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  • Touched by an Incubus

    Chapter by alex_izeri ∙ 22 July 2024
  • Eddie allows Dwerk the imp to possess him, but it's Nick, the incubus, who finds a way to entertain them both.

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  • It was a sooty gray color, standing about two feet tall, with a face like a bulldog, bright yellow eyes, and shiny red horns. I screamed and backed away, but the creature lunged at me, wrapping muscular arms around my leg. I expected to be mauled, but it just hung on, refusing to be dislodged even when I tried to shake it off.


    “Azir, a little help, please,” I said.


    The demon laughed. “Relax, he’s just excited to meet you. Eddie, this is Dork, one of my most trusted imps.”


    “Dwerk,” the creature hugging my leg grunted.


    “I beg your pardon?” I said, arching an eyebrow. The imp looked up at me, his wide, down-turned mouth cracking open to expose nubby yellow teeth.


    “My name is Dwerk,” he said, his voice surprisingly deep. “Not Dork.”


    “Whatever,” Azir said, hopping down from the counter. “I’ll see you in two hours and I expect good reports from both of you.”


    “Wait,” I said before he could flame away again, “I wasn’t kidding. This isn’t a good time. I have...company.”


    “Yes, I can smell him,” Azir said, “and it won’t be long before your neighbors do, too.” He gave me a pointed look.


    “I was afraid of that,” I said, running a hand back through my hair. “I just don’t know what to do about him. He’s been through so much.”


    “Oh, boo hoo,” Azir said, rolling his eyes. “He’s a demon. He’ll get over it.”


    “You weren’t in the car,” I said, shaking my head. “You didn’t see the panic on his face.”


    “Shame. I’m sure it would have been good for a laugh.” He glanced down at Dwerk, still holding tight to my leg. I was starting to lose feeling below my knee, my toes tingling. “Dork, get off of him. We’re leaving.”


    The little imp began to bawl, a sound somewhere between a dog howling and a police siren.


    “See what you’ve done?” Azir asked, gesturing to Dwerk.


    “This isn’t my fault,” I said, reaching up to cover my ears as I raised my voice to be heard over the noise. “You should have checked with me before you brought him!”


    Suddenly, the incubus rushed into the kitchen, water dripping from his hair and a towel wrapped around his narrow waist. I was shocked by the dark bruises marring his pale skin, and the shadow of each rib down his side.


    “What is that racket?” he asked. Then he saw Azir and his eyes grew wide. “You!”


    “Nice to see you again, Subject 52A,” Azir said, making the incubus cringe.


    “Don’t call him that,” I said, feeling more than a little protective.


    “Well, what should we call him, then?” Azir asked over the imp’s caterwauling. He scowled at Dwerk and snapped his fingers. “Shut up or I’ll send you back to the pit.” Dwerk’s jaw closed with a loud


    , but he still whimpered as he clung to my leg.


    I looked at the incubus. “What would you like to be called?” He didn’t answer.


    Azir scoffed. “He’s had seven years to think about it. Don’t you think if he was capable, he’d have picked a name by now?”


    “Is that it, you can’t choose?” I asked. He shrugged. “Do you want me to try? Maybe I can come up with something you’d like.”


    “Yeah, I’d like that,” the incubus said.


    Across the kitchen, Azir shook his head. “I wouldn’t, if I were you.”


    “Well, you’re not me, thank God,” I said. I turned back to the incubus and tried to think of a name for him. Immediately, one came to mind and I said it without thinking. “Nick.” As soon as it left my lips, I felt my face heat up. I hadn’t thought about Nick in years, but suddenly it was like no time had passed. He was my middle school crush, the first guy I ever had those kinds of feelings for, but even if I hadn’t lived in a conservative community, I doubted I ever would acted on those feelings. Nick was everything I wasn’t—handsome, smart, athletic, popular, tall—and I was just...Well, it was middle school, three years of social hell combined with all the fun surprises of puberty. I was just trying to keep my head down and make it out the other side.


    Azir made a scathing sound. “Wow, you put a lot of thought into that one.”


    “Back off,” the incubus said, surprising me. “It means something to him, I can tell. I like it. From now on, my name is Nick.”


    A deep rumble shook the house, making the dishes in the cupboard rattle. I glanced around, then looked down at Dwerk to see if he had burped or farted, but he looked just as startled as Nick and I did. The only one who didn’t look surprised was Azir.


    “What was that?” I asked.


    The demon shrugged. “Doesn’t really matter now, but the next time someone tells you not to do something, maybe instead of telling them to fuck off, you’ll have the brains to ask why.”


    “Azir! What just happened?” I demanded.


    Azir sighed. “You, my dear Eddie, just named a demon.” He paused for effect, but I just stared at him, waiting. “Don’t you get it? You know his true name. If you knew how, you could control him, or you could tell someone who does know how, and they could. Either way, bad for him.”


    “But I would never do that,” I argued.


    “Yeah, I’m not worried,” Nick said. “I trust him.”


    “That’s great, but I haven’t told you best part yet.” He pointed at the imp who did not appear to be letting go of me any time soon. “Do you know who gave Derp his name?”


    “It’s Dwerk,” I corrected.


    “It’s really not,” Azir said. “I’m not going to tell you his true name, but I know it. Do you know why? Because I named him. When you name a demon, they are bound to you. Forever.”


    Nick and I looked at each other in horror. “I had no—I didn’t mean to!” I said. I looked back at Azir. “Why didn’t you try harder to stop us?”


    The demon let out a bark of laughter. “I didn’t have to try at all. We’re not buddies, Eddie. We have a contract, one that you are currently failing to fulfill your end of. Now, I’m going to have a quick word with little Nicky, here, and you are going to get better acquainted with Twerp. Come here,” he said, grabbing Nick by the arm and dragging him to the other side of the kitchen.


    I watched them, hoping to read their lips or overhear what Azir was saying to him, but they just stood there, Azir looking down on Nick, who hunched his shoulders and glowered, every now and then shaking his head. Suddenly, Azir grabbed Nick by the back of the neck, pulling him closer, and he seemed to be whispering in Nick’s ear. After a moment, Nick jerked away and ran from the room. I heard his feet pounding up the stairs and then the sound of a door slamming.


    “Good talk?” I asked as Azir sauntered back over to me.


    “I gave him something to think about,” Azir said. “Now, here’s a little something for


    to think about—If you die before your debt is paid, there will be a whole horde of disappointed demons waiting to torture your miserable soul for all eternity, so you might want to get a move on, because you have a history of making questionable choices, and honestly, I don’t think you’ll make it another three months.”


    “Come on, it was one mistake,” I said. “I won’t forget to look both ways, okay?”


    “I wasn’t talking about that,” Azir said. “You take a wrong turn into the seedy end of town where you stop and let a stranger into your car? Why don’t you wear a sign that says,

    Mug me, I’m stoopid



    “He needed help,” I said, which sounded lame, even to me. “Hey, how do you even know about that? Were you following me?”


    “I like to keep an eye on my investments,” he said defensively. “And it’s a good thing I was. You’re so blind, you didn’t even notice that you were being deliberately led astray.”


    I gasped. “Why would you do that?”


    Azir rolled his eyes. “Not me, dumbass.”


    “Then who?”


    “Think about it. Who wants you dead?”


    The answer was so obvious, I felt like a fool. “Zahriel. Can they do that? I mean, will I have to second guess everything that happens to me from now on?”


    “Sounds like it. What a bummer,” Azir said, tucking his hands into his jeans pockets and leaning casually against the counter. “If only there was something you could do—Oh, wait, I might know something. But you probably don’t want to hear it. I’m sure you’d rather I take Dump and leave.”


    I looked down at the imp still clinging to my leg, staring up at me with big, yellow eyes, and I sighed.


    “All right, fine, he can possess me,” I said, and if Dwerp’s howls of despair were bad, his squeals of joy were worse. I had to cover my ears with my hands. “Stop! Stop, before I change my mind!” That shut him up.


    “Okay, then,” Azir said. “Go on, get possessed so I can get out of here. I’m late for an appointment.”


    “What kind of appointment?” I asked. It wasn’t like he needed to see the dentist.


    “Aren’t you nosy? If you must know, there’s a priest on the other side of town who is having a crisis of faith and I’ve been assigned to tempt him away from the church.”


    I grimaced. “I’m sorry I asked. So, what about Zahriel?”


    “Don’t worry about ol’ featherbutt. They won’t be bothering you tonight. You just show my little buddy Burp a good time and I’ll tell you all you need to know when I come back.”


    I didn’t particularly like that arrangement, but I wasn’t in much of a position to negotiate. I looked down at Dwerk. “Okay, go ahead.”


    Azir laughed. “He’s been trying to possess you this whole time. You just need to relax and accept him in.”


    “Oh, so


    what he’s doing,” I said. I took a deep breath and tried to lower my metaphysical walls, but this was all still pretty new to me. After a moment, I opened my eyes. Dwerk was still hanging on to my leg. “It’s not working.”


    “It’s not going to be like it was with me, Eddie,” Azir said. “Imps aren’t strong enough to muscle their way into a wet paper bag. You have to draw him in. You have to


    him to possess you. And you had better hurry up. Your little aroma therapy candle upstairs is about to spontaneously combust and invite every guy in your neighborhood in for an orgy.”


    “Oh, shit. Nick,” I said, rubbing my forehead. This demon crap was giving me a migraine. I couldn’t worry about Nick, though, not at that moment. I needed to deal with Dwerk. Once that obligation was satisfied, then I would find a way to help Nick. One thing at a time.


    I looked down at the imp again, trying to figure out how I was supposed to


    to be possessed. The only thing I wanted was for this to be over. And the only way to get through this was to let Dwerk in, so in a roundabout way, what I wanted was to be possessed. It was a means to an end, and if I could believe that, this might work.


    I remembered the way Azir had marveled over tastes and smells and sensations, simple things I took for granted, but for him they were almost miraculous. I was able to give that gift to him. I had the power to grant that miracle to Dwerk, to allow him a taste of a world he could only experience in cold shadow and muffled darkness. I was the light bringer. Closing my eyes again, I visualized gathering the little imp into my arms and drawing him into my body, giving him the gift only I could give him.


    I gasped and my eyes flew open, but I wasn’t the one doing it. My hands flew up to my face, feeling it all over. My heart began to race from Dwerk’s excitement.


    “Not bad, Eddie,” Azir said. “That didn’t take quite a long as I expected. Now, you two have fun and I’ll be back in couple of hours. Oh, and I don’t have to remind you of what will happen if you break my rules, do I, Twerp?”


    Dwerk cringed. “No, sir. I remember,” he said, my voice deeper.


    “Good,” Azir said, heading for the door. He stopped beside us and leaned close. “Now, don’t forget to give that incubus upstairs a good fucking, and remember, the louder he squeals, the more he likes it.” He patted me on the shoulder and walked away, disappearing in another swirling blaze of hellfire.


    You are not fucking Nick

    , I thought vehemently, making Dwerk jump and look around the room.


    “Who said that?” he asked.


    I did. You know, the guy who’s usually in that body?


    “Oh, you,” he said, breathing a sigh of relief. “You sounded like a demon for a minute. I thought they had found me already.”


    Well, that was mildly alarming.

    What do you mean? Is someone looking for you?


    “Oh, um...” Dwerk said, scratching my head. “Not really. It’s just...you know. Word travels fast in Hell. Not much to do except gossip.”




    “So, that means everyone knows about you and the deal you made. And they all want a turn.”


    Oh, great

    , I said.

    This just keeps getting better and better. Hey, what are you doing?

    Dwerk had begun sniffing the air like a dog.


    “Something smells...amazing...”


    Shit, I forgot about the pizza

    , I said.


    “Pizza...” the imp moaned, and I could feel the saliva pooling in my mouth as he crossed the kitchen and lifted the lid of the pizza box. It was nearly cold, but the aroma of the sauce and the spices and the crust rose into the air like perfume. He grabbed a slice, tearing it free from the pie, and stuffed almost half of it into my mouth, making me glad that it was cold. There’s nothing worse than a third degree cheese-burn to the roof of your mouth.


    Slow down

    , I cautioned him.

    Azir will not be please if I choke to death on pizza.

    Actually, I was pretty sure Azir didn’t give a shit either way, but I did.

    It actually tastes better if you chew it.

    Surprisingly, he took my advice, eating the rest of the slice in an almost civilized fashion. He found the garlic cheese bread next and devoured two pieces of it before going back for a second slice of pizza. Of all the things a demon could do with my body, I supposed gorging on pizza was a minor offense, but I was starting to get that too-full feeling that precedes nausea and heartburn.


    Maybe take a break?

    I suggested as he lifted the next slice to my lips.

    Unless you want to experience vomiting, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

    Dwerk hesitated, then put the pizza back in the box.

    Great, now could you put both boxes in the fridge and find me some antacids?

    After that was taken care of, and I managed to keep him from eating the entire bottle of chalky, fruit-flavored tablets, he headed upstairs.


    The door to my guest room was closed, but I usually keep it closed, so I couldn’t tell if Nick was in there or not. I hoped so, and I hoped he’d had the sense to lock it, but I didn’t want to find out, in case I didn’t like the answer. As Dwerk reached for the doorknob, I scrambled for something to distract him.


    Have you ever had a shower?

    I asked, making him pause.

    I have the best bodywash. It’s in my room, that one at the end of the hall.

    He looked, then headed for my bedroom, and I breathed a mental sigh of relief. I should have known better.


    As Dwerk stepped into my room and glanced around, he didn’t seem to notice that something was amiss. Why would he? He wasn’t familiar with how my room was supposed to be. But I was, and I noticed immediately that there was a very naked young man lying on my bed.


    Nick, what the hell!

    I shouted, but of course, he couldn’t hear me. Dwerk could, though, and zeroed in on the source of my outburst. I felt my body respond as he stared at Nick, pulse racing, temperature rising, cock hardening. I wasn’t sure how Dwerk could find that skinny, bruised body arousing, but he did, practically drooling on the floor as he fumbled with my clothes, stripping off my shirt and throwing it across the room as he rushed toward the bed.


    Oh, no, you don’t

    , I told him, giving him a mental shove, no hard enough to dislodge him, but enough to make him stumble to a stop.

    Nick is off-limits. Go take a shower, you’ll love it, I promise.


    “But Azir said I could!” Dwerk protested.


    Azir isn’t here. My body, my house, my rules

    , I said firmly.

    If you don’t like it, you can get out right now.

    Dwerk began to whine, a strange mewling sound that I didn’t even know I could make.


    “Eddie, it’s all right,” Nick said, climbing off the bed and walking toward us. That shut Dwerk up. I have to admit, I was a little speechless, too. For a scrawny young man, he was very well hung. “I don’t like this either, but Azir reminded me of something important—right now, I have a choice. In a few hours, once your neighbors start to smell my pheromones, they will break down your door to get to me, and if you try to stop them, they will tear you apart. I won’t have a choice then, but I do now. And I choose to do this.”


    Nick sank to his knees before us, his fingers making quick work of the button and zipper on my slacks. As they slid down my legs, he reached up, teasing my erection through the thin material of my boxers. I couldn’t have stopped him without taking control from Dwerk completely, but if I was honest, I didn’t really want to. I’d never had a guy give me head before, even though I’d thought about it on several occasions, and came real close in the men’s room of a club in a nearby city. But in the end, I’d chickened out. I’m just not the adventurous type, I guess.


    Slowly, Nick slid my boxers down, at last freeing my straining cock from the confines of my underwear. He made an appreciative sound, a smile lifting the corners of his mouth as he softly stroked the length of my shaft.


    “Oh, boy, oh, boy—do it. Do it!” Dwerk panted, breathing hard as Nick leaned in. I thought about telling him to calm down before I hyperventilated and we passed out, but my mind went pretty much blank as Nick’s warm lips wrapped around my cockhead, sucking my sensitive flesh as his tongue swirled around the slick knob. “Fuck, yes. That’s it. Take it all,” Dwerk moaned, reaching out toward Nick’s head.


    Stop right there

    , I said, giving him another mental poke that made him freeze mid-reach.

    You will not force him to do anything. In fact, you are not to touch him at all. Understood?


    “I’m telling Azir,” Dwerk growled. “You’re not letting me have any fun.”


    Nick pulled back, stroking my cock with his hands as he looked up at us, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “Eddie, are you being mean to your guest? What did he say to you?” he asked Dwerk.


    “He told me not to touch you,” Dwerk said sulkily.


    “Oh, really?” Nick said, his smile widening. “Well, that could be fun.”


    “How?” the imp asked.


    “Well, if we want to make sure you don’t touch me, then I had better tie your hands behind your back, just to be safe. Don’t you think, Eddie?”


    Um...I don’t know about that…

    I said, even though he couldn’t hear me. I’d never been interested in bondage or any other kind of kink, really. Like I said, I wasn’t very adventurous. Nick jumped up and stepped past us, opening my closet.


    “Ah, here we are,” he said, pulling out my favorite blue silk tie, a gift from my father.


    Not that one

    , I told Dwerk.

    I mean it, I’ll kick you out for this. There’s an ugly green one in the back. Tell him.

    The imp dutifully relayed my message and Nick exchanged the blue tie for this hideous green paisley one my grandfather had left behind when he died. Being his only grandchild, he’d left his house, his money, and all his things to me, which was great, until I had to decide what to do with all his stuff. Most of it was boxed and crammed into the basement, but it just hadn’t felt right to remove everything of his.


    And now his tie was about to be used in a demonic sex game. I hoped that, where ever he was, he wasn’t watching.


    “Oh, perfect,” Nick said, running the smooth length of material through his fingers. He got behind us and pulled my arms behind my back, deftly tying my wrists together. It was secure enough that Dwerk couldn’t pull free, but not so tight that it cut off my circulation. “There, that fixes things, doesn’t it?” he asked, moving back in front of us. He went down on his knees again and began to worship my cock, hands sliding over the shaft as he kissed and sucked on the head. Dwerk panted and moaned, my balls aching when Nick finally looked up at us. I couldn’t be sure, but he looked better than he had before, his skin less bruised with a healthier color. Or maybe I was imagining things. It was a little hard to think.


    “Where would you like to cum?” he asked, his eyes hooded and skin flushed. “In my mouth or on my face?”


    Not on his face, that’s degrading

    , I said, but Dwerk ignored me.


    “Face,” he panted. “All over you.”


    I didn’t like it, but it seemed a small thing to forfeit the entire night over. Besides, Nick wouldn’t have suggested it if he didn’t want to. He took my cock into his mouth, his gaze turned upward, watching us as he slid down my entire length until his chin pressed against my balls. I could feel my cock in his throat, his muscles squeezing, pulling as he swallowed around me. I didn’t know how he was managing it. I gagged if I brushed my teeth too vigorously. He didn’t seem in distress, though, even though he couldn’t possibly be able to breathe. He swallowed again and again, until I felt my knees shaking, struggling to hold us up.


    “Oh, fuck!” Dwerk shouted, my body bucking as my balls drew up. Nick pulled back, his hands stroking my cock vigorously as Dwerk came, striping Nick’s face with long strings of pearly semen. It landed in his hair and dripped down his bare chest, but he didn’t seem to mind.


    Spent and gasping, Dwerk staggered and Nick jumped up to support him.


    “Over here, lie down,” he said, leading us to the bed, shuffling along with my pants piled around my ankles. Dwerk started to sit down on the edge, but Nick forcibly spun him around and shoved him down face-first onto the bed. He kicked my legs, trying to get back up, but with my arms still tied behind my back, he just wallowed around on the mattress and got nowhere. Glancing over my shoulder, he watched Nick wipe the semen off with a towel.


    “What are you doing?” Dwerk asked. He sounded almost as uneasy as I felt. What was Nick up to? I suddenly realized I may have made a big mistake, letting him into my house, allowing him to tie us up. Even if I took control back from Dwerk, I would still be helpless.


    “Relax,” Nick said, dropping the towel on the floor beside the bed, “I won’t hurt you. An incubus feeds on pleasure, not pain, and I intend to feast.” He removed my shoes, pants, and boxers, and moved between my legs, his hands warm against my ass as he cupped the firm globes. I thought he was going to fuck us and I almost shoved Dwerk out so I could at least put up a fight. Before I could gather the mental energy to do so, however, Nick spread my cheeks and pressed his face between them, his hot tongue snaking over my clenched hole.


    What the fuck is he doing?

    I asked, shocked and appalled. He was licking my asshole! It was disgusting, it was perverse, and...it felt really good. I wasn’t sure which bothered me more—that he was doing it, or that I liked it. Dwerk, on the other hand, had no problem with it.


    “Oh, yeah,” he moaned, lifting my hips off the bed and pushing back toward Nick. “Eat it. Eat my ass, you dirty freak.”


    Hey, watch it

    , I said.

    If you can’t say something nice...oh, fuck…

    I couldn’t think straight as his tongue lapped against my tight opening, and I felt my muscles softening under his gentle assault. I moaned, my cock hardening beneath me, and Dwerk raised my hips higher to make room. I gave a mental start as I felt the tip of Nick’s tongue poke against my asshole. He wouldn’t, would he?


    “Do it, do it,” Dwerk begged, my body shuddering as Nick thrust his tongue into my ass, spreading that ring of muscle. He fucked us with quick, forceful jabs of his tongue, until we were shaking with desperate need, my cock leaking on the bedspread. “Fuck me,” Dwerk panted. “Oh, please, fuck me.”


    I felt Nick raise his head. “Eddie?” he asked.


    I hesitated. It was one thing to let Azir slide a vibrator up my ass, it was quite another to let an incubus fuck me. But did I really have a choice? If I said no, would Dwerk relay my answer truthfully? I supposed I could kick him out if he didn’t. But was that fair to Nick? He needed sex to sustain him, and after having been starved for most of his life, could I tease him like that?


    Tell him that there’s lube in the nightstand,

    I said to Dwerk, which he happily repeated for Nick. As Nick went to fetch the bottle, I suddenly realized that about to lose my anal virginity to a guy. It was something I’d fantasized about for years, but I can honestly say that this scenario never crossed my mind.


    Cool fingers slick with lube slid between my cheeks and rubbed against my opening, gently probing and, finding little resistance, easing inside. It felt nothing like the vibrator. That was a cold, lifeless thing, and Nick’s fingers were warm and soft and alive, moving inside of me. Slowly, he slid them in and out, spreading the lube and stretching my ring of muscle, taking his time even as Dwerk squirmed with impatience.


    “C’mon, just do it already,” Dwerk groaned. “Quit dicking around and fuck me.”


    “Oh, is this what you want?” Nick asked and I felt something hot and hard press between my cheeks. Dwerk whimpered, a sound I echoed in my mind, my hips lifting off the bed as he raised them, pushing back against Nick’s cock.


    I couldn’t believe this was happening. I had wanted it, dreamed of it, ever since I learned what sex was, but I had always thought such experiences were for braver men than me. I just wasn’t the adventurous type. Of course, I never thought I was the posessed-by-demons-type, either, so what did I know?


    Slowly, Nick’s cockhead pressed against my opening, the muscles stretching, spreading to accommodate him. It felt strange at first, then a little uncomfortable. Then it got


    uncomfortable and I was about two seconds away from telling Dwerk to put a stop to it when that fat knob popped past my asshole and slid inside of me. I could feel my body shaking, Dwerk’s moans spilling from my lips as Nick’s impressive rod sank deep into my ass, filling me completely.


    “How do you like that?” Nick asked, his hands on my hips.


    “Oh, yeah,” Dwerk moaned. “That’s it. Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”


    “I don’t know, Eddie feels a little tight,” he said, one hand caressing the small of my back. “Maybe I should take it easy this time.”


    I don’t know why, but I found it heartwarming that he would care about me like that. I mean, he was an incubus, and a starved one, at that. The only thing he should have cared about was getting as much sex as possible, but there he was, concerned for my welfare. That was the moment I realized that maybe the things I had heard about demons weren’t as accurate as I had thought. Which was confirmed a moment later when Dwerk spoke up.


    “Eddie wants it hard, too,” the imp said. “He says, ‘

    Give it to me, you demon slut



    He lied. And here I thought demons couldn’t do that. My mistake.


    I did not say that

    , I told him.

    You tell him the truth right now or—


    “Is that so?” Nick asked. “Well, you asked for it, both of you.” He pulled back, until I thought his bulbous cockhead was going to pop out of me like a champagne cork, then he drove back in, sheathing his impressive length inside of me. I felt my breath catch, my chest constricting a bit as he plowed across my prostate, the sensation so intense it was almost painful. He didn’t actually hurt me, but I was not a fan of rough sex. Dwerk, on the other hand, panted and moaned in obvious bliss. I considered kicking him back to hell, but I knew the two hours had to be almost up, and I’d put up with too much already to forfeit the night now.


    As Nick hammered me, his groin hitting my ass so hard my cheeks stung and his balls swung forward to slap against mine, I tried to tune it out, like Azir said I could, but I still hadn’t remembered to ask him the trick of that, so I was stuck there for every savage thrust and breathless moan. I was sure Nick would have to take a breather sooner or later, but the man was a beast, drilling me until I could feel the orgasm building low in my gut, my balls full and heavy, ready to expel another load.


    “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Dwerk gasped, writhing and pulling against the restraints, the necktie biting into my wrists. I might not have been into it, but that didn’t change the way my body felt, the way the sensations consumed all rational thought, the pleasure throbbing within me like its own force of nature, insistent and undeniable. I cried out, silently, trapped within my own mind, and my body jerked, muscles tensing. Dwerk came, my balls drawing up as they tried to empty themselves in one shuddering wave after another.


    When we were finished, Dwerk collapsed, gasping, my body still twitching as Nick carefully withdrew, his fat knob making a wet


    as he pulled free.


    “Oh, my, that was fabulous,” Nick said, his voice thick, almost like he was drunk. I felt him tug at the tie wrapped around my wrists, releasing the restraints. Dwerk just lay there, but I could hardly blame him. I doubted I could have moved if I had been in control. “I don’t know if I’m able to draw energy from both of you, or what, but I haven’t felt this good in years.”


    Dwerk just grunted, but I was actually glad Nick had gotten something out of this demonic deal. Maybe after this, he’d be able to lead a normal life. Normal for an incubus, that is.


    Nick left us lying on the bed and walked across the room. My eyes followed him, Dwerk staring at his firm, tight ass as he walked. I thought he was leaving, until he headed into my bathroom. He paused in the doorway and looked back over his shoulder.


    “I don’t know about you guys, but I sure could use a shower,” he said in that husky, tipsy voice. “Want to join me?”


    Dwerk scrambled up off the bed, nearly tripping over my discarded pants and shoes as he rushed around the bed. The incubus gave us a sultry look, then disappeared into the bathroom. Dwerk hurried after him.


    Nick had the water going and we crowded together in the small stall, the steam fogging up the glass door as the hot spray beaded up on our sweaty skin. The heat felt delicious against my back as Dwerk and Nick got busy soaping each other up while I wondered how much longer this was going to go on. I should have set an alarm on my phone or something. What if Azir didn’t come back? How was I going to know when it was safe to tell Dwerk to hit the road?


    Nick cried out, jerking me out of my thoughts, his voice loud in the enclosed space and I stared at my hand on the back of his neck, pushing him up against the tiled wall. Nick’s hands slid across the slick tiles, like he was searching for something to grab. He looked terrified, his eyes wide as he tried to look over at his shoulder at me, his wet hair hanging in his face.


    “Wh-what are you doing?” he asked.


    Yeah, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?

    I demanded.


    Dwerk stepped closer to Nick, pressing my body against him, my cock starting to harden as he ground against Nick’s ass.


    “I’m just doing what Eddie told me to do,” Dwerk said, speaking softly in Nick’s ear. “This is what an incubus is for, after all.” I felt Nick cringe, trapped between us and the wall.


    “Eddie wouldn’t say that,” he said, but his voice was small, uncertain.


    Dwerk chuckled. “Want to bet? If he didn’t like it, he’d kick me out.” Damn right I would, and I prepared to do just that, but his next words made me hesitate. “But he’s not going to do that, or he’d have to forfeit this whole night. All of this would be for nothing, and for what? To spare the feelings of one cringing, whining, little demon whore? I don’t think so.”


    I’d like to say that I did the chivalrous thing and kicked Dwerk in the metaphysical nuts, but I didn’t. I mean, my soul was on the line, and I’d never be able to earn it back if I couldn’t make it through two lousy hours. And it wasn’t like I hadn’t warned Nick to not get involved. This was his choice. I didn’t want him to get roughed up, but he had put me in a very difficult position. I just didn’t know what to do.


    Dwerk bowed his head and I could taste Nick’s sweat as he licked up the side of Nick’s neck.


    “You see?” he said. “You mean nothing to him. Now, it’s my turn to have some fun.”

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