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  • How Careless - A Possession Spell Adventure

    Adventure by TicImagine · 26 Jan 2025
  • You found a possession scroll and tell about your sisters and your twin brother. However you got careless and it falls to the wrong hands to someone you don't want.


    - HEATHER (YOU) = A normal teenage school girl who is known by everyone in the school. Not popular but you're well known.

    - TIM = Your twin brother. Same age as you but he's a bit taller.

    - HOLLY = Your oldest sister. Same at your school but she's a senior and prettier than you.

    - AUBREY = The third sister in your family. For some reason she's a bit taller than you but not taller than Tim. She also in your school. She's more to hangout with popular so she exposed her skin a lot like midriff and armpits.

    - JENNY = The fourth sister in your family. Don't really like noise and being disturbed. Just enter your school in early month.

    - SARAH = The fifth sister in your family. How many sisters do you have now? She's only one year different than Jenny so she almost also enter the school. She will enter soon.

    - JIMMY = Tim's best friend. A pervert friend to be exact. But he always help Tim out no matter where he is. He also the one who get Tim in pervert stuff. Jimmy is hardcore but Tim not so much, only specific time.

    - CODY = Tim's second best friend. Actually Jimmy's friend but he is more hanging out with both of them so they get closer. How Jimmy and Cody best friends? They both are perverts. Loving to sneak in and spy girl taking showers.

    - ALLISON = Tim's girlfriend. Loyal and cheer him up always. He attracted to her because of her personality.

    - SARAH = Kinda Tim's girlfriend. But he doesn't admit it. She gets along with Allison but when spend with Tim they kinda argue.

    - GREG = Tim's Bully. Always pick on Tim when he's alone. Tim even fight him and sometimes win. Greg keep bullying him because one time where he was embarrassed by Tim with Jimmy and Cody even Tim is not the cause of the prank. Sometimes he can bully him because of his protective sisters.

    - BILLY = Total pervert in the school. Always getting scold and detention because of groping girls from behind and casually enter girl's bathroom and took pictures to sell. He's interested in Tim's family because of how lucky he is to have five sexy sisters.

    - AARON = Tim's childhood friend. Always back Tim up when he's in trouble. Usually spend with him when he's not with pervert friends. That's why his sisters and family love him.

    - ROB = Homeless man and pervert. Doesn't have anything to do but eyeing girls everyday. He's not homeless actually, people only thought. He actually lives well in his house alone. He pretend to be homeless so he can spy on girls public without anyone knowing him. Sometimes he got pranked by people but he don't mind because someday he can use it as excuses to prank them back. But when it comes to pervert stuff he's number one. He do anything to get it.

    At garage sale

    [Years ago At the sea. The scroll was washed away into the sea for thousand of years ever since the event of battle between devil and angel. They fight to the earth until the angel defeat the demon who holds the scroll in it's hand. Sacrifice itself, both Angel and Demon died from the explosion as they combined into the scroll. The possession spell. Since both them are positive and negative, they become neutral and absorbed by the scroll. Since it's neutral, anyone doesn't matter bad or good can use the spell.]


    As dawn breaks over the quiet suburban street, you lace up your running shoes and step out of your house. The cool morning air brushes against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. You stretch your legs, eager to start your daily jog and shake off the cobwebs of sleep. Your route takes you past a row of quaint houses, their lawns adorned with dew-kissed flowers and the occasional whirring of a lawnmower in the distance.

    Your eyes catch sight of a garage sale happening at a house you’ve never paid much attention to before. The garage door is open, revealing a cluttered array of items laid out on tables and scattered across the driveway. A hand-painted sign in the shape of a smiling sun catches your eye: "Everything must go! Come see our treasures!" you think to yourself. "Could be a nice little diversion before I get back to the grind."

    Your curiosity piqued, you approach the makeshift market. The elderly couple running the sale look up from their folding chairs, offering you a friendly smile. "Good morning, dear," the woman says, her voice crackling with age. "Looking for anything special?"

    You return their smile, scanning the assortment of knickknacks and trinkets. Amidst the jumble of items, a peculiar scroll stands out. It’s ancient, the edges yellowed and frayed, with an eerie symbol adorning its face. The sight of it sends a shiver down your spine, but you can’t resist the allure of the unknown. "How much for the scroll?" you ask, your voice betraying a hint of excitement.

    The old man looks surprised. "Oh, that old thing? It’s been in my collection for years. I found it in a dusty box at an estate sale. It’s got some pretty writing on it, but I can’t read the language. It’s yours for a buck, if you think it’s worth it." You don’t hesitate. You hand over the money and roll the scroll carefully, tucking it into your pocket as you continue your run. The strange artifact seems to pulse with an energy that you don’t notice.

    The rest of your jog is filled with thoughts of the mysterious scroll.

    1. You go home
    2. Use the scroll
    3. Suddenly there's someone
    4. Stop at another place
    5. Throw it away
Stocking1331 ∙ 31 Jan 2025

I only wish the story was from a male’s point of view

Jaydismal ∙ 19 Feb 2025


Jaydismal ∙ 19 Feb 2025


anon_e4069f51b1e2 ∙ 09 Mar 2025