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  • Bimbo Ball Z Chapter 1: An Errant Wish

    Chapter by MagicLottie · 03 Apr 2023
  • Goku makes a wish to give Chi-Chi a happy anniversary.

    Things escalate from there!
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  • Dirt was flying behind Son Goku as his tractor pulled a rusted, worn, but trustworthy till through the farm he worked for. While training and more importantly, fighting, was what he loved, he couldn’t deny that making sure his family had money was just as important.

    Also, food, he couldn’t get by with his and his son Goten’s appetite on just foraging anymore. So, food was important. But even still, there were some nights where Chi-Chi didn’t come to bed and was instead asleep trying to manage their slowly dwindling savings.

    So, as Goku uprooted a dead stump, blasted it to ashes and kept moving he had two major thoughts.

    ‘How can I help?’ and ‘what should I get for her birthday?’ these weren’t things he could just fight, he had to do what he was worst at. Plan. The fact that his wife was doing all the thinking bugged him, like he was dead weight in a tournament.

    “I don’t want you using the dragon balls to wish us better, Goku” Chi-Chi had said to him, not angry but frustrated with her husband at wanting to take the obvious solution out. “And I don’t want to borrow more money. It adds up after a while.”

    Thus, he was now working as a farmhand for at least three different farmers. All in secret, since he saw Chi-Chi’s face light up when she checked their bank account and figured he wouldn’t tell her until their anniversary.

    At least, he would if she hadn’t figured it out a week ago. Promising him the best anniversary night as thanks. But now his gift was ruined, and he was too busy to try and get one of the fancy dresses she showed him. Bulma, at Goku’s request, had given him an out. He didn’t have time to try and figure out where he could buy the dress, but he could use the dragon balls and Shenron to get everything all nice and tidy.

    He absolutely owed Bulma some favors after this. Though that usually involved helping her skirt the line with Beerus and Whis to make more gadgets. The Saiyan just had to finish this one shift then he’d spend an hour warping around to get his plan in motion.

    And for once, getting the Dragon Balls was simple. No armies, no tyrants, the most he had to do was help lift a barn to get it as payment. So, after a few hours he had all seven, ready to go and a picture of the dress.

    The sky darkened, lightning flashed, and thunder clapped as the legendary dragon rose from the seven dragon balls. A seemingly endless dragon emerged in a flash of light, its long coiling body moving like a river. Shenron, one of the more powerful beings Goku knew from his childhood, even if now the wish granting dragon was completely outstripped in terms of power.

    “I am Shenron,” it bellowed. “I shall grant you any wish, now speak!”

    “Hey, Shenron!” Goku said, taking out the magazine he had snuck out and flipping to the dress Chi-Chi wanted.

    “Oh, it’s you. Who died this time?”

    “What? No one!”

    “Then, who’s threatening earth?”

    “No one!”

    “I… see.” The dragon sighed, knowing this wish was going to be a silly one.

    “So, long story short, I need to make sure I get this dress for Chi-Chi!” Goku beamed, holding the magazine up. He knew the dragon could have a bit of a short temper when small talk was involved. “So, I wish that I had this dress, and it would fit her perfectly all the time!”

    “That’s it?”

    “Uh huh! Oh wait, maybe make it so that tonight’s the best night for her too!”

    “That’s technically two wishes, but this is so easy why not.” The dragon huffed, readying to grant the wish. “But are you sure you don’t want to be more spe-“

    “Thanks, Shenron!” Goku blurted out, no longer paying attention to the dragon. “Oh man, she’s gonna love this!”

    ‘Yeah, she is,’ Shenron thought, casting the spell. Enveloping the Saiyan in a flash of light, leaving him with the dress in hand instead of the magazine.

    “Your wish is granted!” he said, disappearing back into the magic dragon balls which subsequently scattered across the world. Goku was left alone, a brilliant crimson cocktail dress, sparkling ruby heels and even the same jewellery as the model in the magazine were now in hand.

    “Yes!” he cheered, not really questioning why his hair had suddenly started falling in front of his face, or why his voice sounded just slightly higher pitched. There was a moment of joy, then realizing he had to hurry home.

    “Did I tear my coat?” Goku muttered as he flew home, not sure why his farm clothes were suddenly much draftier and felt a little ill fitting. “Oh well! Doesn’t matter!” he grinned, flying back towards his home. The wind cutting through his hair, the dress safely held with all the extra bits that Shenron added for it.

    ‘Next time I really should just get Shenron a gift!’ the Saiyan thought, arriving at his home. Chi-Chi was still out, making sure he made it to Bulma’s. ‘But first I should make sure I’m all cleaned up!’

    Meanwhile, at Capsule Corp.

    “What do you mean he borrowed the Dragon Radar?” Chi-Chi sighed, knowing the hours long drive back would get her just in time to meet her spouse. “I told him not to wish for anything!”

    “He said it was an emergency,” Bulma said, laughing a bit at her childhood friend’s predicament. “It can only mean one thing.”

    “He forgot when stores were open. Again.” Chi-Chi sighed. Taking a few snack bars the Briefs compound had, since they all knew how long the drive was.

    “Really? I would’ve figured he forgot.”

    “No, he actually was trying to keep a secret but forgot I manage the money.”

    “Oh, so is he in the monkey house?”

    “No, he actually got a few extra jobs so I could treat myself. But I found out early...”

    “So, he used the Dragon Balls?” Bulma chuckled, her friend blushing up a storm. “At least he had a backup plan.”

    “True, but I should get going. Thanks for watching Goten!”

    The car ride back was quiet, aside from Chi-Chi’s humming and the radio. Normally a drive like this would’ve left her in a bad mood but knowing that her husband had tried his best for their anniversary. Her thoughts drifted back to their wedding day, specifically how they had saved her father and her mothers wedding dress.

    So, she just sat back, relaxed, and looked forward to the evening, even if she could be expected to cook.

    Back with Son Goku!

    “Okay, so the roast looks like this?” he said, not changed out of his clothes. His Ki sensing was thankfully letting him know he had about an hour to try and surprise Chi-Chi with one more thing. A beef roast, nothing too fancy but simple enough Goku, with multiple fully illustrated pages of instructions from Gohan, was able to get it in the oven.

    “Once in oven then set timer by gently turning it to sixty…” Goku read, looking at the pictures and getting everything ready. “When the timer goes, take it out and let rest?” he shrugged, looking at the oven and feeling confident that he had turned it on correctly, went to the washroom.

    “Aw man, my pecs are sagging?” Goku said, looking at his naked body in the bathroom mirror. “I didn’t think I was slacking that much on my training. Despite having had sex with Chi-Chi before, the Saiyan apparently couldn’t recognize breasts.

    This was normal for Goku.

    “And my penis is gone?” he said, more confused than concerned. “Maybe I should ask Corrin about any senzu bean side effects.” Regardless, the impulsive Saiyan that he is, he decided to stick a finger down there. “Oh!” he said with a bit of surprise. “it’s like Chi-Chi’s now! Hopefully, she won’t mind.” Ignoring the slight stimulation that he felt, the Saiyan continued looking at his body.

    “Did I get thinner?” his waist certainly was significantly smaller, by at least a couple of inches. “Well, I was trying to help save money, so that’d answer that.” He turned around as best he could to look at his rear end. “Tail hole and butt look normal! But when did my hair get so long?”

    He shrugged and got into the bath, while it wasn’t the open-air bath he liked, Chi-Chi had asked him to use the one inside if it was an important occasion. She even made a box that said ‘date night soap’ with little cartoon faces of the couple on it.

    Now, with anyone this oblivious, certainly rubbing cherry scented soap on one’s new breasts would clue them in. But with both of his hands cupping his own breasts, Son Goku continued to exceed expectations in the strangest way.

    “Maybe I should till by hand if my muscles are this squishy?” He mumbled, letting water splash around as he repeatedly lifted his breasts up. Each bounce making his chest tingle in a way he couldn’t understand. His nipples were perking up, mostly from the evening breeze coming through the window as the Saiyan decided to put everything out of his mind, finish washing and get dressed.

    “I thought this suit fit yesterday?” Goku grumbled, knowing Chi-Chi was about twenty minutes away now. The buttons were resisting every attempt to get the last few buttons done up, instead leaving a large amount of cleavage visible. His hair was brushed back, some gel to keep it out of his face, he was determined to be classy for once.

    So naturally he was a little worried when he was struggling to figure out plating for the dinner. Mostly because he was fighting his urge to eat the food, but soon the sun started to set, the headlights from Chi-Chi’s car pulled up. Goku was ready, he even had napkins ready.

    Chi-Chi was relaxed from the drive, and from the scent of freshly cooked dinner greeting her she knew that this was going to be a good evening. She stepped out, stretched, and saw the black hair of her husband peeking through the window, he was terrible at hiding himself from her when he went without his powers. With a few steps, she reached the door, pushed it open, and her jaw dropped.

    Mostly at her husband standing there still fiddling with buttons and sporting a ridiculously hard to miss amount of cleavage. But her eyes were drawn primarily to the actual human portion of food waiting for her on the table. No huge mess, nothing for her to clean up, aside from the breasts on her husband everything was perfect.

    “Goku… dear. Why do you have breasts?” She asked, trying to focus on the evening not being ruined rather than shocked. “Is… that why you needed the Dragon Radar?”

    “Breasts? No, my pecs are just squishy for some reason!” Goku said, not realizing that his voice was significantly different. “All I did was wish for that dress you wanted and the best anniversary for you.”

    “You… wished for me?” she said, admittedly now ignoring the obvious added weight. Her hands covering her mouth at how much her husband wanted to make her happy. “That’s so sweet! I mean you having breasts is strange but it’s so sweet you did that!” She didn’t hesitate after speaking to give Goku a kiss. Finding it only a little harder as their chests pressed together, making them both blush.

    “Yeah!” Goku said, giggling as he tried to keep the good time going and pulled a chair out for Chi-Chi to sit on. “I just wish my body didn’t feel weird.”

    “Goku, you have a feminine body.”

    “I do?”

    “Goku, dear. I know you don’t care about appearances but. Please tell me you noticed when you had a bath?” Chi-Chi laughed, smelling the soap from their important night box.

    “I mean… those bits were gone, and my butt looks squishier. Also, I think I’m thinner?”

    “Goku. Please tell me, exactly, what you wished for?”

    “Well, I wished for that dress you wanted and that it’d fit no matter what, and that you’d have the best night!” he answered innocently. There was a pause as Chi-Chi put her head in her hands, took a breath, and started laughing.

    “Goku. Sweetie. You have a body like mine.”

    “But I’m a guy?”

    “Some guys have bodies like that.”

    “Am I what Gohan said was a malewife now then?”

    “Do you want to be?”

    “Would it make you happy?”

    “What about you Goku?” Chi-Chi asked, stopping her laughter. “You may be called a woman if you don’t wish your body back next year.”

    “Is that a gender thing?” the Saiyan asked innocently, sitting down and still fiddling with his buttons. “Does gender even matter?”

    “Well, some people say ignoring it makes you stronger.” Chi-Chi grinned. “And someone can actually wear those other dresses you got me.”

    “that’s why I wished for one that would fit you perfectly!” Goku beamed, knowing he was not strong enough to understand clothing sizes yet.

    “Instead of the one with the biggest size number?”

    “But that should mean it’s the best!” the Saiyan protested, his wife laughing again. “And you deserve the best!”

    “Thank you, dear,” Chi-Chi said with a warm smile. There was a moment of silence as Goku started to cut the roast. Both smiling at each other, and then as the food started to be dished out there was an epiphany.

    “Chi-Chi?” Goku said, looking down at his breasts. “Does this mean you’d like me even if I did stay like this?”

    “Was that ever a question?”

    “No, not really.” The Saiyan said, doing his best to eat without making a mess. And thankfully, he wouldn’t have to do an emergency takeout run. The sign of a delicious meal was the absence of talking and abundance of happy humming, and neither of them said a word while they ate.

    They moved to the couch and started cuddling, with Chi-Chi admittedly curious about one thing. And her hand carefully went to the barely restrained buttoned shirt on Goku.

    “Can I see if you still have your abs?” She asked innocently. With Goku looking confused as to why she’d ask.

    “I mean I’m probably going to wear a shirt about as much as usual?” he responded, Chi-Chi’s face turning completely red as he let her unbutton the top.

    In their years they’d both seen large orbs, and to say Chi-Chi was more than a little jealous would be an understatement as two breasts the size of the Namekian Dragon Balls sent a button flying into the trash bin. The human took a breath, put her hands under them, and lifted them up just enough to see Goku’s meat grinder of a six pack still there.

    “Good, still there.” she said, letting her hands squish the Saiyan’s breasts just a little, getting him to let out a surprised squeak. “Sorry!”

    “No! it’s fine! I just…” Goku mumbled as he poked his fingers against one another. “How are we supposed to do anything in bed like we did last year?”

    “Oh.” Chi-Chi said, letting her hands stay on the Saiyan’s chest. “I guess I’ll have to teach you something.”

    “Like training?”

    ‘Oh, heaven’s yes.’ She thought to herself.

    “You can say that dear,” The human grinned, Goku, thankfully, oblivious to that not so hidden intent as she squeezed his chest. “But maybe we should go up to our room?”

    “Sure!” Goku said, not sure why he liked having his breasts squished. And hi-Chi did not stop as they walked upstairs. His clothes were slowly discarded, leaving him almost naked as the bedroom door was opened. The dress intended for Chi-Chi was laid out, but with how much she was working her hands on Goku’s body, the Saiyan wasn’t sure who’d be wearing it.

    “Okay, honey,” Chi-Chi said with a sing song voice. “I’m going to get you all dressed up.”

    “Me? But the dress is for you?” he said, being led to the bedside and pushed to sit down.

    “But you said it’d fit me no matter what,” his wife grinned, “meaning it will probably fit anyone perfectly too.”

    “Huh…” Goku said, realizing how that would make sense as his pants were taken off. “But I got it for you?”

    “Think of it as training then,” his wife grinned, carefully picking it up and letting them both get a good look at it. Goku’s demeanor changed instantly as he let her do her work. “Now… let’s get this unzipped.”

    The dress, now that Chi-Chi could examine it, wasn’t quite how the magazine showed it off. It was more conservative than the magazine had made it out to be, a heavier, softer fabric was used. Maybe Shenron had his own tastes when he made clothing, or it being enchanted changed it to be more multipurpose.

    Regardless, it was gorgeous, a deep crimson dress with a zipper down the back, a leg strap that would imply just a bit more adult playfulness, and a generous V neck to allow some showing off. The earrings had a matching red gem in them and were clip on, meaning if she wanted Goku to wear them she wouldn’t have to pierce his ears.

    “So, what will this training do? Goku asked excitedly, practically bouncing on the bed.

    “First,” Chi-Chi said, using all her improvisation skills to make this work. “it’s going to get you used to your body again.” She held the dress up and sized it up to her husband “but first. I need you to let me put this on you.”

    Goku obliged, with his wife carefully moving the dress up his legs. There was a moment of hesitation as it reached his thighs, but the magic did exactly what Chi-Chi wanted it too. Instead of straining, it started hugging Goku’s new curves. Every bit of the dress wrapping Goku up, the sleeves effortlessly going around his muscles, and before either of them knew it, the dress was done up perfectly.

    “Well, how does it feel, Goku?” she asked, looking at the now much more feminine looking Saiyan. His waist was being pushed in, his chest was being pushed out, and with a bit of makeup he’d look fantastic.

    “Weird!” He laughed, moving his arms and legs, thankfully the dress was showing no signs of resistance at it. “But it’s nice! Like my weighted clothes!”

    Chi-Chi just started laughing as she gave her husband a kiss. Her hands carefully working their way lower under the dress as Goku let out a surprised moan. She was in charge, that much was made abundantly clear as the end of the dress was pulled up and one of the human’s hands reached down.

    “Just tell me when you’ve had enough training, Goku,” she teased. Watching her world saving husband squirm and moan as one hand found its mark, and her other hand was pushing him down to fondle one of his breasts. Goku nodded, still squirming from the new sensations of having fingers reach down there. He gave a small nod as a moan passed his lips, with Chi-Chi taking advantage of it to kiss him.

    Goku had been through a lot of training, even if deep down part of him knew this wasn’t the same thing, but this was draining his stamina faster than any fight he’d had. Whatever changes his body had gone through, it was making everything sensitive to the touch as Chi-Chi practically played him like a piano. He took a few deep breaths, Chi-Chi slowed down just enough to make sure he could speak if he wanted to stop.

    “It feels weird?” he said, panting as Chi-Chi slowed down even more.

    “Do you want me to stop, Goku?” She asked, looking down at him with a soft love filled smile. He had the endurance, but when you only train for a marathon a sprint can be exhausting was how she figured it.

    “If it’s okay,” the Saiyan said, looking a little annoyed with himself. “But it did feel good though! Can we try again the next time Goten is at the Briefs?”

    “Of course, dear,” Chi-Chi smiled, letting him sit up before pulling him into a kiss and started to shuffle further onto the bed for cuddle time. Soft kisses, a few errant pictures that had Goku blushing up a storm before an idea cross both of their minds.



    “Are we having the same idea on how to use my body?” The Saiyan asked, his wife nodding enthusiastically.

    “You want to mess with Vegeta, don’t you?”

    “And you want to show you aren’t a pushover to that one lady in Goten’s PTA?”

    There was a pause, both looked at each other, the power pole on the other side of the room and some rope. Before scrambling to both get completely naked and start setting up something that would have ramifications that no one expected.

    The Brief’s compound: 12:40 am

    Bulma’s phone buzzed, normally she’d be asleep but her and Vegeta had decided to take a night to do what they did best. Snark at each other with some wine. She picked it up, dropped the phone on the couch, Vegeta subsequently picked it up and dropped it as well.

    “Why does Goku have bigger breasts than me?”


    Goten and Trunks did not hear the confusion and frantic scrambling to get information, as what Chi-Chi had sent was a picture of her husband’s mouth between her legs, one of him tied up, and another of her kissing one of his massive breasts.



    “We can do that better than them.”
No more chapters.
nsfwboy125 ∙ 04 Oct 2023

hey can I be in the story

MagicLottie Author ∙ 17 Oct 2023

No you cannot!

anon_53c0b93698c9 ∙ 09 Mar 2025