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  • [Jennyverse] Body Swap Drinking Game - Parts 4-6

    Chapter by Haxxare · 17 Dec 2021
  • Jenny invites the crew over for a game of King's Cup, but the deck is rigged...
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  • "Hey Claire! Your turn!" Andrew called out cheerfully while everyone was somewhat distracted by Steve.

    "Oh!" Claire mumbled and pulled out a card. Everyone immediately turned their attention to the card in Claire's hand - everyone except Steve, who was still giggling. Claire flipped a four of diamonds. "Alright! Hey Steve! Have another drink!" she said as she took a swig, bumping Steve with her elbow. He was pulled out of his world for just a minute to take a drink, before he started giggling again.

    "Well, guess it's me now?" Amy asked and drew a card, revealing the eight of spades. You watched as your body let out an audible growl, right as the card next to your body - in front of Harry - lit up. A visible shudder through the bodies of Harry and Amy later, Amy exhaled. "Mmmm, well this is different..." she said in a very different tone of voice.

    "Don't you dare..." your body said.

    "Mark? What's it to you?" she teased, voice light. "Oh right, the clothes..."

    As she said that, Harry shrugged out of his jacket. "Easy." He said.

    Amy ran one hand along her leg in a very sensual manner, savoring the rage growing on the face of whoever occupied your body - presumably still Andrew. Then, with a clink, a shoe hit the ground. She raised the other and dropped it behind her. "Relax dude!" she laughed. "Should have seen your face though!"

    Andrew laughed. Well, his body did. Your body was fuming with anger, as Andrew pulled his card. "Hey wait! I haven't done the thing on this card!"

    "Oh come on, does anyone even care about anything more complicated than taking a drink? We've completely forgotten about half the cards..." Jenny complained.

    "Whatever." Amy said, evidently wanting to actually name a mate.

    "Well hopefully I get a simpler card!" Andrew laughed and pulled his card. The card lit up just as he dropped it - the Ace of hearts. As its light faded, Andrew's demeanor faded just like the card. "Waterfall!" He muttered, shooting a sideways glare at Amy. The table drank, including you. You were next up.

    You pulled a king. Steve's matching king.

    "Aww! I was having fun!" Jenny complained after you switched out of her body. You felt that Steve was definitely a bit on the drunk side, and definitely a bit excited. "Alright... hey wait a minute! You guys switched! Drop some clothes!" Both your body and Andrew kicked off their shoes, and you did the same. Jenny, however, didn't.

    Instead, Jenny opted to peel off her shirt, throwing it aside and exposing a simple blue bra. You straight away could tell where all the guys were, as Andrew, Amy and yourself - in body anyway - tried their best to inconspicuously steal a few glances.

    "Now we're having fun!" Jenny squealed. "Ok, new rule! Socks and shoes don't count as clothes! So if you swap, take off some actual clothes!"

    "Oh hey, my turn!" Fiona said and drew her card. "I'll assign..." she started, revealing the two of hearts. She never finished her sentence as the card lit up, swapping her with Jenny. "...to Steve!" she finished with a sultry look, as she too slowly slipped off her top. She winked at you, and moved her arms in such a way that thrust her now mostly uncovered chest - with only a slightly frilly white bra  remaining.

    You gulped and took a drink, sputtering slightly. Across from you, Jenny had slipped out of her jeans and rested them neatly on the back of her chair. "I think I like these rules!" she said with a smile and a look at Andrew.

    Next was Harry. He awkwardly reached for a card, revealing another two. This time spades. "I'll send this at Fiona, I guess..." he said, eyeing Fiona with an odd look in his eye. Was that the real Fiona there?

    While Fiona was sipping on her drink, still staring at you, your own body reached for a card and flipped the eight of diamonds. "We're not doing this one are we?" your body sighed and took a drink, just for the sake of it.

    You were up next. And you flipped the black Joker...

    "Ummm..." you mumbled. This was the first Joker on the table, so no one really knew what it did yet. No one except Jenny, who was God-knows-who right now.

    Well, it turned out that she was right next to you, inside Claire. She spoke up. "Alright, so this is the black Joker. That means that if anyone wants Steve's body, they have to call ..."

    She was cut off by the sound of a chair being pushed backwards rather fast. "ME!" yelled Fiona, who had pushed her chair back with excitement. The Joker glowed, this time emitting an eerie black light. Your head spun, and you found yourself across the table, looking at Steve and Claire next to each other.

    "Alright, I'm back!" Steve slurred, before throwing his shirt behind him. All eyes turned to you. You owed a piece of clothing...

    You looked down to see Fiona's creamy breasts, in only her frilly bra. No, you weren't going to do that. That left her shorts. Blushing furiously, you gingerly undid the button on her shorts, fighting off nerves and arousal at the same time. The shorts slipped down your long smooth legs, sending a shiver down your spine. Underneath were beige panties, not as frilly as the bra that you now wore. You kicked off your shoes to let the shorts down, before lifting them up. The motion was met by a chorus of cat calls and cheers.

    "At least I'm not alone now!" Jenny joked, as she too was down to only her underwear. Only then did it sink in. You were in Fiona's body. In only her underwear. A small stutter escaped your mouth as you blushed even harder. "Oh relax, it's just a game! We're all having fun!" Jenny said, putting a hand on your bare shoulder.

    "Now that that's done, and we all know what to do if the red one comes up..." Claire said before drawing a card. She flipped a a four of hearts. "Hey, I've got the match for that! No swap, then." Claire pointed out the other four in front of her. "I do get to assign a drink though. Fiona, you look like you could use something to take the edge off." She waved at you, and you took a drink. She was right - you definitely needed it. Being in Fiona was stressful, especially since you were mostly naked and everyone was watching.

    Amy flipped the Queen of Diamonds - the only other Queen, as far as you could tell, was in front of you and they did not match. "Looks like I'm queen of questions now, Fee!" she said with some delight, as Andrew squirmed. That's right, it was Harry - maybe - inside Amy, and Andrew was visibly uncomfortable. She gave Andrew a wink and a nudge, as he picked up his card. He flipped the three of diamonds, taking a long sip of his drink.

    Jenny was up next, and she flipped... the other Joker. It began to glow, and even without prompting she called out "I wanna be Andrew!" Andrew's eyes went wide as the card flashed bright. Andrew then shook his head, grinned, and began unbuttoning his shirt. He cast it off to the side with a laugh.

    Jenny, on the other hand, looked horrified. Eyes wide, mouth half open as if she was stunned... she barely moved until Andrew prodded her in the shoulder and said "you know the rules!" Jenny let out a soft whimper from next to you as she looked around. Everyone was laughing in one way or another. You found her situation pretty hilarious, given where you had been minutes earlier. Finally she reached behind her and unclipped her bra. As it dropped to the ground, the table exploded in cheers. You looked over at Jenny's now exposed breasts, hanging in the cool breeze. Jenny looked visibly uncomfortable and you suspected it was only partly to do with the breeze.

    The fun thing about body swapping is that the perceived turn order got all messed up. For instance, it was now your turn again. You drew the third King - the King of clubs. Pouring your drink into the cup in the center, you declared that the rules would stay. It might have been the alcohol, or it might have been the fact that you'd already gone through the stress of undressing Fiona, and it seemed a shame to deny everyone else the opportunity.

    After that you passed the torch to Harry, who proceeded to flip something significantly less interesting. The three of hearts, causing him to trade bodies with a slightly disappointed Andrew. "Well, pants it is!" Andrew said, throwing his slacks over the chair. Harry took off his shirt.

    Your own body was up next. The stakes were higher at this point. You figured most remaining cards would trigger a swap. And you were right. You watched as a three of clubs was flipped - illuminating the one in front of you right now! After the swap, chugging your drink and taking off your shirt, you watched, from the comfort of your own body, as Fiona shook her head, evidently getting out of a daze. Then, with a calm smile, she took off the frilly white bra. You stared, and felt a reaction in your pants. Your crush - Fiona - topless. At that moment it didn't matter that it wasn't actually her inside. Mesmerized, you watched as she spun the bra above her head, perky tits bouncing eagerly, before sending the bra on its merry way across the room. She turned and gave Jenny a high five, before saying "Well, shall we proceed?"

    Steve, now next to you, took his eyes off his crotch for long enough to draw a card. The Ace of spades, one of the few unmatched cards still remaining. Everyone drank their waterfall, and Claire revealed the next card.

    Her card was the eight of hearts. A card in front of you lit up, before swapping you into her body. You watched as your body removed his pants, joining Andrew in the underwear-only club. You, however, had a much more interesting time removing Claire's dress. You didn't know where the clasp was, and ended up accidentally giving your hands a nice tour of her curves as you looked. No one seemed to mind, even when you found yourself cupping the admittedly very nice feeling boobs you now wore. Eventually you found the seam, under your left arm. Not-so-gracefully, you slipped the dress of and dropped it to the ground. You looked down at Claire's impressive rack - your impressive rack, seeing the black lace bra she had put on.

    Next was Amy, who revealed the six of hearts. It lit up in front of your body... who was only wearing underwear and socks. After the swap happened, your body cursed "Well, fuck it!", discarding all that was left of your clothing. Amy managed to somehow inconspicuously remove her stockings - you figured everyone was distracted by the first fully nude character at the table.

    "And first to get completely naked... Mark!" called Fiona. "Ladies, a toast!" You raised your glass, full of some awfully sweet concoction, and were joined by the other girls at the table.

    Andrew was next, revealing the Jack of spades. "Never have I ever... gotten naked at a friend's table!" he called, causing your body to scowl. Jenny, up next, jumped on the bandwagon. "Never have I ever had my first name start with M!" To that, a few people scratched their heads, before drinking. You tried to remember who had been in your body earlier, but you had lost track long ago. Finally, Fiona - "Never have I ever had to take my pants off at the table!" You drank, as did a couple more people.

    After a deep breath, Jenny drew her card.

    Jenny drew an eight of diamonds. She looked around expectantly, before realizing she drew one of the last unpaired cards at the table. A visible sigh of relief followed, before she called out "heaven?" Everyone's hands went up, except for Steve. He was distracted again. After a nudge he did take his drink, before Fiona - your gaze kept darting back to her topless body, and was causing a stirring in your pants.

    Fiona flipped over a Jack of spades - "what's this do?" she asked, scratching her head. No one could answer, so it was left at that. "Well that was boring. Oh well" she chirped.

    Harry was next, flipping over a ten of hearts. A card in front of him glowed... he had matched with himself. "Congrats, you played yourself!" Amy teased.

    "At least I get to name categories!" Harry retorted, before naming 'girls at the table'. Naturally that went around until all four girls were named, causing Amy to drink.

    Your own body was next, and he revealed a queen off the top - the queen of hearts. Everyone looked to see a card in front of Amy glowing. "Finally, a swap!" Fiona laughed. Amy blushed, realizing she was on the hook for some clothing. While Harry nonchalantly dropped his pants at the table, Amy fidgeted with her dress.

    "Want a hand?" Jenny teased.

    "No..." Amy said, blushing a little as she just pulled the thing over her head. She was left in a black lacy bra and matching panties, her pale and thin body on display to everyone. "Phew!"

    "Hey, everyone's topless now! In one way or another..." Fiona called out. "And Steve, you're up!"

    Steve was not paying much attention at all, but snapped out of it long enough to draw a card - the nine of clubs. No other cards glowed - surely that was the last unpaired card, you thought. "What's that one do?"

    "Rhyme, I think" Andrew said.

    "Whatever". Steve replied.

    "Forever", "Wherever", "Whoever", "However", "Ever", "Never", "...Fuck" was the rough progression of rhyming, ending with your body drinking. It was your turn now... and you were anxious. There were only a small number of cards left, and this meant you were almost certainly going to swap with someone. You fidgeted a bit, Claire's thighs rubbing against each other.

    "Come on, Claire!" Fiona encouraged you. "Draw a card!" And you did.

    You drew the last King.

    The King in front of Fiona glowed, gold this time. This time, the slight spinning in your head was a lot more than usual. Next thing you knew, a cool breeze was touching you... pretty much everywhere, and you were staring across the table back at Claire. That meant... you were Fiona again!

    "Clothes!" began the chant - mostly the guys, but at this point who knew who was actually in who? You gulped - your new body was wearing only panties. You'd somehow managed to miss the feeling of your exposed boobs hanging, but now that you had to move and fulfill the rules, you got to see them. Fiona's - your - breasts were kind of small, very perky, and very nice to look at. Especially from this angle. You reached past them to your panties, sliding them off slowly as you saw your pussy for the first time. Twirling your newly removed panties for everyone at the table to see, blushing furiously as you did, you looked over as Claire stripped herself of her hose, leaving her relatively overdressed in just bra and panties.

    Around you, everyone's discarded clothing began to also glow gold, and it disappeared. "Now what?" Jenny asked.

    "Now we just go and have fun!" your body replied, stood up - completely naked, you noted - and went to pour himself a drink.

    Steve jumped up and immediately ran away, cackling like a maniac. You were pretty sure you knew where he was going, and what he was going to do there. Meanwhile, Harry approached Amy, stroking her bare skin with his hands, causing her to shudder in surprise. Jenny looked over with an offended look on her face, to which Harry laughed and said "you want to join?" Proceeding to slip a hand up Amy's bra, he walked her over to Jenny, who kissed Amy on the lips. Shortly afterwards, the three of them disappeared off to a bedroom.

    Andrew and Claire looked at each other, shrugged, and went to join your body with a few drinks. Leaving you somewhat alone, completely naked, and in the hot body of your crush. Deciding this was a chance like no other, you silently slipped away, looking for some privacy. You eventually found it in a spare bedroom - having walked past Steve's bathroom, and the bedroom where a threesome was going on.

    "Ahh..." you let out a moan in Fiona's voice. Now that your clothes were gone anyway, there wasn't much you could do. Not that you minded, you had plans right now. A devilish grin broke out on your face as your hands traveled all over your body, getting to know the curves and contours of your new form. A grin turned into a look of pure elation as your hands found their way to your nethers, and began fiddling around...
No more chapters.
None ∙ 23 Feb 2025