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  • Shudder Chapter 3

    Chapter by Kripto · 30 Dec 2021
  • Derek enlists Aubrey's help to try and foil Nevyn's plans.
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  • Derek's situation was worsening by the minute. He had somehow gotten mixed up with someone who called himself Nevyn who could possess people's bodies simply by touching them. Nevyn had hijacked his mom and had been using her body to seduce him, possibly for the last three months. Derek assumed this was probably the case as his mother had been wearing more provocative clothes and trying to put him in tempting situations where her body would be on display for some time now. He needed a plan. He needed someone he could trust to make a plan with him. He had decided on his sister, Aubrey.

    Derek knew Aubrey was smarter than he was. She was not an intellectual, but she was no dummy either. She got good grades in school and was quite popular, but didn't lord her status over others. She wanted to graduate in a few months with a decent GPA and get into a good college where she could learn to become a veterinarian. She'd always loved animals and it seemed like a good fit for her.

    There were only a few hours left in the day, and Derek knew he needed to move fast. His sister was spending the night at the house of her best friend, Bekka Sinclair, a fellow 18 year old classmate. They had been working on some school project they were presenting soon. Derek was just thankful Aubrey had been out of the house and knew she could not be possessed at the moment.

    Derek yelled up the stairs, "Mom, I'm going to run to the coffee shop down the street real quick and meet up with some friends." He knew it was important to play along with Nevyn's ruse for the time being. Derek had asked his mother point blank if Nevyn was in control of her, and she had denied it. But when Derek had pressed her for a specific memory, he watched her eyes drift up and to the left, something Derek knew Nevyn subconsciously did when he was accessing any host's memories.

    He waited a moment, but received no response from his mother's room, so he carefully climbed the steps. He had done this minutes ago with his mom completely naked in his arms due to an injury she had been faking. He had almost succumbed to the charms of the man controlling her from the inside.

    Derek lightly wrapped on the door and in his softest voice possible, he said, "I'm taking the car to the coffee shop, Mom, to meet some friends. I'll be back before dark."

    All Derek could hear for a reply was a low moan coming from his mother's lips, and the sound of something vibrating. Derek winced at this. Both because he knew Nevyn was making his mother work a dildo in and out her pussy, but also because of how much it turned him on. He needed to get out of here. He needed to get to Aubrey. Together they would find a way out of this mess.

    He rushed downstairs and grabbed the keys on the counter, calling his sister on the way to the car. Aubrey answered after one ring.

    "What's up bro?" Aubrey said cheerfully.

    "Um, I need to meet up with you to discuss a problem we both have," Derek began.

    "Can it wait till tomorrow? I'm over at Bekka's house and she's telling me all about how cute she thinks you are."

    Derek heard a scream and then what sounded like the phone being knocked to the floor. He heard his sister's voice and what had to be Bekka's voice, both unintelligible, and then Aubrey came back on the line. "Forget I said anything Derek," Aubrey said exasperated. "Apparently Bekka can't take a joke."

    "Aubrey, this is important," Derek pressed. "We need to meet now. I'm coming over to Bekka's house."

    "Well I know Bekka won't complain about that," Aubrey said sardonically.

    Another background squeal. Another sound like a phone being knocked to the floor. Derek hung up and focused on the twenty minute drive across town to Bekka's house.

    He rang the doorbell and heard footsteps scrambling on the floor and then the door was flung wide open. There stood their fellow classmate, Bekka, 18 years old, short blonde hair, blue eyes, looking very cute in short shorts and a halter tank top that matched her eyes. She seemed very glad to see him, and Derek noticed immediately she was not wearing a bra. He briefly wondered if bras been banned in his town because he was seeing less and less of them these days. She wasn't stacked like his mother or sister, but it still would be fun to run his hands over her soft...

    "Hi Derek," she said flirtatiously, noting where his eyes were lingering. "Won't you come in."

    As Derek entered, his sister came into the room. "You slut!" Aubrey chided, punching Bekka's arm playfully. "You could have at least put a bra on."

    "Oh," Bekka said with feigned bashfulness, "Did I forget to wear a bra? I front of your brother? I'm so embarrassed!" She then pretended to yawn and stretch with her arms, causing her smallish tits to jut out even further.

    Aubrey rolled her eyes and looked at Derek who was doing his best to think about baseball stats. "She was in pajamas like me until you called and said you were coming over. Then she tried on like five different outfits in 60 seconds until she found one she could flaunt in front of you. Despite the fact that she has a boyfriend," Aubrey said with one eyebrow raised.

    "Oh shut up, Bri," Bekka said with a smile and a wink at Derek. "I was going to change out of those stuffy pajamas anyway. And I'm in between boyfriends right now, remember?"

    "Right, right," Aubrey acknowledged. "It's very hard to keep your dating life straight when you seem to have a new guy every other day. Just remember, you can flirt with my brother like you always do, but you don't get to date him because I'm not about to lose my best friend over you wanting a 20 minute fling." Aubrey said this jovially, but there was a bite there that meant she was serious.

    Bekka sized Derek up and down. "I don't know, I think he could go much longer than 20 minutes," Bekka quipped. Aubrey shot her a withering look.

    "Kidding, kidding," Bekka said, hoping she hadn't gone too far.

    "Look," Derek interrupted, "this is really great that we're all discussing my lack of a love life right now, but I have something much more urgent to talk to Aubrey about."

    Bekka perked up. "Oh, sounds like drama. Is it to do with your folks? Did your hot mom finally realize she could do better than your loser dad?" The twins both shot her a nasty look. "Wow you guys, just joking. No one has a sense of humor. Come to my room if you want some privacy."

    They followed Bekka upstairs and she held the door to her room open for them. "There you go. All the privacy in the world." The twins were silent waiting for Bekka to leave. She took the hint, but not before adding, "Just don't go snooping through my drawers to look at my bras and underwear Derek. If you want to see them, I can model them for you later."

    Aubrey glared at her and was about to say something but Bekka slammed the door before she had a chance. Bekka then quietly went to the bedroom next door. It belonged to her older sister who was away at college. She pressed her ear next to a vent the two rooms shared. She didn't want to miss a word.

    "Okay," Aubrey began, "What's the big emergency?"

    Derek spilled his guts about everything that had happened with Nevyn over the last few months, both what he knew, and what he suspected. He told her about witnessing Amy, a classmate he had crushed on for years, shudder and behave strangely in front of him. Then how Amy had touch his history teacher, making her shudder, and then she had tried to seduce him. How Jessica, their next door neighbor had walked home with him, then he witnessed her shudder, and then Jessica's mom got involved and Derek had been forced into a threesome. And how all this was tied to some person named Nevyn who could take over someone's body, manipulate their actions, and leave the person susceptible to suggestion for a time after he had moved on to a new host.

    Aubrey nodded along, internally thinking her brother was on the verge of some nervous breakdown. But the more detail that Derek provided, the more attention Aubrey gave him. Especially when he started talking about his mother's behavior. How she had become very different from the mom they had had three months ago who dressed conservatively and rarely had sex. "They've been going at it like rabbits for weeks," Aubrey said thoughtfully. "I'm just one room down from yours and I can hear it, but I bet it's been keeping you up at nights."

    Derek thought that was the understatement of the year but he kept that to himself. Then he told her about her mother's recent attempt at seducing him earlier today. He watched as his sister's eyes grew wider as he described his mother's fake injury in the shower, her boobs shoved in his face on the way up the stairs, and lastly, trying to get him to touch her pussy.

    At the end, Aubrey wanted to throw up but pressed for details. "So, what happens again when he takes over someone? They shudder?"

    "Yeah," Derek affirmed. "I saw it every time, except for Mom. But it keeps happening as long as he stays inside. From what I noticed before, it seemed to me about every 30 minutes or less. But I haven't seen Mom shudder once. And that's the part that doesn't makes sense to me."

    "I have," Aubrey said. "Maybe a couple of times, but I remember for sure last week I was trying on a new outfit she gave me and her whole body just shook for a second. I asked her if she was cold and she said no. Said she was just shaking off bad vibes or something, and then Mom..."

    "Mom what?" Derek prompted.

    "She, she told me that it looked like I needed to be fitted for a new bra again, and then she had me shown my breasts to her. She came over and lifted my boobs up, and let them drop to see their bounce. Then she squeezed them gently a couple of times. She told me how nice they looked and how happy they would make my husband some day. She said it so sweetly and I thought it was a little odd but, it's just, it was Mom, you know? But it wasn't, was it?" And now Aubrey was looking very ashamed and near tears.

    "Hey, don't cry," Derek said, wrapping her up in a brotherly hug. "We're going to figure something out. That's why I'm here now. We need a plan to get rid of Nevyn and get our mother back. That is, if you believe I'm telling the truth?"

    "There's certainly enough evidence there to believe something isn't right," Aubrey assured him. "But, how did you figure out Nevyn was inside Mom if you never saw her shudder? How could you be sure?"

    Derek hesitated, then decided to share the only secret Nevyn didn't seem to know about himself. "He has access to the entirety of his host's memories. He can completely imitate their mannerisms, emotions and so on. But if there's some obscure fact that he needs to access and you're looking his host in the eyes, you can watch as he moves the eyes up and to the left. I've seen him do it repeatedly in all his hosts, including Mom a couple hours ago when I asked her a specific question from my childhood. He probably has other little nervous tics like that, that he carries over from host to host, but I don't know what they are yet."

    "Do we know Nevyn's been in Mom the whole time?" Aubrey wondered aloud. "Could he have ever been in Dad or," she blanched, "me?"

    "I mean, it's possible," Derek admitted. "As I understand it he can manipulate your memory so you wouldn't even have a feeling of missing time. You would have just thought you were going about your normal routine and when he leaves you he just edits out what he wants you to forget. Take the fact that Jessica or her mom haven't acted weird around me at all, despite the fact that we all had a three way."

    "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you you're disgusting by the way," Aubrey said, but Derek felt she was only half serious.

    "What was I supposed to do?" he almost yelled. "They are both hot and they both wanted it and I am not made of stone!"

    "But it wasn't them," Aubrey pointed out.

    "You wouldn't understand," Derek said dismissively. "It's them, but it's not, sure. But Nevyn makes you forget it's not really them. He's really good at sucking you into his role playing fantasy world."

    Aubrey arched an eyebrow. "I'm sure. Well now what do you propose we do about it?"

    "You're the future doctor, Bri. I was hoping you had an idea."

    "Uh, future veterinarian," she corrected. "And, um, I would suggest we get from the guy who can possess people for awhile."

    "We're a little to big to run away from home," Derek said.

    "I'm not talking about fleeing to Mexico, Derek. I'm talking about a plan to lay low for a couple days and try to, well, come up with a better plan. But I don't know where we could..."

    Aubrey's words were cut off by Bekka flinging the door open. "I might have an idea there," she said grinning.

    Bekka had listened the whole time, sincerely doubting Derek's story, but finding the premise incredibly erotic. She had felt herself getting wetter by the minute as Derek had described his liaisons with classmates, a teacher, and his own mom. She knew it couldn't be real, but if there was even a chance that any of it would get acted out in front of her, she wanted to be there.

    "We'll tell our parents we're going camping for the weekend since the weather's nice, but we'll actually go to the hotel here in town where we can still have access to the internet and research...whatever this is."

    The twins stared at her momentarily stunned by her sudden entry, and then Aubrey started with, "Bekks, you were spying!" Bekks was the nickname that only Aubrey called her by.

    "What do you mean 'we?'" Derek added.

    "You heard everything?" Aubrey snapped.

    "Oh crap, everything?" Derek starting to turn a deep crimson hue. "I, look, I'm not a pervert I..."

    "Shut up, both of you," Bekka interjected. "Yes, I heard everything, and I believe you," she lied. "It sounds awful, like this man or whatever has your family kind of hostage and I want to help, however I can."

    "That was still a private conversation," Aubrey growled.

    "Oh get off it Bri, we used to listen in on my sister's sex conversations with her boyfriend the exact same way when we were younger, this was..."

    "Not the same thing," Derek cut in.

    "Well, I did it, and I want to help so, take it or leave it."

    Both twins shared a look and seemed to have a conversation entirely with just their facial expressions before Bri turned to Bekka and said, "Fine Bekks, but two things, you leave if we have to do anything dangerous, and I'm serious about you not putting the moves on my brother."

    "Scout's honor," winked Bekka holding up her hand as if to do the pledge of allegiance.

    Aubrey shook her head. "You weren't a scout."

    "I know," she giggled. "But seriously, I accept your terms. Now, here's how we do this without anyone getting suspicious."

    As Bekka went over the finer points of how to get away for the weekend, Nevyn was assessing the current situation. He had finished using Nancy's body for self pleasure shortly after Derek left, and now began to wonder if Derek was being truthful about where he'd gone. He got Nancy's phone and opened the app that tracked the GPS in her car. He was not really that shocked to see that Derek was not at the coffee shop, but had driven across town to Bekka's, Aubrey's best friend. Now Nevyn was almost certain that Derek knew he was possessing his mother. And the thought occurred to him, although unlikely, that Derek might be trying to convince Aubrey that that was the case, that a stranger was inhabiting their mother, Nancy Johnson. Nevyn always tried to be one step ahead in everything, and he did not want to let this game end anytime soon, so he began thinking of contingency plans.

    Derek arrived back at home an hour later. Mercifully his dad was home earlier than expected, and both his parents were watching television in the living room. This part would be easier now that he didn't have to worry about Nevyn seducing him in front of his dad. At least, he didn't think he would. He had to make sure he still acted sufficiently embarrassed and unnerved around his mother, which would not be hard because he was, but he needed to make sure Nevyn wouldn't suspect anything was off.

    "Hey guys, uh," Derek began, looking at his dad whose eyes barely diverted from the screen. "I met up with some friends at the coffee shop and made some plans to go camping tomorrow after school for a couple days."

    "Sounds great," his dad said flippantly. "Make some memories."

    "Okay, I'll go pack some stuff then." Derek started to exit the room as nonchalantly as he could. "Oh, and Aubrey got invited by someone, so she'll be there too."

    "Who are these friends?" his mom asked coolly.

    "Oh, just a few soon to be high school graduates," Derek answered vaguely. "We thought it sounded like a good idea tonight, but we all might change our minds tomorrow. I'll make sure you have the details when I get home after school."

    "Oh," Derek's mom said, "I'll be out till late. You know Friday is always my day to find any sales and deals I can exploit and then put online to make this family rich. Isn't that right dear?" With that she whacked her inattentive husband.

    Derek nodded, it was all going according to plan. Nevyn was sticking to his mom's usual schedule. "Well, I'll make sure to leave you a note and of course we'll all have our cell phones and someone responsible will be giving us a ride so, anyways, I'm going to tuck in early. Nite."

    "Goodnight Derek," his mother said, and he made eye contact with her for a moment. He watched as she sensually licked her lips and then bit her her lower lip before saying, "Sweet dreams honey."

    Derek retreated to his room to pack a bag. He was to focus on essentials that could last him and Aubrey a few days or a week if they got desperate. He'd leave it at home and grab it right after school. The goal was to not draw attention to themselves and not to have anyone worry, which would give them almost three days of privacy to hopefully figure something out.

    He packed his own stuff first, then moved on to Aubrey's room. While going through her clothes drawer, he noticed she had some really pretty bras. He touched one. It was very soft, and really big too. Her boobs were as big as mom's now. Mom's boobs, they were so big and soft and he had stuck his tongue out and licked one of her nipples and dammit he needed to get out of this house.

    He fell asleep early, but was awoken by his parents lovemaking which seemed to go on much longer than usual. Derek cranked one out to his mother's cries of pleasure and the memory of her tits in his face. Then he managed to fall back to sleep. He barely felt any guilt this time.

    The next morning, Derek made it a point to say goodbye to his mother before walking to school. She reminded him that she would be home late, and then kissed him on the lips goodbye. His mother's lips had lingered. And he felt that if he had let only a little bit of his tongue out, it would have been met immediately by hers, and then who knows where that would have led to. But he mustered the will power to talk away, waving at his mother as he went, trying to hide another erection. This uncomfortable interaction had been necessary, because it proved to him that Nevyn was still in his mom.

    Aubrey and Bekka should be safe at school from getting body jacked, but still, they had worked out some precautions in case that were to happen. They had drawn the conclusion that Nevyn's shudders most likely became farther apart the longer he was in the same host. This would explain why Derek hadn't seen his mother shudder. Nevyn had just been very careful in the beginning, and then it had been easier to hide. This meant that early detection was essential. Because Bekka was involved now, it would also be easier because they had an extra set of eyes. Derek had pointed out that they couldn't use passwords or secret handshakes to prove that they hadn't been possessed, because Nevyn would just have access to all those memories.

    What they had decided on instead was to let Derek ask them each a personal, specific question and maintain eye contact with him. If either girl's gaze faltered, their plans had been compromised and Nevyn had joined them. This was only a precaution though. They should be safe at school, and shouldn't have to deal with Nevyn for a few days after this.

    Nevyn, however, was very suspicious. He knew Derek was on to him, but he didn't know what his move was, or if he even had any. But just in case, Nevyn had downloaded an app that allowed him to track the GPS movements of phones connected to his, well, the Johnson's family plan. If either Aubrey's or Derek's moved from the school, an alarm would go off on Nancy's phone, and he would be able to see where they were going. Nevyn knew the camping idea was a ruse, but had played dumb. He also assumed Derek would be back for the bag he packed since he had left it here since he knew it would have thrown up red flags if he had lugged it to school.

    In order to be ready for anything, Nevyn moved the car a few blocks away to make it seem like Nancy was gone when the kids, or more likely just Derek, came home. He would pull out all the stops this time to get Derek to fuck his mother. But also, just in case things went another way, Nevyn replaced all the clothes Derek had packed for Aubrey with much sexier options that he had recently accrued for his "daughter." He smiled at how much fun he was having at playing sexy cloak and dagger.

    Derek, Aubrey and Bekka had met up at school. The plan was now to stay through lunch to avoid the office from calling their parents at home to note their absence. Then they would cut out early, drive Bekka's car to the Johnson's and pick up the bag Derek had packed. It was to be in and out. Nevyn would be none the wiser.

    To even further avoid detection, they were to leave separately. Aubrey and Derek would walk home a few minutes apart. And Bekka would take her car and park a block from their house and wait till they got there. Derek would go inside, grab the bag, and they were home free for a few days. The best laid plans.

    Nancy Johnson's cell phone beeped a little after 1pm. One of her children was not where they were supposed to be. Nevyn was surprised to see that just Aubrey was coming home early from school, but Derek was still there. He put the cell phone on silent, and went to hide in the downstairs closet and observe.

    Aubrey hopped in Bekka's car parked a block from the Johnson's house. They each asked the other a personal question from their long past, and when both their eyes stayed fixed, they were satisfied that they were both who they claimed to be.

    "Derek should be here in a few minutes," Aubrey said, looking behind her to see if he was just down the block. At that moment she got a text from her brother. "Crap."

    "What?" Bekka asked worriedly. "What's wrong?"

    "Oh, it's not that big a deal," Aubrey assured her friend. "He forgot he's got like a big group project that's a quarter of his science grade and he's been trying to keep his grades up for college. That class is after the next one, so he won't be joining us till school is over. He wants us to hang out and lay low and says don't go in the house no matter what."

    "The text said all that?"

    I filled in a few blanks," Aubrey grinned. "So, I guess we're here for a little bit."

    "What? No!" Bekka said defiantly. "I'm going to get drive us closer to your house. If your mom's car isn't there, we're getting it done. We run in together. Grab your bag. Maybe grab a couple girl essentials that your clueless brother didn't pack, and then wait for your brother outside the school."

    Aubrey hesitated. "I don't know. We should probably play it safe. Derek's the only one that can't get possessed by Nevyn."

    "That we know of," Bekka said. "Maybe I'm immune like he is. Now we're doing this." And she started the car.

    Satisfied that her mom's car was nowhere to be seen, Aubrey used her key to open the front door. "Hello," she called out. "Mom, dad!" The house answered with only silence.

    "See, nothing to worry about, Bri," Bekka said playfully slapping Aubrey's back.

    "Famous last words," Aubrey said warily. They climbed the stairs, retrieved the bag from Derek's room, then went to Aubrey's at the end of the hall to pack a few more things.

    As Aubrey opened the bag to put in some lotion and a hair dryer, she saw the clothes that Derek had packed.

    "Oh man, Bri," Bekka said looking into the bag over Aubrey's shoulder. "How come you never wear these clothes at school? You'd have the boys eating out of the palm of your hand."

    Aubrey was confused and very uneasy. "I don't... these aren't my clothes, Bekks?"

    "What?" now it was Bekka's turn to be confused as she lifted up a shiny, tight green number that looked like it would show off all the best parts of Aubrey's 18 year old body. "I mean, it makes sense, my brain would explode if it ever saw you in any of these tight, skimpy clothes."

    "So, how'd they get in here?" Aubrey mused. "Unless Nevyn thinks that..."

    Then they both froze as they heard a door slam downstairs. Aubrey knew they were in serious trouble as the pieces fell into place. Nevyn had packed these items in the bag.

    "Kids?" she heard her mother call from downstairs. "Is somebody home? There's a car in the driveway?"

    Both girls locked eyes and screamed at each other silently. "Okay," Aubrey said going quickly going to her door and locking it. "We don't panic. I can make something up. We'll be okay. Just stay quiet."

    Bekka nodded, but was quietly jumping up and down, clearly ignoring the suggestion not to panic. They heard footsteps on the stairs.

    "Hey Mom," Aubrey said through the door. "I wasn't feeling well so Bekka let me borrow her car to come home early."

    "Oh my," her mother responded with worry in her voice. "Well let me come in and feel your forehead."

    Aubrey saw her mom try to open the locked door. "The nurse at school took it before I left. Just a tiny fever. Going to try to sleep it off."

    "Sweetie," her mom began, but now there was an edge to her voice, "unlock the door and let me have a look at you."

    "Mom, I," Aubrey said meekly, "I don't think I should."

    "Aubrey Tess Johnson, open this door for your mother!" Now her voice only contained a calculated coldness.

    "No, Mom," Aubrey said with soft terror in her voice. "I won't. Not until Derek gets here."

    "Oh, I see," her mother said with affection back in her voice. "Well, I'll just wait downstairs for him. Then we can all have a chat about this camping trip that you're obviously not going on." Footsteps receded down the hall to the stairs.

    "What are we going to do?" Bekka whisper shrieked. Bekka still had some doubts about this whole possessing people thing, but that had been downright creepy. This was a prank she knew that Nancy Johnson would not have gone along with. "Should we attack her? Try to knock her out?"

    "No," Aubrey said helplessly. "She's still my mom. We hole up here and hopefully Derek is able to get us out of here without us under Nevyn's control."

    Bekka thought back to how hot this had all sounded last night. It seemed less so now. "We should text Derek and let him know our predicament. We should probably block the door first just in case."

    Nevyn smiled downstairs as he heard furniture being rearranged in Aubrey's bedroom. Soon it wouldn't matter. He could always find a way in. With that thought in mind, he slipped out the front door, careful not to make a sound.

    The girls spent the next several minutes moving everything they could in front of the door, which wasn't much, but they tried to be creative using clothes and shoes and anything they could find. Aubrey paused to admire their handiwork. "There, that should stop, or at least slow down anyone who tried to barge in here. I'll text Derek now and warn him." She typed the message and was about to hit send when she stopped. There had been a soft thump against her window. And now a soft tapping had begun. This seemed strange as they were on the second floor.

    Aubrey pulled back the curtain to reveal a tiny bird perched on her window sill. It was hopping up and down, pecking on the glass.

    "What's up with that bird?" Bekka asked.

    Aubrey looked closer. "There, see? Its wing is hurt, the poor little guy. It must have flown into the window and now it can't fly down."

    "Wow, sucks for him," Bekka acknowledged with little sympathy.

    "I'm going to let him in," Aubrey said. She had immense compassion for all animals and knew she had to do something. She was going to be a veterinarian after all. "Maybe I can make him a tiny splint or something."

    "Sure, Bri, save the whales and all that," Bekka snapped. "I think we have slightly more pressing matters at the moment."

    "I can't do anything about that right now, Bekks," Aubrey said calmly. "But I can do something about this." And then she opened the window and slowly extended a hand. "Come here, little guy."

    The bird looked at the two girls for a moment, taking them both in. Then to their surprise, it flew like it had no problem at all, and alighted on Aubrey's outstretched palm.

    Both girls looked confused. Then Bekka said, "I thought you said there was something wrong with its..." But she stopped talking as she saw Aubrey's hand begin to shudder from the bird's landing point, and quickly work its way up her arm.

    Aubrey's eyes were wide with desperation and horror and only one word escaped her lips. "Nevyn!" And then the shudder overtook her. It lasted for only a moment, and then Bekka watched completely unnerved as her friend walked to the window, and set the bird free. Then Aubrey walked over to the door and began clearing the pile. All doubts Bekka had that this was some elaborate prank vanished.

    "You want to help me clear this mess, Bekks?" Aubrey asked brightly.

    Bekka moved to the opposite wall and tentatively asked, "Bri? Is that you in there?"

    "Well Bekka," Aubrey said, turning to look at her friend with a wicked smile, "yes, and no."

    "You're, you're Nevyn, aren't you?" Bekka asked holding her arms against her chest as if they would offer her some protection.

    "Wow, Derek didn't just tell Aubrey, huh?" Aubrey muttered. "What all has he been telling you? Hold on one second, Bekks."

    Bekka watched as Aubrey's eyes darted up and to the left and stayed there several seconds. Then Aubrey's eyes focused with laser precision on her friend. When she spoke, it was the voice of a man that escaped Aubrey's lips. "Not much of a plan kids. I mean, it was to just get away for a couple days, and then, what? Do a browser search on how to get rid of a man who can possess people's bodies? Pretty dumb if you ask me. Very helpful tip though about about the eyes, another tell I didn't know I had. Now that I think about it, yeah, I do that very often, but I will try to fix that. Thank you."

    "You're welcome," was all Bekka could say.

    "But according to Bri's memories here," Nevyn continued, pointing to Aubrey's brain, "you find what I can do kind of, erotic? Is that right, Bekka?"

    Hearing a man's voice come out of her best friend's mouth was so strange. "I, I mean, at the time, yeah, but, now I..."

    "It's okay," Aubrey took a step towards Bekka. "I'm not going to hurt you. But I am going to have actually check that you're a fan though." And Aubrey stretched a hand towards her friend.

    "No!" Bekka yelled backing completely flat against the wall. "I don't want you to possess me!"

    Nevyn switched back to Aubrey's voice. "It's okay, Bekks. It doesn't hurt. And Nevyn wants to promise you something. If you're telling the truth, if you really think what he can do is as hot as you say, then he'll make sure you get a chance to fuck my brother before it's all over. I know you've wanted to forever but haven't made a move because of our friendship."

    At this, Bekka's body betrayed her, and she started to feel heat rise between her legs. "What? I, I only enjoy teasing your brother, I mean..."

    "I'll do you one better, Bekks," Aubrey interrupted. "If you're telling the truth, I'll let you stay aware while I'm inside you. I've never done that with anyone. Not entirely sure I can, but pretty sure. And if you've been honest, I'll help you act out whatever dark fantasies you have rolling around in that pretty head of yours."

    The offer was too tempting, and as scared as she was, she was even more aroused. She slowly nodded her consent. Aubrey reached out and touched her hand.

    She felt nothing for a moment, then she felt her body begin to shudder. Then she couldn't see, and it felt like she was falling for a moment, but then more like someone was trying to squeeze in to a tight enclosed space deep within her.

    "There," she heard Nevyn's voice say. But it felt like it was coming from her mouth.

    "Aubrey, start clearing that ridiculous pile in front of the door. You still with me, Bekka?"

    "I, I can't talk, can you hear me?" she thought.

    "Yes," she heard Nevyn say. "Sorry about that. You won't be able to use any of your basic motor functions. But if you think, I'll hear it. Wow, I'm glad that worked."

    "What do you mean?" Bekka thought.

    "Well, like I said, I've never done that before," Nevyn repeated.

    "But, you've been inside tons of people, right? And never once you let them be aware?"

    "No, mainly because it takes some real effort to try, and I probably would get tired of a voice inside my head for too long. The default setting for my ability, without me having to think about it, is when I enter a new host, their consciousness sort of just, goes to sleep."

    "So, I should feel very honored then."

    "I suppose so, but enough about me, Bekka. What about you? Let's start by seeing if you're telling the truth about my possession abilities being hot or not?"

    Bekka watched in fascination as the question appeared before her in the darkness of her mind. Then it was filled with the memory of hers that displayed itself like a fast forwarded video. It was her listening in yesterday from her sister's room. She felt the excitement rush to her pussy again, just like it had then. She also felt Nevyn move her right arm and pop open the button on her jeans. She thought she heard the zipper slide down, and then she definitely felt her finger plunge in to a very wet pussy.

    "Okay," Nevyn moaned. "You definitely weren't lying about that. Now let's see what secret, sexy fantasies you have?"

    "Oh, no!" Bekka thought as loudly as she could. "You don't have to! I'd prefer to keep my secrets!"

    "Nonsense," Nevyn said. "It's like I'm a genie offering you wishes. I'm not going to let you turn that down. Now let's see, who do you desire?"

    Bekka saw again as the words formed in her mind. Then she started seeing snap shots of the person she knew would pop up first. Pictures that only existed in her mind. Derek without any clothes on, Derek on top of her, her on top of Derek, there were a lot of them. And there was the strong sense of arousal because it was forbidden. She couldn't have him because of her and Aubrey's friendship and, "Oh, no," she thought, as she realized what would come next, "Aubrey!"

    Suddenly the pictures of Derek were replaced by ones of Aubrey. First memories of Bekka noticing how big Aubrey's boobs were becoming. Aubrey's breasts pressed up against Bekka in a hug. Bekka thinking how hot her friend was. Then her imagination went wild again with pictures of Aubrey in a small, red bikini. Aubrey in sexy lingerie. Aubrey wrestling around with her on the floor during one of their many sleepovers, their hands touching everywhere, trying to stay quiet so Mrs. Johnson wouldn't hear.

    Then as quick as they were there, the images were gone, replaced now with memories of a very sexy looking Nancy Johnson. Recalling the time Bekka had hugged Mrs. Johnson earlier in the year, and how she had accidentally had her hand on the side of one of those spectacular breasts. Images of Mrs. Johnson topless flashed in her mind. Bekka suckling at Mrs. Johnson's tits. Licking her pussy. Making her cum.

    She was suddenly aware of a powerful orgasm that rocked her body as Nevyn had been teasing her clit to the images in her mind. "Oh my goodness!" Nevyn exclaimed. "This is amazing! You're bisexual. You've been hiding that from everyone. And you secretly lust after your best friend, her mother, and her brother. Girl, I am going to make your dreams come true. All you have to do is work with me to accomplish my goal."

    Bekka was still coming down from the orgasm. "I don't...what's your goal?"

    "Well, first" Bekka felt the finger leave her pussy and Nevyn now held it, slick with her juices in front of her to count with, "I want to know why I can't possess Derek. Second, I want make him fuck his sister, his mother, and well, you now, of course."

    "And," Bekka though tentatively, "I won't lose Aubrey as a friend afterwards?"

    "I can erase whatever memories of theirs I want while I'm in them, except Derek, but I have a plan for that. Your sexual escapades will be safe with me," Nevyn promised. He now saw in Bekka's mind, that she had most definitely switched sides and would become a most helpful pawn in this increasingly sexy game.

    "Okay," Nevyn resumed, "we have around 90 minutes to play. Let's act out one of those fantasies, shall we?"

    "What are you talking about?" Bekka asked in her head as she felt a smile begin to grow on her face.

    "Leave it to me," Nevyn said confidently. "First, let me tend to some details. And I have to act fast here."

    Aubrey had finished clearing the doorway and was starting to look like she was coming out of a trance. Nevyn used Bekka's body to open the door and call out downstairs, "Nancy, walk to your car a few blocks away, and then resume your shopping activities for the day. Come home around dark."

    Bekka heard the front door shut a moment later. "Mrs. Johnson will do what you tell her to?" Bekka asked.

    "Kind of," Nevyn answered. "I was inside her for three months so she'll be especially suggestive to commands I give her. She won't remember anything I didn't want her to while I was inside her. But she will have a disturbing attraction to her son that she won't be able to help because I was sewing that in to her the entire time. It will be a real struggle for her, real fun to watch. Now pay attention, Bekka. I'm going to hop out now, and I'm afraid this next part can't be helped because it happens every time I exit someone."

    "What?" she thought fearfully.

    "You'll have a few minutes where you're very suggestible and won't be aware of anything. Someone will be home but nobody will be behind the wheel is what I'm saying. I'll leave you all your memories, normally I'd plant new ones right before I left, and then you'd just feel like you'd been daydreaming for a bit. I'll leave you to remember what happened while you were out, but I might give you a few commands so you can help me set the scene." Nevyn felt Bekka cringe in her mind, but also stay aroused. "Don't worry, you'll like it. Remember, if you want to know what those suggestions were, just concentrate hard, and you'll remember what happened while you were coming to."

    Aubrey shook her head next to her friend, clearing the mental cobwebs. "Bekka, what happened?"

    "It's now time to play my favorite game, Bekka," Nevyn said switching to Bekka's voice so as not to startle Aubrey. "Role play. There's only one rule, stay in character."

    Bekka was about to think a question at him, but felt her hand reach out and touch Aubrey. Her mind went blank. Over the next few minutes, Bekka was distantly aware that she was moving, doing things, but not much else. When she came to, it was like becoming immediately awake after a long sleep. She took in her surroundings. She was at the foot of Aubrey's bed, sitting on pillow. She looked down at herself. She was dressed in a soft pair of flannel pajamas that was too big for her chest, but felt very cozy.

    Bekka then became aware that someone was brushing her short blonde hair and talking to her. Recognition flooded her as she realized the voice was Aubrey. The memories of her conversation with Nevyn inside her own head came rushing back to her and she knew that this was not Aubrey. It was Nevyn inside Aubrey's body, and they were acting out some fantasy of Bekka's.

    She focused in on what Aubrey was saying. "So, anyways, I never really got to date much in high school. I hope college boys don't find me being too inexperienced. How does someone with hair this short get as many split ends as you do?"

    "Uh, Bri," Bekka started to ask, raising her head up a little, "how'd I get here?"

    "What are you talking about, Bekks?" Aubrey said with a little attitude. "I'm sure if you'll just think for a second you'll remember what's been going on the last few minutes."

    Aubrey paused the conversation to give Bekka time to catch up mentally. Bekka thought hard. She remembered Nevyn hopping out of her and the feeling of her mind going blank, but her mind had stayed active. She observed Nevyn, now as Aubrey digging through Aubrey's dresser, and then handing her the pair of pajamas that she was wearing now. "Change into these," she had ordered. And just like that she had taken off all her clothes and put on the pajamas. She had done it mechanically, not at all caring that someone was in the room while it was happening.

    "Bring that pillow over there, and that brush over there. Then sit on the pillow here with your back to me and give me the brush so I can brush your hair," Aubrey had commanded. In her mind she saw herself obediently fetch the pillow and brush. She had caught her reflection in the mirror and in her memory she saw the blank expression on her face. She gave the brush to Aubrey, then sat on the pillow in the position that she was in now. Someone had been in complete control of her and ordered her around. It was the hottest thing she had ever been apart of, and her pussy was drenched.

    After seeing Bekka put her head back to the original brushing position, Aubrey asked patiently, "All caught up now? Good, now where was I?"

    Bekka played back the conversation, "Um, you were talking about maybe being inexperienced with guys in college."

    Aubrey laughed. "Oh, yeah. Why don't they teach a class for that in high school?"

    "Uh, they do," Bekka said. It was interesting to her how in the excitement of what she thought might happen, she had lost her normally confident demeanor. "It's called sex ed."

    "I'm not talking about that," Aubrey said, continuing to expertly run the brush through her friend's hair. "I'm talking about learning how to kiss. Or learning how to, you know, have a boy pleasure you with his mouth down there."

    Bekka's head snapped back around so fast she thought it might come off. She took in Aubrey's expression after what she had just said. It would have made the real, conservative Aubrey very embarrassed, and sure enough, she was bright red. Nevyn's imitation game was strong. But then her eyes fell upon what Aubrey was wearing, and all she could do was stare.

    Aubrey had on a very tight, silver and shimmering pajama top. Bekka looked closer. It might not be a pajama top at all but some sort of lingerie. It clung to her, revealing very perky nipples just underneath. The cleavage it showed was breathtaking and seemed to go on forever, a panorama of youthful curved flesh that would have made the most limp man rock hard in an instant. Below that, she was wearing matching silver shorts that were way too short. Bekka couldn't tell for sure but would bet that if she had Aubrey's ass in front of her right now, she would be able to see the lower half of both cheeks.

    Bekka took all this in at a glance, but then just continued to stare at Aubrey's glorious bosom, rising and falling as she breathed. Bekka was now in another kind of trance, one guided by her own personal lust at the chance of getting to run her hands all over her best friend's body.

    "Um, Bekka?" Aubrey said, shyly, noticing her friends gaze. "My eyes are up here."

    "Oh I'm, s-sorry," Bekka stammered, looking back into her friend's eyes. "I was just, admiring your boobs in those pajamas."

    "Well thank you," Aubrey said blushing further still. "My Momma told me last week that they would make a future husband of mine very happy one day." At this she stuck them out proudly in Bekka's face, and then put on a very innocent demeanor. "You want to feel them, Bekks? They're really soft? They're like two large, bouncy pillows."

    Bekka's mouth was practically watering at the idea, but she reminded herself to stay subdued, in character. She turned around the rest of the way to face Aubrey and said timidly, "I mean, if you want me to, sure. But, is that the kind of things friends do?"

    Aubrey giggled. "No, probably not, but we're best friends aren't we?"

    "Oh, the best," Bekka said, her voice had deepened, taking on a husky, lustful quality.

    "Well, then I think it would be okay," Aubrey assured her. And she slowly took one of Bekka's hands that immediately started shaking in nervous anticipation, and placed it on her right breast.

    Bekka momentarily forgot to move, talk, blink, breathe, like her whole body was on tilt. She snapped back to reality when Aubrey said gently, "Bekks, you can't appreciate them if you just leave your hand there. You have to move it around, squeeze them a little, like this." Aubrey's hand was now guiding Bekka's hand, causing it to massage and squeeze one breast, then the other. "Oh," Aubrey moaned. "That feels really nice."

    "You should be the one to teach a class on a copping a feel," Bekka said, enraptured in the moment.

    "Ha ha, Bekks," Aubrey laughed. "It'd be the only class I'd be qualified to teach, and only because I've been blessed with big titties like my Momma's. You know, I see you looking at Mom's boobs sometimes, don't you? Just a little peek here and there, but I see you."

    Now it was Bekka's turn to blush. "Shut up, I do not!"

    Aubrey used a finger to lift her friend's face up so she could look her in the eye. "It's okay, they're really nice breasts. I bet my Daddy loves to suck on them all the time. Do you think that feels good?"

    Bekka was losing the ability to maintain rational thought. "Does what feel good?"

    "Boobs, when they get sucked on?" Aubrey said, then leaned back from Bekka's touch and took her top off, causing both breasts to spring forth and bounce before Bekka's eyes. "Nobody's ever sucked on mine and I, well I was just wondering what it would feel like."

    "Do you want me to..." but Bekka's mouth could no longer form words.

    "Yes, Bekks," Aubrey said, her own lust now becoming evident, but still maintaining an innocent tone. "Would you please suck on my big titties? We're best friends after all, so it should be alright and..."

    Before Aubrey could say anymore Bekka's mouth had dove for the slightly bigger left breast, burying her entire face in the soft mound of flesh. Now she was licking, sucking, biting the nipple with a primal ferocity that Bekka would not have thought herself capable of. She was rewarded by her passions with louder moans from Aubrey, and Bekka let a hand travel down to Aubrey's dampening pajama shorts.

    Aubrey pushed Bekka back. "What are you doing?" she asked confused and seemingly indignant.

    "I was," Bekka struggled, she had been so caught up with lust. "I wanted to touch your pussy."

    "Oh," Aubrey said, almost too innocently. "Were you going to teach me how to feel good down there too?"

    "So good," Bekka replied, grinning ear to ear.

    "But, I still don't know how to kiss properly?" Aubrey whined. "Shouldn't we do that first?"

    "I mean, sure," Bekka said. "Although, usually the order is kissing, then boobs, then pussy, but who am I to quibble. Here, I'll 'teach' you." She said this using air quotes, fully appreciating the depths of the role playing Nevyn was showcasing. "First, someone who wants to kiss you will gently move your soft brown hair behind your ear." She tucked Aubrey's hair back neatly with her hand. She had fantasized about this moment so many times. "And then they'll touch your face like this." She put a palm on her face. "Then they'll lean in, and just, kiss."

    Bekka's lips felt like they would ignite as they came in contact with Aubrey's. They stayed like that for a moment, and then Bekka felt Aubrey's tongue part her lips and expertly snake its way inside her mouth. Bekka realized Nevyn must be getting really worked up now, because he had initiated what was now a full on exploration of each others' mouths with their tongues while both of their hands started groping wildly. They paused briefly so Aubrey could pull off Bekka's top and begin expertly fondling her smaller breasts. This went on for a few minutes, and Bekka realized they were now intertwined together on Aubrey's floor, rolling around atop each other, just like in the fantasy that Nevyn had seen in her mind. Bekka thought she was really going to like switching to Nevyn's team.

    Finally, they came up for air, Bekka on top, staring into Aubrey's beautiful brown eyes. Aubrey asked, "Okay, now what did you want to show me earlier? You know, down there?"

    "Down where?" Bekka asked, feigning ignorance.

    "You know," and Aubrey said again shyly. She leaned up and whispered into Bekka's ear. "My pussy. You were going to show me how you can make it feel good."

    "I would love to teach you that," Bekka said smiling again as she slid down, hooking Aubrey's shorts with her thumbs and pulling it down to reveal a neatly trimmed bush. She parted her friend's legs, and then focused on finding the clitoris with her tongue. Bekka let her hands continues to travel and explore, running down Aubrey's legs, up her ass cheeks, and always back to the sizeable tits that Bekka would never be able to get enough of. Even though she had never eaten pussy before, she seemed to be good at it, as she heard Aubrey climax numerous times.

    After the fourth or fifth time, Aubrey got up and told Bekka that she needed to practice what Bekka had taught her. "I hope I make you proud of me," Aubrey had said, right before deftly teasing Bekka's clit with her tongue. Bekka came right away, and then more times than she could count. Then Aubrey kissed her friend tenderly and spooned her, both now naked, glistening with sweat, and trying to catch their breath.

    "So," Aubrey said, stroking Bekka's short blonde hair, "you're for sure on my side, right? Cause I need your help to achieve those goals I talked about."

    "I will do whatever you need me to do," Bekka promised. "As long as there is more where that came from."

    "Stick with me Bekks, and I'll grant every fantasy you can come up with," Aubrey/Nevyn vowed. "Now let's get cleaned up. We start tonight."

    "Which thing are we starting?" Bekka asked.

    "Well, I've already begun searching Aubrey's memories for the first thing. But tonight, we'll cross another thing off for sure. We're going to make sure Aubrey here fucks her brother. Then as soon as possible, his mother."

    "I can't wait," Bekka sighed, giving Aubrey another deep kiss before they had to get dressed.

    Derek had no idea what was in store for him as he started the short walk home from school.

    To be continued...
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