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Story created by
Young and rich James Astor is living a life many can only dream off. With college on the horizon he would soon leave his parents mansion and start his own life with every opportunity a young boy like him could get, if it weren't for a peculiar fantasy that didn't leave his troubled and hormone driven mind alone. But while most kept it as what it was, a fantasy, he had the means to make it reality.
Story created by
Young and rich James Astor is living a life many can only dream off. With college on the horizon he would soon leave his parents mansion and start his own life with every opportunity a young boy like him could get, if it weren't for a peculiar fantasy that didn't leave his troubled and hormone driven mind alone. But while most kept it as what it was, a fantasy, he had the means to make it reality.
Chapter by
Hanni · 31 Jan 2023 -
Young and rich James Astor is living a life many can only dream off. With college on the horizon he would soon leave his parents mansion and start his own life with every opportunity a young boy like him could get, if it weren't for a peculiar fantasy that didn't leave his troubled and hormone driven mind alone. But while most kept it as what it was, a fantasy, he had the means to make it reality.
I’m not sure when it started but the older I got the harder it was for me to ignore these urges. Whenever I saw her serve us food, clean my room or just do her other duty’s I was constantly fantasizing about her. Many other rich 18 year old guys in my position would probably have a hidden fetish for their maids too, but mine went way further as I didn’t have a hard on for my much older maid. No I had a deep desire to be in her role itself. The thought of wearing her uniform, doing her menial tasks while the rich folks around me treated me as a normal maid or just completely ignored turned me on so much and was a fantasy of mine that became ever so harder to ignore these last few days after reaching my 18th birthday. Truth be told I already sneaked some of our servants uniforms into my bedroom. Locking myself inside of it I wore it and pretended to be one of the maids. As I had a hard time imitating a young female voice, I had better results trying to sound like an older woman with a bit more rustier voice. The more I did it the more this ‘role’ developed. While wearing one of the uniforms I gave myself the name of Hazel Bloom, a 48 year old maid under the service of the young master James Astor, my real self. As my arousal became too much I relieved myself while still wearing the uniforms only to feel embarrassed and ashamed of what I just did in my post nut clarity. But all those thoughts and desires came back again and again no matter how I felt afterwards in my short moments of clarity. Maybe it was my hormone driven mind bringing me in these situations and clouded my judgment but I knew I just didn’t have the willpower to resist. Too strong was this fantasy of mine.
These coming days were even harder for me to function normal as the prospect of leaving my home for college made me realize I would also leave behind my fathers mansion and with that the entire point of having a maid. My father wanted for me to have a classic college experience. Living in a dorm, go on parties and in his words “to sow my wild oats” and later on become the heir he always wanted me to be. Of course he didn’t know anything about my weird fetish. Even though I liked the thought of being reduced to a lowly poor maid, working for people with no fear of making ends meet while I could be lucky to pay my rent, this was after all still a fantasy. Nothing in this world would make me give up the wealth I was born in so I did everything I could to keep this as secret as possible. The last thing I needed to my troubled mind was being disinherited and cast out with nothing on me but my shoes and what I currently had in my wallet.
Maybe all I needed was to get it all out of my system. Make my fantasy as real as possible for a short time, live in it and when I’m fully satisfied and can’t bear it anymore I would become normal again and go on with my life. But I didn’t know how, at least not yet. The closer I got to my graduation the more effort I put into finding a solution. Searching through the entire internet I found all kind of websites, ranging from useful tips and tricks to straight out selling myself off to slavers into a third world country with fake documents. While that was of course way too much, the idea regarding fake documents was something that could make my experience so much more immersive. I had enough money and enough connections to make Hazel into a real person. The only problem was how would I make myself look like her. Finding many forums about cross dressing, makeup tutorials for men and dressing yourself to be convincing, nothing of that was what I really wanted. I was about to give up and felt angry after coming so far in my planing phase. That was until a thought crossed my mind that might be the solution to my last obstacle.
Remembering how my mom and some of her friends always went to that beauty clinic to make themselves look younger for a while with Botox and all other kind of chemical crap, I wondered if they could do it the other way around too. Make myself look more female and older for a while. A visit to the clinic would give me certainty. The next day I made up an excuse to go out for a while, pretending to spend some time with my friends before everyone spreads out to a different college. I didn’t have to wait too long for an appointment as the doc knew my families name from my mom’s frequent visits. He was probably happy to make another quick buck, which if he had the skills, he would.
“So let me get this clear. You want me to make you look like an older woman. But only for a while?” Doctor Brown said, still a bit confused from my request. “But why?”
I was so nervous in that moment but managed to keep a cool head through all of this.
“Does it matter? You get the money after all.” Trying to sound confident as I didn’t want him to dig in too deep into this. While we had a doctor patient confidentiality I didn’t want to take any bets if he would really be quiet if he knew the entire embarrassing truth.
“Well… You rich folks sure have weird requests sometimes. But it’s the land of the free after all so whatever. Yes I think I can do it. There are some chemicals that can make your skin look older but I have to look a bit more into the details of it. For the rest I can give you breast implants or a lot more depends how daring you are. Some of it might be harder to reverse though and as always small scars after that are most likely unavoidable.” He said as he leaned back into his chair.
“What do you mean harder to reverse? I don’t want you to cut my dick off or anything like that. It’s just I want to appearance of an older women. Around 48 years old if possible.” I said.
“Yes yes I understand. What I mean is I can make your crotch just as flat so you could wear a bikini for example. On a closer inspection it would be clear it’s not a real vagina but that’s of course not what we want here. You testicles will be pushed into your inguinal canal and I fix your penis into a position that makes the area flat and forces you to sit while peeing. Your breasts could be formed by using your own body fat, there is a brand new procedure for it and many other beauty clinics are trying it out right now. The end results are amazing and very convincing. With that we could give them a natural sag and…” The doc explained while I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information flooding my brain. He was getting excited about what he could all do while I had a hard time following him, but I knew he was the man I needed for this.
In the end he showed me a picture of myself on his laptop and changed it with some ai generating software to alter my appearance. As the program slowly made my face look older I was amazed by just how convincing I could look like. During this I had a hard time to hide my raging boner in my pants as I saw my own feminized and older face. Next he placed my head on a woman’s body with huge sagging tits and wide hips. He said something about hips but with so much information at once I completely blended that part out but from the looks of it, it was worth it. Staring at the monitor with my mouth wide open I could hear my own heart beating in excitement. Was I really going to do this all to myself? To live out my own perverted fantasy? Most likely yes as my arousal was fogging my judgment and all I could think of was looking like her and acting like the maid I wanted to be.
“So? What do you say?” He said, waking me out of my trance.
“It’s… It’s a lot to take in. And you are sure you could reverse it all when I’m ready to be myself again?” I asked.
“As I already explained most of it yes.” He said with a small annoyed undertone in his voice not wanting to repeat everything again. He was probably referring to the scars I might keep from all of this but that was a tiny price to pay to finally live out my fantasy.
“Wow. That…” I cleared my throat and composed myself, trying to look confident again. “That looks pretty good doc. When can we schedule these operations. I would like to have them as soon as possible and best case all at once.”
“Whoa hold still young man. First off, I’m quiet booked out so not in the next two months that’s for sure and we can’t do them all at once. Your body needs to recover but we can do them in quiet a short frequency. Let me check my calendar.” He said while typing into his laptop. While this was already more than I expected or hoped, the thought of jumping into my fantasy in small steps felt kind of underwhelming. It would take so long and until it was all done I couldn’t do much as I would have to hide from my family in that time. Otherwise it would be pretty difficult to explain to my dad why I was running around with tits or looked older than I actually was.
“Uhm doc. Is it possible to stay in your clinic during it all? You know just keep me in a coma or something like that. I just want to go to sleep as I am and wake up like you showed me on your laptop.” I could see his mind rattling as he thought about my question. If that won’t work I guess I just have to go with my original plan. While it was what I wanted, I was now hooked on what he showed me and just how much more was doable than I ever imagined.
“I think that’s doable. Usually patients stay with us for a week at best if they had a bit more done on them but it’s not impossible to stay longer that is of course if the payment for it can be done.” He said, raising his eyebrow. He probably expected for me to say no but what he didn’t know is that my dad gave me already more than enough money to live through college without any concern about my finances. For him those were peanuts, barely worth mentioning but for a young man like me or just anyone in the middle or lower class, this was more than enough to live off comfortably for a few years on a low budget.
“Don’t worry about that doc. You know my family. Just give me a number and it will be paid.” I said with a smug smile on my face. He just started to type in wildly into his laptop as I waited for him to finish all the details. In the end we made an appointment when to start. I picked the day after my high school graduation. But as soon as he showed me the estimated price I barely managed to keep up my poker face. This was way more than I thought it would be. If I really went through with it I would just have enough for the fake documents of Hazel and a bit of a safety net for emergencies. But I had to go through with it now. I couldn’t go back anymore after seeing all of this, I would constantly ask myself ‘what if’. Without a clear thought I agreed and we shook our hands. Before I left his office I asked if I could have that ai generated picture of my feminized older self. That was the perfect picture for the fake documents I was about to manage next.
During the next days I constantly thought about it. Was I really going through with it. Was I going to far? I was a hetero guy after all and this just sounded so weird and fucked up every time I had a short moment of clarity. But those moments were quickly pushed away as the sheer thought of it made me horny beyond believe again. Getting the documents was probably the easiest part in my entire plan. I guess money opens many doors and services normal people could only dream of. As the date of my graduation came closer I finally braved myself enough to confront my dad. After all he still expected me to leave the house and go to college shortly after the graduation day. I would leave my home but I wouldn’t arrive at college, at least not if everything worked out for me.
Going into his home office I saw him talking with one of his business partners on the phone. I just waited for him to finish and just stood there in front of his desk. With a raised finger he signaled me he was about to finish and pointed at the seat next to me.
“Bob, Bob listen! I don’t care, just get it done!” He said with a commanding voice before hanging up.
“Hey champ, what can I do for you?” He asked. In an instant he changed between business man to wholesome father figure. This was something that still spooks me but I guess he could separate work and family pretty well.
“Well dad it’s about college. I… uh I thought maybe I could do a gap year and start a bit later.” I saw his mouth already opening to say something. “Before you say anything just listen! I had a pretty boring high school life and before I go out into the real world and become an adult I want to see it all. So I thought I just enter college next year and travel around the world. See what it all has to offer and get experience, you know…” I said. To be honest this was more or less a copy of what one of my class mates was about to do but it sounded pretty good as an excuse to get away for a while. I saw my dad raising his eyebrows as he was caught off guard from what I said.
“I… wow. I didn’t expect that. You were always the more quiet one and I hoped when I put you through the typical college experience you would grow into a real man but I guess I underestimated you. You know you remind me of myself when I was your age. Only difference, I did a world tour with one of my buddy's back in the days. We made a list of…” And with that he started rambling about his past and his journey through all parts of the world with his old college buddy and now business partner. It was hard to pretend to be interested in his story but I knew I got him. All I needed was to endure it and my plan could be executed perfectly. We spend a few hours in his office and talked like we never did before. At some point I completely forgot about the reason I came and just enjoyed some father-son time we rarely had. We were cut off when his alarm ringed and he had to prepare himself for the next meeting. With my fathers blessing I left his office and polished the rough edges of my plan. With Hazel’s fake documents I managed to apply for a banking account and rented a small furnished apartment for one year in advance at the other side of the city. I wanted to have it all perfectly set for my fantasy.
Counting the days until my graduation and my vacation into Hazel, I tried to eat a lot more to gain some weight. Like the doc told me, the more fat I had the better he could relocate it and enhance my curves. Whenever our maids served me my extra requested food I could only think of how I would soon be one of them. Serving some entitled rich kid his lavish dishes and obeying his every command. I probably masturbated more in these days than all my previous years combined as the thought of becoming a maid was the biggest turn on I could ever get. This was only overshadowed by the short moments of post nut clarity. Whenever these moments hit me I was shocked of how far I was willing to go. Many times I was close to grab my phone and cancel my appointment and everything else linked to it. But it was only close. Never was my mind clear long enough to really do it.
And as my graduation day came and went I was full off excitement, fear and most of all, arousal. Packing the suitcases into my car I said goodbye to my mom and dad before driving off. During the drive towards the clinic my hands were shaking form pure excitement. Just in a few hours I would fall asleep in an operation room and wake up looking like the person on the new id I had in a separate much more feminine looking wallet. I was about to become Hazel Bloom, 48 year old woman. Copying my senior maids credentials I would most likely be able to find a job as a real maid and fulfill my fantasy to it’s maximum.
While I waited in the lobby of the beauty clinic I was deep in my own thoughts. Surprisingly during all this scheme I didn’t think of a time frame. Well I said I take a gap year to my dad but I don’t really expect it to last this long, but what if I my fetish runs off just one week in? That would be kind of awkward considering the huge effort I put into this.
“Mr Astor?” The receptionist called out my name. “Everything is prepared. Please follow me.” I took my backpack with my belongings and everything I need whenever I wake up and followed her. Walking behind her I wondered if she knew why I was here. Would she think I’m a freak? A pervert? But my mind wasn’t on it’s own for too long as I was entering a bedroom that looked more like a mix of a hotel suite and a hospital room.
“This is where you will stay during the your time here. You can stow away your backpack into one of the cabinets. Take your time to prepare and dress into the hospital gown. When you are ready just press this button next to your bed and a nurse will be called to transport you to the operating room.” Without much words she closed the door behind me and left. Looking around I was a bit scared from all of it. I have never slept somewhere else without anyone knowing where I was. It almost felt like I was completely alone and on my own and a part of me screamed to call it off. But as I put my backpack and wallet away I took a last look at the picture of Hazel and knew there was no way I would stop now.
After changing clothes I laid on the bed and pressed the button. After a few seconds a nurse came into my room, greeting me with a smile before rolling me into the operation room. As I laid there, the bright light shining into my face I saw the doc standing next to me. He read through some papers before his focus was on me.
“So James. Big day huh? I’m asking you like I do to all my patients. Are you really sure about that? No shame in saying no.” I didn’t reply instantly with vigor as I wanted to. Something in my mind slowed me down but I dismissed it and just stammered out an unsure yes. A few seconds later a mask was held over my face as I slowly fell asleep.
I don’t know how much time passed when I woke up again. Still drowsy from whatever they gave me to wake up, I was disoriented by my surroundings. Looking around it took me a while to remember it was my room inside the beauty clinic and with every minute I was awake, more and more of my memories returned. As the feeling of my body returned I became aware by the strong alien feeling of it. Something heavy was sitting on my chest and my hips hurt like hell. Looking down I noticed that my blanket was bulged at my chest area. I was about to push the blanket away when I noticed my hand. The skin on it looked so dry and wrinkled. It looked definitely much older now. I looked in amazement at it for a few minutes before I remembered my chest. Pressing my hands on it and felt two huge squishy globes. Grabbing both of them with my hands I played around to make sure I wasn’t dreaming and as I tugged on them I felt a sharp pain, confirming this was all real. They were now part of me for sure and I was burning with anticipation to see them. Raising my upper body on the bed I felt them move around with every motion and their weight was now more obvious then ever. They were damn heavy and they were now stuck on my chest for the near future. Looking around the room again I noticed a full length mirror placed at the corner. Without a second thought I jumped out of bed and was about to walk towards it if it weren’t for the sharp pain in my hips that stopped me.
“Oh fuck!” I screamed out. I took my time to stand up. For some reason the weight of my body caused me pain in my hips and as I started to walk I noticed how I automatically swayed my hips more than I was used to.
As soon as my reflection hit the mirror I was about to scream but quickly realized the person in the mirror was me. Or rather Hazel now. Somehow I almost looked like that Hazel picture I got from the doc many weeks ago but it was also so different that I could hardly recognize myself. While I still had most of my old features, it took me a concentrated look to see them. But some parts were changed completely. Apart from the older looking skin, my nose was a bit smaller too if I had to guess. This alone made the rest of my face look completely not James like. Getting past this shock I undid my gown to finally have a view at the entirety of my body. As I stood there in all my naked glory I had a hard time to take it all in. The doc made no small promises as almost all of my body looked so different to what I looked before. My somewhat chubby belly disappeared. It’s fat most likely used to enhance my hips and ass and create my now large and natural looking sagging tits. Just from the weight and size alone I guessed to be at least an e-cup. On top of it they had those recognizable stretch marks, making it look like I was carrying those around since puberty. I felt the arousal building up inside of me as I looked at the hot looking cougar inside the mirror. But instead of feeling my boner rise I felt a sharp pain in my crotch. Looking down I saw a vagina. Or something that closely resembled one. Pushing my finger against it I felt the pressure transferred to my penis somewhere hidden and tugged away inside of it. It was desperately trying to become erect as I became just as horny as I was days before the operation. In that moment I thought I made a mistake on that part. How am I going to jerk off now? I tried to rub myself there, hoping that the pressure would more or less transfer to my penis and make me come but it was futile and only made it worse as I saw that old lady trying to rub herself off, her fingers nestled on her pussy lips. Looking at my fingers on my crotch I noticed something was off but I couldn’t really see what. It took me a while until the dots connected. I had a thigh gap! But how? I surely didn’t have one before and it didn’t look like he cut off some meat on my thighs to make it look that way. But as I rubbed my soft and hairless thighs together I noticed that my hips in general were pretty wide and no matter how much I pressed my legs together they would only converge at the knees. Was that the reason I felt pain in my hips? How did he do it?
Before I could think about ways of how, the door next to me opened and the doc entered my room.
“Oh you are finally awake. Wonderful. I see you are already taking in my work. I’m quiet surprised myself how good you came out.” He said as he moved with his clipboard towards a chair and sat down. “Well Mr Astor, there were no complication and you healed way better than expected. Scaring is at a minimum and your movement should be just as good as before. I would like to keep you here for another hour just in case but in my opinion you are good to go if you feel well enough.”
My mind could barely take his words in as I was still occupied with the mirror. “Wow… y-you really did it. I’m just… wow.” I could barely find the words. “But one question. What happened with my hips? I mean, look at it.” I said as I turned around and pointed at the gap.
“Oh yeah that was one of the procedures we talked in our first meeting. It’s similar to the way people treat short legs. We adjusted your pelvic bone and from the last x-ray it healed quiet well. You might feel some pain for the next week or two until your body adjusts to it. I wrote you a prescription for pain medication you can pick up at the front desk. If the pain isn’t subsiding after around two weeks, please call and we make a check up.”
I couldn’t really find words for it. I wasn’t sure how he could reverse this part but looking back I was just amazed by just how much it adds to the whole picture.
“Well I better leave you some privacy. I hope everything is to your liking Mr Astor and please call us when something is off or causes problems.” He said before leaving me alone again. Getting called Mr or just by my real name was so strange now as all I could see was Hazel Bloom. The longer I stared into the mirror the more aroused I got and the more pain I felt on my crotch. I needed relief but this was the wrong place for it. I quickly checked for my belongings and to my luck they were still there as well as the clothes I prepared for Hazel.
I quickly put on the panties and bra, followed by a plain and boring looking cocktail dress. My heart was beating like crazy in excitement and all I wanted was to move into my rented apartment and have real alone time without the risk of someone barging in any minute. Just a few more steps and my time as Hazel Bloom would start. Checking myself a last time in the mirror all I could see was a mature woman with barely shoulder length black hair, wearing a dress that hugged her curves perfectly. What stood out the most was the back pack I carried over my shoulder as it was the same old guy-looking back pack I had before. Perhaps I should have prepared a purse too for this but it wouldn’t matter in a few minutes. Making my way towards the front desk I noticed a few other people sitting in the waiting area. To my horror I saw one of my mom’s friend reading a magazine while waiting for her appointment. My heart dropped into my stomach as I feared she would recognize me. I swiftly turned around and looked at the receptionist. I cleared my throat as I started to talk in the mature female voice I had trained the last few weeks to it’s perfection.
“I uhm I’m here for a prescription.” I said with a shacky but convincing voice.
“The name please?” She asked me. It was the same girl I saw before my operation. Didn’t she remember me and why I came here or does she really not recognize me? I beckoned her to come closer as I didn’t want to speak out my name too loud.
“Astor. J… James Astor.” Her eyes went wild as she now understood the situation. I could see she now recognized me and her face ran red. She looked through some papers at her front desk until she found what she was looking for.
“Here it is. I hope everything was to your liking… ma’am.” She said while putting emphasis on the last word. A shiver ran through my body as I felt like I was about to come right then and there. With wobbly legs I walked outside, shielding my face from my mom’s friend and went out back into the real world.
The bright sun was burning at my eyes as they had to get used to it again. Looking around I saw that nothing changed. Somehow I expected to be in a different world or something like that but it was just the way it was before I came here. Looking through my phone I checked all my messages. With a smile I could see that the delayed messages I created beforehand were send out to my father, buying me an alibi every time. The funniest part about this were the deep fake pictures I did of myself in various places around the world, faking my existence in these places. I compressed and reduced the quality of these pictures to make them look a tiny bit more authentic. My father always replied how happy he was for me and asked for some details like how’s the weather or did something exciting happen yet to which I of course never answered. Most of my pre-written messages were just about the same old me and how much fun this country, city, area or jungle was. I could give him a call but decided against it as all I wanted was to get myself into Hazel’s apartment as fast as possible.
I looked for my car which I parked near the clinic more than a month ago. Walking down the sidewalk I noticed just how much my hips swayed and despite some efforts I could not walk anything but in a very feminine way. It was a bit creepy as despite everything, I knew who I really was and could always switch back to my old voice and pretend to be James again. But the way I walked on the other hand was a constant reminder that I didn’t have any control over it, forcing me to walk in a womanly fashion. And by god did that turn me on. This was exactly what I wanted. I was walking and looking like an older woman and the views I got from men towards my ample cleavage just made it all so more exciting.
Turning around the corner I saw my car but not the way I wanted it to be. On my windshield were a huge amount of parking tickets but what was worse was the wheel clamp. This was my only way of easy transportation. “Fuck!” I cursed out loud in my male voice, getting stares from nearby passersby. With their stares making me feel uneasy, I reminded myself I better talk in my trained female voice from now on, as slipping up at the wrong moment could make things a whole lot more complicated. I walked around for a bit and got accustomed to how the world sees me now. What was the most obvious part was how many glances I got from other man. I could see the hunger in their eyes as their view landed on my cleavage and swaying hips. As I walked down the sidewalk I noticed a few shops pop up which caught my attention. First off I started with a hairdresser to fix this mess called my hair. During the last few weeks I let it grow out and it almost reached my shoulder.
As I entered the hairdressers salon I hoped my disguise was convincing enough. This would be my first interaction with someone who didn’t know me before. Looking around I saw only women getting their hair done and I would soon be one of them.
“Can I help you ma’am?” Came a voice from my left. Behind a counter stood a young girl, her eyebrows raised, expecting an answer from me.
“Oh uh I need my hair done if possible.” I said in my female voice.
“Do you have an appointment?”
“N-No. Do I need one? I thought I could just come in and get it done. Else I can come back later.” I said, feeling a bit disappointed.
“No it’s fine you just need to wait a bit until a spot gets free. If you want, you can take a seat over there. I’ll call you when we are ready for you.” She said while pointing towards the waiting area behind me.
“That sounds good. I’ll wait then, thank you.” I said before going over and sat down on the coach. Apart from me there were two other woman in the waiting area, both reading a magazine while waiting for their turn. None of them bat an eye that I was sitting there.
Looking down I noticed my legs were fairly spread out like I’m usually used to sit. I crossed my legs the same way those two other woman did. The feeling of my hairless thighs rubbing against each other while there was nothing between my legs to be crushed was making my tucked away dick wake up in excitement. But having no place to expand I was only met by a stinging pain and a frustrated moan escaped my lips.
“Everything fine dear? Is it the cramps?” The woman to my right asked me. It took me a while to understand what she meant but as soon as it made sense to me my arousal spiked even more. Here I was waiting to get my hair done while these women next to me thinks I have my period cramps. I was completely incognito and the thought of it, being this convincing was almost sending me over the edge.
“N-No it’s fine. They should go away any minute. I hope…” I said as my breathing became more heavy. I tried to distract myself and grabbed a magazine lying in front of me and started to read it. Most of the content was just boring beauty tips, cooking recipes or ways to lose weight but it helped. The more I read the deeper I lost myself in the articles and completely zoned out my surroundings. I’m not sure how much time passed but when I was called out and put down the magazine I noticed I was the only one left in the waiting area.
As I sat down on my seat I saw a large mirror in front of me. Seeing myself again or rather Hazel was still so alien to me. I was supposed to be an 18 year old boy starting his first year in college but looking at the mirror all I saw was an older lady. My view landed on my own breasts again as I was mesmerized by their appearance. Just when I was about to give them a small squeeze I was interrupted by the voice of the hairdresser coming to my spot.
“So what can we do for you today dear?” She said in a warm and welcoming voice.
“Well as you can see I need something of an overhaul. My hair looks chaotic and needs form.” I said in my Hazel voice. I wasn’t really sure what to say as I had honestly no clue what kind of hairstyle would fit me.
“Any preferences or wishes? We can also do your makeup and nails if you want.” She said. Looking at my nails and my face again it was true. I completely forgot I had no make up on or polished nails.
“Y-Yes. That sounds good. Just surprise me. I’m open for your expertise.” I said. Everything would be fine as I doubt I could have done a better job than her. Without much more questions she started and I enjoyed every moment of it. I basked in the pure experience of being treated as an older woman while getting my hair and nails done. The small talk was a bit harder to manage as she asked me questions about myself, my husband and my family. Since I created Hazel out of nowhere in my perverted mindset I expanded her background and just answered on the get go. In the end I became a divorced woman and mixing some truth into it. I also had a son who just recently went off to college, James Bloom.
About an hour later she was finished and spun my chair around, making me face the mirror. The person I saw in the mirror was completely different. Gone was any trace what so ever I still had as James. I tried to look for any of my old features and while it was hard to recognize myself before, now it was impossible. Make up sure could do wonders.
My shoulder length hair was now silky smooth and cut to accentuating my face in a very feminine way. As I was about to glide my hand through it I was met by my manicured nails and just looked at them in amazement. It was all so perfect and no one would ever think twice I’m anything but a mature woman.
“I guess I hit the spot?” She said behind me.
“Yeah it’s so… good! You really outdone yourself I can’t believe it.” I said still amazed by my new looks.
“If that’s the case be sure to make an appointment for next time so you don’t have to wait so long. Cindy at the front desk manages it all.”
I thanked her again and moved towards the front desk to pay and make an appointment in about a month for a check up. Only a few hours passed since I left the beauty clinic and I already knew this was all worth it. Everything was so exciting, so new and so arousing I could barely control myself, not like I could jerk off anyway at the moment but that was a problem for later. Next was the clothing store not far away. During my walk towards it I must have looked a bit out of place. Me fully dressed and styled while still carrying around a boyish looking backpack. Some might assume I’m carrying my son’s bag for him.
As I entered the shop I was taken back by it’s somewhat run down appearance. Discount signs left and right, tight corridors between the clothing racks and the cold light made it all look so… poor. It was honestly my first time going into one of these stores or even be confronted with discounts but I was happy of every new discovery in my little adventure. Going through different racks I picked up a few items I thought might look good on me and went over to the changing rooms.
Closing the curtains behind me I didn’t lose any more time and started to undress myself but as soon as I saw myself in the mirror I stopped. There in front of me was a Hazel. With the makeup and styled hair every resemblance of James Astor were gone. My penis surgically tugged away made my front area look just as flat as on any other woman, only for my panties to give it an extra impression of a camel toe. Hanging off from my chest were two very real looking breasts locked behind a bra. This was really happening. I really had made my body look like a 48 year old woman. Feeling that pain between my legs again as my penis tried with all its might to become erect, was too much for me as I too wanted to relief that sexual tension. This entire day I was edging and continuously postponed it but now I just had to do it. I desperately rubbed my flat area, hoping for some of the motions to be transferred to my penis behind. Each glance at the mirror in front of me just made it worse as all I saw was a mature woman trying to finger herself while squeezing her breast with the other hand. But knowing that this woman was me, trying to get off in a changing room, just one small curtain away from other people send me over the edge. Without having a full hard on I managed to come as I felt my own juice leaking out between my folds and a moist feeling formed in my panties.
But while basking in the afterglow of my act, grinding my teeth together to not let out any sound, the all familiar sense of post nut clarity washed over me and I realized how fucked up my situation was. The flat space between my legs and these large sagging tits made it even hard for me to see that it was me behind it all. Did I really turn myself into this just for a fantasy? These short moments after, made me always feel embarrassed and ashamed of myself and I took off the maid dress I was wearing every time. But this time there was no undressing and going back to normal mode. Even if I get rid of the panties and bra. These tits were now a part of me and all I could see in that mirror was Hazel a poor woman looking for a job, not James the rich young boy. My breathing became rapid and I had a hard time to not completely lose it. I sat down on the small seat inside my cabin and calmed myself down, closing my eyes to blend out the world around me.
“Excuse me. Ma’am? Do you need any help? You have been in there for quiet a while.” I heard a voice taking me out of my thoughts. I opened my eyes and looked down on my body. Wide female hips, my soft thighs pressed against each other and my breasts hold tightly inside a bra. It was all so surreal but at the same time amazing how convincing I looked. Maybe my small panic attack was just me being a scary little boy again. But right now I’m Hazel. I’m a grown up woman and god damn was I hot.
“N-No dear. I’m fine, don’t worry about me. I’m just taking my time.” I said and heard her moving away shortly after. Looking around I still had the few pieces of clothes lying around. I felt a bit weird after my panic attack but brushed it off as normal. After all it wasn’t an everyday event to walk around with the appearance of an older woman. Especially as this was my first time walking outside in a dress. Part of me still felt like a cross dresser despite my appearance but that all disappeared as soon as I tried on the tight fitting jeans. Seeing how they stretched over my now bigger ass and hugged my crotch, showing everyone the apparent lack of a penis made me horny once again. How could anyone even think I could be a young boy and not that hot cougar. But I had to control myself else I would stay in this cabin until the end of days, getting off to my own fantasy.
After trying on many more outfits I left the store with bags full of different outfits, underwear and lingerie and finally a purse for my new self. It was hard to carry all those bags so I decided to take the bus downtown towards my new apartment. As the sun was settling, I realized just how much happened on the first day and I still had so much more in front of me. The drive towards my new temporary home was my first time ever in a public transport. Usually my dad ordered a chauffeur or I drove on my own after my 16th birthday but now I was in the same vehicle with other strangers. It was so wild and exciting and I was all on my own in this little adventure.
After a log drive I finally made it to my new neighborhood. In the dark it looked more run down than at daytime. As I entered the apartment building I could hear the neighbors through their doors shouting and arguing. Maybe I should have picked a better neighborhood but this only made the immersion of a lowly maid even stronger. As long as I stay out of trouble no one should bother me. Taking the stairs up to the second level I looked for the number of my apartment when one of my bags handle gave out and all contents fell over the floor. Still holding to the other bags I tried to get them all up with the two free fingers I had left. I must have cursed a bit too loud as a neighbors door nearby opened. “Can I help you ma’am?” A deep and rough voice called out next to me. As I looked up I saw an older man, probably around my dads age. He looked at me with a smile as his eyes glanced over the lingerie that fell out of my bag. In panic I tried to put it back into one of the other bags but made my situation only worse as more and more fell out in my struggle. “Wait, wait. Let me help you.” He said and without even waiting for my answer he took some of the shopping bags out of my hand. I just let out a sigh and fixed my mess on the ground before rising up again to face this man. In front of me stood a somewhat older man. Probably around 50+ if I had to guess from the gray edges on his hairs. He wasn’t fat but still had a small beer belly sticking out. He looked like the average dad but there was no ring on his finger.
“Ma’am? I can carry them for you if you don’t mind.” He said, waking me up from my train of thoughts.
“Oh right… uhm sure I guess. My apartment is at the end of the hallway.” I said as I was still unsure how to talk with other people now that I was perceived completely different. His sneaky glances towards my cleavage constantly reminded me I was Hazel right now as I was sometimes forgetting it myself whenever I was daydreaming again.
“You are the new one right? I saw some people move in furniture a while ago but never saw anyone actually living there. Nice to finally meet you I’m Miller, Abe Miller.” He said with a hearty smile. “Yeah it’s my first day today. I just made sure my furniture arrived first while I was uhh… busy.” We exchanged a few pleasantries while moving into my apartment. We threw the shopping bags on my bed and I thanked Abe as I escorted him towards the door. Just before he was out he turned around to face me again.
“You know I uh… I noticed your kitchen isn’t fully done yet. If you didn’t plan on ordering anything you could come over. I just did something for myself when I heard the commotion outside my door.” He stammered in a nervousness voice. He reminded me that I haven’t really eaten anything today so far. The excitement of the day made me completely blend out my hunger. But as I looked towards my kitchen I wasn’t sure what he meant.
“What do you mean about my kitchen? I thought the movers did everything.”
“Well the power cables are sticking out and I doubt the gas plate is connected either. I assume same story for your washing machine. If you want I can come by tomorrow after work and fix it all for you.” He said. This was all a bit too much for me to understand. I never bothered in my life with anything as there were always people doing it for me.
“That would be awesome but I don’t want to take advantage of you. Can I pay you or something like that?” I asked him as I was about to go and get my wallet.
“No need for that but if you invite me for a dinner when everything is set and done, I wouldn’t say no.” I just smiled at him while my face ran red. He was interested in me, or rather Hazel.
“So?” He asked me again. “Want to come over for dinner or…?” He asked me with a raised eyebrow. I wasn’t sure what I would expect if I went over but I couldn’t deny just how hungry I was right now.
“I… I would like to.” I said and followed him towards his apartment.
The evening dinner with Abe wasn’t as awkward as I expected. We talked about each other and our past, mine of course mostly made up. He was just like Hazel divorced and lives in this apartment after a long and ugly settlement. It wasn’t hard for me to imagine she was the problem as Abe behaved like a genuine gentleman this evening. Late this evening we exchanged numbers and I went back into my apartment. Exhausted from the day and with a full stomach I instantly went to my bed and fell asleep, still in my dress.
The next day I woke up as the rays of the run shined through the gap in my curtains. It took me a while to raise myself upwards, still sleep and disorientated by my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was the pain I felt in my back and hips. Looking down I was met by the same old breasts as yesterday. Giving them a firm squeeze a smile formed on my face as this was all not a dream. I really did it and made my fantasy real. As I took a shower I noticed the differences between my male body and this one. The water felt amazing against my hairless skin and feeling it run across my breasts gave me a small shivers as it constantly made me aware of just how big they were.
Drying myself off I washed away the remnants of my smeared make up and slowly but surely a few features of my old self could be seen inside the mirror. After only seeing Hazel with make up most of the time yesterday it was so weird now seeing so much of my old self again, even weirder when just a few inches further down two sagging breasts were hanging from my chest. After tying my hair away and dressing into a bathrobe it was almost like I was back to my old self. Apart from the wrinkles and the nose it was like an older and slightly feminized version of James was looking back at me. I left my bathroom and was already excited to try on all the new lingerie I bought yesterday. I spread them all out over my bed and tried on one by one. Just a few minutes in I heard the pinging of my phone. Checking it, it was a message from my father asking me once again how it’s going and when I think I would be home. It was barely more than a month and he already started to get worried. Probably the best thing I could do was to just call him and buy me some more time as my adventure barely has started. As I talked with him I constantly checked myself out in the mirror and noticed just how abstract this situation was right now. In front of me was an attractive older woman, dressed in lingerie while out of her mouth came a male voice. If I wouldn’t be talking on the phone to my dad I would be in big trouble. But would he even be able to recognize me right now? Somehow this made it all so more arousing.
Our talk was interrupted by the ringing of my doorbell. Walking towards it I tried to end the conversation with my dad but he always had something more to say.
“Okay dad, please I need to go now! I’ll call you tomorrow or whenever I find the time again. Yeah you too and greet mom from me. Bye bye.” I whispered as I was almost at the front door. Without much thought I opened it only to see Abe in front of me with a toolbox in his hands. His mouth was wide open as his eyes checked me out in detail.
“Whoah.” Was all he said. As I looked down on myself to see why he was so in awe I noticed I completely forgot I was still in my sexy lingerie.
In shock I slammed the door in front of him and ran to my room. My heart was almost exploding from the adrenaline and shame I felt in that moment. Getting the bathrobe over me again I slowly walked towards the door, with Abe’s surprised face still engraved in my memory. Thinking it over I felt my tugged away penis trying to rise again. Another man liked my image. I was so convincing in my lingerie that he didn’t rebuke in shock and saw a young boy cross dressing. No, he saw a mature sexy woman in a sexy black one piece. The more this image ran through my mind the hornier I got but I had to keep myself under control. Abe was probably still in front of my door. About to find words to apologize himself even though it was me who brought him into this situation.
Slowly I opened the door and as expected Abe stood in front of it. His face just as red as mine.
“H-Hey. I’m sorry I just thought… well. I could leave work earlier today so I thought I come by but uhm…” Abe fumbled with his words. It was kind of funny seeing a grown ass man unable to find the right words for this situation. Looking further down I could see a bulge in his pants and could hardly control myself. I wasn’t gay or found Abe attractive in any way but it made my fantasy just so much more immersive and fucked up. This was so much more than I expected. All I wanted was to be seen as a maid but right now I was also purely seen as an attractive woman. I bit my lips as my arousal hit newer heights.
“Oh Abe.” I said with a heavy breath. “It’s, fine j-just come in.” I said as I had a hard time to catch my breath. I needed to get myself under control. As much as I found this entire situation hot as hell I didn’t want it to end in a way I would regret when I’m back to my old self. Both me and Abe kept an awkward silence as he worked on my kitchen.
“Everything done. I would make a test drive with the washing machine but it should be all fine. If there are any leaks just call me and I will fix it.” Abe said as he started to stow away his tools. “Since your refrigerator is empty I assume you still have to buy some groceries right?”
“I uh yeah I guess so. I didn’t have the time to do it yesterday. Do you know a good place? I’m fairly new around here.”
“You can come with me. I wanted to buy some stuff anyway and seeing how you need almost everything I can help you carry some of the bags. Only if you want of course I don’t want to force myself on you.” He said with a nervous chuckle. He wasn’t wrong though. I needed a lot and during the last few weeks I lost a lot of muscle mass. I was now a weak woman that relied on a strong man to carry her stuff and I loved it. Without a second thought I agreed and changed into a more comfortable outfit. Somehow it felt like I had a servant doing my work again when all of this was there for me to become a servant. Nonetheless it didn’t take anything away from my fetish, it only made it all better and I still had to look for a maid job anyway.
The following days I got more and more used to my appearance and after a while I didn’t have to concentrate on my Hazel voice anymore as it came out naturally. The breasts on the other hand became a bit annoying with the constant back pain and how they came into my way all the time. It also became harder and harder to get off as my penis was surgically tugged away and the excitement and thrill of the first few days wore off. And whenever I managed to get an orgasm I was filled with horror of what I had done to myself. Many times I was close to drive to the clinic and undo it all. But halfway on my way I always calmed down and couldn't deny how hot this all was. My relationship with Abe grew and while we never became romantic or anything close to that I knew he wanted me. Every time when I went back into my apartment I saw the hunger in his eyes. Being an object of desire was so exhilarating.
But all of this was put to doubt when I finally managed to find a job as a maid. The excitement and rush I felt as soon as I put on my new and real uniform for the first time were washed away really quickly. During my first day and the days after I was so occupied with the work itself that I had barely time to live out my fantasy. Somehow in my mind I thought this all would play out differently and be more exciting but the reality of it was much more mundane. Maybe it was all about me as James being in this role and not Hazel, a woman nobody would think twice was a young rich boy. Still I didn't want to give up yet. After all I put so much money and effort into it and it wasn’t all bad. I still found arousal whenever I ran across people I faintly knew and fooled them to believe I was really a 48 year old woman. It even went so far that I got myself a trial day as a waitress in the country club my dad always goes. I just needed a new kick since my maid fantasy became nothing but hard work.
And it worked! Seeing so many familiar faces send shivers through my entire body. Whenever I served one of them I always expected they would call me out or even see a glimpse of James Astor, son of multimillionaire Richard Astor but no. All of them ignored me and treated me just like any waitress. After so many weeks slaving away in a boring maid job in an airport hotel I found what I really needed and to my luck I was offered a job. It wasn’t really hard since I knew the etiquette of the club. It didn’t take too long for the day I dreaded and anticipated the most came. My dad and mom came with some of their friends to play golf once in a month. As soon as they finished their game, they sat down for lunch and I rushed to their table to serve them. “Hi I’m Hazel how may I serve you?” I said with a nervous voice. This was it. I put everything on one card, risked everything only for a small perverted rush. I wasn’t thinking clear but that was my default mindset the last few weeks.
As soon as my dad looked up to me to give his order my heard froze and I expected to be exposed. “I think I take the pastrami…”
“Honey think of your blood pressure. He will take the brussels sproud salat, same for me dear.” My mom said as she interrupted him. Both of them looked directly into my face and didn’t recognize me. I couldn’t blame them as I had a hard time to recognize myself with all this make up and aged skin but still, they were my parents. Just in that moment I was about to cum but managed to control myself. It took all my focus to take the rest of their orders until I was finally away from their table. My heart was beating like crazy and all I could think of was to go home and try to orgasm to the though of this event.
With wobbly legs and a foggy mind I managed to finish the rest of my shift until I was on my way home. The entire way back I was edging and barely could hold it, but I knew I was done with it. I reached the peak of my fantasy and felt a sense of homesickness for the first time. As I was walking towards my apartment door I met Abe in the hallway again. “Oh hey Hazel! How was…” But I went past him before he could end his sentence. I just wanted relief so bad and was shaking all over my body that my keys dropped out of my hands. Before I could pick them up Abe stood besides me with a concerned face. “Hazel are you alright?” I just let out a heavy breath as I pressed my hand against my crotch. “N-No. I just… I just need to get…” But I couldn’t really bring out a full sentence. In an instant Abe pressed himself on me and pushed me against the door as his tongue invaded my mouth. My eyes went wide in panic and I tried to push him off me but I was so weak against his full weight. I never had a kiss with a girl before and now some old guy close to my dad’s age thrusted his tongue inside of me while his hands were playing with my breasts. I wasn’t gay but for some reason this turned me on even more because for him I was nothing more than an attractive older woman. The pain I felt at my crotch became almost unbearable and the urge to finally find relief made all my judgment of this situation go out the window. Before I even had a chance to get a grasp at the situation he lifted me up and carried me inside his apartment. He was so much stronger than I expected and manhandled me like I was nothing.
He threw me on top of his bed and started to undress himself in front of me. I gasped in shock as his erect penis became visible and pointed in my direction. I wondered what women saw in them as they looked absolutely ugly and to some degree threatening. But with my hormone driven brain I didn’t think much further than this and only thought if his dick was large enough to hit my prostate and finally give me my desperately needed orgasm. Abe hopped on top of his bed and slowly crawled towards me on all fours. Just when he was about to spread my legs apart I stopped him in time. If he found out I was no real woman I wasn’t sure what would happen next. During my time with him I found out he was a rather conservative kind of man. At best he would beat me up and throw me out of his apartment.
“Abe I… I’m a bit old fashioned. I feel weird doing it outside marriage but…” I paused. I wasn’t sure if I should really go through with it but I was just so desperate for it at that moment. “You can use my backdoor if that’s fine with you.” I said, embarrassed by my own words. I really proposed to another man to fuck me in the ass.
A smile formed on his face as he moved towards his nightstand next to me.
“Gladly! My ex never was into it and I lost all hope to ever do it again.” He said as he took out a bottle of lube. “Huh. Might as well.” As as he took out a blue pill and just swallowed it without a glass of water.
“Dim the light please!” I commanded him while undressing myself. Even though he might not see it’s not a real pussy at first glance, on close inspection he would notice something was off so I hoped the dim light would work in my favor. Getting on all fours I started to think this was way too gay and maybe I should call it off but as I noticed the his wardrobe mirror facing me I could only see Hazel. With her large breasts hanging off her chest and Abe lubing up her hole, there was hardly anything wrong from the looks of it. Just a woman and her lover about to have some fun. Abe didn’t was much time and instantly pushed his member inside of me. My eyes almost popped out of my skull as I felt pain and pressure in ways I have never felt before.
I felt stuffed like a turkey on thanksgiving and was about to call it off when one of his thrusts hit a spot that almost made me cum in an instant. There it was, the release I desperately waited for so long and couldn’t get myself, was so close. Driven like mad I started to push myself against each of his thrusts just hoping for every hit to feel just as good as that special one. This was probably the most fucked up and perverted act I had ever done and the thought I fooled an older hetero man into believing I was a real woman was something that made it all more forbidden and wrong, but also so much better. A few more thrusts and I finally felt it coming. But as my tugged penis was trying with all it’s might to become erect I suddenly felt a sharp pain from it like I had never before. Mixed with agonizing pain and pure bliss from my orgasm I let out a loud scream and almost fainted. I collapsed in front of me only for Abe to continue and release his seed inside of me just a few minutes later. I barely had any power left in me and could only accept as he dragged me with him to cuddle after, making me the little spoon. His dick was still erect and logged deep inside of me, not getting any softer.
My pain in my lower regions didn’t recede as I was used to and as my post coital clarity set in I was overcome by disgust and horror of what I did. Looking at myself in the wardrobe mirror I only saw Hazel, sweaty and with a man’s penis deep inside her ass. I tried to stay calm and recover until I could move my legs good enough again but in all that time I didn’t go back into that state I was used to. Gone was all the eroticism, the fetish, the hornyness I felt about it all. I was just James Astor again, the hetero 18 year old guy. But my mirror image told me a complete different story. Barely anything about it looked remotely close to James. What have I done to myself? I needed to get out of here and reverse it all and maybe I could forget what I did with Abe even though I doubted it. Hearing his snores, I tried to free myself from his grasp but with barely any muscle power left every movement of mine was met by him tightening the grip. What made it all worse was that it moved his dick inside of me ever so slightly, sending shiver across my body and reminding me of his big meat inside of me. I grinded my teeth in anger and frustration and could only wait until he fell into a deeper sleep.
I’m not sure how much time passed but I knew it was dark outside when I had the power to free myself from him. It felt good to finally have his penis out of me as the pressure inside of me was starting to became unbearable but that was only followed by the disgusting feeling of his semen dripping out of my now gaping hole. I ignored this and dressed myself up and moved back into my apartment to take a shower. That same night I called my dad to tell him I would come home and also because I wanted to hear a familiar voice after recent events but things didn’t go as expected. It has been a while since the last time I talked with him and since then I was only using my Hazel voice. All attempts to go back to my James voice ended in a weird imitation. It got only worse when my father demanded to talk with the real James, which of course wasn’t possible. He was starting to get more and more irritated and angry and after a while even asked if there was a ransom. To that I just ended the call in panic and hoped he wouldn’t call the police. Things were falling apart real quick. If only I knew how bad was about to become.
The next morning I woke up to the same mood as I had yesterday evening and the discomfort of my new body became much stronger with every hour. The pain in my crotch became worse too and now felt like I got kicked into the balls ten times in a row. All I wanted was to get rid of this charade and go home, my real home and become James Astor again. I had a few pain medication left from the early days after my operation but they only helped so much. Halfway towards the clinic I couldn’t take it anymore and collapsed on the sidewalk. A few people around helped me up and an older woman drove me in her car to the hospital. There I explained what was going on, well at least regarding my penis, too embarrassed was I to tell the full truth. A quick operation later and he was finally free again, but the short moment of joy wouldn’t last long. After so many months I saw my own penis again, shriveled and red as a tomato. What followed was almost like a death sentence as the doctor explained to me what was wrong. From the constant pressure and tight spot it was in all the time my tissue was damaged beyond repair and some of it started to die off. To my ‘luck’, as they told me, most of the nerves were still intact and they could reform my penis into a vagina and I could function normal again even though I would need to take hormones from now on. I wasn’t given much time to mourn or think of a solution as time was running short. My own fantasy brought me into this and from the looks of it, a part of it would forever stay with me. I don’t know how I would go back home like this but I would find a way as long as the rest looked like my old self again.
In the days after the operation I fell into a dark mood and was filled with thoughts of ‘just how I could let it come this far’. I should have just stuck to dressing up in my maids uniforms but now it was too late to go back to those innocent days. The nurses taught me everything I needed to know about my new genitalia and not long after I could finally go home. Surprisingly during all this the country club didn’t fire me after I explained them why I was in the hospital. I guess with this social climate they would rather keep me on sick leave than risk any negative publicity, not like I had any intention of ever going back there. The first thing I did after leaving the hospital was to go back to the beauty clinic and undo all of the other stuff and become James Astor again. Or as much as I could.
But what I saw was a complete different waiting room. The girl at the front desk was a complete different one too. “Uhm excuse me, is Doctor Brown here? I need to talk with him, it’s urgent.” I said, hoping they just changed the furniture and design a bit to go with the time.
“Oh no sorry. This is now a beauty spa. We moved in around a month ago after Mr Brown left the states.” I couldn’t believe what I heard. If he wasn’t here who could fix me? Would any other doctor believe my story if I told them?
“W-What do you mean left the states? When is he back?” Still in hope he just moved his clinic to somewhere else but what she told me was much worse. Apparently he did a highly questionable operation, not like mine was any better and it did not go that well. Not only was he sued by that woman and her rich husband, many other disgruntled patients joined in, encouraged by her act. If I wanted to be me again I needed to go to Mexico where he opened up a new clinic. My funds weren’t that high after so many months but I hoped he could at least do the most necessary parts to make me look somewhat like my old self again.
The next day I was about to book a flight ticket when I found out all my cards were blocked. My father must have blocked them after my not so successful call that one night. Despair set in as my whole situation developed a life of its own. All I now had left was whatever was on Hazels bank account and her ID. I could try to talk with my dad, try to prove who I really am if I even manage to go past the guards securing our mansion. But he would just disinherit me, most likely thinking I was a freak and not worthy to carry his name. I was completely stuck in this life I thought was only a fantasy and an adventure to live out my fetish. These large sagging tits, my wrinkled skin, the wide hips and especially that flat area on my crotch would stay with me for the rest of my life.
The following months were pretty rough. With no funds from my old account, a low income and the hospital bill I was struggling to make ends meet. The only support I had in these times was ironically from Abe. After our one time he became way more direct with his intentions and even though I pushed him away early on I didn’t want to lose him. Not that I had any romantic feelings for him but because he was the only person in my new life I could rely on. This became more of a dependency as my financial situation worsened and the advance payment for my apartment ran out. When he offered me to move I with him I knew there was no way around it and I somehow became his girlfriend, with all things attached to it. I didn’t want to land on the streets so I pretended to be the loving girlfriend he expected me to be, buying my time in hope something would happen to get me out of this life. But time went on and I celebrated my 49th birthday with him. Up to this point the female hormones washed away anything that was left of my remaining male features and completed my new image. He used this special day to propose to me, to which I reluctantly agreed. In reality I was just a now 19 year old boy, without money or knowledge of the world. I didn’t know how I would survive out there, so being Abe’s wife wasn’t the worst deal I could have picked. On our honeymoon he finally made me into a real woman and I had sex for the first time with my new vagina and to my surprise it wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. I’d still prefer to have my own penis back but it was miles more enjoyable than getting it from behind.
Our life fell into a routine not long after and we were just husband and wife. I still had hopes somehow, something would happen to get me out of this. Maybe I would one day wake up and it was all a dream or I was just completely insane and forgot to take my medicine. But this was just nothing more than a hope I never could let go. And like on one of many of those days when Abe was on top of me, thrusting in and out, our hands interlocked I just laid there and looked at the clock at our nightstand, waiting for him to finish so I could stand up and make some breakfast for us. This was just a typical Sunday morning in a life I never thought I would live.
But it was my life now and I had to accept it.1 / 1Loading...Loading...- I’m not sure when it started but the older I got the harder it was for me to ignore these urges. Whenever I saw her serve us food, clean my room or just do her other duty’s I was constantly fantasizing about her. Many other rich 18 year old guys in my position would probably have a hidden fetish for their maids too, but mine went way further as I didn’t have a hard on for my much older maid. No I had a deep desire to be in her role itself. The thought of wearing her uniform, doing her menial tasks while the rich folks around me treated me as a normal maid or just completely ignored turned me on so much and was a fantasy of mine that became ever so harder to ignore these last few days after reaching my 18th birthday. Truth be told I already sneaked some of our servants uniforms into my bedroom. Locking myself inside of it I wore it and pretended to be one of the maids. As I had a hard time imitating a young female voice, I had better results trying to sound like an older woman with a bit more rustier voice. The more I did it the more this ‘role’ developed. While wearing one of the uniforms I gave myself the name of Hazel Bloom, a 48 year old maid under the service of the young master James Astor, my real self. As my arousal became too much I relieved myself while still wearing the uniforms only to feel embarrassed and ashamed of what I just did in my post nut clarity. But all those thoughts and desires came back again and again no matter how I felt afterwards in my short moments of clarity. Maybe it was my hormone driven mind bringing me in these situations and clouded my judgment but I knew I just didn’t have the willpower to resist. Too strong was this fantasy of mine.
These coming days were even harder for me to function normal as the prospect of leaving my home for college made me realize I would also leave behind my fathers mansion and with that the entire point of having a maid. My father wanted for me to have a classic college experience. Living in a dorm, go on parties and in his words “to sow my wild oats” and later on become the heir he always wanted me to be. Of course he didn’t know anything about my weird fetish. Even though I liked the thought of being reduced to a lowly poor maid, working for people with no fear of making ends meet while I could be lucky to pay my rent, this was after all still a fantasy. Nothing in this world would make me give up the wealth I was born in so I did everything I could to keep this as secret as possible. The last thing I needed to my troubled mind was being disinherited and cast out with nothing on me but my shoes and what I currently had in my wallet.
Maybe all I needed was to get it all out of my system. Make my fantasy as real as possible for a short time, live in it and when I’m fully satisfied and can’t bear it anymore I would become normal again and go on with my life. But I didn’t know how, at least not yet. The closer I got to my graduation the more effort I put into finding a solution. Searching through the entire internet I found all kind of websites, ranging from useful tips and tricks to straight out selling myself off to slavers into a third world country with fake documents. While that was of course way too much, the idea regarding fake documents was something that could make my experience so much more immersive. I had enough money and enough connections to make Hazel into a real person. The only problem was how would I make myself look like her. Finding many forums about cross dressing, makeup tutorials for men and dressing yourself to be convincing, nothing of that was what I really wanted. I was about to give up and felt angry after coming so far in my planing phase. That was until a thought crossed my mind that might be the solution to my last obstacle.
Remembering how my mom and some of her friends always went to that beauty clinic to make themselves look younger for a while with Botox and all other kind of chemical crap, I wondered if they could do it the other way around too. Make myself look more female and older for a while. A visit to the clinic would give me certainty. The next day I made up an excuse to go out for a while, pretending to spend some time with my friends before everyone spreads out to a different college. I didn’t have to wait too long for an appointment as the doc knew my families name from my mom’s frequent visits. He was probably happy to make another quick buck, which if he had the skills, he would.
“So let me get this clear. You want me to make you look like an older woman. But only for a while?” Doctor Brown said, still a bit confused from my request. “But why?”
I was so nervous in that moment but managed to keep a cool head through all of this.
“Does it matter? You get the money after all.” Trying to sound confident as I didn’t want him to dig in too deep into this. While we had a doctor patient confidentiality I didn’t want to take any bets if he would really be quiet if he knew the entire embarrassing truth.
“Well… You rich folks sure have weird requests sometimes. But it’s the land of the free after all so whatever. Yes I think I can do it. There are some chemicals that can make your skin look older but I have to look a bit more into the details of it. For the rest I can give you breast implants or a lot more depends how daring you are. Some of it might be harder to reverse though and as always small scars after that are most likely unavoidable.” He said as he leaned back into his chair.
“What do you mean harder to reverse? I don’t want you to cut my dick off or anything like that. It’s just I want to appearance of an older women. Around 48 years old if possible.” I said.
“Yes yes I understand. What I mean is I can make your crotch just as flat so you could wear a bikini for example. On a closer inspection it would be clear it’s not a real vagina but that’s of course not what we want here. You testicles will be pushed into your inguinal canal and I fix your penis into a position that makes the area flat and forces you to sit while peeing. Your breasts could be formed by using your own body fat, there is a brand new procedure for it and many other beauty clinics are trying it out right now. The end results are amazing and very convincing. With that we could give them a natural sag and…” The doc explained while I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information flooding my brain. He was getting excited about what he could all do while I had a hard time following him, but I knew he was the man I needed for this.
In the end he showed me a picture of myself on his laptop and changed it with some ai generating software to alter my appearance. As the program slowly made my face look older I was amazed by just how convincing I could look like. During this I had a hard time to hide my raging boner in my pants as I saw my own feminized and older face. Next he placed my head on a woman’s body with huge sagging tits and wide hips. He said something about hips but with so much information at once I completely blended that part out but from the looks of it, it was worth it. Staring at the monitor with my mouth wide open I could hear my own heart beating in excitement. Was I really going to do this all to myself? To live out my own perverted fantasy? Most likely yes as my arousal was fogging my judgment and all I could think of was looking like her and acting like the maid I wanted to be.
“So? What do you say?” He said, waking me out of my trance.
“It’s… It’s a lot to take in. And you are sure you could reverse it all when I’m ready to be myself again?” I asked.
“As I already explained most of it yes.” He said with a small annoyed undertone in his voice not wanting to repeat everything again. He was probably referring to the scars I might keep from all of this but that was a tiny price to pay to finally live out my fantasy.
“Wow. That…” I cleared my throat and composed myself, trying to look confident again. “That looks pretty good doc. When can we schedule these operations. I would like to have them as soon as possible and best case all at once.”
“Whoa hold still young man. First off, I’m quiet booked out so not in the next two months that’s for sure and we can’t do them all at once. Your body needs to recover but we can do them in quiet a short frequency. Let me check my calendar.” He said while typing into his laptop. While this was already more than I expected or hoped, the thought of jumping into my fantasy in small steps felt kind of underwhelming. It would take so long and until it was all done I couldn’t do much as I would have to hide from my family in that time. Otherwise it would be pretty difficult to explain to my dad why I was running around with tits or looked older than I actually was.
“Uhm doc. Is it possible to stay in your clinic during it all? You know just keep me in a coma or something like that. I just want to go to sleep as I am and wake up like you showed me on your laptop.” I could see his mind rattling as he thought about my question. If that won’t work I guess I just have to go with my original plan. While it was what I wanted, I was now hooked on what he showed me and just how much more was doable than I ever imagined.
“I think that’s doable. Usually patients stay with us for a week at best if they had a bit more done on them but it’s not impossible to stay longer that is of course if the payment for it can be done.” He said, raising his eyebrow. He probably expected for me to say no but what he didn’t know is that my dad gave me already more than enough money to live through college without any concern about my finances. For him those were peanuts, barely worth mentioning but for a young man like me or just anyone in the middle or lower class, this was more than enough to live off comfortably for a few years on a low budget.
“Don’t worry about that doc. You know my family. Just give me a number and it will be paid.” I said with a smug smile on my face. He just started to type in wildly into his laptop as I waited for him to finish all the details. In the end we made an appointment when to start. I picked the day after my high school graduation. But as soon as he showed me the estimated price I barely managed to keep up my poker face. This was way more than I thought it would be. If I really went through with it I would just have enough for the fake documents of Hazel and a bit of a safety net for emergencies. But I had to go through with it now. I couldn’t go back anymore after seeing all of this, I would constantly ask myself ‘what if’. Without a clear thought I agreed and we shook our hands. Before I left his office I asked if I could have that ai generated picture of my feminized older self. That was the perfect picture for the fake documents I was about to manage next.
During the next days I constantly thought about it. Was I really going through with it. Was I going to far? I was a hetero guy after all and this just sounded so weird and fucked up every time I had a short moment of clarity. But those moments were quickly pushed away as the sheer thought of it made me horny beyond believe again. Getting the documents was probably the easiest part in my entire plan. I guess money opens many doors and services normal people could only dream of. As the date of my graduation came closer I finally braved myself enough to confront my dad. After all he still expected me to leave the house and go to college shortly after the graduation day. I would leave my home but I wouldn’t arrive at college, at least not if everything worked out for me.
Going into his home office I saw him talking with one of his business partners on the phone. I just waited for him to finish and just stood there in front of his desk. With a raised finger he signaled me he was about to finish and pointed at the seat next to me.
“Bob, Bob listen! I don’t care, just get it done!” He said with a commanding voice before hanging up.
“Hey champ, what can I do for you?” He asked. In an instant he changed between business man to wholesome father figure. This was something that still spooks me but I guess he could separate work and family pretty well.
“Well dad it’s about college. I… uh I thought maybe I could do a gap year and start a bit later.” I saw his mouth already opening to say something. “Before you say anything just listen! I had a pretty boring high school life and before I go out into the real world and become an adult I want to see it all. So I thought I just enter college next year and travel around the world. See what it all has to offer and get experience, you know…” I said. To be honest this was more or less a copy of what one of my class mates was about to do but it sounded pretty good as an excuse to get away for a while. I saw my dad raising his eyebrows as he was caught off guard from what I said.
“I… wow. I didn’t expect that. You were always the more quiet one and I hoped when I put you through the typical college experience you would grow into a real man but I guess I underestimated you. You know you remind me of myself when I was your age. Only difference, I did a world tour with one of my buddy's back in the days. We made a list of…” And with that he started rambling about his past and his journey through all parts of the world with his old college buddy and now business partner. It was hard to pretend to be interested in his story but I knew I got him. All I needed was to endure it and my plan could be executed perfectly. We spend a few hours in his office and talked like we never did before. At some point I completely forgot about the reason I came and just enjoyed some father-son time we rarely had. We were cut off when his alarm ringed and he had to prepare himself for the next meeting. With my fathers blessing I left his office and polished the rough edges of my plan. With Hazel’s fake documents I managed to apply for a banking account and rented a small furnished apartment for one year in advance at the other side of the city. I wanted to have it all perfectly set for my fantasy.
Counting the days until my graduation and my vacation into Hazel, I tried to eat a lot more to gain some weight. Like the doc told me, the more fat I had the better he could relocate it and enhance my curves. Whenever our maids served me my extra requested food I could only think of how I would soon be one of them. Serving some entitled rich kid his lavish dishes and obeying his every command. I probably masturbated more in these days than all my previous years combined as the thought of becoming a maid was the biggest turn on I could ever get. This was only overshadowed by the short moments of post nut clarity. Whenever these moments hit me I was shocked of how far I was willing to go. Many times I was close to grab my phone and cancel my appointment and everything else linked to it. But it was only close. Never was my mind clear long enough to really do it.
And as my graduation day came and went I was full off excitement, fear and most of all, arousal. Packing the suitcases into my car I said goodbye to my mom and dad before driving off. During the drive towards the clinic my hands were shaking form pure excitement. Just in a few hours I would fall asleep in an operation room and wake up looking like the person on the new id I had in a separate much more feminine looking wallet. I was about to become Hazel Bloom, 48 year old woman. Copying my senior maids credentials I would most likely be able to find a job as a real maid and fulfill my fantasy to it’s maximum.
While I waited in the lobby of the beauty clinic I was deep in my own thoughts. Surprisingly during all this scheme I didn’t think of a time frame. Well I said I take a gap year to my dad but I don’t really expect it to last this long, but what if I my fetish runs off just one week in? That would be kind of awkward considering the huge effort I put into this.
“Mr Astor?” The receptionist called out my name. “Everything is prepared. Please follow me.” I took my backpack with my belongings and everything I need whenever I wake up and followed her. Walking behind her I wondered if she knew why I was here. Would she think I’m a freak? A pervert? But my mind wasn’t on it’s own for too long as I was entering a bedroom that looked more like a mix of a hotel suite and a hospital room.
“This is where you will stay during the your time here. You can stow away your backpack into one of the cabinets. Take your time to prepare and dress into the hospital gown. When you are ready just press this button next to your bed and a nurse will be called to transport you to the operating room.” Without much words she closed the door behind me and left. Looking around I was a bit scared from all of it. I have never slept somewhere else without anyone knowing where I was. It almost felt like I was completely alone and on my own and a part of me screamed to call it off. But as I put my backpack and wallet away I took a last look at the picture of Hazel and knew there was no way I would stop now.
After changing clothes I laid on the bed and pressed the button. After a few seconds a nurse came into my room, greeting me with a smile before rolling me into the operation room. As I laid there, the bright light shining into my face I saw the doc standing next to me. He read through some papers before his focus was on me.
“So James. Big day huh? I’m asking you like I do to all my patients. Are you really sure about that? No shame in saying no.” I didn’t reply instantly with vigor as I wanted to. Something in my mind slowed me down but I dismissed it and just stammered out an unsure yes. A few seconds later a mask was held over my face as I slowly fell asleep.
I don’t know how much time passed when I woke up again. Still drowsy from whatever they gave me to wake up, I was disoriented by my surroundings. Looking around it took me a while to remember it was my room inside the beauty clinic and with every minute I was awake, more and more of my memories returned. As the feeling of my body returned I became aware by the strong alien feeling of it. Something heavy was sitting on my chest and my hips hurt like hell. Looking down I noticed that my blanket was bulged at my chest area. I was about to push the blanket away when I noticed my hand. The skin on it looked so dry and wrinkled. It looked definitely much older now. I looked in amazement at it for a few minutes before I remembered my chest. Pressing my hands on it and felt two huge squishy globes. Grabbing both of them with my hands I played around to make sure I wasn’t dreaming and as I tugged on them I felt a sharp pain, confirming this was all real. They were now part of me for sure and I was burning with anticipation to see them. Raising my upper body on the bed I felt them move around with every motion and their weight was now more obvious then ever. They were damn heavy and they were now stuck on my chest for the near future. Looking around the room again I noticed a full length mirror placed at the corner. Without a second thought I jumped out of bed and was about to walk towards it if it weren’t for the sharp pain in my hips that stopped me.
“Oh fuck!” I screamed out. I took my time to stand up. For some reason the weight of my body caused me pain in my hips and as I started to walk I noticed how I automatically swayed my hips more than I was used to.
As soon as my reflection hit the mirror I was about to scream but quickly realized the person in the mirror was me. Or rather Hazel now. Somehow I almost looked like that Hazel picture I got from the doc many weeks ago but it was also so different that I could hardly recognize myself. While I still had most of my old features, it took me a concentrated look to see them. But some parts were changed completely. Apart from the older looking skin, my nose was a bit smaller too if I had to guess. This alone made the rest of my face look completely not James like. Getting past this shock I undid my gown to finally have a view at the entirety of my body. As I stood there in all my naked glory I had a hard time to take it all in. The doc made no small promises as almost all of my body looked so different to what I looked before. My somewhat chubby belly disappeared. It’s fat most likely used to enhance my hips and ass and create my now large and natural looking sagging tits. Just from the weight and size alone I guessed to be at least an e-cup. On top of it they had those recognizable stretch marks, making it look like I was carrying those around since puberty. I felt the arousal building up inside of me as I looked at the hot looking cougar inside the mirror. But instead of feeling my boner rise I felt a sharp pain in my crotch. Looking down I saw a vagina. Or something that closely resembled one. Pushing my finger against it I felt the pressure transferred to my penis somewhere hidden and tugged away inside of it. It was desperately trying to become erect as I became just as horny as I was days before the operation. In that moment I thought I made a mistake on that part. How am I going to jerk off now? I tried to rub myself there, hoping that the pressure would more or less transfer to my penis and make me come but it was futile and only made it worse as I saw that old lady trying to rub herself off, her fingers nestled on her pussy lips. Looking at my fingers on my crotch I noticed something was off but I couldn’t really see what. It took me a while until the dots connected. I had a thigh gap! But how? I surely didn’t have one before and it didn’t look like he cut off some meat on my thighs to make it look that way. But as I rubbed my soft and hairless thighs together I noticed that my hips in general were pretty wide and no matter how much I pressed my legs together they would only converge at the knees. Was that the reason I felt pain in my hips? How did he do it?
Before I could think about ways of how, the door next to me opened and the doc entered my room.
“Oh you are finally awake. Wonderful. I see you are already taking in my work. I’m quiet surprised myself how good you came out.” He said as he moved with his clipboard towards a chair and sat down. “Well Mr Astor, there were no complication and you healed way better than expected. Scaring is at a minimum and your movement should be just as good as before. I would like to keep you here for another hour just in case but in my opinion you are good to go if you feel well enough.”
My mind could barely take his words in as I was still occupied with the mirror. “Wow… y-you really did it. I’m just… wow.” I could barely find the words. “But one question. What happened with my hips? I mean, look at it.” I said as I turned around and pointed at the gap.
“Oh yeah that was one of the procedures we talked in our first meeting. It’s similar to the way people treat short legs. We adjusted your pelvic bone and from the last x-ray it healed quiet well. You might feel some pain for the next week or two until your body adjusts to it. I wrote you a prescription for pain medication you can pick up at the front desk. If the pain isn’t subsiding after around two weeks, please call and we make a check up.”
I couldn’t really find words for it. I wasn’t sure how he could reverse this part but looking back I was just amazed by just how much it adds to the whole picture.
“Well I better leave you some privacy. I hope everything is to your liking Mr Astor and please call us when something is off or causes problems.” He said before leaving me alone again. Getting called Mr or just by my real name was so strange now as all I could see was Hazel Bloom. The longer I stared into the mirror the more aroused I got and the more pain I felt on my crotch. I needed relief but this was the wrong place for it. I quickly checked for my belongings and to my luck they were still there as well as the clothes I prepared for Hazel.
I quickly put on the panties and bra, followed by a plain and boring looking cocktail dress. My heart was beating like crazy in excitement and all I wanted was to move into my rented apartment and have real alone time without the risk of someone barging in any minute. Just a few more steps and my time as Hazel Bloom would start. Checking myself a last time in the mirror all I could see was a mature woman with barely shoulder length black hair, wearing a dress that hugged her curves perfectly. What stood out the most was the back pack I carried over my shoulder as it was the same old guy-looking back pack I had before. Perhaps I should have prepared a purse too for this but it wouldn’t matter in a few minutes. Making my way towards the front desk I noticed a few other people sitting in the waiting area. To my horror I saw one of my mom’s friend reading a magazine while waiting for her appointment. My heart dropped into my stomach as I feared she would recognize me. I swiftly turned around and looked at the receptionist. I cleared my throat as I started to talk in the mature female voice I had trained the last few weeks to it’s perfection.
“I uhm I’m here for a prescription.” I said with a shacky but convincing voice.
“The name please?” She asked me. It was the same girl I saw before my operation. Didn’t she remember me and why I came here or does she really not recognize me? I beckoned her to come closer as I didn’t want to speak out my name too loud.
“Astor. J… James Astor.” Her eyes went wild as she now understood the situation. I could see she now recognized me and her face ran red. She looked through some papers at her front desk until she found what she was looking for.
“Here it is. I hope everything was to your liking… ma’am.” She said while putting emphasis on the last word. A shiver ran through my body as I felt like I was about to come right then and there. With wobbly legs I walked outside, shielding my face from my mom’s friend and went out back into the real world.
The bright sun was burning at my eyes as they had to get used to it again. Looking around I saw that nothing changed. Somehow I expected to be in a different world or something like that but it was just the way it was before I came here. Looking through my phone I checked all my messages. With a smile I could see that the delayed messages I created beforehand were send out to my father, buying me an alibi every time. The funniest part about this were the deep fake pictures I did of myself in various places around the world, faking my existence in these places. I compressed and reduced the quality of these pictures to make them look a tiny bit more authentic. My father always replied how happy he was for me and asked for some details like how’s the weather or did something exciting happen yet to which I of course never answered. Most of my pre-written messages were just about the same old me and how much fun this country, city, area or jungle was. I could give him a call but decided against it as all I wanted was to get myself into Hazel’s apartment as fast as possible.
I looked for my car which I parked near the clinic more than a month ago. Walking down the sidewalk I noticed just how much my hips swayed and despite some efforts I could not walk anything but in a very feminine way. It was a bit creepy as despite everything, I knew who I really was and could always switch back to my old voice and pretend to be James again. But the way I walked on the other hand was a constant reminder that I didn’t have any control over it, forcing me to walk in a womanly fashion. And by god did that turn me on. This was exactly what I wanted. I was walking and looking like an older woman and the views I got from men towards my ample cleavage just made it all so more exciting.
Turning around the corner I saw my car but not the way I wanted it to be. On my windshield were a huge amount of parking tickets but what was worse was the wheel clamp. This was my only way of easy transportation. “Fuck!” I cursed out loud in my male voice, getting stares from nearby passersby. With their stares making me feel uneasy, I reminded myself I better talk in my trained female voice from now on, as slipping up at the wrong moment could make things a whole lot more complicated. I walked around for a bit and got accustomed to how the world sees me now. What was the most obvious part was how many glances I got from other man. I could see the hunger in their eyes as their view landed on my cleavage and swaying hips. As I walked down the sidewalk I noticed a few shops pop up which caught my attention. First off I started with a hairdresser to fix this mess called my hair. During the last few weeks I let it grow out and it almost reached my shoulder.
As I entered the hairdressers salon I hoped my disguise was convincing enough. This would be my first interaction with someone who didn’t know me before. Looking around I saw only women getting their hair done and I would soon be one of them.
“Can I help you ma’am?” Came a voice from my left. Behind a counter stood a young girl, her eyebrows raised, expecting an answer from me.
“Oh uh I need my hair done if possible.” I said in my female voice.
“Do you have an appointment?”
“N-No. Do I need one? I thought I could just come in and get it done. Else I can come back later.” I said, feeling a bit disappointed.
“No it’s fine you just need to wait a bit until a spot gets free. If you want, you can take a seat over there. I’ll call you when we are ready for you.” She said while pointing towards the waiting area behind me.
“That sounds good. I’ll wait then, thank you.” I said before going over and sat down on the coach. Apart from me there were two other woman in the waiting area, both reading a magazine while waiting for their turn. None of them bat an eye that I was sitting there.
Looking down I noticed my legs were fairly spread out like I’m usually used to sit. I crossed my legs the same way those two other woman did. The feeling of my hairless thighs rubbing against each other while there was nothing between my legs to be crushed was making my tucked away dick wake up in excitement. But having no place to expand I was only met by a stinging pain and a frustrated moan escaped my lips.
“Everything fine dear? Is it the cramps?” The woman to my right asked me. It took me a while to understand what she meant but as soon as it made sense to me my arousal spiked even more. Here I was waiting to get my hair done while these women next to me thinks I have my period cramps. I was completely incognito and the thought of it, being this convincing was almost sending me over the edge.
“N-No it’s fine. They should go away any minute. I hope…” I said as my breathing became more heavy. I tried to distract myself and grabbed a magazine lying in front of me and started to read it. Most of the content was just boring beauty tips, cooking recipes or ways to lose weight but it helped. The more I read the deeper I lost myself in the articles and completely zoned out my surroundings. I’m not sure how much time passed but when I was called out and put down the magazine I noticed I was the only one left in the waiting area.
As I sat down on my seat I saw a large mirror in front of me. Seeing myself again or rather Hazel was still so alien to me. I was supposed to be an 18 year old boy starting his first year in college but looking at the mirror all I saw was an older lady. My view landed on my own breasts again as I was mesmerized by their appearance. Just when I was about to give them a small squeeze I was interrupted by the voice of the hairdresser coming to my spot.
“So what can we do for you today dear?” She said in a warm and welcoming voice.
“Well as you can see I need something of an overhaul. My hair looks chaotic and needs form.” I said in my Hazel voice. I wasn’t really sure what to say as I had honestly no clue what kind of hairstyle would fit me.
“Any preferences or wishes? We can also do your makeup and nails if you want.” She said. Looking at my nails and my face again it was true. I completely forgot I had no make up on or polished nails.
“Y-Yes. That sounds good. Just surprise me. I’m open for your expertise.” I said. Everything would be fine as I doubt I could have done a better job than her. Without much more questions she started and I enjoyed every moment of it. I basked in the pure experience of being treated as an older woman while getting my hair and nails done. The small talk was a bit harder to manage as she asked me questions about myself, my husband and my family. Since I created Hazel out of nowhere in my perverted mindset I expanded her background and just answered on the get go. In the end I became a divorced woman and mixing some truth into it. I also had a son who just recently went off to college, James Bloom.
About an hour later she was finished and spun my chair around, making me face the mirror. The person I saw in the mirror was completely different. Gone was any trace what so ever I still had as James. I tried to look for any of my old features and while it was hard to recognize myself before, now it was impossible. Make up sure could do wonders.
My shoulder length hair was now silky smooth and cut to accentuating my face in a very feminine way. As I was about to glide my hand through it I was met by my manicured nails and just looked at them in amazement. It was all so perfect and no one would ever think twice I’m anything but a mature woman.
“I guess I hit the spot?” She said behind me.
“Yeah it’s so… good! You really outdone yourself I can’t believe it.” I said still amazed by my new looks.
“If that’s the case be sure to make an appointment for next time so you don’t have to wait so long. Cindy at the front desk manages it all.”
I thanked her again and moved towards the front desk to pay and make an appointment in about a month for a check up. Only a few hours passed since I left the beauty clinic and I already knew this was all worth it. Everything was so exciting, so new and so arousing I could barely control myself, not like I could jerk off anyway at the moment but that was a problem for later. Next was the clothing store not far away. During my walk towards it I must have looked a bit out of place. Me fully dressed and styled while still carrying around a boyish looking backpack. Some might assume I’m carrying my son’s bag for him.
As I entered the shop I was taken back by it’s somewhat run down appearance. Discount signs left and right, tight corridors between the clothing racks and the cold light made it all look so… poor. It was honestly my first time going into one of these stores or even be confronted with discounts but I was happy of every new discovery in my little adventure. Going through different racks I picked up a few items I thought might look good on me and went over to the changing rooms.
Closing the curtains behind me I didn’t lose any more time and started to undress myself but as soon as I saw myself in the mirror I stopped. There in front of me was a Hazel. With the makeup and styled hair every resemblance of James Astor were gone. My penis surgically tugged away made my front area look just as flat as on any other woman, only for my panties to give it an extra impression of a camel toe. Hanging off from my chest were two very real looking breasts locked behind a bra. This was really happening. I really had made my body look like a 48 year old woman. Feeling that pain between my legs again as my penis tried with all its might to become erect, was too much for me as I too wanted to relief that sexual tension. This entire day I was edging and continuously postponed it but now I just had to do it. I desperately rubbed my flat area, hoping for some of the motions to be transferred to my penis behind. Each glance at the mirror in front of me just made it worse as all I saw was a mature woman trying to finger herself while squeezing her breast with the other hand. But knowing that this woman was me, trying to get off in a changing room, just one small curtain away from other people send me over the edge. Without having a full hard on I managed to come as I felt my own juice leaking out between my folds and a moist feeling formed in my panties.
But while basking in the afterglow of my act, grinding my teeth together to not let out any sound, the all familiar sense of post nut clarity washed over me and I realized how fucked up my situation was. The flat space between my legs and these large sagging tits made it even hard for me to see that it was me behind it all. Did I really turn myself into this just for a fantasy? These short moments after, made me always feel embarrassed and ashamed of myself and I took off the maid dress I was wearing every time. But this time there was no undressing and going back to normal mode. Even if I get rid of the panties and bra. These tits were now a part of me and all I could see in that mirror was Hazel a poor woman looking for a job, not James the rich young boy. My breathing became rapid and I had a hard time to not completely lose it. I sat down on the small seat inside my cabin and calmed myself down, closing my eyes to blend out the world around me.
“Excuse me. Ma’am? Do you need any help? You have been in there for quiet a while.” I heard a voice taking me out of my thoughts. I opened my eyes and looked down on my body. Wide female hips, my soft thighs pressed against each other and my breasts hold tightly inside a bra. It was all so surreal but at the same time amazing how convincing I looked. Maybe my small panic attack was just me being a scary little boy again. But right now I’m Hazel. I’m a grown up woman and god damn was I hot.
“N-No dear. I’m fine, don’t worry about me. I’m just taking my time.” I said and heard her moving away shortly after. Looking around I still had the few pieces of clothes lying around. I felt a bit weird after my panic attack but brushed it off as normal. After all it wasn’t an everyday event to walk around with the appearance of an older woman. Especially as this was my first time walking outside in a dress. Part of me still felt like a cross dresser despite my appearance but that all disappeared as soon as I tried on the tight fitting jeans. Seeing how they stretched over my now bigger ass and hugged my crotch, showing everyone the apparent lack of a penis made me horny once again. How could anyone even think I could be a young boy and not that hot cougar. But I had to control myself else I would stay in this cabin until the end of days, getting off to my own fantasy.
After trying on many more outfits I left the store with bags full of different outfits, underwear and lingerie and finally a purse for my new self. It was hard to carry all those bags so I decided to take the bus downtown towards my new apartment. As the sun was settling, I realized just how much happened on the first day and I still had so much more in front of me. The drive towards my new temporary home was my first time ever in a public transport. Usually my dad ordered a chauffeur or I drove on my own after my 16th birthday but now I was in the same vehicle with other strangers. It was so wild and exciting and I was all on my own in this little adventure.
After a log drive I finally made it to my new neighborhood. In the dark it looked more run down than at daytime. As I entered the apartment building I could hear the neighbors through their doors shouting and arguing. Maybe I should have picked a better neighborhood but this only made the immersion of a lowly maid even stronger. As long as I stay out of trouble no one should bother me. Taking the stairs up to the second level I looked for the number of my apartment when one of my bags handle gave out and all contents fell over the floor. Still holding to the other bags I tried to get them all up with the two free fingers I had left. I must have cursed a bit too loud as a neighbors door nearby opened. “Can I help you ma’am?” A deep and rough voice called out next to me. As I looked up I saw an older man, probably around my dads age. He looked at me with a smile as his eyes glanced over the lingerie that fell out of my bag. In panic I tried to put it back into one of the other bags but made my situation only worse as more and more fell out in my struggle. “Wait, wait. Let me help you.” He said and without even waiting for my answer he took some of the shopping bags out of my hand. I just let out a sigh and fixed my mess on the ground before rising up again to face this man. In front of me stood a somewhat older man. Probably around 50+ if I had to guess from the gray edges on his hairs. He wasn’t fat but still had a small beer belly sticking out. He looked like the average dad but there was no ring on his finger.
“Ma’am? I can carry them for you if you don’t mind.” He said, waking me up from my train of thoughts.
“Oh right… uhm sure I guess. My apartment is at the end of the hallway.” I said as I was still unsure how to talk with other people now that I was perceived completely different. His sneaky glances towards my cleavage constantly reminded me I was Hazel right now as I was sometimes forgetting it myself whenever I was daydreaming again.
“You are the new one right? I saw some people move in furniture a while ago but never saw anyone actually living there. Nice to finally meet you I’m Miller, Abe Miller.” He said with a hearty smile. “Yeah it’s my first day today. I just made sure my furniture arrived first while I was uhh… busy.” We exchanged a few pleasantries while moving into my apartment. We threw the shopping bags on my bed and I thanked Abe as I escorted him towards the door. Just before he was out he turned around to face me again.
“You know I uh… I noticed your kitchen isn’t fully done yet. If you didn’t plan on ordering anything you could come over. I just did something for myself when I heard the commotion outside my door.” He stammered in a nervousness voice. He reminded me that I haven’t really eaten anything today so far. The excitement of the day made me completely blend out my hunger. But as I looked towards my kitchen I wasn’t sure what he meant.
“What do you mean about my kitchen? I thought the movers did everything.”
“Well the power cables are sticking out and I doubt the gas plate is connected either. I assume same story for your washing machine. If you want I can come by tomorrow after work and fix it all for you.” He said. This was all a bit too much for me to understand. I never bothered in my life with anything as there were always people doing it for me.
“That would be awesome but I don’t want to take advantage of you. Can I pay you or something like that?” I asked him as I was about to go and get my wallet.
“No need for that but if you invite me for a dinner when everything is set and done, I wouldn’t say no.” I just smiled at him while my face ran red. He was interested in me, or rather Hazel.
“So?” He asked me again. “Want to come over for dinner or…?” He asked me with a raised eyebrow. I wasn’t sure what I would expect if I went over but I couldn’t deny just how hungry I was right now.
“I… I would like to.” I said and followed him towards his apartment.
The evening dinner with Abe wasn’t as awkward as I expected. We talked about each other and our past, mine of course mostly made up. He was just like Hazel divorced and lives in this apartment after a long and ugly settlement. It wasn’t hard for me to imagine she was the problem as Abe behaved like a genuine gentleman this evening. Late this evening we exchanged numbers and I went back into my apartment. Exhausted from the day and with a full stomach I instantly went to my bed and fell asleep, still in my dress.
The next day I woke up as the rays of the run shined through the gap in my curtains. It took me a while to raise myself upwards, still sleep and disorientated by my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was the pain I felt in my back and hips. Looking down I was met by the same old breasts as yesterday. Giving them a firm squeeze a smile formed on my face as this was all not a dream. I really did it and made my fantasy real. As I took a shower I noticed the differences between my male body and this one. The water felt amazing against my hairless skin and feeling it run across my breasts gave me a small shivers as it constantly made me aware of just how big they were.
Drying myself off I washed away the remnants of my smeared make up and slowly but surely a few features of my old self could be seen inside the mirror. After only seeing Hazel with make up most of the time yesterday it was so weird now seeing so much of my old self again, even weirder when just a few inches further down two sagging breasts were hanging from my chest. After tying my hair away and dressing into a bathrobe it was almost like I was back to my old self. Apart from the wrinkles and the nose it was like an older and slightly feminized version of James was looking back at me. I left my bathroom and was already excited to try on all the new lingerie I bought yesterday. I spread them all out over my bed and tried on one by one. Just a few minutes in I heard the pinging of my phone. Checking it, it was a message from my father asking me once again how it’s going and when I think I would be home. It was barely more than a month and he already started to get worried. Probably the best thing I could do was to just call him and buy me some more time as my adventure barely has started. As I talked with him I constantly checked myself out in the mirror and noticed just how abstract this situation was right now. In front of me was an attractive older woman, dressed in lingerie while out of her mouth came a male voice. If I wouldn’t be talking on the phone to my dad I would be in big trouble. But would he even be able to recognize me right now? Somehow this made it all so more arousing.
Our talk was interrupted by the ringing of my doorbell. Walking towards it I tried to end the conversation with my dad but he always had something more to say.
“Okay dad, please I need to go now! I’ll call you tomorrow or whenever I find the time again. Yeah you too and greet mom from me. Bye bye.” I whispered as I was almost at the front door. Without much thought I opened it only to see Abe in front of me with a toolbox in his hands. His mouth was wide open as his eyes checked me out in detail.
“Whoah.” Was all he said. As I looked down on myself to see why he was so in awe I noticed I completely forgot I was still in my sexy lingerie.
In shock I slammed the door in front of him and ran to my room. My heart was almost exploding from the adrenaline and shame I felt in that moment. Getting the bathrobe over me again I slowly walked towards the door, with Abe’s surprised face still engraved in my memory. Thinking it over I felt my tugged away penis trying to rise again. Another man liked my image. I was so convincing in my lingerie that he didn’t rebuke in shock and saw a young boy cross dressing. No, he saw a mature sexy woman in a sexy black one piece. The more this image ran through my mind the hornier I got but I had to keep myself under control. Abe was probably still in front of my door. About to find words to apologize himself even though it was me who brought him into this situation.
Slowly I opened the door and as expected Abe stood in front of it. His face just as red as mine.
“H-Hey. I’m sorry I just thought… well. I could leave work earlier today so I thought I come by but uhm…” Abe fumbled with his words. It was kind of funny seeing a grown ass man unable to find the right words for this situation. Looking further down I could see a bulge in his pants and could hardly control myself. I wasn’t gay or found Abe attractive in any way but it made my fantasy just so much more immersive and fucked up. This was so much more than I expected. All I wanted was to be seen as a maid but right now I was also purely seen as an attractive woman. I bit my lips as my arousal hit newer heights.
“Oh Abe.” I said with a heavy breath. “It’s, fine j-just come in.” I said as I had a hard time to catch my breath. I needed to get myself under control. As much as I found this entire situation hot as hell I didn’t want it to end in a way I would regret when I’m back to my old self. Both me and Abe kept an awkward silence as he worked on my kitchen.
“Everything done. I would make a test drive with the washing machine but it should be all fine. If there are any leaks just call me and I will fix it.” Abe said as he started to stow away his tools. “Since your refrigerator is empty I assume you still have to buy some groceries right?”
“I uh yeah I guess so. I didn’t have the time to do it yesterday. Do you know a good place? I’m fairly new around here.”
“You can come with me. I wanted to buy some stuff anyway and seeing how you need almost everything I can help you carry some of the bags. Only if you want of course I don’t want to force myself on you.” He said with a nervous chuckle. He wasn’t wrong though. I needed a lot and during the last few weeks I lost a lot of muscle mass. I was now a weak woman that relied on a strong man to carry her stuff and I loved it. Without a second thought I agreed and changed into a more comfortable outfit. Somehow it felt like I had a servant doing my work again when all of this was there for me to become a servant. Nonetheless it didn’t take anything away from my fetish, it only made it all better and I still had to look for a maid job anyway.
The following days I got more and more used to my appearance and after a while I didn’t have to concentrate on my Hazel voice anymore as it came out naturally. The breasts on the other hand became a bit annoying with the constant back pain and how they came into my way all the time. It also became harder and harder to get off as my penis was surgically tugged away and the excitement and thrill of the first few days wore off. And whenever I managed to get an orgasm I was filled with horror of what I had done to myself. Many times I was close to drive to the clinic and undo it all. But halfway on my way I always calmed down and couldn't deny how hot this all was. My relationship with Abe grew and while we never became romantic or anything close to that I knew he wanted me. Every time when I went back into my apartment I saw the hunger in his eyes. Being an object of desire was so exhilarating.
But all of this was put to doubt when I finally managed to find a job as a maid. The excitement and rush I felt as soon as I put on my new and real uniform for the first time were washed away really quickly. During my first day and the days after I was so occupied with the work itself that I had barely time to live out my fantasy. Somehow in my mind I thought this all would play out differently and be more exciting but the reality of it was much more mundane. Maybe it was all about me as James being in this role and not Hazel, a woman nobody would think twice was a young rich boy. Still I didn't want to give up yet. After all I put so much money and effort into it and it wasn’t all bad. I still found arousal whenever I ran across people I faintly knew and fooled them to believe I was really a 48 year old woman. It even went so far that I got myself a trial day as a waitress in the country club my dad always goes. I just needed a new kick since my maid fantasy became nothing but hard work.
And it worked! Seeing so many familiar faces send shivers through my entire body. Whenever I served one of them I always expected they would call me out or even see a glimpse of James Astor, son of multimillionaire Richard Astor but no. All of them ignored me and treated me just like any waitress. After so many weeks slaving away in a boring maid job in an airport hotel I found what I really needed and to my luck I was offered a job. It wasn’t really hard since I knew the etiquette of the club. It didn’t take too long for the day I dreaded and anticipated the most came. My dad and mom came with some of their friends to play golf once in a month. As soon as they finished their game, they sat down for lunch and I rushed to their table to serve them. “Hi I’m Hazel how may I serve you?” I said with a nervous voice. This was it. I put everything on one card, risked everything only for a small perverted rush. I wasn’t thinking clear but that was my default mindset the last few weeks.
As soon as my dad looked up to me to give his order my heard froze and I expected to be exposed. “I think I take the pastrami…”
“Honey think of your blood pressure. He will take the brussels sproud salat, same for me dear.” My mom said as she interrupted him. Both of them looked directly into my face and didn’t recognize me. I couldn’t blame them as I had a hard time to recognize myself with all this make up and aged skin but still, they were my parents. Just in that moment I was about to cum but managed to control myself. It took all my focus to take the rest of their orders until I was finally away from their table. My heart was beating like crazy and all I could think of was to go home and try to orgasm to the though of this event.
With wobbly legs and a foggy mind I managed to finish the rest of my shift until I was on my way home. The entire way back I was edging and barely could hold it, but I knew I was done with it. I reached the peak of my fantasy and felt a sense of homesickness for the first time. As I was walking towards my apartment door I met Abe in the hallway again. “Oh hey Hazel! How was…” But I went past him before he could end his sentence. I just wanted relief so bad and was shaking all over my body that my keys dropped out of my hands. Before I could pick them up Abe stood besides me with a concerned face. “Hazel are you alright?” I just let out a heavy breath as I pressed my hand against my crotch. “N-No. I just… I just need to get…” But I couldn’t really bring out a full sentence. In an instant Abe pressed himself on me and pushed me against the door as his tongue invaded my mouth. My eyes went wide in panic and I tried to push him off me but I was so weak against his full weight. I never had a kiss with a girl before and now some old guy close to my dad’s age thrusted his tongue inside of me while his hands were playing with my breasts. I wasn’t gay but for some reason this turned me on even more because for him I was nothing more than an attractive older woman. The pain I felt at my crotch became almost unbearable and the urge to finally find relief made all my judgment of this situation go out the window. Before I even had a chance to get a grasp at the situation he lifted me up and carried me inside his apartment. He was so much stronger than I expected and manhandled me like I was nothing.
He threw me on top of his bed and started to undress himself in front of me. I gasped in shock as his erect penis became visible and pointed in my direction. I wondered what women saw in them as they looked absolutely ugly and to some degree threatening. But with my hormone driven brain I didn’t think much further than this and only thought if his dick was large enough to hit my prostate and finally give me my desperately needed orgasm. Abe hopped on top of his bed and slowly crawled towards me on all fours. Just when he was about to spread my legs apart I stopped him in time. If he found out I was no real woman I wasn’t sure what would happen next. During my time with him I found out he was a rather conservative kind of man. At best he would beat me up and throw me out of his apartment.
“Abe I… I’m a bit old fashioned. I feel weird doing it outside marriage but…” I paused. I wasn’t sure if I should really go through with it but I was just so desperate for it at that moment. “You can use my backdoor if that’s fine with you.” I said, embarrassed by my own words. I really proposed to another man to fuck me in the ass.
A smile formed on his face as he moved towards his nightstand next to me.
“Gladly! My ex never was into it and I lost all hope to ever do it again.” He said as he took out a bottle of lube. “Huh. Might as well.” As as he took out a blue pill and just swallowed it without a glass of water.
“Dim the light please!” I commanded him while undressing myself. Even though he might not see it’s not a real pussy at first glance, on close inspection he would notice something was off so I hoped the dim light would work in my favor. Getting on all fours I started to think this was way too gay and maybe I should call it off but as I noticed the his wardrobe mirror facing me I could only see Hazel. With her large breasts hanging off her chest and Abe lubing up her hole, there was hardly anything wrong from the looks of it. Just a woman and her lover about to have some fun. Abe didn’t was much time and instantly pushed his member inside of me. My eyes almost popped out of my skull as I felt pain and pressure in ways I have never felt before.
I felt stuffed like a turkey on thanksgiving and was about to call it off when one of his thrusts hit a spot that almost made me cum in an instant. There it was, the release I desperately waited for so long and couldn’t get myself, was so close. Driven like mad I started to push myself against each of his thrusts just hoping for every hit to feel just as good as that special one. This was probably the most fucked up and perverted act I had ever done and the thought I fooled an older hetero man into believing I was a real woman was something that made it all more forbidden and wrong, but also so much better. A few more thrusts and I finally felt it coming. But as my tugged penis was trying with all it’s might to become erect I suddenly felt a sharp pain from it like I had never before. Mixed with agonizing pain and pure bliss from my orgasm I let out a loud scream and almost fainted. I collapsed in front of me only for Abe to continue and release his seed inside of me just a few minutes later. I barely had any power left in me and could only accept as he dragged me with him to cuddle after, making me the little spoon. His dick was still erect and logged deep inside of me, not getting any softer.
My pain in my lower regions didn’t recede as I was used to and as my post coital clarity set in I was overcome by disgust and horror of what I did. Looking at myself in the wardrobe mirror I only saw Hazel, sweaty and with a man’s penis deep inside her ass. I tried to stay calm and recover until I could move my legs good enough again but in all that time I didn’t go back into that state I was used to. Gone was all the eroticism, the fetish, the hornyness I felt about it all. I was just James Astor again, the hetero 18 year old guy. But my mirror image told me a complete different story. Barely anything about it looked remotely close to James. What have I done to myself? I needed to get out of here and reverse it all and maybe I could forget what I did with Abe even though I doubted it. Hearing his snores, I tried to free myself from his grasp but with barely any muscle power left every movement of mine was met by him tightening the grip. What made it all worse was that it moved his dick inside of me ever so slightly, sending shiver across my body and reminding me of his big meat inside of me. I grinded my teeth in anger and frustration and could only wait until he fell into a deeper sleep.
I’m not sure how much time passed but I knew it was dark outside when I had the power to free myself from him. It felt good to finally have his penis out of me as the pressure inside of me was starting to became unbearable but that was only followed by the disgusting feeling of his semen dripping out of my now gaping hole. I ignored this and dressed myself up and moved back into my apartment to take a shower. That same night I called my dad to tell him I would come home and also because I wanted to hear a familiar voice after recent events but things didn’t go as expected. It has been a while since the last time I talked with him and since then I was only using my Hazel voice. All attempts to go back to my James voice ended in a weird imitation. It got only worse when my father demanded to talk with the real James, which of course wasn’t possible. He was starting to get more and more irritated and angry and after a while even asked if there was a ransom. To that I just ended the call in panic and hoped he wouldn’t call the police. Things were falling apart real quick. If only I knew how bad was about to become.
The next morning I woke up to the same mood as I had yesterday evening and the discomfort of my new body became much stronger with every hour. The pain in my crotch became worse too and now felt like I got kicked into the balls ten times in a row. All I wanted was to get rid of this charade and go home, my real home and become James Astor again. I had a few pain medication left from the early days after my operation but they only helped so much. Halfway towards the clinic I couldn’t take it anymore and collapsed on the sidewalk. A few people around helped me up and an older woman drove me in her car to the hospital. There I explained what was going on, well at least regarding my penis, too embarrassed was I to tell the full truth. A quick operation later and he was finally free again, but the short moment of joy wouldn’t last long. After so many months I saw my own penis again, shriveled and red as a tomato. What followed was almost like a death sentence as the doctor explained to me what was wrong. From the constant pressure and tight spot it was in all the time my tissue was damaged beyond repair and some of it started to die off. To my ‘luck’, as they told me, most of the nerves were still intact and they could reform my penis into a vagina and I could function normal again even though I would need to take hormones from now on. I wasn’t given much time to mourn or think of a solution as time was running short. My own fantasy brought me into this and from the looks of it, a part of it would forever stay with me. I don’t know how I would go back home like this but I would find a way as long as the rest looked like my old self again.
In the days after the operation I fell into a dark mood and was filled with thoughts of ‘just how I could let it come this far’. I should have just stuck to dressing up in my maids uniforms but now it was too late to go back to those innocent days. The nurses taught me everything I needed to know about my new genitalia and not long after I could finally go home. Surprisingly during all this the country club didn’t fire me after I explained them why I was in the hospital. I guess with this social climate they would rather keep me on sick leave than risk any negative publicity, not like I had any intention of ever going back there. The first thing I did after leaving the hospital was to go back to the beauty clinic and undo all of the other stuff and become James Astor again. Or as much as I could.
But what I saw was a complete different waiting room. The girl at the front desk was a complete different one too. “Uhm excuse me, is Doctor Brown here? I need to talk with him, it’s urgent.” I said, hoping they just changed the furniture and design a bit to go with the time.
“Oh no sorry. This is now a beauty spa. We moved in around a month ago after Mr Brown left the states.” I couldn’t believe what I heard. If he wasn’t here who could fix me? Would any other doctor believe my story if I told them?
“W-What do you mean left the states? When is he back?” Still in hope he just moved his clinic to somewhere else but what she told me was much worse. Apparently he did a highly questionable operation, not like mine was any better and it did not go that well. Not only was he sued by that woman and her rich husband, many other disgruntled patients joined in, encouraged by her act. If I wanted to be me again I needed to go to Mexico where he opened up a new clinic. My funds weren’t that high after so many months but I hoped he could at least do the most necessary parts to make me look somewhat like my old self again.
The next day I was about to book a flight ticket when I found out all my cards were blocked. My father must have blocked them after my not so successful call that one night. Despair set in as my whole situation developed a life of its own. All I now had left was whatever was on Hazels bank account and her ID. I could try to talk with my dad, try to prove who I really am if I even manage to go past the guards securing our mansion. But he would just disinherit me, most likely thinking I was a freak and not worthy to carry his name. I was completely stuck in this life I thought was only a fantasy and an adventure to live out my fetish. These large sagging tits, my wrinkled skin, the wide hips and especially that flat area on my crotch would stay with me for the rest of my life.
The following months were pretty rough. With no funds from my old account, a low income and the hospital bill I was struggling to make ends meet. The only support I had in these times was ironically from Abe. After our one time he became way more direct with his intentions and even though I pushed him away early on I didn’t want to lose him. Not that I had any romantic feelings for him but because he was the only person in my new life I could rely on. This became more of a dependency as my financial situation worsened and the advance payment for my apartment ran out. When he offered me to move I with him I knew there was no way around it and I somehow became his girlfriend, with all things attached to it. I didn’t want to land on the streets so I pretended to be the loving girlfriend he expected me to be, buying my time in hope something would happen to get me out of this life. But time went on and I celebrated my 49th birthday with him. Up to this point the female hormones washed away anything that was left of my remaining male features and completed my new image. He used this special day to propose to me, to which I reluctantly agreed. In reality I was just a now 19 year old boy, without money or knowledge of the world. I didn’t know how I would survive out there, so being Abe’s wife wasn’t the worst deal I could have picked. On our honeymoon he finally made me into a real woman and I had sex for the first time with my new vagina and to my surprise it wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. I’d still prefer to have my own penis back but it was miles more enjoyable than getting it from behind.
Our life fell into a routine not long after and we were just husband and wife. I still had hopes somehow, something would happen to get me out of this. Maybe I would one day wake up and it was all a dream or I was just completely insane and forgot to take my medicine. But this was just nothing more than a hope I never could let go. And like on one of many of those days when Abe was on top of me, thrusting in and out, our hands interlocked I just laid there and looked at the clock at our nightstand, waiting for him to finish so I could stand up and make some breakfast for us. This was just a typical Sunday morning in a life I never thought I would live.
But it was my life now and I had to accept it.No more chapters.
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