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  • The Possession Ring - Part 8

    Chapter by Haxxare ∙ 22 July 2024
  • Matt stumbles upon a ring that lets him possess people.

    Heavily inspired by the writing.com story

    The Possession Spell

    , but nerfed so the one with the power isn't in absolute control of everything.

    1.5K 0
  • "What do you mean, you lost the ring?!" Alan exclaimed. "How?"

    "I don't know!" Ashley, red in the face, replied. "I was walking out of class, ring around my neck like usual, when I got stuck in a crowd of other students. Next thing I know, I'm pants-down in the bathrooms, and no ring!"

    "Yeah, but how?" Alan pressed.

    "Well, obviously, someone knew what it did, snuck up on me after class, then took me for a joyride!" Ashley screamed.

    "Oh." Alan said, quieting down. The idea of someone outside our circle using the ring was worrying.

    "Hey guys..." Mira barged in, all cheerful. At least, until she saw everyone else. "Jesus, who died?"

    "Ashley had the ring stolen" I said.

    "Oh fuck, that's bad..." Mira replied. I nodded. We briefed her on what Ashley had just told us, and started to come up with a plan.


    Our plan wasn't the most exciting. We were basically hoping that whoever had the ring would slip up, and that we could deal with them. I mean, what else could we do?

    Turns out, we didn't have to wait too long.

    The next day, after class, we were going to meet up. When I got home, Alan and Ashley were already there. Mira must have been running late.

    Thirty minutes after our agreed meeting time, we started to get worried. I shot her a quick text.

    A few minutes later, I got a reply. My heart sank. It was a photo of Mira, obviously naked, smiling while some dude's cock was half in her mouth.

    "Dude..." was all Alan could say.

    Another photo quickly followed. This time, Mira was on her back, spread wide, being plowed by presumably the same cock she had just had in her mouth. We still couldn't see the dude's face, but at least we knew that the ring was on Mira.

    I opened my computer, and checked the gps. See, part of our plan had involved sharing locations, so we could track where any of us ended up if the ring thief had possessed one of us. The location in question wasn't even that far, maybe ten minutes drive. We quickly got ourselves together and left.


    We sat outside, in Ashley's car, waiting for someone to come out. It was like a stakeout... except we didn't really know what we were doing. What felt like hours of nothing turned out to be only another half hour...

    "That's it, I'm going in." I said, before opening the door.

    "What if they get you?" Alan asked.

    "Then that means we get Mira, and she probably has intel." I replied. Although deep down, I was hoping I would just walk in, and somehow get Mira and the ring, and walk out.

    It wasn't quite that simple.

    The front door was unlocked. I crept in, silently shutting the door behind me. It was quiet, and I couldn't see anyone around. I decided to start looking in rooms.

    The first door I checked seemed to be a bedroom. And, to my luck, I saw Mira inside. Well... her body at least.

    'Mira' was sitting on the bed, naked and alone, with her legs spread. As she idly scrolled through something on her phone with one hand, she was fiddling around in her pussy.

    "Oh hey, you're back..." she said, before looking up. "Who are you?"

    I didn't have much time to think of a response, so I just stuttered.

    "No shit... you're him! You're the boyfriend!" She exclaimed, excited. "Babe, you'll never guess who's here!"

    I heard footsteps running to the door, then I watched as Mira began to laugh, and reached for her hand...

    She slipped the ring off, seemed disoriented for a couple of seconds... but then I blacked out.


    I awoke with my face buried in pussy. Clearly, whoever had been in control of my body had been pleasuring a lady friend, before abruptly leaving.

    I heard some voices above me. A male voice I'm pretty sure I had never heard before, and a female one that sounded vaguely familiar...

    I pulled back slightly to give myself some room to breathe, but didn't raise my head. I was kinda hoping to figure out who this was, but not let them know I was planning anything. Then again, I thought, while I was completely alone and they had the ring, I was completely at their mercy.

    "Alright babe, I'm off. Have fun with him." The male voice said.

    "Oh I will..." purred the girl. "Oh Matt, I'm gonna have some fun with you..."

    Something about that was even more familiar... but I still couldn't quite place it.

    Suddenly, the legs I had been lying on disappeared, and I blacked out a split second later.


    This time, when I came to, I was on my knees on the floor. In front of me, sitting on the edge of a bed, completely naked, was Rachel. She had colored her hair to a shiny copper color, and gotten a tan, but it was definitely her. The same girl who had, some months ago, stolen the ring and possessed first Mira, then me.

    "Oh, how the tables have turned, huh". She said, coldly. She stood up, her pussy level with my face. I looked up, and she had a malicious grin on her face. "Now you're my bitch."

    I wasn't sure how to react to that, but I was more than happy to let her keep talking.

    "My boyfriend and I had some good fun with Mira, too. She really is quite sensitive, isn't she?" She teased. I kept my anger in check, but I'm sure it showed. "It felt so good feeling his cock in her pussy... and in her mouth..."

    I was sure she could see the rage on my face, because she laughed.

    "Oh and speaking of my boyfriend, he had his own go inside Mira. Not sure exactly what he was doing, but he sounded like he was having a lot of fun..."

    Rachel had the ring in her hand. She wasn't holding on to it too tight, but she was still holding it. If I made a move, I was sure she would just slip it back on, possess me, and that would be that.

    Suddenly, I heard a loud bang. Then, voices. Rachel looked away in the direction of the door...

    Now was my chance. I grabbed the hand that had the ring with both of mine, and pulled myself up. Despite her having a closed fist around the ring, with my two hands against her one, I was able to pry it open. I forced one of my hands in, and felt as the ring was pushed onto a finger.

    For a second, I was a ghost, and Rachel had a look of panic on her face. I dove right at her, and took control.


    The noises at the door had been my rescue party. Mira, now fully clothed, ran into the room, with Alan and Ashley on her tail.

    I raised a hand in a gesture of peace. I was still inside Rachel, and everyone there had some serious issues with her.

    "It's me! Don't shoot!" I said, half joking. We didn't have guns.

    "Prove it!" Mira demanded.

    "Ok uhh..." I stuttered. "Cinco de Mayo".

    "What?" Mira replied.

    "Our anniversary!"

    "Well, yeah..." Mira, in a huff, said. "But that's on Facebook! And I bet you... Rachel - stalked us on Facebook!"

    "Ok um... how about..." I struggled to think of anything. "Oh! Alison! The first person I possessed was Mira's roommate Alison!"

    "Checks out." Mira affirmed. "Still can't believe you're in that, though" she motioned in relative disgust to Rachel's naked body.

    "Well, shall we head back?" Alan offered. "We can figure out what to do with our stalker problem later..."

    I dug around in the drawers and closet of the room I was in, looking for something to wear. I couldn't exactly walk Rachel's ass out naked - at least not while in the company of my friends.

    The first complete outfit I managed to find consisted of a dark blue sleeveless crop top and skinny jeans. After putting all that on - I skipped underwear - I stood, ready to go. As we walked outside, I felt the cool evening air on my bare midriff, all while Mira kept glaring in my general direction.

    We finally got back to mine and Alan's place. Everyone gathered around me. I didn't even need to ask what was up - everyone had a lot of pent up frustration to take out, and we had Rachel's body right here under our command.


    Honestly, I was quite looking forward to being on both sides of the hate-fucking that was to come.

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