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  • A Different Perspective

    Chapter by NightOwl005 · 11 Aug 2023
  • A jealous bully uses a magic spell to try to get with someones girlfriend.
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  • Chris watched as Serena and Jack walked out of the classroom. They were holding hands, which only made Chris angrier. He still didn’t understand how someone like Jack could have been able to get with someone as hot as Serena. She was taller than most girls, with light red hair, she had an amazing body even if her bust was a bit on the small side. But Chris, along with most guys in his class, had heard rumors about Serena that she was very good in bed.

    She was also very good at declining guys as well, often verbally insulting them in the process. He still scowled whenever he remembered the look on her face when he asked if she would go out with him. She called him a pig! A pig! Did she even know who he is?

    He was Chris Miller, star of the football team, and one of the strongest and best looking guys in school! How could she?

    And then there was Jack. The lanky, awkward, nerd. His face had some scarring from acne, and he was thin as a twig. How the hell did someone like him end up with someone like Serena?

    Chris walked over towards the couple who had sat down at a bench in front of one of the classrooms. “Urgh! Mr. Smith’s test was so hard!” Serena complained, “I’m glad it’s over.”

    “One of the harder tests I took.” Jack mumbled, “I pretty sure I passed, but I think this might be my lowest score.”

    “Hey.” Chris grunted, “Didn’t think I’d see you here. Figured you be out of the test rooms sooner, Jack.”

    “He left late because he wanted to check over his answers,” Serena replied, “unlike someone who finishes as fast as he can. Honestly, it’s no surprise you’re as bad as tests as you are in bed.”

    Chris coughed, it took him a second to realize what she had said. But Jack figured it out right away, the nerd chuckled as Chris felt himself redden.

    His arm lurched forward, pulling Jack closer, “You find something funny, boy?”

    Chris wasn’t aware of the students who were in the hallway. Students who now stopped and watched as Serena quickly got to her feet and before Chris could react, punched him across the face. He released Jack as he stumbled backwards, nearly falling to the floor.

    “Can’t bring yourself to fight me, so you go after my boyfriend?” Serena asked, “I wish I could say I expected more from you, but this is exactly how I thought you would react.”

    Chris was aware then of the amount of people in the hallway. People watching him, saw him get punched by a girl. Still, he was the star football player, and he reminded everyone of that when he dashed out of there.

    “You didn’t have to do that.” Jack whispered, his fingers finding the hooks to Serena’s bra.

    “What would you have me do?” Serena asked, “Sit there as my boyfriend got pummeled?”

    “You have no faith in me.”

    Serena smirked, and pressed a finger to Jack’s lips, “I’ve seen you do physical things Jack. You’re not very good in all but one.” Her fingers drifted to his underwear which had formed a nice tent that pointed directly at her. She gave it a nice squeeze, feeling it thicken under her touch, “But you are very good at the one thing.”

    They kissed, and then Jack slipped off Serena’s bra. He stared for a second at her breasts. Serena liked seeing him smile at her, looking at her like she was the greatest treasure in the world. She shuddered as his hands went to her breasts, feeling them up. She twitched when his fingers rubbed over her nipples.

    “I had a good teacher.” Jack whispered.

    “I’m glad I could help.” Serena replied, “Now, I don’t think your underwear needs to still be on, does it?”

    Serena had heard what people had said about Jack before, but she didn’t care. He was one of the few people who didn’t treat her like a walking sex machine, and he shared feelings for her. Of course, him having a large cock definitely helped matters, but Serena saw that as just the cherry on top.

    A cherry that she liked taking in her mouth. Jack moaned and twitched as she did this for him. She had promised him that if they got through finals that she would do something special for him, and here it was.

    He promised he would do something in return another day, but right now Serena just wanted to enjoy this moment. Because she was enjoying this right now. Her fingers were playing with her vagina and she felt herself growing close.

    Jack’s breathing grew faster, heavier. She could feel him twitching as she continued to suck him. She didn’t need to ask, and went down on him harder. Within seconds, Jack groaned as he orgasmed, his sperm filling Serena’s mouth. That was enough for to push Serena over the edge as well.

    Jack laid naked with Serena on her bed a little while longer. He was pressed against her, his arms wrapped tightly around her. He didn’t want to let go, he didn’t want to leave, but it was getting late. Not for the first time, he looked at her and wondered how someone like him could get with someone like her.

    She smiled at him and he smiled back.

    “Thinking about something?” she asked.

    “Just thinking that I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”

    Chris held the book close. He stared at the page before him, there was a spell that, according to the witch, would allow him to swap bodies with someone when morning came. If Serena wouldn’t accept him as he was, maybe he could get with her another way.

    All he needed to do was to repeat the spell three times with the image of the person he wanted to swap with in his head. He said the words, chanting it while imagining Jack in his mind. He felt a chill run through him and knew that the spell would work. But, to keep Jack from interfering, he needed to tie up this body. That would be a bit troublesome, but he could manage. He was starting to feel sleepy though and knew that was the spell’s work. He needed to work quickly.

    Chris woke up the next morning in a room that wasn’t his own. He looked around, hoping to see Serena lying next to him. No luck though. Jack’s house then.

    Even more, he was in Jack’s body. He pulled back the covers and gasped visibly when he saw the tented underwear. He had assumed that the jokes made about Jack’s penis were just jokes but turns out the nerd did have a huge member. He pulled down the underwear and stared at the monster before him.

    Jack not only had a hot girlfriend, but a large penis as well. Or well, he had a large penis. Chris remembered as he wrapped his hands around the dick that this was his body now. He groaned as he felt himself becoming more aroused. He imagined himself, in Jack’s body, having sex with Serena and soon felt the orgasm arrive.

    It was in the clarity that he remembered that he could’ve used the spell to swap bodies with Serena! He sat up and imagined her, a feat that wasn’t hard for him to do, and then he chanted the words.

    Or at least he tried to. He had forgotten the spell, and the book was at his house where his old body was. Jack no doubt knew that something was wrong, but Chris didn’t want to take any chances by going to his own house right now. At the very least, he wanted to have sex with Serena.

    Jack struggled against the tape. This wasn’t his body; this wasn’t his house. He needed to escape. His mouth was taped shut so he couldn’t scream, he doubted anyone would have heard him anyway. What happened?

    Serena came over as soon as she finished getting dressed. She was surprised when Jack texted her, asking to come over. They had already made plans for the day and it wasn’t like him to forget about them.

    He was there when she knocked on the door. “Hey Serena.” He greeted, smirking.

    “Hi.” She replied, “So… why were you se excited for me to come over?”

    He reached forward and pulled her inside. “I just wanted to see you.” He said, arms snaking around her.

    She stiffened as she felt his hands snaking their way inside her clothes. “You’re a bit more excited today, something wrong?”

    He looked up at her and pressed himself against her. She felt his hard cock struggling against his jeans. “I’m just glad to see you. So very glad.”

    Serena felt something was off. This wasn’t normally how Jack acted. Her suspicions were confirmed when she felt his hand slip its way inside her pants, searching for her pussy. She sucked in a breath, broke free of his embrace and asked him, “What are you doing?”

    Jack held up his hands and grinned, “Sorry, sorry. Didn’t realize you were so sensitive about it.”

    She growled, “I have told you that I’m not ready for anyone to touch me down there!”

    “Sorry, must’ve forgotten.”

    Her hands tightened to fist as she glared at the man before her. This wasn’t like Jack; it wasn’t like him at all. “What is wrong with you today?”

    He smirked, “I just woke up feeling like a new man.” He chuckled, “Someone who’s going to take what he wants.”

    He threw himself at her, hands racing for her clothes. She yelped, and threw him off, knocking him to the ground.

    He wheezed. “Fuck, this body is so much weaker than my own,”

    She paused. “What did you say?”

    Jack laughed, “Guess I dropped the ball there.” He got up, “You see, this isn’t my body, I found I spell that let me switch bodies with this nerd and I won’t switch back until you give me what I want.”

    Did he just call Jack… Serena steeled herself, having a good idea of who she was talking to. “Who are you?”

    “Wouldn’t you like to know.” The stranger said, “Now, how about you give me what I want and I’ll get out of here.” He stalked forward and moved quickly, but Serena was faster and stronger. They struggled for a bit, and then Serena had Jack’s body immobilized on the ground. She twisted his arms as the stranger groaned in protest.

    “You lowly motherfucker!” she growled, “Chris, I swear to god I will end you!”

    “How did you-!”

    She twisted his arm further, “Please, the way you talked and how you tried to use strength to subdue me. There’s only one idiot I know who will do that. Now. Get. Out. Of. My. Boyfriend!”

    “No!” Chris screamed, “I couldn’t if I wanted to! The book is still at my place!”

    Serena smiled, “Well I guess we’re going to have to drive to your house then,”

    The two of them struggled for a bit, but Chris wasn’t used to being the weaker person. She hated to hurt her boyfriend’s body, but right now it was either that or let this sicko ruin Jack’s life. Jack kept some rope in his garage and after tiring out Chris she was able to get the rope from his garage and came back just before Chris could escape.

    She wrapped the rope around him as he reached the front door and had him tied up in a matter of seconds. “You bitch!” he snarled, thrashing against the rope, “You lousy-!”

    She slapped him across the face, silencing him, “I’d be mindful of your actions and your own situation before you go accusing people.”

    A few of the neighbors might see them traveling to her call, with Jack tied up around his chest. It didn’t matter though, she needed to get to Chris’ house. Chris didn’t put much of a fight as she got him in backseat of her car and began driving off.

    “Tell me,” Chris began, “What exactly do you see this guy?”

    “Are you fucking kidding me?” Serena asked.

    “I’m still amazed that someone like this had the nerve to ask you out.”

    When Chris was back in his own body, Serena wanted nothing more than to crush his balls. “I was the one who asked.”


    “You never knew? I asked him out. It was one of the scariest moments in my life, and I was happy when he said yes.”

    Chris started laughing, “Really? That’s hilarious! So fucking hilarious! Hahaha!”

    Serena tightened her grip around the wheel as she drove towards his house.

    Jack was tired. He had managed to get himself in a sitting position, but couldn’t do anything about the tape. Then he hard the sound of a car door closing followed by the slam of the house’ door. Someone was home! He started grunting, thrashing against the wall to produce as much noise as possible.

    “Found him.”

    That voice sounded familiar. Footsteps came upstairs and Jack was happy when he saw Serena open the door, followed closely by his own body! Jack grunted and Serena tossed his old body to the ground and ran towards him.

    “Jack! Is that you?” she asked, ripping the tape from his mouth.

    “Ah!” Jack screamed, “Yeah, it’s me. That stung.”

    She threw her arms around him and started crying, meanwhile Jack saw his own body scowl at what he was seeing. “Yeah, yeah. Have fun trying to switch us back.”

    Serena glared at his old body as she reached for a nearby book and began flipping through the pages. “I found the spell. So… looks like I just need to have Jack read it and then you two will switch back?”

    His old body glared at her before looking away. Serena looked at whoever was in his own body before looking down at Jack. She smiled, “Well, I suppose that can wait for a bit.”

    Jack was confused, but kept his mouth shut. Serena walked over to his old body and placed the duct tape over his mouth. She heard him whisper something to him that made him thrash around before she turned her attention to Jack.

    “Sorry about the strange start for the day,” she said, “I think I know a way I can make this good for you.”

    “Whose body am I in?”

    “Isn’t it obvious?” Serena asked, “Chris over there wanted so badly to get with me that he resorted to magic to do so.”


    Serena undid the tape binding him and Jack flexed his muscles. He was surprised to see them so big. He looked down at his current body and felt powerful.

    Serena inched her way towards him and gave him a kiss on the mouth, his fingers trailing on his chest. His hands gripped her gently on her sides as she stripped off her shirt, showing off a lacy black bra. “Go ahead and take it off,” she whispered, “I know that’s your favorite part.”

    He did so and found himself admiring possibly the greatest treasure in the world. He lifted them in his hands as Serena sat there smiling at him.

    “I will have sex with you, just like you wanted.” Those where the words Serena had spoken to him before she went and started making out with his old body. He struggled against his bindings, but it was no use. He could watch as the two of them were making out. He felt his penis struggling against his jeans at the sight of them.

    Chris penis was smaller than Jack’s, thinner as well. But Serena saw that Jack still appreciated her touching it for him. She started off slowly, using one hand to stroke hand, another than teased his testicles, and she would occasionally smile and give him a kiss.

    He was standing at full mast now, such a good boy. She saw in his eyes what he wanted, and so she gave it to him. Pausing for a moment, she stripped herself of her pants and socks, leaving nothing to the imagination. Chris moaned behind them, but neither of them gave any care. If it was even possible, Jack’s penis was even harder than before, with a little bit of precum leaking from the tip.

    “I love you.” Serena whispered.

    “I love you too.” Jack replied.

    Her strokes became faster, Jack began breathing harder. His hands went to her breasts, feeling them up as he approached orgasm. When he came, he arched his back and reflexively squeezed her tits. Then he lay there gasping for breath as Serena approached the book lying on the floor.

    “Read this.” She said, handing him the page.

    Jack looked over the page before looking over at his old body. “You sure you want me to change?” he asked.

    Serena kissed him on the cheeks, “I fell in love because of who you are.” She replied, “And I want to be with the man I love, body and soul.”

    He whispered the spell and imagined his body in his mind. He felt a cold chill course through and felt himself getting sleepy. “I think… it’s working.”

    “Good.” Serena replied, “Hold still for me.”

    Jack was dimly aware of her getting more tape and wrapping it around him naked body, but he hardly cared anymore. He was just so tired.

    When he came to, he was no longer bound, and was back in his own body. Serena sat naked beside him, smiling as she had a hand on his shoulder. “What were our plans for today?” she asked.

    “You wanted to take me shopping to find some new clothes.” Jack replied, “And you wanted to get more paints for yourself as well. Maybe we might’ve gotten something to eat.”

    She hugged him, “I’m glad you’re back, but we might need to take a rain check on the first two things.”

    Jack chuckled, and winced. “My arm feels sore.”

    “Sorry. Chris didn’t want to cooperate.”

    “Where is…”

    He saw Chris bound and gagged, struggling to free himself from his imprisonment. He was naked as well and glaring at Serena.

    She smirked and walked over to him, taking his balls in hand, “You wanted me to touch you, right? That’s what this is all about?”

    She crushed his balls in her hand which only made his struggle more. He tried to cry out but was gagged by a piece of duct tape. She grabbed them harder, twisting it. Jack looked away, not even wanting to imagine the pain Chris was going through. He hated him, and he deserved this and way more, but that didn’t mean Jack wanted to see him go through the pain.

    “Don’t you ever come near me or my boyfriend again. Got it?”

    She stood up and walked over to Jack, “Sorry you had to see that, but it needed to be done. Anything you want to do?”

    “If it’s alright with you, I think I’m another round.”

    Serena looked at his pants where his penis had made a huge tent. She giggled, “Sure, whatever you want, baby.” And went down on him.

    Chris didn’t even struggle, he knew he was trapped and could only watch as those two made out right in front of him. He only hoped that they would free him when this was over.

    Serena took the book with them as they left, telling Jack to get in the car. When he was gone she looked down at Chris, “Hope someone comes by for you. I’m going to take this. I wouldn’t try bothering us again if I was you. I know where you live and…” she tapped the book for emphasis, “I know magic now.”

    And with that, she left him there.
No more chapters.
anon_e3fba8e1b115 ∙ 09 Mar 2025