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  • Switch Witches: Date Night

    Chapter by MagicLottie · 01 Apr 2023
  • A short romantic story about two witches on a date, with a twist! They play a game, and the loser of their challenge has to drink an obedience potion!
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  • “Double, double toil and trouble, fire brew and cauldron bubble!” a woman chanted, the room dark aside from the light coming from her stove top. A ladle in one hand while her other was empty, having just dropped something in the pot she was working with. “Er… what was the rest of this incantation…?”

    “If you put an eye of newt into our dinner again, I’m not playing fair!” another woman shouted from another room. Getting the first to wince and look at the ingredients next to her. One group was labelled ‘for dinner’ while the other was ‘for later.’

    She was thankfully using the items from the correct group of ingredients. Carrots, diced onion, garlic, cumin, potato, bay leaves and of course. Beef. Braised before hand and left at a perfectly cooked medium rare, juices marinating with the stock and aromatics as the pot bubbled. A spoon was carefully lowered in after the finishing touches of seasoning were added, stirring it gently to make sure every flavor got to dance as it cooked.

    “There!” the woman said, putting a lid on the pot and grabbing a timer. “It’ll be ready soon!”

    “Are you using the kitty kat timer?” the other woman said, still from another room. “That one makes the cutest noise when it’s done!”

    “I am!” the woman said, stepping out of the kitchen with the timer in hand. “You made it after all, Mica.” Now that she was out of the kitchen she kept dark entirely for mood lighting, despite obvious safety issues, in her hand was a modified egg timer, with a calico cat in a chef’s hat on top.

    “Still bringing it out on nights like tonight?” Mica laughed, sitting on the plush sofa. “Filled with confidence aren’t we, Layla?”  She was wearing a black tee shirt, with a pink broken heart with a bandage over it, a blanket covering her from the waist down and fingerless leather gloves. Her black hair was a tangled ball of knots thanks to being done up in a ponytail, and she was carefully using a brush to manage it.

    “I mean… after what happened last time?” Layla mumbled as she turned the timer and set it down between her partner as it gave a little tuned meow. She was wearing jeans missing most of the left leg and a red tee shirt, with her blue hair done up in a braided ponytail. “I think my feet are still sore from carrying you everywhere.”

    “And the time before that?” Mica chuckled, motioning for her girlfriend to sit down next to her. “Where I made you moan all night long with any touch, you couldn’t even sleep until it wore off.”

    “And that’s why we only do this when we don’t have work the next morning,” Layla said, trying to resist giggling as she remembered what happened. “But tonight will be different!”

    “Like how it was so different when I had you forget that you were naked and spent all day walking around my place with everything hanging out?”

    “Yes! But still! I’m going to win tonight babe!” Layla said, standing triumphantly as her girlfriend gave a skeptical eyebrow raise. There was a beat, only the awkward silence of Face Off playing in the background as the two women stared each other down.

    And then launched into a full make out session despite the mood killing movie. Their hands cupped each others’ waists as they let the movie play and the timer slowly tick down. Their hair mixed as Layla leaned forward, carefully pinning her partner in witchery and romance.

    “Meow! Meow! Meow!” the timer interrupted. Getting both sapphic sorceresses to stop mid kiss. It kept meowing as they both flushed as the very awkward face touching scene started to play on the television, and both sat up.

    “Right. The stew!” Mica giggled as Layla fumbled off the couch and ran to the kitchen. Adjusting her top and buttoning up her jeans again. “Oh, wow you were really eager.”

    “Food first, making me a quivering mess next week.” The culinary caster mumbled, disappearing around the corner, and let out a content sigh as the aroma of perfectly cooked beef stew filled the house.

    “Next week? You mean tonight babe.” Mica teased, knowing her partner's face was red. Both witches enjoyed the build up to these date nights, the teasing, the romance, the bad movies, it was perfect. That’s why she picked Nic Cage movies, something silly and dumb to destress before they got to their ‘friendly’ competition. “I have big plans for you.”

    “I made plans for you too!” Layla shouted back, carefully dishing out two bowls of soup and grabbing bread rolls. “I’m just not gonna give you a hint before I win tonight!”

    “Oh really?” Mica cooed, giving a look as she magicked over two tv trays. “No hints? Not at all? Nothing special planned from my kitten?” She winked, watching her partner turn beet red in the light of an explosion from the movie. “Not at all? Just going to stay quiet until I make you purr?”

    “How do you keep winning when you play your hand that early?!” the chef mumbled, sitting down after handing over the dinner.

    “Because you waaaant it,” her girlfriend teased as she reached over and started patting Layla’s head. Getting a soft hum in response as her eyes closed. “Why, if we didn’t have to eat first, I’d definitely start now.”

    “Stop having such good fingers and then maybe I’ll resist a bit more,” Layla pouted, looking at her girlfriend as she started laughing. “Oh, I really just said that didn’t I?”

    “Magic fingers are my specialty!” Mica laughed, not missing a beat as she put a hand under her girlfriend’s chin. “Now then, I’ll be sure to treat you well after we eat babe.”

    “You mean I’ll treat you well!” she countered, sitting back as she started to eat. The two of them slowly lost all desire to talk as the stew was consumed. The beef melting in their mouths, the potato and carrots adding a beautiful texture to each bite, and the rolls absorbing the stew and leaving both women satisfied.

    “Okay.” Mica sighed, snuggling up to her girlfriend. “If we ever do a cooking bet, you’d win.”

    “Easily! And I’ll win tonight too!” Layla beamed triumphantly. Letting out a triumphant and incredibly overconfident laugh before their challenge had even started. “And you’ll be my plaything!”

    Mica smirked, not saying anything aside from letting an eyebrow raised skeptically. Her girlfriend’s laughter slowly, incredibly slowly, faded into an awkward chuckle. There was a pause, only the last action scene of Face Off filling the room as they both quieted down.

    “…What was the challenge again?” Layla mumbled, realizing she had not actually prepared for anything but her victory. Her fingers slowly pressed against one another awkwardly as she got a deadpan stare in response. “I uh… forgot.”

    “Oh dear, really?”

    “I got excited about cooking for you again…” she mumbled, getting her girlfriend to start laughing even harder. Her face turned beet red with every wheeze that she made. “I like cooking okay!?”

    “I-I know!” Mica said, trying to stop laughing before pulling Layla into a kiss. “It’s just so cute I couldn’t help but laugh.”

    “If I’m so cute then will you let me win?”

    “You’re cuter when I have my hands wrapped around your waist, so. No.” the guest in the house smirked, getting a stuck-out tongue in response after a few more minutes of kissing.

    “So, the challenge?” Layla said, slowly realizing she may have already lost. “What game were we going to play?”


    “Dream Course or Air Ride?”

    “Air Ride, cause we’re going to be using our feet.” Mica grinned, removing the blanket, and quickly ripping off her socks. “Now let’s get set up!”

    “Can we at least play a round of City Trial after?”

    One GameCube set up later.

    “I want the wireless one!” Layla said, holding the wavebird out of reach from Mica, who refused to move from the couch. “You won last time so it’s only fair!”

    “Distance won’t help you win anyway babe.” Her partner teased as they started the game. “You know how good I am with my feet.”

    “Don’t mention foot jobs, I’m getting into my Gamer Zone.” Layla deadpanned as she locked eyes with her part of the screen and selected her vehicle. “Pro Gamer time, the pro-est of pros”

    “Pro at being my vibrator for a week maybe.” Mica laughed, not remotely worried about losing to her girlfriend. “You’re gonna be wishing I chose something easier in a hot minute babe.”

    “It’s Kirby! How hard could it be!”

    One run through each course later.

    “I lost.” Layla said, looking at how she hadn’t finished any course past 3rd place. In other words, last place. A complete blow out as she was naturally running into walls with her feet at the controls. “Nooooooo! I was in gamer mode!”

    “No johns, even if I won because I took my top off.”

    “Boobies are good though; I can’t look away!”

    “And weren’t you in gamer mode?” Mica smirked, letting her girlfriend admire her chest despite the loss. “Can you really blame me for winning?”

    “Can we do a city trial round first at least?” Layla chuckled nervously, knowing she wouldn’t be able to convince her partner regardless of whatever outcome came from that.

    “Nope!” the winner laughed, carefully readjusting her top. “No runbacks until next week!”

    “Can I at least pick the game?”

    “Loser chooses after all!” Mica grinned, standing up and walking to the kitchen. “And now I’ll go make my prize.”

    “Can I get a hint at least?”

    “Not a chance! It’s no fun until you see the video tomorrow!” Mica laughed as the light turned on in the kitchen. “You know the deal babe.”

    “I know, I know…” Layla sighed, turning red as she pulled open a drawer to grab a phone stand. “At least can I get more head pats this time?”

    “The potion only works for eight hours; I gave you seven and a half hours of head pats last time!”

    “But I LIKE head pats!”

    “I am not patting you for more than seven hours forty-five minutes!” There was a pause as Mica looked out of the kitchen, her girlfriend sitting on the arm of the couch with a pouty face. "Puppy eyes won't work on me either babe."


    "Nice try though," the winning witch laughed. "Gonna go with something sweet for a flavor~"

    "Grumble, grumble," layla said, getting a confused look from her girlfriend.

    "Did… did you just, say, grumble out loud because I didn't fall for your cuteness plan?"

    "And if I did?"

    "Then i'm adding habanero peppers to the potion."

    "I DIDN'T I DIDN'T!"

    "Good girl, now let me brew."

    One hot brewing session later.

    “Okay, potion’s on!” Mica said, walking out to the living room again with a cup of pink bubbling liquid. Layla however was nowhere to be seen, or so she’d like to think. “Really babe? I can see your butt poking out behind the couch.”

    “No you can’t!” Layla said, shuffling a bit to be completely concealed. “You didn’t win!”

    “I won, now you can be a brat once you drink it like we agreed!” the victorious witch laughed as she started chasing her girlfriend around the couch. “You lost fair and square!”

    “That doesn't mean I'm gonna make it easy for you!”

    “Babe, was playing horny cat and mouse your idea for this week?”



    Layla was now standing up with the potion right under her chin. Mica looked at her with a raised eyebrow and confident smile.


    “Just drink the potion, please?”

    Wordlessly other than some quiet grumbling, Layla grabbed it, slowly, dramatically, and most importantly, with a playful grin. Downed it. There was a pause as she handed the bottle back.

    “So… how long does this one take to work?” she asked, getting only a sly grin from Mca as the bottle was set down on the table. “A few minutes or… oh…” her words trailed off as her eyes glazed over.

    “Not instant, but fast enough my dear,” Mica chuckled as she gently took her girlfriend's hand. Carefully made sure she was supported as the potion took effect, slipped an arm around her waist and carefully walked her away from the living room. “There’s a good girl…” she whispered, carefully moving as she watched Layla’s mouth change from a relaxed slack position into a dopey grin.

    “Good… girl…” she mumbled, still grinning as her eyes glazed over even more. Every step was now being taken extremely carefully as Mica led her into a back room, right to where a bed was waiting.

    “...Really babe?” she sighed, a banner that said ‘Layla wins!’ with party hats and confetti on the bed was what greeted her when the light turned on. “You were that sure?” Her girlfriend slowly nodded, still being put under due to the potion.

    “Yes…” she mumbled, Mica forcing her laughter down as she carefully walked towards the bed. “...very… sure…”

    “God, you’re cute.” Mica snickered, carefully letting her girlfriend lean back. Not to sleep, but instead wait for her. After all, an obedience potion was only part of the fun.

    “Now then…” the witch in control mumbled, as she looked through her bag for what she had planned. “What to do, what to do, what to do with you?” Potions were Mica’s specialty, granted for witches that was almost to be expected. Where Layla was better was with charm magic, so the two made sure there were plenty of components for spells around their abodes.

    Mica looked around, not quite sure if she wanted to go as literal as cat and mouse for the night. She may not have said it but she was definitely in more of a mood for some snuggling than outright sex. There’d still be some, why not take advantage of her partner's consent after all? But she wanted to be more intimate.

    “Archibald!” she said, remembering the little noodly friend that Layla kept. A ball python in an enclosure perfect for it to slither around in. And thankfully for Mica, still had a small bit of his shedding on the end of his body. She looked at the snake, the snake looked at her, mouth seemingly forced into a goofy smile as it was starting to eat. He wiggled in response to his name.

    Mica slid the top of the terrarium open, noting Archibalds cowboy hat sitting on the cold side of the terrarium. She sighed, attempted to put it on the snake, and grabbed a few bits of shedding for her witchy ways.

    “You need more hats.”

    Archibald wiggled happily on the heated part of the tank in agreement.

    “Snake safe hats, we’ll make some for you next week little guy.” she said, the snake now continuing to swallow his dinner as his mind wandered to what hat he would get. Perhaps a wizard hat, or a pirate hat, not that the snake knew what either of those were.

    “And now,” she said, dropping the shedding into a vial. “Snake and mouse night begins~” she shook it, vigorously, and watched as it went from clear, to pink, to a dark violet. “Perfect, and now for the other…”

    Mica was lucky that her girlfriend loved keeping animals, and that they all had silly hats. A few mice that were probably getting too many snacks were more than happy to get brushed for some fur scraps.

    And yes, Archibald was too small to harm them. And yes, they also all had tiny hats.

    That was of course the easy part, now with two magic vials Mica had one challenge. Remembering which one was which. One issue the witch faced was a lack of label makers, with every type of potion unfortunately being the same color it would lead to various issues.

    The two witches still laughed about the time they accidentally drank clown potions, confetti was still being picked out of the walls from time to time.

    “Oh Layla~” Mica said, looking at her entranced half lucid girlfriend. Still laying on the bed with a dopey grin on her face. “I got a treat for you~”

    “Baaabe~” She looked up, just a bit, her movements sluggish as she gave a sleepy, heavily entranced wave. “Hiiiiii!”

    “Kept you waiting~” she teased, keeping an eye on the potion for herself. ‘Left hand snake, right hand mouse’ she thought, realizing the mistake of changing things on the fly when identical potions were involved. “How’re you feeling?”

    “Gooood!” was the response, her entranced gamer gf now trying to sit up. Mca sighed as she walked over, just looking at her made her heart flutter, especially when she was the equivalent of a remote controlled cuddle ditz.

    “Good girl,” Mica said as she carefully sat on the bed, wrapped an arm around Layla, lifted one of the potions to her lips, swapped it for the correct one, and moved her mouth next to the entranced woman's ear. “Drink.”

    “Mmmm no”

    “How are you bratty even when controlled?”

    “Tooooooo smart for you! Now gimme the drink!” Layla babbled, trying to reach for the snake potion.

    “Shhh,” the other witch said, putting the mouse potion to her partner's lips. “Just drink this one slowly, carefully, and tell me if anything feels wrong. Okay?”

    She nodded as the concoction slowly passed her lips, Mica taking careful movements to make sure not a drop was missed, and that she drank it with no risk. There was a pause before she downed her own potion, knowing the transformation would take a moment.

    No witches, warlocks or wizards knew why transformations always started in the feet, but they did. So for Layla, despite the potion dulling her awareness, started to giggle. Her feet grew soft white fur that started poking out from her toes, her face elongating into a cute little nose and whiskers. Her ears disappeared and popped out of the top of her head, much larger than before as they took on an adorable mousey appearance.

    For Mica, she was more than happy to ditch her legs. The darn things were just a pain to buy pants to put on them anyway.  It started at her toes, elongating and fusing into a single point as her joints popped, bones melting and fusing with muscle. After all, most of a snake was just muscle, despite what halloween decorations would lead people to believe. Her jaw popped, widening just enough to allow her jaw to unhinge, should she need to for whatever reason. Little fangs poked their way out and sat on her lower lip comfortably as scales formed along her body.

    “Ahh…” she sighed, feeling a few knots in her back remove themselves as it continued. With her entranced mouse morph sitting giggling as she played with her longer fingers and tail in a daze. Her body elongated as she slowly slid out of her clothing, the tail grew as she stretched, settling around at least four times the length of her body. “Much, much better to be like this.”

    “Tail go wiggle!” Layla babbled, her face now sporting an adorable set of large front teeth.

    ‘And yep, her mind is putty in my coils’ Mica grinned, letting a forked tongue escape her lips as the changes finished for them both. She reached out, her hands gently cupping the soft fur of her girlfriends mousey face. There was a squeak as the obedience potion retriggered, locking her gaze on Mica’s face.

    “Now my little mouse~” she teased, letting her body start to wrap around the morphed witch. The fur felt amazing, meaning he mice had been taken care of expertly if this was the effect of the potion. “Shall I give you a hug?”

    Layla squeaked, her whiskers twitching in excitement as the reptilian coils started binding her feet. She didn’t really have the option or ability to say no, due to the potion and all, and only wiggled in response as her lamia-fied girlfriend kept on coling.

    “...I could totally skip the sexy stuff and just hold you like this because you’re so damn soft and cute!” Mica whispered, letting her tongue brush Layla’s neck. “Would you like that, my good mousey girl?” she nodded, despite her senses being dulled she was turning completely red, even through the fur, and gave a slow nod.

    “Y-yessss! Layla wants hugs!” she squeaked as Mica gave her a quick kiss on the nose. Her coils wrapping them up and tangling the mouse's tail with the tip of hers. She moved slowly, letting her body act like a tight blanket with every inch of restriction she added to Layla.

    “Let me know if I’m being too tight,” she whispered, using her longer body to grab the blanket from the bed and added it to the pair. “I want you snug, not struggling.”

    “Mmm, cozy...” Layla mumbled, her eyes drooping as Mica finished constricting her. A pillow moved just behind her head as ica gave her another kiss.

    “Good,” the lamia giggled, giving her girlfriend a flurry of kisses as she settled in. her tongue flicking out as she felt the warmth of her girlfriend settle in. “...Absolute control and I settle for soft cuddling as animals we love. Wow, I'm the biggest dork.”

    When everything reverted the next morning she was met with a very disappointed Layla, who was expecting to not walk straight for a month. But there was always their next date night to make that fantasy come true.
No more chapters.
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