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A jealous bully uses a magic spell to try to get with someones girlfriend.
Similar Stories on Outfox
“Mark! We’re heading to my room, don’t bother us!”
Mark could hear his sister and her friends make their way up the stairs, past his room, and into Jenny’s room at the end of the hall. He sighed and leaned against the wall. If he listened carefully, he was just barely able to make out the sounds of conversation. They were hushed, perhaps they were aware that he might be listening? Or maybe the walls were thicker than he thought?
His phone buzzed in his pocket. It was his mom, texting him that she and his dad had arrived at the next town. Recently, one of their cousins was getting married and so both his parents were invited, but both he and Jenny declined to go.
Their official reasons were to catch up on schoolwork and while that was partially true in Mark’s case, the real reason was that neither of them really liked their cousin Ben, and a weekend free at the house seemed like a fun distraction.
Mark rubbed his eyes as he remembered the math assignment he had to do earlier. He hated fractions.
On the other side of the wall, the girls started laughing. He wondered what it was about. If perhaps Victoria told a funny joke or Susan made a small mistake. Perhaps they were talking about him, and how weird they found him to be.
His phone buzzed. He looked down and saw it was Jimmy texting him that he, Zack, and Brayden would be there in about an hour. They’re just waiting for Brayden to finish with soccer practice. Mark replied ok and went downstairs. He made sure the door was unlocked for them and that the outside light wouldn’t turn on to alert anyone that more people had come inside.
“Oh, hi Mark!” Victoria had come downstairs, “I was just going to get some water, how are you doing?”
“I’m fine.” Mark replied, “Just checking to see if there was anyone outside.”
Victoria frowned, “You expecting someone? You didn’t piss off the wrong people, did you?” she joked.
Mark chuckled, “No. Just expecting some mail. It’s supposed to come in later today.”
“Alright.” Victoria said, “Well… we’re all upstairs… so yeah.”
And with that Victoria left. A part of him wanted to call out to her, to ask her to stay with him for a little while longer. But he wasn’t sure that would have been a good idea. She would just end up laughing at him.
An hour later, Mark received a text from Jimmy saying they were outside. Mark opened the door and let them inside, reminding all of them that they needed to be quiet. Unlike Jenny, who got permission from their parents to have friends over, Mark wasn’t allowed to have guests in the house.
They shuffled into the basement, making sure not to make any sounds that might alert anyone they were there.
“You got it?” Mark asked.
“Calm down.” Zack said, reaching into his coat, “It came this morning.”
He pulled out four small vials of a purple liquid. The four of them stared at the vials before Jimmy, bravest of them all, took one of them in his hand. Mark gulped as Jimmy brought it closer for inspection.
“You sure this will work?” he asked.
Zack shrugged, “Possibly. The guy I bought it off of claimed to have made it himself.”
“You’d buy this stuff from just a random guy?” Brayden asked.
“You’d be interested if this horny creepy guy was actually a hot red head.” Zack replied dryly. “Mark was there, he can vouch for me.”
Mark told them the story of how a week ago he and Zack were looking through the web for anything that might help him get better with girls. He didn’t have Jimmy’s natural confidence, or Brayden’s athleticism, but he was hoping to find something that would give him a leg up.
That led him and Zack to dark corners of the internet where they came across a man who possessed the body of a red haired woman and told about a special potion he created. Hesitantly, the two of them bought four potions of the stuff and waited for Mark’s parents to leave for cousin Ben’s wedding.
“Ok.” Jimmy said slowly, “Did this guy explain how this stuff works?”
“He said that we’d figure it out once we drank it.” Zack replied, “But… to be careful not to spend too long away or else we’ll start to change.”
“Ominous.” Brayden said.
Mark grabbed one and opened it. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to try it!”
“Hold on, hold on!” Jimmy cried, “I’m coming with you. I have my doubts, but I can’t let you poison yourself.”
“Naturally, I will be joining you as well.” Zack said, taking one vial.
The three of them looked towards Brayden. The athlete thought for a moment, his brow furrowed. Despite being a player known for taking risks, Brayden was extremely cautious outside of soccer. If he declined, then at least he would be able to call an ambulance on the likely chance this was all a scam.
Brayden shrugged, “If this makes me miss practice, I swear.”
They raised their vials, clinking them against each other, and drank it all in one gulp.
Whatever was in the vials was surprisingly sweet, and reminded Mark of grape soda, save for the lack of carbonation. It left a bitter aftertaste in his mouth, however.
They waited, glancing at each other. Nothing.
“Looks like that’s two hundred down the drain.” Zack sighed, “Here’s hoping I could track them dow-!”
He doubled over, clenching his teeth and seizing his stomach. Mark and Jimmy got to their feet, only for Jimmy to immediately fall, his body flailing in pain. Mark was beginning to feel weak, suddenly aware of how fragile his balance was. He turned to Brayden, and saw the athlete had completely fallen, laying on his back unconscious. Mark tried to scream, but no sound came out. He couldn’t force anything to come out, he just felt so weak.
He heard shouting followed by footsteps from upstairs. The girls must’ve heard them. If nothing else, they would call an ambulance. Maybe the hospital will be able to save them.
Or maybe that was just a dream. Mark didn’t know when he fell to the floor, but he remembered thinking about how he could no longer feel his body.
And then he realized he had no body.
He floated upwards and looked down. He expected to see something down there, but there was nothing. Around him, he saw the apparitions of his friends as they looked about with their mouths opened.
“Holy sh-!” Brayden screamed, before the door to the basement opened.
The four of them floated in shock as Jenny and her friends came downstairs. Mark was frozen when Jenny’s eyes met his, certain she would cry out in fear. Except her eyes passed over his and the rest of his friends.
“What was that?” Susan asked.
“Did the washing machine turn on?” Isabel asked.
Jenny looked, “No, and there’s nothing in it.”
“A ghost?” Victoria asked.
“Maybe.” Jenny replied with a chuckle.
“Sis?” Mark asked, walking closer to Jenny.
His sister didn’t hear him, “I wonder what Mark’s up to. Do you think he heard anything?”
“I’ll go and ask him.” Victoria said, running upstairs.
Mark waved a ghostly hand in front of Jenny’s face. Nothing. He looked over at his friends who were just as confused as he was. If she couldn’t see him, could she feel him?
Hesitantly, Mark brought a finger to her face. His finger met her skin, and Mark gasped as he was suddenly pulled inside!
Once again he had a body, only this time he was carrying a pair of breasts! He swallowed, feeling cold all of a sudden. He couldn’t see his friends anymore.
“Are you alright?” Susan asked.
Let me out! Mark thought frantically. Let me out!
He gasped as he felt himself ejected from her body, appearing next to her. He was still a ghostly apparition, and he was once again able to see his friends who stood in shock as to what they witnessed.
“Jenny!” Susan called.
“Are you alright? You looked like you were freaking out or something.”
Jenny brought a hand to her head, “Yeah, I’m fine. Think I blacked out or something for a second.”
Victoria came back down the stairs, “Mark’s gone.”
“What?” Jenny asked.
“He’s gone.” Victoria repeated, “He’s not in his room.”
Jenny growled, “I’ll try texting him to see where he is. Hopefully he hasn’t gone far. Probably went out with one of his friends.”
“Don’t you think he would’ve told us?” Isabel asked.
“Probably hanging out with that creep Zack.” Susan muttered.
With that, the three of them went back upstairs.
“Dude, what was that?” Jimmy asked.
“I think I figured out how these potions work.” Mark replied.
“Any idea how we get our bodies back?” Brayden asked.
“The guy said the effect will wear off in about twelve hours.” Zack replied, glaring off at the stairs.
“Are you sure about that?” Brayden asked.
Zack turned his glare at the athlete, “The potions turned out to be real, didn’t they?”
Brayden held up ghostly hands, “Alright, alright. I’m sorry.”
Zack sighed, “It’s not you. It’s just… anyway. I think I might mess with Susan for a bit. Does that sound alright?”
“What?” Brayden and Jimmy asked.
“What did you think Mark and I got the potions for?” Zack asked, “And you saw what Mark did earlier with his sister.”
“Dude. That’s a little… much.” Jimmy said.
Mark scratched his head, “Like I said, I wanted to know girls.”
Jimmy thought for a moment. “Well, since you and Zack got the potions, I guess you get next pick.”
Mark thought for a moment. Jenny was considered one of the most beautiful girls in her college, but she was also his sister. Sure, he had possessed her earlier, but that had been on accident. He didn’t want to do that again. Susan would have been his next choice, but Zack had already claimed her.
He had no interest in Isabel, which only left him with one choice. If he still had his body, his heart would have been pounding when he said, “Victoria.”
“Alright.” Brayden said, “I call Isabel.”
Jimmy groaned, “Umm… Mark, what exactly do you plan to do with these girls?”
“Stuff we shouldn’t be doing.”
“And would you be ok with that knowing your sister would be controlled as well?”
Mark shrugged, if anything he would like her to be taken down a few notches.
Jimmy sighed, “Alright. Just wanted to ask.”
As ghosts, the four of them floated upstairs and into Jenny’s room to find the four girls were sitting on the floor. Jenny had her phone in her hand, “He’s not answering my text.” She said.
“Call him?” Isabel asked.
“I might.”
The four men looked at each other before making their way into the bodies of the women.
They all gasped as they returned to having flesh and blood bodies, even if they weren’t their own. “Unreal.” Jimmy breathed through Jenny’s lips.
“Soft.” Brayden said, examining Isabel’s hands.
“You started with her hands?” Zack asked, bringing Susan’s hands to undo her blouse.
“I wanted to take my time and enjoy things.” Brayden said, “You people can do what you want!”
Well what Mark wanted to do was watch as Zack discarded Susan’s blouse, revealing boobs larger than you would expect on a woman of Susan’s build. The breasts were held back by a white bra that was soon tossed off. The boobs bounced a little as they were freed before falling into their resting position. “This feels interesting.” Zack commented, bringing a finger to a nipple. “Ooh! That’s nice!”
Mark licked Victoria’s lips, feeling a strange sensation between his legs. He rubbed them together, finding the sensation similar to that of a boner. Is this body getting excited? He wondered.
He placed a hand under Victoria’s shorts, feeling around the panties and was surprised that it came back damp. What is this? Mark wondered.
He was suddenly aware of his stolen body. He leaned back, aware of his small breasts that lurked beneath his shirt, as well as the short shorts that exposed his thighs. Mark had thought Victoria was hot but being her was a different thing entirely.
He was so caught up in the revelation of being Victoria that he hadn’t noticed that Jimmy in Jenny’s body had gotten completely naked, their clothes discarded at the floor by their feet. Jenny’s body had made their way over to Isabel’s and they were interlocked. He looked up at the sounds of them moaning, their breasts pressed together as they leaned in and kissed. Jenny’s hands snaked their way under the covers of Isabel’s clothing.
“That looks like fun.” Mark said, his legs twitching.
Jenny’s body broke the kiss. She looked sideways at Mark, looking at him with eyes that were half closed, her body arched in a way that drew attention to the curve of her back as well as her breasts. “You can join us, if you want.”
Mark should have felt ashamed at being turned by his sister’s body, but instead that was the straw that made him throw off his clothing. Victoria’s clothing were snug, in a way that they drew attention to the muscles along her legs and arms. Her boobs, though small, were still heavy enough that they bounced slightly when Mark took off her sports bra.
“Mmmh.” Isabel’s body hummed, beckoning her closer.
Two pair of hands touched her body. Victoria gasped as those same hands traced along her muscles. Jenny’s hand explored her frontal body, giving her breasts a nice squeeze before going down and following the lines of her abs where she found her way between Victoria’s legs and then-
“Ah!” Victoria cried, feeling a finger entering her.
Isabel’s hands were lighter and more experienced, it seemed. She ran her fingers down lightly across her back, lightly tapping away at her muscles, all the while making her way to her ass which she gave a nice firm squeeze.
Victoria hummed as Jenny began manipulating the inside of her vagina.
“I’ve always wanted to do you.” Isabel whispered. “You and Jenny.”
Victoria opened her eyes, seeing the smiling faces of Isabel and Jenny looking down upon her. She was horny, but why? She found their bodies attractive, but she wasn’t attracted to girls. Was she?
But I am! Mark thought, reclaiming himself.
He struggled remembering his own name as Victoria’s body climaxed. He moaned, Victoria’s back arched as a wave of pleasure flowed through him, feeling similar but not quite the same as the orgasms he would often experience in his old body.
My old body. Mark thought, looking down at Victoria’s naked form. Yes. I am Mark, I am a guy, this is not my usual body. Why did I think it was?
“Jenny, do me!” Isabel moaned.
Mark looked to see his sister’s body and Isabel’s body fumble to the floor. Susan, it seemed had left the room and wandered off. I need to find Zack. Mark thought, Maybe he’ll know something about this.
Quickly, he left his sister’s room, leaving Jimmy and Brayden alone to finish what they started. He found Zack soon enough. He was still in Susan’s body, now completely naked on the couch and was taking pictures with her phone.
“What’s going on?” Mark asked, “Earlier, I thought I was actually Victoria!”
Susan nodded, “A side effect, it seems, of the potion. I almost lost myself as well. Although… it seems that in doing so I was able to learn a few things about Susan.”
“What kind of things?” Mark asked.
Susan grinned as she quickly typed something into her phone, “Just some usernames and passwords is all.” Susan showed him a website on her phone. Mark gasped as he saw multiple pictures and videos of Susan, each of them having her in a sexual position of some kind. “This is how she’s been paying for college, you know?” Zack laughed.
“I… I don’t think we should continue this.” Mark said.
Susan eyed him, “You’re the one who wanted this. Besides, you managed to remember yourself. Besides…” Susan aimed her phone at him and snapped a few pictures, “We should at least get something to remember this by.”
“I… I don’t know, it’s just…”
“Just what?” Zack said, putting down the phone, “That now you get the chance you’ve always wanted and now you’re too scared to go through with it?”
“You wanted to do this. You gave me half the money. You planned this.” Zack snapped. “But… if you want to back out of this, be my guest. I’m going to continue having some fun, and I think Jimmy and Brayden will as well. But if you want to stop early, that’s your problem.”
Mark gritted his teeth. “Alright. You’re right. I… I think I will call this early, for me anyway. But… do you think Jimmy and Brayden might be willing to do something with us?”
Susan raised an eyebrow, a small smile on her lips.
They arrived to see Jenny and Isabel panting heavily. Despite this, however, the two of them were still willing to join with Victoria and Susan as they laid down on the floor and began exploring each other’s bodies.
Victoria was once again confused by why she felt attraction at Susan’s large breasts. Sure she was once jealous of all the looks Susan would get, but she never once felt herself attracted to them. And why was she fine with both Isabel and Jenny getting so handsy with her?
She gasped, suddenly aware that one of her hands was massaging Susan’s breasts, making one of her nipples erect in the process, while her other hand had found its way onto Isabel’s ass and was gently gliding across the perfect roundness of it.
She was forced onto the floor as the other girls, giggling began having their way with her. This isn’t right! She thought, Why I am doing this? What even happened? She tried to fight back, but the three girls holding her down combined with her own body spasming at the pleasure she was facing made it difficult to think much less act.
“Come on, Victoria.” Isabel goaded, “Make me feel good, too.”
Victoria was aware of her fingers entering Isabel’s pussy. The other girl moaned as Victoria began fingering her. Why am I doing this? She wondered.
Wait. Mark thought, I remember why I’m doing this now.
Shame washed over him briefly as he wondered what would happen if he slipped out of Victoria and she woke up to find her other friends completely naked and having sex with each other. Would they still try to have sex with her, now knowing that Mark was still inside?
Victoria came, her body spasmed as she fell limp to the floor. The other three giggled, continuing to play with each other and completely unaware as Victoria reached for her clothes and left Jenny’s room. Mark found comfort and safety in his own room.
He leaned against his wall, barely able to hear the others having fun in the other room. He laughed as he began putting Victoria’s clothes back on before stopping and remembering what Zack was doing earlier.
Victoria’s phone was still in her shorts and with it Mark took a few pictures of her body and sent it to his own phone, for his own use later back in his own body. Afterwards, he put Victoria’s clothes back on and wondered if now was a good time to leave.
If I do that, she’ll be wondering what she’s doing in my room, and why all of her friends have suddenly become so horny. Mark thought, bringing his legs up to his chest.
I feel so weak.
He gasped. That thought was not his.
Cautiously, he let those other thoughts come in. Victoria’s thoughts. She wasn’t conscious, at least Mark really hoped she wasn’t, so these thoughts must be related to memories in some way. Slowly, reminding himself of who he is, Mark allowed those memories and thoughts to come to him.
Victoria was running. She was on the track at her college. Jenny, Isabel, and Susan were cheering her on in the stands. Victoria bared her teeth as she made it to her final lap, placing all of her strength into her she managed to pass by the others and claim the victory.
And yet, she was still too shy to tell anyone else about her feelings. An image came to mind. Of a boy with thin framed glasses and short hair. A boy who Jenny rolled her eyes at and badmouthed to everyone.
Mark swallowed as he saw himself come into mind.
Mark opened his eyes. She has feelings for me. He thought. And I just stole her body. And my friends are having fun in the bodies of her friends. Some crush I was.
He decided to wait out the time in Victoria’s body. After some time, the sounds from the other room had stopped and Mark, unknowingly managed to fall asleep.
She woke up as a ray of sunlight fell upon her face. She blinked, opened her eyes and wondered why she was Mark’s room and not Jenny’s. Wait. She didn’t do anything weird with him, did she?
No! Mark screamed, Because I’m right here! And I need to get out! Get Out!
He was thrust outwards, falling onto the floor of his room. He laughed, but stopped as he heard Victoria take in a breath. “Hey, it’s alright it’s-” As he got up he stopped, aware at how cold he now felt. Slowly he looked down and saw he was naked, and what was worth was that his penis was completely erect.
He looked up, expecting Victoria to scream, or get angry with him. Instead, she asked, “Mark? What did we do yesterday?”
Before he could answer, screaming came from the other room. Both female and male voices. Mark and Victoria dashed over to Jenny’s room to find Jenny and Isabel, still naked, glaring daggers at the naked Jimmy and Brayden who had now appeared.
“What happened?” Mark asked.
“We remembered about the deadline,” Jimmy replied, “but we didn’t expect to appear next to them without clothes.”
“You didn’t dress them?” Mark asked.
“What’s going on?” Jenny demanded, “What did you and your creepy friends do to us?”
Mark looked around the room and noticed that two people were missing. “Where’s Susan?” he asked.
“Where’s Zack?” Jenny snarled.
Those questions gave them a sort of silent truce as they looked through the house for any evidence of the two. Jenny and Isabel both got dressed and refused to look at them as they called out for Isabel. Victoria avoided Mark as he and Brayden found their clothes waiting for them in the basement, along with a note from Zack who said he ran off with Susan’s body, saying she would be able to make him a good amount of money in a small amount of time.
The three friends looked at each other, each one wondering if they should tell the girls what happened and what they had done last night.
Dahlia waited until the last student left before she locked the doors to the library. It was nearing finals and the students were staying later as a result to get their grades up. Dahlia didn’t blame them, but it did irritate her that she would have to sometimes close later than usual. Especially now since the ritual was almost complete.
She turned off the lights around her with a flick of her wrist, casting the library into shadow. From her pocket she pulled out an old pair of glasses which she snapped, improving her vision so the dark library appeared fully lit to her. Upstairs, she could already hear Blossom and Sacha preparing the ritual.
On the second floor she found her sisters sitting in the center of the circular carpet surrounded by bookshelves. Blossom was looking through the book, muttering under her breath as she searched for the locater spell while Sacha was looking through her bag for the materials needed for the ritual and for the locater spell.
“You couldn’t get them to leave earlier?” Sacha asked, pulling out a compass, “We’re already on a tight enough deadline as is!”
“It’s finals week.” Dahlia replied, “and all of the students who took their classes lightly are just now remembering what’s at stake if they don’t pass.”
“Aren’t you the head librarian here!” Sacha hissed, pulling out a magnifying glass.
“I am.” Dahlia replied, “And as such, it’s my job to make sure these students have all the resources they need to succeed.”
“And what about our resources?” Sacha asked, getting to her feet.
“Sisters calm down,” Blossom begged, laying the book down.
Dahlia glanced at the tome. Blossom had found the locator spell, thankfully. It looked like they had everything they needed for it as well. Magnifying glass, compass, blank paper, and the blood of the people who were searching for the person.
Blossom licked her lips nervously as Dahlia and Sacha placed the items in the middle of the carpet. She hid her eyes when Dahlia produced a knife hidden in her jacket, Blossom was never a fan of violence, much less blood.
Dahlia drew in a sharp breath as she nicked her finger, letting a single drop of blood splash onto the items. She handed the knife to Sacha who did the same and who then coerced the struggling Blossom to add her blood to the pile as well.
Above them, the moon was shining through the glass ceiling. If there was ever a time to do it, now was the time. The three of them held hands and began chanting, with Dahlia leading the chant. They thought of their desire, to let magic flourish anew in this world which has long since forgotten it.
The three of them have searched across the world and were certain that they were either the last of their kind, or that the rest have gone underground to hide from the world that didn’t want them anymore. A cruel world we live in. Dahlia thought, A cruel world that would stomp us out when we have much to offer.
They continued chanting as the items before them began to glow, levitating in the air and dissolving to dust before their eyes. The three of them chanted harder as they saw an image forming amongst the fog. A woman.
The fog started swirling around them and then the three of them were blown backwards as the spell was completed. Dahlia was the first to recover and there, standing in the middle of the carpet, was the naked form of a student she had seen sometimes around the library. Betty. That was her name. It wasn’t the real Betty, of course, just an illusion of the person they were looking for.
"Who the hell is that?" Sacha demanded.
Dahlia licked her lips, her heart pounding in her chest. “She is the key to our entire ritual.”
Blossom walked over and examined the illusion of Betty, “I wonder what her story is, any ideas Dahlia?”
The head witch shook her head, she had seen Betty around sometimes. But the student looked tired, uninterested in her classes. Did something happen to her? Or was there something else bothering her? Either way would be troubling as they needed for the ritual now.
“A bit lacking in the chest department.” Sacha noted.
“Hey!” Blossom replied.
Sacha held up her hand, “I’m not saying they’re not pretty, just stating their size is all.”
Dahlia looked at the image again as she began to fade. She burned the image of the student into her mind, making sure to remember every detail of her face, her green eyes, light auburn hair. Her perfect breasts, her round ass.
She opened her eyes as she felt a wetness growing between her legs.
“You alright?” Blossom asked.
“I’m fine.” Dahlia replied, regaining her composure. “We have two days to get her.”
“I can cook up some love potions.” Sacha replied, “Or maybe some sleeping potions, or maybe-”
“The participant must be willing.” Dahlia cut her off.
“Oh right.” Sacha sighed, “That will make matters more difficult.”
Dahlia looked away, “I’ll try to convince her to come with us.”
“You?” Sacha asked.
“Yes.” Dahlia replied stiffly, “I’m head librarian, she might have at least some idea of who I am.”
Sacha snorted, “Alright, but I won’t be too surprised if this doesn’t work.”
Betty rubbed her eyes as she closed the last book before her. It’s only been a few seconds and she was already forgetting most of what she’d read. She looked at her journal and her notes appeared as scribbles to her.
Fuck me. She thought, I’m sorry mom.
She looked at the clock on the wall. Her job wasn’t until another hour and half but she was just so sleepy. Maybe she could get some coffee on the way out.
She started packing her bags when she heard footsteps coming her way. She looked up and her breath caught as she noticed a tall woman coming towards her. Shoulder length black hair with dark eyes that matched. She wore a white blouse with a black skirt. Betty remembered her, the head librarian, Dahlia, that was her name.
“Hello.” Betty said.
“Hi.” The librarian greeted, “I… I noticed you looked a little tired and was wondering if you needed help.”
“Er… I’m… I’m sorry, I just haven’t been getting any sleep lately is all.” Betty replied.
“Oh! Well, I have some tea in my office if you’d like some.”
Betty followed the librarian to her office. It was just what Betty thought a librarian’s office should be. Small, orderly, and with a bookshelf that contained heavy looking books. Although, she had never seen books like those before, maybe Dahlia was a collector of old books?
“Forgive the mess, I hadn’t had the chance to clean yet.” Dahlia said, pouring her some tea.
“This place is cleaner than my room.” Betty commented.
Dahlia grinned, “Well thanks for that. Here.”
The mug was warm, and Betty took a cautious sip. It was warm, sweet, with a slight honey aftertaste. She hadn’t tasted any tea exactly like this, but it did wake her up just as Dahlia said. Maybe she could look over her notes while she waited for her shift. Or maybe they’ll still be nothing but scribbles to her.
“How do you like it?” Dahlia asked.
“It’s good.” Betty replied, finishing the last of it, “Thank you.”
Dahlia nodded and hesitated. Betty saw something behind her. There was a window behind her seat, and she noticed a raven sitting perched on a tree branch that it looked to be watching them.
“Haven’t seen any ravens here before.” Betty said.
Confused, Dahlia looked behind her and let out an audible gasp as the bird.
“Something wrong?”
“No.” Dahlia replied, sitting back down, “First time I’ve seen one here myself.”
Betty wrung her hands in her lap, “Is there a reason why you called me in here? I mean, thanks for the tea, it was really helpful, but I was wondering if there was any reason you called in me specifically.”
“Well, I noticed you seemed to be struggling with your classes,” Dahlia began, “and I was wondering if you’d accept my offer to tutor you after hours.”
God knows I need that. But I don’t think a few days of tutoring will save my grades. I just want to get this semester done with and help my mom and brother.
“Umm… what time, exactly?” Betty asked, “Because I get off work at five.”
“I might be able to squeeze some time in.” Dahlia replied.
“Alright. Then… I’ll see around six then?”
“Sounds good to me!”
I hope I don’t disappoint you.
Dahlia sighed as Betty left her office. She was struggling alright, but there seemed to be something more than that. She wasn’t a stupid girl, that much was sure. Or did she only want to believe that?
Outside, she heard the raven cawing. Most people would be unnerved by how human like that raven was. It sounded almost like it was laughing. But Dahlia knew full well it was laughing.
With a snap of her fingers, her window flew open and a quick tug at the air and the raven was struggling in her hands. “Mind telling me why you were spying on us, sister?” Dahlia demanded, releasing the bird.
The birds black feathers gave way to the naked beauty of the blonde witch Sacha. She lay sprawled on the floor of Dahlia’s office, her chest heaving from the struggle. “That was almost painful to watch.” Sacha gasped.
“Well I managed to convince her to meet with me after her shift at work today.”
Sacha stood up, dusty herself off. “And what? Seduce her by teaching her some ancient history?”
Dahlia didn’t reply. That had, in fact, been her plan.
Sacha wandered towards the bookshelf, plucked out a particularly thick tome, and the bookshelf slid to the side to reveal a hidden closet where Dahlia kept her spare clothes.
“Are you going to be pay me back for those?” Dahlia asked.
“Why?” Sacha asked, “It’s not my fault they fit a little tight on me. Hmm… no spare shoes.”
Dahlia growled and pulled at her own blouse. The clothes on Sacha flew off, and the blonde witch glowered at her. “Now’s not the time for petty fights, sister.” Sacha said. “Forgive me, but I don’t think your plan is going to work, so I want to try to do things my way, and one of the things about my way is that I WILL NOT LEAVE THIS ROOM NAKED!”
Dahlia huffed and threw the clothes back at Sacha. “Away with you! If you’re not gone in ten seconds, I’ll send out dressed how you are.”
Sacha changed quickly and left Dahlia’s office. The oldest witch shook her head as she moved her bookshelf back in place. Maybe Sacha was right, Dahlia certainly wasn’t a people person so she was beginning to wonder if Betty would actually come back. But she was really worried now, because she had no idea how the poor student would react to whatever crazy scheme Sacha was going to pull.
Whatever was in that tea Dahlia gave was strong stuff. She was able to survive for the past six hours dealing with customers and their ridiculous orders. She even managed to get a decent tip in as well. Looks like she won’t be hungry tonight.
But she was tired again when she left work and drove back to college. She had arrived forty minutes early and had planned to either nap or take a little walk around the campus to clear her mind. She killed her engine and looked around. She had forgotten that it started getting dark earlier now, a walk probably wasn’t the best idea. She also didn’t think a nap would be good either. Didn’t want to over sleep and miss her appointment with the librarian.
She checked her phone and without thinking, texted her mom asking how’s she doing. No reply, and she wouldn’t be expecting any for the next few hours or so.
Seeing no other point in waiting, she decided to wander around the campus. While she planned to explore the grounds, she decided to stick to the building as she didn’t want to stay out there any longer than she needed to.
She’d spent a year at this place, and everything was starting to look the same already. The three floors were built nearly identical to each other, with the difference being the number of students and faculty on a floor at any given point in time.
Betty wasn’t surprised to see there weren’t many people out in the halls today. Most of them didn’t have classes this late, and those that did were in a different building on campus, not the main building. The third floor was just as empty as the other two floors, however she saw a woman standing in front of one of the classrooms.
She was a little bit shorter than Dahlia, but still taller than Betty. Blonde hair framed a muscular body, whose curves and muscles were highlighted by the snug clothing she was wearing. The blonde woman glanced at Betty, her blue eyes meeting Betty’s own green. The blonde woman’s mouth quirked upwards slightly.
“Hello, you must be Betty, right?”
“Er… yes.”
The blonde woman walked closer, “Well I’m Sacha, Dahlia’s told me a little about you. Such as how you’re not exactly the greatest at schoolwork, and that you’ve seen tired lately.”
Betty took a few steps back, the woman was getting a little too close for her liking.
“So… I was wondering if you’d be able to help me with something. Of course, I’ll make sure to help you as well.”
Betty backed into the wall. “What is it?”
Sacha put both of her arms to the wall, trapping Betty in place. The student swallowed as she looked up at Sacha. The woman smiled for a second, before leaning down and pressing her lips against Betty’s.
Betty stiffened, not wanting to fight back when she felt Sacha’s tongue slip out from between her teeth and begin exploring her mouth. A part of her wanted to give in, but she managed to break the kiss and before Sacha could react, Betty sprinted down the stairs, but not before shouting a quick, “I’m sorry!”
She didn’t stop running until she was outside, nearly throwing herself through the doors and down the steps. She found rest beneath one of the nearby trees. Her heart was pounding, but it wasn’t just from the running. She brought a finger to her lips, tracing the outline of her mouth as she remembered Sacha pressing against her.
“There you are.”
Another woman had appeared. She was shorter than Betty and had light brown hair pulled back in a short braid.
“Who are you?” Betty asked.
The woman held out her hands, “Sorry, sorry.” She said, taking a step back, “I’ve come on behalf of my sister Sacha.”
“Sister? You don’t look alike.”
The woman waved her hands through the air, “We’re not blood related, it’s more of a group sort of thing. Regardless, I’ve come to apologize on her behalf. I think she came on a bit too strong for you and it really wasn-”
“Who are you?” Betty asked.
“Oh. My name is Blossom and-”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Blossom’s smile faltered. “I… I think you might need to hear it from Dahlia. But, we don’t mean you any harm.”
Betty swallowed, “Alright, let’s go see Dahlia.”
It was a little before six when Blossom and Betty went to see Dahlia in her office. The head librarian was surprised to see Blossom there as well, as she was preparing subjects related to Betty’s classes.
“She met Sacha earlier.” Blossom explained, “I think the poor girls a little frightened now.”
“I never said that!” Betty replied, hiding her blush.
“What happened?” Dahlia asked.
“Who are you three?” Betty asked, “Why are you all focusing on me?”
Dahlia thought for a moment. “I think you might need to sit down for this, Betty.” Dahlia reached into her drawer and pulled out a feather as well as a piece of tissue. She muttered a few words and in a puff of smoke, a dove had come to life in her hands. “We’re witches.” Dahlia said, letting the dove fly freely through her window.
She turned and saw that Betty was unimpressed.
“Is that all?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
“A simple stage trick? I’ve seen magicians doing that since I was seven!”
Dahlia twitched. You did not just compare me to a simple stage magician. Without thinking, she plucked a hair from the student and tied it around her ring finger.
“What was that for?” Betty asked.
“Sister, I don’t think this is a goo-”
“Silence!” Dahlia commanded, pressing down upon the piece of hair.
Betty stiffened and fell silent. Her eyes widened, fingers clawing at her lips in an attempt to open them.
“Sister…” Blossom growled.
Dahlia blinked and looked towards Betty, “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” She threw off the hair as Betty regained control of her mouth. “Sorry. You alright?”
She placed a hand on Betty’s shoulder. The student breathed heavily, “It’s true then. You’re witches. All three of you.”
“Probably the last three left in the world.” Dahlia replied.
“Why are you interested in me?” Betty asked.
“We’re preparing a ritual.” Dahlia explained, “And one of the resources needed was the orgasm of a specific virgin born when Neptune hung over the earth. By the roll of cosmic dice, you were the only person in the nearby area who met that requirement.”
Betty looked down, and Dahlia could see her eyes reddening at the edges. Did I say something wrong?
“Are you alright?” Dahlia asked.
To her surprise, the student leapt forward and brought her arms around her in a tight embrace. Dahlia glanced at Blossom was just as bewildered as she was. Betty sobbed for a few minutes before calming down, “Sorry. It’s just… sorry.”
Dahlia knelt down and wiped a tear from Betty’s face while Blossom handed the student some tissue paper. “Of course, we’re not expecting you to give us something for nothing. If you help us, we’ll be willing to do what we can to help you with whatever you want.”
Betty swallowed. “I see. Well… I might need some time to think it over.”
“We have until midnight tomorrow.” Dahlia said.
“What happens if I refuse?”
Dahlia shrugged. “We pretend this never happened.”
“That’s it?”
“We’re not particularly vengeful.” Blossom chuckled, “Well, not unless you compare our magic to simple stage magic. Don’t worry, we won’t turn you into a frog or anything.”
Dahlia thought for a moment before bringing her finger to her breast and tracing an X over her heart. “Cross my heart.”
“A children’s promise?”
Blossom smiled as she did the same, “Where did you think it came from? And don’t worry, we’ll make sure that Sacha swears as well.”
“Alright.” Betty said, “Um… so about that tutoring?”
It was a little before midnight when Betty left and Dahlia closed up the library. Thankfully, there were no other students so Dahlia and Blossom were ready to go onto the second floor. Blossom had already gotten everything they needed for the ritual, hopefully Betty would say yes.
If we didn’t scare off, that is.
“Bring her out.” Dahlia said.
Blossom grinned as she reached into her bag to pull out a struggling raven ensnared in rope. Dahlia drew a circle onto the center carpet and motioned for Blossom to throw the traitor inside before she closed off the circle.
As the bird flew through the air it transformed into the muscular blonde woman who tried to make for it before Dahlia completely closed off the circle, trapping her inside.
“I told you to leave her alone.” Dahlia said.
“Like you would’ve been able to do the job yourself!” Sacha shouted.
“Actually, she was doing a fine job of it as far as I could tell.” Blossom interjected, “She explained everything fully and even showed off her powers. A bit aggressive though.”
“Well good for you,” Sacha spat, “but will you be able to give her what she wants, sister? I saw it. I saw in her eyes exactly what she wanted, and I don’t think you have it in you to give it to her.”
Dahlia’s jaw tightened as she brought out a nude doll along with a length of blonde hair.
Both Blossom and Sacha’s faces paled at the sight of it. “Sister!” Sacha said nervously as Dahlia tied the hair around the doll, “I was just messing around, you didn’t think I’d actually-”
Dahlia pressed her thumb against the doll’s boobs, rubbing over them gently. The blonde witch shuddered, her legs pressing together involuntarily as her arms instinctively went to protect her breasts. “I told you to stay out of it.” The oldest witch said, tracing a finger downwards along the dolls body.
Sacha, grunted, her legs slipping from beneath her as she fell to the ground. She squirmed as she felt an invisible form rubbing against her, little hands running along her boobs and down her body. Getting lower, ever lower. She started panting as she felt pressure building up between her legs.
Blossom tenderly tapped Dahlia on the shoulder, “Sister? Don’t you think this is a bit much?”
Dahlia remembered Betty having her arms around her, sobbing into her. She doubted Sacha had anything to do with that. But that woke up something inside Dahlia, and she knew that she didn’t want anyone to take Betty away from her.
The oldest witch removed her fingers from the doll, “No don’t stop!” Sacha growled.
Dahlia grinned at Blossom as she handed the doll over to her. The youngest witch looked at her and then towards Sacha who glared daggers at her. Quickly, Blossom began trailing her fingers along the doll’s body, which caused Sacha to once again squirm on the floor.
Dahlia crept closer to the circle, making sure not to break it. “Blossom and I made a promise to the girl. We promised that if she refused that we not hurt her or anyone she cares about. We promised. Now you need to do so too.”
Sacha groaned as Blossom continued to trail her fingers across the doll’s body. She stopped when Dahlia shot her a quick glare.
“Please!” Sacha said through clenched teeth.
“Swear it.”
Sacha was rubbing her legs together as she dragged a finger across her chest.
Blossom tossed the doll back to Dahlia who brought the dolls crotch to her mouth and took a few licks of it. “Argh!” Sacha screamed, releasing her juices across the carpet.
Dahlia untied the piece of hair from the doll and threw the doll back in their bag. “Tell me, sister, do you still doubt I don’t have what it takes to give the girl what she wants?”
Sacha breathed heavily, her body relaxing. She looked over at Dahlia and started laughing, “Why sister, I haven’t seen you this fired up in a while! I’m starting to wonder if the girl is a witch who managed to place you under her enchantment!”
Betty stared at her phone. Her thumb hovered over the call button. Her mom hadn’t texted back. Maybe she didn’t see the text? Maybe she was still working?
She took a press and called her mom. The phone rang for a few minutes before she heard a click, followed by a masculine voice asking, “Hello?”
“Where’s mom?”
“She fell asleep on the couch as soon as she came home.” He replied, “Didn’t even eat the food I made for her.”
“What are you still doing up?”
“I was playing some video games, waiting for her to come back. I was actually about to take a shower when you called.”
Betty sighed, “How’s school?”
“It’s alright. Looks like I’m going for all B’s this year. Oh, did I tell you, I got a job!”
“Oh, where at?”
“Some sandwich place close by where we live. I’ll show you when you come over for the break!”
“Alright, tell mom I love her, alright.”
“No love for me then, huh?”
“Of course I love you.”
“Heh heh, love you too, sis.”
There was another click as her brother hung up. Betty fell over onto her bed as she thought about the three witches. They said they’ll be willing to help her if she helped them. At first she thought about asking them to improve her grades, but now she’s wondering if perhaps she could ask them to help out her family.
God knows they deserve it. Her dad passed away soon after Jesse was born and her mom worked hard to give the two of them what they needed. She felt like she wasted her mom’s efforts by not doing well in college, if anything, paying her back for everything seemed like the least she could do if she didn’t want to continue her college career.
It’s decided then. I’ll help them. And I’ll ask if they can help my family.
Shaking, Betty fell asleep under her covers, wondering if she’d be able to follow through with her plan the next day.
She gave it some thought throughout the day. None of the witches had bothered her, although she had seen some of them throughout her day, she was also aware of a raven that appeared to be following her.
When night came, she approached the university library a few minutes before closing. The doors were still open, although the lights were already off. “Hello?” she called.
“We’re up here.” The witches replied.
Betty took out her phone and used the flashlight to make her way upstairs. There, in the center of the room knelt the witches who were all dressed in loose robes. They sat before the circular rug, with lanterns surrounding them. Above them, the full moon was revealing itself from behind the clouds, allowing even more light to shine through.
Betty gave a nervous smile as the witches rose to meet her.
“You came.” Blossom said.
“Yeah.” Betty breathed, looking around. “Is… is everything ready?”
“We’re only missing one piece.” Sacha replied, “You.”
Betty swallowed, the palms of her hand suddenly feeling sweaty. “Well.” She said, slowly unzipping her sweater, “I’m ready whenever you are.”
“Oh, about that.” Blossom grinned and then looked away. “We gave it some thought and wondered if you’d be comfortable doing it with all of us or if you’d prefer only one of us. We only need you for the ritual, and we don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
Betty paused and looked over each of them in turn. Blossom seemed uncomfortable, shifting where she stood. Sacha grinned when Betty looked at her and Dahlia had remained silent so far. Betty met Dahlia’s eyes and the head librarian blushed slightly.
Slowly, Betty walked forward and reached out for Dahlia, taking her hand and giving her a kiss. The head librarian kissed back, but unlike Sacha she didn’t have the same experience. It was slower, clumsier, but that was more than made up for when they pressed their bodies together.
Betty was aware of Dahlia’s hand snaking its way across her back, finding the hook of her bra and unclipping it. She was a little self-conscious, hearing the audible gasps of the other two witches, but that feeling soon faded when she felt Dahlia’s hand exploring her now fully exposed upper body.
Dahlia broke the kiss, “Come, the ritual is about to begin.”
She led her to the center of the circular rug and paused. Betty stood there, watching as Dahlia’s eyes traced over her body. She looked down and came closer, stripping Betty first of her shoes, then her socks, her pants came next and Betty felt a wetness growing between her legs when she noticed Dahlia’s eyes widen as the pants were removed.
Her fingers went to her panties, but Betty held up her hands.
“Is something wrong?” Dahlia asked.
“Yeah.” Betty replied, reaching for Dahlia’s robe, “I want to see you too.”
Dahlia gasped then smiled as she leaned back, allowing Betty to remove her robe. She was only slightly surprised to see the witch wasn’t wearing anything beneath, and she gingerly took one of Dahlia’s breasts in her hand and gave it a slight squeeze, earning a sigh from the witch.
“You’re beautiful.” Betty said.
“Thank you.” Dahlia said, reaching out towards Betty.
She was pulled towards the witch, and she went willingly into the witches arms. Dahlia’s stroked their way down her back, reaching the treasure that was her panties. This time, Betty didn’t resist as she felt the witch pulling her panties down.
Dahlia rose and they switched places, with Betty being on the bottom. Betty laid there, exposed, as Dahlia’s hands slipped downward. She gave a jolt when she felt fingers around her crotch, a moan soon escaped.
That was when she felt another pair of hands embrace her. She opened her eyes and saw that Sacha had joined in as well. Much like Dahlia, her robe had been discarded, exposing her slightly muscled frame to everyone there. Betty gasped, noticing how the lantern light highlighted her thighs and abs.
“Sister?” Dahlia asked.
“Do not fight me, sister.” Sacha growled, “This spell needs to be done, and I’m afraid you’re taking too long for my liking.”
Sacha bent down and kissed Betty. The student’s body shot up as she felt the blonde witches tongue once again exploring her mouth. She groped around, feeling across the blonde’s body until she found the curves of her breast. The nipple was already erect, and Betty gave it a small pinch.
Sacha shuddered and broke off the kiss, “A devious one, aren’t you?”
Sacha gasped, as two smaller hands grabbed her from behind, giving her boobs a good squeeze. Betty saw the third witch, Blossom, had snuck up behind Sacha.
“I think that honor belongs to me.” Blossom purred, “Although, I will say that sneaking up on them was rather sneaky.”
“Come. Closer.” Betty begged between pants.”
Blossom smiled and maneuvered herself so Betty could get a better look. Blossom was the smallest of the witches and was on the thin side as well. Still, her petite form was more than enough for Betty to bare her teeth, she could feel the orgasm was close.
Dahlia gasped, grinning, she leaned forward. Betty saw as Dahlia was working her how her breasts moved with every bounce. She also noticed how close Dahlia was to her knee. Grinning, Betty bent her leg, her knee positioning itself right between the oldest witches legs.
Dahlia arched her back, “Well, that’s not really- ah! Oh!”
Betty began bouncing her knee, hoping to pleasure the witch just as much as she was.
Other pairs of hands grabbed at her. Betty trembled as she felt Sacha’s powerful hands glide across her body, followed by her leaning in for another kiss. That was when she felt the much lighter touch of Blossom, whose fingers teased her now fully erect nipples, then Betty released a loud moan as she felt a mouth close down upon her right breast.
She arched her back, practically screaming as she released the largest orgasm she has ever had. Then the light from the lanterns went out.
In the midst of pleasure, Dahlia was aware of the ritual going off. The beautiful woman beneath her had shuddered, releasing her orgasm the last part of the ritual. The lanterns went out and to the three witches, it seemed that time had slowed.
The three of them stood up, looking to the heavens to see the moon had turned a deep red as magic now flowed downwards. In that moment, the three of them held the power of gods.
They had agreed upon what to do. To release the magic back into the world. And yet.
“I can’t do it.” Dahlia said.
“Why not?” Sacha asked.
Dahlia looked at her in the eyes, “I made a promise to her.”
Sacha snorted. “Seems like that girl managed to catch your eye.”
“Like you hadn’t enjoyed the attention she gave you, sister.” Blossom interjected.
“Shut up.”
Dahlia pressed onward, “If I recall, you sought her out in quite the hurry.”
Sacha blushed and refused to meet their eyes.
Blossom laughed before looking down on the college student. She knelt down, taking her hand and placing it upon Betty’s breast before taking out a ghostly image of her heart. She held it gently, as a mother would a child. “She’s a good person, you know.” She said, examining her heart.
“I’m going to use my power to help her.” Dahlia said, “You two can do whatever you want with yours.”
Sacha looked away, while Blossom who still held Betty’s heart in her hand smiled. “I have an idea in mind.”
For a fraction of a second, the three witches held the power of gods. And they released it all at once. Dahlia poured her energy into fulfilling the college student’s wish. Her power flowed throughout the city, seeking out Betty’s family to grace them with good fortune. It wouldn’t be instant, but in a month or so, they’ll be living far better than they currently were.
Sacha, reluctantly, released her power into the world where it would seek out new vessels and endow them with the power of the mystic. Hopefully, they could hide their existence, and spread their existence. Hopefully, another ritual such as this one wouldn’t need to be performed again.
Blossom, poured her magical power into Betty’s heart before placing the heart back in her body.
Betty saw a flash of light, followed by a chilling sensation as her orgasm shot out. She twitched, her final leg movement being the last straw for Dahlia who came on her leg before collapsing on top of her. Blossom and Sacha were sprawled on the ground beside them, both of them collapsed.
“It’s done.” Dahlia sighed.
“My family?”
“I’ve taken care of them.” The witch replied, “Soon, fortune will come their way.”
“Thank you.” Betty said, tears forming in her eyes.
Dahlia met her gaze and smiled. She leaned forward, giving Betty a kiss.
“Ouch!” Dahlia said, leaping back.
Betty looked down and saw that little lines of lightning danced between her fingers.
“That was my wish.” Blossom said, climbing to her feet, “We needed more witches in the world, and I decided that it would be nice if we played teacher to one of them.”
“Heh.” Sacha grunted, sitting up, “So that’s what you did. I guess I was the only one who followed up on our original plan.”
“You did great.” Blossom told her, “I can only hope that it’ll work and that magic will be able to make a return.”
Dahlia thought for a moment, “Well… I suppose it wouldn’t be right for us to end the day without teaching our new apprentice some things.”
Sacha smiled, and crawled closer, wrapping her arms around Betty, “I agree with you, sister.”
Blossom came over and knelt down opposite of Sacha. “It wouldn’t be right of us otherwise.”
Dahlia came over and crouched down in front of Betty. “That is, of course, if you want that.”
Betty looked into Dahlia’s eyes and smiled. Her hands found their ways between the legs of the other two witches who sighed in response. “Oh yes, please.” She begged.
Dahlia bent down, her mouth heading for Betty’s breasts. The two witches leaned Betty back just as Dahlia’s lips connected with a nipple. Betty learned many things that night.
“I’m not sure Sarah, I’m not that desperate.”, I said.“Come on Elle! Aren’t you at least a bit curious?” Sarah whined.Body Rentals had been around for a few years now, but only recently had the price and portability of their control unit’s dropped low enough for regular people to afford them. Regular people like Sarah, who was now sitting on the floor of my room desperately trying to get me to let her try it on me.“Curious, yes.” I said “Keen for you to take control of my body? No.”“Why not? It’s perfectly safe!” Sarah pressed me. She knew I had a hard time saying no to her, and she could tell my reluctance was waning. “It’s easy as pie, all you have to do is stick the receiver to the back of your neck, and then when I put on the helmet and remote in, I get to see what you see!”“And make me do whatever you want.”“I won’t do anything weird!” she exclaimed. Sarah had been telling me all about the Body Rental kit on the way home from class. Her father worked for the company that produced them, and had brought home this new, portable version just yesterday. Sarah had snuck it out of her house -- without permission, I’m sure -- and brought it over to try it on me. Why she wanted to try out being the small mousy girl from biology, I had no idea, but the concept made me uncomfortable.See, the thing is, when you’re wearing the receiver, whoever wore the helmet had complete control over your body - as if it were their own. Sarah would be able to feel, see, and hear everything I did, and she’d also be the one behind the controls. I would be just a passenger in my own body, unable to even blink by myself, just watching myself move until Sarah had the good graces to release me.It actually was even worse than that. If she wanted, she’d be able to make me completely ‘black out’, cutting me off from any awareness of what my body was doing. In that case, I’d just wake up afterwards, having no idea what had transpired while she rode me. It gave me the shivers. I liked Sarah, but we hadn’t known each other all that long, and I didn’t trust her with something like that.“Why don’t I try it on you, if you just want to see it work?” I asked.“Becaaaause”, Sarah replied “You don’t know how to work the controls! I have to be the one to wear the helmet.”I hesitated. I didn’t quite believe her, but I couldn’t really see a way out. She was right -- I was curious.“Come on Elle, I’m not asking much. Just 5 minutes, to see if it works.”. She wasn’t used to not getting what she wanted, and I’d been fiddling about too long.“Okay.” I said. “But only for 5 minutes.”“Yes! Thank you Elle! Thank you!”, Sarah jumped up, excited, and started setting up the equipment.“But I want to remember everything that happens, okay? And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”, I tried to think if there was anything else I should say. “And don’t leave my room, okay? I don’t want my brother or someone to see me acting weird.”“I won’t act weird.”, Sarah said, her face bent low as she fiddled with the helmet.“And the other stuff?”“Sure, sure”.I don’t think she was really listening, but before I had a chance to repeat my rules, she straightened up, holding a small metal piece in her hand.“Okay, turn around Elle! I’m going to put this on your neck!”. I signed and turned around for her, as she lifted up my hair and stuck the piece right above my spine. It felt kind of cold.“Oooooh, this is going to be so much fun!”. Sarah moved back over to the bed and put the helmet on her head, then carefully laid herself down.“What do I need to do?” I asked, but she wasn’t listening again. I just stood there, looking down at my arms and legs. They’d startled to tingle, just a little bit, like a quiet kind of pins and needles.I was in the middle of wiggling my fingers when suddenly... they stopped moving. I tried to wiggle them again, but couldn’t, it was like somebody had just chopped off all the control signals from my brain. It was a very strange sensation, since I could still feel everything.I tried to look over at Sarah to see if she’d connected yet, but I couldn’t do that either. My eyes wouldn’t obey my commands, they were just stuck, staring at my now stationary hand. I found I couldn’t even blink, no matter how hard I tried. Was it supposed to be like this? Had Sarah stuffed something up? Luckily I was still breathing automatically.Then I felt a very strange sensation, like ice washing down my spine, through my fingers and toes, over my face. And I felt myself smile. Now that was weird, because smiling was about the last thing I wanted to do right now.The fingers on my right hand clenched and opened themselves, I was powerless to do anything about it. Then I felt myself look up, and the smile became a grin. “Looks like it worked!” my voice breathed, in a low kind of voice.Inwardly, I cringed. This wasn’t going to be good.“WOW!” my voice cheered with Sarah’s enthusiasm, as she easily controlled my body. It was kinda unnerving, having your tongue and lips move by themselves. My eyes flickered over to Sarah’s comatose form laying on the bed, helmet fixed on top of her head.“I look like I’m asleep!” Sarah said, way too loudly. I didn’t want my brother walking in on us. “I’ve never seen myself from this angle before!”.Never looked at a photo, then?I was annoyed at myself for letting Sarah take control of me. She was making me act all outgoing and girly -- like her -- not like the mousy nerd I was. It felt weirdly wrong.I felt my weight shift and found myself taking a step towards Sarah’s body, my legs moving without my command, my bare ankles rolling slightly on the carpet as Sarah got her bearings in my body.Careful, I don’t want to get it back hurt because of your clumsiness.“Haha, you’re so short.” she said, her attention distracted away from her limp body. I felt my legs bend as Sarah maneuvered me into a squat. Then she used my legs to suddenly spring up into the air, jumping as high as she could, swinging my arms awkwardly to try and get more height.“I can’t even jump up to my normal height! This is so cool!” She jumped again, and again. Then - OUCH! A sharp pain shot up my leg, I’d landed on something. Outwardly my body didn’t react at all, even as I sent the automatic command to yelp in pain and move away.Goddamn it Sarah I said be careful!The pain flared as Sarah kept the weight on that foot, squishing something sharp into me. I instinctively tried to adjust my weight off the painful object stabbing me, but nothing happened. I couldn’t pull my leg away, couldn’t wiggle, couldn’t do anything. I was helpless!SARAH! What are you doing!?A moment later she looked down, noticing she was standing on something. Another flare of pain as she adjusted my weight and lifted my leg up, to look at the bottom of my foot. One of my brother’s lego pieces sticking out of it. Wasn’t that kid too old to have lego?“Huh, that’s weird.” my mouth moved, betraying none of the frustration I was feeling. “Shouldn’t that have hurt?”Yes it hurt!She flicked off the lego brick, the skin had an indentation, but wasn’t pierced. I wasn’t being a princess, I swear, those things hurt!I felt another sharp jab of pain, this time in my arm. Sarah had pinched me with my own hand! That bitch!“Wow, I can’t feel that at all!”. She pinched me again, harder. I could feel the muscles in my hand straining under her command to squeeze.HEY!“I mean, I can still feel the touch, but no pain at all. This is great!”Yeah, great…She chuckled. “Sorry about that Elle, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She pinched me again as she spoke, clearly not putting that much thought into her apology. At least this one wasn’t as hard.“It’s just so weird not to feel the pain, you know?”, pinching up and down my arm. I tried as hard as I could to stop myself, willing the muscles in my hand to let up, concentrating… concentrating…!“Ah, well”, she said, brushing herself down. “I suppose I shouldn’t try that one out too much, unless I want you to bitch about it all day!”. I’d poured all my energy into letting go, and she hadn’t even noticed. I felt my nervousness increase -- I was totally at her mercy.She brushed herself down again, my own hands moving down my chest and flat stomach. She made me look down, eyes lingering on the lumps that were making my shirt stick out. I felt myself bounce on my toes a little bit, as if in indecision. I hoped Sarah wasn’t thinking what I thought she was thinking.“Um um um um…” the ditsy girl said. “I’m just going to… well… it’s just… I just want to see, just quickly.”Oh no.My betraying hands reached down and began lifting up my shirt, moving quickly, sloppily. Sarah pulled the shirt over my head, getting it caught on my boobs on the way. “Oops, sorry!”.I felt myself look down, at my breasts held tight by my bra. “Oh my god.” Sarah breathed. “They’re so big.”.My boobs weren’t that big, they just stood out on my small frame. But the way Sarah was making me stand, with my chest jutting out and head tilted down as far as it would go -- well, it was certainly showing them off in a way I never would.“I’ve always wanted tits like these, Elle.” I felt my stomach knot up a little bit. Was that why she asked to come over and try out this thing on me? To try out having bigger boobs? My god that girl was shallow. She was tall, blonde, and hot. The fact her boobs were only an A cup didn’t dissuade any of the dozens of guys she got with each semester, why did she care so much?My hands reached behind and undid the clasp of my bra, letting it fall to the ground. Sarah didn’t even notice the uncomfortable position she put my shoulders in while doing it.“Oh my god.” she said again, hefting a boob in my small hand. My hand felt cold and uncomfortable to me, but Sarah certainly was feeling something else…I felt myself grow wet. And that was certainly not at my command. My own hands fondled my boobs more, the fingers pressing into them as Sarah heaved and jiggled my chest around. It was surreal, to have my body respond to the touch, while I felt totally trapped and helpless -- and not wanting to be aroused!But I felt it too, and inwardly I gasped as Sarah used my finger to flick my nipple. She squeezed my boobs hard, hard enough to be a little painful, even.Take it easy Sarah! I think that’s enough for now!She pressed my legs together as I felt myself get wetter. She was going to ruin my underwear at this rate. She slowly began lowering a hand, down to between my legs.That’s not yours to play with!And then I heard a gasp. Sarah made me look up, and there, in the doorway, was my little brother Ben staring open mouthed at me. Shit! How long had he watched me -- Sarah -- fondling? Not cool!I cringed and tried to cover myself, but Sarah made me sit still, hands still squeezing my boobs. She forced me to smile. “Oops.” she said. He stared for a moment longer, then ran away.She turned back to her limp form on the bed. “Guess I should let you go, ay?”, she said casually, genuinely enjoying herself.I’m going to kill you for this, Sarah.Sarah walked me back to the bed, my eyes looking down at her body’s limp form. She stopped and smiled down at herself. I wanted to scream.My brother just saw me fondling myself! Get the hell out of my body Sarah!Ignoring me, she reached down to brush her hair out of her face. My eyes lingered on my nails as she did it. “You have such nice nails, Elle. And such small hands!”. She waved them in front of her own face, giggling. Then she poked her sleeping form in the cheek, with one of my outstretched fingers.“I can’t feel anything from my own body.” Sarah said to herself. Or maybe she said it to me, it’s hard to tell who she’s talking to when she’s using my mouth to do it. She laughed as she used my hands to push her own mouth into a smile, and then a frown, playing with her features from the outside.Yes, yes, very funny. Now get out of me!Sarah fiddled around with her eyebrows for a moment, using my nails to pluck a few hairs. Then she stuck my finger up her own pert nose, letting out a snort of laughter from my body.That’s disgusting, Sarah. And it’s your own body!!“I suppose I better check how you’re feeling about this, Elle.” Sarah said, sighing. She leaned across her body, and flicked a switch on the side of the helmet.Instantly, I felt myself falling, suddenly no longer having Sarah control my balance. I fell forward, landing awkwardly on top of Sarah’s body on the bed. I scrambled back, regaining control of my rebellious limbs.“Haha, careful!” said Sarah, opening her eyes and grinning. She sat up on the bed and stretched. “I wouldn’t want to do that for too long, already my body feels funny coming back!”My own arms and legs were tingling slightly, but the feeling was going away. I quickly found my bearings and rounded on her.“What the hell, Sarah!” I hissed. “What do you think you were doing?!”“I just wanted to see what it felt like having big boobs!” she replied, innocently. “I didn’t think you’d mind that much. Even you have to admit you have a great rack.” She gestured at my bare chest, and I blushed, scrambling to find the clothes Sarah had thrown around the room.“You should have asked first.” I grumbled, putting my bra back on.“Oh come on! I could tell you enjoyed it!” she chucked “I certainly did.”“About that! I don’t appreciate somebody else turning me on like that!”“Don’t we usually get turned on by other people?” Sarah grinned mischievously. “Maybe I’m just extra good at it.”“That’s not the same, and you know it.” For all my posturing, it was actually kinda hot, having my body get all aroused without my input. Wait -- did I only find it hot because Sarah found it hot, and she was controlling my body’s feelings? Argh, this was so confusing.Sarah was still looking at me, a bit of a glint in her eye. “Oh yeah? I bet I could make you soooooo horny.”I gulped. She wasn’t going to do that, was she? I hesitated, then began to reach up to remove the receiver from the back of my neck.“Maybe another time-- “Sarah flicked the switch on the helmet again, and my hand froze in the air. I felt a chill wash over me. A moment later, her body collapsed back onto the bed.Really?“Oh yesssss.” my traitorous voice breathed. My mouth opened wide. “I’m baaaaaack” Sarah sung, way too loudly.Keep it down, Sarah!My eyes looked down at my chest, with my recently re-donned bra holding up my perky breasts. Sarah jutted out my chest to get a good look. “Can’t be having that, can we?”. She reached behind my back and removed my bra, letting my breasts once again fall freely. She took them in my hands. “Mmmmm, where were we?”I could feel a growing wetness down below, as Sarah squeezed my boobs tight. She ran my fingers down my flat stomach and began to undo the buttons on my jeans.“You’ve been working out, have you? I suppose you wouldn’t mind if I pigged out in your body then?” She giggled, forcing my voice into her girly mannerisms. It sounded wrong - I don’t normally giggle.She pulled down my pants and kicked them across the room, controlling my foot with a finesse completely foreign to me. Then she bent all the way down, and used my eyes to stare directly at my vagina.“Didn’t even shave for me!” she laughed. This was so embarrassing. Not that I had pubic hair, of course, that was totally normal. But bending over and talking into my own vagina? Not something I would normally be caught dead doing.She poked it with one of my fingers, and I felt a wave of arousal wash through me. Sarah was enjoying this immensely. I could even see some of my pubic hair glistening with the wetness Sarah was forcing on me.Sarah poked the lips again, pushing my labia to the side, inspecting the hole. And… “Haha, your clit is much smaller than mine.” It was bad enough she was controlling my body, but did she have to compare everything between us?She used my middle finger to give my clitoris a rub, and I felt a spike of pleasure jolt through me. Sarah gasped, and clenched my vagina in arousal. I tried to rub it again, but couldn’t -- my body was still completely out of my control.If you’re going to do it, bloody do it!My fingers curled themselves, then flicked my clitoris. Hard.Ouch! Hey!My body responded positively though, the pulsing wetness within me getting even more powerful. Sarah flicked again, another jolt, of pleasure and of pain. “This normally hurts too much to be much fun.” my voice announced, “But when I’m controlling you, we can’t feel any of the pain! Isn’t that great?”Hey! Wait! I can still feel the pain!I wanted to shout, but nothing came out. I concentrated on moving my lips, but only felt myself lick them as Sarah worked herself up. Another flick. Another jolt.Sarah moved my body down onto it’s knees, a grin on my face. She reached behind and slapped me hard on my bottom, using all the pitiful strength of my weak arm. This was humiliating! Not that I masturbated very much, but when I did it was lying comfortably back on my bed, quietly rubbing myself until I orgasmed.This was loud, messy, and not at all comfortable. Sarah lent forward, my face and shoulder pressing into the ground, uncomfortably close to her dirty shoes and socks. She reached down with both arms and began rubbing in a circle, pushing down harder then I would have liked. It was so strange. And so, so hot.I could feel all of Sarah’s pleasure as she played with my body. A warm, radiating, pleasurable pulsing deep inside me, with spiking jolts as she manipulated my clitoris clumsily. She rammed the fingers of my other hand deep into my vagina and began pumping. My voice moaned loudly into the floor.Sarah, keep it do-- dow--- dooowwwn…I could feel every ministration, all the build up, and not being in control just made it ten times hotter. Sure, a lot of this pleasure was just because of Sarah enjoying it -- it was her making my body wet, after all -- but I secretly was into it as well.We built up closer and closer, my hands pushing harder inside. I could feel my right hand start to cramp, but I couldn’t control it, couldn’t loosen the muscles or adjust the position. My face pressed into the ground, and my knees ached. The massive orgasm continued to build up, and I couldn’t do anything about any of it.Oh god, I’m coming!“Ooooooooh!!” Sarah made me moan. “OoooOOooh GOD!”. I came, squirting all over my bedroom floor, fingers continuing to rub inside of me. My toes curled, my breath caught, my eyesight went white and unfocused. Holy shit, Sarah.“Wow.” Sarah panted. “Told ya I could turn you on.” She didn’t even bother getting up, just rolled over on the floor and reached up to her form on the bed above. I could feel the mess she had made on the ground pressing into my bare bottom.She forced me to do a slight sit up, and flicked the switch on the helmet again. I fell backwards onto the ground, my shoulder hitting painfully as my stomach muscles instantly lost the commands they’d been receiving from Sarah. I just lay there, overwhelmed.Sarah, her body still fresh, got up easily. She removed the helmet and blushed as she looked down at me.“I’ll, uh, I’ll leave you to clean up the mess you made.” she said. “I’ll come get the stuff later, my Dad won’t notice it’s gone for a few days.” She made for the door quickly, leaving me laying in her mess. “Bye!”“Bye…” I mumbled. I don’t know how I felt about what just happened.__________Next: Body Rentals - Elle Gets Controlled Part 2 (Chap 4, 5, 6, 7)
Bright City rarely experienced heavy winds at nighttime, such events happening only rarely on stormy nights. It was because of this that the people of the city took cover inside their homes as a storm was brewing in the night sky. But they didn’t know the meaning behind this particular storm, as the spirits of the dead floated across the winds of the approaching tempest.
As the wind began to pick up the spirits of the dead were getting excited. Two spirits in particular, a man and a woman, waited on the edge of the wind’s breath. The time had come.
It’s been a while, hasn’t it Rebecca? Samuel asked his wife.
Five years. Rebecca replied, getting closer to her husband, I was beginning to think we wouldn’t have another chance.
Indeed. Samuel replied, But now that we have the chance… which one do you want?
Rebecca turned her attention to the apartments. Around them, the storm was bringing the dead back for one night and everyone was determined to make the most out of the one night they would have in who knew how long.
She saw the dead flying into rooms, possessing whoever was inside for their own ends. Already she saw the spirit of a dead man possessing a woman around college age and stripping off her clothes so that he can… enjoy her.
Rebecca felt a twinge of jealously at that, but when she saw the woman lived alone most of her jealously slipped away. Some of it returned when the dead man removed the college girl’s bra. There was no way a girl her age should have those kinds of breasts!
Honey, Samuel warned, we’re running out of options here.
Rebecca snapped out of it and wrapped herself tighter around her husband. Sorry honey, she told him, just got lost in my thoughts is all.
Rebecca looked through the windows of the apartment building. Most of the good couples were already taken, several of which had already gotten to business. Rebecca was beginning to worry she was taking too long when she looked through a window and saw a young man and woman. Both college age and both untaken. It helped that they were good looking as well.
Rebecca smiled and pointed her finger at the couple, There. She told Samuel.
Samuel brought his hands around her, the tips of his fingers lightly touching her breasts. Rebecca would have shivered if she was still able to feel anything.
Remember our promise. Samuel whispered, Let’s go.
The two spirits flew upon the wind and into the bodies of the unsuspecting couple in the apartment. The two students gasped as the ghosts entered them, Rebecca felt warmth flow into her as she asserted herself into the body of the young man, and Samuel into the body of the woman. There was some resistance, some shock, and then blackness as Rebecca slowly gained control of her new, temporary body.
The darkness receded and Rebecca opened her eyes to find herself in the land of the living again. She felt her heart beating, blood flowing, and could feel the world around her once more. She looked down at the hands of her body and wiggled them, feeling not only life but also strength. She ran those hands across her body. Clean shaven face, short blonde hair, so far, she was liking what she had even if her body was a little lanky.
“Well?” asked a husky, feminine voice, “How do I look?”
Rebecca stopped the process of exploring her temporary body to look at the body Samuel had possessed. The woman was tall (though shorter than Rebecca’s body), with big boobs (which made Rebecca a little jealous), and auburn hair which went down to her shoulders, drawing attention to those sparkling blue eyes. A name echoed in her head, one that this body knew quite well. Katie. The name of the woman whose body Samuel currently occupied, just as the name of Rebecaa’s body was Steven.
Rebecca stared at Samuel wordlessly for a second as she felt blood flow between her legs. Her breathing increased when she felt her penis straining against the fabric of the pants Steven’s body was wearing. It seems the spine wasn’t the only thing exceptionally long about this body. She stood upright and enjoyed the feeling of her member pulsing with every beat of Steven’s heart.
A smile formed on Katie’s body. Rebecca recognized it as the same mischievous smile Samuel gave her when they were still alive. Samuel’s hands flew to the breasts of his borrowed body as he slowly walked towards her. “Come on, babe.” He whispered in Katie’s deep voice. “Let’s have some fun.”
Those slender hands went to her chest and took off the shirt Steven’s body was wearing, exposing a skinny abdomen. Before Samuel could continue, Rebecca took advantage of her stronger male body and ripped off Katie’s top, exposing Katie’s breasts and watching as they bounced up and down before falling to resting position. “Well that wasn’t very polite.” Samuel commented.
Rebecca grinned, “It makes things easier for me.” Before bringing her hands to her husband’s breasts.
They were firm and warm in her large, rough hands. Not only that but judging by Samuel’s low whimpers they were also sensitive. Ignoring her own pang of jealously, Rebecca delighted in the feeling of Sammuel slipping her pants slipping off her body. There was some pain as her dick was forced down, but that pain quickly turned to pleasure when it snapped upwards, and was parallel to the floor, pointing to Samuel. Outside, the rain started and fell hard, nearly but was nearly drowned out by the howling winds.
Rebecca gasped and involuntarily squeezed the boobs in her hands as she felt warm slender hands wrapping around her penis. It was her turn to whimper as those fingers, guided by the skill and experience of Samuel, worked their way across her shaft and pulled back her foreskin to expose her head, “I wonder how long you can last?” he asked, lightly flicking her penis head with his fingers.
“Longer than you.” Rebecca replied as she undid the shorts Samuel was wearing and moved closer to embrace him. She delighted in feeling how hard his heart was beating against her chest, rivaling the thunder outside. Samuel hugged tighter, pulling Rebecca closer to enjoy the feeling of his breasts against her body. She could only hope he enjoyed her cock resting against his stomach right now. Already she could feel pressure stirring inside.
The two looked into each other’s eyes and neither hesitated as they went in for a kiss. Those slender hands ran along her body. Rebecca shivered as she felt those warm hands run along her shoulder blades, down her back, before admiring the ass of the body she had hijacked. She jumped as she received a firm squeeze on the butt and felt precum building on the head of her stolen penis.
Rebecca growled in ecstasy and moved to return the favor. With her fingers, Rebecca traced down Katie’s spine, before cupping that ass in her hands. Rebecca stared at her husband’s eyes in victory when she squeezed as hard as she could. Sammuel broke the kiss and took a few steps back gasping for air, his hands resting on those perfect boobs. “We picked really good ones, didn’t we?” Rebecca asked, seeing her chance.
She lifted Samuel and threw him on the couch. He landed, his mouth a wide smile as Rebecca rushed over him, the pressure in her penis was quickly building and needed to be released. Thankfully for the both of them, neither body was a virgin and while Samuel grunted in pain as Rebecca’s penis slid inside him, that pain in his eyes quickly subsided as ecstasy took over. “Fuck me.” He whispered in that lovely husky voice.
Rebecca had inhabited male bodies in the past, and while this one wasn’t the hottest either she or Samuel possessed, this one did have the most impressive cock. There was also, Rebecca noticed, a natural attraction. She grinned as she leaned down to kiss her husband, “This body is very attracted to yours.”
Sammuel leaned closer, causing Rebecca’s dick to slide further into him, “And mine really wants to get laid right now,” he whispered, “so let’s do it.” They kissed, their tongues exploring each other’s mouth as Rebecca brought her hand to the right boob of Katie’s body. Her husband’s vagina reacted immediately, and Katie broke the kiss to let out a gasp as ecstasy began to take over.
They quickly fell into a rhythm, their hips thrusting against each other as Rebecca felt the pressure inside of her continue to grow. She gritted her teeth in an effort to hold it in, something that only made the feeling more intense. “what’s wrong, babe?” Katie’s body teased through clenched teeth, "Am I too much for you?”
“No!” Rebecca lied, Steven’s body moving almost of its own will, “You won’t get the best of me!”
There must have been something, a sign that she was lying because Samuel grinned. Rebecca knew right away that he saw her weakness and was going to turn the tables. She was not, however, expecting how he did it.
Rebecca let out a cry as Samuel threw himself from the couch, causing both of them to end up on the floor, except this time Samuel was on top. Those blue eyes were wide and wild, and Rebecca whimpered in pleasure when she felt those expert hands tracing against the outline of her chest.
Steven’s body admired the way Katie’s breasts bounced, as well as the way her stomach moved each thrust. Rebecca clenched her teeth as she felt the semen building inside of her, forcing its way through her shaft. She stared at Katie’s blue eyes and saw the emotions swirling inside Sammuel. They were both so close.
“I’m cumming!” Rebecca moaned.
“Hah!” Sammuel moaned, but his victory was short lived as he came immediately after.
Rebecca let out a sigh as the pressure escaped her penis at the same time Samuel’s juices splashed against her face. She licked that landed on her lips and reveled the taste in her mouth.
They panted as their bodies began to recover. Samuel slid off Rebecca’s deflating cock and laid down naked on the floor next to her. Despite her recent ejaculation, Steven’s body still admired Katie’s body as it laid down next to her. “I love you.” Rebecca said, turning to face Sammuel.
“I love you too.” Sammuel replied, turning over and embracing his wife in a hug.
Rebecca held him tight, enjoying the warmth and feeling of their naked bodies against each other. Outside, the storm was slowing down, going from a downpour to a light drizzle. “It’s time.” She said.
The two spirits slipped out of their stolen bodies. The world became numb again as Rebecca lost the senses of the living. She embraced her husband as they looked down at the naked college students laying on the floor before them.
They’ll certainly be very confused when they wake up. Rebecca said.
Katie will be upset that her top got ruined. Samuel replied.
Why? Rebecca asked, leaning closer to Samuel, It was ugly.
Samuel gave his wife a small, yet passionate kiss, I thought it was cute.
Rebecca rolled her eyes, And that’s why I never let you pick out my clothes when we were still alive.
Just like that the storm was gone and with it, the dead. Any poor souls who missed the passing storm were destroyed when the sun rose and the living again began to assert themselves. Rebecca and Samuel would pass the time wondering when the next storm would come.
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A jealous bully uses a magic spell to try to get with someones girlfriend.
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“Mark! We’re heading to my room, don’t bother us!”
Mark could hear his sister and her friends make their way up the stairs, past his room, and into Jenny’s room at the end of the hall. He sighed and leaned against the wall. If he listened carefully, he was just barely able to make out the sounds of conversation. They were hushed, perhaps they were aware that he might be listening? Or maybe the walls were thicker than he thought?
His phone buzzed in his pocket. It was his mom, texting him that she and his dad had arrived at the next town. Recently, one of their cousins was getting married and so both his parents were invited, but both he and Jenny declined to go.
Their official reasons were to catch up on schoolwork and while that was partially true in Mark’s case, the real reason was that neither of them really liked their cousin Ben, and a weekend free at the house seemed like a fun distraction.
Mark rubbed his eyes as he remembered the math assignment he had to do earlier. He hated fractions.
On the other side of the wall, the girls started laughing. He wondered what it was about. If perhaps Victoria told a funny joke or Susan made a small mistake. Perhaps they were talking about him, and how weird they found him to be.
His phone buzzed. He looked down and saw it was Jimmy texting him that he, Zack, and Brayden would be there in about an hour. They’re just waiting for Brayden to finish with soccer practice. Mark replied ok and went downstairs. He made sure the door was unlocked for them and that the outside light wouldn’t turn on to alert anyone that more people had come inside.
“Oh, hi Mark!” Victoria had come downstairs, “I was just going to get some water, how are you doing?”
“I’m fine.” Mark replied, “Just checking to see if there was anyone outside.”
Victoria frowned, “You expecting someone? You didn’t piss off the wrong people, did you?” she joked.
Mark chuckled, “No. Just expecting some mail. It’s supposed to come in later today.”
“Alright.” Victoria said, “Well… we’re all upstairs… so yeah.”
And with that Victoria left. A part of him wanted to call out to her, to ask her to stay with him for a little while longer. But he wasn’t sure that would have been a good idea. She would just end up laughing at him.
An hour later, Mark received a text from Jimmy saying they were outside. Mark opened the door and let them inside, reminding all of them that they needed to be quiet. Unlike Jenny, who got permission from their parents to have friends over, Mark wasn’t allowed to have guests in the house.
They shuffled into the basement, making sure not to make any sounds that might alert anyone they were there.
“You got it?” Mark asked.
“Calm down.” Zack said, reaching into his coat, “It came this morning.”
He pulled out four small vials of a purple liquid. The four of them stared at the vials before Jimmy, bravest of them all, took one of them in his hand. Mark gulped as Jimmy brought it closer for inspection.
“You sure this will work?” he asked.
Zack shrugged, “Possibly. The guy I bought it off of claimed to have made it himself.”
“You’d buy this stuff from just a random guy?” Brayden asked.
“You’d be interested if this horny creepy guy was actually a hot red head.” Zack replied dryly. “Mark was there, he can vouch for me.”
Mark told them the story of how a week ago he and Zack were looking through the web for anything that might help him get better with girls. He didn’t have Jimmy’s natural confidence, or Brayden’s athleticism, but he was hoping to find something that would give him a leg up.
That led him and Zack to dark corners of the internet where they came across a man who possessed the body of a red haired woman and told about a special potion he created. Hesitantly, the two of them bought four potions of the stuff and waited for Mark’s parents to leave for cousin Ben’s wedding.
“Ok.” Jimmy said slowly, “Did this guy explain how this stuff works?”
“He said that we’d figure it out once we drank it.” Zack replied, “But… to be careful not to spend too long away or else we’ll start to change.”
“Ominous.” Brayden said.
Mark grabbed one and opened it. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to try it!”
“Hold on, hold on!” Jimmy cried, “I’m coming with you. I have my doubts, but I can’t let you poison yourself.”
“Naturally, I will be joining you as well.” Zack said, taking one vial.
The three of them looked towards Brayden. The athlete thought for a moment, his brow furrowed. Despite being a player known for taking risks, Brayden was extremely cautious outside of soccer. If he declined, then at least he would be able to call an ambulance on the likely chance this was all a scam.
Brayden shrugged, “If this makes me miss practice, I swear.”
They raised their vials, clinking them against each other, and drank it all in one gulp.
Whatever was in the vials was surprisingly sweet, and reminded Mark of grape soda, save for the lack of carbonation. It left a bitter aftertaste in his mouth, however.
They waited, glancing at each other. Nothing.
“Looks like that’s two hundred down the drain.” Zack sighed, “Here’s hoping I could track them dow-!”
He doubled over, clenching his teeth and seizing his stomach. Mark and Jimmy got to their feet, only for Jimmy to immediately fall, his body flailing in pain. Mark was beginning to feel weak, suddenly aware of how fragile his balance was. He turned to Brayden, and saw the athlete had completely fallen, laying on his back unconscious. Mark tried to scream, but no sound came out. He couldn’t force anything to come out, he just felt so weak.
He heard shouting followed by footsteps from upstairs. The girls must’ve heard them. If nothing else, they would call an ambulance. Maybe the hospital will be able to save them.
Or maybe that was just a dream. Mark didn’t know when he fell to the floor, but he remembered thinking about how he could no longer feel his body.
And then he realized he had no body.
He floated upwards and looked down. He expected to see something down there, but there was nothing. Around him, he saw the apparitions of his friends as they looked about with their mouths opened.
“Holy sh-!” Brayden screamed, before the door to the basement opened.
The four of them floated in shock as Jenny and her friends came downstairs. Mark was frozen when Jenny’s eyes met his, certain she would cry out in fear. Except her eyes passed over his and the rest of his friends.
“What was that?” Susan asked.
“Did the washing machine turn on?” Isabel asked.
Jenny looked, “No, and there’s nothing in it.”
“A ghost?” Victoria asked.
“Maybe.” Jenny replied with a chuckle.
“Sis?” Mark asked, walking closer to Jenny.
His sister didn’t hear him, “I wonder what Mark’s up to. Do you think he heard anything?”
“I’ll go and ask him.” Victoria said, running upstairs.
Mark waved a ghostly hand in front of Jenny’s face. Nothing. He looked over at his friends who were just as confused as he was. If she couldn’t see him, could she feel him?
Hesitantly, Mark brought a finger to her face. His finger met her skin, and Mark gasped as he was suddenly pulled inside!
Once again he had a body, only this time he was carrying a pair of breasts! He swallowed, feeling cold all of a sudden. He couldn’t see his friends anymore.
“Are you alright?” Susan asked.
Let me out! Mark thought frantically. Let me out!
He gasped as he felt himself ejected from her body, appearing next to her. He was still a ghostly apparition, and he was once again able to see his friends who stood in shock as to what they witnessed.
“Jenny!” Susan called.
“Are you alright? You looked like you were freaking out or something.”
Jenny brought a hand to her head, “Yeah, I’m fine. Think I blacked out or something for a second.”
Victoria came back down the stairs, “Mark’s gone.”
“What?” Jenny asked.
“He’s gone.” Victoria repeated, “He’s not in his room.”
Jenny growled, “I’ll try texting him to see where he is. Hopefully he hasn’t gone far. Probably went out with one of his friends.”
“Don’t you think he would’ve told us?” Isabel asked.
“Probably hanging out with that creep Zack.” Susan muttered.
With that, the three of them went back upstairs.
“Dude, what was that?” Jimmy asked.
“I think I figured out how these potions work.” Mark replied.
“Any idea how we get our bodies back?” Brayden asked.
“The guy said the effect will wear off in about twelve hours.” Zack replied, glaring off at the stairs.
“Are you sure about that?” Brayden asked.
Zack turned his glare at the athlete, “The potions turned out to be real, didn’t they?”
Brayden held up ghostly hands, “Alright, alright. I’m sorry.”
Zack sighed, “It’s not you. It’s just… anyway. I think I might mess with Susan for a bit. Does that sound alright?”
“What?” Brayden and Jimmy asked.
“What did you think Mark and I got the potions for?” Zack asked, “And you saw what Mark did earlier with his sister.”
“Dude. That’s a little… much.” Jimmy said.
Mark scratched his head, “Like I said, I wanted to know girls.”
Jimmy thought for a moment. “Well, since you and Zack got the potions, I guess you get next pick.”
Mark thought for a moment. Jenny was considered one of the most beautiful girls in her college, but she was also his sister. Sure, he had possessed her earlier, but that had been on accident. He didn’t want to do that again. Susan would have been his next choice, but Zack had already claimed her.
He had no interest in Isabel, which only left him with one choice. If he still had his body, his heart would have been pounding when he said, “Victoria.”
“Alright.” Brayden said, “I call Isabel.”
Jimmy groaned, “Umm… Mark, what exactly do you plan to do with these girls?”
“Stuff we shouldn’t be doing.”
“And would you be ok with that knowing your sister would be controlled as well?”
Mark shrugged, if anything he would like her to be taken down a few notches.
Jimmy sighed, “Alright. Just wanted to ask.”
As ghosts, the four of them floated upstairs and into Jenny’s room to find the four girls were sitting on the floor. Jenny had her phone in her hand, “He’s not answering my text.” She said.
“Call him?” Isabel asked.
“I might.”
The four men looked at each other before making their way into the bodies of the women.
They all gasped as they returned to having flesh and blood bodies, even if they weren’t their own. “Unreal.” Jimmy breathed through Jenny’s lips.
“Soft.” Brayden said, examining Isabel’s hands.
“You started with her hands?” Zack asked, bringing Susan’s hands to undo her blouse.
“I wanted to take my time and enjoy things.” Brayden said, “You people can do what you want!”
Well what Mark wanted to do was watch as Zack discarded Susan’s blouse, revealing boobs larger than you would expect on a woman of Susan’s build. The breasts were held back by a white bra that was soon tossed off. The boobs bounced a little as they were freed before falling into their resting position. “This feels interesting.” Zack commented, bringing a finger to a nipple. “Ooh! That’s nice!”
Mark licked Victoria’s lips, feeling a strange sensation between his legs. He rubbed them together, finding the sensation similar to that of a boner. Is this body getting excited? He wondered.
He placed a hand under Victoria’s shorts, feeling around the panties and was surprised that it came back damp. What is this? Mark wondered.
He was suddenly aware of his stolen body. He leaned back, aware of his small breasts that lurked beneath his shirt, as well as the short shorts that exposed his thighs. Mark had thought Victoria was hot but being her was a different thing entirely.
He was so caught up in the revelation of being Victoria that he hadn’t noticed that Jimmy in Jenny’s body had gotten completely naked, their clothes discarded at the floor by their feet. Jenny’s body had made their way over to Isabel’s and they were interlocked. He looked up at the sounds of them moaning, their breasts pressed together as they leaned in and kissed. Jenny’s hands snaked their way under the covers of Isabel’s clothing.
“That looks like fun.” Mark said, his legs twitching.
Jenny’s body broke the kiss. She looked sideways at Mark, looking at him with eyes that were half closed, her body arched in a way that drew attention to the curve of her back as well as her breasts. “You can join us, if you want.”
Mark should have felt ashamed at being turned by his sister’s body, but instead that was the straw that made him throw off his clothing. Victoria’s clothing were snug, in a way that they drew attention to the muscles along her legs and arms. Her boobs, though small, were still heavy enough that they bounced slightly when Mark took off her sports bra.
“Mmmh.” Isabel’s body hummed, beckoning her closer.
Two pair of hands touched her body. Victoria gasped as those same hands traced along her muscles. Jenny’s hand explored her frontal body, giving her breasts a nice squeeze before going down and following the lines of her abs where she found her way between Victoria’s legs and then-
“Ah!” Victoria cried, feeling a finger entering her.
Isabel’s hands were lighter and more experienced, it seemed. She ran her fingers down lightly across her back, lightly tapping away at her muscles, all the while making her way to her ass which she gave a nice firm squeeze.
Victoria hummed as Jenny began manipulating the inside of her vagina.
“I’ve always wanted to do you.” Isabel whispered. “You and Jenny.”
Victoria opened her eyes, seeing the smiling faces of Isabel and Jenny looking down upon her. She was horny, but why? She found their bodies attractive, but she wasn’t attracted to girls. Was she?
But I am! Mark thought, reclaiming himself.
He struggled remembering his own name as Victoria’s body climaxed. He moaned, Victoria’s back arched as a wave of pleasure flowed through him, feeling similar but not quite the same as the orgasms he would often experience in his old body.
My old body. Mark thought, looking down at Victoria’s naked form. Yes. I am Mark, I am a guy, this is not my usual body. Why did I think it was?
“Jenny, do me!” Isabel moaned.
Mark looked to see his sister’s body and Isabel’s body fumble to the floor. Susan, it seemed had left the room and wandered off. I need to find Zack. Mark thought, Maybe he’ll know something about this.
Quickly, he left his sister’s room, leaving Jimmy and Brayden alone to finish what they started. He found Zack soon enough. He was still in Susan’s body, now completely naked on the couch and was taking pictures with her phone.
“What’s going on?” Mark asked, “Earlier, I thought I was actually Victoria!”
Susan nodded, “A side effect, it seems, of the potion. I almost lost myself as well. Although… it seems that in doing so I was able to learn a few things about Susan.”
“What kind of things?” Mark asked.
Susan grinned as she quickly typed something into her phone, “Just some usernames and passwords is all.” Susan showed him a website on her phone. Mark gasped as he saw multiple pictures and videos of Susan, each of them having her in a sexual position of some kind. “This is how she’s been paying for college, you know?” Zack laughed.
“I… I don’t think we should continue this.” Mark said.
Susan eyed him, “You’re the one who wanted this. Besides, you managed to remember yourself. Besides…” Susan aimed her phone at him and snapped a few pictures, “We should at least get something to remember this by.”
“I… I don’t know, it’s just…”
“Just what?” Zack said, putting down the phone, “That now you get the chance you’ve always wanted and now you’re too scared to go through with it?”
“You wanted to do this. You gave me half the money. You planned this.” Zack snapped. “But… if you want to back out of this, be my guest. I’m going to continue having some fun, and I think Jimmy and Brayden will as well. But if you want to stop early, that’s your problem.”
Mark gritted his teeth. “Alright. You’re right. I… I think I will call this early, for me anyway. But… do you think Jimmy and Brayden might be willing to do something with us?”
Susan raised an eyebrow, a small smile on her lips.
They arrived to see Jenny and Isabel panting heavily. Despite this, however, the two of them were still willing to join with Victoria and Susan as they laid down on the floor and began exploring each other’s bodies.
Victoria was once again confused by why she felt attraction at Susan’s large breasts. Sure she was once jealous of all the looks Susan would get, but she never once felt herself attracted to them. And why was she fine with both Isabel and Jenny getting so handsy with her?
She gasped, suddenly aware that one of her hands was massaging Susan’s breasts, making one of her nipples erect in the process, while her other hand had found its way onto Isabel’s ass and was gently gliding across the perfect roundness of it.
She was forced onto the floor as the other girls, giggling began having their way with her. This isn’t right! She thought, Why I am doing this? What even happened? She tried to fight back, but the three girls holding her down combined with her own body spasming at the pleasure she was facing made it difficult to think much less act.
“Come on, Victoria.” Isabel goaded, “Make me feel good, too.”
Victoria was aware of her fingers entering Isabel’s pussy. The other girl moaned as Victoria began fingering her. Why am I doing this? She wondered.
Wait. Mark thought, I remember why I’m doing this now.
Shame washed over him briefly as he wondered what would happen if he slipped out of Victoria and she woke up to find her other friends completely naked and having sex with each other. Would they still try to have sex with her, now knowing that Mark was still inside?
Victoria came, her body spasmed as she fell limp to the floor. The other three giggled, continuing to play with each other and completely unaware as Victoria reached for her clothes and left Jenny’s room. Mark found comfort and safety in his own room.
He leaned against his wall, barely able to hear the others having fun in the other room. He laughed as he began putting Victoria’s clothes back on before stopping and remembering what Zack was doing earlier.
Victoria’s phone was still in her shorts and with it Mark took a few pictures of her body and sent it to his own phone, for his own use later back in his own body. Afterwards, he put Victoria’s clothes back on and wondered if now was a good time to leave.
If I do that, she’ll be wondering what she’s doing in my room, and why all of her friends have suddenly become so horny. Mark thought, bringing his legs up to his chest.
I feel so weak.
He gasped. That thought was not his.
Cautiously, he let those other thoughts come in. Victoria’s thoughts. She wasn’t conscious, at least Mark really hoped she wasn’t, so these thoughts must be related to memories in some way. Slowly, reminding himself of who he is, Mark allowed those memories and thoughts to come to him.
Victoria was running. She was on the track at her college. Jenny, Isabel, and Susan were cheering her on in the stands. Victoria bared her teeth as she made it to her final lap, placing all of her strength into her she managed to pass by the others and claim the victory.
And yet, she was still too shy to tell anyone else about her feelings. An image came to mind. Of a boy with thin framed glasses and short hair. A boy who Jenny rolled her eyes at and badmouthed to everyone.
Mark swallowed as he saw himself come into mind.
Mark opened his eyes. She has feelings for me. He thought. And I just stole her body. And my friends are having fun in the bodies of her friends. Some crush I was.
He decided to wait out the time in Victoria’s body. After some time, the sounds from the other room had stopped and Mark, unknowingly managed to fall asleep.
She woke up as a ray of sunlight fell upon her face. She blinked, opened her eyes and wondered why she was Mark’s room and not Jenny’s. Wait. She didn’t do anything weird with him, did she?
No! Mark screamed, Because I’m right here! And I need to get out! Get Out!
He was thrust outwards, falling onto the floor of his room. He laughed, but stopped as he heard Victoria take in a breath. “Hey, it’s alright it’s-” As he got up he stopped, aware at how cold he now felt. Slowly he looked down and saw he was naked, and what was worth was that his penis was completely erect.
He looked up, expecting Victoria to scream, or get angry with him. Instead, she asked, “Mark? What did we do yesterday?”
Before he could answer, screaming came from the other room. Both female and male voices. Mark and Victoria dashed over to Jenny’s room to find Jenny and Isabel, still naked, glaring daggers at the naked Jimmy and Brayden who had now appeared.
“What happened?” Mark asked.
“We remembered about the deadline,” Jimmy replied, “but we didn’t expect to appear next to them without clothes.”
“You didn’t dress them?” Mark asked.
“What’s going on?” Jenny demanded, “What did you and your creepy friends do to us?”
Mark looked around the room and noticed that two people were missing. “Where’s Susan?” he asked.
“Where’s Zack?” Jenny snarled.
Those questions gave them a sort of silent truce as they looked through the house for any evidence of the two. Jenny and Isabel both got dressed and refused to look at them as they called out for Isabel. Victoria avoided Mark as he and Brayden found their clothes waiting for them in the basement, along with a note from Zack who said he ran off with Susan’s body, saying she would be able to make him a good amount of money in a small amount of time.
The three friends looked at each other, each one wondering if they should tell the girls what happened and what they had done last night.
Dahlia waited until the last student left before she locked the doors to the library. It was nearing finals and the students were staying later as a result to get their grades up. Dahlia didn’t blame them, but it did irritate her that she would have to sometimes close later than usual. Especially now since the ritual was almost complete.
She turned off the lights around her with a flick of her wrist, casting the library into shadow. From her pocket she pulled out an old pair of glasses which she snapped, improving her vision so the dark library appeared fully lit to her. Upstairs, she could already hear Blossom and Sacha preparing the ritual.
On the second floor she found her sisters sitting in the center of the circular carpet surrounded by bookshelves. Blossom was looking through the book, muttering under her breath as she searched for the locater spell while Sacha was looking through her bag for the materials needed for the ritual and for the locater spell.
“You couldn’t get them to leave earlier?” Sacha asked, pulling out a compass, “We’re already on a tight enough deadline as is!”
“It’s finals week.” Dahlia replied, “and all of the students who took their classes lightly are just now remembering what’s at stake if they don’t pass.”
“Aren’t you the head librarian here!” Sacha hissed, pulling out a magnifying glass.
“I am.” Dahlia replied, “And as such, it’s my job to make sure these students have all the resources they need to succeed.”
“And what about our resources?” Sacha asked, getting to her feet.
“Sisters calm down,” Blossom begged, laying the book down.
Dahlia glanced at the tome. Blossom had found the locator spell, thankfully. It looked like they had everything they needed for it as well. Magnifying glass, compass, blank paper, and the blood of the people who were searching for the person.
Blossom licked her lips nervously as Dahlia and Sacha placed the items in the middle of the carpet. She hid her eyes when Dahlia produced a knife hidden in her jacket, Blossom was never a fan of violence, much less blood.
Dahlia drew in a sharp breath as she nicked her finger, letting a single drop of blood splash onto the items. She handed the knife to Sacha who did the same and who then coerced the struggling Blossom to add her blood to the pile as well.
Above them, the moon was shining through the glass ceiling. If there was ever a time to do it, now was the time. The three of them held hands and began chanting, with Dahlia leading the chant. They thought of their desire, to let magic flourish anew in this world which has long since forgotten it.
The three of them have searched across the world and were certain that they were either the last of their kind, or that the rest have gone underground to hide from the world that didn’t want them anymore. A cruel world we live in. Dahlia thought, A cruel world that would stomp us out when we have much to offer.
They continued chanting as the items before them began to glow, levitating in the air and dissolving to dust before their eyes. The three of them chanted harder as they saw an image forming amongst the fog. A woman.
The fog started swirling around them and then the three of them were blown backwards as the spell was completed. Dahlia was the first to recover and there, standing in the middle of the carpet, was the naked form of a student she had seen sometimes around the library. Betty. That was her name. It wasn’t the real Betty, of course, just an illusion of the person they were looking for.
"Who the hell is that?" Sacha demanded.
Dahlia licked her lips, her heart pounding in her chest. “She is the key to our entire ritual.”
Blossom walked over and examined the illusion of Betty, “I wonder what her story is, any ideas Dahlia?”
The head witch shook her head, she had seen Betty around sometimes. But the student looked tired, uninterested in her classes. Did something happen to her? Or was there something else bothering her? Either way would be troubling as they needed for the ritual now.
“A bit lacking in the chest department.” Sacha noted.
“Hey!” Blossom replied.
Sacha held up her hand, “I’m not saying they’re not pretty, just stating their size is all.”
Dahlia looked at the image again as she began to fade. She burned the image of the student into her mind, making sure to remember every detail of her face, her green eyes, light auburn hair. Her perfect breasts, her round ass.
She opened her eyes as she felt a wetness growing between her legs.
“You alright?” Blossom asked.
“I’m fine.” Dahlia replied, regaining her composure. “We have two days to get her.”
“I can cook up some love potions.” Sacha replied, “Or maybe some sleeping potions, or maybe-”
“The participant must be willing.” Dahlia cut her off.
“Oh right.” Sacha sighed, “That will make matters more difficult.”
Dahlia looked away, “I’ll try to convince her to come with us.”
“You?” Sacha asked.
“Yes.” Dahlia replied stiffly, “I’m head librarian, she might have at least some idea of who I am.”
Sacha snorted, “Alright, but I won’t be too surprised if this doesn’t work.”
Betty rubbed her eyes as she closed the last book before her. It’s only been a few seconds and she was already forgetting most of what she’d read. She looked at her journal and her notes appeared as scribbles to her.
Fuck me. She thought, I’m sorry mom.
She looked at the clock on the wall. Her job wasn’t until another hour and half but she was just so sleepy. Maybe she could get some coffee on the way out.
She started packing her bags when she heard footsteps coming her way. She looked up and her breath caught as she noticed a tall woman coming towards her. Shoulder length black hair with dark eyes that matched. She wore a white blouse with a black skirt. Betty remembered her, the head librarian, Dahlia, that was her name.
“Hello.” Betty said.
“Hi.” The librarian greeted, “I… I noticed you looked a little tired and was wondering if you needed help.”
“Er… I’m… I’m sorry, I just haven’t been getting any sleep lately is all.” Betty replied.
“Oh! Well, I have some tea in my office if you’d like some.”
Betty followed the librarian to her office. It was just what Betty thought a librarian’s office should be. Small, orderly, and with a bookshelf that contained heavy looking books. Although, she had never seen books like those before, maybe Dahlia was a collector of old books?
“Forgive the mess, I hadn’t had the chance to clean yet.” Dahlia said, pouring her some tea.
“This place is cleaner than my room.” Betty commented.
Dahlia grinned, “Well thanks for that. Here.”
The mug was warm, and Betty took a cautious sip. It was warm, sweet, with a slight honey aftertaste. She hadn’t tasted any tea exactly like this, but it did wake her up just as Dahlia said. Maybe she could look over her notes while she waited for her shift. Or maybe they’ll still be nothing but scribbles to her.
“How do you like it?” Dahlia asked.
“It’s good.” Betty replied, finishing the last of it, “Thank you.”
Dahlia nodded and hesitated. Betty saw something behind her. There was a window behind her seat, and she noticed a raven sitting perched on a tree branch that it looked to be watching them.
“Haven’t seen any ravens here before.” Betty said.
Confused, Dahlia looked behind her and let out an audible gasp as the bird.
“Something wrong?”
“No.” Dahlia replied, sitting back down, “First time I’ve seen one here myself.”
Betty wrung her hands in her lap, “Is there a reason why you called me in here? I mean, thanks for the tea, it was really helpful, but I was wondering if there was any reason you called in me specifically.”
“Well, I noticed you seemed to be struggling with your classes,” Dahlia began, “and I was wondering if you’d accept my offer to tutor you after hours.”
God knows I need that. But I don’t think a few days of tutoring will save my grades. I just want to get this semester done with and help my mom and brother.
“Umm… what time, exactly?” Betty asked, “Because I get off work at five.”
“I might be able to squeeze some time in.” Dahlia replied.
“Alright. Then… I’ll see around six then?”
“Sounds good to me!”
I hope I don’t disappoint you.
Dahlia sighed as Betty left her office. She was struggling alright, but there seemed to be something more than that. She wasn’t a stupid girl, that much was sure. Or did she only want to believe that?
Outside, she heard the raven cawing. Most people would be unnerved by how human like that raven was. It sounded almost like it was laughing. But Dahlia knew full well it was laughing.
With a snap of her fingers, her window flew open and a quick tug at the air and the raven was struggling in her hands. “Mind telling me why you were spying on us, sister?” Dahlia demanded, releasing the bird.
The birds black feathers gave way to the naked beauty of the blonde witch Sacha. She lay sprawled on the floor of Dahlia’s office, her chest heaving from the struggle. “That was almost painful to watch.” Sacha gasped.
“Well I managed to convince her to meet with me after her shift at work today.”
Sacha stood up, dusty herself off. “And what? Seduce her by teaching her some ancient history?”
Dahlia didn’t reply. That had, in fact, been her plan.
Sacha wandered towards the bookshelf, plucked out a particularly thick tome, and the bookshelf slid to the side to reveal a hidden closet where Dahlia kept her spare clothes.
“Are you going to be pay me back for those?” Dahlia asked.
“Why?” Sacha asked, “It’s not my fault they fit a little tight on me. Hmm… no spare shoes.”
Dahlia growled and pulled at her own blouse. The clothes on Sacha flew off, and the blonde witch glowered at her. “Now’s not the time for petty fights, sister.” Sacha said. “Forgive me, but I don’t think your plan is going to work, so I want to try to do things my way, and one of the things about my way is that I WILL NOT LEAVE THIS ROOM NAKED!”
Dahlia huffed and threw the clothes back at Sacha. “Away with you! If you’re not gone in ten seconds, I’ll send out dressed how you are.”
Sacha changed quickly and left Dahlia’s office. The oldest witch shook her head as she moved her bookshelf back in place. Maybe Sacha was right, Dahlia certainly wasn’t a people person so she was beginning to wonder if Betty would actually come back. But she was really worried now, because she had no idea how the poor student would react to whatever crazy scheme Sacha was going to pull.
Whatever was in that tea Dahlia gave was strong stuff. She was able to survive for the past six hours dealing with customers and their ridiculous orders. She even managed to get a decent tip in as well. Looks like she won’t be hungry tonight.
But she was tired again when she left work and drove back to college. She had arrived forty minutes early and had planned to either nap or take a little walk around the campus to clear her mind. She killed her engine and looked around. She had forgotten that it started getting dark earlier now, a walk probably wasn’t the best idea. She also didn’t think a nap would be good either. Didn’t want to over sleep and miss her appointment with the librarian.
She checked her phone and without thinking, texted her mom asking how’s she doing. No reply, and she wouldn’t be expecting any for the next few hours or so.
Seeing no other point in waiting, she decided to wander around the campus. While she planned to explore the grounds, she decided to stick to the building as she didn’t want to stay out there any longer than she needed to.
She’d spent a year at this place, and everything was starting to look the same already. The three floors were built nearly identical to each other, with the difference being the number of students and faculty on a floor at any given point in time.
Betty wasn’t surprised to see there weren’t many people out in the halls today. Most of them didn’t have classes this late, and those that did were in a different building on campus, not the main building. The third floor was just as empty as the other two floors, however she saw a woman standing in front of one of the classrooms.
She was a little bit shorter than Dahlia, but still taller than Betty. Blonde hair framed a muscular body, whose curves and muscles were highlighted by the snug clothing she was wearing. The blonde woman glanced at Betty, her blue eyes meeting Betty’s own green. The blonde woman’s mouth quirked upwards slightly.
“Hello, you must be Betty, right?”
“Er… yes.”
The blonde woman walked closer, “Well I’m Sacha, Dahlia’s told me a little about you. Such as how you’re not exactly the greatest at schoolwork, and that you’ve seen tired lately.”
Betty took a few steps back, the woman was getting a little too close for her liking.
“So… I was wondering if you’d be able to help me with something. Of course, I’ll make sure to help you as well.”
Betty backed into the wall. “What is it?”
Sacha put both of her arms to the wall, trapping Betty in place. The student swallowed as she looked up at Sacha. The woman smiled for a second, before leaning down and pressing her lips against Betty’s.
Betty stiffened, not wanting to fight back when she felt Sacha’s tongue slip out from between her teeth and begin exploring her mouth. A part of her wanted to give in, but she managed to break the kiss and before Sacha could react, Betty sprinted down the stairs, but not before shouting a quick, “I’m sorry!”
She didn’t stop running until she was outside, nearly throwing herself through the doors and down the steps. She found rest beneath one of the nearby trees. Her heart was pounding, but it wasn’t just from the running. She brought a finger to her lips, tracing the outline of her mouth as she remembered Sacha pressing against her.
“There you are.”
Another woman had appeared. She was shorter than Betty and had light brown hair pulled back in a short braid.
“Who are you?” Betty asked.
The woman held out her hands, “Sorry, sorry.” She said, taking a step back, “I’ve come on behalf of my sister Sacha.”
“Sister? You don’t look alike.”
The woman waved her hands through the air, “We’re not blood related, it’s more of a group sort of thing. Regardless, I’ve come to apologize on her behalf. I think she came on a bit too strong for you and it really wasn-”
“Who are you?” Betty asked.
“Oh. My name is Blossom and-”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Blossom’s smile faltered. “I… I think you might need to hear it from Dahlia. But, we don’t mean you any harm.”
Betty swallowed, “Alright, let’s go see Dahlia.”
It was a little before six when Blossom and Betty went to see Dahlia in her office. The head librarian was surprised to see Blossom there as well, as she was preparing subjects related to Betty’s classes.
“She met Sacha earlier.” Blossom explained, “I think the poor girls a little frightened now.”
“I never said that!” Betty replied, hiding her blush.
“What happened?” Dahlia asked.
“Who are you three?” Betty asked, “Why are you all focusing on me?”
Dahlia thought for a moment. “I think you might need to sit down for this, Betty.” Dahlia reached into her drawer and pulled out a feather as well as a piece of tissue. She muttered a few words and in a puff of smoke, a dove had come to life in her hands. “We’re witches.” Dahlia said, letting the dove fly freely through her window.
She turned and saw that Betty was unimpressed.
“Is that all?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
“A simple stage trick? I’ve seen magicians doing that since I was seven!”
Dahlia twitched. You did not just compare me to a simple stage magician. Without thinking, she plucked a hair from the student and tied it around her ring finger.
“What was that for?” Betty asked.
“Sister, I don’t think this is a goo-”
“Silence!” Dahlia commanded, pressing down upon the piece of hair.
Betty stiffened and fell silent. Her eyes widened, fingers clawing at her lips in an attempt to open them.
“Sister…” Blossom growled.
Dahlia blinked and looked towards Betty, “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” She threw off the hair as Betty regained control of her mouth. “Sorry. You alright?”
She placed a hand on Betty’s shoulder. The student breathed heavily, “It’s true then. You’re witches. All three of you.”
“Probably the last three left in the world.” Dahlia replied.
“Why are you interested in me?” Betty asked.
“We’re preparing a ritual.” Dahlia explained, “And one of the resources needed was the orgasm of a specific virgin born when Neptune hung over the earth. By the roll of cosmic dice, you were the only person in the nearby area who met that requirement.”
Betty looked down, and Dahlia could see her eyes reddening at the edges. Did I say something wrong?
“Are you alright?” Dahlia asked.
To her surprise, the student leapt forward and brought her arms around her in a tight embrace. Dahlia glanced at Blossom was just as bewildered as she was. Betty sobbed for a few minutes before calming down, “Sorry. It’s just… sorry.”
Dahlia knelt down and wiped a tear from Betty’s face while Blossom handed the student some tissue paper. “Of course, we’re not expecting you to give us something for nothing. If you help us, we’ll be willing to do what we can to help you with whatever you want.”
Betty swallowed. “I see. Well… I might need some time to think it over.”
“We have until midnight tomorrow.” Dahlia said.
“What happens if I refuse?”
Dahlia shrugged. “We pretend this never happened.”
“That’s it?”
“We’re not particularly vengeful.” Blossom chuckled, “Well, not unless you compare our magic to simple stage magic. Don’t worry, we won’t turn you into a frog or anything.”
Dahlia thought for a moment before bringing her finger to her breast and tracing an X over her heart. “Cross my heart.”
“A children’s promise?”
Blossom smiled as she did the same, “Where did you think it came from? And don’t worry, we’ll make sure that Sacha swears as well.”
“Alright.” Betty said, “Um… so about that tutoring?”
It was a little before midnight when Betty left and Dahlia closed up the library. Thankfully, there were no other students so Dahlia and Blossom were ready to go onto the second floor. Blossom had already gotten everything they needed for the ritual, hopefully Betty would say yes.
If we didn’t scare off, that is.
“Bring her out.” Dahlia said.
Blossom grinned as she reached into her bag to pull out a struggling raven ensnared in rope. Dahlia drew a circle onto the center carpet and motioned for Blossom to throw the traitor inside before she closed off the circle.
As the bird flew through the air it transformed into the muscular blonde woman who tried to make for it before Dahlia completely closed off the circle, trapping her inside.
“I told you to leave her alone.” Dahlia said.
“Like you would’ve been able to do the job yourself!” Sacha shouted.
“Actually, she was doing a fine job of it as far as I could tell.” Blossom interjected, “She explained everything fully and even showed off her powers. A bit aggressive though.”
“Well good for you,” Sacha spat, “but will you be able to give her what she wants, sister? I saw it. I saw in her eyes exactly what she wanted, and I don’t think you have it in you to give it to her.”
Dahlia’s jaw tightened as she brought out a nude doll along with a length of blonde hair.
Both Blossom and Sacha’s faces paled at the sight of it. “Sister!” Sacha said nervously as Dahlia tied the hair around the doll, “I was just messing around, you didn’t think I’d actually-”
Dahlia pressed her thumb against the doll’s boobs, rubbing over them gently. The blonde witch shuddered, her legs pressing together involuntarily as her arms instinctively went to protect her breasts. “I told you to stay out of it.” The oldest witch said, tracing a finger downwards along the dolls body.
Sacha, grunted, her legs slipping from beneath her as she fell to the ground. She squirmed as she felt an invisible form rubbing against her, little hands running along her boobs and down her body. Getting lower, ever lower. She started panting as she felt pressure building up between her legs.
Blossom tenderly tapped Dahlia on the shoulder, “Sister? Don’t you think this is a bit much?”
Dahlia remembered Betty having her arms around her, sobbing into her. She doubted Sacha had anything to do with that. But that woke up something inside Dahlia, and she knew that she didn’t want anyone to take Betty away from her.
The oldest witch removed her fingers from the doll, “No don’t stop!” Sacha growled.
Dahlia grinned at Blossom as she handed the doll over to her. The youngest witch looked at her and then towards Sacha who glared daggers at her. Quickly, Blossom began trailing her fingers along the doll’s body, which caused Sacha to once again squirm on the floor.
Dahlia crept closer to the circle, making sure not to break it. “Blossom and I made a promise to the girl. We promised that if she refused that we not hurt her or anyone she cares about. We promised. Now you need to do so too.”
Sacha groaned as Blossom continued to trail her fingers across the doll’s body. She stopped when Dahlia shot her a quick glare.
“Please!” Sacha said through clenched teeth.
“Swear it.”
Sacha was rubbing her legs together as she dragged a finger across her chest.
Blossom tossed the doll back to Dahlia who brought the dolls crotch to her mouth and took a few licks of it. “Argh!” Sacha screamed, releasing her juices across the carpet.
Dahlia untied the piece of hair from the doll and threw the doll back in their bag. “Tell me, sister, do you still doubt I don’t have what it takes to give the girl what she wants?”
Sacha breathed heavily, her body relaxing. She looked over at Dahlia and started laughing, “Why sister, I haven’t seen you this fired up in a while! I’m starting to wonder if the girl is a witch who managed to place you under her enchantment!”
Betty stared at her phone. Her thumb hovered over the call button. Her mom hadn’t texted back. Maybe she didn’t see the text? Maybe she was still working?
She took a press and called her mom. The phone rang for a few minutes before she heard a click, followed by a masculine voice asking, “Hello?”
“Where’s mom?”
“She fell asleep on the couch as soon as she came home.” He replied, “Didn’t even eat the food I made for her.”
“What are you still doing up?”
“I was playing some video games, waiting for her to come back. I was actually about to take a shower when you called.”
Betty sighed, “How’s school?”
“It’s alright. Looks like I’m going for all B’s this year. Oh, did I tell you, I got a job!”
“Oh, where at?”
“Some sandwich place close by where we live. I’ll show you when you come over for the break!”
“Alright, tell mom I love her, alright.”
“No love for me then, huh?”
“Of course I love you.”
“Heh heh, love you too, sis.”
There was another click as her brother hung up. Betty fell over onto her bed as she thought about the three witches. They said they’ll be willing to help her if she helped them. At first she thought about asking them to improve her grades, but now she’s wondering if perhaps she could ask them to help out her family.
God knows they deserve it. Her dad passed away soon after Jesse was born and her mom worked hard to give the two of them what they needed. She felt like she wasted her mom’s efforts by not doing well in college, if anything, paying her back for everything seemed like the least she could do if she didn’t want to continue her college career.
It’s decided then. I’ll help them. And I’ll ask if they can help my family.
Shaking, Betty fell asleep under her covers, wondering if she’d be able to follow through with her plan the next day.
She gave it some thought throughout the day. None of the witches had bothered her, although she had seen some of them throughout her day, she was also aware of a raven that appeared to be following her.
When night came, she approached the university library a few minutes before closing. The doors were still open, although the lights were already off. “Hello?” she called.
“We’re up here.” The witches replied.
Betty took out her phone and used the flashlight to make her way upstairs. There, in the center of the room knelt the witches who were all dressed in loose robes. They sat before the circular rug, with lanterns surrounding them. Above them, the full moon was revealing itself from behind the clouds, allowing even more light to shine through.
Betty gave a nervous smile as the witches rose to meet her.
“You came.” Blossom said.
“Yeah.” Betty breathed, looking around. “Is… is everything ready?”
“We’re only missing one piece.” Sacha replied, “You.”
Betty swallowed, the palms of her hand suddenly feeling sweaty. “Well.” She said, slowly unzipping her sweater, “I’m ready whenever you are.”
“Oh, about that.” Blossom grinned and then looked away. “We gave it some thought and wondered if you’d be comfortable doing it with all of us or if you’d prefer only one of us. We only need you for the ritual, and we don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
Betty paused and looked over each of them in turn. Blossom seemed uncomfortable, shifting where she stood. Sacha grinned when Betty looked at her and Dahlia had remained silent so far. Betty met Dahlia’s eyes and the head librarian blushed slightly.
Slowly, Betty walked forward and reached out for Dahlia, taking her hand and giving her a kiss. The head librarian kissed back, but unlike Sacha she didn’t have the same experience. It was slower, clumsier, but that was more than made up for when they pressed their bodies together.
Betty was aware of Dahlia’s hand snaking its way across her back, finding the hook of her bra and unclipping it. She was a little self-conscious, hearing the audible gasps of the other two witches, but that feeling soon faded when she felt Dahlia’s hand exploring her now fully exposed upper body.
Dahlia broke the kiss, “Come, the ritual is about to begin.”
She led her to the center of the circular rug and paused. Betty stood there, watching as Dahlia’s eyes traced over her body. She looked down and came closer, stripping Betty first of her shoes, then her socks, her pants came next and Betty felt a wetness growing between her legs when she noticed Dahlia’s eyes widen as the pants were removed.
Her fingers went to her panties, but Betty held up her hands.
“Is something wrong?” Dahlia asked.
“Yeah.” Betty replied, reaching for Dahlia’s robe, “I want to see you too.”
Dahlia gasped then smiled as she leaned back, allowing Betty to remove her robe. She was only slightly surprised to see the witch wasn’t wearing anything beneath, and she gingerly took one of Dahlia’s breasts in her hand and gave it a slight squeeze, earning a sigh from the witch.
“You’re beautiful.” Betty said.
“Thank you.” Dahlia said, reaching out towards Betty.
She was pulled towards the witch, and she went willingly into the witches arms. Dahlia’s stroked their way down her back, reaching the treasure that was her panties. This time, Betty didn’t resist as she felt the witch pulling her panties down.
Dahlia rose and they switched places, with Betty being on the bottom. Betty laid there, exposed, as Dahlia’s hands slipped downward. She gave a jolt when she felt fingers around her crotch, a moan soon escaped.
That was when she felt another pair of hands embrace her. She opened her eyes and saw that Sacha had joined in as well. Much like Dahlia, her robe had been discarded, exposing her slightly muscled frame to everyone there. Betty gasped, noticing how the lantern light highlighted her thighs and abs.
“Sister?” Dahlia asked.
“Do not fight me, sister.” Sacha growled, “This spell needs to be done, and I’m afraid you’re taking too long for my liking.”
Sacha bent down and kissed Betty. The student’s body shot up as she felt the blonde witches tongue once again exploring her mouth. She groped around, feeling across the blonde’s body until she found the curves of her breast. The nipple was already erect, and Betty gave it a small pinch.
Sacha shuddered and broke off the kiss, “A devious one, aren’t you?”
Sacha gasped, as two smaller hands grabbed her from behind, giving her boobs a good squeeze. Betty saw the third witch, Blossom, had snuck up behind Sacha.
“I think that honor belongs to me.” Blossom purred, “Although, I will say that sneaking up on them was rather sneaky.”
“Come. Closer.” Betty begged between pants.”
Blossom smiled and maneuvered herself so Betty could get a better look. Blossom was the smallest of the witches and was on the thin side as well. Still, her petite form was more than enough for Betty to bare her teeth, she could feel the orgasm was close.
Dahlia gasped, grinning, she leaned forward. Betty saw as Dahlia was working her how her breasts moved with every bounce. She also noticed how close Dahlia was to her knee. Grinning, Betty bent her leg, her knee positioning itself right between the oldest witches legs.
Dahlia arched her back, “Well, that’s not really- ah! Oh!”
Betty began bouncing her knee, hoping to pleasure the witch just as much as she was.
Other pairs of hands grabbed at her. Betty trembled as she felt Sacha’s powerful hands glide across her body, followed by her leaning in for another kiss. That was when she felt the much lighter touch of Blossom, whose fingers teased her now fully erect nipples, then Betty released a loud moan as she felt a mouth close down upon her right breast.
She arched her back, practically screaming as she released the largest orgasm she has ever had. Then the light from the lanterns went out.
In the midst of pleasure, Dahlia was aware of the ritual going off. The beautiful woman beneath her had shuddered, releasing her orgasm the last part of the ritual. The lanterns went out and to the three witches, it seemed that time had slowed.
The three of them stood up, looking to the heavens to see the moon had turned a deep red as magic now flowed downwards. In that moment, the three of them held the power of gods.
They had agreed upon what to do. To release the magic back into the world. And yet.
“I can’t do it.” Dahlia said.
“Why not?” Sacha asked.
Dahlia looked at her in the eyes, “I made a promise to her.”
Sacha snorted. “Seems like that girl managed to catch your eye.”
“Like you hadn’t enjoyed the attention she gave you, sister.” Blossom interjected.
“Shut up.”
Dahlia pressed onward, “If I recall, you sought her out in quite the hurry.”
Sacha blushed and refused to meet their eyes.
Blossom laughed before looking down on the college student. She knelt down, taking her hand and placing it upon Betty’s breast before taking out a ghostly image of her heart. She held it gently, as a mother would a child. “She’s a good person, you know.” She said, examining her heart.
“I’m going to use my power to help her.” Dahlia said, “You two can do whatever you want with yours.”
Sacha looked away, while Blossom who still held Betty’s heart in her hand smiled. “I have an idea in mind.”
For a fraction of a second, the three witches held the power of gods. And they released it all at once. Dahlia poured her energy into fulfilling the college student’s wish. Her power flowed throughout the city, seeking out Betty’s family to grace them with good fortune. It wouldn’t be instant, but in a month or so, they’ll be living far better than they currently were.
Sacha, reluctantly, released her power into the world where it would seek out new vessels and endow them with the power of the mystic. Hopefully, they could hide their existence, and spread their existence. Hopefully, another ritual such as this one wouldn’t need to be performed again.
Blossom, poured her magical power into Betty’s heart before placing the heart back in her body.
Betty saw a flash of light, followed by a chilling sensation as her orgasm shot out. She twitched, her final leg movement being the last straw for Dahlia who came on her leg before collapsing on top of her. Blossom and Sacha were sprawled on the ground beside them, both of them collapsed.
“It’s done.” Dahlia sighed.
“My family?”
“I’ve taken care of them.” The witch replied, “Soon, fortune will come their way.”
“Thank you.” Betty said, tears forming in her eyes.
Dahlia met her gaze and smiled. She leaned forward, giving Betty a kiss.
“Ouch!” Dahlia said, leaping back.
Betty looked down and saw that little lines of lightning danced between her fingers.
“That was my wish.” Blossom said, climbing to her feet, “We needed more witches in the world, and I decided that it would be nice if we played teacher to one of them.”
“Heh.” Sacha grunted, sitting up, “So that’s what you did. I guess I was the only one who followed up on our original plan.”
“You did great.” Blossom told her, “I can only hope that it’ll work and that magic will be able to make a return.”
Dahlia thought for a moment, “Well… I suppose it wouldn’t be right for us to end the day without teaching our new apprentice some things.”
Sacha smiled, and crawled closer, wrapping her arms around Betty, “I agree with you, sister.”
Blossom came over and knelt down opposite of Sacha. “It wouldn’t be right of us otherwise.”
Dahlia came over and crouched down in front of Betty. “That is, of course, if you want that.”
Betty looked into Dahlia’s eyes and smiled. Her hands found their ways between the legs of the other two witches who sighed in response. “Oh yes, please.” She begged.
Dahlia bent down, her mouth heading for Betty’s breasts. The two witches leaned Betty back just as Dahlia’s lips connected with a nipple. Betty learned many things that night.
“I’m not sure Sarah, I’m not that desperate.”, I said.“Come on Elle! Aren’t you at least a bit curious?” Sarah whined.Body Rentals had been around for a few years now, but only recently had the price and portability of their control unit’s dropped low enough for regular people to afford them. Regular people like Sarah, who was now sitting on the floor of my room desperately trying to get me to let her try it on me.“Curious, yes.” I said “Keen for you to take control of my body? No.”“Why not? It’s perfectly safe!” Sarah pressed me. She knew I had a hard time saying no to her, and she could tell my reluctance was waning. “It’s easy as pie, all you have to do is stick the receiver to the back of your neck, and then when I put on the helmet and remote in, I get to see what you see!”“And make me do whatever you want.”“I won’t do anything weird!” she exclaimed. Sarah had been telling me all about the Body Rental kit on the way home from class. Her father worked for the company that produced them, and had brought home this new, portable version just yesterday. Sarah had snuck it out of her house -- without permission, I’m sure -- and brought it over to try it on me. Why she wanted to try out being the small mousy girl from biology, I had no idea, but the concept made me uncomfortable.See, the thing is, when you’re wearing the receiver, whoever wore the helmet had complete control over your body - as if it were their own. Sarah would be able to feel, see, and hear everything I did, and she’d also be the one behind the controls. I would be just a passenger in my own body, unable to even blink by myself, just watching myself move until Sarah had the good graces to release me.It actually was even worse than that. If she wanted, she’d be able to make me completely ‘black out’, cutting me off from any awareness of what my body was doing. In that case, I’d just wake up afterwards, having no idea what had transpired while she rode me. It gave me the shivers. I liked Sarah, but we hadn’t known each other all that long, and I didn’t trust her with something like that.“Why don’t I try it on you, if you just want to see it work?” I asked.“Becaaaause”, Sarah replied “You don’t know how to work the controls! I have to be the one to wear the helmet.”I hesitated. I didn’t quite believe her, but I couldn’t really see a way out. She was right -- I was curious.“Come on Elle, I’m not asking much. Just 5 minutes, to see if it works.”. She wasn’t used to not getting what she wanted, and I’d been fiddling about too long.“Okay.” I said. “But only for 5 minutes.”“Yes! Thank you Elle! Thank you!”, Sarah jumped up, excited, and started setting up the equipment.“But I want to remember everything that happens, okay? And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”, I tried to think if there was anything else I should say. “And don’t leave my room, okay? I don’t want my brother or someone to see me acting weird.”“I won’t act weird.”, Sarah said, her face bent low as she fiddled with the helmet.“And the other stuff?”“Sure, sure”.I don’t think she was really listening, but before I had a chance to repeat my rules, she straightened up, holding a small metal piece in her hand.“Okay, turn around Elle! I’m going to put this on your neck!”. I signed and turned around for her, as she lifted up my hair and stuck the piece right above my spine. It felt kind of cold.“Oooooh, this is going to be so much fun!”. Sarah moved back over to the bed and put the helmet on her head, then carefully laid herself down.“What do I need to do?” I asked, but she wasn’t listening again. I just stood there, looking down at my arms and legs. They’d startled to tingle, just a little bit, like a quiet kind of pins and needles.I was in the middle of wiggling my fingers when suddenly... they stopped moving. I tried to wiggle them again, but couldn’t, it was like somebody had just chopped off all the control signals from my brain. It was a very strange sensation, since I could still feel everything.I tried to look over at Sarah to see if she’d connected yet, but I couldn’t do that either. My eyes wouldn’t obey my commands, they were just stuck, staring at my now stationary hand. I found I couldn’t even blink, no matter how hard I tried. Was it supposed to be like this? Had Sarah stuffed something up? Luckily I was still breathing automatically.Then I felt a very strange sensation, like ice washing down my spine, through my fingers and toes, over my face. And I felt myself smile. Now that was weird, because smiling was about the last thing I wanted to do right now.The fingers on my right hand clenched and opened themselves, I was powerless to do anything about it. Then I felt myself look up, and the smile became a grin. “Looks like it worked!” my voice breathed, in a low kind of voice.Inwardly, I cringed. This wasn’t going to be good.“WOW!” my voice cheered with Sarah’s enthusiasm, as she easily controlled my body. It was kinda unnerving, having your tongue and lips move by themselves. My eyes flickered over to Sarah’s comatose form laying on the bed, helmet fixed on top of her head.“I look like I’m asleep!” Sarah said, way too loudly. I didn’t want my brother walking in on us. “I’ve never seen myself from this angle before!”.Never looked at a photo, then?I was annoyed at myself for letting Sarah take control of me. She was making me act all outgoing and girly -- like her -- not like the mousy nerd I was. It felt weirdly wrong.I felt my weight shift and found myself taking a step towards Sarah’s body, my legs moving without my command, my bare ankles rolling slightly on the carpet as Sarah got her bearings in my body.Careful, I don’t want to get it back hurt because of your clumsiness.“Haha, you’re so short.” she said, her attention distracted away from her limp body. I felt my legs bend as Sarah maneuvered me into a squat. Then she used my legs to suddenly spring up into the air, jumping as high as she could, swinging my arms awkwardly to try and get more height.“I can’t even jump up to my normal height! This is so cool!” She jumped again, and again. Then - OUCH! A sharp pain shot up my leg, I’d landed on something. Outwardly my body didn’t react at all, even as I sent the automatic command to yelp in pain and move away.Goddamn it Sarah I said be careful!The pain flared as Sarah kept the weight on that foot, squishing something sharp into me. I instinctively tried to adjust my weight off the painful object stabbing me, but nothing happened. I couldn’t pull my leg away, couldn’t wiggle, couldn’t do anything. I was helpless!SARAH! What are you doing!?A moment later she looked down, noticing she was standing on something. Another flare of pain as she adjusted my weight and lifted my leg up, to look at the bottom of my foot. One of my brother’s lego pieces sticking out of it. Wasn’t that kid too old to have lego?“Huh, that’s weird.” my mouth moved, betraying none of the frustration I was feeling. “Shouldn’t that have hurt?”Yes it hurt!She flicked off the lego brick, the skin had an indentation, but wasn’t pierced. I wasn’t being a princess, I swear, those things hurt!I felt another sharp jab of pain, this time in my arm. Sarah had pinched me with my own hand! That bitch!“Wow, I can’t feel that at all!”. She pinched me again, harder. I could feel the muscles in my hand straining under her command to squeeze.HEY!“I mean, I can still feel the touch, but no pain at all. This is great!”Yeah, great…She chuckled. “Sorry about that Elle, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She pinched me again as she spoke, clearly not putting that much thought into her apology. At least this one wasn’t as hard.“It’s just so weird not to feel the pain, you know?”, pinching up and down my arm. I tried as hard as I could to stop myself, willing the muscles in my hand to let up, concentrating… concentrating…!“Ah, well”, she said, brushing herself down. “I suppose I shouldn’t try that one out too much, unless I want you to bitch about it all day!”. I’d poured all my energy into letting go, and she hadn’t even noticed. I felt my nervousness increase -- I was totally at her mercy.She brushed herself down again, my own hands moving down my chest and flat stomach. She made me look down, eyes lingering on the lumps that were making my shirt stick out. I felt myself bounce on my toes a little bit, as if in indecision. I hoped Sarah wasn’t thinking what I thought she was thinking.“Um um um um…” the ditsy girl said. “I’m just going to… well… it’s just… I just want to see, just quickly.”Oh no.My betraying hands reached down and began lifting up my shirt, moving quickly, sloppily. Sarah pulled the shirt over my head, getting it caught on my boobs on the way. “Oops, sorry!”.I felt myself look down, at my breasts held tight by my bra. “Oh my god.” Sarah breathed. “They’re so big.”.My boobs weren’t that big, they just stood out on my small frame. But the way Sarah was making me stand, with my chest jutting out and head tilted down as far as it would go -- well, it was certainly showing them off in a way I never would.“I’ve always wanted tits like these, Elle.” I felt my stomach knot up a little bit. Was that why she asked to come over and try out this thing on me? To try out having bigger boobs? My god that girl was shallow. She was tall, blonde, and hot. The fact her boobs were only an A cup didn’t dissuade any of the dozens of guys she got with each semester, why did she care so much?My hands reached behind and undid the clasp of my bra, letting it fall to the ground. Sarah didn’t even notice the uncomfortable position she put my shoulders in while doing it.“Oh my god.” she said again, hefting a boob in my small hand. My hand felt cold and uncomfortable to me, but Sarah certainly was feeling something else…I felt myself grow wet. And that was certainly not at my command. My own hands fondled my boobs more, the fingers pressing into them as Sarah heaved and jiggled my chest around. It was surreal, to have my body respond to the touch, while I felt totally trapped and helpless -- and not wanting to be aroused!But I felt it too, and inwardly I gasped as Sarah used my finger to flick my nipple. She squeezed my boobs hard, hard enough to be a little painful, even.Take it easy Sarah! I think that’s enough for now!She pressed my legs together as I felt myself get wetter. She was going to ruin my underwear at this rate. She slowly began lowering a hand, down to between my legs.That’s not yours to play with!And then I heard a gasp. Sarah made me look up, and there, in the doorway, was my little brother Ben staring open mouthed at me. Shit! How long had he watched me -- Sarah -- fondling? Not cool!I cringed and tried to cover myself, but Sarah made me sit still, hands still squeezing my boobs. She forced me to smile. “Oops.” she said. He stared for a moment longer, then ran away.She turned back to her limp form on the bed. “Guess I should let you go, ay?”, she said casually, genuinely enjoying herself.I’m going to kill you for this, Sarah.Sarah walked me back to the bed, my eyes looking down at her body’s limp form. She stopped and smiled down at herself. I wanted to scream.My brother just saw me fondling myself! Get the hell out of my body Sarah!Ignoring me, she reached down to brush her hair out of her face. My eyes lingered on my nails as she did it. “You have such nice nails, Elle. And such small hands!”. She waved them in front of her own face, giggling. Then she poked her sleeping form in the cheek, with one of my outstretched fingers.“I can’t feel anything from my own body.” Sarah said to herself. Or maybe she said it to me, it’s hard to tell who she’s talking to when she’s using my mouth to do it. She laughed as she used my hands to push her own mouth into a smile, and then a frown, playing with her features from the outside.Yes, yes, very funny. Now get out of me!Sarah fiddled around with her eyebrows for a moment, using my nails to pluck a few hairs. Then she stuck my finger up her own pert nose, letting out a snort of laughter from my body.That’s disgusting, Sarah. And it’s your own body!!“I suppose I better check how you’re feeling about this, Elle.” Sarah said, sighing. She leaned across her body, and flicked a switch on the side of the helmet.Instantly, I felt myself falling, suddenly no longer having Sarah control my balance. I fell forward, landing awkwardly on top of Sarah’s body on the bed. I scrambled back, regaining control of my rebellious limbs.“Haha, careful!” said Sarah, opening her eyes and grinning. She sat up on the bed and stretched. “I wouldn’t want to do that for too long, already my body feels funny coming back!”My own arms and legs were tingling slightly, but the feeling was going away. I quickly found my bearings and rounded on her.“What the hell, Sarah!” I hissed. “What do you think you were doing?!”“I just wanted to see what it felt like having big boobs!” she replied, innocently. “I didn’t think you’d mind that much. Even you have to admit you have a great rack.” She gestured at my bare chest, and I blushed, scrambling to find the clothes Sarah had thrown around the room.“You should have asked first.” I grumbled, putting my bra back on.“Oh come on! I could tell you enjoyed it!” she chucked “I certainly did.”“About that! I don’t appreciate somebody else turning me on like that!”“Don’t we usually get turned on by other people?” Sarah grinned mischievously. “Maybe I’m just extra good at it.”“That’s not the same, and you know it.” For all my posturing, it was actually kinda hot, having my body get all aroused without my input. Wait -- did I only find it hot because Sarah found it hot, and she was controlling my body’s feelings? Argh, this was so confusing.Sarah was still looking at me, a bit of a glint in her eye. “Oh yeah? I bet I could make you soooooo horny.”I gulped. She wasn’t going to do that, was she? I hesitated, then began to reach up to remove the receiver from the back of my neck.“Maybe another time-- “Sarah flicked the switch on the helmet again, and my hand froze in the air. I felt a chill wash over me. A moment later, her body collapsed back onto the bed.Really?“Oh yesssss.” my traitorous voice breathed. My mouth opened wide. “I’m baaaaaack” Sarah sung, way too loudly.Keep it down, Sarah!My eyes looked down at my chest, with my recently re-donned bra holding up my perky breasts. Sarah jutted out my chest to get a good look. “Can’t be having that, can we?”. She reached behind my back and removed my bra, letting my breasts once again fall freely. She took them in my hands. “Mmmmm, where were we?”I could feel a growing wetness down below, as Sarah squeezed my boobs tight. She ran my fingers down my flat stomach and began to undo the buttons on my jeans.“You’ve been working out, have you? I suppose you wouldn’t mind if I pigged out in your body then?” She giggled, forcing my voice into her girly mannerisms. It sounded wrong - I don’t normally giggle.She pulled down my pants and kicked them across the room, controlling my foot with a finesse completely foreign to me. Then she bent all the way down, and used my eyes to stare directly at my vagina.“Didn’t even shave for me!” she laughed. This was so embarrassing. Not that I had pubic hair, of course, that was totally normal. But bending over and talking into my own vagina? Not something I would normally be caught dead doing.She poked it with one of my fingers, and I felt a wave of arousal wash through me. Sarah was enjoying this immensely. I could even see some of my pubic hair glistening with the wetness Sarah was forcing on me.Sarah poked the lips again, pushing my labia to the side, inspecting the hole. And… “Haha, your clit is much smaller than mine.” It was bad enough she was controlling my body, but did she have to compare everything between us?She used my middle finger to give my clitoris a rub, and I felt a spike of pleasure jolt through me. Sarah gasped, and clenched my vagina in arousal. I tried to rub it again, but couldn’t -- my body was still completely out of my control.If you’re going to do it, bloody do it!My fingers curled themselves, then flicked my clitoris. Hard.Ouch! Hey!My body responded positively though, the pulsing wetness within me getting even more powerful. Sarah flicked again, another jolt, of pleasure and of pain. “This normally hurts too much to be much fun.” my voice announced, “But when I’m controlling you, we can’t feel any of the pain! Isn’t that great?”Hey! Wait! I can still feel the pain!I wanted to shout, but nothing came out. I concentrated on moving my lips, but only felt myself lick them as Sarah worked herself up. Another flick. Another jolt.Sarah moved my body down onto it’s knees, a grin on my face. She reached behind and slapped me hard on my bottom, using all the pitiful strength of my weak arm. This was humiliating! Not that I masturbated very much, but when I did it was lying comfortably back on my bed, quietly rubbing myself until I orgasmed.This was loud, messy, and not at all comfortable. Sarah lent forward, my face and shoulder pressing into the ground, uncomfortably close to her dirty shoes and socks. She reached down with both arms and began rubbing in a circle, pushing down harder then I would have liked. It was so strange. And so, so hot.I could feel all of Sarah’s pleasure as she played with my body. A warm, radiating, pleasurable pulsing deep inside me, with spiking jolts as she manipulated my clitoris clumsily. She rammed the fingers of my other hand deep into my vagina and began pumping. My voice moaned loudly into the floor.Sarah, keep it do-- dow--- dooowwwn…I could feel every ministration, all the build up, and not being in control just made it ten times hotter. Sure, a lot of this pleasure was just because of Sarah enjoying it -- it was her making my body wet, after all -- but I secretly was into it as well.We built up closer and closer, my hands pushing harder inside. I could feel my right hand start to cramp, but I couldn’t control it, couldn’t loosen the muscles or adjust the position. My face pressed into the ground, and my knees ached. The massive orgasm continued to build up, and I couldn’t do anything about any of it.Oh god, I’m coming!“Ooooooooh!!” Sarah made me moan. “OoooOOooh GOD!”. I came, squirting all over my bedroom floor, fingers continuing to rub inside of me. My toes curled, my breath caught, my eyesight went white and unfocused. Holy shit, Sarah.“Wow.” Sarah panted. “Told ya I could turn you on.” She didn’t even bother getting up, just rolled over on the floor and reached up to her form on the bed above. I could feel the mess she had made on the ground pressing into my bare bottom.She forced me to do a slight sit up, and flicked the switch on the helmet again. I fell backwards onto the ground, my shoulder hitting painfully as my stomach muscles instantly lost the commands they’d been receiving from Sarah. I just lay there, overwhelmed.Sarah, her body still fresh, got up easily. She removed the helmet and blushed as she looked down at me.“I’ll, uh, I’ll leave you to clean up the mess you made.” she said. “I’ll come get the stuff later, my Dad won’t notice it’s gone for a few days.” She made for the door quickly, leaving me laying in her mess. “Bye!”“Bye…” I mumbled. I don’t know how I felt about what just happened.__________Next: Body Rentals - Elle Gets Controlled Part 2 (Chap 4, 5, 6, 7)
Bright City rarely experienced heavy winds at nighttime, such events happening only rarely on stormy nights. It was because of this that the people of the city took cover inside their homes as a storm was brewing in the night sky. But they didn’t know the meaning behind this particular storm, as the spirits of the dead floated across the winds of the approaching tempest.
As the wind began to pick up the spirits of the dead were getting excited. Two spirits in particular, a man and a woman, waited on the edge of the wind’s breath. The time had come.
It’s been a while, hasn’t it Rebecca? Samuel asked his wife.
Five years. Rebecca replied, getting closer to her husband, I was beginning to think we wouldn’t have another chance.
Indeed. Samuel replied, But now that we have the chance… which one do you want?
Rebecca turned her attention to the apartments. Around them, the storm was bringing the dead back for one night and everyone was determined to make the most out of the one night they would have in who knew how long.
She saw the dead flying into rooms, possessing whoever was inside for their own ends. Already she saw the spirit of a dead man possessing a woman around college age and stripping off her clothes so that he can… enjoy her.
Rebecca felt a twinge of jealously at that, but when she saw the woman lived alone most of her jealously slipped away. Some of it returned when the dead man removed the college girl’s bra. There was no way a girl her age should have those kinds of breasts!
Honey, Samuel warned, we’re running out of options here.
Rebecca snapped out of it and wrapped herself tighter around her husband. Sorry honey, she told him, just got lost in my thoughts is all.
Rebecca looked through the windows of the apartment building. Most of the good couples were already taken, several of which had already gotten to business. Rebecca was beginning to worry she was taking too long when she looked through a window and saw a young man and woman. Both college age and both untaken. It helped that they were good looking as well.
Rebecca smiled and pointed her finger at the couple, There. She told Samuel.
Samuel brought his hands around her, the tips of his fingers lightly touching her breasts. Rebecca would have shivered if she was still able to feel anything.
Remember our promise. Samuel whispered, Let’s go.
The two spirits flew upon the wind and into the bodies of the unsuspecting couple in the apartment. The two students gasped as the ghosts entered them, Rebecca felt warmth flow into her as she asserted herself into the body of the young man, and Samuel into the body of the woman. There was some resistance, some shock, and then blackness as Rebecca slowly gained control of her new, temporary body.
The darkness receded and Rebecca opened her eyes to find herself in the land of the living again. She felt her heart beating, blood flowing, and could feel the world around her once more. She looked down at the hands of her body and wiggled them, feeling not only life but also strength. She ran those hands across her body. Clean shaven face, short blonde hair, so far, she was liking what she had even if her body was a little lanky.
“Well?” asked a husky, feminine voice, “How do I look?”
Rebecca stopped the process of exploring her temporary body to look at the body Samuel had possessed. The woman was tall (though shorter than Rebecca’s body), with big boobs (which made Rebecca a little jealous), and auburn hair which went down to her shoulders, drawing attention to those sparkling blue eyes. A name echoed in her head, one that this body knew quite well. Katie. The name of the woman whose body Samuel currently occupied, just as the name of Rebecaa’s body was Steven.
Rebecca stared at Samuel wordlessly for a second as she felt blood flow between her legs. Her breathing increased when she felt her penis straining against the fabric of the pants Steven’s body was wearing. It seems the spine wasn’t the only thing exceptionally long about this body. She stood upright and enjoyed the feeling of her member pulsing with every beat of Steven’s heart.
A smile formed on Katie’s body. Rebecca recognized it as the same mischievous smile Samuel gave her when they were still alive. Samuel’s hands flew to the breasts of his borrowed body as he slowly walked towards her. “Come on, babe.” He whispered in Katie’s deep voice. “Let’s have some fun.”
Those slender hands went to her chest and took off the shirt Steven’s body was wearing, exposing a skinny abdomen. Before Samuel could continue, Rebecca took advantage of her stronger male body and ripped off Katie’s top, exposing Katie’s breasts and watching as they bounced up and down before falling to resting position. “Well that wasn’t very polite.” Samuel commented.
Rebecca grinned, “It makes things easier for me.” Before bringing her hands to her husband’s breasts.
They were firm and warm in her large, rough hands. Not only that but judging by Samuel’s low whimpers they were also sensitive. Ignoring her own pang of jealously, Rebecca delighted in the feeling of Sammuel slipping her pants slipping off her body. There was some pain as her dick was forced down, but that pain quickly turned to pleasure when it snapped upwards, and was parallel to the floor, pointing to Samuel. Outside, the rain started and fell hard, nearly but was nearly drowned out by the howling winds.
Rebecca gasped and involuntarily squeezed the boobs in her hands as she felt warm slender hands wrapping around her penis. It was her turn to whimper as those fingers, guided by the skill and experience of Samuel, worked their way across her shaft and pulled back her foreskin to expose her head, “I wonder how long you can last?” he asked, lightly flicking her penis head with his fingers.
“Longer than you.” Rebecca replied as she undid the shorts Samuel was wearing and moved closer to embrace him. She delighted in feeling how hard his heart was beating against her chest, rivaling the thunder outside. Samuel hugged tighter, pulling Rebecca closer to enjoy the feeling of his breasts against her body. She could only hope he enjoyed her cock resting against his stomach right now. Already she could feel pressure stirring inside.
The two looked into each other’s eyes and neither hesitated as they went in for a kiss. Those slender hands ran along her body. Rebecca shivered as she felt those warm hands run along her shoulder blades, down her back, before admiring the ass of the body she had hijacked. She jumped as she received a firm squeeze on the butt and felt precum building on the head of her stolen penis.
Rebecca growled in ecstasy and moved to return the favor. With her fingers, Rebecca traced down Katie’s spine, before cupping that ass in her hands. Rebecca stared at her husband’s eyes in victory when she squeezed as hard as she could. Sammuel broke the kiss and took a few steps back gasping for air, his hands resting on those perfect boobs. “We picked really good ones, didn’t we?” Rebecca asked, seeing her chance.
She lifted Samuel and threw him on the couch. He landed, his mouth a wide smile as Rebecca rushed over him, the pressure in her penis was quickly building and needed to be released. Thankfully for the both of them, neither body was a virgin and while Samuel grunted in pain as Rebecca’s penis slid inside him, that pain in his eyes quickly subsided as ecstasy took over. “Fuck me.” He whispered in that lovely husky voice.
Rebecca had inhabited male bodies in the past, and while this one wasn’t the hottest either she or Samuel possessed, this one did have the most impressive cock. There was also, Rebecca noticed, a natural attraction. She grinned as she leaned down to kiss her husband, “This body is very attracted to yours.”
Sammuel leaned closer, causing Rebecca’s dick to slide further into him, “And mine really wants to get laid right now,” he whispered, “so let’s do it.” They kissed, their tongues exploring each other’s mouth as Rebecca brought her hand to the right boob of Katie’s body. Her husband’s vagina reacted immediately, and Katie broke the kiss to let out a gasp as ecstasy began to take over.
They quickly fell into a rhythm, their hips thrusting against each other as Rebecca felt the pressure inside of her continue to grow. She gritted her teeth in an effort to hold it in, something that only made the feeling more intense. “what’s wrong, babe?” Katie’s body teased through clenched teeth, "Am I too much for you?”
“No!” Rebecca lied, Steven’s body moving almost of its own will, “You won’t get the best of me!”
There must have been something, a sign that she was lying because Samuel grinned. Rebecca knew right away that he saw her weakness and was going to turn the tables. She was not, however, expecting how he did it.
Rebecca let out a cry as Samuel threw himself from the couch, causing both of them to end up on the floor, except this time Samuel was on top. Those blue eyes were wide and wild, and Rebecca whimpered in pleasure when she felt those expert hands tracing against the outline of her chest.
Steven’s body admired the way Katie’s breasts bounced, as well as the way her stomach moved each thrust. Rebecca clenched her teeth as she felt the semen building inside of her, forcing its way through her shaft. She stared at Katie’s blue eyes and saw the emotions swirling inside Sammuel. They were both so close.
“I’m cumming!” Rebecca moaned.
“Hah!” Sammuel moaned, but his victory was short lived as he came immediately after.
Rebecca let out a sigh as the pressure escaped her penis at the same time Samuel’s juices splashed against her face. She licked that landed on her lips and reveled the taste in her mouth.
They panted as their bodies began to recover. Samuel slid off Rebecca’s deflating cock and laid down naked on the floor next to her. Despite her recent ejaculation, Steven’s body still admired Katie’s body as it laid down next to her. “I love you.” Rebecca said, turning to face Sammuel.
“I love you too.” Sammuel replied, turning over and embracing his wife in a hug.
Rebecca held him tight, enjoying the warmth and feeling of their naked bodies against each other. Outside, the storm was slowing down, going from a downpour to a light drizzle. “It’s time.” She said.
The two spirits slipped out of their stolen bodies. The world became numb again as Rebecca lost the senses of the living. She embraced her husband as they looked down at the naked college students laying on the floor before them.
They’ll certainly be very confused when they wake up. Rebecca said.
Katie will be upset that her top got ruined. Samuel replied.
Why? Rebecca asked, leaning closer to Samuel, It was ugly.
Samuel gave his wife a small, yet passionate kiss, I thought it was cute.
Rebecca rolled her eyes, And that’s why I never let you pick out my clothes when we were still alive.
Just like that the storm was gone and with it, the dead. Any poor souls who missed the passing storm were destroyed when the sun rose and the living again began to assert themselves. Rebecca and Samuel would pass the time wondering when the next storm would come.
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Chapter by
NightOwl005 · 11 Aug 2023 -
A jealous bully uses a magic spell to try to get with someones girlfriend.
Chris watched as Serena and Jack walked out of the classroom. They were holding hands, which only made Chris angrier. He still didn’t understand how someone like Jack could have been able to get with someone as hot as Serena. She was taller than most girls, with light red hair, she had an amazing body even if her bust was a bit on the small side. But Chris, along with most guys in his class, had heard rumors about Serena that she was very good in bed.
She was also very good at declining guys as well, often verbally insulting them in the process. He still scowled whenever he remembered the look on her face when he asked if she would go out with him. She called him a pig! A pig! Did she even know who he is?
He was Chris Miller, star of the football team, and one of the strongest and best looking guys in school! How could she?
And then there was Jack. The lanky, awkward, nerd. His face had some scarring from acne, and he was thin as a twig. How the hell did someone like him end up with someone like Serena?
Chris walked over towards the couple who had sat down at a bench in front of one of the classrooms. “Urgh! Mr. Smith’s test was so hard!” Serena complained, “I’m glad it’s over.”
“One of the harder tests I took.” Jack mumbled, “I pretty sure I passed, but I think this might be my lowest score.”
“Hey.” Chris grunted, “Didn’t think I’d see you here. Figured you be out of the test rooms sooner, Jack.”
“He left late because he wanted to check over his answers,” Serena replied, “unlike someone who finishes as fast as he can. Honestly, it’s no surprise you’re as bad as tests as you are in bed.”
Chris coughed, it took him a second to realize what she had said. But Jack figured it out right away, the nerd chuckled as Chris felt himself redden.
His arm lurched forward, pulling Jack closer, “You find something funny, boy?”
Chris wasn’t aware of the students who were in the hallway. Students who now stopped and watched as Serena quickly got to her feet and before Chris could react, punched him across the face. He released Jack as he stumbled backwards, nearly falling to the floor.
“Can’t bring yourself to fight me, so you go after my boyfriend?” Serena asked, “I wish I could say I expected more from you, but this is exactly how I thought you would react.”
Chris was aware then of the amount of people in the hallway. People watching him, saw him get punched by a girl. Still, he was the star football player, and he reminded everyone of that when he dashed out of there.
“You didn’t have to do that.” Jack whispered, his fingers finding the hooks to Serena’s bra.
“What would you have me do?” Serena asked, “Sit there as my boyfriend got pummeled?”
“You have no faith in me.”
Serena smirked, and pressed a finger to Jack’s lips, “I’ve seen you do physical things Jack. You’re not very good in all but one.” Her fingers drifted to his underwear which had formed a nice tent that pointed directly at her. She gave it a nice squeeze, feeling it thicken under her touch, “But you are very good at the one thing.”
They kissed, and then Jack slipped off Serena’s bra. He stared for a second at her breasts. Serena liked seeing him smile at her, looking at her like she was the greatest treasure in the world. She shuddered as his hands went to her breasts, feeling them up. She twitched when his fingers rubbed over her nipples.
“I had a good teacher.” Jack whispered.
“I’m glad I could help.” Serena replied, “Now, I don’t think your underwear needs to still be on, does it?”
Serena had heard what people had said about Jack before, but she didn’t care. He was one of the few people who didn’t treat her like a walking sex machine, and he shared feelings for her. Of course, him having a large cock definitely helped matters, but Serena saw that as just the cherry on top.
A cherry that she liked taking in her mouth. Jack moaned and twitched as she did this for him. She had promised him that if they got through finals that she would do something special for him, and here it was.
He promised he would do something in return another day, but right now Serena just wanted to enjoy this moment. Because she was enjoying this right now. Her fingers were playing with her vagina and she felt herself growing close.
Jack’s breathing grew faster, heavier. She could feel him twitching as she continued to suck him. She didn’t need to ask, and went down on him harder. Within seconds, Jack groaned as he orgasmed, his sperm filling Serena’s mouth. That was enough for to push Serena over the edge as well.
Jack laid naked with Serena on her bed a little while longer. He was pressed against her, his arms wrapped tightly around her. He didn’t want to let go, he didn’t want to leave, but it was getting late. Not for the first time, he looked at her and wondered how someone like him could get with someone like her.
She smiled at him and he smiled back.
“Thinking about something?” she asked.
“Just thinking that I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”
Chris held the book close. He stared at the page before him, there was a spell that, according to the witch, would allow him to swap bodies with someone when morning came. If Serena wouldn’t accept him as he was, maybe he could get with her another way.
All he needed to do was to repeat the spell three times with the image of the person he wanted to swap with in his head. He said the words, chanting it while imagining Jack in his mind. He felt a chill run through him and knew that the spell would work. But, to keep Jack from interfering, he needed to tie up this body. That would be a bit troublesome, but he could manage. He was starting to feel sleepy though and knew that was the spell’s work. He needed to work quickly.
Chris woke up the next morning in a room that wasn’t his own. He looked around, hoping to see Serena lying next to him. No luck though. Jack’s house then.
Even more, he was in Jack’s body. He pulled back the covers and gasped visibly when he saw the tented underwear. He had assumed that the jokes made about Jack’s penis were just jokes but turns out the nerd did have a huge member. He pulled down the underwear and stared at the monster before him.
Jack not only had a hot girlfriend, but a large penis as well. Or well, he had a large penis. Chris remembered as he wrapped his hands around the dick that this was his body now. He groaned as he felt himself becoming more aroused. He imagined himself, in Jack’s body, having sex with Serena and soon felt the orgasm arrive.
It was in the clarity that he remembered that he could’ve used the spell to swap bodies with Serena! He sat up and imagined her, a feat that wasn’t hard for him to do, and then he chanted the words.
Or at least he tried to. He had forgotten the spell, and the book was at his house where his old body was. Jack no doubt knew that something was wrong, but Chris didn’t want to take any chances by going to his own house right now. At the very least, he wanted to have sex with Serena.
Jack struggled against the tape. This wasn’t his body; this wasn’t his house. He needed to escape. His mouth was taped shut so he couldn’t scream, he doubted anyone would have heard him anyway. What happened?
Serena came over as soon as she finished getting dressed. She was surprised when Jack texted her, asking to come over. They had already made plans for the day and it wasn’t like him to forget about them.
He was there when she knocked on the door. “Hey Serena.” He greeted, smirking.
“Hi.” She replied, “So… why were you se excited for me to come over?”
He reached forward and pulled her inside. “I just wanted to see you.” He said, arms snaking around her.
She stiffened as she felt his hands snaking their way inside her clothes. “You’re a bit more excited today, something wrong?”
He looked up at her and pressed himself against her. She felt his hard cock struggling against his jeans. “I’m just glad to see you. So very glad.”
Serena felt something was off. This wasn’t normally how Jack acted. Her suspicions were confirmed when she felt his hand slip its way inside her pants, searching for her pussy. She sucked in a breath, broke free of his embrace and asked him, “What are you doing?”
Jack held up his hands and grinned, “Sorry, sorry. Didn’t realize you were so sensitive about it.”
She growled, “I have told you that I’m not ready for anyone to touch me down there!”
“Sorry, must’ve forgotten.”
Her hands tightened to fist as she glared at the man before her. This wasn’t like Jack; it wasn’t like him at all. “What is wrong with you today?”
He smirked, “I just woke up feeling like a new man.” He chuckled, “Someone who’s going to take what he wants.”
He threw himself at her, hands racing for her clothes. She yelped, and threw him off, knocking him to the ground.
He wheezed. “Fuck, this body is so much weaker than my own,”
She paused. “What did you say?”
Jack laughed, “Guess I dropped the ball there.” He got up, “You see, this isn’t my body, I found I spell that let me switch bodies with this nerd and I won’t switch back until you give me what I want.”
Did he just call Jack… Serena steeled herself, having a good idea of who she was talking to. “Who are you?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” The stranger said, “Now, how about you give me what I want and I’ll get out of here.” He stalked forward and moved quickly, but Serena was faster and stronger. They struggled for a bit, and then Serena had Jack’s body immobilized on the ground. She twisted his arms as the stranger groaned in protest.
“You lowly motherfucker!” she growled, “Chris, I swear to god I will end you!”
“How did you-!”
She twisted his arm further, “Please, the way you talked and how you tried to use strength to subdue me. There’s only one idiot I know who will do that. Now. Get. Out. Of. My. Boyfriend!”
“No!” Chris screamed, “I couldn’t if I wanted to! The book is still at my place!”
Serena smiled, “Well I guess we’re going to have to drive to your house then,”
The two of them struggled for a bit, but Chris wasn’t used to being the weaker person. She hated to hurt her boyfriend’s body, but right now it was either that or let this sicko ruin Jack’s life. Jack kept some rope in his garage and after tiring out Chris she was able to get the rope from his garage and came back just before Chris could escape.
She wrapped the rope around him as he reached the front door and had him tied up in a matter of seconds. “You bitch!” he snarled, thrashing against the rope, “You lousy-!”
She slapped him across the face, silencing him, “I’d be mindful of your actions and your own situation before you go accusing people.”
A few of the neighbors might see them traveling to her call, with Jack tied up around his chest. It didn’t matter though, she needed to get to Chris’ house. Chris didn’t put much of a fight as she got him in backseat of her car and began driving off.
“Tell me,” Chris began, “What exactly do you see this guy?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Serena asked.
“I’m still amazed that someone like this had the nerve to ask you out.”
When Chris was back in his own body, Serena wanted nothing more than to crush his balls. “I was the one who asked.”
“You never knew? I asked him out. It was one of the scariest moments in my life, and I was happy when he said yes.”
Chris started laughing, “Really? That’s hilarious! So fucking hilarious! Hahaha!”
Serena tightened her grip around the wheel as she drove towards his house.
Jack was tired. He had managed to get himself in a sitting position, but couldn’t do anything about the tape. Then he hard the sound of a car door closing followed by the slam of the house’ door. Someone was home! He started grunting, thrashing against the wall to produce as much noise as possible.
“Found him.”
That voice sounded familiar. Footsteps came upstairs and Jack was happy when he saw Serena open the door, followed closely by his own body! Jack grunted and Serena tossed his old body to the ground and ran towards him.
“Jack! Is that you?” she asked, ripping the tape from his mouth.
“Ah!” Jack screamed, “Yeah, it’s me. That stung.”
She threw her arms around him and started crying, meanwhile Jack saw his own body scowl at what he was seeing. “Yeah, yeah. Have fun trying to switch us back.”
Serena glared at his old body as she reached for a nearby book and began flipping through the pages. “I found the spell. So… looks like I just need to have Jack read it and then you two will switch back?”
His old body glared at her before looking away. Serena looked at whoever was in his own body before looking down at Jack. She smiled, “Well, I suppose that can wait for a bit.”
Jack was confused, but kept his mouth shut. Serena walked over to his old body and placed the duct tape over his mouth. She heard him whisper something to him that made him thrash around before she turned her attention to Jack.
“Sorry about the strange start for the day,” she said, “I think I know a way I can make this good for you.”
“Whose body am I in?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Serena asked, “Chris over there wanted so badly to get with me that he resorted to magic to do so.”
Serena undid the tape binding him and Jack flexed his muscles. He was surprised to see them so big. He looked down at his current body and felt powerful.
Serena inched her way towards him and gave him a kiss on the mouth, his fingers trailing on his chest. His hands gripped her gently on her sides as she stripped off her shirt, showing off a lacy black bra. “Go ahead and take it off,” she whispered, “I know that’s your favorite part.”
He did so and found himself admiring possibly the greatest treasure in the world. He lifted them in his hands as Serena sat there smiling at him.
“I will have sex with you, just like you wanted.” Those where the words Serena had spoken to him before she went and started making out with his old body. He struggled against his bindings, but it was no use. He could watch as the two of them were making out. He felt his penis struggling against his jeans at the sight of them.
Chris penis was smaller than Jack’s, thinner as well. But Serena saw that Jack still appreciated her touching it for him. She started off slowly, using one hand to stroke hand, another than teased his testicles, and she would occasionally smile and give him a kiss.
He was standing at full mast now, such a good boy. She saw in his eyes what he wanted, and so she gave it to him. Pausing for a moment, she stripped herself of her pants and socks, leaving nothing to the imagination. Chris moaned behind them, but neither of them gave any care. If it was even possible, Jack’s penis was even harder than before, with a little bit of precum leaking from the tip.
“I love you.” Serena whispered.
“I love you too.” Jack replied.
Her strokes became faster, Jack began breathing harder. His hands went to her breasts, feeling them up as he approached orgasm. When he came, he arched his back and reflexively squeezed her tits. Then he lay there gasping for breath as Serena approached the book lying on the floor.
“Read this.” She said, handing him the page.
Jack looked over the page before looking over at his old body. “You sure you want me to change?” he asked.
Serena kissed him on the cheeks, “I fell in love because of who you are.” She replied, “And I want to be with the man I love, body and soul.”
He whispered the spell and imagined his body in his mind. He felt a cold chill course through and felt himself getting sleepy. “I think… it’s working.”
“Good.” Serena replied, “Hold still for me.”
Jack was dimly aware of her getting more tape and wrapping it around him naked body, but he hardly cared anymore. He was just so tired.
When he came to, he was no longer bound, and was back in his own body. Serena sat naked beside him, smiling as she had a hand on his shoulder. “What were our plans for today?” she asked.
“You wanted to take me shopping to find some new clothes.” Jack replied, “And you wanted to get more paints for yourself as well. Maybe we might’ve gotten something to eat.”
She hugged him, “I’m glad you’re back, but we might need to take a rain check on the first two things.”
Jack chuckled, and winced. “My arm feels sore.”
“Sorry. Chris didn’t want to cooperate.”
“Where is…”
He saw Chris bound and gagged, struggling to free himself from his imprisonment. He was naked as well and glaring at Serena.
She smirked and walked over to him, taking his balls in hand, “You wanted me to touch you, right? That’s what this is all about?”
She crushed his balls in her hand which only made his struggle more. He tried to cry out but was gagged by a piece of duct tape. She grabbed them harder, twisting it. Jack looked away, not even wanting to imagine the pain Chris was going through. He hated him, and he deserved this and way more, but that didn’t mean Jack wanted to see him go through the pain.
“Don’t you ever come near me or my boyfriend again. Got it?”
She stood up and walked over to Jack, “Sorry you had to see that, but it needed to be done. Anything you want to do?”
“If it’s alright with you, I think I’m another round.”
Serena looked at his pants where his penis had made a huge tent. She giggled, “Sure, whatever you want, baby.” And went down on him.
Chris didn’t even struggle, he knew he was trapped and could only watch as those two made out right in front of him. He only hoped that they would free him when this was over.
Serena took the book with them as they left, telling Jack to get in the car. When he was gone she looked down at Chris, “Hope someone comes by for you. I’m going to take this. I wouldn’t try bothering us again if I was you. I know where you live and…” she tapped the book for emphasis, “I know magic now.”
And with that, she left him there.1 / 1Loading...Loading...- Chris watched as Serena and Jack walked out of the classroom. They were holding hands, which only made Chris angrier. He still didn’t understand how someone like Jack could have been able to get with someone as hot as Serena. She was taller than most girls, with light red hair, she had an amazing body even if her bust was a bit on the small side. But Chris, along with most guys in his class, had heard rumors about Serena that she was very good in bed.
She was also very good at declining guys as well, often verbally insulting them in the process. He still scowled whenever he remembered the look on her face when he asked if she would go out with him. She called him a pig! A pig! Did she even know who he is?
He was Chris Miller, star of the football team, and one of the strongest and best looking guys in school! How could she?
And then there was Jack. The lanky, awkward, nerd. His face had some scarring from acne, and he was thin as a twig. How the hell did someone like him end up with someone like Serena?
Chris walked over towards the couple who had sat down at a bench in front of one of the classrooms. “Urgh! Mr. Smith’s test was so hard!” Serena complained, “I’m glad it’s over.”
“One of the harder tests I took.” Jack mumbled, “I pretty sure I passed, but I think this might be my lowest score.”
“Hey.” Chris grunted, “Didn’t think I’d see you here. Figured you be out of the test rooms sooner, Jack.”
“He left late because he wanted to check over his answers,” Serena replied, “unlike someone who finishes as fast as he can. Honestly, it’s no surprise you’re as bad as tests as you are in bed.”
Chris coughed, it took him a second to realize what she had said. But Jack figured it out right away, the nerd chuckled as Chris felt himself redden.
His arm lurched forward, pulling Jack closer, “You find something funny, boy?”
Chris wasn’t aware of the students who were in the hallway. Students who now stopped and watched as Serena quickly got to her feet and before Chris could react, punched him across the face. He released Jack as he stumbled backwards, nearly falling to the floor.
“Can’t bring yourself to fight me, so you go after my boyfriend?” Serena asked, “I wish I could say I expected more from you, but this is exactly how I thought you would react.”
Chris was aware then of the amount of people in the hallway. People watching him, saw him get punched by a girl. Still, he was the star football player, and he reminded everyone of that when he dashed out of there.
“You didn’t have to do that.” Jack whispered, his fingers finding the hooks to Serena’s bra.
“What would you have me do?” Serena asked, “Sit there as my boyfriend got pummeled?”
“You have no faith in me.”
Serena smirked, and pressed a finger to Jack’s lips, “I’ve seen you do physical things Jack. You’re not very good in all but one.” Her fingers drifted to his underwear which had formed a nice tent that pointed directly at her. She gave it a nice squeeze, feeling it thicken under her touch, “But you are very good at the one thing.”
They kissed, and then Jack slipped off Serena’s bra. He stared for a second at her breasts. Serena liked seeing him smile at her, looking at her like she was the greatest treasure in the world. She shuddered as his hands went to her breasts, feeling them up. She twitched when his fingers rubbed over her nipples.
“I had a good teacher.” Jack whispered.
“I’m glad I could help.” Serena replied, “Now, I don’t think your underwear needs to still be on, does it?”
Serena had heard what people had said about Jack before, but she didn’t care. He was one of the few people who didn’t treat her like a walking sex machine, and he shared feelings for her. Of course, him having a large cock definitely helped matters, but Serena saw that as just the cherry on top.
A cherry that she liked taking in her mouth. Jack moaned and twitched as she did this for him. She had promised him that if they got through finals that she would do something special for him, and here it was.
He promised he would do something in return another day, but right now Serena just wanted to enjoy this moment. Because she was enjoying this right now. Her fingers were playing with her vagina and she felt herself growing close.
Jack’s breathing grew faster, heavier. She could feel him twitching as she continued to suck him. She didn’t need to ask, and went down on him harder. Within seconds, Jack groaned as he orgasmed, his sperm filling Serena’s mouth. That was enough for to push Serena over the edge as well.
Jack laid naked with Serena on her bed a little while longer. He was pressed against her, his arms wrapped tightly around her. He didn’t want to let go, he didn’t want to leave, but it was getting late. Not for the first time, he looked at her and wondered how someone like him could get with someone like her.
She smiled at him and he smiled back.
“Thinking about something?” she asked.
“Just thinking that I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”
Chris held the book close. He stared at the page before him, there was a spell that, according to the witch, would allow him to swap bodies with someone when morning came. If Serena wouldn’t accept him as he was, maybe he could get with her another way.
All he needed to do was to repeat the spell three times with the image of the person he wanted to swap with in his head. He said the words, chanting it while imagining Jack in his mind. He felt a chill run through him and knew that the spell would work. But, to keep Jack from interfering, he needed to tie up this body. That would be a bit troublesome, but he could manage. He was starting to feel sleepy though and knew that was the spell’s work. He needed to work quickly.
Chris woke up the next morning in a room that wasn’t his own. He looked around, hoping to see Serena lying next to him. No luck though. Jack’s house then.
Even more, he was in Jack’s body. He pulled back the covers and gasped visibly when he saw the tented underwear. He had assumed that the jokes made about Jack’s penis were just jokes but turns out the nerd did have a huge member. He pulled down the underwear and stared at the monster before him.
Jack not only had a hot girlfriend, but a large penis as well. Or well, he had a large penis. Chris remembered as he wrapped his hands around the dick that this was his body now. He groaned as he felt himself becoming more aroused. He imagined himself, in Jack’s body, having sex with Serena and soon felt the orgasm arrive.
It was in the clarity that he remembered that he could’ve used the spell to swap bodies with Serena! He sat up and imagined her, a feat that wasn’t hard for him to do, and then he chanted the words.
Or at least he tried to. He had forgotten the spell, and the book was at his house where his old body was. Jack no doubt knew that something was wrong, but Chris didn’t want to take any chances by going to his own house right now. At the very least, he wanted to have sex with Serena.
Jack struggled against the tape. This wasn’t his body; this wasn’t his house. He needed to escape. His mouth was taped shut so he couldn’t scream, he doubted anyone would have heard him anyway. What happened?
Serena came over as soon as she finished getting dressed. She was surprised when Jack texted her, asking to come over. They had already made plans for the day and it wasn’t like him to forget about them.
He was there when she knocked on the door. “Hey Serena.” He greeted, smirking.
“Hi.” She replied, “So… why were you se excited for me to come over?”
He reached forward and pulled her inside. “I just wanted to see you.” He said, arms snaking around her.
She stiffened as she felt his hands snaking their way inside her clothes. “You’re a bit more excited today, something wrong?”
He looked up at her and pressed himself against her. She felt his hard cock struggling against his jeans. “I’m just glad to see you. So very glad.”
Serena felt something was off. This wasn’t normally how Jack acted. Her suspicions were confirmed when she felt his hand slip its way inside her pants, searching for her pussy. She sucked in a breath, broke free of his embrace and asked him, “What are you doing?”
Jack held up his hands and grinned, “Sorry, sorry. Didn’t realize you were so sensitive about it.”
She growled, “I have told you that I’m not ready for anyone to touch me down there!”
“Sorry, must’ve forgotten.”
Her hands tightened to fist as she glared at the man before her. This wasn’t like Jack; it wasn’t like him at all. “What is wrong with you today?”
He smirked, “I just woke up feeling like a new man.” He chuckled, “Someone who’s going to take what he wants.”
He threw himself at her, hands racing for her clothes. She yelped, and threw him off, knocking him to the ground.
He wheezed. “Fuck, this body is so much weaker than my own,”
She paused. “What did you say?”
Jack laughed, “Guess I dropped the ball there.” He got up, “You see, this isn’t my body, I found I spell that let me switch bodies with this nerd and I won’t switch back until you give me what I want.”
Did he just call Jack… Serena steeled herself, having a good idea of who she was talking to. “Who are you?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” The stranger said, “Now, how about you give me what I want and I’ll get out of here.” He stalked forward and moved quickly, but Serena was faster and stronger. They struggled for a bit, and then Serena had Jack’s body immobilized on the ground. She twisted his arms as the stranger groaned in protest.
“You lowly motherfucker!” she growled, “Chris, I swear to god I will end you!”
“How did you-!”
She twisted his arm further, “Please, the way you talked and how you tried to use strength to subdue me. There’s only one idiot I know who will do that. Now. Get. Out. Of. My. Boyfriend!”
“No!” Chris screamed, “I couldn’t if I wanted to! The book is still at my place!”
Serena smiled, “Well I guess we’re going to have to drive to your house then,”
The two of them struggled for a bit, but Chris wasn’t used to being the weaker person. She hated to hurt her boyfriend’s body, but right now it was either that or let this sicko ruin Jack’s life. Jack kept some rope in his garage and after tiring out Chris she was able to get the rope from his garage and came back just before Chris could escape.
She wrapped the rope around him as he reached the front door and had him tied up in a matter of seconds. “You bitch!” he snarled, thrashing against the rope, “You lousy-!”
She slapped him across the face, silencing him, “I’d be mindful of your actions and your own situation before you go accusing people.”
A few of the neighbors might see them traveling to her call, with Jack tied up around his chest. It didn’t matter though, she needed to get to Chris’ house. Chris didn’t put much of a fight as she got him in backseat of her car and began driving off.
“Tell me,” Chris began, “What exactly do you see this guy?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Serena asked.
“I’m still amazed that someone like this had the nerve to ask you out.”
When Chris was back in his own body, Serena wanted nothing more than to crush his balls. “I was the one who asked.”
“You never knew? I asked him out. It was one of the scariest moments in my life, and I was happy when he said yes.”
Chris started laughing, “Really? That’s hilarious! So fucking hilarious! Hahaha!”
Serena tightened her grip around the wheel as she drove towards his house.
Jack was tired. He had managed to get himself in a sitting position, but couldn’t do anything about the tape. Then he hard the sound of a car door closing followed by the slam of the house’ door. Someone was home! He started grunting, thrashing against the wall to produce as much noise as possible.
“Found him.”
That voice sounded familiar. Footsteps came upstairs and Jack was happy when he saw Serena open the door, followed closely by his own body! Jack grunted and Serena tossed his old body to the ground and ran towards him.
“Jack! Is that you?” she asked, ripping the tape from his mouth.
“Ah!” Jack screamed, “Yeah, it’s me. That stung.”
She threw her arms around him and started crying, meanwhile Jack saw his own body scowl at what he was seeing. “Yeah, yeah. Have fun trying to switch us back.”
Serena glared at his old body as she reached for a nearby book and began flipping through the pages. “I found the spell. So… looks like I just need to have Jack read it and then you two will switch back?”
His old body glared at her before looking away. Serena looked at whoever was in his own body before looking down at Jack. She smiled, “Well, I suppose that can wait for a bit.”
Jack was confused, but kept his mouth shut. Serena walked over to his old body and placed the duct tape over his mouth. She heard him whisper something to him that made him thrash around before she turned her attention to Jack.
“Sorry about the strange start for the day,” she said, “I think I know a way I can make this good for you.”
“Whose body am I in?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Serena asked, “Chris over there wanted so badly to get with me that he resorted to magic to do so.”
Serena undid the tape binding him and Jack flexed his muscles. He was surprised to see them so big. He looked down at his current body and felt powerful.
Serena inched her way towards him and gave him a kiss on the mouth, his fingers trailing on his chest. His hands gripped her gently on her sides as she stripped off her shirt, showing off a lacy black bra. “Go ahead and take it off,” she whispered, “I know that’s your favorite part.”
He did so and found himself admiring possibly the greatest treasure in the world. He lifted them in his hands as Serena sat there smiling at him.
“I will have sex with you, just like you wanted.” Those where the words Serena had spoken to him before she went and started making out with his old body. He struggled against his bindings, but it was no use. He could watch as the two of them were making out. He felt his penis struggling against his jeans at the sight of them.
Chris penis was smaller than Jack’s, thinner as well. But Serena saw that Jack still appreciated her touching it for him. She started off slowly, using one hand to stroke hand, another than teased his testicles, and she would occasionally smile and give him a kiss.
He was standing at full mast now, such a good boy. She saw in his eyes what he wanted, and so she gave it to him. Pausing for a moment, she stripped herself of her pants and socks, leaving nothing to the imagination. Chris moaned behind them, but neither of them gave any care. If it was even possible, Jack’s penis was even harder than before, with a little bit of precum leaking from the tip.
“I love you.” Serena whispered.
“I love you too.” Jack replied.
Her strokes became faster, Jack began breathing harder. His hands went to her breasts, feeling them up as he approached orgasm. When he came, he arched his back and reflexively squeezed her tits. Then he lay there gasping for breath as Serena approached the book lying on the floor.
“Read this.” She said, handing him the page.
Jack looked over the page before looking over at his old body. “You sure you want me to change?” he asked.
Serena kissed him on the cheeks, “I fell in love because of who you are.” She replied, “And I want to be with the man I love, body and soul.”
He whispered the spell and imagined his body in his mind. He felt a cold chill course through and felt himself getting sleepy. “I think… it’s working.”
“Good.” Serena replied, “Hold still for me.”
Jack was dimly aware of her getting more tape and wrapping it around him naked body, but he hardly cared anymore. He was just so tired.
When he came to, he was no longer bound, and was back in his own body. Serena sat naked beside him, smiling as she had a hand on his shoulder. “What were our plans for today?” she asked.
“You wanted to take me shopping to find some new clothes.” Jack replied, “And you wanted to get more paints for yourself as well. Maybe we might’ve gotten something to eat.”
She hugged him, “I’m glad you’re back, but we might need to take a rain check on the first two things.”
Jack chuckled, and winced. “My arm feels sore.”
“Sorry. Chris didn’t want to cooperate.”
“Where is…”
He saw Chris bound and gagged, struggling to free himself from his imprisonment. He was naked as well and glaring at Serena.
She smirked and walked over to him, taking his balls in hand, “You wanted me to touch you, right? That’s what this is all about?”
She crushed his balls in her hand which only made his struggle more. He tried to cry out but was gagged by a piece of duct tape. She grabbed them harder, twisting it. Jack looked away, not even wanting to imagine the pain Chris was going through. He hated him, and he deserved this and way more, but that didn’t mean Jack wanted to see him go through the pain.
“Don’t you ever come near me or my boyfriend again. Got it?”
She stood up and walked over to Jack, “Sorry you had to see that, but it needed to be done. Anything you want to do?”
“If it’s alright with you, I think I’m another round.”
Serena looked at his pants where his penis had made a huge tent. She giggled, “Sure, whatever you want, baby.” And went down on him.
Chris didn’t even struggle, he knew he was trapped and could only watch as those two made out right in front of him. He only hoped that they would free him when this was over.
Serena took the book with them as they left, telling Jack to get in the car. When he was gone she looked down at Chris, “Hope someone comes by for you. I’m going to take this. I wouldn’t try bothering us again if I was you. I know where you live and…” she tapped the book for emphasis, “I know magic now.”
And with that, she left him there.No more chapters.
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