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  • Body Rentals - Elle Gets Controlled Part 2 (Chap 4, 5, 6, 7)

    Chapter by VexenFox · 14 Dec 2021
  • Elle's brother gets access to Body Rentals device, and he has fun possessing her body and humiliating her in front of her friends and family. Told from Elle's perspective, as she finds herself waking up in worse and worse situations!
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  • I woke late up the next morning. It was about 10am, the sun was shining brightly, and I could faintly hear the sounds of somebody fiddling around in another room, probably my brother.I felt fresh and well rested, which was a welcome change after yesterday’s adventures. After Sarah had left, I’d forced my aching body through the motions of getting dressed and cleaning up. I had tried to remove the small receiver from the back of my neck, but I couldn’t figure out how to get it off -- it seemed to be stuck pretty tight. I’d planned on asking Sarah how to remove it, but had fallen asleep exhausted before I got around to it. At least there was no hurry, I’d heard of people using the old-style receivers for weeks at a time with no problems, it was really more just a piece of mind kind of thing.I yawned and stretched, shaking the sleep out of my limbs. Looking around the room for something to wear, I noticed something odd -- my door was open. I never slept with the door open.As I stood up, I felt something kind of strange. That same tingling in my hands and feet that I’d felt yesterday, when Sarah used the helmet on me. That was weird, was there something wrong with the receiver? I reached behind my neck to fiddle with it again…...And then I was across the room, staring myself in the mirror. What the hell? I looked around -- nothing else had changed. I’d apparently just teleported. Had I zoned out for a second? I felt a chill down my spine. The Body Rentals unit -- it was possible to make the mount black-out when using it.I spun, searching for the helmet. I hadn’t moved it since Sarah had left yesterday, and she’d just left it out on my desk near the door... It wasn’t there. I felt my stomach drop.“It’s okay, it’s okay.”, I told myself. “Sarah’s the only one that knows how to use it. If that was a blackout just now, then it was her.” And if it wasn’t her? I reached up again and tried to peel off the reciever. It wouldn’t budge, it felt like I was going to pull my skin off before moving that thing. What did they stick it on with, bloody stitches?!Trying to keep myself calm, I pulled out my phone. I was in the middle of pulling up Sarah’s contact when I felt the tingling again. Oh noooo…...And then I was back in front of the mirror. It was freakily instant - like no time had passed at all. One moment I was about to call Sarah, and then I was staring at myself in the mirror and feeling… aroused.I was definitely wet. I could feel the dampness of my panties touching my skin, and feel the radiating warmth of arousal -- quickly fading as my definitely not horny mind reasserted itself.“Jesus Christ” I felt a deep pange of anxiety as I realised my situation. Somebody -- probably Sarah -- had taken the helmet to god knows where, and was now switching off my brain at her pleasure, to do god knows what with my body.I looked down. You have no idea what these hands were doing 2 minutes ago. I’d probably been fondled, unconscious, by my own hands. My body didn’t feel too different, except for the wetness. My boobs didn’t feel sore or anything, and I didn’t feel tired. “Maybe Sarah was just testing the black-out feature?” I really hoped that was the case.Then I felt the tingling again. “No!” I shouted. I squeezed my hands and tensed my body, I could fight it! I shut my eyes, concentrating. The feeling disappeared. “Yes!” I thought. “No stupid brain chip is gonna control this girl!”.I smiled and opened my eyes. And screamed. About an inch in front of me was a face. Okay, so it was my face, but c’mon, you don’t expect to blink and suddenly be staring at yourself, do you? I was back in front of the mirror, and feeling a little chilly. Just how long had I blacked out for? This was getting freakier by the second.I went to adjust my top and found it was gone, my cold hand brushed skin. I looked down and yelped -- I was completely naked, the cool breeze from the open window wafting over my nude form. Oh crap! I ran over and pulled the curtains. Had anybody seen me? What had happened? Maybe I couldn’t fight this thing after all.This time my body did feel a bit weird. I raised a hand to hand to my nipple, and found it puffy and sore. There were red marks on my breasts, where somebody had pawed at them. I wiggled my fingers. Somebody had pawed at them with my own hand.My vagina felt very strange, and a little sore, like I’d masturbated, but in a weird way. My clitoris was aching, but the actual opening was completely fine -- just wet. I shivered. This was too weird. I think if I hadn’t been feeling the residual horniest, left over from whoever was controlling my body, I would have been freaking out a lot more.My phone alarm went off, and I jumped. I hadn’t set an alarm? I walked over to where it was sitting on the floor amongst my clothes -- clearly thrown with very little care by “me”. I gulped as I saw the time, a whole hour had passed. An hour where my body had been moving around, outside my control, without my awareness, doing god knows what. What if I’d left the house? Insulted people? Oh god, what if I’d had sex with someone?“No”, I thought, “I would be able to feel that. Somebody has just been rubbing my vagina.” I smelt my finger. “And doing it with this hand.”I unlocked my phone and it opened straight into the video app, where a video recorded 20 minutes ago waited for me. “Jesus Christ”, they must have used my fingerprint to open my phone. Goddamn it!I clicked play, and my own face popped up, grinning. “Hiiii” the video me said in a tone that made me want to punch myself. “Want to see what I’ve been up to?”My mouth dropped open as I stared at the copy of me, waving out from the video. It wasn’t a copy of me at all, it was what my body had been doing less than an hour ago. Such a weird disconnect -- that was me. That’s my face. This voice said those things.And I didn’t know what was coming next.“I” smiled slyly at the camera, fingering my shirt. I glanced over to where it was now lying on the floor, knowing what was coming. The video me spoke. “I’ve been having sooooo much fun as you.” she winked. “But I thought I’d make this video so you get to enjoy some of it too! Isn’t that soooo nice of me?”I watched as my own face smirked at me. “I love this girly body of yours, Elle. It’s amazing what you can get away with when you have a face like this.”What have you been doing?!The video me looked down, then yanked off my shirt, ripping it slightly. I watched my own hands squeeze and poke my boobs, as if I’d never touched them before -- actually, as if I’d never touched boobs before at all. The video me was being rough, but not in a sexy controlled way, just in a “I-don’t-know-what-I’m-doing” kind of way. A sinking feeling washed over me -- I don’t think this was Sarah in my body.Be gentle you bastard! Who are you?The video me struggled to take off my bra, trying to pull it straight up without undoing the strap. It looked painful to watch, and I felt my sore nipple as I watched -- that clearly wasn’t the end of the abuse my body had been forced to do to itself.“OOooowooowwweee” came an off-putting moan as the video me finally removed my bra, and I cringed with embarrassment. Then she reached a hand in my pants, wiggled it for the camera, and stuck it right into my mouth.Fucking gross!I wanted to vomit. I looked down at my hands, and they were not at all clean. Fuck you, whoever did this to me. Fuck you Body Rentals Inc. Fuck you Sarah!Then the video me took my finger and stuck it in my ear, giving herself a wet willy. Next she stuck it in her nose, digging for gold. She gave the camera an evil look, and I gasped as I watched myself pull out a big hunk of snot… and eat it.I think I’m going to be sick.The video me didn’t stop there though, she pulled down my pants, ripped off my underwear, and waved them in front of the camera.“Lookie here! I’ve got your panties, Elle! Or are they myyyyy panties?”They’re still mine! You’re just wearing them! I’m wearing them! I mean, no! ARGH!!I watched in horror as “I” raised the underwear to my face and took a huge wiff. “Mmmmmmm” the video me said, closing my eyes in apparent ecstasy. “Feels even better in your body.”What? You’ve smelt my underwear before? Who-The girl in the video stared straight at the screen, and raised one eyebrow. “Now that’s not fair!” I hissed. “I can’t even do that!”. Still staring at the camera, right at me it seemed, she put my underwear on her head like a hat. The video me started cracking up, like it was the funniest thing in the world.“This is soooo great.” she laughed. “I can make you do anything! I wish I could see your face when you watch this. I bet it would look something liiiike…” She started making faces, moving my face muscles in ways that I couldn’t copy if I tried. She pouted, she opened my mouth wide and flipped my tounge around. She crossed my eyes, and even reached up and peeled my eyelids back so you could only see the whites of my eye.Goddamn it, I wanted to hit her. No. Focus. Who could be controlling my body like that? Sarah wouldn’t do that. In fact, no girl I knew would act like that -- not the awkward fondling, at least -- I must have been controlled by a guy. A teenage boy, just judging by the immaturity he was forcing my body through.The video me stood up, and for the first time in my life I got a close up view of my vagina from an outside angle. I’d never taken a video like this before, or any kind of nude photo. I was really kind of a prude -- though now apparently my body had done things that I never had.“Hmmm, what to do, what to do?” my voice said, knowing exactly what it was planning on doing. “I kind of feel like going for a walk. I better exercise your body while I’m borrowing it, right? Wouldn’t want you getting fat!”I watched the video, petrified, as my body picked up the phone and pointed the camera out of my window. She made no move to put my clothes back on, or take the blue panties off my head.Oh no, oh no oh no oh no!Nothing happened for a moment, and then I saw my own pert buttocks appear in the video, skipping naked through the front lawn. Jesus Christ. My body began doing a strange and awkward assortment of exercises. I watched myself hop on one leg across the lawn, my boobs bouncing every which way. Then I attempted a roll, and landed flat on my face. Ouch. Maybe some of this redness wasn’t just from masturbating... I didn’t know if that was better or worse, now that I thought about it.The teenage boy controlling my body lay me down on the ground, and tried to do a push up. “YOU’RE SO WEAK!” she - he - shouted up at the phone in the window, failing to do even a single one. “I KNEW GIRLS WERE WEAK, BUT WOW!”.Fuck you! You just have bad form!!I couldn’t tell from the camera view if any neighbours had been watching my body’s naked display, but I did see a van drive passed, slowing down as it caught sight of “me”. My body was apparently now attempting various revealing yoga poses in the front yard, showing off my nude glory to the world in a range of different positions, each one more revealing than the last.Eventually the torture ended, and I saw my body come back inside the house. But it was several minutes until “I” showed up on the video again, and I had no idea what I had done in that time.The camera shook as my own hand clumsily grabbed the phone. The video turned around and I saw my cute sweaty face grinning at me. “Well that was a fun workout!” my voice declared. “So fun I feel like I actually earnt all that ice cream afterwards. Hope it doesn’t make you feel sick!” he laughed in my high pitched tones, rubbing my belly.He tilted the phone down to show off my sweaty, grass covered body. I yelped when my crotch came into view - there was an ice cream cone stuck to my vagina. “Thought I’d have some fun with it too.” my face winked, then raised that single eyebrow again, as if just to annoy me.“There’s a lot about your body I think you don’t know, because you never had the balls to try.” I saw my own hand flick my nipple again. “But I’m going to have some more fun without you now. Be good, and maybe I won’t make you do anything tooooo bad. Hehe!”Worse than exercising naked outside!?The video cut off, leaving me staring, feeling overwhelmed. I felt my vagina. It was sticky -- and maybe not just from my own fluids, I thought. I felt a chill go down my spine.And then my hand lingered, touching my slit… I tried to pull it away, but my finger curled and rubbed suggestively. My mouth opened, and I found myself talking.“Oh, you thought that was it? No... you’re mine until dinner.”I blacked out.__I woke up with the taste of chicken in my mouth, and my hand squishing something soft.“What the hell are you doing, Elle?” came my mother's voice. She was staring at me, more shocked than angry. I looked around - I was sitting at the dinner table, and my hand was shoved all the way into the shared bowl of mashed potato.“Eww, do we still have to eat that?” asked my older sister Stacy, a disgusted look on her face. “You think I’m going to let a whole bowl of mash go to waste?!” Mum replied, rapping my hand with the serving spoon. I flinched and quickly withdrew it from the mash. What the hell had happened?“Go wash your hands, Elle. I don’t know that’s gotten into you -- first you go telling inappropriate jokes, then you try to wrestle Stacy --” “And fondle me while doing it!” “--and now you go and shove your hand in our food! If the police ever locate your father he’ll punish you good!” Mum scooped out a big spoon of the potato and dumped it on my sister plate, much to her chagrin. “And go tell your brother dinner’s ready, I haven’t seen him all afternoon!”.I ran out of the dining room as fast as I could, my face turning a deep red. What the hell had happened? Last thing I remember was being controlled by somebody -- and that was this morning. This entire day had gone by in only a few short minutes!As I climbed the stairs up to my brothers room, I noticed my clothes. I was wearing high heels -- high heels I’d never seen before in my life. My toenails were visible, and they were painted a shiny black colour. That was new. I didn’t usually paint my nails, and they had just been plain this morning. What the fuck? I looked further up. My legs had been shaved, and I was wearing a short denim skirt and tiny tank top that showed off my flat belly. I didn’t own any of these clothes, where had they come from?I could feel I had a wedgie, and I reached down to fix it, then turned a deep shade of red as I realised I was wearing a thong. Whoever had controlled me had taken me out shopping, it seemed, and they had probably spent my money doing it. That fucking bastard, who was it? I noticed something else odd as I tried to adjust the uncomfortable underwear -- I didn’t feel any pubic hair. I never bothered shaving down there, but now I was apparently as smooth as a pornstar. Somebody had gone and shaved my vagina, while I was unconscious, and used my own hands to do it. I shivered -- my body was feeling less and less like my own, and more like a communal tool that everybody was having a turn in.I burst into my brothers room, and he jumped, hurriedly scrambling away from whatever he’d been doing in his cupboard. Hiding something in there, it looked like.“What are you doing in here?” he asked, somewhat nervously. I crossed my arms over my chest, covering up the revealing outfit I’d been forced to wear.“Mum sent me up to get you for dinner. What were you doing in there?” I pointed to his cupboard. “None of your business.” he snapped. “Tell her I’ll be right down.”I had a sudden, horrifying thought. Could it be…? “Show me what’s in the cupboard!” I ordered, with as much determination as I could put into my voice, stepping forward to push him out of the way.“No way.” he said, stepping forward as well, seeming almost as horrified and panicked as I was. I pushed him as hard as I could, but my arms seemed tired and weaker than usual -- what had they been used for today? My brother stumbled back a little bit, and I continued charging past, ripping open the door to the cupboard.My heart sank. There, half covered with clothes, was the Body Rentals helmet. The device that connected to the receiver stuck to the back of my neck to control me. A deep anger rose within me -- my brother had seen me get controlled by Sarah yesterday, and he’d snuck into my room during the night to steal the helmet. He’d taken control of my body all day, ran me around naked outside, masturbated, spent my money! I was going to kill that little shit!“You fucking bastard!” I reeled toward him and shouted, so angry I could hardly breathe. “How could you do that to me?!”He seemed a little sheepish. Only a little fucking sheepish, being confronted with what he’d done! “Oh, errr, well… you know Elle, it was a lot of fun.” he smirked a little bit. “You do have a pretty rockin’ body.”I charged towards him, my hand outstretched to slap him on the face, but I stumbled in the heels he’d put me in, and he managed to dodge out of the way.“Hey, hey, take it easy, Elle! Don’t chip a nail - I spent a lot of time getting those right today!” I growled and dived at him again, this time managing to tackle him to the floor, where I landed on top of him with a grunt. I punched him, but it didn’t seem to have much of an effect -- I wasn’t feeling very strong right now, and he almost seemed to be enjoying the fight, as my boobs wobbled in front of his face as I swung.He reached up, and I ducked my head, preparing for him to try and push me off, but nothing came. A moment later I looked up again, to see what he was doing, and he grinned as he pulled out the helmet from the cupboard next to where we’d landed on the ground.Noooo!I grabbed him around the neck and squeezed as hard as I could. He slammed the helmet down on his head, and his body went limp. Then I felt a shiver go through me, and my hands loosened by themselves.Fuck you! You can’t control me!I tried as hard as I could to squeeze, just to move my hands to hit him. But nothing came. My hands let go of his neck, and wiggled themselves in front of my face.“Oh, you’re going to regret that!” my voice said, as I felt my rage turn to fear. My hands reached up, brushing my boobs on the way, and wrapped themselves around my neck.“I have complete control of you.” My hands squeezed for a second, then relaxed. “I don’t think you get it, Elle. I can make you do absolutely anything -- say absolutely anything.” I found myself chucking, then my mouth opened by itself and said, loudly. “I’m a stupid girl, and I’m really ugly and I pick my nose and eat it.”Ugh, getting controlled by your little brother is exactly as bad as it sounds.My newly manicured finger reached up and poked me right in the eye, which stayed open, not even flinching as it was poked. Fucking hell, I couldn’t even make myself blink. “And I can’t feel pain while I’m in here, so you should be careful!”He could make me do anything.I felt my wedgie got a lot tighter, and found my hand had reached down and pulled the thong further up my bottom, my vagina responding as my brother clenched it in pleasure. “And now, I’m going to go have dinner. See you in a minute!”And suddenly I was sitting at the dinner table. Like no time had passed, I was once again downstairs, and my body was feeling turned on -- my arousal having just been determined by my brother in the body of a 19 year old girl.My mother and sister were looking at me awkwardly, and I glanced down as well. I was naked.I yelped and covered myself up, feeling myself blush from head to toe. My body was aroused, again, and I was feeling cold in the evening air. Goosebumps popped up all over me -- I guess that didn’t happen automatically when I was being controlled?I was rocked with feelings from my body coming in all at once. My abs were kinda sore, as if I’d been doing sit ups. My vagina was literally dripping, though the horniness was rapidly fading as my own consciousness reasserted control.I looked down at my hands, which were feeling kind of cramped and tired. There was a bruise on my wrist, which I rubbed, annoyed. I inspected my fingers closely, trying to figure out what they had been doing without me. Normally I kept my hands clean and plain, but now they were sticky and dirty, and the nail polish Ben had painted them with earlier was already chipped.I groaned as I noticed somebody had bitten my finger nails. A gross habit of my brother, apparently retained even as he controlled my body. My mouth had been forced to bite those nails -- oh god, that’s probably the most disgusting thing I’ve ever had happen to me. I had a thing about nails.Stacy was staring at me, and she seemed utterly confused. “What the hell are you doing, Elle?”.Oh shit. I was sitting at the kitchen table, in front of my mother and sister, completely nude. I looked around desperately for my clothes, and saw them strewn around the dining room as if thrown off without a care in the world. My bra on the counter, my socks over by the stairs… my panties, sitting in the mashed potato bowl in the middle of the table.“You aren’t going to make us eat out of that again, are you Mum?” asked Stacy, only half joking. My Mum shook her head numbly. “Did something happen to you, Elle?”Of course! I could just tell them about the receiver! It was new to have one this small, but the old kind of fixed Body Rentals units had been around for a few years now, and Stacy definitely knew about those. I wonder if she suspected anything? She and Ben got along pretty well, much better than I did with either of them. If she realised I was being controlled, I’d think she’d be able to work out who it was pretty quickly. I just needed to get her to realise.I kicked myself for not asking for help sooner. Sure, I’d only been conscious for a few minutes in the entire day, so I hadn’t had much of a chance to think about it, but you know, it should have been the first thing on my mind.I opened my mouth to tell them, and then found it was still closed. Huh? Damn, these blackouts really are instant! Sensations hit me all at once. I was standing on something squishy, feeling strange. I wiggled my toes and felt myself get poked by something hard, jutting out from the squish lumps, it felt very strange. I also seemed to be much higher up than normal…The table. I was standing on the table! Standing in… I looked down at my bare foot, squashed into the communal plate of chicken.Oh my god.One of my hands was resting on my vagina - I quickly pulled it away - but the other was near my face. I could taste something funny in my mouth, but couldn’t tell what. What had my body done? How long had passed? My family were gaping up at me, apparently Ben had climbed my body onto the dinner table and posed it in front of them.“I’m being cont-”Mmmmph! Something was suddenly pressed against my mouth, something warm and wet. I opened my eyes -- which had been shut, apparently -- and saw Stacy’s face. We were kissing.Ewww!I scrambled back, horrified, as Stacy fidgeted slightly, looking embarrassed. My mother was nowhere to be seen. It was darker outside, as if a bigger chunk of time had passed. I found I was wearing my skirt again, but no underwear, and no top.“I’m being controlled by Ben!”, I shouted as quickly as I could, before he could stop me.“I know.”, Stacy replied softly.What?And then I was lying on my back, my hands on my breasts. Another time jump! I gasped. There was something running down my chest, between my legs, in my hair. I raised a hand - gravy. I was covered in gravy. Huh.Everything changed, and there was a nipple in my mouth. What the hell? I barely had a chance to take it in, when suddenly I was outside.My body wobbled, and I felt an incredible pleasure washing over me. It felt like I was a second away from orgasming, but the feeling wasn’t building, it was receding. Was that because my mind was taking over again? Had I gone through another blackout? I was standing, weakly, feeling soooo turned on… and cold. It was very cold. My nipples were like knives. Where was I?I opened my eyes. In front of me I could see the top of the little pine tree that sat in front of our house. Wha- I was on the roof! I let out a little whimper, and dropped down to my hands and knees quickly, feeling for something to hang on to. I hated heights. How the hell had I gotten up here? Forcing myself to look up, I tried to spot a ladder, but it was dark, and there was nothing within eyesight.I ducked my head and gripped the tiles beneath me as best I could, my knuckles turning white as I shivered with fear and cold. Ben knew I was scared of heights, that little shit! I could hear him laughing from somewhere down below.“I told you I could climb it!” he said to somebody. Stacy’s voice replied. “You shouldn’t have, you almost slipped off going around that corner.”Jesus Christ, the thought of my body climbing up to the roof was terrifying.“Go get the ladder!” I called, shaking. “Get me down!”“Okay”, said Ben. Then my body stood itself up, without my command, and my stomach dropped.Not like that!“You probably won’t want to watch this.”, my voice said, as I desperately tried to stop my body from skipping over towards the edge.I blinked, and when I next opened my eyes, it was day-time.“That was really hot.”, my friend Jess winked at me. “I’m so glad I’m not the only lesbian at this school.”Ben, what have you done?___________Next: Body Rentals - Elle Gets Controlled Part 3 (Chap 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)Prev: Body Rentals - Elle Gets Controlled Part 1 (Chap 1, 2, 3)
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