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  • Life Between Man and Posh Woman

    Chapter by danny_tg95 · 22 Feb 2022
  • A posh adult woman get effected from a chemical expolison and melted to a slimy puddle. She has to find a host body to gain her body. She finds a 23 year old man to enter him. After she enters she realizes that she can transform the boy into her and control the body.

    The boy gets aware of everything while he is her but changes his consciousness to hers and gonna cause weird problems for boy.
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  • Helen Johnson is a 50-year-old high society woman from a wealthy family. She had three marriages so far, and the marriages were short-lived. Her family has a large conglomerate of companies. However, her grandfather and father who founded the company are no longer alive. Helen, who does not like to deal with company affairs, has never used her authority in the company anyway. She continues her life with the money and property wealth left by his family. At the same time, she still owns some shares in the company and only receives an annual dividend equal to his share. Helen, who is not very successful in family and relationship affairs, has devoted herself to high society events in her community affairs and private life. Even if she has a wide circle, she has no real friendship with anyone. The tenacious and ostentatious society environment he was in made Helen an unfriendly person to his surroundings. Despite being 50 years old, she has maintained her physicality, has a large build, is tall, has brown hair and dark skin.

    Helen has a secretary named Daphne who arranges her official paperwork and appointments for events. Daphne, who is married, has a 23-year-old son named Dennis. He graduated from university and started to work in a company as a white collar worker with the reference of his mother's boss Helen. Dennis is grateful to her for this reason. However, there is no close intimacy between them. After all, he's his mother's boss. However, even though Dennis tries to suppress it inside, she finds Ms. Johnson very sexually attractive...

    Earlier, Helen had attended a special event and all eyes were on her. She left the place at night, and instead of leaving by car or taxi like she usually does, she walked home. When she was  just a short distance from her house, a heavy vehicle full of chemicals passed by Helen. Just as the truck was passing by, the vehicle suddenly swelled and burst in a magnificent explosion and the chemicals inside erupted outward splattering everywhere including all over Helen. The force knocked Helen to the ground. After feeling a little dizzy, Helen tried to get up and just as she was about to get up, her body strangely turned into a slightly slippery liquid and began to spill onto the floor in threads of liquid.

    Panicked, Helen exclaimed "WHAT's happening to me–!?"  Her whole body melted and dripped away becoming a slimy… liquid puddle and fell to the ground rapidly. The puddle’s color resembled the color of her skin and the clothes that she wears as if they were mixed together. Helen was not dead however. She was quite conscious of her new form and predicament, and soon found that she could still SEE and MOVE as this “puddle.”

    She thought to herself, "...What’s happened to me, this is so disgusting... what will happen to someone like me?"  She attempted to move, and found she was able to move around. She tried her hardest to return to her normal form, but all that occurred was a ripple in her liquid form. She was stuck this way.  Afterward, people and police from around the area took notice of the mangled truck and they rushed to the scene, taking no notice of Helen The Puddle. She tried to speak and shout at the people walking by, “Help me!” but they couldn’t hear her… Even more horribly, some even stepped on her slimy formation.  "Oh, this is disgusting, I wish I never walked home." The crowd of people only grew, and since no one took notice of Helen… Helen drifted along the pavement towards her home thinking to herself, “Oh well… There is no help for me here.”

    She entered the house by being dragged through the gap under the entrance door. She tried to reform again so she could use the door normally. However, she could only lift herself up a little in mass, but she still couldn’t regain her physical body. After a few forced attempts, she gave up feeling sorry for herself and slipped under the crack under the door, "Is this the end for me?" Helen, who is left with no-one among her 1st degree family members, is reluctant to ask for help from her own circle of friends. Afterall, none of her friends around her are true friends.

    While gliding towards the living room, she spotted her TV remote on the ground under the couch. “Oh that’s where the remote was!” She paused for a moment, “I wonder if there is any news about what happened…” She slid under the couch and gripped the remote with her slimy wet tendrils and pulled it out from under the couch. She then proceeded to turn on the TV with the remote.

    There was breaking news about the explosion directly on the television.

    News headline: An explosion of a tanker carrying dangerous chemical goods caused great damage and loss of life. The personnel driving the tanker lost their lives. The neighbourhood is quarantined. The chemical substance that caused the explosion remains a mystery. However, according to the information received at the site of the accident, the atoms of the matter and living things contaminated by the chemical have been scattered.

    After Helen watched the news, she remembered the physics-related subjects that she was very successful at in high school. She thinks, “I think my atoms were separated and my form was destabilized… Could I potentially merge with another living being? Can I MERGE my atoms with someone elses and get my own body back?”

    “I can't think of anything else, but I need to try this urgently!!”

    The first person that came to Helen's mind was Mrs. Daphne, who was her father's assistant. She had made up her mind to go inside Daphne. She knew what she was going to do would be very weird and awkward, and it wasn’t even guaranteed to be possible, but she also knew that she had no choice but to try.

    Helen immediately left her house and crawled down towards Daphne's house. Interestingly, Helen was floating off the ground as an airborne liquid. She was aware of this, but she didn't pay much attention to it as her mind was set on getting her body back at that moment.

    When Helen finally reached Daphne's house, she slipped under the door of the house and saw that Daphne and her husband were intensely arguing in the living room. Not wanting to intervene in this discussion, she was reluctant to get involved with Daphne. Thinking, “It would be weird for me slip inside her when her husband is with her…”, Helen's 23-year-old son Dennis came to mind for a moment and thought, "...Of course! If Dennis is in his room, I could try to go inside him, I hope he is asleep, it would be more comfortable for me to enter" then she glided up the stairs. She entered Dennis's room by gliding gracefully under the door and fortunately found Dennis asleep.

    Helen was relieved about the situation, but now she thought about how to get into his body. She drifted slowly onto the bed and circulated over him as a slimy liquid puddle. Seeing that Dennis's mouth was open, she said "I wonder if… I can get in here", but she was also very disgusted and prepared herself by thinking "I can't believe I'm doing this" and slowly slid into Dennis's mouth and Helen’s slimy puddle spread throughout Dennis’s insides. Meanwhile, strange rumbling noises came out from Dennis's body and his whole body started to shake and wobble. Fortunately again… Dennis remained asleep, but the wobbling and shifting of his body brought pleasure to the sleeping Dennis. From Helen's point of view, everything was dark and she fell asleep while inside.

    In the morning, Dennis woke up and smelled an unusual salivary liquid in his mouth that did not belong to him. It was an odd, heavy, sourish, yet sexy smell. Dennis  did not understand what was happening, wiping the saliva with his hand, but at the same time he continued to smell it, curious about the odor. He felt unusually heavier… and when he stood up, it felt like something inside him slushed around . He didn’t mind however and went to the bathroom to get ready for work.

    Helen began to wake up, and found she was looking through Dennis’ eyes, and felt every part of his body as if it was her own. Even Dennis's penis felt like it was her penis, "This is very strange," she thought.  When Dennis went in front of the mirror, Helen saw herself as Dennis in front of the mirror. Helen wondered, "Have I become a man?" “Where would I get my own body? there must be another way”, she thought and strained herself.

    Meanwhile, Dennis, who was unaware of Helen, felt weird and hazy, his body started to wobble and grumble as Helen began to move around inside of him. Although Dennis enjoyed this sensation, he was worried about what was happening and then the slimy liquid started to suddenly cover Dennis's body. The sexy saliva-like liquid continued to spread more over his entire body. Dennis became very afraid, but his body tensed up unable to do anything. The slimy saliva (liquid) covering Dennis’s body began shapeshifting Dennis’s form. Dennis felt their body expand, their ass and hips swelling, breasts forming, and Dennis’s dick and balls disappearing and inverting inward. He witnessed all the changes to his body in front of the mirror. Finally, the slime around Dennis changed the structure of his body, the slime fades and Dennis noticed  that he has turned into Helen.

    After this strange transformation, Dennis blinked his eyes, looked in the mirror, examined Helen's body and began to caress this body. He could feel the mature sexiness of Helens's body. Dennis spoke with  Helen's voice, "So this is how I transform." “But what about Dennis? Did I kill him? Would it be weird if I went to Daphne like this? I need try to explain the incident to Dennis."

    After Dennis talked by himself in Helen’s body, he took a pen and paper and wrote,

    "Dear Dennis

    I'm Helen. I am inside you right now, and I just transformed your body into my own body. You probably won't remember anything, so I want you to read this. My body melted from an explosion that passed next to me last night and I turned into a strange liquid. I came to your house when I had a theory that I could get my body back by merging with another person. SUCCESS! At first I was going to merge with your mother, but then I decided to flow inside you instead. We have to act together on this and you need to help me my dear. Please…"

    When Dennis finished writing, he put the paper on his desk and said, "I have to transform into Dennis again... but how?" and forced himself again remembering the feeling he had before when he transformed into Helen. Helen's body deteriorated and liquefied again and became slimy and fluid. But just as it melted and fell to the ground, the liquid slime rises again and turned into the body of Dennis. He regained his body, and his dick returned. After Dennis had completely transformed back to normal, he said, "Yes, now it's time to read the note..." but then Dennis felt strange.

    Dennis says, “what… what did I just do… Did I turn into Ms. Johnson???”

    While Dennis was morphed as Helen, he thought that everything that he said was said by his own will. But now he did not understand why he was saying such things and writing what he wrote on the paper.

    When Dennis realized this, he felt that there was a change to his face and he said, "What’s happening?” and touched his face with his fingers. When he looked in the mirror again, his face liquefied and turned into Helen's face.

    Helen's face spoke, “I am inside of you Dennis”.  I’m the one who said all the things you think you said. I wrote on the paper. I thought you were unconscious… but apparently you were not. You thought my speech, and my actions were your doing.”

    Even though Dennis's face changed to Helen's, he could speak and see. But couldn’t move ‘their’ head. Shocked, he said, "Hel— …Ms. Johnson, I understand your situation, but you have no right to do this to me, this is my body."

    Even though Dennis found being Helen sexually pleasurable, he also found it much too strange and shocking. Dennis exclaimed, "Please get out of me!"

    Helen's face fell and said “I supported and helped you to get a good job so you owe me don’t you think?” But after a silent pause, she remarked, "Okay, I'll get out, but  you have to help find me another body." Dennis, accepted her offer but he didn’t take her offer so seriously and he replied "Ok, ok, please leave my body." Helen's face quickly reverted back to his own. He touched it again and said, "Well… Where did she go?" But right after that, Dennis’ body starts to wriggle and grumble. His stomach started to cramp up painfully. Dennis’s body wriggled faster and faster and he yelled “What the HELL!!, OH- I'm going to shit!”.

    He ran so fast to the bathroom. As soon as he took off his pants and underpants, Helen's slimy puddle came gushing out of Dennis's ass and spilled onto the ground. After Dennis fartted out Helen’s slimy puddle, he became relaxed but exhausted as well while sweat ran down his face.

    Dennis looked to the ground and saw Helen’s puddle. The air in the room smelled thick, heavy and sour. Helen’s puddle crawled around. Stressed, Dennis thought about finding Helen a new host.  After catching his breath, Dennis looked at Helen's puddle and said, "Ok, I’ll allow you to enter me. But you will not interfere with my daily life. You can only morph into yourself when I have free time."

    Just later on, the liquid immediately crawlled and climbed up Dennis’s body and approached his mouth. Dennis gulps. With his hands, Dennis took the dense slimy liquid and swallowed it. It tasted like a sexy and sour saliva, but Dennis was disgusted and also aroused when choking down the liquid. After swallowing all the liquid, his body started to move again and rumbled.  Dennis's face turned into Helen's face again and Helen said, "I got it dear. That was my thought, anyway.”

    Dennis said, “So this is how we will communicate. When my face changes to yours”

    “If I turn into you, I will feel your consciousness as my own consciousness. This is very strange.” Helen says, "There is nothing to do, you have to go to work, right? Let me give your face back" and Dennis's face returned to normal.

    Dennis felt very strange on the way to work. Because she is his mother's boss, 50-year-old Helen is inside him, which gets inside his body as a nasty slimy puddle and comes out through his ass. Moreover, Dennis is aware that his body could turn into Helen at any moment, and he is also aware that the consciousness he will feel when he becomes Helen will be Helen's consciousness and he will involuntarily act like a woman. This situation made Dennis a little unsettled, but at the same time, he was excited and aroused as he would turn into the 50 year old high society woman, sexy milf Helen after his shift ends.
No more chapters.
anon_961574c916c0 ∙ 10 Mar 2025