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Zoe's first victim to the Legion is none other than the bane of the apartment complex, Cassandra. Time for Zoe to have her sweet, delicious revenge
Zoe begins to expand her empire as she learns more about the powers that she now wields
Zoe extends her reach even further, gathering now a very sexy and very lusty hostess to her Legion, but now without having some fun with her first ;3
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“Hello everyone and welcome back to another exciting episode of…Say it with me folks!” The host leaned in closer towards the audience.
“Truth! Dare! And Derriere!!” The audience roared into a cheer as they clapped for the start of the show.
“That’s right. This is Truth, Dare, and Derriere, the only game show where we’re legally allowed to show your ass and more on broadcast television!” There were quite a few cheers and whistles from the audience before the host gestured for everyone to settle down. “As usual, I’m your host, Atticus Ghul.”
Atticus had been the host of Truth, Dare, and Derriere for the past seven years, having taken over after his father, Colbert, retired. Standing at a respectable 6’ 2”, Atticus had the personality, charm, and body to follow in his father’s footsteps. A freshly groomed beard, black hair that transitioned into silver curls, and a tan skin tone; it was no wonder that he quickly made headlines. His choices for Derriere and his charm dazzled audiences and pulled in crowds like no other, even succeeding his father.
Atticus cleared his throat and adjusted the tie on his suit before continuing on. “We searched the streets to find our set of contestants. So, let’s meet them, shall we?”
He gestured to his left where there was a set of three stands, each of which were where the contestants would stand behind. Behind those stands were a set of large blue curtains with golden ornate patterns on them. A set of spotlights danced around before settling in the middle of the curtains.
“Introducing our first contestant! She’s a soccer mom from Boston with two kids fresh off to college! Everyone, give it up for Siobhan Newchester!”
Coming out of the curtains was a 5’ 6” blonde haired woman, about in her mid-forties, with D cups that had a hefty bounce to them. She had fair skin with freckles to match her complexion. She was wearing a sleek pair of gray sweatpants that hugged her round ass, paired with a white blouse that showed off her curves. Siobhan practically danced her way onto the stage as the crowd cheered for her. She blew kisses to the audience and little winks before making her way to her designated spot on the stage.
“Isn’t she just lovely folks?” Atticus tapped a set of cards onto his desk and pointed to the curtain. “Our next contestant is working for his Business degree at Spaton University! Everyone, give it up for Charlie Tanner!”
Next out of the curtains was a young man, easily in his early twenties. He had dark skin, clearly from tanning, and brown hair that was combed back. He strutted out onto the stage, winking and pointing finger guns at the audience. His shirt was a tank top that read “FRAT LIFE” on it and his shorts barely came down to the middle of his thighs. Charlie walked over to Siobhan, pulled down his sunglasses and looked at her.
“Hey there, foxy mama. What are you doing later? Answer. Could be me.” Charlie flashed a cheesy grin.
“Hey!” Atticus said, snapping his fingers. “Save it for the game.”
Charlie shrugged and walked over to his stand, but not before holding his hand up to Siobhan and gestured “Call me,” to which Siobhan blushed a little.
“Alright, and our final contestant tonight is a bartender at Penny’s Pub in Vegas! Give it up for Raddia Van Pelt!”
The final contestant out of the curtains was a dark-skinned woman; her black hair half-shaved on the left and down to about her neck. She had a confident swagger to her, unlike the cocky attitude of Charlie. She wore a red T-shirt that had a deep V-neck to it, which showed off her C cups, along with a deeper red jacket. Her jeans hugged against her legs, showing off her toned thighs as she walked to her place at the stand.
“Welcome contestants! We’re so glad to have you all here!” Atticus said as he quieted down the crowd.
“So honored to be here!” Siobhan said as she smiled to the cameras.
“I still can’t believe I got chosen,” Raddia said as she turned to the audience and then to Attticus.
“Well, you better believe it. You’re here and it’s all real. Both the set and the bodies you’re about to see!” Atticus said, gesturing to the cameras.
“YEAH!” Charlie said as he hooted. “Gonna get to see some fresh tail tonight!”
“Well you better be careful,” Atticus said, “That tail we see tonight might be yours.”
“Bring it on,” Charlie said, “I ain’t afraid of any dares! I’ve seen every episode!”
“Pfft, you watch this show on your own?” Raddia said, smirking.
“Nah bro, I watch this with the boys!” Charlie said, pointing at the audience. “Shout out to my homies back in Cincinnati! Whoo whoo!”
“You’re all raring to go, so let’s jump right into the rule!” Atticus said as he turned in his chair, gesturing to his right.
Appearing from under a light was a large digital board of 84 squares, arranged in a 7 by 12 grid. On the left were player icons, representing the three contestants. The squares were labeled 1-84 from left to right and top to bottom. Each of them were one of five colors: green, blue, yellow, red, and rainbow. On the right side was a checkered banner labeled “BONUS!”
“For those who are coming back for another episode, welcome back,” Atticus said, looking at the cameras. “For those of you who are just tuning in for the first time and wondering ‘what the hell is this show and can they really show this much public nudity on live TV?’ The answer is that this is Truth, Dare, and Derriere. And thanks to a legal loophole, if you think we’ve shown you anything naughty, you haven’t seen anything yet.
“Here’s how the game works. Contestants, you will take turns moving across the board, one square at a time, in whatever path that you choose. When you get to a square, you will decide either Truth or Dare. Answer the question truthfully or do the dare, you get the square and some cash! Fail to do the dare or if our special magic lie detector machine catches you lying, you get punished! Players can move in any direction across the board and can move back onto squares they have already captured. Moving onto a square another player has captured results in you doing the dare that was on that square.
“Every square has a color. Green squares are the easiest challenges and worth the least amount. Blue ones are harder but worth more. Yellow squares are worth a lot more, but also much harder. Red ones are the hardest challenges and questions, but they are also worth the most. Rainbow ones are where your fellow contestants will challenge you to something.
“The first player to reach the other side of the board ends the game and moves onto the bonus round. When that happens, everyone gets the cash they’ve earned and the winner gets a chance to win some extra cash. Everyone got it?”
The three contestants nodded their heads.
“Excellent! Then, let’s play…”
“Truth! Dare! And Derriere!” The audience cheered.
“Now, first up is going to be Siobhan,” Atticus said as he gestured to the board. The first column of squares consisted of 3 green squares, 2 blue squares, 1 yellow, and 1 red. “Pick whichever square you want.”
Siobhan looked at the different options and pondered them. “Well, let’s start out a little slow. I’ll take Green Number 1, Atticus.” With that, her player icon moved to the Green 1 square.
“Alright, now, Siobhan, what will it be? Truth or Dare?” Atticus said as he flipped through his cards to find the associated question and dare for that square.
“I’ll go with a truth,” Siobhan said as the crowd clapped for her choice.
“Fantastic!” Atticus said as he leaned over his desk. “So, Siobhan, for $20, tell us, who was your first sexual encounter with?”
“Oh gosh,” Siobhan said with a chuckle. “We’re already starting off like this, are we?”
“Pfft, that’s so tame!” Charlie said.
“Oh hush you,” Siobhan said as she stuck her tongue out at Charlie before turning back over to Atticus. “Well, my first sexual encounter was my second ex’s 18th birthday party. He wanted me to give him a blowjob for a gift, so I gave him one.”
“Come on!” Charlie groaned. “Give us more details than that!”
“Details! Details! Details!” the audience cheered.
“Well, you heard them,” Atticus said as he gestured for the audience to quiet down. “Siobhan, if you would please, for an extra $10, give us a more vivid description.”
“Oh, alright,” Siobhan said, twirling her hair. “So, it was the afternoon of his 18th birthday party. At the time, I was dating Brett, the hottest guy from the drama club. He was having the party at his parent’s house, so there were a bunch of people we knew from school, as well as a few of his family members.
“I was wearing a very sexy blue dress that I only brought out for special occasions, and my boyfriend at the time’s birthday seemed like a good one. We were mostly in the backyard, people mingling about and everything. There was a glorious cake that his mother had baked while his father was manning the grill.
“Brett came over to me at some point during the party and whispered into my ear, ‘I wanna show you this awesome gift I got. Come to my bedroom in about half an hour’ At the time, I had no idea what he was talking about. I mean, he loved to collect figurines and such, so I expected that he was gonna show me something like that.
“I went to meet him after excusing myself from a conversation with his aunt to go to the bathroom and headed into his room.
“‘Alright Brett. I’m here. What did you wanna show me?’
“‘Shhh, keep your voice down, Siobhan. And shut the door.’
“I shut the door quickly and walked over to him.
“‘Okay, what’s the awesome gift you got?’
“‘Well, I haven’t gotten it yet.’
“‘Okay. What is it? Is it being delivered?’
“‘Yeah, and it just got here.’
“At that point, he reached down and unzipped his pants, dropping his cock in front of me. I gasped in surprise, but he brushed his hand against my face.
“‘The awesome gift is the one you’re about to give me. A nice wet blowjob.’
“At that point, he used his hand to push me down onto my knees, bringing me face to face with his dick that was getting harder and harder by the moment. I was just in awe, staring at this erect 5 inch cock in front of me. Again, this was, like, the first time that I had ever done anything sexual. Of course I had watched porn, but I had never done anything like that. But, he wanted this as a gift and I wasn’t about to disappoint my boyfriend.
“So, I started by taking it slow. I reached my hand up and gently began to stroke it, feeling his warm shaft in my palm from the base to the tip. At the tip, I stuck out my tongue and slowly swirled it around like I had seen different porn actors do. He let out a gentle moan, so I had a feeling that I was doing something right.
“Of course, I could only tease him like this for so long. He reached back and put his hands on my head, guiding my mouth to slowly start to take in his cock. It was my first time ever tasting someone’s cock, so I was a little surprised at the taste. But, it felt really nice inside my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down on his shaft, using my fingers to make a little O shape to stroke the parts that I couldn’t fit inside.
“He moaned in pleasure, especially loud when I flicked my tongue along his cock, lubing it right up with my spit. I was hungry for it. I wanted more but I didn’t know the best way to do it. And of course, I wanted to give him the best first blowjob. At some point, he stopped letting me move on my own and holding my head in place. He made me drop my fingers and used his hips to thrust in and out of my mouth. I could feel every inch of him inside my mouth, and I couldn’t help but moan in delight.
“‘Take those tits out. I wanna see them bounce as I fuck your face.’
“I did as he requested, dropping down my dress to bring out my tits. Just seeing them made his dick twitch. He stopped moving his hips and instead started moving my head. I’m sure it felt different and even better for him, but I really think he just wanted to see my tits bounce. I tightened up my cheeks against the sides of his cock, loving every moment as it slid along inside. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter, each thrust sending shivers down my spine as he used me.
“I must have been doing really good because he wasn’t able to last that long. He started moving my head and his hips at the same time, thrusting in as deep as possible into my mouth. I loved just how rough he was with me, and honestly, I wish he had been rougher. I can take it. And he made sure that I could take it all as he gripped my hair tightly. I felt his cock twitch intensely as he came into my mouth. The taste of sperm mixed with my spit for a delightfully salty flavor. Now, I didn’t want to get any on my dress, otherwise everyone would know what we just did. So, I swallowed. Ah, you never forget your first time swallowing cum, and frankly, after that, I was addicted. Once he finished, he pulled out of my mouth and tucked his dick back into his pants, panting heavily. I put my dress back on properly, covering back up my tits.
“‘That… was… fucking amazing. Holy shit are you so good at this, Siobhan.’
“‘Thank you. That was amazing as well. I hope we can do that again soon.’
“And that’s the story of my first sexual encounter,” Siobhan said, blushing red at the fond memories. “God, I’m wet just remembering that. And Brett, if you’re out there, well, I guess your family and friends know now.”
“Now THAT’S details!” Charlie said as he hooted. “I am rock hard after that, baby!”
“As am I,” Atticus said. “That story right there just earned you a solid $30 to start off. Not bad at all.” Siobhan’s score at the front of her stand was updated to show her new winnings. “So, next up is Charlie. Charlie, what are you gonna pick?”
“Oh, if I’m going in, I’m going all in!” Charlie said, giving the air a thrust. “Atticus, I’m taking Red number 49!”
“Whoa! Alright! Starting off swinging out of the gates, are we, Charlie?” Atticus chuckled as he picked up the card for number 49 as Charlie’s player token moved to the space. “Now, Truth or Dare?”
“I ain’t scared of nothing!” Charlie said as he tried to hype up the crowd. “Hit me with a dare!”
“As you wish!” Atticus said as he looked over at Charlie. He patted onto the desk and coming out from behind the curtain was a cart being wheeled out by one of the stage hands. Sitting on the cart was a 10-inch rubber dildo and a gallon jug of lube. All of the contestants' eyes went wide as their minds processed what the challenge was. Raddia could hardly contain her laughter. “Charlie, for $200, I dare you to take this full, 10-inch dildo, up the ass.”
Charlie coughed, just to make sure that he heard Atticus right. “Uh, Atticus, buddy, what’s the punishment if I fail or don’t do it?”
“Oh, you said you’ve seen this show before,” Atticus teased. “You know that we don’t tell you the punishment unless you fail or refuse. So, what will it be? Attempt the dare or take the punishment?”
“Come on bro! You can do it!” a loud voice came from the crowd.
“Oh? And who do we have in the crowd today?” Atticus said.
“That’s my boy Trev! He came to support me!” Charlie said as he hooted back at the crowd, pounding his fist on his chest. “Atticus, I’m doing the dare!”
“Feel free to use as much lube as you need,” Atticus said, watching intently.
The crowd cheered as Charlie walked over to it. Charlie looked at the dildo up and down before pouring half of the lube onto the dildo. He stroked it hard, lubing it right up until his hand was practically sliding right off of it. He took a deep breath as he looked at it.
“Do it for the money, bro,” he said to himself as he dropped his pants and boxers.
“Oh wow,” Siobhan said as she leaned over to get a better look at Charlie’s package, which was at five inches even while flaccid.
“Damn. Frat boy is packing,” Raddia said, leaning forward with a smile on her face.
“Let’s do this!”
Charlie kicked off his pants and put the dildo on the ground. He took the rest of the lube and ran it down his back, rubbing his ass cheeks together to lube up as best as he could. Charlie positioned his ass over the dildo and squatted down until his ass barely touched the dildo’s tip. Charlie took a deep breath and clenched his teeth.
The moment the dildo entered his ass, everyone could hear a loud moan come from him. Slowly, he went further down the dildo. His breathing became heavier and his dick got harder and harder.
“Come on, be a man and take it all!” Raddia shouted, then whistled. “God that’s hot.” She slipped her hand underneath her waistband and began to play with herself.
Charlie was now three inches into the dildo, grunting as he continued to work his way down.
“Don’t clench!” Trev shouted from the audience. “Relax your ass!”
“Bro, I’m trying! It’s like I’m shitting upwards!” Charlie shouted back. He groaned loudly as he went down to five inches, which causes his dick to now be fully hard, standing at a full 7 and a half inches.
“Halfway there!” Atticus said.
“I got this!” Charlie said, more trying to convince himself than anyone else. He slid down further on the dildo, now seven inches. “Fuck dude, it’s so big!”
“That’s what she said!” Raddia said, her hand feverishly working at her crotch.
“I’m just gonna…” Charlie said, as he took a deep breath. “Go for it!” He let his feet go from under him, causing him to take the remaining three inches up into his ass. Charlie groaned loudly, but he stuck his hands into the air. “I did it!” The crowd cheered wildly as Charlie turned to audience, basking in their adoration.
“Well done!” Atticus said, clapping his hands. “Charlie, you just took ten inches and came out of that $200 richer!” He pointed and Charlie’s winnings went up to $200.
Charlie groaned loudly as he lifted himself off the dildo. “Hell yeah dude!” He rubbed his ass, breathing heavily as he went to retrieve his pants.
“And now, we’re onto you, Raddia,” Atticus said as he turned to the board. “Raddia, what are you picking?”
“Let’s see,” Raddia said as she mulled over her options. “I’ll take Blue 61, Atticus.”
“Great choice,” Atticus said as he picked up the card. “Now, truth or dare?”
“I’ll take a dare,” Raddia said with a confident smile.
“Sounds good,” Atticus said as he prepared to read the card. “Raddia, since you seemed to have such a fun time playing with yourself, for $50, I dare you to let a random audience member write on your body.”
“Pfft, is that all?” Raddia said. “I’m taking that dare. Easy money!” She stepped out to the center of the stage. “Go on! I’m your canvas!”
“Look at her, folks! Already ready and raring to go!” Atticus said. “Now, let’s pick a random audience member.” He brought out two jars of ping-pong balls, one set had letters and the other had numbers. He shuffled his hands through them and pulled out a letter and number. “Seat number D13! Come on down!”
“Whoo!” Standing up was a man in a business suit. He stepped his way through the clapping audience and made his way down to the stage. By the time that he came down, Raddia had already stripped down to her underwear.
“Sir, what is your name?” Atticus said.
“Kevin,” the man said. One of the stage hands approached him with an array of colored body-safe markers.
“Great name! Well, Kevin, go right ahead. Write as much as you want,” Atticus said, gesturing to Raddia.
Kevin smiled as he picked up the blue marker. He turned Raddia’s cheeks, writing WH on her right cheeks and RE on her left cheeks so with her mouth, it spelled out WHORE. On her tits, he wrote “Dump your cum here” with arrows between her cleavage in green. On her left arm, he put a tally counter that read “Men serviced” and he put seven tally marks in white. Kevin moved down to her stomach and wrote “Insert dick here” with an arrow pointing to her crotch in red marker. He spun Raddia around and on her back, right above her ass, he wrote “Kevin’s Bitch” in orange. Finally he wrote “SLUT” all over her body in purple.
“There we go,” Kevin said, satisfied with his work. He handed back the markers to the stage hand and returned to his seat.
“Well Raddia, give us a twirl. Let’s see the handiwork,” Atticus said.
“Man, was that all?” Raddia said as she spun around slowly, letting everyone get a good look at her. “I was expecting something more, Kevin.”
“Well, you did it,” Atticus said, gesturing for Raddia’s winnings to increase by $50. “You can head back to your spot now.” Raddia nodded and picked up her clothes, heading back to her place behind her stand. She didn’t even bother to put back on her clothes.
“And that, folks, is the end of our first round!” The audience cheered and clapped. “We’re already starting out strong with some wonderful contestants! And we will keep going… after this commercial break!”
Peter Shale woke up, thinking nothing of the strange feeling that was lingering in the air. He stretched as he shook off the remnants of last night’s wet dream.
“Damn, that was a good one,” he said to himself as he stripped off his boxers and slipped into a fresh pair. “Getting to double team Stacy and Isabelle in a hot tub. Gonna definitely save that for the future spank bank.”
Peter grabbed his phone, checking out all the notifications from last night. Most of which were snapchats from his friends hanging out at different parties, banging different chicks. He responded to a few of them, wishing that he could have been there with them. But, sadly, he had to be here at home as his family was preparing for their annual excursion.
Though, he couldn’t really complain. After all, he was getting to visit the beaches of Catalahara for free. A weekend of bright sun, warm weather, and all the hotties in bikinis. Now it would be his friends who would be jealous of him. A few of them had sent him messages wishing him good luck and to have fun on his vacation.
“Peter! Are you awake yet?”
“Yeah! I’m coming down soon!” Peter shouted down, responding to his mother that had called out to him. He hopped out of bed and threw on the clothes that he had set aside for today. Just a simple blue T-shirt and jeans, totally fine for the trip to the beach. He combed his hair up, admiring himself in the mirror. “This year, you’re gonna break your record of 4.” He clicked his tongue at himself and applied some cologne.
Standing at a solid 6’ 2”, he was certainly glad that he was out of his awkward short phase from middle school. Now a 19 year old strapping sophomore in college, he was definitely one to catch the wandering eyes of the ladies. Not that he could blame them; with his toned natural physique, chiseled chin, and deep brown eyes, all it would take was the right look and suave lines to make a lady swoon. And then, once they saw what he was packing at 6 inches, well, it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out what happened later that night.
Yeah, Peter didn’t really have much to complain about with his life. His parents were very well off, with his mother working as a teacher for the local community college and his father working an office job, so money wasn’t ever really an issue for them. His grades weren’t the best, but they were decent enough to keep getting by. And of course, he had game, living the full college experience with parties, ladies, and fun.
Having finished admiring himself in the mirror, he left his room and headed quickly to the bathroom. He opened up the door and was about to take a whizz when something, or rather someone, stopped him.
“Peter! What the fuck!? Knock jackass!”
Standing there in just a bathrobe was none other than his older sister, Brooke.
Now if Peter was, as he liked to compare himself to, a blue ribbon at the state fair, then Brooke was the winning dish from nationals. Standing at a modest 5’ 6”, she blew Peter’s toned body out of the water with her athletic build. Long blonde hair with pink highlights that she would often dye, gorgeous green eyes, and a killer rack of abs, with most of her body fat going to her D cups, most women would kill for a body like hers. A natural born track star from birth, she held practically every track and field record at their old high school and had the physique to back it up and then some. Not only was she more toned than Peter, but her grades were practically perfect, which she owed to her method of studying while exercising. However, she wasn’t the greatest at being social, preferring to focus more on her studies and exercise, though she did have a few close friends.
Truth be told, if she wasn’t her sister, Peter would be all over a girl like that. She had the body and the brains. However, Brooke had a tendency to remind Peter that not all that glittered was golden.
“Get the fuck out!” Brooke shouted as she pushed Peter out of the bathroom.
“Hey, I need to use the bathroom!” Peter complained as Brooke shoved him.
“Go use the other one. I was here first!” With that, Brooke locked the door.
Peter grumbled, but reluctantly made his way downstairs. Before he could make it to the bathroom, another voice stopped him.
“Come on. It’s vacation time. Can’t you two get along for just a few days?”
This time, it was his father, Hector, stepping out of the master bedroom. Peter was practically a spitting image of his father when he was younger. Hector stood at a respectable 6’ 4”, just a couple inches over Peter. His wavy brown hair fell down along the sides of his head, accenting his beard that was neatly trimmed as always, accented by his brown eyes. Hector was more muscular than Peter, which he owed to the days of being a surfer before he settled down. His physique always made it a little hilarious when the man who looked like the pinnacle of a surfer dude went to work wearing a suit and tie. But, today wasn’t a suit day; today was a day for a black T-shirt and brown shorts.
“Sorry Dad,” Peter said, not wanting to get an earful. “We’ll get alone. I promise.”
“You two better,” Hector said as he patted Peter on the shoulder. “Remember, we’re leaving soon, so don’t take too long.” With that, he made his way to the kitchen.
Peter quickly headed to the bathroom, relieving himself. Finished, he headed to the kitchen at the same time that Brooke made her way downstairs, dressed in a purple tank top and white booty shorts. The two of them headed into the kitchen, and were immediately assaulted by the smells of freshly cooked bacon and flapjacks.
“Now, be sure to eat well. The less stops we have to make for food, the sooner we reach the beaches.”
Handing out the plates of breakfast was Peter’s mother, Veronica. If Peter was the younger version of Hector, then Brooke was the younger version of Veronica. Standing at a surprising 5’ 10”, she had quite the height difference between herself and Brooke than Hector and Peter. She often wore her light blonde hair up in a ponytail to help keep it out of her face. Today, she was wearing a brown top with a bit of a deep U cut to it to accent her E cups and a long green skirt, which fit snugly against her body to show off her hips.
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Hector said with a hearty laugh as Peter and Brooke took their seats at the table. “Nice perfume, dear.” Hector said as Veronica handed him a plate.
“Oh, thanks. Thought I’d try something new today,” Veronica said as she handed out plates to Peter and Brooke.
The four of them ate until they were stuffed, cleaned up, and then piled into the car. Hector took up the driver seat, with Veronica in the passenger seat. Peter sat behind Veronica while Brooke was behind Hector. The drive wasn’t too boring, as Peter mostly passed the time by watching videos on his phone. Occasionally, he would hear Brooke adjust herself in her seat as she read her books or hearing his parents flirt back and forth, but he kept focus on his phone. Before long, the view of the beach house appeared on the horizon. Within minutes, they were unpacked and settled in as the sun shone high in the sky.
“Ah, hello Catalahara Beach!” Peter said as he stepped out onto the back porch, basking in the warm sun and the breeze. “How I have missed you.”
“You know, it’s better to get out there than just to stare at it, right?” Brooke said as she came up next to him, wearing a blue bikini that left little to the imagination. She adjusted her sunglasses and headed out through the backyard towards the path that led to the beach. Shortly following behind Brooke was Veronica and Hector, both of whom were wearing their swimsuits and carrying beach towels.
“You gonna get dressed and come along?” Hector asked, his arm around Veronica’s waist.
“Since you’re the last one to leave, be sure to bring along the cooler and the beach bag that’s on the table,” Veronica said as she and Hector headed to the beach.
“Alright, I will,” Peter grumbled as he headed back inside the house. “Not sure why they couldn’t have gotten it,” he muttered to himself. Peter headed to his room and quickly got undressed. He went into his suitcase and slipped on a pair of swimming trunks. Then, he walked around the house, finding the cooler and the beach bag in the kitchen. He slung the bag over his shoulder and dragged the cooler down the path to the beach.
What greeted him was the gorgeous sight of Catalahara Beach and all the beachgoers, enjoying the warm weather and splayed out on display, soaking up the sunlight. Peter could see his family down by the water; Hector already had some chairs set up with Brooke sitting in one of them while Veronica had her feet in the water. Peter wheeled the cooler down and sat it next to the chairs and plopped the bag down onto the sand.
“Time to enjoy this vacation!” Peter said loudly. He was about to head into the water when he felt his father’s hand on his shoulder.
“Not so fast,” Hector said as he picked up the bottle of sunscreen and tossed it to Peter. “Be sure to cover up. We don’t need some sunburn to ruin our vacation and you burn faster than a paper bag..”
“Yeah yeah, I know,” Peter said as he squirted out some into his hand. Of course he couldn’t get the genes from his father that made him resistant to sunburns. But, no, only Brooke got those, leaving Peter with his mother’s genes that made them need to use sunscreen far more. He applied it to his face and chest, rubbing it on his arms and legs. But, when it came to reaching his back, his arms weren’t flexible enough to reach everywhere to cover it. Try as he might, there were definitely spots that his hands couldn’t get to.
“Do you need some help?” Veronica asked as she walked up to Peter. “I forgot to apply some sunscreen myself.” Without waiting for a response, Veronica squeezed some sunscreen onto her palms. She moved behind Peter and started to press her hands along his back.
Peter shuddered at the coldness of the sunscreen, juxtaposed to the awkward warmth that his face was feeling and it wasn’t from the sun.
“No! Not again!” Peter thought to himself as he tried to stay still. “Think of anything else!”
Sure, he had taken a few glances here and there, but with how Veronica enjoyed showing off her body, it wasn’t unusual. But, she was his own mother! He had to push the thoughts out of his mind. Unfortunately, it only got filled with memories of his friends commenting about how sexy Veronica was. There were countless beach babes available for him to charm and here he was stuck with these thoughts.
“And done,” Veronica said.
“Great thanks!” Peter shouted as he bolted from where he was to the water’s edge.
“Oh, have fun!” Veronica said. She turned over to Hector, who gave her a wink as he squeezed sunscreen onto his hands.
The moment Peter’s feet hit the water, all the worries and stresses he had built up in his body instantly faded away. He sighed in relief as he waded into the blue waters, slowly heading in deeper and deeper until he was chest deep in and just floated in the water. The sky above had a few clouds, which provided passing shade now and then.
“Yeah, this is the life,” Peter said as he closed his eyes and began to unwind.
The day slipped past as the Shale family enjoyed the first day on the beach. Occasionally, Peter’s efforts of relaxing were drawn away by a bikini-clad lady, or his family calling him in for something. Sometimes it was food, but most of the time, it was so he and Veronica could reapply their sunscreen.
Before long, the sun had long set and most of the other beachgoers had headed back to their homes, but not the Shale family. Instead, against the backdrop of the moonlit night, there was a lone campfire that they were all gathered around.
“So, is there anything exciting that either of you are hoping to do this vacation?” Veronica asked as she looked over to Peter and Brooke.
“I’m content to just enjoy the nice time that we have here,” Brooke said as she flipped to the next page of her book.
“Are you just gonna read the whole time?” Peter sneered at Brooke, to which she just rolled her eyes.
“Well, I know that I heard that Demitri can get us a good price on a set of jetski rides,” Hector said as he leaned forward, tossing another log onto the fire. “How does that sound to you kids?”
“I think that sounds totally awesome!” Peter said, pumping his fists into the air.
“That’s my boy!” Hector said, high fiving him.
“I can’t say that I ever had the chance. I’d love the opportunity, Dad,” Brooke said as she smiled, thinking about getting to ride the waves.
“Well, I’ll be happy to watch from the docks,” Veronica said, leaning up against Hector’s arm.
“Oh, nonsense. You can join me and sit on the back, holding on tight,” Hector said, a bit of a purr in his voice as he pulled Veronica in tighter.
“Well if you insist, my dear,” Veronica said with a light chuckle. She looked up to the sky, admiring the twinkling lights above. “Are they all so beautiful? The stars?”
“Yeah, they sure are pretty. Can’t get views like this back home,” Hector said as he gestured out to the ocean and the moon above.
“Hey,” Peter said as he pointed up to the sky. “Is that a shooting star?”
The four of them all looked to where Peter was pointing, observing a glowing light burning up in the atmosphere.
“Oh, I wish that times like these could last forever,” Veronica said as she looked at the star.
“I wish the same thing,” Hector said as he looked up.
“I wish to get that award that I’ve been trying for,” Brooke said, closing her eyes.
“Well I wish that-” Peter tilted his head as he looked up at the burning light. “Wait, is it getting larger?”
The Shale family looked closely at the light. “Wait,” Brooke said as she squinted. “It’s not getting larger. It’s just getting closer! And it’s coming towards us!”
The four of them scrambled to move out of the way of the incoming light, but the sand proved to be a slippery surface compared to solid ground. Veronica fell almost immediately as she twisted around to run back towards the house. Hector was able to dig his heels in, but turned back to go protect Veronica. Brooke started to run to the side to get out of the way while Peter could only try to duck out of the way, leaping from his seat. But, despite their best efforts, it was too late.
The burning light crashed down into the sand with a mighty force, whipping the sand up in a furious frenzy as the light caved in the ground and creating a crater. The light exploded around in a brilliant light, then fizzled out into small glowing orange embers that gently dissipated into the air.
“Hector! Peter! Brooke!”
Peter could vaguely hear his mother calling out to him. He struggled to open up his eyes, everything swirling around in a daze. His head was ringing from the impact as he tried to focus on what just happened. He forced himself up and off the sand, staggering towards where he heard his mother’s voice.
“I’m over here!” Peter shouted. He walked forward a little more, confused about where exactly he was going. With fire having been taken out by the impact, he had lost all landmarks he could easily focus on. “Whoa!” Peter fell face forward as he tripped over Brooke, who was laying on the sand, so he must have stumbled somehow in her direction. “Brooke, are you alright?” She groaned in response, but didn’t open her eyes. Mustering up his strength, Peter lifted Brooke up and slung her arm over his shoulder.
“Peter! Where are you?” Veronica called out.
“I’m over here!” Peter said as his eyes started to refocus. He dragged Brooke over to Veronica, who was struggling to lift up Hector.
“Here, help me with your father,” Veronica said as Peter set Brooke down. With the two of them, they were able to lift up Hector. Peter held Hector as Veronica went and picked up Brooke. “Come on, back to the house!” Veronica went ahead, bringing Brooke, with Peter following shortly behind.
The two of them brought Brooke and Hector to the house, locking the door behind them. Peter set Hector on the chair in the living room while Veronica laid Brooke onto the couch.
“What the hell was that?” Peter exclaimed as he looked out the backdoor towards the beach. “Was that an asteroid strike? Or a satellite crash?”
“I don’t know,” Veronica said as she rapidly looked over Hector and Brooke. “Peter, are you hurt at all?”
“Just a little shaken up,” Peter said as he checked himself for anything. Thankfully, nothing felt painful and he couldn’t see any scratches or marks. “How are you, Mom?”
“Physically, I’m fine,” Veronica said. “I’m just worried about Hector and Brooke.”
As if on cue, Hector and Brooke stirred awake, causing Veronica to yelp back in surprise. Hector and Brooke looked around, trying to get their bearings. They turned and looked over at Peter and Veronica. Peter and Veronica, meanwhile, stared at them, wide-eyed in fear.
Hector and Brooke both stared with glowing orange eyes, as brilliant as a flame. They looked down at themselves, giving confusing looks. They turned to each other and said something in a language that wasn’t human, conversing back and forth. They closed their eyes and massaged their temples simultaneously. Then, Brooke opened her eyes and turned to Peter, speaking in a strange tone.
“You, where am I?” Brooke asked.
“Brooke?” Peter asked cautiously as he looked at his sister. “It’s okay. Uh, you’re at home. Well, not home, but the beach house.”
“Beach house?” Hector asked as he looked around. “Is this Ixa 15?”
“Is this what?” Veronica asked, very confused. “Uh, dear, we’re at Catalahara Beach.” She turned to Peter. “I think they may have hit their head.”
“No, this body shows no signs of having been injured in the process,” Brooke said as she looked over herself.
“This body?” Peter squinted his eyes. “What the hell is going on?”
Hector stroked his chin as he rubbed his temple. “Ah, more lexicon comes in.” He opened his eyes and frowned. “Ugh, the coordinates were off. I thought I had seen the signal.”
“Signal?” Peter asked.
“Yes. The rapid flickering of lights to signify that this was Ixa 15. But, based on these memories, it would seem that this is not the right planet,” Brooke said.
“Rapid flickering? Planet?” Peter asked, though he started to piece together everything. “Wait, are you…”
“This should have been far easier.” Brooke walked over, getting up near Peter’s face. “I am recalling that you were near the impact site.” She ran her finger along Peter’s body and rubbed it between her fingers. “The particles spread to you, but you were unaffected. Curious.”
“You’re an alien!” Peter shouted, causing Veronica to hug tightly to Peter’s arm.
“Aliens! But, those aren’t real!” Veronica shivered as she looked at Brooke and Hector.
“Ugh, don’t shout,” Brooke and Hector said as they held their heads. “I am still adjusting to how these bodies process sound.”
“Who… What are you?” Peter asked, staring at what used to be his sister and his father.
Hector and Brooke both stood side by side and bowed in perfect synchronous action. They both spoke at the same in perfect unison. “I am Krasid, a traveler from Zorben 18, on my way to Ixa 15. But, it would seem that I mistook a signal from here as the sign for Ixa 15.”
“Wait, which of you is Kas, uh, Kar, uh, Krasid?” Peter stammered.
“Both of us,” Hector and Brooke said. “Well, technically, we are one, shared now across two. Still, you both were at the impact site. How were you unaffected?” Brooke leaned in close to Peter, sniffing him, and then sniffing Veronica. “Ugh, what is that foul stench upon you both? It permeates you strongly. It has a metallic scent to it.” Brooke sniffed her arms and scowled. “It’s on these bodies as well, but not nearly as potent.”
“What?” Peter asked, confused. He racked his brain, trying to figure out what it could possibly be. “Metallic and only strongly on us? Wait, could it be sunscreen?”
“Based on the knowledge from this one,” Brooke said, “I believe that is the case.” She closed her eyes. “Ugh, yes. This one had memorized that the main ingredient is titanium dioxide. Ugh, horrible tasting stuff.”
“So, our sunscreen protected us from you?” Peter asked, looking around frantically for any possible remaining bottles around.
“Yes, that’s correct,” Hector said with a frown. “Ugh, figures that this planet would have such an awful substance.” Hector sighed and looked at the two of them. “I can tell that you two are very shaken up by this. So, allow me to give you some reassurance.” Brooke joined in, her and Hector matching in perfect unison. “I mean you all no harm. I simply wish to make my way to my destination. If you can help me, then I’ll be on my way, no problem.”
“Give us back my husband and daughter!” Veronica shouted from behind the two of them, having slipped away while Krasid was focused on Peter. She sprayed Hector and Brooke with spray-on sunscreen, but the two of them just coughed and wiped it away.
“That stuff only stops the bonding attempt,” Hector said as he flicked off the lotion. “Once we’re already in a host, it won’t do anything.”
“Are… you going to take over Peter and I now?” Veronica said as she stepped back in fear.
“No,” Brooke said with a sigh. “Once a bonding attempt has failed, it won’t work again with that host.” She crossed her arms. “Meaning, no, I won’t be able to bond you two.”
“Well, unbond with them!” Peter shouted. “Give them back!”
Hector sighed and Brooke turned to Peter, speaking to him. “I can’t do that. Once the bonding process has taken effect, separating without the proper materials would cause irreparable damage to the host.” Peter and Veronica both gulped. “And, no idea if your planet has such materials.” Brooke and Hector huffed, emitting a soft cloud of orange lights towards Peter and Veronica. “Now, let’s just calm down.”
Peter and Veronica both felt themselves starting to calm down a little bit. While this was a terrifying situation for them, it would seem that Krasid didn’t want to hurt anyone.
“What will happen to them when you are unbonded if we did it properly?” Peter asked.
“They’ll be unharmed,” Brooke said. “They are still in here, but, more like they are sleeping.” She bowed to Peter as Hector bowed to Veronica. “I swear, that if you help me unbond and get on my way, then I shall return them completely unharmed to you. I will also make sure no harm comes to either of you two.” Brooke and Hector extended their hands. “The memories say that you humans do this gesture to symbolize an agreement. Do we have an agreement?”
Peter looked over at Veronica, unsure of what to do. Krasid seemed genuine in what they were saying, and as of right now, it didn’t seem like they had a choice. Veronica looked back to Peter and nodded, coming to the same conclusion he did.
“Okay, we have an agreement,” Peter said as he shook Brooke’s hand.
Jolene picked up the menu and looked over the specials of the day for the sixth time, or was it the eighth time? She had started to lose track of how many times she could read about the grilled steak served with a potato glaze and cooked in a red wine, whatever that meant. Apparently it was a dish that was created when the head chef swapped bodies with the janitor and allowed them to make a meal, becoming a large hit for the restaurant. Her eyes darted across the table to where an untouched menu remained sitting on the table, exactly where the hostess had placed it down. Her eyes moved up to the empty chair that sat on the other side of the table, still waiting for a warm body to sit down.
“Ma’am.” The voice of the waiter started Jolene as she jumped a little in her seat. Part of her hoped that it had been who she was waiting for, only to have been dashed away. “Would you like a little more time to consider your options?” The waiter, not so subtly, gestured to the empty chair.
“Just a little bit more,” Jolene said as she feigned her best smile.
The waiter nodded and walked away to other tables. Jolene could hear the other patrons murmur whispers to each other about her. She wanted to slink away and hide in the bathroom until the end of time. She could feel all the eyes that were on her. Maybe no one would notice if she just left. Jolene reached for her phone to look at the time. About 15 minutes past when the reservation was, and about 30 minutes since the time that Jolene had arranged to meet. Maybe it would be better to cut her losses.
“Ma’am,” the waiter said as they approached the table again. “I’m going to have to ask you to order something soon, or we have to give up your table to someone else.”
“That’s fine,” Jolene said as she slung her purse over her shoulder and tapped onto the edge of the glass of water she was provided. “I was just about to-”
“Oh, hey, there you are.”
Just before Jolene was about to get up, a blond haired man sat down on the other side of the table. He loosened up his green tie. “Oh good, the waiter is already here. Can I get a bottle of white rose wine?”
The waiter looked over to Jolene, confused and waiting for Jolene’s response. Jolene looked the man up and down before sitting back down. “I think that a bottle of white rose wine would be lovely.” The waiter nodded and walked away from the table, muttering something under their breath.
“You would not believe just how terrible the traffic on the 63 is,” the man said as he relaxed into his chair. “I should have taken the North End exit but I thought the 63 would have been faster.”
Jolene set down her purse as she looked the man up and down. “Well, it can get very busy around this time of the day.” She extended out her hand to the man. “Well stranger, I guess since you’re going to be joining me for a meal, I better know your name.”
The man nodded and took Jolene’s hand. He leaned down and kissed the back of it. “My name is Cliff. Cliff Buckner. And to whom do I have the honor of sharing this meal with?”
Jolene smiled at Cliff. “Jolene Garcia,” Jolene said as she chuckled and pulled her hand back. She looked Cliff up and down. “Well, you’re certainly not who I was expecting.”
“Oh, and who were you expecting?” Cliff asked as he looked over the menu. “Some dashing rogue to step in and sweep you off your feet?”
“Well, I was expecting that I’d be having dinner with a beautiful lady who was supposed to show up about half an hour ago,” Jolene sighed. “But, I guess she never showed up.”
“I can’t imagine the reason why someone would pass up the opportunity to spend time with you,” Cliff said as he took a sip of his water. “But, I am thankful that she gave me the opportunity.”
The waiter returned with a bottle of white rose wine and two glasses, pouring the drinks for the two of them. “Now, may I take your orders?” The waiter had the hint in their voice that they were a little tired of asking repeatedly.
“Two orders of the daily special,” Jolene said before Cliff had a chance to respond.
The waiter nodded and took the menus and headed off.
“What if I didn’t want the special?” Cliff asked.
“You’re the one who came in and ordered the drinks for us. I figured then that this makes us even,” Jolene said, smirking as she took a sip of her glass. “Oh, this is good.” She set the glass down and swirled it before looking at Cliff. “So, been anyone fun recently?”
Cliff chuckled as he took a swig of wine. “Do all your dates start with such hard hitting questions?”
“Only the ones who catch me last minute,” Jolene said, grinning. “Now, have you been anyone fun recently, Cliff?”
Cliff sat back in his chair and stroked his chin. “Well, a few days ago, I was Gordon Van Kimmer. Was able to play a mean basketball game for a charity stream. Then a couple weeks prior to that, I had to give a lecture as Miss Beatly about fire safety.”
“Wait, so that was you?” Jolene chuckled. “I thought your mannerisms were a little familiar. Now I know what I know you from. You got quite a little bit of fame from your video, huh?”
“Oh, it wasn’t that popular,” Cliff chuckled as he swirled around his glass. “But enough about me. Tell me more about yourself, Jolene. Who have you been lately?”
“Oh, it wouldn’t be that interesting,” Jolene said as she curled her hair around her finger. “Nothing compared to what you’ve been up to.”
“Try me.”
“Fine,” Jolene said as she huffed. “Last Tuesday, I swapped bodies with major league pitcher Jack Franks.”
“Are you kidding me? I won a bet because of you!” Cliff laughed, his head thrown back as he pounded his fist on the table.
“Great. Then you can pay for dinner,” Jolene said with another sly smile as she sipped more wine.
Cliff stopped laughing as he looked at her before smiling. “Well, I guess you got me there.” He resumed laughing before composing himself. “So, who was the best person you’ve ever swapped bodies with?”
Jolene pondered to herself as she thought about the answer. “I would have to say the time that I loaned my body out to a Body Flipper.”
“You’ve tried them out?”
“Believe me, I was hesitant at first. Granted, I wouldn’t have minded being Natasha for the rest of my life. She had one tight ass,” Jolene said, humming as she thought about it. “But, lo and behold, one month later, she had my apartment all fixed up, made a good plan for my health, and even helped burn down a few pounds. Totally worth the price.”
“I always thought about using a Body Flipper, but I could never afford someone like that,” Cliff said, chuckling. “Plus, it wouldn’t matter if they made the perfect plan to lead me to being richer than Bezos. I’d probably fall off the plan before step 2.”
“Not the kind of guy to stick to plans?” Jolene asked, leaning forward to give Cliff a deep view of her cleavage. She stuck her foot out and rubbed it against Cliff’s leg. “You’re more of a spur of the moment sort of guy?” Cliff smiled as he felt Jolene’s leg against his slacks. He tried his best to keep focused on her eyes and face, but he couldn’t help but look down now and then at the sight that Jolene was giving him. “You know, if a lady is showing you something, it’s rude not to look.”
“And what a sight it is,” Cliff said, raising his glass and pouring some more wine into his and hers. “But I’d like to get to know the lady behind the chest a bit more.”
“Well, what do you wanna know?” Jolene asked, resting her elbow on the table and her chin on her palm.
“For example, what do you do for a living?”
Jolene smiled at Cliff. “If you must know, I work as an aquarium technician.” Jolene shook her foot, freeing it from her high heels. She slowly slinked her foot up Cliff’s leg, now rubbing against his thigh under the table cover. “I make sure the animals are all well kept and everything. All that good jazz, you know?” Cliff was caught a little off-guard by Jolene’s advances, but appreciated them nonetheless. “So, you could say that I’m used to handling squirmy things.”
“Is that so?” Cliff said, trying to keep a straight face as Jolene continued to rub against him. “What’s your favorite animal?”
“Oh, the jellyfish are always fun,” Jolene said as she guided her foot up to Cliff’s crotch, lightly touching her big toe to Cliff’s growing erection. “But, you could say I have a soft spot for the sea cucumber.” Cliff coughed in surprise at Jolene’s forwardness, still trying to pretend that nothing out of the ordinary was happening. “But that’s enough about me. Tell me about yourself, Cliff. What do you do for a living?”
“Well, if you must know, I work as a professional sleeper,” Cliff said, sitting upright and adjusting his tie a little.
Jolene looked at him, wide-eyed in surprise, before laughing. “Well, that wasn’t the answer I was expecting.”
“And what were you expecting?” Cliff asked.
“Given the suit and tie, I was expecting something like a lawyer or some office job,” Jolene said. She smiled at him and put her full foot against Cliff’s bulge. “So, as a professional sleeper, do you have a lot of experience sleeping around?” She began to stroke her foot against his cock.
“Oh yes, you could certainly say that.” Cliff smiled back at Jolene as he adjusted the tablecloth to cover up his crotch better. He leaned a bit forward, allowing Jolene easier access to his bulge. “I spend my days testing out mattresses and hotel rooms, rating them and judging them.”
“Wow, that certainly sounds exciting,” Jolene said as she appreciated Cliff’s gestures. She rubbed her foot faster against Cliff’s crotch, feeling it twitching as she moved her toes to curl around his shaft. “Where’s the best place that you’ve ever slept?”
“Let’s see,” Cliff said as he stroked his chin. “Oh, there was one time a client let me swap bodies with a sexy hula dancer team in Hawaii so I could try out the new mattresses at a hotel they were opening up. Though, there wasn’t quite as much sleeping done during that trip,” Cliff said with a wink as he adjusted Jolene’s foot, letting out a soft moan.
“Oh I can only imagine how delightful that must have been,” Jolene said. She quickened her pace, stroking faster and harder. “Tell me, are you more of a single or a doubles man?” Jolene gently pointed down to the table.
“Doubles,” Cliff said.
Jolene nodded and slipped her other shoe off her other foot. She now put both feet on Cliff’s bulge, rubbing it on both sides. There were more gentle moans escaping from Cliff’s lips. “You get paid well to be a professional sleeper?”
“Oh yes,” Cliff said, having a bit more trouble focusing on the conversation at hand. His mind was starting to be flooded with pleasure as he took another sip of wine. “It’s quite rewarding, both in experience and in paycheck.”
“Oh, that’s great to hear.” Jolene said as she looked around. All the other people were focused on their meals, no longer caring about the woman who was sitting at a table alone for 15 minutes. As she reaffirmed to herself the coast was clear, she reached to the side of her dress. With a quick movement, she bit her lower lip and pulled down the edge of her shirt, flashing Cliff with her left breast. “Sleeping around can be quite fun, wouldn’t you agree?” Despite her rhetorical question, Cliff’s twitching of his cock answered for her.
Cliff tried to keep up the conversation, but the pleasurable sensation of her feet rubbing his dick, and now her flashing him with the risk of being caught? His brain was being overwhelmed with stimulation. His breath became heavier and more rapid.
“When it comes to sleeping, what’s your favorite position?” Jolene asked, emphasizing that last word as she gently rubbed her nipple with her pointer finger. Cliff watched as it slowly became engorged. “Well, what is it?”
“Oh, uh, I prefer to sleep on my back,” Cliff stammered, shakily lifting his glass to his mouth and gently sipping. “Come on. Hold it together,” he muttered to himself.
Jolene took his response as a positive one and stroked his cock faster and faster, alternating movement with her feet. She could feel his resistance slowly eroding away with every stroke she made. “You know,” she said, refocusing Cliff back to her, “I also like being on my back. Just getting to spread out all over the bed. But, I also don’t mind being on my stomach, ass up to the air.”
Cliff was practically moments away from bursting in his pants. The food hadn’t even come out yet and he was already near the edge. Jolene’s descriptions weren’t helping him hold on either.
“Come on, Cliff. Sleeping on beds must be so nice.” She quickened her movements, squeezing his bulge from both sides. “I mean, getting to just let go. To relax and just, enjoy the moment. It must feel like such bliss.”
Cliff was biting his lips, trying to distract himself with anything. Anything except the pleasure that Jolene was doing to him. There had to be something. Some other topic to talk about.
“So, how about-”
There was a soft clink on the ground as Cliff looked over at Jolene, who had a wide grin on her face. “Oh dear. It seems that I dropped my spoon. I should get that.” She slipped down under the table, ducking under the tablecloth.
Jolene crawled over to Cliff, resting her head against his thigh. She unzipped his pants, letting his cock pop right out. She grinned as she watched it twitch with anticipation. Without hesitation, she put her mouth over it, listening to the beautiful groans that caused Cliff to make. She stroked his shaft with her tongue, lapping up the pre-cum and sending shivers up Cliff’s spine. She bobbed her head up and down, taking in the full length of his erect member. Jolene could feel Cliff trying his best to hold on and ride out the pleasure as long as he could, but she wasn’t playing around. With all the foot rubbing she did, it would take just a little push to bring him over the edge. She pursed her lips tightly and rapidly sucked on his cock and swirled her tongue in circles..
“Fuck!” Cliff said in a hushed whisper as his body tensed up.
His legs squeezed onto Jolene, holding her in place as he shot a huge load into her mouth. He twitched as he felt Jolene swallowing the whole thing before he released her. She rubbed her tongue around his cock, cleaning him off before tucking it back into his pants. Jolene fixed up her shirt and reemerged from her side of the table, holding the spoon.
“Got it.”
Cliff huffed as he picked up his water, frantically sipping it. “Dammit, I thought that his body would be able to hold out until at least the food got here. But you’re just too damn good, Diane.”
Diane, in the body of Jolene, chuckled as she looked at him. “Well, I did have some challenges. I mean, again, I was expecting a beautiful lady, so I picked a body that had some good pussy-eating experience. You showing up as a guy really threw me for a loop, Traci. I wasn’t sure that I’d be able to keep pace.”
Traci, in the body of Cliff, sighed as she set down her glass of water. “Yeah, well, apparently someone had accidentally rented out the body that I wanted to go with, so I got stuck with Cliff.” She gestured to the body she was in. “I didn’t think it would take that little to make him cum.”
“Come on, you know me,” Diane said. “When have you ever been able to hold out long against me?”
“Las Vegas, 2017,” Traci replied.
“Okay, that doesn’t count and you know it,” Diane said as she playfully threw a napkin at Traci. “And you’re the one who made it easy for me. I mean, look, you’re the one who laid the foundation with that professional sleeper story. You can’t really tell me you didn’t expect me to run wild with it.”
“Well of course I did,” Traci said as she swirled her wine glass. “I mean, you’re the one out there with that aquarium tech cover story. Sea cucumber? Not exactly subtle, dear.”
“Oh, you know that subtly isn’t my specialty,” Diane said as she looked at her date. “You did make me worried a little bit.”
“Hey, you’re the one who didn’t give me the signal until 15 minutes after you sat down,” Traci said as she tapped on the glass. “Here I was beginning to think I’d be the one thrown out for waiting for so long.”
“The waiters here have gotten a bit more tolerant of people dining alone. You would think they would have known after so long.”
“I mean, new waiters. I bet some of these are even swapped employees,” Traci said as she looked around
Diane shrugged. “Either way, I knew that my shining knight would show up and save me a horrible night alone,” she said, exaggerating her movements in a dramatic fashion. “After all, you can’t resist saving a damsel in distress.”
“You got that right. And I’ll come in to save you from a night of despair just like I’ve done every year since that fateful one where we first met,” Traci said as she held up her wine glass.
“And each year, you still always manage to outdo yourself and give me that wonderful thrill,” Diane said as she picked up her glass and gently clinked it against Traci’s.
“Happy anniversary, my dear.”
“Happy anniversary.”
“So, how was that for you?” Dan said as he panted and rolled off of Olivia, staring up at the ceiling.
Olivia rolled her eyes and sighed. She rested her head on her hand as she rolled and faced Dan. “I think we both know how that went. I think I was almost there a few times, but then it didn’t quite reach the peak that I needed.”
Dan sighed. “Sorry dear,” he said as he turned to face her. “Do you ever-”
“If you’re about to ask me if I ever regret marrying you again, I swear I’m going to slap you in the face,” Olivia said as she lined her other hand up with his cheek gently. “I love you, Dan.”
“I love you too, Olivia,” Dan said as he put his hand on her hand and gently sighed. “But, I feel bad that I can’t satisfy you.”
“I enjoy the ride,” Olivia said. “It’s always a great one.”
“But it hasn’t been enough for you.” Dan threw off the blanket and gestured to his cock. “I mean, yeah, it’s a nice size, but it’s never big enough to satisfy you.” He turned to Olivia and looked her deep in her eyes. “I want you to be satisfied, no matter what. You always satisfy me.”
“Dan, you’re talking like you already have an idea,” Olivia said, biting her lower lip a bit in anticipation.
Dan chuckled. “Okay, I do have something.” He picked up his phone and opened it up. He scrolled until he found this dating app and opened it up. To Olivia’s surprise, there were pictures of other men. “I had an idea. We find you someone to have a one-night stand with.” Olivia frowned a little bit. “Wait, hear me out. We find you someone with a nice and large dick. You’ll meet them at a bar, spend some time with them. If you like them, well, then you bring them back here. You two can have sex on the bed while I watch.”
“You want to watch?” Olivia asked, surprised. “Won’t that be awkward for you?”
“Nah,” Dan said as he began to swipe through different options on his phone. “Besides, I kinda find it hot. You won’t even know that I’m here. I’ll be in the chair over there trying not to blow my load too early.”
“Well, okay,” Olivia said as she scooted closer to Dan. “Only if you’re sure about this.” Her eyes looked over the potential matches as Dan swiped through them.
“I am.”
The two of them browsed over different people for several minutes until they found one that really caught their eyes by the name of Vic. The initial picture was that of a very satisfied woman with the captions saying “Want this to be you?” Olivia was the one who clicked on it and the two of them looked through the pictures. They were mostly from the back, showing off the well-toned shoulders and back muscles. A few more pictures showed off the tone of their arms, their legs, and importantly, the crotch that showed something sizable hidden in the pants. Vic even called it the “Pussy Slayer VII.”
Olivia took the phone and started to message Vic. She started off with a simple “How are you doing?”
“I hope he answers soon.”
“Look, there’s no guarantee. I’m sure someone like that gets lots of women fawning over him. Let’s look at other options just in-”
“Holy shit he answered!”
VIC: Well hey there, hot stuff. I see you’re in the area.
OLIVIA: I am! And you’re looking really good yourself too.
VIC: Yeah? You like what you see?
OLIVIA: Love it! And I love seeing what you’re packing.
VIC: Yeah? You want it?
OLIVIA: I want it so bad. I’m getting wet just thinking about it!
VIC: What’s the biggest you’ve ever handled?
OLIVIA: 5 inches. But I want bigger. Why? What are you?
VIC: 8 inches.
OLIVIA: I just quivered at the thought.
OLIVIA: So, I have a bit of a strange proposal for you.
OLIVIA: Would you want to fuck me while my husband watches?
VIC: Straight to the point, no fussing about. I like that. Now that sounds like a good time.
OLIVIA: Meet me at Dynamo’s? 8 work for you?
VIC: Wear something you won’t mind being on the ground after I take it off you. I’ll be wearing a blue tank with a shark image.
OLIVIA: I’ve got this great black dress.
Olivia looked through Dan’s pictures until she found a pic of her in the dress. She sent it over.
VIC: Love it. I’ll see you then, hot cakes.
Olivia could hardly contain her excitement. She grabbed Dan’s shoulders in excitement. “Okay, we gotta clean up! We want this place to be good looking for Vic!”
Dan waited patiently as the clock ticked down. He looked at his phone, trying to estimate how much time remained until Olivia got home. The bar wasn’t that far away; only a half hour drive away from where they lived. He took a deep breath and tried to settle his nerves. On the one hand, he was excited about the prospect of this. It has been 4 years since Olivia had really been able to be sexually fulfilled; Dan himself loved her dearly, but he wasn’t working with the type of equipment that she preferred. She wanted big and long cocks. Ones that could completely fill her pussy up, something that Dan’s five inches weren’t able to satisfy.
“He’s gonna say yes, right? I mean, he agree.” Dan took a deep breath. “Relax Dan. I mean, who would pass up an opportunity like this?” Dan asked himself.
Olivia was everything you could ask for in a woman. Nice and flawless pale skin. Her eyes were a gorgeous shade of blue, which fit well against her blonde hair. As anyone’s eyes would wander down, they would see her curvy figure, with wide hips and very perky DD boobs. She had a bit of a nice ass too, which helped her draw in a few looks.
While she stood at a sizable 5’ 8” , she was tall, but not quite as tall as the men she lusted for. She liked them tall and handsome, with an athletic body to boot. That’s one of the many things she loved about Dan. He kept his short brown hair nicely clean cut, along with his short beard. His tall stature, at 6’ 4”, put quite some height between the two of them, which Olivia loved. If only he had a larger cock to be able to fully satisfy Olivia.
Dan breathed again to try and quell his nerves. Of course Vic was going to say yes to Olivia. After all, Olivia was the one who saw the profile as she was swiping through potential people. He was there as he watched their conversations unfold, and given Vic’s enthusiasm to seeing the little teases of Olivia in the black dress, Dan could only imagine how wild Vic must be getting from seeing Olivia in person.
As if on cue, a car pulled into the driveway. Dan got up and looked out the window, recognizing Olivia’s car. His heart filled with excitement, much like how his cock was starting to fill with blood. Two figures stepped out of the car, one that Dan instantly recognized as being Olivia. The other figure, who must be Vic, was a bit obscured by the darkness. The two of them looked like they were laughing about something as Olivia pulled Vic to the front door, their voices getting louder and louder.
“Alright, here we are,” Olivia said cheerfully as she kicked off her high heels by the door.
Vic walked in, allowing Dan to get a much better look at him. Or rather, her. People’s pictures online were never quite as what they were in real life, and this was the same case. Vic wasn’t even a guy at all! She was definitely a woman, and she looked even better than her pictures. She stood about an inch or two above Dan, added more by her soft pompadour fade. Her darker skin showed years of bathing in the sunlight. Through the stretched fabric of her shark shirt that was clearly a size too small for her, Dan could make out the subtle lines of Vic’s muscles and a few tattoos that peeked out from under the fabric. As his eyes traced down to the skinny jeans, he was surprised to see that Vic was packing something in her pants.
“So, you’re Dan?” Vic said, pulling Dan out of his observations. She extended a hand out to Dan, which Dan shook. Her grip was firm, yet still gentle in the same way. “Olivia’s been telling me all about you.”
“Have you now?” Dan said, feeling a strange excitement rush through him. He looked over to Olivia, confused about what was going on. “Uh, Olivia, dear. Are you sure that she’s the right person?”
Olivia nodded. “Yes, this is Vic, dear.” She leaned a bit on Vic’s arm. “I was a bit surprised too, but,” she said as she took out her phone. She pulled up Vic’s profile and went to Vic’s bio. There, clear as could be, despite the two of them having missed it before, was it clearly listed that Vic was a woman.
“Don’t worry. Your wife told me the whole deal.” Vic patted Dan on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs-up. “I’ll make sure this is a night that neither of you forget.”
“Well,” Olivia said as she began to pull Vic towards the bedroom, “Let’s not keep anyone waiting.” Dan could see the lust in her eyes. He was a little confused as to why Olivia was still so excited, but he followed them up.
The three of them made their way to the bedroom. At Vic’s request, they remained clothed as they entered the room. Dan made his way over to a chair in the corner and sat down, ready to enjoy the show. His cock was already erect from the anticipation and practically burst out of his pants as he dropped them down to his ankles. He ached to start touching himself, but he didn’t want to blow his load too early.
Vic pulled Olivia close to her, the two of them feeling the heat radiating off of each other. Vic’s hands grabbed the back of Olivia’s hands as she held her in place to kiss her firmly on the lips. Already, there were soft moans escaping from Olivia’s lips as she felt the passion coming from Vic. A part of her wondered how long Vic was waiting for a night like this.
A soft tongue made its way from Vic’s mouth to Olivia’s lips, coating them in a thin layer of saliva. Another moan escaped from Olivia’s mouth, this one more intense, more primal. She gripped onto Vic’s shirt, tugging at it as she clenched her fingers tightly through the fabric. Olivia opened her mouth, allowing Vic’s tongue to explore the inside, guided along by her own tongue.
After a few moments, Vic broke the kiss. Slowly, she moved herself down, at the same time, lifting Olivia up by the ass. Vic’s mouth nestled in the crook between Olivia’s neck and shoulder, sucking and kissing along her neck. Olivia’s moans turned to panting, matching the hot and heavy breath she felt on her neck. Vic’s hands reached underneath Olivia’s dress, grabbing hold of her panties. She pulled her hands close, dragging the pink floral panties and exposing them to the open air. They were mesh and slightly see-through, leaving only a little to the imagination. With a quick motion, Vic tossed them aside towards Dan and continued to grope Olivia’s ass.
Slowly, Vic set Olivia down on the ground, and then pushed her down further and further until she was on her knees. From the way that she spread her legs, Dan could see her ass and a bit of her pussy peeking out from under the dress. Olivia panted needily as she came to be eye level with Vic’s package. She reached up and unzipped her pants, letting them fall to her ankles. As it did, Vic’s eight inch purple strap-on fell onto Olivia’s face as she gazed at it with excitement and wonder. Dan’s eyes went wide as he watched in awe and he wondered how often she walked around wearing that.
Olivia’s lips opened up as her tongue started to lick up and down Vic’s shaft, her hand stroking the other side of Vic’s cock. Even if it wasn’t a real one, there was a tingling rush running through Olivia, some reaction stronger than a real one. It felt so big in her hand, far larger than what Dan had, but still the girth of something she could handle. Her head moved to the tip of Vic’s cock and she swirled her tongue around before opening wider and putting the tip into her mouth. Inch by inch, she bobbed her head up and down on the shaft, getting further and further until she reached her limit of about 5 inches. She couldn’t take any more without gagging, so she used two fingers from her right hand to make up the rest of the distance, lubing up the whole thing with her spit. She reveled in the moans of delight from both Vic, as well as from Dan behind her.
She knew exactly what Dan could see. She bent a little more forward, showing off her ass more to Dan. She reached her left hand down and began to stroke her clit in small circles. Dan could feel his excitement rising at the show, but also knew that it was only the beginning. There was far more to get through, so he couldn’t blow his load just yet.
After a few minutes, listening to Olivia gag on Vic’s strap-on and the moans of all three of them, Vic picked Olivia back up to her feet. She laid down on a towel that Olivia had set on the bed earlier and pulled Olivia on top of her. She positioned her to straddle her. Olivia reached down to guide Vic’s strap-on to her pussy. As it slid inside, Olivia gently bite her lip in pleasure and a soft little “Fuck,” escaped from her as she shuddered. The saliva, as well as her natural wetness from excitement and rubbing her clit, made Vic’s strap-on slide right in without issue. She lifted up the hem of her dress so that Dan could see everything, and Vic reached up and pulled her dress down to expose her huge tits. Olivia began to ride Vic’s dick up and down, moaning loudly as she felt all seven inches inside of her when she was all the way down.
Each thrust she made had a deep passion and desire behind it, as if this was the last time that she could ever have a cock like this. She wanted to make it count and wanted to remember this feeling. She leaned forward, resting her hands on Vic’s pecs. Vic, in response, reached up and grabbed handfuls of Olivia’s tits, fondling them firmly with her hands.
After a few more moments, Vic moved Olivia’s hands to her shoulders so that she could get her mouth on Olivia’s nipples. She moaned loudly and bucked from pleasure as Vic sucked on her nipples, rolling them with her tongue. Vic reached down and gripped firmly onto Olivia’s ass, kneading them in her hands, as well as using them as a hold to pull Olivia deeper and harder onto her strap-on.
Dan’s breath was hotter and heavier than it had been in a long time. There was just something about watching Olivia getting fucked that made his heart race with excitement. He had to even stop stroking a few times so that he could keep enjoying the show. The rapid breaths and deep moans of Olivia echoed in his ears, pushing him closer and closer to the edge of pleasure. But, he had to hold on. He wanted to wait until Olivia was satisfied.
“Now, show me what you can really do with that thing,” Olivia said in Vic’s ear. She reluctantly got off of her strap-on. As much as she wanted to keep riding it, her legs were getting a little tired. Plus, she wanted to see what Vic would do with the reigns. She laid down, her ass up and her tits down on the towel as she swapped places with Vic. Olivia bit her lip in anticipation.
“Oh, just you wait and see,” Vic said as she brought her hand across Olivia’s ass with an audible and satisfying smack. There was a sharp moan from Olivia as it rippled through her. Vic smacked her ass cheeks again and again until they were nice and red. Once she had her fun there, she patted her strap-on down on Olivia’s ass cheeks. There was a little shudder of excitement from Olivia as she felt Vic spread her cheeks apart. Then, she felt the tip of her strap-on poke at her pussy, still dripping wet onto the towel. She whimpered in delight as she gripped the sheet.
Then, Vic shoved her whole strap-on inside of her. Olivia screamed out in sharp pleasure that turned into a dreamy moan near the end. Vic put her hands over Olivia’s elbows as she moved into a planking position, thrusting her hips back and forth. She held her in place firmly as she repeatedly shoved her whole member in and out of her.
From the rubbing herself she did earlier to the riding of Vic’s strap-on to now being held and fucked roughly, Olivia was on the verge of climax. She wanted this to last all night, not wanting it to stop. But at the same time, her body craved the sweet pleasure of release. Olivia tried to hold on as best as she could but each thrust of Vic’s full strap-on chipped away at her resistance. It didn’t take that much longer before she gave in; her body tensing up as an orgasm rippled through her. She shuddered in ecstasy as she moaned loudly, the pleasure echoing inside of her with each thrust of Vic’s strap-on. Her breath was frantic as it tried to keep up with the pleasure practically leaking from her.
Dan, watching Olivia climax, followed shortly after. His sticky cum pooled onto his stomach as he caught his breath, watching Vic continue to fuck Olivia’s tight pussy. He smiled at her and she gave a wide smile in return.
Vic held Olivia down as she kept thrusting, barely holding on. The feeling of her pussy had been aching for release the entire night as the strap-on thrust back into her as well. The shivering of Olivia from orgasm almost caused her to climax, but she wanted to fuck just a little bit more. She mustered up all her willpower to keep going against the walls of Olivia’s pussy a few more times. However, she couldn’t hold on forever. Vic cried out in pleasure as her body shook in delight. She exhaled and rolled over, laying next to Olivia and panting hard.
“So, how was that for you?” Vic said.
“That was amazing,” Dan said as he looked at the two of them.
Olivia built up the strength to lift her head and turned to Vic. “I think we both know how that went. That was the peak that I needed and that view on the other side was breathtaking.” She shot Dan a thumbs-up before her body completely went limp onto the bed, fully satisfied. “We need to do this again.”
Sarah Thompson stared up at the ceiling, her alarm clock having woken her with its ringing. A big part of her wanted to stay curled up under the covers and stay hidden, but her rumbling stomach had entirely different ideas. She didn’t want to leave her house, because it would mean that she would have to deal with all of them. Her neighbors. Her fellow citizens. Her community. Her stomach rumbled again, much louder and more intense. With a heavy sigh, she threw the covers off of herself.
“Ugh, fine!” She shouted to herself and walked over to her closet, if it could even be called that.
Hanging there was a soft wool shirt and a pair of denim jeans that clearly showed their age. It is what happens when you’re stuck in a town where no one wears anything. Well, that wasn’t quite right. When it got colder, some of the town folks would wear a thin shirt, but that was it, and that was only during the three winter months.
Sarah groaned as she pulled them from their hanger. It was bad enough that she was already getting more used to sleeping in just her bra and panties. She held up the shirt and stared at it. There were bits and parts of it fraying at the seams. A few times, she has had to repair the little rips and tears that some of the neighbor’s kids accidentally made. A year’s worth of damage and wear and tear showed the effects of time; the color of the shirt having long faded from a crisp red to a pale pink.
Her denim jeans were in far worse shape; having been torn and ripped to the point they were more patches than pants. The dark blue has long become washed away from the exposure to the sun and rain. It looked like all it would take is just a simple breeze or a stray claw from a running child catching their paw to unravel the whole thing. With a big sigh and a heavy heart, Sarah opted to leave the jeans in the closet.
“It would be better to save these for when I find a way to return home,” she said as she looked at them. As she said that, she felt her heart sink to her stomach. “If… I find a way to return home,” she corrected herself.
It had been a year to the date since she accidentally had touched that glowing rock she found in the desert that fateful night. It had been a year to the date that she found herself transported to the town of Monsfield, afraid and confused. It had been a year to the date that she struggled to find a way back home.
None of the stars were anything that she knew. None of the townsfolk had heard of a place called America, much less Idaho. In fact, she was the first human that they had seen at all; and in turn, they were the first Anthros that she had ever encountered. Women covered in fur, scales, and feathers lived in harmony here, a peace which had only been disturbed by Sarah’s sudden appearance.
Though, she couldn’t quite complain. She counted herself lucky that none of the women had any cravings for human flesh. In fact, they were incredibly nice to her, helping by building her the house that she had been living in and doing what they could to help her adjust. Her clothes had only even survived this long because some of the Anthros were able to make rudimentary washers and dryers.
With another heavy sigh, Sarah put on her shirt over her bra, leaving her panties exposed out to the world. It certainly wasn’t ideal, but it was what she could do for right now. She felt that if she was rescued, being stuck bottomless would be somehow worse than being topless. Sarah closed the doors of her closet and picked up her personal belongings. Once she made sure she had everything, she made her way out the door.
The sun shone down brightly on her, feeling more intense as this was the first time that she really felt the sunlight on her exposed legs. The wind that blew through, tossing up leaves and a few stray pieces of trash, tickled her knees and calves. She paused for a bit, thinking to herself. Maybe it wouldn’t be too late to turn back and just hide away in her house. Maybe the neighbors would be nice enough to just drop off food. She wouldn’t have to leave at all and show everyone-
“Good morning Sarah!”
Sarah turned to see Gabrielle, the neighbor to her west. Gabrielle, who resembled an anthropomorphic giraffe, was trimming her hedges with a large pair of shears. Just like all the other Anthros, Gabrielle wasn’t wearing anything. Sarah couldn’t fathom how she could just do everything while being nude. Of course, it made some sense considering everyone had some extra layer of protection besides just their skin, like fur or feathers, but to just be exposed and nude? Sarah couldn’t even look at her neighbors but stare at their eyes for about a solid month. Now she was able to at least look at them in a rather casual sense, but still tended to avoid looking anywhere but their faces.
“Uh, good morning Gabrielle,” Sarah said, trying to subtly avoid eye contact. She could feel her face turning red from embarrassment at being pantless. Out of all the neighbors to have seen her, it just had to be one with a height advantage.
“Did you sleep well?” Gabrielle asked as she reached up and trimmed a few more branches off of the hedges. She turned to Sarah, curious as to why Sarah was avoiding looking at her, but then she looked down. “Well oh my stars! Sarah, am I seeing what I’m seeing?” Gabrielle said as she put down the shears and started to walk over to meet with Sarah.
“Uh, depends. What are you seeing?” Sarah said, still avoiding looking at Gabrielle.
“Why, you’re without your pants!” Gabrielle said in a cheerful voice as she was now in Sarah’s yard.
“Well, uh, my pants are getting very worn, so, well, I figured I’d now save them for special occasions,” Sarah said, blushing harder from how positive Gabrielle was being about this.
“You getting more comfortable?” Gabrielle said as she bent down to get more on eye level with Sarah.
“Uh, I guess you could say that,” Sarah said, finally stopping trying to avoid eye contact with Gabriella. She turned and saw Gabrielle’s smiling face and something about that filled her with warmth, like an artist getting positive feedback about their latest art piece.
“Wonderful!” Gabrielle said as she clapped her hands together. “This calls for a celebration!”
“No no!” Sarah said as she blushed hard again. “There’s no need to celebrate and make this a big deal.”
Gabrielle huffed a little, but then snapped her fingers as an idea came to her. “Well, then it’s a celebration for your one year of coming to Monsfield.” Gabrielle put her arm around Sarah. “Come on. At the very least, let me treat you to breakfast at Monique’s!”
“I… Alright,” Sarah said reluctantly, but she couldn’t help but feel a bit of building optimism in herself. Gabrielle’s response to Sarah going pantless was, while not surprising given the community, a welcomed one.
The two of them walked their way over to Monique’s, passing by a few other citizens of Monsfield. Despite Sarah’s hesitation, everyone gave her a warm thumbs-up at her showing off her legs. A group of joggers even complimented her legs, which given that they were all Anthros that were anthropomorphic cheetahs, made Sarah feel even better. After a bit, the two of them opened up the front door to Monique’s.
“Gabrielle! Sarah! Welcome darlings!” Monique chirped from the kitchen over the sounds of the grill. Sarah always admired how Monique, despite being an anthropomorphic toucan, never let it get in the way of the quality food that she made. “Looking even chipper than usual. What’s the occasion?”
“Have you forgotten already?” Gabriella said as she took a seat at the counter, with Sarah taking the seat next to her. “Monique, we’re celebrating Sarah’s one year anniversary of her arrival in Monsfield!”
“My my! Has it been a year already!” Monique came out from the kitchen and stood on the other side of the counter from the two of them. As usual, she was wearing nothing but a cooking apron. “Time really flew by quite fast, didn't it?”
“Yeah, it has,” Sarah said as she crossed her legs a bit in embarrassment. At least here at the counter, few people could see that she wasn’t wearing pants and had her panties out on display.
“Well, what do you want dearie?” Monique asked, smiling at Sarah. “It’s on the house.”
“Oh no, please, I couldn’t possibly!” Sarah said, but Monique just put a feather up to Sarah’s lips.
“Nonsense. We have to celebrate the anniversary of the arrival of one of our favorite people,” Monique said as she gently lowered the feather. “Now, what will you have?”
“I guess I’ll go with the Breakfast Salad with a side of Wonton Bacon,” Sarah said as she looked over the menu.
“And I’ll go with just a fruit salad,” Gabrielle said.
“Not a problem dearies. I’ll get right to work on that.” Monique poured the two of them glasses of water. Then, she headed back into the kitchen and got to work on their orders.
“So, besides this,” Gabrielle said as she turned to Sarah, “What other plans do you have today? How else are you going to celebrate?”
Sarah looked down at her water, gently swirling it around. “I… don’t really know. A part of me doesn’t want to accept that I’ve been stuck here a year.” She quickly realized what she said and turned to Gabrielle. “Shit! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean stuck in a bad way! I mean like-”
“Relax,” Gabrielle said as she patted Sarah on the back. “I’ve dealt with you as a neighbor for a year and been your friend for most of that time. I think I know what you mean.” She took a sip of her water and sighed, relaxing. “I’m sorry that you haven’t had any success getting back to your world.”
Sarah sunk into herself a little, still feeling a little guilty about what she had said. “You. Monique. Everyone here in Monsfield has been incredible to me.” She gently rubbed her finger along the edge of her glass. “I just…” She looked down at her legs, gently uncrossing them. “I guess a part of me has been hesitant to accept the way things are here. I’ve always felt like an outsider and it was better that way. Because, when I do accept things, then this place will start to feel like home. And, when that does…”
“What happens then with your old home then?” Gabrielle said, finishing her sentence and taking a sip of her water.
“Yeah,” Sarah said. “There’s a bunch of stuff and people that I left behind. I just feel like a betrayal if I were to just give up on them.”
“But you aren’t betraying them,” Gabrielle said as she turned to Sarah. “You said that there was a certain phrase that you humans had back on Idaho. Something like when in Rome, do the Romans?”
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” Sarah said as she looked down at her thighs again. “It means that, when you’re someplace, you should respect their traditions and customs.” She turned back to Gabrielle’s smiling face, and then thought about the positive response that she got from just showing off her legs. Sarah took a big gulp of water and then stood up.
Slowly, she reached down and gripped her thumbs underneath the waistband of her panties. Gently, Sarah pulled them down, exposing her bare ass and crotch to all the patrons in the restaurant. Most of the patrons were looking at her, not with disgust or judgment, but with positivity and ecstatic joy. It was also the moment that Monique had walked out of the kitchen and was on the other side of the counter, also enjoying the show. Then, Sarah’s panties fell to her ankles. She stepped out of them and took a deep breath again. She allowed the air to lick at her exposed skin and shuddered a bit in delight. There was just something about it that was freeing and exhilarating. She bent down and picked up her panties and bundled them into a ball.
Sarah sat back down in her seat, allowing herself to truly feel the subtle textures of the chair. She reached over and handed the panties to Gabrielle. “When I do leave and return back to Idaho, you can give those back to me. Until then, I’m going to do as the Anthros do while I’m here in Monsfield.”
The people in the restaurant cheered at Sarah’s decision to start to really embrace their way of living. Gabrielle gave Sarah a nod and a smile as she took the panties. “I’ll keep them safe and be sure to return them to you.”
“Now that’s another reason to celebrate!” Monique chirped delightfully. “Now, eat up you two! I don’t want to see my hard work go to waste.”
Sarah and Gabrielle both nodded and began to eat their breakfast, though Sarah ate with a renewed vigor. There was a wide smile on her face as she ate her breakfast. She felt refreshed and renewed, like she had just been reborn. Even the food felt like it was the first time eating it.
After a short bit, the two of them finished up their meals.
“So, how else are you two going to celebrate Sarah’s anniversary?” Monique asked as she picked up the plates.
Sarah pondered to herself. “I don’t really know,” she said, still smiling. “Maybe I’ll see what work needs done around town on the bulletin board.” She hopped off the chair and Gabrielle shortly followed after her. “I’ll see you around, Monique!”
Monique waved back to her. “And I’ll be happy to be seeing more of you!”
With that, after a short trip back to Gabrielle’s house so Gabrielle could put the panties away safely, they went about their day. The smile almost never left Sarah’s face, and only increased each time she was complimented about how good she looked bottomless. For the first time in a whole year, Sarah was starting to feel like she could really find a place to fit in in Monsfield. And being with Gabrielle was really helping her. She could get used to this feeling, both the compliments and the freedom of being bottomless. Maybe one day, she’d even go without a top, but that was quite a bit away. For now, she would enjoy her day.
One year later, Sarah awoke to her alarm again. She groaned as she reached over to turn off her alarm. She curled herself back into her blankets, wanting to stay in its warm embrace.
“Good morning gorgeous,” Gabrielle said as she wandered into the room. As usual, she was wearing nothing at all. She bent down and planted a firm kiss on Sarah’s lips and gently cupped her hands around Sarah’s face to slowly drag her out from her blanket cocoon. “Happy Arrival-versary.”
“Thanks darling,” Sarah said as she, reluctantly, broke the kiss between them.
“If you want breakfast, you’re gonna have to get out of bed,” Gabrielle said as she lifted up the blankets and began to fold them.
“Evil,” Sarah said playfully as used the opportunity to rub her hands over Gabrielle’s fur.
“Oh, someone’s quite handsy this morning,” Gabrielle chuckled as she enjoyed the sensation of Sarah’s fingers coursing through her fur. “Did you not get enough last night?”
“We both know that I could always want more from you,” Sarah said as she pressed her naked bosom against Gabrielle’s arm. “Come on. Don’t you wanna give me a little bit more right now?” To that, Sarah was met with a blanket to the face.
“Later gorgeous. You’ll throw off the whole day that I have planned for you.” Gabrielle turned around and kissed Sarah on the cheek. “As punishment for being impatient, you get to put the sheets away today.” With that Gabrielle stood up and jiggled her ass a little bit for Sarah. “I’ll be in the living room when you’re ready.” Then, she walked out, her hips swaying in just the way that Sarah loved to see.
“Hate to see you going, but love to watch you leave!” Sarah shouted after her.
She sighed and refolded the blanket. Sarah made her way over to the closet and looked for an open space to put them, sadly seeing that the only open space was near the top. “Of course she couldn’t just leave a spot where I could get it. No, it just had to be high up where she could get it with ease.” Sarah stretched her arms up, getting onto her tiptoes and tried to put the blankets away.
However, it wasn’t enough and her hand caught on the rest of the blankets, bringing them tumbling down. Sarah was covered in nice sheets that had been folded and something unusual. Something that didn’t quite feel like a blanket. Sarah pulled all the blankets off of her to find out what the strange thing was, only to find that it was a pair of denim jeans that had been torn and ripped to the point they were more patches than pants. The dark blue had long become washed away from the exposure to the sun and rain. She looked at them with a bit of a strange curiosity.
“So that’s where you had gotten off to,” Sarah said to her pants as she held them. A gentle smile drew across her face. There was a strange longing to put them back on, but on the other hand, it felt almost alien to her now. Having lived the last year nude had really freed her from the bonds of her old ways. “I’m still gonna keep you,” she said as she gently folded the jeans. “After all, I still have some hope that humanity will find me, but while I’m here in Monsfield…”
Sarah placed the jeans back into the closet, and then spent the next few minutes refolding all the blankets and stuffing them back neatly. She shut the closet doors and then headed out to meet with Gabrielle.
“...I’m gonna do as the Anthros do, and enjoy a world without pants.”
Clarissa stumbled her way to work; a half-drank iced coffee in her left hand, her ID card in the other. She swiped her card at the scanner of the employee entrance to Swap Tech Inc., Westboost Branch. She shut the door behind her and took another sip of her coffee.
“Good morning!” A chipper voice rang in her ears, someone with far too much energy for 8 in the morning. Clarissa turned over to see a tall, muscular man wearing a white tank top and black gym shorts. Around his neck was a specialized lanyard that read “Controller: Jill. Body: Vince.” Clarissa looked at him, standing eye to eye with him.
“Already swapping around today? You know we’re not supposed to use the tech for personal reasons.” Clarissa said to Jill.
Jill laughed. “Relax. We still have time before we open. Let me have my fun.” She flexed her muscles at Clarissa. “You like?”
“I’d like them better if I didn’t know whose body that was and what I’ve seen done with it.” She shook the intrusive thoughts out of her mind. “Anyways, if you’re in there, where’s Vince? He better not have gone out for a joy ride.”
“Relax! He’s in the employee lounge. Everything’s all good. Take a chill pill!” Jill said as she patted Clarissa on the shoulder.
“Hey, easy! Watch Vince’s strength!” Clarissa groaned, trying to make sure her coffee stayed upright. Jill let go and Clarissa readjusted her clothes and glasses.
“Sorry!” Jill chuckled, the mannerisms very much contrasting with the bodybuilder body she was in. “Just get so excited in the mornings! Come on, you know this.”
“Yeah, I know that. I’m just not used to you being able to hug with the power of Vince.”
Clarissa made her way towards the employee lounge, with Jill following her behind. The two entered into the lounge, only to be greeted by a Vince in a Jill’s body wearing only her bra, panties and the lanyard, admiring themselves in the mirror. “Ugh, really man? In here? We eat in here, dude.”
Vince turned around and smiled at Clarissa. “Morning Clarissa. And hey, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the skin you’re in.”
“Dude, our business is entirely built on the premise that people DON’T want to be themselves,” Clarissa said as she opened up her locker and put away her personal belongings. She took out her blue uniform coat and put it on, adjusting her name tag. “You two better swap back soon before we open up.”
“Man, ruining all the fun,” Vince said as he walked over and gave Clarissa a hug. “Why do you always have to be such a party pooper? Come on. Join us for some swapping fun!”
“Ugh, Vince. I told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times already. The Swap Technicians can’t be just using the technology willy-nilly. Unlike you Rentals, we have a responsibility to use this tech properly and manage it. And you’re ignoring me,” Clarissa said, sighing as she took another sip of her coffee as she watched Vince go back to admiring himself in the mirror. “Come on. We’re about to open up soon, so swap back now.”
“Fine. Let Captain Clarissa Killjoy take over,” Vince complained as he got dressed into the standard white uniform. “Come zip me up?” he said in a flirty tone.
“Fine.” Clarissa said as she put down her coffee. She walked over and zipped up the uniform firmly. “Come on.”
She picked up her coffee and led Vince and Jill to the Rental Machine room. Jill and Vincent took their places on the machine while Clarissa headed over to the control panel. She put in the proper sequence and there was a bright flash of light from the machine. There was a soft whirring sound as the machine cooled down. Jill and Vince stepped out from the machine and stretched. Their lanyards now had names that properly matched with their bodies.
“It was fun while it lasted!” Jill said as she patted Vince on the back.
“Yeah, but leave it to Clarissa to ruin the fun,” Vince said as he stuck his tongue out over at Clarissa.
“Hey! You keep that shit up, and I’ll make sure you’re first when we get someone over 60.” Clarissa glared at Vince, never breaking eye contact as she sipped her coffee. Vince raised his hands up defensively. “Now, get over to the Display Room. We’re opening soon.” Vince rolled his eyes, but he and Jill walked out of the room.
Clarissa sighed as she sat back in her chair and rubbed her temples. She attempted to take another sip of her coffee, only to find herself disappointed that she had drunk it all already. With a sigh, she tossed it into the trash can and stood up. “I swear, the two of them are going to be the death of me somehow.” She typed a few things into the control panel, resetting it so that it can be used again for next time. She looked down at her watch and sighed again before standing up.
She made her way through the short maze of hallways before arriving at the front desk, taking her spot at desk number 4. Clarissa looked over at her other coworkers; Leon and Tambry were already preparing their paperwork for today and Pierre still had yet to show up today.
“Hey Clarissa!” Leon shouted over from desk number 2, catching her attention. “Tambry and I got a bit of a bet. Think Pierre will be here before or after we open up?” Clarissa rolled her eyes.
“Oh lighten up a little, Clarissa,” Tambry said as she arranged her flowers on her desk. “I’ve got 20 on him being late. Leon’s got 30 on him being early. What do you say?”
Clarissa sighed and leaned back in her chair. “Fine. How about 15 on him being late?”
“Give the guy a little benefit of the doubt. He’s only been late three times,” Leon said as he put some papers on a clipboard. He booted up his computer and adjusted the cameras to get the best view at the Display Room.
“Yeah, three times this week,” Tambry said with an exasperated huff. “And it’s Thursday.”
“Well, he’s got about sixty seconds to show up before we get your money, Leon,” Clarissa said as she finished up preparing her desk and looking at her watch. She turned her attention to the store front, only to frown at the sight. “Oh great. She’s back. Is it the 15th already?”
Standing outside of the store front, peering into the window, was an older woman, about in her mid-forties. She wore her usual purple puffy coat, which contrasted her thin frame and bony cheeks.
“Whose turn is it?” Clarissa said as she looked over at her co-workers, only to frown as she saw the two of them with their fingers to their noses. “Jerks.” She looked down at her watch and sighed. “Alright, well, just a few more seconds of bliss.”
As the seconds ticked by, Clarissa dreaded having to deal with this repeat customer. A few more customers lined up behind the woman in the purple coat. Clarissa felt the caffeine starting to kick in. She put on her best face and took a deep breath, preparing herself mentally.
“And it’s time. Pay up Leon!” Tambry said with a chuckle as she got up, keys in her hand. She opened up the front door and quickly made her way back to her desk before the older woman barrelled into her.
“Good morning!” The three workers said in unison. “Welcome to Swap Tech Inc.!”
“Ahem!” Clarissa said as she turned to the woman in the purple coat and waved her hand. “Mrs. Relton, I can help you today.”
The woman in the purple coat quickly made her way over to Clarissa’s desk and put down her credit card. “Hello dearie. Is he here today?”
Clarissa nodded. “Yes, Vince is currently available to be rented.”
“Great great,” Mrs. Relton said, barely giving Clarissa any time to finish her sentence. “Well, you know what I want. Chop chop.” She clapped her hands together to further emphasize her point.
“Yes Mrs. Relton.” Clarissa took the card and swiped it, plugging in Mrs. Relton’s information into the computer. After a few seconds of typing, she put a tablet down in front of Mrs. Relton.
“Really dear? Can’t we make this any quicker?” Mrs. Relton said, her heels tapping on the tile ground.
“You know that it’s company policy,” Clarissa said, enjoying the little bit of annoyance that she got to give Mrs. Relton. “The rules of Body Renting. Firstly, you are personally responsible for all crimes and misdemeanors performed during the rental period. If you agree, please sign below.”
“Yes yes, just hurry up!” Mrs. Relton said as she scribbled down something close to a signature on the tablet and moved to the next screen.
“Secondly, you agree to share all personal information that may be required for a daily activity. If you agree, please sign below.”
“Hurry up!” Mrs. Relton said as she wrote even faster now.
“Thirdly, you will pay for any damages done to the Rental Body. If you agree, please-” Clarissa didn’t even finish this time before Mrs. Relton signed and moved to the next screen.
“If I didn’t know any better, you’re just trying to stall for time,” Mrs. Relton said as she tapped her foot even faster.
“Fourth, the rental period is at most 24 hours. You will be notified by the lanyard of when your time is up. Refusal to return within the designated time will be considered an-”
“An offense and then the law gets involved. I know, I know,” Mrs. Relton said, rushing through signing the screen.
“And finally, you agree to always wear the lanyard. Removal of such while in a Rental Body is considered a federal offense and you will be penalized to the fullest extent of the law.” Mrs. Relton signed the last screen with just a simple swipe, not even bothering to make it look like her signature. Clarissa reached behind the desk and put the lanyard onto Mrs. Relton. “With that out of the way, please follow me.” She leaned into an intercom and pressed the button. “Vince, you are being rented. Please report to the Rental Room. I repeat, Vince, please report to the Rental Room.”
Clarissa stood up from her desk and lead Mrs. Relton through the hallways, trying her best to ignore the constant yammering and nitpicks from Mrs. Relton. As they walked, she passed by Pierre, fumbling with his uniform.
“You know you’re late, right?” Clarissa said.
“Yeah! Traffic was a nightmare!” Pierre said as he rushed by. “Hello Mrs. Relton.”
“Less chatter, more swapping,” Mrs. Relton said as she pushed Clarissa along.
“Easy easy,” Clarissa said with a sigh. After a short walk, they arrived at the room.
“Please, step this way into the-”
Clarissa was stopped as Mrs. Relton held her hand up in front of Clarissa’s face. “I know what I’m doing. Quit with the talking and hurry up with the swapping.” Mrs. Relton made her way to her side of the machine and stepped inside.
A few moments later, Vince entered the room, a huge smile on his face. “Alright, first chosen of the day. Who is the lucky one who gets to be Vince?” He looked around for the renter, only to see Clarissa rubbing her temples. “Oh no.” His smile instantly was dashed away as he looked at the machine to see Mrs. Relton.
“Yep. It’s the 15th again,” Clarissa said with a sigh as she opened up the chamber for Vince. “Come on. Get inside.”
Vince reluctantly got into the chamber, but held the door open. “Do I have to?” He tried to make his eyes as big as possible to win over Clarissa. “I mean, come on. Why do I have to do this? Why can’t she pick George or Brutus? Hell, I bet we could get her a great deal with Oscar.”
“Because she paid for you, Vince. Now get in there,” Clarissa said, not swayed by Vince’s words. She pried his hands off the door and forced him inside.
With a heavy sigh, she made her way over to the control panel. She pushed in the proper sequence and there was a bright flash of light. As the machine hissed and came to a stop, the two doors of the machine opened up.
First out was Mrs. Relton in Vince’s, who looked down and flexed a few of the muscles. “Always keeping yourself in tiptop shape, Vince. Just the way I like it.”
Following after was Vince in Mrs. Relton’s body, who just kinda groaned. “Just try not to overdo it like you did last time. I was still sore for days after you were done.”
“Oh, I’ll bring it back. Don’t you worry.” She reached over and gently pinched her body’s butt, causing Vince to yelp a little.
“That wasn’t what I was concerned about,” Vince said as he rubbed his ass.
“The swap was successful. You have the body for a limit of 24 hours,” Clarissa said as she walked over to them. “Now then, I’ll escort you out.” She turned over to Vince. “And you can head back to the Rental quarters.”
“Oh hush off. I can walk myself out just fine. See you tomorrow,” Mrs. Relton said as she walked out of the room, leaving Clarissa behind and waving back to Vince. Vince groaned as he trudged his way back the way that he entered the room.
Clarissa rubbed her temples again as she watched Mrs. Relton leave the room. “Yeah, it’s kinda against company policy, but sure. Whatever.” She walked back over to the control panel and reset the machine. Almost on instinct, she reached over to where she normally puts her coffee down, but as she grasped the air, she was reminded that she had already drank it when she was dealing with Vince and Jill. “Maybe there’s still a little bit more left. Just a drop or two.”
As she walked over to the trash can, she tilted her head in surprise. The rest of the trash was still in there, but her coffee cup was missing.
“That’s weird. Where did it go?” Clarissa said as she sorted through the trash, still unable to find the cup. “Nope, it’s not here. Strange.”
She exited the room and tried to put the weirdness aside. She returned back to the lobby, seeing the line of customers. Most of them were looking at the Display Room, trying to determine who they wanted to swap with. Thankfully, Pierre was at his desk, so at least they weren’t short staffed today. With a final deep breath to push out the thought of her missing coffee, Clarissa put her smile on and headed back to her desk to help out the next customer.
The rest of the day went by fairly normally, though a little more stressful as she had to hear Vince complaining every now and then with Mrs. Relton’s body. It made eating her General Tso’s chicken for lunch so stressful, she couldn’t even finish the whole thing.
Several hours later, it was time to close the front doors, which Pierre did happily. “Another successful day, another successful pay,” he said as he sat back at his desk.
“Speaking of pay, you still owe me, Leon,” Clarissa said as she filed away the last of her paperwork.
“I thought you’d have forgotten about that,” Leon groaned, but he pulled the money out of his wallet and handed it over to Clarissa. “You won’t get so lucky next time. Anyways, I’m out for the night. I guess I won’t be getting myself dessert tonight.” With that, he headed back into the hallway to the employee lounge.
“Well, it all depends on if Pierre gets here on time, right?” Tambry said with a chuckle as she fanned herself with the money Leon gave her.
“I told you, I couldn’t help it. I was stuck at a light. People just kept coming at me,” Pierre said, exhausted as he slumped into his chair. He slowly got up from his desk and stretched. “I think I’m gonna head home too. Good night you two.” He headed back the hallways and disappeared from sight.
“Night, Pierre,” Clarissa said as she turned to Tambry. “You both just had to stick me with Mrs. Relton today, huh?”
“Oh come on. I handled her last time and you won the rock paper scissors the month before that. We paid our dues,” Tambry said as she put away the last of her paperwork and logged off the computer. She got up from her chair and Clarissa shortly followed after her.
“Well yeah, I know that,” Clarissa said as she rolled her eyes. “I just hate having to bite that bullet.”
“Look, she’s a paying customer and she ‘technically’ doesn’t break any of our rules.” Tambry put heavy emphasis on the air quotes around technically.
The two of them walked into the employee lounge and started to put away their uniforms into their lockers. “Well, anywho, guess who got themselves a date at Panda Panda?”
“Seriously? Good for you,” Clarissa said as she neatly patted her uniform and hung it on a hanger, as opposed to Tambry who just sorta hung it up on a hook. “I’d love for someone to take me there.”
“Well maybe you can once you make room by taking that stick out of your ass,” Tambry snickered as she shut her locker.
“Oh ha ha,” Clarissa said as she grabbed her personal belongings and rolled her eyes. “Very funny.”
“Lighten up a little, Clarissa. Have a little fun, let loose. Enjoy life. I know I’m going to and thanks to Leon, I can get myself a dessert.” Tambry left the employee lounge, humming happily to herself.
“Lighten up a little. Have some fun. Let loose a little,” Clarissa said to herself mockingly. “I know how to lighten up. I can be loose. I’m fun.” She crossed her arms. “Fun enough to take to Panda Panda.” A quick realization came to her mind. “Oh! Right, I still have food.”
Clarissa made her way over to the fridge, only to be shocked to find that her food was missing. “What the hell? Who jacked my chicken?” She shuffled around the food that was in there, hoping to find it, but it wasn’t anywhere to be seen. She made her way over to the trash to sort through it in case someone had accidentally thrown it away, but it wasn’t there either. “What the hell is going on? Great, guess I’m ordering out today.”
She walked out of the employee lounge in a huff, but something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye in the lobby. Clarissa walked over to Pierre’s desk, noticing all the files that still weren’t put away. “That’s weird. Pierre’s a bit of a worrywart, so why would he leave this stuff out.” She shrugged to herself. “Well, he won’t mind me putting it away. Keep him out of trouble.” Clarissa spent about half an hour putting away all of Pierre’s files before she was satisfied with the little clean-up job that she did.
Clarissa made her way through the halls, but right as she was about to leave, another thing caught her eye. There was a strange light coming from the utility closet. Cautiously, she approached and opened up the door. To her surprise, the floor had been opened up. “Shit. Someone’s in the basement. Did Tambry not close the door properly?” She grabbed a nearby mop and slowly made her way down the stairs.
There was the hum of electricity in the air and the sound of bubbling liquids. The stairs were covered in a brilliant teal blue light, coming from a large machine down in the center of the room the stairs lead to. “What the-?” Clarissa reflexively exclaimed as she saw Pierre at the machine, typing away. She tried to cover her mouth, but Pierre looked up at her.
“Shit!” Pierre said as he realized he was discovered. He quickly scrambled to cover up what he was doing, only ending up knocking over an empty iced coffee cup and a half-eaten container of General Tso’s chicken.
“”Pierre! What the hell are you doing down in the Rent Clone Room? Wait a minute, is… is that my food?” Clarissa made her way down the stairs more, still gripping the mop tightly and keeping it aimed at Pierre.
“I… I… I’m sorry!” Pierre fell to his knees and bowed, tears streaming down his face.
“Pierre, what’s going on? Why do you have my food? Wait, were you trying to clone me? What the hell?” Clarissa said, holding the edge of the mop close to Pierre. However, Pierre just continued to blubber. She rolled her eyes and tapped him on the shoulder. “Come on, Pierre. Talk to me. What’s going on?”
Pierre slowly got to his feet and wiped his face with his sleeve. “I’m sorry Clarissa. I… I was trying to clone you for a Rental.”
“Why would you do that? You didn’t ask me about any of this, so there’s issue one. Secondly, Clone Rentals are a one-way swap. You’d be stuck that way!”
“Well maybe I want to!” Pierre shouted, still trying to fight back tears, though these weren’t from being afraid, but from being exhausted. Seeing this, Clarissa gently lowered her mop. “I’m so tired of being frickin’ useless Pierre! Always late! Always being a wuss! I’m so sick of being me that I’d rather be anyone else!”
“And you chose me?” Clarissa said, a mix of concerned and flattered.
“I mean, of course,” Pierre said as he gestured to her. “Look at you! You’re tall. You’ve got gorgeous red hair. You’re brave. Who wouldn’t want to be you?” Pierre sat down on the ground. “I just… I wanna get relief from being me, even if it’s just for a bit.”
Clarissa was at a loss for words. On one hand, she was incredibly weirded out about this whole situation; but on the other hand, she couldn’t help but sympathize with Pierre. Her mind thought back to the conversation she had earlier with Vince. With a heavy sigh, she extended her hand out to him. “Delete all the stuff you have on me off the computer and come with me. Don’t dilly-dally or I’m reporting you.”
Pierre gave her a confused look, but quickly got to his feet and went to the computer. He deleted all the files on Clarissa and followed her as she led him up the stairs. They closed the entrance to the basement and began to walk towards the Rental Room.
“Come on. Get in.” Clarissa said as she pulled Pierre towards one of the doors on the machine.
“What are you doing?” Pierre asked as Clarissa gestured for him to get into the machine.
“Look, if you don’t want me to report you, just do what I say.” Pierre nodded and got into the machine.
With a heavy sigh, Clarissa headed over to the control panel. She typed in the commands for the machine, but made sure that it was on a delay. A delay long enough for her to get into the other side of the machine. She rushed over and quickly shut the door once she was inside. There was a blinding light that filled the room, and then the gentle hum of the machine cooling down.
Clarissa fumbled a bit as she reached around for the handle. It took a few tries, as this was her first time inside, but she managed to open it up. She coughed a bit and took a deep breath, feeling the air filling up Pierre’s lungs. She turned over and saw Pierre step out of the machine in her body.
“Clarissa, what did you do?” Pierre asked as he looked down and around at himself.
“Oh wow. Is that what I sound like to people? Huh, I thought my voice was a little higher pitched,” Clarissa said as she sighed and looked at her body from top to bottom. “Come on. You know what this machine is. You know exactly what I did.”
Pierre looked at the machine, then to Clarissa, and then rushed over to the large mirror in the room to examine himself in Clarissa’s body. “I can’t believe it. I’m you! I’m beautiful! I’m tall! I’m strong!” He looked over Clarissa’s hands, switching between the palms and the backs of them. He laughed, hearing himself laugh in Clarissa’s voice. He turned himself around a couple times, examining Clarissa’s body from all angles that he could.
“And how do you feel?” Clarissa said as she walked over to him.
“I feel incredible!” He lifted up Clarissa with ease, thanks to Clarissa’s body’s strength. “I feel like I can do anything!” He set down Clarissa and took a couple deep breaths. “Is this how you feel every day? This is fantastic!”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it,” Clarissa said as she couldn’t help but smile at watching Pierre enjoy her body.
“Hey,” Pierre said as he tugged a bit on the zipper of Clarissa’s top. “May I?”
Clarissa rolled her eyes a little but nodded. “Alright, go ahead.”
Pierre cheered and unzipped the top, showing off her bra and toned stomach. “Whoa. Incredible.”
“Thanks,” Clarissa said as she coughed a bit to remind him who the original owner was.
“No, thank you!” Pierre said as he lifted up Clarissa again.
In the heat of the moment, Pierre pulled Clarissa closed and kissed her on his lips. Clarissa’s eyes went wide in surprise, but the rush of the moment overtook her. She pulled Pierre in close and returned the kiss. As if on instinct, her tongue wiggled out of her lips and met with her body’s lips. It was a strange experience, kissing her own body, but exciting and thrilling at the same time. The kiss only lasted for a few moments before Pierre’s eyes shot open wide and he quickly separated the two of them.
“Shit! I’m so sorry!” Pierre said as he quickly wiped his lips. “I just got so caught up in everything.” He ran his fingers through his hair as he breathed heavily. “I just felt so confident and so excited that I just…”
“Decided to kiss yourself?” Clarissa said with a bit of a smug face.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I… Why am I so sorry? I should be confident! I should be proud! I should be better!” Pierre sat down on the ground, his expression sullen and his mood sunk. “So, why aren’t I?”
Clarissa took a seat down next to Pierre. “You’re a smart guy. Tell me. Why do you think that you’re not?”
“Because…” Pierre turned and looked at the machine. He gave a heavy sigh and hung his head back. The machine only swaps bodies. It doesn’t do anything about the mind that’s inside. Despite the body that I’m in…”
“You’re still you,” Clarissa said as she finished his sentence.
The two of them sat in silence for a bit before Clarissa broke it.
“You know what your problem is, Pierre?” Pierre looked over at her and shook his head. “You keep having these self-fulfilling prophecies that you’re gonna screw up, so it just comes true.” Pierre sunk a little further into himself, raising up his knees and huddling into himself. “But, right now, you’re me. So tell me, Pierre, what would I do in this situation?”
Pierre sniffled a little. “I don’t know. What would you do?”
“I’d believe in you. That, with a little help and guidance, you can be and do better.”
“You… believe in me?”
“Of course,” Clarissa said, giving him a wide smile and standing up. She stretched out her hand to Pierre. “Besides, I’m Pierre right now and I believe in you. You’ve got potential to be a really great guy, even while being yourself. So if Pierre can believe in Pierre, then so can Pierre.” She chuckled a little at her silly little sentence.
Pierre cracked a smile in response as well. “Thank you, Clarissa.” Pierre reluctantly took Clarissa’s hand and stood back up. “I guess we should swap back, huh?” Pierre started to walk towards the machine, but Clarissa grabbed his hand and held him back.
“Well, maybe not necessarily just yet,” Clarissa said, a sly little grin appearing on her face. “Tambry suggested that I try loosening up a little and, well,” she said as she wiggled her arms around. “This body feels pretty loose. I wouldn’t quite mind being in it for a little longer.”
“Really?” Pierre said, surprised.
“Yeah,” Clarissa said with a nod. She pulled Pierre close to her. “Besides, someone took and knocked over my leftovers.” She reached back and pulled out Pierre’s wallet from his back pocket. “So, I believe someone owes me a dinner.”
“But, I thought Swap Techs can’t just use this technology willy-nilly,” Pierre said with a bit of a happy chuckle.
Clarissa shrugged and smiled at him. “I’m off the clock, so right now, I’m not currently a Swap Tech.”
“So, where did you want to go for dinner?”
“I’m thinking Panda Panda. Always wanted someone to take me. And who better to take me there than myself?”
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Zoe's first victim to the Legion is none other than the bane of the apartment complex, Cassandra. Time for Zoe to have her sweet, delicious revenge
Zoe begins to expand her empire as she learns more about the powers that she now wields
Zoe extends her reach even further, gathering now a very sexy and very lusty hostess to her Legion, but now without having some fun with her first ;3
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“Bring it on,” Charlie said, “I ain’t afraid of any dares! I’ve seen every episode!”
“Pfft, you watch this show on your own?” Raddia said, smirking.
“Nah bro, I watch this with the boys!” Charlie said, pointing at the audience. “Shout out to my homies back in Cincinnati! Whoo whoo!”
“You’re all raring to go, so let’s jump right into the rule!” Atticus said as he turned in his chair, gesturing to his right.
Appearing from under a light was a large digital board of 84 squares, arranged in a 7 by 12 grid. On the left were player icons, representing the three contestants. The squares were labeled 1-84 from left to right and top to bottom. Each of them were one of five colors: green, blue, yellow, red, and rainbow. On the right side was a checkered banner labeled “BONUS!”
“For those who are coming back for another episode, welcome back,” Atticus said, looking at the cameras. “For those of you who are just tuning in for the first time and wondering ‘what the hell is this show and can they really show this much public nudity on live TV?’ The answer is that this is Truth, Dare, and Derriere. And thanks to a legal loophole, if you think we’ve shown you anything naughty, you haven’t seen anything yet.
“Here’s how the game works. Contestants, you will take turns moving across the board, one square at a time, in whatever path that you choose. When you get to a square, you will decide either Truth or Dare. Answer the question truthfully or do the dare, you get the square and some cash! Fail to do the dare or if our special magic lie detector machine catches you lying, you get punished! Players can move in any direction across the board and can move back onto squares they have already captured. Moving onto a square another player has captured results in you doing the dare that was on that square.
“Every square has a color. Green squares are the easiest challenges and worth the least amount. Blue ones are harder but worth more. Yellow squares are worth a lot more, but also much harder. Red ones are the hardest challenges and questions, but they are also worth the most. Rainbow ones are where your fellow contestants will challenge you to something.
“The first player to reach the other side of the board ends the game and moves onto the bonus round. When that happens, everyone gets the cash they’ve earned and the winner gets a chance to win some extra cash. Everyone got it?”
The three contestants nodded their heads.
“Excellent! Then, let’s play…”
“Truth! Dare! And Derriere!” The audience cheered.
“Now, first up is going to be Siobhan,” Atticus said as he gestured to the board. The first column of squares consisted of 3 green squares, 2 blue squares, 1 yellow, and 1 red. “Pick whichever square you want.”
Siobhan looked at the different options and pondered them. “Well, let’s start out a little slow. I’ll take Green Number 1, Atticus.” With that, her player icon moved to the Green 1 square.
“Alright, now, Siobhan, what will it be? Truth or Dare?” Atticus said as he flipped through his cards to find the associated question and dare for that square.
“I’ll go with a truth,” Siobhan said as the crowd clapped for her choice.
“Fantastic!” Atticus said as he leaned over his desk. “So, Siobhan, for $20, tell us, who was your first sexual encounter with?”
“Oh gosh,” Siobhan said with a chuckle. “We’re already starting off like this, are we?”
“Pfft, that’s so tame!” Charlie said.
“Oh hush you,” Siobhan said as she stuck her tongue out at Charlie before turning back over to Atticus. “Well, my first sexual encounter was my second ex’s 18th birthday party. He wanted me to give him a blowjob for a gift, so I gave him one.”
“Come on!” Charlie groaned. “Give us more details than that!”
“Details! Details! Details!” the audience cheered.
“Well, you heard them,” Atticus said as he gestured for the audience to quiet down. “Siobhan, if you would please, for an extra $10, give us a more vivid description.”
“Oh, alright,” Siobhan said, twirling her hair. “So, it was the afternoon of his 18th birthday party. At the time, I was dating Brett, the hottest guy from the drama club. He was having the party at his parent’s house, so there were a bunch of people we knew from school, as well as a few of his family members.
“I was wearing a very sexy blue dress that I only brought out for special occasions, and my boyfriend at the time’s birthday seemed like a good one. We were mostly in the backyard, people mingling about and everything. There was a glorious cake that his mother had baked while his father was manning the grill.
“Brett came over to me at some point during the party and whispered into my ear, ‘I wanna show you this awesome gift I got. Come to my bedroom in about half an hour’ At the time, I had no idea what he was talking about. I mean, he loved to collect figurines and such, so I expected that he was gonna show me something like that.
“I went to meet him after excusing myself from a conversation with his aunt to go to the bathroom and headed into his room.
“‘Alright Brett. I’m here. What did you wanna show me?’
“‘Shhh, keep your voice down, Siobhan. And shut the door.’
“I shut the door quickly and walked over to him.
“‘Okay, what’s the awesome gift you got?’
“‘Well, I haven’t gotten it yet.’
“‘Okay. What is it? Is it being delivered?’
“‘Yeah, and it just got here.’
“At that point, he reached down and unzipped his pants, dropping his cock in front of me. I gasped in surprise, but he brushed his hand against my face.
“‘The awesome gift is the one you’re about to give me. A nice wet blowjob.’
“At that point, he used his hand to push me down onto my knees, bringing me face to face with his dick that was getting harder and harder by the moment. I was just in awe, staring at this erect 5 inch cock in front of me. Again, this was, like, the first time that I had ever done anything sexual. Of course I had watched porn, but I had never done anything like that. But, he wanted this as a gift and I wasn’t about to disappoint my boyfriend.
“So, I started by taking it slow. I reached my hand up and gently began to stroke it, feeling his warm shaft in my palm from the base to the tip. At the tip, I stuck out my tongue and slowly swirled it around like I had seen different porn actors do. He let out a gentle moan, so I had a feeling that I was doing something right.
“Of course, I could only tease him like this for so long. He reached back and put his hands on my head, guiding my mouth to slowly start to take in his cock. It was my first time ever tasting someone’s cock, so I was a little surprised at the taste. But, it felt really nice inside my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down on his shaft, using my fingers to make a little O shape to stroke the parts that I couldn’t fit inside.
“He moaned in pleasure, especially loud when I flicked my tongue along his cock, lubing it right up with my spit. I was hungry for it. I wanted more but I didn’t know the best way to do it. And of course, I wanted to give him the best first blowjob. At some point, he stopped letting me move on my own and holding my head in place. He made me drop my fingers and used his hips to thrust in and out of my mouth. I could feel every inch of him inside my mouth, and I couldn’t help but moan in delight.
“‘Take those tits out. I wanna see them bounce as I fuck your face.’
“I did as he requested, dropping down my dress to bring out my tits. Just seeing them made his dick twitch. He stopped moving his hips and instead started moving my head. I’m sure it felt different and even better for him, but I really think he just wanted to see my tits bounce. I tightened up my cheeks against the sides of his cock, loving every moment as it slid along inside. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter, each thrust sending shivers down my spine as he used me.
“I must have been doing really good because he wasn’t able to last that long. He started moving my head and his hips at the same time, thrusting in as deep as possible into my mouth. I loved just how rough he was with me, and honestly, I wish he had been rougher. I can take it. And he made sure that I could take it all as he gripped my hair tightly. I felt his cock twitch intensely as he came into my mouth. The taste of sperm mixed with my spit for a delightfully salty flavor. Now, I didn’t want to get any on my dress, otherwise everyone would know what we just did. So, I swallowed. Ah, you never forget your first time swallowing cum, and frankly, after that, I was addicted. Once he finished, he pulled out of my mouth and tucked his dick back into his pants, panting heavily. I put my dress back on properly, covering back up my tits.
“‘That… was… fucking amazing. Holy shit are you so good at this, Siobhan.’
“‘Thank you. That was amazing as well. I hope we can do that again soon.’
“And that’s the story of my first sexual encounter,” Siobhan said, blushing red at the fond memories. “God, I’m wet just remembering that. And Brett, if you’re out there, well, I guess your family and friends know now.”
“Now THAT’S details!” Charlie said as he hooted. “I am rock hard after that, baby!”
“As am I,” Atticus said. “That story right there just earned you a solid $30 to start off. Not bad at all.” Siobhan’s score at the front of her stand was updated to show her new winnings. “So, next up is Charlie. Charlie, what are you gonna pick?”
“Oh, if I’m going in, I’m going all in!” Charlie said, giving the air a thrust. “Atticus, I’m taking Red number 49!”
“Whoa! Alright! Starting off swinging out of the gates, are we, Charlie?” Atticus chuckled as he picked up the card for number 49 as Charlie’s player token moved to the space. “Now, Truth or Dare?”
“I ain’t scared of nothing!” Charlie said as he tried to hype up the crowd. “Hit me with a dare!”
“As you wish!” Atticus said as he looked over at Charlie. He patted onto the desk and coming out from behind the curtain was a cart being wheeled out by one of the stage hands. Sitting on the cart was a 10-inch rubber dildo and a gallon jug of lube. All of the contestants' eyes went wide as their minds processed what the challenge was. Raddia could hardly contain her laughter. “Charlie, for $200, I dare you to take this full, 10-inch dildo, up the ass.”
Charlie coughed, just to make sure that he heard Atticus right. “Uh, Atticus, buddy, what’s the punishment if I fail or don’t do it?”
“Oh, you said you’ve seen this show before,” Atticus teased. “You know that we don’t tell you the punishment unless you fail or refuse. So, what will it be? Attempt the dare or take the punishment?”
“Come on bro! You can do it!” a loud voice came from the crowd.
“Oh? And who do we have in the crowd today?” Atticus said.
“That’s my boy Trev! He came to support me!” Charlie said as he hooted back at the crowd, pounding his fist on his chest. “Atticus, I’m doing the dare!”
“Feel free to use as much lube as you need,” Atticus said, watching intently.
The crowd cheered as Charlie walked over to it. Charlie looked at the dildo up and down before pouring half of the lube onto the dildo. He stroked it hard, lubing it right up until his hand was practically sliding right off of it. He took a deep breath as he looked at it.
“Do it for the money, bro,” he said to himself as he dropped his pants and boxers.
“Oh wow,” Siobhan said as she leaned over to get a better look at Charlie’s package, which was at five inches even while flaccid.
“Damn. Frat boy is packing,” Raddia said, leaning forward with a smile on her face.
“Let’s do this!”
Charlie kicked off his pants and put the dildo on the ground. He took the rest of the lube and ran it down his back, rubbing his ass cheeks together to lube up as best as he could. Charlie positioned his ass over the dildo and squatted down until his ass barely touched the dildo’s tip. Charlie took a deep breath and clenched his teeth.
The moment the dildo entered his ass, everyone could hear a loud moan come from him. Slowly, he went further down the dildo. His breathing became heavier and his dick got harder and harder.
“Come on, be a man and take it all!” Raddia shouted, then whistled. “God that’s hot.” She slipped her hand underneath her waistband and began to play with herself.
Charlie was now three inches into the dildo, grunting as he continued to work his way down.
“Don’t clench!” Trev shouted from the audience. “Relax your ass!”
“Bro, I’m trying! It’s like I’m shitting upwards!” Charlie shouted back. He groaned loudly as he went down to five inches, which causes his dick to now be fully hard, standing at a full 7 and a half inches.
“Halfway there!” Atticus said.
“I got this!” Charlie said, more trying to convince himself than anyone else. He slid down further on the dildo, now seven inches. “Fuck dude, it’s so big!”
“That’s what she said!” Raddia said, her hand feverishly working at her crotch.
“I’m just gonna…” Charlie said, as he took a deep breath. “Go for it!” He let his feet go from under him, causing him to take the remaining three inches up into his ass. Charlie groaned loudly, but he stuck his hands into the air. “I did it!” The crowd cheered wildly as Charlie turned to audience, basking in their adoration.
“Well done!” Atticus said, clapping his hands. “Charlie, you just took ten inches and came out of that $200 richer!” He pointed and Charlie’s winnings went up to $200.
Charlie groaned loudly as he lifted himself off the dildo. “Hell yeah dude!” He rubbed his ass, breathing heavily as he went to retrieve his pants.
“And now, we’re onto you, Raddia,” Atticus said as he turned to the board. “Raddia, what are you picking?”
“Let’s see,” Raddia said as she mulled over her options. “I’ll take Blue 61, Atticus.”
“Great choice,” Atticus said as he picked up the card. “Now, truth or dare?”
“I’ll take a dare,” Raddia said with a confident smile.
“Sounds good,” Atticus said as he prepared to read the card. “Raddia, since you seemed to have such a fun time playing with yourself, for $50, I dare you to let a random audience member write on your body.”
“Pfft, is that all?” Raddia said. “I’m taking that dare. Easy money!” She stepped out to the center of the stage. “Go on! I’m your canvas!”
“Look at her, folks! Already ready and raring to go!” Atticus said. “Now, let’s pick a random audience member.” He brought out two jars of ping-pong balls, one set had letters and the other had numbers. He shuffled his hands through them and pulled out a letter and number. “Seat number D13! Come on down!”
“Whoo!” Standing up was a man in a business suit. He stepped his way through the clapping audience and made his way down to the stage. By the time that he came down, Raddia had already stripped down to her underwear.
“Sir, what is your name?” Atticus said.
“Kevin,” the man said. One of the stage hands approached him with an array of colored body-safe markers.
“Great name! Well, Kevin, go right ahead. Write as much as you want,” Atticus said, gesturing to Raddia.
Kevin smiled as he picked up the blue marker. He turned Raddia’s cheeks, writing WH on her right cheeks and RE on her left cheeks so with her mouth, it spelled out WHORE. On her tits, he wrote “Dump your cum here” with arrows between her cleavage in green. On her left arm, he put a tally counter that read “Men serviced” and he put seven tally marks in white. Kevin moved down to her stomach and wrote “Insert dick here” with an arrow pointing to her crotch in red marker. He spun Raddia around and on her back, right above her ass, he wrote “Kevin’s Bitch” in orange. Finally he wrote “SLUT” all over her body in purple.
“There we go,” Kevin said, satisfied with his work. He handed back the markers to the stage hand and returned to his seat.
“Well Raddia, give us a twirl. Let’s see the handiwork,” Atticus said.
“Man, was that all?” Raddia said as she spun around slowly, letting everyone get a good look at her. “I was expecting something more, Kevin.”
“Well, you did it,” Atticus said, gesturing for Raddia’s winnings to increase by $50. “You can head back to your spot now.” Raddia nodded and picked up her clothes, heading back to her place behind her stand. She didn’t even bother to put back on her clothes.
“And that, folks, is the end of our first round!” The audience cheered and clapped. “We’re already starting out strong with some wonderful contestants! And we will keep going… after this commercial break!”
Peter Shale woke up, thinking nothing of the strange feeling that was lingering in the air. He stretched as he shook off the remnants of last night’s wet dream.
“Damn, that was a good one,” he said to himself as he stripped off his boxers and slipped into a fresh pair. “Getting to double team Stacy and Isabelle in a hot tub. Gonna definitely save that for the future spank bank.”
Peter grabbed his phone, checking out all the notifications from last night. Most of which were snapchats from his friends hanging out at different parties, banging different chicks. He responded to a few of them, wishing that he could have been there with them. But, sadly, he had to be here at home as his family was preparing for their annual excursion.
Though, he couldn’t really complain. After all, he was getting to visit the beaches of Catalahara for free. A weekend of bright sun, warm weather, and all the hotties in bikinis. Now it would be his friends who would be jealous of him. A few of them had sent him messages wishing him good luck and to have fun on his vacation.
“Peter! Are you awake yet?”
“Yeah! I’m coming down soon!” Peter shouted down, responding to his mother that had called out to him. He hopped out of bed and threw on the clothes that he had set aside for today. Just a simple blue T-shirt and jeans, totally fine for the trip to the beach. He combed his hair up, admiring himself in the mirror. “This year, you’re gonna break your record of 4.” He clicked his tongue at himself and applied some cologne.
Standing at a solid 6’ 2”, he was certainly glad that he was out of his awkward short phase from middle school. Now a 19 year old strapping sophomore in college, he was definitely one to catch the wandering eyes of the ladies. Not that he could blame them; with his toned natural physique, chiseled chin, and deep brown eyes, all it would take was the right look and suave lines to make a lady swoon. And then, once they saw what he was packing at 6 inches, well, it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out what happened later that night.
Yeah, Peter didn’t really have much to complain about with his life. His parents were very well off, with his mother working as a teacher for the local community college and his father working an office job, so money wasn’t ever really an issue for them. His grades weren’t the best, but they were decent enough to keep getting by. And of course, he had game, living the full college experience with parties, ladies, and fun.
Having finished admiring himself in the mirror, he left his room and headed quickly to the bathroom. He opened up the door and was about to take a whizz when something, or rather someone, stopped him.
“Peter! What the fuck!? Knock jackass!”
Standing there in just a bathrobe was none other than his older sister, Brooke.
Now if Peter was, as he liked to compare himself to, a blue ribbon at the state fair, then Brooke was the winning dish from nationals. Standing at a modest 5’ 6”, she blew Peter’s toned body out of the water with her athletic build. Long blonde hair with pink highlights that she would often dye, gorgeous green eyes, and a killer rack of abs, with most of her body fat going to her D cups, most women would kill for a body like hers. A natural born track star from birth, she held practically every track and field record at their old high school and had the physique to back it up and then some. Not only was she more toned than Peter, but her grades were practically perfect, which she owed to her method of studying while exercising. However, she wasn’t the greatest at being social, preferring to focus more on her studies and exercise, though she did have a few close friends.
Truth be told, if she wasn’t her sister, Peter would be all over a girl like that. She had the body and the brains. However, Brooke had a tendency to remind Peter that not all that glittered was golden.
“Get the fuck out!” Brooke shouted as she pushed Peter out of the bathroom.
“Hey, I need to use the bathroom!” Peter complained as Brooke shoved him.
“Go use the other one. I was here first!” With that, Brooke locked the door.
Peter grumbled, but reluctantly made his way downstairs. Before he could make it to the bathroom, another voice stopped him.
“Come on. It’s vacation time. Can’t you two get along for just a few days?”
This time, it was his father, Hector, stepping out of the master bedroom. Peter was practically a spitting image of his father when he was younger. Hector stood at a respectable 6’ 4”, just a couple inches over Peter. His wavy brown hair fell down along the sides of his head, accenting his beard that was neatly trimmed as always, accented by his brown eyes. Hector was more muscular than Peter, which he owed to the days of being a surfer before he settled down. His physique always made it a little hilarious when the man who looked like the pinnacle of a surfer dude went to work wearing a suit and tie. But, today wasn’t a suit day; today was a day for a black T-shirt and brown shorts.
“Sorry Dad,” Peter said, not wanting to get an earful. “We’ll get alone. I promise.”
“You two better,” Hector said as he patted Peter on the shoulder. “Remember, we’re leaving soon, so don’t take too long.” With that, he made his way to the kitchen.
Peter quickly headed to the bathroom, relieving himself. Finished, he headed to the kitchen at the same time that Brooke made her way downstairs, dressed in a purple tank top and white booty shorts. The two of them headed into the kitchen, and were immediately assaulted by the smells of freshly cooked bacon and flapjacks.
“Now, be sure to eat well. The less stops we have to make for food, the sooner we reach the beaches.”
Handing out the plates of breakfast was Peter’s mother, Veronica. If Peter was the younger version of Hector, then Brooke was the younger version of Veronica. Standing at a surprising 5’ 10”, she had quite the height difference between herself and Brooke than Hector and Peter. She often wore her light blonde hair up in a ponytail to help keep it out of her face. Today, she was wearing a brown top with a bit of a deep U cut to it to accent her E cups and a long green skirt, which fit snugly against her body to show off her hips.
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Hector said with a hearty laugh as Peter and Brooke took their seats at the table. “Nice perfume, dear.” Hector said as Veronica handed him a plate.
“Oh, thanks. Thought I’d try something new today,” Veronica said as she handed out plates to Peter and Brooke.
The four of them ate until they were stuffed, cleaned up, and then piled into the car. Hector took up the driver seat, with Veronica in the passenger seat. Peter sat behind Veronica while Brooke was behind Hector. The drive wasn’t too boring, as Peter mostly passed the time by watching videos on his phone. Occasionally, he would hear Brooke adjust herself in her seat as she read her books or hearing his parents flirt back and forth, but he kept focus on his phone. Before long, the view of the beach house appeared on the horizon. Within minutes, they were unpacked and settled in as the sun shone high in the sky.
“Ah, hello Catalahara Beach!” Peter said as he stepped out onto the back porch, basking in the warm sun and the breeze. “How I have missed you.”
“You know, it’s better to get out there than just to stare at it, right?” Brooke said as she came up next to him, wearing a blue bikini that left little to the imagination. She adjusted her sunglasses and headed out through the backyard towards the path that led to the beach. Shortly following behind Brooke was Veronica and Hector, both of whom were wearing their swimsuits and carrying beach towels.
“You gonna get dressed and come along?” Hector asked, his arm around Veronica’s waist.
“Since you’re the last one to leave, be sure to bring along the cooler and the beach bag that’s on the table,” Veronica said as she and Hector headed to the beach.
“Alright, I will,” Peter grumbled as he headed back inside the house. “Not sure why they couldn’t have gotten it,” he muttered to himself. Peter headed to his room and quickly got undressed. He went into his suitcase and slipped on a pair of swimming trunks. Then, he walked around the house, finding the cooler and the beach bag in the kitchen. He slung the bag over his shoulder and dragged the cooler down the path to the beach.
What greeted him was the gorgeous sight of Catalahara Beach and all the beachgoers, enjoying the warm weather and splayed out on display, soaking up the sunlight. Peter could see his family down by the water; Hector already had some chairs set up with Brooke sitting in one of them while Veronica had her feet in the water. Peter wheeled the cooler down and sat it next to the chairs and plopped the bag down onto the sand.
“Time to enjoy this vacation!” Peter said loudly. He was about to head into the water when he felt his father’s hand on his shoulder.
“Not so fast,” Hector said as he picked up the bottle of sunscreen and tossed it to Peter. “Be sure to cover up. We don’t need some sunburn to ruin our vacation and you burn faster than a paper bag..”
“Yeah yeah, I know,” Peter said as he squirted out some into his hand. Of course he couldn’t get the genes from his father that made him resistant to sunburns. But, no, only Brooke got those, leaving Peter with his mother’s genes that made them need to use sunscreen far more. He applied it to his face and chest, rubbing it on his arms and legs. But, when it came to reaching his back, his arms weren’t flexible enough to reach everywhere to cover it. Try as he might, there were definitely spots that his hands couldn’t get to.
“Do you need some help?” Veronica asked as she walked up to Peter. “I forgot to apply some sunscreen myself.” Without waiting for a response, Veronica squeezed some sunscreen onto her palms. She moved behind Peter and started to press her hands along his back.
Peter shuddered at the coldness of the sunscreen, juxtaposed to the awkward warmth that his face was feeling and it wasn’t from the sun.
“No! Not again!” Peter thought to himself as he tried to stay still. “Think of anything else!”
Sure, he had taken a few glances here and there, but with how Veronica enjoyed showing off her body, it wasn’t unusual. But, she was his own mother! He had to push the thoughts out of his mind. Unfortunately, it only got filled with memories of his friends commenting about how sexy Veronica was. There were countless beach babes available for him to charm and here he was stuck with these thoughts.
“And done,” Veronica said.
“Great thanks!” Peter shouted as he bolted from where he was to the water’s edge.
“Oh, have fun!” Veronica said. She turned over to Hector, who gave her a wink as he squeezed sunscreen onto his hands.
The moment Peter’s feet hit the water, all the worries and stresses he had built up in his body instantly faded away. He sighed in relief as he waded into the blue waters, slowly heading in deeper and deeper until he was chest deep in and just floated in the water. The sky above had a few clouds, which provided passing shade now and then.
“Yeah, this is the life,” Peter said as he closed his eyes and began to unwind.
The day slipped past as the Shale family enjoyed the first day on the beach. Occasionally, Peter’s efforts of relaxing were drawn away by a bikini-clad lady, or his family calling him in for something. Sometimes it was food, but most of the time, it was so he and Veronica could reapply their sunscreen.
Before long, the sun had long set and most of the other beachgoers had headed back to their homes, but not the Shale family. Instead, against the backdrop of the moonlit night, there was a lone campfire that they were all gathered around.
“So, is there anything exciting that either of you are hoping to do this vacation?” Veronica asked as she looked over to Peter and Brooke.
“I’m content to just enjoy the nice time that we have here,” Brooke said as she flipped to the next page of her book.
“Are you just gonna read the whole time?” Peter sneered at Brooke, to which she just rolled her eyes.
“Well, I know that I heard that Demitri can get us a good price on a set of jetski rides,” Hector said as he leaned forward, tossing another log onto the fire. “How does that sound to you kids?”
“I think that sounds totally awesome!” Peter said, pumping his fists into the air.
“That’s my boy!” Hector said, high fiving him.
“I can’t say that I ever had the chance. I’d love the opportunity, Dad,” Brooke said as she smiled, thinking about getting to ride the waves.
“Well, I’ll be happy to watch from the docks,” Veronica said, leaning up against Hector’s arm.
“Oh, nonsense. You can join me and sit on the back, holding on tight,” Hector said, a bit of a purr in his voice as he pulled Veronica in tighter.
“Well if you insist, my dear,” Veronica said with a light chuckle. She looked up to the sky, admiring the twinkling lights above. “Are they all so beautiful? The stars?”
“Yeah, they sure are pretty. Can’t get views like this back home,” Hector said as he gestured out to the ocean and the moon above.
“Hey,” Peter said as he pointed up to the sky. “Is that a shooting star?”
The four of them all looked to where Peter was pointing, observing a glowing light burning up in the atmosphere.
“Oh, I wish that times like these could last forever,” Veronica said as she looked at the star.
“I wish the same thing,” Hector said as he looked up.
“I wish to get that award that I’ve been trying for,” Brooke said, closing her eyes.
“Well I wish that-” Peter tilted his head as he looked up at the burning light. “Wait, is it getting larger?”
The Shale family looked closely at the light. “Wait,” Brooke said as she squinted. “It’s not getting larger. It’s just getting closer! And it’s coming towards us!”
The four of them scrambled to move out of the way of the incoming light, but the sand proved to be a slippery surface compared to solid ground. Veronica fell almost immediately as she twisted around to run back towards the house. Hector was able to dig his heels in, but turned back to go protect Veronica. Brooke started to run to the side to get out of the way while Peter could only try to duck out of the way, leaping from his seat. But, despite their best efforts, it was too late.
The burning light crashed down into the sand with a mighty force, whipping the sand up in a furious frenzy as the light caved in the ground and creating a crater. The light exploded around in a brilliant light, then fizzled out into small glowing orange embers that gently dissipated into the air.
“Hector! Peter! Brooke!”
Peter could vaguely hear his mother calling out to him. He struggled to open up his eyes, everything swirling around in a daze. His head was ringing from the impact as he tried to focus on what just happened. He forced himself up and off the sand, staggering towards where he heard his mother’s voice.
“I’m over here!” Peter shouted. He walked forward a little more, confused about where exactly he was going. With fire having been taken out by the impact, he had lost all landmarks he could easily focus on. “Whoa!” Peter fell face forward as he tripped over Brooke, who was laying on the sand, so he must have stumbled somehow in her direction. “Brooke, are you alright?” She groaned in response, but didn’t open her eyes. Mustering up his strength, Peter lifted Brooke up and slung her arm over his shoulder.
“Peter! Where are you?” Veronica called out.
“I’m over here!” Peter said as his eyes started to refocus. He dragged Brooke over to Veronica, who was struggling to lift up Hector.
“Here, help me with your father,” Veronica said as Peter set Brooke down. With the two of them, they were able to lift up Hector. Peter held Hector as Veronica went and picked up Brooke. “Come on, back to the house!” Veronica went ahead, bringing Brooke, with Peter following shortly behind.
The two of them brought Brooke and Hector to the house, locking the door behind them. Peter set Hector on the chair in the living room while Veronica laid Brooke onto the couch.
“What the hell was that?” Peter exclaimed as he looked out the backdoor towards the beach. “Was that an asteroid strike? Or a satellite crash?”
“I don’t know,” Veronica said as she rapidly looked over Hector and Brooke. “Peter, are you hurt at all?”
“Just a little shaken up,” Peter said as he checked himself for anything. Thankfully, nothing felt painful and he couldn’t see any scratches or marks. “How are you, Mom?”
“Physically, I’m fine,” Veronica said. “I’m just worried about Hector and Brooke.”
As if on cue, Hector and Brooke stirred awake, causing Veronica to yelp back in surprise. Hector and Brooke looked around, trying to get their bearings. They turned and looked over at Peter and Veronica. Peter and Veronica, meanwhile, stared at them, wide-eyed in fear.
Hector and Brooke both stared with glowing orange eyes, as brilliant as a flame. They looked down at themselves, giving confusing looks. They turned to each other and said something in a language that wasn’t human, conversing back and forth. They closed their eyes and massaged their temples simultaneously. Then, Brooke opened her eyes and turned to Peter, speaking in a strange tone.
“You, where am I?” Brooke asked.
“Brooke?” Peter asked cautiously as he looked at his sister. “It’s okay. Uh, you’re at home. Well, not home, but the beach house.”
“Beach house?” Hector asked as he looked around. “Is this Ixa 15?”
“Is this what?” Veronica asked, very confused. “Uh, dear, we’re at Catalahara Beach.” She turned to Peter. “I think they may have hit their head.”
“No, this body shows no signs of having been injured in the process,” Brooke said as she looked over herself.
“This body?” Peter squinted his eyes. “What the hell is going on?”
Hector stroked his chin as he rubbed his temple. “Ah, more lexicon comes in.” He opened his eyes and frowned. “Ugh, the coordinates were off. I thought I had seen the signal.”
“Signal?” Peter asked.
“Yes. The rapid flickering of lights to signify that this was Ixa 15. But, based on these memories, it would seem that this is not the right planet,” Brooke said.
“Rapid flickering? Planet?” Peter asked, though he started to piece together everything. “Wait, are you…”
“This should have been far easier.” Brooke walked over, getting up near Peter’s face. “I am recalling that you were near the impact site.” She ran her finger along Peter’s body and rubbed it between her fingers. “The particles spread to you, but you were unaffected. Curious.”
“You’re an alien!” Peter shouted, causing Veronica to hug tightly to Peter’s arm.
“Aliens! But, those aren’t real!” Veronica shivered as she looked at Brooke and Hector.
“Ugh, don’t shout,” Brooke and Hector said as they held their heads. “I am still adjusting to how these bodies process sound.”
“Who… What are you?” Peter asked, staring at what used to be his sister and his father.
Hector and Brooke both stood side by side and bowed in perfect synchronous action. They both spoke at the same in perfect unison. “I am Krasid, a traveler from Zorben 18, on my way to Ixa 15. But, it would seem that I mistook a signal from here as the sign for Ixa 15.”
“Wait, which of you is Kas, uh, Kar, uh, Krasid?” Peter stammered.
“Both of us,” Hector and Brooke said. “Well, technically, we are one, shared now across two. Still, you both were at the impact site. How were you unaffected?” Brooke leaned in close to Peter, sniffing him, and then sniffing Veronica. “Ugh, what is that foul stench upon you both? It permeates you strongly. It has a metallic scent to it.” Brooke sniffed her arms and scowled. “It’s on these bodies as well, but not nearly as potent.”
“What?” Peter asked, confused. He racked his brain, trying to figure out what it could possibly be. “Metallic and only strongly on us? Wait, could it be sunscreen?”
“Based on the knowledge from this one,” Brooke said, “I believe that is the case.” She closed her eyes. “Ugh, yes. This one had memorized that the main ingredient is titanium dioxide. Ugh, horrible tasting stuff.”
“So, our sunscreen protected us from you?” Peter asked, looking around frantically for any possible remaining bottles around.
“Yes, that’s correct,” Hector said with a frown. “Ugh, figures that this planet would have such an awful substance.” Hector sighed and looked at the two of them. “I can tell that you two are very shaken up by this. So, allow me to give you some reassurance.” Brooke joined in, her and Hector matching in perfect unison. “I mean you all no harm. I simply wish to make my way to my destination. If you can help me, then I’ll be on my way, no problem.”
“Give us back my husband and daughter!” Veronica shouted from behind the two of them, having slipped away while Krasid was focused on Peter. She sprayed Hector and Brooke with spray-on sunscreen, but the two of them just coughed and wiped it away.
“That stuff only stops the bonding attempt,” Hector said as he flicked off the lotion. “Once we’re already in a host, it won’t do anything.”
“Are… you going to take over Peter and I now?” Veronica said as she stepped back in fear.
“No,” Brooke said with a sigh. “Once a bonding attempt has failed, it won’t work again with that host.” She crossed her arms. “Meaning, no, I won’t be able to bond you two.”
“Well, unbond with them!” Peter shouted. “Give them back!”
Hector sighed and Brooke turned to Peter, speaking to him. “I can’t do that. Once the bonding process has taken effect, separating without the proper materials would cause irreparable damage to the host.” Peter and Veronica both gulped. “And, no idea if your planet has such materials.” Brooke and Hector huffed, emitting a soft cloud of orange lights towards Peter and Veronica. “Now, let’s just calm down.”
Peter and Veronica both felt themselves starting to calm down a little bit. While this was a terrifying situation for them, it would seem that Krasid didn’t want to hurt anyone.
“What will happen to them when you are unbonded if we did it properly?” Peter asked.
“They’ll be unharmed,” Brooke said. “They are still in here, but, more like they are sleeping.” She bowed to Peter as Hector bowed to Veronica. “I swear, that if you help me unbond and get on my way, then I shall return them completely unharmed to you. I will also make sure no harm comes to either of you two.” Brooke and Hector extended their hands. “The memories say that you humans do this gesture to symbolize an agreement. Do we have an agreement?”
Peter looked over at Veronica, unsure of what to do. Krasid seemed genuine in what they were saying, and as of right now, it didn’t seem like they had a choice. Veronica looked back to Peter and nodded, coming to the same conclusion he did.
“Okay, we have an agreement,” Peter said as he shook Brooke’s hand.
Jolene picked up the menu and looked over the specials of the day for the sixth time, or was it the eighth time? She had started to lose track of how many times she could read about the grilled steak served with a potato glaze and cooked in a red wine, whatever that meant. Apparently it was a dish that was created when the head chef swapped bodies with the janitor and allowed them to make a meal, becoming a large hit for the restaurant. Her eyes darted across the table to where an untouched menu remained sitting on the table, exactly where the hostess had placed it down. Her eyes moved up to the empty chair that sat on the other side of the table, still waiting for a warm body to sit down.
“Ma’am.” The voice of the waiter started Jolene as she jumped a little in her seat. Part of her hoped that it had been who she was waiting for, only to have been dashed away. “Would you like a little more time to consider your options?” The waiter, not so subtly, gestured to the empty chair.
“Just a little bit more,” Jolene said as she feigned her best smile.
The waiter nodded and walked away to other tables. Jolene could hear the other patrons murmur whispers to each other about her. She wanted to slink away and hide in the bathroom until the end of time. She could feel all the eyes that were on her. Maybe no one would notice if she just left. Jolene reached for her phone to look at the time. About 15 minutes past when the reservation was, and about 30 minutes since the time that Jolene had arranged to meet. Maybe it would be better to cut her losses.
“Ma’am,” the waiter said as they approached the table again. “I’m going to have to ask you to order something soon, or we have to give up your table to someone else.”
“That’s fine,” Jolene said as she slung her purse over her shoulder and tapped onto the edge of the glass of water she was provided. “I was just about to-”
“Oh, hey, there you are.”
Just before Jolene was about to get up, a blond haired man sat down on the other side of the table. He loosened up his green tie. “Oh good, the waiter is already here. Can I get a bottle of white rose wine?”
The waiter looked over to Jolene, confused and waiting for Jolene’s response. Jolene looked the man up and down before sitting back down. “I think that a bottle of white rose wine would be lovely.” The waiter nodded and walked away from the table, muttering something under their breath.
“You would not believe just how terrible the traffic on the 63 is,” the man said as he relaxed into his chair. “I should have taken the North End exit but I thought the 63 would have been faster.”
Jolene set down her purse as she looked the man up and down. “Well, it can get very busy around this time of the day.” She extended out her hand to the man. “Well stranger, I guess since you’re going to be joining me for a meal, I better know your name.”
The man nodded and took Jolene’s hand. He leaned down and kissed the back of it. “My name is Cliff. Cliff Buckner. And to whom do I have the honor of sharing this meal with?”
Jolene smiled at Cliff. “Jolene Garcia,” Jolene said as she chuckled and pulled her hand back. She looked Cliff up and down. “Well, you’re certainly not who I was expecting.”
“Oh, and who were you expecting?” Cliff asked as he looked over the menu. “Some dashing rogue to step in and sweep you off your feet?”
“Well, I was expecting that I’d be having dinner with a beautiful lady who was supposed to show up about half an hour ago,” Jolene sighed. “But, I guess she never showed up.”
“I can’t imagine the reason why someone would pass up the opportunity to spend time with you,” Cliff said as he took a sip of his water. “But, I am thankful that she gave me the opportunity.”
The waiter returned with a bottle of white rose wine and two glasses, pouring the drinks for the two of them. “Now, may I take your orders?” The waiter had the hint in their voice that they were a little tired of asking repeatedly.
“Two orders of the daily special,” Jolene said before Cliff had a chance to respond.
The waiter nodded and took the menus and headed off.
“What if I didn’t want the special?” Cliff asked.
“You’re the one who came in and ordered the drinks for us. I figured then that this makes us even,” Jolene said, smirking as she took a sip of her glass. “Oh, this is good.” She set the glass down and swirled it before looking at Cliff. “So, been anyone fun recently?”
Cliff chuckled as he took a swig of wine. “Do all your dates start with such hard hitting questions?”
“Only the ones who catch me last minute,” Jolene said, grinning. “Now, have you been anyone fun recently, Cliff?”
Cliff sat back in his chair and stroked his chin. “Well, a few days ago, I was Gordon Van Kimmer. Was able to play a mean basketball game for a charity stream. Then a couple weeks prior to that, I had to give a lecture as Miss Beatly about fire safety.”
“Wait, so that was you?” Jolene chuckled. “I thought your mannerisms were a little familiar. Now I know what I know you from. You got quite a little bit of fame from your video, huh?”
“Oh, it wasn’t that popular,” Cliff chuckled as he swirled around his glass. “But enough about me. Tell me more about yourself, Jolene. Who have you been lately?”
“Oh, it wouldn’t be that interesting,” Jolene said as she curled her hair around her finger. “Nothing compared to what you’ve been up to.”
“Try me.”
“Fine,” Jolene said as she huffed. “Last Tuesday, I swapped bodies with major league pitcher Jack Franks.”
“Are you kidding me? I won a bet because of you!” Cliff laughed, his head thrown back as he pounded his fist on the table.
“Great. Then you can pay for dinner,” Jolene said with another sly smile as she sipped more wine.
Cliff stopped laughing as he looked at her before smiling. “Well, I guess you got me there.” He resumed laughing before composing himself. “So, who was the best person you’ve ever swapped bodies with?”
Jolene pondered to herself as she thought about the answer. “I would have to say the time that I loaned my body out to a Body Flipper.”
“You’ve tried them out?”
“Believe me, I was hesitant at first. Granted, I wouldn’t have minded being Natasha for the rest of my life. She had one tight ass,” Jolene said, humming as she thought about it. “But, lo and behold, one month later, she had my apartment all fixed up, made a good plan for my health, and even helped burn down a few pounds. Totally worth the price.”
“I always thought about using a Body Flipper, but I could never afford someone like that,” Cliff said, chuckling. “Plus, it wouldn’t matter if they made the perfect plan to lead me to being richer than Bezos. I’d probably fall off the plan before step 2.”
“Not the kind of guy to stick to plans?” Jolene asked, leaning forward to give Cliff a deep view of her cleavage. She stuck her foot out and rubbed it against Cliff’s leg. “You’re more of a spur of the moment sort of guy?” Cliff smiled as he felt Jolene’s leg against his slacks. He tried his best to keep focused on her eyes and face, but he couldn’t help but look down now and then at the sight that Jolene was giving him. “You know, if a lady is showing you something, it’s rude not to look.”
“And what a sight it is,” Cliff said, raising his glass and pouring some more wine into his and hers. “But I’d like to get to know the lady behind the chest a bit more.”
“Well, what do you wanna know?” Jolene asked, resting her elbow on the table and her chin on her palm.
“For example, what do you do for a living?”
Jolene smiled at Cliff. “If you must know, I work as an aquarium technician.” Jolene shook her foot, freeing it from her high heels. She slowly slinked her foot up Cliff’s leg, now rubbing against his thigh under the table cover. “I make sure the animals are all well kept and everything. All that good jazz, you know?” Cliff was caught a little off-guard by Jolene’s advances, but appreciated them nonetheless. “So, you could say that I’m used to handling squirmy things.”
“Is that so?” Cliff said, trying to keep a straight face as Jolene continued to rub against him. “What’s your favorite animal?”
“Oh, the jellyfish are always fun,” Jolene said as she guided her foot up to Cliff’s crotch, lightly touching her big toe to Cliff’s growing erection. “But, you could say I have a soft spot for the sea cucumber.” Cliff coughed in surprise at Jolene’s forwardness, still trying to pretend that nothing out of the ordinary was happening. “But that’s enough about me. Tell me about yourself, Cliff. What do you do for a living?”
“Well, if you must know, I work as a professional sleeper,” Cliff said, sitting upright and adjusting his tie a little.
Jolene looked at him, wide-eyed in surprise, before laughing. “Well, that wasn’t the answer I was expecting.”
“And what were you expecting?” Cliff asked.
“Given the suit and tie, I was expecting something like a lawyer or some office job,” Jolene said. She smiled at him and put her full foot against Cliff’s bulge. “So, as a professional sleeper, do you have a lot of experience sleeping around?” She began to stroke her foot against his cock.
“Oh yes, you could certainly say that.” Cliff smiled back at Jolene as he adjusted the tablecloth to cover up his crotch better. He leaned a bit forward, allowing Jolene easier access to his bulge. “I spend my days testing out mattresses and hotel rooms, rating them and judging them.”
“Wow, that certainly sounds exciting,” Jolene said as she appreciated Cliff’s gestures. She rubbed her foot faster against Cliff’s crotch, feeling it twitching as she moved her toes to curl around his shaft. “Where’s the best place that you’ve ever slept?”
“Let’s see,” Cliff said as he stroked his chin. “Oh, there was one time a client let me swap bodies with a sexy hula dancer team in Hawaii so I could try out the new mattresses at a hotel they were opening up. Though, there wasn’t quite as much sleeping done during that trip,” Cliff said with a wink as he adjusted Jolene’s foot, letting out a soft moan.
“Oh I can only imagine how delightful that must have been,” Jolene said. She quickened her pace, stroking faster and harder. “Tell me, are you more of a single or a doubles man?” Jolene gently pointed down to the table.
“Doubles,” Cliff said.
Jolene nodded and slipped her other shoe off her other foot. She now put both feet on Cliff’s bulge, rubbing it on both sides. There were more gentle moans escaping from Cliff’s lips. “You get paid well to be a professional sleeper?”
“Oh yes,” Cliff said, having a bit more trouble focusing on the conversation at hand. His mind was starting to be flooded with pleasure as he took another sip of wine. “It’s quite rewarding, both in experience and in paycheck.”
“Oh, that’s great to hear.” Jolene said as she looked around. All the other people were focused on their meals, no longer caring about the woman who was sitting at a table alone for 15 minutes. As she reaffirmed to herself the coast was clear, she reached to the side of her dress. With a quick movement, she bit her lower lip and pulled down the edge of her shirt, flashing Cliff with her left breast. “Sleeping around can be quite fun, wouldn’t you agree?” Despite her rhetorical question, Cliff’s twitching of his cock answered for her.
Cliff tried to keep up the conversation, but the pleasurable sensation of her feet rubbing his dick, and now her flashing him with the risk of being caught? His brain was being overwhelmed with stimulation. His breath became heavier and more rapid.
“When it comes to sleeping, what’s your favorite position?” Jolene asked, emphasizing that last word as she gently rubbed her nipple with her pointer finger. Cliff watched as it slowly became engorged. “Well, what is it?”
“Oh, uh, I prefer to sleep on my back,” Cliff stammered, shakily lifting his glass to his mouth and gently sipping. “Come on. Hold it together,” he muttered to himself.
Jolene took his response as a positive one and stroked his cock faster and faster, alternating movement with her feet. She could feel his resistance slowly eroding away with every stroke she made. “You know,” she said, refocusing Cliff back to her, “I also like being on my back. Just getting to spread out all over the bed. But, I also don’t mind being on my stomach, ass up to the air.”
Cliff was practically moments away from bursting in his pants. The food hadn’t even come out yet and he was already near the edge. Jolene’s descriptions weren’t helping him hold on either.
“Come on, Cliff. Sleeping on beds must be so nice.” She quickened her movements, squeezing his bulge from both sides. “I mean, getting to just let go. To relax and just, enjoy the moment. It must feel like such bliss.”
Cliff was biting his lips, trying to distract himself with anything. Anything except the pleasure that Jolene was doing to him. There had to be something. Some other topic to talk about.
“So, how about-”
There was a soft clink on the ground as Cliff looked over at Jolene, who had a wide grin on her face. “Oh dear. It seems that I dropped my spoon. I should get that.” She slipped down under the table, ducking under the tablecloth.
Jolene crawled over to Cliff, resting her head against his thigh. She unzipped his pants, letting his cock pop right out. She grinned as she watched it twitch with anticipation. Without hesitation, she put her mouth over it, listening to the beautiful groans that caused Cliff to make. She stroked his shaft with her tongue, lapping up the pre-cum and sending shivers up Cliff’s spine. She bobbed her head up and down, taking in the full length of his erect member. Jolene could feel Cliff trying his best to hold on and ride out the pleasure as long as he could, but she wasn’t playing around. With all the foot rubbing she did, it would take just a little push to bring him over the edge. She pursed her lips tightly and rapidly sucked on his cock and swirled her tongue in circles..
“Fuck!” Cliff said in a hushed whisper as his body tensed up.
His legs squeezed onto Jolene, holding her in place as he shot a huge load into her mouth. He twitched as he felt Jolene swallowing the whole thing before he released her. She rubbed her tongue around his cock, cleaning him off before tucking it back into his pants. Jolene fixed up her shirt and reemerged from her side of the table, holding the spoon.
“Got it.”
Cliff huffed as he picked up his water, frantically sipping it. “Dammit, I thought that his body would be able to hold out until at least the food got here. But you’re just too damn good, Diane.”
Diane, in the body of Jolene, chuckled as she looked at him. “Well, I did have some challenges. I mean, again, I was expecting a beautiful lady, so I picked a body that had some good pussy-eating experience. You showing up as a guy really threw me for a loop, Traci. I wasn’t sure that I’d be able to keep pace.”
Traci, in the body of Cliff, sighed as she set down her glass of water. “Yeah, well, apparently someone had accidentally rented out the body that I wanted to go with, so I got stuck with Cliff.” She gestured to the body she was in. “I didn’t think it would take that little to make him cum.”
“Come on, you know me,” Diane said. “When have you ever been able to hold out long against me?”
“Las Vegas, 2017,” Traci replied.
“Okay, that doesn’t count and you know it,” Diane said as she playfully threw a napkin at Traci. “And you’re the one who made it easy for me. I mean, look, you’re the one who laid the foundation with that professional sleeper story. You can’t really tell me you didn’t expect me to run wild with it.”
“Well of course I did,” Traci said as she swirled her wine glass. “I mean, you’re the one out there with that aquarium tech cover story. Sea cucumber? Not exactly subtle, dear.”
“Oh, you know that subtly isn’t my specialty,” Diane said as she looked at her date. “You did make me worried a little bit.”
“Hey, you’re the one who didn’t give me the signal until 15 minutes after you sat down,” Traci said as she tapped on the glass. “Here I was beginning to think I’d be the one thrown out for waiting for so long.”
“The waiters here have gotten a bit more tolerant of people dining alone. You would think they would have known after so long.”
“I mean, new waiters. I bet some of these are even swapped employees,” Traci said as she looked around
Diane shrugged. “Either way, I knew that my shining knight would show up and save me a horrible night alone,” she said, exaggerating her movements in a dramatic fashion. “After all, you can’t resist saving a damsel in distress.”
“You got that right. And I’ll come in to save you from a night of despair just like I’ve done every year since that fateful one where we first met,” Traci said as she held up her wine glass.
“And each year, you still always manage to outdo yourself and give me that wonderful thrill,” Diane said as she picked up her glass and gently clinked it against Traci’s.
“Happy anniversary, my dear.”
“Happy anniversary.”
“So, how was that for you?” Dan said as he panted and rolled off of Olivia, staring up at the ceiling.
Olivia rolled her eyes and sighed. She rested her head on her hand as she rolled and faced Dan. “I think we both know how that went. I think I was almost there a few times, but then it didn’t quite reach the peak that I needed.”
Dan sighed. “Sorry dear,” he said as he turned to face her. “Do you ever-”
“If you’re about to ask me if I ever regret marrying you again, I swear I’m going to slap you in the face,” Olivia said as she lined her other hand up with his cheek gently. “I love you, Dan.”
“I love you too, Olivia,” Dan said as he put his hand on her hand and gently sighed. “But, I feel bad that I can’t satisfy you.”
“I enjoy the ride,” Olivia said. “It’s always a great one.”
“But it hasn’t been enough for you.” Dan threw off the blanket and gestured to his cock. “I mean, yeah, it’s a nice size, but it’s never big enough to satisfy you.” He turned to Olivia and looked her deep in her eyes. “I want you to be satisfied, no matter what. You always satisfy me.”
“Dan, you’re talking like you already have an idea,” Olivia said, biting her lower lip a bit in anticipation.
Dan chuckled. “Okay, I do have something.” He picked up his phone and opened it up. He scrolled until he found this dating app and opened it up. To Olivia’s surprise, there were pictures of other men. “I had an idea. We find you someone to have a one-night stand with.” Olivia frowned a little bit. “Wait, hear me out. We find you someone with a nice and large dick. You’ll meet them at a bar, spend some time with them. If you like them, well, then you bring them back here. You two can have sex on the bed while I watch.”
“You want to watch?” Olivia asked, surprised. “Won’t that be awkward for you?”
“Nah,” Dan said as he began to swipe through different options on his phone. “Besides, I kinda find it hot. You won’t even know that I’m here. I’ll be in the chair over there trying not to blow my load too early.”
“Well, okay,” Olivia said as she scooted closer to Dan. “Only if you’re sure about this.” Her eyes looked over the potential matches as Dan swiped through them.
“I am.”
The two of them browsed over different people for several minutes until they found one that really caught their eyes by the name of Vic. The initial picture was that of a very satisfied woman with the captions saying “Want this to be you?” Olivia was the one who clicked on it and the two of them looked through the pictures. They were mostly from the back, showing off the well-toned shoulders and back muscles. A few more pictures showed off the tone of their arms, their legs, and importantly, the crotch that showed something sizable hidden in the pants. Vic even called it the “Pussy Slayer VII.”
Olivia took the phone and started to message Vic. She started off with a simple “How are you doing?”
“I hope he answers soon.”
“Look, there’s no guarantee. I’m sure someone like that gets lots of women fawning over him. Let’s look at other options just in-”
“Holy shit he answered!”
VIC: Well hey there, hot stuff. I see you’re in the area.
OLIVIA: I am! And you’re looking really good yourself too.
VIC: Yeah? You like what you see?
OLIVIA: Love it! And I love seeing what you’re packing.
VIC: Yeah? You want it?
OLIVIA: I want it so bad. I’m getting wet just thinking about it!
VIC: What’s the biggest you’ve ever handled?
OLIVIA: 5 inches. But I want bigger. Why? What are you?
VIC: 8 inches.
OLIVIA: I just quivered at the thought.
OLIVIA: So, I have a bit of a strange proposal for you.
OLIVIA: Would you want to fuck me while my husband watches?
VIC: Straight to the point, no fussing about. I like that. Now that sounds like a good time.
OLIVIA: Meet me at Dynamo’s? 8 work for you?
VIC: Wear something you won’t mind being on the ground after I take it off you. I’ll be wearing a blue tank with a shark image.
OLIVIA: I’ve got this great black dress.
Olivia looked through Dan’s pictures until she found a pic of her in the dress. She sent it over.
VIC: Love it. I’ll see you then, hot cakes.
Olivia could hardly contain her excitement. She grabbed Dan’s shoulders in excitement. “Okay, we gotta clean up! We want this place to be good looking for Vic!”
Dan waited patiently as the clock ticked down. He looked at his phone, trying to estimate how much time remained until Olivia got home. The bar wasn’t that far away; only a half hour drive away from where they lived. He took a deep breath and tried to settle his nerves. On the one hand, he was excited about the prospect of this. It has been 4 years since Olivia had really been able to be sexually fulfilled; Dan himself loved her dearly, but he wasn’t working with the type of equipment that she preferred. She wanted big and long cocks. Ones that could completely fill her pussy up, something that Dan’s five inches weren’t able to satisfy.
“He’s gonna say yes, right? I mean, he agree.” Dan took a deep breath. “Relax Dan. I mean, who would pass up an opportunity like this?” Dan asked himself.
Olivia was everything you could ask for in a woman. Nice and flawless pale skin. Her eyes were a gorgeous shade of blue, which fit well against her blonde hair. As anyone’s eyes would wander down, they would see her curvy figure, with wide hips and very perky DD boobs. She had a bit of a nice ass too, which helped her draw in a few looks.
While she stood at a sizable 5’ 8” , she was tall, but not quite as tall as the men she lusted for. She liked them tall and handsome, with an athletic body to boot. That’s one of the many things she loved about Dan. He kept his short brown hair nicely clean cut, along with his short beard. His tall stature, at 6’ 4”, put quite some height between the two of them, which Olivia loved. If only he had a larger cock to be able to fully satisfy Olivia.
Dan breathed again to try and quell his nerves. Of course Vic was going to say yes to Olivia. After all, Olivia was the one who saw the profile as she was swiping through potential people. He was there as he watched their conversations unfold, and given Vic’s enthusiasm to seeing the little teases of Olivia in the black dress, Dan could only imagine how wild Vic must be getting from seeing Olivia in person.
As if on cue, a car pulled into the driveway. Dan got up and looked out the window, recognizing Olivia’s car. His heart filled with excitement, much like how his cock was starting to fill with blood. Two figures stepped out of the car, one that Dan instantly recognized as being Olivia. The other figure, who must be Vic, was a bit obscured by the darkness. The two of them looked like they were laughing about something as Olivia pulled Vic to the front door, their voices getting louder and louder.
“Alright, here we are,” Olivia said cheerfully as she kicked off her high heels by the door.
Vic walked in, allowing Dan to get a much better look at him. Or rather, her. People’s pictures online were never quite as what they were in real life, and this was the same case. Vic wasn’t even a guy at all! She was definitely a woman, and she looked even better than her pictures. She stood about an inch or two above Dan, added more by her soft pompadour fade. Her darker skin showed years of bathing in the sunlight. Through the stretched fabric of her shark shirt that was clearly a size too small for her, Dan could make out the subtle lines of Vic’s muscles and a few tattoos that peeked out from under the fabric. As his eyes traced down to the skinny jeans, he was surprised to see that Vic was packing something in her pants.
“So, you’re Dan?” Vic said, pulling Dan out of his observations. She extended a hand out to Dan, which Dan shook. Her grip was firm, yet still gentle in the same way. “Olivia’s been telling me all about you.”
“Have you now?” Dan said, feeling a strange excitement rush through him. He looked over to Olivia, confused about what was going on. “Uh, Olivia, dear. Are you sure that she’s the right person?”
Olivia nodded. “Yes, this is Vic, dear.” She leaned a bit on Vic’s arm. “I was a bit surprised too, but,” she said as she took out her phone. She pulled up Vic’s profile and went to Vic’s bio. There, clear as could be, despite the two of them having missed it before, was it clearly listed that Vic was a woman.
“Don’t worry. Your wife told me the whole deal.” Vic patted Dan on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs-up. “I’ll make sure this is a night that neither of you forget.”
“Well,” Olivia said as she began to pull Vic towards the bedroom, “Let’s not keep anyone waiting.” Dan could see the lust in her eyes. He was a little confused as to why Olivia was still so excited, but he followed them up.
The three of them made their way to the bedroom. At Vic’s request, they remained clothed as they entered the room. Dan made his way over to a chair in the corner and sat down, ready to enjoy the show. His cock was already erect from the anticipation and practically burst out of his pants as he dropped them down to his ankles. He ached to start touching himself, but he didn’t want to blow his load too early.
Vic pulled Olivia close to her, the two of them feeling the heat radiating off of each other. Vic’s hands grabbed the back of Olivia’s hands as she held her in place to kiss her firmly on the lips. Already, there were soft moans escaping from Olivia’s lips as she felt the passion coming from Vic. A part of her wondered how long Vic was waiting for a night like this.
A soft tongue made its way from Vic’s mouth to Olivia’s lips, coating them in a thin layer of saliva. Another moan escaped from Olivia’s mouth, this one more intense, more primal. She gripped onto Vic’s shirt, tugging at it as she clenched her fingers tightly through the fabric. Olivia opened her mouth, allowing Vic’s tongue to explore the inside, guided along by her own tongue.
After a few moments, Vic broke the kiss. Slowly, she moved herself down, at the same time, lifting Olivia up by the ass. Vic’s mouth nestled in the crook between Olivia’s neck and shoulder, sucking and kissing along her neck. Olivia’s moans turned to panting, matching the hot and heavy breath she felt on her neck. Vic’s hands reached underneath Olivia’s dress, grabbing hold of her panties. She pulled her hands close, dragging the pink floral panties and exposing them to the open air. They were mesh and slightly see-through, leaving only a little to the imagination. With a quick motion, Vic tossed them aside towards Dan and continued to grope Olivia’s ass.
Slowly, Vic set Olivia down on the ground, and then pushed her down further and further until she was on her knees. From the way that she spread her legs, Dan could see her ass and a bit of her pussy peeking out from under the dress. Olivia panted needily as she came to be eye level with Vic’s package. She reached up and unzipped her pants, letting them fall to her ankles. As it did, Vic’s eight inch purple strap-on fell onto Olivia’s face as she gazed at it with excitement and wonder. Dan’s eyes went wide as he watched in awe and he wondered how often she walked around wearing that.
Olivia’s lips opened up as her tongue started to lick up and down Vic’s shaft, her hand stroking the other side of Vic’s cock. Even if it wasn’t a real one, there was a tingling rush running through Olivia, some reaction stronger than a real one. It felt so big in her hand, far larger than what Dan had, but still the girth of something she could handle. Her head moved to the tip of Vic’s cock and she swirled her tongue around before opening wider and putting the tip into her mouth. Inch by inch, she bobbed her head up and down on the shaft, getting further and further until she reached her limit of about 5 inches. She couldn’t take any more without gagging, so she used two fingers from her right hand to make up the rest of the distance, lubing up the whole thing with her spit. She reveled in the moans of delight from both Vic, as well as from Dan behind her.
She knew exactly what Dan could see. She bent a little more forward, showing off her ass more to Dan. She reached her left hand down and began to stroke her clit in small circles. Dan could feel his excitement rising at the show, but also knew that it was only the beginning. There was far more to get through, so he couldn’t blow his load just yet.
After a few minutes, listening to Olivia gag on Vic’s strap-on and the moans of all three of them, Vic picked Olivia back up to her feet. She laid down on a towel that Olivia had set on the bed earlier and pulled Olivia on top of her. She positioned her to straddle her. Olivia reached down to guide Vic’s strap-on to her pussy. As it slid inside, Olivia gently bite her lip in pleasure and a soft little “Fuck,” escaped from her as she shuddered. The saliva, as well as her natural wetness from excitement and rubbing her clit, made Vic’s strap-on slide right in without issue. She lifted up the hem of her dress so that Dan could see everything, and Vic reached up and pulled her dress down to expose her huge tits. Olivia began to ride Vic’s dick up and down, moaning loudly as she felt all seven inches inside of her when she was all the way down.
Each thrust she made had a deep passion and desire behind it, as if this was the last time that she could ever have a cock like this. She wanted to make it count and wanted to remember this feeling. She leaned forward, resting her hands on Vic’s pecs. Vic, in response, reached up and grabbed handfuls of Olivia’s tits, fondling them firmly with her hands.
After a few more moments, Vic moved Olivia’s hands to her shoulders so that she could get her mouth on Olivia’s nipples. She moaned loudly and bucked from pleasure as Vic sucked on her nipples, rolling them with her tongue. Vic reached down and gripped firmly onto Olivia’s ass, kneading them in her hands, as well as using them as a hold to pull Olivia deeper and harder onto her strap-on.
Dan’s breath was hotter and heavier than it had been in a long time. There was just something about watching Olivia getting fucked that made his heart race with excitement. He had to even stop stroking a few times so that he could keep enjoying the show. The rapid breaths and deep moans of Olivia echoed in his ears, pushing him closer and closer to the edge of pleasure. But, he had to hold on. He wanted to wait until Olivia was satisfied.
“Now, show me what you can really do with that thing,” Olivia said in Vic’s ear. She reluctantly got off of her strap-on. As much as she wanted to keep riding it, her legs were getting a little tired. Plus, she wanted to see what Vic would do with the reigns. She laid down, her ass up and her tits down on the towel as she swapped places with Vic. Olivia bit her lip in anticipation.
“Oh, just you wait and see,” Vic said as she brought her hand across Olivia’s ass with an audible and satisfying smack. There was a sharp moan from Olivia as it rippled through her. Vic smacked her ass cheeks again and again until they were nice and red. Once she had her fun there, she patted her strap-on down on Olivia’s ass cheeks. There was a little shudder of excitement from Olivia as she felt Vic spread her cheeks apart. Then, she felt the tip of her strap-on poke at her pussy, still dripping wet onto the towel. She whimpered in delight as she gripped the sheet.
Then, Vic shoved her whole strap-on inside of her. Olivia screamed out in sharp pleasure that turned into a dreamy moan near the end. Vic put her hands over Olivia’s elbows as she moved into a planking position, thrusting her hips back and forth. She held her in place firmly as she repeatedly shoved her whole member in and out of her.
From the rubbing herself she did earlier to the riding of Vic’s strap-on to now being held and fucked roughly, Olivia was on the verge of climax. She wanted this to last all night, not wanting it to stop. But at the same time, her body craved the sweet pleasure of release. Olivia tried to hold on as best as she could but each thrust of Vic’s full strap-on chipped away at her resistance. It didn’t take that much longer before she gave in; her body tensing up as an orgasm rippled through her. She shuddered in ecstasy as she moaned loudly, the pleasure echoing inside of her with each thrust of Vic’s strap-on. Her breath was frantic as it tried to keep up with the pleasure practically leaking from her.
Dan, watching Olivia climax, followed shortly after. His sticky cum pooled onto his stomach as he caught his breath, watching Vic continue to fuck Olivia’s tight pussy. He smiled at her and she gave a wide smile in return.
Vic held Olivia down as she kept thrusting, barely holding on. The feeling of her pussy had been aching for release the entire night as the strap-on thrust back into her as well. The shivering of Olivia from orgasm almost caused her to climax, but she wanted to fuck just a little bit more. She mustered up all her willpower to keep going against the walls of Olivia’s pussy a few more times. However, she couldn’t hold on forever. Vic cried out in pleasure as her body shook in delight. She exhaled and rolled over, laying next to Olivia and panting hard.
“So, how was that for you?” Vic said.
“That was amazing,” Dan said as he looked at the two of them.
Olivia built up the strength to lift her head and turned to Vic. “I think we both know how that went. That was the peak that I needed and that view on the other side was breathtaking.” She shot Dan a thumbs-up before her body completely went limp onto the bed, fully satisfied. “We need to do this again.”
Sarah Thompson stared up at the ceiling, her alarm clock having woken her with its ringing. A big part of her wanted to stay curled up under the covers and stay hidden, but her rumbling stomach had entirely different ideas. She didn’t want to leave her house, because it would mean that she would have to deal with all of them. Her neighbors. Her fellow citizens. Her community. Her stomach rumbled again, much louder and more intense. With a heavy sigh, she threw the covers off of herself.
“Ugh, fine!” She shouted to herself and walked over to her closet, if it could even be called that.
Hanging there was a soft wool shirt and a pair of denim jeans that clearly showed their age. It is what happens when you’re stuck in a town where no one wears anything. Well, that wasn’t quite right. When it got colder, some of the town folks would wear a thin shirt, but that was it, and that was only during the three winter months.
Sarah groaned as she pulled them from their hanger. It was bad enough that she was already getting more used to sleeping in just her bra and panties. She held up the shirt and stared at it. There were bits and parts of it fraying at the seams. A few times, she has had to repair the little rips and tears that some of the neighbor’s kids accidentally made. A year’s worth of damage and wear and tear showed the effects of time; the color of the shirt having long faded from a crisp red to a pale pink.
Her denim jeans were in far worse shape; having been torn and ripped to the point they were more patches than pants. The dark blue has long become washed away from the exposure to the sun and rain. It looked like all it would take is just a simple breeze or a stray claw from a running child catching their paw to unravel the whole thing. With a big sigh and a heavy heart, Sarah opted to leave the jeans in the closet.
“It would be better to save these for when I find a way to return home,” she said as she looked at them. As she said that, she felt her heart sink to her stomach. “If… I find a way to return home,” she corrected herself.
It had been a year to the date since she accidentally had touched that glowing rock she found in the desert that fateful night. It had been a year to the date that she found herself transported to the town of Monsfield, afraid and confused. It had been a year to the date that she struggled to find a way back home.
None of the stars were anything that she knew. None of the townsfolk had heard of a place called America, much less Idaho. In fact, she was the first human that they had seen at all; and in turn, they were the first Anthros that she had ever encountered. Women covered in fur, scales, and feathers lived in harmony here, a peace which had only been disturbed by Sarah’s sudden appearance.
Though, she couldn’t quite complain. She counted herself lucky that none of the women had any cravings for human flesh. In fact, they were incredibly nice to her, helping by building her the house that she had been living in and doing what they could to help her adjust. Her clothes had only even survived this long because some of the Anthros were able to make rudimentary washers and dryers.
With another heavy sigh, Sarah put on her shirt over her bra, leaving her panties exposed out to the world. It certainly wasn’t ideal, but it was what she could do for right now. She felt that if she was rescued, being stuck bottomless would be somehow worse than being topless. Sarah closed the doors of her closet and picked up her personal belongings. Once she made sure she had everything, she made her way out the door.
The sun shone down brightly on her, feeling more intense as this was the first time that she really felt the sunlight on her exposed legs. The wind that blew through, tossing up leaves and a few stray pieces of trash, tickled her knees and calves. She paused for a bit, thinking to herself. Maybe it wouldn’t be too late to turn back and just hide away in her house. Maybe the neighbors would be nice enough to just drop off food. She wouldn’t have to leave at all and show everyone-
“Good morning Sarah!”
Sarah turned to see Gabrielle, the neighbor to her west. Gabrielle, who resembled an anthropomorphic giraffe, was trimming her hedges with a large pair of shears. Just like all the other Anthros, Gabrielle wasn’t wearing anything. Sarah couldn’t fathom how she could just do everything while being nude. Of course, it made some sense considering everyone had some extra layer of protection besides just their skin, like fur or feathers, but to just be exposed and nude? Sarah couldn’t even look at her neighbors but stare at their eyes for about a solid month. Now she was able to at least look at them in a rather casual sense, but still tended to avoid looking anywhere but their faces.
“Uh, good morning Gabrielle,” Sarah said, trying to subtly avoid eye contact. She could feel her face turning red from embarrassment at being pantless. Out of all the neighbors to have seen her, it just had to be one with a height advantage.
“Did you sleep well?” Gabrielle asked as she reached up and trimmed a few more branches off of the hedges. She turned to Sarah, curious as to why Sarah was avoiding looking at her, but then she looked down. “Well oh my stars! Sarah, am I seeing what I’m seeing?” Gabrielle said as she put down the shears and started to walk over to meet with Sarah.
“Uh, depends. What are you seeing?” Sarah said, still avoiding looking at Gabrielle.
“Why, you’re without your pants!” Gabrielle said in a cheerful voice as she was now in Sarah’s yard.
“Well, uh, my pants are getting very worn, so, well, I figured I’d now save them for special occasions,” Sarah said, blushing harder from how positive Gabrielle was being about this.
“You getting more comfortable?” Gabrielle said as she bent down to get more on eye level with Sarah.
“Uh, I guess you could say that,” Sarah said, finally stopping trying to avoid eye contact with Gabriella. She turned and saw Gabrielle’s smiling face and something about that filled her with warmth, like an artist getting positive feedback about their latest art piece.
“Wonderful!” Gabrielle said as she clapped her hands together. “This calls for a celebration!”
“No no!” Sarah said as she blushed hard again. “There’s no need to celebrate and make this a big deal.”
Gabrielle huffed a little, but then snapped her fingers as an idea came to her. “Well, then it’s a celebration for your one year of coming to Monsfield.” Gabrielle put her arm around Sarah. “Come on. At the very least, let me treat you to breakfast at Monique’s!”
“I… Alright,” Sarah said reluctantly, but she couldn’t help but feel a bit of building optimism in herself. Gabrielle’s response to Sarah going pantless was, while not surprising given the community, a welcomed one.
The two of them walked their way over to Monique’s, passing by a few other citizens of Monsfield. Despite Sarah’s hesitation, everyone gave her a warm thumbs-up at her showing off her legs. A group of joggers even complimented her legs, which given that they were all Anthros that were anthropomorphic cheetahs, made Sarah feel even better. After a bit, the two of them opened up the front door to Monique’s.
“Gabrielle! Sarah! Welcome darlings!” Monique chirped from the kitchen over the sounds of the grill. Sarah always admired how Monique, despite being an anthropomorphic toucan, never let it get in the way of the quality food that she made. “Looking even chipper than usual. What’s the occasion?”
“Have you forgotten already?” Gabriella said as she took a seat at the counter, with Sarah taking the seat next to her. “Monique, we’re celebrating Sarah’s one year anniversary of her arrival in Monsfield!”
“My my! Has it been a year already!” Monique came out from the kitchen and stood on the other side of the counter from the two of them. As usual, she was wearing nothing but a cooking apron. “Time really flew by quite fast, didn't it?”
“Yeah, it has,” Sarah said as she crossed her legs a bit in embarrassment. At least here at the counter, few people could see that she wasn’t wearing pants and had her panties out on display.
“Well, what do you want dearie?” Monique asked, smiling at Sarah. “It’s on the house.”
“Oh no, please, I couldn’t possibly!” Sarah said, but Monique just put a feather up to Sarah’s lips.
“Nonsense. We have to celebrate the anniversary of the arrival of one of our favorite people,” Monique said as she gently lowered the feather. “Now, what will you have?”
“I guess I’ll go with the Breakfast Salad with a side of Wonton Bacon,” Sarah said as she looked over the menu.
“And I’ll go with just a fruit salad,” Gabrielle said.
“Not a problem dearies. I’ll get right to work on that.” Monique poured the two of them glasses of water. Then, she headed back into the kitchen and got to work on their orders.
“So, besides this,” Gabrielle said as she turned to Sarah, “What other plans do you have today? How else are you going to celebrate?”
Sarah looked down at her water, gently swirling it around. “I… don’t really know. A part of me doesn’t want to accept that I’ve been stuck here a year.” She quickly realized what she said and turned to Gabrielle. “Shit! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean stuck in a bad way! I mean like-”
“Relax,” Gabrielle said as she patted Sarah on the back. “I’ve dealt with you as a neighbor for a year and been your friend for most of that time. I think I know what you mean.” She took a sip of her water and sighed, relaxing. “I’m sorry that you haven’t had any success getting back to your world.”
Sarah sunk into herself a little, still feeling a little guilty about what she had said. “You. Monique. Everyone here in Monsfield has been incredible to me.” She gently rubbed her finger along the edge of her glass. “I just…” She looked down at her legs, gently uncrossing them. “I guess a part of me has been hesitant to accept the way things are here. I’ve always felt like an outsider and it was better that way. Because, when I do accept things, then this place will start to feel like home. And, when that does…”
“What happens then with your old home then?” Gabrielle said, finishing her sentence and taking a sip of her water.
“Yeah,” Sarah said. “There’s a bunch of stuff and people that I left behind. I just feel like a betrayal if I were to just give up on them.”
“But you aren’t betraying them,” Gabrielle said as she turned to Sarah. “You said that there was a certain phrase that you humans had back on Idaho. Something like when in Rome, do the Romans?”
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” Sarah said as she looked down at her thighs again. “It means that, when you’re someplace, you should respect their traditions and customs.” She turned back to Gabrielle’s smiling face, and then thought about the positive response that she got from just showing off her legs. Sarah took a big gulp of water and then stood up.
Slowly, she reached down and gripped her thumbs underneath the waistband of her panties. Gently, Sarah pulled them down, exposing her bare ass and crotch to all the patrons in the restaurant. Most of the patrons were looking at her, not with disgust or judgment, but with positivity and ecstatic joy. It was also the moment that Monique had walked out of the kitchen and was on the other side of the counter, also enjoying the show. Then, Sarah’s panties fell to her ankles. She stepped out of them and took a deep breath again. She allowed the air to lick at her exposed skin and shuddered a bit in delight. There was just something about it that was freeing and exhilarating. She bent down and picked up her panties and bundled them into a ball.
Sarah sat back down in her seat, allowing herself to truly feel the subtle textures of the chair. She reached over and handed the panties to Gabrielle. “When I do leave and return back to Idaho, you can give those back to me. Until then, I’m going to do as the Anthros do while I’m here in Monsfield.”
The people in the restaurant cheered at Sarah’s decision to start to really embrace their way of living. Gabrielle gave Sarah a nod and a smile as she took the panties. “I’ll keep them safe and be sure to return them to you.”
“Now that’s another reason to celebrate!” Monique chirped delightfully. “Now, eat up you two! I don’t want to see my hard work go to waste.”
Sarah and Gabrielle both nodded and began to eat their breakfast, though Sarah ate with a renewed vigor. There was a wide smile on her face as she ate her breakfast. She felt refreshed and renewed, like she had just been reborn. Even the food felt like it was the first time eating it.
After a short bit, the two of them finished up their meals.
“So, how else are you two going to celebrate Sarah’s anniversary?” Monique asked as she picked up the plates.
Sarah pondered to herself. “I don’t really know,” she said, still smiling. “Maybe I’ll see what work needs done around town on the bulletin board.” She hopped off the chair and Gabrielle shortly followed after her. “I’ll see you around, Monique!”
Monique waved back to her. “And I’ll be happy to be seeing more of you!”
With that, after a short trip back to Gabrielle’s house so Gabrielle could put the panties away safely, they went about their day. The smile almost never left Sarah’s face, and only increased each time she was complimented about how good she looked bottomless. For the first time in a whole year, Sarah was starting to feel like she could really find a place to fit in in Monsfield. And being with Gabrielle was really helping her. She could get used to this feeling, both the compliments and the freedom of being bottomless. Maybe one day, she’d even go without a top, but that was quite a bit away. For now, she would enjoy her day.
One year later, Sarah awoke to her alarm again. She groaned as she reached over to turn off her alarm. She curled herself back into her blankets, wanting to stay in its warm embrace.
“Good morning gorgeous,” Gabrielle said as she wandered into the room. As usual, she was wearing nothing at all. She bent down and planted a firm kiss on Sarah’s lips and gently cupped her hands around Sarah’s face to slowly drag her out from her blanket cocoon. “Happy Arrival-versary.”
“Thanks darling,” Sarah said as she, reluctantly, broke the kiss between them.
“If you want breakfast, you’re gonna have to get out of bed,” Gabrielle said as she lifted up the blankets and began to fold them.
“Evil,” Sarah said playfully as used the opportunity to rub her hands over Gabrielle’s fur.
“Oh, someone’s quite handsy this morning,” Gabrielle chuckled as she enjoyed the sensation of Sarah’s fingers coursing through her fur. “Did you not get enough last night?”
“We both know that I could always want more from you,” Sarah said as she pressed her naked bosom against Gabrielle’s arm. “Come on. Don’t you wanna give me a little bit more right now?” To that, Sarah was met with a blanket to the face.
“Later gorgeous. You’ll throw off the whole day that I have planned for you.” Gabrielle turned around and kissed Sarah on the cheek. “As punishment for being impatient, you get to put the sheets away today.” With that Gabrielle stood up and jiggled her ass a little bit for Sarah. “I’ll be in the living room when you’re ready.” Then, she walked out, her hips swaying in just the way that Sarah loved to see.
“Hate to see you going, but love to watch you leave!” Sarah shouted after her.
She sighed and refolded the blanket. Sarah made her way over to the closet and looked for an open space to put them, sadly seeing that the only open space was near the top. “Of course she couldn’t just leave a spot where I could get it. No, it just had to be high up where she could get it with ease.” Sarah stretched her arms up, getting onto her tiptoes and tried to put the blankets away.
However, it wasn’t enough and her hand caught on the rest of the blankets, bringing them tumbling down. Sarah was covered in nice sheets that had been folded and something unusual. Something that didn’t quite feel like a blanket. Sarah pulled all the blankets off of her to find out what the strange thing was, only to find that it was a pair of denim jeans that had been torn and ripped to the point they were more patches than pants. The dark blue had long become washed away from the exposure to the sun and rain. She looked at them with a bit of a strange curiosity.
“So that’s where you had gotten off to,” Sarah said to her pants as she held them. A gentle smile drew across her face. There was a strange longing to put them back on, but on the other hand, it felt almost alien to her now. Having lived the last year nude had really freed her from the bonds of her old ways. “I’m still gonna keep you,” she said as she gently folded the jeans. “After all, I still have some hope that humanity will find me, but while I’m here in Monsfield…”
Sarah placed the jeans back into the closet, and then spent the next few minutes refolding all the blankets and stuffing them back neatly. She shut the closet doors and then headed out to meet with Gabrielle.
“...I’m gonna do as the Anthros do, and enjoy a world without pants.”
Clarissa stumbled her way to work; a half-drank iced coffee in her left hand, her ID card in the other. She swiped her card at the scanner of the employee entrance to Swap Tech Inc., Westboost Branch. She shut the door behind her and took another sip of her coffee.
“Good morning!” A chipper voice rang in her ears, someone with far too much energy for 8 in the morning. Clarissa turned over to see a tall, muscular man wearing a white tank top and black gym shorts. Around his neck was a specialized lanyard that read “Controller: Jill. Body: Vince.” Clarissa looked at him, standing eye to eye with him.
“Already swapping around today? You know we’re not supposed to use the tech for personal reasons.” Clarissa said to Jill.
Jill laughed. “Relax. We still have time before we open. Let me have my fun.” She flexed her muscles at Clarissa. “You like?”
“I’d like them better if I didn’t know whose body that was and what I’ve seen done with it.” She shook the intrusive thoughts out of her mind. “Anyways, if you’re in there, where’s Vince? He better not have gone out for a joy ride.”
“Relax! He’s in the employee lounge. Everything’s all good. Take a chill pill!” Jill said as she patted Clarissa on the shoulder.
“Hey, easy! Watch Vince’s strength!” Clarissa groaned, trying to make sure her coffee stayed upright. Jill let go and Clarissa readjusted her clothes and glasses.
“Sorry!” Jill chuckled, the mannerisms very much contrasting with the bodybuilder body she was in. “Just get so excited in the mornings! Come on, you know this.”
“Yeah, I know that. I’m just not used to you being able to hug with the power of Vince.”
Clarissa made her way towards the employee lounge, with Jill following her behind. The two entered into the lounge, only to be greeted by a Vince in a Jill’s body wearing only her bra, panties and the lanyard, admiring themselves in the mirror. “Ugh, really man? In here? We eat in here, dude.”
Vince turned around and smiled at Clarissa. “Morning Clarissa. And hey, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the skin you’re in.”
“Dude, our business is entirely built on the premise that people DON’T want to be themselves,” Clarissa said as she opened up her locker and put away her personal belongings. She took out her blue uniform coat and put it on, adjusting her name tag. “You two better swap back soon before we open up.”
“Man, ruining all the fun,” Vince said as he walked over and gave Clarissa a hug. “Why do you always have to be such a party pooper? Come on. Join us for some swapping fun!”
“Ugh, Vince. I told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times already. The Swap Technicians can’t be just using the technology willy-nilly. Unlike you Rentals, we have a responsibility to use this tech properly and manage it. And you’re ignoring me,” Clarissa said, sighing as she took another sip of her coffee as she watched Vince go back to admiring himself in the mirror. “Come on. We’re about to open up soon, so swap back now.”
“Fine. Let Captain Clarissa Killjoy take over,” Vince complained as he got dressed into the standard white uniform. “Come zip me up?” he said in a flirty tone.
“Fine.” Clarissa said as she put down her coffee. She walked over and zipped up the uniform firmly. “Come on.”
She picked up her coffee and led Vince and Jill to the Rental Machine room. Jill and Vincent took their places on the machine while Clarissa headed over to the control panel. She put in the proper sequence and there was a bright flash of light from the machine. There was a soft whirring sound as the machine cooled down. Jill and Vince stepped out from the machine and stretched. Their lanyards now had names that properly matched with their bodies.
“It was fun while it lasted!” Jill said as she patted Vince on the back.
“Yeah, but leave it to Clarissa to ruin the fun,” Vince said as he stuck his tongue out over at Clarissa.
“Hey! You keep that shit up, and I’ll make sure you’re first when we get someone over 60.” Clarissa glared at Vince, never breaking eye contact as she sipped her coffee. Vince raised his hands up defensively. “Now, get over to the Display Room. We’re opening soon.” Vince rolled his eyes, but he and Jill walked out of the room.
Clarissa sighed as she sat back in her chair and rubbed her temples. She attempted to take another sip of her coffee, only to find herself disappointed that she had drunk it all already. With a sigh, she tossed it into the trash can and stood up. “I swear, the two of them are going to be the death of me somehow.” She typed a few things into the control panel, resetting it so that it can be used again for next time. She looked down at her watch and sighed again before standing up.
She made her way through the short maze of hallways before arriving at the front desk, taking her spot at desk number 4. Clarissa looked over at her other coworkers; Leon and Tambry were already preparing their paperwork for today and Pierre still had yet to show up today.
“Hey Clarissa!” Leon shouted over from desk number 2, catching her attention. “Tambry and I got a bit of a bet. Think Pierre will be here before or after we open up?” Clarissa rolled her eyes.
“Oh lighten up a little, Clarissa,” Tambry said as she arranged her flowers on her desk. “I’ve got 20 on him being late. Leon’s got 30 on him being early. What do you say?”
Clarissa sighed and leaned back in her chair. “Fine. How about 15 on him being late?”
“Give the guy a little benefit of the doubt. He’s only been late three times,” Leon said as he put some papers on a clipboard. He booted up his computer and adjusted the cameras to get the best view at the Display Room.
“Yeah, three times this week,” Tambry said with an exasperated huff. “And it’s Thursday.”
“Well, he’s got about sixty seconds to show up before we get your money, Leon,” Clarissa said as she finished up preparing her desk and looking at her watch. She turned her attention to the store front, only to frown at the sight. “Oh great. She’s back. Is it the 15th already?”
Standing outside of the store front, peering into the window, was an older woman, about in her mid-forties. She wore her usual purple puffy coat, which contrasted her thin frame and bony cheeks.
“Whose turn is it?” Clarissa said as she looked over at her co-workers, only to frown as she saw the two of them with their fingers to their noses. “Jerks.” She looked down at her watch and sighed. “Alright, well, just a few more seconds of bliss.”
As the seconds ticked by, Clarissa dreaded having to deal with this repeat customer. A few more customers lined up behind the woman in the purple coat. Clarissa felt the caffeine starting to kick in. She put on her best face and took a deep breath, preparing herself mentally.
“And it’s time. Pay up Leon!” Tambry said with a chuckle as she got up, keys in her hand. She opened up the front door and quickly made her way back to her desk before the older woman barrelled into her.
“Good morning!” The three workers said in unison. “Welcome to Swap Tech Inc.!”
“Ahem!” Clarissa said as she turned to the woman in the purple coat and waved her hand. “Mrs. Relton, I can help you today.”
The woman in the purple coat quickly made her way over to Clarissa’s desk and put down her credit card. “Hello dearie. Is he here today?”
Clarissa nodded. “Yes, Vince is currently available to be rented.”
“Great great,” Mrs. Relton said, barely giving Clarissa any time to finish her sentence. “Well, you know what I want. Chop chop.” She clapped her hands together to further emphasize her point.
“Yes Mrs. Relton.” Clarissa took the card and swiped it, plugging in Mrs. Relton’s information into the computer. After a few seconds of typing, she put a tablet down in front of Mrs. Relton.
“Really dear? Can’t we make this any quicker?” Mrs. Relton said, her heels tapping on the tile ground.
“You know that it’s company policy,” Clarissa said, enjoying the little bit of annoyance that she got to give Mrs. Relton. “The rules of Body Renting. Firstly, you are personally responsible for all crimes and misdemeanors performed during the rental period. If you agree, please sign below.”
“Yes yes, just hurry up!” Mrs. Relton said as she scribbled down something close to a signature on the tablet and moved to the next screen.
“Secondly, you agree to share all personal information that may be required for a daily activity. If you agree, please sign below.”
“Hurry up!” Mrs. Relton said as she wrote even faster now.
“Thirdly, you will pay for any damages done to the Rental Body. If you agree, please-” Clarissa didn’t even finish this time before Mrs. Relton signed and moved to the next screen.
“If I didn’t know any better, you’re just trying to stall for time,” Mrs. Relton said as she tapped her foot even faster.
“Fourth, the rental period is at most 24 hours. You will be notified by the lanyard of when your time is up. Refusal to return within the designated time will be considered an-”
“An offense and then the law gets involved. I know, I know,” Mrs. Relton said, rushing through signing the screen.
“And finally, you agree to always wear the lanyard. Removal of such while in a Rental Body is considered a federal offense and you will be penalized to the fullest extent of the law.” Mrs. Relton signed the last screen with just a simple swipe, not even bothering to make it look like her signature. Clarissa reached behind the desk and put the lanyard onto Mrs. Relton. “With that out of the way, please follow me.” She leaned into an intercom and pressed the button. “Vince, you are being rented. Please report to the Rental Room. I repeat, Vince, please report to the Rental Room.”
Clarissa stood up from her desk and lead Mrs. Relton through the hallways, trying her best to ignore the constant yammering and nitpicks from Mrs. Relton. As they walked, she passed by Pierre, fumbling with his uniform.
“You know you’re late, right?” Clarissa said.
“Yeah! Traffic was a nightmare!” Pierre said as he rushed by. “Hello Mrs. Relton.”
“Less chatter, more swapping,” Mrs. Relton said as she pushed Clarissa along.
“Easy easy,” Clarissa said with a sigh. After a short walk, they arrived at the room.
“Please, step this way into the-”
Clarissa was stopped as Mrs. Relton held her hand up in front of Clarissa’s face. “I know what I’m doing. Quit with the talking and hurry up with the swapping.” Mrs. Relton made her way to her side of the machine and stepped inside.
A few moments later, Vince entered the room, a huge smile on his face. “Alright, first chosen of the day. Who is the lucky one who gets to be Vince?” He looked around for the renter, only to see Clarissa rubbing her temples. “Oh no.” His smile instantly was dashed away as he looked at the machine to see Mrs. Relton.
“Yep. It’s the 15th again,” Clarissa said with a sigh as she opened up the chamber for Vince. “Come on. Get inside.”
Vince reluctantly got into the chamber, but held the door open. “Do I have to?” He tried to make his eyes as big as possible to win over Clarissa. “I mean, come on. Why do I have to do this? Why can’t she pick George or Brutus? Hell, I bet we could get her a great deal with Oscar.”
“Because she paid for you, Vince. Now get in there,” Clarissa said, not swayed by Vince’s words. She pried his hands off the door and forced him inside.
With a heavy sigh, she made her way over to the control panel. She pushed in the proper sequence and there was a bright flash of light. As the machine hissed and came to a stop, the two doors of the machine opened up.
First out was Mrs. Relton in Vince’s, who looked down and flexed a few of the muscles. “Always keeping yourself in tiptop shape, Vince. Just the way I like it.”
Following after was Vince in Mrs. Relton’s body, who just kinda groaned. “Just try not to overdo it like you did last time. I was still sore for days after you were done.”
“Oh, I’ll bring it back. Don’t you worry.” She reached over and gently pinched her body’s butt, causing Vince to yelp a little.
“That wasn’t what I was concerned about,” Vince said as he rubbed his ass.
“The swap was successful. You have the body for a limit of 24 hours,” Clarissa said as she walked over to them. “Now then, I’ll escort you out.” She turned over to Vince. “And you can head back to the Rental quarters.”
“Oh hush off. I can walk myself out just fine. See you tomorrow,” Mrs. Relton said as she walked out of the room, leaving Clarissa behind and waving back to Vince. Vince groaned as he trudged his way back the way that he entered the room.
Clarissa rubbed her temples again as she watched Mrs. Relton leave the room. “Yeah, it’s kinda against company policy, but sure. Whatever.” She walked back over to the control panel and reset the machine. Almost on instinct, she reached over to where she normally puts her coffee down, but as she grasped the air, she was reminded that she had already drank it when she was dealing with Vince and Jill. “Maybe there’s still a little bit more left. Just a drop or two.”
As she walked over to the trash can, she tilted her head in surprise. The rest of the trash was still in there, but her coffee cup was missing.
“That’s weird. Where did it go?” Clarissa said as she sorted through the trash, still unable to find the cup. “Nope, it’s not here. Strange.”
She exited the room and tried to put the weirdness aside. She returned back to the lobby, seeing the line of customers. Most of them were looking at the Display Room, trying to determine who they wanted to swap with. Thankfully, Pierre was at his desk, so at least they weren’t short staffed today. With a final deep breath to push out the thought of her missing coffee, Clarissa put her smile on and headed back to her desk to help out the next customer.
The rest of the day went by fairly normally, though a little more stressful as she had to hear Vince complaining every now and then with Mrs. Relton’s body. It made eating her General Tso’s chicken for lunch so stressful, she couldn’t even finish the whole thing.
Several hours later, it was time to close the front doors, which Pierre did happily. “Another successful day, another successful pay,” he said as he sat back at his desk.
“Speaking of pay, you still owe me, Leon,” Clarissa said as she filed away the last of her paperwork.
“I thought you’d have forgotten about that,” Leon groaned, but he pulled the money out of his wallet and handed it over to Clarissa. “You won’t get so lucky next time. Anyways, I’m out for the night. I guess I won’t be getting myself dessert tonight.” With that, he headed back into the hallway to the employee lounge.
“Well, it all depends on if Pierre gets here on time, right?” Tambry said with a chuckle as she fanned herself with the money Leon gave her.
“I told you, I couldn’t help it. I was stuck at a light. People just kept coming at me,” Pierre said, exhausted as he slumped into his chair. He slowly got up from his desk and stretched. “I think I’m gonna head home too. Good night you two.” He headed back the hallways and disappeared from sight.
“Night, Pierre,” Clarissa said as she turned to Tambry. “You both just had to stick me with Mrs. Relton today, huh?”
“Oh come on. I handled her last time and you won the rock paper scissors the month before that. We paid our dues,” Tambry said as she put away the last of her paperwork and logged off the computer. She got up from her chair and Clarissa shortly followed after her.
“Well yeah, I know that,” Clarissa said as she rolled her eyes. “I just hate having to bite that bullet.”
“Look, she’s a paying customer and she ‘technically’ doesn’t break any of our rules.” Tambry put heavy emphasis on the air quotes around technically.
The two of them walked into the employee lounge and started to put away their uniforms into their lockers. “Well, anywho, guess who got themselves a date at Panda Panda?”
“Seriously? Good for you,” Clarissa said as she neatly patted her uniform and hung it on a hanger, as opposed to Tambry who just sorta hung it up on a hook. “I’d love for someone to take me there.”
“Well maybe you can once you make room by taking that stick out of your ass,” Tambry snickered as she shut her locker.
“Oh ha ha,” Clarissa said as she grabbed her personal belongings and rolled her eyes. “Very funny.”
“Lighten up a little, Clarissa. Have a little fun, let loose. Enjoy life. I know I’m going to and thanks to Leon, I can get myself a dessert.” Tambry left the employee lounge, humming happily to herself.
“Lighten up a little. Have some fun. Let loose a little,” Clarissa said to herself mockingly. “I know how to lighten up. I can be loose. I’m fun.” She crossed her arms. “Fun enough to take to Panda Panda.” A quick realization came to her mind. “Oh! Right, I still have food.”
Clarissa made her way over to the fridge, only to be shocked to find that her food was missing. “What the hell? Who jacked my chicken?” She shuffled around the food that was in there, hoping to find it, but it wasn’t anywhere to be seen. She made her way over to the trash to sort through it in case someone had accidentally thrown it away, but it wasn’t there either. “What the hell is going on? Great, guess I’m ordering out today.”
She walked out of the employee lounge in a huff, but something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye in the lobby. Clarissa walked over to Pierre’s desk, noticing all the files that still weren’t put away. “That’s weird. Pierre’s a bit of a worrywart, so why would he leave this stuff out.” She shrugged to herself. “Well, he won’t mind me putting it away. Keep him out of trouble.” Clarissa spent about half an hour putting away all of Pierre’s files before she was satisfied with the little clean-up job that she did.
Clarissa made her way through the halls, but right as she was about to leave, another thing caught her eye. There was a strange light coming from the utility closet. Cautiously, she approached and opened up the door. To her surprise, the floor had been opened up. “Shit. Someone’s in the basement. Did Tambry not close the door properly?” She grabbed a nearby mop and slowly made her way down the stairs.
There was the hum of electricity in the air and the sound of bubbling liquids. The stairs were covered in a brilliant teal blue light, coming from a large machine down in the center of the room the stairs lead to. “What the-?” Clarissa reflexively exclaimed as she saw Pierre at the machine, typing away. She tried to cover her mouth, but Pierre looked up at her.
“Shit!” Pierre said as he realized he was discovered. He quickly scrambled to cover up what he was doing, only ending up knocking over an empty iced coffee cup and a half-eaten container of General Tso’s chicken.
“”Pierre! What the hell are you doing down in the Rent Clone Room? Wait a minute, is… is that my food?” Clarissa made her way down the stairs more, still gripping the mop tightly and keeping it aimed at Pierre.
“I… I… I’m sorry!” Pierre fell to his knees and bowed, tears streaming down his face.
“Pierre, what’s going on? Why do you have my food? Wait, were you trying to clone me? What the hell?” Clarissa said, holding the edge of the mop close to Pierre. However, Pierre just continued to blubber. She rolled her eyes and tapped him on the shoulder. “Come on, Pierre. Talk to me. What’s going on?”
Pierre slowly got to his feet and wiped his face with his sleeve. “I’m sorry Clarissa. I… I was trying to clone you for a Rental.”
“Why would you do that? You didn’t ask me about any of this, so there’s issue one. Secondly, Clone Rentals are a one-way swap. You’d be stuck that way!”
“Well maybe I want to!” Pierre shouted, still trying to fight back tears, though these weren’t from being afraid, but from being exhausted. Seeing this, Clarissa gently lowered her mop. “I’m so tired of being frickin’ useless Pierre! Always late! Always being a wuss! I’m so sick of being me that I’d rather be anyone else!”
“And you chose me?” Clarissa said, a mix of concerned and flattered.
“I mean, of course,” Pierre said as he gestured to her. “Look at you! You’re tall. You’ve got gorgeous red hair. You’re brave. Who wouldn’t want to be you?” Pierre sat down on the ground. “I just… I wanna get relief from being me, even if it’s just for a bit.”
Clarissa was at a loss for words. On one hand, she was incredibly weirded out about this whole situation; but on the other hand, she couldn’t help but sympathize with Pierre. Her mind thought back to the conversation she had earlier with Vince. With a heavy sigh, she extended her hand out to him. “Delete all the stuff you have on me off the computer and come with me. Don’t dilly-dally or I’m reporting you.”
Pierre gave her a confused look, but quickly got to his feet and went to the computer. He deleted all the files on Clarissa and followed her as she led him up the stairs. They closed the entrance to the basement and began to walk towards the Rental Room.
“Come on. Get in.” Clarissa said as she pulled Pierre towards one of the doors on the machine.
“What are you doing?” Pierre asked as Clarissa gestured for him to get into the machine.
“Look, if you don’t want me to report you, just do what I say.” Pierre nodded and got into the machine.
With a heavy sigh, Clarissa headed over to the control panel. She typed in the commands for the machine, but made sure that it was on a delay. A delay long enough for her to get into the other side of the machine. She rushed over and quickly shut the door once she was inside. There was a blinding light that filled the room, and then the gentle hum of the machine cooling down.
Clarissa fumbled a bit as she reached around for the handle. It took a few tries, as this was her first time inside, but she managed to open it up. She coughed a bit and took a deep breath, feeling the air filling up Pierre’s lungs. She turned over and saw Pierre step out of the machine in her body.
“Clarissa, what did you do?” Pierre asked as he looked down and around at himself.
“Oh wow. Is that what I sound like to people? Huh, I thought my voice was a little higher pitched,” Clarissa said as she sighed and looked at her body from top to bottom. “Come on. You know what this machine is. You know exactly what I did.”
Pierre looked at the machine, then to Clarissa, and then rushed over to the large mirror in the room to examine himself in Clarissa’s body. “I can’t believe it. I’m you! I’m beautiful! I’m tall! I’m strong!” He looked over Clarissa’s hands, switching between the palms and the backs of them. He laughed, hearing himself laugh in Clarissa’s voice. He turned himself around a couple times, examining Clarissa’s body from all angles that he could.
“And how do you feel?” Clarissa said as she walked over to him.
“I feel incredible!” He lifted up Clarissa with ease, thanks to Clarissa’s body’s strength. “I feel like I can do anything!” He set down Clarissa and took a couple deep breaths. “Is this how you feel every day? This is fantastic!”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it,” Clarissa said as she couldn’t help but smile at watching Pierre enjoy her body.
“Hey,” Pierre said as he tugged a bit on the zipper of Clarissa’s top. “May I?”
Clarissa rolled her eyes a little but nodded. “Alright, go ahead.”
Pierre cheered and unzipped the top, showing off her bra and toned stomach. “Whoa. Incredible.”
“Thanks,” Clarissa said as she coughed a bit to remind him who the original owner was.
“No, thank you!” Pierre said as he lifted up Clarissa again.
In the heat of the moment, Pierre pulled Clarissa closed and kissed her on his lips. Clarissa’s eyes went wide in surprise, but the rush of the moment overtook her. She pulled Pierre in close and returned the kiss. As if on instinct, her tongue wiggled out of her lips and met with her body’s lips. It was a strange experience, kissing her own body, but exciting and thrilling at the same time. The kiss only lasted for a few moments before Pierre’s eyes shot open wide and he quickly separated the two of them.
“Shit! I’m so sorry!” Pierre said as he quickly wiped his lips. “I just got so caught up in everything.” He ran his fingers through his hair as he breathed heavily. “I just felt so confident and so excited that I just…”
“Decided to kiss yourself?” Clarissa said with a bit of a smug face.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I… Why am I so sorry? I should be confident! I should be proud! I should be better!” Pierre sat down on the ground, his expression sullen and his mood sunk. “So, why aren’t I?”
Clarissa took a seat down next to Pierre. “You’re a smart guy. Tell me. Why do you think that you’re not?”
“Because…” Pierre turned and looked at the machine. He gave a heavy sigh and hung his head back. The machine only swaps bodies. It doesn’t do anything about the mind that’s inside. Despite the body that I’m in…”
“You’re still you,” Clarissa said as she finished his sentence.
The two of them sat in silence for a bit before Clarissa broke it.
“You know what your problem is, Pierre?” Pierre looked over at her and shook his head. “You keep having these self-fulfilling prophecies that you’re gonna screw up, so it just comes true.” Pierre sunk a little further into himself, raising up his knees and huddling into himself. “But, right now, you’re me. So tell me, Pierre, what would I do in this situation?”
Pierre sniffled a little. “I don’t know. What would you do?”
“I’d believe in you. That, with a little help and guidance, you can be and do better.”
“You… believe in me?”
“Of course,” Clarissa said, giving him a wide smile and standing up. She stretched out her hand to Pierre. “Besides, I’m Pierre right now and I believe in you. You’ve got potential to be a really great guy, even while being yourself. So if Pierre can believe in Pierre, then so can Pierre.” She chuckled a little at her silly little sentence.
Pierre cracked a smile in response as well. “Thank you, Clarissa.” Pierre reluctantly took Clarissa’s hand and stood back up. “I guess we should swap back, huh?” Pierre started to walk towards the machine, but Clarissa grabbed his hand and held him back.
“Well, maybe not necessarily just yet,” Clarissa said, a sly little grin appearing on her face. “Tambry suggested that I try loosening up a little and, well,” she said as she wiggled her arms around. “This body feels pretty loose. I wouldn’t quite mind being in it for a little longer.”
“Really?” Pierre said, surprised.
“Yeah,” Clarissa said with a nod. She pulled Pierre close to her. “Besides, someone took and knocked over my leftovers.” She reached back and pulled out Pierre’s wallet from his back pocket. “So, I believe someone owes me a dinner.”
“But, I thought Swap Techs can’t just use this technology willy-nilly,” Pierre said with a bit of a happy chuckle.
Clarissa shrugged and smiled at him. “I’m off the clock, so right now, I’m not currently a Swap Tech.”
“So, where did you want to go for dinner?”
“I’m thinking Panda Panda. Always wanted someone to take me. And who better to take me there than myself?”
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Chapter by
GaylynneQT · 10 Jan 2024 -
Zoe begins to expand her empire as she learns more about the powers that she now wields
Zoe had an odd dream. She was standing atop a pile of bodies. Not dead bodies, but living ones willingly becoming human furniture for her. Below her were people bowing to her; a sea of purple irises. She could hear their praises of her, practically singing and rejoicing at her magnificence and grace. There were more people than Zoe was able to count at a first glance, but the population easily filled up several football stadiums. And across Zoe’s face, a wide smile drew. With the Power of the Legion, all of this and more could be made possible. This was the life that she deserved. This was the life she would work for. This was the life that she would claim.
Zoe awoke to the sun beaming in through the windows into her eyes. She groaned as she sat up, trying to regain her bearings. The unfamiliar environment reminded her that she was in Cassandra’s apartment. She looked down at her naked form, causing the memories of last night to replay in her head. Her thighs squeezed together in delight thinking about the throes of passion she had with Cassandra. Then, her thoughts went to Cassandra; specifically where she had gotten off to. Zoe was the only one in the bed. She got out of bed, grabbed a robe from the closet, and headed out into the living room area.
“Ah, you’re finally awake, my queen.” Cassandra was sitting on the couch, dressed up in a nice white cardigan with black pants as she scrolled on her phone with one hand and held a cup of coffee in the other. The glaze in the eyes made it clear that right now, Thaddeus was primarily in control. “I was wondering if you were just going to continue sleeping. Had I known you’d be awake now, I would have prepared you food.”
“Sorry,” Zoe said as she sat down on the couch, “Normally I’d get up earlier for my job, but I guess I don’t have to do that anymore.” She gave a huge huff before leaning back on the couch. “Right, I’m unemployed. It hadn’t really sunk in for me.”
“Well, moping doesn’t suit you, my queen,” Cassandra said as she sipped her coffee. “If you need money, just ask me or Steven. You’re my queen after all, so what is mine is yours.”
“Wait, for real?” Zoe asked, turning to Cassandra. “Just, whatever I want or need?”
“Well, as much as I can do,” Cassandra said. “Steven’s the one with the money after all. You’d have to talk with him.”
“Right,” Zoe said as she looked around. “He didn’t come here last night, did he? Where’s he at?”
“Traveling for work,” Cassandra said. “He does this fairly often, so don’t be expecting him to come around here too often.”
“Well, let me know when he does,” Zoe said, feeling a bit of relief that she didn’t have to deal with him yet. “So, we kinda got things rushed through last night. Would you be able to tell me more about you? You the parasite, I mean.”
“Ah, you wish to know more about the Legion of Thaviothes,” Cassandra said. “Well, simply ask and I will answer you.”
“Alright,” Zoe said as she thought about the questions. As someone who was a scientist up until yesterday, her mind raced with thoughts. “Okay, first question. What all can you do now that you’re, uh, inside of Cassandra?”
“I can obey your commands,” Cassandra said with a simple shrug. “I can access all the memories and information Cassandra had in her brain.”
“Okay, what else?” Zoe said, excited to learn more.
“I can communicate and share things with you at a long range through a means of telepathy,” Cassandra said as if she were just talking about the weather. “And that’s the extent of what I am capable of doing. As a drone, I cannot even produce more of the Legion to infect others.”
“Wow, that’s… a lot less than what I was expecting,” Zoe said, a little dejected. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, taking over someone’s whole mind and everything is certainly impressive, but I was hoping there would be a little more.”
“Well, remember, I am but a mere drone to you, my queen,” Cassandra said, spreading her legs a little as if to represent how subservient she was. “That means you are free to utilize me however you wish. If you wish to use my senses, then so be it.”
“Wait, what do you mean by ‘use your senses?’” Zoe asked, tilting her head.
“As our queen, since we are a hive mind, you are able to connect your mind to ours. You are able to see through our eyes, feel through our skin, hear through our ears, and so on and so forth. You may even control us as you see fit.”
Zoe blinked in surprise. A part of her seemed to understand it perfectly; the other part of her just couldn’t even begin to understand it. Being able to feel other people’s senses, and control them directly just conflicted yet intrigued her scientific mind. But, she was also the current host for a parasite hive mind, so anything was possible.
“Okay, how do I do it?”
“I do not know the full mechanics of it, but you simply focus on the one that you wish to sense through,” Cassandra explained as best as she could.
Zoe took a deep breath and focused on Cassandra Blaike. In an instant, it was as if she could feel herself connected to her; or at least to the parasite buried within her skull. Then, in the next moment, she blinked, but it wasn’t her eyelids. She was staring at her own body, slumped back against the couch as if she was merely asleep. She looked down, staring at Cassandra’s cardigan and massive tits.
“Holy fuck,” she said, quickly covering her mouth as she heard Cassandra’s voice come out of her mouth. Well, it wasn’t really her mouth. “Thaddeus? Cassandra? Are you still there?”
“We are here,” Zoe heard inside her mind. “Since you have taken over, we are simply waiting and watching, observing and feeling.”
“So, you can feel everything I’m doing?” Zoe asked as she moved Cassandra’s arms around before groping Cassandra’s tits. A rush of pleasure jolted through her, causing her to shiver. It was certainly different than touching her own breasts, a bit more sensitive.
“That’s right. If you so wish, we can take control of movements and actions. You will then be the passenger observing and feeling everything.”
“That’s so weird,” Zoe said as she felt Cassandra's body, from her cheeks down to her thighs, giving them a little squish. “What about my body? What happens to it?”
“With no mind controlling it, it simply lies dormant. You can feel everything that still happens to it.”
Zoe reached out and touched her hand. A strange sensation shivered through her body as she felt Cassandra’s hand touch her own, yet at the same time, feeling her own hand through Cassandra.
“If I may give a recommendation, my queen, I would advise appointing a drone to keep watch and protect your body. From the memories I have acquired, humans have a tendency to be frail, and I do not wish to lose you, my queen.”
“I guess that will be the next thing I do,” Zoe said. “Now, how do I get back to my body? Is it just as simple as-?” As Zoe thought about her body and returning it to, she snapped back into body, shaking awake. “Well, that answers that.”
“In time, things will be easier for you to do,” Cassandra said with a smile. “For now, you may take things at whatever pace you desire, my queen.”
“Yeah,” Zoe said as she flexed her fingers, making sure she was back in her own body and readjusting to the feeling of being herself. As she regained her senses, she felt her stomach rumble. “Oh man, I definitely need something to eat. I ended up skipping dinner last night.”
“If you wish, I can make you food,” Cassandra said as she gestured to the kitchen.
Zoe was about to take up Cassandra on her offer, but then a bit of a smile came to her. “You know, I think that your queen wants to expand her empire a little. Let’s head out and get some food, and find us a new person to add to the Legion.”
“As you wish, my queen.” Cassandra gave a small bow to Zoe.
Zoe chuckled a little and headed into Cassandra’s room, facing the closet. “Well, if what’s hers is mine, then I guess this is my closet as well.” She opened up the closet doors to a large walk-in closet filled with outfits, shoes, and accessories. “Yeah, that figures.” She sorted through the clothes, trying to find something that would fit her. In the end, she picked out a light blue dress with a floral pattern to it. It was made with a cotton-polyester blend, so it felt very comfortable on her. She put on a white shawl around her shoulders for a bit of extra warmth and finished off with some white and gold flats. Zoe picked up a nice tan purse and strutted out into the living room.
“Looking very gorgeous, my queen,” Cassandra said with a little clap.
“Thank you, Cassandra,” Zoe said as she walked over and planted a firm kiss on Cassandra’s lips. “Now then, let’s get going.”
“Of course,” Cassandra said as the two of them headed to Cassandra’s car. Zoe made sure to double check that the apartment door was locked. Cassandra got into the driver’s seat while Zoe sat in the passenger seat. “So, where to, my queen?”
Zoe pondered for a bit for what she was in the mood for. She didn’t want to do a drive-through because that wouldn’t be a good amount of time to claim someone. Something that had enough public presence that she could find someone, but also not too populated that she’d be caught. That meant that her favorite mall food court was out. It was also too early in the day for lunch, so those options were closed. Left with few choices, Zoe decided on a small sitdown restaurant called Powder’s.
It wasn’t too busy, thankfully. Zoe had come here quite a few times and always enjoyed their food. The wait staff was decent; nothing really to write home about, but also not something to really complain about either. They kept the place running well, which was always a solid plus. It also wasn’t too far away from the apartment complex, so Zoe and Cassandra got there in a short amount of time. They exited the car and walked up to the waiting area.
“Hi!” said the hostess, smiling at the two of them. “Welcome to Powder’s! How can I help you two?”
“Table for two, please,” Zoe said.
“Not a problem,” the hostess said. She looked over a small diagram on her stand. “Alright, you can follow me.” She led the two of them over to a small booth and placed down menus. “Your server will be with you shortly.” Zoe nodded and the two of them sat down, facing each other.
“What about her? She seems like a suitable drone,” Cassandra said as she turned, clearly looking at the hostess’s ass.
“I would, but there’s too many people around right now. If she screamed, it would cause a huge scene,” Zoe said as she looked over the menu. It was probably because she hadn’t eaten, but she certainly felt hungrier than usual. “Are there any more, I dunno, stealthy ways to get someone infected?”
“Well, we can integrate ourselves into a host within just a few seconds after direct contact with their skin,” Cassandra said as she looked over her menu. “It could be from the skull or the foot, the Legion works incredibly fast to take over a host. We cannot unfortunately make ourselves any smaller. And from what I have gathered, it is difficult to not notice an inch-long creature on you.”
“This is going to be harder than I thought,” Zoe said as she leaned over and looked at the hostess. She was certainly hot, easily in her early twenties. Zoe also hadn’t seen her before, so she must be new. “Still, it’s gonna be so worth it if I can get her.”
“If you can come up with a plan,” Cassandra said, setting down her menu, “I will do whatever you need me to do, my queen.”
“Okay, listen,” Zoe said, putting her menu down in a bit of a huff, “it’s fine for you to call me that when it’s just us, but when we’re out in public, you gotta call me Zoe. Okay? Consider it an official decree from your queen.”
Cassandra blinked a little before nodding and smiling. “Yes, Zoe.”
“Good, much better,” Zoe said with a little sigh of relief.
“Good morning, ladies.” Approaching the table was a blond man in a Powder’s uniform. He was even younger than the hostess; Zoe estimated that he was probably around 19 to 20. He was certainly good looking by Zoe’s standards, reminding her of a younger Stanley. And Zoe could tell that he was clearly eyeing up the two of them. “I’m Luke. I’ll be your waiter. Can I get you two started with something to drink?”
“I’ll have a sweet tea,” Zoe said.
“Water with a lemon slice, if you would,” Cassandra said.
“Great. I’ll get right on that,” Luke said, writing that down on his notepad. “Have you decided what you want, or do you need more time?”
“I know what I want. What about you, Cassandra?” Zoe asked. Cassandra nodded to confirm that she knew what she wanted as well. “Great, then I will have the Big Belly Breakfast.”
“And I shall have the Ham and Egg Cheese sandwich with extra onions, please,” Cassandra said, handing the menus over to Luke.
“Great! We’ll get right on it,” Luke said, taking the menus. He gave another glance downwards at their chests before heading off.
“Oh my gosh, he was totally checking us out,” Zoe said with a chuckle.
“Of course, Zoe. How could he not?” Cassandra said with a little flick of her hair. “It’s both you, Zoe, and the wonderful Cassandra Blaike sitting at a booth. It would be insulting if he wasn’t checking us out.” There was a bit more of Cassandra peeking through. Zoe wondered if this was because they were in public.
“You know, that gives me an idea,” Zoe said, smiling. “When he comes back, gesture for him to come closer. Then, kiss him. As you do, I’ll slip a Legion onto him. The kiss should muffle any screams.”
“I like how you think, Zoe,” Cassandra said.
Cassandra tugged down her cardigan a little to reveal more of her cleavage. Zoe, meanwhile, coughed a little. There was the odd feeling in the back of her throat from last night when she coughed up Thaddeus. From the shock of everything, she didn’t pay too much attention to it, but it felt like an itch in the back of her throat. Zoe could feel the new Legion crawl into the back of her mouth. She reached and plucked the new Legion from her mouth. The strange leech-like parasite hung from her fingers, but she clenched her fist around it before anyone might have seen it.
It didn’t take long for Luke to return, carrying the two glasses. “Alright, one sweet tea and one water with a lemon slice.” He set the glasses down, making sure to bend down to get a nice eyeful of cleavages.
“Oh, one thing,” Cassandra said as she beckoned with her finger.
Luke bent down, curious as to what was going on. With a swift motion, Cassandra pulled Luke in for a kiss, locking her lips with his. Zoe quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching them. Seeing no one paying attention, she put the new Legion onto Luke’s neck. It promptly bit down onto his neck and burrowed in, causing Luke to squirm. But, Cassandra held him firm, muffling any sounds he made. Just like with Cassandra, it only took a few seconds for Luke to stop flailing. Zoe watched as his shimmered to the same purple as Cassandra’s. An odd sensation flowed over Zoe as she could feel herself become connected to the new mind. Cassandra let go of Luke and he stood right up, adjusting himself.
Luke bowed slightly to Zoe. “It is done, Zoe. Luke Derian, at your service.” He smiled warmly at her.
“Wow, that was quick,” Zoe said, still part of her not believing that that just happened. “So, Luke Derian, huh?”
“Yes,” Luke said. “I am at your command, Zoe.”
Zoe looked around, giving Luke a little signal to quiet down. “Alright, I don’t want to draw attention to you or us. Continue about your day as usual and if I need you, I’ll contact you.” Luke nodded and headed off into a different part of the restaurant. Zoe took a huge sigh as she slumped back into her booth seat. “I can’t believe it. It’s really just as simple as that.”
“Indeed it is, Zoe,” Cassandra said as she took a sip of her water. “That is the power that the Queen of the Legion of Thaviothes carries.”
“You know, I haven’t gotten a chance to really ask about you,” Zoe said, sipping a bit of her tea. “About the Legion of Thaviothes, I mean.”
“Well, I would be happy to tell you everything, but,” Cassandra said as she turned her head to the influx of customers, “I feel that this would not be the wisest place to do so.”
Zoe gave a little sigh. “You’re right. We can talk about it another time” She dragged her finger around the rim of her glass before chuckling a little. “Well, now that we have ourselves our inside man, I think that it’s about time we get that sexy hostess added to our ranks.”1 / 1Loading...Loading...- Zoe had an odd dream. She was standing atop a pile of bodies. Not dead bodies, but living ones willingly becoming human furniture for her. Below her were people bowing to her; a sea of purple irises. She could hear their praises of her, practically singing and rejoicing at her magnificence and grace. There were more people than Zoe was able to count at a first glance, but the population easily filled up several football stadiums. And across Zoe’s face, a wide smile drew. With the Power of the Legion, all of this and more could be made possible. This was the life that she deserved. This was the life she would work for. This was the life that she would claim.
Zoe awoke to the sun beaming in through the windows into her eyes. She groaned as she sat up, trying to regain her bearings. The unfamiliar environment reminded her that she was in Cassandra’s apartment. She looked down at her naked form, causing the memories of last night to replay in her head. Her thighs squeezed together in delight thinking about the throes of passion she had with Cassandra. Then, her thoughts went to Cassandra; specifically where she had gotten off to. Zoe was the only one in the bed. She got out of bed, grabbed a robe from the closet, and headed out into the living room area.
“Ah, you’re finally awake, my queen.” Cassandra was sitting on the couch, dressed up in a nice white cardigan with black pants as she scrolled on her phone with one hand and held a cup of coffee in the other. The glaze in the eyes made it clear that right now, Thaddeus was primarily in control. “I was wondering if you were just going to continue sleeping. Had I known you’d be awake now, I would have prepared you food.”
“Sorry,” Zoe said as she sat down on the couch, “Normally I’d get up earlier for my job, but I guess I don’t have to do that anymore.” She gave a huge huff before leaning back on the couch. “Right, I’m unemployed. It hadn’t really sunk in for me.”
“Well, moping doesn’t suit you, my queen,” Cassandra said as she sipped her coffee. “If you need money, just ask me or Steven. You’re my queen after all, so what is mine is yours.”
“Wait, for real?” Zoe asked, turning to Cassandra. “Just, whatever I want or need?”
“Well, as much as I can do,” Cassandra said. “Steven’s the one with the money after all. You’d have to talk with him.”
“Right,” Zoe said as she looked around. “He didn’t come here last night, did he? Where’s he at?”
“Traveling for work,” Cassandra said. “He does this fairly often, so don’t be expecting him to come around here too often.”
“Well, let me know when he does,” Zoe said, feeling a bit of relief that she didn’t have to deal with him yet. “So, we kinda got things rushed through last night. Would you be able to tell me more about you? You the parasite, I mean.”
“Ah, you wish to know more about the Legion of Thaviothes,” Cassandra said. “Well, simply ask and I will answer you.”
“Alright,” Zoe said as she thought about the questions. As someone who was a scientist up until yesterday, her mind raced with thoughts. “Okay, first question. What all can you do now that you’re, uh, inside of Cassandra?”
“I can obey your commands,” Cassandra said with a simple shrug. “I can access all the memories and information Cassandra had in her brain.”
“Okay, what else?” Zoe said, excited to learn more.
“I can communicate and share things with you at a long range through a means of telepathy,” Cassandra said as if she were just talking about the weather. “And that’s the extent of what I am capable of doing. As a drone, I cannot even produce more of the Legion to infect others.”
“Wow, that’s… a lot less than what I was expecting,” Zoe said, a little dejected. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, taking over someone’s whole mind and everything is certainly impressive, but I was hoping there would be a little more.”
“Well, remember, I am but a mere drone to you, my queen,” Cassandra said, spreading her legs a little as if to represent how subservient she was. “That means you are free to utilize me however you wish. If you wish to use my senses, then so be it.”
“Wait, what do you mean by ‘use your senses?’” Zoe asked, tilting her head.
“As our queen, since we are a hive mind, you are able to connect your mind to ours. You are able to see through our eyes, feel through our skin, hear through our ears, and so on and so forth. You may even control us as you see fit.”
Zoe blinked in surprise. A part of her seemed to understand it perfectly; the other part of her just couldn’t even begin to understand it. Being able to feel other people’s senses, and control them directly just conflicted yet intrigued her scientific mind. But, she was also the current host for a parasite hive mind, so anything was possible.
“Okay, how do I do it?”
“I do not know the full mechanics of it, but you simply focus on the one that you wish to sense through,” Cassandra explained as best as she could.
Zoe took a deep breath and focused on Cassandra Blaike. In an instant, it was as if she could feel herself connected to her; or at least to the parasite buried within her skull. Then, in the next moment, she blinked, but it wasn’t her eyelids. She was staring at her own body, slumped back against the couch as if she was merely asleep. She looked down, staring at Cassandra’s cardigan and massive tits.
“Holy fuck,” she said, quickly covering her mouth as she heard Cassandra’s voice come out of her mouth. Well, it wasn’t really her mouth. “Thaddeus? Cassandra? Are you still there?”
“We are here,” Zoe heard inside her mind. “Since you have taken over, we are simply waiting and watching, observing and feeling.”
“So, you can feel everything I’m doing?” Zoe asked as she moved Cassandra’s arms around before groping Cassandra’s tits. A rush of pleasure jolted through her, causing her to shiver. It was certainly different than touching her own breasts, a bit more sensitive.
“That’s right. If you so wish, we can take control of movements and actions. You will then be the passenger observing and feeling everything.”
“That’s so weird,” Zoe said as she felt Cassandra's body, from her cheeks down to her thighs, giving them a little squish. “What about my body? What happens to it?”
“With no mind controlling it, it simply lies dormant. You can feel everything that still happens to it.”
Zoe reached out and touched her hand. A strange sensation shivered through her body as she felt Cassandra’s hand touch her own, yet at the same time, feeling her own hand through Cassandra.
“If I may give a recommendation, my queen, I would advise appointing a drone to keep watch and protect your body. From the memories I have acquired, humans have a tendency to be frail, and I do not wish to lose you, my queen.”
“I guess that will be the next thing I do,” Zoe said. “Now, how do I get back to my body? Is it just as simple as-?” As Zoe thought about her body and returning it to, she snapped back into body, shaking awake. “Well, that answers that.”
“In time, things will be easier for you to do,” Cassandra said with a smile. “For now, you may take things at whatever pace you desire, my queen.”
“Yeah,” Zoe said as she flexed her fingers, making sure she was back in her own body and readjusting to the feeling of being herself. As she regained her senses, she felt her stomach rumble. “Oh man, I definitely need something to eat. I ended up skipping dinner last night.”
“If you wish, I can make you food,” Cassandra said as she gestured to the kitchen.
Zoe was about to take up Cassandra on her offer, but then a bit of a smile came to her. “You know, I think that your queen wants to expand her empire a little. Let’s head out and get some food, and find us a new person to add to the Legion.”
“As you wish, my queen.” Cassandra gave a small bow to Zoe.
Zoe chuckled a little and headed into Cassandra’s room, facing the closet. “Well, if what’s hers is mine, then I guess this is my closet as well.” She opened up the closet doors to a large walk-in closet filled with outfits, shoes, and accessories. “Yeah, that figures.” She sorted through the clothes, trying to find something that would fit her. In the end, she picked out a light blue dress with a floral pattern to it. It was made with a cotton-polyester blend, so it felt very comfortable on her. She put on a white shawl around her shoulders for a bit of extra warmth and finished off with some white and gold flats. Zoe picked up a nice tan purse and strutted out into the living room.
“Looking very gorgeous, my queen,” Cassandra said with a little clap.
“Thank you, Cassandra,” Zoe said as she walked over and planted a firm kiss on Cassandra’s lips. “Now then, let’s get going.”
“Of course,” Cassandra said as the two of them headed to Cassandra’s car. Zoe made sure to double check that the apartment door was locked. Cassandra got into the driver’s seat while Zoe sat in the passenger seat. “So, where to, my queen?”
Zoe pondered for a bit for what she was in the mood for. She didn’t want to do a drive-through because that wouldn’t be a good amount of time to claim someone. Something that had enough public presence that she could find someone, but also not too populated that she’d be caught. That meant that her favorite mall food court was out. It was also too early in the day for lunch, so those options were closed. Left with few choices, Zoe decided on a small sitdown restaurant called Powder’s.
It wasn’t too busy, thankfully. Zoe had come here quite a few times and always enjoyed their food. The wait staff was decent; nothing really to write home about, but also not something to really complain about either. They kept the place running well, which was always a solid plus. It also wasn’t too far away from the apartment complex, so Zoe and Cassandra got there in a short amount of time. They exited the car and walked up to the waiting area.
“Hi!” said the hostess, smiling at the two of them. “Welcome to Powder’s! How can I help you two?”
“Table for two, please,” Zoe said.
“Not a problem,” the hostess said. She looked over a small diagram on her stand. “Alright, you can follow me.” She led the two of them over to a small booth and placed down menus. “Your server will be with you shortly.” Zoe nodded and the two of them sat down, facing each other.
“What about her? She seems like a suitable drone,” Cassandra said as she turned, clearly looking at the hostess’s ass.
“I would, but there’s too many people around right now. If she screamed, it would cause a huge scene,” Zoe said as she looked over the menu. It was probably because she hadn’t eaten, but she certainly felt hungrier than usual. “Are there any more, I dunno, stealthy ways to get someone infected?”
“Well, we can integrate ourselves into a host within just a few seconds after direct contact with their skin,” Cassandra said as she looked over her menu. “It could be from the skull or the foot, the Legion works incredibly fast to take over a host. We cannot unfortunately make ourselves any smaller. And from what I have gathered, it is difficult to not notice an inch-long creature on you.”
“This is going to be harder than I thought,” Zoe said as she leaned over and looked at the hostess. She was certainly hot, easily in her early twenties. Zoe also hadn’t seen her before, so she must be new. “Still, it’s gonna be so worth it if I can get her.”
“If you can come up with a plan,” Cassandra said, setting down her menu, “I will do whatever you need me to do, my queen.”
“Okay, listen,” Zoe said, putting her menu down in a bit of a huff, “it’s fine for you to call me that when it’s just us, but when we’re out in public, you gotta call me Zoe. Okay? Consider it an official decree from your queen.”
Cassandra blinked a little before nodding and smiling. “Yes, Zoe.”
“Good, much better,” Zoe said with a little sigh of relief.
“Good morning, ladies.” Approaching the table was a blond man in a Powder’s uniform. He was even younger than the hostess; Zoe estimated that he was probably around 19 to 20. He was certainly good looking by Zoe’s standards, reminding her of a younger Stanley. And Zoe could tell that he was clearly eyeing up the two of them. “I’m Luke. I’ll be your waiter. Can I get you two started with something to drink?”
“I’ll have a sweet tea,” Zoe said.
“Water with a lemon slice, if you would,” Cassandra said.
“Great. I’ll get right on that,” Luke said, writing that down on his notepad. “Have you decided what you want, or do you need more time?”
“I know what I want. What about you, Cassandra?” Zoe asked. Cassandra nodded to confirm that she knew what she wanted as well. “Great, then I will have the Big Belly Breakfast.”
“And I shall have the Ham and Egg Cheese sandwich with extra onions, please,” Cassandra said, handing the menus over to Luke.
“Great! We’ll get right on it,” Luke said, taking the menus. He gave another glance downwards at their chests before heading off.
“Oh my gosh, he was totally checking us out,” Zoe said with a chuckle.
“Of course, Zoe. How could he not?” Cassandra said with a little flick of her hair. “It’s both you, Zoe, and the wonderful Cassandra Blaike sitting at a booth. It would be insulting if he wasn’t checking us out.” There was a bit more of Cassandra peeking through. Zoe wondered if this was because they were in public.
“You know, that gives me an idea,” Zoe said, smiling. “When he comes back, gesture for him to come closer. Then, kiss him. As you do, I’ll slip a Legion onto him. The kiss should muffle any screams.”
“I like how you think, Zoe,” Cassandra said.
Cassandra tugged down her cardigan a little to reveal more of her cleavage. Zoe, meanwhile, coughed a little. There was the odd feeling in the back of her throat from last night when she coughed up Thaddeus. From the shock of everything, she didn’t pay too much attention to it, but it felt like an itch in the back of her throat. Zoe could feel the new Legion crawl into the back of her mouth. She reached and plucked the new Legion from her mouth. The strange leech-like parasite hung from her fingers, but she clenched her fist around it before anyone might have seen it.
It didn’t take long for Luke to return, carrying the two glasses. “Alright, one sweet tea and one water with a lemon slice.” He set the glasses down, making sure to bend down to get a nice eyeful of cleavages.
“Oh, one thing,” Cassandra said as she beckoned with her finger.
Luke bent down, curious as to what was going on. With a swift motion, Cassandra pulled Luke in for a kiss, locking her lips with his. Zoe quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching them. Seeing no one paying attention, she put the new Legion onto Luke’s neck. It promptly bit down onto his neck and burrowed in, causing Luke to squirm. But, Cassandra held him firm, muffling any sounds he made. Just like with Cassandra, it only took a few seconds for Luke to stop flailing. Zoe watched as his shimmered to the same purple as Cassandra’s. An odd sensation flowed over Zoe as she could feel herself become connected to the new mind. Cassandra let go of Luke and he stood right up, adjusting himself.
Luke bowed slightly to Zoe. “It is done, Zoe. Luke Derian, at your service.” He smiled warmly at her.
“Wow, that was quick,” Zoe said, still part of her not believing that that just happened. “So, Luke Derian, huh?”
“Yes,” Luke said. “I am at your command, Zoe.”
Zoe looked around, giving Luke a little signal to quiet down. “Alright, I don’t want to draw attention to you or us. Continue about your day as usual and if I need you, I’ll contact you.” Luke nodded and headed off into a different part of the restaurant. Zoe took a huge sigh as she slumped back into her booth seat. “I can’t believe it. It’s really just as simple as that.”
“Indeed it is, Zoe,” Cassandra said as she took a sip of her water. “That is the power that the Queen of the Legion of Thaviothes carries.”
“You know, I haven’t gotten a chance to really ask about you,” Zoe said, sipping a bit of her tea. “About the Legion of Thaviothes, I mean.”
“Well, I would be happy to tell you everything, but,” Cassandra said as she turned her head to the influx of customers, “I feel that this would not be the wisest place to do so.”
Zoe gave a little sigh. “You’re right. We can talk about it another time” She dragged her finger around the rim of her glass before chuckling a little. “Well, now that we have ourselves our inside man, I think that it’s about time we get that sexy hostess added to our ranks.”Next ChaptersParasite Zero: Chapter 5 in Parasite Zero
byGaylynneQT · 16 Jan 2024Zoe extends her reach even further, gathering now a very sexy and very lusty hostess to her Legion, but now without having some fun with her first ;3
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