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  • Body Rentals - Elle Gets Controlled Part 3 (Chap 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)

    Chapter by VexenFox · 14 Dec 2021
  • Elle finds herself possessed at school, first by her brother's friends, then by the school bully who finds himself unprepared for how much smaller and weaker he is inside her body. Things begin to look up when another girl, Jess, discovers the helmet -- but is she just interested in using Elle's body for her own lesbian fantasies?
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  • Jess turned and walked away, leaving me to collapse against a nearby locker and get my bearings. How much time had passed? What had my body been up to?Okay, first thing first. Where am I? I was in the hallway at school, outside Mr Malbridge’s chemistry classroom. There were a bunch of other year 12s banging around and getting their books, so it must be between lessons.Next. How long was I out for? That was an easy one, I looked down at my watch- and found my wrist bare. Ben mustn’t have put on my watch when he dressed me this morning… I- he had dressed me this morning. Eww!I quickly took stock of my clothes, momentarily distracted from the time question. I was wearing a skirt, shorter than I would have liked, but that’s okay. Long socks and my regular black boots. Good. And a simple white shirt with a brown cardigan that I didn’t recognise. Had he spent more of my money on this? I felt it between my fingers, it was really quite soft.Not too bad, all in all. At least I wasn’t flashing the whole school. I wouldn’t admit it, but he’d actually done a better job than I normally would have - I was a dunce when it came to fashion. The only thing was I found I was wearing a scratchy old bra that didn’t quite fit right -- he’d clearly just picked the tightest, skimpiest one I had in my dresser.That thought pulled me up for a moment. A whole morning had passed. My underwear had changed. Ben had climbed my body down from the roof, and then done what? Had a shower? I didn’t feel particularly dirty, so probably. My body in the shower under the control of my brother wasn’t a thought I wanted to dwell on. Had he brushed my teeth? Slept for me? Dressed me in the morning, choosing out an old bra and using my arms to put it on, fondling me as he did it? That was just too freaky. I didn’t even know what I’d eaten for breakfast.The one silver lining is I could feel I definitely wasn’t wearing a thong anymore, at least he had the sense to know that in a dress this short I’d be half flashing everybody everytime I bent down. I reached down to adjust my underwear through my skirt… and didn’t feel anything.Oh no.As subtly as I could I patted myself down, feeling desperately for some panties. Nothing. I wasn’t wearing any. I had been flashing everybody all morning. Oh god!The bell rang above me, and everybody scampered into their classrooms. Oh right, what time was it? I stopped one of the kids running past, a year 10 boy with shaggy hair.“Hey, what period is it?”“Second, weirdo!”Weirdo? That didn’t bode well. I shivered slightly, quickly found my bag near my feet, and ran off to class. Second period on a Monday is Miss Shirley's algebra, which I shared with Sarah. I clenched my fists, she better bloody know how to help me get this damn receiver off my neck!I ran into Sarah as I arrived. She smiled at me warmly, and I felt my rising anger dissipate somewhat. Did she not know what had been happening to me?“Sarah!”“Elle, how are-”“My brother’s got a hold of the helmet and I can’t get the receiver off!”Her eyes went wide. “What?”“He’s been controlling me on and off since yesterday morning. I can’t even remember anything that happened today - I only woke up about two minutes ago!”“Oh wow! That must feel so cool! The memory blocking works then?” Sarah said excitedly. I gave her a look, and she started. “Sorry! I mean, that sucks! Here, turn around, I’ll take off the unit.”I spun around and Sarah reached up to fiddle with the receiver on my neck. I was bursting to get out of the influence of that damn thing that had been hijacking the sensory and motor pathways to and from my brain.“Hmm, it does seem pretty stuck!” Sarah chatted, unhelpfully. Sarah tugged, and I felt a sharp pain from my neck that shot tingles all the way down my spine.“Ouch! Hey! Be careful!”“It’s still stuck, let me go get some scissors or something…”Yeah real technical, Sarah.But before I could get snarky, Miss Shirley arrived and ushered us inside with a tut.“If I act weird, it’s not me doing it.” I whispered to Sarah. “Try to stop my body from doing anything too bad in class, yeah?”“Of course!” Sarah grinned. “This is so cool.”I sighed and went to my seat, and Sarah sat down two seats over. She didn’t seem concerned at all, had she thought something like this would happen? Or did she just find the Body Rentals units exciting in general? She was certainly in a hurry to try it on me last week -- that seemed so long ago now.Miss Shirley started handing out the worksheets - quadratic equations today. I was always pretty good at maths, and got along with the young teacher pretty well. She smiled at me as she handed the work over.“Okay class, last week we learnt how to adjust for- “And then I felt something very very strange. I was getting turned on. A rush of arousal had hit me from nowhere, like I’d been injected with some super aphrodisiac from an illegal Soviet lab.What the fuuuuccck?My vagina squeezed itself involuntarily. I mean, really involuntarily. My vaginal muscles were literally doing kegels without me, each squeeze heightening my arousal further. I couldn’t control it at all.And I knew what that meant. I tried to signal to Sarah to get my body out of the class, but my eyes and hands had already been hijacked - I couldn’t move a muscle.Somebody else certainly could though - I found my eyes suddenly flick down to stare at my own cleavage, and I felt other muscles in my belly and crotch start to contract and release, as if being explored for the first time. My vagina pulsed. My butt cheeks squeezed themselves together. My stomach muscles contracted in a peculiar pattern, like a belly dancer -- something I certainly couldn’t do under my own power. I really hated it when other people could make my body do things that I couldn’t!Then I felt my bladder relax, and a bit of wee dribbled out, totally outside my control. Somebody was literally wetting my pants in class.Oh my god, hey! STOP!!Whoever was controlling it quickly squeezed that muscle shut again, almost reflexively. My mouth opened itself. “Oops.”, I found myself saying. “Hey, how do I make her blackout? I mean-”My mouth cut off mid sentence, and my body slumped slightly before I caught myself. Oh! I was back! I flexed my arms, and felt myself blush -- an automatic response that had been suppressed by whoever was controlling me, I guess. I quickly cleaned up with a tissue from my bag, and tried to make eye contact with Sarah. Sarah! Help! I’m about to blackout!It definitely wasn’t Ben controlling me that time -- for one thing, he already knew how to use the memory blocking function of the Body Rentals helmet. Who else could have gotten hold of it though? Unless he’d deliberately gone out and given it to them-Jesus Christ. That’s exactly what he’d done. I’d bet my left shoe I only regained control this morning because he’d decided to come into school himself today to share the helmet with his geeky friends.Another thought hit me with dread. He would have used my body to talk with them this morning, probably flashed my boobs at them as well. Eww! I didn’t need a bunch of teenage nerds gawking at me damn it Ben! Now god knows who has the helmet, and as soon as they-BLACKI was looking down at my worksheet. Huh? Oh Jesus Christ! These time jumps were so freaky. I could tell my body was aroused again, and scrawled at the top of the worksheet were the words “Hi Elle!!”. Damn it! Some little shit had used my hand to write that - I hated it!BLACK“Wanna go on a date with me?” suddenly appeared underneath it, in a different handwriting. I groaned.BLACKPain in my jaw! And… in my hand, which was held in a fist in front of me. I rubbed my cheek, had I been punched with my own hand?“Are you okay, Elle?” asked Miss Shirley.“Um, no, actually I think I better-”BLACKHands pushed me hard, and suddenly I was tripping over in the hallway. “AAARGH!” I let out a scream of surprise and frustration. “WHAT THE HELL! I HATE THIS DAMN THING!”“Is that you again, Elle?” Sarah’s voice came from behind me. I scrambled to my feet and turned around.“Did you just push me?! Not cool!”“I had to get you out of Miss Shirley’s class, girl! You were jumping from desk to desk and not wearing underpants.”I turned beet red. Not-my-fault. Not-my-fault. I told myself desperately. Eventually this would all get straightened out and everybody would know I had nothing to do with it.“I’m going to take you to the sick bay, maybe they can hold you down or something until we can figure this out.”“Sounds goo-” my voice cut off suddenly as my mouth was forced into an awful grin. My hands grasped at my own chest clumsily. “Nice tits, jugface, and your hot friend here ain’t too bad either.”My stomach dropped. Only one person in the school called people ‘jugface’ - the huge, homicidal, insanely aggressive senior bully - Ryan Renaval. And I did not want to be controlled by Ryan Renaval.I found myself walking towards Sarah. Ryan scrunched my toes inside my boots, flexing and testing my body.“Hallo gorgeous.” my voice said in a drawl. “Looks like I got a two for one deal right here.”“Get out of her, Ryan.” said Sarah, scowling at me. I know she was really scowling at Ryan Renaval, but it certainly felt like she was scowling at me. That was kinda odd.“Ryan? There’s no Ryan here, bitch.”There’s something very peculiar about somebody else making you speak. All those automatic movements my tongue and lips did unconsciously were different -- my lips held the ‘R’ sounds longer than I would have, my tongue was sloppier. I could even feel a bit of a scratch in my throat, as Ryan tried to force my voice into a pitch lower than what it could physically do. It came out sounding a bit hoarse.My legs stomped over to Sarah and Ryan used my arms to shove her against the wall. He stumbled a little bit as he pushed her, twisting my ankle slightly, and I felt my face heat up a bit as his anger came over my body.I couldn’t feel the emotion, but I could feel the effects on my body -- I felt warmer, my hands clenched themselves so hard my nails dug into my palms. I felt energetic and strong. I must have been one of the only a handful of people who have experienced the bodily effects of anger without actually feeling angry. Weird.Ryan made me scowl as he tilted my head up to stare Sarah in the eye. He’d probably never had to look up to anybody before, much less a younger girl. Sarah was several inches taller than me, and a fair bit more athletic - did he realise he was in a weaker body? Or was that thought just too alien for him? Sarah glowered down at us.“Alright bitch, you make any noise, and I’ll make Elle here tell everybody you attacked her. Then I’ll… I dunno, make her run naked through the yard or something.”I cringed inwardly. He wouldn’t really do something like that, would he? Sarah just laughed.“Yeah, okay. And what were you planning on doing if I stayed quiet?”What are you playing at, Sarah? This guy’s a psycho!My face twisted in confusion, an emotion shared by both Ryan and me, apparently. Then I felt my own body tense.“Fuck you!”Ryan swung a massive haymaker at Sarah’s head. He squeezed my tiny fist tight and put all my weight behind it, swinging upward at a slightly awkward angle. Sarah flinched slightly, and ducked. PAIN! My hand smashed into the side of her head, but my wrist bent badly, and the blow was weak. A jarring spike of pain shot up my arm.“AH! FUCK!” my voice shouted, as much from me as Ryan. He gasped and looked at my small hand, trying to flex it tenderly. I could tell he was absolutely shocked at what had happened.“You have to manually set the pain setting within the helmet, you idiot.” said Sarah. She rubbed her head where Ryan’s punch had glanced off, but seemed pretty unharmed.“Fucking hell! Fuck you!” Ryan swung again, but Sarah was ready this time. She caught my little arm mid swing. My eyes bulged as she easily overpowered me - Ryan had always been the biggest and the strongest, I don’t think he so much as imagined that he’d be able to be overpowered by a girl, it was simply something he thought was possible.Sarah grabbed my other arm and held it above my head. I could feel Ryan straining my muscles as he tried to pull away. My jaw clenched, my breathing froze - but it was useless. Sarah was too strong.Hah! Go Sarah! Beat me up!Sarah grinned at me. “Mind if I teach this guy a lesson, Elle?”I didn’t really know what she meant, but I didn’t mind. Hopefully she wouldn’t hurt my body too badly -- she did understand that eventually Ryan would leave, and I’d be the one stuck with the bruises, right?Sarah pushed me backwards and I felt myself instinctively take a step to balance myself. Right as I did, however, she swung her leg and kicked my foot out from under me. I toppled to the floor, my body twisting as Ryan tried to catch himself in the unfamiliar body.Oft. My voice grunted as I hit the ground, landing hard on my chest. Apparently Ryan hadn’t thought to try and cushion the impact on my breasts. He used my hand to tenderly poke one, seeming unsure of himself. I suppose this wasn’t going as he’d planned.Sarah dropped down on top of me and quickly pinned my smaller body, haphazardly controlled as it was. She brought her face very close to mine and whispered in my ear.“You know Ryan, I got to use this body before too!”She stuck her tongue out and grazed my ear with it. My body shivered, and I could feel myself getting wet. Ryan tensed up, but stopped struggling.What? Sarah? What are you doing?!“I know exactly how it feels! Good, right?”She nibbled my ear softly, and my voice moaned.What they hell, Sarah? This is your idea of punishing him?Ryan seemed just as surprised as I was, but he smirked, and reached out towards Sarah’s chest. She let my hand get close before grabbing it and pinning it on the floor above my head.“Nope! You get to see what it’s like to be overpowered! No touching!”Ryan strained my muscles, but Sarah easily held me down. She wiggled around on top of me and... kissed me on the lips. I blushed.Sarah!Ryan squeezed my fingers and toes, forcing me to squirm. I could feel him getting hornier in my body, but there was also a reluctance there. He was a big guy, always dominating, for him to be overpowered and demasulated like this…Sarah grabbed my right breast and squeezed hard.Hey! Bad enough when you did that from inside my body!“I’ve never felt these from the outside before! I bet you’d love to explore this body yourself, wouldn’t you?”Ryan nodded my head, moaning. He strained to free my arms again, trying to touch my body, but Sarah held tight.“Well too bad! I’m the one in control here!”Sarah traced a finger down my flat stomach, smoothly moving it side to side. I was stunned by her actions… but also kind of curious. I was beginning to enjoy going with the flow in these situations, I guess.“I bet you think you’re so hard right now! Don’t ya, Ryan?”I felt my vagina flex in response. My head tried to look down, but I couldn’t see past my breasts. He’d never been a girl before, I realised. I mean, obviously he hadn’t, but he hadn’t had a chance to explore being a girl in his own time. He probably hadn’t ever even thought about it in his entire life. What would not having a dick feel like to him?I felt the wetness below increase. Ryan desperately squeezed my vagina, trying to buck my hips, apparently searching for that which didn’t exist.Sarah suddenly slammed her hand down onto my crotch over my skirt. Ryan gasped, and I felt my eyes open wide in shock. A second later there was a second wave of sensations. Ryan made me squirm and moan, and he squeezed my legs together tightly.But Sarah wasn’t done. She pressed her face against mine, a sly look about her.“Did that feel weird, Ryan? I bet it feels super odd not having a dick!”I felt my mouth open. “There’s nothing there!” came my voice, sounding a bit strange and hoarse, as if the register was all wrong.“Oh! There’s something there alright!”Sarah deftly pushed up my skirt with her fingers, her hands now pressed directly on my bare vagina. My voice moaned, and I could feel a reluctant pleasure radiating through me from Ryan’s mind.Sarah gently slipped a finger inside me and my body froze completely. I even stopped breathing. The feeling was so strong. Not just arousal - it was like the physical sensation of having something enter me were somehow heightened. I could feel every individual bump and curve of Sarah’s finger as she pushed it deeper. Man, I was never normally that sensitive.My eyes rolled into the back of my head and my body quivered. I tried to make my body relax, to start breathing normally again, but it was useless. Ryan was clearly way out of his depth as the waves of sensation rocked us both. My legs spasmed, my teeth bit into my lip hard. A low moan escaped from deep in my throat. Then-“Elle?”That wasn’t Sarah’s voice! Crap! We were still in the hallway! I tried to open my eyes and sit up, but Ryan was still in control. He slowly refocused my eyes and I saw Jess staring down at me and Sarah, looking bemused.“You’ve certainly gotten around a bit today, hmm?”Sarah scrambled off me and stood up, blushing.“It’s not what it looks like!”“Oh?”“Elle’s being controlled! She’s wearing a Body Rentals receiver, Jess. Ryan Renaval’s got a hold of the helmet! I was… um... ““Elle’s being controlled? So this morning… that wasn’t…?” Jess bent down and examined my face.Sarah stood behind her, looking confused. “This morning?”“I’ve got to go.”Jess span on her heels and ran off. Sarah looked at me and shrugged. “That was weird.”Ryan still held onto my body, completely spaced. My eyes unfocused again, and my head laid itself back on the floor.“That’s enough, Ryan.” Sarah said, nudging me with her foot. “You’re done here.”I tried again to make myself move, but Ryan just lay there, in some sort of shock. The bell rang and other students began to fill the hall, and I was stuck on the floor!I was desperately trying to lift my arm when it suddenly swung up and almost hit me in the face.“Hey!” I said… out loud! I was back!I scrambled to my feet, brushing myself down quickly. Ryan hadn’t left my body in good shape, but it was more of a floaty weakness rather than anything too bad. Sarah helped me steady myself.“Was that okay with you?” she asked me, sincerely. I paused.“Um… yeah.” I never would have admitted it to her, but I actually kinda liked being controlled. When I could remember it, and felt safe with friends, that is.“Let’s go find that helmet.” she said, taking my arm.“Sounds good.”______Sarah and I wagged the rest of class that morning to look for the helmet, but we didn’t have much luck. We might have been faster searching if we’d split up like Sarah suggested, but I was afraid somebody might take control of me again and I wanted Sarah there to keep an eye on my body.It wasn’t until lunchtime that we made any progress. Sarah and I had just given up and gone to get some food when I spotted the hulking form of Ryan Reneval shuffle into the cafeteria. He looked completely out of sorts - head down, shoulders hunched. His eyes scanned the room - and my heart stopped when they landed on me. He turned and slowly walked towards us.I punched Sarah in the arm. “Ryan’s here.” I hissed. She looked up, bemused. “Really? This’ll be interesting!” I gave her a look, but she ignored me, and turned around to meet Ryan face to face. I stood up as well, I wasn’t going to let this prick intimidate me.“Sorry” Ryan mumbled, quietly.Then he simply turned around and shuffled back out of the room. Sarah’s mouth dropped open - whatever she’d been ready for, it wasn’t that.“Wait” I called. Ryan stopped where he was, but didn’t turn around. “Where’s the helmet?”“Dunno. Some girl took it.”And he left without saying another word. I grinned at Sarah, who was still frozen with shock at the apology. “That was interesting.”So - some girl had gotten ahold of the helmet, but obviously hadn’t used it yet. That was somewhat good news -- at least I wouldn’t be felt up by any more teenage boys. Hopefully.The rest of the afternoon went by quickly. Sarah gave some crummy excuse for my behaviour that morning, but nobody really seemed to care that much about it anyway. They had their own things to worry about I suppose. I wasn’t until I was on the bus home that day that something happened.“I’m telling you Sarah, it’s the only way!”“We’ll figure it out Elle! You don’t have to go ratting on me!”“The company are the only ones who’d know how to remove the receiver! I won’t tell them anything!”“Oh bull! They’d get it out of you, Elle, I know you cave under pressure.” Sarah was getting a bit flustered at the thought of the company finding out she “borrowed” the Body Rentals unit from her father. Actually, I think she was more worried her Dad would find out, she knew he’d protect her from the company he worked for.I opened my mouth to indignantly insist that NO, I wouldn’t dob on her… and then I shut it again. Huh? Oh man, somebody else had finally switched on the helmet. Goddamn it. I hadn’t even felt the tingles that time! Sarah turned the other way in a huff and pointedly stared out the window.I felt my mouth curl into a slow smile. My hands slowly rubbed my legs, softly, gently, and my thighs pressed themselves together. I felt my body getting aroused - a sensation I was used to by now. This time it seemed slower, more anticipatory than rushed. Whoever was controlling my body had some restraint.My legs slowly raised up, twisting as my eyes inspected them. My face’s grin grew deeper, and my world lurched as my body stood itself up and pressed the stop button on the bus. Oh no! Sarah hadn’t even realised I was being controlled, now somebody was going to walk my body off into god knows where!The bus stopped and my legs skipped out the door and onto the grass. I felt light and airy, whoever was moving my body had a finesse about them that I wouldn’t have been able to emulate alone. Was this that mysterious girl who had somehow got the helmet off Ryan?Sarah scowled at me through the window as the bus left. My hand gave her a little wave -- exactly as I would have done. Damn it, this girl obviously knew me. Sarah wouldn’t have a clue I was being controlled, and I doubted she’d be able to figure it out any time soon, she was kind of a ditz at the best of times.I felt myself turn back up the road where the bus had come from. I was really odd not being able to control my body as it moved about, but still being able to feel everything -- it was like, I didn’t have control of my balance. I couldn’t adjust my feet to hold myself up properly. Somebody else was doing it all for me, and that was scary, even if they were a really good driver.“Hold tight.” I said to myself, and then my body began sprinting. Not sprinting like I would have done, awkwardly flailing and puffing, my breasts bouncing haphazardly… No. This was controlled, careful.My legs guided themselves rapidly around a tree, and I gasped internally as I felt myself leap over a fence, barely clearing it. I certainly wouldn’t have been able to do that on my own -- I was almost afraid of my own instinctual movements, overwritten as they were by my controller. If I twisted the wrong way, I’d break my leg!I could feel one way in which the sprinter manipulating my body was lacking though, and that was in my chest. My boobs were a bit larger than average, and Ben hadn’t dressed me in a sports bra today, so my chest was beginning to ache as I ran… as we ran. Each leaping step would bounce my boobs hard, and that builds up when you keep doing it! Obviously this girl had no experience with that, otherwise she’d hold my boobs when she ran without the proper support. No doubt she’d turned off the sensation of pain for herself!I rounded a corner, feeling puffed and tired, but my body ignored my instructions to rest. It continued on at its relentless pace, barely even puffing. My controller was obviously used to being fitter and taller than me, and pushed me harder than was really sensible. Maybe they couldn’t feel how out of shape my body was? I might be thin, but I was no athlete. My chest ached, my lungs burned... I felt my limbs becoming heavy, but still I was forced to run. I never ran more than a few hundred meters at a time! What was this cross-country nonsense!?Soon enough, however, I felt my body slow to a halt in front of a little townhouse with red roses out the front. I found myself confidently leaping up the verandah steps and through the door as if I owned the place. My body steered itself quickly through the hallway -- my legs apparently knew exactly where they were going.I found myself stepping into a girl’s bedroom, locking the door behind me. There was a form lying comatose on the bed, the Body Rentals helmet affixed to her head. I cringed inwardly as I recognised the form -- but my tongue just licked my lips as I stared down at the body of Jess, in her tights and jacket, laying on the bed.Given how excited that lesbian girl had seemed this morning when I first woke up - when Ben had apparently forced me to make out with her - I knew exactly where this was going. Oh dear.My crotch ached with arousal that wasn’t mine as I stared down at the girl. “Well”, I thought, “At least I’ll be able to feel the pleasure.”My mouth open and my voice squealed excitedly.“Oh man, this is going to be fun.”I felt the hair on my arms stand on end as Jess made me stare down at her sleeping form. The pulsing sensation in my crotch was so damn strong -- did she have a thing for this? Just looking at her own body was making her - me - almost cream my knickers.She walked me over to her body and brushed my hand down her cheek. “Oh man, I can’t feel a thing.” She patted herself on the cheek. Then she swung my hand harder and full-on slapped her own face. Her head rolled slightly, and I could have sworn I felt a tremor go through my body for half an instant...“Nothing.” Jess made me say, giggling. “I can’t move. I can’t feel anything… wow.”She pulled one of her eyes open and moved my head in close. Her blue eyes stared dully, unseeing. Jess gently poked it, but it didn’t blink. That was going to be uncomfortable when she got back into her own skin.Jess didn’t seem to care though. I could feel her arousal -- and subsequently *my* arousal -- building. She made me breathe out over her own face, and then kiss her body on the lips.It was weird. Her lips didn’t kiss back. I felt my tongue worm it’s way into her mouth, feeling her teeth and soft lips, so still. I cringed inside -- I was kissing a girl. Not that I was homophobic or anything, but being forced to kiss another girl was… well… it felt kinda gross.However I might have felt, my body disagreed. I heard my voice moan slightly as another pulse of pleasure washed over me. My hand reached up and pulled Jess’s hair from under the helmet, her limp head tilting back from the force.Did Jess get off on causing her own body pain? From seeing herself paralysed on the bed? A fetish like that must have never been satisfied before the Body Rentals helmet came into our lives. The pleasure between my legs was definitely intense enough for that to be the case, this first experience of satisfying that itch might make the biggest orgasm she’d ever had.Or the biggest orgasm I’d ever had. My hands were on Jess’s breasts now, kneading them roughly through her shirt. I felt my arms try to tear her shirt in half and heard my voice growl in frustration as Jess realised I wasn’t strong enough for that. My body straddled hers as I climbed onto the bed and pulled the shirt up to her neck instead.Suddenly I felt my face slam down into her boobs. My hands reached up and pushed them together to make a big, soft pillow. She was big in the chest department, even bigger than I was, and it showed. My face wiggled side to side between her huge tits, not even hitting her ribs with my nose - it was all soft. I felt them jiggle against my cheeks, and my clit pulsed harder. Maybe I needed to rethink that whole ‘not-being-gay’ thing… at least while Jess was at the controls.My small hands grabbed Jess’s jeans and fumbled around with the buttons. It still felt weird to have my hands do precise movements without my command. I could feel everything -- every subtle wiggle and push -- as Jess undid her fly and pulled her own pants down, but I couldn’t control it at all. The signals just didn’t seem to reach my muscles, no matter how hard I tried.Even my tongue. I felt it stick out and move from side to side in the air. Jess licked my lips and clumsily yanked her panties down. I realised with a jolt what she was going to do.Eww! Why would you-!My head slammed down into Jess’s vagina. Ouch. My nose actually stung from the impact - it definitely wasn’t as soft as her boobs. Jess forced my tongue out of my mouth and started going to town on her own junk, making me spell the alphabet as she pleasured herself.So gross! She can’t even feel her own body!As if in response, my body repositioned itself and I felt my hand snake down to my own crotch and begin rubbing, mimicking the movements of my tongue on Jess’s vagina. I almost came right there and then. This was the first time Jess had actually touched me down there, and I don’t think either of us expected how intense it would feel.“It’s so different.” my voice moaned, muffled. Jess forced me to smell her snatch, taking a deep breath through my nostrils as she squirmed.I’m going to add that to the list of things I wish people wouldn’t do in my body.It actually didn’t smell too bad. Kinda musky, tangy, but not unpleasant. Jess certainly seemed to enjoy smelling herself. She grazed the side of her labia with my tongue. My legs writhed on the bed in pleasure.Just as I thought we were going to cum, Jess forced me to sit up, pushing one of my hands into her own vagina as she did. She made me crawl up the bed and grab one of her own hands, which she shoved into my crotch. The fingers didn’t move, but Jess held her body’s hand there and made me hump against it, moaning.“Oh god”, she gasped in pleasure “I can’t move my own fingers! I can’t…!’With difficulty, she used my tiny hands to manipulate her own into shape, then pushed her own limp fingers inside me. The long nails on her other fingers scratched against my thighs as she yanked her own hand back and forth. It wasn’t really working, her fingers were too soft, no conscious muscle holding them firm. I felt her frustration -- my body wanted to cum.Just use my hand you idiot!!Jess pulled her hand out of my vagina and threw it onto her body. It landed on her sleeping face, my juices dripping onto her body’s lips. I felt my body spin in a desperate haze and rip off one of Jess’s shoes, revealing her soft, pale foot.Ah, you’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking, are you?Without wasting a moment Jess yanked her own leg up, twisting it so hard I thought she was going to pull a muscle. She rolled my body onto it’s back and spread my legs. I was completely at her mercy, unable to make the slightest shift in position, even as I strained to. Under her command my vagina squeezed itself in anticipation…And Jess shoved her own big toe into my pussy.My voice moaned loudly. Jess shoved herself deeper, her other toes bending uncomfortably, unfeeling, against my thigh. It felt better than it should have -- toes don’t make the best dildos -- but Jess revelled in the experience. And since she had my body, so did I.My eyes rolled back into my head. My legs shot out, and I felt my foot press against Jess’s face on the bed. Jess didn’t seem to care as she moaned again, making my body spasm and shake as she built up to an orgasm.It was like fire in my loins. It kept building up, further and further, stronger and stronger. My legs shot out again as Jess kicked herself in the face, not noticing the damage she could be doing to her own body. She squeezed my thighs together and moaned. It was coming! I was cumming!My eyesight went white. My voice screamed out, and right as the moment of peak pleasure hit my legs kicked again, connecting with something hard, and I felt myself suddenly go limp, falling back onto the bed. My vagina constricted and Jess’s foot slipped out of me as I came harder than I’d ever come in my life!“OOOOOHHH MY GOOOOODDDDD!” I screamed.I screamed. I… I was back in control of my own body! I looked up and saw Jess still lying on the bed slowly opening her eyes. My foot was between the helmet and her head. I’d kicked it off! Jess has kicked it off with my leg!I tried to grab it, but my body was shaky and weak from the orgasm. Jess was beginning to wake up, her mind apparently a bit scrambled from the sudden connection loss and the half orgasm she’d had. Not to mention the fact that she’d kicked herself in the face several times with my foot.I forced myself over and collapsed on top of her, grabbing the helmet with weak hands. Jess yelped, then grabbed it too, struggling to put it back on her head. Neither one of us had the better grip, but I had been in this situation before, and she hadn’t, and I played the winning move.I slammed the helmet down on my own head.Blinding light assaulted me! I gasped in shock and squeezed my eyes shut, but the light still seared into my eyes from all directions. The world seemed to spin and I felt my body shudder. My consciousness was torn from my brain with a sickening heave.Then there was blackness......and a really odd zooming sensation.I felt myself land back in a body with a shiver. Where was I? What had happened? These things should really come with instruction manuals.I opened my eyes hesitantly. The first thing I saw was Jess, lying across me, and looking curious. Was I still in my body? I could feel the helmet on my head, but the rest of my body didn’t feel quite right. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but there was something badly amiss. Jess hadn’t tried to pull the helmet off my head at least, so that was something.I glanced down. Yep, still my body. Naked, thanks to Jess’s earlier endeavours. My sweaty boobs sitting right where she left them. I tried to get up, but instead I just kinda spazzed in place.Ah. That’s not good.Pushing down my nerves I stared at my left arm and slowly tried to raise it into the air. It didn’t move. But something else did. I felt a movement further down on the bed and realised with a start that my right foot had curled itself. Had the helmet just messed up control over my own body?I tried to lower my arm again, even though it was already lying on the bed, and I felt my right foot open and stretch. I wiggled my fingers and my big toe moved in response.This was not good at all.“Are you okay, Elle?” Jess asked, sounding more interested than worried. “What happened?”I opened my mouth to respond but it stayed exactly where it was. Instead I felt some muscle deep within my vagina loosen. Eek! I closed my mouth again quickly and felt my vagina clench, the instructions apparently getting rerouted. My actual mouth sat unmoving.Fortunately, Jess seemed to have calmed down somewhat. She was just a girl from school, afterall, not some evil monster -- even if she had controlled me. She pushed out from under me and I felt my body kinda roll in response. I tried to catch myself, but just had my leg flail out awkwardly.Back to doing this one step at a time then.I experimentally tried to flex my right arm, expecting my other foot to flex. Instead my whole body bent at the waist and I found myself sitting up on the bed!The funny thing was it didn’t feel like I was doing a sit up. It felt as easy as moving my arm normally is, except it was my stomach muscles that responded. I straightened my ‘mental’ arm again and found myself flopping back.Oft. Okay, that was too rough. Gotta be gentle, girl.I tried to bite my lip in frustration and felt an insane gushing sensation from deep within my vagina. It was like I was dripping wet from arousal in an instant! I stopped biting my lip and the gushing fluid stopped as fast as it had come. Whaaaa!Okay, taking stock. Apparently my mouth controls have been rerouted to my vagina. Great. My left arm controls my right foot, and my right arm makes me do sit ups. Jess is just staring at me with fascination, and possibly arousal, and I need to figure out how to get this damn helmet off my head and out of here without being able to control my body properly. Easy as bloody pie.What haven’t I tried? Legs? I tried to lift my left leg in the air and instead felt my mouth open. Well at least I know where that control went. There was something particularly alien about having my mouth move this way. If lifting my leg controls my mouth, I wonder...I squeezed my toes and my tongue tried to jump down my throat!Ak! Bad! Go back!I coughed and choked for a moment, taking some time to remember to stretch my toes to make my tongue stick out. Having these controls all mixed up wasn’t intuitive at all! I found I kept instinctively trying to do things only to have other parts of my body flop around. Thank god my breathing stayed normal, along with my eyes. Messing those up would have been baaad.Okay, arms, I need arms. Right leg? Made my nipples poke out. Right foot? My left knee bent. Ummmm… butt cheeks?I clenched my bum and felt my right hand move up and slap me across the face, the fingers loose and flaccid.Well that was an inconvenient one!Continuing my exploration I tried clenching my vagina and found the fingers on my right hand flex clumsily in response, ending up in an uncomfortable position. Instinctively I tried to adjust them the normal way only to have my toe try to move sideways again. Dammit!At least I had something of a grip on this messed up wiring now. I clenched my butt again and my arm flopped, slapping me in the face once more. I growled in frustration only to have my vagina pulse in response. Gah!!I tried thrusting my hips and my hand shot up in the air in a weirdly enthusiastic Nazi salute. Oh hell. Squeezing my butt again bent it at the elbow. I carefully tried to line it up with the helmet above my face. Squeeze… squeeze… a bit of a thrust… I felt my fingers brush up against the edge of the helmet. Alllmost there… just a bit closer…Instinctively I bit my lip again and a torrent of liquid poured out of my vagina, inhumanely fast.“Fuck!”I swore -- or tried to swear -- only to have some weird muscle deep inside me wiggle and flex as I tried to speak. It tickled. Arrrgh!!My fingers bumped into the helmet again. I clenched my pussy and my fingers closed on nothing. Squeezing my butt a little more... they came in closer… I could feel the lip of the helmet now…CLENCH!My fingers closed on something! Like the claw in those arcade games, clumsy and weak, but holding! I tried to maintain my kegel clench in what was becoming the weirdest maneuver of my life…THRUST!YESS! My arm jumped into nazi salute mode and ripped the helmet off my head with a jolt! I felt my hair tear and break as my arm pulled, and as soon as the helmet was free my body spazzed and the world went white.Just for a moment.As soon as I could see again I wiggled my fingers and laughed when they actually responded properly for once! Yes! Jess watched from across the room, eyeing the action, and the helmet, which landed on the other side of the bed with a bounce. I sighed, rubbing my hand over the back of my neck...And I didn’t feel the receiver.It was gone! Had wearing the helmet released the control device?I sat up with a start and spun around. There, sitting where I had been lying atop the blankets sat an innocent looking piece of metal. A hair stuck to it and greasy, but not on me! I was free!I quickly snatched it up and hid it in my palm.“What was that?” asked Jess, edging around to where the helmet sat on it’s side. I ignored her question.She kept edging around me, positioning herself closer to the helmet. Now I’d gotten it off, Jess clearly was going back to her original plan of taking over my body. I bet she was planning on shutting off my consciousness this time.She didn’t know I was free though.Hah.In a flash, she lunged for the helmet. I pretended to dive for it as well, landing behind her. She elbowed in front of me, putting herself between me and the helmet.Perfect.I shoved her hair out of the way......and slapped the receiver onto her neck._______Next: Body Rentals - Elle Gets Controlled Part 4 (Chap 13, 14, 15)Prev: Body Rentals - Elle Gets Controlled Part 2 (Chap 4, 5, 6, 7)
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anon_4f476a10af21 ∙ 10 Mar 2025