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  • Ch. 05 - Vivid Impressions

    Chapter by FeverDreamer · 23 Feb 2025
  • My attempts to further develop the technology hit a dead end.

    Meanwhile, Fiona starts having her own ideas as she learns about its current capabilities.
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  • Fiona couldn’t stay for long. She’d already made plans for the day, and while she would have once been committed solely out of a sense of social duty, she now shared my goal of maintaining the impression that nothing about her had changed.

    I wondered just how much of myself had taken permanent root in her psyche. How much of my mind now looked out at the world through her eyes without any need for a transmitter; that watched her go through the menial pleasantries of hanging out with friends and chuckled silently in the privacy of her own head.

    And she would laugh with it. Except, not really - she wouldn’t even be able to perceive the part of myself that I’d left inside of her as a separate entity. To her, it would just be another facet of her own psyche whispering to her. Just a new type of appetite to indulge in.

    Would she be distracted? Definitely. Thinking about me. Wondering how soon I could fill her with myself. How soon she might be rid of the empty feeling we now shared when we were apart, though I wasn’t sure if she had realised that I felt it too, or what the implications of that were.

    I had to shake myself out of the reverie, remembering the work that would need to be done to meet her request. I’d successfully left an impression on her personality: One that made her enthusiastic about the technology and being my test subject, as well as the object of my desires. But progressing from the manipulation of her emotional state to the explicit transfer of information - not just factoids or knowledge, but of my mind in its entirety - was at that moment entirely impossible.

    It wasn’t just a lack of bandwidth, though that was certainly a major issue. Currently, the only means I had of transmitting anything at all was to deliberately (or subconsciously) push it into Fiona’s mind, mixing it with her personality until it was absorbed seamlessly into her. The idea of trying to recite my entire life into her head was ridiculous for more reasons than I could count.

    So it would have to be automated. Something that could read my knowledge, my memories, everything about who I was without me having to consciously control it, then imprint it onto Fiona’s mind. Having two sets of memories from two different lives was going to be very strange for her: Growing up with two different families; remembering her first period and her first erection; losing her virginity as both a man and a woman.

    I wondered vaguely how things might have been different if I had initially chosen a male subject, or someone who straddled the fence between genders, or had even crossed it. I wasn’t quite ready to confront the effect inhabiting Fiona’s body had had on me, but I found myself suddenly curious about experiencing life from more and stranger perspectives. Something to consider for the future, perhaps.

    The far, FAR future, given my current limitations.

    It was actually very frustrating. Back at the lab, we had never even entertained the possibility of large scale transfer: We were excited enough that the technology worked in the first place. The whole thing was reliant on consciousness to function, so even if I could link a computer processor between our minds, a program couldn’t be relied on to induce memory in any useful capacity, let alone transfer it across.

    We’d had sister divisions working on other projects: Cognitive augmentation, self-aware artificial intelligence and a few other things that might have been useful, but they had made little progress at the time and even if they had improved since then, the risk of being immediately turned in upon making contact made the idea a complete dead end. All I could rely on was the technology I already had and my own wits.

    I paused, my sixth cup of coffee halfway to my lips.

    Was there a way I could use my own mind to… I don’t know… corral my own memories? The concept was extremely ephemeral and I tried very carefully to hold it in my overstressed mind, worried that if I looked at it too hard it would wash away like a sandcastle.

    If I set myself to both transmitter and receiver, I could manipulate my own conscious thoughts from a subconscious perspective. But if I did that, would the effects on my receiving consciousness cascade into my transmitting consciousness? The idea of getting stuck in an infinite loop in my own head made me feel slightly sick, but I was convinced that the answer definitely lay somewhere in using my own mind to automate the process.

    I puzzled fruitlessly over it until Fiona came home - strange, but I already thought of her living with me as her being ‘home’ - and listened to her talking excitedly about her day out with friends.

    They had noticed a difference in her. Of course they had. A mischievous impulse had made Fiona play coy at first; blushing and giggling like a schoolgirl with a secret.

    “They tried guessing all sorts of things,” she told me, taking the cup of coffee I offered her. “New job, new date, whatever. There’s no way they could have possibly guessed the truth, of course.”

    “That you’ve been basically possessed and had your mind contaminated by the creepy perv whose house you’re staying at, and he’s been puppeting you into fucking him for the last week?” I supplied.

    Fiona grinned. “Exactly! Someone suggested that maybe I’d developed a crush on you, but nobody took it seriously, so I didn’t have to deflect.”

    I breathed an internal sigh of relief. In her current perverse state, I would not have put it past Fiona to hint vaguely at our current relationship, even if it was just to get a reaction.

    “I think Julia might have a thing for you,” Fiona continued. “She likes older guys, and she’s always the first one to suggest that we’re into each other. I think she might just be looking for a reason to get introduced.”

    Both the name and the behaviour sounded familiar. “Julia? She was one of the friends you had helping you move stuff into your room last week? Redhead with freckles?”

    Fiona nodded. “That’s her.”

    I realised my mistake several seconds before Fiona did, and her eyes widened as the penny dropped.

    “How did you know her name?” Fiona asked slowly, turning very deliberately to face me.

    There wasn’t any point in denying it, and no consequences for being honest.

    “I was watching you while you were moving the furniture in.”

    We both knew that “watching” in this case didn’t mean “from outside”. Fiona let out a shuddering breath, her open mouth forming into a huge smile.

    “You were in me when she suggested I had a crush on you, weren’t you? I felt something when she said it, and I knew it was strange. How long have you been in my head for?”

    “Since we first met,” I said. “I infected you the day of your interview. Tested out the monitoring function while you were texting afterwards and tweaked your thoughts a bit so that you’d stay.”

    Any normal person would have broken down or freaked out at the revelation that their free will had been compromised so easily, but a week solid of debauchery had made sure that Fiona was now far, far from a normal person.

    Instead, she took a deep breath in through her nose and whispered, “Naughty boy.”

    I shrugged. We were both on the same page now, so there was no harm in coming clean. If anything, Fiona found the revelation delightful.

    A thought seemed to occur to her.

    “Does that mean the others are already infected too?”

    I waggled my empty coffee cup in the air. “Everyone had a drink, so yep.”

    Fiona licked her lips. “So we could control them now?”

    “Unfortunately, no. Not with the limited range I have currently.”

    “But I could invite Julia over, right? And you could take over her?” The hunger in her voice was barely hidden at all.

    “I could, but let’s not forget that I had control of you for a week before you found out the truth. If you’d learned about it earlier, you absolutely would have freaked out and I would have needed to do something drastic to keep you under control.”

    Fiona’s eyes flashed. “Drastic like how?”

    I hesitated, even knowing that she was already fully onside. “Well, I could paralyse all of your motor functions so that you couldn’t move. I could suppress your will so that you would basically become a doll or a slave. Or I could just put you into a coma.”

    Fiona swallowed. “Why haven’t you done that already?”

    “Because I haven’t needed to?” I said, making it a question at the end.

    “...Do you want to?” Fiona asked.

    “Absolutely not,” I said, noting the vague look of disappointment on Fiona’s face. “It’s an extreme measure, I’ve never used it and I don’t know what kind of damage it might do if I did. If I’m going to start working on her mind, then we take no risks: She’ll need a good reason to be here for at least a few hours per night for several nights.”

    “Oh, that’s easy,” Fiona said, refocusing on business.

    “Is it?”

    “Yeah, you two just need to start dating.”

    I snorted. “Somehow, I think she’ll catch on that something’s not right if she finds herself fucking my unconscious body out of the blue. I wouldn’t call that dating.”

    “Yeah, but you wouldn’t be controlling her, would you?”

    I gave Fiona a doubtful look. She shrugged.

    “It might be a little fast for her, but if I can get into her head and make her horny enough, she won’t think anything of it.”

    Fiona put down her cup and sauntered over to me.

    “Thanks for the coffee, Marcus. Can I call you Marcus? It’s such a cool name.”

    She sidled up beside me, pressing her shoulder against mine.

    “I guess Fiona forgot that she invited me over for the day - she’s so busy studying that she’s left me all alone. But I’m glad, because it means I get to spend time with you instead.”

    I sighed. “Sounds like a bad porn script.”

    Fiona giggled, turning to wrap herself around my arm. “You’re so funny! I keep asking Fiona about you, but I guess she’s just not that into you. Her loss, really.”

    I wanted to maintain my skepticism, but it was at that point that Fiona pushed herself up on tiptoe and kissed me briefly on the lips.

    Any further attempt at roleplay stopped as we immediately started to make out, and I wobbled awkwardly to my bedroom with her arms and legs wrapped around me. The sex was rough and hurried - me relieving myself of the day’s frustrations and her venting all of the pent-up arousal she had built up over the course of her fantasizing.

    She let me take control. Not just physically, but mentally as well. She spread herself out beneath me, writhing languidly and tossing her head side to side as though trying to induce the small part of myself within her to possess her completely.

    “Take me,” she panted beneath me, and I knew it wasn’t just “me” she was talking to.

    Half an hour later, sated at least somewhat by our physical exertions, I explained the problem I faced and the potential solution as we made dinner together. I observed that she still had to hesitate when looking for ingredients or crockery, though she mostly managed to get the location correct on the first try.

    Fiona demonstrated an understanding of the human mind that made me question how she had failed to qualify for a psychiatry degree, before I realised that at least some of that would have been from my own knowledge. Her excitement piqued when I pointed this out, and she suggested that I at least educate her in lieu of a full mental transference.

    “Once you’ve given me enough knowledge to be helpful, we’ll have the problem solved twice as fast,” she said, beaming with confidence.

    “If you knew what I do, you’d be less sure of that,” I replied flatly. “But you’re right. One of the best things about working with my team at the lab was that we could bounce ideas off of each other. Did you know that this technology was basically an accident?”

    I told her the whole story while we put away the dishes: The research, the theory, the experiments. Fiona chimed in with questions or observations and I clarified and confirmed where I could. We were spooning on the couch when I reached the part about discovering Jackson’s plot, and Fiona rolled around to face me when I told her about finding myself in Lena’s body.

    She wanted to know a lot more than I could say. I guess in her mind it should have been a mind-blowing sensual experience, and she seemed more than a little disappointed when I explained that I was far too worried about the danger I was in to bother experimenting sexually.

    “Hey, at least that means you were my first time,” I joked, and the idea appeared to mollify her somewhat.

    She seemed distracted after that, and as I was recounting Lena’s parting call, she idly crawled down my body, opened the fly of my pyjamas and pulled out my penis. Casually and without any real sense of eroticism, she flopped it back and forth until pure physical stimulus brought me to a semi-erect state.

    “If I had a cock,” she said absent-mindedly. “I’d totally fuck an eclair.”

    I sat stunned by the non-sequitur for a moment before considering it.

    “I promise you that sounds better than it would actually feel.”

    Fiona grunted noncommittally before quietly taking my entire dick in her mouth, pushing herself forward until her lips came to rest at the base of my cock. After a long, silent pause I felt her begin to gently suckle on me, her tongue swishing from side to side under my shaft.

    It wasn’t the kind of ravishing that I’d come to expect over the past week, but it was a luxurious experience, so I contented myself with stretching out on the couch while my cock got the massage of a lifetime.

    I have no idea how much time passed, but I was brought out of my daze by the feeling of cool air against my wet penis. I opened my eyes to see Fiona kneeling over me, but not - as I had expected - naked from the waist down. Instead she seemed to be working up the courage to ask for something.



    “...Mister Riley?”

    “You got it right the first time.”

    The attempt at humour seemed to spoil the mood, and Fiona gave me a reproachful look before speaking again.

    “I want to know what it feels like.”

    “What ‘what’ feels like?” I said, only half playing dumb.

    Fiona’s eyes darted to my crotch, then back up to my face. She blushed, fiddling idly with the fabric of her own nightclothes.

    I let the moment hang before relenting, pulling myself up with a sigh.

    “Not yet,” I said, finally.

    Fiona’s expression was wretched. “Why not?”

    I wasn’t going to tell her the truth: That I was concerned about her personality influencing mine the same way that I’d contaminated hers. I’d turned her into a sex-crazed pervert and the last thing I needed was to have that effect compounded back on myself. Instead, I came up with a believable lie.

    “You’re not ready yet. I need to get you familiar with the technology before I let you use it to control me.”

    The technology was, in fact, simple enough that the person wearing the transmitter didn’t need any technical competencies at all, but by the time Fiona found that out, she would also understand why I needed to hide that truth from her. That was, assuming her sense of self as ‘Fiona’ survived the process.

    At any rate, the explanation seemed to be enough for her, though it didn’t stop her from practically dragging me down to the basement for our evening ritual. Unlike the usual, slow escalation of activity, Fiona insisted on massaging my dick while I was still configuring the timer for our session.

    As I lay back on the bed with only seconds before the signal was established, Fiona mounted me and began riding my cock: Pumping herself up and down so that when the transmission kicked in, I found my senses drawn into a body actively fucking itself against my supine form.

    The sudden difference in stimulus caused me to reflexively take control, and our body shuddered as her motor neurons found themselves forcefully overridden by my mind. Suddenly worried that I was at risk of hurting her, my will faltered and I felt her body spasm again as control was returned to her, only for us to begin to tip sideways as she failed to stabilise herself on top of me.

    Had she deliberately surrendered control when she felt me enter her body? She must have, and had also trusted that I wouldn’t let go, so I was forced to catch us before we topped off the chair, causing another round of convulsions as her body changed owner for the third time in as many seconds. The rapid grasp and release led to a series of shivering twitches up and down our body as I tried to hold us in place, and I needed to press us against my body’s chest and shut our eyes until the trembling stopped.

    Eventually, I was able to resolve my sense of our body into just the cool air against our skin, my own shirt against our chest and my dick buried in our pussy, happily ignorant of the harm we might have just done to ourselves.

    “That was wild,” we panted, and I realised I had again released my control of Fiona’s body.

    “That was reckless,” I said through her lips, and I felt her cringe only slightly at the admonition.

    “Well, the sooner I get taken over completely, the sooner I won’t have to worry about that,” she said to herself.

    And she was right: So far the only things she had inherited from me were my own desires and some scraps of practical knowledge. She was still as compulsive as a college student and as horny as one would expect. I felt the warm buzz of pleasure in her mind as she sensed my agreement, and my intent to temper her lack of caution by imprinting more of myself onto her.

    “I don’t think you get to call yourself especially cautious,” she whispered in my body’s ear as she began pumping herself on my dick again. “I’d say you’ve been pretty reckless all on your own.”

    The sex didn’t last long: My body hadn’t had much time to recover from our last session, so it was only a few minutes before we felt the squirting of my exhausted cock inside us. Unsatisfied, and with plenty of time before the session expired, I let Fiona take us into her room to continue affairs.

    My nervousness fed into her mind, causing her to giggle. Despite having exposed so much of ourselves to each other, this was my first time seeing the space she had created for herself in my home. I don’t know what I was expecting, but the result was pretty ordinary: Just the furniture she had brought in before her first day and some personal effects.

    “Let’s go on the grand tour,” Fiona said to herself.

    I was expecting maybe a joke guide around the room I had cleared for her, but instead she brought out a travel case from under her bed and flipped it open, revealing a small collection of toys including the vibrator I had felt on my first night in her body.

    What followed was a parade of each item, with Fiona using every item at least once on herself while I sat back in her mind and whispered the occasional bit of encouragement. At one point, I suggested inserting one of the toys anally, but Fiona had the presence of mind to speak as though I were in the room with her.

    “I’ve tried it a few times,” she said hesitantly. “I wasn’t into it.”

    Becoming aroused at my insistence, she tried inserting one of the smaller items into herself and we quickly agreed that even under the intoxicating influence of sharing her body, I wasn’t into it either.

    Eventually we tired ourselves out and took a shower. Even without the thrill of arousal, it was a treat watching through Fiona’s eyes as she washed, rinsed and dried herself, every individual action drawn out for our shared enjoyment. It must have been strange from Fiona’s perspective, as she was essentially perving on herself, but that didn’t stop her from making every movement as sensual as possible until we collapsed naked on her bed.

    As her eyes closed, I wondered what would happen if she fell asleep while I was still transmitting to her. I didn’t have to wait long to find out, as I realised that she had legitimately gone to sleep with me still in her mind. I tried nudging her mentally, but the best I could get out of her was a moan of complaint as she rolled over and curled up on her own sheets.

    It wasn’t long before the cold air against her exposed skin became uncomfortable, so with no other option, I forced her eyes open and sat up. There was no response from Fiona, and in fact when I released my control, her eyes immediately closed and she flopped back onto her bed. Opening her eyes again, I raised her hands up above me and slowly clenched and unclenched her hands, waiting for some indication that she was still conscious and able to exert her own will on her body, but it never came.

    I realised that for the first time, I had her body all to myself in a way that she was completely unaware of. Unable to help myself, I stood up out of her bed and walked back to the living room mirror. I was struck by a sense of nostalgia as I found myself facing a vision I had seen for the first time only a week ago, but now there was no-one controlling the body I inhabited except me.

    I wasn’t able to mimic the effortlessly sexy poses or movements that Fiona had struck while dancing for herself, but the fact that I was alone in her body gave me a sense of warmth that wasn’t quite the same as arousal. Not at that time, anyway - on any other occasion, I’m sure I would have been blind with lust, but Fiona’s body was still tired and sore from a long evening of self-abuse, so I dressed her, climbed under her sheets and waited for the timer to expire.

    With nothing to do with my time but think, I began considering the adjustments I could make to more effectively transfer knowledge from my own mind directly into Fiona’s. It seemed like I was unable to share her unconscious state, but that opened the possibility of imprinting myself onto her while she was entirely passive: It was conceivable that the lack of a competing will to consciously override meant that informational throughput could be increased beyond what was originally considered safe levels. I was still doing some mental calculations when I felt the world shift and opened my eyes in my own body.

    Cold, stiff and still slimy around my crotch, all thoughts of adjustments were shelved while I showered, got changed and went to bed myself. I briefly wondered what might happen if a dreaming mind were used as a transmitter before sleep took me.
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