The realtor had shown it to them 3 months ago. They hadn’t seen anything they’d liked up till that point. The problem was even this little house was still outside their price range. But Ben had watched his fiance at the time walk through the house with a wide smile on her face, flitting from room to room and gushing about how she’d like to decorate it and just how perfect it was for them to start their new life together. She’d assessed each room just as quickly as she was now, but with a completely different attitude, and with clothes on.

    When you’re scraping by, there’s no such thing as a savings account. So for his future bride, Ben had swallowed his pride and went to his older brother, Caleb. Five years his senior, Caleb already seemed to have it all. A flourishing career in finance, a beautiful wife, and already a second child on the way. He’d been a hard worker, and had looked down on Ben for not going to college. He’d refused to help his little brother financially for what he deemed impulsive purchases like unreliable cars. Until Ben the time Ben came to him, hat in hand, and asked for help with a downpayment on this house. Surprisingly, Caleb had agreed, mainly because he saw it as his little brother possibly growing up.

    When Ben broke the news to Riley that they would all be signing the papers and she’d be moving into the house she’d loved after their honeymoon, she’d leapt into his arms and peppered him with kisses.

    Today, however, all that love for their new home seemed to have vanished as she looked at everything with a very critical eye. But Ben would only realize that if he’d been looking at her face. He was looking at anything butt. As he did, he fantasized about getting to have sex with her doggystyle sometime. To have her tight ass right there where he could see his cock as he pushed into her. The way she walked through the house, swaying it slightly back and forth, damn. He wanted to touch it. To smack it. Why shouldn’t he? She was his wife. So as she was opening the door to inspect their small bathroom, he swiftly came up behind her put his hand on her right buttcheek and squeezed.

    “Ah! What the fuck?! No!” Riley yelled as she leapt forward and almost went sprawling on the bathroom tile. She got her balance and spun towards him with both palms out. “Hands off there buddy,” she snarled. “Is that what you’d do to a stranger? You’d grab her ass?”

    Two words she never said. Ass and fuck. Ben could play this game all day. What was next? Her calling him ‘Daddy?’

    “Uh, no, I guess not,” he said hesitantly, then added, “Sorry.”

    Riley looked at the small bathroom. A white sink with a beige countertop full of beauty and hygiene products that all belonged to her. Ben’s meager contents were in one of three drawers just below and to the right of the sink.

    Riley smiled at her reflection in the mirror and raised her hands to cup her boobs. She bounced them and said, “Remember not to touch me right now, Ben. If you do it again I’ll send you to your room and then you won’t get to watch as I violate this hot body.” She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Unless you don’t want to watch anymore.”

    A thrill went through Ben’s cock that radiated through his whole body at those sensual words. “Oh I very much do, Riles. I wanna watch you so bad.”

    She smirked at him, as if she knew something that he didn’t. “You’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you, Ben? Cause you want me. Cause you love me.”

    Ben nodded, and moved his hand back to his cock while Riley continued to grope her boobs.

    “Stop touching yourself,” she demanded softly. “You can only touch your dick if I tell you you can.”

    “B-but…” Ben protested. He was so fucking hard.

    Before he could argue further, Riley moved a step towards the toilet, and faced Ben but also angled towards the mirror. She lifted up one leg onto the lid and spread her pussy lips with her right index and middle finger. “Look at this pussy, Ben,” she said not looking at him, but at her own reflection. “Do you see it? Dripping wet. Begging for attention. Should I finger it Ben? Should I touch myself some more in front of you?”

    “Yes,” Ben rasped.

    “I’m in charge, aren’t I Ben.” It wasn’t said as a question, but as a fact.

    “Yes,” Ben said louder.

    “Good. Now listen to your wife and stop touching yourself. You only get to jack off to me if you answer all of my questions. And I have a lot of them.”

    Ben instantly let go of his dick. It was harder than ever at his wife’s little show. It was also so hot how she was ordering him around. How had she come up with this? It was amazing. She was amazing!

    She smiled as he obeyed. It wasn’t her usual smile. The one Ben knew could brighten a room. But this was something else. This was its polar opposite. It was dark, and sinister. Ben found he didn’t mind. He welcomed whatever perversions she had in mind right now.

    Riley’s face went back to the mirror as she reached down with her other hand to rub her clitoris while her other fingers kept her labia spread wide. “Fuck, I’m such a hot piece of ass, aren’t I, Ben.” Again, not a question.

    It was such a sexy thing to say that Ben almost instinctively put his hand back on his swollen pecker. “You are babe. You’re so fucking hot. I’m the luckiest guy in the whole world.”

    She nodded at him slyly. “That you are. Now, let's start with our history together. Everything from how we met up till now.”

    Ben happily recounted their story. About how he'd worked up the courage to ask her out. She'd seen his sincerity, his heart, and she'd given him a chance. He'd taken her out to a cheap restaurant where they’d both opened up. They'd shared a moment, which led to a series of moments. Kissing. Touching. Wanting. Needing. More. More. And then a wall. Riley had told him to put a ring on it if he wanted to go all the way. It was how she was raised, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.. He'd never met anyone like her before. So beautiful. So pure. So perfect for him. So after a courtship of less than a year, that’s exactly what he did.

    Normally Ben could rattle off all these details without a problem. But he kept stuttering and stammering as Riley kept distracting him. While he shared their dating history, she frigged herself while checking her body out in the mirror. She made little gasps, whimpers, coos, and outright moans of pleasure. The faces she made looked better than any he'd seen from his favorite porn star.

    As Ben recounted their wedding ceremony, Riley's knees began to shake, and she looked about to fall.

    “You okay, babe?”

    “I'm gonna cum,” Riley moaned. “Watch me, Ben. Watch your hot wife cum.”

    Ben gaped at her. His eyes darted all over her quivering flesh. His hand went to his dick.

    “No!” she yelled. “Not yet.” The speed at which he obeyed her sent an electric pulse to her pleasure region. Her eyes snapped back to the mirror. “You’ll have to tell me everything I want to know before I’ll let you…Ah! Fuck fuck fuck! Oh right fucking there! Yes! Yes! Fuck! Oh fuck! I love this pussy! I love your fucking wife’s fucking body!”

    Her knees gave out as the orgasm took her. and she would have fallen forward onto the floor if Ben hadn't dropped to his knees and caught her at the last second. He was holding her awkwardly, his right arm bracing her front. His left hand wrapped around her lower back. He was aware of so much of her skin. It was hot. Sweaty. She was panting, and he realized she was still frigging herself, making small whimpering noises. They began to slow, until finally, she went still. HIs hand came up to her back and made a small circle as he simply said, “Anytime you want to let me watch you do that is fine by me.”

    She chuckled. It was different from her usual laugh, which was often a giggle or a loud shrill ‘Hah!’ This had a deeper, almost sinister quality to it. “I’ll keep that in mind Ben. Now help me up.”

    Ben got his footing, then raised them both to a standing position. He felt the squish of her breasts against his arm. Once they had their feet under them, he embraced her, and tried to kiss her.

    Riley’s index finger came straight up to stop his lips from touching hers. “Ah ah,” she said through narrowed eyes. “Strangers, remember?”

    Ben nodded. His dick was brushing against her stomach. How much longer would this game go on? “Yeah babe, I’m sorry, it’s just-”

    “I’m still horny, Ben. Don’t worry though. I’ll let you cum soon. First let me see your, er, ‘our’ bedroom.”

    He stepped back and took a long look at her. She batted her pretty lashes at him and brought her right thumb and forefinger up to her breast. She pinched the nipple between her fingers, pulling it out as far as she could, and arched her back as she did so. Ben gave a shuddered sigh, and then turned and offered his hand. Riley hesitated for a second, then took it. Ben led her from their bathroom to the master bedroom a few feet away.

    Once again Riley took in the room as if for the first time. There were two dressers, used of course. One was tall, and made of cheap brown wood. The other was shorter but longer with an attached mirror behind it. Inexpensive jewelry adorned the top. There was a closet that Riley scoffed at when she saw its diminutive size. Up against the far wall in the center was the star of this room. The place where they’d already shared so many intimate moments. A queen sized bed. New mattress. The frame and headboard, not so much.

    Ben was proud of that mattress. It had been the last thing he’d splurged on as a single guy. And he’d bought it with Riley in mind. Between it and the used furniture and what he could spend on the house, they’d drained his meager savings. It had been worth it though, cause she was so happy.

    But the way she was looking at it all now, she didn’t seem happy. It was judgy. A face that said she couldn’t believe anyone lived here. As taken with her body as he was, Ben finally picked up on this.

    “Something wrong babe?” he asked worriedly.

    She let go of his hand and walked to his side of the bed. She pushed down on the mattress, admiring the firmness of it. “Nah, just taking it all in. At least the bed’s nice.”

    This remark stung, and for a moment Ben wanted to argue. But as Riley put a knee up on the mattress and began crawling on the bed on all fours, he forgot what he could possibly be upset about. She put her front down, arching her back, and shoved her butt in the air. Her hand reached between her legs, and she began to play with herself again.

    This was a position he’d wanted to have her in for some time, but hadn’t. He could see everything. Parts of her that she’d been still too embarrassed to show him.

    Riley suddenly asked, “What kind of sex have you had on this bed?”

    “What kind?”

    “Yeah? What kind of freaky stuff have you gotten up to with me?”

    Ben felt his face go red. For Riley, this was a very forward thing to ask. Married though they were, she didn’t talk about it.

    “I mean, when we make love, you’re usually on your back, or on top of me.”

    She grunted as she inserted two fingers deep inside. “Yeah, sure. That’s when we make ‘love.’ But what about when we FUCK?”

    “Excuse me?”

    She was rocking her hips now, helping her finger fuck herself. “I’m not talking about the basics Ben. I’m talking about the ways you’ve fucked this body. What exactly have we done together sexually?”

    Ben grew very quiet. He was very enamored with what she was doing, but as far as this line of questioning, what was she playing at?

    After several seconds of wondering if he’d get in trouble with her for saying it, he confessed, “That’s it. Just those two positions. And you’ve given me head four times. As you know, I’ve wanted to try a few other, uh, things, but you said you weren’t into it.”

    She pushed herself up onto all fours so she could look back at him incredulously. “Just two positions. Wow. Have you at least eaten out this pussy?”

    Ben shuffled his feet and look between her dripping snatch and Riley’s eyes. “No. But…I would. Anytime you wanted me to.”

    She smirked. “Of course you would. It tastes amazing.” She put a dripping finger into her mouth again as if to confirm it. She pulled it out after several seconds and asked, “What else would you like to do in this bed, Ben? Tell me your kinks. Your darkest secrets. Help me really know you. Then maybe I’ll let you cum.”

    Ben had no idea why this was turning him on so much, but it was. “I wanna…” he decided it was fine to say it since she had so many times, “...I wanna fuck you every which way, Riles. Especially doggystyle. And I want you to sit on my face. And 69. And reverse cowgirl. And I want to roleplay, like we’re doing now. But like, with you as a teacher or a nurse and stuff. And if you like, ever wanted to call me ‘Daddy’ in bed, that’d…that’d be pretty hot. Just sayin.”

    Riley rolled over and lay on her back. She spread her legs wide and kept fingering herself while Ben watched. “Daddy, huh?” she laughed, but it didn’t sound mocking like the other times, but as if she were seriously considering it. When she spoke again, it was with a sexier voice than he’d yet heard. “Okay, ‘Daddy,’ would you ever like to watch me be with another man?”

    A wide range of emotion and desire flooded Ben’s mind at that sentence. She’d done it. She’d called him Daddy. Something that he found infinitely sexy and thought she’d never do. But in the same sentence, she’d asked about him watching her be with someone else. His wife. His Riley. Spread out naked like this on a bed, with another man over her, thrusting inside of her. Stretching her out with his massive…

    Ben shook his head in disbelief. “No, what are you…? Riley, of course not!”

    “I thought you liked to watch?” she teased.

    “Not like that!”

    “Are you sure, Ben?” she asked sweetly as she pointed to Ben’s dick. “Cause that hasn’t gone down at all. If anything, I think it’s the most excited I’ve seen it so far.”

    It felt like a trap. He hadn’t been married that long, but this had to be a trap. “I…I like the way guys look at you when you’re in a room, sure. They all see you, Riles. I know you don’t think it cause you were raised different than most, all modest and stuff, but you really are the prettiest girl in any room. But the awesome thing is, none of those guys get to take you home. Just me. I get to be the guy that sees you undress and take you to bed. And if all I get is to fuck you in those same too positions for the rest of my life, then that’d be more than enough for me.”

    Riley rolled her eyes at him as if that sentiment disgusted her. She shook her head and sighed, then sat up. She lazily diddled herself as she spoke. “How much money we got in the bank?”

    “Uh, not much. Enough to keep the lights on, but I ain’t making anything till the factory calls me back. We’re paycheck to paycheck, specifically, your paycheck, Riles.”

    She nodded as if this made perfect sense. “Gotchya. Broke as hell. Any family and friends around? Nosy neighbors?”

    Ben felt like he was in the weirdest interview of his life. “Uh, my mom and dad live a few towns away. I moved here to be close to the factory, which good thing, cause it led me to you. My older brother, um, Caleb, he lives here in town as well. Checks in every once in a while, probably to see if we’re more financially off on account of…you know.”

    “Nope,” Riley said firmly. “Don’t know. Say it out loud.”

    “He helped us get the house. We gotta pay him back eventually when we’re making better money. Which, thanks to your job, will be in a couple paychecks.”

    “So a rich brother.”

    “He does alright,” Ben admitted.

    Riley stopped touching herself and got up off the bed. “I’m hungry. Make us something to eat.”


    “Uh what?” Riley asked, annoyed.

    “I’m not really the cook. You are. Remember breakfast yesterday?”

    Judging by her face, Ben would say she didn’t.

    “Have a pizza delivered then,” she said, crossing her arms.

    “I’m not sure we got enough in the bank for that Riles. I mean we still got Ramen or maybe we can make a sandwich or-”

    “I’ll let you eat me out if you order us a pizza.”

    The phone was in Ben’s hand so fast. He had the order placed in seconds. “They said they’ll be here in 30.”

    “Clock’s ticking then,” she said, falling back onto the bed. “Don’t touch me anywhere else. Just use your tongue on my vag, got it?”

    “Y-yeah!” Ben agreed eagerly. He watched her spread her legs. She wasn’t looking at him, but was staring fixedly up at the ceiling. He got on all fours and crawled between her legs. He could smell her first. A mixture of her body wash, sweat, and arousal. He so looked forward to tasting her. He was breathing hard as he got closer. His tongue extended as far as he could make it, and then he took a long slow lick between her legs. She was a blend of salty sweet tartness, unlike anything he’d ever tasted before.

    Her labia welcomed his tongue. It quivered and contracted as soon as he made the connection. Even better, Riley arched her back to help his tongue find every bit of her, and let out an encouraging moan.

    As Ben went to lick again from bottom to top, he knew he was already addicted to this. He wanted to touch her with more than just his tongue, to grip her hips, run his hands up and down her smooth legs. But she’d made the terms clear, and he’d respect them. He wanted her to feel comfortable with this so he’d get to do it again and again.

    “I’d wager this isn’t your first time eating pussy, is it Ben?” Riley panted.

    “Mm?” he mouthed between her legs. It wasn’t. But he knew Riley didn’t like hearing about his sexual history. It made her self conscious.

    But she didn’t sound at all self conscious as she moaned and answered her own question. “I’ll take that as a yes. You’re good at it. A little higher though. Yeah. OH! Jackpot! Right there. Just focus on that and you’ll be making me cum in no time.”

    Ben did as directed. His dick remained rock solid and screamed at him for some amount of attention. If he ate Riley out good, if he made her cum with his tongue, surely he’d get to be inside her. She was so wet. No way she wouldn’t want him inside her if she squirted all over his face.

    His eyes peered up at her body stretched out before him. He saw her play with her breasts more than even he himself usually did during their love making sessions. She seemed to love them. Her back kept arching, and he heard so much moaning and panting. She didn’t look down at him, but he saw her steal several glances in the direction of her dresser mirror. She really seemed to have an affinity for herself today.

    This went on for several minutes, and Ben wasn’t sure if he was gonna be able to make her cum this way. Then suddenly Ben felt her hand in his hair. It felt loving at first, but then she was clenching it, forcing him deeper into her. It hurt, but he didn’t stop. Her legs closed around his face. She was so loud now. Louder than when she’d gotten herself off in the bathroom. He lapped at her clit furiously. And then she was quaking, and her butt lifted from the bed as she screamed in ecstasy.

    Moisture gushed out onto Ben’s face. He spluttered backward and saw his wife have aftershocks of pleasure. Her ass hit the mattress, and she lay there, weak and happy.

    “Did I do good?” he asked.

    She gave a sharp laugh. “It wasn’t bad.”

    “You’d let me do it again?”

    “Heh, I suppose that depends on my mood. You know how fickle we women can be.”

    Ben knew, but it was weird to hear Riley put it like that. He wasn’t gonna ask though, because it was finally his turn. He stood up and began to lower himself onto her.

    Riley’s eyes flew open and should put her hands out to stop him. “Whoa there lover boy! You need to go wash that face I squirted on before you go putting it near mine. Plus the pizza should be here any second.”

    Rebuffed once more, Ben got up and went out of the bedroom to their bathroom. His dick protested with every step. He ran some water in the sink and leaned down to splash it onto his face. As he did so, he heard the doorbell, but not his wife’s soft footsteps as she snuck past the open bathroom door. He quickly grabbed a towel to dry his face so he could go get the door.

    But someone was already at the door. “I’ve got it Ben!” Riley called.

    Ben paused at that. His wife must have thrown on her robe. He’d rather she stayed in the bedroom, naked and waiting for him while he got the pizza. Because he was still naked, he went back to the bedroom and waited until the driver left.

    Unbeknownst to him, Riley hadn’t put on a thing, something the pizza delivery man appreciated as she opened the door. She stood there smiling sweetly, her hand outstretched to take the box. The man had forgot his duties though, so enamored he was with her figure. She let him look. Let his eyes travel from her face, down to her sloping breasts, to her neat trimmed bush.

    She began a slow twirl for the man’s wondering eyes and said, “Is it nice and hot?”

    “What?” the driver said, as his brain struggled to comprehend speech.

    Her back was to him now, and she took her hand, and gave her ass a loud smack. “I said, is it nice and hot?” she repeated.

    “So hot,” the driver agreed loudly.

    The smack and those words was easily heard in the small house. It traveled down the hall and through the open bedroom door and right into Ben’s ears. Was his wife getting hit on in their own home by some sleazy delivery guy! He stood quickly and had taken one step to go confront the driver. He didn’t care if he was naked or not. No one was going to treat his wife like that.

    But a step is as far as he got, because Riley stepped into view. He halted as he saw what she was wearing. Nothing. Nothing at all. She’d opened the door that way. The delivery guy had seen her. All of her.

    Riley walked towards him with an innocent smile and a pizza box. She said with a hint of reproachfulness, “Ben, ‘honey,’ where’s your wallet? You just gave this guy a two dollar tip. We can do better.”

    Ben couldn’t answer. His mouth was dry. His mind was racing. But he subconsciously looked towards his pants that were on the floor at the foot of the bed.

    Putting two and two together, Riley went to the pants and fished Ben’s wallet out. She took out the only bill he had in there, a ten. Then she walked towards the bedroom door with an exaggerated sway to her hips.

    Ben finally reacted, and rushed towards her, grabbing her wrist. “S-stop Riley! You can’t go back out there.”

    Riley looked at him sweetly, and snatched her arm back from his grasp. Her eyes and smile became darker, colder. “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Ben, unless you never want to put hands on this body ever again.” WIth that, she walked back down the hallway.  tore back out into the living room.

    Ben hesitated for a second, then followed after her. He stopped at the edge of the hallway, looking as his wife engaged the stranger at their front door. Sure enough, the driver was taking in the view. His eyes would meet hers for a fraction of a second before wandering to her chest, her pussy, her legs, then back up, until finally getting to her face again. And repeat. Riley seemed in no hurry to hand him the money, but was content to let the guy eye fuck her as much as he wanted.

    Ben heard her saying something about how much she loved pizza. About how she hoped he was always their delivery guy. About how he could look as much as he wanted if it meant it would always come piping hot. As she said the word ‘hot,’ she ran her hands up and down her body, and gave the man another slow turn.

    As Riley slowly spun around, she saw Ben watching her as she presented her naked body to the driver. She tilted her head, smiled, and gave him a playful wink.

    The driver’s mouth was open, and a bit of drool dribbled out and ran down his chin.

    When Riley finally came full circle, she said, “Well, I’d better go. My husband is waiting.”

    The driver suddenly became skittish and peered around. “Oh, I didn’t know you had a…a husband.”

    Riley pointed towards the hallway and said brightly, “He’s watching us from over there. I think it gets him hard when I let other men look at my body.” She let her eyes drift to the side but continued to face the driver as she said, “How about it baby, are you hard right now?”

    The driver craned his neck and looked past Riley to the place where Ben’s face peered out. The driver met Ben’s eyes. He saw Ben’s dumbstruck look. This was clearly not planned. He stepped back from the threshold and said, “H-have a great day, ma’am.” He almost tripped over his feet as he walked backwards before correcting himself and turning around.

    Riley laughed and shut the door. She turned and walked purposefully towards her husband.

    Ben saw that she was pleased with herself. She had enjoyed flaunting her body at that driver. He finally found his voice. “Riley! What the hell!” He stalked towards her, already regretting his raised voice, but she had to understand the gravity of what she’d just done. “You can’t…I never thought…how could you? You let him see everything!” He was in front of her now, spinning her around to where she had to look at him. His hands were on her shoulders. He wanted to shake her. He was flustered, angry, hurt, and somehow still impossibly horny.

    Riley took in his words and body language. He was at a boiling point. The slightest push could send him over the edge. She smiled at him seductively as he spluttered in her face. As soon as he was done, she said, “That man got to look, but only you get to touch, isn’t that right Ben?” She reached up to his right hand, pulling it from her shoulder and brought it down to her right breast.  She helped him knead it for several seconds, enjoying the befuddled look on Ben’s face. He was so torn between anger and lust.

    “You…you can’t just…” Ben started, until his wife brought his hand over to her left boob, the slightly larger one, and made him grip it hard.

    Riley licked her lips suggestively and asked, “You still wanna cum, Ben?”

    A war raged between Ben’s mind and body, but his body won out quickly. “Yeah. I want to cum Riles. So bad.”

    Her gaze was steady as she looked up at him with her big blue eyes. “Where do you want to cum, Ben?”

    “I…what do you-”

    “Cause I was thinking, I’d like you to cum on these big tits you seem to like so much. You look at them all the time. How about if I just…” She sank to her knees. She kept looking up at him, ignoring the boner that was inches from her face. “Stroke it for me Ben. Mark this body with your cum. All that driver could do was look at me. But you…you can blow your load on me. Go ahead Ben. You have my permission.”

    As soon as she’d said, ‘stroke,’ Ben’s hand was gripping his cock. It rejoiced at the sudden attention.

    Riley put her hands behind her head like Ben’s dick was a gun and this was a robbery. She leaned back, sticking her chest out as much as she could. “You gonna mark me Daddy? I know you want to. Cause I’ve been naughty, haven’t I daddy. I kept touching myself, made you lick my slutty pussy, and then showed off my naked body to a complete stranger. But I’m all yours Daddy. Show me I belong to you and cum for me. Cum all over my big tits Daddy.”

    She pushed them together and held them out to him. Ben had never felt his balls tighten so fast. All the build up of that day came out in a rush and he shot all over Riley’s boobs.

    It was hot and sticky. Some splashed onto her chin, and she made a face, but gave him a sinister smile a moment later. She kept looking up at him until every last bit had dripped out the end of his cock. As soon as there was nothing left, she said with cold indifference, “Feel better? Now help me up.”

    Ben did. She walked over to their stove and grabbed the towel that was always tucked between the handle. The towel that Ben’s mom had made with her own hands specifically for Riley that had ‘Mrs. Harper,’ stitched into it. She wiped Ben’s jizz off her chin first, and then her breasts.

    “That was quite a lot there, Ben,” she said dryly before discarding the towel onto the floor. She walked back to the counter and sat on a used bar stool. “Now go grab the pizza and let’s eat. It should still be plenty hot cause you came in record time.”

    Ben said nothing as he made the short trek to their bedroom to fetch the pizza. He was stunned by everything that had transpired since walking in on his wife. He put the pizza box on the island bar, and sat on the other stool. The stool didn’t match the one Riley sat on, but it was functional. They’d gotten them at two different garage sales for ridiculously cheap. Riley had gushed over them for days, making them both eat on those stools at their island bar for a week straight.

    They both began to eat from the box. Ben watched his wife eat voraciously, finishing a slice in four bites. This was not her usual way of eating. She tended to take small bites, making a piece last for a few minutes before it disappeared.

    “What’s your social security number?” she asked out of the blue.

    Ben told her. And between more bites, he told her everything else she asked. His childhood fears. His present day fears. His pin number. His passwords to anything and everything. She asked for every last personal detail from him, most of which she should have already known. She didn’t react to any of it, even if it was new.

    They finished the pizza and moved to the couch, where Riley continued asking questions. Ben laid his soul bare to all of them, and she didn’t flinch, just treated it like a routine interview.

    She seemed to be wrapping up when Ben thought of a question of his own. “How come you’re not working?”

    “What do you mean?”

    “I mean, you were all excited to log into work this morning, and then I find you in the guest bedroom masturbating.”

    She gave her hair a toss, or tried to, it didn’t look the same as she normally did it. “Their…servers were down, so I got the day off.”

    Ben nodded, but kept going. “It’s just…you’ve been so weird today, Riles. I think it actually started when you got home yesterday from Del Corp. You really seemed to drink the Kool-aid from that place.”

    Riley’s expression became stoney. “You got a problem with Del Corp?”

    “No, no. I just…you’re not acting like yourself.”

    Riley’s eyes narrowed, and for a second Ben thought she was going to snap at him again, but then her features softened. “I’m sorry, Ben. I just…I wanted to try something new today.” She gave a defeated sigh. “But I see now It was too much. Let’s just forget this day ever happened, ‘K?’”

    There were parts that Ben definitely wanted to remember though. “We don’t have to-”

    “I mean it Ben,” Riley said, suddenly very stern. “If you bring up anything that happened today, I’ll act like I don’t remember it, and any of the things you liked, will never, ever happen again. Understood?”

    Ben looked at her for a long time, then nodded.

    “Tell me you understand, Ben. Say it out loud.”

    “I understand.”

    “Where do I keep my calendar?”

    “Your calendar. Like for social stuff and appointments?” Ben asked. They usually did stuff randomly and planned few things out.

    “Yes, that’s the stuff I mean. Where is it?”

    “Your phone I guess.”

    “Good. Anything coming up I should know that might not be in there?”

    “Not that I know of.”

    Riley nodded. “Good. Good. Well, this has been…fun. I’m going to go see if the servers are up at work. They might have a last minute client for me. Don’t come barging in there ever again.” Her mouth curved into a mischievous grin. “If my team lead had seen your dick, he might have fired me on the spot.”

    “Are you sure nobody could see you on that laptop camera?”

    For an instant, Riley’s smile widened, but she smoothed it out, turning it into a playful pout. “No Ben. Of course not.”

    Riley stood and walked to the office. She gave him a wave, but the smile was gone as she closed the door between them. She dressed, but struggled putting the bra back on. Finally, she sat down at the laptop and opened it back up. As the screen came to life, it still showed an upload was in progress.

    “This has certainly been an adventure,” Riley mused sardonically. She clicked a button that said disconnect. A moment later, her shoulders slumped and her eyes went blank. Two seconds after that, she said aloud in a monotone voice, “Riley Harper reinstating in 3, 2, 1.”

    ‘All day with these numbers, yet I feel so fulfilled,’ Riley thought as she blinked at the monitor that contained the data entry program. ‘What will it feel like when I get some clients? I can’t wait!”

    She looked at the clock in the lower left hand section of the screen. Still a few more hours to go. They’d probably fly by. She resumed clicking and typing with new vigor, as words intermittently flashed on the screen for her subconscious to absorb.

    Seventy miles away Marcus’s pod hissed, then opened for him. He stepped out of it reluctantly. He’d never felt like this before. Usually he was glad to get back to his own body, but something about being in Riley’s was different. Or maybe it was because of what he could do in her body. The way he could toy with her husband, Ben.

    He walked back to his office, and as he did, he reviewed the day’s events. As soon as he’d seen Ben standing behind him in the monitor, he’d been furious that Riley had lied. He wasn’t sure who the guy was, but was pretty sure they were together by the way he’d so unabashedly looked at her. As soon as Ben asked to watch, Marcus absolutely knew. The lust exuding from Ben had almost made Marcus want to cover up. But he hadn’t.

    He should have. Marcus knew the protocols. He should have kicked Ben out, then logged off. Riley would have been discreetly fired later that day, never to work for Del Corp again. So why had he stayed? It was possible he was thinking about the insistent request from a client that really wanted to sleep with an actual married woman. Or it might have been the growing infatuation that Marcus felt towards Riley’s body. But deep down, Marcus knew the real answer.


    Marcus was used to a certain kind of power, but not like this. It was nothing to have his way with any remote worker that came in for their weekly check up. They were easy to control. As soon as they were on company grounds, they all became free use. They could also be free use with limitations in their homes, but if their consciousness was able to find a loophole, they’d be unsupervised and could cause problems. That was why logging into their bodies was the ultimate hack. If they were all careful and followed company safety protocols, they’d never get caught.

    But Marcus had felt a new kind of power while in Riley’s body. The way he could make Ben do anything as long as he used Riley’s words and body correctly. The young husband had been so fun to manipulate. That was why Marcus had stayed. He’d seen that love and that hunger in Ben’s eyes for his bride. Make no mistake, Marcus still wasn’t gonna let the guy fuck him, even if he did have Riley’s pussy. But he’d loved loved LOVED working the guy up. Getting him to spill his guts about any and everything. And then to be able to quell his anger and shut him up by finally giving him permission to touch himself, it had all been perfect. Marcus absent mindedly brushed the front of his suit, remembering what it had felt like to have hot sticky cum on two large sensitive boobs. He already missed being in that house. Being in her body. Parading it around in front of her husband.

    He would find a way to keep Riley. He would have to be careful. He would have to limit her access, which could be a big red flag. In the privacy of his office, he took out his phone and looked at Riley’s profile. He marked her as ‘In Review.’ That would at least buy him some time. Maybe a week. He’d have to find a way to either convince the board of directors to let her be a special, experimental case, or hide her and keep her all to himself.

    His thoughts were interrupted as his elderly colleague Doris walked into his office without knocking. The woman was old enough to be his grandmother, possibly great grandmother. She looked at him with an arched brow, and Marcus found himself already on the defensive as he said irritably, “Doris, I could have been fucking someone in here.”

    Doris was having none of the team lead’s attitude. She didn’t work under Marcus, but alongside him. She’d been one of the first retired prostitutes hired to log into Del Corp’s remote workers, and she knew how to keep their clients happy. She was also a favorite of the board, and made sure other people knew it.

    “It’d be nothing I haven’t seen a thousand times over, Marcus,” she quipped with an unimpressed eye roll. “I’m between clients right now and wanted to know if the blonde passed her field test. Thought I might take her for a spin if she had.”

    “As a matter of fact, she’s still in review, so you’ll have to wait.”

    Doris raised a wrinkled brow. “Keeping her to yourself a little longer, huh? Better not make a habit of that.”

    “I’m field testing Josie first thing tomorrow morning. Given what we already know of her thanks to her roommate, I shouldn’t be long. You should be able to log into that one as early as lunch.”

    Doris crossed her arms and mulled this over. “Fine, but everyone here is already talking about the blonde. They all want a taste. If they’re chomping at the bit like that for her here in the office, she’s going to be a real draw for new clients in her area. There’s an untapped market where she’s at. The sooner we turn her loose the sooner we can make money which will-”

    Marcus’s fist slammed down onto his desk. “I know how the business works, Doris! You’ll have access to her as soon as I say you can.”

    Doris didn’t flinch at Marcus’ little outburst. She’d been seeing men throw tantrums for decades and was quite used to them going on extended power trips. But in Doris’s experience, everything came down to pussy. Straight men turned to mush when the right pussy came their way. It was apparent to Doris that for Marcus, Riley Harper was exactly his kind of pussy.

    “Don’t take that tone with me, Marcus,” Doris said resolutely. “I’m not one of the many brainwashed bimbos that check in once a week. I’m the talent. The one that makes it work. Me and a handful of other people here. Don’t go pissing any of us off.” Having said her peace, she turned to go, but added, “And if it had ever been me in one of those girls you’d been fucking, you’d never be able to go back.”

    Doris smiled as she left. For so many years, she had felt used by men most of her life. The strip club she’d started out in took most of her money. The pimp that sent her out to turn tricks treated her like shit. She’d worked her way up to become an elite call girl, making thousands a week, but it had all come crashing down when more and more men found her too old before she had even turned 30. Experience so often meant nothing. They always wanted the young ones.

    She’d drifted through life aimlessly, from one dead end job to the next. Until Del Corp provided her an opportunity to put her past work experience to good use, and for more money than she’d ever seen in her life. It had been the perfect fit. She loved sex. She loved feeling young again while in the bodies of these other women. And more than anything, she loved wrapping her clients’ around her finger. She was always in high demand, going from one body to another, usually only staying in her actual body long enough to eat, use the restroom, and interview new applicants. She found her own body harder and harder to come back to each time. It was the only part of the job she didn’t like.

    That, and possibly Marcus. When he’d been made team leader for this new region, Doris had thought it a bad idea. Sure, the guy was good at helping them expand, but he also seemed inept. Or maybe worse. Reckless. She made a note to keep an eye on him.

    At 5pm that Tuesday, Riley’s silver bracelet pinged, and she stared at the computer screen. It was time to shut it down. She was free for the day! But as the monitor went dark, she already missed performing her data entry duties. What a terrific job!

    She got up and stretched. As she did, she felt something digging into the middle of her back. She reached behind her, and felt that her bra strap had become uncomfortably twisted. How had she sat like that all day and not noticed? She looked down at her blouse. It had a crumpled look, like it had been on the floor. Her skirt too. She’d have to adjust her posture to make sure that didn’t happen tomorrow in case Marcus popped in for another video chat.

    ‘Marcus. What a great team lead. I really want to please him. I want to make him look good for the company. I’d do absolutely anything he said. Anything at all.’

    These thoughts had come to the forefront of Riley’s mind, and she realized with some unease how true they were. She would do anything Marcus said. But, surely only in the realm of work.

    ‘I’ll do anything he says whenever he says. I’ll believe anything he says whenever he says it,’ she found herself thinking over and over. It panicked her at first, but she kept thinking it. And the more she thought it, the more she accepted it. He was her team lead after all. A wonderful man. And good looking too.

    Once she’d adjusted her bra, she walked towards the door. She was thankful that Ben had not interrupted her today. He might have seen something confidential, and that wouldn’t do, because Del Corp respected their clients’ privacy.

    As she stepped into their living room, she realized how much her clothes were clinging to her, like she’d put them on after an intense sweaty workout. She saw her husband playing a video game on the couch and said, “Hey babe, do you want to…” she trailed off. She’d been about to ask him if he wanted to take a shower with her. He loved doing that, even though he so often ended up on the cold side with the water barely touching him. He didn’t seem to mind as long as he got to soap up her boobs. He was always so eager to lather them up and make them all slippery. He’d loved touching her, and she’d loved the attention. It had all made sense then. But now…that kind of thing would most likely lead to sex. That was a problem, because she did not crave sexual intimacy outside of work. So instead, she finished with, “...uh, eat after I’ve had a shower?”

    Ben paused his game and looked at his wife. There was something different about her. Again. Gone was the confidence she’d went in there with. The coldness. The sexy spark that had left him wanting more.

    “I guess. What did you have in mind?”

    “We could order pizza?” she said hopefully. “That sounds really good right-”

    “No!” he said firmly.

    She made a pouty face. “Okay Mr. Grumpypants. We can do chinese. Can you please order? I’ll have my usual.”

    “But we spent the last bit of expendable income on…” he stopped. Was she testing him? Should he bring up the pizza? Would that ruin his chances of eating her out or doing the other kinky thing with her? “...uh, a video game. I’m…sorry babe. We got either soup or sandwiches.”

    She shook her head but smiled at him as if he were the most precious thing on earth. “Soup I guess, but you should really try to hold off on those impulsive purchases. At least till I’ve got my first paycheck. Love you!” she said affectionately as she walked towards the bathroom to shower.

    As Ben heard her begin to hum a song to herself as she went into the bathroom. She was acting…like herself. Like the woman he’d been married to for 6 weeks. What was going on? He so wanted to ask, but she’d been so clear about not doing that! He unpaused his video game and tried not to think about it.

    After Riley’s shower, the couple ate, talked, laughed, watched a movie and cuddled. Ben never seemed to be able to hold her as tight as he wanted. He’d managed to kiss her a couple of times during the movie, but as soon as it began to turn into something, she’d pull away and pat his leg. When the movie ended she told him she was going to bed early and was really looking forward to her next day logging in to work. He again thought about asking her about the day’s events. She was his wife. He should be able to ask her anything. But she’d explicitly told him not to.

    As they got into bed, he turned to her side to kiss her. A kiss that would lead to touching, and more. But she rebuffed him by giving him a quick peck on the lips, and then rolling over.

    Ben stewed for several seconds before finally saying, “Riles, today was really…different. I liked, uh, most of it. But…I miss having actual sex with you.”

    Riley’s heart beat fast for a moment as he mentioned sex. Their naked bodies pressed together. The feel of him deep inside. The way he looked at her so intensely as he thrust in and out. The cute and sexy sound he made right before he came. She wanted to have sex with him too. Very much.

    But even as her pussy began to lubricate, a key phrase began to repeat in her mind until it was all she could think about. A reminder that she did not seek sexual intimacy outside of work. This caused her desire to fade as quickly as it arose. “Maybe tomorrow honey?”

    It didn’t feel like a lie when she said it, but the more the words hung there, the more she knew the answer would be no. But she also thought about what else Ben had said, and it didn’t make sense to her. “Wait, what was different about today?”

    “Babe, are you kidding? You…you did things today that…I’ve never known you to do.”

    She gave a soft, sleepy laugh. “It was just working from home, honey? What’s the big deal?”

    “You said if I…if I brought it up, you wouldn’t let me do what we did today ever again.”

    Riley rolled over to face her husband. She was genuinely perplexed. “What are you talking about Ben?”

    He looked back at her curiously. She was really selling this, acting like she really didn’t remember what he was talking about. “Never mind, Riles. Go to sleep. I love you.”

    “I love you too.”

    She looked deep into his eyes and thought about their wedding day. The butterflies in her tummy were in full force. She instinctively leaned towards him with closed eyes and puckered lips. She’d give him one more kiss. Just one. Maybe she’d reach down to touch him. To see if he was hard. She loved being the one that got him so excited.

    Ben reciprocated her advances, but kept his eyes open. Her lips were almost to his when he felt her hand graze his erection. He saw her wince, almost as if she were in pain. She pressed forward and her lips pressed against his, and he saw her eyebrows knit together in seeming discomfort or strain. It was like it was a struggle to kiss him. To touch him.

    Just as quick as it began, it was over. She rolled back away from him onto her side. She took a few deep breaths and said, “Goodnight honey.”

    For the hundredth time today Ben wondered what the hell was going on. He wanted a reason for the struggle he’d just witnessed. And for why this would be the second night in a row he’d gone to bed without getting to be inside of her. It was all worthy of a long conversation. But not just yet. For now, he’d let her sleep. And he was still getting to be the one to sleep next to her. So he breathed deep, wrapped an arm around and pulled her close and said, “Goodnight.”

    To be continued…
Next Chapters
RT101 Supporter ∙ 25 May 2024

Loved the continuation! I can't wait for more.

Petr_Zuty Supporter ∙ 30 May 2024

Great continuation, I'm already looking forward to the next part.

Jaydismal ∙ 25 Jun 2024

This is honestly the best story I’ve read from you, and that speaks numbers because you write some fantastic stories. Seriously, Im very impressed with this one. I’ve read captions, manga, blogspot posts, Reddit posts, read other stories from various sites, and this has got to be easily top three. Please keep up the great work! And if I can offer any recommendations it’s that you continue with this niche genre in body swap content of body theft. I feel like there is not much body theft content out there especially ones like this (body theft/possession of spouse/partner). So please make more of them!

anon_7bddd91d89d1 ∙ 14 Mar 2025