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Story created by
Heavily inspired by the writing.com story The Possession Spell, but nerfed so the one with the power isn't in absolute control of everything.
Matt stumbles upon a ring that lets him possess people.Heavily inspired by the writing.com story The Possession Spell, but nerfed so the one with the power isn't in absolute control of everything.
Matt stumbles upon a ring that lets him possess people.Heavily inspired by the writing.com story The Possession Spell, but nerfed so the one with the power isn't in absolute control of everything.
Matt, Alison, Alan, and Mira are back, and now have the upper hand on Rachel. Despite her best efforts, our four protagonists are now in control of both her body and the ring, and they intend to ruin her so thoroughly that she'll never come back. Contains spitroasting, pee play, bukkake, and a rather extreme revenge. Written by JJ97TSF- please leave feedback! :)
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"Look! There it is!" exclaimed Yuna, pointing at a tiny glowing orange sphere nestled tight in the forehead of an odd metal statue. Problem was, said statue was embedded in a cliff face, and it was pretty high up."So how do we get there?" asked Paine in her matter-of-fact tone."Oh, I got this!" Rikku replied. "I'll climb it!"Not waiting for any sort of confirmation, Rikku immediately ran, and jumped off the bridge at the cliff. Then, she dexterously climbed her way across, until she was underneath the statue."Be careful!" called Yuna, concern in her voice.Rikku did not respond, but rather climbed up. In a matter of minutes she was level with the statue. It was old and worn, about twice the size of her fist, in the shape of a man's head. She didn't recognize who it was, but that wasn't what they were there for. The sphere, however, was.Rikku grabbed it, feeling a slight jolt of electricity run through her hand as she touched it. "Yow!" she recoiled, hanging on with one hand as she shook the other. "It's trapped!" Reaching behind her and unhooking one of her daggers, Rikku tried to lever it out. Eventually she succeeded, the sphere popping out with a satisfying thunk. She barely managed to catch it in her palm.Perfect."I got it!" she exclaimed in triumph, pumping her fist... as her handhold crumbled and she fell down the side of the cliff, into the river, screaming.With a large splash, she collided with the water. She quickly gathered herself, swam to the shore, and rejoined her companions. "Told you I got this!" she grinned, showing off the sphere in her hand. "Now can we go back? I'm freezing!"I watched as the three girls left the river.
"So what do you say, fellas? Good enough?" I asked. "Seriously dude? Girls?" complained Denys. "Look - we're running out of time, and beggars can't be choosers." I said. Denys only grumbled."Was that Yuna? As in, Summoner Yuna?" Rioc said, his voice betraying his excitement. "Ooh, that's exciting!""At least someone's on board." I said. Truth was, we didn't have much choice anyway.See, we weren't really alive. We weren't Fayth, or Pyreflies or anything like that. Most of that had perished when that very same Yuna and her friends had defeated Sin for good. No, we were something else. It was hard to explain. We were normal humans, long ago. then, Sin... happened to our home, and we died. Except not entirely - our flesh was dead, but through whatever perverse magic that kept Sin coming back... we came back too. And we stayed. We couldn't be Sent - we had tried numerous times, wanting to be freed. Instead, we had roamed the earth, still physical but not really alive, until Sin died. By then, we had gotten used to this 'living'. With Sin gone, we had to find another way.This was our way.
"So how do we decide who gets who?" I asked."I can't believe you're forcing me into this" Denys pouted. "No one's forcing you into anything!" I retorted. "Would you rather just disappear after so long?"Denys had nothing to say. Instead, he grunted and turned around. Rioc, however, had a grin on his face. "So I take it you're not entirely upset with the situation" I asked, turning to face him. "So who is it?" I winked. "I wanna be famous!" Rioc exclaimed. "I want Yuna!"Rioc had been only fourteen or so when he had died - a good half decade younger than Denys or myself. Despite it having been a couple of centuries, some of his childish mannerisms persisted."That's it then, isn't it?" Denys asked. "Why even bother asking?""So she's not your type?" I teased. Denys grunted again, for what seemed like the tenth time in as many minutes, and walked off.What Denys meant was the sphere. It was imbued with a huge amount of Sin's magic - and it was the thing that kept us around after Sin's demise. As the one who had set the magic into the sphere in the first place, I was most tightly bound to it.That meant, that I would be the one to infiltrate the girls' ship through the sphere. And I would be forced to take over the body of whoever had imprinted the most on the sphere. That meant, I had to make do with Rikku.And make do I would.
"Why was that water so cold!?" Rikku complained. "Why'd you have to go and fall in?" Paine retorted."Well you weren't exactly volunteering to get the sphere, were you?""Can we chill out please?" Yuna interjected. "We got the sphere, after all!""I'm chill - I'm too chill" Rikku said with a laugh, wrapping her towel around herself. Yuna giggled. "Well at least your sense of humor is intact! We should get some rest, it's been a long day."After a few more minutes of idle chatter, the girls each retreated to their rooms. Later that night, Rikku saw what looked like Pyreflies circling around. "Hmm?" she mused. "Where did you come from?" She stepped towards them, and they retreated. Following, she found them in the storage room - floating around the sphere she had picked up earlier that day."Does this mean that we actually found something valuable?" Rikku thought.From within the orange sphere, my consciousness stirred. For the first time, I saw my quarry in detail. Rikku was short and petite. Her blonde hair was done up in a bit of a messy ponytail, with long thin braids down the side of her head. Surprisingly, even at this hour, she was still dressed for action. In her case that meant a blue bandanna, a yellow bra, matching scarf and billowy white sleeves that didn't even connect, leaving her shoulders and belly completely bare - not to mention giving anyone who wanted a nice look at the shape of her modest boobs. Below the waist she wasn't dressed much more than that - a short brown skirt that barely went below her ass, and short lace-up boots. "Pick me up..." I whispered from the sphere. Rikku, did not show any sign of hearing me, but I knew she had. As expected, she picked up the sphere, and took it to her room. She was mine.Rikku sat on the bed, idly playing with the sphere. She held it in front of her face, staring at it intently. Now was my time. The sphere glowed, and Rikku continued to stare, as if entranced. My consciousness flowed from the sphere into her hand.Even as my essence left the sphere, its light dimming ever so slightly, Rikku did not notice. She held it, mesmerized, as I continued to get myself set up. I had infiltrated her arm, half her torso and one of her legs, and she was none the wiser. Then again she had no reason to be. If she tried to move them, they would still respond.It did not take me long to completely leave the sphere behind. It's glow ceased, and Rikku seemed to snap out of her trance. But it was too late. With one effortless thought, I asserted myself as the dominant being in her body.Immediately, a barrage of sensations assaulted my new senses. While before everything was dull, now it was bright. The air on my skin. The soft sheets on my back and my legs. Even just the sensation of breathing, as I let out a content, feminine sigh.Then, I looked down and admired my new body. I touched my midriff with my slender fingers, and marveled at how nice it felt. I hadn't felt touch like this in so long, and had forgotten what it was like. My hands moved up, and touched my bra. I'd also never had boobs before...Curiosity getting the better of me, the bra and other few meager clothing items on my upper body were soon discarded, and I gazed at my chest. A feeling stirred within that I could not describe, and lewd thoughts began to run through my mind.The sphere needed some time to charge before I could use it to bring one of my friends into it, so I did have time to kill. And it would be a shame if I were to get distracted tomorrow by any new sensations, and raise suspicion that Rikku wasn't herself anymore...That night was the most amazing in my recent memory, with my hands exploring - in painstaking detail - every inch and sensation of my new body.
I woke very early, as the sun was only rising. I quickly did a once-over of my new body, mentally reliving last night's session of getting acquainted with my new self. It almost made me want to uh... confirm the results, but I had bigger things to do.I picked up the sphere, now brighter than last night but still dull, from the bed stand where I had left it yesterday. A whispered word or two began the process. I watched as the intensity increased, but taking on a purplish hue instead of the orange it was before.So Rioc had primed himself next. I had to go find Yuna.Quickly putting on the few clothes Rikku had available, I took the sphere and went to the next room. As luck would have it, it was Yuna's.It was still far too early for anyone sane to be about, so I snuck into the room as quietly as I could. Yuna was asleep, face up, and lightly snoring. One of her hands had fallen out from under the blanket. Excellent. I put the sphere in her hand and closed it. Now, she was locked in for Rioc."Rikku?" Yuna asked. "What are you doing?""Good morning!" I said chirpily. "I noticed something with the sphere from yesterday, and had to show you right away!""But... what time is it?" Yuna asked, yawning."Dunno, I couldn't sleep." I replied. "Check it out!"Yuna took the hand with the sphere, and looked at it."Wasn't it orange yesterday?" she asked. "Yup! That's what I wanted to show you!""Huh..." she brought it closer to her face, and it started glowing. I stood back and watched with interest.There wasn't much to watch, unfortunately, as Yuna continued to stare at the sphere, mesmerized, as the brightness faded. Then she blinked, and her eyes went wide."Whoa!" she said, out of character and louder than expected. I was sure it was Rioc, but I had to play it safe just in case."Shh, keep it down, Yuna!" I whispered. Yuna's hand went to her mouth, touched her lips... and then she broke out into a grin."This is sweet!" she whispered, eyes wide with excitement. She threw off the blanket, revealing that unlike Rikku, Yuna at least had more standard sleeping clothes - a semi-transparent blue nightgown that went just below her waist. Yuna stood up - she was a little taller than me - and admired herself. She looked at her hands, down at her body, lifted her legs one at a time as she turned around to check out her own ass..."Dude, I'm actually Yuna!" she whispered."Of course you are!" I smiled, before giggling a little. "What now?" she asked - but she was a little fidgety."Well we need to wait for the sphere to recharge, and we need to wait for Denys to prime it." "Oh. " she said, looking a little disappointed."What's up?" I asked."Well... wait does that mean we have nothing to do for now?" her eyes lit up. I nodded, and I saw a perverted grin form on her face.With one swift motion, Yuna took off her nightgown, revealing a matching set of blue bra and panties. She cupped her boobs, moaning a little as she did so. Then, she stepped right next to me and cupped mine."I think mine are bigger..." she breathed in my ear. "Want to check?"A shiver went down my spine as she reached around and unclasped my bra, and pressed herself against me. I felt her bare skin touch mine, and she pulled me in so I couldn't escape. Not that I even wanted to.I returned the favor and undid her bra, the two now hanging in place only by virtue of us pressing so close against each other. That didn't last long as they were quickly thrown away, leaving the two of us completely topless in our embrace.The rest of the early morning was spent with Yuna - and me - getting very intimately acquainted with our - and each other's new bodies.
"What the hell is going on?!" a loud voice yelled, waking both Yuna and me.Paine stood over the bed, with a look of anger and disgust on her face. She was already fully clothed, and pissed. On her were many belts - which were around her waist, hanging around her shorts, and around her otherwise bare midriff, what looked to be suspenders and garters keeping thigh-high black tights in place, as well as what appeared to be a black shawl over her chest, and black elbow-length gloves over her crossed hands. Meanwhile, blankets were strewn all round, covering the two girls still on the bed, but not leaving any question as to their prior activities."What do you mean?" Yuna said in a small voice."I mean this! You two are cousins for crying out loud!" Paine yelled. Yuna went red, and grinned."Um... oh..." she stuttered, shaking her head. "Whatever, I'm out. I can't do this." Paine said, before turning around.Yuna and I shared a glance, before looking at the inconspicuous green sphere on the bedside. I grabbed the sphere, while Yuna tackled Paine to the ground."Get... off!" Paine yelled, trying to shove Yuna off. I leapt in, Denys's sphere in hand, and grabbed Paine around her waist. Soon, one of her hands came to loosen my grip, and I grabbed it with the same hand that held the sphere. As I pressed the sphere into her palm, her eyes widened."The sphere! That's what it is!" she said as the realization dawned on her. But it was too late. Yuna, arriving at the same conclusion as I had, let her go and stood up. Paine sat, on the floor of Yuna's bedroom, and almost as if against her better judgment, brought the sphere to her face to examine it in detail...The sphere's light began to dim."I can't believe you idiots set this up" Paine said, the tone of her voice now completely different. She looked at us, still naked, with an intrigued look on her face. "And put some clothes on!""How about you take yours off?" Yuna countered. Paine did not need too much convincing.I think the three of us were going to have a lot of fun in our new bodies...
Dawn was excited. The last week had literally changed her life. From turning 18 and finishing high school, to getting her Trainer license, a lot had happened. She had met Professor Rowan, gotten her first Pokemon - a Piplup, and even started the Gym Challenge. Beating Roark wasn't easy, but Piplup had pulled through and won her the Coal Badge.
Her next stop was Eterna City, where she would challenge Gardenia. To get there, she would need to traverse Eterna Forest.
"Maybe this wasn't the best outfit for a trip through a forest..." Dawn muttered, looking down at her attire. She wore her favorite outfit - a sleeveless black top over a white undershirt, a pink skirt, matching pink hiking boots, and black knee-high socks. Even though the boots were fine, she didn't fancy the idea of wading through branches, shrubs and bugs without at least a jacket of some sort. That, and her favorite hat - white with a pink Pokeball design - would probably get filthy.
Nevertheless, she pressed on and entered the forest. Upon turning a corner, she nearly knocked someone over.
"Oh gosh, I'm sorry!" Dawn apologized. Her near-victim turned around and smiled warmly. She was tall, wearing a pale green sweater over a really long, dark-green dress. She had extraordinarily long green hair that was tied up in a braid, and went well past her waist.
"Oh, don't worry!" she said. "I know I kind of blend in in here..."
"I love your hair!" Dawn complimented the strange woman.
"Oh, thank you! I'm Cheryl, by the way".
"Dawn. Nice to meet you!"
"Likewise. I'm sorry to do this so quickly, but could I ask a favor?"
"I need to go to Eterna City, but it can get scary in the forest... can we go together?" Cheryl asked.
"Oh yeah, of course!" Dawn replied. "I'm heading there too, some company would be great!"______________________________"You made eye contact, that means you have to battle!" yelled some snotty kid from the grass.
"Yeah, we can make it a two-on-two!" another one yelled. Both immediately threw Pokeballs, and Dawn found herself facing down a Wurmple and a Burmy. Nothing Piplup couldn't handle.
"I uh... don't really like battling..." Cheryl said.
"But you have to! That's the rules!" one of the Bug Catchers said.
Clearly uncomfortable, Cheryl took a Pokeball from inside one of her pockets, and threw it. Out came a Chansey, but it looked... odd. It's eyes were very frazzled, and it did not look well at all. I sent out Piplup.
"Alright, a battle! Let's go!" the other Bug Catcher yelled.
As they prepared their moves, Cheryl's Chansey screamed - a chilling noise that was something between panic and vomiting. It sent shivers down Dawn's spine, and the two Bug Catchers looked clearly unnerved. However, they persevered, even when their Pokemon fainted one by one. Chansey kept screaming.
"Uh... ok... you win..." the two boys said in unison, recalling their last Pokemon and awkwardly shuffling off.
"Sorry about that..." Cheryl said. "My Chansey is actually the reason I want to get through this forest. She's been sick recently and I need someone's help there."
"Poor thing..." Dawn said. "Let's get through quickly then!"
Cheryl smiled and nodded.______________________________They walked for what felt like an hour. Cheryl was forced into battle a couple more times, and her Chansey really did look horrible.
"I really wish we didn't have to battle so much..." Dawn said. "Your Chansey really looks like she needs a break."
Cheryl only smiled and nodded.
"Hey, we're almost at the exit!"
"Yeah..." Cheryl said, looking off to the side.
"What's up?" Dawn asked.
"Oh nothing, I thought I saw something."
Dawn looked in the direction Cheryl was looking, but saw nothing but forest. Weird. She turned back around, and saw Cheryl staring right at her!
Dawn yelped and jumped back. "What the hell!"
Cheryl quickly regained her composure. "Oh, sorry! I just zoned out, was worried about Chansey..."
"Alright..." Dawn replied, but still felt thoroughly creeped out.
"Should just be around that corner, now!" Dawn exclaimed, pointing ahead. If she remembered her map correctly, that was. She was so ready to get out of this creepy forest - and, she thought, away from Cheryl.______________________________"But where's the exit?" Dawn asked, mostly for her own benefit. They had turned the corner, and instead of seeing light filtering through the trees, Dawn only saw a dead end. It was foggy, and the trees seemed to form a wall.
"You're right... it should be here..." Cheryl muttered, before walking forward. "Oh, Dawn! Come here!"
Dawn stepped closer. It still appeared to be a dead end, but to Cheryl's left - and what she appeared to be pointing at - was an old mansion.
"Do you think someone lives here?" Dawn asked. It was tall - two stories, probably with an attic, made of dark wood with eerie purple light streaming through the windows. The roof, in stark contrast to everything else, was a sandy color. It still loomed though, and looked rather ominous.
"We should go ask for directions!" Cheryl said, with a touch too much enthusiasm.
"In there? It's kinda creepy..." Dawn complained, then turned forward. It was getting dark, and they had seemed to hit a dead end. "Then again, I don't want to go back through the forest at night..."
The two ladies approached the door and knocked. No one answered.
"Maybe..." Cheryl said, before grabbing the doorknob and twisting it. "Ha, it's unlocked!"
"Should we really be going inside there...?" Dawn whispered, getting a bad feeling.
"Well if no one's answering the door..." Cheryl replied. "Plus, we might be able to find someone inside who can help us!"
Reluctantly, Dawn followed Cheryl inside.______________________________Suddenly, the door slammed shut.
"What the fuck?" Dawn yelped, turning around and looking behind her. There was no one - other than the closed door. "Deep breaths... it was just the wind..." Dawn muttered to herself under her breath. "Cheryl, wha... Cheryl?"
Dawn looked around, but Cheryl was nowhere to be seen. "C'mon, Cheryl, this isn't funny!" Dawn complained, but received no reply. She walked further inside, and saw a large hall flanked by elaborate staircases.
Running up the stairs and through the door on the second floor, Dawn found herself in a hallway. Out of the corner of her eye, she swore she saw someone...
"Who's there?" she called, but no one answered. She turned around, but did not see a single trace that anyone had been there.
From inside a nearby room, Dawn swore she heard voices. When she ran and opened the door, she was greeted by just an old television set.
"Figures..." muttered Dawn, fighting down the panic that was slowly seeping in. The TV suddenly turned on in a burst of static. Dawn screamed, and turned around...
And came face to face with a Gastly. Dawn didn't even have time to say anything as the Gastly grinned at her, eyes glowing.
Dawn's senses slowly faded, a curtain of blackness descending over her consciousness...______________________________When Dawn awoke, something was very wrong. She felt a little dizzy, and very light. She tried to take a step... and realized that she didn't have legs! Looking down, she saw a little purple mist, and nothing else.
Willing herself forward, she found that she could in fact move - and a dusty old mirror in the room she was in revealed the truth. She was a Gastly!
Dawn thought, freaking out. She flew out of the room, and found herself in the main hall again. Then, she heard voices from the room across. As she approached, she could make out what they were saying.
"I'm glad you like it!" chirped a familiar voice.
"She... I am quite pretty, I must say!" said another, very familiar voice. Her voice!
Dawn flew through the hall and into the next room, and came face to face with Cheryl... and herself!
"My my, we have a visitor!" Her body said, calmly. Cheryl stood, with a smirk on her face.
"Do you think this is..." Cheryl started.
"Probably." Dawn's body replied.
Dawn tried to scream, but it only came out as a weak "Gaaaaaa".
"I think someone's upset!" gloated Cheryl. "Then again, I would be too if I was stupid enough to get my body stolen".
"Yes... Dawn, was it?" Dawn's body said. "I really must thank you for the lovely body," she said as she motioned down, hands flowing down her torso to rest on her hips. "Yes, it'll do fine..."
Dawn cried.
"That's getting annoying..." Her body said, before an evil grin spread across her face. "But being the young, pretty Pokemon trainer I am, I know just what to do about that, don't I?" She replied in a sing-song voice. Then, she pulled out a Pokeball from her - bag, and launched it at Dawn's face.
It struck, and Dawn was immediately sucked in. She tried to resist, but was too disoriented and weak. Helplessly, she felt as the Pokeball beeped once... twice... and three times.
She was trapped.
I stepped into the shower and turned on the water. It took a little while to get warm, but it was really pleasant when it did. I love just relaxing under the hot water, before I start actually washing myself. Mostly because washing my hair is a huge pain. So I stood, arms crossed under my boobs, half-hugging myself as the hot water cascaded over my shoulders. It felt great - I might just stand here for a while.
A few minutes later - at least, I hope it was only a few minutes, since I'd been known to get 'stuck' in the shower for maybe half an hour without actually doing anything - I heard a noise that sounded like a knock on the door. Which was weird, because I lived alone, and I was sure that the front door was locked. It's probably nothing, just my imagination.
Shit, did she hear me? I slipped through the door into the bathroom. Even though I was invisible and mostly incorporeal, I still bumped things. As far as I could tell, she hadn't. She still stood, unmoving, behind the shower curtain. Even though I could only see her silhouette, I could already tell she was hot. She was head shorter than me, slim, but with pretty nice boobs and a tight ass. Oh, I was looking forward to this.
I slowly crept closer, and stumbled over the bath mat in front of the vanity unit. I crashed into the counter, causing everything on it to shake. There's no way she didn't hear that...
Alright, that was definitely not my imagination. I peeked around the shower curtain, and saw... nothing. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary in the room at all. Door was still barely open, and there was clearly no one there. Even all my stuff around the sink was still in place. So what was going on...?
I returned to my shower, and couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. Despite the fact that there was clearly no one in here with me, I still felt uneasy. Maybe if I just finished up and got out, I'd feel better? Yeah, that's what I'd do.
I squeezed some shampoo into my hand, turned to face the shower head, and began to massage my scalp with my hands.
Yeah, I definitely messed up there. She peeked out of the shower, letting me see her face for the first time. And damn, she was cute. Soft lips, button nose, long dirty blonde hair...
Judging by the fact that she didn't react to me at all, she truly couldn't see me. So it had worked after all. Now all I needed was to slip into the shower with her, then slip into her... if it all went to plan, she wouldn't even realize anything was different. Apparently, she would think anything I did while in control was her own idea.
More confidently now, I crept up to the shower, and snuck past the curtain. She was shampooing her head, facing away from me. Perfect! I stepped up close, and poked a foot into hers.
I felt something tickling at my foot. I quickly kicked back, but there was nothing. This was turning out to be the creepiest shower experience of my life. I was about half-done shampooing - I'd leave it in for a minute, condition it, quickly scrub myself down, then get the hell out.
What the hell? The same side that had felt the tickle now felt like something was pushing into it. Kind of like a blanket - it wasn't moving me, but it was just pushing. I tried to move the leg away, but it felt heavy. Like it was actually wrapped up in a blanket. I had no idea what was going on, but I definitely wanted out of here. I'd almost consider not even finishing...<
Ooh, that tingles. I'd managed to get one leg inside her - I couldn't control it until I'd completely taken over, but it did make the rest of the process easier. I slipped my other leg into hers - this one went in a lot smoother. Next, I tried to stand up straight and just take over the rest of her.
It didn't work.
I found myself precariously wobbling, rooted in by my legs. Alright, slowly it was then.
The odd feeling had spread to my other leg, and whatever weirdness it was was now firmly pushing at my ass. It was a chore to move my legs at this point. Was I on some weird trip? I wasn't drunk or high... I thought. I hadn't done anything like that in at least a few days now...
The odd pressure had turned into slight numbness and warmth - kind of like when you sit in an awkward position, before the pins and needles sets in. That feeling crept up my legs - that I couldn't really move right now anyway - and past my hips.
I reached out an arm and slapped my leg. It felt completely normal - not numb, not swollen or anything. Then why the hell couldn't I move it?!
The moment when I had thrust my hips into hers was odd. The biggest thing was that I went from having a dick - even if it was a ghost dick right now - to not having one. I wasn't in control of the girl's body yet so I couldn't feel anything, but it was still weird to just lose that part of myself so suddenly.
Continuing my efforts, I gradually pulled myself up until I was almost at her chest...
The pressure was rising, followed now ever quicker by the numbness. It slowly climbed up my back, covering my whole chest, then up to my neck. My arms were next, starting at the shoulders. They began to feel heavy, so I stopped my shampooing.
You know - in hindsight, I probably should have gotten out of here sooner. Something was clearly wrong in here. But... I didn't.
And now, I stood, arms heavy at my sides, barely able to move my body through the numbness I felt all over. I would have screamed or something, but there was no point. No one was here anyway - and I was alone. Yet this was still happening.
I resigned myself to my fate, whatever it was.
Almost done! All that was left was my head, and then it would all be over...
I slipped my chin forward, catching a mop of wet hair in my ghostly face. Instinctively I scrunched my eyes, but of course nothing happened. I went right through it. Right into the back of her head...
Then, I could feel again.
I felt the hot water on my body. Long hair sticking to my back. Arms at my sides. I went to open my eyes, instinctively brushing away the water with my hands. As I did that, my elbows squished into something that was altogether new to me.
I looked down with my new eyes, grinning like a madman as I saw two perfectly perky breasts hanging off my chest. I took them in my new hands, loving the feeling both of cupping them, and having them cupped. I pinched one of my nipples, experiencing a brand new shock of pleasure that spread through my entire body, concentrated in my crotch.
The numbness had gone. In its place, I felt unbelievably giddy... and horny. My hands immediately began massaging my boobs. And for some reason it felt really good. Like, REALLY good. I was already wet, and every touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through my body. I pinched a nipple, and shuddered at the sensations that it caused. This never usually felt this good, but I sure as hell wasn't gonna complain!
I continued rubbing my hands over my body - I was so sensitive today! - feeling every curve. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but damn, I was hot. And I felt hot. My hands traced a path down around my belly button, before grabbing a handful of ass. Even my ass was damn fine!
Holy shit! Was this what it always felt like for girls? This was fucking amazing! And I hadn't even gotten to the good stuff yet! Her pussy was tingling in anticipation as I grabbed her ass, squeezing it between her own petite hands. I took her hand, and slid it around and down, probing for her snatch.
Whoa. Everything I had felt before this paled in comparison. Just touching down there shot a massive jolt of pleasure through my entire body, so much that my knees began to quiver. Hungry for more, I plunged my fingers deeper into the soft, sticky warmth of the girl's pussy.
Wow... I continued fingering myself - a lot more clumsily than usual, but I didn't care. It just felt so good! My fingers dug hungrily in and out of my pussy, and I felt the pressure building in my core. I let out a moan, and continued my hand motions frantically. My other hand was forgotten - all I cared about right now was my vagina, and to continue doing what I was doing.
"Ahhh! Aahhhh! Aaahhhhh!" I moaned, her voice coming out desperate as my hand continued to play around. The pleasure I felt from inside was overwhelming. I didn't ever imagine that it was possible to feel this good!
Then, the pleasure just exploded. One massive wave of pure bliss, emanating from my core, shaking my entire body. I was numb. All I felt was the pleasure, a million times stronger than anything I had ever felt as a guy.
Dark spots began to play at the corner of my vision, and I felt myself fading...
I stood, slightly shaking, in the afterglow of what had to have been my most powerful orgasm ever. My breath was ragged and shallow, but I didn't care. It was totally worth it.
I should probably finish showering... in a few minutes. For now I'll just coast on that bliss.
I woke up on my bed, with a raging hard-on, laptop still open with the spell up. Shame I was out of potion, though. I ran to the bathroom, using my memory of what had just happened to fuel my wank.
I had to get more of that potion...
You sat down at the table. You were the last player.
"Finally! We can start!" Jenny exclaimed. Jenny was tall, with long straight brunette hair and glasses. She wore a simple black t-shirt and jeans. It was fair enough that she was excited - she had brought an enchanted deck of cards to this party, and fully intended to use them.
You surveyed the other participants in Jenny's game. To his left was his best friend, Steve. A bit on the short side, thin but with a quick wit and silver tongue, he was popular and well liked by almost everyone he met.
Next to him was the blonde hostess of the event, Claire. She was very short and very bubbly. Tonight she was dressed in a form-fitting silver dress that showed a generous amount of cleavage.
Andrew and Amy were next, a couple who looked remarkably similar. Both with black hair and sharp features, Andrew wore a dark green polo top with brown slacks. To contrast, Amy had on a white polka dot dress that went to her knees.
After Andrew sat Jenny, and next to her was her friend Fiona. Tall, with flowing red hair, green spaghetti strap top and white shorts, she was you favourite from the group. You hadn't spoken too many times before, but she seemed friendly enough to you.
Finally, between Fiona and yourself was Harry. He was tall and lanky, somewhat unkempt. More the loner of the group, but he had been friends with both Jenny and Steve since they were in primary school.
"So Jen. Remind us how this all works, will ya?" Steve asked in his usual tone of voice.
"Well you've all played King's Cup, right? Pretty much that." Jenny said.
"Then what's the big deal about your special deck?" Andrew asked.
"Yeah, Jen, what's so special about it?" Amy added.
"I was hoping to keep that a surprise..." Jenny complained, but conceded after a collective circle of flat stares. "Fine, fine..."
"It's an enchanted deck. Right now it's set up to swap the bodies of whoever plays". Jenny said, to a lot of stunned faces.
"Yeah right..." Harry muttered.
"Trust me, it's real." Jenny replied. "Anyway. When you pull a card, do the usual. However. When someone else pulls the matching card... like the nine of diamonds to your nine of hearts, you'll swap bodies. The red Joker lets you swap with anyone of your choice, and the black Joker will let anyone at the table swap with you."
"Huh... this seems fun!" Claire said, bubbly as ever. "So what are we waiting for? Lets get our drinks and start!"
Everyone proceeded to the kitchen to grab something to drink. You settled on a beer. Some people were mixing an assortment of liquor into their cups, while others joined you and cracked open a bottle.
Finally, the game had begun. As the owner of the deck, Jenny was coerced into taking the first card.
"And it is..." Jenny drew a card and looked at it. "A six!" Jenny revealed the six of clubs and put it in front of her. "Cheers, ladies!" The girls all took a sip of their drinks.
Fiona was up next. She drew the three of spades. "Three's for me, right?" She asked and took another sip of her drink. Harry pulled an eight of clubs. "Alright... Steve, you can be my mate." Steve laughed and raised his glass. "You got it, bro"
You were up next. Picking up a card, a feeling of relief washes over you as you reveal the Ace of diamonds. No swapping just yet, then. "Waterfall!!" Steve exclaims, as you begin to chug your beer. A full ten seconds later, you put it down empty. Andrew shoots you a dirty look - you had made him empty his improvised whiskey sour. You shrug.
"Alright... let's do this!" Steve said before pulling a card. Then, he started laughing, and flipped his card - the six of spades. Jenny grinned, and everyone else stared. The black on the cards glowed a bright gold, causing both Jenny and Steve to shudder, before stopping still, visibly disoriented.
"Huh so..." Jenny said, before opening her eyes and staring across the table towards Steve. "Holy shit Jen! These things really work?" Jenny exclaimed before looking down at herself. "Wow..." she mumbled, hands running down her torso.
"Ahem." Steve cleared his voice. "Yes, Jenny, it worked. And I believe you owe me a drink..." Jenny-in-Steve pointed to the six. "Six for chicks, and you are a chick now..."
"Ahh... " Steve-in-Jenny sighed and picked up the drink in front of... her? You figured that was easier. "Well, here's to all my fellow girls..." she said with a grin. That was just like Steve, too. Taking it in stride, even if he had just swapped bodies with Jenny.
The next to draw a card was Amy. She flipped the five of hearts off the top. "Five's for guys!" She said cheerfully, bumping her boyfriend playfully.
"And you now..." the new Jenny said towards what had previoulsly been her body. Jenny-in-Steve obliged, taking a sip of Steve's cider.
"What about my mate?" Harry asked.
"Well you chose that dude over there" Jenny said, pointing at Steve. "So I guess he drinks!" Steve nodded and took another sip.
The rest of the circle proceeded without anyone causing any more swaps. Several drinks were passed around, and Fiona claimed the title of Quizmaster. It was your turn to draw, and you flipped over a... four of spades. Had the pair for that been flipped yet? You looked around the table and saw that it had - it was in front of Andrew.
As the card began to glow, much in the same way as it had when Jenny and Steve had previously swapped, you felt yourself begin to get dizzy. It felt... kind of like you'd had way too much to drink. The sensation faded after a second, right along with your senses and vision. When you came to, almost instantly judging by the interested and not concerned expressions around you, you found yourself staring at... yourself.
"Huh?" you muttered.
"Hey, another swap!" Claire exclaimed. "Too bad it's boring..."
You thought about what she was saying - and you were glad that your first swap had been with another guy. Even if it had to be Andrew. That way you were eased into this weird game. Still, being someone else - even if you hadn't crossed the gender barrier like Steve and Jenny - was weird. His clothes fit just slightly differently. Plus, you felt you had your left hand touching someone's stocking-covered leg. Someone who was leaning on you right now. You turned to see Amy half-slouching against you, looking very comfortable. So along with Andrew's body, you'd also gotten his girlfriend.
"Uh, AHEM" your body coughed. "Amy!"
"What?" she asked, then realized what had happened. Letting go at about the same time you removed your own hand from her leg, she went a bit red. "Oh."
"Come on! That's half the fun of this!" Steve said - or rather, Jenny from Steve's body. "Anyway, Mark, who're you assigning drinks to?"
From your body, Andrew looked at his card. A four let him assign two drinks each to two people. "Well, how about I send one to Mar.... Andrew." He was clearly also still struggling with this game. "And I guess one to Harry" he smirked.
His new drink mix was actually pretty nice, you thought. That could just have been his taste buds, since you didn't care for spirit mixes too much. Harry happily chugged his, causing Jenny-in-Steve to follow suit, while Steve-in-Jenny smirked.
"I'm loving that I can just watch myself drink like that..." Jenny exclaimed, causing you and several others to chuckle slightly.
"Well that makes it my turn, right?" Steve asked, drawing a card. Then, laughing, he revealed a nine of diamonds, matching the nine of hearts Claire had pulled on her last turn. The cards blazed, leaving both Claire and Steve disoriented for a second.
The new Claire was the first to speak up. "Gotta say it's nice being a girl again - no offense" she motioned to Jenny. "But this outfit is... " Claire looked down at her generous cleavage and tight dress "...not quite my usual style."
Meanwhile, the new Steve was looking with disbelief at his body, running his hands down his torso. "No fucking way..." he whispered, before having a hand slip under the table to cup his junk. "That's unreal!"
"Uh, Steve? Your card?" Steve-in-Jenny called out, amused at the sight of what was previously his body feeling itself up.
"Oh... sorry." Steve's hands came back into view, and he went a bit red. "A nine... that's rhymes, right?" Then, with a smirk, he said "Cock."
"Block!" Claire immediately said with a grin, looking at him. The rhyming continued until Jenny tripped up and took a drink.
"One of the perks of this game... sometimes you get two turns in a row!" Claire joked and pulled another card. "Oh, that's boring" she said and showed her ten of spades. "Categories... umm..."
"So how does this work?" Fiona asked.
"Categories? We just name things matching whatever I pick, right?" Claire replied, not missing a beat.
"Yeah that's right." Andrew replied from your body.
"Hah, drink!" Claire exclaimed, pointing at the queen sitting in front of Fiona.
"Ugh, beer." Andrew complained and took a sip. "Y'know, this isn't too bad!" he said with some surprise, tasting beer with your mouth.
The categories continued - coffee drinks - until again, Jenny was the one to trip up and take a drink.
"C'mon Jen, you love your coffee!" Amy joked while reaching for her card. "Heaven!" she called as she flipped the seven of clubs. All hands shot up immediately - except that Harry fumbled. He obliged with his drink.
"Hey mate, your drink!" he called to Steve, who had again gotten distracted with his new body. Steve looked up, grinned sheepishly and drank.
You looked over at Amy next to you, who gave you a quick smile as if out of habit. Steve - or rather, Claire inside him - was having fun, and seemed to be really antsy. Steve had had more to drink than anyone else so far, and Claire was known to be a bit more... open-minded than most of the people at the table.
Now that it was your turn, you drew a card. You flipped a five - of spades, causing Andrew in your body to nearly freak out, before he realized the colors didn't match the five sitting in front of his girlfriend. "Well, looks like Mark needs a drink. Cheers, boys!" you call out in a jovial manner, causing all the guys to drink. Even Steve, who had to be prodded again. And then again for his mate's drink.
"Well looks like I'm up again!" Jenny said with some excitement, and drew her card. "Oho!" she flipped over another five - clubs, the matching pair to the card you had just drawn...The cards in front of both you and Jenny shined a bright gold, and the same dizziness that you had felt not too long ago once again enveloped your consciousness. Once again you blacked out and came to looking at yourself. This time, though, things were a bit different. For one, the buzz didn't completely go away.
The first thing you noticed was that you were wearing glasses. That and the long hair tickling your neck. You brought up your hands to brush at your neck, and feel a foreign sensation on your chest. Something tight and bouncy. It actually took you a split second to realize that you'd just bumped Jenny's boobs - your boobs, since you had just been swapped into her body.
That meant you were a chick! Instantly you squeeze your legs together, feeling the fabric of Jenny's jeans against your legs. That and the empty void between your legs that was definitely not there before. You blushed slightly, trying your hardest to not think about it. Instead, you tried to focus your attention back on the game.
"So guys drink?" Steve, now in Andrew's body, asked. You instinctively reached for your drink, which was now a bottle with a purple label. A bump from your right - you looked over, sending your long brown hair flying, and saw Fiona poking you in the shoulder - reminding you that you didn't qualify for this one anymore.
Steve did seem happy - or at least, very much not disappointed - to be out of Jenny's body, as he drank Andrew's whiskey concoction. You had to admit, it was a lot more distracting being Jenny than Andrew - and you were trying as hard as you could to not be distracted by all the differences between your usual and current bodies.
Finally, the next card was drawn - Fiona revealed the seven of spades. The card glowed, revealing a match across the table with Amy. After a second, the new Amy exclaimed "Heaven!" and shot her hand into the air.
Everyone but Fiona - now with her body under Amy's control - got their hands up in a second. You shot yours up quickly as well, feeling a jiggle on your chest. "So I drink?" Fiona asked.
"Yeah" replied your body, causing Fiona to giggle.
"I'm the quizmaster! Drink!" she exclaimed. "I just love this hair, Fee!" Amy nodded quietly, admiring her own new hair - now shorter, straighter, and jet-black. You saw yourself admiring Amy admiring herself, which made sense since last you checked, it was Andrew inside your body. Finally he drank, and everyone looked to Harry to draw the next card.
He flipped a Jack of diamonds, to mixed reactions from everyone. A Jack meant Never Have I Ever - three lives.
"Ok guys, here's how this works" Claire volunteered. "So usually you'd just play depending on who you are right now, right? Like Steve is Harry's mate, regardless of who is actually in Steve or Harry. Speaking of, Steve!" she said, causing Steve to look up once again.
"I'm listening!" he replied.
"Anyway!" Claire continued, cheerfully. "Since your memories are still your own, just go off that, ok? You aren't expected to know the secrets of whoever you are!"
"So I'll start, I guess..." Harry said, then grinned. "Never have I ever... been in another person's body!" Everyone groaned - he was the only one to remain unswitched at the table, so he alone did not tick down a life.
Next was your body. "Uhh... never have I ever been a chick" you watched yourself suppressing a grin. You looked around as once again, everyone except Harry - and your body, this time - lowered another finger.
After that was Steve. He giggled in a very much non masculine manner, before saying "Never have I ever fantasized about someone at this table!" before putting down his last finger. This cascaded around, and you watched as everyone - without exception - dropped a finger.
"Ooooohhhh, that's juicy!" Claire exclaimed before drinking. "Come on, everyone!" she said after she had hers, motioning for everyone - Harry and your old body excluded - to join her. You took a sip of Jenny's drink, noting it was quite refreshing and pleasant. "Mark is up next!"
Mark - your body - picked up a card, and gleefully revealed the six of diamonds. "Girls drink!" This meant you, though you were getting used to the concept that you were a girl. Not so much the actual sensations of it, which you were trying your hardest to avoid. You tightened your thighs slightly at the thought, before downing the remainder of your drink. Your body continued on after the girls at the table had finished. "And now Steve?"
Steve put down his cider, and pulled a card - the first King, the King of Hearts. The rest of the cider went into the cup in the middle of the table, and Steve excitedly began to giggle. "Ok, so I make a rule now, right?" he could hardly hold in his laughter. "Whenever you swap bodies with someone, you have to take off a piece of clothing!" he giggled, before hiccuping.
"There we have it, folks! Steve is drunk!" Andrew said, laughing. "Claire, if you would..." he motioned to the deck, who picked up a card.
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Heavily inspired by the writing.com story The Possession Spell, but nerfed so the one with the power isn't in absolute control of everything.
Matt stumbles upon a ring that lets him possess people.Heavily inspired by the writing.com story The Possession Spell, but nerfed so the one with the power isn't in absolute control of everything.
Matt stumbles upon a ring that lets him possess people.Heavily inspired by the writing.com story The Possession Spell, but nerfed so the one with the power isn't in absolute control of everything.
Matt, Alison, Alan, and Mira are back, and now have the upper hand on Rachel. Despite her best efforts, our four protagonists are now in control of both her body and the ring, and they intend to ruin her so thoroughly that she'll never come back. Contains spitroasting, pee play, bukkake, and a rather extreme revenge. Written by JJ97TSF- please leave feedback! :)
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I woke very early, as the sun was only rising. I quickly did a once-over of my new body, mentally reliving last night's session of getting acquainted with my new self. It almost made me want to uh... confirm the results, but I had bigger things to do.I picked up the sphere, now brighter than last night but still dull, from the bed stand where I had left it yesterday. A whispered word or two began the process. I watched as the intensity increased, but taking on a purplish hue instead of the orange it was before.So Rioc had primed himself next. I had to go find Yuna.Quickly putting on the few clothes Rikku had available, I took the sphere and went to the next room. As luck would have it, it was Yuna's.It was still far too early for anyone sane to be about, so I snuck into the room as quietly as I could. Yuna was asleep, face up, and lightly snoring. One of her hands had fallen out from under the blanket. Excellent. I put the sphere in her hand and closed it. Now, she was locked in for Rioc."Rikku?" Yuna asked. "What are you doing?""Good morning!" I said chirpily. "I noticed something with the sphere from yesterday, and had to show you right away!""But... what time is it?" Yuna asked, yawning."Dunno, I couldn't sleep." I replied. "Check it out!"Yuna took the hand with the sphere, and looked at it."Wasn't it orange yesterday?" she asked. "Yup! That's what I wanted to show you!""Huh..." she brought it closer to her face, and it started glowing. I stood back and watched with interest.There wasn't much to watch, unfortunately, as Yuna continued to stare at the sphere, mesmerized, as the brightness faded. Then she blinked, and her eyes went wide."Whoa!" she said, out of character and louder than expected. I was sure it was Rioc, but I had to play it safe just in case."Shh, keep it down, Yuna!" I whispered. Yuna's hand went to her mouth, touched her lips... and then she broke out into a grin."This is sweet!" she whispered, eyes wide with excitement. She threw off the blanket, revealing that unlike Rikku, Yuna at least had more standard sleeping clothes - a semi-transparent blue nightgown that went just below her waist. Yuna stood up - she was a little taller than me - and admired herself. She looked at her hands, down at her body, lifted her legs one at a time as she turned around to check out her own ass..."Dude, I'm actually Yuna!" she whispered."Of course you are!" I smiled, before giggling a little. "What now?" she asked - but she was a little fidgety."Well we need to wait for the sphere to recharge, and we need to wait for Denys to prime it." "Oh. " she said, looking a little disappointed."What's up?" I asked."Well... wait does that mean we have nothing to do for now?" her eyes lit up. I nodded, and I saw a perverted grin form on her face.With one swift motion, Yuna took off her nightgown, revealing a matching set of blue bra and panties. She cupped her boobs, moaning a little as she did so. Then, she stepped right next to me and cupped mine."I think mine are bigger..." she breathed in my ear. "Want to check?"A shiver went down my spine as she reached around and unclasped my bra, and pressed herself against me. I felt her bare skin touch mine, and she pulled me in so I couldn't escape. Not that I even wanted to.I returned the favor and undid her bra, the two now hanging in place only by virtue of us pressing so close against each other. That didn't last long as they were quickly thrown away, leaving the two of us completely topless in our embrace.The rest of the early morning was spent with Yuna - and me - getting very intimately acquainted with our - and each other's new bodies.
"What the hell is going on?!" a loud voice yelled, waking both Yuna and me.Paine stood over the bed, with a look of anger and disgust on her face. She was already fully clothed, and pissed. On her were many belts - which were around her waist, hanging around her shorts, and around her otherwise bare midriff, what looked to be suspenders and garters keeping thigh-high black tights in place, as well as what appeared to be a black shawl over her chest, and black elbow-length gloves over her crossed hands. Meanwhile, blankets were strewn all round, covering the two girls still on the bed, but not leaving any question as to their prior activities."What do you mean?" Yuna said in a small voice."I mean this! You two are cousins for crying out loud!" Paine yelled. Yuna went red, and grinned."Um... oh..." she stuttered, shaking her head. "Whatever, I'm out. I can't do this." Paine said, before turning around.Yuna and I shared a glance, before looking at the inconspicuous green sphere on the bedside. I grabbed the sphere, while Yuna tackled Paine to the ground."Get... off!" Paine yelled, trying to shove Yuna off. I leapt in, Denys's sphere in hand, and grabbed Paine around her waist. Soon, one of her hands came to loosen my grip, and I grabbed it with the same hand that held the sphere. As I pressed the sphere into her palm, her eyes widened."The sphere! That's what it is!" she said as the realization dawned on her. But it was too late. Yuna, arriving at the same conclusion as I had, let her go and stood up. Paine sat, on the floor of Yuna's bedroom, and almost as if against her better judgment, brought the sphere to her face to examine it in detail...The sphere's light began to dim."I can't believe you idiots set this up" Paine said, the tone of her voice now completely different. She looked at us, still naked, with an intrigued look on her face. "And put some clothes on!""How about you take yours off?" Yuna countered. Paine did not need too much convincing.I think the three of us were going to have a lot of fun in our new bodies...
Dawn was excited. The last week had literally changed her life. From turning 18 and finishing high school, to getting her Trainer license, a lot had happened. She had met Professor Rowan, gotten her first Pokemon - a Piplup, and even started the Gym Challenge. Beating Roark wasn't easy, but Piplup had pulled through and won her the Coal Badge.
Her next stop was Eterna City, where she would challenge Gardenia. To get there, she would need to traverse Eterna Forest.
"Maybe this wasn't the best outfit for a trip through a forest..." Dawn muttered, looking down at her attire. She wore her favorite outfit - a sleeveless black top over a white undershirt, a pink skirt, matching pink hiking boots, and black knee-high socks. Even though the boots were fine, she didn't fancy the idea of wading through branches, shrubs and bugs without at least a jacket of some sort. That, and her favorite hat - white with a pink Pokeball design - would probably get filthy.
Nevertheless, she pressed on and entered the forest. Upon turning a corner, she nearly knocked someone over.
"Oh gosh, I'm sorry!" Dawn apologized. Her near-victim turned around and smiled warmly. She was tall, wearing a pale green sweater over a really long, dark-green dress. She had extraordinarily long green hair that was tied up in a braid, and went well past her waist.
"Oh, don't worry!" she said. "I know I kind of blend in in here..."
"I love your hair!" Dawn complimented the strange woman.
"Oh, thank you! I'm Cheryl, by the way".
"Dawn. Nice to meet you!"
"Likewise. I'm sorry to do this so quickly, but could I ask a favor?"
"I need to go to Eterna City, but it can get scary in the forest... can we go together?" Cheryl asked.
"Oh yeah, of course!" Dawn replied. "I'm heading there too, some company would be great!"______________________________"You made eye contact, that means you have to battle!" yelled some snotty kid from the grass.
"Yeah, we can make it a two-on-two!" another one yelled. Both immediately threw Pokeballs, and Dawn found herself facing down a Wurmple and a Burmy. Nothing Piplup couldn't handle.
"I uh... don't really like battling..." Cheryl said.
"But you have to! That's the rules!" one of the Bug Catchers said.
Clearly uncomfortable, Cheryl took a Pokeball from inside one of her pockets, and threw it. Out came a Chansey, but it looked... odd. It's eyes were very frazzled, and it did not look well at all. I sent out Piplup.
"Alright, a battle! Let's go!" the other Bug Catcher yelled.
As they prepared their moves, Cheryl's Chansey screamed - a chilling noise that was something between panic and vomiting. It sent shivers down Dawn's spine, and the two Bug Catchers looked clearly unnerved. However, they persevered, even when their Pokemon fainted one by one. Chansey kept screaming.
"Uh... ok... you win..." the two boys said in unison, recalling their last Pokemon and awkwardly shuffling off.
"Sorry about that..." Cheryl said. "My Chansey is actually the reason I want to get through this forest. She's been sick recently and I need someone's help there."
"Poor thing..." Dawn said. "Let's get through quickly then!"
Cheryl smiled and nodded.______________________________They walked for what felt like an hour. Cheryl was forced into battle a couple more times, and her Chansey really did look horrible.
"I really wish we didn't have to battle so much..." Dawn said. "Your Chansey really looks like she needs a break."
Cheryl only smiled and nodded.
"Hey, we're almost at the exit!"
"Yeah..." Cheryl said, looking off to the side.
"What's up?" Dawn asked.
"Oh nothing, I thought I saw something."
Dawn looked in the direction Cheryl was looking, but saw nothing but forest. Weird. She turned back around, and saw Cheryl staring right at her!
Dawn yelped and jumped back. "What the hell!"
Cheryl quickly regained her composure. "Oh, sorry! I just zoned out, was worried about Chansey..."
"Alright..." Dawn replied, but still felt thoroughly creeped out.
"Should just be around that corner, now!" Dawn exclaimed, pointing ahead. If she remembered her map correctly, that was. She was so ready to get out of this creepy forest - and, she thought, away from Cheryl.______________________________"But where's the exit?" Dawn asked, mostly for her own benefit. They had turned the corner, and instead of seeing light filtering through the trees, Dawn only saw a dead end. It was foggy, and the trees seemed to form a wall.
"You're right... it should be here..." Cheryl muttered, before walking forward. "Oh, Dawn! Come here!"
Dawn stepped closer. It still appeared to be a dead end, but to Cheryl's left - and what she appeared to be pointing at - was an old mansion.
"Do you think someone lives here?" Dawn asked. It was tall - two stories, probably with an attic, made of dark wood with eerie purple light streaming through the windows. The roof, in stark contrast to everything else, was a sandy color. It still loomed though, and looked rather ominous.
"We should go ask for directions!" Cheryl said, with a touch too much enthusiasm.
"In there? It's kinda creepy..." Dawn complained, then turned forward. It was getting dark, and they had seemed to hit a dead end. "Then again, I don't want to go back through the forest at night..."
The two ladies approached the door and knocked. No one answered.
"Maybe..." Cheryl said, before grabbing the doorknob and twisting it. "Ha, it's unlocked!"
"Should we really be going inside there...?" Dawn whispered, getting a bad feeling.
"Well if no one's answering the door..." Cheryl replied. "Plus, we might be able to find someone inside who can help us!"
Reluctantly, Dawn followed Cheryl inside.______________________________Suddenly, the door slammed shut.
"What the fuck?" Dawn yelped, turning around and looking behind her. There was no one - other than the closed door. "Deep breaths... it was just the wind..." Dawn muttered to herself under her breath. "Cheryl, wha... Cheryl?"
Dawn looked around, but Cheryl was nowhere to be seen. "C'mon, Cheryl, this isn't funny!" Dawn complained, but received no reply. She walked further inside, and saw a large hall flanked by elaborate staircases.
Running up the stairs and through the door on the second floor, Dawn found herself in a hallway. Out of the corner of her eye, she swore she saw someone...
"Who's there?" she called, but no one answered. She turned around, but did not see a single trace that anyone had been there.
From inside a nearby room, Dawn swore she heard voices. When she ran and opened the door, she was greeted by just an old television set.
"Figures..." muttered Dawn, fighting down the panic that was slowly seeping in. The TV suddenly turned on in a burst of static. Dawn screamed, and turned around...
And came face to face with a Gastly. Dawn didn't even have time to say anything as the Gastly grinned at her, eyes glowing.
Dawn's senses slowly faded, a curtain of blackness descending over her consciousness...______________________________When Dawn awoke, something was very wrong. She felt a little dizzy, and very light. She tried to take a step... and realized that she didn't have legs! Looking down, she saw a little purple mist, and nothing else.
Willing herself forward, she found that she could in fact move - and a dusty old mirror in the room she was in revealed the truth. She was a Gastly!
Dawn thought, freaking out. She flew out of the room, and found herself in the main hall again. Then, she heard voices from the room across. As she approached, she could make out what they were saying.
"I'm glad you like it!" chirped a familiar voice.
"She... I am quite pretty, I must say!" said another, very familiar voice. Her voice!
Dawn flew through the hall and into the next room, and came face to face with Cheryl... and herself!
"My my, we have a visitor!" Her body said, calmly. Cheryl stood, with a smirk on her face.
"Do you think this is..." Cheryl started.
"Probably." Dawn's body replied.
Dawn tried to scream, but it only came out as a weak "Gaaaaaa".
"I think someone's upset!" gloated Cheryl. "Then again, I would be too if I was stupid enough to get my body stolen".
"Yes... Dawn, was it?" Dawn's body said. "I really must thank you for the lovely body," she said as she motioned down, hands flowing down her torso to rest on her hips. "Yes, it'll do fine..."
Dawn cried.
"That's getting annoying..." Her body said, before an evil grin spread across her face. "But being the young, pretty Pokemon trainer I am, I know just what to do about that, don't I?" She replied in a sing-song voice. Then, she pulled out a Pokeball from her - bag, and launched it at Dawn's face.
It struck, and Dawn was immediately sucked in. She tried to resist, but was too disoriented and weak. Helplessly, she felt as the Pokeball beeped once... twice... and three times.
She was trapped.
I stepped into the shower and turned on the water. It took a little while to get warm, but it was really pleasant when it did. I love just relaxing under the hot water, before I start actually washing myself. Mostly because washing my hair is a huge pain. So I stood, arms crossed under my boobs, half-hugging myself as the hot water cascaded over my shoulders. It felt great - I might just stand here for a while.
A few minutes later - at least, I hope it was only a few minutes, since I'd been known to get 'stuck' in the shower for maybe half an hour without actually doing anything - I heard a noise that sounded like a knock on the door. Which was weird, because I lived alone, and I was sure that the front door was locked. It's probably nothing, just my imagination.
Shit, did she hear me? I slipped through the door into the bathroom. Even though I was invisible and mostly incorporeal, I still bumped things. As far as I could tell, she hadn't. She still stood, unmoving, behind the shower curtain. Even though I could only see her silhouette, I could already tell she was hot. She was head shorter than me, slim, but with pretty nice boobs and a tight ass. Oh, I was looking forward to this.
I slowly crept closer, and stumbled over the bath mat in front of the vanity unit. I crashed into the counter, causing everything on it to shake. There's no way she didn't hear that...
Alright, that was definitely not my imagination. I peeked around the shower curtain, and saw... nothing. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary in the room at all. Door was still barely open, and there was clearly no one there. Even all my stuff around the sink was still in place. So what was going on...?
I returned to my shower, and couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. Despite the fact that there was clearly no one in here with me, I still felt uneasy. Maybe if I just finished up and got out, I'd feel better? Yeah, that's what I'd do.
I squeezed some shampoo into my hand, turned to face the shower head, and began to massage my scalp with my hands.
Yeah, I definitely messed up there. She peeked out of the shower, letting me see her face for the first time. And damn, she was cute. Soft lips, button nose, long dirty blonde hair...
Judging by the fact that she didn't react to me at all, she truly couldn't see me. So it had worked after all. Now all I needed was to slip into the shower with her, then slip into her... if it all went to plan, she wouldn't even realize anything was different. Apparently, she would think anything I did while in control was her own idea.
More confidently now, I crept up to the shower, and snuck past the curtain. She was shampooing her head, facing away from me. Perfect! I stepped up close, and poked a foot into hers.
I felt something tickling at my foot. I quickly kicked back, but there was nothing. This was turning out to be the creepiest shower experience of my life. I was about half-done shampooing - I'd leave it in for a minute, condition it, quickly scrub myself down, then get the hell out.
What the hell? The same side that had felt the tickle now felt like something was pushing into it. Kind of like a blanket - it wasn't moving me, but it was just pushing. I tried to move the leg away, but it felt heavy. Like it was actually wrapped up in a blanket. I had no idea what was going on, but I definitely wanted out of here. I'd almost consider not even finishing...<
Ooh, that tingles. I'd managed to get one leg inside her - I couldn't control it until I'd completely taken over, but it did make the rest of the process easier. I slipped my other leg into hers - this one went in a lot smoother. Next, I tried to stand up straight and just take over the rest of her.
It didn't work.
I found myself precariously wobbling, rooted in by my legs. Alright, slowly it was then.
The odd feeling had spread to my other leg, and whatever weirdness it was was now firmly pushing at my ass. It was a chore to move my legs at this point. Was I on some weird trip? I wasn't drunk or high... I thought. I hadn't done anything like that in at least a few days now...
The odd pressure had turned into slight numbness and warmth - kind of like when you sit in an awkward position, before the pins and needles sets in. That feeling crept up my legs - that I couldn't really move right now anyway - and past my hips.
I reached out an arm and slapped my leg. It felt completely normal - not numb, not swollen or anything. Then why the hell couldn't I move it?!
The moment when I had thrust my hips into hers was odd. The biggest thing was that I went from having a dick - even if it was a ghost dick right now - to not having one. I wasn't in control of the girl's body yet so I couldn't feel anything, but it was still weird to just lose that part of myself so suddenly.
Continuing my efforts, I gradually pulled myself up until I was almost at her chest...
The pressure was rising, followed now ever quicker by the numbness. It slowly climbed up my back, covering my whole chest, then up to my neck. My arms were next, starting at the shoulders. They began to feel heavy, so I stopped my shampooing.
You know - in hindsight, I probably should have gotten out of here sooner. Something was clearly wrong in here. But... I didn't.
And now, I stood, arms heavy at my sides, barely able to move my body through the numbness I felt all over. I would have screamed or something, but there was no point. No one was here anyway - and I was alone. Yet this was still happening.
I resigned myself to my fate, whatever it was.
Almost done! All that was left was my head, and then it would all be over...
I slipped my chin forward, catching a mop of wet hair in my ghostly face. Instinctively I scrunched my eyes, but of course nothing happened. I went right through it. Right into the back of her head...
Then, I could feel again.
I felt the hot water on my body. Long hair sticking to my back. Arms at my sides. I went to open my eyes, instinctively brushing away the water with my hands. As I did that, my elbows squished into something that was altogether new to me.
I looked down with my new eyes, grinning like a madman as I saw two perfectly perky breasts hanging off my chest. I took them in my new hands, loving the feeling both of cupping them, and having them cupped. I pinched one of my nipples, experiencing a brand new shock of pleasure that spread through my entire body, concentrated in my crotch.
The numbness had gone. In its place, I felt unbelievably giddy... and horny. My hands immediately began massaging my boobs. And for some reason it felt really good. Like, REALLY good. I was already wet, and every touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through my body. I pinched a nipple, and shuddered at the sensations that it caused. This never usually felt this good, but I sure as hell wasn't gonna complain!
I continued rubbing my hands over my body - I was so sensitive today! - feeling every curve. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but damn, I was hot. And I felt hot. My hands traced a path down around my belly button, before grabbing a handful of ass. Even my ass was damn fine!
Holy shit! Was this what it always felt like for girls? This was fucking amazing! And I hadn't even gotten to the good stuff yet! Her pussy was tingling in anticipation as I grabbed her ass, squeezing it between her own petite hands. I took her hand, and slid it around and down, probing for her snatch.
Whoa. Everything I had felt before this paled in comparison. Just touching down there shot a massive jolt of pleasure through my entire body, so much that my knees began to quiver. Hungry for more, I plunged my fingers deeper into the soft, sticky warmth of the girl's pussy.
Wow... I continued fingering myself - a lot more clumsily than usual, but I didn't care. It just felt so good! My fingers dug hungrily in and out of my pussy, and I felt the pressure building in my core. I let out a moan, and continued my hand motions frantically. My other hand was forgotten - all I cared about right now was my vagina, and to continue doing what I was doing.
"Ahhh! Aahhhh! Aaahhhhh!" I moaned, her voice coming out desperate as my hand continued to play around. The pleasure I felt from inside was overwhelming. I didn't ever imagine that it was possible to feel this good!
Then, the pleasure just exploded. One massive wave of pure bliss, emanating from my core, shaking my entire body. I was numb. All I felt was the pleasure, a million times stronger than anything I had ever felt as a guy.
Dark spots began to play at the corner of my vision, and I felt myself fading...
I stood, slightly shaking, in the afterglow of what had to have been my most powerful orgasm ever. My breath was ragged and shallow, but I didn't care. It was totally worth it.
I should probably finish showering... in a few minutes. For now I'll just coast on that bliss.
I woke up on my bed, with a raging hard-on, laptop still open with the spell up. Shame I was out of potion, though. I ran to the bathroom, using my memory of what had just happened to fuel my wank.
I had to get more of that potion...
You sat down at the table. You were the last player.
"Finally! We can start!" Jenny exclaimed. Jenny was tall, with long straight brunette hair and glasses. She wore a simple black t-shirt and jeans. It was fair enough that she was excited - she had brought an enchanted deck of cards to this party, and fully intended to use them.
You surveyed the other participants in Jenny's game. To his left was his best friend, Steve. A bit on the short side, thin but with a quick wit and silver tongue, he was popular and well liked by almost everyone he met.
Next to him was the blonde hostess of the event, Claire. She was very short and very bubbly. Tonight she was dressed in a form-fitting silver dress that showed a generous amount of cleavage.
Andrew and Amy were next, a couple who looked remarkably similar. Both with black hair and sharp features, Andrew wore a dark green polo top with brown slacks. To contrast, Amy had on a white polka dot dress that went to her knees.
After Andrew sat Jenny, and next to her was her friend Fiona. Tall, with flowing red hair, green spaghetti strap top and white shorts, she was you favourite from the group. You hadn't spoken too many times before, but she seemed friendly enough to you.
Finally, between Fiona and yourself was Harry. He was tall and lanky, somewhat unkempt. More the loner of the group, but he had been friends with both Jenny and Steve since they were in primary school.
"So Jen. Remind us how this all works, will ya?" Steve asked in his usual tone of voice.
"Well you've all played King's Cup, right? Pretty much that." Jenny said.
"Then what's the big deal about your special deck?" Andrew asked.
"Yeah, Jen, what's so special about it?" Amy added.
"I was hoping to keep that a surprise..." Jenny complained, but conceded after a collective circle of flat stares. "Fine, fine..."
"It's an enchanted deck. Right now it's set up to swap the bodies of whoever plays". Jenny said, to a lot of stunned faces.
"Yeah right..." Harry muttered.
"Trust me, it's real." Jenny replied. "Anyway. When you pull a card, do the usual. However. When someone else pulls the matching card... like the nine of diamonds to your nine of hearts, you'll swap bodies. The red Joker lets you swap with anyone of your choice, and the black Joker will let anyone at the table swap with you."
"Huh... this seems fun!" Claire said, bubbly as ever. "So what are we waiting for? Lets get our drinks and start!"
Everyone proceeded to the kitchen to grab something to drink. You settled on a beer. Some people were mixing an assortment of liquor into their cups, while others joined you and cracked open a bottle.
Finally, the game had begun. As the owner of the deck, Jenny was coerced into taking the first card.
"And it is..." Jenny drew a card and looked at it. "A six!" Jenny revealed the six of clubs and put it in front of her. "Cheers, ladies!" The girls all took a sip of their drinks.
Fiona was up next. She drew the three of spades. "Three's for me, right?" She asked and took another sip of her drink. Harry pulled an eight of clubs. "Alright... Steve, you can be my mate." Steve laughed and raised his glass. "You got it, bro"
You were up next. Picking up a card, a feeling of relief washes over you as you reveal the Ace of diamonds. No swapping just yet, then. "Waterfall!!" Steve exclaims, as you begin to chug your beer. A full ten seconds later, you put it down empty. Andrew shoots you a dirty look - you had made him empty his improvised whiskey sour. You shrug.
"Alright... let's do this!" Steve said before pulling a card. Then, he started laughing, and flipped his card - the six of spades. Jenny grinned, and everyone else stared. The black on the cards glowed a bright gold, causing both Jenny and Steve to shudder, before stopping still, visibly disoriented.
"Huh so..." Jenny said, before opening her eyes and staring across the table towards Steve. "Holy shit Jen! These things really work?" Jenny exclaimed before looking down at herself. "Wow..." she mumbled, hands running down her torso.
"Ahem." Steve cleared his voice. "Yes, Jenny, it worked. And I believe you owe me a drink..." Jenny-in-Steve pointed to the six. "Six for chicks, and you are a chick now..."
"Ahh... " Steve-in-Jenny sighed and picked up the drink in front of... her? You figured that was easier. "Well, here's to all my fellow girls..." she said with a grin. That was just like Steve, too. Taking it in stride, even if he had just swapped bodies with Jenny.
The next to draw a card was Amy. She flipped the five of hearts off the top. "Five's for guys!" She said cheerfully, bumping her boyfriend playfully.
"And you now..." the new Jenny said towards what had previoulsly been her body. Jenny-in-Steve obliged, taking a sip of Steve's cider.
"What about my mate?" Harry asked.
"Well you chose that dude over there" Jenny said, pointing at Steve. "So I guess he drinks!" Steve nodded and took another sip.
The rest of the circle proceeded without anyone causing any more swaps. Several drinks were passed around, and Fiona claimed the title of Quizmaster. It was your turn to draw, and you flipped over a... four of spades. Had the pair for that been flipped yet? You looked around the table and saw that it had - it was in front of Andrew.
As the card began to glow, much in the same way as it had when Jenny and Steve had previously swapped, you felt yourself begin to get dizzy. It felt... kind of like you'd had way too much to drink. The sensation faded after a second, right along with your senses and vision. When you came to, almost instantly judging by the interested and not concerned expressions around you, you found yourself staring at... yourself.
"Huh?" you muttered.
"Hey, another swap!" Claire exclaimed. "Too bad it's boring..."
You thought about what she was saying - and you were glad that your first swap had been with another guy. Even if it had to be Andrew. That way you were eased into this weird game. Still, being someone else - even if you hadn't crossed the gender barrier like Steve and Jenny - was weird. His clothes fit just slightly differently. Plus, you felt you had your left hand touching someone's stocking-covered leg. Someone who was leaning on you right now. You turned to see Amy half-slouching against you, looking very comfortable. So along with Andrew's body, you'd also gotten his girlfriend.
"Uh, AHEM" your body coughed. "Amy!"
"What?" she asked, then realized what had happened. Letting go at about the same time you removed your own hand from her leg, she went a bit red. "Oh."
"Come on! That's half the fun of this!" Steve said - or rather, Jenny from Steve's body. "Anyway, Mark, who're you assigning drinks to?"
From your body, Andrew looked at his card. A four let him assign two drinks each to two people. "Well, how about I send one to Mar.... Andrew." He was clearly also still struggling with this game. "And I guess one to Harry" he smirked.
His new drink mix was actually pretty nice, you thought. That could just have been his taste buds, since you didn't care for spirit mixes too much. Harry happily chugged his, causing Jenny-in-Steve to follow suit, while Steve-in-Jenny smirked.
"I'm loving that I can just watch myself drink like that..." Jenny exclaimed, causing you and several others to chuckle slightly.
"Well that makes it my turn, right?" Steve asked, drawing a card. Then, laughing, he revealed a nine of diamonds, matching the nine of hearts Claire had pulled on her last turn. The cards blazed, leaving both Claire and Steve disoriented for a second.
The new Claire was the first to speak up. "Gotta say it's nice being a girl again - no offense" she motioned to Jenny. "But this outfit is... " Claire looked down at her generous cleavage and tight dress "...not quite my usual style."
Meanwhile, the new Steve was looking with disbelief at his body, running his hands down his torso. "No fucking way..." he whispered, before having a hand slip under the table to cup his junk. "That's unreal!"
"Uh, Steve? Your card?" Steve-in-Jenny called out, amused at the sight of what was previously his body feeling itself up.
"Oh... sorry." Steve's hands came back into view, and he went a bit red. "A nine... that's rhymes, right?" Then, with a smirk, he said "Cock."
"Block!" Claire immediately said with a grin, looking at him. The rhyming continued until Jenny tripped up and took a drink.
"One of the perks of this game... sometimes you get two turns in a row!" Claire joked and pulled another card. "Oh, that's boring" she said and showed her ten of spades. "Categories... umm..."
"So how does this work?" Fiona asked.
"Categories? We just name things matching whatever I pick, right?" Claire replied, not missing a beat.
"Yeah that's right." Andrew replied from your body.
"Hah, drink!" Claire exclaimed, pointing at the queen sitting in front of Fiona.
"Ugh, beer." Andrew complained and took a sip. "Y'know, this isn't too bad!" he said with some surprise, tasting beer with your mouth.
The categories continued - coffee drinks - until again, Jenny was the one to trip up and take a drink.
"C'mon Jen, you love your coffee!" Amy joked while reaching for her card. "Heaven!" she called as she flipped the seven of clubs. All hands shot up immediately - except that Harry fumbled. He obliged with his drink.
"Hey mate, your drink!" he called to Steve, who had again gotten distracted with his new body. Steve looked up, grinned sheepishly and drank.
You looked over at Amy next to you, who gave you a quick smile as if out of habit. Steve - or rather, Claire inside him - was having fun, and seemed to be really antsy. Steve had had more to drink than anyone else so far, and Claire was known to be a bit more... open-minded than most of the people at the table.
Now that it was your turn, you drew a card. You flipped a five - of spades, causing Andrew in your body to nearly freak out, before he realized the colors didn't match the five sitting in front of his girlfriend. "Well, looks like Mark needs a drink. Cheers, boys!" you call out in a jovial manner, causing all the guys to drink. Even Steve, who had to be prodded again. And then again for his mate's drink.
"Well looks like I'm up again!" Jenny said with some excitement, and drew her card. "Oho!" she flipped over another five - clubs, the matching pair to the card you had just drawn...The cards in front of both you and Jenny shined a bright gold, and the same dizziness that you had felt not too long ago once again enveloped your consciousness. Once again you blacked out and came to looking at yourself. This time, though, things were a bit different. For one, the buzz didn't completely go away.
The first thing you noticed was that you were wearing glasses. That and the long hair tickling your neck. You brought up your hands to brush at your neck, and feel a foreign sensation on your chest. Something tight and bouncy. It actually took you a split second to realize that you'd just bumped Jenny's boobs - your boobs, since you had just been swapped into her body.
That meant you were a chick! Instantly you squeeze your legs together, feeling the fabric of Jenny's jeans against your legs. That and the empty void between your legs that was definitely not there before. You blushed slightly, trying your hardest to not think about it. Instead, you tried to focus your attention back on the game.
"So guys drink?" Steve, now in Andrew's body, asked. You instinctively reached for your drink, which was now a bottle with a purple label. A bump from your right - you looked over, sending your long brown hair flying, and saw Fiona poking you in the shoulder - reminding you that you didn't qualify for this one anymore.
Steve did seem happy - or at least, very much not disappointed - to be out of Jenny's body, as he drank Andrew's whiskey concoction. You had to admit, it was a lot more distracting being Jenny than Andrew - and you were trying as hard as you could to not be distracted by all the differences between your usual and current bodies.
Finally, the next card was drawn - Fiona revealed the seven of spades. The card glowed, revealing a match across the table with Amy. After a second, the new Amy exclaimed "Heaven!" and shot her hand into the air.
Everyone but Fiona - now with her body under Amy's control - got their hands up in a second. You shot yours up quickly as well, feeling a jiggle on your chest. "So I drink?" Fiona asked.
"Yeah" replied your body, causing Fiona to giggle.
"I'm the quizmaster! Drink!" she exclaimed. "I just love this hair, Fee!" Amy nodded quietly, admiring her own new hair - now shorter, straighter, and jet-black. You saw yourself admiring Amy admiring herself, which made sense since last you checked, it was Andrew inside your body. Finally he drank, and everyone looked to Harry to draw the next card.
He flipped a Jack of diamonds, to mixed reactions from everyone. A Jack meant Never Have I Ever - three lives.
"Ok guys, here's how this works" Claire volunteered. "So usually you'd just play depending on who you are right now, right? Like Steve is Harry's mate, regardless of who is actually in Steve or Harry. Speaking of, Steve!" she said, causing Steve to look up once again.
"I'm listening!" he replied.
"Anyway!" Claire continued, cheerfully. "Since your memories are still your own, just go off that, ok? You aren't expected to know the secrets of whoever you are!"
"So I'll start, I guess..." Harry said, then grinned. "Never have I ever... been in another person's body!" Everyone groaned - he was the only one to remain unswitched at the table, so he alone did not tick down a life.
Next was your body. "Uhh... never have I ever been a chick" you watched yourself suppressing a grin. You looked around as once again, everyone except Harry - and your body, this time - lowered another finger.
After that was Steve. He giggled in a very much non masculine manner, before saying "Never have I ever fantasized about someone at this table!" before putting down his last finger. This cascaded around, and you watched as everyone - without exception - dropped a finger.
"Ooooohhhh, that's juicy!" Claire exclaimed before drinking. "Come on, everyone!" she said after she had hers, motioning for everyone - Harry and your old body excluded - to join her. You took a sip of Jenny's drink, noting it was quite refreshing and pleasant. "Mark is up next!"
Mark - your body - picked up a card, and gleefully revealed the six of diamonds. "Girls drink!" This meant you, though you were getting used to the concept that you were a girl. Not so much the actual sensations of it, which you were trying your hardest to avoid. You tightened your thighs slightly at the thought, before downing the remainder of your drink. Your body continued on after the girls at the table had finished. "And now Steve?"
Steve put down his cider, and pulled a card - the first King, the King of Hearts. The rest of the cider went into the cup in the middle of the table, and Steve excitedly began to giggle. "Ok, so I make a rule now, right?" he could hardly hold in his laughter. "Whenever you swap bodies with someone, you have to take off a piece of clothing!" he giggled, before hiccuping.
"There we have it, folks! Steve is drunk!" Andrew said, laughing. "Claire, if you would..." he motioned to the deck, who picked up a card.
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Chapter by
Haxxare · 17 Dec 2021 -
Matt stumbles upon a ring that lets him possess people.
Heavily inspired by the writing.com story The Possession Spell, but nerfed so the one with the power isn't in absolute control of everything. -
"What do you mean, you lost the ring?!" Alan exclaimed. "How?"
"I don't know!" Ashley, red in the face, replied. "I was walking out of class, ring around my neck like usual, when I got stuck in a crowd of other students. Next thing I know, I'm pants-down in the bathrooms, and no ring!"
"Yeah, but how?" Alan pressed.
"Well, obviously, someone knew what it did, snuck up on me after class, then took me for a joyride!" Ashley screamed.
"Oh." Alan said, quieting down. The idea of someone outside our circle using the ring was worrying.
"Hey guys..." Mira barged in, all cheerful. At least, until she saw everyone else. "Jesus, who died?"
"Ashley had the ring stolen" I said.
"Oh fuck, that's bad..." Mira replied. I nodded. We briefed her on what Ashley had just told us, and started to come up with a plan.
Our plan wasn't the most exciting. We were basically hoping that whoever had the ring would slip up, and that we could deal with them. I mean, what else could we do?
Turns out, we didn't have to wait too long.
The next day, after class, we were going to meet up. When I got home, Alan and Ashley were already there. Mira must have been running late.
Thirty minutes after our agreed meeting time, we started to get worried. I shot her a quick text.
A few minutes later, I got a reply. My heart sank. It was a photo of Mira, obviously naked, smiling while some dude's cock was half in her mouth.
"Dude..." was all Alan could say.
Another photo quickly followed. This time, Mira was on her back, spread wide, being plowed by presumably the same cock she had just had in her mouth. We still couldn't see the dude's face, but at least we knew that the ring was on Mira.
I opened my computer, and checked the gps. See, part of our plan had involved sharing locations, so we could track where any of us ended up if the ring thief had possessed one of us. The location in question wasn't even that far, maybe ten minutes drive. We quickly got ourselves together and left.
We sat outside, in Ashley's car, waiting for someone to come out. It was like a stakeout... except we didn't really know what we were doing. What felt like hours of nothing turned out to be only another half hour...
"That's it, I'm going in." I said, before opening the door.
"What if they get you?" Alan asked.
"Then that means we get Mira, and she probably has intel." I replied. Although deep down, I was hoping I would just walk in, and somehow get Mira and the ring, and walk out.
It wasn't quite that simple.
The front door was unlocked. I crept in, silently shutting the door behind me. It was quiet, and I couldn't see anyone around. I decided to start looking in rooms.
The first door I checked seemed to be a bedroom. And, to my luck, I saw Mira inside. Well... her body at least.
'Mira' was sitting on the bed, naked and alone, with her legs spread. As she idly scrolled through something on her phone with one hand, she was fiddling around in her pussy.
"Oh hey, you're back..." she said, before looking up. "Who are you?"
I didn't have much time to think of a response, so I just stuttered.
"No shit... you're him! You're the boyfriend!" She exclaimed, excited. "Babe, you'll never guess who's here!"
I heard footsteps running to the door, then I watched as Mira began to laugh, and reached for her hand...
She slipped the ring off, seemed disoriented for a couple of seconds... but then I blacked out.
I awoke with my face buried in pussy. Clearly, whoever had been in control of my body had been pleasuring a lady friend, before abruptly leaving.
I heard some voices above me. A male voice I'm pretty sure I had never heard before, and a female one that sounded vaguely familiar...
I pulled back slightly to give myself some room to breathe, but didn't raise my head. I was kinda hoping to figure out who this was, but not let them know I was planning anything. Then again, I thought, while I was completely alone and they had the ring, I was completely at their mercy.
"Alright babe, I'm off. Have fun with him." The male voice said.
"Oh I will..." purred the girl. "Oh Matt, I'm gonna have some fun with you..."
Something about that was even more familiar... but I still couldn't quite place it.
Suddenly, the legs I had been lying on disappeared, and I blacked out a split second later.
This time, when I came to, I was on my knees on the floor. In front of me, sitting on the edge of a bed, completely naked, was Rachel. She had colored her hair to a shiny copper color, and gotten a tan, but it was definitely her. The same girl who had, some months ago, stolen the ring and possessed first Mira, then me.
"Oh, how the tables have turned, huh". She said, coldly. She stood up, her pussy level with my face. I looked up, and she had a malicious grin on her face. "Now you're my bitch."
I wasn't sure how to react to that, but I was more than happy to let her keep talking.
"My boyfriend and I had some good fun with Mira, too. She really is quite sensitive, isn't she?" She teased. I kept my anger in check, but I'm sure it showed. "It felt so good feeling his cock in her pussy... and in her mouth..."
I was sure she could see the rage on my face, because she laughed.
"Oh and speaking of my boyfriend, he had his own go inside Mira. Not sure exactly what he was doing, but he sounded like he was having a lot of fun..."
Rachel had the ring in her hand. She wasn't holding on to it too tight, but she was still holding it. If I made a move, I was sure she would just slip it back on, possess me, and that would be that.
Suddenly, I heard a loud bang. Then, voices. Rachel looked away in the direction of the door...
Now was my chance. I grabbed the hand that had the ring with both of mine, and pulled myself up. Despite her having a closed fist around the ring, with my two hands against her one, I was able to pry it open. I forced one of my hands in, and felt as the ring was pushed onto a finger.
For a second, I was a ghost, and Rachel had a look of panic on her face. I dove right at her, and took control.
The noises at the door had been my rescue party. Mira, now fully clothed, ran into the room, with Alan and Ashley on her tail.
I raised a hand in a gesture of peace. I was still inside Rachel, and everyone there had some serious issues with her.
"It's me! Don't shoot!" I said, half joking. We didn't have guns.
"Prove it!" Mira demanded.
"Ok uhh..." I stuttered. "Cinco de Mayo".
"What?" Mira replied.
"Our anniversary!"
"Well, yeah..." Mira, in a huff, said. "But that's on Facebook! And I bet you... Rachel - stalked us on Facebook!"
"Ok um... how about..." I struggled to think of anything. "Oh! Alison! The first person I possessed was Mira's roommate Alison!"
"Checks out." Mira affirmed. "Still can't believe you're in that, though" she motioned in relative disgust to Rachel's naked body.
"Well, shall we head back?" Alan offered. "We can figure out what to do with our stalker problem later..."
I dug around in the drawers and closet of the room I was in, looking for something to wear. I couldn't exactly walk Rachel's ass out naked - at least not while in the company of my friends.
The first complete outfit I managed to find consisted of a dark blue sleeveless crop top and skinny jeans. After putting all that on - I skipped underwear - I stood, ready to go. As we walked outside, I felt the cool evening air on my bare midriff, all while Mira kept glaring in my general direction.
We finally got back to mine and Alan's place. Everyone gathered around me. I didn't even need to ask what was up - everyone had a lot of pent up frustration to take out, and we had Rachel's body right here under our command.
Honestly, I was quite looking forward to being on both sides of the hate-fucking that was to come.1 / 1Loading...Loading...- "What do you mean, you lost the ring?!" Alan exclaimed. "How?"
"I don't know!" Ashley, red in the face, replied. "I was walking out of class, ring around my neck like usual, when I got stuck in a crowd of other students. Next thing I know, I'm pants-down in the bathrooms, and no ring!"
"Yeah, but how?" Alan pressed.
"Well, obviously, someone knew what it did, snuck up on me after class, then took me for a joyride!" Ashley screamed.
"Oh." Alan said, quieting down. The idea of someone outside our circle using the ring was worrying.
"Hey guys..." Mira barged in, all cheerful. At least, until she saw everyone else. "Jesus, who died?"
"Ashley had the ring stolen" I said.
"Oh fuck, that's bad..." Mira replied. I nodded. We briefed her on what Ashley had just told us, and started to come up with a plan.
Our plan wasn't the most exciting. We were basically hoping that whoever had the ring would slip up, and that we could deal with them. I mean, what else could we do?
Turns out, we didn't have to wait too long.
The next day, after class, we were going to meet up. When I got home, Alan and Ashley were already there. Mira must have been running late.
Thirty minutes after our agreed meeting time, we started to get worried. I shot her a quick text.
A few minutes later, I got a reply. My heart sank. It was a photo of Mira, obviously naked, smiling while some dude's cock was half in her mouth.
"Dude..." was all Alan could say.
Another photo quickly followed. This time, Mira was on her back, spread wide, being plowed by presumably the same cock she had just had in her mouth. We still couldn't see the dude's face, but at least we knew that the ring was on Mira.
I opened my computer, and checked the gps. See, part of our plan had involved sharing locations, so we could track where any of us ended up if the ring thief had possessed one of us. The location in question wasn't even that far, maybe ten minutes drive. We quickly got ourselves together and left.
We sat outside, in Ashley's car, waiting for someone to come out. It was like a stakeout... except we didn't really know what we were doing. What felt like hours of nothing turned out to be only another half hour...
"That's it, I'm going in." I said, before opening the door.
"What if they get you?" Alan asked.
"Then that means we get Mira, and she probably has intel." I replied. Although deep down, I was hoping I would just walk in, and somehow get Mira and the ring, and walk out.
It wasn't quite that simple.
The front door was unlocked. I crept in, silently shutting the door behind me. It was quiet, and I couldn't see anyone around. I decided to start looking in rooms.
The first door I checked seemed to be a bedroom. And, to my luck, I saw Mira inside. Well... her body at least.
'Mira' was sitting on the bed, naked and alone, with her legs spread. As she idly scrolled through something on her phone with one hand, she was fiddling around in her pussy.
"Oh hey, you're back..." she said, before looking up. "Who are you?"
I didn't have much time to think of a response, so I just stuttered.
"No shit... you're him! You're the boyfriend!" She exclaimed, excited. "Babe, you'll never guess who's here!"
I heard footsteps running to the door, then I watched as Mira began to laugh, and reached for her hand...
She slipped the ring off, seemed disoriented for a couple of seconds... but then I blacked out.
I awoke with my face buried in pussy. Clearly, whoever had been in control of my body had been pleasuring a lady friend, before abruptly leaving.
I heard some voices above me. A male voice I'm pretty sure I had never heard before, and a female one that sounded vaguely familiar...
I pulled back slightly to give myself some room to breathe, but didn't raise my head. I was kinda hoping to figure out who this was, but not let them know I was planning anything. Then again, I thought, while I was completely alone and they had the ring, I was completely at their mercy.
"Alright babe, I'm off. Have fun with him." The male voice said.
"Oh I will..." purred the girl. "Oh Matt, I'm gonna have some fun with you..."
Something about that was even more familiar... but I still couldn't quite place it.
Suddenly, the legs I had been lying on disappeared, and I blacked out a split second later.
This time, when I came to, I was on my knees on the floor. In front of me, sitting on the edge of a bed, completely naked, was Rachel. She had colored her hair to a shiny copper color, and gotten a tan, but it was definitely her. The same girl who had, some months ago, stolen the ring and possessed first Mira, then me.
"Oh, how the tables have turned, huh". She said, coldly. She stood up, her pussy level with my face. I looked up, and she had a malicious grin on her face. "Now you're my bitch."
I wasn't sure how to react to that, but I was more than happy to let her keep talking.
"My boyfriend and I had some good fun with Mira, too. She really is quite sensitive, isn't she?" She teased. I kept my anger in check, but I'm sure it showed. "It felt so good feeling his cock in her pussy... and in her mouth..."
I was sure she could see the rage on my face, because she laughed.
"Oh and speaking of my boyfriend, he had his own go inside Mira. Not sure exactly what he was doing, but he sounded like he was having a lot of fun..."
Rachel had the ring in her hand. She wasn't holding on to it too tight, but she was still holding it. If I made a move, I was sure she would just slip it back on, possess me, and that would be that.
Suddenly, I heard a loud bang. Then, voices. Rachel looked away in the direction of the door...
Now was my chance. I grabbed the hand that had the ring with both of mine, and pulled myself up. Despite her having a closed fist around the ring, with my two hands against her one, I was able to pry it open. I forced one of my hands in, and felt as the ring was pushed onto a finger.
For a second, I was a ghost, and Rachel had a look of panic on her face. I dove right at her, and took control.
The noises at the door had been my rescue party. Mira, now fully clothed, ran into the room, with Alan and Ashley on her tail.
I raised a hand in a gesture of peace. I was still inside Rachel, and everyone there had some serious issues with her.
"It's me! Don't shoot!" I said, half joking. We didn't have guns.
"Prove it!" Mira demanded.
"Ok uhh..." I stuttered. "Cinco de Mayo".
"What?" Mira replied.
"Our anniversary!"
"Well, yeah..." Mira, in a huff, said. "But that's on Facebook! And I bet you... Rachel - stalked us on Facebook!"
"Ok um... how about..." I struggled to think of anything. "Oh! Alison! The first person I possessed was Mira's roommate Alison!"
"Checks out." Mira affirmed. "Still can't believe you're in that, though" she motioned in relative disgust to Rachel's naked body.
"Well, shall we head back?" Alan offered. "We can figure out what to do with our stalker problem later..."
I dug around in the drawers and closet of the room I was in, looking for something to wear. I couldn't exactly walk Rachel's ass out naked - at least not while in the company of my friends.
The first complete outfit I managed to find consisted of a dark blue sleeveless crop top and skinny jeans. After putting all that on - I skipped underwear - I stood, ready to go. As we walked outside, I felt the cool evening air on my bare midriff, all while Mira kept glaring in my general direction.
We finally got back to mine and Alan's place. Everyone gathered around me. I didn't even need to ask what was up - everyone had a lot of pent up frustration to take out, and we had Rachel's body right here under our command.
Honestly, I was quite looking forward to being on both sides of the hate-fucking that was to come.Next ChaptersThe Possession Ring - Part 9 (Alternative) in The Possession Ring
byJJ97TSF · 15 Dec 2021Matt, Alison, Alan, and Mira are back, and now have the upper hand on Rachel. Despite her best efforts, our four protagonists are now in control of both her body and the ring, and they intend to ruin her so thoroughly that she'll never come back. Contains spitroasting, pee play, bukkake, and a rather extreme revenge. Written by JJ97TSF- please leave feedback! :)
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