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  • Captured Reflections

    Chapter by Kripto ∙ 22 July 2024
  • A magical mirror changes the lives of four friends.

    17.0K 0
  • "Wow," Brian Patterson said, his eyes taking in the vast, cluttered
    expanse of his attic, "I always forget how much junk we keep up here."
    He gave himself a brief moment to reconsider his current course of
    action, then finished climbing the stairs to make way for his three
    friends to follow.

    Justin Davis, Brian's best friend, was next to
    ascend into the messy space. His skinny chest coughed twice at the dust,
    then adjusted his glasses. "I changed my mind. I thought this was going
    to be way easier and a whole lot less depressing. Which of your parents
    are hoarders?"

    "I think it's a combination of the two," Brian
    guessed, watching as the two large brothers, Sam and Eric brought up the
    rear into the cramped space.

    "So, what are we looking for again?" Sam asked earnestly.

    had to love the brothers. They weren't the sharpest, but they were
    always willing to lend a hand when he needed it, and with their muscular
    frames, they were always ideal when any heavy lifting was required.
    "Anything that might be valuable. My mom said I could sell some of the
    clothes up here that we've kept in storage forever. But she also said
    there might be a few antiques I could pawn off downtown."

    "And why do you need this extra cash again?" Eric asked.

    of the girl, dumb dumb, remember?" Justin responded jovially, gently
    wrapping on Eric's skull with his knuckles. "The one he works with and
    wants to ask out. If she says yes he wants to take her to an expensive
    restaurant to show her he's not the loser we all know he is."

    caused all four of them to laugh as the word 'loser' was sort of an
    inside joke in their little clique. If possible, all four of them would
    have tied for 'Most Likely Never To Accomplish Anything in Life' in
    their senior yearbook. They had all barely graduated four years ago but
    each had no aspirations for higher learning or the American dream.
    Instead they had each settled into simple jobs with little to no
    responsibility, little room for advancement, and never enough money to
    live on. They could each make the paychecks stretch though, as they each
    still lived at home. In situations such as this, where the need to
    impress on a first date was seen as a priority, they had to get

    This is what had led them to ransack the Patterson's
    attic in the middle of summer. Brian had promised each of his friends a
    tiny cut of whatever it is he could sell, and in his mind it was way
    better than doing it all by himself.

    They opened boxes of useless
    childhood memorabilia that had not seen the light of day in some time.
    They scoured inside various chests that reeked of mothballs. And they
    investigated with the eye of one who can only appraise with imaginative
    dollar signs in their eyes anything that might come close to being worth
    some money. They found little, at least, in regards to what they were
    willing to carry. Some larger furniture items might have been well worth
    their time, but long ago their creed had been to keep any sort of
    effort to a bare minimum.

    Justin opened a trunk that looked
    promising but found more of the same clothes that would be worth pennies
    on the dollar at a consignment store. On the off chance that maybe
    there was something more, he plunged his hands under the heap of old
    clothing. As he slid his hand down the length of the trunk's bottom, his
    fingers hit an impasse. He felt around and was able to get his hand
    around the mystery item and pull it towards the surface. Out in the
    open, he saw it was just a small, rectangular wooden box about eighteen
    inches long. There were no distinguishing marks or design on it. The
    wood was not anything special. It had nicks and bumps and seemed old but
    not ancient.

    Justin still held out hope that maybe what was
    inside contained something of value, and he lifted a small clasp in the
    middle of the box and peered inside. Again, he was disappointed. There
    was nothing inside but a small, handheld mirror resting on a velvet
    lining. Justin extracted it from the box and marveled at how cheap and
    worn it looked.

    The mirror's frame was made entirely of wood, but
    looked like something someone had hand carved and badly. An inch of wood
    surrounded the mirror and there were markings that had been etched in.
    The symbols were like nothing Justin had ever seen, but also looked like
    they could have just been done by several random stabbings at the
    frame. The handle was the only thing that was the tiniest bit nice. The
    wood here was dark, smooth and well polished. After his quick
    examination, Justin put it back in the box and yelled, "Heads up," as he
    tossed it without warning to Brian.

    Justin had forgot to fasten
    the clasp and as the box sailed towards Brian, the mirror flew out and
    crashed to the floor. Brian also failed to catch the box which was a
    surprise to none of his friends in the room.

    Justin laughed. "Sorry man. I was going to see if you thought if that mirror was worth anything, but I'm sure it's not now."

    and Eric came over to investigate the find as Brian bent over to pick
    up the mirror, now laying face down. He expected to see reflective
    shards as he lifted it, but there were none. He turned to look at the
    mirror's surface and saw there was not even one crack, a miracle given
    the impact it had suffered. "It's okay. How is it okay? Did they make
    mirrors sturdier back in the day."

    "Maybe it's plastic?" Sam suggested.

    scrutinized it, then frowned. "It's not. It should have shattered." And
    then he threw it on the ground. All four men were astonished as they
    watched the mirror bounced once, then come to rest again on the floor.
    No wooden splinters flew and no shards were seen. Brian picked it up
    again and noted that, other than its shabby exterior, it didn't look as
    if it had taken on any damage.

    "So you found an indestructible mirror," Eric said helpfully. "That's got to be worth something?"

    the same with the case it was in," Justin added as he stopped to
    retrieve the open case. "It's not broken but the lining came out of the
    top." As he saw the cheap velvet that was drooping down, he saw that it
    had been held there with a cheap glue. He tugged it lightly and it came
    out. "Hey, there are words or...something written in here?"

    do you mean something written?" Brian asked, stepping towards his
    friend. Justin held up the lid and could see that there did appear to be
    symbols scrawled on the upper inside portion of the lid. As he pulled
    the box closer to study it, he let his other hand that held the mirror
    drop to his side.

    The door to the attic opened and Brian's
    sister's head popped into view a moment later. Casey Patterson was the
    polar opposite of her brother. She was driven, capable, popular, and in
    general a delight to be around. She was also gorgeous and Brian's
    friends were glad she had come home for the summer instead of staying at
    her college campus. She drastically improved the scenery with her long
    strawberry blonde hair, svelte figure and long legs.

    Casey knew
    Brian was a bit of a loser, but she loved him fiercely and wanted
    nothing but the best for him. She tolerated his friends because, though
    prone to checking her out now and again, they had never behaved
    inappropriately towards her. She eyed their progress before asking, "Mom
    wanted to know if you all wanted anything to eat? I see you, um, well
    you probably haven't worked up too much of an appetite..." she began,
    noting that no real progress had seemed to be made in their disaster of
    an attic.

    Sam and Eric were already raising their hands. "We'll eat!" Sam said enthusiastically.

    "Nothing for me, thanks though," Justin said.

    Casey paused, looking at her brother who hadn't seemed to have even acknowledged her presence. "Brian? You want anything?"

    had not noticed his sister. He had continued to look at the symbols in
    the box. Symbols that, the longer he stared, seemed to reshape
    themselves into words that resembled English. His sister called his name
    again. One word, the word that he now saw at the top of a list of words
    became perfectly clear, and he uttered it aloud. "Capture."

    moment he said it he noticed a soft red glow out of the corner of his
    eye and looked down to spot the source. It was coming from the mirror in
    his hand. The outer rim where symbols had been etched into the wood
    were each giving off a dim red glow and Brian saw that the reflection
    that shown there was his sister's. She must have stepped into it's path
    while he held it down at his side. He looked up to see her reaction but
    was surprised to see her standing completely still, her body awash in
    the red light. And then it was over and she blinked as if she had
    momentarily lost her train of thought.

    "I, what was I...?" Casey began, then nodded her head as she remembered. "Brian, do you want anything to eat or not?"

    looked at her quizzically, then shook his head. She went back down the
    stairs, and all at once all four friends began to speak.

    "What just happened?"

    "What was that light?"

    "Did that mirror hypnotize your sister?"

    "All I said was the first word on the list in the box, and then that light hit Casey," Brian explained, still not understanding.

    weren't any words," Justin said dubiously, retaking the box to examine
    it again. "Yeah, there's just these symbols that don't mean anything."

    Brian agreed, "that's what I saw at first too. But the longer I looked
    they, well, they became words, or at least the one on top did."

    stared at his friend as if he'd lost his mind. "Uh huh, okay. You said
    the first one was 'capture', here." He tossed the box back at Brian who
    for once caught something. "What's the next one?"

    Brian had caught
    the box, but awkwardly as he was still holding the mirror in one hand.
    It shifted precarious in his hand as he flipped the lid open. Again,
    unreadable symbols were carved there, but as he watched, words began to
    manifest again, quicker than before. "Copy. The second word is copy."

    the mirror in his hand shown red and Brian looked over to see that
    Eric, who had been on his left, was in the path of its reflection.

    what's happening?" was all Eric got to say before the rest of them saw
    light seem to bend around him. His whole form flickered for a moment,
    and then popped back into startling focus. All the more startling
    because it was not his form, but that of Brian's sister Casey.

    was weird," the newly appeared Casey exclaimed, then threw her hands
    over her mouth. Brian, Justin and Sam watched in morbid fascination as
    her eyes went wide as she looked down at herself. She let her hands
    glide down from her mouth, stopping at the skin at the top her her
    yellow t-shirt. After a moment, she continued down until both her palms
    came to rest on her C cup breasts and without any thought to the others
    in the room, she gave them both a firm squeeze. "I have boobs guys? Why
    do I have boobs?"

    "Casey?" Brian asked, too confused tell his sister to stop groping herself in front of him and his friends.

    "Who?" the girl asked. "You think I'm Casey? I'm not I'm.."

    " Justin interjected. Lazy though he might have been, he was the smart
    one of the bunch. Brian was their unofficial leader, but Justin took the
    lead in the brains department. "It's the mirror. You held it on Casey
    when she was up here and said capture, and it did. It captured her form.
    Then when you had it on Eric and said copy, it copied Casey's form onto

    "But that's impossible?" Brian said stubbornly.

    explain to me another reason why your sister would have a hand down her
    pants in front of all of us," Justin queried while pointing at Casey's
    form. She had moved past her breasts and unzipped her pants and plunged
    one hand beneath her underwear.

    "Guys," the girl said in a scared
    but excited voice, "it's not just the boobs. I don't have a penis
    either! I have...something else." Immediately after saying this, her
    knees went weak and she almost fell to the floor as her fingers
    continued to move underneath her panties. She let out a small moan.
    "Holy cow this feels amazing!"

    Seeing his sister begin to touch
    herself in front of him caused Brian to snap back into focus. "Eric?"
    When his sister looked up he knew Justin was right. "Stop touching my
    sister!" He strode quickly over to her and grabbed the arm connected to
    the hand that had not stopped moving and pulled it into the light. Brian
    noted with disgust that three of the now exposed fingers glistened with
    moisture and he wanted to punch Eric but it felt wrong since it would
    feel like punching Casey.

    Eric, sensing possible violence, let out
    a sound akin to a gasp and a scream but conveyed a powerful need to be
    rescued. While Brian was still holding Eric's feminine arm, Sam
    materialized right next to them and growled in Brian's ear, "Let my
    brother go."

    Brian released the arm but stood firmly at the
    slightly taller, but much more muscular man, "Tell him to keep his hands
    off my sister's body."

    Free of Brian's grasp, Eric melted into
    Sam's powerful arms, letting them envelope his smaller, more delicate
    form in a protective fashion. Eric then looked up at his brother's face
    with the admiration of a damsel that had been rescued from a villain.
    Brian's face twisted in confusion as Sam took one of Eric's hands gently
    and said, "I won't let anyone hurt you."

    Justin decided to point out the obvious, "Sam, you do know that's your brother, right? And you're holding his hand right now?"

    looked down and then released Eric's hand, causing Eric's sweet face to
    look hurt. "I, yeah, I know it's just real confusing with him looking
    like that. Especially since I always, uh..."

    "Don't say it," Brian's voice said two octaves deeper than normal.

    finished for him with Casey's lilting voice, "He's always had a bit of a
    crush on Casey. Here Sam, feel her tits, you've always wanted to." And
    before Sam could protest Eric had already grabbed Sam's hand and pushed
    it firmly against her perky breast, then helped him give it a good
    squeeze. This sensation seemed to surprise Eric, as a small moan escaped
    his lips.

    Brian started to move quickly towards them in an effort
    to stop what he was seeing, but stopped as he heard the attic door open
    and someone ascend the stairs.

    "Is everyone okay up here?" Mrs.
    Patterson asked her head appearing from below and began to scan the room
    as she climbed higher. "It sounded like someone was yelling a moment

    Sam quickly dropped his hands from Eric's new breasts before Mrs. Patterson could see, but they didn't have time to hide him.

    Mom," Brian said, thinking fast. "Everything is fine. We were going to
    call it quits for today and go over to Justin's house for awhile."

    Justin agreed, going along with any plan that would give them a chance
    to undo Eric's problem. "Thanks for letting us snoop around up here."

    But Mrs. Patterson was frowning. "Casey? Didn't I just see you downstairs? How'd you get up here so fast?"

    watched as Casey just gawked at her, looking completely at a loss for
    words. Sam shoved her a little to remind Eric that he was a copy of
    Casey, and she stammered tentatively, "I guess I'm, really fast... Mom?"

    Patterson broke the tension by giving a little laugh. "Why are you
    acting so weird? Whatever. I'll see you men later. Casey, I'll still
    need your help in the kitchen in a few minutes."

    "Uh, okay," Eric as Casey said. "I'll probably beat you downstairs." The rest of the guys gave an uneasy chuckle at this.

    Patterson shook her head and smiled, then went back downstairs. "Oh my
    gosh that was too close," Brian said. "Here's what we do. I'll hold onto
    this mirror and the box for it. We sneak Eric out and go to Justin's
    and figure out how to reverse this."

    "Sounds good," Justin said
    and Sam nodded. Eric was the only one who seemed unsure, but followed
    after as they all quietly retreated from the attic.

    Brian went
    first, making sure the coast was clear, and they were all able to steer
    clear of Brian's mom and sister without incident. Brian's dad was still
    at work so they didn't have to worry about being surprised by him.

    house was a short five minutes away, and they thankfully had his house
    to themselves as Justin's parents frequently traveled and he was an only
    child. Once inside, Brian immediately set the mirror on the kitchen
    table and began studying the symbols inside the box, trying to will them
    to form words that he recognized. Try as he might, nothing changed,
    nothing transformed into English, no matter how hard he concentrated.

    The others had gathered around him, waiting patiently, until finally Justin broke the silence. "Well, you seeing anything?"

    "No," Brian said with frustration etched on his face. "I don't get it. I don't even see the first two words."

    me try," Justin said, and he pulled the box towards him and squinted
    inside, seeing the same gibberish as before. "What were you doing when
    you read the first word?"

    "I, let me think, I was holding the box and the mirror and the symbols seemed to swirl around and..."

    it!" Justin interrupted. He picked up the mirror on the table and
    resumed looking at the box. "There's the first word." Less than a minute
    later he said, "There's the second." He was careful not to say the
    words out loud to avoid having a new predicament on their hands.

    had caught up to Justin's hypothesis, and explained it to the befuddled
    brothers. "It seems it will only show you the words that make the
    mirror do stuff if you are holding onto the mirror at the time. Has it
    shown you a third one yet Justin?"

    Justin carefully pointed the
    mirror face down and replied, "Yeah. Connect. Didn't show me anything
    else yet. It's possible we have to utilize the word before it will give
    us another one."

    Brian looked bemused. "I didn't know you were such a magical mirror expert."

    "Just drawing conclusions as we go along man. Remember, I'm not the one who started this. You should do the honors."

    Casey's face showed fear and Eric made his objection known. "Guys, I don't want to be a guinea pig for this."

    "Not what we want either man," Justin assured him. "But we've got to try something or you might be stuck like this."

    When Eric said nothing else, Brian shakily lifted up the mirror towards his sister's face and said, "Connect."

    symbols around the mirror's edge shown with a dull red light, then a
    pained gasp escaped Eric's lips and his hands flew to his forehead. "Ah!
    Something's happening. It's, I don't know, I feel like I'm becoming
    someone else."

    "What do you mean?" Brian asked worriedly.

    "It's like I know what it's like to be a girl all of a sudden."

    Justin smirked. "You are a girl right now dummy."

    Eric protested. "I mean I can remember being a girl my whole life. I
    know how to put a bra and make up on. I remember getting my first period
    and I remember, being apart of your family, Brian."

    "My family?" Brian was again confused.

    a slacker, but you've always been a good brother," Eric continued but
    there was a tenderness to the voice. "And, oh holy crap. So much
    knowledge. I feel like I'm getting so much smarter. I remember
    everything from college this last year, including, oh, wow. I had sex. I
    know what sex feels like as a woman and, it's damn good if the guy
    knows what he's doing."

    Brian was trying not to panic or go into shock. "Justin? Any theories here buddy?"

    was processing this new development as quickly as he could. "I think
    Eric here is absorbing all of your sister's knowledge. Probably not just
    that, her memories, her personality and mannerisms, everything that
    makes her her. I think the mirror connected them to each other. Made
    them like an extension of each other. The question is..." He stopped and
    looked cautiously at Eric. "Hey Eric? You still in there?"

    Eric lowered his hands from his head. "Yeah. Yeah I am, I just, I
    need a minute." He sat down and Sam put a large hand on his small
    shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm still me. I'm still Eric
    but now, it's like there's this other part of me that I have access to
    as well. Everything that is Casey is right there, like a river of
    knowledge and personality, and if I wanted, I feel like I could just
    jump in and ride it."

    "Okay," Justin said thoughtfully, "using
    that analogy, are you able to just put your toes in. Are you able to
    access Casey but maintain control?"

    Eric tossed Casey's long hair back in a gesture they had all seen Casey do a million times before. "Hold on. Let me try."

    three men all stood in silence and watched as the young woman in front
    of them closed her eyes. After a few minutes, she opened them and
    smiled. "I could totally pass for her, but I could still be myself.
    What's great is I don't just have access to her amazing body, but also
    her superior intelligence."

    "What does that mean?" Sam asked frowning.

    stood up and turned towards Sam, who now was a good foot taller than
    him. "It means, Sammy, that I've always been kind of a dullard. But with
    access to young Casey's intellect, my IQ has been raised by several

    Sam blinked. Casey was the only one to ever call him
    Sammy and get away with it. She had been doing so since she was little.
    Hearing Eric do it in Casey's form was further blurring the lines of who
    was who, especially for Sam. He slowly shook his head, either because
    he didn't understand fully or just was flatly denying the reality of the
    situation. Or both.

    "Here's what I propose for the moment
    gentlemen," the pseudo Casey said brightly. "My brother here is clearly
    shook up and I clearly need to have a quick word with him to calm his
    nerves. We'll go upstairs to your room Justin, and you two figure out
    what the rest of the symbols mean." Before anyone could object to this,
    she had taken her brother's hand and was leading him upstairs.

    "This is all too weird, right?" Brian said, looking at them disappear out of sight. "I mean, I should be waking up any moment."

    come on," Justin chided. "It's just starting to get good. If we can
    figure this thing out. Imagine what we could do with it. This is a game

    "We could look like people, so what?"

    "Yeah, if
    you're thinking small. If we look like them, imagine the fantasies we
    could play out, the secrets we would have access too. You want to know
    if Stacey from work really likes you, this would be an easy way to find

    The possibilities of this began to play through Brian's head
    as he imagined having a cheat sheet to a possible real relationship
    with his coworker Stacey Smith. As those possibilities continued to
    float through, Stacey's smile and physique and the way he could just
    talk to her for hours came to the forefront in his mind.

    snapped his fingers in front of Brian's face causing him to jerk. "Earth
    to Brian. Come in Brian. Now that you've thought about the potential
    here like I have, let's look at the rest of those symbols." As both men
    reached for the mirror, a much different conversation was happening

    "Could you repeat that?" Sam asked slowly as the very
    pretty girl twirled her hair and looked up at him with a twinkle in her

    "I said," she began again, "I'm not really Eric. I'm really Casey. Somehow I switched places with your brother."

    "Then, where's Eric?"

    "I'm sure he's fine, he's probably at home... your home I mean."

    was tired of being confused today. He knew he wasn't the smartest, but
    he was determined to figure this out. He fished his cell phone from his
    pocket. "I'll call him then and make sure he's alright."

    "No don't!" Casey said quickly. "I mean, you can in a second, just let me tell you a secret first."

    "What secret?" Sam asked hesitantly.

    sat on Justin's bed and looked bashfully at Sam. "Well first, I'll ask
    you a question about a secret you have. I heard from your brother that,
    you might have had a crush on me once? Is that true?"

    Sam looked like he had just been sucker punched. "I, uh, you're Brian's little sister."

    stood up and walked confidently towards him. "I know I'm Brian's sister
    Sammy, but I'm not so little anymore." At this she clasped her hands in
    front of her and pushed her arms in, causing her breasts to jut out and
    look even larger than they already were. "But you didn't answer the
    question. Did you have a crush on me at some point?"

    Sam made no attempt to hide the fact that he was openly staring at Casey's bust. "I, yes."

    smiled and lifted the shirt over her head in one graceful gesture. A
    bright yellow bra that went well with her light complexion was now all
    that Sam could see in the world. Casey reached both arms behind her back
    and lowered her head to meet Sam's eyes. "Do you still have a crush on

    Sam was practically drooling as he said, "Very much."

    to hear it Sammy, because here's my secret. I've had a crush on you
    too." And then she deftly unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the
    floor. Sam got a very good look at milky white skin dotted with the
    occasional freckle. The flesh was round and incredibly soft looking. Sam
    reached out to touch one but Casey was already lunging for him like a
    predator that knows its prey is trapped.

    Sam's hands collided with
    her breasts and he started groping and pawing and squeezing as her
    mouth found his and their tongues intertwined. Casey encouraged this for
    a minute, then broke off and led him to the bed. "Take off your clothes
    and sit here on the edge of the bed. I want to show you my favorite
    position." Then she pulled down her jeans and panties.

    Brian and Justin had agreed to both touch a part of the mirror at the
    same time and try to decipher the rest of the words. Another word had
    revealed itself to them, but nothing else.

    "It looks like there's
    still two more words," Justin surmised. "But we probably won't be able
    to see them until we use this next one on Eric."

    "I don't know," Brian faltered. "That word, it seems like it could be a dangerous one."

    "That's very possible but, what other choice do we have at this point?" Justin reasoned.

    both halted the conversion as they heard the scraping of wood against
    the floor upstairs, followed by the sensual cries of a woman in ecstasy.
    They stood up and proceeded towards the stairs. Justin was in
    possession of the mirror as his hand had been on the handle. Brian had
    picked up the box. They found the noise was coming from Justin's
    bedroom, but the door was locked.

    "One second," Justin said. "I'll get a screwdriver from downstairs."

    listened as the woman's cries grew louder and the banging against the
    floor sped up. It sounded like Casey was... Brian banged on the door.
    "What the hell is going on in there?"

    "Oh, one, second, big,
    brother!" Casey called, pausing between each word. Then she added to
    someone else, "Yeah, right there. Here, suck on this tit."

    "Casey? Eric! Dammit what is happening?" Brian bellowed.

    ran back up with screwdriver in hand and quickly picked the rudimentary
    lock. When he flung the door open they both froze at the sight of the
    frenzied pair on Justin's bed. They were both completely naked. Casey,
    or Eric, they didn't really know anymore, was straddling Sam who was
    sitting on the edge of the bed. Casey was bouncing up and down rapidly
    causing Sam's sizeable dick to repeatedly plunge into Casey's wet box.
    Casey was pulling Sam's face in towards her breasts, moving his head
    from one boob to the next while Sam sucked and bit greedily at whichever
    one was in front of him.

    Justin was the first to weigh in. "This was unexpected and much more fucked up than I thought it would be."

    "Stop fucking each other!" Brian roared.

    yet!" Casey yelled back. "I'm almost there. Keep giving me that big
    dick Sammy, just like you always wanted to!" Sam didn't even acknowledge
    the presence of the other guys. He just continued to revel in the
    incredible moment.

    Brian looked angrily at the couple, then yelled at Justin," Use the mirror! Say the new word!"

    " You sure?" Justin asked, but he was already pointing the mirror in their direction.

    "Do it and make them stop!" Brian demanded.

    Justin calmly said, "Control." The mirrors edges burned red. At the same time, Casey screamed as she orgasmed.

    "Get off him now!" Brian growled.

    Casey continued to grind on Sam's shaft, and was rewarded seconds later as it twitched and ejaculated inside of her.

    "It's not working," Brian said angrily. "You said the magic word, maybe you have to be the one to order her."

    "Let's see," Justin said. "Eric, get off your brother's dick."

    suddenly stood up, letting cum and Sam's softening penis slide out of
    her pussy. She then spun around but there was a fire in her eyes.
    "Justin, I really like when you tell me what to do. Make me do something
    else. Anything. I'll do anything you want." She started to lithely
    approach him and Justin could only stare and marvel at how incredibly
    sexy Brian's sister looked in that instant.

    "Justin!" Brian barked.

    sorry," Justin mumbled. He was sorry. Sorry that Brian was here and
    that he couldn't order his sister to ride his cock the same way she had
    ridden Sam's. "Put your clothes on."

    "Yes sir," Casey said,
    offering a salute and immediately begin to dress. "And then you could
    tell me to suck your dick. I bet you'd really like that, wouldn't you?"
    She gave him a flirtatious wink.

    "I..." Justin's throat went dry and words failed him. Thankfully Brian interjected.

    "Justin, shut up before you say something that'll make me hate you forever. Give me the mirror."

    Justin handed the mirror over and Brian proceeded to examine the box again, hoping for another word.

    Sam had come down from his orgasm and said, "Look, guys, I know this looks bad but, this isn't Eric. It's actually Casey."

    Brian didn't look up from the box but said wryly, "Even if that were the case it wouldn't make it better Sam."

    thought he'd try an experiment. He wasn't holding the mirror but he
    wondered if he'd still have control without it. "Eric, slap your brother
    in the face."

    Casey paused trying to get the clasp reconnected to
    her bra, and smacked Sam full in the face. Then she went right back to
    the bra.

    Sam rubbed the red spot on his cheek. "Casey, baby, why'd you do that?"

    "Cause I told him to," Justin smiled. "Eric, tell your brother the truth right now. About what you both just did."

    smiled sweetly at Sam, then pulled the rug out from under him. "It's
    really me, Eric. I lied before. I'm not really Casey but I feel like I'm
    Casey and I could remember fucking and a girl's orgasm and I remembered
    you telling me about the crush you had on Casey. She did have a crush
    on you too and that made me want to get you up here and I was so horny
    and I knew I could convince you to let me fuck you and here we are." She
    blew him a kiss, then turned from a horror stricken Sam and looked at
    Justin. She was now fully clothed and expectant. "Don't you want to
    order me to suck your dick now?"

    "Nope," Brian interrupted. "Because I just got the word that will change you back." He lifted the mirror.

    Casey spun towards Brian and shrieked, "No! I don't want to go back! I like being smart and sexy and..."

    The rest of the her words were cut off as Brian said, "Cancel."

    three men watched transfixed as the air around Casey seemed to shimmer,
    then her whole body was just a bright light that made then all look
    away. Then the light was gone and when they looked back, it was Eric's
    large frame standing where Casey had been. He was wearing the same
    clothes he had had on in Brian's attic. He also looked very disappointed
    and his hands went to his head.

    "It's all slipping away," Eric moaned. "All her memories and intelligence. I can feel myself getting dumber."

    "Sorry man," Justin grinned. "Just try reading a book every once in awhile. Let's go downstairs. I got some questions."

    Brian was still keyed up. "How can you be so calm and collected about this?"

    the alternative?" Justin threw back at him. "We found a magic mirror
    that can copy people and is full of possibilities, remember? Yes it led
    to this unfortunate scene that we all witnessed but, well, in Eric's
    defense, he wasn't exactly himself. Now that he is, we should find out
    what we can about his experience and learn from it so we can avoid, uh,
    having sex with family members."

    Brian hated the smile that teased
    the edges of Justin's mouth. It was easy for him since it wasn't his
    sister or brother and he was really just a spectator in this debauchery.
    "Fine, but so help me if we can't control it, we should destroy it."

    sure, for sure," Justin agreed. "We'll be smart about it, but we're in
    this together now. We'll do what's best for the group."

    wasn't sure what that last part meant, but he followed Justin as he went
    back downstairs. They all sat at the kitchen table and accepted the
    coffee that Justin poured for them. "Alright," Justin began. "Tell us
    everything from the beginning, Eric. Start from the moment you got
    zapped by the mirror."

    Eric concentrated hard, forming the
    necessary words in his mind. "It didn't hurt. I was me, then I looked
    like Casey. I felt amazing actually."

    "How so?" Justin asked.

    "I don't know. Lighter? Sexy, very horny."

    felt... horny?" Justin liked this line of questioning, but he was
    careful how he proceeded as he noticed Brian shift uncomfortably in his

    "Yeah, I mean at first I thought it was because I had boobs and a pussy and..."

    "Careful, still my sister's body we're talking about," Brian warned.

    lowered his head apologetically. "I'm sorry. It's just there were all
    these new sensations that I didn't know what to do with and when Sam..."
    He refused to look his brother in the eye. "When he moved to protect me
    in the attic from you, Brian, and I felt his arms against me, something
    just went off inside and I, I wanted him. I wanted anyone really. And
    when you gave me access to Casey's mind it made it a million times worse
    and I was determined to fuck someone in that body."

    "You were? Or she was?" Justin asked for clarification.

    I'd like to tell you both, but it was a mixed bag. Sometimes I felt in
    control, other times not at all. I just kept getting hornier and soon
    sex, getting sex became all that mattered."

    "You articulated that
    very well," Justin observed. "Maybe some of Casey's smarts are still
    there. One more question. Would you do it again?"

    "In a heart beat," Eric said without pause.

    "You are not taking my sister's shape again!" Brian said, slamming a fist on the table.

    "Relax," Justin soothed. "I'm not talking about Casey. We'll experiment with someone else. Someone who's not family."

    "Yeah," Brian nodded. "First rule, no copying family."

    "Good," Justin agreed. "What else?"

    "Rule two," Sam said joining the conversation for the first time. "We don't try to trick each other."

    "Not as fun but I certainly see where you're coming from Sam," Justin smiled at him. "No malicious deception."

    "Rule three." Brian said. "We don't use the control option."

    "Unless we want them too," Eric added a little too eagerly, causing the others stare at him.

    "Okay," Justin said pivoting the focus off Eric. "Anything else?"

    "Yeah," Brian added firmly. "If this starts to go south, we destroy this thing."

    "All agreed?" Justin asked the group. All nodded.

    "Do you think Brian's parents know what this mirror can do?" Eric asked.

    shrugged. "I don't think so. I mean why would they have it buried at
    the bottom of an unlocked trunk in their attic if they knew what it
    could do? They could have sold it and made a million dollars. We could
    do that too after we have a little fun."

    The others nodded enthusiastically at this. "Oh hey, Brian," Justin continued. "Did you see the last word after cancel?"

    Brian hesitated for a split second, something that Justin knew he did right before telling a lie. "No. That was the last word."

    Justin blinked at his friend for a moment and then let the lie pass. "Great, then who should we experiment with first?"

    few names were thrown around, including Stacey's, Brian's hopeful
    future girlfriend. Brian rejected this outright saying he didn't want
    Stacey to be a part of the experimentation process. Sam and Eric both
    wanted someone hot, and Justin pointed out that it probably didn't have
    to be a woman, but oddly enough this was rejected outright by the other

    "We should be using it to score with ladies," Sam argued.

    "That does mean one of us becoming the lady each time," Justin pointed out.

    "Totally fine with that," Eric said.

    Brian raised an eyebrow. "Oh, we know you are. Look, it needs to be someone we all know, who's not family, and who's close by."

    "Oh, I got somebody," Justin said excitedly. "Mrs. Matthews."

    other three's eyes went wide at this and they all began to nod at the
    idea. Mrs. Matthews had been a new teacher their senior year. She had
    been the hottest thing on campus and asked to prom by several students
    but were all shut down. What wasn't in her favor was how often she was
    mistaken for a student. She had a very youthful face and a sunny smile
    that still conveyed hopes and dreams. She had always been professional
    and never flirted back with any of her youthful suitors, but just the
    way she entered a room was enough to get the blood pumping for every
    heterosexual male. She was small, but had an amazing figure, black silky
    hair, and a spring to her step that could be seen by a bra that never
    quite gave enough support to her ample chest.

    With a target in
    mind, they each went back to their homes with plans to reconvene
    tomorrow and begin experimenting. They agreed, with barely any
    hesitation, that Brian should take the mirror home for safe keeping as
    he had discovered the words and it had been found in his attic and was
    more technically his than the rest of them.

    When Brian got home,
    he stashed the mirror and its box in the back of his bedroom closet,
    then went to find his sister. He struggled to look at Casey after seeing
    a version of her naked an hour ago, but needed to ask her a question.
    "Anything weird happen while I was gone?"

    "Weird?" Casey looked at him curiously. "Like how?"

    "Like, I don't know. Did you, disappear at all or, uh, miss time or, remember anything funny?"

    don't know what you guys were smoking over at Justin's, but share next
    time," Casey joked. "No to all those things. Well, Mom almost jumped out
    of her skin around the time you left because she swore it was like I
    was in two places at once, but otherwise, no. I helped Mom in the
    kitchen, hung around the house. Nothing big."

    Satisfied that there
    seemed to be no other repercussions, Brian went to bed, dreaming about
    all that might happen the next day. Upon waking, he went to retrieve the
    mirror from his closet, just to look at it again, to hold it and
    fantasize about the mischief he would soon get up to. But it was gone.
    Brian raced to the hallway. "Mom, Casey? Who's been in my room?"

    "I wouldn't go in there if you paid me," Casey called from her open door down the hall.

    he didn't hear a reply from his mom, he went downstairs and found her
    in the kitchen reading a cookbook with great intensity. "Mom, did you go
    in my room last night?"

    "No dear," she said as she continued to
    scan for recipes. "Haven't for a couple days and that was to give you
    your laundry. I know you value your privacy."

    Brian thought about
    other ways the mirror might have suddenly disappeared. "What about Dad?
    Did he go in my room? Mom? Can you stop reading the book for a second?"

    Mrs. Patterson's gaze had not wavered from the words on the page and
    they did not still at her son's prodding. "Your dad says he wants
    something new for dinner and I'm not to stop looking until I've found
    something that I know will make him happy."

    Brian shook his head.
    He knew his mom unquestionably loved his dad, but sometimes she seemed
    more like his servant than his spouse. "Did dad go in my room?"

    "I don't see why he would? Oh, here's one he'll like. Thank goodness. My eyes were getting tired."

    "You don't have to do everything he says all the time you know," Brian chided.

    Mrs. Patterson looked appalled by this. "Of course I do. I love him."

    laughed. "Okay Mom." Brian's cell rang. The caller ID said Justin. As
    he walked away from his mother he hit talk and started in on their new
    wrinkle. "Hey man, something's happened. I don't know if someone broke
    in last night but the mirror's gone."

    "Way ahead of you buddy," Justin said coolly. "It's here."

    stopped dead in his tracks and his voice suddenly lowered. "What do you
    mean it's there? Did you come into my room last night?"

    course I didn't. I got up this morning, went downstairs, and inside my
    front door, like someone had dropped off a package, was the box with the
    mirror inside. You didn't drop it off?"

    "No!" Brian exclaimed. "What is going on?"

    was a long silence while Justin mulled this information over. "I think
    it came back to me then, since I was the last to use it."

    Brian guffawed. "That's impossible."

    a magic mirror dude. We can't break it by dropping it, it can make us
    other people, and it apparently goes where it wants. Don't worry. It's
    safe. You can use it today and we'll test my theory. Meet at my house in
    an hour."

    Brian hung up and an hour later was being greeted by
    Justin at his house who showed him the mirror safe and sound on his
    kitchen table. . "You sure you didn't..." Brian started.

    didn't," Justin assured him. "I'm telling you, magic mirror. Sam and
    Eric are in the other room playing video games. I'll tell them you're
    here and we can all take off."

    "Wait, are we just going to show up at Mrs. Matthews' house? Just like that?"

    "Relax. I got a plan, just follow my lead," Justin said confidently.

    peered into the other room to see the brothers were indeed playing a
    first person shooter. "How have they seemed? Have they been weird

    "They fucked each other?" Justin finished.
    "Surprisingly, no. Although they're not really talking about it. Eric
    does seem different. A little more, feminine I guess, you'll see. Now
    let's hit it."

    They piled into Brian's car and put in Mrs.
    Matthews' address Justin had found online into their GPS. Ten minutes
    later, they had pulled into her driveway. "Sam, Eric, you guys wait in
    the car," Justin ordered. "Brian, you're with me. Let me do the talking,
    and I'll be the one to use the mirror for this part. Then you can use
    it the rest of the day." Everyone nodded and Justin and Brian exited the
    vehicle and approached the front door. Brian was a little nervous, not
    knowing how Justin was going to accomplish this smoothly. Justin rang
    the doorbell.

    A few moments later, Mrs. Matthews opened the door.
    It had been four years since they'd seen her, but she looked as
    youthful and as perky as ever. As recognition flooded her round face
    upon seeing two former students, her mouth broke into a dazzling grin
    that conveyed genuine warmth and delight at this unexpected reunion. She
    extended a hand to both of them. "Brian, Justin, it's very good to see
    you. It's been awhile."

    "Yes it has Mrs. Matthews," Justin said feigning surprise. "I didn't know this was your house."

    "Oh yes, me and my husband's. And please, you're not in school anymore. Call me Kim."

    Justin's mouth curved into a winning smile. "Absolutely Kim."

    She looked between the two of them expectantly. "So, what can I do for you gentleman today?"

    one swift movement Justin pulled the mirror that he had tucked into the
    back of his pants and put the reflective surface in front of her.
    "Capture," Justin said quickly. The mirror glowed red and for a brief
    moment Kim Matthews eyes glazed over. When the light faded, Justin
    stuffed the mirror back into his pants. Kim shook her head as if
    clearing cobwebs from her brain. "I'm sorry, what were you...what brings
    you to my home today?"

    "We were thinking about starting a lawn
    service in the area and we're seeing if there's any potential here,"
    Justin said. It was clear to Brian that he had this all queued up. "Did
    you have any need for landscaping or mowing or anything such as that?"

    Kim looked thoughtful. "I don't think so. My husband takes care of all that. He loves any chance to get outdoors."

    nodded appreciatively at this. "I understand completely. We won't take
    up anymore of your time. It was really good to see you again Kim." He
    extended his hand again and she shook it, then he lightly grabbed
    Brian's arm to pull him away, letting him know their job was done here.
    They all drove back to Justin's and again found themselves sitting
    around his kitchen table, staring at the mirror.

    Eric was the first to volunteer, "Can I turn into her? It's all I've been thinking about."

    all stared at him but it was Justin who spoke. "Not yet, Eric. We're
    trying to learn some things here and we need a new test subject. I'm
    going to be the guinea pig this time. Brian is going to be the only one
    to use the mirror, but only when I say, okay?" Brian nodded. "Sam, I
    want you to record everything on your phone. I want to make as many
    observations as I can. I doubt I'll be having sex with any of you
    because, you know, I'm straight, but maybe I'll show you what Mrs.
    Matthews looks like naked."

    Eric looked at him defiantly. "Hey, I'm straight too."

    inclined his head towards his friend. "We always thought so buddy, but
    yesterday said otherwise. Nobody here cares if you really swing both
    ways. Get your phone ready Sam. Brian, take the mirror and let's do this
    thing before I lose my nerve."

    Sam hit record and Brian lifted
    the mirror to Justin's face and said, "Copy." Light bent around Justin
    and an instant later, it was Kim Matthews sitting where Justin's body
    had been.

    She sat still for a few seconds, then looked at Sam's
    phone. "Everything feels different. It's like, all my sensations feel,
    strange, foreign. It's like my mind knows that this isn't my real body
    and is processing everything differently but, it doesn't feel bad." Her
    hand stretched out before her and she looked at her fingers. Then it
    came back and rested on a breast and squeezed, then found the nipple and
    gave it a pinch. Her mouth couldn't stifle a moan. "This feels, really
    pleasant actually. Is this how you felt too Eric, when you were Casey?"

    Eric gave an affirmative nod. "Almost from the moment it happened. I felt so good and, aroused. I got...wet almost immediately."

    men watched as Kim's other hand seemed to move in slow motion down to
    the same jeans she had been wearing earlier. She stood up and dropped
    her other hand from her breast and unbuttoned and unzipped and let them
    drop to the floor. She stood there in silky turquoise panties which were
    then invaded by her fingers. "Oh," said their teacher's voice. "Well,
    it wasn't just you Eric. I'm like a swamp down there." She looked at the
    camera and licked her lips while massaging her slit with her fingers.
    "It would appear that upon transformation, the senses become heightened,
    at least when it comes to anything sexual. This is possibly due to the
    newness of the situation, the fact that we picked a hot teacher, or
    because of the magical properties of the mirror itself."

    Sam's erection was already straining at his pants. "So, do we get to see her naked now?"

    fingers stopped stroking and reluctantly came to the surface,
    glistening from her arousal. "No, we push further. Here's the part where
    Eric got into trouble and it's the part we have to see if we can
    master. Brian, say the next word."

    Brian hesitated. "You sure?"

    "Yeah, go."

    Brian held up the mirror again to his friend and said, "Connect."

    hands flew to her forehead, "Ow, that freaking hurts! Whoa. So much
    information. Her whole life is here. You were pretty accurate with your
    description Eric. It's like a river of knowledge and, everything that
    she is. It's all right there. What do I have to do to make sure I don't
    get swept away?"

    Eric blushed. "To be honest, my whole goal became
    getting laid and I didn't fight it. I just jumped in and I was me and
    in control but then I wasn't and I became her as well. It was
    intoxicating and the horniest I've ever been."

    Kim nodded. "Okay,
    don't get swept away. Got it. Brian, I'm not worried here because I know
    you can always cancel this out, but don't let me, I don't know, fuck

    "Uh, okay," Brian said, although his mind was stuck in a loop of seeing his teacher finger herself in front of him.

    then gave one of her brilliant smiles. "Okay, everyone meet me in the
    living room in one minute. This should be fun. Keep the camera on me
    when I get back Sam."

    The three traipsed into the living room and
    sat on the large couch as Justin/Kim disappeared. A minute later, she
    reappeared carrying a portable white board and stand, and set it up in
    front of them. She produced a dry erase marker and proceeded to write
    Mrs. Matthews on the board and underline it. "Hello class. I'm your new
    teacher, Mrs. Matthews. I went to college near here and have wanted to
    be a teacher since I was a little girl and now here I am. I hope you're
    as excited to learn as I am to teach."

    This was very surreal to
    the three men huddled on the couch. Their favorite, hottest teacher was
    standing before them, showcasing her bubbly personality. And she was
    doing it without any pants on.

    "Uh, Justin?" Brian said.

    frowned at him, which she managed to do and still look as cute as hell.
    "Mr. Patterson, is it? Yes, Justin is still very much here and in
    charge, but for the time being, because we're having fun right now and
    getting this on video, call me Mrs. Matthews, okay?"

    "Um, yes Mrs. Matthews," Brian said sheepishly.

    Mrs. Matthews continued, "I believe this first lesson is about the
    female anatomy. Who has ever seen a naked woman before?"

    All three
    hands raised. Justin noted that he had them all now in the palm of his
    hand. He'd make it good but he wasn't going to let them do anything,
    even though this body was just getting hotter and...he was still in
    control, wasn't he? Mrs. Matthews started to unbutton her top. "Have you
    ever seen your teacher naked before?" All three hands dropped. "Have
    you ever wanted to?" The hands shot higher than before. "What eager
    students." With that, she pulled the top free, and then unclasped her
    beige bra that had been underneath. She marveled at how their eyes were
    glued to her, taking in her now exposed flesh. Her crotch was getting so
    hot. She would need to stop soon or...

    "These are breasts," Mrs.
    Matthews resumed in a professional voice. Her hands lifted and began to
    caress and squeeze and pinch her large chest and pointy nipples. "They
    love to be touched. I prefer softly at first, then roughly. It feels
    really good. Would anyone like a turn? I believe in hands on teaching."
    She thrust her boobs towards Sam and Eric's already outstretched arms.

    Brian squirmed, wanting too very much, but instead asked, "Justin? Is this, are you losing yourself?"

    smiled at him mischievously. "I'm still in control. This is just for
    the video and learning purposes. Now come here and get a handful." Brian
    reluctantly reached forward and was then in heaven as he groped his
    former teacher who moaned at all the hands that now were touching her
    more places than just her chest. One hand snaked down and began to lower
    her panties and slid into her pussy. Something flipped inside Justin
    and she grabbed the mirror from Brian's hand.

    "Hey," Brian yelled.

    jumped back out of his grasp and looked at the hungry, lustful faces of
    Eric and Sam. "I'm sorry Brian. This body needs to get fucked. You'll
    fuck me, won't you Sam and Eric?" They both nodded immediately.

    "No!" Brian said. "Give me the mirror back. I can cancel this before you end up doing something you'll regret."

    be like that," Mrs. Matthews said with a twinge of menace. "Here, why
    don't we try a new experiment." She held the mirror towards Brian and
    said, "Copy."

    The light around Brian shimmered and when he looked
    down, it was at a much smaller body with large breasts protruding from
    his former chest. "What the hell man?"

    "I'm sorry Brian," Mrs.
    Matthews said, looking at her new fully dressed clone. "You need to see
    what this feels like. You need to understand the desire. Connect!"

    head felt like it was being split open as thoughts and feelings and
    memories all rushed in violently into his brain. "Stop! Make it stop!"

    then the pain vanished and everything about Mrs. Matthews was laid out
    before him in a stream of consciousness. Her thoughts, feelings and
    memories were rushing by and all around him but he steeled himself
    against it, determined to stay in control.

    "Do you feel it?" Brian heard Mrs. Matthews ask. "Don't fight it. It's what your new body wants."

    stood and as he did, he felt the heat radiating through him, the
    excitement that fluttered through his transformed groin. He took a step
    towards his friend and reached for the mirror. "I'm stopping this now,"
    his feminine voice said angrily.

    His doppelganger shook her head
    in disbelief. "I've got to give you credit Brian. You're much stronger
    than I am." Then she raised the mirror towards Brian's new form and
    said, "Control."

    "No," Brian yelled as the red glow washed over
    him. The warmth in his body increased tenfold and his arousal seemed
    like a tangible thing that had form and substance. It was this body. It
    needed something. To be touched, to be filled. Still he resisted. "It's
    not too late Justin. Cancel it out! Turn us back."

    "Sure thing," Mrs. Matthews flashed a winning smile. "But first I'm going to need you to get naked and fuck Eric here."

    not going to do that," Brian said stubbornly, even as he started to
    unbutton the same shirt they had all seen Mrs. Matthews take off minutes

    "And I'm going to need you to fuck him the way Mrs. Matthews
    would. Like he's your student that needs teaching and the world is
    bright and full of wonder and possibilities. And you'll love every
    second of it, won't you Mrs. Matthews, because as of now, you're so
    incredibly horny and up for anything." And then the person who had been
    Justin pulled the person who had been Brian towards her, and Eric and
    Sam watched as two exact copies of Mrs. Matthews proceeded to make out
    with each other directly in front of them. The first Mrs. Matthews
    helped the other remove her pants and then kiss her breasts. The two ran
    their hands over the other's soft tan skin, letting them glide
    sensuously and seductively while still exploring each other's mouths.
    Then the first Mrs. Matthews broke it off and playfully smacked the
    second Mrs. Matthews' ass and pointed to Eric. "You know what to do,"
    she said.

    The second Mrs. Matthews, now naked as a blue jay,
    sauntered over cheerily to Eric, swaying her hips as she did so. "Eric,
    have you ever had sex before?"

    "Yeah, yes," he managed.

    good, you have some experience. We can skip beginner and go write to the
    advanced course. First I'm going to get you nice and hard." She reached
    for his jeans and undid the zipper, releasing a sizeable boner. Her
    mouth enveloped his tool and began expertly sucking, sliding her tongue
    up and down but creating pressure with her lips. Far in the back of her
    mind, Justin wondered how he knew to do this, then saw from memories
    rushing by that it was something she did every anniversary for her
    husband because she knew how much he loved seeing her small mouth
    wrapped around his big dick. This knowledge sent more moisture to an
    already wet pussy that would not wait much longer to be stuffed with
    Eric's girth.

    Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her twin
    getting nailed doggie style by a very excited Sam. He was pumping her
    for all he was worth and she was moaning in ecstasy. This encouraged the
    second Mrs. Matthews to resume her tongue lashing of Eric's dick with
    new vigor. She looked up at him with her big brown eyes while she
    swirled his erection around inside her mouth and winked at him. She saw
    his face tighten and knew that he was getting close so she stopped and
    positioned herself like her copy. "Eric, your teacher wants you to take
    that nice big dick you have now and slam it into the wet slit right
    here." She reached back and used two fingers to stretch her pussy lips
    apart. "I want you to push it all the way in and keep slamming until
    we've both cum. Can you do that for me, Eric?"

    Eric dropped down
    to his knees and did exactly as his teacher instructed, sliding neatly
    into her and aggressively started shoving his rod all the way in,
    pulling back to where it almost came out, then ramming it all the way
    back deeper than before. Mrs. Matthews reveled in her teaching ability.
    She knew how to bring out the best in her students, and now Eric was
    endeavoring to show her how much he had learned. He leaned over her and
    stretched his arms underneath her to find her breasts. He grabbed them
    forcibly and she moaned at how desperate he was to touch them.

    really good Eric. Squeeze my titties. But don't slow down. Keep up your
    pace. I know you can do it. Your still so young and have such a nice
    dick and oh!" Her whole body shook as the orgasm rippled out from her
    pussy. This was heaven. Eric was such a good student. But if she was to
    fulfill her role as a good teacher, she'd need to make sure he came too.

    keep going, but slow down a little bit. Yeah, just like that. I want
    you to feel the insides of my pussy. I want you to feel me flexing it
    for you, causing it to tighten around your dick. Do you feel that Eric?
    Do you feel Mrs. Matthews sweet pussy grabbing and milking that big dick
    of yours?"

    Eric grunted in response.

    "Good boy. What a good
    student. Now I want you to cum in me Eric, the way you've always
    dreamed about cumming in me before when you were in my class." She
    turned her head so she could see him out of the corner of her eye. She
    was smiling as she said, "I always saw so much in potential in you. Will
    you show me how much you've learned today, Eric." And then the smile
    faded as she licked her lips for him seductively. Then she felt herself
    flooded with warmth as Eric released his seed inside of her. He didn't
    slow as he came and then she was cumming again, overcome with the
    emotion of successfully connecting with such a good pupil.

    Sam and
    his Mrs. Matthews had finished shortly before, and now all four of them
    laid on Justin's living room floor, basking in the afterglow. Sam
    eventually picked up the mirror and looked at his brother. "Should we
    change them back now?"

    "Yeah, I call next though," Eric said.

    Sam pointed it at his Mrs. Matthews who was starting to protest but then he said, "Cancel."

    flash of light later and Justin was laying where the naked Mrs.
    Matthews had been. "Man, I wanted to stay as her for a little longer,"
    Justin complained.

    "Much longer, and I'm not sure you would've ever wanted to come back," Sam pointed out.

    looked thoughtful. "You may be right. I don't know what happened. I was
    in control at first but then, I wanted to have sex and nothing was
    going to stop me. And then when it seemed like Brian was going to get in
    my way I... Oh no." The gravity and betrayal of what he had done to his
    friend choked out whatever else he might have said.

    Sam pointed
    the mirror at the other Mrs. Matthews but Justin stopped him. "No, let
    me do it." Sam handed him the mirror and Justin held it out to his
    friend, probably now his ex friend and said, "Cancel."

    A moment later, and Brian was on the floor
    next to them. The sensations did not all disappear right away. He still
    felt what it was like to have a pussy, to be penetrated, to be so
    incredibly horny, the thrill of being controlled. But the anger of how
    it had all happened overrode those sensations and rage was all that
    remained. He slowly got to his feet and looked down at Justin who was
    still seated on the floor. He extended a hand to pull him up. Justin
    accepted the hand and was pulled to his feet. Then Brian snatched the
    mirror out of Justin's grasp with his left hand, and with his right hand
    he delivered a forceful punch to Justin's face. Justin went down hard.

    and Eric were on their feet but Brian was already at the front door.
    "I'm going to destroy this thing. Don't follow me. As far as I'm
    concerned our friendships are over." He slammed the door behind him.

    Sam and Eric made to chase after him, but Justin yelled, "Don't. It's okay. We kind of had that coming."

    "But the mirror!" Eric said panicked.

    gave a melancholy smile. "I'm almost positive he won't be able to
    destroy it and unless he uses it, we'll have it back tomorrow." The
    brothers exchanged looks, clearly clueless as to what he meant, but
    didn't pursue it further.

    Brian was a man on a mission. Upon
    pulling into his driveway, he opened the garage and went straight to his
    father's work bench. He laid the mirror on the hard surface, grabbed a
    large steel hammer, and brought it down with all his might onto the
    mirror's surface. He expected to hear the tinkling sound of glass
    breaking and the sight of shards flying in all directions. But neither
    of those things happened. When he moved the hammer, not a dent, not a
    scratch was anywhere to be found.

    Undaunted, Brian procured a flat
    head screwdriver. He would wedge it along the edges and pop the mirror
    out of the frame and go from there. Try as he might, this also proved
    futile. He grabbed a hand held saw to see if he could at least saw the
    wooden handle off. The jagged teeth of the blade chipped and gave out
    before the handle showed any sign of damage. Completely flustered, he
    brought it in and set it on the table. He was getting a drink when his
    father walked in. He had completely forgotten that his mother had said
    he would be home early, but didn't think he would react at seeing the
    old mirror on the table. He was very wrong.

    "Son," Steve Patterson said calmly but with an edge to his voice, "where did you find that mirror?"

    recognized his father's questioning tone. It was the one he used when
    he expected a response to a question he already knew the answer too. No
    use lying. "I found it in the attic buried in a trunk."

    His father studied him. "Does anyone else know about it?"

    did not want to answer that question at all, but it seemed of
    increasing importance to his father. "I found it with my friends."

    Brian's father sat down, looking like he'd be sick. "Tell me the truth. Did you, did any of you use it?"

    Brian waited a long moment before saying a soft, "Yes."

    you know if anyone has said the last word yet?" he suddenly demanded,
    slamming his fist on the table. His anger quickly abated as a thought
    occurred to him. "What am I saying, if they had, you wouldn't know. At
    least you were able to carry the damn thing in here so I know you
    haven't said it yet."

    "Dad, you're really starting to freak me out."

    his dad looked like he really would be sick. "I hoped it would never by
    anyone in my family. I hoped I would be dead before it happened." He
    looked at Brian with eyes that eked misery. "Sit down. I need to tell
    you a story."

    As Brian sat, he realized that his father knew all
    about this mirror. He was probably about to learn things he didn't want
    to ever know.

    "When I was in my early twenties, my best friend
    Curt Buchanan and I loved to go to estate sales whenever we could get
    the chance. One day, we came across this box, nothing special about it
    but what you've seen before and know contains that mirror. I bid on it
    during the auction and won it. I took it home and discovered the words,
    or at least the first one that night. When Curt came over the next day, I
    showed it to him. We both wondered what it could mean. Then Curt saw my
    cute next door neighbor walk by my front window. He knew I had a crush
    on her but had rejected me on more than one occasion. As a joke, he
    grabbed the mirror and ran out to her and said capture, and that's what
    it did. You know, you've seen it. We were both mystified at the red
    light and it's temporary stunning effect on my neighbor."

    brought it back inside and we looked in the box and saw the next word.
    We both came to the same conclusion as to what might happen, and flipped
    a coin to see who would become her copy. I lost the toss, but Curt,
    seeing the look of disappointment on my face, tossed again, and this
    time, he lost. I didn't know it at the time, but he, in a way, saved my
    life right there. He transformed into my heart's desire right before my
    eyes. After making sure he was okay, we looked to see if there was
    another word. We didn't think about stopping because we assumed the box
    would show us a word to undo any changes."

    "We were sitting on the
    couch together, and before I had said the next word, Curt's hand, her
    hand, was already on my knee. Right there I should have known the
    changes weren't just physical, but internal as well. The mirror was
    pushing Curt, making him accept who the mirror had transformed him into
    and cranking up his sex drive. After I said the next word, he seemed to
    become her. He knew everything about her. How she walked, talked, how
    she didn't like me. But her hand didn't leave my knee. The look on her
    face made it seem like she was having some internal struggle before I
    had read the next word. She was in the process of telling me that even
    though she didn't have feelings for me, maybe she'd let me see her
    naked, and then I said control. I made her...do things that I will not
    go into detail about with you but...I definitely took advantage of my
    friend's loss of free will. Curt was lost in this new identity. When the
    final two words appeared, I let him know he could go back, that I could
    undo it all. He begged me not to do that, to let him stay as he was,
    that he'd do anything I'd ever ask of him if I would let him stay her.
    So, I said the last word instead of saying cancel and changing him

    Brian felt like the story was coming to some shocking
    conclusion. He thought he already knew what it was but was terrified to

    His father took a deep breath. "The change became permanent.
    The original copy of my neighbor disappeared, as in completely ceased to
    exist, and so did my best friend. The copy that was now in my room was
    for all intents and purposes, the new original. One that I was in
    complete control of and who would do whatever I said whenever I said it
    and also had a raging libido. When I asked her, she had no recollection
    of the magical process. She only remembered being in her house, then
    there with me, and was sorry she had never given me a chance and wanted
    to get married and be together forever."

    Now it was Brian's turn to look sick. "Please, please, please tell me that you're not talking about Mom right now?"

    dad looked at him ashamedly. "Have you ever seen your mother and I have
    an argument? Have you ever wondered why she'd always do whatever I said
    without any hesitation whatsoever? She waits on me hand and foot. All
    because of this mirror."

    "My mom was your best friend, this Curt guy?" Brian exclaimed suddenly overwhelmed. "You did that to your friend?"

    dad leveled an accusatory gaze at his son, "You said you'd used it. Was
    it you that transformed? Was it Justin or Sam or Eric? Did it go well
    for you and they didn't ask or beg to not go back to who they were? This
    mirror wants someone to say that last word. It wants the changes to be
    permanent. That's its curse."

    Brian threw up his hands and asked the obvious. "Then what the hell is it still doing in this house?"

    let's see, judging by the sounds I heard earlier from my garage, you've
    just learned that it can in no way be destroyed. Here's something else.
    It will always stay with the person that used it last. I had your
    mother try burying it, throwing it in a lake, putting it in a safe
    deposit box, and it would always show back up inside our house near the
    front door. Once I realized I couldn't get rid of it, I had your mother
    try locking it up in a safe in our bedroom. Nope, found it at the front
    door the next day. I briefly tried renting another residence to see if I
    could keep it there. Also no. The only thing it will allow is to be
    hidden in the house that I sleep at night."

    Brian was confused. "Why did you have Mom do all those things?"

    his dad said with an eye roll, "forgot to tell you that part. After I
    said the last word, I wasn't able to touch it anymore. Look." He reached
    for the mirror. The minute his fingers should have touched it, they
    passed through. It was as if the mirror was a hologram to him. "Since
    your mother does whatever I want her to do, this hasn't been an issue.
    I'll tell her to get rid of it or hide it and then I'll tell her to
    forget about it."

    "So," Brian asked worried, "what should I do with it now?"

    "Is it in your possession? Were you the last to use it?"

    "No," Brian acknowledged. "Justin was."

    "Then it'll go back to him unless you use it."

    "I'm never using it again," Brian said firmly.

    father gave him a very concerned look and stood from his chair. "You
    might not have a choice. The mirror wants to be used. Your friends won't
    forget what it was like to be someone else. It was all Curt could talk
    about during the first two phases. And if it's ever a choice to who says
    the last word, you or someone else, make sure it's you. Now go hide it
    before your mother or sister sees it. I'm sorry you've become entangled
    in this but I don't want either of them involved. Thank goodness that
    hasn't happened."

    In retrospect, Brian realized he should have
    gone with silence, or moved the conversation elsewhere. Anything would
    have been better than the awkward, "Um..." that escaped his lips causing
    his father to sit down again.

    "Are your mother or sister already involved?" his dad asked nervously.

    really," Brian tried to assure him. "What started this mess was I
    accidentally captured Casey's image and then copied her onto Eric and,
    well then it kind of spiraled like you said when Casey, um, Casey..."

    unable to finish that statement was all Mr. Patterson needed to hear.
    "Understood. Yes, but you somehow managed to cancel it out. Great.
    Great. Well, this is going to have to play all the way out isn't it?" He
    was on his feet again, pacing, talking out loud. "If your friends show
    up here, they can't be around. I've got to get them out, somewhere far
    away." He stopped and looked at Brian. "Son, I've got to protect your
    mother and sister. I don't know if they'll come back to capture Casey,
    or hell, your mother, but they might. If Eric felt a connection to
    Casey, it might be strong enough for him to want to try again and she
    can't be here when that happens."

    Brian looked appalled. "Well, I don't want that either, but it sounds like you're going to leave me here."

    father nodded solemnly. "You're right. I am. If they show up with that
    mirror, I can't take it from them, you can. All I can do is get your
    mother and sister far away until this is done, and believe me, it will
    be done soon, one way or the other."

    "I told them to leave me out of it. I don't want anything to do with them anymore."

    Patterson thought about this. "Maybe, but not a chance I'm willing to
    take. Here, we'll do this as a litmus test." He took a piece of paper
    from a drawer and wrote his friends' names, Eric, Sam, Justin in pen.
    Underneath, he wrote, '3 names, if there are ever 2 names, tell parents
    to come home.'

    "I don't get it," Brian said quizzically. "How's that supposed to work?"

    Patterson sighed. "The mirror alters reality if you say the final word,
    did I not make that clear? Curt ceased to exist. I went to his parents
    to try and explain in some way what happened and they had no idea who
    Curt was. Any memory of him was erased from the minds of everyone who
    knew him except for me. With that in mind, three names on this paper. If
    they use it, and mind you, I bet one of them will very soon, one of
    these names will disappear. What shouldn't disappear is the message
    underneath it, theoretically."

    "Wow Dad, sounds like you've really given this some thought."

    thought about it all the time years ago, about what would happen when
    and if somebody stumbled across it and used it. I pushed it out of my
    mind when you kids came along, like it was a bad dream. Now the
    nightmare is back and I'm sorry you're in it, but you're smarter and
    more capable than you know. If they show up here, don't let them in, let
    them make the mistake of using it until one of them disappears. They
    can deal with the curse from then on. I'll have your mother and sister
    out of the house tonight. I'll tell them it's a last minute family
    vacation but you can't go because of work. Be careful." He hugged his
    son, then left to have everyone pack.

    Brian put the mirror in a
    drawer in his room, and the next morning it was gone, along with his
    parents and sister. That day he had called in sick to work, locked the
    doors, and waited for someone to come. No one had. No one called except
    his dad a few times to check in. He checked the piece of paper regularly
    but it hadn't changed. By the next day, he was already stir crazy from
    hiding in his house and not knowing what the other guys were doing with
    the mirror. Determined not to be a prisoner in his own house, he went to
    work. It wasn't that he wanted to go, but he knew he'd see Stacey
    there, and that prospect made the risk seem worth it. Maybe it was the
    notion of being in potential danger, but he thought he might have the
    courage to finally ask her out on a date.

    Brian hadn't been
    smitten with Stacey right away. They worked the same shift, in the same
    position, moving freight and restocking shelves for a major retail
    store. Brian had always struggled talking to girls, but his proximity to
    Stacey at work made it comfortable for him to engage her in
    conversation. He had always appreciated her body, but finding out that
    they had many common interests and could talk effortlessly for long
    periods of time was what made him fall for her. But he had chickened out
    so many times when it came to asking her out on a date. He didn't want
    to ruin what they had, but he didn't want to stand still either. Earning
    some extra money had been his big push to finally make it happen. He
    would wine and dine her and tell her all about how she made him feel and
    did she feel the same way? But he had found the mirror instead.

    this was swirling in his head as he punched in and started moving
    freight. He worked mindlessly for a an hour before Stacey came up behind
    him and smacked him in the back of the head. "Hey Brian! You mad at me
    or something? You haven't said two words to me yet? And what's this
    whole you were sick yesterday? You made me work an entire shift without
    you and you know how I feel about that."

    He turned around and
    looked at her, appreciating her beauty every time. Even though her words
    had bite, she was giving a half smile, letting him know she was
    teasing. She wore her long brown hair up and in one of the work provided
    hats that he thought increased her cuteness factor. The polyester shirt
    did not hide her large breasts, and seemed to cling to them in a very
    complimentary fashion. And the standard black pants just looked better
    on her than they did everyone else. He realized that if he stared a
    second longer he would be venturing into creep territory. "Sorry, yeah, I
    know. Here's a secret. I wasn't really sick. Family stuff. My parents
    left on a vacation and they wanted to hang out with me one day before
    they left."

    Stacey looked surprised. "They left you behind? What's up with that?"

    my fault," Brian added quickly. "I told them I had work
    responsibilities and, you know you couldn't do this job without me for a

    She smiled causing Brian's heart beat faster in his chest.
    "It is a little less awful when you're here, but responsibilities,

    Brian straightened his shoulders. "I'm trying to impress
    management with my work ethic. There's a promotion coming up in a few
    weeks that I was thinking of applying for." In reality he hadn't, but it
    seemed like the thing to say to impress her.

    "Wow, well I think they'd be stupid not to give you the position. You're a good guy."

    took a deep breath. This was his moment. "Stacey, do you, would you
    ever want to, I don't know, want to hang out outside of work sometime?"

    Her smile was back, bigger than before. "Like a date? Are you asking me on a date Brian Patterson?"

    I mean..." he saw her eyebrow arch subtly, "yes, yes a date where we go
    out and, I treat you to someplace fancy and I tell you how good you
    look and then maybe, I don't know, romantic things..."

    Stacey giggled. "That was really hard for you, wasn't it?"

    let out the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. "Yes! I'm
    sorry, I've wanted to ask you out for so long because I think you're so
    amazing and, oh crap, you haven't said yes yet. I'm going to shut up

    She batted her long lashes at him and then said sweetly, "I
    would love to go on a date with you. How about next weekend? Can you
    wait that long? I have plans with my family this weekend."

    Brian was on cloud nine. "Absolutely, next weekend, sounds great."

    productivity drastically increased and the rest of the day seemed to
    fly by for him. Everything was great and as it should be. But when he
    got home, the paper that he had left on the fridge hadn't changed. How
    long would this go on? He needed something to happen. He purposed to
    stay alert, to stay home or be at work and nothing else. Hopefully this
    would all be over long before his date with Stacey. He finished out his
    work week without incident, and without any changes on the paper. Other
    than calls from his parents and one from Stacey, his former friends had
    not made any contact with him. He hoped that was a good sign and that
    they had moved on.

    The weekend was upon him and he was lazing
    about with his doors locked, on alert but feeling safe in his castle.
    Late that afternoon from right outside his house, he heard the slam of a
    car door, then two more doors in quick succession. He assumed it was
    friends of the neighbors who would often park along the street, but a
    few seconds later, his door bell rang. Thankfully he was fully dressed,
    something that was uncommon for the weekend, but this was an unwanted
    surprise. He didn't know if a magic mirror could work through the
    peephole of his front door, but he decided to chance it. To his
    surprise, it was Stacey. He immediately opened the door and gestured for
    her to come in and closed the door behind her. "Stacey? I thought you
    had plans with your family this weekend?"

    "I did but they
    canceled. I thought we could have a predate before our actual date. Sort
    of take the tension out of the next one by just being casual for this

    She looked anything but casual. She was wearing a short,
    silver sparkly dress that showed off her perfect legs. She had elegantly
    applied makeup, just enough to accentuate her finer features. She
    looked like she was ready for a night on the town or trying very hard to
    catch a man. Either way Brian made every effort to stuff his eyeballs
    back in. "I, that sounds great. I am a little under dressed for the
    occasion though."

    "Oh, sorry," Stacey apologized. "This is what I
    was going to wear out with my family tonight. Probably shouldn't have
    picked out such a short skirt now that I think about it. Do you think
    it's too short?" She gave a slow twirl for him, watching as his eyes
    drifted all over her, lingering at her legs.

    Brian's voice was suddenly much higher than normal. "No. No I think its fine. Not too short at all."

    eyed him with a mischievous glint in her eye and then turned her back
    to him. "Even if I do this?" And she bent down and touched her toes.
    Brian's eyes exploded from their sockets as the dress pulled up to
    reveal that Stacey had chosen to go commando that evening. As his mouth
    fell open, he heard her say while still touching her toes, "Brian, I can
    feel you staring."

    Brian's eyes immediately found the ceiling as
    Stacey stood up and turned back to face him. She stepped towards him so
    they were only inches apart. "You're fun to tease Brian. Do you like it
    when I tease you?" And then she touched his erect penis through his

    As much as Brian loved what was happening in that moment,
    he was suddenly aware of how off it seemed. He stepped back from her,
    causing her to give him a sour look. "You're not really Stacey, are
    you?"he guessed.

    Brian heard clapping coming from behind him and
    Justin stepped into the room. "That didn't take you very long Brian,
    although you definitely came on a little strong there Eric. Kind of gave
    it away. Hey Brian, FYI, your back door still doesn't really lock if
    you jiggle it a certain way."

    Brian scanned the room, looking for a
    quick exit or anything that could block a mirror. Justin saw his
    frantic posture and in a soothing voice said, "Brian, relax, we're here
    to make amends."

    "Sorry pal, but the last time you said something like that, I ended up getting screwed, literally."

    put his hands palm out in a penitent gesture. "I know. It was the
    mirror. I let it take over. Everything got way out of hand and I take
    full responsibility for that. But like I said, we're here to make
    amends. You're my best friend and all I've thought about the last few
    days is how I could make it up to you. None of us have used the mirror
    until today, till just a few hours ago really, right before Stacey left
    town. I figured this could be our apology."

    Justin motioned
    towards Stacey who cautiously approached Brian and put an arm on his
    shoulder. "Do you want to see me bend over again? You can see more than
    that if you want to?"

    "No," Brian said brushing off her arm. "You'll use the mirror on me like last time."

    nodded. "I knew you might say something like that, since again, I did
    step way out of line last time. So this time, I'm going to give you all
    the power. I've already used copy and connect on Eric and Sam, but I
    haven't said control on them. You get to say control to both of them,
    and to me, and then order all of us to not touch the mirror."

    "What?" Brian said looking around. "You used it on Sam? Where's Sam?"

    behind Justin, another figure stepped out from behind his shadow. "I'm
    right here." But it wasn't Sam's voice. It was Stacey's. They had copied
    Stacey twice, just like they had Mrs. Matthews. This Stacey was also
    wearing the same short, silver dress.

    "Like I said, we are all
    sorry and we figured we owed you," Justin said. "Sam is even a woman for
    the first time. How's it feel so far Sam?"

    "Damn good," the
    second Stacey said before licking her lips in Brian's direction.
    "Congratulations on finally asking me out on a date. Did you know I've
    been waiting for you to do that for months? I've even masturbated
    thinking about you a few times. Would you like to see that? Would you
    like to see me masturbate thinking of you?" Before Brian had a chance to
    give any response to that, she had lifted the front of her short skirt
    to reveal that she also was not wearing panties, and began to finger
    herself in front of all of them.

    Justin slowly pulled the mirror out from behind his pants and tossed it to Brian. "Say the words to me buddy."

    Brian looked down at the thing he wished they'd never found. "I can't. I don't want to."

    sighed heavily. "Look man, I'd do it myself but we learned today that
    someone has to use it on you. You can't use it on yourself. I trust you
    with it. Control all of us tonight. Make us live out your every fantasy
    only better because you'll have three of the girl you've been crushing
    on forever and we'll do whatever you want. And then you'll turn us back
    and we'll be good, right?"

    Brian looked at the mirror, then
    pointed it at his friend and said without conviction, "Sure. Copy."
    Light bent around Justin and then a third Stacey was before him but she
    was wearing normal clothes. It was a green top and blue jeans that were
    not anything fashion worthy but still looked pretty on her.

    third Stacey eyed him curiously. "You need to say connect. Oh, I see,
    you're wondering why I'm wearing these clothes. It's what she was
    wearing earlier when I visited her house. This is what she was actually
    going to wear out with her family. We went and bought the dresses. Got
    some looks for that but I'd say it was worth it. Now come on, say it."


    third Stacey looked pained momentarily, then appraised Brian like he
    was a piece of meat. "I'm really going to enjoy this. Hit me again."

    Brian yelled. Then pointed at the other two and yelled it at both of
    them. Each time it was like their bodies had received a near orgasmic
    shock. They all drew closer to him. "Listen to me. None of you are to
    touch this mirror in any way. Now tell me before I order any of you to
    do anything, what do you want to do right now?"

    In unison, all three Stacey's said, "Fuck!"

    "You, Stacey three, undress me," Brian ordered. "You two, make out with each other."

    Brian felt the Stacey who was Justin remove his shirt and then unzip
    his fly, he stood enraptured at the sight of the other two Stacey's who
    were kissing passionately, all while their hands wandered to their
    twin's face and breasts and butt and back again. When he was completely
    naked, he said to Stacey three, "Go and get a permanent marker from the
    junk drawer in the kitchen. Write a big three on your right hand. I want
    to make sure I know which one is you. Then come upstairs to the master
    bedroom." She disappeared into the other room, and Brian picked up the
    mirror at his feet, and ordered the other two to follow him.

    felt weird doing this in his parents' room, but they had the biggest bed
    and he reasoned he would need the space. He told one Stacey to straddle
    his chest and let him kiss her breasts while the other one was to begin
    sucking him off while fingering the Stacey who's ass was in her face. A
    minute later, Stacey three joined them and Brian promptly told her to
    eat out the Stacey who was giving him a very good blow job.
    Unfortunately for Brian, it had been way too long since he had gotten
    any action, as a guy anyway, and the sight of his dream girl times three
    sent him over the edge all too soon. He then pulled up a chair and made
    the Stacey swap his cum from girl to girl and then back again, all
    while fingering the Stacey on their left. He was like a horny, mad
    director and he instructed the girls to take turns performing
    cunnilingus on each other, or made them one dance while one masturbated
    and would have the third continually lick his balls. It did not take
    long for his erection to restore itself and this time he knew he could
    last longer than five minutes.

    He had them each line up on all
    fours on the bed, as he had been when Eric had fucked him when he had
    been Mrs. Matthews. He told them they were hornier and more sensitive
    than they had ever been and each thrust would drive them crazy with lust
    but they were not allowed to cum until he told them they could. They
    were all allowed to beg for it though.

    He started with the first
    Stacey, shoving into her from behind roughly. His cock glided in with
    ease at the wetness it found there. He pumped just once, then moved to
    the second Stacey and did the same thing. When he got to the third, he
    repeated the process, and then went back to the first one who by now was
    already begging for release. He did this for several minutes, ordering
    the girls to kiss and fondle one another while he slammed them from
    behind. It was obvious as they grew louder and louder that they were
    desperate to orgasm. Finally, Brian told them, "When you feel me shove
    my cock into you this next time and smack your ass, you may cum."

    his cock slammed into the first Stacey, his hand landed hard on her ass
    cheek. She came huge, screaming as her whole body shook from the pent
    up orgasm that she had been denied for so long. The second Stacey was
    the same. But when he got to the third Stacey, he double checked to make
    sure she had the 3 on her hand, then he rubbed the tip of his penis
    along her slit but did not let it slip inside. He leaned over her and
    said, "You don't get to cum until I do. Do you want to make me cum?"

    "Yes, please! Let me make you cum!" she shouted, almost hysterically.

    "I'm going to need you to squeeze your pussy around my cock each time I push it into you, okay?"

    "Whatever you say. Now please, give it to me!"

    don't have to tell me twice." And Brian began pumping her like a man
    possessed. He ordered the other two Stacie's to get on either side of
    him and had one reach underneath and tease Stacey three's clit, while
    the other let him suck on her boobs. The moment Brian came Stacey
    three's back arched as she let out a shriek of ecstasy, then she
    collapsed on the bed beneath him. He ordered the other two Stacey's to
    clean him off with their tongues, then told them to go get Stacey
    three's clothes from downstairs. When they returned he ordered Stacey
    three to get dressed, then for all three of them to sit on the bed
    facing him as he sat in the chair.

    Brian retrieved the mirror he
    had set on the dresser. He pointed it at the first Stacey and said,
    "Cancel." Eric appeared in the clothes he had been wearing a moment
    later and flopped back on the bed, exhausted and no longer having to sit
    up now that his free will was restored. Brian then did the same with
    the second Stacey, and this time Sam flopped back.

    Brian looked
    at Stacey three with a pained expression on his face. Stacey looked at
    him, reading his expression. "You're thinking about saying it, aren't

    "About saying what?" Brian said somberly.

    She smiled at him. "The final word in the box."

    Brian stared at her, knowing it was Justin underneath the surface. "How did you know I knew about that?"

    laughed. "You've been my best friend for years. I know when you're
    lying. I checked it out later and came to the same conclusion you
    probably did. If you say that, this becomes permanent. I want you to
    know I'm okay with that."

    Brian's gaze faltered but he still held the mirror towards her. "But, you won't be you anymore."

    she said kindly, "but I can tell you right now that it's what I want
    more than anything. We'll be together forever and you can do everything
    you did to me tonight whenever you want."

    Brian thought about that
    as he looked into Justin/Stacey's eyes. The mirror's curse would not be
    gone, but it would buy him some time to find another way to be rid of
    it, even if it meant passing it on somehow. He would find a way to get
    it out of his house and away from his family. In the meantime, he'd be
    with the kind of girl he'd always thought was out of his league and made
    him feel like he could be a better person than he was. He reasoned that
    he'd have to start being a better person tomorrow though, as he looked
    at the Stacey in front of him and said, "Complete."

    The mirror
    burned hot in his hand and a white llight shout out of it temporarily
    blinding everyone in the room. A few seconds later, the light subsided
    and Brian felt the mirror's handle seem to lose substance and slip from
    his hand and hit the floor. He quickly told Stacey, his Stacey, to pick
    it up and put it under his bed and forget about it. She dutifully did as
    he had commanded.

    A moment after Stacey had left the room, Eric
    and Sam both sat up on the bed, both shaking their head as if coming out
    of a fog. "Hey man," Eric said. "Why are we here in your parents'

    "Were we hanging out or something?" Sam asked. "Today's like, really fuzzy for me right now."

    "You came with Justin, remember?" Brian asked and then held his breath.

    The brothers looked at each other, stumped by this statement. Finally Eric asked, "Justin who?"

    "Are we supposed to know a Justin?" Sam added.

    Brian let the breath out but had one more question. "Do you remember a mirror?"

    stood up and started for the door. "Mirror? What are you on about man?
    Drugs? Did we all take drugs and that's why we can't remember anything
    from today and you're asking us these weird questions?"

    choked back emotion as he shook his head. "I'm sorry man, I was just
    playing. You guys should probably go home and get some rest. You might
    be coming down with something." When they left, he found Stacey in his

    "I've never been in your room before, but it somehow feels
    like I have," she said. Then she turned and kissed him softly. "Thanks
    for letting me come see you tonight. Anytime you want to get together
    again just let me know."

    Brian looked at her sadly, then made the choice to move forward. "I'm going to move in with you, is that okay?"

    "That would be great," she said bouncing up and down, clearly excited by the idea.

    knew she had to say yes. Even though he knew he had complete control
    over her, he still wanted to try and be worthy of her. He would grow up,
    be responsible, become a family man, and... he swatted her ass causing
    her to giggle. And get sex whenever he wanted.

    They walked
    downstairs and Brian saw the note on the fridge. Justin's name was gone,
    but the rest of the message remained. He found his cell phone and
    called his dad. "It's done, you can come home. Justin's gone."

    "Who's Justin?" his dad said, which Brian should have seen coming.

    a friend I won't be seeing anytime soon. Hurry home, I could really use
    you guys right now." And with that, he hung up. It was over, at least
    for awhile.

    The end.

    If you enjoyed this story, you might like to know that it is connected to other stories I have written. It all starts with Shudder, and connects to Mind_Hack.exe and The Last Shapeshifter. I hope you'll give them a try.

    If you'd like to see any specific scenarios between any characters in these works, feel free to drop a commission for it on this site, and I'll do my best to make it happen.

    You can also email any and all feedback to kripto1@yahoo.com.

    Thanks for reading!


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