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  • The Curse Of Spooky Island - Chapter 2

    Chapter by LonesomeTaco ∙ 22 July 2024
  • Andras further explores the life of his stolen body, officially meeting more people and trying new things.

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  • Andras woke up with a ray of sunlight on his face, instinctively he flinched and raised his hands to shield himself from it. It took a few seconds for his freshly woken mind to realize his skin wasn’t sizzling and burning. Opening his eyes he was greeted by the sight of his host body, he still hadn’t quite gotten used to being inside of a human body and continued to instinctively fear the sun.

    Relaxing he spared a glance at Sarah’s bed to find it neatly made and her nowhere to be found.

    Must have gone to class

    he thought to himself, it was a stroke of good luck that Lena’s roommate had not been there to witness any more strange behavior. After last night It would become increasingly difficult to explain away his actions since he could no longer use the excuse of being tired.

    He rolled out of bed and plopped himself back down at the desk with Lena’s laptop on it. He needed to learn more about the animation course his host was taking. He might still have 3 days until the next class but he had no idea how much he would have to know about the subject in order to pass as Lena so it was a good idea to obtain as much knowledge as possible.

    Before he could get too deep into his studies, his stomach grumbled. An unpleasant reminder that his body needed to eat, something Andras had initially thought would be an arduous task when being taught about human anatomy but when he was able to taste food for himself he found the task extremely enjoyable, when he remembered to do it. What comes after is rather annoying though, his very first trip to the bathroom was rather confusing and messy but he was able to get the gist of it after a short while.

    Standing up from the desk he moved over to the drawer he had rummaged through the night before and settled on a plain black shirt and a pair of pants he thinks humans refer to as jeans. After stripping the clothes he had slept in, he caught a glimpse of his scantily clad body in the full length mirror. He had seen his new body quite a few times now but everytime it still amazed him. The body he had been given was quite an attractive one, his stomach was toned but not ripped, he had relatively small ‘assets’ as Idsalis had put it but he didn’t mind one bit.

    Sitting at the top of his stolen body was a head of shortly cut bright neon red hair that the girl apparently dyed. He shouldn’t need to redye it in the time he is supposed to spend here but if his mission runs longer than expected he might need to. He ran a slender hand through the length of hair before taking one last glimpse of his body and starting to get dressed.

    The shirt was easy enough to put on but for the life of him he couldn’t figure out why humans, especially females, insisted on wearing such form fitting pants. The first time he had tried them on he got so frustrated he lost control of his demonic strength and split the pair. He had managed to work out a method that made it easier by sitting on the bed and carefully shimmying the pants up his legs but the process was still frustrating. Finally butting up the top of his pants around his waist he breathed a sigh of relief, he was ready to go eat.

    From what he remembered the people at this school eat at a place called a ‘Cafeteria’, something similar to the buffets offered at the island for the guests only you were supposed to pay each time he went rather than it being complementary. While the human had her own money Idsalis had supplied him with a credit card of his own in order to buy anything that would be necessary to maintain his cover for the duration of his stay.

    Andras had to admit to himself he was rather excited, he had enjoyed so many wonderful flavors during what little freetime he had in this body on the Island but now he was free to choose what he wished. As eager as he was to satiate his body he remained alert as he walked even though a fair amount of students would be in their mid-morning classes there would still be a fair amount on the grounds.

    As he thought there were still a few students throughout the campus, while the dorm hallway was empty there were a handful decorating the carefully mainicured grass. Either chatting amongst themselves or studying alone, thankfully they were all too engrossed in what they were doing to notice the possessed girl anxiously examining everything that moved as she walked.

    The Cafeteria was only a short walk from the dorm so by the time he had arrived it would have only been a few minutes but it felt like a heck of a lot more to the demon. This wasn’t the island where he had the security of other demons to help him, nor was it the airport where he had been surrounded by humans who had no idea who his body was. This was the place where his host body was known to quite a few people, apparently classes were usually too large for teachers to have any real personal relationship with their students but there was still the issue of the friends the girl had.

    Shaking his head he brushed those thoughts aside because now was the time to choose what to eat. He knew the Cafeteria was supposed to be quite large but it was quite a bit bigger than he imagined, the space was littered with at least a hundred circular tables and chairs with all vendors located in the middle. Just like outside there were scarcely any students around.

    As he approached the nearest one he caught the scent of all the food being prepared, it smelled very similar to the buffets on the island, the whiff of food caused his mouth to salivate a little and his stomach chimed in with a light groan. Wasting no more time he approached the counter to order, while there was no food on display there were pictures on the wall. Everything was so bright and colorful, a few he recognised and a few didn’t. Wanting to try something new he settled on what looked like a very thick sandwich with salad and meat in between bread with what looked like french fries.

    Fries he had tried on the island, whatever it was next to he had not.

    Cheeseburger deluxe

    it read. “Hi, what can I get for you?” a young girl wearing a uniform asked.

    This must be the cashier

    he thought to himself. Isalis had taught him that when buying anything a human would ask what he wanted and after paying for it with the credit card would give it to him.

    “Uhh can I get the c-cheeseburger deluxe?” He queried

    The girl looked confused at his request, “At 10:30 in the morning?”

    “Yes?” he replied hesitantly, he had forgotten humans associate certain foods with the time of day so it became clear to him that this must have been an odd choice. Despite this the cashier seemed to accept as she started pressing buttons on the machine resting on the counter,

    “Ok your total is nine dollars, seventy five. How will you be paying? Cash or card?” The employee asked him.

    “Oh uh.. Card!” without skipping a beat the cashier placed a small handheld machine in front of him on the counter. This was the machine Idalis had taught him to use with the card. After a little bit of fumbling about with inserting the card he input the 4 digit code Idsalis had given him and much to his delight the screen on the device displayed “Approved.”

    The machine on the counter briefly whirred and spat out a piece of paper that the young girl swiftly handed to her, “Here is your receipt, it should be about ten minutes.” Without waiting for a response the girl disappeared into the back presumably to prepare the food. Only a few minutes into waiting for his food did he hear a familiar voice, “Oh my god, Lena?” whipping around to the source of the question he sewed a pair of girls only a few meters away from him that he recognised from the mission files.

    The girl on the left was just a bit taller than his host with a short dirty blonde hair hair cut. He knew this girl to be Amber and the girl next to her must be Bianca, this girl was a fair bit shorter than himself with long raven black hair and of Asain descent if he was remembering his studies on human cultures correctly. These were the two that nearly caught him in the shower last night.

    He was pulled out of his analysis when the two girls hurried up to him and hugged him which he awkwardly responded in kind. “I knew it was you! I had no idea you were back already, when did you get in?” Amber said as the two broke off their embrace of the possessed girl.

    “Uh late last night.” The short nonchalant response clearly wasn’t what the pair was expecting but Bianca broke the pause, “So tell us all about it! What did you get up to?”

    “Oh yeah I had a great week there, I initially planned on just relaxing in some secluded spots but after a while something just got into me that made me want to have some real fun!” The girls were definitely taken aback by that a little, surprised to hear that their usually reserved friend managed to let loose without their goading around but seemed pleased at his explanation nonetheless.

    “Well I certainly didn’t think you of all people were gonna turn into a party animal without our help! This island must really be something huh?” Amber asked

    “Oh it’s truly a magical place, I was able to get intouch with my inner spirit for sure.” He chuckled internally. “Well it’s great to hear you had fun, Amber and I are catching a late breakfast. Eat with us?” Bianca queried.

    “Sure, I’m just waiting for my food here.” He replied

    “Uh ok, we’re going to go get some breakfast tacos from Los Tacos. We’ll come find you once we have our food.” Amber said and the pair left for the shop.

    “Cheeseburger Deluxe?”

    Andras turned to see the employee setting down a tray of food in front of him, “Thank you.” He said to the girl before picking it up and sitting at the nearest table, He sat down at the table very eager to try his meal. On the tray sat the cheeseburger and fries he had ordered but also a plastic bottle of water.

    Eying the sandwich hungrily he picked it up carefully with both hands and took a bite, immediately his mouth was hit with the delicious savory taste of meat and sweet sauce. He could also taste the bread and salad but the meat was the star of this dish, he had only tried a few foods so far but this had to be his favorite. Halfway through chewing did he pluck a few french fries from the tray and pop them in with the cheeseburger.

    The flavors worked really well together and he was beginning to understand why they were sold together. Without pausing to swallow the food still in his mouth completely he took another bite of the burger which sent grease dripping down the sides of his mouth. “That must be one good burger if you’re eating it like that in public!” Bianca said as she sat down with Amber. “Here you can have some of mine” she said holding out napkins

    Which he quickly accepted and wiped away the mess he made, the pair had sat down with what must have been the burritos they mentioned earlier. They actually looked similar to something he had tried on the island so they must be good. “Are we still going to be playing DnD on Saturday?” Bianca asked him.

    “DnD? He asked quizzically

    The girls shared a weirded look at this but Bianca continued, “Dungeons and dragons? Hello Lena, you were the one who was trying to get us to start the campaign for the longest time and you even managed to convince Sarah to be DM.”

    He feigned a look of recognition “Ohh right sorry I only woke up a little while ago and I’m still a little tired.” He said, “Yeah we’ll play that on Saturday, what time did you want to come over?”

    “Jeez Lena, that island must have really taken a toll on you! I guess we’ll come over sometime in the afternoon so we can get a good session in. You still haven’t told me about the character you created.” Amber spoke up

    “Uhh yeah it's a surprise, don’t worry I’ll tell you all about it when we start playing.” The pair seemed to accept his answer and started eating themselves. Luckily for Andras the conversation slowed down as they only asked small questions about what he did on the island. He fed them the pre-prepared answers Idsalis had drilled into him before he left, he told them how he went snorkeling at the local reef, fishing with the locals and even windsurfing.

    “You weren’t kidding how something must have gotten into you on the island, you’re the last person I would expect to try so many different things.” Bianca jokes.

    He feigned a friendly smile as he consumed the last bit of his meal, “Oh is that the time? I’ve got some homework to do on my computer! I’ll see you girls later.” He said pretending to look at the clock and scurrying away before Bianca or Amber had time to swallow their food and say goodbye.

    “Hey is it just me or is Lena acting a little strange?” Bianca asked her tall friend. Amber just shook her head, “You know how holidays can be, you come back with a different energy and it sounds like she had a really good time. I’m sure she’ll be back to her old self in no time.”

No more chapters.

spideredu21@gmail.com ∙ 06 March 2023


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