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  • Body Rentals - Elle Gets Controlled Part 4 (Chap 13, 14, 15)

    Chapter by VexenFox · 14 Dec 2021
  • Elle finally gets the upper hand, taking over Jess’s body with the Body Rentals control helmet, and then going for revenge on her brother. Unfortunately, she runs into Sarah on the way, who has her own way of torturing Ben from inside his body...
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  • Jess’s head shot up in shock as the device connected with her nervous system. She dropped the helmet and scratched at her neck, trying in vain to remove the metal piece I’d stuck there.

    Before she could gather her wits I pushed passed her and dove onto the helmet, slamming it down onto my head with a jolt.

    “Hey! Don’t- “ came Jess’s voice, but it cut off mid-sentence. I felt my own body suddenly slacken and the world seemed to spin about me for a moment. A second later I was outside myself, looking through foreign eyes at my own body awkwardly crumpled on the ground.

    “Oh my god.” I whispered, hearing Jess’s voice say the words. Everything felt so different -- my lips were bigger, fuller, softer. My voice slightly lower and kind of coarse. I felt fit and tight as I stretched my new arms about me, giggling.

    “Woah. This is so different to being controlled.”

    Jess could feel everything I was doing, I knew. She’d be trying desperately to regain control of her rebellious limbs right now. Limbs that were so easy for me to control! I felt powerful! I looked down at Jess’s small, rough hands and wiggled her stubby fingers. It was effortless for me, and yet an impossible task for her right now. This was awesome!

    I quickly felt Jess’s body up from the inside. It felt kind of strange, but not overwhelmingly different. It was like a million small things were wrong, you know? Like, my arms were slightly too short, and didn’t reach quite as far down my hips as they should have. My breasts were smaller, and I found I was more flexible and toned.

    Feeling between my legs, I found my new vagina was completely tucked in, forming into an almost completely closed slit, not like my own vagina with it’s big labia that protruded slightly all the time.

    I laughed and stood up, swaying slightly on Jess’s larger feet and shorter toes. A million little things indeed. My own body lay in front of me. Eek, the position it was lying in looked really uncomfortable. My neck was bent back awkwardly on the ground, and I knew lying on my boobs like that on Jess’s hard floor should be a bit painful, but I couldn’t feel a thing from that body.

    I prodded my own bum gently with one of Jess’s toes. Nothing! Still, I figured I’d be sore later if I didn’t do something about it, so I bent down and grabbed myself below the armpits, using Jess’s muscles to heave my own limp carcass up onto the bed.

    It was easier than I suspected! Jess’s tight thighs bulged slightly as I squatted in her form. My own body was pretty light, apparently, and I adjusted it into a position I felt would be pretty sustainable, brushing my hair out of my face with Jess’s short fingers, and accidentally scratching my cheek. I gave myself a little pat.

    “Okay, what now?”

    Well, revenge. Obviously! I figured Jess hadn’t done tooooo much to me other than using my body without permission (rude!), so fair’s fair, I’d just borrow her for a bit and call it even. My brother on the other hand…

    I started towards the door but hesitated, shifting Jess’s weight from side to side. So, if you removed the neural receiver thing by putting the helmet on it, how was I going to get it off Jess while I was out and about? I couldn’t take the helmet with me because it needed to be on my own body. Hmmm…

    “Well” I said out loud, enjoying hearing my new, strange voice. “It’ll be Jess that gets in trouble if I’m caught.”

    10 minutes and a quick run to MegaMart later found Jess Littleton casually pushing a trolley with a body in it down the road.

    I’d padded the trolley as best I could with blankets, and then chucked one over the top for good measure, but you could still see my body’s fingers poking out sometimes as the trolley jolted and wobbled down the road. I hoped I wasn’t giving myself too many bruises -- I’d had to fold up my legs and arms to fit myself in the trolley properly, and that is not easy! I don’t know if you’ve ever pushed a limp body around in a supermarket trolley before, but I would not recommend it.

    We bounced over a particularly large bump in the road and a resounding bounce came from under the blankets. I cringed -- I really hope that wasn’t my nose breaking.

    Fortunately Jess only lived a few streets away from me, and I made it to my house almost without incident. The only thing was when some lady slowed down to ask if I needed help, but I just grinned and shook my head. And then gave her the finger, remembering that I was in Jess’s body and was supposed to be getting revenge on her. She sped away tutting. I wonder what Jess thought about her body doing that? She was still conscious, watching me from somewhere inside her brain, since I hadn’t turned off her awareness. It must be really freaky for her! Serves her right!

    Strangely enough, when I arrived at my house I discovered none other than Sarah sitting on the front steps. And she was looking totally freaked out.

    “Jess!” she called, seeing me approach. “Have you seen Elle?! I am in so much shit!”

    “Oh, I think she’s about.” I smirked.

    “She better get home soon! My father found out that the helmet control thing is missing, and he’s freaking the fuck out! Apparently his company is doing like a big demo thing tomorrow with like all these rich investor people but he can’t do it without the helmet!”

    Sarah bounced up and down on the spot, flustered. “And I am going to be absolutely killed if I can’t find Elle and get it back!”

    She suddenly seemed to notice the trolley in between us.

    “Why have you got a trolley anyway?”

    Without saying anything, I put the creepiest expression I could onto Jess’s face and flipped back the blanket just far enough to show my body crammed into the trolley.

    “What the fuu-”

    Sarah leant down into the trolley, her mouth agape in shock. “Elle?” she whispered, looking at the body. Then she glanced up and stared at me. “Elle!?”

    “The one and only.” I grinned, “I figured out how to take the receiver off.”

    “Oh my god.” Sarah said, “You didn’t go to the company, did you? If they knew it was me that took the helmet…”

    “I didn’t.” I said firmly, “But I would have. This thing is dangerous Sarah. You have no idea what it’s like to not have control.”

    “Oh come on it’s not that bad! Quick, take off the helmet, I’ve got to get that back to my Dad!”

    I frowned at her. Typical of Sarah to only think about herself -- I wonder how she would feel being the one controlled?

    “Fine.” I said with Jess’s strong voice, “Go get me your makeup kit first, I need it to get the receiver off Jess.”

    “What? How does that-?”

    “Quick!” I snapped at her, and she cringed back a bit. She hesitated for a second, and then scampered off. “Okay wait there I’ll be right back!”

    Wow! I can’t believe that actually worked! Jess’s body was intimidating. There’s no way anybody would have responded like that to me snapping at them normally -- they’d just think I was being cute. But in Jess’s big athletic body, with her rough style and stern strong face -- man, Sarah caved so easily!

    Not that I needed the makeup for much, but hey, I’d bought myself at least a solid half hour alone with the helmet before Sarah gets back. Who knows what sort of mischief - nay, revenge! - I could get up to in that time?

    I found my reflection in a window at the front of my house. Jess stared back at me, a bitchy expression on her face. And I wasn’t even trying! Oh man! I poked at her eyebrows, trying to make them look more friendly. Did Jess just look that mean all the time?

    I stared into those frowning eyes and cleared my throat.

    “Jess. Now that we have both controlled each other, I consider us even. I’m going to let you go in a moment and remove the receiver from your neck. When I do, leave immediately.”

    I gave her the most serious expression I could from her own face. And it did look pretty bloody mean, I almost intimidated myself!

    Then I swung back her leg and kicked the brick wall as hard as I could.

    A spasm shot through my leg instantly.  But strangely, I didn’t feel any pain. I tried to flex my toes, but they didn’t seem to move very much. How weird! A second later I closed my eyes and concentrated on returning to my body. Another jolt went through me and I… was aching.

    Ooooh man, ow ow ow. I yanked the helmet off my head with weak and sore limbs. My body felt like it had been through a meat grinder. Or maybe crammed in a trolley and pushed along a bumpy road for fifteen minutes.

    Jess groaned and immediately crashed to the ground, clutching her foot. I might have made her kick the wall a little bit too hard. Oops.

    Regardless, I awkwardly climbed out of the trolley and shuffled over to her. I slammed the helmet down on her head and watched as her body spasmed and then started flopping about strangely. Jess was experiencing the messed up controls!

    I left her like that for a second, watching as her arm wiggled around like a tongue, and then removed the helmet and caught the receiver as it plopped off her neck.

    My treasure in hand, I rushed inside the house and shut the door, leaving a moaning Jess laying on the yard.

    Now time to find that brother of mine.

    Helmet and chip in hand, I tiptoed upstairs and down the hallway to Ben’s room. His door was cracked open so I peeped in, careful not to bump the helmet against the door frame..

    He was sitting at his desk, facing the other way. Probably busy shooting virtual communists while his headphones blared 80s techno.

    I gently pushed open the door -- praying it didn’t creak -- and snuck in veeerrry sloooowly.

    The floorboard groaned underfoot and I froze. My body felt stiff from it’s journey bouncing around a trolley.

    Ben yawned and stretched. I took another step closer.

    Then he stood up.

    I leapt towards him in a mad dash, closing the last few steps. Before he could react I slammed the chip into the back of his neck, making him yelp in surprise.

    “What the fuck?” he choked in surprise. “Elle?”

    He turned, knocking me away. I stumbled back across the room. Confused, his fingers felt around the chip and tried to pry it off.

    “Jesus, what the hell is this?”

    Then he noticed the helmet in my other hand. His eyes widened.

    “This isn’t--?”

    He didn’t get a chance to say more, because I yanked the helmet down onto my head and felt my consciousness blur.

    The next moment, I found myself standing on the other side of the room, looking at my own body crumpled awkwardly on the floor.

    Man, I was tall.

    And I was male.

    I looked down at my flat chest, dressed in one of Ben’s old ugly Dad-shirts. No boobs. I felt up my pecs -- they were flat, numb, firm.


    I was getting better at using the mental controls on the helmet, and managed to “command” Ben’s consciousness to sleep, the way he had done to me before. I could kind of sense the vague control at the back of my mind, easy to miss, hard to use.

    Somehow I felt a bit of an emptiness as he faded into blackness, as if a pressure on my mind was released. I giggled, surprised at my deeper voice. He wasn’t going to like the situation he would wake up in!

    I lay out my sleeping body nicely and put a pillow under my head. It felt a bit gross to know it was Ben’s body touching me, which was kind of funny, but I made sure I wouldn’t be sore when I got back into that form anyway.

    I marched off into the bathroom and stared at my male face in the mirror. Scraggly, some pimples, a bit of a fuzz growing. I made faces in the mirror, forcing Ben to scowl and grin like a madman.

    Then I took his razor and shaved off his eyebrows.


    While I was there, I decided to shave some of his hair as well. I dragged the electric razor in one clean movement down the middle of his head, leaving him with hair puffing out either side like a reverse mohawk.

    He looked ridiculous.

    Grinning, I wandered down the hall and into my own room, making up my plans. Ben deserved whatever was coming to him, I figured, though I didn’t want to do anything tooooo permanent. Like, I didn’t want him arrested, just… well, you know.

    I opened up my dresser and stared down at my panties. If he wouldn’t wear them when in my body, well then maybe I would wear them in his!

    I dug through the draw and picked out an old pair with a few holes -- I wouldn’t want them back after letting him use them, of course.

    I kicked off his shoes, momentarily distracted by my huge feet, and yanked down his trousers and underwear in one movement.

    That’s when it hit me.

    I was male.

    Ewww eww eww eww!

    Trying not to look at the weird appendage sticking out from between my legs, I stepped into my panties quickly and yanked them up. Hard.

    Huh. That feels weird.

    I felt a kind of vomit-y sensation in my stomach. I had the pain signals switched off on the helmet, so it wasn’t unpleasant, just… like, it felt like I’d been punched in the gut, or like I had badly cut my hand and now was sitting in shock before the pain hit.

    Did I just hit myself in the balls?

    I grinned. He’ll hate that when he gets back.

    I braved a glance between my legs, and wasn’t surprised to find my panties were wayyyy too small. I could see the outline of Ben’s little dick very clearly, and I could feel how cramped it was down there.


    I took off his shirt and stood for a moment in just a pair of my panties. What else? I wonder…

    In my closet hung a tight leather outfit Sarah had given my for a birthday a few months back. I’d never really worn it -- that thing was revealing as hell -- but for Ben?

    Fuck it, I thought, and pulled it off the hanger.

    It was too small for him, but I yanked and pulled and eventually squeezed his body into it. And I really pulled hard -- I could feel his muscles were way stronger than my usual ones, even though he didn’t work out.

    “Not fair!” I grumbled to myself.

    I quickly “admired” myself in the mirror, Ben’s body stared back, dressed in a tight leather get up, panties visible through the “sexy” holes in the leather. He looked like a gay biker on prom night.


    I grinned to myself, then skipped down the stairs and ran out onto the street. Old Mrs Partridge was walking her dog across the road.

    “Hello Mrs Partridge!” I yelled. “I’m going for a walk!”

    But I didn’t get to hear what she said back, because the world suddenly spun and I found myself back in my own body.

    I blinked and shook myself in confusion. What the hell? I was back on the floor of Ben’s room…

    ...and Sarah was standing over me holding the helmet.

    “You need the makeup kit, did you!?” Sarah shouted at me.


    “What the hell, Elle! Why didn’t you tell me you knew how to get the receiver off?!”

    I cringed back. I knew I should stand up to her, but I’m really not very good at confrontation. Well, I’m not good at confrontation when I’m in my own body.

    “My Dad’s going to kill me if we don’t get this back! He’d make me work for a year to pay it off! Gosh, you always think about yourself!”

    That did it.

    “I always think for myself?” I found myself snapping back. “You’re the one who got that stupid thing stuck on my neck, and let my body get used by god knows who!”

    “Yeah but I didn’t do that on purpose.” said Sarah, exasperated, “It’s different when you do it on purpose.”

    “You used my body yourself on purpose!”

    “You said I could try it!”

    “You did more than just try it!!”

    Just then, Ben burst into the room. And he looked mad.

    “I always think for myself?” I found myself snapping back. “You’re the one who got that stupid thing stuck on my neck, and let my body get used by god knows who!”

    “Yeah but I didn’t do that on purpose.” said Sarah, exasperated, “It’s different when you do it on purpose.”

    “You used my body yourself on purpose!”

    “You said I could try it!”

    “You did more than just try it!!”

    Just then, Ben burst into the room. And he looked mad.

    “What the actual fuck!”

    Ben glared at me and Sarah. I felt small and useless, on the ground, but Sarah just looked bemused. Ben glanced at the helmet in her hands.

    “Hand over the helmet, Sarah, and I’ll consider us even.”

    “Yeah no.” said Sarah

    “Sarah…”, Ben said menacingly.

    But Sarah didn’t even blink. She just smiled... and slammed the helmet down her own head. Ben tried to jump at her, but his legs slipped out from under him. He toppled to the floor just as Sarah’s body collapsed back onto the bed.

    “Ooooooh!” he -- Sarah -- said. “This is different.”

    She used Ben’s hands to feel up his body, pausing at the crotch area.

    “Really different.”

    I hesitated. What the hell was I supposed to do in this situation? I didn’t really want Sarah controlling the helmet, but I sure as hell didn’t want to be trapped in this room with an angry Ben. Maybe I could talk her into walking both bodies to her house and let her Dad deal with it?

    Sarah was oblivious to my dilemma. And she was a lot less grossed out at being in a boy’s body than I was, apparently. She ripped herself out of the dress and yanked down the panties I’d put him in and gasped.

    “Woooah! Look at that thing!”

    I did not, in fact, want to look at that thing.

    She wiggled her hips about and giggled.

    “It’s growing!”

    Sarah glanced at me, and blushed, then the eyes flicked over to her own sleeping body on the bed.

    “Noooooo.” I breathed.

    “It’s my own body though!” Sarah grinned. “I’ve always wanted to know what it was like as a boy.”

    She ran one of Ben’s hands up her body’s thigh.

    “It’s pretty wild that I can’t feel anything in there.”

    She cupped her old body’s crotch, then bent down and kissed herself. I could see she was getting aroused -- Ben’s dick was fully hard now. Gross.

    “Sarah…” I said, then stopped. I hadn’t been trained for this situation!

    “Should I let him remember, or nah?”

    Sarah lent down and kissed her own lips again, sticking out Ben’s tongue and slipping it into her mouth.

    “Haha, this is so weird. I’d hate this from the other side.”

    She licked her own face and giggled.

    I didn’t know whether to run away or try to stop her. Instead, I felt myself freeze up. Was she really going to do it… with herself?

    She made her way down her neck and chest, using Ben’s face to kiss all the way down. She shoved his face between her meager boobs and tried to motorboat herself. It didn’t really work -- Sarah wasn’t built for that.

    “Gah! I hate having little boobs!” she said aloud. I almost laughed at that despite myself -- seeing Ben complain about having small boobs was just so weird.

    Sarah was now in the middle of pulling down her skirt. She bit her lip as she rubbed Ben’s hands down the inside of her thighs. She leaned right down and grazed her pantie-covered-vagina with Ben’s nose.

    “Not bad!” she laughed, glancing at me.

    “You’re not actually going to…?” I trailed off. Sarah grabbed a fistful of her panties in either hand and used Ben’s man-strength to tear them apart. It didn’t look like it would have been particularly comfortable for Sarah’s body, but I guess she didn’t really care.

    “I’m going to turn off his awareness riiiiiight as I go in!”

    “Oh now that’s evil.” I mumbled, transfixed by the scene. Ben had always tried to perv on Sarah, he was probably straining so hard inside his body right now. Sarah grinned and lifted up her body’s limp legs, putting them over each of her shoulders.


    Sarah lined herself up, trying to find the hole with an appendage -- I now knew -- that wasn’t exactly as dexterous as a finger. I thought I could even see a subtle change in Ben’s face as his consciousness faded away right before she thrust into her own body, moaning immediately.

    “OH MY GOD!” shrieked Sarah. “IthinkImgonnacum”

    She pulled out and thrust again, her eyes going unfocused as her mind was overcome by the pleasure from a male body.

    “ImgoingtocumImgoingtocum” she moaned. She still sounded like a girl having sex, but coming out of a man’s body, and with a man’s voice.

    She shut her eyes.

    And then I realised how I could get back at her.

    It was evil, it was horrid, it was… it was what she deserved. And maybe Ben deserved to experience sex with Sarah, after all.

    I broke out of my stunned stupor and scrambled over to the bed. Ben’s face was screwed up with pleasure, his eyes shut tight. “Oh my god, oh my god!”

    Then I yanked the helmet off Sarah’s head.

    Ben’s eyes instantly snapped open, his face a mix of shock and arousal. He stared down at the girl he was fucking, finding his dick already right at the edge of orgasm, and he gasped.

    Sarah’s meanwhile, flailed about oddly. “What the fuck!” she said. “I was so damn close! Now I’m nothing! Elle you bitch!”

    She tried to swing at me but I was well out of reach. Ben kept pounding her and she gasped, glancing at him. Oh my god he’s about to cum!”

    I stared at the two of them, and then down at the helmet in my hands.

    In for a penny in for a pound, ay?

    I dropped to the ground right as Ben let out a grunt… and slipped the helmet on.


    It was like my clitoris was fifty times bigger and being rubbed from every side!

    I grunted, strangely feeling no urge to moan, and felt something spurt out of me. Like I was squirting… but different.

    I felt my body clench again, involuntarily, and another intense moment of pleasure. Squirting kind of felt more like a release, a weakness in the muscles as you just let go, this felt more like a powerful squeeze! Kind of like doing kegels, but stronger, and out of my control.

    I gasped as the pleasure rapidly faded. It was over in a heartbeat. Sarah was staring at me, an angry look on her face. Ben’s body was feeling weak and tired all of a sudden, and I felt very strange as I pulled his dick out of Sarah.

    This Body Rentals thing was really getting out of hand.

    “You deserved that.” I said to Sarah, quietly. She slumped back onto the pillows.

    “I suppose I did.”

    I smiled.

    “Now get off me you bitch and let me clean up.”

    I didn’t really want to clean up Ben’s body, so I just squashed his genitalia back into the panties I’d made him wear earlier and then hunted around the room for a shirt to put on.

    “What now?” I asked Sarah, who was wiping herself with some tissues.

    “Now I missed my one chance to experience a guy's orgasm. We’ve got to take the helmet and receiver back to my Dad right away.”

    I pulled a pair of Ben’s old trousers on as well. He’d wake up later wearing my panties again. Heh.

    “Ooookay, I guess we’ll chuck my body back in the trolley then?”


    Next: Body Rentals - Elle Gets Controlled Part 5 (Chap 16, 17, 18)

    Prev: Body Rentals - Elle Gets Controlled Part 3 (Chap 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
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