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  • The Possession Ring - Part 4

    Chapter by Haxxare ∙ 22 July 2024
  • Matt stumbles upon a ring that lets him possess people.

    Heavily inspired by the writing.com story

    The Possession Spell

    , but nerfed so the one with the power isn't in absolute control of everything.

    1.4K 0
  • I sat impatiently on the couch, waiting for my girlfriend. I'mm Matt, by the way, but you probably already knew that. Mira was out with the ring today - we decided it would be her turn to go off on her own with it, after Alan took it last time. She was due to be here at my place an hour or so ago...


    The door opened, and Mira walked in. "Sorry I'm late, babe, I just..." she stuttered a little. I took in the sight of her - black hair in a ponytail, slight blush to her cheeks, wearing a form-fitting t-shirt, tight jeans and boots. "...just lost track of time!" she finished, but it sounded somewhat suspicious.


    That's when I saw it. The ring on her finger. If she was here, in the flesh, and the ring was on... then she wasn't in control. But I figured Alan would be better than that... I tried to hold my anger in check. We'd agreed that we wouldn't possess each other without permission.


    "Hey!" I decided to not confront Alan yet, and play along. Maybe the two of them had decided on a plan of some sort? "It's fine, I was a bit busy too."


    "Um... shall we..." Mira said shyly, before walking up and taking my hand. She was very close - and very demure. She was usually a lot more confident around me, so something was definitely up. I humored her - or whoever was in control of her - with a quick kiss on her lips. She went red, before pulling me in and very enthusiastically kissing me. Her hands fumbled around my torso and tried to slip their way into my pants, when she was startled by the door opening.


    "Hey... oh" Alan called as he walked in. Wait... if Alan was here, who the hell was inside Mira? "You guys want a room or something?" he joked. While 'Mira' was distracted, I pulled her in for another kiss, making an awkward motion with a hand behind her back that I hoped would signify 'ring'. "Oh." Alan's voice was a lot more serious this time.


    'Mira' withdrew from the kiss. "Oh..." was all she could say when the realization that we were onto her hit her. "I uhh... just remembered something! Gotta go!" With that, she disappeared out the door.




    "What the fuck was that?" Alan said, as soon as Mira was well clear. "I figured out what you meant... how did it even happen?"


    "No idea... but I'm starting to wish I'd just pulled it off before whoever was inside her caught on" I muttered.


    "Well I feel like our cover is blown now... or maybe not?" Alan said. "Maybe you can try to..."


    "Yeah..." I thought. "Whoever was inside her was definitely looking to get to me"


    "A secret admirer, perhaps?" Alan suggested, with a smile.


    "Well, I don't really know who..." I started to say, before blacking out.




    I awoke on my own bed, with an angry-looking Mira standing over me. "Welcome back!" she said, then turned to look behind me. I turned around, and half-standing, half-lying on the other half of my bed was a girl I thought I recognized. Thin, with dark blonde hair, somewhat mousy in appearance, wearing a white tank top and short shorts. Rachel, I think? Anyway, she looked rather scared.


    "I..." she turned red at seeing me look at her, and stumbled to the door. Attempted to, at least. She was met by Alan, who blocked her. Meanwhile, Mira slipped on the ring and disappeared.


    "This fucking bitch..." Rachel said angrily, body language and stance changing instantly as Mira took control of her body. "Fucking seriously!"


    "So... what happened?" I asked, but I felt like I already knew the answer.


    "Fucking bitch was stalking me..." Mira-in-Rachel spat. "Must have seen what the ring does, then managed to steal it off me while I was inside someone else. Then she slipped it on and jumped into my body!"


    "Then... " Alan continued, "from what I can gather, she figured out we were onto her... that was two days ago"


    "Wait... two days?" I asked, incredulous.


    "Two days in which you spent a lot of time in your room, buddy" Alan said. "I met up with Mira, and we figured this out."


    "This whore has been eyeing you for ages now" Rachel said. If it wasn't such a serious moment, I'd have been laughing at her talking about herself that way. "I've seen her looking at you... guess she decided to get to you through me"


    "And when she was caught, she just went right to the source" Alan added. "Mira here managed to put on a good show of playing girlfriend, before she confronted her in your body and yanked the ring off. And here we are..."


    "Ugh, it disgusts me just being in this slut" Rachel continued. "Just because I know what she's been thinking about my boyfriend".


    "So what now?" I asked. "She clearly knows about the ring now, and isn't likely to play nicely with us"


    "Maybe we can convince her..." Rachel said with an evil-looking grin on her face.




    A short time later, we were in my room again. The door was closed, and Mira had left Rachel's body. I held the ring in my hand, and it did very much feel like an interrogation.


    "So what's your fucking problem?" Mira confronted Rachel.


    "I... I..." Rachel stuttered.


    "You just wanted to have your way with my boyfriend?" Mira spat. He wouldn't look at you so you decided to steal my body, is that it?"


    Rachel blushed. "Um... that's... it..."


    "Fucking seriously? That was your whole plan?"


    "Well it isn't my fucking fault your idiot boyfriend has such shitty taste in women!" Rachel yelled.


    "Hey!" I said.


    "Now let me go!" Rachel demanded.


    I opened the door. "Go, then!" I said. "And get the fuck out of my apartment!" Rachel ran out the door.


    "You seriously just letting her go?" Mira asked incredulously. "After what she did?"


    I walked out of my room, to make sure she wasn't still hanging around for whatever reason. "Well no... she seems like the type to stir up shit." I winked, slipped on the ring and disappeared.




    About ten minutes later, I sauntered back into my apartment wearing the body of Rachel.


    "Figures..." Mira said. "Just so you know, I ain't touchin' that bitch even if it's you inside her." She then stormed off.


    "Don't worry buddy, she'll cool off. It isn't you she's mad at, anyway".


    "I know..." I said in Rachel's voice. It felt weird, knowing the body I was in was obsessed with me. But, if I was being honest, she did have a decent enough body. A bit thin and flat, but her ass was nice. I walked into my room and sat on my bed. Mixed feelings of frustration and arousal bombarded me. This chick had been willing to go that far just to get to me. It definitely made me angry, but I was inside her now.


    So naturally, I walked into the bathroom, closed the door, and proceeded with a thorough investigation of this Rachel girl's body. It was definitely gratifying, and not just from a purely physical standpoint - although I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.




    Since I naturally couldn't hold her body hostage forever, I dropped her off at college in a quiet room.


    "Look. I'm sorry that it turned out this way. But you can't just do what you did" I said.


    "Oh, taking the moral high ground?" Rachel laughed.


    "I just want to make a deal. You don't fuck with us, and we don't try to get revenge. Mira's really pissed at you and I'd hate to see what she's capable of."


    "And what if I disagree?" Rachel said. "You know I can always..."


    "Always what? You know that if you try anything funny, Mira will just possess you and make you regret everything, right?" Rachel shuddered. "Honestly though, you should apologize to her."


    "Why the fuck would I do that?" Rachel spat.


    "Oh I don't know, so you don't suddenly wake up naked in a motel on the other side of the country?" I said sarcastically. Rachel gulped.


    "Please, don't let her to that to me..." she whimpered.


    "I'll try. But you have to go apologize." At that, I walked away, leaving her to ponder her fate.



    I slipped the ring on and floated away. I felt like I needed some relief. So, I went off to find some, preferably in the form of a cute girl.

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