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  • The Possession Ring - Part 2

    Chapter by Haxxare ∙ 22 July 2024
  • Matt stumbles upon a ring that lets him possess people.

    Heavily inspired by the writing.com story

    The Possession Spell

    , but nerfed so the one with the power isn't in absolute control of everything.

    1.6K 0
  • Hi guys! My name's Mira...


    Well ok, technically not. Or is it? I get confused sometimes. See, while you're looking at me and you see Mira, my identity is different. I'm really Matt. Mira's my girlfriend. So how did I get here, you ask? A couple of days ago, my roommate Alan found this magic ring. It lets whoever wears it possess someone. He accidentally passed it to Mira, and after a day of Mira and myself playing with the ring, we made a plan. So let's backtrack to last night, shall we?




    Mira told me her plan. I grinned, put on the ring, and disappeared. Of course, being a male ghost who had recently had his first experience with the female orgasm, I immediately jumped into Mira's sexy, petite form. As I mentioned earlier, Mira is my girlfriend. She's half Japanese (on her mother's side), quite short and slim, with brown eyes and shoulder-length straight black hair. 


    As I took control of her body, I involuntarily let out a sharp breath. It was still a little new to me. Mira was the second person I'd ever possessed - the first being Alison, her roommate. Don't look at me like that! Mira possessed her first, then it was her suggestion! Anyway, I immediately found myself in control of Mira's hot form. I looked down at my new self through her eyes, seeing her black and white shirt, her small boobs and her slim legs folded up under me. A devilish grin appeared on my face - Mira's face, I noticed as I looked in her bedroom mirror - and I stood up. I sauntered over to the mirror, getting aroused at the situation. My hands made their way in a sensual tour of Mira's body - first caressing her hips, then her midriff as I lifted up the shirt I was now wearing... 


    Let's just say that Mira's body was significantly more sensitive than her roommate's, and I had a lot of fun exploring her - currently my - body from this unique perspective. But that wasn't the whole plan - just one of the perks of having a possession ring and a girlfriend who was really into it.




    The next morning, I awoke rather early. I was still inside Mira's body, and had my hands down my pants. I mean come on, what would you do if you woke up inside the body of your sexy girlfriend? After a nice long shower - I enjoyed that one even more than last night's explorations - I got dressed, opting for one of my favourite of her outfits - knee high stockings, a tight miniskirt, and a form-fitting sleeveless top that also exposed some of her midriff. I admired myself in the mirror, and almost succumbed to the urge to undress myself and go for another round. But I had things to do. I didn't even bother to try to put on any kind of makeup - I had no idea what to do anyway.


    Driving to my place was certainly different in Mira's body. She was several inches shorter than me, and was just generally differently proportioned. I took her car, which already had the seat adjusted to her comfort. Not long afterwards, I arrived at my apartment. I walked through the door to see Alan, predictably, sitting on the couch.


    "Oh hey, Mira" he said, clearly a bit uncomfortable. After all, he had briefly been in her body.


    "Hey Alan." I replied in Mira's sweet voice.


    "Hey, you seen Matt?" he asked. "I haven't seen him for a few days and wanted to talk to him"


    "Well he was over my place last night..." I teased, "But I haven't seen him today" Technically true, since I had been in Mira's body the whole time, and technically hadn't seen myself.


    "Oh, is that..." Alan said as he noticed my ring. "That's the ring I found a couple of days ago..."


    I gulped. Had he figured it out yet?


    "I'm gonna take a guess here... Matt?" Alan asked.


    Well, this was kind of the plan? Might as well come clean. "Yeah it's me in here, man"


    "I got scared for a sec. So... how's it feel?" Alan asked. Then, he began to grin. "I assume you two had fun last night?"


    "None of your business, Alan" you said, before grinning. "But yeah, it's fucking awesome." That was my cue, I think. I took off the ring, leaving Mira's body, and materialized next to her.


    "Oh, Hey Alan!" Mira said as she came back to herself. "How are you doing?"


    "Uh... good, I think!" he replied.


    "Thanks for letting me use that ring!" she chirped.


    "Oh, you're welcome..." Alan said, not very impressed.


    "Hey tell you what. The two of us had so much fun with the ring, and we want you in on it!" I nodded. 


    "You're serious?" Alan asked incredulously.


    "Yep." I said with a poker face. I knew full well what it might entail, but Mira and I had discussed it. Plus it was likely to be a whole new level of fun with a third person involved.


    "So can we start?" Alan asked excitedly.


    "I guess so..." I said and handed over the ring.


    "So, anything goes?" He asked carefully.


    "Sure!" Mira said. "We can dis..." her voice trailed off. As soon as she had said 'sure', Alan had donned the ring and apparently jumped right into her. "Ooooh!" she said, except her intonation was different.


    "What the fuck, man?" I confronted him. 


    "Hey, Mira said anything goes!" Alan-in-Mira replied. "And you dressed her - ahem, me so hot I couldn't resist!"


    I watched with some dismay as the body of my girlfriend, under the control of my roommate Alan, disappeared into Alan's room and shut the door.




    After what felt like a forever filled with Mira's moans that got me hard, despite me knowing what was actually going on, Mira emerged from Alan's room. "That was fucking wild..." she purred. "Mind if I stay in here for a little more?" she asked. I shrugged. This was one of the things Mira and I had discussed - while she also had plans for Alan, she accepted that he would probably at some point possess her. "Be right back!" she chirped, before running back into Alan's room. 


    This time there weren't as many sounds. I decided to check what was going on, and was greeted by the sight of Mira, completely naked, in Alan's bathroom.


    "Hey, what about giving a girl some privacy?" she scowled, before laughing. "Man this is so great! I love this ring!" 


    "Yeah... spare some thought about what I feel, that's my girlfriend you're in!" I countered, before walking out.


    A minute later, Mira emerged again, mostly dressed - at least, top and skirt were intact. Her eyes fluttered briefly, before Alan appeared again.


    "Oof" Mira said. "Fuck, you didn't lose any time did you?" she commented, clearly annoyed.


    "Sorry" Alan said.


    Mira sighed. "It's... well I'm not happy, but I did say anything goes." Then, with a thoughtful look on her face, she said "Well being the only girl in this agreement isn't the most fun, it's always me who's gonna get taken over!"


    Alan thought for a second, then he disappeared. When Mira didn't immediately look like she was getting possessed... I realized. "Oh you've..." I started, before blacking out.




    I came to on the couch. Both Mira and Alan were talking about something.


    "Welcome back!" Mira cheered. 


    "So what did I miss?" I asked, but judging by the feeling in my pants, I already knew what I missed.


    "Had to give Mira some fun!" Alan said. "So I..."


    "You possessed me and fucked her with my body." I said flatly.


    "Um... yeah." Mira responded. "But it was really hot, since it was you... but possessed. Like when you were in Alison last night, but different."


    "Whoa, whoa, slow down!" Alan said before looking at me. "You possessed Alison? Mira's roommate Alison? And then the two of you..."


    "Yup!" I grinned.


    "Man, that's fuckin' ace!" he exclaimed. "I want to get in on some of that action!"


    Mira winked at him. "Well shall we agree to a truce for now? No possessing each other without permission. From both!" she said.


    "Deal!" Alan and I echoed.




    The next day, the three of us went to class together. Mira had stayed over, and I had sex with her, no possessing involved. After all, we were a couple. That aside, we had decided to give Alan the ring and let him have some fun with it. Still together, the three of us entered the classroom. It was large, enough to seat about a hundred, with rows of foldable seats stacked in a way that you could see the whiteboard from anywhere in the room. 


    "Well class, we should get started" the professor, an elderly man with seemingly all of his hair centered on his beard, said. 


    "Time for me to go! I'll see you around..." Alan winked. "Or maybe you won't! I'll definitely see you, though!" He quietly left the classroom through a back door.


    The lecture was boring - especially considering I was waiting to see where - and in whom - Alan would show up.




    To be continued...

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