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It was Richard Johnson’s birthday, and he was a man on a mission. He was going to pick up a beautiful woman in a hotel bar using only his appearance and charm. He hadn’t needed to rely on those attributes in a very long time, but still managed to have a different woman in his bed every night. That was one of the perks to being married to a bodyhopper.
For the ten years that she’d been a bodyhopper, Nancy Johnson loved bringing home women that would entice her husband to fuck her senseless. If a pretty cashier caught his eye, or the cute teller at the bank, or a seductive college cheerleader, or one of the many local milfs, Nancy would make sure each of their bodies spent some very intimate time with her man. She’d even gone on a few trips to bring in some celebrities that he’d crushed on forever.
Nancy became bodyhopper during an experiment run by her twin children, Derek and Aubrey. They’d used an electrical charge to spark a gene inside of her. They knew it was there, because it ran in their family. Once activated, she gained the ability to pass her soul from one body to the next. In doing so, she gained access to that person’s mind and could pass for them with the greatest of ease. She had used it to seduce her husband, and eventually persuaded him to leave her aging body behind.
The couple were still very much in love, and when Nancy wasn’t fucking her husband’s brains out in a body typically younger than her previous one, they were enjoying hobbies and conversations that were akin to people who had been together for many years. They didn’t go out on many dates though since Nancy was usually in the body of a woman in her 20’s that could have been Richard’s granddaughter. It was here that the trouble started.
A week ago Nancy had gently teased her husband while in the guise of a cute, blonde 21 year old. She told him he’d never be able to pick up someone like her in real life because of the age gap. She thought it would turn him on. One of his favorite things was when she brought home a young woman and began calling him ‘Daddy.’ Perhaps because his 55th birthday was a week away, or the fact that they could no longer grow old together, he took it poorly.
“Age is just a number,” he snapped back. “I could go into a bar, any bar, and have a woman on my arm by the end of the night.”
Nancy had then made the catastrophic mistake of laughing at this remark. The idea of her husband with his wrinkles and gray hair going to a club and using his cheesy lines on a woman to take her back home was honestly absurd to her.
Richard’s pride took a hit, and he went to sleep on the couch that night, and no amount of cajoling or seduction could get him to return. This was also a blow to Nancy, because a bodyhopper continually craved sex. It seemed to be part of the gene. In instances like these, she’d had to seek other options. In that case, she’d taken the blonde home and fucked her boyfriend.
Nancy fucked a lot of boyfriends and husbands when she inevitably returned a host body. Richard knew this of these indiscretions, but also knew that as horny as he often was, his wife had an itch that he couldn’t always scratch, especially as he got older. He’d never resented her for it, because he’d been around a few bodyhoppers the last decade. Derek was one, and like Nancy, no longer had a body of his own. Aubrey was too, but had to keep her body hooked up to life support if she ever hopped someone.
Then there was the third bodyhopper they all knew. The one who had passed the gene on to so many people over the last few centuries. His name was Nevyn, and he’d almost ruined all of their lives.
Nevyn had possessed Nancy for a few months long ago, living with the Johnsons and teasing Derek relentlessly. But after Nevyn lost his bodyhopping power and became stuck in Derek’s body, he’d briefly aligned himself with the Johnsons in the pursuit of getting Derek his body back. They’d studied the gene and made several breakthroughs, and somewhere during this process, Nevyn felt sidelined, and eventually betrayed. He used what he knew to get his powers back by himself, which led to a close friend of the Johnsons named Bekka to lose her life, although the twins often spoke of her like she was still alive.
Nevyn’s actions spurred the twins along two different paths that ran parallel to each other. Aubrey continued unlocking the secrets of the bodyswapping gene to try and find a way to track it, while Derek pursued Nevyn by thinking like him, and looking for his telltale signatures in society.
A month ago, Derek had success, and had intercepted Nevyn. In a phone call, Derek had given his parents the good news that it was finally over.
“Nevyn’s dead. He knew I was chasing him and he ran into traffic. A second later he was hit by a bus. After all this time, that’s how it ends. It’s so strange. We finally all have our lives back.”
The Johnsons had all moved on as best they could, with Aubrey stating she was going back to college to get her doctorate, and Derek possibly moving back home.
But tonight, none of this was on Richard’s mind. Because tonight he was celebrating his birthday. Because of Nancy’s insensitive remarks, husband and wife made a wager. If he could pick up a woman at a local hotel bar and get her to go upstairs to a room for sex, she’d join them for a threesome.
“But what if she doesn’t want a threesome?” Richard had asked.
“You mean if I can’t convince her with my very impressive feminine wiles?” his wife had responded with a laugh. “Then I guess I’ll be doing some very fast hopping. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
This is why Richard now found himself up past his bedtime at a crowded hotel bar where the music was too loud. He’d much rather be at home, waiting to see who his wife was bringing him that night. But his pride was on the line.
Even though he’d been out of the dating game for a long time, he felt confident he’d be able to land a hottie and take her up to the hotel room they’d booked. He scanned the sea of people. It seemed full of possibilities. He locked eyes with a pretty raven haired woman behind the bar as she mixed a drink. She winked at him. Nancy had chosen this bartender as her vantage point to watch the proceeding.
She totally wanted him to win, which is why she pointed towards a small circular table where a couple of young women sat, chatting and giggling away. After observing them for a few seconds, he shot an upturned eyebrow back at Nancy. He knew these women were at least 21 years of age, but probably not a day older. They still had their whole lives ahead of them. He was just the man that could teach them a thing or two. Richard strode over confidently, believing that this would be over quickly, he’d be fucking one or both of them within the hour, and could go to sleep.
He assessed them as he got closer. The girl to his left was a curly haired brunette with a dazzling smile. She wore a short black dress, but didn’t have a lot going on in the chest department. That was okay. He was always partial to brunettes. They reminded him of his wife and his daughter Aubrey, although they had both been stacked.
To her right was a shoulder length blonde who was offering a generous amount of cleavage to all passersby in a low red blouse with lipstick that matched. His eyes lingered on her exposed skin, and it distracted him so much that he forgot to say anything upon his arrival.
“Can we…help you with something old man?” the blonde said with a pitying smirk.
“He looks lost,” the brunette giggled. “It seems like he’s trying to find directions to your tits.”
“Don’t even!” the blonde squealed, and whacked the brunette on the shoulder playfully. “I’m sure this grandpa is harmless.”
“Or he’s a dirty old man,” the brunette clapped back. “He’s gotta be, right? I mean he came over to our table. To what? Hit on us?” She crossed her legs and looked up at him as if she’d caught him doing something scandalous. “Do you even know how old we are, mister?”
“Um, uh, 21?” Richard replied as he tried to recover from their verbal assault.
“I am,” the blonde said, “But Kinzie here is only 19.”
“How did you…” Richard started to ask.
But the girl identified as Kinzie interjected. “Fake ID grandpa. What? They didn’t have those back in your day?”
“I don’t think they had that kind of technology back then,” the blonde added.
“Just had the wheel and fire, right gramps?”
“I am not that old!” Richard fumed.
“Yeah? How old are you then?” Kinzie asked with a raised eyebrow as she haughtily picked up her drink to take a sip.
“Old enough to…uh…teach you a few things,” Richard said as he tried to turn this interaction around.
This elicited a cringe response on both their faces that ended when they looked at each other and burst into a giggle fit.
The blonde’s eyes drifted down to Richard’s crotch, then back up to meet his. “Can you even get it up? I hear that can be a real problem for senior citizens.”
“I’m sure he can, Mckayla, withe the help of a pill!”
The giggle fit resumed in earnest, and Richard found himself wanting to retreat, from this table, from the premises from civilization. This had been a horrible idea.
Suddenly the bartender was at his side carrying a tray that had three drinks in martini glasses on it. “Here’s your drink sir, and how nice of you to buy a round for these two lovely ladies.”
“Ugh,” Kinzie said with an eye roll. “Well, a free drink’s a free drink.
She reached for it, but Mckayla hesitated and asked the bartender, “He didn’t pay you to slip something into it, did he?”
The bartender’s pretty face faltered as if she’d been slapped. But then she set her jaw, and said tightly, “I can assure you that he’d never have to do anything of the sort. Not when he has me.”
As Kinzie’s fingers curled around the thin stem of a glass, the bartender’s fingers brushed against her for the briefest of moments in a way that so often happens while passing something from one person to the next. A fleeting second of contact that feels both innocuous and yet strangely intimate. It is usually a moment that is here, then gone, but this time, it left a lingering effect in the form of a shudder that began in Kinzie’s hand.
“Excuse me?” Mckayla asked loudly in response to what the bartender had just said. But she got no response, because the bartender’s gaze had gone slack.
“Um, Mckayla, I think maybe I’ve had too much to drink,” Kinzie said as she looked at the tremor rapidly spreading up her arm.
Mckayla didn’t look at her friend but continued to study the bartender. It was like she was asleep, but her eyes were open. She was just standing as still as a statue holding the tray. “You’ve only had one Kinzie. I swear, you’re such a lightweight. You really should be building up more of a tolerance for the parties at college.”
“No, really, I…I think I want to go…” but the rest of what she might have said was lost as her mind was no longer her own.
“Just kidding!” Kinzie suddenly squealed. “I feel fine! In fact, I think we should go to this handsome guy’s room. You got a room, don’t ya mister?”
Mckayla’s jaw dropped as she turned her head away from the bartender towards her friend. “Are you fucking kidding me girl? You’ve got to be insane if you think that I’m going anywhere with grandpa here just cause he got us a free-”
But she stopped mid sentence as her friend grabbed her wrist, and it too began to shudder.
“What the hell? Why’s my arm fucking doing that? Am I having a stroke or some-”
But then Mckayla went quiet for a second before looking up at the bartender and taking the drink she’d previously insinuated was spiked. “Thank you, ma’am. Now go back and attend to your duties.”
“Yes,” the pretty bartender said in a flat tone before she turned away and went back behind the bar.
“So, stud,” Mackayla said as she eyed Richard up and down as if he were a snack. “I believe you were about to sit down and talk us two lovely ladies into having a threesome with you?” She set her glass down on the table and touched her friend’s hand.
A second later Kinzie said, “Yeah. We’d totally say yes. You can take us upstairs to your room and fuck us stupid. We’re both really nimble. We were both cheerleaders!” She touched Mckayla’s hand.
“I bet you like cheerleaders, don’t ya?” Mckayla said with a wink. “Especially ones that like kissing each other.” She looked at her friend and said, “Kiss me passionately.”
“Yes,” Kinzie said, and then their lips were together as they kissed each other deeply.
“So, what do you say?” Kinzie asked with her thousand watt smile.
“Please take us horny sluts up to your room and be our daddy for the night.”
This sudden reversal of fortune seemed to darken Richard’s mood. “Dammit Nancy! The deal was I do this on my own!”
Several people glanced at the tiny outburst from the older gentleman standing in front of the two young women. He seemed to be reprimanding them for something. Richard seemed to understand he’d made a scene, and smiled bashfully. A few seconds later, everyone went back to their drinks and conversations.
“I’m sorry, Richard,” Nancy’s voice came quietly out of Mckayla’s mouth. “It’s just, I heard these cunts being horrible to you and I thought we could teach them a lesson.” She put a hand on his leg and began sliding it upwards. “Together.”
Mckayla’s voice was back then. “Please mister. Please fuck some manners into us. Kinzie and I would learn so much from you.” She touched her friend on the arm.
“Yeah. Teach us Daddy,” Kinzie whined. “We’ll be good girls for you. We’ll even let you-”
“Enough,” Richard said quietly but firmly. “Anyone I take upstairs tonight will come because they want to. So…get out of these girls and let me get back to finding that person.”
“Fine!” Nancy said with an eye roll. “You still interested in teaching them a lesson though?”
“What did you have in mind?”
Nancy waved over the bartender who approached them quickly. Her eyes seemed less vacant than before, but there was still a bit of a haze there. Nancy casually brushed the back of Kinzie’s hand against the bartender, who shuddered.
“Well,” the bartender said, and she sounded as if she were recommending a drink. “Since you two are such good friends, you’re going to get each other off. I want you to go into the ladies room and strip naked, then toss your clothes out the window in there. Then go into a stall and begin licking and fingering each other. Try to make each other cum as fast as you can.”
“Yes,” they both said in perfect unison. They immediately stood, and with robotic grace walked to the ladies room.
“Well fuck me,” Richard said. “Now I want to go to the ladies room.”
“You had your chance,” Nancy said with a smirk. “Although I did memorize Mckayla’s address if you ever want me to go pay her a visit.”
A huge grin crept over Richard’s face. “I love you.”
“I know. Now get back on the horse and go get ‘em tiger. I’ll be over there watching. Best of luck. I do want you to have a happy birthday!”
“I think I’ll go hit on someone near the ladies room.”
“You do that, dear,” she said with a laugh, then went back to resume bartending.
Richard set off in the direction the two girls had gone. He passed by several people that looked like couples or were just trying to relax by themselves. He considered hitting on a few of them, but crossed off the ones that looked under 26. No more early twentysomethings. Too obnoxious and rude. He’d go aim a bit higher, which, he didn’t want to admit, would probably up his chances of success.
He decided on a professionally dressed woman in a light blue blouse and dark skirt sitting by herself. She wore her sandy blonde hair in a bun. She had glasses, and was staring intently at a laptop. If he struck out with her, she’d probably let him down gently unlike those first two had. He wondered if they were in the stall by now, their naked bodies pressed together invading each other’s holes with their tongues and fingers in a desperate attempt to make the other cum.
“This seat taken?” he asked with what he believed to be a suave demeanor.
“Huh, what?” the woman said, not bothering to look at him. “No? You can take it if you want.”
Richard was confused for a second, then understood. “No, I don’t need it for another table. I wanted to sit with you.”
This caused her to look up at him like he’d just said something very stupid. “Why?”
“Because…” he said, as he tried to think of something clever. He was beginning to wonder if he’d ever actually been clever in his life. “Because I wanted to get to know the prettiest woman in this bar.”
Her eyebrow raised and she gave him a quick up and down assessment. Then her lips pursed together like she’d tasted something sour. “Um…no. Thank you.”
Richard had been in sales for a long time, and never accepted the first no. Sometimes not the second. He could do this. He just needed a chance to show her what a catch he was. “I really think you’ll like me if you get to know me.”
“Probably not,” she said dismissively. “Because I tend not to like married men who hit on other women.”
This comment took Richard aback. “What? Why would you think I’m-”
“Wedding ring, dipshit,” the woman said, pointing at his left hand.
Despite the fact that Nancy’s actual body had been declared dead and they’d had a funeral and everything, to Richard, and to Nancy, she was very much alive. Of course he wore his ring. He’d never even thought about taking it off until this very second. Now he realized how foolish it had been to wear it while trying to pick up women in a bar. Then he had an idea.
“Oh, um…yeah, I’m…a widower. Just can’t bear to take it off.”
The woman’s eyes went wide and her face went very red. She began fidgeting with her hands as she apologetically blurted out, “Oh shit! I’m so sorry. I should not have…uh, has she been gone long? I mean…I didn’t mean to ask something so personal! I feel so bad! I honestly don’t know what to say.”
“How about you just let me buy you a drink and we get to know each other,” Richard offered as his confidence level soared to new heights. He glanced towards his wife behind the bar and signaled that he had someone on the hook.
The woman grimaced and said, “It’s really flattering, but…I have a deadline and-”
Richard interrupted. “It was a few years back when I lost her, but it still feels like yesterday. She was the love of my life, you know. Tonight was the first night I worked up the courage to put myself back out there.”
The woman’s expression became one of deepest sympathy and she closed her laptop. “I…I suppose one drink wouldn’t hurt. Uh…I’m Natalie.”
“Yes!” Richard exclaimed, and he couldn’t help but give a little fist pump. “That’ll show her.”
“Show who?”
Without thinking he said, “My wife. She didn’t think I could still get a woman to give me the time of…” He trailed off as he recognized his mistake.
The woman’s face shifted into one of loathing. “Wait! Was that whole dead wife thing a line?”
“No, I-”
“You’re disgusting. Go find someone else to be sleazy to,” she said with a wave of her hand.
“So close,” Richard said as he stood. Back to square one. He was a few steps away when a hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.
“Fine! Natalie said with a bit of contempt still etched on her face. “You wanna fool around, I could use a destresser. Let’s go.”
Richard couldn’t believe his luck! “I have a room we can-”
“I know someplace closer,” she said, and still clasping his hand, she drug him to the ladies room and pushed open the door.
They both stopped at the sight of two naked women who appeared to be having a wild night. Their hair was a mess and their lipstick was smeared. They were both attempting to cover their bodies with paper towels, but it was not working very well. At the sight of the woman, Kinzie said, “Ohmygosh can you please help us? We need some clothes. Can you-”
“Ah!” Mckayla yelled. “There’s a man with her!”
She made a better attempt to cover her boobs, but her crotch was very much exposed. Richard knew where some of Kinzie’s lipstick went, because some remnants of her shade were between Mckayla’s legs.
“It’s the old guy from before!” Kinzie hissed, and they both darted into a stall.
“Looks like this one has other stuff going on,” Natalie quipped, and pulled Richard out and into the men’s. She led him to a stall, pushed him inside and said, “Take off your pants.”
Richard’s fingers flew to his crotch where they momentarily seemed to forget how to unbuckle a belt.
“Let me help,” Natalie said with an eye roll. She sank to her knees and was much more adept at getting Richard’s pants off than he seemed to be. She made no pretense of why they were there as she yanked down his underwear. She took his cock in her hand, holding it up to be level with her face. Then she leaned forward and took him in her mouth.
“Oh fuck! That was fast!” he said. His mojo was back! It might not have worked the way he’d planned, but a win was still a-
He felt it then. A telltale shudder. He’d felt it many, many times while he and his wife made love. A shudder was the telltale sign of a bodyhopper moving into a new host. But it continued to happen intermittently while the hopper remained inside. It was a brief struggle of one soul dominating the other. It was like a reflex, and could even be done while a hopper slept, but it was also very noticeable, especially for someone who had been around hoppers as much as Richard.
“Seriously Nancy! Again!” he said as he pushed Natalie’s head back. He’d really been enjoying himself too, but his dick was suddenly deflating as he realized he’d been duped.
The woman’s face looked up at him sheepishly. “I thought I could get you off real quick before I shuddered and then you’d have a win and you could take me upstairs and fuck.”
Richard frowned, pissed that he was still 0 for 2. “Well, you almost got me there. Another 20 seconds of your world class dick sucking and I would have busted all over your face.”
She reached up and stroked his cock, which twitched hopefully in her hand. “You still could, darling. Seriously. I’m so horny in this body. I’d love it if you took me right here in this stall.”
Richard had to hand it to his wife. She could bring out the sluttiest part of any woman. He could take her right here and she’d never know because of how Nancy could alter her memories. But he shook his head and helped her to her feet.
“Wait! When did you even hop her?” he asked as he pulled his pants up.
She gave a small smile. “I’d just arrived to take your drink order when you got up to leave her table. A second later I was her, and pulled you into the bathroom so you wouldn’t notice the bartender right behind us.”
“That was so funny seeing those two girls in the bathroom.”
“That’s why I took you in there first. Did you see the lipstick on the one girl’s hoo ha?”
“Oh yeah.”
The couple burst out laughing, but then Richard said, “Okay, I’m going back out there. No help this time, understood?”
Nancy slumped Natalie’s shoulders. “I don’t think you know how much I want you to succeed, dear. I really need it right now. I might just rub one out in the stall real quick when you leave. Unless you want to watch?” She began to unbutton her blouse while she bit her lower lip. “You could still help this uptight business woman unwind?”
Richard left in a hurry before his wife could tempt him further. What did he do to deserve such a seductive creature?
As he left the restroom, he eyed the occupants of the bar with new determination. Third time’s the charm. He’d just…pick someone closer to his age. Not his preferred choice, but a gal with experience could certainly bring a lot to the table, or in this case, the bedroom. He pocketed his wedding ring as he circled the perimeter, finally coming back near the entrance where other hotel guests passed close by.
It was there he saw someone he’d passed by earlier. A woman in her early 40’s that he hadn’t really considered. She was quite striking though with her long auburn hair and legs that went on for miles. Richard thought she somewhat resembled Nancy in the face. And also the boobs. The woman was stacked.
She had a duffel bag on the chair next to her. Richard put a hand on the handle of the bag and said, “Mind if I move this so I can have a seat?” As he started to lift it, it began to shake. And growl.
The woman’s eyebrows shot up and she protectively reached for it and pulled it onto her lap. “Have a seat if you must, but Daisy doesn’t like to be jostled unnecessarily.”
Out of the top of the bag popped the face of an adorable Yorkshire terrier. Her furry brown face looked up into his and gave a small yip.
“Good girl,” the woman said with a small smile as she pulled the terrier out of the bag and put her on her lap. “She can be a very good judge of character. You must be a bad man.” The terrier growled at him.
Richard put his hands up and chuckled, then said to the small dog, “I can assure you I meant no harm little lady.” He held out a hand for her to sniff. The terrier did, and then gave his palm a lick.
The woman assessed him, and by her expression, she liked what she saw. “Perhaps you’re not terrible. Go ahead and have a seat.”
Richard did so. “I didn’t know you could have dogs in here.”
“You probably can’t,” the woman said with an air of indifference. “But she’s my emotional support animal. That’s what I tell everyone anyways.”
This annoyed Richard, but he tried hard to focus on her figure, something which the woman didn’t seem to mind him eyeing. “So, what’s your sign?”
This elicited a shrill laugh from the woman. “I haven’t heard that one in awhile.”
“I really need to get some new material.”
“Do you find yourself coming out to hotel bars often enough that you need to constantly refresh it?”
“Er, no,” Richard said. “I usually just stick with the basics. Like, hi, I’m Richard, and you are a very beautiful woman that I would like to get to know better.”
She cocked her head at him, studying him closely like a cat might before pouncing on a mouse, then said, “That was a much better line. I’m Crystal. What would you like to know?”
The two hit it off, and Richard found Crystal’s banter refreshing. She didn’t look at him like he was ancient, or pitied him in any way. Best of all though, she hadn’t shuddered once.
They were mid conversation discussing childhood pets when the bartender came up and asked, “Can I get you two anything?”
“I’ll take a bourbon,” Richard said, not taking his eyes away from Crystal.
“Nothing for me,” Crystal said as she tapped a glass she’d barely touched.
They both just stared at each other, mirroring a smile that belied a bubbling chemistry under the surface.
The spell was momentarily broken by the sound of the bartender clearing her throat. “Will you be taking that bourbon up to your room…sir?”
Richard looked up at the raven haired bartender. “In a bit. We’re in no rush.”
The bartender’s eyes narrowed, and her smile became tight lipped. “Of course…sir. By all means, take your time.”
As she walked away, she touched the shoulder of a woman passing by, who shuddered. That woman whispered something into the bartender’s ear, who went about her duties a moment later.
Richard was oblivious to this. He was enjoying the massive ego boost Crystal was giving him. He found himself opening up to her, sharing things like it was a first date. He was used to seeing different women all the time, but the conversation was always the same, because his wife knew everything about him. This was nice, so much so that he didn’t mind talking and throwing back a few. He was slightly worried that he’d pissed Nancy off, because she acted like she didn’t know him whenever she brought the drinks.
“Well, this has been lovely,” Crystal finally said. “But I should be going.”
“Oh, um, I was wondering if you wanted to…” Richard started, not entirely sure how to seal the deal.
She grinned at him and finished the proposition for him. “If I wanted to come up to your room and we have casual sex like grown adults?”
“Uh…” Richard stammered. “Y-yeah. I guess…that.”
“You’re very cute when you’re flustered.”
“Well if you’d like to see me flustered you should see me try to take my pants off when I’m really excited.”
“Why are we here again?” Ryan asked as they approached the entryway of the large house.
Bailey rolled her blue eyes. “Because we’re freshman in college. We’re here to make friends, experience new things, and party. We were lucky to get this invite, so don’t be a wet blanket or next time I won’t bring you along.”
Ryan’s whole tall, lanky frame slouched in defiance. Parties, any kind of party, was not his scene. He liked his socializing done one or two people at a time. The only person who could have talked him into coming was Bailey. But he still wanted it known by his words and posture that he was going reluctantly. “I didn’t get the invite. I’m just your plus one, and I said I’d rather stay in my dorm room.”
“And I ignored what you said and chose to drag you here anyway,” the bubbly blonde chided as she playfully slapped his arm. “It’ll be good for you. You’re always talking about how terrible you are with women. I’ll help you get the confidence boost you need to get laid!”
Ryan stopped walking as his brain didn’t have enough processing power to understand that last sentence and walk at the same time. For the briefest of moments, he thought that Bailey had offered to have sex with him at the party. He would have been more than okay with that.
The day they had met at orientation had been the day his crush on her began. He had been so awkward when introducing himself to her during an icebreaker. Bailey, however, had accepted him just as he was, and then placed him firmly in the friend zone. But every once in a while, he misinterpreted something she said as a possibility for something more. He knew he was probably wrong though, because he always struggled to communicate with the opposite sex.
Still, Ryan was eternally grateful to have met her. Bailey had helped Ryan come out of his shell bit by bit over the last couple of months. They helped each other in their classes when they could. Most of all, Bailey helped Ryan overcome a strong bout of homesickness he felt at the end of the first month. She was a good friend, possibly the only real one he had made on campus. And he was pretty sure he was in love with her. He kept hoping she would make a move on him, but she never did, and he didn’t want to ruin everything by asking for something more.
But she had mentioned getting laid. Him laid to be specific. And his ears had perked up and wondered if she was coming onto him at last. But as his eyes met hers, and he watched her head tilt in confusion, he realized he had mostly likely misread the situation.
Bailey cut back in. “Yes, laid. I thought boys thought about sex all the time. I can be your wingman. Or wing woman as it were.”
“Wing woman, sure. It won't matter. I’m terrible at-”
“Talking to girls, I know!” Bailey finished for him as she rang the doorbell.
“Except for you,” Ryan pointed out.
Bailey smirked. “Because we’re such good friends!”
Ryan almost said something. He almost let it slip that he didn’t want to be her friend. He wanted to be her lover. But that would have been horribly cheesy and pathetic. And she would have laughed at him. And she’d tell him that she didn’t see him that way. And their friendship would effectively be over. So instead of saying anything, he turned to leave. But Bailey caught his shoulder.
“Hey, you can do this,” she said in all seriousness as she spun him back around. “I’m with you all the way.” She booped his nose and winked at him. “Until you go all the way that is.”
Ryan was about to point out that most likely meant she’d be with him forever, when the door swung wide open to reveal Topher Steward. Everyone knew Topher. He was the guy on campus that could get you things. The kind of things that you needed a fake id to get. Or the kinds of things that helped you ace a test without studying. Or the kinds of mind altering substances that police would absolutely arrest you for having in your possession. And he was always on the lookout for the next thing to sell to his fellow students.
“Oh good, you’re here, you’re here,” Topher said with open arms and a wide grin. As he pulled them inside a large foyer, he spoke loud enough for anyone in the house to hear. “I was worried we were going to have to start the party without you.”
Ryan had a brief second to take in the place as they were shuffled into the lavishly decorated interior. It seemed even bigger on the inside. There were stairs that led left and right to a second story. To his right, there seemed to be a study, and beyond that an entryway to what was probably a kitchen.
Topher was leading them to a large room to their left that had a pool table near the middle, shelves of books along one side of the wall, and a fully stocked bar in the corner. There were already thirty or forty people huddled in groups around the room, talking amongst themselves. Ryan thought he knew a few people from around campus. But there was one person he absolutely recognized, because she was probably the hottest girl in a thousand mile radius. Ryan only knew her name was Tiffany, along with the fact that she was a senior with dark hair, an hourglass figure that could stop traffic, and a gorgeous face.
This vision of loveliness stood watching as Topher ushered in what looked to be two naive freshmen, a guy and a girl, into the room. The guy had spotted her, and was now gawking at her tits as if they were celebrities that might give him an autograph. She was used to men staring at her, but they usually did it with a little more subtlety. She shot him a look and a gesture that said my eyes are up here, then made a motion to Topher to start whatever he had planned. She had other places to be. She wouldn’t be here if Topher hadn’t paid her, and he said he’d only need her services for a 90 second demonstration.
On top of that, he’d also paid for her to recruit several of her more attractive sorority sisters who had come as well. That hadn’t been hard. She ran their sorority, so with a snap of her fingers, they would go to whatever party she told them to. But she wasn’t being paid to be lusted after by a lame freshman. She tapped her foot and looked around again for anyone worthy of her company. It took more than a cursory glance, but she finally saw Frank, one of the few good athletes on campus. As usual, he had brought his girlfriend, Kim. That was a pity. She’d totally jump Frank’s bones if Kim didn’t have him on a two foot leash all the time.
Frank was wondering why they were all just standing around. Usually when he came to one of Topher’s parties, the party was raging by the time he walked through the door. So far this was a very quiet and subdued affair, definitely not his preferred scene. He liked his parties loud, because that way he couldn’t hear his girlfriend’s incessant complaining or trying to draw him into a fight. He would have already cut and run if Topher hadn’t told him that it’d be worth his while. So he tried to wait patiently, and hoped his girlfriend Kim would do the same. But by her posture and the expression of discontent on her face, she was going to do no such thing.
“Babe, look at who’s here,” she said derisively. “I’d talk with, maybe like, two or three of these people. And there’s no music, and nobody’s drinking! We’re leaving.”
He slid his hands around Kim’s tight waist and pulled her towards him to hopefully calm her foul modd. She felt so soft against him, and she smelled terrific. “Babe, give Topher a chance. He said-”
Kim pushed his arms down and stepped out of his embrace. “I don’t care what Topher said!” she hissed louder than she knew Frank would like. “I said we’re leaving.”
Frank sighed. It was always her way or the highway, and had been for the last year they’d been dating. It hadn’t been like that in the beginning. She had been a little feisty, and a lot bossy, but she had always accepted his hands on her body. Now most times he tried to be affectionate, especially in public, she’d push him away. With a year and a half to go till graduation, it seemed she was just keeping him around for his status as a jock. That might be fair, because sometimes he wondered if he was keeping her around for her body. The problem was, he got to touch it less and less these days.
As Frank and Kim stepped out to make their exit, Topher called out, "If you go now, you won't get to see what these do."
Every eye locked onto a folded manilla envelope that Topher extracted from his back pocket. He reached inside and pulled out a two by two inch square of glossy white paper.
"Is that some new drug?" Frank asked.
Topher smiled and began to pass them out, one to each person. "Better. I'll explain what it does after everyone gets one. Don't break the seal on the adhesive to them before I tell you so we can all enjoy the ride together."
Everyone's curiosity peaked and the room began to chatter. One by one, they studied the innocuous looking white square that Topher placed in their palm. As people poked and prodded it and held it up to the light, it looked like just an ordinary sticker. How could it be better than recreational drugs?
Ryan was examining his when Bailey nudged him. "We haven't been here five minutes and someone is already checking you out."
"What?" Ryan asked as he doubtfully scanned the room. "Where?"
"Play it cool, Romeo," Bailey said from the side of her mouth. "3 o'clock."
"I asked where," Ryan began, but stopped talking as Bailey's foot came firmly down on his. He gave a quiet yelp, then followed where Bailey's finger pointed. A cute, chubby girl was staring at him from the opposite side of the room. Well, he didn’t notice that she was staring at first. He noticed her boobs first. They were huge. And when his eyes finally found her face, yes, she was staring at him. He recognized her from his Chemistry class. She gave him a little wave, then looked down at her chest, then arched it forward, as if giving Ryan permission to look all he wanted.
"Damn," Bailey whispered. "It might be easier to get you laid than I thought.”
He looked away from the girl as he remembered Bailey’s words earlier. His mood became sulky. “She’s not my type.”
“No giant boobs, check!” Bailey said.
Ryan noticed that someone else was staring in their direction. An overweight, nerdy looking guy was looking intently at Bailey. Ryan pointed him out to her. “It looks like it might be easy for you too!”
“Ugh, that’s Steven!” Bailey muttered. “No thank you!”
“You know him?”
“He keeps hitting on me in my introductory science class. And not just me, I’ve seen him hit on other girls in class as well. He’s real suave about it too,” she said sarcastically. “His signature move is to stare relentlessly like a creep. But he also likes to brush up against anyone of the female persuasion when getting to his seat in class. I’m pretty sure he would hump anything with a pulse, which he might not have if he ever brushes up against me the way I’ve seen him do other girls.”
“I think you should give him a chance.”
Ryan unsuccessfully dodged the hand to the back of his head.
As Topher handed out the last piece, the room grew quiet with anticipation. With a flourish, Topher held up the last square and said, “Thank you all for accepting the invite to my party. It will be unlike any of my other social gatherings, because of this.” He shook the small square in his hand.
“Is it a new drug?” someone asked excitedly.
“It is not,” Topher grinned wildly. As disappointed murmuring broke out in the room, Topher raised both his hands to quiet them down. “It’s something better! And all of you get to be the first to experience it. Tiffany,” he called as he motioned for her to come forward, “now is when I require your assistance.”
Tiffany did as he asked, but with some hesitancy. She liked making money, but hated surprises, or being made to look foolish, and this had the potential for both. But he had paid her five hundred dollars for 90 seconds, so she dutifully strutted over to him and struck a haughty pose with a fake smile. The clock was ticking as of now, and she began to count.
With Tiffany beside him, Topher continued. “What you have in your hand is a sticker that has been infused with a possession spell. Yes, I said spell, as in magic spell. And with it, you’ll be able to possess a person’s body for about 90 seconds.”
Tiffany did her best not to laugh out loud at him. Had he gone mad, or was he under the influence of some powerful pharmaceuticals? Either way, this would be over in 77 seconds.
Kim was already pulling on Frank’s arm, a sign that she wanted to go. His eyes met hers, and she said loudly, “You brought me here for this. This is a joke, you idiot. Topher’s messing with us. It’s just an excuse for us all to act crazy and pretend someone is possessing us. It’s stupid. We’re not kids.”
Before anyone had a chance to exit, Topher cooly said, “I know none of you will believe me so…” Topher peeled off the plastic tab from the sticker and pressed the adhesive gently to the small of Tiffany’s back. “...so I’ll show you.”
Everyone gasped as Topher’s body phased into Tiffany, who seemed completely unaware that anything was happening to her. Her body only twitched slightly, and then relaxed.
Tiffany began to speak as if nothing were out of the ordinary as she raised a hand and stroked her soft face. “As you can see, I’m not lying. I’m not making it up. The possession spell works. I am now in control of Tiffany’s body.” Her hand slid from her face, landed on her breast, and continued its descent down her voluptuous body. “Every single bit of it.”
It took almost half a minute for Topher to quiet everyone down again. When they did, he kept on explaining with Tiffany’s voice, but his salesmanship. “I can see a lot of you have questions, and I’ll give you the basics. But if you want more than that, you’ll just have to experience it for yourself. For starters, it is reusable as long as the sticker’s adhesive holds, which in testing is around ten to fifteen times. To use it, you must stick it to a person’s back. It doesn’t matter if it’s their skin or their clothes, just has to be near the center of their back for the spell to kick in. And that’s it. You don’t have to say or chant anything, because the spell has been preprogrammed into the sticker. And-”
Tiffany’s body jerked again, and Topher’s body rematerialized right behind her. Tiffany was at a count of 24 seconds. He’d better hurry up with whatever he was trying to sell.
Topher picked back up his pitch in his body. “Well, once the time is up, you pop back out with the person you possessed none the wiser, thinking that nothing has happened at all. And then you can go again by pressing the sticker on their back if you want. Or you can pick someone else. Or you can let someone possess you, or-”
Tiffany stopped counting. Why was Topher so obsessed with this silly bit of fiction. She spun to look at him and asked, “What are you talking about? No one’s going to believe any of this.” But she saw that everyone’s eyes were on her as if she had done a spectacular magic trick.
“You see?” Topher said jubilantly. “She has no idea she was possessed! When you stick someone, it happens instantly, and when you come out, no time for them has passed. The only way they might have a clue that anything funny happened, is if you’ve changed their surroundings, like say moved them to a different room, or if you’ve been naughty and maybe taken off a few articles of their clothing.” He mimed taking his shirt off.
“How is this better than drugs?” a dimwitted sophomore asked.
Topher addressed the question while he deftly reached behind Tiffany’s back and retrieved the sticker. “Haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like to be in someone else’s skin? To feel taller, or stronger, or…” he placed the sticker onto Tiffany’s back again, and Topher vanished into her.
Tiffany’s hands went just under her breasts, and she pushed them up and locked eyes with several guys in the room. “...or to know what it’s like to touch the best boobs on campus?” As Topher glanced around, he saw that he had just convinced every man to stick around. “But ladies, you could know what it’s like to have an extra appendage between your legs. To feel what it’s like to run a hand up and down your own dick for a change. Or, you could walk a mile in another woman’s shoes and see the world through their eyes. The possibilities are endless, right up til the time runs out.”
Topher could tell that not everyone was on board, but many were already imagining what they could do, or who they wanted to try it out on first. He hurried his pitch along. “But maybe some of you are worried that if you were possessed, someone would have access to all the secrets inside your head. Well rest easy. No one will be able to access your mind, your memories, your passwords and pin numbers. The only thing a person will know about you is what they already knew when they possessed you.”
Topher knew he’d convinced even more of them now by more eyes darting around, looking for a person to stick. He gave the naysayers their only out. “Anyone who wants to go should leave right now. You can even take your stickers with you, but know this! They won’t work outside of this house. The magic is tied to this place. The sticker would become just an ordinary sticker. And if you try to leave in the body of another person, you’d get ejected from them immediately.”
Tiffany’s eyes had a few more seconds to gauge people’s responses, until Topher reappeared behind her. She didn’t understand why Topher had stopped talking mid sentence. Her sorority sisters were looking at her with a mix of nervousness, excitement, and possibly fear. She didn’t think a full 90 seconds had passed, but she was going to cut whatever this was short. “Look, Topher, if you don’t need me anymore, my sisters and I are going to leave.”
“Just 10 more seconds, Tiffany,” Topher said patiently. “Yes, anyone who wants to, should go now.” Six people began to shuffle forward to leave. Before they could get far, Topher added one more incentive. “But for anyone who wants to stay, there is an open bar.”
Only three people actually left, one of which was the frightened looking sorority sister. Tiffany thought that was weird. Nobody left when there was an open bar. Why hadn’t Topher led with that instead of talking about some possession sticker nonsense.
One person that was trying to leave was Kim. She was gritting her teeth and glaring furiously at her boyfriend. “Let’s go!” she commanded.
But Frank dug in his heels and said firmly. “I want to stay! If you want to go, go!”
His girlfriend’s eyes narrowed and both her hands went to her hips. “Why? So some skank can possess you and grab your dick? Or maybe they possess me and try and make out with you? Is that something you want? For some hussy or geek to take me over and make out with you?”
“Uh…” Was all the reply Frank could muster. Her words had sounded so exciting, so forbidden and alluring.
“Are you kidding me right now?” was all that Kim got out, before a girl behind her put a sticker on Kim’s back
Frank watched with wide eyes as it happened. He saw his girlfriend gasp, then squeal! She began to flex and wiggle her fingers. After that, she brought her hands to her boobs and started squeezing them shamelessly. “Not as large as mine,” Kim’s voice said appreciatively. “But definitely perkier.” Kim looked up into Frank’s eyes and smiled. “Sorry. It seemed like your girlfriend was about to rip you a new one. I hope you don’t mind.”
Not only did Frank not mind, but he was hornier than he had ever been. “Would you mind if I made out with my girlfriend right now? Probably won’t get a chance to later.”
The person in Kim appeared to consider it for a second, then shrugged her shoulders and giggled. “Sury, why not. It’s not my body.”
Their lips met and their tongues intertwined, but Frank wouldn’t get to experience all of it, because a sticker got placed on his back as well.
All around them, people were placing their stickers, and several people disappeared into someone else.
“Let the possession party commence!” Topher shouted. He bobbed and weaved his way quickly to the bar and began pouring drinks. “If any of you are feeling frisky, all the bedrooms are available to you!” He pressed a button on his phone and dance music flooded the room.
The most attractive people were the first to get possessed. Bailey would have fallen into that category, but when two people tried, Ryan saw them coming and intervened, pulling her out of the way. They escaped temporarily to a corner and watched as people started behaving strangely. Clothes began coming off and inhibitions were shed all around them. All combinations of people started making out passionately, guys and girls, guys and guys, and girls and girls, kissing, touching, groping. Two of the sorority girls had taken off their tops and bras and were just mashing their boobs together and giggling profusely.
“So, we’re not staying and being a part of this insanity, are we?” Ryan asked Bailey as they surveyed the debauchery around them. He wanted to leave. But he was also keenly aware that Bailey was almost cheek to cheek with him, and he didn’t mind that at all. He could smell her perfume, or lotion…whatever girls wear that made them smell good. He’d stay in this corner with just her for hours if she’d let him.
“How about I let you know in 90 seconds,” Bailey grinned as she snaked a hand behind Ryan’s back and placed her sticker.
To Ryan, it was as if no time had passed at all. Bailey’s face was grinning mischievously at him one second, and then the next, his face was meshed together with a girl’s. He could feel her in his mouth. It was hot and wet and warm. His dick was throbbing. He pulled back, and saw Bailey appear next to him out of the corner of his eye. He recognized the girl in front of him though, the one who had just been exploring his mouth with her tongue. It was the chubby girl that had been staring at him earlier.
She looked at him now with disappointment and hunger. “Why’d you stop?” Then she spotted Bailey.. “Oh, were you the one possessing him?”
“I don’t…” Ryan was at a loss. He looked at Bailey curiously, and she just gave him a thumbs up.
The girl smirked at Bailey and extended a hand towards her. “You’re a really good kisser. My name’s Tabitha.”
She took it and replied, “I’m Bailey, and this guy that can’t form complete sentences is my friend Ryan.”
“Just friends?” Tabitha asked firmly.
“Oh yeah, just friends,” Bailey confirmed, which felt like a knife through Ryan’s heart.
Tabitha looked at Ryan slyly. “I wonder if he’d kiss differently now?”
“Only one way to find out,” Bailey teased.
Tabitha wasted no time in pulling Ryan’s face back to hers. Again, Ryan felt her hot tongue as it probed his mouth. She was the one that ended the kiss this time. “Not as good, but he can learn.”
Ryan glanced at Bailey, and saw that she was happy for him. He couldn’t help but resent her pushing this Tabitha person into his path. Yes, he had gotten all worked up. But he was not happy. He didn’t want Tabitha. He wanted Bailey. He should just tell her that, out loud, instead of it broadcasting on loop in his mind. But he knew, deep down, he was too much of a coward. He tried to smile back at his friend, but his mouth crinkled and looked like had bitten into something sour.
Bailey thought he was joking, and made a face back at him. “Enjoy yourself, kids. I’m going to go get a drink.”
As she walked towards the bar, Tabitha hinted at Ryan, “I wouldn’t say no to a drink.”
Ryan had found his ability to brood wildly impared by a toplessTiffany who was making out with one of her sorority sisters.
Tabitha’s temper flared, but she gave Ryan another chance and loudly repeated, “Will you get me a drink?”
The question got into Ryan’s ears and bounced around as he saw the two gorgeous women kiss and fondle each other. He somehow managed to say, “I’m not thirsty.”
Tabitha looked angrily in Tiffany’s direction, and walked away from Ryan, who had just seemed to notice how many more topless women there were in the room.
Close by, Frank noticed his kiss with Kim had ended abruptly. One second he was kissing her luscious lips, and the next she had disappeared. Before he could even look around for her, time seemed to skip again, and he found himself in a room making out with a girl he had seen earlier, but didn’t know. Her hands were underneath his shirt, feeling the abs he worked so hard to keep. He heard the door shut behind him as whoever had possessed him left for a different target.
The woman in front of him was now trying to remove his shirt entirely. As he began to push her away, his girlfriend burst through the door at the worst possible time.
Kim charged like a bull and yelled, “Is this why you wanted to stay you two timing bastard!”
The girl on the bed with Frank yelped, rolled away, and ran out the door.
“Baby, this isn’t what it looks like!” Frank began.
“It looked like you were hooking up with that girl that just ran out of here!” Kim said as she took a swipe at Frank.
Frank dodged, and then continued to do so as Kim kept yelling and swinging away at him. Unbeknownst to her, a rotund looking guy had entered the room, and was sneaking up behind her. Frank saw. He saw it clearly. He could have said something, could have warned her, or shouted at the guy to stop, but he didn’t. A part of him, a very specific part actually, wanted his girlfriend to be possessed. He watched as a sticker was placed on her back, and the guy took control of his girlfriend’s hot body.
Instantly, Kim began to take her top and hurriedly struggled with her bra strap. As she did this, she said, “Ooh, I like this one. She’s real feisty. You’re welcome by the way, man. I think she had it in for you..”
The bra fell away and her perky breasts sprang into view. It wasn’t Frank’s first time seeing them, but it was different somehow. It wasn’t his girlfriend behind those eyes. It was someone else, controlling her, moving her, exposing her. For reasons he could not explain, it was the hottest thing he had ever experienced.
“Hey,” Frank said in almost a whisper. “That’s my girlfriend.”
The person inside Kim took this as a challenge, and Kim retorted, “Well sorry pal, but she’s mine for like, another 80 seconds or so.”
Frank looked her body up and down, then asked, “Could you take off her skirt too?”
Kim raised one eyebrow and jeered, “You want me to take off her panties while I’m at it?”
“Yes,” Frank said quietly. He was suddenly embarrassed as he realized he was asking this of another guy. A guy who would slide her underwear down her legs. Who would be able to see his girlfriend without a stitch on her.
Kim began to slowly nod like Frank’s request were totally sensible. “Alright. But first, introductions. The guy extended Kim’s hand while the other cupped a boob. “The name’s Steven.”
“Oh, uh, Frank.” He shook the offered hand. This part was weird, but it was worth it as he watched Kim’s eyes lock onto his, and she pulled down her skirt, then her panties.
“So, now what?” Kim’s voice asked casually. “You’re just going to stare at me? I mean, if that’s what gets you going.”
Frank thought it was so weird hearing Kim sound so easy going and accommodating. She’d been nothing but angry, bossy, and belligerent to him for months. Now she was talking to him without any of those tones or irritated expressions she typically used. And now that he wasn’t shaking her hand, she was groping both of her boobs.
“Can you like, make her strike sexy poses?” Frank stammered. Why was he so nervous?
Kim stopped mid squeeze. “I thought you said she was your girlfriend? Why can’t you just ask her to do that for you?”
“She is, I just, um, we’ve been going through a rough patch recently and…”
Kim put a hand on his shoulder. “Trouble in paradise. I get it. Say no more. I can pose her real provocative like, and you could take pictures. I wouldn’t mind that, especially if you’re willing to send them my way.” Kim fell back onto the bed and asked with feigned innocence, “Now how do you want me?”
Frank’s mouth went dry as he pulled out his phone to take pics.
Downstairs, Ryan was still gawking at the boobs all around him, but eventually remembered that Bailey was somewhere on the premises. Hadn’t she said the bar? He went to find her to see if she was ready to leave. But should he try possessing someone first? That was the whole point of this, wasn’t it? He could possess Bailey, but…just because she had possessed him, didn’t mean she’d be cool with him possessing her. They should just leave. But first he had to find Bailey She was being a terrible wing woman.
He felt someone touch his arm and he whirled around. He swallowed hard, as a genuine goddess began speaking to him.
“So, can you like, protect me from all the creeps here?” Tiffany asked like a helpless maiden. “Everyone keeps possessing my friends and I. Maybe if I’m with you, they’ll leave me alone.”
“Oh, uh, I guess that’s okay.” Ryan managed meekly.
She sidled up next to him and began running her hand up and down his arm. “My hero. I’m glad you’re here to look after me.”
Ryan tried to respond, but he had registered that her breast was pressing into his arm. It was so big and soft. He had never imagined being this close to Tiffany’s boobs. His head had turned of its own accord and his eyes had zeroed in on her cleavage. He had a front row seat to the twins. He could die happy. Wait, she was saying something. He hadn’t been paying attention! “I’m sorry, what?”
Tiffany giggled. “I said you seemed hypnotized by my boobs.”
Ryan went red. He couldn’t look at Tiffany. In a panic, he began frantically looking around for Bailey to help him. “Oh. I’m sorry! They were right there and, they’re so perfect, and…”
Her eyes narrowed. “Who are you looking for if perfect boobs are right in front of you?”
“My friend, Bailey,” Ryan answered honestly, even as his airway seemed to be closing up as a defense mechanism not to say anything stupid until his friend could come and bail him out.
Tiffany pulled back and put her hands on her hips. “Ryan. A very attractive woman that you couldn’t stop ogling earlier is now right in front of you, and you’re looking for me! Get your head in the game!”
Ryan’s head snapped back to Tiffany. “What?”
And right about then he watched as Bailey was ejected from Tiffany’s body.
“Are you kidding me?” Ryan asked her. While Tiffany looked at the familiar freshman in front of her, Bailey moved quickly to retrieve the sticker.
“What is happening?” Tiffany blurted angrily. “I seem to keep blacking out and waking up with different people in front of me.” She looked down at her outfit. “At least my tits aren’t out this time!”
Bailey put the sticker back onto Tiffany’s killer bod and was back in the driver’s seat a moment later.
“Why are you inside her?” Ryan asked.
“Oh, so you can talk now that you know it’s me in here?” Tiffany/Bailey challenged.
“Well, yeah, I mean…”
“I’m trying to build your confidence Ryan. Tiffany is just a girl. Sure, she’s hot and all, but you can carry on a conversation with her the same as me if you just…Ryan…” She saw that she had lost him again to the depths of her temporary cleavage. “Oh for the love of…here! Get it out of your system.”
She grabbed the back of his head and plunged him face forward into her tits. She laughed as he struggled briefly, but then he began to slide his face around the big, bouncy orbs. Bailey noted that it felt good, maybe better than hers felt. But it had been awhile since someone’s face had been this close to her chest.
Ryan was in heaven, but with a limited supply of oxygen. He didn’t mind though. His face was between Tiffany’s boobs, with Bailey in charge. He’d still prefer Bailey’s body, but he could make do. He lifted an arm and pulled her top and bra down, just enough for a nipple to pop out.
“Hey, I’m not sure you should…” Tiffany’s voice protested, but stopped as Bailey felt Ryan’s tongue snake out and lick her borrowed tit. Damn! It was so sensitive. She was going to have to rub one out when this was all over. Or maybe she could still find a guy at this party to screw. As Ryan began to suck on the nipple, she reveled in the pleasure for several seconds, then pushed him back. “Okay, okay. I think your confidence has been built. Told you I’d be a great wing woman.”
“Can I…could you let me kiss her?” Ryan begged. “I uh, probably need a lot of practice in that area.”
Tiffany’s mouth grimaced slightly. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
“You made me kiss a girl with my own mouth earlier!” Ryan countered. “And you just let me lick Tiffany’s tits!”
“That’s a very good point,” Tiffany laughed. “Well, I guess it’s okay.”
She puckered and leaned forward. Ryan felt his heart surge, and his lips met hers, and it was an amazing two seconds, and then he felt the slap.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing!” Tiffany shrieked, and hurried off. She only made it five steps before a guy hopped into her and began feeling her up.
Bailey was standing in front of Ryan, and mouthed the word sorry.
“It’s fine,” Ryan said with a hand on his stinging cheek.
“Let me make it up to you. Is there anyone else you’d like me to possess?” Bailey asked helpfully.
Ryan thought that was such a loaded question. There were several beautiful women in this house. Bailey would probably let him touch any of them he wanted. But the person he really wanted to touch was right in front of him. He should just say that.
He tried. “Maybe…what if you…”
And then Tabitha walked behind Bailey and put a sticker on her back.
Upstairs, Frank was wishing 90 seconds were longer as Steven popped out of Kim for the fifth time, and promptly fell off the bed with a loud thunk. As his girlfriend’s face flared with anger, Frank reached towards her and pulled the sticker off her back. “Here!” he said, and shoved it towards Steven.
“Are you helping this gross pervert possess me?” Kim snarled. She looked down at herself. “And you still haven’t made him put my clothes on?”
As she was shouting, Steven placed the sticker on her back. It didn’t stick, but fell off.
“Put it on her man!” Frank urged.
“I did!” Steven said anxiously. “It’s not sticking anymore. That means the spell won’t work.” He looked towards the closed bedroom door as he planned a quick exit. He did not want to be in the middle of the impending lover’s quarrel.
“Worst. Boyfriend. Ever!” Kim shouted. “What were you letting him do to me?” She seemed to notice the phone in his hand for the first time and gasped. “Were you taking naked pictures of me? While this jerk was touching my body? I’m going to kill both of you as soon as I get my fucking clothes back on!”
“That’s my cue!” Steven said as he lumbered towards the door. “Good luck man.”
Steven was pretty out of shape, and Frank beat him by a mile to the door. He grabbed Steven by the shoulder and began whispering in his ear. “I never used my sticker. You can have it if you keep possessing her and, uh…let me…”
“What are you whispering about?” Kim shouted as she pulled her pants back on.
“Let me touch her,” Frank blurted out.
“I told you I’m not doing anything gay!”
“It’s not gay when you’re in a chick!”
Kim’s shirt was on, and she walked towards them with malicious resolve in her eyes.
“Negotiate later!” Steven squawked. “Possess now!”
Frank gave him the sticker he had kept in his pocket. A second later, his girlfriend’s hands were pummeling him about the head. He blocked what he could and tried to catch her arms.
“We are officially over!” she screamed. “And you should know I’ve been cheating on you with Mark for months. He’s got a huge dick! Much bigger than-”
But she stopped as Steven had moved behind her, and taken control.
Frank felt the fight go out of Kim. His hands were still on her. He let them slide down her arms. Her face lifted to his, and she looked him straight in the eyes and asked very hesitantly, “What kind of touching? Does this count?”
Frank stared at her soft lips. He wanted to kiss her so bad right now. Why? Why was she so much more alluring to him this way, with someone else inside of her?
“Hey dummy,” she said snapping her fingers in front of his face. “Clock’s ticking. What do you want me to do so I can keep your sticker?”
“I want to kiss you!” Frank demanded.
Kim’s body twisted from his grasp. “Gross. No way! I’m not kissing a guy. I didn’t have a problem posing your girl, especially after you said you’d send me the pics. But I’m not kissing you, or letting you touch me, or…”
“What if I eat her out?”
Kim/Steven paused. “I, uh…I guess that’s… Would I have to see your face?”
Frank shook his head. “Not if it’s between your legs.”
Steven was tempted. He’d only played with the boobs of the other girls’ he’d possessed, except for Kim. He’d managed to clumsily rub her pussy. It had felt okay, but he was pretty sure he was doing it wrong. “Have you eaten your girlfriend’s pussy before?”
“It’s been awhile, but yeah.”
“Did she like it?”
“Oh yeah.”
Steven knew the seconds were slipping away. He didn’t want to waste a whole possession round on the negotiations. “I guess, but no other touching.”
“How about this,” Frank said as he fished from his pocket Kim’s unused sticker that he had taken from her early in the chaos. “I give you this fresh sticker as well, and you let me kiss my girlfriend before I lick her pussy and make you cum.”
Two stickers! That was enough for Steven. “Deal! But I’m going to close my eyes and pretend you’re a chick. And try not to use a lot of tongue-”
But Frank’s mouth covered up any more words from Kim’s mouth. And his hands became needy and started extracting her from her clothes as quickly as he could.
Downstairs, Tabitha in Bailey’s body was grilling Ryan about his preferences. “How about that one?” she said as she pointed to a brunette taking shots at the bar.
“No. I don’t want you to possess her either?”
“And you’re sure you don’t want me to possess that Tiffany girl again? The incredibly hot one that everyone has been fighting over.”
“I’m sure.”
“Then who do you want? Because it wasn’t me! I could tell when you kissed me. But I can be literally anyone in this house you’d like to fuck right now. So who’s it going to be?”
“I, uh, no one, okay. Why do you even want to do this with me?”
A mischievous expression danced across Bailey’s face. “Because my kink is deflowering virgins. And I’d be willing to bet that you have never had a first time, have you?”
Ryan sighed and nodded once.
“Well then, virgin boy, I find myself with a terrific opportunity, and a quandary. You don’t seem to want to have sex in my body, but that’s okay, because I can be anyone in this house that you want me to be.” Tabitha watched him carefully. He refused to make eye contact with her, and only stared at the floor. Occasionally his eyes would drift up and he’d look her in the boobs.
A thought occurred to her, and she ventured a guess. “It’s this girl, isn’t it? The one I’m in right now. Bailey, right? The one that’s just your friend. She’s the one you really want.” Ryan said nothing but his eyes snapped right to hers, and they were filled with panic. That look told Tabitha all she needed to know, and she placed a hand gently onto Ryan’s cheek. “Well, she’s right here for the taking,” Bailey’s voice purred. “What do you say, virgin boy?”
“It’s not the same,” Ryan argued. “You’re not really her. And the spell will wear off any-”
And at that moment, it did, and Tabitha felt herself pushed out of Bailey’s body. She grabbed the sticker off of Bailey’s back, and almost put it back on. But she looked at Ryan curiously first, and seemed to reconsider her course of action. She whirled about suddenly and headed towards the bar where Topher was pouring a steady stream of drinks.
Bailey pulled her hand from Ryan’s face and asked curiously, “Did someone just possess me? What did they make me do?”
“Nothing,” Ryan said truthfully. “We just talked.”
“What? Lame!” Her gaze shifted to something behind him. “Oh my gosh! Look at that!” she exclaimed, pointing to a guy in the corner of the room. His sizeable dick was out and he was twirling it around and around. “He’s doing the helicopter twirl thing! I’d heard guys could do that, but I’ve never seen it til now.”
A girl popped out behind the guy just then and she walked away with a blush and a smile. She didn’t get far, as someone hopped into her, and her tits were out shortly thereafter.
“You good for a bit?” Bailey asked. “I’ve got to go try that out.”
“The helicopter thing? Be my guest,” Ryan said, doing his best to smile at her.
Bailey started to walk away, but noticed the cracks in her friend’s smile. “You okay?”
Ryan did his best to swallow his feelings. “I’m fine. Go and see what it’s like to twirl a dick. Can we leave after that?”
She sighed. “I guess, since it doesn’t seem like you’re having a good time.” And then she ran to sticker the guy.
A few seconds later, Ryan heard a guy’s voice yell from across the room, “Ryan, look! Look at my dick! I’m doing it!”
Ryan waved and gave Bailey another thin lipped smile, then walked to the bar. He might as well get a drink before he left. He was glad to see that Tabitha had already come and gone.
Upstairs, Steven was in paradise. He was getting eaten out 90 seconds at a time, which wasn’t ideal, but still felt amazing. He was fully prepared to use the last of the stickers possessing Kim if Frank kept licking that pussy.
It was even okay that Frank’s hand occasionally reached up and groped Kim’s boobs. It felt good to have another hand squeezing and pinching them. Steven arched Kim’s back as another wave of pleasure washed over him, as Frank hit that very special spot. “Oh damn! This feels so great! A pussy is so much better than a dick!”
Frank came up for air to ask, “How about you let me fuck her?”
Kim’s hand pushed Frank’s head back down. “Stop talking crazy and keep licking me.”
Frank obeyed for another few seconds, then stuck two fingers inside her sopping wet hole.
Kim/Steven yelped. “Ooh that feels weird, but I like it!”
“My dick goes in even deeper than that,” Frank pointed out. He watched as Kim/Steven seemed to consider this.
But before he could make up his mind, Steven popped out of Kim from behind her, which meant Kim was on top of him. Steven pushed her off quickly, and Frank handed him a sticker, which Steven hurriedly slapped onto Kim’s back. It slid off. “This one’s out, Frank.”
“Okay, here’s the other one.”
Frank saw Kim’s expression during the exchange. She still looked mad, but also like she was trying to work out a puzzle. “What have you been doing to my pussy?” she moaned. “It’s on fire.”
“Uh, just attacking it with my tongue.”
“You haven’t done that in forever,” she growled. She noticed Steven and shot him a glare, but then continued talking to Frank. “My pussy feels so tingly babe. Why don’t you ask this guy to leave so you can get back to it.”
Frank had to wonder why she would suddenly be cool with this, especially after yelling consistently at him between possessions.
“Oh,” Kim cooed. “I know what you’re thinking. This doesn’t mean we’re getting back together. I’m just so turned on right now and…” Kim froze for a second as Steven lunged for her, then, “I’m back inside her again, Frank. You should really listen to what the lady said and get that pussy.”
Not one to look a gift horse in the pussy, Frank did just that, at least for next several seconds. And then he stopped to talk again, and Kim sounded like her old self as she cut him off before he could say a word, “Stop starting and stopping. You keep getting me right to the edge and then back off at the worst time.”
“How about I go ask Topher for more stickers?” Frank propositioned. “I’ll pay him whatever he wants. And you let me fuck Kim with you inside of her, and then you keep the stickers.”
Steven mulled it over quickly, which wasn’t easy as he was so horny and couldn’t really think straight, pun intended. “Go get the stickers, and maybe I’ll give you a handjob.”
Frank tore from the room, a man on a mission.
Ryan was on his second drink at the bar when Frank bumped into him. “Hey man, watch…” Ryan stopped himself from saying anything else when he saw Frank’s additional height and muscles.
“Sorry bro,” Frank said with a brief glance at Ryan. “Hey Topher!”
“Having a good time?” Topher asked with a wink.
Frank glanced at Ryan and a woman at the bar. “I need to have a private conversation real quick with my friend here.”
“Oh, so we’re friends now,” Topher smiled. “I thought I was just your dealer.” He waved everyone else away.
Ryan was slow to leave, and heard Frank say, “No man, we’re best friends. Listen, you got any more stickers? I’m willing to pay.”
Topher nodded like he had expected this. “You’re not the first person to ask. You know the drill. Only the first taste was free.”
“How much?”
“Two hundred bucks.”
Ryan almost spit out his drink as he began to walk away. Two hundred bucks for 90 seconds? Well, 90 seconds times ten. That still seemed like a huge rip off.
He heard Frank read his mind. “That’s way too much money!”
“Well like I said, you only got a taste. What I’m selling will have more of a kick.”
Ryan was out of ear shot after that. He didn’t have money like that to blow anyway. He looked around for Bailey. He really wanted to leave now. He checked where helicopter guy had been. He was still there, but he wasn’t twirling his dick anymore. He was stroking it though, and a few other girls were watching him do it with wide, hungry eyes.
Ryan observed long enough to see a different girl hop out of him. Then another girl, one that had been eagerly waiting, possessed him a second later. Ryan shook his head. That well hung guy had a line of girls waiting to possess him like he was some kind of ride. But where was Bailey? He was beginning to get worried when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of his friend’s pretty face.
“Sorry,” Bailey said quickly when she saw his concern fade. “Didn’t mean to worry you. Just had to use the bathroom.”
“It’s okay. You ready to go?”
“Well, what if-”
A person slapped her hard on the back, interrupting her. A guy had just put a sticker on her back. It stuck to her, but the guy didn’t disappear into her. He pulled it off and cursed, then said, “Oh man. I think I’m out!”
As he turned and walked away, he got possessed a second later by a girl who ran up behind and stuck him. His body quickly walked over to where Tiffany was making out with another guy, and began grinding his dick against her hip.
“If people are running out, that means the party will be winding down soon, I guess,” Ryan noted. “Sorry you didn’t get laid, Bailey. At least you got to swing a dick around. How did that feel?”
“What?” Bailey asked, then added quickly. “Oh, uh, good I guess. Hey, come with me.”
She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the foyer, but instead of going towards the door, she led him up the flight of stairs.
“Where are we going?” Ryan asked.
“Just somewhere with a bit of privacy,” was all she said.
The first two rooms they tried were occupied. One contained a guy and a girl going at it like it was their job. The second one had the makings of a mini orgy. Ryan had to pull Bailey away from that one because she couldn’t stop staring.
When they got into the third room, Bailey locked the door behind them, then looked intently at Ryan.
“What?” Ryan wondered aloud. “Do I got something on my face? Why’d you bring us up here?”
“Is there something you want to say to me?” Bailey asked. She walked towards him slowly with a look of concern.
“What?” Ryan asked apprehensively. Internally, his mind was racing, wondering if she knew about his feelings for her. If she asked him directly, he’d deny, deny, deny.
“Is the reason you didn’t pursue any of the other girls here…” she got shy all of a sudden. “Is it because maybe…you like me?”
“Yes!” Ryan practically shouted. So much for denial. “I mean…I know we’re friends. And I don’t want to ruin that. Our friendship has been the best thing that happened to me since I got here and-”
Bailey raced towards him and kissed him. Her momentum pushed him back, and he fell into a sitting position on the bed. Bailey crawled onto his lap, and peppered his lips and face with her mouth.
“Oh my gosh!” he gasped. “Is this really happening? Is this real?”
In a quick movement, she yanked her shirt off and watched as his eyes locked onto her bra. “What do you think?” She seemed to take a moment to admire her cleavage before taking one of his hands and placing it over her bra. She helped him squeeze her. “Do these feel real, Ryan?”
Ryan was so happy, and so turned on, but there was this thought, a stupid thought, one that buzzed about and dared to try and interrupt his happiness. “Uh, is it really you in there, Bailey?”
With mild shock, she asked, “What? You think someone’s possessing me right now and that’s why I’m coming on to you?”
“Well, yes. I mean, this was a possession party after all.”
Bailey nodded thoughtfully. “Okay, you’re right. But it has been longer than 90 seconds since I started talking to you downstairs, hasn’t it?”
“I think so.”
“Well if you’re not sure, why don’t you count down from 90. You can watch me closely while I remove this bra.” With a soft click, she unfastened the clasp, and let the bra slowly fall away from her boobs. Ryan was watching very closely indeed as she added. “If you see anyone pop out of me, you’ll know I was possessed. But if not, you can decide what you’d like to do with me next.”
In a room close by, Kim became aware for what seemed like the twentieth time that she was sitting on a bed, still completely naked. That wasn’t new to her. Nor was the fact that her fingers were on her pussy or a hand was squeezing her boobs. That had been how she had discovered herself a few times now. Also not new, was how her body felt. It wanted sex, it wanted to be penetrated, it wanted to climax! She hadn’t been this worked up in a while But none of that mattered because she knew what would happen if she didn’t move quickly. The pervert behind her would put the sticker onto her back and take over her body. And then she’d find herself in a slightly different position with a finger on her clit and a hand on her boob in another 90 seconds.
All of this flashed across her mind in the span of a few moments, which normally would have been too long, but behind her, Steven had fumbled the sticker. He picked it up off the bed and tried to place it again, but Kim had already sprung to her feet, whirled around, and faced him.
The door was just past him. She could do this. She’d have to run into the rest of the house naked. And would have to dodge anyone else with a sticker. But she’d just have to make it out of the house. That’s what Topher had said. The magic only worked inside the house. And then she’d get even with Frank, and Topher too. But first she’d flatten this overweight geek who was standing in her way. She faked like she was about to dart left, then faked again to the right. The guy’s response time was slow. She could get by this guy with no problem.
“I uh, I can’t let you leave before Frank gets back,” Steven stammered.
“Yeah, and why’s that?” Kim shot back.
“Because he wants to, uh…” Steven couldn’t finish and went red.
Kim spit out the rest in a fury. “He wants to fuck me! While you’re in my body! Is that it?”
“No, I wouldn’t let…I’m not gay!”
Kim laughed in spite of herself. “Oh, I’m sorry! I get confused sometimes. You’re not gay. You just want my boyfriend’s dick inside of you, while you’re in me. Now it all makes sense.”
“It’s not the same!” Steven argued, trying to stall for time. “He just really knows how to get you off! But he’ll only do it for your body. That’s why he’s coming back. He can’t get enough of that,” he said as he motioned to her.
Kim wasn’t sure how to feel about that. She believed their relationship had been nearing its end, but…he still wanted her. She had walked all over him for months, and he still only had eyes for her. He could be banging any other girl while she had been possessed, but he wanted her body. But then she gave it more thought. He wanted her body, but not her mind, otherwise Frank wouldn’t need this pathetic excuse of a man to possess her. And Frank had been helping him do it!
“Well, he’s going to have to learn to live without me!” Kim declared, and then made her move. She had been right. The guy’s weight did make him slower. She was past him in a flash and her hand was on the door before he was fully off the bed. She yanked it open, and ran right into Frank.
“Steven, I thought I told you to stay…” Frank trailed off as he saw a sheepish Steven with one foot still on the bed. “Oh, I see.”
Kim whirled around so her back wasn’t exposed to Steven, so he couldn’t use the sticker on her. Her bare butt backed into Steven, and she felt his dick push against her. She understood what it was to be between a rock and a hard place.
With her eyes on Steven, she pleaded with Frank, “Babe, you don’t need him. If you want to fuck me, I’ll let you. I didn’t know you still loved me and wanted me this much. If you make this creep go away, we can try again.”
Frank put his beefy hands on her shoulders and spun her around. She was scared for a second, until she heard Frank’s booming voice say, “Drop the sticker, Steven.”
“But…” Steven protested as he shambled forward.
Kim smirked. She couldn’t believe Frank was buying her “try again” speech. She looked up at him and said, “My hero.” Then gave him a peck on the cheek.
She was so confident that her deception was working, that she didn’t notice Frank’s hand reach into his back pocket and pull out a blue sticker, and extend it towards Steven. Steven wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, but then he made eye contact with Frank, who winked at him. Steven closed the gap quickly, grabbed the sticker from Frank’s hand, and began to remove the plastic tab.
Kim realized that something was going on, but when she tried to turn around and see, Frank’s hands clamped onto her shoulders, pinning her to the spot. “What’s going on, Frank?” she asked sharply.
Frank gave her a knowing smile. “Everything with you has been hard lately, and you just suddenly have a change of heart about us? I’m sure that’s not the only time you’ve been fake with me.”
She began to squirm in his grip as she shouted in his face, “You’re right about that you pathetic waste of space! I will make you regret this! First chance I get I’m going to cut off your-”
And then the fight left her. She stopped squirming, and her face broke out into a grin. “I’m back in.”
Frank couldn’t help himself. He kissed her.
Steven felt a tongue enter Kim’s smaller mouth. Her feminine body responded automatically to the sensation of Frank’s body so close to hers. Steven’s mind rejected it a moment later, and he pushed Frank off and began spitting. “No, ew! Gross, man! Why’d you do that?”
Frank ushered them both in so he could lock the door. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself. This is such a huge turn on for me.”
“I’m happy you’ve found your kink, but I am not comfortable kissing you.”
“But it’s okay if I eat her out?”
“Obviously,” Kim/Steven said as she fell backwards onto the bed and spread her legs wide.
“And you’ll let me feel her tits?”
“Yeah, yeah, all that feels good. Now hurry up so we don’t waste this sticker.”
Frank opened his mouth to say something, then thought better of it and lowered his mouth to Kim’s pussy. It wasn’t long before Kim’s moans filled the room. Frank started groping her tits with one hand, then both. She grabbed his hands and helped him squeeze harder. She had always liked it a little rough.
Steven found it hard to think about anything else but the waves of pleasure that kept rippling through Kim’s body. If he had been aware of the passage of time, he might have realized that more than 90 seconds had come and gone, a few times actually. He felt a finger go inside of Kim’s pussy again, then two, all while Frank’s tongue did its thing. Steven felt Kim’s pelvis begin to instinctively writhe and buck against Frank’s face, and a tsunami of ecstasy washed over him from head to toe. It was better than any orgasm Steven had ever felt in a male body, and lasted much longer as well.
Frank stopped his tongue lashing and withdrew his fingers. He looked at Kim, who lay sweaty and spent before him. His dick was throbbing. It needed release. Her legs had closed around Frank’s head as she came, but he steadily began to spread them wide again.
A thought finally occurred to Steven. “Hey, how long’s it been? Shouldn’t I have been kicked out of her by now?”
“If it had been the normal sticker, yeah. But Topher gave me one that lasts a bit longer.”
Kim’s face became worried. “How much longer?”
“Twenty four hours,” Frank said, and placed a finger directly onto Kim’s clit.
Kim moaned and her body squirmed. “But, that’s too long,” Kim/Steven whined. “I don’t want to be a girl for a whole day.”
“I’ll try to help it pass quickly for you,” Frank smiled as he slipped a finger back inside. “Or I could stop right now and we could go our separate ways.”
“No!” she pleaded. “Keep doing that! I’m still so horny! I could totally go again.”
That was the other kick Topher had promised. Not only would this version of the spell last longer, but it included an aphrodisiac spell. The possessed person’s body would have a higher libido the whole time. Still, Frank acted surprised by Steven’s words, even as he continued to tease Kim’s clit. “Oh? Well, I wish I could help you, but…” Frank stopped touching Kim entirely, leaving a very frustrated Steven.
Steven wasn’t dumb. He knew where this was heading. Kim’s body didn’t seem to care though. Steven made himself one final compromise. “I’ll shut my eyes, okay? But no kissing. And you can just…do what you need to do, but keep getting me off.”
“That’s my Kimmy,” Frank said. He watched Kim roll her eyes at that, before shutting them tightly. He pulled off his pants and boxers, and then stared at her sopping pussy for a few seconds.
Steven still didn’t look as Frank rubbed the tip of his dick in her juices, getting it nice and wet for entry. But Steven couldn’t stop himself from letting out a delighted squeal in Kim’s voice as Frank’s dick went in. Kim’s pussy was being filled slowly, inch by glorious inch. Kim’s eyes opened as Frank began to pump in and out of her. Steven was letting a guy fuck him. That had not been on his to do list today.
He looked down and was calmed by the sight of Kim’s tits, bobbing up and down as Frank pounding Kim’s pussy. Steven knew that Frank had clearly gotten more than a little pent up. It was okay. As long as he didn’t try to kiss him again. It was okay that he was inside this body. It felt good. So good. Impossibly good. He could do this. He could stay a girl for twenty four hours. He wondered how many orgasms a girl could have in that time. He couldn’t wait to find out.
Back in Ryan and Bailey’s room, things had moved a little more slowly. At Bailey’s insistence, Ryan had begun counting to 90, very slowly. Bailey had turned his count into a silent striptease, removing her shorts and underwear. Ryan only made it to 32, and then stood up.
“Can I touch you?” he asked in a nervous tremor.
She gave him a bigger smile than he had ever seen. “Of course. You can touch me anywhere you want.”
And that’s what he did. She giggled as he began to run nervous, shaky hands over her. He felt her soft, smooth skin that seemed to go on forever. His hands went up and down her arms, then he crouched and moved them down the side of her legs. This put her pussy directly in front of him. He saw the patch of dark blonde hair. He moved his hands to the back side of her legs, and lifted them up. When his fingers touched the underside of her butt cheeks, he hesitated.
Bailey was breathing hard as she encouraged him, “Keep going. Feel all of me. I want you to.”
He kept staring at her pussy as his fingers continued their journey. Her cheeks lifted at his touch, and then he was gripping them in his hands. Her butt was small and tight. He spread her cheeks apart, then pushed them together. He saw a trickle of moisture run down her inner thigh.
“Are you…” he started to ask. Then he brought a hand around and touched the clear fluid.
“Yeah, that’s how wet I am right now for you,” Bailey said with knees that began to shake. “I love how you’re touching me. I love how much you want me. I think I’ll need to sit down soon.”
“Of course, sure, yeah,” Ryan said. He stood and led her to the bed. They sat down, and he put a hand on her boob. And then he kissed her. They stayed like this for a minute or two. Ryan had no way of knowing because for him, time was at a standstill. Eventually, some instinct kicked in, and he began to push her down onto the bed.
“Wait,” she said.
Ryan froze, terrified that he had done something wrong.
“It’s your turn to get naked,” she whispered softly.
He sighed, and clumsily shucked off his clothes, almost falling over in the process. Then he was beside her, pushing her down. She spread her legs, letting his dick rub near her pussy entrance. He tried to push into her. His aim was off.
Bailey giggled, then reached down and took his dick into her hand. “Let me help you out there, virgin boy.”
That phrase struck Ryan hard, as Bailey’s hand guided him into her. His face mirrored a mixture of horror and delight as he felt himself slide into her depths. “Oh!” he gasped at the overwhelming sensation of being inside his crush.
“Try not to cum too fast!” she said quickly. “Think of something else if you need to.”
Ryan was already thinking of something else. The phrase virgin boy. That’s what Tabitha had called him. Had Bailey overheard her say that? She couldn’t have. Tabitha had been inside of Bailey at the time, and Bailey wouldn’t have remembered.
“That’s it,” Bailey cooed underneath him. “You’re nice and hard inside of me.This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
Had Ryan ever told Bailey that he was a virgin? He didn’t think so. She might have assumed, but…
She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him deeper. “You have to start a rhythm. You need to go in and out, not all the way out mind you, just to the tip. And then push back into me. Slowly at first, but then you can speed up, and you want to try and go deeper. Good. Just keep doing that.”
Ryan found himself following her instruction, even as his mind wondered. She began to moan loudly underneath him. It was incredibly sexy, and Ryan did not doubt that he would have exploded in her several times already if his mind weren’t otherwise preoccupied.
“Put a hand on my tit and pinch it!” she ordered.
Ryan obliged. She leaned forward for a kiss, and he gave it. It seemed hollow though. His dick didn’t care, and as it surged towards the finish line, he asked, “So, I guess thanks for being a great wing woman.”
Her expression became confused. “What? Wing woman? Sure, whatever. Just give it to me harder!”
He did give it to her harder. He was pumping furiously now as he kept to his line of questioning. “You called yourself that earlier, a couple of times actually. You said you’d be my wing woman and help get me laid.”
Her hips were bucking under him, trying to get him deeper every time. “How am I doing so far?” she cried out.
He could feel his balls tighten, and his dick begin to pulse inside her. Even so, he looked her in the eyes, and said the obvious. “You’re not her, are you?”
The hungry smile she gave him was one he had seen before, on Tabitha. She bucked harder and faster against him as she saw he was right on the edge. Then she gave him an extra show by playing with her tits. “That’s not going to stop you from cumming inside of her, is it?”
To Ryan’s regret, it did not stop him in the slightest.
The end?
Riley Harper was between jobs when she saw the ad. The 21 year old blonde had recently quit as a waitress at a local restaurant. She usually got great tips that she knew was more thanks to her curves than her service, but despised being hit on all the time, especially now that she was newly married. But it wasn’t okay for her to be without a job. Yesterday her husband Ben came home early from his factory. Apparently he’d been furloughed for at least 3 weeks. They didn’t have any sort of savings that would keep them in the black longer than a couple of weeks, so Riley stepped up.
She got on her phone and began job hunting, but quickly grew frustrated by how similar they were to every job she’d had before. Cashier, hostess, server, retail sales specialist. She wasn’t qualified for much else, but just once she’d like to do something that didn’t involve wearing a name tag. That’s when she came across the ad for Del Corp.
Riley clicked on it, and read about a company that was a bit of a drive away. An hour. But it paid eighty thousand dollars a year. That was four times what her last job paid! Del Corp was looking for people who could do simple data entry, and no degree was required. Then the best yet. They would let you work from home 4 of the 5 days a week! This suddenly seemed too good to be true, but what the hell. For the hope of that much money, she’d take her chances.
Riley looked for a place to begin filling out her application online, but then read that the application and interview process would only be done in person, and that candidates would be seen during a small window later this week.
So that Friday, Riley found herself an hour away with a clipboard in her lap, filling out a paper application. She’d just written her new name and still got a thrill from it a whole five weeks later. That’s how long she’d been married. Her mind drifted to Ben, standing there all handsome in his tux, looking at her like she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen. Her blonde, shoulder length hair had been adorned with flowers. Her face hidden behind her veil. She’d always cherish the moment when he’d lifted it over her head and mouthed, ‘Wow.’ She hadn’t been able to stop smiling. The butterflies had been nonstop that magical day, and they returned quickly every time she thought about it.
She loved being Mrs. Ben Harper. Loved being married. She was at the part of the application that asked for the relationship status. Married or single. With a bit of a flourish, she brought her pen over the box that said married. She hovered over it dramatically. She was about to make an indelible x, when the applicant to her right, a pretty brunette, cleared her throat.
“Don't,” she whispered. “Check single, or you don't stand a chance.”
“Excuse me?” Riley whispered back. Companies were not legally allowed to hire people based on whether they were married or not.
The brunette scanned the room, making sure no other ears were tracking their hushed whispers, then said softly, “My roommate already works here. She told me discreetly that they only hire people who aren’t married. Do what you want, but if you really want the job, don’t let on that you’re married.”
“Thanks…” Riley said hesitantly. Why would a data entry job care at all about whether or not she was married? She looked around the room and saw a total of 11 candidates including herself. She didn’t know how many would be offered a job. Maybe just one or two of them. She wasn’t particularly proficient at data entry, but she was a fast learner. She’d do whatever it took to secure financial stability for her and Ben.
This could change everything for them. Ben wouldn’t like that she’d have to lie about being married to him to get the job, but she wouldn’t have to tell him. It’s not like the company was going to come to her house. So she took a breath, and checked the box that said single.
The brunette whispered out the side of her mouth, “Good call. Best of luck in your interview.”
“You too,” Riley said.
A handsome man with dark hair and a thousand watt smile stepped out of the adjoining conference room. He picked up the sign in sheet with every applicant's name, and then scanned the room. “Josephine?” he asked in a clear, deep voice.
The brunette stood, smoothed her pantsuit and said, “That’s me.”
The man beamed at her. “Right this way,” and gestured for her to join him in the conference room.
Before she went, Josephine extended a hand to Riley. “If we end up working together, you can call me Josie.”
Riley giggled and took it. “I sure hope we do, Josie. I’m Riley.”
Josie winked and gave Riley’s hand an encouraging squeeze. “I know, I saw it on your application.” With that Josie headed into the interview.
Ten minutes later, she came out with a confident smile on her face and gave Riley a big thumbs up. “Piece of cake.”
“Did they offer you the job?” Riley asked with wide eyes.
Josie nodded. “On the spot. I’m to report back here on Monday.”
Riley felt her stomach lurch as she thought about how this might affect her odds, but smiled gamely. “Congrats. I hope my interview goes as well as yours.”
“Just be yourself.” Josie leaned down and whispered in Riley’s ear. “And be single.”
Riley laughed softly. “Got it.”
As Josie left the waiting room, Riley found herself wishing Josie could have stayed for moral support until it was her turn. She wished Ben could have come for the same reason, but that might have cost her her shot if her husband had tagged along.
Two more applicants came and went. One was a guy who came out with slumped shoulders. The other was a striking red headed woman who walked out with head held high and a confident swagger in her hips. It was clear that only one of them had gotten the job.
Riley observed that none of the men came out looking like they’d had an offer. Rather, it was only the women. Specifically, beautiful women.
Doubts flooded Riley’s mind again as her name was finally called. She stood up and walked towards the open door, but as she did, she wondered if she was willing to work for a company that seemed biased towards looks, gender, and marital status. If she wanted that, she could just go back to her last job, or the one before that, or the one before that.
But she remembered quickly that none of those places were going to pay 80 grand a year, so she put on her game face. For that much money, she even went so far as to chide herself for not wearing something low cut to show off her impressive cleavage. Her jiggly chest certainly kept her husband’s attention. But she’d opted for a pale blue blouse that gave her the conservative look she preferred to have in public. Hopefully that wasn’t a deal breaker.
Finally it was her turn, and she stepped into the conference room for her interview. There were two people on the other side of a long table. The handsome man that called in the candidates, and a woman. The man came around the desk, and closed the door behind her, then offered his hand. “I’m Marcus,” he said kindly. He gestured towards the woman that hadn’t moved, but was perusing a file on the table. “This is Doris.”
Doris was much older than Marcus. Marcus was maybe in his mid thirties, early forties, but Doris looked like she was going on a hundred and twenty. Deep wrinkles and sagging jowls made Riley think that she’d judged Del Corp too harshly. Clearly they didn’t just care about looks if Doris worked here.
When Riley stopped looking at Doris and glanced back at Marcus, she noticed his eyes bounce up quickly to hers. He’d been looking at her chest. She kept the smile plastered on her face, but inside thought, “You’ll never see ‘em perv. They belong to my husband.”
Marcus took Riley’s application and took it to his side of the table. Riley took a seat across from them. Riley noticed Doris glanced at her application, putting a bony finger near the section that indicated her relationship status. She nodded and gave what could have been a sound of approval, or begrudging interest.
Marcus smiled, and tapped his right hand on the table, as he perused more of her application. The silver ring that he wore on that hand made a loud ting ting sound as he tapped. After his cursory glance, the interview began. There was a back and forth about Riley’s employment history. Some questions about her computer proficiency. Doris had frowned at that part, but Marcus had seemed undeterred.
Riley thought she’d answered all the questions well. Maybe everything was going her way. Then Doris finally fixed her eyes on her and she felt the color leave her face.
As Doris spoke, Riley was reminded of every mean spinster she’d ever seen in movies. “Miss Harper,” Doris began, putting an emphasis on the ‘Miss,’ “We are looking for someone who is motivated team player. You might be called on to perform a task for the company at all hours. Would that be a problem?”
Thinking about her first paycheck, Riley didn’t hesitate. “No, ma’am.”
Doris’s eyes became narrow slits. “Is there anything, or anyone, in your life that might slow you down or get in the way. Anyone you might be…beholden too?”
Had Riley not had the earlier conversation with Josie, she might not have immediately seen this as a way to ask about her relationship status without directly asking about it. It clearly was a big deal. But given that it truly was none of their business, she again answered, “Nope. It’s just me right now. Nothing tying me down. Completely single and live by my lonesome.” She stopped after that, worried she might have laid it on a little too thick.
Marcus smile grew very wide at that answer, and he shared a look with Doris, who also gave a smile, although a very tight lipped one.
“Well, we think you’ll be a perfect fit, Riley. We’d like you to start Monday.”
Riley’s jaw dropped. “So I got the job!” she squealed, wanting to leap up and bounce around the room.
“You got the job!” Marcus repeated, standing up and buttoning his suit. He came around the table and for a second Riley thought he was going to hug her, but then he put out his hand and said, “Welcome to the Del Corp family.”
She took it and enthusiastically said to him and Doris, “Thank you. Thank you! I won’t let you down.”
She then strode out confidently from the conference room. It would be a long drive home, but that was no problem now. She had a high paying job! She couldn’t wait to tell her husband.
Before they called the next candidate, Marcus said, “I’m going to enjoy that one. She’s just my type.”
Doris nodded smugly. “Me too. There’s definitely a demand for busty blondes from the clients. And there’s a real sweetness about her too. She’ll be in high demand for sure.”
An hour later, Ben was thrilled when his wife told him the news, but the money Riley was being offered almost seemed too good to be true though. “So…you’re gonna be doing what exactly?”
“It’s data entry basically for a bunch of rich clients I guess. It can’t be too hard though, cause they didn’t seem too worried about my work history.”
Ben gave his wife a wry smile and asked, “Was it a man who interviewed you?”
Riley crossed her arms over her ample chest. “Just what are you implying?”
“Only that you’re super hot, even with that blouse buttoned all the way to the top.”
Riley’s eyebrows shot up in mock annoyance. “I’ll have you know that it was a man AND a woman.”
“So they both had the hots for you?”
Riley took a playful swat at her husband, who backed out of reach at the last second. A second later, her fingers began unbuttoning her blouse from the top down. “If this outfit bothers you so much, I’ll just have to take it off.”
As a silky black bra came into view, Ben’s mouth began to water. It had been almost 10 hours since they’d had sex. Far too long for the newlywed couple. “Yeah. Yeah you should definitely take it off.”
“Are you saying that I only got the job because of my body?”
“I would never say such a thing,” Ben said, keen to not jeopardize his chances of getting some.
“Would YOU give me the job because of my body?” Riley asked as she reached behind to unfasten the bra.
“I would give you the job and a raise and immediately make you CEO for a glimpse of your boobs alone.”
She giggled, and he saw the bra tighten as she pulled at the clasp, then the release. He saw the tops of her boobs wobble as gravity tried to let them escape. But Riley held the bra in place with one hand, while the other slowly pulled down the straps. She loved how Ben looked at her. It was okay for him to look. She so wanted him to. He was still so captivated by her body, even after having seen it so many times. The anticipation of getting to see her boobs never failed to get him excited. And that’s what she wanted right then. To get him very excited, and to take her. She couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate.
“Wow,” Riley teased as she held the bra in place. “So I just have to show you my boobs, and you’ll give me the whole damn company?”
“I’d give you the whole world.”
“Good answer.” The bra fell. Boobs bounced out.
Riley tackled her man, and more clothes were quickly discarded so they could make love on their living room floor.
Ben was not a morning person, but that following Monday, he rose early to make his wife breakfast in bed. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and juice. It was a sweet gesture, but cooking had never been his forte. He burned everything but the juice, and even that was a little close.
He still happily brought it to her on a tray, but when he entered their bedroom, found that his wife was already up and half dressed in bra and panties. “Babe,” he whined. “You’re supposed to still be in bed!”
Riley turned and saw the barely edible breakfast her man had prepared. Her smile was radiant as she sauntered towards him. “You are the sweetest husband I could ever asked for,” she gushed. “How did I ever get so lucky?”
She threw her arms around his neck, causing the contents of the tray to rattle precariously as Ben did his best to save it. He lost the juice. Its contents hit the carpet of their bedroom, but still he tried to salvage the moment. “Seriously Riley, get in bed!”
Riley gave a cute pout that she used when she wanted to get her way. It always worked on her husband. “But I don’t have time.”
Ben faltered at her cute face, but said, “Nuh uh, there’s still plenty of time for you to eat and get ready.”
She kissed his lips and said, “Not if I do this.” And she stepped back, and sank to her knees. As she did, she pulled down Ben’s boxers.
As soon as Ben saw what his wife intended to do, his dick raced to catch up, getting hard so fast it hit the underside of the tray he was still holding. “No, this is your big day!” he protested. “I’m the one who’s trying to do something for you!”
Riley giggled as she took the tray from him and placed it on the floor. “I know,” she said sweetly. “And its that fact that makes me want to suck you off Mr. Harper. So shh.” She took him into her mouth. She wasn’t the best at cocksucking, but loved the sounds Ben made as she slid her tongue up and down his shaft. His little whimpers of pleasure were so cute and sexy. She loved being able to please him. She loved him so very much.
She swallowed down what he gave her, and left him to eat the breakfast. She brushed her teeth, finished dressing, and grabbed a power bar in the kitchen. She was almost out the door when Ben called out, “Wait!”
“I gotta go Ben, it’s an hour away,” Riley said in mock exasperation. But still, she waited for her husband to walk quickly towards her so he could embrace her, picking her up off her feet and kissing her.
He didn’t care that his dick had been in her mouth minutes ago. He was so proud of her. Loved her so much. Would do anything for her. “Thank you for being so awesome. I know you’re gonna go kick some ass today.”
“Just have the house clean and dinner on the table when I come back, babe,” Riley said in as low a voice as she could muster.
‘Yeah, I can do breakfast again,” Ben offered seriously.
Riley made a small grimace and said, “Uh, ha ha, just kidding. I’ll pick up something for us on the way home. You’ve done enough cooking.”
Ben hung his head. “It’s the thought that counts right.”
“Oh, you mean the thought that got you a blowjob? Yeah, I’d say that worked out for ya.”
They laughed and hugged again, and then Riley was out the door.
An hour later, Riley showed up for her new hire orientation, along with three other candidates she’d seen in the waiting room.
Looks like no one else had made the cut, she thought.
Josie was there of course. She owed her a debt for giving her that advice. There was also the stunning red head, and a taller, slender blonde with smaller boobs than her own.
She noticed that as far as beauty standards went, these women were probably the top four or five most attractive from yesterday. Maybe these were the ones who had simply checked single. She needed to make sure not to bring up her marriage to any of them. Not yet at least. After a few months when she’d proved what a good worker she could be, she’d let them know.
As she thought about that, she wondered if she’d be able to keep quiet about her husband around her coworkers for so long! Working remotely one day a week would make that easier at least. She just loved Ben so much and wanted everyone to know how lucky she was. Even complete strangers!
The women all milled about in the waiting room. Riley assumed they’d have orientation in the same adjoining conference room. She was about to start asking for names, when Doris showed up through the set of double doors that led into the building. She studied them each in turn, saying nothing as her eyes scrutinized them, as if looking for flaws. There was no big welcome, not even a smile. But after staring at them, she motioned with a curled finger to follow her. She put a silver ring she wore on her right finger, and touched the sensor on the double doors. She led them out of the waiting room, and deep into the heart of Del Corp.
They walked down a long hallway, turned right, found a set of stairs that led down and followed them. Another long hallway. Another turn. Another set of stairs. On and on, Riley noticed that every door they’d passed so far since the entrance had been closed. They never passed an open office, or break room, or a conference room. Riley suddenly felt stifled, and was again thankful that she’d only have to be here once a week.
They did pass several men, all with big smiles on their faces and wandering eyes that didn’t disguise where they were looking. Riley was taken aback by this. She didn’t want to raise a fuss her first day, but she had a mind to get the names of everyone and report them to HR. Surely a successful company like this had a top notch human resources.
It wasn’t all men though. They also passed several women, mostly older, or obese, or with a disfigurement of some kind. They also looked at each of the new women shrewdly and appraisingly. Riley wondered if this was some kind of weird corporate hazing. If it was, she didn’t like it.
On the third flight down, they approached a room on their right that was making a loud hum, and Josie asked curiously, “What’s in there?”
“Main servers,” Doris replied with unveiled irritation. “You’ll never need to go in there. It’s always locked, and only a few people have access.”
Access. Riley noticed that every door had a sensor for keyless entry. This was a very secure facility. She was suddenly shocked that the company had not done a background check on her. What kind of company that seemed to value privacy and security would hire someone without doing a thorough background check.
‘It really is like, oh, you’re hot and single? Welcome to the team,’ Riley mused as her irritation for this place steadily rose. She tried to remember why she was here. She allowed a mantra to run through her mind over and over again. ‘The money. Remember the money. Remember you’ll be working from home. Remember that you’re doing all this for Ben, the love of your life, and the future that we have together.’
After going down two more floors and countless hallways, they reached a large rectangular room that was very nice and welcoming. It was completely the opposite of everything Riley had seen so far. There were fake plants scattered throughout, fancy art on the wall, and several of the most comfy looking couches Riley had ever seen forming an open square in the middle of the room. In the middle of that square was a low square coffee table, and Riley saw four laptops in a row.
“Have a seat there,” Doris said, pointing at the couch directly in front of those laptops.
Riley went and plopped down, being sure the yellow dress she’d picked out for her first day didn’t fly up too high. She assumed the dress was fine for this job. She didn’t have any business professional clothes as she’d only had jobs where you had a uniform before this one. She’d wear whatever they deemed appropriate though, within reason. She would not be wearing anything that showed more of her cleavage than she was comfortable with. Her momma had raised her right. She’d still gotten Ben, hadn’t she? Yes. Better to conceal the goods and make ‘em chase you to get what’s inside.
“Here are your bracelets,” Doris said, interrupting Riley’s thoughts again. The old woman spoke in a dry, monotone, as if this were the last thing she wanted to be doing in the world. “After today you’ll need these bracelets to get in the building. They also monitor your health, because we care about our employees. If you suspect one is ever malfunctioning, report it immediately. Whatever you do, do not take it off unless you have the permission of a supervisor. Removal of it for any other reason will result in immediate termination.”
“But what if it doesn’t go with my outfit,” the redhead quipped.
Doris smiled, but not pleasantly. It was like the smile of a bully who enjoyed watching his victim squirm. “Oh, I think that you’ll find very soon that it will go with everything.”
The redhead frowned and sighed sarcastically. “Not likely, but if that’s the job, I’ll do it for as long as I’m here.”
By the sound of that, Riley thought that she might not last the week. Clearly she didn’t need the money as bad as Riley did.
Riley accepted her bracelet. It looked like a combination of jewelry and technology. The top half was flat and smooth, and Riley realized that it was capable of displaying messages as the phrase, “Welcome to Del Corp Riley,” was scrolling on hers. It was a bit heavy and bulky though underneath. Riley snapped it easily in place, but as she spun her wrist, she didn’t see an easy way to unfasten it. It felt very tight. Was she really going to have to wear this thing all the time?
‘The money, the money, the money…’
With the bracelets securely fastened, the four women listened as Doris began to speak to them, sounding almost bored now. “In a moment you’ll be meeting our CEO Avery Smith and three of the board members, but first, I’ll reintroduce you to your team lead, Marcus Orion.”
On cue, Marcus entered through a door opposite the one they’d come in, his arms stretched wide, his grin even wider. “Welcome new hires! I am so glad to see you today. Who’s ready to get started?”
Doris, her job apparently done, passed him on her way out of the room. She seemed very relieved to not have to be there anymore.
Marcus was the opposite of Doris, and seemed genuinely excited to have them here. “Ladies, I can’t tell you how pleased I am to have this opportunity with you all. I’m going to be your primary handler. Doris will be my second. If for any reason you cannot reach me, you will report to her with any problems. Before you leave, both of our numbers will be in your phones.”
Riley raised her hand, as she had questions about the word, ‘handler.’
Marcus ignored her hand and pressed on enthusiastically. “Please turn on the laptop directly in front of each of you. These are state of the art computers that have been designed and manufactured entirely in house. I promise you they are better than anything on the market, and they’ll be what you’re using to work remotely. So fire them up, and then members of our senior leadership will be joining us.”
Riley hesitated, but lowered her hand and pressed the laptop’s power button. It didn’t look all that impressive. It just looked like a standard 16 inch laptop. It was fast though. The screen came to life almost instantaneously with the message, “Welcome to Del Corp. Please sync your bracelet.”
Josie was already looking at Marcus and asking, “How do we sync our bracelets?”
“Fantastic question Josie,” Marcus said grinning ear to ear. Just press the clasp on the bottom end to the pad on the lower right side of your keyboard. No, no, wait!” Marcus said, and his tone shifted quickly to silky smooth, to loud and abrasive.
Josie froze, and looked up at Marcus with an eyebrow raised. She was not accustomed to people snapping at her like that. Josie also needed the money, but still, she’d rather walk away than be disrespected.
Marcus’s wide smile was back in a flash. “Sorry, sorry,” he said as he clasped his palms together apologetically and shook them twice at Josie. “Please forgive me. It’s just important that we’re in sync, when we sync.” He laughed at his own lame joke, and paused for them to follow suit. When they didn’t, he said, “Bear with me. This is my first time being a Team Lead.” He put his hand on his heart. “I will get it right next time, you have my word.”
“Can we just get on with this,” said the other blonde.
Riley thought everyone seemed annoyed now. And why wouldn’t they be? Doris had acted like leading them here had been a big inconvenience. They’d gotten ogled repeatedly on the long walk to this room. They had to wear this bracelet which was transmitting who knew what kind of biometric data to the company. And now Marcus had just yelled at them.
“Okay, here we go,” Marcus said, undeterred by their lack of enthusiasm. He began to wave his hands like a conductor of a symphony. “I’ll count it down from 3, and then everyone press your bracelet to the spot on the laptop. 3. 2. 1. Sync!”
All four women placed their bracelet on their laptop, and all four felt a sharp jab as the tiny needle under the clasp pierced their skin and injected a milligram of nanites into their bloodstream.
A chorus of surprised objections arose.
“Ow! What was-”
“Something just stuck me!”
“What the hell?!”
Every woman but Riley had complained loudly except her. She’d only made a shrill whimper. She hated shots, and whatever that was had been right under her wrist, probably hitting the vein there.
“Sorry about that,” Marcus said as he pulled out a smartphone. He began to tap at the screen. “Just give it a minute to spread through your body and then you won’t care anymore.”
“Excuse me?” Josie snapped.
‘That’s it,” the redhead said standing briskly to her feet. “I’ve had enough. Get this damn thing off of me.” She began to fumble with the clasp with shaky fingers.
“Leadership told me there’s always one,” Marcus muttered. His voice became higher and insistent. “Everyone who leaves their bracelet on for just another 50 seconds will receive a thousand dollars, even if you quit immediately after.”
“I’m gonna get a lot more than that in the lawsuit I file against this company,” the red head hissed as she looked for a watch to unclasp it. But the more she inspected it, the more her fingers didn’t seem to want to cooperate.
Marcus was pleased to see her struggle, but still looked at her warily. Then his phone pinged. “Oh wow, one of you is already online. Good. Let’s see who…ah,” he said, winking at Josie. “The one who is always just ahead of everyone else. Makes sense.”
“Online?” the redhead exclaimed. “I don’t think so!” She forced her fingers underneath the clasp, trying to create enough pressure to unfasten it. Suddenly the arm she was using to apply the pressure tensed up as if she’d just received an electric jolt. “Ah! What was that!”
“It’s just the nanites keeping you from taking off the bracelet. That’s the last line of defense. But we won’t have to worry about that for much longer because…” Marcus’s phone pinged. “There we go, you’re online now too.”
It was Josie’s turn to stand, and she offered her left hand, the hand with that accursed bracelet, to help Riley up off the couch. Riley was reaching for it as Josie said briskly, “I didn’t sign up for this. Neither did she. We’re leaving.”
A third ping. Riley’s hand was in Josie’s. She was looking up into her face when Marcus said calmly, “Blank slate.”
“Blank slate confirmed,” said three female voices, perfectly in sync and without emotion.
Riley felt Josie’s hand go limp in hers, and watched in horror as the brunette’s eyes rolled into the back of her head so that only the whites were shown.
“I don’t understand,” Riley said, hearing the panic in her voice as she leaned forward and looked at the other two women. They all had the same blank expression.
“Me neither,” Marcus drawled. “Sometimes it takes a little longer for the nanites to circulate in some people. You must be pretty stubborn Riley. But everyone succumbs to the nanites eventually. No one’s ever failed to come online in under 90 seconds.”
His eyes raked over her body now with obvious sexual interest. Riley sprang to her feet and tugged at Josie’s limp arm. “Josie! Josie answer me right now! We need to leave! We need to-”
Riley’s heart pounded in her chest at the sound of that fourth ping. Whatever was happening to these women, was about to happen to her.
“There we go,” Marcus said with an eerie smile. “Don’t worry. When this is all over, you’re gonna think you had a fantastic first day.”
“Please don’t-” Riley began, but saw Marcus mouth the words blank slate. She was vaguely aware of her own lips moving as she said in a monotone voice, “Blank slate confirmed.” And then all she knew was ignorant bliss as her eyes rolled up into her head.
“Time to meet our corporate overlords,” Marcus said happily. He hit a button on his phone that said Upload. He selected each woman, then pressed enter.
Each bracelet came to life with a soft chime. Each woman said in a robotic voice, “Uploading. Uploading. Uploading. Upload complete.”
Riley’s blue eyes came back down, and she looked at Marcus with a wry smile. “You need to do a better job at putting them at ease, Marcus.”
Josie’s brown eyes were on Marcus as well, her voice had an edge to it. “Maybe we were too hasty in promoting him to team lead, Avery I really thought he was going to lose control there for a moment.”
The redhead was not looking at Marcus, but was running her hands up her sides and over her chest. “Now now, gentlemen. It was his first time. He’s still got the drive and charisma we’re looking for, and is doing great and recruiting clients. Let’s let him off with a warning.”
The unnamed blonde didn’t seem to be interested in Marcus at all as her hands had begun to squeeze her tight buttocks. “What an amazing specimen. Surprised I didn’t have to fight you all for the chance to have her first.”
Riley’s voice became authoritative as she addressed the blonde. “Don’t get to carried away, Jenkins. This is just about meeting them, ensuring there’s no problem with the upload process, then sending them off for their physicals.”
The blonde’s face soured as she looked at Riley. She did not stop massaging her rear. “I helped write the protocols, Avery. There’s no harm in a little groping before we log out.”
Riley gave a perverted giggle. “Yes, I know. It’s tradition. We just musn’t go too overboard in case we have to release any of them back into the wild.”
Having said this, Marcus watched enviably as the four women groped and fondled their bodies over their clothes. A few minutes ticked by, but Marcus would have gladly watched his superiors explore the new hires for as long as he was allowed.
Riley had pulled her blouse aways from her chest and was taking a long look down it. Her face made it clear that she liked what she saw. She released the fabric, letting it snap back with a little less elasticity. “Okay, that’s enough gentlemen,” she announced with finality. “I think we’ve excited poor Marcus enough.”
It was true. He had not wanted to get an erection in front of his bosses, but seeing them inhabiting the bodies of these beautiful women, making them touch themselves provocatively, he was at full mast. He positioned his hands over his front, and tried to keep from gawking.
“It’s only fair,” Josie chuckled at him. “We’re all going to have erections when we are back in our bodies. Speaking of, you already sent a girl to each of our houses, correct Marcus?”
Marcus gave a curt nod. “Yes sir. Their bracelets were activated before this meeting, and they should all be at your house by the time you log out.”
“Excellent,” Riley said, and she stepped closer to Marcus. She took one of the hands covering his erection and placed it on her breast. “Don’t worry Marcus. You managed to get them to sync their bracelets without resorting to force, which might have damaged the merchandise. So we’ll still let you do their field tests. They are the first members of your team after all.” Riley helped the man squeeze her boob softly, looking up into his eyes with a mischievous smirk. “I bet you can’t wait.”
“N-no, s-sir,” Marcus stammered.
“I do think that’s the first time I’ve seen you flustered Marcus,” the redhead said with a laugh.
Riley released Marcus’s hand and stepped back. “You know what’s next. Keep them in blank slate mode and send them to their physicals. The doctor will check for STD’s and any other illnesses or maladies that would be a disruption to our company. We only provide the best for our clients. After that, the standing brainwashing program before we sent them off with their take home bag to…” Riley trailed off, then gave a sharp laugh. “Marcus, I don’t mind if you stare, but try to keep your mouth shut when you do. You look ridiculous.”
Marcus had been trying to look the CEO, Avery Smith, in the blue eyes of this gorgeous creature. But his eyes kept wandering to other areas. He was already thinking about tomorrow’s field tests. How he’d be in Riley’s home. How he could touch her as much as he wanted. His imagination was already running wild, but Avery’s subtle chastisement had snapped him out of it.
“Yes, of…of course Avery, er, Mr. Smith.”
The corner of Riley’s mouth went up, and she raised her hand and cupped her right boob as she looked at the other women. “I think our boy’s got it bad for this one.” The women nodded back at Riley, each of them smirking as well. Back at Marcus, Riley said, “We all have our favorites, but don’t monopolize her too much. But…you are her handler, so take a few days to get her out of your system after the field tests are over.”
“If she passes that is,” Josie said quickly.
“Naturally,” Riley retorted, looking annoyed. “Marcus has been warned. Should he find any red flags, she’ll go back to her normal life. Isn’t that right Marcus.”
“Of course, sir,” Marcus replied.
“Good,” Riley said, and smiled at him. Then she blew him a kiss. “Now be a good boy and send us back.”
“Right away sir,” Marcus said. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to get used to meeting his bosses this way. He quickly selected all four women on his cell phone, and disconnected them. HIs shoulders slumped a little. He knew the men were in their respective homes and could still see him on the cameras mounted all around the room. But they were probably focused on the women now at their door that would attend to those pesky erections rather than him.
Marcus, on the other hand, would have to wait until later to have his relief. What he wouldn’t give to have his way with any of the women on the couch right now. Especially Riley. But he had his orders.
With blank slate mode still active by default, he said, “Grab your laptops and follow me so we can get your physicals underway.”
“Yes sir,” the four women responded at once. Their eyes focused on the command at hand, and like obedient worker drones, the four women retrieved their laptops from the coffee table. They formed a single line behind their boss. Their movements were precise, and they marched in step as Marcus led them from the room. They followed Marcus back into the series of hallways, and up a flight of stairs. Several doors that had been closed were now suddenly open, as staff at Del Corp wanted to assess the recent new hires. Programmers, team leads, technicians, cooks, paper pushers, analysis, recruiters, marketing, and more all watched the synchronized steps of the attractive women as they marched past. This time the women didn’t mind the stares, because none of them had a thought in their head other than following their team lead.
The workers of Del Corp with free will were all picking out their favorite new hire, making a note of who they’d spend time with during their breaks in the weeks ahead. The pretty blonde just behind Marcus seemed to be the most popular candidate by far.
They eventually passed through a door that Marcus unlocked by pressing the ring he wore on his right hand against a sensor. They stepped into a well lit sterile room with medical equipment and exam tables. A pudgy older man in a doctor’s coat was there to greet them. He was flanked by two very beautiful women who wore a vacant smile and nothing else.
“Did the old men have their fun?” the doctor asked Marcus politely, although his eyes did not meet him. They were focused on his four new patients who had followed obediently after him.
Marcus let out a sigh, but smiled. “If by fun you mean taking the piss out of me, then yes.”
The doctor laughed. “Sounds like them. Well, let’s get this show on the road. New hires, each of you hop up on one of the exam tables.”
The order was received with unflinching obedience as the four women walked purposefully into the sterile room, their shoes clicking on the white tiled floor. They each picked a gynecology exam table and sat there.
“I’ll be back when you’ve run your tests,” Marcus said, and left to go to his office. On the way he grabbed a woman with a bracelet who had been programmed to clean on her weekly visit to Del Corp. She didn’t protest, but allowed herself to be dragged along. She even seemed happy to have been chosen for whatever task Marcus had in mind.
When they arrived at his office, Marcus didn’t talk to her, just stripped off her clothes, bent her over his desk, and fucked her. He thought of Riley, the pretty doe eyed blonde that had been so sweet and chaste during the interview. He thought of Avery being inside her, teasing him with her body, making him grope her. He thought of what tomorrow would bring, and he came. He told the girl to clean up the mess, and then sat down in his chair. He’d needed that. He could finally think straight again..
Back in the exam room, the doctor’s nude assistants helped the doctor with silent efficiency. He’d trained them to help draw blood, check reflexes, take blood pressure, examine pupils, ears, gums, and more. They’d help him record it all. The new hires were perfectly calm during this whole process.
The cursory examination over, the doctor ordered them to remove their clothes. The four new hires all stood and undressed quickly. There was nothing sensual about their movements, just the subconscious desire to follow the order as expediently as possible.
The doctor gave orders to his assistants to pull out the stirrups attached to the tables, then had the new hires put their feet in them. They all did with no complaint. Each of them laying slightly back, their legs spread wide for the doctor. He gave each woman a pelvic exam. They did not flinch as his fingers pushed into them. Did not make a sound. They merely laid there as if this were all routine.
“Okay, that’s that,” the doctor said as he took off his gloves. “Get dressed, new hires.” As the naked women complied, he sent an assistant to fetch Marcus. Upon his return, the doctor told him, “I’ll have the lab results before you leave today. You can take them to get fitted and supplied now.”
Marcus was aware that the doctor had just seen these women naked before he had. He was not jealous though. He considered himself patient. He’d worked hard to get where he was. And tomorrow, he’d be able to upload into any of them and have complete control of their bodies. And when they returned next week, he could order them to do all manner of sexual acts on him, and they would agree readily.
When the new hires weren’t being made to serve him sexually or one of the other employees at Del Corp, they’d be ordered to do the mundane tasks. Like cleaning, or secretarial work, or anything that anyone deemed beneath them in this place. Thanks to different women being forced to come in on different days throughout the week, they always had plenty of willing slaves to do the grunt work at headquarters. But between now and next week, the new hires were strictly off limits until the field tests had been run.
As Marcus next led the women to a series of rooms that would get their measurements for clothes, outfits, and sex toys they might need while servicing a client, Ben was doing what Riley had joked about when she left. He was making the house sparkling clean. In their first five weeks of marriage, they’d fallen into stereotypical gender roles, where Ben played video games and did nothing, and Riley did everything that needed done like laundry, cleaning, and cooking. It had been a big step for Ben to make breakfast that morning. Now he tried his hand at laundry and cleaning. He was better at them than breakfast for sure. Riley would be so happy, that maybe he could talk her into doing something kinky tonight.
Being raised in a very conservative family, Riley had been a virgin when they got married. But Ben hadn’t. Far from it. He’d never admit to being a sex addict, but considered it a possibility. Before dating Riley, he’d had a few one night stands, some long term girlfriends, and had developed quite a few kinks thanks to those women. And porn. He’d watched porn every day, and was always finding something new he’d like to try in the bedroom with a girl, but Riley had put a stop to all that when they’d got married.
Riley didn’t want him watching porn or masturbating. The first time she’d told him, he’d thought she was joking. Riley’s hurt face let him know that she wasn’t. She wanted to be enough for him. Didn’t want him looking at girls online and getting ideas for positions or roleplay. Ben had hoped that over time his bride would change her mind about some of that, but except for the infrequent blowjobs, she would only do missionary or on top.
Because of his love for her, he’d stopped watching porn and jerking off. It hadn’t been too difficult, because Riley was usually around. As they both tended to work 2nd shift, they could fuck in the morning, and then again when they both got home. But now she had a 40 hour or more job a that took her away from him during a time where he was home by himself.
The hours seemed to drag by, and even though he’d gotten blown early that morning, he was already thinking about looking up his old friend pornography by the time noon rolled around. But he knew it would most likely affect his performance that night with his wife. So he waited, and focused on making the interior of their house shine.
It was mid afternoon when Marcus got the bad news. He’d just presented the women with a small boxed meal and told them to eat. It was a flavorless, tasteless mush, and was very cheap to manufacture. They chewed and swallowed it as they were told. Marcus watched them shovel it down while he ate a steak their onsite chef had prepared. He couldn’t stop smiling, that is, until the doctor walked in.
“I’m afraid I have some bad news,” the doctor said gravely.
Marcus put his fork down and asked, “Well, don’t keep me in suspense. What’s the problem?”
“The blonde is pregnant.”
Marcus wiped his mouth and slammed a fist on the table. “Dammit!” His eyes fell upon Riley. He did not want to lose her, but a pregnancy meant instant termination. The nanites could stop future pregnancies, but not the one she’d come in here with. “Are you sure?”
The doctor nodded, then looked at who Marcus had focused on. “Oh, sorry. Forgot you had two blondes. Not that one. The other one,” he said, pointing at the unnamed blonde who sat there quietly eating her mush.
Relief flooded Marcus. It wasn’t great that he was already down a team member, but it hadn’t been Riley. Besides, it was easy to recruit. He’d just put out another ad that promised big money while working from home.
“Kathleen,” he said sternly. The blonde now known as Kathleen stopped eating and looked at him keenly. “Pitch your food and go wait in the conference room you interviewed in last week. Turn on the monitor in there, and watch the exit interview until I come to fire you.”
“Yes sir,” Kathleen said, and without hesitation she stood, dropped her food in a trash bin, and made her way to the conference room.
After she exited, the doctor reported the rest of his findings. “All the rest are very healthy. Two of them have been sexually active however,” he said, pointing at Riley and the redhead. “Their swabs had traces of sperm under the microscope. Could be a one night stand, or something more serious. Easiest way is just to ask and-”
Fearing that he might hear something he didn’t want to, Marcus cut him off. “Thanks doctor, I’ll take it from here.”
“But the board will want to-” the doctor began with a raised eyebrow.
Anger rose in Marcus, but he tapered it down and replied calmly, “Don’t worry about the board I will handle it. If I find any problems during the field tests, I’ll take the necessary steps to deal with them.”
The doctor let out a knowing sigh. “Ah, I get it. You really want to field test them. Fair enough.”
“So you’ll leave that out of the report?”
“If she gets the greenlight,” the doctor said, pointing at Riley, “You let me have first dibs when she comes back in.”
‘You can have my sloppy seconds,’ Marcus thought. Out loud he said. “I think we can make that happen.”
The doctor extended a hand, and Marcus shook it. “Well then, I found no traces of sexual activity. See you next week, ladies.”
They did not stay goodbye, or give any other parting niceties. They just sat there. Their meal finished, and the empty box on their laps. They simply stared straight ahead, and awaited their next command.
Marcus ushered them to their last stop for their first day. This room had several cubicle workstations, each with a laptop that resembled the ones they would be taking home. Marcus had them each log on, and click on a program that walked them through an endless series of data entry. They copied one set of numbers from one place on the screen to another. Dragged one file here, another there. They opened spreadsheet after spreadsheet. None of it meant anything, but served one purpose. It helped cement the illusion. It gave the lie a solid foundation on which to stand.
Should these women ever question in the outside world what their job really entailed, the nanites would lead their minds back to this place. This moment. Where they dragged and clicked and typed over and over again. It’s what they would think they were doing all day instead of doing menial tasks and getting fucked. It’s what they think they would be doing in their homes, even as client after client came to see them to use their bodies. Just another boring day, entering facts and figures.
But as boring as they might remember it being, they would never want to leave. They would be so happy with their job. Because as they stared at their monitors, they each began to intermittently flashed the core tenets they would come to live by until they were released from their employ.
Over and over again during those last few hours, the following messages were repeated on a loop.
You love Del Corp.
You will be faithful to Del Corp and its employees.
You will not draw undue attention to yourself outside of work.
You never want to take off your bracelet.
When your bracelet pings, you will log onto your computer at work within 30 minutes. If unable, you will call your team lead.
Always do what your team lead tells you to do.
Always believe whatever your team lead tells you.
When you are on Del Corp property, you will be an obedient slut, doing whatever tasks required of you.
You will feel grateful to be of use to any Del Corp employee.
You will take good care of your body, because it belongs to Del Corp, its employees, and its clients.
You live to serve your team lead, Del Corp employees, and those we deem clients.
You no longer care about having a social life.
You no longer care about dating anyone.
If you are currently dating someone, you will break up with them as soon as possible in a way that does not bring undue attention to Del Corp.
You do not seek sexual intimacy outside the confines of Del Corp employees and clients.
You are focused on being the best employee you can be.
You will only ever remember doing data entry when working remotely.
You will stow your take home bag in a secure place in your home and not look in it unless directed to by a client or team lead.
You will do everything in your power to protect Del Corp and its employees.
When asked, you will always describe your job as ‘boring data entry.’
If pressed for more information about Del Corp beyond that, you will respond with, ‘We value our clients’ privacy so I can’t elaborate further.’
Should anyone seem a threat to Del Corp, you will report to your team leader as soon as possible and await further instructions.
Riley blinked. She felt like she’d been staring at this screen forever, but saw in the lower left hand corner of her monitor that there was only five minutes left of work today! The job was tedious, but not at all hard. She found she didn’t mind it though. She was going to love working for Del Corp, and was thankful to have gotten Marcus as her team lead.
Marcus walked between their cubicles and announced, “Time to punch out ladies. You’ll find your laptop and take home bag are waiting for you at the exit. You all did wonderful today. I don’t see you all back again here until next…” he checked his phone, “a week from tomorrow.”
Riley’s face fell a bit. In such a short time she’d grown to love this place and her team. She looked at the others, and saw their faces mirror hers.
“I know, I’ll miss you too,” Marcus said with a wide grin. “Say, what did you all think of that delicious steak dinner we had for lunch today?”
“Steak…dinner?” Josie asked, furrowing her brow.
This was a simple test to see if the programming had worked. It was one thing for them to be in blank slate mode. They were more like mindless functioning robots in that state. The real test came when they were back to themselves.
“Yes,” Marcus said confidently, trusting that the nanites and brainwashing they’d received would dictate their reality. “You all had a wonderful steak dinner. You thought it was amazing. You even licked your plate clean Josie, remember?”
Josie blushed. She did remember now. It had been the best steak of her life. “I guess…I was just really hungry.”
“Thank you for feeding us such a great meal!” Riley exclaimed. “Do we get to eat that good every time we come?”
Marcus stepped towards her and said with a wink, “I think you’ll always leave here with something yummy in your bellies.”
All the girls smiled at each other, already looking forward to next Tuesday’s lunch time.
“Ladies, you’ll believe whatever I tell you, correct?” Marcus asked.
“Yes sir,” the three new hires said in perfect unison.
“And you’ll do whatever I tell you, correct?”
“Yes sir!” the ladies replied cheerily.
“Good,” Marcus said, his smile curving into something sinister. “I want you each logging in at 9am sharp every day and running the data entry program. Keep familiarizing yourself with it so that we can eliminate possible errors for our clients.” Doing this would ensure the brainwashing cemented itself in their brains.
Marcus continued. “I’ll be chatting with each of you individually over the next few days. Riley, you’ll be first up tomorrow. It’ll be a video chat, so please wear something that shows off your boobs.”
Riley’s thoughts hit a wall suddenly. The training, the steak dinner, all of that had been great, but, to ask Riley to show off her boobs on a conference call was…was…
Marcus watched Riley’s face contort while the nanites made her accept the programming. Her resistance met a torrent of words that seemed to imprint on her very soul.
‘I will do what my team lead tells me to do. I live to serve my team lead. I will obey him. I will wear whatever Marcus tells me, because he is my team lead and I am his obedient slut.
Riley’s face smoothed out, and she beamed at him before saying happily, “Yes sir.”
“Good girl,” Marcus said, then looked at the other two. “And I’ll expect you both to do the same. Actually Josie, you wear nothing at all.”
The two women had already been having an internal struggle after hearing what he’d said to Riley, so they were quicker at both saying, “Yes, sir,” but not quite as in sync.
“Make sure our video chats are in a private area in your house. An office space, bedroom, bathroom, whatever. And you’re not to be disturbed during this time.”
All of this was to limit exposure to a family member, boyfriend, girlfriend, or roommate. They could all be dealt with over a short period of time, but the field test was crucial in ensuring Del Corp’s safety protocols.”
“If all goes well after those video chats, you’ll be ready to handle clients. I hope to be sending you each several by the end of the week. Now head home. You’ve all done great work today.”
Marcus led them back the way they came. The walk didn’t seem as far now. The building that had once seen drab and foreboding now felt so much like home. She wished she didn’t have to leave. She loved Del Corp.
“I’m going to be thinking about that steak all week,” Josie confessed to Riley as they stepped out into the sunlight.
“Me too!” Riley laughed.
“I can’t believe I licked the plate in front of all of you. That’s…not something I’d usually do.”
The image swam vividly in Riley’s mind. Josie’s hands picking up a white plate with the remnants of savory juice on it. Josie’s face drawing near it. Her tongue sticking out and licking it from top to bottom until it was all clean. She found her own mouth watering as she remembered the taste of it.
“If I had my plate in front of me right now, I’d do it too.”
They said goodbye as they headed to their own cars, and headed home.
Marcus went to the conference room where the pregnant blonde was. Kathleen had watched the exit interview video over and over again so the message of it would be very clear in her mind.
It had read as follows:
I am grateful for the opportunity, but this job just wasn’t for me. It was my decision to leave. I will find work elsewhere. I will surrender my bracelet, and leave immediately..
Marcus pulled her up on his phone and took her out of blank slate mode, and deactivated the nanites in her body. Without the bracelet, they would pass out of her naturally over the next 24 hours, but the brainwashing she’d received should hold.
Lastly, he put his hand on the bracelet and said, “Release.” With a smooth click, it unlatched, and hung loosely on Kathleen’s arm.
A few seconds passed, and Kathleen blinked and looked around as if waking from sleep.
“Well, I’m sorry it didn’t work out,” Marcus said, extending a hand to her.
“No, no,” she said sincerely as she accepted it. “I’m so grateful for the opportunity, but this job just isn’t for me. I’ll just have to find work elsewhere.”
Marcus nodded, then gestured towards the door. She took off her bracelet and set it on the table, then walked out. As soon as she was out of sight, Marcus shook his head. She would have been a great addition. Pity he never got to field test or fuck her. Maybe someday the company would start accepting pregnant women. Or married women for that matter. He had a client that would pay a small fortune for the chance to have regular sessions with a married woman. Apparently it was a big fetish of his. But right now the board’s mandate was clear. They only enslaved and hopped unattached women that would not raise suspicion. They wanted to be in business for a long, long time.
The whole drive home Riley kept thinking how much she loved Del Corp. How much she loved her team. Marcus, Josie, and… and there were two more, weren’t there? Another blonde like her, but…but she hadn’t seen her on the way out. But the beautiful redhead had been there. How had she not gotten her name? That was very rude of her, and quite embarrassing!
As she questioned this egregious oversight, the memory of typing numbers and clicking a mouse came into her mind very strongly. She just hadn’t had a chance was all. All she could remember was her time at the computer, and a wonderful steak dinner that the company had so generously provided. She was so lucky to have gotten the chance to work for them. She would make them proud. She belonged there. She belonged to Del Corp. All of her belonged to them. Her mind and her body.
Riley had been so enraptured by how amazing her orientation had been, that she almost forgot to pick up food on the way home. But as her stomach growled, she remembered she needed to take care of her body, so she stopped by a fast food place. Instead of her typical burger and fries, she got a salad. She paid for it and was about to pull onto the street, when she realized she’d forgotten Ben. How could she forget her wonderful husband? She drove back around, and got him a salad too.
Ben was famished by the time Riley walked through the front door, but first made a grand sweeping gesture at the house. “Ta da!” he exclaimed as she walked past him carrying a large black duffel and two fast food bag. She didn’t seem to notice how he’d swept, mopped, done the dishes, and had the place cleaner than it had been in a couple of weeks.
In fact, she didn’t say anything, didn’t even give him a kiss. She set the fast food bags on the table, and then disappeared into their guest bedroom that would now serve as Riley’s office. She stowed the bag in the highest part of the closet in there, and moved a box in front of it. Hopefully that would keep the contents secure. She wondered what was in the bag, and had the desire to check. But then very strongly in her mind came a pulsing thought.
You will not look in it unless directed to by a client or team lead.
Riley’s eyes unfocused and heard herself say aloud in a monotone voice, “I will not look in it unless directed by a client or team lead.” She looked around. What had she been thinking? Oh yes. She needed to take care of her body. She went back to the dining room and sat down at the table.
Ben was now feeling a little ruffled. “Uh, ahem, nothing? No, wow hon, the place looks great! This must have taken you all day.’”
Riley was unpacking her salad, but did stop to look around. “Oh, yeah, wow,” she said with less enthusiasm in her voice than Ben had been hoping for. “Come eat, Ben, and I’ll tell you what a great company Del Corp is.”
For the love of his wife, Ben chose to let it go and joined her at the table. His face fell though as he realized he was also eating a salad. “Hey, what was in that bag you brought in?”
“Work stuff,” Riley said quickly. She then proceeded to prattle on about how amazing Del Corp is. How great her team lead Marcus was. How all the people there were great. How her clients would great and how she might have some by the end of the week. How she couldn’t wait to log on to her new company laptop tomorrow to start working hard.
As she unpacked her day, the realized that she would have to break up with Ben. That was unfortunate, but it was a directive from the company, so she’d have to go through with it. She should do it now, but the way he was looking at her, like everything she said was so important, like she were the only woman in the world. Despite a growing desire to tell him they were through then and there, she convinced herself to do it tomorrow, or maybe even push it off till the weekend. She just wanted to stay with him a bit longer.
It was at this point, Ben got a word in edgewise. “So, what exactly will you be doing?”
“Boring data entry,” Riley said wistfully, as if it was all she wanted to do for the rest of her life.
“Uh, wow, you make it sound so exciting,” Ben quipped. “Seriously though, what kind of data entry? What kind of information will you be-”
Riley’s eye twitched, and then words burst forcefully out of her, “We value our clients’ privacy so I can’t elaborate further.” She took a bite of salad and considered the matter settled.
Ben was taken aback. “C’mon Riles, we’re not dating. We’re married. Husband and wife. Surely you can tell me of all people.”
Her husband’s words changed everything. It was true. They weren’t dating. They were married. She would not have to break up with him because they were not dating. She checked them carefully against what she knew of Del Corp’s mandates, and her mind seemed to accept this. She was so relieved.
Ben laughed at her silence. “What? Are they a dark and shady organization that is trying to enslave the general populace?”
Riley suddenly tensed. Ben was asking her to go against company policy by telling him what they did there. Why couldn’t he just accept her answer? Did he pose a threat to Del Corp? She tried to calm herself, tried to make sure not to draw any undue attention. With a sweeter but still serious disposition, she said, “Ben, honey, I’m telling you I can’t talk about it. So drop it.”
Ben looked down at his salad. This evening was not going as planned. She knew he hated salad. Why had she brought him one? She hadn’t even called and asked what he wanted. It’s like he’d been an afterthought. Surely the honeymoon stage couldn’t be over already. He tried to let it all pass. He loved her and she loved him. They’d go to bed together soon. They’d make love. “Fine,” he finally said. “I’m gonna go make a sandwich.”
Riley didn’t stop him, but was a little perturbed he didn’t seem to appreciate the salad she’d brought him because… because he… no. No!. Only she needed to take care of her body. But, as his wife, she wanted him to take care of his body too. Just, for her, it was a mandate. She NEEDED to take care of her body. If he wanted to make a sandwich that was fine. She found herself calming quickly, and got up as soon as she was done.
As Ben sat down at a vacant table, Riley went to work out on their treadmill. It had been a wedding present, and she’d only used it once. Now it seemed very important. She needed to take care of her body, and working out was a good way to do that.
A disconnect grew through the night as the couple seemed to keep going their separate ways. Ben tried to get her to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie, but she got lost in a skin care regimen that seemed to take forever.
As it got dark, Ben heard Riley say from their bedroom, “Goodnight, Ben.” And then the door shut.
Ben quickly got up from the couch to join his wife in their marital bed. He had his clothes off in a flash, and got under the covers. She was turned on her side away from him. He loved the feeling of pressing his boner against her round ass. But Instead of her warm, smooth, naked skin, he pressed up against fluffy pajamas. He tried not to sound indignant as he asked, “Why are you wearing clothes?” They hadn’t been wearing clothes to bed for the last five weeks, save some skimpy lingerie that Riley would put on sometimes.
“I was chilly,” Riley said simply.
“But, I always warm you up, don’t I?” Ben said hopefully as he wrapped an arm around her waist. His hand lifted up the bottom of her shirt, and he felt her skin. It traveled up quickly to her breast. He was already so hard. He was glad he’d waited for her. He would be inside her soon and everything would be perfect again.
As Riley felt her husband’s hands fondle her breasts, she felt a spark between her legs, and butterflies in her tummy. She wanted to roll over. To kiss him. To let his hands eagerly explore her as they so often had. To let him be in awe of her body. It was his after all.
But that…that wasn’t right. It wasn’t his body. Her body belonged to Del Corp. And she did not seek sexual intimacy from anyone but Del Corp employees and clients. Her body belonged to them now. This fact seemed to repent nonstop in her mind as she slowly brought her hand down, and pushed Ben’s away from her breasts. The brief twinge of sexual desire had faded entirely.
“What gives, Riles?” Ben asked, hurt in his voice. “Look, I’m sorry if you thought I was prying. I’ll respect that you can’t talk about your work.”
“It’s not that,” Riley said, feeling bad for turning him down. Why couldn’t he understand? She loved him, but he was not a Del Corp employee or client. But she couldn’t tell him that, because it would draw undue attention to Del Corp. So she made up another excuse. “I’m just…tired, honey. Long day, and I gotta be up early in the morning to log on to work.”
“I’ll…I’ll be super fast,” Ben said.
“No, Ben,” Riley answered quietly but firmly.
Ben’s boner was in full retreat. “Can I hold you at least?”
Riley thought about that. Holding wasn’t sexual, and Ben was her husband. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
So he did. He held her tight and whispered in her ear, “I love you. I really do. Maybe we can do it first thing in the morning.”
“Maybe,” Riley hedged. But she knew she would not let him have her. She was already planning to be up before him. To shower and shave her legs and maybe even put some makeup before she found an outfit that would accentuate her cleavage for Marcus. Her body belonged to him now, and the employees and clients of Del Corp. But she wouldn’t tell Ben any of that. It would hurt him to know that. He was her husband after all. They would be together till death do us part. So instead, she said what she knew to still be true, “I love you too.”
Ben hoped she’d change her mind, but soon heard his wife’s breathing change, and knew that she’d drifted off. He regretted not masturbating earlier then. He thought about getting up and going to the living room to rub one out, but he still had hope for tomorrow morning. So in the end, he slept.
When he woke up the next day, he rolled over to kiss his bride, but her spot was empty. He checked his phone and saw that it was almost 9am. He sat up and called out, “Riles!”
“Getting ready to log on for work honey,” she replied from the kitchen.
Ben swore and jumped out of bed. He was naked as usual first thing in the morning. He walked quickly to the kitchen and saw that his wife looked incredible. She always looked very beautiful to him, but here she was in a yellow buttoned top that he’d only seen her wear once before, plus a short black skirt that drew copious amounts of attention to her long legs. His eyes were still on the top though, because the top three buttons weren’t fastened, and her cleavage was fully on display.
“You’re…working from home today, right?” Ben asked, perplexed, but glad she wouldn’t be showing off her amazing rack to a bunch of drooling office mates.
“Yeah,” Riley replied excitedly. “Just getting my coffee and going to go into the guest bedroom. I finished converting it into an office early this morning. Nothing fancy, just a card table and your gamer chair. We can get an actual desk and my own office chair when I get my first paycheck.”
“Yeah, no prob babe,” Ben said hurriedly, even though he was a little miffed that he wouldn’t have his gamer chair today. “Can we please make time for a quickie before you-”
Riley was already fervently shaking her head. “I don’t want to be late. I’m to log on promptly at 9am.”
“Will you get a break?”
Riley thought about that. She wasn’t sure. Surely she’d be able to walk away for bathroom breaks and a lunch. “I should be able to, yes, but I’ll know more once I log on as to what that looks like. We can probably have lunch together.”
The way she smiled at him while talking made Ben’s heart melt. He felt like some of the inexplicable distance that had materialized last night was dissipating. “I’d like that, babe. Yeah. I’ll make us something nice.” He remembered their diminishing food supplies and then said, “Like ramen.”
She laughed, and it lit up the room. “My favorite.” She moved forward to kiss him, but at the last second, swerved and walked by him. She didn’t want Ben to get the wrong idea, because kissing could lead to sexual intimacy, and her body belonged to Del Corp and its employees and clients.
That act had felt cruel to Ben. He didn’t like whatever this was. Everything had seemed normal for a second, and then she acted like a stranger towards him. He followed her into her new office area. They still had two minutes before she needed to log on.
Riley was opening up her laptop and about to sit down when she realized he was behind her. “What are you doing?” she snapped. “You’re naked, and you’re in my workspace! Are you trying to get me fired!”
“Why would it matter if I’m naked?” Ben argued. “It’s not like they’re gonna see me and-”
“But they might,” Riley said frantically. “I’m having a video chat with my team lead first thing! If he sees your penis, I imagine that’d be it for me!” She waved him away with both hands.
Ben’s shoulders slumped, and he left the room.
“Close the door!” Riley called after he’d taken a few steps from the office. “I don’t want you overhearing anything confidential.”
“It’s not like I’m going to sell your company’s secrets to a foreign power or-” but he stopped, because she was glowering at him. He just nodded, and shut the door. It was going to be a long day. He walked back to the kitchen and began to make himself breakfast.
Riley was staring at the monitor, waiting for her marching orders, when she saw an alert come up that she was receiving a video chat request. She clicked on it, and saw Marcus’s face. He looked very happy to see her. She pushed her chest out so he could see in the camera that she’d done like she’d been told.
“Hey, Riley, is there anyone in the room right now with you?” Marcus asked as he studied her low cut top very closely.
“No, sir,” she said confidently.
“Good. Are you ready for your field test?”
“My what?” Riley asked curiously. She remembered a video call, but didn’t know what the term ‘field test’ meant.
“In a moment, I’m going to upload into your body and have a look around your home. I’m going to dig into as much of your personal life as possible to make sure there’s no external plans or people that might pose a threat to Del Corp. It’s all company policy.”
Marcus loved telling her all this, knowing that she’d be forced to accept it.
Riley furrowed her brow. She didn’t want Marcus to be in her home. To be…did he say in her body? But even as she tried to resist, the nanites did their job, smoothing her face, making her compliant to his will. And why should she be? She trusted Marcus completely. “Whatever you need,” she said. “Does that mean I won’t be doing data entry today?”
“You will actually. At least, that’s what you’ll remember doing. That’s what you’re going to do right now. Pull up the data entry program and begin moving the numbers around.”
Riley did as she was told. A spreadsheet with several numbers came up and began to flash for her to drag it from one place to another.
Marcus saw on his tablet that she was following his instructions to the letter. “Good. Now I want you to look at it. Remember it. All you did today was work on this data entry program.”
“All I did today was work on this data entry program,” she repeated.
“Excellent,” Marcus said. “Stay there. I’ll be joining you very soon.” He disconnected the chat, and pressed more buttons. A large pod opened in front of him. He was in the upload room. There were 64 pods in here, and more were being added every month. Several were already filled by the retired sex workers on staff, such as his number two Doris. A few were also used by the occasional client who was willing to pay through the nose to experience life in another body.
That’s what Marcus would be doing for the next several hours. He’d be scouring Riley’s life. Making sure she posed no threat. He certainly hoped she didn’t. He was delighted to have her on his team. He’d enjoy being in her body. And he’d be getting paid very well to do it.
He pressed a button on his phone, and the pod shut, and began to hum.
70 miles away in her home, Riley’s bracelet pinged. Her eyes rolled up into her head, and heard herself saying, “Uploading. Uploading. Uploading. Upload complete.”
“Finally,” she said as she looked down at herself with a hungry smile. “Look at you, all dressed up for the job. Good girl.” Her hands came up and were a hair away from her chest when she stopped and looked at the monitor. Her fingers minimized the screen so she could see herself in the laptop’s camera. “That’s better,” she said.
She brought two eager hands to her chest. Marcus was reminded how good they felt when Avery had made him grope her yesterday. Now he had unfettered access to them. He was supposed to do a perimeter check, but he’d said she lived alone. He would explore her a bit first. Let himself feel the pleasures of her body. Then and only then would he begin a deep dive into her life.
Riley’s hands began furiously unbuttoning the few buttons she’d fastened on her top. There was still one to go at the bottom but she yanked it forcefully off, sending the last button plinking off the wall. The top landed on the floor. Her hands went behind her back, and for several moments, Marcus struggled to unclasp the bra. The nanites did not give him access to her muscle memory, and he had only uploaded a couple of times before as a part of his own training. Since he’d be uploading a lot more in the future though, he'd better learn how to remove a bra from this perspective more proficiently.
At last he was rewarded with the clasp releasing, and he felt gravity pull at the weight on Riley’s chest. The bra joined the blouse on the floor and two double D’s bounced in the monitor. Riley’s body was heating up exponentially, especially between her legs. Marcus wanted to touch there as quickly as he could, so he stood up from the chair and pulled the skirt down. He saw pink cotton panties underneath. Riley took a deep breath, then pulled those down as well. Neatly trimmed blonde pubic hair covered her slit. Marcus made her watch the monitor as her right hand went straight there. The middle finger felt the soft coarseness of the hair, and then her lower lips parted and there was only silky wet bliss.
“Fuck!” Riley called out louder than Marcus meant to. “You’re such a naughty girl, aren’t you? Masturbating on company time. Well, you’re gonna be doing a lot more than that soon.”
After being kicked out of her office by his wife, Ben had gone to put on a plain white shirt and gray sweatpants. He’d eaten breakfast and eventually ended up moping in their living room. It was a small two bedroom house. The office was adjacent to the living room. When Riley yelled ‘Fuck!’ Ben heard it. It took a lot to make his wife swear, so he assumed something was very wrong. He leapt up to investigate. He didn’t care about confidentiality in that moment, and pushed the door open. His jaw dropped. Her back was to him, but he had no problem seeing his wife on the monitor.
For a split second, he thought his wife was getting off to internet porn. But it wasn’t porn. It was her. She was recording herself on the laptop with her legs spread, her finger frantically rubbing her pussy while her other hand wildly fondled her boobs.
He’d never seen her behave in such a way. Was she doing this for him? So he’d have something to wank to while she was working? To him, it was the hottest she’d ever looked, and blurted out, “You’re so fucking sexy babe. Let me watch.”
Riley’s eyes had been closed as she slipped a finger deep inside herself. But they flew open as she heard the sound of a man behind her. She whirled around in the spinning chair, a look of annoyed confusion on her face. She made no attempt to cover herself, or even pause masturbating. All she said was, “Who the hell are you?”
To be continued…
Drynn Finestra had never thought about what would happen if he didn’t pass his wizard exams. It wasn’t something that was discussed much in the wizarding world. And as Drynn was from a lineage of skilled magic users, his family hadn’t discussed it at all. So it was with deep shame and regret that Drynn found out the hard way what happened when he bombed every exam during his seventh and final year at Hogwarts.
He learned the wizarding world really only offered two legal choices. He could live as a squib, allowed to perform minimalist magic. This would effectively crush his dream of ever opening his own potions shop. Or he could go to Mastiffus Dungus, a last resort two year wizarding school for overaged wizards who had washed out of their local magical schools.
Drynn had never heard of the place. It was just so unusual for someone to fail as spectacularly as he had. It had been his own fault. He had chased after a girl named Mara. They’d dated for two years. And then a week before the exams that would determine their magical careers, she’d dumped him. That hadn’t been the part that was his fault. He’d known it was probably coming. She’d been acting distant. Had said they wanted different things.
But even with these warning bells, when the hammer fell, Drynn had taken the break up hard. After wallowing in self pity for two days, he experimented with making a potion that would erase the memory of their relationship. He wanted the heartache to vanish, along with the memories of all their time spent together. He finished it the day before the exam, and downed it in one gulp.
He waited. And waited. But the memory of his ex girlfriend did not fade. It seemed that the potion had been a complete dud. But the next day, Drynn found that something from his memory had been erased. As he took each final, he found that almost the entirety of the lessons he’d learned that seventh year had vanished. Every spell, every fact, every new thing he’d learned over the past several months, it simply wasn’t there. The examiners were very disappointed that he couldn’t perform a single piece of advanced magic that he needed to pass. And he’d been too embarrassed to tell them, or his family, or anyone, why it had happened.
The effects of the potion were thankfully temporary. Drynn found the memories oozed into his brain slowly at first, and then as a flood, in the span of a few days. But the damage had been done. And now he had the choice of giving up on his dreams, or facing the shame of going to what was essentially a high school for over aged wizards where everyone is eighteen or older. Given those choices, there was really only one to make.
So that following September, an eighteen year old Drynn found himself taking a portkey to Mastiffus Dungus. He could apparate. He’d passed that exam halfway through his seventh year, but it had been revoked after failing. So he had to use a portkey to magically transport him to what turned out to be a very dilapidated looking castle.
He briefly wondered if he was in the right place, but there was a small sign, stuck in some mud and tilted at an angle, that let him know there was no mistake. As he walked through a silent and gloomy courtyard, he remembered years past, where he got to ride a train to school. And then cross a lake, or ride in a carriage. Those times had been so magical. As he walked up the dilapidated steps, that all felt like a distant dream.
He endured a brief orientation with twenty other fellow dropouts, most of whom he did not recognize. That wasn’t a surprise, as there were several other known magical schools. Good to know all their failures got shipped to the same place.
Amazingly, Drynn recognized one person right away. A former classmate by the name of Bastion Perch. Even thought they’d been in the same grade, Bastion was several inches taller. He had a massive frame, a chiseled jaw, and could probably benchpress the old gameskeeper. They hadn’t been close friends. They’d run in different houses. That being said, they’d shared a lot of joint classes together over the years. But the way that Bastion’s face lit up when he saw Drynn at orientation made it seem like they were long lost brothers reuniting after a long time apart.
Drynn hadn’t known Bastion had failed his exams, which gave him a little comfort that he hadn’t been the only one in his class that didn’t make it. And then he recognized two others, also from different houses. They were both girls. The cute red head was from Hufflepuff. He thought her name was Nitz. And he was pretty sure the stunning blonde was from Ravenclaw. They were supposed to be so clever, but she hadn’t graduated Hogwarts either.
Drynn and Bastion ended up with rooms across from each other in the boy’s dormitory, which solidified their friendship. They helped each other unpack and swapped stories of their old alma mater. As they headed off to the cafeteria, they complained at length at how demeaning it was that even though they were all now eighteen, the sleeping areas were still split up by gender.
There was no magical dining experience. No house elves that made meals magically appear at their table. They found they had to wait in line, with trays, for food to be slopped onto their plates. Like muggles.
They were contemplating where to take their unappetizing looking meal, when Bastion caught the eye of one of their other two former classmates. They had locked eyes for a second in recognition, and then the former Ravenclaw had looked away quickly. That was like an engraved invitation to Bastion, and he hustled over to their table, with Drynn in tow.
Bastion didn’t ask if the two empty seats were taken. He just sat down with his tray, mumbled a greeting, and then began shoveling food into his mouth. The Ravenclaw girl’s lip curled in disgust, but the other one gave a soft laugh and said, “Well, nice to see being in this dump hasn’t curbed your appetite Bastion.”
“Uh, hey,” Drynn said. “I’m-”
“Drynn Finestra,” the Ravenclaw girl said sharply. “We went to the same school for seven years. It would be stupid if we didn’t know each other’s names by now.”
“Y-yeah, right,” Drynn said as he suddenly became very interested in his food.
The Ravenclaw girl’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those idiots who only ever bothered to know the people in your own house.”
“Give him a break, Persephone,” the other girl said with an eye roll. “He only had eyes for his girlfriend all last year, remember? It’s understandable that he forgot about the rest of us.” As she stabbed something that resembled a potato on her tray, she asked, “Whatever happened to you and Mara? She was such a pretty girl, Drynn. Are the two of you getting married after you get out of this place of lower learning?”
As Drynn’s face fell even further down, Persephone sneered. “I take it you didn’t hear, Nitz. Our boy got dumped a few days before finals. Is that why you’re here? A broken heart made you go stupid?”
Drynn’s head snapped up to glare at Persephone. The problem was, he didn’t have anything to say. That’s exactly what had happened.
Bastion interjected with a mouth half full of food. “Hey, leave my guy alone. We’re all here because we fucked up in some form or another. Everyone knows I partied a little too hard seventh year, and my exams showed it. Nitz, I know that…”
“I’ll answer for myself, dear Bastion,” the red haired girl said sweetly. “My written exams were fine, but I, well, I overcompensated on three of the practical exams.”
“Which ones?” Drynn asked.
“Defense against the dark arts, Charms, and Potions. I knew what I needed to know. Had the wand work down cold, knew the words to say, and had memorized as much of the potions book that I could. But then I choked when I had my dark arts duel.”
“I heard that guy spent a week in the hospital,” Bastion laughed.
“It wasn’t funny,” Persephone argued.
“Then I went and got my wand signs mixed up during Charms and my partner, well…”
“I heard that girl spent a week in the hospital,” Bastion said as seriously as he could, but a smile cracked his mouth at the end.
“And then my potion-”
“Thank goodness the professor had an antidote handy,” Persephone interrupted.
“Wouldn’t have needed a hospital,” Bastion nodded. “Would have needed an auror, because that would have been murder.”
Nitz slapped Bastion’s arm playfully. “Oh, shut up. Everyone lived. The only downside is that, well, I’m here now.”
“So, why are you here?” Drynn asked Persephone coldly. “I thought all you Ravenclaw bunch were supposed to be smart?” The pretty blonde leaned towards Drynn with a scowl, and he tried not to stare at her exposed cleavage.
“Well sorry to disappoint you.”
“So what happened?” Drynn pressed.
“How about we just leave it at none of your business.”
They both stared at each other, as both decided they didn’t care for the other very much.
Then Bastion blurted out, “She got caught cheating.”
Now it was Persephone’s turn to go red. “That’s not true!”
“That’s not what I heard,” Bastion said in a sing song voice.
“Fuck you!”
“Hey, hey,” Nitz said holding up a hand to both of them. “It doesn’t matter. We’re all here now. Wouldn’t it be better if we got through the next two years as friends?”
Persephone looked at Bastion like she wanted to shoot a killing curse right between his eyes. Then she glanced at Drynn, and her eyes did not soften. Then she looked at Nitz, and then exhaled sharply from her nose. “I…I suppose you’re right. It would be good to have allies in this hellhole. Especially to ensure we all pass our exams at the end of this.”
“Allies, sure,” Drynn nodded and held out a hand to Persephone. “But not friends.”
For the first time, the hint of a smile appeared at the corners of Persephone’s mouth. She accepted his hand and shook it, then did the same with Bastion’s outstretched hand. “But not friends,” she agreed.
By the end of the week, they were thick as thieves. And by the end of a month, Drynn didn’t know how he’d ever gotten by without them. It was good they had each other, because their comradery helped them through what turned about to be immensely frustrating classes. For the most part, they weren’t difficult. That was part of why they were so frustrating. They were often treated like second or third years, going over subjects that they had learned as children. But here it was again, being taught to them like they were simpletons. Drynn at first thought his intellect had advanced significantly during their first few homework assignments and quizzes. Then he realized the subject matter was just stuff he’d learned forever ago.
Most of the teachers were dull and acted like they wanted to be there less than the students. But not all of them. There were a couple of standouts that made for an enjoyable class. There was Professor Galstik who was charismatic and very handsome. And he really seemed to enjoy teaching at Dungus. He was also just a few years older than they were, and seemed to easily connect with his students. All of this caused him to be very popular among the ladies of the school.
An equally popular teacher, especially the young men, was Professor Sindla. She was a very curvy, formerly famous witch, who had modeled in her early twenties for various advertisements in the Daily Prophet. Many a young wizard had clipped her out of the paper and stuck her to their walls to watch her sell some product or another in a tight, revealing outfit that accentuated her bust line.
As a teacher in her mid forties, she no longer wore such scandalous clothing, at least not in front of her students. But she still had an amazing figure. Young men were always asking her for extra tutoring or volunteering to help her clean up after a spell went awry. A brave few even asked her out, but to Drynn’s knowledge, any and all advances had been firmly declined.
Drynn got to know several other students, but not as many as Bastion. He seemed to want to get to know everyone, especially the women. He thoroughly enjoyed chatting up the witches from other countries. Nothing got lost in translation because Persephone bewitched a bracelet for him so he could understand and be understood by every foreign language spoken at Dungus. He used it to great effect. By the second month, he had slept with at several of the prettiest students. His real quarry, Professor Sindla, seemed out of his reach though, at least until he found out about Drynn’s proficiency in potion making.
“What!” he exclaimed as he was sitting on Drynn’s bed. He had been trying to transfigure Drynn’s pillow into an iguana, but could only manage turning it into a salamander. “You can make any potion?”
Drynn smiled at his friend. “I didn’t say any potion. I said I could make a lot of them.”
As Drynn’s pillow turned salamander crawled onto Bastion’s leg, he asked excitedly, “Can you…can you make polyjuice potion?”
Drynn laughed. “I can, yes. I did it once before in my sixth year. But it is difficult. And I’m not just talking about getting all the ingredients. It’s also something you have to get special permission for after what happened at Hogwarts.”
“Are you talking about when the guy spent that year as another guy before trying to kill the chosen guy?”
“Yeah, that’d be what I’m talking about. It can still be made, but in limited quantities, and only for household use.”
Bastion smirked. “What kind of household use?”
Drynn flushed. “I mean, probably like, you know, bedroom stuff.”
“Bedroom stuff! Ha! Look at you man! You’re too embarrassed to even say it. People use it to fuck their partners while looking like other people they want to fuck.”
“I’m, yeah, I’m sure that’s probably it.”
“So you can make it, but you never used it like that?”
“You mean for sex?”
Bastion looked at him in disbelief. “Yeah, for sex. You…you have had sex before, right?”
Before he could say a lie, Drynn’s hesitation gave him away, and Bastion’s eyes went wide.
“You mean to tell me you’re a virgin! I thought you and Mara were all hot and heavy?”
“We did stuff, sure. But, well, she never let me go all the way. Look, can we not make a big deal out of this?”
“You’re right, you’re right,” Bastion said nodding enthusiastically. “But do you know how many of the chicks here would bang you if they knew that you’ve never popped your cherry? So many. I could set it up tonight. Just say the word and-”
“I’m good. Thanks.”
Bastion went still, and looked like he was thinking harder than usual. “So, could I ask you a favor though?”
“What’s that?”
“Could you like, make me some polyjuice potion?”
“It could get us kicked out of here, Bastion.”
“No one’s going to know, man. I’ll get you everything you need. You just have to make it, and that’ll be that.”
Even though Bastion cajoled and begged, Drynn still refused. The next day however, the conversation got brought to their lunch table.
“Hey Persephone, if you could fuck anyone you wanted, who would it be?” Bastion asked.
“I can fuck anyone I want, meathead,” Persephone smirked. “Look at me. I’m hot as fuck. My brains are just the icing on the cake.”
“Not everyone,” Bastion said, pointing towards Professor Gastlik who was chatting up a table of girls nearby. They were hanging on every word he said.
Persephone gave a wistful sigh. “Only because he’s decent enough to not fuck his students.”
“But what if you could anyway.”
“Oh I’d definitely take him for a whirl. I bet he’s got monster under those robes.”
Nitz giggled. “Like a basilisk?”
“Or maybe a phoenix.”
Drynn looked confused. “A phoenix?”
Persephone winked at him. “Yeah. You think he’s done for, but then he’s able to go another round.”
“That’s the dream,” Nitz sighed.
“They make spells for that, don’t they?” Bastion asked.
“They make lots of stuff for that, Bastion,” Nitz said helpfully. “Potions mostly. But what brought on this whole sexually charged line of conversation. Are you hitting a slump with the ladies?”
Bastion looked offended by the very idea. “Absolutely not. I just wanted to know what you thought. The both of you. Just what you would do if you could have sex with someone that seemed out of your reach?”
Drynn found he was having trouble looking at Nitz or Perspephone in the eyes during this whole conversation. But when Bastion finally posed the question to them, he looked up for a moment to see what Nitz would say. To his surprise, she was looking right at him. The second their eyes met, she glanced away and met Bastion’s gaze.
“Haven’t given it much thought,” she answered.
“But there is someone you’d let under those short skirts you wear all the time?”
Nitz rolled her eyes. “Get to whatever point you’re trying to make right now, Bastion.”
Bastion looked back and forth between the girls a few times, letting the suspense build. Then he leaned forward, and motioned for them to do the same. Their faces were very close to the middle of the table when Bastion whispered, “Our boy here can make polyjuice potion.”
“What!” Persephone shrieked.
“Neat!” Nitz said in wonder. “That’s supposed to be pretty advanced stuff.”
“Yeah, and like, illegal,” Persephone objected in a much quieter tone.
“It’s not technically illegal,” Bastion corrected. “I checked. It’s very frowned upon, and might get you probation or a fine if they catch you misusing it, but not illegal.”
“Well it’s close enough.”
Bastion smiled at her, then took something out of his pocket. He held it up to the others, who stared at it curiously. It was a hair. He placed it in the middle of the table, and looked at Persephone. “Want to know who that hair belongs to?”
“Why would I-”
“It’s Gasltik’s. The teacher you and all your friends have been drooling over since the start of term.”
No one said anything. They just stared at it. What Bastion was suggesting was starting to sink in.
“It was easy enough to get,” he continued. “People leave hairs all over the place. This one was on his desk. It could transform me into a perfect copy of him. Just one hair, dropped into a complicated brew that Drynn happens to know how to make, and we can look like anyone we want.” With a flourish, he gestured towards the whole of the school and emphasized again, “Anyone.”
That kind of idea is dangerous, because it burrows under the surface and puts down roots. Their little group couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was there when they were trying to study. It kept them up at night. It was one of the first things they thought about in the morning. The magical ability to look like someone else. To feel what it was like to be in their skin. Or to have access to the unattainable. For Bastion and the girls, fantasies and scenarios began to run on loop in their minds.
The only one seemingly immune to the idea, was Drynn. Much to his friends’ dismay, he didn’t want any part of it. He made it very clear that he wasn’t looking for love in this place. A failed relationship had landed him here, and he wasn’t going to let it happen again. Bastion tried to let him know he wasn’t talking about love, but it was still too close for Drynn.
The girls both said they understood, and Nitz backed off. Way off actually. For a time, they only saw her at meals. She said she needed to focus on her arithmancy assignments, which were still proving a challenge for her the second time around.
Persephone, however, did not back off. If anything, she pushed harder, even offering him a hefty amount of galleons. The answer had still been no. Bastion assured him that he didn’t have to drink any of the potion. And he promised to do as much of the prep work as possible, even helping to brew the potion once all of the ingredients were gathered. That had made Drynn laugh. He’d seen his friend make a potion once. They’d had to evacuate the school that day.
Despite Drynn’s refusal, Bastion started placing the ingredients for polyuice outside his friend’s door. Drynn would sigh every time he saw another ingredient show up. He surprised himself by not throwing any of it away, but reluctantly took them all into his room. It didn’t mean he was going to make it. It was just easier to take it inside instead of arguing about it. When Persephone started helping gather the supplies, Drynn became worried, because in a matter of days, all the materials were there, and they both began trying to persuade him with renewed vigor. Drynn’s resolve was weakening, but he didn’t want the trouble the potion might bring.
Then one afternoon, Nitz approached Drynn at the end of the day’s classes. She was very excited. They’d all just passed their disapparation exam. This meant that their right to disapparate had been reinstated, at least locally. They could now officially disapparate anywhere in the boundaries of the school and in select, discreet areas of the nearby town. This was a big deal to all of them. It was another step towards being seen as competent witches and wizards.
Nitz said they should celebrate by disapparating for a trip to the local muggle coffee shop. But she didn’t ask their friend group, just Drynn. Drynn naturally looked around the common room to ask if Bastion or Persephone wanted to celebrate with them as well. Oddly, they were already together nearby, staring at him. The second he saw them, they both looked away, and before he could say anything to them, they both disapparated from the room.
Despite what his examiners and most of the teachers in this school thought, Drynn wasn’t stupid. Based on his friends’ reaction, he smelled a set up. He turned back to Nitz, about to ask her if this was meant to be a date, but she had a pitifully cute expression plastered on her face. The kind that said, please say yes or I’ll die. Drynn sighed and decided not to ask. If there was any doubt, he’d assure anyone who’d asked that they had just wanted to disapparate somewhere, anywhere, and happened to be together. The fact that Nitz was generally fun to be around and had an ability to silence Drynn with her cuteness would not get brought up.
The pair appeared in a vacant square that had enchantments on it that made muggles not see it properly, especially if someone just seemingly materialized out of thin air. From their it was a hundred yards to a quaint little coffee shop. They walked in and placed their order, and Drynn insisted on paying. The problem was he still hadn’t figured out muggle money. Apparently, he hadn’t brought near enough. He thought the paper money was worth more, but it turned out some of the papers were worth more than others. Nitz assured him it was okay and handed the cashier a piece of rectangular plastic. Drynn was amazed as the pretty barista behind the counter took it as if it were the most normal thing, and that seemed to do it. But she didn’t keep the thing, she gave it back to Nitz. Drynn had so many questions.
As soon as they were out of earshot at a table with their drinks, Drynn asked, “So, you just show them that card thingie, and they give you whatever you want? But they don’t keep it? They give it back to you?”
“I don’t fully understand it either,” Nitz said. “Persephone gave it to me the other day and said it had plenty of muggle money on it. She said I just needed to present it to whoever takes the money, and that should be that. It worked just like she said it would! We don’t give muggles enough credit sometimes.”
“No, no I suppose not. So…have you gotten caught up with your arithmancy?”
Nitz’s face reddened. “Not really. I hate that subject so much, and I worry that I might fail again.”
Drynn smiled at her sympathetically. “How can I help, Nitz? You want me to tutor you or-”
She scrunched up her face and blurted out quietly, “I’d like you to make the polyjuice potion!” She saw that he was about to protest, so she hurriedly added. “I’m just so stressed out right now, and when I think about what we could use that potion for…” Nitz’s face reddened.
“Yeah, yeah,” Drynn said dryly. “You could sex away your troubles by banging one of Dungus’s hottest students. Or teachers.”
Nitz looked at him intently for a moment, then bit her lip as she looked away shyly. “I…I wouldn’t need to use the potion if I thought the person was at all interested in me.”
“How could they not be? You’re great Nitz. And don’t let this go to your head, but you’re pretty cute.”
Nitz sat up straighter at that and beamed at him. She started to reach across the table for his hand, but he became distracted by someone yelling outside at the far end of the cafe. Drynn thought he saw movement through the large glass window, but couldn’t make out any particular face or what was going on.
He refocused on Nitz and continued casually, “If I weren’t still trying to put my shattered heart together after last year, I might have made a move on you myself.”
Nitz’s hand froze a hair’s breath from the hand that held Drynn’s coffee. Drynn did notice this, and saw her hand slowly retreat back to her side of the table. He also noticed her whole countenance change. She looked sad, or hurt. Had he said something offensive?
“That’s sweet of you to say, Drynn,” she said quietly. She began fumbling with something in her bag. “I just, look, if you’re still worrying about getting in trouble with the whole polyjuice thing, I’d be willing to lend you one of my family’s magical artifacts to help you out.”
That piqued Drynn’s curiosity. “A magical family heirloom! Cool! I’d love to see it.”
Nitz looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to them, she pulled on a chain that she always wore around her neck. Drynn had never seen what was attached to it, but as it came out of her shirt, he saw that it was a small golden hourglass. She gently put it on the table in front of her.
Drynn knew what it was immediately, and wrapped his hands around hers to hide the object from view. He spoke in a hushed voice. “Nitz! That’s a time turner. How do you have a time turner? The Ministry of Magic destroyed all of them.”
Nitz was looking at Drynn’s hands. Drynn’s hands that were on hers. She made no move to pull away. “They destroyed all that belonged to the Ministry. This one has belonged to my family for centuries.”
“But…aren’t they illegal to own now?”
Nitz giggled, and glanced down at their conjoined hands. “More like highly discouraged. Sort of like polyjuice potion. Would you like to try it out?”
Nitz had no idea how much Drynn wanted to try it out. He had wished he’d had one a thousand times over the last year. He wanted to undo so much. He took his fingers, and gently pulled Nitz’s hands apart to peek at the time turner. He’d heard about the dangers of time travel with these things, but he would have gladly faced them to undo so many regrets. He never thought he’d get a chance to see one, and now he was being offered the chance to use one.
“I would love to try it out,” he whispered. “That is, if you think we can do it safely. When should we…”
Before he could finish, Nitz had taken one more quick look around, then leaned forward and gestured for him to do the same. When he did, she looped the chain around his head, connecting them.
Drynn began to panic. “You’re not going to do it right here are you?”
But his question was answered a second later, as Nitz gave the little golden device a turn. Drynn felt very odd, like he was sitting on a broom that was going very fast, but also very backwards. He also felt like his stomach had left his body. And then the table felt solid again, and the seat didn’t feel like it was moving underneath him anymore. Their drinks had vanished, and the barista was focused on taking the orders of a woman that had just appeared.
“C’mon. Out the back. This way!” Nitz said excitedly as she pulled him from the table. They went out the other door at the end of the shop, and Nitz pointed at the window and told him, “Okay, now look.”
Drynn was at a loss. “What? Did we…are we back in time? What am I looking for?”
Nitz looked at her watch. “Shush. Just give it a second or two, and…there. Look who’s coming through the door.”
Drynn watched as identical copies of himself and Nitz walked into the coffee shop. He watched as they placed their orders, and watched the other version of himself fumble with muggle money. “This is so weird.”
“But cool, right?” Nitz asked hopefully.
“Oh, so cool!” Drynn agreed. “Can we go say hi?”
Nitz shook her head. “No, because you don’t know I have this yet. Something could go terribly wrong, like you could accidentally kill yourself. I’d be fine, because I know I have this. I’ve interacted with myself loads of times.”
“Really? What have you gotten up to with yourself?”
Nitz went red and began to stammer, “Nothing, just…stuff. Just like, helping organize my room or doing homework.”
“You’re joking!” Drynn said with a twinkle in his eye. “If you actually used it for homework, we wouldn’t be here.”
“I always, uh, mean to help myself with homework, but I often get…distracted.”
Drynn cocked his head and looked at her. “You distracted yourself from doing your homework? How did…” As he noticed her face get even redder, and how she couldn’t meet his eyes, he finally got it. “No way! You used time travel to get yourself off?”
“Shut up,” she hissed. “It’s…it’s just like a form of masturbating, just with more hands. And a mouth that know exactly where to…” She sighed wistfully, then shook her head. “Let’s just drop it, okay.”
Drynn did not want to drop it. If anything, he wanted every detail imaginable. But this was not the time to ask. Because he had just traveled back in time, and it was awesome. “I don’t think I’d kill myself. I think I’d be fine,” he argued.
“You really can’t know for sure. It’s very possible you’d try to attack yourself, or create a whole paradox of some sort.”
“And nobody wants that,” said a familiar voice behind them.
“What the-” Drynn yelled. And then he was being pushed away from the window by identical copies of himself and Nitz.
“Careful,” the copy of Drynn said. “You almost saw yourself in the window there.”
Drynn’s mouth fell open. It had been his future self he had heard earlier at the table. “This is so cool! But when did-”
“You really wanted to say hi to yourself,” future Nitz said with a smile and an eye roll.
“Of course he did,” Nitz agreed.
“When?” Drynn asked.
“In the future, dummy,” future Drynn laughed. “Right after this conversation.”
“I…is it always this confusing?” Drynn asked.
“You get used to it,” future Nitz said.
“Has Nitz told you any more details about her hookups with herself?” Drynn asked.
Future Drynn smiled, but before he could reply, two very red faced Nitz’s exclaimed, “We never should have told you that!”
Then future Nitz looked at her watch and said, “Oh, we need to get out of this area. You’ll be time traveling soon.”
“Right, thanks!” Nitz said, as she put the chain over Drynn again.
“Wait, so is this…is this when we time travel again?”
“Stop asking so many questions and just go with it,” future Drynn said.
“Yeah, you don’t have time. You’ve got some polyjuice potion to make,” future Nitz grinned.
Future Drynn nodded slowly and said, “I suppose I do.” A second later, he and future Nitz disapparated out of sight.
“You ready?” Ntiz asked.
“This is so bizarre,” Drynn said
“Welcome to time travel,” she grinned.
“And you’ll just…you’ll just let me borrow this thing?”
“Yes,” she said.
“If I make you guys a batch of polyjuice?”
“That’s the deal.”
“Only if I get to say hi to myself.”
Nitz laughed as she gave the device a little turn.
As time rewound around them, he saw a blur of the events that just happened. The sound was warped and backwards, but as it slowed, he heard a voice, Nitz’s voice, say, “It’s very possible you’d try to attack yourself, or create a whole paradox of some sort.”
Drynn cut her off by saying, “And nobody wants that.” He remembered what came next. Even as he heard his past self yell, he looked into the coffee shop, and sure enough, his past past self was about to look their way. He shoved himself out of view. And then he had a very familiar conversation before he eventually said, “I suppose I do.” And then he and Nitz turned, and vanished on the spot.
They reappeared in their common room. Drynn was overwhelmed, but also very excited to see what he could get up to with the time turner. As Nitz took it off discreetly and handed it to him, he asked, “But wait? Isn’t there a future version of us here now? The you and I that disapparated here earlier?”
“It doesn’t work like that?” Nitz giggled, and then she lowered her voice and said in an attempt of an American southern drawl, “Time is a flat circle.”
Drynn laughed, but then said, “But…but I still don’t-”
“Don’t try and understand it, Drynn. Just have fun with it. Now get to making that polyjuice.”
Drynn nodded, and went to his room. He had a potion to brew.
With all the ingredients already assembled, brewing the potion itself took him just over 24 hours. It might have taken him longer if he had been allowed to make any mistakes. Three times his future self had appeared and let him know he was about to stir the cauldron’s contents the wrong way, or that an ingredient had to be brewed for 18 hours, not 17, or that he’d cut an ingredient he was supposed to mash. He’d corrected the problem he was about to make, then gone back to warn his past self, and then watched his past self correct the problem, and then go back and warn his past self. A flat circle indeed.
At last near the end of the next day, the potion turned the proper consistency of mud and a dark greenish color. Drynn did not tell his friends that it was finished. He planned on letting them know in the morning that he had been successful. Then they could spend the rest of the day figuring out how to use it. He knew that wouldn’t be hard for Bastion. Along with the ingredients, he had been collecting hairs from various students, and teachers, all of which were in a suitcase he’d left in Drynn’s room, along with several vials ready to hold a small amount of potion. Bastion probably had an order and set list of fantasies to act out. When it came to hooking up, Bastion was very organized.
Drynn was thankful that no one else knew that he had a large batch of polyjuice potion, and he wanted to keep it that way until he could give it to his friends. The dark green sludge bubbled slowly. It looked perfect. It smelled nasty, just as it should. He hoped it made his friends happy. He also hoped that Nitz would let him keep the time turner for a good long while.
A part of him wondered if he should…if he should test the polyjuice potion, to make sure that it worked properly. But no, that hadn’t been his intention. He was doing it for his friends. His friends and temporary time turner privileges. He didn’t want to get in trouble. Besides, who would he turn into? He put the idea out of his head, finished his homework, and went to bed early.
Knock knock.
The sound on the door was slight, but enough to rouse Drynn from his sleep. Then he heard the sound of something sliding under his door. He sat up quickly and reached for his wand on his night stand.
“Lumos,” he whispered. His room was bathed in light. He looked at the floor, and there was a piece of parchment at the foot of his door. He picked it up. If he had been fully awake, he might have noticed the handwriting was very familiar to him. It read:
“You are invited to a polyjuice party tonight at the space of specification. Bring the time turner. Go now.”
Drynn’s head reeled. This had to be from Nitz. No way had she told the others about the time turner. He leapt up and raced to his door. He peered up and down the hallway. No one was there. He retreated to his room and shut the door. As he put on a fresh set of robes, he wondered what this was all about? Nitz was the only other person who knew about the time turner. But what if someone else had seen him use it? What if it wasn’t a secret? He’d always been so careful, except when they had been at the coffee shop. And how was there a polyjuice party tonight when it was still in his cauldron on the floor? He double checked. Yes, it was still there. Had someone else made a batch? And now they were just inviting everyone in the school? That didn’t make any sense! What did make sense was that somehow, somebody knew more than they should. He needed to find out what was going on, and make sure that he and his friends didn’t get expelled.
Drynn’s feet carried him quickly to the space of specification. It was what they called the room at Dungus that was sort of a catch all for whatever a student needed. If you needed to relax, the room created bean bags, hammocks, scented candles and soothing music. If you needed to have a dance party, it lined itself with speakers and a stage. It was whatever you needed. Supposedly Hogwarts had its own version, but Drynn had never been to it, because you apparently had to walk up and down a certain way and say some password or something that Drynn had never learned.
He could have saved himself some time by disapparating directly into the space of specification, but he was trying to catch a glimpse of whomever might have left that note. Plus, he didn’t want to magically appear into what might be an attempt to blackmail or expel him.
He passed empty corridor after empty corridor. Climbed several vacant staircases. He heard and saw no one, until he got to the sixth floor. The space of specification was at the end of the hallway from the last set of stairs. He passed a set of men’s and women’s toilets midway to the room, and thought he heard hushed voices. He hesitated. It was coming from the women’s. As he tried to make out what they were saying. It sounded like a disagreement. But then they stopped talking suddenly. Immediately after, he heard the telltale pop of two people disapparating.
As the bathroom would no doubt be empty, he carried on stealthily towards the space of specification. He double checked his surroundings. He was alone. It was quiet, but he could already hear noises coming from inside the room. He pressed his ear against the door and listened hard for anything that should give him pause. What he heard was the sound of passion.
He heard moans and grunts. Panting and cooing. And a plethora of dirty talk from what seemed like a room full of people just going at it. Maybe this was the real deal. Maybe this was an actual invite from some other student who had made their own batch of polyjuice potion.
Drynn tried to open the door quietly to take a peek of what his ears told him was a full blown orgy. But the door creaked loudly, and suddenly all those sounds stopped. A voice called out, “Get in here Drynn!”
They were expecting him. Was he the last to arrive? How did they know he’d come? All the questions stopped as the inhabitants of the room came into view. There were several men and women, all of whom Drynn knew, most very well. They seemed to be the most attractive students at Dungus, both girls and guys. But it wasn’t just students. He saw the muscular figure of Professor Gastlik, and the seductive body of Professor Sindla. His eyes kept bouncing rapidly around as he saw more than one version of Bastion, Persephone, and Nitz in the room. But what stood out more than anything else, was that every single person in the room didn’t have a stitch of clothes on. And everyone was in the middle of fucking or being fucked.
There was silence for a few beats as Drynn took all this in. Then as if on cue, everyone in the room cried, “Hi Drynn!” And then they went back to fucking each other as if Drynn walking in on all of them in a state of sexual frenzy was just the most normal thing in the world.
Drynn wanted answers, but his body was signaling that it might want more than that. The sight of so much flesh gave him a throbbing erection, but he wasn’t the type to just shuck off his clothes and jump in. He briefly thought about running, and even took a step back. As soon as he did however, Professor Sindla called to him from the middle of the room. She was on all fours on the floor, and was was being fucked from behind by Bastion nice and slow.
“Come over here, young man,” the voluptuous teacher commanded. She sounded like she always did while she was calling on a student to answer a question. The difference was that she was getting the full length of Bastion’s cock plunged into her pussy every few seconds, which caused her big tits to sway hypnotically.
Drynn couldn’t help but stare at them as he drew closer. The professor must have noticed, because she snapped, “My eyes are up here, Mr. Finestra.”
His eyes quickly found hers, and he saw Bastion stifle a laugh in his peripheral vision. “That’s a good boy,” she moaned, looking intently at Drynn as Bastion slammed into her. “I know how much all the males here love staring at my tits. And now that they’re here completely exposed and right in front of you, swaying back and forth while your friend fucks me from behind, I must say I’m impressed by your level of self…Oh! Nope. Your eyes are back on my tits again. Back up here, Mr. Finestra. There we are. Look at me while I’m speaking to you. You have some questions you’d like to ask, am I right?”
Drynn swallowed hard. It was taking a lot of willpower not to look down at her jiggling boobs. He couldn’t help but wonder if he’d get to-
“Ask your questions and I might let you suck on them,” she purred.
Drynn’s eyes went wide at the prospect. He let a question tumble out of his mouth. “Is that really you, Professor Sindla?”
She gave a laugh that turned into a moan before she answered. “You’re not allowed to ask who anyone really is at a polyjuice party.” When Drynn gave her a puzzled look, she pulled away from Bastion. She stood up in front of Drynn and brought her mouth to his. She parted his lips with her long, sensuous tongue, and his hands instinctively began to explore her body. She broke off the kiss and pulled his hands to her breasts. “No, I’m not really the professor, Drynn. But does that matter? I look exactly like her. I feel like her. I taste like her.”
She made a sweeping gesture at the writhing bodies around her. “None of these people are their actual selves, that’s the whole point. Everyone can toss their inhibitions aside and enjoy the bodies of their crushes, their fantasies. And by the way you're groping me, I bet you’ve had a crush on me, haven’t you Mr. Finestra?”
“I…yes.” Drynn stammered.
“Yes, Ma’am,” the professor corrected.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Drynn repeated. “So, who sent me the invitation?”
“All will be revealed in due time. But there is a bit of a clock on this potion, and before it runs out, I think there’s someone you’d like to meet.”
She gently spun him around, and Drynn’s heart sped up at the vision before him. It was his ex-girlfriend Mara. How could Mara be here? She was naked. Her curly brown hair fell to her shoulders. Her smile was the same he remembered. At one time he would have walked across hot coals for that smile. And now she was here. But it wasn’t her. How could it be her? She’d graduated Hogwarts and moved on with her life and was probably dating some successful wizard who’d had common sense enough not to flunk all his final exams.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Mara whispered as she gently stepped forward and took his hand. “I know you miss me. I know I broke your heart. I know there’s a million things you’d like to say to me, or would like to undo, or redo in our relationship. You can say anything to me right now. You can do anything to me right now. I’m here to give you the closure you need to move on.”
Drynn heard the words but was having trouble processing them. She was so close. And she looked so good. He wasn’t aware, but his breathing had become shallow and loud as his eyes drifted over her. He’d loved her for more than her body, but her body was also a treasure in and of itself. The thought of being able to say, or do anything to her right now was overwhelming. He didn’t know where to start, where to begin.
So Mara, or the person that looked exactly like her, took the lead. She led him to the far corner of the room where an empty bed sat, almost as if it had been reserved specifically for them. Unbeknownst to Drynn, almost every eye watched as they went. By the time they arrived at the bed, they had all looked away and refocused on their own partner, or partners as was the case.
Mara began to undress him quickly, and in seconds Drynn was as naked as everyone else in the room. He tried to cover his erection, but she gently moved his hands away and let her fingers slide up and down his shaft with one hand. Then she lay back on the bed, and spread her legs for him. She brought her hands up to fondle her boobs, pushing them together for him. She continued to squeeze them with one hand, while the other went to her face, where a finger slid into her mouth. It went in and out a few times, before it quickly dropped to her pussy lips, which parted for her fingers. She began to pant and lick her lips. She saw how enthralled Drynn was at every little thing she did. She had his undivided attention. It was like they were the only ones in the room.
“Please fuck me, Drynn,” she moaned. “I need your cock inside of me. Please. Please give it to me. You can touch me anywhere you want. Fuck me however you’d like. Just give me your big, throbbing cock.”
Drynn lowered himself to her. He was about to lose his virginity, at an orgy, at school. He could live with that. He tried to enter her, but he couldn’t quite find her entrance.
She smiled at him. “Let me help.” Her hands encircled him, and guided him to where he needed to be.
He felt her warmth and wetness as she slid him up and down her pussy lips. Then he gave a small, tentative thrust with his hips, and he felt her tightness as his dick went into her. His breath caught, and for a moment time stood still.
“That’s it, Drynn. You’re inside of me. And it feels amazing. Please, go deeper.”
And go deeper he did. Balls deep in fact. And then he pulled out a little, and then pushed back in. It felt amazing. Why had he waited so long? Sex was great! He was having sex! With Mara. Something he’d dreamt about doing with her every day when they were married. But she’d dumped him. She’d dumped him and they would never be married and…. His hips began to slow as an unexpected wave of sorrow hit him.
“Hey, no,” Mara panted. “Don’t slow down. Keep fucking me. Keep fucking me and know that if I had really, truly been in love with you, I would have stayed. But I wasn’t the one for you, and you know it. We grew apart that last few months together. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. The spark just left. I know you loved me, oh! Oh yeah! Yeah. Good. Right there. You loved me, but we weren’t meant to be. And it hurts so much because I was your first love. I need you to let me go. But first I need you to-”
Drynn felt the explosion build from within as his balls tightened. Then his dick began to pulse and he let out a long groan. As soon as he did, the whole room burst into applause, cheers and whistles.
He smiled sheepishly at them, then looked down at his ex and asked a question guys have been asking since forever after their first time. “Was that okay?”
“It was lovely, Drynn,” Mara said as she pulled him into a hug. “You lasted about as long as I expected. But don’t worry, next time you’ll last a little longer.”
Drynn pushed himself up so he could look at her. “Next time?”
She wiggled out from under him and sat up. Then she bent over and picked up Nitz’s time turner he still wore. “You’ve got this, remember?”
Drynn’s eyes went wide. “You want me to relive this? But how would that even work?”
“Why don’t you disapparate to the men’s bathroom down the hall and find out.”
“What? What’s in the men’s…” he stopped as he noticed Mara’s skin begin to ripple. He almost panicked, but then remembered that it was just the polyjuice beginning to wear off. He looked around.
Everyone had finished fucking and were standing, and all of their skin was rippling. People’s hair was shortening everywhere and changing color. Professor Sindla’s large breasts were deflating rapidly. Professor Gastlik’s abs began to look more like a single ab. And they were all looking at him and smiling. It was a pained smile. The transformational effects of polyjuice were not a painless process, but clearly all the people in the room were pleased with themselves, or, pleased with him for some reason.
He looked over to Mara, but she hardly looked like herself anymore. Her boobs had also shrunk, and had she gotten taller?
“Go now Drynn!” she ordered. But her voice was deeper, less feminine.
Drynn shook his head. “But I want to see who you all really are.”
As her hair became darker and shortened into her scalp, she said in a masculine voice, “Right, I forgot. You don’t go of your own accord the first time?” With a quick motion, she reached out and gave his time turner a turn.
Right before the room began to spin, Drynn said, “Wait, are you actually a dude?”
And then he was in a dark and empty room. It was the same room, just a different time. The polyjuice party hadn’t started yet. But he could do it all again. He’d get to fuck Mara, again. As he looked down at his spent penis, he hoped he could. He was sure once she was in front of him he’d be able to rise to the occasion. But…if he knew she was actually a guy, would that affect his ability to do it with her.
Instead of dwelling on that, he disapparated to the men’s bathroom down the hall as he had been instructed. It was also empty. And then suddenly it wasn’t. He watched a person who looked exactly like himself appear directly in front of him. The second he did, Drynn heard pops from the direction of the other closed stalls around him.
Drynn was glad it was himself he was looking at, because he was still very much naked. His clothes were on the floor in the other room in the future. Then he wondered if this was actually him he was looking at, or… “Hey, are you…are you me? Or someone that drank-”
“Shh, no time, here,” his doppleganger said as he popped open a familiar looking briefcase full of vials of dark greenish polyjuice.
“Hey, that’s Bastion’s case,” Drynn exclaimed.
“You don’t miss a trick, do you,” the other Drynn smirked. “Now pick one and drink up.”
“Polyjuice party, idiot. If you want to go back in that room, it’ll be as someone else. Now pick!”
Drynn thought he was beginning to understand. He hadn’t seen another version of himself in that room, so of course he would come back as someone else. That prospect excited him, and he felt his dick stir. He reached for a vial in the middle, only for his other self to smack his hand.
“Not that one,” his twin laughed. “Pick another one.”
Drynn laughed back. “Fuck you. I want that one.”
“You’re not ready for that one. Maybe next time.”
Drynn looked at the vial that he supposedly wasn’t ready for. “Well fine then.” And he grabbed a different one. He gave it a swirl, popped the cork, and downed the nasty liquid. It tasted truly awful. As soon as he had swallowed it all, he felt like he was going to be sick. And then his body began to change. He felt like his skin and bones were stretching as he grew a few inches. He looked in the mirror and watched his black hair shrink to a tight crew cut and turn blonde. He knew who he was becoming.
“I’m Bastion!” he exclaimed, already in the deeper voice of his friend.
“That you are!” the other Drynn chuckled. “And I believe you have a date with a hot teacher.”
Drynn’s new chiseled jaw dropped. “No way! Am I the Bastion that got to fuck Professor Sindla?”
“You sure will be.”
“And…and you know this because…because you’re a future version of myself?”
The other Drynn smiled. “Who else would I be?”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“If you want to go again after this, disapparate into one of the stalls here and drink the potion that’s there.”
“How many times do I do this?”
“That’s up to you.”
“But…you know, don’t you?”
The other Drynn sighed. “I forgot how much I like to ask questions.”
“And what about my…” Drynn said as he nodded down at his deflated cock.
“Oh right, thanks for reminding me.” The other Drynn took out a vial filled with blue liquid from the pocket of his robes and held it out to Drynn. “Drink this and…”
Drynn snatched it and unstopped the cork. “I know what it does. I made it last week for Bastion so he could keep up with the demands of his social life.”
“Didn’t need it though, did he. Good thing, cause you will. Now get going. You’re going to have a good time, and maybe learn something about yourself. You can trust me. I wouldn’t lie to myself.”
“I would hope not.”
“Go. You should be in there already.”
“Right!” Drynn said enthusiastically.
“Be sure to give those big titties a squeeze for me!” the other Drynn smiled.
There was a brief sound of muffled laughter all around him, and then several pops.
“Sure will!” Drynn said. He disappeared a moment later.
He reappeared back in the space of specification. It was no longer empty. There were several people now, and everyone was still naked, but nobody was fucking. Yet. Drynn noticed Professor Sindla, and they locked eyes with each other. She looked like she was waiting for him specifically. Drynn made a beeline to her in the center of the room, and she gave him a predatory smile.
“Well hello, Bastion,” she said. “I hear you’ve been wanting to get your hands on my voluptuous body for some time now.”
Drynn paused. “Uh, is that okay?”
As an answer to his question, she turned around, and got on all fours on the floor. Then she lifted her ass in the air and presented it to him. Drynn sank to his knees and gripped the sides of her hips. He tried to insert himself into her, but didn’t quite know the mechanics, which was very frustrating. His dick was fully reinflated, and he could feel the heat of her wet slit, but he couldn’t quite enter her. After a couple of tries, she rolled over for him and said, “I forgot, you’re not very experienced yet. Why don’t you try this way first? Get that dick wet, and put your mouth on these forbidden titties.”
Drynn pounced on her, and on the first attempt, he found her pussy entrance. It all felt so different this time around. He did have a different dick, but it was also Sindla’s pussy. It was gripping him. And she was looking at him like he was a meal she couldn’t wait to devour.
“Don’t forget my big tits, Bastion,” she said firmly. “You’re always looking at them in class. Get your mouth on them.”
Drynn obeyed. First he buried his head between them. He’d fantasized about being buried between her cleavage, and now it was a reality. Then he licked from the middle of her chest to her right boob, and stopped at the nipple. He swirled his tongue around it and sucked. Then repeated the process on the left breast. All while her pussy pulsed around his hard cock.
“That’s right,” she said encouragingly. “They’re quite the mouthful, aren’t they. Ooh, and has your dick gotten even harder while sucking on them. I think it has. You’re so big inside me. So big. This is the best dick so far. Even better than Gastlik’s.”
“What? Have you…”
She pushed him off before he could finish the question, and spun around. “Mount me, Bastion.”
“You’ll be able to do it this time. I know you will. And you’ll like how my pussy feels even better in this position. It’ll feel so tight. You’ll love it.” When nothing happened, she looked over her shoulder and said, “It’s okay. You can trust me.”
A weird sense of deja vu passed through Drynn as he heard those words. But it didn’t last, because Sindla’s hot ass had hypnotized him as she began to sway it back and forth, side to side. He put his hands on her hips again, and she raised her ass higher for him. He was determined to do it right this time. He took his cock in a firm grip. It really was much bigger than his own. He edged it forward, poking blindly at first, but then felt hot wetness encircle the tip. He pushed ahead a little more, and he heard her moan. She pushed back into him in turn, and he was suddenly deep in paradise. She had been right. It was tighter. He pulled out a little, then went back in.
“That’s it,” she said in a ragged voice. “Just like that. Do your hot professor doggystyle. I’m your bitch now. Fuck me hard from behind.”
And then the door creaked. And someone in the room yelled, “Get in here Drynn!”
The door opened, and Drynn saw the strangest thing that anyone can see while fucking a polyjuiced version of their hot teacher in the middle of a magical orgy. Drynn watched as his past self peered into the room, open mouthed. Drynn smiled, as he knew exactly the thoughts that had been rolling through his head in that moment. He knew what was coming next, and after a few beats, he joined in with a bunch of other voices that cried out, “Hi Drynn!”
He thought this was hilarious now. He knew that he’d soon be in front of himself as he fucked Sindla, and he made sure to go nice and slow. He brought his dick almost all the way out of her, then shoved it all the way back in hard. Then slowly brought it out again, and found a nice rythym. Every time he slammed into her, her big titties swung back and forth in front of her. Drynn remembered seeing them from a different angle last time, and liking it a lot. There was about to be a conversation between past Drynn and Sindla, all while he was fucking her from behind. This was now officially the best night of his life.
Drynn kept pumping while he heard Sindla say loudly and firmly, “Come over here, young man.”
He loved her authoritative teacher voice. She was so fucking sexy. He never wanted this to end.
“My eyes are up here Mr. Finestra.”
Drynn stifled a laugh. He much preferred being on this side of the conversation. The side with his dick in Sindla’s pussy.
“That’s a good boy,” she moaned. “I know how much all the males here love staring at my tits. And now that they’re here completely exposed and right in front of you, swaying back and forth while your friend fucks me from behind, I must say I’m impressed by your level of self…Oh! Nope. Your eyes are back on my tits again. Back up here, Mr. Finestra. There we are. Look at me while I’m speaking to you. You have some questions you’d like to ask, am I right?”
Drynn couldn’t see her tits right then. But he could sure see her perfect ass.
“Ask your questions and I might let you suck on them,” Professor Sindla purred.
“Is that really you, Professor Sindla?” Drynn’s past self asked.
Sindla laughed, and as she did, Drynn felt the vibrations up and down his cock. He pushed into her as deep as he could, and the laugh turned into a moan.
“You’re not allowed to ask who anyone really is at a polyjuice party.” And then she moved forward, and let Drynn’s hard cock fall out of her.
Damn. Drynn had forgotten about that part. He watched though, silently, as Sindla stood up and kissed his past self. He watched as past Drynn began to explore and grope her body. He put a hand on his cock and stroked himself.
“No, I’m not really the professor, Drynn. But does that matter? I look exactly like her. I feel like her. I taste like her. None of these people are their actual selves, that’s the whole point. Everyone can toss their inhibitions aside and enjoy the bodies of their crushes, their fantasies. By the way you're groping me, I bet you’ve had a crush on me, haven’t you Mr. Finestra?”
Drynn realized he was becoming jealous watching his other self grope those big tits that had been in his mouth minutes ago. He wanted to get back to fucking her.
“I…yes.” past Drynn stammered.
“Yes, Ma’am,” the professor corrected.
“Yes, Ma’am,” past Drynn repeated. “So, who sent me the invitation?”
“All will be revealed in due time. But there is a bit of a clock on this potion, and before it runs out, I think there’s someone you’d like to meet.”
As past Drynn turned, Drynn saw her again. He hadn’t noticed her this second time either. She had been leaning against the wall near the door, apart from the orgy. She had been waiting for him. Drynn felt a brief pang of hurt in his heart, and then Sindla was in front of him again.
“Lay down on the floor, young man,” she ordered him.
He did, and watched as she positioned herself over his dick. Then she slowly, half inch by half inch, sunk down on top of his member. When he was all the way in, she lowered her tits towards his face, and told him, “Suck.”
His mouth opened, and he greedily attacked her boobs with his tongue and mouth. As soon as he did, she used her hips to bounce and gyrate atop him. He didn’t last very long after that. He felt the pressure build. He felt her pussy squeeze him. He heard her cry out in ecstacy and her body quiver. And then he was cumming. And cumming. And everything was amazing.
Sindla collapsed on top of him and asked, “Are you going to go again?”
“I…you know about the time turner? Were you the one who-”
“If you do, you should disapparate into the women’s bathroom this time.”
“But I thought I was supposed to go back to the-”
“Just trust me. You’ll love it.”
Suddenly Drynn’s skin began to ripple. Sindla’s was as well. To his dismay, her boobs were rapidly deflating. He looked over at his past self, who had finished having sex for the first time. He smiled at the thought. And then he watched as Mara, or the person who sort of looked like Mara, turned Past Drynn’s time turner for him. He heard his past self say, “Wait. Are you a dude?” right before he disappeared.
He looked at Sindla with a smirk. But she wasn’t there. She had disapparated. He thought about what she’d told him. The girl’s bathroom. It wouldn’t hurt to check. He almost used the time turner, but then remembered to disapparate first. A second later, he found himself in the girl’s bathroom. There was no one there, but he thought he heard movement from one of the stalls. Since he didn’t want to be caught naked in the middle of a girls’ bathroom, he used his time turner.
The room spun, and then he felt the ground solid underneath him. He heard movement still from the stalls, but got distracted when a clothed version of himself appeared in front of him. He opened the briefcase full of vials and pointed at the one Drynn had tried to take earlier. The other him said, “Hey, I see you made it to the girls bathroom. Still want to try that other vial?”
To be continued...
Author's note:
What a great idea for a story. I really like writing this one, and have already started the next chapter. I'm working backwards from the ending, so it will hopefully flow together nicely.
Please consider becoming one of my supporters here at outfoxstories. It helps keep me writing!
There comes a time in every marriage where the spark dims, or goes out entirely. For some, it can happen very quickly, over the course of a few months or years. For other couples, it can take much longer, but at some point, it is inevitable. It doesn’t mean the love isn’t there. It just means that the romantic fire is smoldering, or about to go out altogether.
Peter and Christine were in that season of marriage. They never thought they would get there, and perhaps for good reason. They had said their vows in their early twenties, and were still very much in love after 42 years. They weren’t in the best of shape, the wrinkles were plentiful, and everything seemed harder to do. But they’d say they were happy, and if asked, would say they wanted for nothing. But that wasn’t entirely true. Because they both felt their marriage was in a slump.
The love was still there, but the sex life had wained. This is something that for so many years they would have thought impossible. They felt their sex life was richer than most, especially since they were both bodyhoppers.
Their first date had been while inside other people’s bodies, as had their second. For the third they met up in real life, and had been together ever since. They hopped many people all throughout their relationship, and lived out each other's fantasies in any body that caught their eye.
There were certainly lots of people to choose from. They could be anyone, their neighbors, the clerk at the grocery store, the waiter at a local restaurant, a random passerby, or a person at their place of employment. Peter had fucked so many of his secretaries that he’d lost count.
And there was the problem. It all felt the same now. Even their ability to be anyone new had become a rut, because after a couple of decades living in the same town, they had been there, done that. Was this how they were to spend their golden years? Just come home, drink wine, watch television, and sleep. And the problem would just get worse when they retired in a few years. What they needed was to renew the spark. Could they? Is that what they wanted at this stage? Or would it just be better to coexist in a loving but sexless marriage?
Peter especially had felt this for a few months. As he poured his wife a cup of coffee that particular morning, he decided they should finally talk about it.
“You know,” he started carefully. “It’s been awhile.”
Christine half heard him as she cracked his eggs. Her husband liked his eggs cooked in a very specific way. It was both endearing, and a little annoying, because if they weren’t perfect, he wouldn’t eat them. He really should have learned to cook his own eggs by now. But no. Like so many other things, she was always the one to do it because he proved too incompetent. She was sure he could have mastered them by now, especially folding laundry, if he just put in the same effort he did with his hobbies. But he hadn’t when they were young, and so why would anything ever change. She was stuck making his eggs until one of them died.
As the eggs sizzled and marital complaints ran through her mind, her only response was a mumbled, “Put it on the calendar.”
“You want me to put our sex life on the calendar?”
“I…what? No! What are you on about?”
“It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?”
“Since what?”
“Since we’ve had sex.”
“With each other?”
“Yes. But also, as other people.”
That answer gave Christine pause. They hadn’t hopped someone to have sex in long while. They used to do it all the time in their first couple decades of marriage, multiple times a day, whenever they got half a chance. It had lessened after that, both getting swept up in the busy of life and preferring to relax at the end of the day. When was the last time they had bodyhopped someone for sex?
“Didn’t we hop the Johnson’s?”
“Yes, what for my birthday last year, right?”
“The Smith’s?”
“For your birthday two years ago, I believe.”
“Oh, what about the Parker’s?”
“Is your memory alright? That was ages ago!”
Christine sighed. “I know. But we had really great sex in them, didn’t we?”
“I suppose,” Peter agreed. “Maybe if we hadn’t hopped them after work for a month straight they wouldn’t have lost their appeal.”
“Or maybe if they hadn’t gotten old like we did.”
“So that brings me back to my question. When was the last time we had sex?”
“I…I don’t know. Oh damn it! I’ve ruined your eggs.”
“That’s okay, I don’t have to-”
Her glare made him change course.
“But I will, I will eat them, because I love you so much,” Peter finished.
“Smart man,” she smiled as she scraped them onto a plate. As she started making her own, she asked, “So what are you proposing?”
“Well, I mean, I think we should have sex.”
“I gathered that much. You want to do it now, or after breakfast.” It was as romantic as scheduling a trip to the store.
“Are you in the mood right now?” Peter asked curiously.
Christine pursed her lips. “Not particularly. You?”
“Me neither.”
“Part of getting older I guess.”
“But when did that happen?”
“For me it was probably after the millionth load of laundry, or maybe thinking about all the repairs that need done to this house. Or one of the other hundreds of things that I’m thinking about all the time.”
Peter nodded. “For me it's just, well, I come home, and I don’t even think about sex.”
Christine furrowed her brow. She felt the same way. “And no one does it for you out there anymore?” Christine gestured to the outside world. “No people you want to hop, or make me hop?”
“I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’ll think about it every once in a while. But not as much as I used to. And when I do, it’s fleeting. By the time I get home from work, it feels like another thing that I, we, keep putting off to do other things.”
“Oh, speaking of work. I’d better get going. I’ve got a meeting.”
Peter checked his watch and made a face. “Me too. I guess we can pick this up later.”
“Don’t forget your eggs.”
“I’ll be late.”
“But you’ll be alive.”
Peter paused, then quickly ate his eggs under the watchful eye of his wife.
As the hours passed that day, both husband and wife would ponder this conversation. It was one of those brief interactions that gnawed at both of them. They both wondered, was the other person getting bored of them? Why had they stopped pursuing each other as they had in the past? Both took note of the people around them throughout the day, and briefly fantasized about their significant other hopping them for a sexual liaison. Every person they saw, no matter how attractive, barely moved the needle.
Peter arrived home from work first and poured two glasses of wine. He looked at the dark red liquid in the glass. As he did, he wondered if he should pick up that morning’s conversation, or let it lapse.
Two minutes later, Christine practically burst through the door. She moved quickly to where she knew her husband would be and picked up her glass of wine. She downed it in two gulps, and then said, “I’ve been thinking about it, and I think we should hop the next couple we see, and fuck.”
Peter took a sip of wine and shook his head. “Look, I wasn’t trying to upset you this morning. We don’t have to rush into anything. It’s been a long day and-”
“No, no, you were right earlier,” Chrstine said firmly. We are in a rut. We’ve become boring.”
“There’s nothing wrong with boring,” Peter argued.
“Boring is fine sometimes. But is that’s what our marriage has become all the time. We used to take chances, and hop someone at the slightest hint of arousal. Let’s step outside of our comfort zone and try something new.”
Peter sighed. At their age, when they assumed an incorporeal form, their range was limited. “So you want to go out? Cause new is several miles in any direction.”
“We could pick one of the neighbors.”
“I thought you said new.”
Christine crossed her arms as she thought about potential candidates. The well really had run dry all around them. Even if there was someone that piqued their interest, it would still be the same. Their sexual proclivites over the years had been very vanilla by other bodyhopper standards. But still, it should be this hard to convince her husband to go out with her to bodyhop and fuck someone. The situation was really more dire than she thought.
“Well, we need to get out there and start looking?”
“That’s the problem isn’t it. I haven’t seen anyone that gets me going anywhere recently. Maybe we find someone if we go into the city. And you know how that story goes. I have to fight city traffic. We take forever to find someone we like. And if and when we find a pair we can agree on, we have the logistics of getting somewhere private to have sex, and that’s a whole thing. And then it’s late, and I have to fight traffic on the way back. And then we’re both tired the next morning-”
“I get it, Peter. But we can’t just shove this under the rug. It might take some effort on our part. It’s not like the perfect solution is just going to show up right outside our door.”
Peter was about to respond, when a series of loud beeps echoed up and down their street. It was the familiar cry of a large truck signaling its intentions to back up. Peter and Christine went to investigate, and saw a large truck pull into the driveway across from their house. Two men wearing a moving company logo exited and opened the back of the truck to unload it.
Two car doors slammed, and Peter and Christine noticed two other people. A man and a woman had parked their car along the curb, and were heading towards the house. The woman put her arm around the man’s shoulder. The man reciprocated, and they gave each other a side squeeze. They began talking. Peter and Christine couldn’t hear what they were saying, but they appeared very excited.
The man went back to the car and began to retrieve a couple of bags from what Peter now saw was a very full car. The man was young, probably in his early twenties. He had fair skin and short brown hair. He wasn’t muscular per se, but the way he lifted the bags, Peter knew he was fit. He probably had abs. Christine loved men with abs.
The woman came to the trunk and took out a small cardboard box. Christine noticed two things about her right away. The first was that she was very pretty, in a girl next door kind of way. She had a very cute face, and long hair a shade darker than the man’s. The second thing she noticed was that she was for sure older than the man. If she had to guess, at least 9 or 10 years older. That wasn’t a big deal when you got to be Christine’s age, but she’d bet that woman had been accused of robbing the cradle when they got married.
“What are you thinking?” she asked her husband. She saw that his eyes had fixated on the woman.
Peter looked at his wife and winked at her. “I think the woman’s my type.”
Christine smiled. “I know she is.”
“And what are you thinking?” Peter asked.
“I haven’t had that young in years,” Christine mused. She arched an eyebrow. “I bet he’s got a lot of stamina.”
“So, shall we go introduce ourselves to the new neighbors?”
By the time the older couple crossed the street, they were already fantasizing about the many different sexual positions they would put the other couple in. Peter had to stop himself and think about work so he didn’t appear too aroused. A pitched tent did not make for a good first impression.
They were on the front lawn when the couple reappeared from the house, on their way to grab another load. They saw Peter and Christine, and the woman beamed at them.
“Are you the welcoming party?” she asked.
“Only the first wave, I’m sure,” Peter said. Now that he was closer, he tried not to stare at her ample chest which strained under a lavender shirt. He looked forward to seeing this woman naked.
Christine was having the same thoughts about the man, but saw that she was perhaps mistaken about his age. He was even more attractive up close, but now she thought he might be 20, or…even 19. Was that too young? And how old was the woman then? Because she appeared a few years older than she previously thought, like 33 or 34. That was a large gap at that age.
She extended her hand to the woman. “I’m Christine, and this is my husband Paul. We live right across from you. Happy to see someone finally moved into this house.”
“Oh we are happy to be here,” she said, taking Christine and Peter’s hands in turn. “My name’s Sara, and this is Mark.”
Mark took the cue, and also shook their hands. “Pleased to meet you,” he said, then began rifling through the contents of the car. He carefully extracted a fragile wooden clock. “Where do you want this, Mom?” he asked.
Peter and Christine stiffened at this question. For them, the idea of incest had always been off the table.
“Um, so, uh,” Peter sputtered, wanting to make absolutely sure he had heard correctly. He pointed towards Mark who was already heading back to the house with the clock. “So he’s…not your husband?”
Sara laughed. “Oh heavens no. He’s way too young for me. And also he’s my son. That’s why he calls me mom.”
Christine nodded her head like this made perfect sense. Without thinking, she said, “He seems younger up close.”
Sara thought that was an odd thing to say. She must have communicated that with her face, because Christine quickly added, “You both look young. Everyone looks young at our age.”
“Sweet of you to say,” Sara said graciously. “I’ll be 35 this year, so compliments like that keep me going.”
“So, will your husband be along shortly?” Peter asked insistently, and with less tact that Christine would have liked.
Sara’s face tightened a little. “My husband died a long time ago, unfortunately.”
“Well, we’re sorry to hear that, dear,” Christine said sympathetically.
Peter’s face looked like he was trying to solve a challenging riddle. “But…you look too young to have a son that old.”
“You two are just full of compliments!” Sara said, beaming again. “His father and I were high school sweethearts, and I had Mark when I was still a teenager. I was younger than he is now when I had him.”
Despite new reservations, Chrstine was still trying to do the math. “So, Mark is how old exactly?”
“He’s 18,” Sarah replied. She was beginning to feel like she was in an interview. “He seems older because he’s been the man of the house for so long. It’s been just the two of us for almost his whole life.”
“I see,” Peter and Christine said in unison.
The couple did not want to dally now, and looked for a way to excuse themselves without appearing rude. As Mark reappeared to collect more items from the car, Peter piped in, “Well, we don’t want to interrupt you while you’re moving. Lots to do I suppose.”
Before she could stop herself, Christine offered, “Unless you would like any help?”
Peter silently cursed his wife. She knew about his bad back. And he knew about her bad knees. What did she expect them to do that would actually be helpful?
During this meeting, Sara had also been giving her neighbors a bit of an appraisal. They seemed nice enough. But as far as helpful moving candidates, they might be a little past their prime. The husband looked like he might have a heart attack if she asked him to do any manual labor. Probably best not to chance it. Plus, there was something a little creepy about the way they had looked at her and her son. She had caught Peter staring at her chest repeatedly. She didn’t like it, but given her figure, she had lived with it for most of her life. What she hadn’t appreciated was how Christine had looked at Mark like he was a piece of meat, right up until she told them they were mother and son.
She began filling her arms with more odds and ends from the car. “You know, I think we’ve got it. But thank you!”
“Oh, okay, we’ll let you get to it,” Peter said quickly. And the couple turned and walked back to their house.
Sara cocked her head as she watched them go. Maybe her intuition was off. They clearly meant well, coming over to meet them and offering to help. Maybe she was just tired from the trip. She shouldn’t make such rash judgments against her neighbors. She pushed the thoughts aside and focused on the task of moving into their new home.
Back across the street, Peter and Christine were discreetly watching from each end of the living room curtains.
After a minute, Chrstine gave a heavy sigh. “Well, I guess it was too good to be true.”
“So we’re for sure ruling them out?” Peter asked regretfully. “I mean, you did say the next guy and gal-”
“They’re related,” Christine said sharply. “And not distantly. They’re mother and son. About as close as it gets.”
“I know, but-”
“How is there a but? We’ve always had that rule, Peter. No incest.”
That should have been the end of it. They should have explored other options, or turned on the television. But they both stood rooted to the spot, and continued to stare across the lawn. Peter watched intently as Sara hurried to get another load from her car. Her breasts bounced rhythmically as she hurried her steps. It was a warm summer afternoon, and she paused briefly before lifting anything to wipe her brow with her short sleeve.
Mark did something similar on one of his trips, but Christine watched, entranced, as the young man lifted the whole front of his shirt to wipe the sweat. She saw the outline of abs. Young, eighteen year old abs. She unconsciously licked her lips.
After what could have been a few minutes or a few hours of spying on their new neighbors, Peter suggested, “Maybe…maybe we try it anyway.”
Christine tried to swat him, but couldn’t quite reach without looking away, which she didn’t want to do. “No! We’re not going to go there.”
“In all our years, we have done a lot of kinky stuff. But we’ve sure never done that before. And you’re the one who suggested we try something new.”
Christine shook her head, not that her husband noticed, as his eyes were devouring Sara’s legs at the time. “I didn’t mean that.”
They kept watching, then Peter put out another proposition. “What if we take turns hopping them?”
“Right now? While they’re all hot and sweaty?” Christine said this like it was a bad thing. But she wouldn’t at all mind running her hands all over the front of Mark’s perspiring body. And she wouldn’t stop with her hands.
“No, of course not. We’d pick another time when they don’t have so much going on.”
Christine honestly thought about it, but then shook her head. “No. It’s more fun to bodyhop as a couple. And no one feels left out that way.”
“Well then let’s just hop them both and we can…we can just look at them while we make them masturbate.”
Christine didn’t like that Peter’s propositions kept turning her on. Regardless, she stuck to her guns. “I said no, Peter. We’ll find someone else. Someone that isn’t related.”
“I could go hop Mark tonight and-”
“You’re not listening, Peter. Maybe that’s part of our problem.”
“I thought our problem was we stopped having sex.”
“And that’s all my fault, is it? What about you? You’re always too tired after coming home. You don’t want to go anywhere or do anything. It’s pretty difficult to try something new if you won’t put forth some effort!”
Peter pointed across the street and his voice grew louder. “I’m not too tired for this right here! It’s something we’ve never done, and I’m more than willing to try it!”
“Because it’s something only the most degenerate bodyhoppers do! Remember? We always thought it was disgusting.”
“I mean, almost all bodyhoppers would qualify as degenerate then. All of them we’ve run into seem to have a incest story or two. Maybe we shouldn’t knock it before we try it.”
Christine gasped. “The last time a bodyhopper brought it up, you said the very idea was appalling.”
“I was just saying what I thought you wanted to hear.” He regretted the words as soon as they tumbled out of his mouth.
Christine shot him a withering look. “Well, I guess I thought you were better than that. If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll retire early tonight.” She swept from the room, taking the rest of the bottle of wine with her.
“So does this mean we’re not having…” He left the rest of the question hang in the air.
It didn’t hang there long. “Not tonight!” she yelled. “I’m no longer in the mood.”
He almost yelled after her that this wouldn’t be any different than any other night. Almost.
Both tossed and turned restlessly in bed. Both found their thoughts returning to the new neighbors and the tempting possibilities there. One kept trying to put it out of her mind. When Christine bodyhopped, she loved to become the other person as much as possible. To talk like they talked, to act like they acted, and fuck like they fucked. To take on that role of a mother and then…it was out of the question. Even if the son was the sexiest thing she’d seen in some time.
Mark, on the other hand, wasn’t trying to convince himself not to. He was thinking of a way to push them both into uncharted waters without ending their marriage. And he had an idea.
The next morning, Christine woke up first. She looked over at her snoring husband for half a minute, decided she still loved him, and lightly kissed his cheek. That was as far as she’d go in way of an apology right that second. He stirred and reached for her, but she backed away and got out of bed. As she put on her light pink robe, she decided she’d also go as far as to make sure Peter’s eggs weren’t burnt this morning.
The second Peter heard his wife’s footsteps on the stairs, his eyes popped open. He looked at his alarm clock. He had time. He quietly got out of bed and cracked open a bedroom window. He closed his eyes and concentrated. It had been awhile since he took on an incorporeal form. It took him longer than usual, but that was like everything else he did at his age. Finally, after several seconds, his body seemed to evaporate and become a transparent mist. He floated out the window, and swirled across the street towards their new neighbors’ house. He shot through the front door keyhole and began gliding room to room. In an upstairs bedroom, he came upon Mark, still asleep in bed with his mouth slightly open. The mist rushed towards Mark’s mouth, and a second later, Mark’s body twitched. He coughed once, then his eyes flew open and he sat up.
It felt so good to be in a young body again. Peter studied the room through Mark’s eyes. He saw a box marked clothes. He rushed to open it. He found a new shirt, but no pants. He saw yesterday’s on the floor, and quickly put them on. He raced downstairs and was headed towards the door, when a familiar voice called, “Mark?”
Peter halted in his tracks, and turned Mark’s head towards the sound. It was the very cute neighbor, Sara. Or more appropriately at the moment, Mom. “Yeah, Mom?”
She looked at him with cheerful curiosity. “I thought you’d probably sleep til noon. What got you up so early?”
Peter tried to keep from staring directly at Sara’s chest, but it was difficult. Her hair still looked bedraggled, but it didn’t take away from her sex appeal at all. He realized too late that he was getting an erection and turned away from her. “I don’t know. Just felt like an early breakfast.”
“So grab some cereal and pull up a chair next to your mom.”
“I, uh, felt like eggs this morning,” Mark said with a hand on the door.
“We don’t have any eggs yet. I haven’t gotten a chance to go to the store.”
Mark smiled. “I know. I was going to go borrow some from our new neighbors.”
Sara frowned. “Okay, tell them I said hello.”
“Most definitely,” Mark agreed as he slid out the door.
Christine had just dropped the second egg in the sizzling pan when the doorbell rang. She was in a robe, but was in no state to be opening the front door. She thought about yelling for her husband, but by the time he put clothes on and stumbled downstairs, whoever it was would be long gone. She sighed and headed towards the door. She wondered who it could be? Were they expecting a package? It still seemed too early for that.
She made sure the robe was tight around her, and opened the door. There stood the new neighbor boy, wearing yesterday’s jeans and a green shirt with a band’s name she’d never heard of. He was smiling politely at her, but didn’t say anything, so she took the initiative. “Yes, Mark was it?” As if she didn’t know and hadn’t thought about running her tongue up and down his body. Can I help you?”
“Oh, uh. Sorry for coming over so early, ma’am. I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“No, no. I was making breakfast. Oh shoot, I’ve got to get back to my eggs. Come in, come in.”
“Thanks,” he said as he followed her inside and shut the door. “That’s actually why I’m here. To see if I could borrow some eggs.”
Christine was glad it was something simple. “Of course. Yes, yes. Help yourself to as many as you need in the fridge,” she said as she pointed to the refrigerator on her right.
The kitchen had an island in the middle for prepping food, storage, and trash. Mark could have gone around the island on the right, directly to the fridge. But instead, he went to the left, which put him in very close proximity to Christine.
She didn’t notice this until he was brushing past her. He was so close she could smell his musk. He obviously hadn’t showered since yesterday’s move, but it wasn’t altogether unpleasant.
“Excuse me,” he said as he passed. He put his hand briefly on her lower back. The area where he touched radiated warmth.
As he opened the refrigerator door, she let out the breath that had gotten lodged in her throat and asked shakily, “So, all moved in?”
“Yup,” he said as he began looking through the contents of the fridge.
Christine watched him closely. She couldn’t see his face, but could make out his backside. She’d bet anything that he had a very tight, good looking butt. “So what brought you and your mom to our town?”
“Well, I got accepted to the local college here, which I’ll be starting in the fall. And my mom got a transfer from her bank management job to a branch here, so I’ll still be able to live at home and help her however she needs.” He took out the egg carton and shut the door.
She looked away from his direction quickly. Had he seen her perving on him? Was he going to take the rest of the eggs? “Well, it sounds like you’re a very good son. I hope that, oh shoot!” she yelped. “Not again!”
“What’s wrong?” Mark asked concernedly.
Christine gave a sad chuckle as she looked at her pan. “Oh nothing. Just ruined my husband’s eggs for the second day in a row.”
And then she felt strong arms wrap around her waist. She felt something hard poke against her behind. Mark’s hot breath tickled her ear, as he said, “I know of a way you could make it up to him.”
For a moment she was too stunned to speak. Her body was responding, as it felt his strong arms around her, and a hardness that made her wet. But she knew the truth, and with a sharp intake of breath, she exclaimed, “Peter! What are you doing in the neighbor boy?”
“Why don’t you turn around and find out.” He loosened his grip as she spun about.
As she did, she concentrated and so she could see the face of her bodyhopping husband. It made it easier for her to yell at him that way. “Peter, what have you done? I thought we agreed that the new neighbors were off limits!”
“I just wanted to show you what you’re missing darling,” her husband’s voice said. And then he looked down.
Christine followed his gaze, and saw that her husband had seen fit to take Mark’s dick out of his pants. It was thick and long. She hadn’t seen one that nice for a long time. She didn’t realize it, but her breath had quickened, and one hand was reaching out to touch it. At the last second, she stopped. “We…we can’t.”
“Sure you can. You clearly like this body. It’s right here in front of you. You can touch it all you want. Here.”
A strong hand grabbed Christine’s and wrapped her palm around Mark’s cock. She gave it an instinctive squeeze, and got to hear Mark’s voice moan appreciatively. She stroked it once, then twice. She felt him tug at the knot in her robe. It parted for him, and she felt a strong hand paw at her sagging breasts. He leaned in close, his lips almost to hers.
Then all at once he pulled back. His rigid penis withdrew from her hand. As it went, she reached out for it, but her husband was already tucking it back into Mark’s jeans.
“Thanks for the eggs,” Marks’ voice said as he retrieved them from the counter.
“Peter! Are you going to leave me in this state?” she asked angrily.
“I’m not really in the mood,” Peter with a wink and his voice. Then he shut the door.
Right when Mark stepped back inside his own house, mist leaked out of him. A few seconds later, he wondered why he was standing in their entryway, sporting an erection and holding a carton of eggs. He had a vague recollection of getting them from the neighbors, but everything else was like a dream that he could not recall.
A few minutes later, Peter came downstairs from their bedroom, fully dressed and ready to go to work.
“Here’s your eggs!” Christine snapped as she pointed to a plate’s white and yellow rubbery contents.
Peter ignored the eggs. He pulled his wife into an embrace, and kissed her passionately. She was still angry at him, and definitely sexually frustrated, but she kissed him back anyway.
“C’mon. That was kind of fun, right?” Peter teased. “And no one got hurt, did they?”
“Oh, someone will get hurt if you do that again.”
“So you don’t want to see Mark’s cock again? Don’t want to hold it in your hand? Don’t want it inside of you?”
Christine narrowed her eyes and huffed. The problem was, that’s exactly what she wanted, but she didn’t want her husband to think that he’d gotten to her. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Now eat your eggs.”
Peter did eat the overdone eggs. And that night, they made love in their own bodies for the first time in many weeks.
“Peter, Peter,” Christine said insistently the next morning to her slumbering husband.
“Yes. What?”
“I’m determined to fix your eggs right this morning, but someone took them all yesterday. Can you go get some?”
Peter stretched and yawned, then said, “I suppose I can make a run to the store before work.”
“No, just go across the street and ask for some of ours back. You took the whole carton, remember? There were still seven in there. I just need two.”
“Okay, okay. Let me get dressed.”
“Thank you. And be quick so we’re not late for work.”
Had his brain fully cleared, he might have asked why his wife didn’t go ask. He also might have wondered why his wife wasn’t in the kitchen when he came downstairs. The fact was, she wasn’t in the house at all anymore. As soon as she left their bedroom, she hung up her bathrobe in the bathroom, and dissolved into a transparent mist. She zoomed out of the house, to the neighbor’s front door, through the keyhole, and began looking for her quarry. Christine found her coming out of the shower. Perfect.
As the doorbell rang, Christine looked at her newly acquired naked and dripping wet body in the foggy mirror. “I can’t answer the door like this, or I’ll give him a heart attack.” She wrapped a large towel around herself, and headed towards the door. She opened it and put on one of Sara’s huge smiles and said to the man gaping at her, “Howdy neighbor.”
Peter’s eyes were all over her. He couldn’t stop himself. She was covered, yes, but there was still so much flesh. Water still dripped from her hair, her legs. His mouth remembered that there was a job to do. “Eggs,” he rasped.
“You need some eggs. Well come on in,” she said, and gestured for him to come inside. “I wouldn’t want to give any more neighbors a free show. Just imagine what would happen if this towel suddenly decided to fall off.”
And then Peter watched as it did just that. The towel hit the tile floor, and there stood Sara with a very embarrassed look on her face.
“Oh my! I’m so sorry!”
She bent quickly to get it, and Peter did the same. His hand was a little quicker, and it grasped the damp fabric. But he couldn’t lift it, because her foot was firmly on it. A warm, slightly wet foot. A foot connected to a very attractive, very naked woman. And she was looking at him with a seductive smile.
“Maybe I don’t need a towel just yet,” she purred. Then she took his hand and pressed it firmly against her supple breasts. “You don’t mind, do you?”
Peter nodded dumbly. Then his mind registered the obvious. He concentrated, and saw his wife’s face inhabiting the young mother. He smiled. “I see you’ve had a change of heart.”
She pressed against him, feeling his hardness on her skin. “What can I say? I felt like being a couple decades younger this morning.” And then she kissed him. She felt his hands grip her, then begin to travel over her body. Before they could get very far, she broke off the kiss and pushed him back. ‘Nuh uh, mister. Now it’s your turn to feel frustrated.” She retrieved the egg carton from the refrigerator, being sure to put a little extra sway in her hips as she went. She gave them to Peter and said with a smile, “Why don’t you take those back to the Missus.”
“But, we could just…”
Sara gave him the look, and even without seeing her actual face, he knew his wife wouldn’t allow him to push. He dutifully took the carton. He was backing towards the door, slowly, so as to drink in as much of Sara’s body as possible, when he heard Mark yell from the adjoining hallway.
“Mom! What’s going on?”
Sara quickly reached for the towel and covered herself. She turned sheepishly to Mark and said, “Oops, sorry. I dropped my towel. Very clumsy of me. I’m so sorry for flashing you both. You’re welcome for the eggs Peter.”
Mark turned away from the sight of his barely covered Mom. Peter retreated quickly, but held the door open for his wife to follow. Mark didn’t see the mist that escaped from his mother and flew back across the street.
When Peter came back into his house, he found his wife naked, sitting on the table with her legs spread wide. Nobody got eggs that morning, and they were both late to work.
When they got home later that day, they were both very quiet for the first hour. They drank wine and gave each other nervous fleeting glances. Neither wanted to voice what they really wanted. Peter didn’t because he thought his wife would still turn the idea down. And Christine didn’t because she didn’t want to admit how much she had come around to the idea.
Finally, Peter asked. “So, it’s Friday. Shall we go out to eat?”
In way of reply, Christine opened the curtains that faced the street. They both looked towards the neighbors house. A shirtless Mark was outside mowing the lawn. “How about we order in?”
Peter nodded. “If that’s what you want.”
“I’m beginning to think it is.”
“What should we get?”
Christine gave her husband a winning smile. “I think I’d like to try something we’ve never done before.”
“Oh really.”
“Yeah. Who knows. Maybe we’ll discover something that will become our new favorite.”
“I’m glad you’re open to trying new things.”
“As long as I get to try it with you.”
“So should we, uh, do it right now?”
“Probably. Every place takes about an hour to get here.”
Peter’s shoulders sagged. “Oh. Right. Of course. For a second there I thought maybe we were talking about something else.”
Christine tore her eyes away from the neighbor boy and walked towards her husband. She put a hand on his cheek, and gave him a passionate kiss. Then she said, “I can talk about two things at the same time, dear.”
For the second time that day they made love in their own bodies while waiting for food to be delivered. That hadn’t happened in quite some time.
Afterwards they poured more wine. By the time the food arrived, they had a nice buzz going. After eating, they talked about next steps, as they climbed the stairs to their bed. They fell asleep in each other’s arms earlier than they’d anticipated. It had been a long week, but they were looking forward to tomorrow.
When Peter awoke that Saturday morning, a thrill went through him. He rolled over to see if his wife was awake, and saw that she was. She had been waiting for him. The expression on her face told him that she was just as excited.
“Shall we?” Peter asked.
Christine winked. “Let’s shall.”
Peter got up and opened the window a crack. After a few moments, their bodies dissolved into mist, and zoomed across the street and through the neighbor’s keyhole. They drifted room to room, and grew more impatient as they came up empty. It was taxing to be in this form at their age, and they both wanted to find their desired hosts soon.
After coming to the conclusion that no one was home, they went back outside. They verified that the car was in the driveway. They drifted higher over the house, looking to and fro, and finally spotted their neighbors. They were jogging, about half a block away.
Peter and Christine’s ethereal forms raced towards their marks. Peter outpaced his wife and got there first. He took a moment to watch mother and son as they ran together. He admired the way Sara’s ponytail swung back and forth. He admired even more how her ass looked in the light blue lycra running shorts. They were tight and rode up the crack between her cheeks. He turned his attention toward Mark and shot forward. He hung in the air a few paces ahead, and allowed Mark to run into him.
Mark was briefly aware of running into a patch of fog as mist hit his face. But the condensation quickly started flowing into his mouth and nose. Something wasn’t right. He felt his mind clouding, as if something were trying to make him go to sleep. But it also felt like he wasn’t alone. Like someone else was there with him in his mind. Fear gripped him, but only for a moment, then everything went dark.
Peter instantly felt the power of strong legs and a youthful physique. He hated running, or jogging, or even a slow walk in his older body. But this body seemed like it could run for miles with no complaints. But he wasn’t here to win any races.
The first thing Peter did was slacken Mark’s pace. This allowed him to have an excellent view of Sara’s tight butt. He could watch those cheeks move up and down all day. He wanted to spread them, to stick Mark’s dick between them. The more he looked, the harder it became to run, because of the monster growing in his running shorts.
He looked up and saw his wife’s mist keeping pace over Sara’s head. What was she waiting for? Then he realized that she was probably enjoying his new problem, as his boner was easily viewable as it tented his shorts.
Peter stopped running and began a leisurely walk. “C’mon,” he said Mark’s voice. “Just do it already.”
Sara was twenty paces ahead, and didn’t quite hear what her son said. She turned around. “What did you say? And what are you stopping for?”
“I said I’m tired already. I feel like something’s slowing me down.”
Concerned, she walked back towards her son. “Are you feeling okay?”
He smiled at her. “It’s just hard to run when I’ve got this problem down here.” He gestured towards the tent in his shorts.
Sara looked down and gasped, then began to sputter, “Um, okay. That, uh, that doesn’t usually happen when we run.”
“I know. But this time I couldn’t keep myself from looking at your butt, so now I’ve got this massive boner.”
She was about to admonish him, when a mist flew into her face. She flailed as a presence hit her consciousness like a wrecking ball. Her eyes rolled back in her head, but a moment later, they reappeared with a lustful gleam. She smiled and said, “Do you like looking at mommy’s butt?”
Peter found that Mark was so hard it was almost painful. “I sure do.”
“Well maybe I’ll walk ahead of you on the way back home. Would you like that? Would you like to see my sexy ass sway back and forth?”
“I sure would?”
“And maybe when we get home, you can take those constricting shorts off and let that massive pecker free.”
Mark looked at his mother and asked, “Is that something you’d like to see?”
“I just might.”
Peter and Christine walked briskly in the direction of their neighbor’s house. It took a supreme effort by Peter not to reach out and slap or grab Sara’s ass. It took plenty of willpower for Christine not to turn around and reach down the front of Mark’s shorts to touch his throbbing member.
“They expecting anyone?” Peter asked in his voice. “The boy’s pretty clueless about what’s happening.other than helping Sara”
Christine easily rifled through Sara’s thoughts and memories. “Nope,” Chrstine replied in her voice. “They were going to focus on setting up the house this weekend. Then Sara reports to her new job on Monday.”
“So we’ve got the weekend then.”
Christine quickened Sara’s pace. “So it would seem.”
Christine began perusing Sara’s mind for other details. All of Sara’s life was an open book for Christine. It was the thing she loved most about bodyhopping, to have complete and utter access to another person’s deepest wants and desires, and be able to act them out in the way the real Sara never would.
Christine thought about the last time Sara had had sex. The hardworking mom hadn’t dated in two years, and that relationship hadn’t lasted more than a few weeks. She rarely pleasured herself, opting to put her time into work and raising her son. But now, faced with sudden and intense arousal, it was apparent that the woman was a little more than pent up. By the time they got to the front door, there was a growing damp spot on the front of Sara’s shorts. The woman desperately needed to get laid. Thankfully she had a stud in close proximity.
As soon as the door was closed, Peter grabbed Sara. The sweat of their bodies intertwined as mother and son’s mouths met. Mark’s hands began to grope and squeeze. He was so horny. Peter knew the kid had only ever had sex once, and he didn’t think he had been any good at it. But his body was now touching a beautiful, experienced woman, who just happened to be his mom, and it was sending his hormones into overdrive.
He stopped kissing after a few seconds, but spun Sara around. He shoved her up against the wall and cupped her butt. As he let a hand slide along the fabric buried between her cheeks, he let her in on Mark’s recent thoughts. “He hasn’t been able to get the picture of you naked out of his head. It really did a number on him, seeing his hot mom without a stitch on her in the kitchen. He feels ashamed, because he can’t stop thinking about it, and was turned on by it.”
Christine moaned in her voice, then turned back around to kiss Mark’s lips again. They stayed connected that way for a minute. Christine was content to let her husband paw greedily at the tight fitting sports bra. She also busied herself by letting a hand snake down Mark’s front and feel the length of him. Chrstine had seen bigger, but Sara hadn’t. Right before being hopped, Sara’s thoughts had been surprised by the size of her son’s penis. And unbidden, the thought of what it would feel like to be stretched out by a dick that big had flitted through her head. It was quickly replaced with fury over her son exposing himself to her, and in public. But there was no fury now. Only need. The need to know what a dick like that could do to Sara’s very neglected pussy.
As Peter tried and failed to remove Sara’s sports bra, Christine gently pushed his hands down. In her own voice, she said, “Peter, they’re both hot and sweaty. Why don’t we go make use of the showers in this house before we have our fun?”
“We could shower together,” Peter said hopefully.
“No. It’ll build up the anticipation, and give us a chance to learn about our hosts more. You know I like it when we play out a couple’s fantasies.”
“But they’re not a couple?” Peter pointed out before he could stop himself.
“That didn’t stop Mom here from fantasizing about her son’s big dick.”
Mark’s jaw dropped. “Really?”
“Only for a split second. And she’d never act on it in a million years, but the thought was still there. Her body is hungry for sex, and when it saw that hard young dick, it’s thought of little else. She’s got a wild side her son knows nothing about, until today.”
Peter reached for her again, but Christine swatted him away. “Nope. No more until you’re all clean.”
Knowing there was no sense arguing, Peter nodded Mark’s head. “Whatever you say, dear.”
Sara’s mouth burst into a smile. It was the same one she had used when greeting them the first time on their front lawn. She put a hand on Mark’s shoulder and said with genuine warmth and affection in Sara’s voice, “Call me Mom.”
Mark’s dick found a new level of hard. In Mark’s voice, he dutifully replied, “Yes Mom.”
She patted his cheek. “That’s my good boy. For right now, there is no Peter and Christine. Only Sara and Mark, a mother and her son.”
They went their separate ways, Mark to the smaller bathroom on the ground floor. It had a shower that Mark had to stoop slightly to use, but Sara had already claimed the upstairs one as hers. Sara always liked to have her own personal bathroom. It was about the only thing she didn’t share.
Sara climbed the stairs and entered her much larger bathroom. She turned on the shower to get it to the temperature she wanted. Then she slowly began to undress in front of the large vanity. Chrstine was thoroughly impressed by what was underneath. She had been in such a hurry yesterday, she hadn’t gotten much time to appreciate it. Sara had a tight body with ample boobs with barely any sag to them. “Oh, to be young again,” Christine said aloud.
As Christine stepped into shower, she began a thorough examination of the inner workings of Sara’s mind.She looked at how Sara saw herself. She was a woman who liked to stay professional at work, and carefree at home. She hadn’t really dressed up or pampered herself since that last date two years ago. She also didn’t think much of her body, which Christine thought was ridiculous. As she brought a hand up to pinch a sensitive nipple, she said, “If you only knew how hot and bothered your son is right now for this body, you’d think otherwise.”
As Peter showered in Mark’s body, he let his thoughts blend with Mark’s sexual preferences. The kid liked porn, what teenager didn’t. He masturbated almost every day. He recognized that his mother was attractive, only very recently though for obvious reasons. He hadn’t stroked it to her yet, but it was probably inevitable that her face popped up the next time he stroked it. Before yesterday, he had got a brief side view of her tits while she was changing. She thought she had the door closed, but it was open enough that he saw her without a bra. He had never told her about it. He had been too embarrassed to ever tell her about it, and had buried it in his memories.
But Peter saw, just below the surface of tits and ass, there was another kink that really got him going. It was in almost every internet search he did these days. He realized he’d need to clue Christine in. He got out of the shower and toweled off. He saw no need for clothes, so he bounded upstairs naked. He heard water running, so he opened the door.
“Is that you, Mark?” his mother’s voice called. “I’m in the shower.”
Peter began in his voice, “This kid really likes-”
“I’m sorry, Mark. You don’t sound like yourself. Could you try again?”
Peter nodded. He’d forgotten to stay in character. “Right, sorry Mom. I was wondering if you could scrub your feet like, really well. And when you get out of the shower, maybe like, put some toenail polish on them.”
The top part of the shower curtain popped to the side and Sara’s face appeared. “Ooh, does my son have a foot fetish?”
“I believe I do. A big one. Did you suspect at all?”
Sara’s lips pursed as she thought. “Yeah, oh, actually very much, yes. You forgot to close out a browser once. And I’ve seen your search history several times, young man.”
“Yeah,” Mark nodded. “I remember getting a lecture from you recently. You said it was natural for me to masturbate, but you didn’t want to ever see the kinky stuff I jacked off to.”
A little bit more of the curtain moved, and Sara revealed the top half of her body. “Do you still like looking at kinky stuff, Mark?”
Mark gulped. “Yes, Mom.”
She noticed his penis begin to rise. “Oh my. Does looking at your mother in the shower count as kinky?”
“I think it does, Mom.”
“I see,” she said, as she began to soap up her boobs. “Well since it’s about your mother and not some random internet hussy, I suppose we can make an exception this time. Why don’t you run along now, so I can give my feet some special attention.”
“Seriously. I’m going to get blue balls here,” Mark pouted.
“Tsk, tsk. It’ll be worth the wait. I promise. Now go on.”
As Mark exited, Sara chuckled to herself, then grabbed the loofa and resumed scrubbing between her toes. “I’ll make sure these feet are squeaky clean for you, son.”
Peter began pacing up and down the upstairs hallway. He finally heard the shower shut off. He knew Christine was drying off Sara’s body. She was on the other side of the bathroom door, completely naked and wanted to fuck. He paced faster. He kept this up for 20 seconds, when finally, Sara called out, “Mark, I can hear you pacing. Please go wait in my bedroom.”
“How much longer do I have to wait, Mom?” Mark groaned.
“Painting toes takes time, sweetie. And then I’ll have to dry them. Why don’t you go busy yourself picking out something for Mommy to wear. I forgot to bring anything in here with me, and I’d just hate to expose my naked body to you again so soon. Please pick out something from my top middle dresser drawer.”
Peter was off like a shot. When he got there, he saw that it was familiar to Mark. He had gone snooping through it once, to see what a bra looked like. He had marveled at how soft and silky they were. There were plenty of bras and panties, but nothing too terribly scandalous. That would have to be remedied soon. Peter took the time to sniff a few of the undergarments. They smelled like Sara. He longed to smell her skin directly instead of this material that had held up her boobs or rubbed against her pussy.
He finally decided on a red, lace bustier that he thought would display her boobs perfectly. It also went with the only thong she possessed. He took them and stood outside the bathroom door. He heard a blow dryer running. He knocked loudly.
“Yes sweetie?”
“I picked out some clothes for you, Mom.”
“Thank you so much. You can leave them on the floor and I’ll get them shortly.”
“How much longer?”
“Don’t rush me young man, or I'll break out the nail polish remover. Now go and wait in my room.”
Shortly after Peter went back to Sara’s room, he heard the bathroom door open and close. Christine had retrieved the lingerie. She’d be putting it on, then coming to the room. Why did this turn him on so much more than anything he’d ever experienced before as a bodyhopper? Was it the incestual nature of it all? It must be. But the wait was driving him mad. He lay sprawled out naked on his mother’s bed for what seemed like hours, absently mindedly stroking his meat every few seconds. And then finally he heard soft footsteps padding towards the room. He moved to the end of the bed and sat there, waiting expectantly for the door to open.
As Sara opened her bedroom door, she said, “Mark, I’m not sure you picked out something that’s appropriate for me to wear around her son.” And then she saw her son sitting on her bed, naked and staring at her with wide eyes. “Mark, please cover yourself!” She chided, and then bit her lip.
“It is not okay to be naked in my room, Mark. Were you masturbating again? Was it because you got to go through Mommy’s underwear drawer?”
Peter could see the outline of Sara’s nipples. They were hard and pointed in his direction. Obediently, he reached back and grabbed a pillow to cover his crotch. “Yeah. I couldn’t stop myself. I, I sniffed your panties and now I can’t get it to go back down. Sorry, Mom.”
Sara gave him a knowing look. “Well, you are still a teenager. I’m sure you get turned on by so many things. I just didn’t think it would be from sniffing your Mom’s panties.”
“Do you think I’m a pervert?”
“No. Well, maybe a little. I have seen your internet history, you know. I was surprised by some of the things you searched for. Your fascination with feet for example.”
“It’s not a fascination, Mom. It’s a fetish. I get off on looking at them. I think about touching them, and…and more.”
Sara cocked her head inquisitively. “Like what?”
Mark looked away. “I…can we not talk about this anymore, Mom? It’s embarrassing.”
“It’s okay, Mark. I’m your mother, and I love you. You can tell me anything. Why don’t you start by telling me what kind of feet you like?”
“What kind?”
“Yes, sweetie.” Sara lifted a leg and placed her delicate foot onto the pillow positioned over her son’s crotch. “Take mine for example. Do you like my feet?”
Peter couldn’t have cared less about feet when he woke up this morning. He was always a boob guy. But as he saw Sara’s feet through Mark’s eyes, the clean skin, the toenails with bright red polish, he knew these were exactly the kind of feet that got him off. “I do Mom. Very much.”
“Well thank you, Mark. Now tell me, what else would you do?”
“If you could do more than look, I mean. Would you touch them? Would you like to touch my feet?”
“Mom, please. We don’t have to.”
“They’re your mother’s feet, Mark. I don’t mind. You’ve seen them before. You can touch them if you want.”
Mark put a hand on her foot and began to caress it, letting his palm slide up and down and feel its smoothness. He loved the dark red color she had used on her toenails. It really made them stand out. “It’s so nice, Mom. Would you let me feel the other one too?”
“Of course dear, but why don’t we get more comfortable first.” Sara crawled onto the bed on all fours, and gave Mark another great view of her ass in the thong. She propped herself up against the headboard, and then waved one of her feet invitingly at her son. “Come on. Touch them. Touch them both as much as you want.”
Mark got on his knees at the end of the bed and reached for his mother’s feet. He lowered his face to them and sniffed. They smelled of her rose scented body wash. “They smell really nice, Mom.”
“I’m glad you think so. Is there anything else you’d like to do to them?”
“Uh, well, I’d like to, uh…”
“It’s okay, Mark. Spit it out. You don’t have to be shy. You can do anything you want to Mommy’s feet.”
“I’d like to suck your toes.”
Sara feigned shock. “Oh my. You…you want to put your mouth on my feet? To lick my toes with your tongue?”
“Yes, Momma.”
Sara licked her lips. “Well, I guess it’s okay, if it’s just this once.”
Mark smiled, lowered his mouth, and kissed her big toe. Then he put it into his mouth and let his tongue swirl around it.
Sara began to squirm. “It kind of tickles, but it feels nice. How about you? How does it make you feel, sucking Mommy’s toes?”
Mark didn’t answer right away, but continued to lick and kiss his mother’s feet. Then he showed her how it made him feel, as he raised his upper half, pulling her forward a little to keep one foot near his mouth. Sara saw that his dick was fully extended and rigid. A bit of precum dribbled down the front.
“My feet did that?” Sara gasped.
“They did.”
“Would it feel good if Mommy did this?” She lifted her free foot, and pressed it against her son’s cock. She was rewarded with a moan. She pulled her other foot free, and he looked at her like a child that had been deprived of their favorite toy. But his expression changed when it joined the other foot touching his dick. She let both feet encircle Mark’s engorged member. Then ever so slowly, she began to stroke it with her feet. She’d never done anything like this before. Her late husband and few other sexual partners had never requested anything like this. Still, by the way her son was moaning, she’d say she was a natural. “I believe I saw the term, footjob, in your history. Is that what this is?” she asked innocently.
“Oh fuck,” Peter said in his voice. “This kid’s always dreamed of something like this. Too bad I’m the one that gets to enjoy it, and with his mother’s feet at that.”
“Peter!” Christine’s voice snapped. “Stay in the moment!” And then to shut him up, she brought a foot back up to Mark’s lips. In Sara’s voice, she said, “Did I get them clean enough for you, Mark. I gave them so much attention because, well, I thought you’d like to look at them up close. I didn’t intend for it to go this far though.”
As the other foot encircled his dick, Mark opened his mouth and began licking the bottom of her feet, from sole to toe. “”Oh, they’re clean alright.”
“Oh, Mark,” Sara’s voice moaned. “This is turning me on so much. I haven’t been treated like a woman for so long. We should stop before it goes any further.” Her words didn’t match her actions, because even as she said them, she spread her legs at the knees, and shoved the front of the thong to the side. This gave Mark an unfettered view of her glistening snatch. She began to rub it slowly. She wanted to quench the burning ache she felt there. “We should stop, right Mark?”
Mark fervently shook his head side to side.
“Well if you get to put Mommy’s toes in your mouth, I think it’s only fair that you let your mother put something of yours in hers.” She withdrew her feet and kneeled facing him on the bed. Her hands lightly gripped his penis and squeezed. “You're such a big boy. I don’t know if I can fit it all in, but I’m going to try.”
She lowered her head, put her elbows on the bed, and slowly took her son’s cock into her mouth. At first, it was just the tip. Her tongue greedily lapped up on the pre cum. There wasn’t near enough of it. She longed to taste more of him. More of her son. She crawled forward, and took inch after inch of him into her mouth. And then she began to slide her lips up and down his shaft. While she did, her tongue never stopped moving. She was on a mission now. She wouldn’t stop until she gave her son release.
“Uh, Christine. I mean, Mom. That feels really good. Too good! This body isn’t going to be able to-to…oh, here we go!”
Christine had sucked a lot of cock in many bodies. Some couldn’t take it, others faired better, but Sara took her son’s spunk like a pro. She didn’t lose suction as it spewed into her mouth, and quickly and efficiently, she swallowed it down her throat. When she finally relinquished his cock, it was as clean as her feet.
“I’m sorry, Mom. I’ve never had a girl go down on me before.”
Sara sat up and stroked his cheek. “That’s okay. As hard as you were, I didn’t think you’d last too long. I hope you recover quickly though.”
“Because I’d like you to stick that hard dick into more than just my mouth.”
“Really?” Mark asked excitedly.
“Really. I’m afraid you’ve got mommy very hot and bothered. But I can’t wait for your dick to recover. I’ll need you to tend to Mommy right away.”
“I’ll do anything you say, Mom.”
“I know you will, son.” She unfastened the bustier, and took it off, then pulled down the red thong. She lay back down on the bed fully naked, and spread her legs. “Have you ever eaten a woman out before?”
Mark shook his head no.
“Well I’ll teach you.” She used her fingers to spread her pussy. “You see this?” she asked, as she pointed to her clit. “It feels very good when I rub here. I’d like you to put your tongue there. Move it up and down, and side to side, and every so often, I want you to stick it way up inside me right here. Can you do that for your very horny Momma?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
A new wave of moisture coated her pussy as Mark began licking her. The way he did, it certainly seemed like he was lying about never having done it before. “That’s it Mark. You’re doing so good, baby. Oh, bring a hand up here and squeeze Mommy’s tits.”
A strong arm reached up and began groping and pawing at her boobs. “Do you like my tits, Mark? Have you ever thought about them before?” She thought she heard a muffled yes. “Of course you have. They’re amazing, aren’t they? They got so much bigger after I had you. It’s only natural to want to sneak a peek at them. To want to put your hands and mouth on them. You did it when you were little, and now you’re doing it again. Feel them. Grab them. Pull at them. Yes. Yes! That’s Mommy’s good little pervert. You are a pervert, aren’t you, Mark, with your face buried in your mother’s pussy. You love it, don’t you? Oh right there. Right there! Oh, fuck! Yes. Yes! Harder! Use that long tongue of yours. Yes!”
Her hips began to buck and writhe. And then Mark’s tongue went deep inside her as she came.
She let out a few longs breaths, then said, “Oh, sweetie. That was-”
Before she could finish, he had lifted a leg onto his shoulder. He spread her other leg just a little bit, and then he stuck his rejuvenated penis into her and began thrusting for all he was worth.
“Oh!” she screamed with pleasure. “Oh fuck! What are you doing Mark? Oh, I was wrong about you! You are a damned pervert, fucking your mom’s pussy like this! Please, please lick my foot while you pound mommy’s pussy!”
Mark did. His tongue was a blur on her foot. His dick was a blur in her drenched pussy. Peter was able to go on for longer this time, and he loved every second of it as he watched Sara come again and again and again. Finally, he erupted in her a second time. His strength left him, and he flopped onto the bed next to her.
After they lay there for several minutes, Peter’s voice mumbled. “That was amazing. Should we…should we clean them up and go back home?”
“We’re in no rush,” Christine’s voice panted. “We could stay inside these bodies for the night. Or the weekend.”
Peter chuckled. “I think you really liked it this mother son roleplay. You might be one of those bodyhopping degenerates I’ve heard so much about.”
“Oh be quiet. This was a one time thing.”
“Was it?”
“I mean…well. I suppose now I’m more open to trying something new.”
The end?
Author's note.
I'd be willing to continue this with the same couple as they try brother/sister, father/daughter, etc. Feel free to create a commission, and consider becoming one of my supporters here on outfoxstories. Your comments and support keep motivating me to write.
Jeff Cobble was thankful to finally be home. It had been a long, strange day. But as he turned the doorknob and stepped inside, he felt all the stress and anxiety leave him. It was almost dinner time, and what he felt now more than anything else was hungry. He just wanted to microwave some leftovers and crash on the living room couch.
Normally, that wouldn’t have been an option. His parents were sticklers about always eating the evening meal at the dinner table with the whole family, or at least, the family that still lived at home. But his mom and dad were on an anniversary cruise and wouldn’t be back until sometime next week. Until then, it was just him and his oldest sister, Abby.
Jeff had three older siblings. The oldest was his brother, Andrew, who was seen as the golden child. He had become the successful one, with a lucrative job, trophy wife, large home, and lots of expensive toys.
Abby was born a year after Andrew. She had been the smart one, and had been on track to be just as successful as Andrew, if not more so. But she had been swept up in a torrid love affair that led to an ill advised marriage. To no one’s surprise, it ended in divorce, and Abby found herself adrift without any educational or job prospects. Her life had stalled, and her parents had allowed her to see refuge back at home until she could get back on her feet.
Jeff’s other sister, Jenny, was still in college, and having the time of her life. She still had two years to go, but she was making the most of them. She loved to party, which her sorority did plenty of.
That left Jeff, who was seen by everyone as the baby of the family, a fact they reminded him of constantly. He had recently turned eighteen and wanted to be seen as an adult, but knew it was unlikely to ever happen. He was a senior in high school, and everything was currently going his way. He got good grades, was popular, had a part time job, and best of all, had a smoking hot redhead named Heather for a girlfriend. In his social circle, he was seen as the man, envied by classmates and peers. But at home, he was the baby, the runt, the one who got told what to do whenever an older sibling was around.
Jeff pulled out leftover meatloaf and stuck it in the microwave. He heard his sister call from somewhere in their house, “Is that you brat?”
Brat was Abby’s affectionate nickname for him. She said it was because their parents let Jeff get away with anything and everything. Jeff disagreed, he’d gotten in trouble plenty with them, but that wouldn’t ever stop Abby from calling him that.
“It’s me!” Jeff yelled back. “Just got home. You want me to microwave you anything?”
He heard a muffled response as his sister moved through the house. It was a big house. It had to be to hold all six of them. It wasn’t a mansion, and they had to double up if they all came home for holidays or special occasions, but it suited their needs. Instead of asking her to repeat herself, Jeff waited, assuming she was making her way to the kitchen.
A few seconds later, his 23 year old sister walked in. Jeff tried not to judge as he took in her appearance. She was still wearing her pajamas, the ones she had worn the day before, and possibly the day before that. Her hair was disheveled, and she looked tired, even though she had probably been in bed all day with a bottle of wine. Before he could stop himself, the words were out of his mouth. “Another productive day of moping I see.”
Abby punched her baby brother in the arm. Hard. “Shut up! I don’t need you kicking me while I’m down.”
“Ow! Hey, sorry. I’m just saying you’ve got to get back out there and live your life. Get a job. Go out on a date. There’s plenty of fish in the sea and you should have no problem landing one.”
“Why do you say that?”
“You know why. You’re super talented and…”
His sister arched her eyebrow. “And?”
He vaguely gestured at her buxom hourglass figure that was mostly hidden behind baggy pajamas.
“Are you saying I’m pretty?”
Jeff blanched. “I said no such thing. What I am saying is that you won’t look like this forever, so best make the most of it.” He sniffed the air between them and noted, “But you might want to shower. I can smell you from here, and that stench lowers your chances significantly.”
She swiped at him again, but this time he dodged. The microwave began beeping, and Abby opened the door and grabbed the plate of warmed meatloaf. “Thanks for making me food, brat.”
“Those are my leftovers!”
“I asked you to make me something,” she argued.
“When I was coming to the kitchen!”
“I couldn’t hear you,” he protested. He tried to grab the plate, but she retreated. “That’s the last of the meatloaf! Give it!”
“You’ll just have to eat the rest of the casserole then, brat, cause you’re not getting this. It’s the price for my silence.”
“What silence?”
Abby gave her brother a sly grin. “About your little sleep over last night.”
Jeff’s mouth fell open, and his face went red. His girlfriend, Heather, had pretended to go home last night, but then had snuck into his room and stayed until morning.
“How did you…”
Abby laughed. “Are you kidding me? You don’t sleep in a soundproof room, dummy. I could hear your girlfriend’s moans all through the house. For a little brat, you must be doing something right.”
“I’m bigger than you are!”
“And I can still put you in a headlock you can’t get out of,” Abby warned with a smile.
And that was the last that Jeff saw of the meatloaf. As he scanned the fridge for more leftovers, he appreciated the normal interaction he and his sister still had. That was something. He would have liked to tell her about his crazy day. He should tell someone. He texted Heather to see if she could spend the night again. He assumed by his sister’s chill response that he could get by with another sleepover with his girlfriend. But then he thought about how his sister had heard them have sex. That was so embarrassing. Why did Abby have to tell him that?
His phone dinged. His girlfriend reminded him that she was studying tonight, and told him that he should be doing the same. They had a big test tomorrow, and she was right, he should be studying. It was his worst subject. The test was like a quarter of his grade or something. But he absolutely would have preferred to get laid. Try as he might, he could not change her mind, but she did promise to come over first thing in the morning. That was something at least. Maybe she’d give him a morning bj. And since he was wishing, why not a million dollars too.
He could call up a friend to come over, but he was tired, and he really should get some studying done. First though, he plopped down with the rest of the casserole and turned on the television. He absent mindedly shoveled the food into his mouth while watching a movie that wasn’t that great. When he was done eating, he reclined on the sofa, and scanned his textbook for twenty minutes. That was the most studying he could manage, and then he resumed the movie. When it ended, he started another one, but only got halfway through before he was fast asleep.
A few time zones away on a large cruise ship, Jeff’s parents were very much awake. Ned and Vickie Cobble were happily celebrating twenty five years of marriage on a cruise that catered to their every whim. Even though they were both in their late forties, they were still up for everything, and mostly in shape enough to do it. Victoria was anyway, Ned had developed more of a dad bod in recent years. But that didn’t stop them both from snorkeling, parasailing, dancing, and taking in the sights at every port they stopped at. Neither stressed about their careers, and just got lost in each other for the last several days. They didn’t even miss the kids.
They also made plenty of time for sex. That was supposed to be a given on an anniversary. But their pace had taken its toll on Jeff’s libido. He couldn’t keep up with his wife, which was ironic, because he had been the one with the high sex drive most of their marriage. But that particular night, Ned had another reason to not be in the mood. Around the time Jeff was falling asleep, Ned was overindulging at the buffet. They took in a show the cruise offered, and by the time they got back to their room, Ned was ready for unconsciousness.
His wife, however, was ready for lovin’. While Ned plopped onto the bed, his wife put on her most risque lingerie she had worn so far. She liked to keep getting racier every day just to keep her husband on his toes. She was worried she might wear him out though. Something about the ocean air made her sexually insatiable.
When she came back into the room, Ned was fast asleep. She tried to wake him up, but to no avail. She sighed. As she snuggled in next to him, she vowed to start the next morning off with a bang. In so many ways for their family, it did.
The sun was just making its appearance when Ned stirred. The first thing that he noticed was that the boat had stopped. He could not feel the thrum of the engine he had become accustomed to. They must have made an unexpected stop. But he couldn’t hear the waves splashing against the boat either.
His half lidded eyes shot wide open as his mind fully awakened. His wife wasn’t next to him. He wasn’t even on a bed. He was reclining on a sofa. It was a familiar sofa, in a familiar room. These weren’t the clothes he had gone to bed in. He sat up and looked all around. There was no doubt about it. He was not on the boat. He was in his house. Was he dreaming? It all felt so real. He pinched himself. He growled at the pain, but his voice sounded off.
Ned stood up. That’s when he noticed something else. He had morning wood. That was a rarity these days. He used to get them every day when he was younger. Now that he thought about it, he felt younger. He felt great. He didn’t feel any aches and pains from sleeping on the couch. He felt like he was, like he was…
He caught his reflection in the television screen. His figure was warped, but it didn’t look like him. It looked like… Ned walked quickly to the downstairs bathroom and turned on the light. To his credit, when he saw his body in the mirror, he didn’t scream, or make any sound for that matter. All he could do was stand and stare at the sight of his youngest son’s body, staring back at him with a dumbfounded expression on his face.
Ned was a rational thinker, but all reason escaped him. The only person that might have an answer was his son, who presumably would be in his body. Problem with that was, his body was on a boat in the middle of nowhere with a cell phone that had spotty reception, but was turned off at the moment anyway. He would find a way to contact them. In the meantime, he would remain calm. No sense getting worked up. Not yet anyway.
Ned caught a whiff of his son’s body. It didn’t stink per se, but he could definitely use a shower. He turned the water on and got undressed. He caught his reflection in the mirror again, and thought how good it was to be a young person. His son’s body had definition and sculpted abs, something that Ned lost after the first two years of marriage. Ned also couldn’t help but notice the monster between his legs. Was it bigger than his? When had that happened? His son was certainly a man now.
As he stepped into the falling water, he realized how good everything felt. This was the body of an eighteen year old. As the soap glided over his sensitive skin, he felt an erection begin. He put a hand on it, and an electric pulse shot through him. It was a familiar sensation, but stronger and more persistent than he was accustomed to. He usually needed the help of a pill to maintain an erection, and his wife was always right there to help him with it. But at this moment, he had a hard, natural cock, that needed no help, only release.
Ned hadn’t masturbated in a long time. He assumed it was like riding a bike. But he shouldn’t. It wasn’t his cock. As he gripped the shaft tightly and experienced a pleasurable jolt, he questioned this fact. It certainly felt like his cock. If he could touch it and feel it, didn’t that make it his? Wasn’t possession nine tenths the law or some philosophical bullshit. He was walking a mile in another’s shoes, and one that was in the prime of life. If he didn’t jerk off, it would be doing the universe a disservice.
Having thusly rationalized his deviant behavior, he began to vigorously stroke himself. Everything happened quicker than his own body. The pleasure came faster, and felt his balls tighten in less than a minute. And then there it was. His spunk shot out like a rocket, covering the shower wall and curtain. He chuckled at how intense it had been, and finished showering.
Ned first went to his room to get dressed, but was quickly reminded that his clothes were too big for his son’s frame. He went to Jeff’s room, and shook his head at the selection of clothes. It was shirts with names of bands he didn’t know, or pop culture things he knew even less of.
He was getting dressed when the doorbell rang. He wondered who it could be? He then wondered if he should be the one to get it. His daughter Abby was here. Maybe she should be the one to answer given his current circumstance.
When the doorbell rang again, he heard his daughter’s voice screech from her room, “Answer the door, brat!”
He narrowed his eyes. He was not a brat. He was her father, and he had a mind to go and set her straight. He was glad they could be there for her during this tumultuous time in her life, but he was still her father and would be treated accordingly.
As the bell rang again, he realized that in this body, that was only partially true. Ned was both her dad, and her little brother. He sighed and headed for the door. When he opened it, he saw Jeff’s girlfriend, Heather, standing there with a sly smile on her face.
“I know I’m early,” the cute redhead said. “But I did promise you a reward if you were a good boy and studied.”
Ned didn’t know what Heather was talking about, and Jeff’s face must have show this, because Heather asked, “Were you a good boy?”
Ned knew the answer to that question. “Yes.”
She beamed at him, and thankfully had no follow up questions. She squeezed by him and grabbed his hand. He barely managed to get the door shut as she began pulling him quickly towards Jeff’s room.
As soon as they got there, she pushed him onto Jeff’s bed and said quietly but firmly, “Get your pants off.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s going to be hard to reward you if I can’t see your cock.”
Ned understood now. Jeff’s girlfriend wanted to give him a blowjob. He instantly regretted jerking off in the shower 10 minutes ago. If he had known this was a possibility, he would have waited. There was no way he’d be able to perform now.
But as Heather pulled her shirt over her head, and unsnapped her bra, he felt his dick pulse. As his eyes took in Heather’s large, freckled breasts, his dick leapt. And by the time he had yanked his jeans and underwear off, his dick was at the starting line, ready to race.
Heather’s mouth was on Jeff’s large member a heartbeat after that. There was no foreplay. She had come there to suck dick, and it was clearly not her first rodeo. She started moaning, and playing with his balls. She looked Ned right in the eyes as her tongue swirled about the shaft, and right then, Ned knew his son had found a winner. When she deep throated him, he wanted Jeff to propose marriage to her as soon as possible.
She was a gift cocksucker. Maybe a prodigy. He hadn’t thought he’d be able to achieve an erection so soon after cumming, even with a much younger body. But here he was, on the verge of another climax. His wife hadn’t sucked him like this in years. Heather’s mouth was so wet. Her tongue was all over. He could feel the tip of his dick hitting the back of her throat. He squeezed her hair, indicating that he was about to blow his load.
Heather’s mouth came off immediately, but she kept stroking him with her hand. “Cum on my tits!” she pleaded.
Ned would pay for the ring himself at that point. He started to ask if she was sure, but it was too late.
As his first shot landed, Heather stroked even faster and said, “That’s right, Jeff! Paint my big tits with your cum! I know you like that! They’re all yours baby! Cum on them!”
Ned was surprised by how much spunk his son could still manage. By the time he was done, cum was sliding down both of Heather’s breasts, and in one case, dripping off a nipple.
Heather unceremoniously grabbed one of Jeff’s shirts on the floor and wiped herself off. “That was pretty hot. Now remember, if you get an A on the test, I’ll let you fuck me again tonight.”
As Heather ushered them off to school, Ned hoped he excelled at whatever subject this test was on.
Around the time Ned was taking Jeff’s very important test, Jeff was waking up on a cruise ship. His mind was foggy, but his body felt good. Really good. He felt a weight on his midsection, and hot, wet pressure on his dick. Heather had snuck into his house and was fucking him. This was amazing. She was the best girlfriend.
Jeff opened his eyes and got the shock of his life. His mother was on top of him. She was wearing a red see thru bra and was grinding him for all he was worth.
As he started to struggle, she looked down at him. “I’m sorry I didn’t wake you up before climbing on top of you this morning, darling. You were just so hard, and I wanted to feel you in me.”
“Mom! Stop! It’s me! Your son!”
Her face looked shocked, but also intrigued. “That’s pretty kinky, but I’m down.” Instead of stopping, she leaned down and pushed her boobs into Jeff’s face. “Did you miss mommy’s boobies? Would you like to suck on her titties?”
“No, I-” but then he couldn’t talk without getting a mouthful of boob. What made it worse was that his dick didn’t find his mother’s boobs repulsive at all. He felt his dick get harder. So, apparently, did his mom.
“Yeah, you like that don’t you! You like momma’s titties! Well get a good mouthful while I, I…Oh Ned! Oh fuck! Momma’s cumming!”
All Jeff could do was hold on as his mother began to slam her pussy up and down on him frantically for several seconds. Then she shook all over, then looked at him expectantly while she slowly rolled her hips. She was about to ask if he got his, when she felt his hot seed pump inside her. “That’s it, son. Fill Mommy up. Get it all out.”
When she saw his body relaxed and felt his dick begin to soften, she rolled off of him. “Well, that was different. We’ve never done mother son roleplay before. I’ll admit, it was pretty hot.”
After a few seconds of silence, Jeff managed a meek, “Mom, it’s really me, Jeff. I don’t know how you got here, but…”
She turned towards him. “What are you talking about, Ned?”
“You think I’m Dad?” Jeff asked.
She laughed and shook her head at him, thinking he was still teasing her. She got up to go get a towel. While she did, Jeff took in his surroundings. He was in a small room. A bed, a television, two chairs, a dresser, he could hear water. He was on the cruise with his parents. He looked down at himself. His belly had gotten bigger overnight. His body felt achy. He rushed into his bathroom, almost stopping as he saw his mom peeing into the toilet. At that point he figured it didn’t matter as he’d just seen a whole lot more. He looked into the bathroom mirror, and almost passed out as he saw his dad looking back at him.
An hour later at Jeff’s school, the principal came over the intercom. “Jeff Cobble. Please come to the principal’s office.”
The students tittered and jested as Jeff left the room. He got lost twice on the way through the halls, but eventually found the office. The principal pointed to the phone on his desk and said, “It’s your father, Jeff. He said it was urgent.”
Ned tried not to smile as he picked up the receiver. “Uh, what’s up, Dad?”
“Do you have any idea what is happening right now?”
“Not sure what you mean?”
“I mean the fact that when I woke up this morning, I wasn’t me! I was you! And I’ve been horribly traumatized because Mom is here and she thinks I’m still you and she wants to…she wants to…”
“Oh, I know what she wants to do. Good luck with that. If there’s nothing else, I’ve got to be getting back to class.”
“Are you nuts! You went to school today! I had a test!”
“Don’t worry about the test. I aced it.”
“You…you did?”
“Oh yeah. Your girlfriend gave me the right motivation.”
Jeff thought his borrowed heart might give out at that news. “Did she…did Heather show up at the house this morning?”
“That she did. She’s a real special girl, Je-Dad. Anyways, have fun on your anniversary-”
“No, Dad! We’ve got to do something about this! We’ve got to-”
“I love you too. See you in a few days.” And Ned hung up the phone. His poor son. Stuck on a cruise in his body with his nympho mother. Oh well, he had his own problems. Math problems. Specifically the problem of figuring out how many condoms he’d need for tonight with Heather.
On the ship, Jeff could only stare at the phone. His dad was going to have sex with his girlfriend. He’d had sex with his own mother, and now his dad was going to fuck his girlfriend. Might have already fucked her. And he was stuck on this ship with his horny mother that thought he was trying to roleplay with her. What the fuck was he going to do?
“Will that be all sir?” the ship’s concierge asked patiently.
“Oh, uh, could I use this again in an hour?”
“Of course sir, but the rate will be the same.”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s my dad’s credit card, so that’s fine by me.”
“Your father, sir?”
“Um, right. Nevermind.”
An hour later, Jeff placed his second call. School was out by then, and he hoped his girlfriend would pick up. She did.
“Hello, Mr. Cobble,” his girlfriend chirped.
Jeff’s heart sank as he repeated, “Mr. Cobble?”
“Yes, Jeffrey told me you might be calling.”
“Did he.”
“Yes. He said you were playing some weird game where you pretended to swap bodies. Is that why you’re calling?”
Jeff couldn’t believe how sneaky his dad was. “Heather, it’s true. It’s really me!”
She giggled. “But you don’t sound like you.”
“But it is me! You have to believe me! Remember that time I took you to the carnival and got you that bear. It took my whole wad of cash. But when I gave it to you, you told me how much you lived it, and you…uh, well that was the first night you let me cum on your tits.”
“Oh, so that’s a regular thing you kids do, is it?” Jeff heard his voice say. His dad had taken the phone away from Heather! “I thought maybe this morning was special.”
“Dad! Give the phone back to Heather!”
“I don’t think so. Especially since this call can’t be cheap. So run on back to mom, and just focus on you two having a great anniversary.”
The click was deafening to Jeff. His father was going to fuck his girlfriend, and he wasn’t going to be able to stop him. As he walked back to his cabin, he thought about why this might be happening. What event had occurred that had allowed him to swap bodies with his own father?
As walked into his room, his mother greeted him. “So, what should we do tonight? There’s a magic show this evening. But we could also just stay in and-”
“Mom, no.”
“Every time you call me Mom I just want to shove my tits in your face and-”
Mom! Stop. Listen to me, please. I just got off the phone with Dad. He’s in my body. He’s going to fuck my girlfriend.”
Jeff hated saying it out loud. But he was startled by his mother’s expression. She didn’t look frightened. She looked…even hornier. “Mom, I’m Jeff. Dad and I somehow swapped bodies. He went to school as me today. He is pretending to be me, and Heather has no idea. What can we do?”
To Jeff’s dismay, his mother was already removing her clothes. “Is that what you want? Do you want me to pretend to be Jeff’s girlfriend? I don’t mind that, especially if you keep calling me Mommy.”
“Oh, Mom! No!” Jeff exclaimed, and then retreated from the room.
As Jeff avoided his mom for the rest of the day, Ned was fucking Heather every hour, on the hour. In the bathroom of a restaurant, at the back of a movie theater, in the car, and then finally, back at Ned’s house.
Heather didn’t know what had come over her boyfriend, but she really, really liked it. He was so confident. So sure of himself. He was giving her pleasure in ways she’d never experienced, and he was insatiable. Everytime she turned around, he was hard again. Everytime he looked at her like she was the only girl in the world and he was so lucky to have her. So everytime, she gave herself to him.
When they got to Jeff’s house, Heather was even louder than the night before. She knew Jeff’s sister would be able to hear. She didn’t care.
Abby cared. It was her brother after all. But good for him for being able to give his girl the O. It must be nice. Her ex husband almost never did. And here her little brother was handing it out two nights in a row. She thought shaming him earlier might have made them quieter though. Oh well. Young love and all that.
When Jeff finally came back to her cabin to go to sleep, his mother had drifted off to sleep. He was glad he would not have to rebuff her further. He hoped beyond hope that maybe, just maybe, when he woke up, he’d be back in his house, and this would all be over.
He was right on one count, but not both.
When Jeff woke up that second morning, he too, noticed that the sounds and feeling of being at sea had disappeared. He was also in a bed alone. This was all very encouraging, yet something still felt off. He didn’t recognize the room he was in. Well, that wasn’t true. It was familiar, but it wasn’t the cabin on the ship, nor was it his bedroom at home. He dimly saw the shape of a lamp, and pulled the switch.
As light bathed the room, he saw his hand. It was smaller, smoother, and most importantly, not his. He looked down at his body, and almost passed out again. He had tits. He threw the covers off and saw to his horror, that he was now in the body of his oldest sister, Abby.
He rushed from the room and ran to his. At least now he could confront his father. He threw open his door, and there, just as he’d suspected, were the naked forms of his own body and his girlfriend.
“Dad!” he shouted. “Wake up! I’m back, but now I’m Abby!”
Brief, sleepy pandemonium ensued, as Ned tried to quell his son in the body of his daughter, while at the same time, ushering out Jeff’s girlfriend so she didn’t have to be a part of the circus that their lives had become.
Ned kissed Heather on the cheek at the front door. Heather mumbled, “Your family is so weird. It’s a good thing you’re hot.”
Ned just smiled at her as the front door closed, and went to make dinner for him and his son in the kitchen. He raised his eyebrows as he walked in on his son with Abby’s shirt pulled up over her boobs. Jeff was lifting and dropping his new boobs over and over again.
“Why don’t you put your sister’s boobs away there, son,” Ned admonished.
Abby’s face went beet red, and Jeff did as his dad said. But as soon as his boobs were covered, he went off. “Don’t shame me for looking at boobs! I’ve never had boobs before and it’s, it’s…well, wouldn’t you do the same thing if you were me?”
“That I would,” Ned agreed as he started preparing bacon and eggs. “Have you checked out the downstairs yet?”
“Dad, it’s…it’s Abby.”
“Hey, like you said. You’ve never had boobs before, and you’ve never had a vagina either. And right now they belong to you, same as this body belongs to me.”
“I can’t believe you fucked my girlfriend!”
“Jeff, let’s look at the facts. We swapped bodies. No one’s going to believe that. And we can’t fix it, can we? Do you know something I don’t? Like how this came to be.”
Jeff slowly shook Abby’s head back and forth.
“Well then what are you whining about? We just have to make the best of an extraordinary situation. It’ll either right itself, or we’ll learn to live with it.”
“That’s easy for you to say! You got like, what, 20 years younger. And you get to sleep with my girlfriend!”
“Some of us do have it easier than others. How’s your mom by the way?”
Abby’s face went red again. “Oh, she’s great. I had to avoid her all day yesterday.”
“Why’d you do that?”
“Because she thought I was role playing or something whenever I called her mom and she wanted to…you know.”
“Your mom’s been on fire lately, that’s for sure. I couldn’t keep up with her without the help of modern medicine.”
“Dad. Ew. Stop. Gross.”
“So no idea why this happened though. An ancient curse, magic spell, we both said the same thing at the same time, a wish, an enchanted artifact, you disturbed one of the old gods, a mad scientist experimented on you, aliens got bored, someone at your school developed a body swapping device capable of swapping at great distances, the alignment of the planets coincided with our exact physical locations on earth and-”
“No! None of those things happened. And that is an awful lot of theories you have about what could cause a body swap.”
“I used to read a lot of erotic stories. You’d be amazed at some of the stuff people come up with for body swaps. Pretty far out stuff sometimes. The worst is when they never explain it at all, which I think is just lazy writing.”
Ned and Jeff look directly into the eyes of the readers, but just for a second.
“Regardless of whatever happened,” Ned continued, “we just have to ride it out and hope the universe fixes it.”
“But I am a girl!” Jeff pouted. “And worse yet, that girl’s my sister!”
“Jeff, don’t be ashamed. It’s your body right now. If you want to go to your room, er, your sister’s room that is, and use one of her dildos to-”
“Please stop talking!”
“You’re right,” Ned said as he scraped eggs onto plates. “I’ve got to eat and get to school. Wouldn’t want your grades to slip.”
“You’re enjoying this far too much.”
“Your mom probably has some better dildos than your sister if you really want to get crazy.”
“Dad!” Jeff screeched as he fled the room.
“It’s just a suggestion,” Ned called after him. “I mean, it’ll just be you in the house. All day!”
Jeff would spend most of it wondering why his parents were so much more perverted than he would ever be. And he’d spend the rest of it trying to keep from touching various parts of his female body, and hoping that tomorrow this nightmare would be over and he’d be in his own body again tomorrow.
When Abby woke up a few hours later, her experience was much like her brother’s the previous day. She slowly came to the conclusion that she was somehow on her parents’ anniversary cruise. But what she noticed quickly, was that she had a dick between her legs. And it was hard.
She gripped it. It felt nice in her larger hand, and hot to her cold fingers. She squeezed it lightly, and it gave a reflexive jump, which sent a little shiver through her body. She pulled it towards her stomach, her much harrier, and larger stomach. She was taking in all these differences, but the dick, having a dick, completely captivated her. She fondled and stared at it for a couple minutes before finally noticing there was another person in bed with her. Upon closer inspection, she saw that it was her mom.
She shook her mom awake, but before she could ask any questions, her mom said, “Are you ready to get fucked now?”
Abby’s mouth went dry at the question. She was the one that was supposed to be asking questions. And so far, the only thing that was answering was her dick, which hardened even more. And then she watched in silent fascination, as her mom winked at her, then lowered her mouth towards her new cock. Abby was in heaven as warm and wet collided up and down her shaft. It was amazing. No wonder her ex had always pressured her for blowjobs.
But she wanted more. She had questions, sure. But she had a cock! If it felt like this in a mouth, what did it feel like in a pussy? She needed that answer, for science! So as soon as her mother came up for air, she gently pushed her down, and got on top of her.
“Oh yeah, put it in me!” her mother demanded.
This was weird. This whole thing was weird. But all Abby could think about right then, was that she had a cock, and it felt great, and she’d think about weird later. Her mother helped guide her cock into her pussy, and it did feel even better than her mouth. She wiggled her hips, letting her dick rub against her mom’s vagina. That felt okay, but she was missing something. She pulled it out a little, and then pushed back in, and that was it. She began doing that over and over again. Slow at first, then faster and faster. She felt pressure and pleasure building in her groin. It was so easy to feel good. The pleasure was right there for the taking. Abby quickened her pace.
Her mother encouraged her on by saying, “You can call me Mommy again if you want to.”
There was that weird again. But her new dick didn’t seem to mind. Her new dick kind of liked that, so why the hell not. “Okay Mommy. Thank you for letting your little girl fuck your pussy.”
Her mother looked at her like she’d grown a third arm instead of a penis. It didn’t slow down Abby’s rhythm though. Nothing could break her focus. Pleasure was the only thing that mattered. Her dick in her mother’s warm, wet hole was the epicenter of her world. And then suddenly the intense, glorious pressure could no longer be contained. And she was cumming. And cumming. Her mother let out a moan, and started shaking beneath her. Her mother was cumming too.
Abby had never felt anything so singularly intense. And then she was sleepy. So sleepy. And so she closed her eyes, and woke up thirty minutes later, still on a boat, still with a cock, and that’s when she knew for certain that she wasn’t dreaming.
For Abby, the body swap couldn't have been better. She was on a cruise with her mom. That definitely beat moping around her childhood home getting day drunk. She didn’t love that she was in her dad’s body, but fucking as a guy had been pretty great. She briefly wondered if she should keep her predicament a secret, but this was too huge! And if she couldn’t tell her mom, who could she tell? She just hoped her mother wouldn’t get too grossed out.
As they sat across each other enjoying a beautiful breakfast spread, Abby began with, “Mom, I know this is going to come as a shock to you, but-”
“Let me guess, you swapped bodies with one of our daughters?” Vicky smirked.
“What? How did you know?”
“Well you spent all day yesterday trying to convince me you were our son, Jeff. And when you called yourself a little girl earlier, I just figured, oh, okay. My husband is pretending to be Jenny.”
“Abby. I’m Abby. Why would you just assume Jenny? And this happened yesterday too?”
“I’ll give you points for commitment,” Vickie laughed. “You’ve even got some of her mannerisms down. But we should probably just keep this kind of role playing in the bedroom, shouldn’t we? I must say, it’s very imaginative. Wouldn’t have expected it from you. I don’t hate it though.”
Abby wanted to ask again why Jenny and not her, but she just nodded along. This had happened before. Yesterday in fact, to Jeff.. Did that mean her father was in Jeff’s body yesterday? He never said anything? Would she have believed him? Would she have been any help to him whatsoever with the amount of alcohol she kept in her system these days?
She knew the answer to both questions was no. She wouldn’t have believed him, and there was nothing she could have done about it if she had. Exactly like there wasn’t anything she could do about it now. She was on this cruise, in her dad’s body, and it might only last a day. So why not make the most of it.
“So what do you want to do today?” Vickie asked.
Abby clapped her hands together excitedly. “Everything!”
While Abby began having the time of her life on a cruise ship, Jeff had taken up his sister’s hobby of day drinking. He figured this body was of age, and the alcohol helped dull his senses. He needed that today of all days. He didn’t want to feel what it was like in a woman’s body, especially his sister’s! First his dad, now this! Why was the universe fucking with him?
His dad came home late in his body, and Jeff was there on the couch to greet him. “Where have you been young man?” Jeff asked with slurred speech.
“Oh buddy,” Ned asked, concerned. “How long have you been hitting the sauce?”
“Don’t lecture me, Dad!” Jeff said heatedly as he tried to stand. He got halfway, then fell back onto the couch. “I’m older than you right now. Why are you getting home so late? Where’s Heather? Did you guys have any more of the sex?”
Ned came over to help Jeff up. It was much easier in his lighter frame. “Why don’t we just get you up to bed?”
“Why don’t you answer me?” Jeff asked as he allowed his father to get him on his shaky feet. “Did you make the sex? Did the sex happen with my girlfriend? Did you girlfriend my sex Dad!”
“I would have thought your sister’s body would have built up more of a tolerance to alcohol by now. What did you eat today, champ?”
“Eat? I ate breakfast. You made breakfast. Then I found the booze. I drank it so I wouldn’t touch my sister’s titties.”
Ned rolled Jeff’s eyes. “You haven’t had anything since breakfast. Well, that would explain it.”
Jeff swayed in his father’s arms as they got to the foot of the stairs. “Abby does have a nice body. Boobs are weird though from this angle. Look at them.” He lifted up Abby’s pajama top so that her boobs were on display. “Look at these girl boobs. They’re just bags of fat. And they belong to my sister. Isn’t that gross? Why do we want to touch them all the time?”
Ned pulled down Abby’s top and said, “Because we’re guys, son. But hey, maybe you won’t have them tomorrow. Maybe you’ll be…maybe you’ll be back in this body…”
Even as he said it, Ned hoped that wasn’t the case. His son tumbled into Abby’s bed and was out like a light. Ned then retrieved Heather from his car, and they came in and made the sex, but just in case, he sent her home right after.
The first to wake that next morning was Vickie. She had a pounding headache and an upset stomach. She felt hungover, which didn’t make a lot of sense. She had drank a little last night, and might have drank more, but her husband had taken her straight to bed and fucked her good and proper.
She reached over to him to see if he’d get her some medicine and a glass of water, but he wasn’t there. And then she took in the room. She wasn’t in the cabin. She was in…she was in Abby’s room! How did she get here? Had she slipped into a coma somehow and they’d brought her back home while she was under? But that still wouldn’t explain why she was in Abby’s room. What was going on?
She got up and stumbled in the dark. She got to the light switch and flipped it on. The first thing she saw was Abby’s figure reflected in her daughter’s vanity. She held up her hand. Abby’s reflection did the same. She held up her other hand. The reflection mirrored her movements. And then she understood. Her husband hadn’t been roleplaying. He had been serious! Her children had been in her husband’s bodies the last two days…and she’d fucked them!
Well, Jeff hadn’t really. He’d done nothing but avoid her. But Abby, wow. She had been on fire last night. Her daughter really knew how to please a lady, probably because she was a lady. She had so many questions. She knew who might have some answers, but first some water and medicine.
After peeing and procuring what she needed, she headed to Jeff’s room. Jeff was snoring softly. She flicked on his light and asked tentatively, “Son?”
He stirred slightly in his bed, but didn’t say anything. She asked again, louder this time, “Son? Is that you?”
Jeff’s body suddenly sat up, and looked at her curiously. “Did you just call me son? Does that mean…”
“I’m actually your mother,” Vickie said. She was surprised when Jeff began to laugh.
“No, you’re not!” he exclaimed. “You’re my wife!”
Ned got dressed and began to explain everything that had happened during the last two days. As they sat down to a healthy breakfast that Saturday morning, Vickie told what she had experienced on the ship with who she thought was her husband. They were both open and honest about everything. They could be, because they were husband and wife, who happened to be in the bodies of their son and daughter.
Ned gave all the details about his sexual escapades with Heather. And Vickie talked about fucking their kids with his body. It was so strange, yet had in no way been terrible. And now they were together. They were in younger bodies. They both felt great, especially now that Vickie’s hangover had faded. And hearing what each of them had been up to had got them both excited in more ways than one.
Their hands had intertwined at the breakfast table while they’d been talking. And when Ned leaned forward to kiss his daughter’s face, Vickie matched his movements. They kissed passionately for several seconds before Ned broke it off.
“So, even though we’re not on the boat anymore, that doesn’t mean our anniversary trip is over…”
Vickie winked at him. “What did you have in mind?”
He picked his daughter up in Jeff’s strong arms and carried her upstairs. “I think we’ll figure something out.”
They did figure something out. Twice that morning.
A little while later, Jeff was awoken by someone shaking him going, “Mom, Mom, wake up. I’m still here in Dad’s body! Let’s have sex again!”
That was his father’s voice. He was back on the ship. With his father. Who was shaking him and calling him…Mom.
“No. No!” he said briskly. But he didn’t hear his voice. He heard his mother's voice coming from his vocal chords. “You have got to be kidding me!” he yelled.
“Mom, what’s wrong?”
Jeff looked over and saw his father, naked and ready to go. His hand was stroking his cock, which was at full mast, and he was eyeing Jeff expectantly. “Do not touch me with that thing! Why are you calling me Mom? Abby? Is that you?”
“Jeff?” Abby asked.
“If you’ll excuse me,” Jeff said getting up in his mother’s body. “I’m going to go jump into the ocean.” His mother’s body moved differently than Abby’s. It felt older. Certain parts of him hurt. His breasts were saggier. He was still a woman. Everything sucked.
“Stop complaining, brat. This will probably be over tomorrow. We might as well make the most of it.” She tugged at his arm, trying to pull him back onto the bed.
Jeff jerked away. “Please don’t touch me while you have that thing between your legs.”
“Come on! We’re married! We can make each other feel good!”
“We are not married!” Jeff argued as he found his mother’s clothes and began struggling to put them on. “We are brother and sister trapped in our own parents’ bodies!”
“So? It’s temporary, right? It’s been happening the last couple of days. We’ll probably be back to normal by Monday.”
“That’s pretty fucking optimistic, don’t you think? And haven’t you even asked why it’s happening to begin with?”
“It seems to revolve around you,” Abby observed. “But as to the why? Who cares. This is amazing. Let’s not waste it. Come to bed.”
“Absolutely fucking not. I respected your body yesterday when I was in it. Well, I got drunk and respected it. And I’m sure our parents are not going to…” Jeff stopped mid sentence and thought about that. His dad had been fucking Heather like crazy. Abby had thought he was their mother and had asked to have sex again, which meant they had both done it. His whole family was a bunch of perverts! “They’re going to fuck each other in our bodies, aren’t they?”
Abby smiled and nodded. “I mean, they are married. And now they’re in our younger, hotter bodies.”
Jeff nodded as if this made perfect sense, then said, “I’m going to go throw up now.”
While Jeff was having another bad day, Ned called Heather and asked if she wanted to come over. It was late afternoon when she arrived. She wore a tight teal dress that made her red hair pop.
It was the first thing Vickie noticed when she opened the door to let in her son’s girlfriend. “Wow, you look amazing, dear.”
“You’re one to talk,” Heather said in surprise. Heather had seen Abby around Jeff’s house several times since she’d moved back home, but she always looked like a trainwreck. She wasn’t wearing anything fancy just then. Just black leggings and a low cut, white tshirt. But she looked, well, put together. She had on a bit of makeup and great hair. And she exuded the confidence of a woman that was going out for a night on the town.
For that reason, Heather asked as they strode into the living room, “Are you going out tonight?”
“No,” Vickie said sweetly. “I thought I’d stay here and chaperone you lovebirds.”
“Oh, great,” Heather said with thinly veiled disappointment. “So, where’s Jeff?”
“He’s in the kitchen cooking us a five star meal. Can’t you smell it?”
Something did smell great. But since when could her boyfriend cook? She went to the kitchen, and thankfully Abby didn’t tag along. She saw Jeff wearing an apron, which was adorable, and he looked like he knew what he was doing as he seasoned something in a pan.
“Uh, hey, Jeff,” Heather started. “Did you know your sister plans on hanging out with us tonight?”
Jeff spun around with a spatula in his hand. He used it to point at the words on his apron that read, ‘kiss the cook.’ Then he cleared his throat and waited.
“Oh, sorry,” Heather giggled, and went over and gave him a peck on the cheek.
As she withdrew, Jeff cleared his throat again, shook his head, and pointed emphatically to his apron.
Heather ignored him as she figured her news was more urgent. “We won’t be able to do much more than that with your sister around!” she hissed.
“Won’t be able to do what?” Abby asked innocently as she came into the kitchen.
Heather turned redder than her hair, but Jeff saved her by saying, “Food’s ready. You can have some. But you have to pay the toll.”
“The toll?” Heather asked.
“But of course,” Abby purred. And then she picked up a plate from the counter, went over to Jeff, and locked lips with him.
It was a long kiss. A sensual kiss. A kiss that Heather would have put a stop to if it had been some random girl, but…this was Jeff’s sister. What was going on? Why were they kissing like that? And why did Jeff seem cool with it?
When they broke it off, Jeff winked at Abby, and filled her plate with steak and steamed vegetables. When Heather just stared, Abby motioned to Heather, “Go on, before it gets cold.”
Heather moved as if on autopilot and picked up a plate. When she held it out to Jeff, he cleared his throat again. She looked at him, still very confused by what she’d seen.
“You have to pay the toll,” Abby gently reminded her.
Heather scoffed. She could pay the toll whenever she wanted. She was Jeff’s girlfriend after all. But to put her mouth where Abby’s had just been, it was weird, wasn’t it? And why wasn’t Abby going to the dining room? Why was she just standing there, staring? Was she seeing if she’d just go along with it? Was this a prank? It had to be that! Jeff and his older sister were messing with her. That was a pretty risque prank. But she wouldn’t back down. She’d show them that they couldn’t pull one over on her. She put the plate down, put her hands on the side of Jeff’s face, and kissed him even more passionately than Abby had.
When she was finished, Jeff looked shell shocked, then quickly filled her plate. Heather turned to see Abby giving her an approving smile, and then a wink at Jeff.
Sometimes siblings were weird, but Heather was hungry enough now not to care. She followed Abby to the dining room, and Jeff joined them a minute later. They ate in relative silence for a few minutes, then Heather felt something brush against the inside of her legs. It was a foot! And it was sliding up and down her bare skin. That might have been normal if Jeff was sitting across from her, but he wasn’t. Abby was!
Heather looked at her and mouthed, “What the hell?” to the older girl.
In response, Abby just blew her a kiss, and took another bite of vegetables.
As Abby’s foot made no sign of retreating, Heather looked at Jeff and said, “You know what, Jeff, this was really great, but I think I think I’d like some dessert now. Can we go get ice cream?”
“Or you could stay here and have something just as sweet,” Abby offered suggestively as her foot climbed higher and higher.
“Would you like to stay here and have something sweet with us, Heather?” Jeff asked with a charming smile.
Heather scooted back from the table, letting Abby’s foot fall to the floor. She looked at her boyfriend questioningly. “Okay guys? What is going on? First that kiss. Now your sister is making a pass at me under the table? You guys are fucking with me, right?”
“Oh, we’d like to fuck with you alright,” Abby cooed.
“If that’s something you’d be into,” Jeff added.
“But…but, you’re brother and sister!” Heather argued.
“Not today,” Jeff smiled. “Today is sort of a cheat day. Tomorrow might be too, who knows?”
“I don’t understand what that means,” Heather said.
“It means,” Abby said, “That I’m fine with you fucking my hus- sorry, ‘your’ boyfriend today, as long as I can be there to help.”
Heather was temporarily at a loss for words at the offer. She’d never been invited to a three way before. That’s what this was, right? Yeah, it would be. She’d be fucking Jeff, and Abby would be there, and she’d be ‘helping,’ which meant she’d be participating. So yeah, that’d be a three way. She thought she’d have to wait until college for one of those. She looked at Jeff to see his thoughts on the matter.
“My sister and I have talked it over,” Jeff explained. “As you know, she’s recovering from a failed marriage, and she’s looking to get back in the saddle again. I think this will help her out.”
“Having sex with her brother?”
“No, no!” Jeff said with feigned shock. “With both of us! And as I said, this is a cheat day.”
“What does that mean though!”
“It means I’m your boyfriend, so it’s not cheating. And Vickie- I mean, Abby, is my sister, so…”
“That doesn’t make any sense!”
Abby pulled her white shirt over her head. It had been obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra before. And now it was really obvious. “So, you want me just to fuck Jeff without you?” she challenged.
“What!” Heather balked.
But before she could protest further, Abby stood up and put her tits in Jeff’s face. Jeff didn’t shrink back, but began kissing and fondling his sister’s boobs.
“In or out?” Abby asked.
Heather narrowed her eyes at Abby. She didn’t know what these two perverts were playing at, but whatever it was, she wasn’t going to lose. In a quick, fluid movement, she pulled her dress up over her head. In another second, her bra was falling off. She moved to the other side of her boyfriend, her slightly smaller tits on display for him. He turned to her, and put his mouth on them. Heather arched a brow in Abby’s direction as if to say, ‘you’ll have to do better than that, cause he likes mine better.’
But after a few seconds of kissing Heather’s boobs, Jeff stood, looked at both women and said, “It’s a shame. I guess the rest of this food is going to get cold.” And then he bolted from the room.
Abby squealed with glee and chased after him.
Heather wondered what was possessing them, but followed after. But they weren’t headed towards Jeff’s room. They were heading to the master bedroom. The one that belonged to Jeff’s parents. By the time she got there, Jeff was already shedding clothes, and Abby had lost the black leggings.
The siblings climbed into bed as Heather watched, and as if to prove that they were completely serious, Abby got on all fours, and Jeff expertly mounted her from behind.
Heather gasped. Her boyfriend was fucking another woman right in front of her. How dare he! And how dare he look so good doing it! Heather shed her panties and got beside Jeff and started kissing him. Then she got on all fours and stuck her ass right next to Abby’s. She briefly thought how funny it was that she had worried about Abby from hearing them the other night. Maybe that’s what set this off. Maybe hearing her get fucked had turned Abby on, and she was so desperately horny that she’d asked Jeff to help her out.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a firm smack on her ass from Jeff. “Hey!” she protested. But then his hands were bracing her hips, and now he was shoving into her. She was even wetter than she thought, because he slid all the way in. It felt so good. She looked beside her, and there was Abby. She was smiling at her. And then her mouth was right there. And they were kissing. She was kissing a girl. A girl that was her boyfriend’s sister, while her boyfriend was fucking her from behind. It was not how she thought the night was going to go, but she wasn’t complaining.
After doing them both doggystyle for a few minutes, they changed positions. Well, Heather did anyway. Abby stayed on all fours getting plowed by her brother, while Heather positioned her pussy in front of Abby for the older woman to lick. That lasted a few minutes. Then they switched. Then they switched to missionary, so Abby could sit on Heather’s face. Jeff blew his load 20 minutes in. He watched the two women go at it for another 10, and then tagged back in.
Heather had never felt so sexy. Jeff and Abby were touching her everywhere. Kissing her everywhere. She got off again and again and again, and she was louder than ever. Everytime she came, it just made the siblings go even harder. There seemed to be no end to their stamina. It was like they wanted to fuck all night!
Ned loved being young again. Vickie did too. And they especially loved sharing the hot redhead in bed. It was the best anniversary they’d ever had.
At some point before Jeff, Abby, Ned and Vickie fell asleep that night, they all wondered if they’d be back to normal the next day. If anything could be normal again.
Jeff was pretty sure it wouldn’t be when he woke up in a sorority house the next day. With a different pair of tits that looked all too familiar.
To be continued?
Author's note:
What a fun idea for a commission. If people like this, I'd be down to right another chapter.
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It was Richard Johnson’s birthday, and he was a man on a mission. He was going to pick up a beautiful woman in a hotel bar using only his appearance and charm. He hadn’t needed to rely on those attributes in a very long time, but still managed to have a different woman in his bed every night. That was one of the perks to being married to a bodyhopper.
For the ten years that she’d been a bodyhopper, Nancy Johnson loved bringing home women that would entice her husband to fuck her senseless. If a pretty cashier caught his eye, or the cute teller at the bank, or a seductive college cheerleader, or one of the many local milfs, Nancy would make sure each of their bodies spent some very intimate time with her man. She’d even gone on a few trips to bring in some celebrities that he’d crushed on forever.
Nancy became bodyhopper during an experiment run by her twin children, Derek and Aubrey. They’d used an electrical charge to spark a gene inside of her. They knew it was there, because it ran in their family. Once activated, she gained the ability to pass her soul from one body to the next. In doing so, she gained access to that person’s mind and could pass for them with the greatest of ease. She had used it to seduce her husband, and eventually persuaded him to leave her aging body behind.
The couple were still very much in love, and when Nancy wasn’t fucking her husband’s brains out in a body typically younger than her previous one, they were enjoying hobbies and conversations that were akin to people who had been together for many years. They didn’t go out on many dates though since Nancy was usually in the body of a woman in her 20’s that could have been Richard’s granddaughter. It was here that the trouble started.
A week ago Nancy had gently teased her husband while in the guise of a cute, blonde 21 year old. She told him he’d never be able to pick up someone like her in real life because of the age gap. She thought it would turn him on. One of his favorite things was when she brought home a young woman and began calling him ‘Daddy.’ Perhaps because his 55th birthday was a week away, or the fact that they could no longer grow old together, he took it poorly.
“Age is just a number,” he snapped back. “I could go into a bar, any bar, and have a woman on my arm by the end of the night.”
Nancy had then made the catastrophic mistake of laughing at this remark. The idea of her husband with his wrinkles and gray hair going to a club and using his cheesy lines on a woman to take her back home was honestly absurd to her.
Richard’s pride took a hit, and he went to sleep on the couch that night, and no amount of cajoling or seduction could get him to return. This was also a blow to Nancy, because a bodyhopper continually craved sex. It seemed to be part of the gene. In instances like these, she’d had to seek other options. In that case, she’d taken the blonde home and fucked her boyfriend.
Nancy fucked a lot of boyfriends and husbands when she inevitably returned a host body. Richard knew this of these indiscretions, but also knew that as horny as he often was, his wife had an itch that he couldn’t always scratch, especially as he got older. He’d never resented her for it, because he’d been around a few bodyhoppers the last decade. Derek was one, and like Nancy, no longer had a body of his own. Aubrey was too, but had to keep her body hooked up to life support if she ever hopped someone.
Then there was the third bodyhopper they all knew. The one who had passed the gene on to so many people over the last few centuries. His name was Nevyn, and he’d almost ruined all of their lives.
Nevyn had possessed Nancy for a few months long ago, living with the Johnsons and teasing Derek relentlessly. But after Nevyn lost his bodyhopping power and became stuck in Derek’s body, he’d briefly aligned himself with the Johnsons in the pursuit of getting Derek his body back. They’d studied the gene and made several breakthroughs, and somewhere during this process, Nevyn felt sidelined, and eventually betrayed. He used what he knew to get his powers back by himself, which led to a close friend of the Johnsons named Bekka to lose her life, although the twins often spoke of her like she was still alive.
Nevyn’s actions spurred the twins along two different paths that ran parallel to each other. Aubrey continued unlocking the secrets of the bodyswapping gene to try and find a way to track it, while Derek pursued Nevyn by thinking like him, and looking for his telltale signatures in society.
A month ago, Derek had success, and had intercepted Nevyn. In a phone call, Derek had given his parents the good news that it was finally over.
“Nevyn’s dead. He knew I was chasing him and he ran into traffic. A second later he was hit by a bus. After all this time, that’s how it ends. It’s so strange. We finally all have our lives back.”
The Johnsons had all moved on as best they could, with Aubrey stating she was going back to college to get her doctorate, and Derek possibly moving back home.
But tonight, none of this was on Richard’s mind. Because tonight he was celebrating his birthday. Because of Nancy’s insensitive remarks, husband and wife made a wager. If he could pick up a woman at a local hotel bar and get her to go upstairs to a room for sex, she’d join them for a threesome.
“But what if she doesn’t want a threesome?” Richard had asked.
“You mean if I can’t convince her with my very impressive feminine wiles?” his wife had responded with a laugh. “Then I guess I’ll be doing some very fast hopping. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
This is why Richard now found himself up past his bedtime at a crowded hotel bar where the music was too loud. He’d much rather be at home, waiting to see who his wife was bringing him that night. But his pride was on the line.
Even though he’d been out of the dating game for a long time, he felt confident he’d be able to land a hottie and take her up to the hotel room they’d booked. He scanned the sea of people. It seemed full of possibilities. He locked eyes with a pretty raven haired woman behind the bar as she mixed a drink. She winked at him. Nancy had chosen this bartender as her vantage point to watch the proceeding.
She totally wanted him to win, which is why she pointed towards a small circular table where a couple of young women sat, chatting and giggling away. After observing them for a few seconds, he shot an upturned eyebrow back at Nancy. He knew these women were at least 21 years of age, but probably not a day older. They still had their whole lives ahead of them. He was just the man that could teach them a thing or two. Richard strode over confidently, believing that this would be over quickly, he’d be fucking one or both of them within the hour, and could go to sleep.
He assessed them as he got closer. The girl to his left was a curly haired brunette with a dazzling smile. She wore a short black dress, but didn’t have a lot going on in the chest department. That was okay. He was always partial to brunettes. They reminded him of his wife and his daughter Aubrey, although they had both been stacked.
To her right was a shoulder length blonde who was offering a generous amount of cleavage to all passersby in a low red blouse with lipstick that matched. His eyes lingered on her exposed skin, and it distracted him so much that he forgot to say anything upon his arrival.
“Can we…help you with something old man?” the blonde said with a pitying smirk.
“He looks lost,” the brunette giggled. “It seems like he’s trying to find directions to your tits.”
“Don’t even!” the blonde squealed, and whacked the brunette on the shoulder playfully. “I’m sure this grandpa is harmless.”
“Or he’s a dirty old man,” the brunette clapped back. “He’s gotta be, right? I mean he came over to our table. To what? Hit on us?” She crossed her legs and looked up at him as if she’d caught him doing something scandalous. “Do you even know how old we are, mister?”
“Um, uh, 21?” Richard replied as he tried to recover from their verbal assault.
“I am,” the blonde said, “But Kinzie here is only 19.”
“How did you…” Richard started to ask.
But the girl identified as Kinzie interjected. “Fake ID grandpa. What? They didn’t have those back in your day?”
“I don’t think they had that kind of technology back then,” the blonde added.
“Just had the wheel and fire, right gramps?”
“I am not that old!” Richard fumed.
“Yeah? How old are you then?” Kinzie asked with a raised eyebrow as she haughtily picked up her drink to take a sip.
“Old enough to…uh…teach you a few things,” Richard said as he tried to turn this interaction around.
This elicited a cringe response on both their faces that ended when they looked at each other and burst into a giggle fit.
The blonde’s eyes drifted down to Richard’s crotch, then back up to meet his. “Can you even get it up? I hear that can be a real problem for senior citizens.”
“I’m sure he can, Mckayla, withe the help of a pill!”
The giggle fit resumed in earnest, and Richard found himself wanting to retreat, from this table, from the premises from civilization. This had been a horrible idea.
Suddenly the bartender was at his side carrying a tray that had three drinks in martini glasses on it. “Here’s your drink sir, and how nice of you to buy a round for these two lovely ladies.”
“Ugh,” Kinzie said with an eye roll. “Well, a free drink’s a free drink.
She reached for it, but Mckayla hesitated and asked the bartender, “He didn’t pay you to slip something into it, did he?”
The bartender’s pretty face faltered as if she’d been slapped. But then she set her jaw, and said tightly, “I can assure you that he’d never have to do anything of the sort. Not when he has me.”
As Kinzie’s fingers curled around the thin stem of a glass, the bartender’s fingers brushed against her for the briefest of moments in a way that so often happens while passing something from one person to the next. A fleeting second of contact that feels both innocuous and yet strangely intimate. It is usually a moment that is here, then gone, but this time, it left a lingering effect in the form of a shudder that began in Kinzie’s hand.
“Excuse me?” Mckayla asked loudly in response to what the bartender had just said. But she got no response, because the bartender’s gaze had gone slack.
“Um, Mckayla, I think maybe I’ve had too much to drink,” Kinzie said as she looked at the tremor rapidly spreading up her arm.
Mckayla didn’t look at her friend but continued to study the bartender. It was like she was asleep, but her eyes were open. She was just standing as still as a statue holding the tray. “You’ve only had one Kinzie. I swear, you’re such a lightweight. You really should be building up more of a tolerance for the parties at college.”
“No, really, I…I think I want to go…” but the rest of what she might have said was lost as her mind was no longer her own.
“Just kidding!” Kinzie suddenly squealed. “I feel fine! In fact, I think we should go to this handsome guy’s room. You got a room, don’t ya mister?”
Mckayla’s jaw dropped as she turned her head away from the bartender towards her friend. “Are you fucking kidding me girl? You’ve got to be insane if you think that I’m going anywhere with grandpa here just cause he got us a free-”
But she stopped mid sentence as her friend grabbed her wrist, and it too began to shudder.
“What the hell? Why’s my arm fucking doing that? Am I having a stroke or some-”
But then Mckayla went quiet for a second before looking up at the bartender and taking the drink she’d previously insinuated was spiked. “Thank you, ma’am. Now go back and attend to your duties.”
“Yes,” the pretty bartender said in a flat tone before she turned away and went back behind the bar.
“So, stud,” Mackayla said as she eyed Richard up and down as if he were a snack. “I believe you were about to sit down and talk us two lovely ladies into having a threesome with you?” She set her glass down on the table and touched her friend’s hand.
A second later Kinzie said, “Yeah. We’d totally say yes. You can take us upstairs to your room and fuck us stupid. We’re both really nimble. We were both cheerleaders!” She touched Mckayla’s hand.
“I bet you like cheerleaders, don’t ya?” Mckayla said with a wink. “Especially ones that like kissing each other.” She looked at her friend and said, “Kiss me passionately.”
“Yes,” Kinzie said, and then their lips were together as they kissed each other deeply.
“So, what do you say?” Kinzie asked with her thousand watt smile.
“Please take us horny sluts up to your room and be our daddy for the night.”
This sudden reversal of fortune seemed to darken Richard’s mood. “Dammit Nancy! The deal was I do this on my own!”
Several people glanced at the tiny outburst from the older gentleman standing in front of the two young women. He seemed to be reprimanding them for something. Richard seemed to understand he’d made a scene, and smiled bashfully. A few seconds later, everyone went back to their drinks and conversations.
“I’m sorry, Richard,” Nancy’s voice came quietly out of Mckayla’s mouth. “It’s just, I heard these cunts being horrible to you and I thought we could teach them a lesson.” She put a hand on his leg and began sliding it upwards. “Together.”
Mckayla’s voice was back then. “Please mister. Please fuck some manners into us. Kinzie and I would learn so much from you.” She touched her friend on the arm.
“Yeah. Teach us Daddy,” Kinzie whined. “We’ll be good girls for you. We’ll even let you-”
“Enough,” Richard said quietly but firmly. “Anyone I take upstairs tonight will come because they want to. So…get out of these girls and let me get back to finding that person.”
“Fine!” Nancy said with an eye roll. “You still interested in teaching them a lesson though?”
“What did you have in mind?”
Nancy waved over the bartender who approached them quickly. Her eyes seemed less vacant than before, but there was still a bit of a haze there. Nancy casually brushed the back of Kinzie’s hand against the bartender, who shuddered.
“Well,” the bartender said, and she sounded as if she were recommending a drink. “Since you two are such good friends, you’re going to get each other off. I want you to go into the ladies room and strip naked, then toss your clothes out the window in there. Then go into a stall and begin licking and fingering each other. Try to make each other cum as fast as you can.”
“Yes,” they both said in perfect unison. They immediately stood, and with robotic grace walked to the ladies room.
“Well fuck me,” Richard said. “Now I want to go to the ladies room.”
“You had your chance,” Nancy said with a smirk. “Although I did memorize Mckayla’s address if you ever want me to go pay her a visit.”
A huge grin crept over Richard’s face. “I love you.”
“I know. Now get back on the horse and go get ‘em tiger. I’ll be over there watching. Best of luck. I do want you to have a happy birthday!”
“I think I’ll go hit on someone near the ladies room.”
“You do that, dear,” she said with a laugh, then went back to resume bartending.
Richard set off in the direction the two girls had gone. He passed by several people that looked like couples or were just trying to relax by themselves. He considered hitting on a few of them, but crossed off the ones that looked under 26. No more early twentysomethings. Too obnoxious and rude. He’d go aim a bit higher, which, he didn’t want to admit, would probably up his chances of success.
He decided on a professionally dressed woman in a light blue blouse and dark skirt sitting by herself. She wore her sandy blonde hair in a bun. She had glasses, and was staring intently at a laptop. If he struck out with her, she’d probably let him down gently unlike those first two had. He wondered if they were in the stall by now, their naked bodies pressed together invading each other’s holes with their tongues and fingers in a desperate attempt to make the other cum.
“This seat taken?” he asked with what he believed to be a suave demeanor.
“Huh, what?” the woman said, not bothering to look at him. “No? You can take it if you want.”
Richard was confused for a second, then understood. “No, I don’t need it for another table. I wanted to sit with you.”
This caused her to look up at him like he’d just said something very stupid. “Why?”
“Because…” he said, as he tried to think of something clever. He was beginning to wonder if he’d ever actually been clever in his life. “Because I wanted to get to know the prettiest woman in this bar.”
Her eyebrow raised and she gave him a quick up and down assessment. Then her lips pursed together like she’d tasted something sour. “Um…no. Thank you.”
Richard had been in sales for a long time, and never accepted the first no. Sometimes not the second. He could do this. He just needed a chance to show her what a catch he was. “I really think you’ll like me if you get to know me.”
“Probably not,” she said dismissively. “Because I tend not to like married men who hit on other women.”
This comment took Richard aback. “What? Why would you think I’m-”
“Wedding ring, dipshit,” the woman said, pointing at his left hand.
Despite the fact that Nancy’s actual body had been declared dead and they’d had a funeral and everything, to Richard, and to Nancy, she was very much alive. Of course he wore his ring. He’d never even thought about taking it off until this very second. Now he realized how foolish it had been to wear it while trying to pick up women in a bar. Then he had an idea.
“Oh, um…yeah, I’m…a widower. Just can’t bear to take it off.”
The woman’s eyes went wide and her face went very red. She began fidgeting with her hands as she apologetically blurted out, “Oh shit! I’m so sorry. I should not have…uh, has she been gone long? I mean…I didn’t mean to ask something so personal! I feel so bad! I honestly don’t know what to say.”
“How about you just let me buy you a drink and we get to know each other,” Richard offered as his confidence level soared to new heights. He glanced towards his wife behind the bar and signaled that he had someone on the hook.
The woman grimaced and said, “It’s really flattering, but…I have a deadline and-”
Richard interrupted. “It was a few years back when I lost her, but it still feels like yesterday. She was the love of my life, you know. Tonight was the first night I worked up the courage to put myself back out there.”
The woman’s expression became one of deepest sympathy and she closed her laptop. “I…I suppose one drink wouldn’t hurt. Uh…I’m Natalie.”
“Yes!” Richard exclaimed, and he couldn’t help but give a little fist pump. “That’ll show her.”
“Show who?”
Without thinking he said, “My wife. She didn’t think I could still get a woman to give me the time of…” He trailed off as he recognized his mistake.
The woman’s face shifted into one of loathing. “Wait! Was that whole dead wife thing a line?”
“No, I-”
“You’re disgusting. Go find someone else to be sleazy to,” she said with a wave of her hand.
“So close,” Richard said as he stood. Back to square one. He was a few steps away when a hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.
“Fine! Natalie said with a bit of contempt still etched on her face. “You wanna fool around, I could use a destresser. Let’s go.”
Richard couldn’t believe his luck! “I have a room we can-”
“I know someplace closer,” she said, and still clasping his hand, she drug him to the ladies room and pushed open the door.
They both stopped at the sight of two naked women who appeared to be having a wild night. Their hair was a mess and their lipstick was smeared. They were both attempting to cover their bodies with paper towels, but it was not working very well. At the sight of the woman, Kinzie said, “Ohmygosh can you please help us? We need some clothes. Can you-”
“Ah!” Mckayla yelled. “There’s a man with her!”
She made a better attempt to cover her boobs, but her crotch was very much exposed. Richard knew where some of Kinzie’s lipstick went, because some remnants of her shade were between Mckayla’s legs.
“It’s the old guy from before!” Kinzie hissed, and they both darted into a stall.
“Looks like this one has other stuff going on,” Natalie quipped, and pulled Richard out and into the men’s. She led him to a stall, pushed him inside and said, “Take off your pants.”
Richard’s fingers flew to his crotch where they momentarily seemed to forget how to unbuckle a belt.
“Let me help,” Natalie said with an eye roll. She sank to her knees and was much more adept at getting Richard’s pants off than he seemed to be. She made no pretense of why they were there as she yanked down his underwear. She took his cock in her hand, holding it up to be level with her face. Then she leaned forward and took him in her mouth.
“Oh fuck! That was fast!” he said. His mojo was back! It might not have worked the way he’d planned, but a win was still a-
He felt it then. A telltale shudder. He’d felt it many, many times while he and his wife made love. A shudder was the telltale sign of a bodyhopper moving into a new host. But it continued to happen intermittently while the hopper remained inside. It was a brief struggle of one soul dominating the other. It was like a reflex, and could even be done while a hopper slept, but it was also very noticeable, especially for someone who had been around hoppers as much as Richard.
“Seriously Nancy! Again!” he said as he pushed Natalie’s head back. He’d really been enjoying himself too, but his dick was suddenly deflating as he realized he’d been duped.
The woman’s face looked up at him sheepishly. “I thought I could get you off real quick before I shuddered and then you’d have a win and you could take me upstairs and fuck.”
Richard frowned, pissed that he was still 0 for 2. “Well, you almost got me there. Another 20 seconds of your world class dick sucking and I would have busted all over your face.”
She reached up and stroked his cock, which twitched hopefully in her hand. “You still could, darling. Seriously. I’m so horny in this body. I’d love it if you took me right here in this stall.”
Richard had to hand it to his wife. She could bring out the sluttiest part of any woman. He could take her right here and she’d never know because of how Nancy could alter her memories. But he shook his head and helped her to her feet.
“Wait! When did you even hop her?” he asked as he pulled his pants up.
She gave a small smile. “I’d just arrived to take your drink order when you got up to leave her table. A second later I was her, and pulled you into the bathroom so you wouldn’t notice the bartender right behind us.”
“That was so funny seeing those two girls in the bathroom.”
“That’s why I took you in there first. Did you see the lipstick on the one girl’s hoo ha?”
“Oh yeah.”
The couple burst out laughing, but then Richard said, “Okay, I’m going back out there. No help this time, understood?”
Nancy slumped Natalie’s shoulders. “I don’t think you know how much I want you to succeed, dear. I really need it right now. I might just rub one out in the stall real quick when you leave. Unless you want to watch?” She began to unbutton her blouse while she bit her lower lip. “You could still help this uptight business woman unwind?”
Richard left in a hurry before his wife could tempt him further. What did he do to deserve such a seductive creature?
As he left the restroom, he eyed the occupants of the bar with new determination. Third time’s the charm. He’d just…pick someone closer to his age. Not his preferred choice, but a gal with experience could certainly bring a lot to the table, or in this case, the bedroom. He pocketed his wedding ring as he circled the perimeter, finally coming back near the entrance where other hotel guests passed close by.
It was there he saw someone he’d passed by earlier. A woman in her early 40’s that he hadn’t really considered. She was quite striking though with her long auburn hair and legs that went on for miles. Richard thought she somewhat resembled Nancy in the face. And also the boobs. The woman was stacked.
She had a duffel bag on the chair next to her. Richard put a hand on the handle of the bag and said, “Mind if I move this so I can have a seat?” As he started to lift it, it began to shake. And growl.
The woman’s eyebrows shot up and she protectively reached for it and pulled it onto her lap. “Have a seat if you must, but Daisy doesn’t like to be jostled unnecessarily.”
Out of the top of the bag popped the face of an adorable Yorkshire terrier. Her furry brown face looked up into his and gave a small yip.
“Good girl,” the woman said with a small smile as she pulled the terrier out of the bag and put her on her lap. “She can be a very good judge of character. You must be a bad man.” The terrier growled at him.
Richard put his hands up and chuckled, then said to the small dog, “I can assure you I meant no harm little lady.” He held out a hand for her to sniff. The terrier did, and then gave his palm a lick.
The woman assessed him, and by her expression, she liked what she saw. “Perhaps you’re not terrible. Go ahead and have a seat.”
Richard did so. “I didn’t know you could have dogs in here.”
“You probably can’t,” the woman said with an air of indifference. “But she’s my emotional support animal. That’s what I tell everyone anyways.”
This annoyed Richard, but he tried hard to focus on her figure, something which the woman didn’t seem to mind him eyeing. “So, what’s your sign?”
This elicited a shrill laugh from the woman. “I haven’t heard that one in awhile.”
“I really need to get some new material.”
“Do you find yourself coming out to hotel bars often enough that you need to constantly refresh it?”
“Er, no,” Richard said. “I usually just stick with the basics. Like, hi, I’m Richard, and you are a very beautiful woman that I would like to get to know better.”
She cocked her head at him, studying him closely like a cat might before pouncing on a mouse, then said, “That was a much better line. I’m Crystal. What would you like to know?”
The two hit it off, and Richard found Crystal’s banter refreshing. She didn’t look at him like he was ancient, or pitied him in any way. Best of all though, she hadn’t shuddered once.
They were mid conversation discussing childhood pets when the bartender came up and asked, “Can I get you two anything?”
“I’ll take a bourbon,” Richard said, not taking his eyes away from Crystal.
“Nothing for me,” Crystal said as she tapped a glass she’d barely touched.
They both just stared at each other, mirroring a smile that belied a bubbling chemistry under the surface.
The spell was momentarily broken by the sound of the bartender clearing her throat. “Will you be taking that bourbon up to your room…sir?”
Richard looked up at the raven haired bartender. “In a bit. We’re in no rush.”
The bartender’s eyes narrowed, and her smile became tight lipped. “Of course…sir. By all means, take your time.”
As she walked away, she touched the shoulder of a woman passing by, who shuddered. That woman whispered something into the bartender’s ear, who went about her duties a moment later.
Richard was oblivious to this. He was enjoying the massive ego boost Crystal was giving him. He found himself opening up to her, sharing things like it was a first date. He was used to seeing different women all the time, but the conversation was always the same, because his wife knew everything about him. This was nice, so much so that he didn’t mind talking and throwing back a few. He was slightly worried that he’d pissed Nancy off, because she acted like she didn’t know him whenever she brought the drinks.
“Well, this has been lovely,” Crystal finally said. “But I should be going.”
“Oh, um, I was wondering if you wanted to…” Richard started, not entirely sure how to seal the deal.
She grinned at him and finished the proposition for him. “If I wanted to come up to your room and we have casual sex like grown adults?”
“Uh…” Richard stammered. “Y-yeah. I guess…that.”
“You’re very cute when you’re flustered.”
“Well if you’d like to see me flustered you should see me try to take my pants off when I’m really excited.”
“Why are we here again?” Ryan asked as they approached the entryway of the large house.
Bailey rolled her blue eyes. “Because we’re freshman in college. We’re here to make friends, experience new things, and party. We were lucky to get this invite, so don’t be a wet blanket or next time I won’t bring you along.”
Ryan’s whole tall, lanky frame slouched in defiance. Parties, any kind of party, was not his scene. He liked his socializing done one or two people at a time. The only person who could have talked him into coming was Bailey. But he still wanted it known by his words and posture that he was going reluctantly. “I didn’t get the invite. I’m just your plus one, and I said I’d rather stay in my dorm room.”
“And I ignored what you said and chose to drag you here anyway,” the bubbly blonde chided as she playfully slapped his arm. “It’ll be good for you. You’re always talking about how terrible you are with women. I’ll help you get the confidence boost you need to get laid!”
Ryan stopped walking as his brain didn’t have enough processing power to understand that last sentence and walk at the same time. For the briefest of moments, he thought that Bailey had offered to have sex with him at the party. He would have been more than okay with that.
The day they had met at orientation had been the day his crush on her began. He had been so awkward when introducing himself to her during an icebreaker. Bailey, however, had accepted him just as he was, and then placed him firmly in the friend zone. But every once in a while, he misinterpreted something she said as a possibility for something more. He knew he was probably wrong though, because he always struggled to communicate with the opposite sex.
Still, Ryan was eternally grateful to have met her. Bailey had helped Ryan come out of his shell bit by bit over the last couple of months. They helped each other in their classes when they could. Most of all, Bailey helped Ryan overcome a strong bout of homesickness he felt at the end of the first month. She was a good friend, possibly the only real one he had made on campus. And he was pretty sure he was in love with her. He kept hoping she would make a move on him, but she never did, and he didn’t want to ruin everything by asking for something more.
But she had mentioned getting laid. Him laid to be specific. And his ears had perked up and wondered if she was coming onto him at last. But as his eyes met hers, and he watched her head tilt in confusion, he realized he had mostly likely misread the situation.
Bailey cut back in. “Yes, laid. I thought boys thought about sex all the time. I can be your wingman. Or wing woman as it were.”
“Wing woman, sure. It won't matter. I’m terrible at-”
“Talking to girls, I know!” Bailey finished for him as she rang the doorbell.
“Except for you,” Ryan pointed out.
Bailey smirked. “Because we’re such good friends!”
Ryan almost said something. He almost let it slip that he didn’t want to be her friend. He wanted to be her lover. But that would have been horribly cheesy and pathetic. And she would have laughed at him. And she’d tell him that she didn’t see him that way. And their friendship would effectively be over. So instead of saying anything, he turned to leave. But Bailey caught his shoulder.
“Hey, you can do this,” she said in all seriousness as she spun him back around. “I’m with you all the way.” She booped his nose and winked at him. “Until you go all the way that is.”
Ryan was about to point out that most likely meant she’d be with him forever, when the door swung wide open to reveal Topher Steward. Everyone knew Topher. He was the guy on campus that could get you things. The kind of things that you needed a fake id to get. Or the kinds of things that helped you ace a test without studying. Or the kinds of mind altering substances that police would absolutely arrest you for having in your possession. And he was always on the lookout for the next thing to sell to his fellow students.
“Oh good, you’re here, you’re here,” Topher said with open arms and a wide grin. As he pulled them inside a large foyer, he spoke loud enough for anyone in the house to hear. “I was worried we were going to have to start the party without you.”
Ryan had a brief second to take in the place as they were shuffled into the lavishly decorated interior. It seemed even bigger on the inside. There were stairs that led left and right to a second story. To his right, there seemed to be a study, and beyond that an entryway to what was probably a kitchen.
Topher was leading them to a large room to their left that had a pool table near the middle, shelves of books along one side of the wall, and a fully stocked bar in the corner. There were already thirty or forty people huddled in groups around the room, talking amongst themselves. Ryan thought he knew a few people from around campus. But there was one person he absolutely recognized, because she was probably the hottest girl in a thousand mile radius. Ryan only knew her name was Tiffany, along with the fact that she was a senior with dark hair, an hourglass figure that could stop traffic, and a gorgeous face.
This vision of loveliness stood watching as Topher ushered in what looked to be two naive freshmen, a guy and a girl, into the room. The guy had spotted her, and was now gawking at her tits as if they were celebrities that might give him an autograph. She was used to men staring at her, but they usually did it with a little more subtlety. She shot him a look and a gesture that said my eyes are up here, then made a motion to Topher to start whatever he had planned. She had other places to be. She wouldn’t be here if Topher hadn’t paid her, and he said he’d only need her services for a 90 second demonstration.
On top of that, he’d also paid for her to recruit several of her more attractive sorority sisters who had come as well. That hadn’t been hard. She ran their sorority, so with a snap of her fingers, they would go to whatever party she told them to. But she wasn’t being paid to be lusted after by a lame freshman. She tapped her foot and looked around again for anyone worthy of her company. It took more than a cursory glance, but she finally saw Frank, one of the few good athletes on campus. As usual, he had brought his girlfriend, Kim. That was a pity. She’d totally jump Frank’s bones if Kim didn’t have him on a two foot leash all the time.
Frank was wondering why they were all just standing around. Usually when he came to one of Topher’s parties, the party was raging by the time he walked through the door. So far this was a very quiet and subdued affair, definitely not his preferred scene. He liked his parties loud, because that way he couldn’t hear his girlfriend’s incessant complaining or trying to draw him into a fight. He would have already cut and run if Topher hadn’t told him that it’d be worth his while. So he tried to wait patiently, and hoped his girlfriend Kim would do the same. But by her posture and the expression of discontent on her face, she was going to do no such thing.
“Babe, look at who’s here,” she said derisively. “I’d talk with, maybe like, two or three of these people. And there’s no music, and nobody’s drinking! We’re leaving.”
He slid his hands around Kim’s tight waist and pulled her towards him to hopefully calm her foul modd. She felt so soft against him, and she smelled terrific. “Babe, give Topher a chance. He said-”
Kim pushed his arms down and stepped out of his embrace. “I don’t care what Topher said!” she hissed louder than she knew Frank would like. “I said we’re leaving.”
Frank sighed. It was always her way or the highway, and had been for the last year they’d been dating. It hadn’t been like that in the beginning. She had been a little feisty, and a lot bossy, but she had always accepted his hands on her body. Now most times he tried to be affectionate, especially in public, she’d push him away. With a year and a half to go till graduation, it seemed she was just keeping him around for his status as a jock. That might be fair, because sometimes he wondered if he was keeping her around for her body. The problem was, he got to touch it less and less these days.
As Frank and Kim stepped out to make their exit, Topher called out, "If you go now, you won't get to see what these do."
Every eye locked onto a folded manilla envelope that Topher extracted from his back pocket. He reached inside and pulled out a two by two inch square of glossy white paper.
"Is that some new drug?" Frank asked.
Topher smiled and began to pass them out, one to each person. "Better. I'll explain what it does after everyone gets one. Don't break the seal on the adhesive to them before I tell you so we can all enjoy the ride together."
Everyone's curiosity peaked and the room began to chatter. One by one, they studied the innocuous looking white square that Topher placed in their palm. As people poked and prodded it and held it up to the light, it looked like just an ordinary sticker. How could it be better than recreational drugs?
Ryan was examining his when Bailey nudged him. "We haven't been here five minutes and someone is already checking you out."
"What?" Ryan asked as he doubtfully scanned the room. "Where?"
"Play it cool, Romeo," Bailey said from the side of her mouth. "3 o'clock."
"I asked where," Ryan began, but stopped talking as Bailey's foot came firmly down on his. He gave a quiet yelp, then followed where Bailey's finger pointed. A cute, chubby girl was staring at him from the opposite side of the room. Well, he didn’t notice that she was staring at first. He noticed her boobs first. They were huge. And when his eyes finally found her face, yes, she was staring at him. He recognized her from his Chemistry class. She gave him a little wave, then looked down at her chest, then arched it forward, as if giving Ryan permission to look all he wanted.
"Damn," Bailey whispered. "It might be easier to get you laid than I thought.”
He looked away from the girl as he remembered Bailey’s words earlier. His mood became sulky. “She’s not my type.”
“No giant boobs, check!” Bailey said.
Ryan noticed that someone else was staring in their direction. An overweight, nerdy looking guy was looking intently at Bailey. Ryan pointed him out to her. “It looks like it might be easy for you too!”
“Ugh, that’s Steven!” Bailey muttered. “No thank you!”
“You know him?”
“He keeps hitting on me in my introductory science class. And not just me, I’ve seen him hit on other girls in class as well. He’s real suave about it too,” she said sarcastically. “His signature move is to stare relentlessly like a creep. But he also likes to brush up against anyone of the female persuasion when getting to his seat in class. I’m pretty sure he would hump anything with a pulse, which he might not have if he ever brushes up against me the way I’ve seen him do other girls.”
“I think you should give him a chance.”
Ryan unsuccessfully dodged the hand to the back of his head.
As Topher handed out the last piece, the room grew quiet with anticipation. With a flourish, Topher held up the last square and said, “Thank you all for accepting the invite to my party. It will be unlike any of my other social gatherings, because of this.” He shook the small square in his hand.
“Is it a new drug?” someone asked excitedly.
“It is not,” Topher grinned wildly. As disappointed murmuring broke out in the room, Topher raised both his hands to quiet them down. “It’s something better! And all of you get to be the first to experience it. Tiffany,” he called as he motioned for her to come forward, “now is when I require your assistance.”
Tiffany did as he asked, but with some hesitancy. She liked making money, but hated surprises, or being made to look foolish, and this had the potential for both. But he had paid her five hundred dollars for 90 seconds, so she dutifully strutted over to him and struck a haughty pose with a fake smile. The clock was ticking as of now, and she began to count.
With Tiffany beside him, Topher continued. “What you have in your hand is a sticker that has been infused with a possession spell. Yes, I said spell, as in magic spell. And with it, you’ll be able to possess a person’s body for about 90 seconds.”
Tiffany did her best not to laugh out loud at him. Had he gone mad, or was he under the influence of some powerful pharmaceuticals? Either way, this would be over in 77 seconds.
Kim was already pulling on Frank’s arm, a sign that she wanted to go. His eyes met hers, and she said loudly, “You brought me here for this. This is a joke, you idiot. Topher’s messing with us. It’s just an excuse for us all to act crazy and pretend someone is possessing us. It’s stupid. We’re not kids.”
Before anyone had a chance to exit, Topher cooly said, “I know none of you will believe me so…” Topher peeled off the plastic tab from the sticker and pressed the adhesive gently to the small of Tiffany’s back. “...so I’ll show you.”
Everyone gasped as Topher’s body phased into Tiffany, who seemed completely unaware that anything was happening to her. Her body only twitched slightly, and then relaxed.
Tiffany began to speak as if nothing were out of the ordinary as she raised a hand and stroked her soft face. “As you can see, I’m not lying. I’m not making it up. The possession spell works. I am now in control of Tiffany’s body.” Her hand slid from her face, landed on her breast, and continued its descent down her voluptuous body. “Every single bit of it.”
It took almost half a minute for Topher to quiet everyone down again. When they did, he kept on explaining with Tiffany’s voice, but his salesmanship. “I can see a lot of you have questions, and I’ll give you the basics. But if you want more than that, you’ll just have to experience it for yourself. For starters, it is reusable as long as the sticker’s adhesive holds, which in testing is around ten to fifteen times. To use it, you must stick it to a person’s back. It doesn’t matter if it’s their skin or their clothes, just has to be near the center of their back for the spell to kick in. And that’s it. You don’t have to say or chant anything, because the spell has been preprogrammed into the sticker. And-”
Tiffany’s body jerked again, and Topher’s body rematerialized right behind her. Tiffany was at a count of 24 seconds. He’d better hurry up with whatever he was trying to sell.
Topher picked back up his pitch in his body. “Well, once the time is up, you pop back out with the person you possessed none the wiser, thinking that nothing has happened at all. And then you can go again by pressing the sticker on their back if you want. Or you can pick someone else. Or you can let someone possess you, or-”
Tiffany stopped counting. Why was Topher so obsessed with this silly bit of fiction. She spun to look at him and asked, “What are you talking about? No one’s going to believe any of this.” But she saw that everyone’s eyes were on her as if she had done a spectacular magic trick.
“You see?” Topher said jubilantly. “She has no idea she was possessed! When you stick someone, it happens instantly, and when you come out, no time for them has passed. The only way they might have a clue that anything funny happened, is if you’ve changed their surroundings, like say moved them to a different room, or if you’ve been naughty and maybe taken off a few articles of their clothing.” He mimed taking his shirt off.
“How is this better than drugs?” a dimwitted sophomore asked.
Topher addressed the question while he deftly reached behind Tiffany’s back and retrieved the sticker. “Haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like to be in someone else’s skin? To feel taller, or stronger, or…” he placed the sticker onto Tiffany’s back again, and Topher vanished into her.
Tiffany’s hands went just under her breasts, and she pushed them up and locked eyes with several guys in the room. “...or to know what it’s like to touch the best boobs on campus?” As Topher glanced around, he saw that he had just convinced every man to stick around. “But ladies, you could know what it’s like to have an extra appendage between your legs. To feel what it’s like to run a hand up and down your own dick for a change. Or, you could walk a mile in another woman’s shoes and see the world through their eyes. The possibilities are endless, right up til the time runs out.”
Topher could tell that not everyone was on board, but many were already imagining what they could do, or who they wanted to try it out on first. He hurried his pitch along. “But maybe some of you are worried that if you were possessed, someone would have access to all the secrets inside your head. Well rest easy. No one will be able to access your mind, your memories, your passwords and pin numbers. The only thing a person will know about you is what they already knew when they possessed you.”
Topher knew he’d convinced even more of them now by more eyes darting around, looking for a person to stick. He gave the naysayers their only out. “Anyone who wants to go should leave right now. You can even take your stickers with you, but know this! They won’t work outside of this house. The magic is tied to this place. The sticker would become just an ordinary sticker. And if you try to leave in the body of another person, you’d get ejected from them immediately.”
Tiffany’s eyes had a few more seconds to gauge people’s responses, until Topher reappeared behind her. She didn’t understand why Topher had stopped talking mid sentence. Her sorority sisters were looking at her with a mix of nervousness, excitement, and possibly fear. She didn’t think a full 90 seconds had passed, but she was going to cut whatever this was short. “Look, Topher, if you don’t need me anymore, my sisters and I are going to leave.”
“Just 10 more seconds, Tiffany,” Topher said patiently. “Yes, anyone who wants to, should go now.” Six people began to shuffle forward to leave. Before they could get far, Topher added one more incentive. “But for anyone who wants to stay, there is an open bar.”
Only three people actually left, one of which was the frightened looking sorority sister. Tiffany thought that was weird. Nobody left when there was an open bar. Why hadn’t Topher led with that instead of talking about some possession sticker nonsense.
One person that was trying to leave was Kim. She was gritting her teeth and glaring furiously at her boyfriend. “Let’s go!” she commanded.
But Frank dug in his heels and said firmly. “I want to stay! If you want to go, go!”
His girlfriend’s eyes narrowed and both her hands went to her hips. “Why? So some skank can possess you and grab your dick? Or maybe they possess me and try and make out with you? Is that something you want? For some hussy or geek to take me over and make out with you?”
“Uh…” Was all the reply Frank could muster. Her words had sounded so exciting, so forbidden and alluring.
“Are you kidding me right now?” was all that Kim got out, before a girl behind her put a sticker on Kim’s back
Frank watched with wide eyes as it happened. He saw his girlfriend gasp, then squeal! She began to flex and wiggle her fingers. After that, she brought her hands to her boobs and started squeezing them shamelessly. “Not as large as mine,” Kim’s voice said appreciatively. “But definitely perkier.” Kim looked up into Frank’s eyes and smiled. “Sorry. It seemed like your girlfriend was about to rip you a new one. I hope you don’t mind.”
Not only did Frank not mind, but he was hornier than he had ever been. “Would you mind if I made out with my girlfriend right now? Probably won’t get a chance to later.”
The person in Kim appeared to consider it for a second, then shrugged her shoulders and giggled. “Sury, why not. It’s not my body.”
Their lips met and their tongues intertwined, but Frank wouldn’t get to experience all of it, because a sticker got placed on his back as well.
All around them, people were placing their stickers, and several people disappeared into someone else.
“Let the possession party commence!” Topher shouted. He bobbed and weaved his way quickly to the bar and began pouring drinks. “If any of you are feeling frisky, all the bedrooms are available to you!” He pressed a button on his phone and dance music flooded the room.
The most attractive people were the first to get possessed. Bailey would have fallen into that category, but when two people tried, Ryan saw them coming and intervened, pulling her out of the way. They escaped temporarily to a corner and watched as people started behaving strangely. Clothes began coming off and inhibitions were shed all around them. All combinations of people started making out passionately, guys and girls, guys and guys, and girls and girls, kissing, touching, groping. Two of the sorority girls had taken off their tops and bras and were just mashing their boobs together and giggling profusely.
“So, we’re not staying and being a part of this insanity, are we?” Ryan asked Bailey as they surveyed the debauchery around them. He wanted to leave. But he was also keenly aware that Bailey was almost cheek to cheek with him, and he didn’t mind that at all. He could smell her perfume, or lotion…whatever girls wear that made them smell good. He’d stay in this corner with just her for hours if she’d let him.
“How about I let you know in 90 seconds,” Bailey grinned as she snaked a hand behind Ryan’s back and placed her sticker.
To Ryan, it was as if no time had passed at all. Bailey’s face was grinning mischievously at him one second, and then the next, his face was meshed together with a girl’s. He could feel her in his mouth. It was hot and wet and warm. His dick was throbbing. He pulled back, and saw Bailey appear next to him out of the corner of his eye. He recognized the girl in front of him though, the one who had just been exploring his mouth with her tongue. It was the chubby girl that had been staring at him earlier.
She looked at him now with disappointment and hunger. “Why’d you stop?” Then she spotted Bailey.. “Oh, were you the one possessing him?”
“I don’t…” Ryan was at a loss. He looked at Bailey curiously, and she just gave him a thumbs up.
The girl smirked at Bailey and extended a hand towards her. “You’re a really good kisser. My name’s Tabitha.”
She took it and replied, “I’m Bailey, and this guy that can’t form complete sentences is my friend Ryan.”
“Just friends?” Tabitha asked firmly.
“Oh yeah, just friends,” Bailey confirmed, which felt like a knife through Ryan’s heart.
Tabitha looked at Ryan slyly. “I wonder if he’d kiss differently now?”
“Only one way to find out,” Bailey teased.
Tabitha wasted no time in pulling Ryan’s face back to hers. Again, Ryan felt her hot tongue as it probed his mouth. She was the one that ended the kiss this time. “Not as good, but he can learn.”
Ryan glanced at Bailey, and saw that she was happy for him. He couldn’t help but resent her pushing this Tabitha person into his path. Yes, he had gotten all worked up. But he was not happy. He didn’t want Tabitha. He wanted Bailey. He should just tell her that, out loud, instead of it broadcasting on loop in his mind. But he knew, deep down, he was too much of a coward. He tried to smile back at his friend, but his mouth crinkled and looked like had bitten into something sour.
Bailey thought he was joking, and made a face back at him. “Enjoy yourself, kids. I’m going to go get a drink.”
As she walked towards the bar, Tabitha hinted at Ryan, “I wouldn’t say no to a drink.”
Ryan had found his ability to brood wildly impared by a toplessTiffany who was making out with one of her sorority sisters.
Tabitha’s temper flared, but she gave Ryan another chance and loudly repeated, “Will you get me a drink?”
The question got into Ryan’s ears and bounced around as he saw the two gorgeous women kiss and fondle each other. He somehow managed to say, “I’m not thirsty.”
Tabitha looked angrily in Tiffany’s direction, and walked away from Ryan, who had just seemed to notice how many more topless women there were in the room.
Close by, Frank noticed his kiss with Kim had ended abruptly. One second he was kissing her luscious lips, and the next she had disappeared. Before he could even look around for her, time seemed to skip again, and he found himself in a room making out with a girl he had seen earlier, but didn’t know. Her hands were underneath his shirt, feeling the abs he worked so hard to keep. He heard the door shut behind him as whoever had possessed him left for a different target.
The woman in front of him was now trying to remove his shirt entirely. As he began to push her away, his girlfriend burst through the door at the worst possible time.
Kim charged like a bull and yelled, “Is this why you wanted to stay you two timing bastard!”
The girl on the bed with Frank yelped, rolled away, and ran out the door.
“Baby, this isn’t what it looks like!” Frank began.
“It looked like you were hooking up with that girl that just ran out of here!” Kim said as she took a swipe at Frank.
Frank dodged, and then continued to do so as Kim kept yelling and swinging away at him. Unbeknownst to her, a rotund looking guy had entered the room, and was sneaking up behind her. Frank saw. He saw it clearly. He could have said something, could have warned her, or shouted at the guy to stop, but he didn’t. A part of him, a very specific part actually, wanted his girlfriend to be possessed. He watched as a sticker was placed on her back, and the guy took control of his girlfriend’s hot body.
Instantly, Kim began to take her top and hurriedly struggled with her bra strap. As she did this, she said, “Ooh, I like this one. She’s real feisty. You’re welcome by the way, man. I think she had it in for you..”
The bra fell away and her perky breasts sprang into view. It wasn’t Frank’s first time seeing them, but it was different somehow. It wasn’t his girlfriend behind those eyes. It was someone else, controlling her, moving her, exposing her. For reasons he could not explain, it was the hottest thing he had ever experienced.
“Hey,” Frank said in almost a whisper. “That’s my girlfriend.”
The person inside Kim took this as a challenge, and Kim retorted, “Well sorry pal, but she’s mine for like, another 80 seconds or so.”
Frank looked her body up and down, then asked, “Could you take off her skirt too?”
Kim raised one eyebrow and jeered, “You want me to take off her panties while I’m at it?”
“Yes,” Frank said quietly. He was suddenly embarrassed as he realized he was asking this of another guy. A guy who would slide her underwear down her legs. Who would be able to see his girlfriend without a stitch on her.
Kim began to slowly nod like Frank’s request were totally sensible. “Alright. But first, introductions. The guy extended Kim’s hand while the other cupped a boob. “The name’s Steven.”
“Oh, uh, Frank.” He shook the offered hand. This part was weird, but it was worth it as he watched Kim’s eyes lock onto his, and she pulled down her skirt, then her panties.
“So, now what?” Kim’s voice asked casually. “You’re just going to stare at me? I mean, if that’s what gets you going.”
Frank thought it was so weird hearing Kim sound so easy going and accommodating. She’d been nothing but angry, bossy, and belligerent to him for months. Now she was talking to him without any of those tones or irritated expressions she typically used. And now that he wasn’t shaking her hand, she was groping both of her boobs.
“Can you like, make her strike sexy poses?” Frank stammered. Why was he so nervous?
Kim stopped mid squeeze. “I thought you said she was your girlfriend? Why can’t you just ask her to do that for you?”
“She is, I just, um, we’ve been going through a rough patch recently and…”
Kim put a hand on his shoulder. “Trouble in paradise. I get it. Say no more. I can pose her real provocative like, and you could take pictures. I wouldn’t mind that, especially if you’re willing to send them my way.” Kim fell back onto the bed and asked with feigned innocence, “Now how do you want me?”
Frank’s mouth went dry as he pulled out his phone to take pics.
Downstairs, Ryan was still gawking at the boobs all around him, but eventually remembered that Bailey was somewhere on the premises. Hadn’t she said the bar? He went to find her to see if she was ready to leave. But should he try possessing someone first? That was the whole point of this, wasn’t it? He could possess Bailey, but…just because she had possessed him, didn’t mean she’d be cool with him possessing her. They should just leave. But first he had to find Bailey She was being a terrible wing woman.
He felt someone touch his arm and he whirled around. He swallowed hard, as a genuine goddess began speaking to him.
“So, can you like, protect me from all the creeps here?” Tiffany asked like a helpless maiden. “Everyone keeps possessing my friends and I. Maybe if I’m with you, they’ll leave me alone.”
“Oh, uh, I guess that’s okay.” Ryan managed meekly.
She sidled up next to him and began running her hand up and down his arm. “My hero. I’m glad you’re here to look after me.”
Ryan tried to respond, but he had registered that her breast was pressing into his arm. It was so big and soft. He had never imagined being this close to Tiffany’s boobs. His head had turned of its own accord and his eyes had zeroed in on her cleavage. He had a front row seat to the twins. He could die happy. Wait, she was saying something. He hadn’t been paying attention! “I’m sorry, what?”
Tiffany giggled. “I said you seemed hypnotized by my boobs.”
Ryan went red. He couldn’t look at Tiffany. In a panic, he began frantically looking around for Bailey to help him. “Oh. I’m sorry! They were right there and, they’re so perfect, and…”
Her eyes narrowed. “Who are you looking for if perfect boobs are right in front of you?”
“My friend, Bailey,” Ryan answered honestly, even as his airway seemed to be closing up as a defense mechanism not to say anything stupid until his friend could come and bail him out.
Tiffany pulled back and put her hands on her hips. “Ryan. A very attractive woman that you couldn’t stop ogling earlier is now right in front of you, and you’re looking for me! Get your head in the game!”
Ryan’s head snapped back to Tiffany. “What?”
And right about then he watched as Bailey was ejected from Tiffany’s body.
“Are you kidding me?” Ryan asked her. While Tiffany looked at the familiar freshman in front of her, Bailey moved quickly to retrieve the sticker.
“What is happening?” Tiffany blurted angrily. “I seem to keep blacking out and waking up with different people in front of me.” She looked down at her outfit. “At least my tits aren’t out this time!”
Bailey put the sticker back onto Tiffany’s killer bod and was back in the driver’s seat a moment later.
“Why are you inside her?” Ryan asked.
“Oh, so you can talk now that you know it’s me in here?” Tiffany/Bailey challenged.
“Well, yeah, I mean…”
“I’m trying to build your confidence Ryan. Tiffany is just a girl. Sure, she’s hot and all, but you can carry on a conversation with her the same as me if you just…Ryan…” She saw that she had lost him again to the depths of her temporary cleavage. “Oh for the love of…here! Get it out of your system.”
She grabbed the back of his head and plunged him face forward into her tits. She laughed as he struggled briefly, but then he began to slide his face around the big, bouncy orbs. Bailey noted that it felt good, maybe better than hers felt. But it had been awhile since someone’s face had been this close to her chest.
Ryan was in heaven, but with a limited supply of oxygen. He didn’t mind though. His face was between Tiffany’s boobs, with Bailey in charge. He’d still prefer Bailey’s body, but he could make do. He lifted an arm and pulled her top and bra down, just enough for a nipple to pop out.
“Hey, I’m not sure you should…” Tiffany’s voice protested, but stopped as Bailey felt Ryan’s tongue snake out and lick her borrowed tit. Damn! It was so sensitive. She was going to have to rub one out when this was all over. Or maybe she could still find a guy at this party to screw. As Ryan began to suck on the nipple, she reveled in the pleasure for several seconds, then pushed him back. “Okay, okay. I think your confidence has been built. Told you I’d be a great wing woman.”
“Can I…could you let me kiss her?” Ryan begged. “I uh, probably need a lot of practice in that area.”
Tiffany’s mouth grimaced slightly. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
“You made me kiss a girl with my own mouth earlier!” Ryan countered. “And you just let me lick Tiffany’s tits!”
“That’s a very good point,” Tiffany laughed. “Well, I guess it’s okay.”
She puckered and leaned forward. Ryan felt his heart surge, and his lips met hers, and it was an amazing two seconds, and then he felt the slap.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing!” Tiffany shrieked, and hurried off. She only made it five steps before a guy hopped into her and began feeling her up.
Bailey was standing in front of Ryan, and mouthed the word sorry.
“It’s fine,” Ryan said with a hand on his stinging cheek.
“Let me make it up to you. Is there anyone else you’d like me to possess?” Bailey asked helpfully.
Ryan thought that was such a loaded question. There were several beautiful women in this house. Bailey would probably let him touch any of them he wanted. But the person he really wanted to touch was right in front of him. He should just say that.
He tried. “Maybe…what if you…”
And then Tabitha walked behind Bailey and put a sticker on her back.
Upstairs, Frank was wishing 90 seconds were longer as Steven popped out of Kim for the fifth time, and promptly fell off the bed with a loud thunk. As his girlfriend’s face flared with anger, Frank reached towards her and pulled the sticker off her back. “Here!” he said, and shoved it towards Steven.
“Are you helping this gross pervert possess me?” Kim snarled. She looked down at herself. “And you still haven’t made him put my clothes on?”
As she was shouting, Steven placed the sticker on her back. It didn’t stick, but fell off.
“Put it on her man!” Frank urged.
“I did!” Steven said anxiously. “It’s not sticking anymore. That means the spell won’t work.” He looked towards the closed bedroom door as he planned a quick exit. He did not want to be in the middle of the impending lover’s quarrel.
“Worst. Boyfriend. Ever!” Kim shouted. “What were you letting him do to me?” She seemed to notice the phone in his hand for the first time and gasped. “Were you taking naked pictures of me? While this jerk was touching my body? I’m going to kill both of you as soon as I get my fucking clothes back on!”
“That’s my cue!” Steven said as he lumbered towards the door. “Good luck man.”
Steven was pretty out of shape, and Frank beat him by a mile to the door. He grabbed Steven by the shoulder and began whispering in his ear. “I never used my sticker. You can have it if you keep possessing her and, uh…let me…”
“What are you whispering about?” Kim shouted as she pulled her pants back on.
“Let me touch her,” Frank blurted out.
“I told you I’m not doing anything gay!”
“It’s not gay when you’re in a chick!”
Kim’s shirt was on, and she walked towards them with malicious resolve in her eyes.
“Negotiate later!” Steven squawked. “Possess now!”
Frank gave him the sticker he had kept in his pocket. A second later, his girlfriend’s hands were pummeling him about the head. He blocked what he could and tried to catch her arms.
“We are officially over!” she screamed. “And you should know I’ve been cheating on you with Mark for months. He’s got a huge dick! Much bigger than-”
But she stopped as Steven had moved behind her, and taken control.
Frank felt the fight go out of Kim. His hands were still on her. He let them slide down her arms. Her face lifted to his, and she looked him straight in the eyes and asked very hesitantly, “What kind of touching? Does this count?”
Frank stared at her soft lips. He wanted to kiss her so bad right now. Why? Why was she so much more alluring to him this way, with someone else inside of her?
“Hey dummy,” she said snapping her fingers in front of his face. “Clock’s ticking. What do you want me to do so I can keep your sticker?”
“I want to kiss you!” Frank demanded.
Kim’s body twisted from his grasp. “Gross. No way! I’m not kissing a guy. I didn’t have a problem posing your girl, especially after you said you’d send me the pics. But I’m not kissing you, or letting you touch me, or…”
“What if I eat her out?”
Kim/Steven paused. “I, uh…I guess that’s… Would I have to see your face?”
Frank shook his head. “Not if it’s between your legs.”
Steven was tempted. He’d only played with the boobs of the other girls’ he’d possessed, except for Kim. He’d managed to clumsily rub her pussy. It had felt okay, but he was pretty sure he was doing it wrong. “Have you eaten your girlfriend’s pussy before?”
“It’s been awhile, but yeah.”
“Did she like it?”
“Oh yeah.”
Steven knew the seconds were slipping away. He didn’t want to waste a whole possession round on the negotiations. “I guess, but no other touching.”
“How about this,” Frank said as he fished from his pocket Kim’s unused sticker that he had taken from her early in the chaos. “I give you this fresh sticker as well, and you let me kiss my girlfriend before I lick her pussy and make you cum.”
Two stickers! That was enough for Steven. “Deal! But I’m going to close my eyes and pretend you’re a chick. And try not to use a lot of tongue-”
But Frank’s mouth covered up any more words from Kim’s mouth. And his hands became needy and started extracting her from her clothes as quickly as he could.
Downstairs, Tabitha in Bailey’s body was grilling Ryan about his preferences. “How about that one?” she said as she pointed to a brunette taking shots at the bar.
“No. I don’t want you to possess her either?”
“And you’re sure you don’t want me to possess that Tiffany girl again? The incredibly hot one that everyone has been fighting over.”
“I’m sure.”
“Then who do you want? Because it wasn’t me! I could tell when you kissed me. But I can be literally anyone in this house you’d like to fuck right now. So who’s it going to be?”
“I, uh, no one, okay. Why do you even want to do this with me?”
A mischievous expression danced across Bailey’s face. “Because my kink is deflowering virgins. And I’d be willing to bet that you have never had a first time, have you?”
Ryan sighed and nodded once.
“Well then, virgin boy, I find myself with a terrific opportunity, and a quandary. You don’t seem to want to have sex in my body, but that’s okay, because I can be anyone in this house that you want me to be.” Tabitha watched him carefully. He refused to make eye contact with her, and only stared at the floor. Occasionally his eyes would drift up and he’d look her in the boobs.
A thought occurred to her, and she ventured a guess. “It’s this girl, isn’t it? The one I’m in right now. Bailey, right? The one that’s just your friend. She’s the one you really want.” Ryan said nothing but his eyes snapped right to hers, and they were filled with panic. That look told Tabitha all she needed to know, and she placed a hand gently onto Ryan’s cheek. “Well, she’s right here for the taking,” Bailey’s voice purred. “What do you say, virgin boy?”
“It’s not the same,” Ryan argued. “You’re not really her. And the spell will wear off any-”
And at that moment, it did, and Tabitha felt herself pushed out of Bailey’s body. She grabbed the sticker off of Bailey’s back, and almost put it back on. But she looked at Ryan curiously first, and seemed to reconsider her course of action. She whirled about suddenly and headed towards the bar where Topher was pouring a steady stream of drinks.
Bailey pulled her hand from Ryan’s face and asked curiously, “Did someone just possess me? What did they make me do?”
“Nothing,” Ryan said truthfully. “We just talked.”
“What? Lame!” Her gaze shifted to something behind him. “Oh my gosh! Look at that!” she exclaimed, pointing to a guy in the corner of the room. His sizeable dick was out and he was twirling it around and around. “He’s doing the helicopter twirl thing! I’d heard guys could do that, but I’ve never seen it til now.”
A girl popped out behind the guy just then and she walked away with a blush and a smile. She didn’t get far, as someone hopped into her, and her tits were out shortly thereafter.
“You good for a bit?” Bailey asked. “I’ve got to go try that out.”
“The helicopter thing? Be my guest,” Ryan said, doing his best to smile at her.
Bailey started to walk away, but noticed the cracks in her friend’s smile. “You okay?”
Ryan did his best to swallow his feelings. “I’m fine. Go and see what it’s like to twirl a dick. Can we leave after that?”
She sighed. “I guess, since it doesn’t seem like you’re having a good time.” And then she ran to sticker the guy.
A few seconds later, Ryan heard a guy’s voice yell from across the room, “Ryan, look! Look at my dick! I’m doing it!”
Ryan waved and gave Bailey another thin lipped smile, then walked to the bar. He might as well get a drink before he left. He was glad to see that Tabitha had already come and gone.
Upstairs, Steven was in paradise. He was getting eaten out 90 seconds at a time, which wasn’t ideal, but still felt amazing. He was fully prepared to use the last of the stickers possessing Kim if Frank kept licking that pussy.
It was even okay that Frank’s hand occasionally reached up and groped Kim’s boobs. It felt good to have another hand squeezing and pinching them. Steven arched Kim’s back as another wave of pleasure washed over him, as Frank hit that very special spot. “Oh damn! This feels so great! A pussy is so much better than a dick!”
Frank came up for air to ask, “How about you let me fuck her?”
Kim’s hand pushed Frank’s head back down. “Stop talking crazy and keep licking me.”
Frank obeyed for another few seconds, then stuck two fingers inside her sopping wet hole.
Kim/Steven yelped. “Ooh that feels weird, but I like it!”
“My dick goes in even deeper than that,” Frank pointed out. He watched as Kim/Steven seemed to consider this.
But before he could make up his mind, Steven popped out of Kim from behind her, which meant Kim was on top of him. Steven pushed her off quickly, and Frank handed him a sticker, which Steven hurriedly slapped onto Kim’s back. It slid off. “This one’s out, Frank.”
“Okay, here’s the other one.”
Frank saw Kim’s expression during the exchange. She still looked mad, but also like she was trying to work out a puzzle. “What have you been doing to my pussy?” she moaned. “It’s on fire.”
“Uh, just attacking it with my tongue.”
“You haven’t done that in forever,” she growled. She noticed Steven and shot him a glare, but then continued talking to Frank. “My pussy feels so tingly babe. Why don’t you ask this guy to leave so you can get back to it.”
Frank had to wonder why she would suddenly be cool with this, especially after yelling consistently at him between possessions.
“Oh,” Kim cooed. “I know what you’re thinking. This doesn’t mean we’re getting back together. I’m just so turned on right now and…” Kim froze for a second as Steven lunged for her, then, “I’m back inside her again, Frank. You should really listen to what the lady said and get that pussy.”
Not one to look a gift horse in the pussy, Frank did just that, at least for next several seconds. And then he stopped to talk again, and Kim sounded like her old self as she cut him off before he could say a word, “Stop starting and stopping. You keep getting me right to the edge and then back off at the worst time.”
“How about I go ask Topher for more stickers?” Frank propositioned. “I’ll pay him whatever he wants. And you let me fuck Kim with you inside of her, and then you keep the stickers.”
Steven mulled it over quickly, which wasn’t easy as he was so horny and couldn’t really think straight, pun intended. “Go get the stickers, and maybe I’ll give you a handjob.”
Frank tore from the room, a man on a mission.
Ryan was on his second drink at the bar when Frank bumped into him. “Hey man, watch…” Ryan stopped himself from saying anything else when he saw Frank’s additional height and muscles.
“Sorry bro,” Frank said with a brief glance at Ryan. “Hey Topher!”
“Having a good time?” Topher asked with a wink.
Frank glanced at Ryan and a woman at the bar. “I need to have a private conversation real quick with my friend here.”
“Oh, so we’re friends now,” Topher smiled. “I thought I was just your dealer.” He waved everyone else away.
Ryan was slow to leave, and heard Frank say, “No man, we’re best friends. Listen, you got any more stickers? I’m willing to pay.”
Topher nodded like he had expected this. “You’re not the first person to ask. You know the drill. Only the first taste was free.”
“How much?”
“Two hundred bucks.”
Ryan almost spit out his drink as he began to walk away. Two hundred bucks for 90 seconds? Well, 90 seconds times ten. That still seemed like a huge rip off.
He heard Frank read his mind. “That’s way too much money!”
“Well like I said, you only got a taste. What I’m selling will have more of a kick.”
Ryan was out of ear shot after that. He didn’t have money like that to blow anyway. He looked around for Bailey. He really wanted to leave now. He checked where helicopter guy had been. He was still there, but he wasn’t twirling his dick anymore. He was stroking it though, and a few other girls were watching him do it with wide, hungry eyes.
Ryan observed long enough to see a different girl hop out of him. Then another girl, one that had been eagerly waiting, possessed him a second later. Ryan shook his head. That well hung guy had a line of girls waiting to possess him like he was some kind of ride. But where was Bailey? He was beginning to get worried when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of his friend’s pretty face.
“Sorry,” Bailey said quickly when she saw his concern fade. “Didn’t mean to worry you. Just had to use the bathroom.”
“It’s okay. You ready to go?”
“Well, what if-”
A person slapped her hard on the back, interrupting her. A guy had just put a sticker on her back. It stuck to her, but the guy didn’t disappear into her. He pulled it off and cursed, then said, “Oh man. I think I’m out!”
As he turned and walked away, he got possessed a second later by a girl who ran up behind and stuck him. His body quickly walked over to where Tiffany was making out with another guy, and began grinding his dick against her hip.
“If people are running out, that means the party will be winding down soon, I guess,” Ryan noted. “Sorry you didn’t get laid, Bailey. At least you got to swing a dick around. How did that feel?”
“What?” Bailey asked, then added quickly. “Oh, uh, good I guess. Hey, come with me.”
She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the foyer, but instead of going towards the door, she led him up the flight of stairs.
“Where are we going?” Ryan asked.
“Just somewhere with a bit of privacy,” was all she said.
The first two rooms they tried were occupied. One contained a guy and a girl going at it like it was their job. The second one had the makings of a mini orgy. Ryan had to pull Bailey away from that one because she couldn’t stop staring.
When they got into the third room, Bailey locked the door behind them, then looked intently at Ryan.
“What?” Ryan wondered aloud. “Do I got something on my face? Why’d you bring us up here?”
“Is there something you want to say to me?” Bailey asked. She walked towards him slowly with a look of concern.
“What?” Ryan asked apprehensively. Internally, his mind was racing, wondering if she knew about his feelings for her. If she asked him directly, he’d deny, deny, deny.
“Is the reason you didn’t pursue any of the other girls here…” she got shy all of a sudden. “Is it because maybe…you like me?”
“Yes!” Ryan practically shouted. So much for denial. “I mean…I know we’re friends. And I don’t want to ruin that. Our friendship has been the best thing that happened to me since I got here and-”
Bailey raced towards him and kissed him. Her momentum pushed him back, and he fell into a sitting position on the bed. Bailey crawled onto his lap, and peppered his lips and face with her mouth.
“Oh my gosh!” he gasped. “Is this really happening? Is this real?”
In a quick movement, she yanked her shirt off and watched as his eyes locked onto her bra. “What do you think?” She seemed to take a moment to admire her cleavage before taking one of his hands and placing it over her bra. She helped him squeeze her. “Do these feel real, Ryan?”
Ryan was so happy, and so turned on, but there was this thought, a stupid thought, one that buzzed about and dared to try and interrupt his happiness. “Uh, is it really you in there, Bailey?”
With mild shock, she asked, “What? You think someone’s possessing me right now and that’s why I’m coming on to you?”
“Well, yes. I mean, this was a possession party after all.”
Bailey nodded thoughtfully. “Okay, you’re right. But it has been longer than 90 seconds since I started talking to you downstairs, hasn’t it?”
“I think so.”
“Well if you’re not sure, why don’t you count down from 90. You can watch me closely while I remove this bra.” With a soft click, she unfastened the clasp, and let the bra slowly fall away from her boobs. Ryan was watching very closely indeed as she added. “If you see anyone pop out of me, you’ll know I was possessed. But if not, you can decide what you’d like to do with me next.”
In a room close by, Kim became aware for what seemed like the twentieth time that she was sitting on a bed, still completely naked. That wasn’t new to her. Nor was the fact that her fingers were on her pussy or a hand was squeezing her boobs. That had been how she had discovered herself a few times now. Also not new, was how her body felt. It wanted sex, it wanted to be penetrated, it wanted to climax! She hadn’t been this worked up in a while But none of that mattered because she knew what would happen if she didn’t move quickly. The pervert behind her would put the sticker onto her back and take over her body. And then she’d find herself in a slightly different position with a finger on her clit and a hand on her boob in another 90 seconds.
All of this flashed across her mind in the span of a few moments, which normally would have been too long, but behind her, Steven had fumbled the sticker. He picked it up off the bed and tried to place it again, but Kim had already sprung to her feet, whirled around, and faced him.
The door was just past him. She could do this. She’d have to run into the rest of the house naked. And would have to dodge anyone else with a sticker. But she’d just have to make it out of the house. That’s what Topher had said. The magic only worked inside the house. And then she’d get even with Frank, and Topher too. But first she’d flatten this overweight geek who was standing in her way. She faked like she was about to dart left, then faked again to the right. The guy’s response time was slow. She could get by this guy with no problem.
“I uh, I can’t let you leave before Frank gets back,” Steven stammered.
“Yeah, and why’s that?” Kim shot back.
“Because he wants to, uh…” Steven couldn’t finish and went red.
Kim spit out the rest in a fury. “He wants to fuck me! While you’re in my body! Is that it?”
“No, I wouldn’t let…I’m not gay!”
Kim laughed in spite of herself. “Oh, I’m sorry! I get confused sometimes. You’re not gay. You just want my boyfriend’s dick inside of you, while you’re in me. Now it all makes sense.”
“It’s not the same!” Steven argued, trying to stall for time. “He just really knows how to get you off! But he’ll only do it for your body. That’s why he’s coming back. He can’t get enough of that,” he said as he motioned to her.
Kim wasn’t sure how to feel about that. She believed their relationship had been nearing its end, but…he still wanted her. She had walked all over him for months, and he still only had eyes for her. He could be banging any other girl while she had been possessed, but he wanted her body. But then she gave it more thought. He wanted her body, but not her mind, otherwise Frank wouldn’t need this pathetic excuse of a man to possess her. And Frank had been helping him do it!
“Well, he’s going to have to learn to live without me!” Kim declared, and then made her move. She had been right. The guy’s weight did make him slower. She was past him in a flash and her hand was on the door before he was fully off the bed. She yanked it open, and ran right into Frank.
“Steven, I thought I told you to stay…” Frank trailed off as he saw a sheepish Steven with one foot still on the bed. “Oh, I see.”
Kim whirled around so her back wasn’t exposed to Steven, so he couldn’t use the sticker on her. Her bare butt backed into Steven, and she felt his dick push against her. She understood what it was to be between a rock and a hard place.
With her eyes on Steven, she pleaded with Frank, “Babe, you don’t need him. If you want to fuck me, I’ll let you. I didn’t know you still loved me and wanted me this much. If you make this creep go away, we can try again.”
Frank put his beefy hands on her shoulders and spun her around. She was scared for a second, until she heard Frank’s booming voice say, “Drop the sticker, Steven.”
“But…” Steven protested as he shambled forward.
Kim smirked. She couldn’t believe Frank was buying her “try again” speech. She looked up at him and said, “My hero.” Then gave him a peck on the cheek.
She was so confident that her deception was working, that she didn’t notice Frank’s hand reach into his back pocket and pull out a blue sticker, and extend it towards Steven. Steven wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, but then he made eye contact with Frank, who winked at him. Steven closed the gap quickly, grabbed the sticker from Frank’s hand, and began to remove the plastic tab.
Kim realized that something was going on, but when she tried to turn around and see, Frank’s hands clamped onto her shoulders, pinning her to the spot. “What’s going on, Frank?” she asked sharply.
Frank gave her a knowing smile. “Everything with you has been hard lately, and you just suddenly have a change of heart about us? I’m sure that’s not the only time you’ve been fake with me.”
She began to squirm in his grip as she shouted in his face, “You’re right about that you pathetic waste of space! I will make you regret this! First chance I get I’m going to cut off your-”
And then the fight left her. She stopped squirming, and her face broke out into a grin. “I’m back in.”
Frank couldn’t help himself. He kissed her.
Steven felt a tongue enter Kim’s smaller mouth. Her feminine body responded automatically to the sensation of Frank’s body so close to hers. Steven’s mind rejected it a moment later, and he pushed Frank off and began spitting. “No, ew! Gross, man! Why’d you do that?”
Frank ushered them both in so he could lock the door. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself. This is such a huge turn on for me.”
“I’m happy you’ve found your kink, but I am not comfortable kissing you.”
“But it’s okay if I eat her out?”
“Obviously,” Kim/Steven said as she fell backwards onto the bed and spread her legs wide.
“And you’ll let me feel her tits?”
“Yeah, yeah, all that feels good. Now hurry up so we don’t waste this sticker.”
Frank opened his mouth to say something, then thought better of it and lowered his mouth to Kim’s pussy. It wasn’t long before Kim’s moans filled the room. Frank started groping her tits with one hand, then both. She grabbed his hands and helped him squeeze harder. She had always liked it a little rough.
Steven found it hard to think about anything else but the waves of pleasure that kept rippling through Kim’s body. If he had been aware of the passage of time, he might have realized that more than 90 seconds had come and gone, a few times actually. He felt a finger go inside of Kim’s pussy again, then two, all while Frank’s tongue did its thing. Steven felt Kim’s pelvis begin to instinctively writhe and buck against Frank’s face, and a tsunami of ecstasy washed over him from head to toe. It was better than any orgasm Steven had ever felt in a male body, and lasted much longer as well.
Frank stopped his tongue lashing and withdrew his fingers. He looked at Kim, who lay sweaty and spent before him. His dick was throbbing. It needed release. Her legs had closed around Frank’s head as she came, but he steadily began to spread them wide again.
A thought finally occurred to Steven. “Hey, how long’s it been? Shouldn’t I have been kicked out of her by now?”
“If it had been the normal sticker, yeah. But Topher gave me one that lasts a bit longer.”
Kim’s face became worried. “How much longer?”
“Twenty four hours,” Frank said, and placed a finger directly onto Kim’s clit.
Kim moaned and her body squirmed. “But, that’s too long,” Kim/Steven whined. “I don’t want to be a girl for a whole day.”
“I’ll try to help it pass quickly for you,” Frank smiled as he slipped a finger back inside. “Or I could stop right now and we could go our separate ways.”
“No!” she pleaded. “Keep doing that! I’m still so horny! I could totally go again.”
That was the other kick Topher had promised. Not only would this version of the spell last longer, but it included an aphrodisiac spell. The possessed person’s body would have a higher libido the whole time. Still, Frank acted surprised by Steven’s words, even as he continued to tease Kim’s clit. “Oh? Well, I wish I could help you, but…” Frank stopped touching Kim entirely, leaving a very frustrated Steven.
Steven wasn’t dumb. He knew where this was heading. Kim’s body didn’t seem to care though. Steven made himself one final compromise. “I’ll shut my eyes, okay? But no kissing. And you can just…do what you need to do, but keep getting me off.”
“That’s my Kimmy,” Frank said. He watched Kim roll her eyes at that, before shutting them tightly. He pulled off his pants and boxers, and then stared at her sopping pussy for a few seconds.
Steven still didn’t look as Frank rubbed the tip of his dick in her juices, getting it nice and wet for entry. But Steven couldn’t stop himself from letting out a delighted squeal in Kim’s voice as Frank’s dick went in. Kim’s pussy was being filled slowly, inch by glorious inch. Kim’s eyes opened as Frank began to pump in and out of her. Steven was letting a guy fuck him. That had not been on his to do list today.
He looked down and was calmed by the sight of Kim’s tits, bobbing up and down as Frank pounding Kim’s pussy. Steven knew that Frank had clearly gotten more than a little pent up. It was okay. As long as he didn’t try to kiss him again. It was okay that he was inside this body. It felt good. So good. Impossibly good. He could do this. He could stay a girl for twenty four hours. He wondered how many orgasms a girl could have in that time. He couldn’t wait to find out.
Back in Ryan and Bailey’s room, things had moved a little more slowly. At Bailey’s insistence, Ryan had begun counting to 90, very slowly. Bailey had turned his count into a silent striptease, removing her shorts and underwear. Ryan only made it to 32, and then stood up.
“Can I touch you?” he asked in a nervous tremor.
She gave him a bigger smile than he had ever seen. “Of course. You can touch me anywhere you want.”
And that’s what he did. She giggled as he began to run nervous, shaky hands over her. He felt her soft, smooth skin that seemed to go on forever. His hands went up and down her arms, then he crouched and moved them down the side of her legs. This put her pussy directly in front of him. He saw the patch of dark blonde hair. He moved his hands to the back side of her legs, and lifted them up. When his fingers touched the underside of her butt cheeks, he hesitated.
Bailey was breathing hard as she encouraged him, “Keep going. Feel all of me. I want you to.”
He kept staring at her pussy as his fingers continued their journey. Her cheeks lifted at his touch, and then he was gripping them in his hands. Her butt was small and tight. He spread her cheeks apart, then pushed them together. He saw a trickle of moisture run down her inner thigh.
“Are you…” he started to ask. Then he brought a hand around and touched the clear fluid.
“Yeah, that’s how wet I am right now for you,” Bailey said with knees that began to shake. “I love how you’re touching me. I love how much you want me. I think I’ll need to sit down soon.”
“Of course, sure, yeah,” Ryan said. He stood and led her to the bed. They sat down, and he put a hand on her boob. And then he kissed her. They stayed like this for a minute or two. Ryan had no way of knowing because for him, time was at a standstill. Eventually, some instinct kicked in, and he began to push her down onto the bed.
“Wait,” she said.
Ryan froze, terrified that he had done something wrong.
“It’s your turn to get naked,” she whispered softly.
He sighed, and clumsily shucked off his clothes, almost falling over in the process. Then he was beside her, pushing her down. She spread her legs, letting his dick rub near her pussy entrance. He tried to push into her. His aim was off.
Bailey giggled, then reached down and took his dick into her hand. “Let me help you out there, virgin boy.”
That phrase struck Ryan hard, as Bailey’s hand guided him into her. His face mirrored a mixture of horror and delight as he felt himself slide into her depths. “Oh!” he gasped at the overwhelming sensation of being inside his crush.
“Try not to cum too fast!” she said quickly. “Think of something else if you need to.”
Ryan was already thinking of something else. The phrase virgin boy. That’s what Tabitha had called him. Had Bailey overheard her say that? She couldn’t have. Tabitha had been inside of Bailey at the time, and Bailey wouldn’t have remembered.
“That’s it,” Bailey cooed underneath him. “You’re nice and hard inside of me.This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
Had Ryan ever told Bailey that he was a virgin? He didn’t think so. She might have assumed, but…
She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him deeper. “You have to start a rhythm. You need to go in and out, not all the way out mind you, just to the tip. And then push back into me. Slowly at first, but then you can speed up, and you want to try and go deeper. Good. Just keep doing that.”
Ryan found himself following her instruction, even as his mind wondered. She began to moan loudly underneath him. It was incredibly sexy, and Ryan did not doubt that he would have exploded in her several times already if his mind weren’t otherwise preoccupied.
“Put a hand on my tit and pinch it!” she ordered.
Ryan obliged. She leaned forward for a kiss, and he gave it. It seemed hollow though. His dick didn’t care, and as it surged towards the finish line, he asked, “So, I guess thanks for being a great wing woman.”
Her expression became confused. “What? Wing woman? Sure, whatever. Just give it to me harder!”
He did give it to her harder. He was pumping furiously now as he kept to his line of questioning. “You called yourself that earlier, a couple of times actually. You said you’d be my wing woman and help get me laid.”
Her hips were bucking under him, trying to get him deeper every time. “How am I doing so far?” she cried out.
He could feel his balls tighten, and his dick begin to pulse inside her. Even so, he looked her in the eyes, and said the obvious. “You’re not her, are you?”
The hungry smile she gave him was one he had seen before, on Tabitha. She bucked harder and faster against him as she saw he was right on the edge. Then she gave him an extra show by playing with her tits. “That’s not going to stop you from cumming inside of her, is it?”
To Ryan’s regret, it did not stop him in the slightest.
The end?
Riley Harper was between jobs when she saw the ad. The 21 year old blonde had recently quit as a waitress at a local restaurant. She usually got great tips that she knew was more thanks to her curves than her service, but despised being hit on all the time, especially now that she was newly married. But it wasn’t okay for her to be without a job. Yesterday her husband Ben came home early from his factory. Apparently he’d been furloughed for at least 3 weeks. They didn’t have any sort of savings that would keep them in the black longer than a couple of weeks, so Riley stepped up.
She got on her phone and began job hunting, but quickly grew frustrated by how similar they were to every job she’d had before. Cashier, hostess, server, retail sales specialist. She wasn’t qualified for much else, but just once she’d like to do something that didn’t involve wearing a name tag. That’s when she came across the ad for Del Corp.
Riley clicked on it, and read about a company that was a bit of a drive away. An hour. But it paid eighty thousand dollars a year. That was four times what her last job paid! Del Corp was looking for people who could do simple data entry, and no degree was required. Then the best yet. They would let you work from home 4 of the 5 days a week! This suddenly seemed too good to be true, but what the hell. For the hope of that much money, she’d take her chances.
Riley looked for a place to begin filling out her application online, but then read that the application and interview process would only be done in person, and that candidates would be seen during a small window later this week.
So that Friday, Riley found herself an hour away with a clipboard in her lap, filling out a paper application. She’d just written her new name and still got a thrill from it a whole five weeks later. That’s how long she’d been married. Her mind drifted to Ben, standing there all handsome in his tux, looking at her like she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen. Her blonde, shoulder length hair had been adorned with flowers. Her face hidden behind her veil. She’d always cherish the moment when he’d lifted it over her head and mouthed, ‘Wow.’ She hadn’t been able to stop smiling. The butterflies had been nonstop that magical day, and they returned quickly every time she thought about it.
She loved being Mrs. Ben Harper. Loved being married. She was at the part of the application that asked for the relationship status. Married or single. With a bit of a flourish, she brought her pen over the box that said married. She hovered over it dramatically. She was about to make an indelible x, when the applicant to her right, a pretty brunette, cleared her throat.
“Don't,” she whispered. “Check single, or you don't stand a chance.”
“Excuse me?” Riley whispered back. Companies were not legally allowed to hire people based on whether they were married or not.
The brunette scanned the room, making sure no other ears were tracking their hushed whispers, then said softly, “My roommate already works here. She told me discreetly that they only hire people who aren’t married. Do what you want, but if you really want the job, don’t let on that you’re married.”
“Thanks…” Riley said hesitantly. Why would a data entry job care at all about whether or not she was married? She looked around the room and saw a total of 11 candidates including herself. She didn’t know how many would be offered a job. Maybe just one or two of them. She wasn’t particularly proficient at data entry, but she was a fast learner. She’d do whatever it took to secure financial stability for her and Ben.
This could change everything for them. Ben wouldn’t like that she’d have to lie about being married to him to get the job, but she wouldn’t have to tell him. It’s not like the company was going to come to her house. So she took a breath, and checked the box that said single.
The brunette whispered out the side of her mouth, “Good call. Best of luck in your interview.”
“You too,” Riley said.
A handsome man with dark hair and a thousand watt smile stepped out of the adjoining conference room. He picked up the sign in sheet with every applicant's name, and then scanned the room. “Josephine?” he asked in a clear, deep voice.
The brunette stood, smoothed her pantsuit and said, “That’s me.”
The man beamed at her. “Right this way,” and gestured for her to join him in the conference room.
Before she went, Josephine extended a hand to Riley. “If we end up working together, you can call me Josie.”
Riley giggled and took it. “I sure hope we do, Josie. I’m Riley.”
Josie winked and gave Riley’s hand an encouraging squeeze. “I know, I saw it on your application.” With that Josie headed into the interview.
Ten minutes later, she came out with a confident smile on her face and gave Riley a big thumbs up. “Piece of cake.”
“Did they offer you the job?” Riley asked with wide eyes.
Josie nodded. “On the spot. I’m to report back here on Monday.”
Riley felt her stomach lurch as she thought about how this might affect her odds, but smiled gamely. “Congrats. I hope my interview goes as well as yours.”
“Just be yourself.” Josie leaned down and whispered in Riley’s ear. “And be single.”
Riley laughed softly. “Got it.”
As Josie left the waiting room, Riley found herself wishing Josie could have stayed for moral support until it was her turn. She wished Ben could have come for the same reason, but that might have cost her her shot if her husband had tagged along.
Two more applicants came and went. One was a guy who came out with slumped shoulders. The other was a striking red headed woman who walked out with head held high and a confident swagger in her hips. It was clear that only one of them had gotten the job.
Riley observed that none of the men came out looking like they’d had an offer. Rather, it was only the women. Specifically, beautiful women.
Doubts flooded Riley’s mind again as her name was finally called. She stood up and walked towards the open door, but as she did, she wondered if she was willing to work for a company that seemed biased towards looks, gender, and marital status. If she wanted that, she could just go back to her last job, or the one before that, or the one before that.
But she remembered quickly that none of those places were going to pay 80 grand a year, so she put on her game face. For that much money, she even went so far as to chide herself for not wearing something low cut to show off her impressive cleavage. Her jiggly chest certainly kept her husband’s attention. But she’d opted for a pale blue blouse that gave her the conservative look she preferred to have in public. Hopefully that wasn’t a deal breaker.
Finally it was her turn, and she stepped into the conference room for her interview. There were two people on the other side of a long table. The handsome man that called in the candidates, and a woman. The man came around the desk, and closed the door behind her, then offered his hand. “I’m Marcus,” he said kindly. He gestured towards the woman that hadn’t moved, but was perusing a file on the table. “This is Doris.”
Doris was much older than Marcus. Marcus was maybe in his mid thirties, early forties, but Doris looked like she was going on a hundred and twenty. Deep wrinkles and sagging jowls made Riley think that she’d judged Del Corp too harshly. Clearly they didn’t just care about looks if Doris worked here.
When Riley stopped looking at Doris and glanced back at Marcus, she noticed his eyes bounce up quickly to hers. He’d been looking at her chest. She kept the smile plastered on her face, but inside thought, “You’ll never see ‘em perv. They belong to my husband.”
Marcus took Riley’s application and took it to his side of the table. Riley took a seat across from them. Riley noticed Doris glanced at her application, putting a bony finger near the section that indicated her relationship status. She nodded and gave what could have been a sound of approval, or begrudging interest.
Marcus smiled, and tapped his right hand on the table, as he perused more of her application. The silver ring that he wore on that hand made a loud ting ting sound as he tapped. After his cursory glance, the interview began. There was a back and forth about Riley’s employment history. Some questions about her computer proficiency. Doris had frowned at that part, but Marcus had seemed undeterred.
Riley thought she’d answered all the questions well. Maybe everything was going her way. Then Doris finally fixed her eyes on her and she felt the color leave her face.
As Doris spoke, Riley was reminded of every mean spinster she’d ever seen in movies. “Miss Harper,” Doris began, putting an emphasis on the ‘Miss,’ “We are looking for someone who is motivated team player. You might be called on to perform a task for the company at all hours. Would that be a problem?”
Thinking about her first paycheck, Riley didn’t hesitate. “No, ma’am.”
Doris’s eyes became narrow slits. “Is there anything, or anyone, in your life that might slow you down or get in the way. Anyone you might be…beholden too?”
Had Riley not had the earlier conversation with Josie, she might not have immediately seen this as a way to ask about her relationship status without directly asking about it. It clearly was a big deal. But given that it truly was none of their business, she again answered, “Nope. It’s just me right now. Nothing tying me down. Completely single and live by my lonesome.” She stopped after that, worried she might have laid it on a little too thick.
Marcus smile grew very wide at that answer, and he shared a look with Doris, who also gave a smile, although a very tight lipped one.
“Well, we think you’ll be a perfect fit, Riley. We’d like you to start Monday.”
Riley’s jaw dropped. “So I got the job!” she squealed, wanting to leap up and bounce around the room.
“You got the job!” Marcus repeated, standing up and buttoning his suit. He came around the table and for a second Riley thought he was going to hug her, but then he put out his hand and said, “Welcome to the Del Corp family.”
She took it and enthusiastically said to him and Doris, “Thank you. Thank you! I won’t let you down.”
She then strode out confidently from the conference room. It would be a long drive home, but that was no problem now. She had a high paying job! She couldn’t wait to tell her husband.
Before they called the next candidate, Marcus said, “I’m going to enjoy that one. She’s just my type.”
Doris nodded smugly. “Me too. There’s definitely a demand for busty blondes from the clients. And there’s a real sweetness about her too. She’ll be in high demand for sure.”
An hour later, Ben was thrilled when his wife told him the news, but the money Riley was being offered almost seemed too good to be true though. “So…you’re gonna be doing what exactly?”
“It’s data entry basically for a bunch of rich clients I guess. It can’t be too hard though, cause they didn’t seem too worried about my work history.”
Ben gave his wife a wry smile and asked, “Was it a man who interviewed you?”
Riley crossed her arms over her ample chest. “Just what are you implying?”
“Only that you’re super hot, even with that blouse buttoned all the way to the top.”
Riley’s eyebrows shot up in mock annoyance. “I’ll have you know that it was a man AND a woman.”
“So they both had the hots for you?”
Riley took a playful swat at her husband, who backed out of reach at the last second. A second later, her fingers began unbuttoning her blouse from the top down. “If this outfit bothers you so much, I’ll just have to take it off.”
As a silky black bra came into view, Ben’s mouth began to water. It had been almost 10 hours since they’d had sex. Far too long for the newlywed couple. “Yeah. Yeah you should definitely take it off.”
“Are you saying that I only got the job because of my body?”
“I would never say such a thing,” Ben said, keen to not jeopardize his chances of getting some.
“Would YOU give me the job because of my body?” Riley asked as she reached behind to unfasten the bra.
“I would give you the job and a raise and immediately make you CEO for a glimpse of your boobs alone.”
She giggled, and he saw the bra tighten as she pulled at the clasp, then the release. He saw the tops of her boobs wobble as gravity tried to let them escape. But Riley held the bra in place with one hand, while the other slowly pulled down the straps. She loved how Ben looked at her. It was okay for him to look. She so wanted him to. He was still so captivated by her body, even after having seen it so many times. The anticipation of getting to see her boobs never failed to get him excited. And that’s what she wanted right then. To get him very excited, and to take her. She couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate.
“Wow,” Riley teased as she held the bra in place. “So I just have to show you my boobs, and you’ll give me the whole damn company?”
“I’d give you the whole world.”
“Good answer.” The bra fell. Boobs bounced out.
Riley tackled her man, and more clothes were quickly discarded so they could make love on their living room floor.
Ben was not a morning person, but that following Monday, he rose early to make his wife breakfast in bed. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and juice. It was a sweet gesture, but cooking had never been his forte. He burned everything but the juice, and even that was a little close.
He still happily brought it to her on a tray, but when he entered their bedroom, found that his wife was already up and half dressed in bra and panties. “Babe,” he whined. “You’re supposed to still be in bed!”
Riley turned and saw the barely edible breakfast her man had prepared. Her smile was radiant as she sauntered towards him. “You are the sweetest husband I could ever asked for,” she gushed. “How did I ever get so lucky?”
She threw her arms around his neck, causing the contents of the tray to rattle precariously as Ben did his best to save it. He lost the juice. Its contents hit the carpet of their bedroom, but still he tried to salvage the moment. “Seriously Riley, get in bed!”
Riley gave a cute pout that she used when she wanted to get her way. It always worked on her husband. “But I don’t have time.”
Ben faltered at her cute face, but said, “Nuh uh, there’s still plenty of time for you to eat and get ready.”
She kissed his lips and said, “Not if I do this.” And she stepped back, and sank to her knees. As she did, she pulled down Ben’s boxers.
As soon as Ben saw what his wife intended to do, his dick raced to catch up, getting hard so fast it hit the underside of the tray he was still holding. “No, this is your big day!” he protested. “I’m the one who’s trying to do something for you!”
Riley giggled as she took the tray from him and placed it on the floor. “I know,” she said sweetly. “And its that fact that makes me want to suck you off Mr. Harper. So shh.” She took him into her mouth. She wasn’t the best at cocksucking, but loved the sounds Ben made as she slid her tongue up and down his shaft. His little whimpers of pleasure were so cute and sexy. She loved being able to please him. She loved him so very much.
She swallowed down what he gave her, and left him to eat the breakfast. She brushed her teeth, finished dressing, and grabbed a power bar in the kitchen. She was almost out the door when Ben called out, “Wait!”
“I gotta go Ben, it’s an hour away,” Riley said in mock exasperation. But still, she waited for her husband to walk quickly towards her so he could embrace her, picking her up off her feet and kissing her.
He didn’t care that his dick had been in her mouth minutes ago. He was so proud of her. Loved her so much. Would do anything for her. “Thank you for being so awesome. I know you’re gonna go kick some ass today.”
“Just have the house clean and dinner on the table when I come back, babe,” Riley said in as low a voice as she could muster.
‘Yeah, I can do breakfast again,” Ben offered seriously.
Riley made a small grimace and said, “Uh, ha ha, just kidding. I’ll pick up something for us on the way home. You’ve done enough cooking.”
Ben hung his head. “It’s the thought that counts right.”
“Oh, you mean the thought that got you a blowjob? Yeah, I’d say that worked out for ya.”
They laughed and hugged again, and then Riley was out the door.
An hour later, Riley showed up for her new hire orientation, along with three other candidates she’d seen in the waiting room.
Looks like no one else had made the cut, she thought.
Josie was there of course. She owed her a debt for giving her that advice. There was also the stunning red head, and a taller, slender blonde with smaller boobs than her own.
She noticed that as far as beauty standards went, these women were probably the top four or five most attractive from yesterday. Maybe these were the ones who had simply checked single. She needed to make sure not to bring up her marriage to any of them. Not yet at least. After a few months when she’d proved what a good worker she could be, she’d let them know.
As she thought about that, she wondered if she’d be able to keep quiet about her husband around her coworkers for so long! Working remotely one day a week would make that easier at least. She just loved Ben so much and wanted everyone to know how lucky she was. Even complete strangers!
The women all milled about in the waiting room. Riley assumed they’d have orientation in the same adjoining conference room. She was about to start asking for names, when Doris showed up through the set of double doors that led into the building. She studied them each in turn, saying nothing as her eyes scrutinized them, as if looking for flaws. There was no big welcome, not even a smile. But after staring at them, she motioned with a curled finger to follow her. She put a silver ring she wore on her right finger, and touched the sensor on the double doors. She led them out of the waiting room, and deep into the heart of Del Corp.
They walked down a long hallway, turned right, found a set of stairs that led down and followed them. Another long hallway. Another turn. Another set of stairs. On and on, Riley noticed that every door they’d passed so far since the entrance had been closed. They never passed an open office, or break room, or a conference room. Riley suddenly felt stifled, and was again thankful that she’d only have to be here once a week.
They did pass several men, all with big smiles on their faces and wandering eyes that didn’t disguise where they were looking. Riley was taken aback by this. She didn’t want to raise a fuss her first day, but she had a mind to get the names of everyone and report them to HR. Surely a successful company like this had a top notch human resources.
It wasn’t all men though. They also passed several women, mostly older, or obese, or with a disfigurement of some kind. They also looked at each of the new women shrewdly and appraisingly. Riley wondered if this was some kind of weird corporate hazing. If it was, she didn’t like it.
On the third flight down, they approached a room on their right that was making a loud hum, and Josie asked curiously, “What’s in there?”
“Main servers,” Doris replied with unveiled irritation. “You’ll never need to go in there. It’s always locked, and only a few people have access.”
Access. Riley noticed that every door had a sensor for keyless entry. This was a very secure facility. She was suddenly shocked that the company had not done a background check on her. What kind of company that seemed to value privacy and security would hire someone without doing a thorough background check.
‘It really is like, oh, you’re hot and single? Welcome to the team,’ Riley mused as her irritation for this place steadily rose. She tried to remember why she was here. She allowed a mantra to run through her mind over and over again. ‘The money. Remember the money. Remember you’ll be working from home. Remember that you’re doing all this for Ben, the love of your life, and the future that we have together.’
After going down two more floors and countless hallways, they reached a large rectangular room that was very nice and welcoming. It was completely the opposite of everything Riley had seen so far. There were fake plants scattered throughout, fancy art on the wall, and several of the most comfy looking couches Riley had ever seen forming an open square in the middle of the room. In the middle of that square was a low square coffee table, and Riley saw four laptops in a row.
“Have a seat there,” Doris said, pointing at the couch directly in front of those laptops.
Riley went and plopped down, being sure the yellow dress she’d picked out for her first day didn’t fly up too high. She assumed the dress was fine for this job. She didn’t have any business professional clothes as she’d only had jobs where you had a uniform before this one. She’d wear whatever they deemed appropriate though, within reason. She would not be wearing anything that showed more of her cleavage than she was comfortable with. Her momma had raised her right. She’d still gotten Ben, hadn’t she? Yes. Better to conceal the goods and make ‘em chase you to get what’s inside.
“Here are your bracelets,” Doris said, interrupting Riley’s thoughts again. The old woman spoke in a dry, monotone, as if this were the last thing she wanted to be doing in the world. “After today you’ll need these bracelets to get in the building. They also monitor your health, because we care about our employees. If you suspect one is ever malfunctioning, report it immediately. Whatever you do, do not take it off unless you have the permission of a supervisor. Removal of it for any other reason will result in immediate termination.”
“But what if it doesn’t go with my outfit,” the redhead quipped.
Doris smiled, but not pleasantly. It was like the smile of a bully who enjoyed watching his victim squirm. “Oh, I think that you’ll find very soon that it will go with everything.”
The redhead frowned and sighed sarcastically. “Not likely, but if that’s the job, I’ll do it for as long as I’m here.”
By the sound of that, Riley thought that she might not last the week. Clearly she didn’t need the money as bad as Riley did.
Riley accepted her bracelet. It looked like a combination of jewelry and technology. The top half was flat and smooth, and Riley realized that it was capable of displaying messages as the phrase, “Welcome to Del Corp Riley,” was scrolling on hers. It was a bit heavy and bulky though underneath. Riley snapped it easily in place, but as she spun her wrist, she didn’t see an easy way to unfasten it. It felt very tight. Was she really going to have to wear this thing all the time?
‘The money, the money, the money…’
With the bracelets securely fastened, the four women listened as Doris began to speak to them, sounding almost bored now. “In a moment you’ll be meeting our CEO Avery Smith and three of the board members, but first, I’ll reintroduce you to your team lead, Marcus Orion.”
On cue, Marcus entered through a door opposite the one they’d come in, his arms stretched wide, his grin even wider. “Welcome new hires! I am so glad to see you today. Who’s ready to get started?”
Doris, her job apparently done, passed him on her way out of the room. She seemed very relieved to not have to be there anymore.
Marcus was the opposite of Doris, and seemed genuinely excited to have them here. “Ladies, I can’t tell you how pleased I am to have this opportunity with you all. I’m going to be your primary handler. Doris will be my second. If for any reason you cannot reach me, you will report to her with any problems. Before you leave, both of our numbers will be in your phones.”
Riley raised her hand, as she had questions about the word, ‘handler.’
Marcus ignored her hand and pressed on enthusiastically. “Please turn on the laptop directly in front of each of you. These are state of the art computers that have been designed and manufactured entirely in house. I promise you they are better than anything on the market, and they’ll be what you’re using to work remotely. So fire them up, and then members of our senior leadership will be joining us.”
Riley hesitated, but lowered her hand and pressed the laptop’s power button. It didn’t look all that impressive. It just looked like a standard 16 inch laptop. It was fast though. The screen came to life almost instantaneously with the message, “Welcome to Del Corp. Please sync your bracelet.”
Josie was already looking at Marcus and asking, “How do we sync our bracelets?”
“Fantastic question Josie,” Marcus said grinning ear to ear. Just press the clasp on the bottom end to the pad on the lower right side of your keyboard. No, no, wait!” Marcus said, and his tone shifted quickly to silky smooth, to loud and abrasive.
Josie froze, and looked up at Marcus with an eyebrow raised. She was not accustomed to people snapping at her like that. Josie also needed the money, but still, she’d rather walk away than be disrespected.
Marcus’s wide smile was back in a flash. “Sorry, sorry,” he said as he clasped his palms together apologetically and shook them twice at Josie. “Please forgive me. It’s just important that we’re in sync, when we sync.” He laughed at his own lame joke, and paused for them to follow suit. When they didn’t, he said, “Bear with me. This is my first time being a Team Lead.” He put his hand on his heart. “I will get it right next time, you have my word.”
“Can we just get on with this,” said the other blonde.
Riley thought everyone seemed annoyed now. And why wouldn’t they be? Doris had acted like leading them here had been a big inconvenience. They’d gotten ogled repeatedly on the long walk to this room. They had to wear this bracelet which was transmitting who knew what kind of biometric data to the company. And now Marcus had just yelled at them.
“Okay, here we go,” Marcus said, undeterred by their lack of enthusiasm. He began to wave his hands like a conductor of a symphony. “I’ll count it down from 3, and then everyone press your bracelet to the spot on the laptop. 3. 2. 1. Sync!”
All four women placed their bracelet on their laptop, and all four felt a sharp jab as the tiny needle under the clasp pierced their skin and injected a milligram of nanites into their bloodstream.
A chorus of surprised objections arose.
“Ow! What was-”
“Something just stuck me!”
“What the hell?!”
Every woman but Riley had complained loudly except her. She’d only made a shrill whimper. She hated shots, and whatever that was had been right under her wrist, probably hitting the vein there.
“Sorry about that,” Marcus said as he pulled out a smartphone. He began to tap at the screen. “Just give it a minute to spread through your body and then you won’t care anymore.”
“Excuse me?” Josie snapped.
‘That’s it,” the redhead said standing briskly to her feet. “I’ve had enough. Get this damn thing off of me.” She began to fumble with the clasp with shaky fingers.
“Leadership told me there’s always one,” Marcus muttered. His voice became higher and insistent. “Everyone who leaves their bracelet on for just another 50 seconds will receive a thousand dollars, even if you quit immediately after.”
“I’m gonna get a lot more than that in the lawsuit I file against this company,” the red head hissed as she looked for a watch to unclasp it. But the more she inspected it, the more her fingers didn’t seem to want to cooperate.
Marcus was pleased to see her struggle, but still looked at her warily. Then his phone pinged. “Oh wow, one of you is already online. Good. Let’s see who…ah,” he said, winking at Josie. “The one who is always just ahead of everyone else. Makes sense.”
“Online?” the redhead exclaimed. “I don’t think so!” She forced her fingers underneath the clasp, trying to create enough pressure to unfasten it. Suddenly the arm she was using to apply the pressure tensed up as if she’d just received an electric jolt. “Ah! What was that!”
“It’s just the nanites keeping you from taking off the bracelet. That’s the last line of defense. But we won’t have to worry about that for much longer because…” Marcus’s phone pinged. “There we go, you’re online now too.”
It was Josie’s turn to stand, and she offered her left hand, the hand with that accursed bracelet, to help Riley up off the couch. Riley was reaching for it as Josie said briskly, “I didn’t sign up for this. Neither did she. We’re leaving.”
A third ping. Riley’s hand was in Josie’s. She was looking up into her face when Marcus said calmly, “Blank slate.”
“Blank slate confirmed,” said three female voices, perfectly in sync and without emotion.
Riley felt Josie’s hand go limp in hers, and watched in horror as the brunette’s eyes rolled into the back of her head so that only the whites were shown.
“I don’t understand,” Riley said, hearing the panic in her voice as she leaned forward and looked at the other two women. They all had the same blank expression.
“Me neither,” Marcus drawled. “Sometimes it takes a little longer for the nanites to circulate in some people. You must be pretty stubborn Riley. But everyone succumbs to the nanites eventually. No one’s ever failed to come online in under 90 seconds.”
His eyes raked over her body now with obvious sexual interest. Riley sprang to her feet and tugged at Josie’s limp arm. “Josie! Josie answer me right now! We need to leave! We need to-”
Riley’s heart pounded in her chest at the sound of that fourth ping. Whatever was happening to these women, was about to happen to her.
“There we go,” Marcus said with an eerie smile. “Don’t worry. When this is all over, you’re gonna think you had a fantastic first day.”
“Please don’t-” Riley began, but saw Marcus mouth the words blank slate. She was vaguely aware of her own lips moving as she said in a monotone voice, “Blank slate confirmed.” And then all she knew was ignorant bliss as her eyes rolled up into her head.
“Time to meet our corporate overlords,” Marcus said happily. He hit a button on his phone that said Upload. He selected each woman, then pressed enter.
Each bracelet came to life with a soft chime. Each woman said in a robotic voice, “Uploading. Uploading. Uploading. Upload complete.”
Riley’s blue eyes came back down, and she looked at Marcus with a wry smile. “You need to do a better job at putting them at ease, Marcus.”
Josie’s brown eyes were on Marcus as well, her voice had an edge to it. “Maybe we were too hasty in promoting him to team lead, Avery I really thought he was going to lose control there for a moment.”
The redhead was not looking at Marcus, but was running her hands up her sides and over her chest. “Now now, gentlemen. It was his first time. He’s still got the drive and charisma we’re looking for, and is doing great and recruiting clients. Let’s let him off with a warning.”
The unnamed blonde didn’t seem to be interested in Marcus at all as her hands had begun to squeeze her tight buttocks. “What an amazing specimen. Surprised I didn’t have to fight you all for the chance to have her first.”
Riley’s voice became authoritative as she addressed the blonde. “Don’t get to carried away, Jenkins. This is just about meeting them, ensuring there’s no problem with the upload process, then sending them off for their physicals.”
The blonde’s face soured as she looked at Riley. She did not stop massaging her rear. “I helped write the protocols, Avery. There’s no harm in a little groping before we log out.”
Riley gave a perverted giggle. “Yes, I know. It’s tradition. We just musn’t go too overboard in case we have to release any of them back into the wild.”
Having said this, Marcus watched enviably as the four women groped and fondled their bodies over their clothes. A few minutes ticked by, but Marcus would have gladly watched his superiors explore the new hires for as long as he was allowed.
Riley had pulled her blouse aways from her chest and was taking a long look down it. Her face made it clear that she liked what she saw. She released the fabric, letting it snap back with a little less elasticity. “Okay, that’s enough gentlemen,” she announced with finality. “I think we’ve excited poor Marcus enough.”
It was true. He had not wanted to get an erection in front of his bosses, but seeing them inhabiting the bodies of these beautiful women, making them touch themselves provocatively, he was at full mast. He positioned his hands over his front, and tried to keep from gawking.
“It’s only fair,” Josie chuckled at him. “We’re all going to have erections when we are back in our bodies. Speaking of, you already sent a girl to each of our houses, correct Marcus?”
Marcus gave a curt nod. “Yes sir. Their bracelets were activated before this meeting, and they should all be at your house by the time you log out.”
“Excellent,” Riley said, and she stepped closer to Marcus. She took one of the hands covering his erection and placed it on her breast. “Don’t worry Marcus. You managed to get them to sync their bracelets without resorting to force, which might have damaged the merchandise. So we’ll still let you do their field tests. They are the first members of your team after all.” Riley helped the man squeeze her boob softly, looking up into his eyes with a mischievous smirk. “I bet you can’t wait.”
“N-no, s-sir,” Marcus stammered.
“I do think that’s the first time I’ve seen you flustered Marcus,” the redhead said with a laugh.
Riley released Marcus’s hand and stepped back. “You know what’s next. Keep them in blank slate mode and send them to their physicals. The doctor will check for STD’s and any other illnesses or maladies that would be a disruption to our company. We only provide the best for our clients. After that, the standing brainwashing program before we sent them off with their take home bag to…” Riley trailed off, then gave a sharp laugh. “Marcus, I don’t mind if you stare, but try to keep your mouth shut when you do. You look ridiculous.”
Marcus had been trying to look the CEO, Avery Smith, in the blue eyes of this gorgeous creature. But his eyes kept wandering to other areas. He was already thinking about tomorrow’s field tests. How he’d be in Riley’s home. How he could touch her as much as he wanted. His imagination was already running wild, but Avery’s subtle chastisement had snapped him out of it.
“Yes, of…of course Avery, er, Mr. Smith.”
The corner of Riley’s mouth went up, and she raised her hand and cupped her right boob as she looked at the other women. “I think our boy’s got it bad for this one.” The women nodded back at Riley, each of them smirking as well. Back at Marcus, Riley said, “We all have our favorites, but don’t monopolize her too much. But…you are her handler, so take a few days to get her out of your system after the field tests are over.”
“If she passes that is,” Josie said quickly.
“Naturally,” Riley retorted, looking annoyed. “Marcus has been warned. Should he find any red flags, she’ll go back to her normal life. Isn’t that right Marcus.”
“Of course, sir,” Marcus replied.
“Good,” Riley said, and smiled at him. Then she blew him a kiss. “Now be a good boy and send us back.”
“Right away sir,” Marcus said. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to get used to meeting his bosses this way. He quickly selected all four women on his cell phone, and disconnected them. HIs shoulders slumped a little. He knew the men were in their respective homes and could still see him on the cameras mounted all around the room. But they were probably focused on the women now at their door that would attend to those pesky erections rather than him.
Marcus, on the other hand, would have to wait until later to have his relief. What he wouldn’t give to have his way with any of the women on the couch right now. Especially Riley. But he had his orders.
With blank slate mode still active by default, he said, “Grab your laptops and follow me so we can get your physicals underway.”
“Yes sir,” the four women responded at once. Their eyes focused on the command at hand, and like obedient worker drones, the four women retrieved their laptops from the coffee table. They formed a single line behind their boss. Their movements were precise, and they marched in step as Marcus led them from the room. They followed Marcus back into the series of hallways, and up a flight of stairs. Several doors that had been closed were now suddenly open, as staff at Del Corp wanted to assess the recent new hires. Programmers, team leads, technicians, cooks, paper pushers, analysis, recruiters, marketing, and more all watched the synchronized steps of the attractive women as they marched past. This time the women didn’t mind the stares, because none of them had a thought in their head other than following their team lead.
The workers of Del Corp with free will were all picking out their favorite new hire, making a note of who they’d spend time with during their breaks in the weeks ahead. The pretty blonde just behind Marcus seemed to be the most popular candidate by far.
They eventually passed through a door that Marcus unlocked by pressing the ring he wore on his right hand against a sensor. They stepped into a well lit sterile room with medical equipment and exam tables. A pudgy older man in a doctor’s coat was there to greet them. He was flanked by two very beautiful women who wore a vacant smile and nothing else.
“Did the old men have their fun?” the doctor asked Marcus politely, although his eyes did not meet him. They were focused on his four new patients who had followed obediently after him.
Marcus let out a sigh, but smiled. “If by fun you mean taking the piss out of me, then yes.”
The doctor laughed. “Sounds like them. Well, let’s get this show on the road. New hires, each of you hop up on one of the exam tables.”
The order was received with unflinching obedience as the four women walked purposefully into the sterile room, their shoes clicking on the white tiled floor. They each picked a gynecology exam table and sat there.
“I’ll be back when you’ve run your tests,” Marcus said, and left to go to his office. On the way he grabbed a woman with a bracelet who had been programmed to clean on her weekly visit to Del Corp. She didn’t protest, but allowed herself to be dragged along. She even seemed happy to have been chosen for whatever task Marcus had in mind.
When they arrived at his office, Marcus didn’t talk to her, just stripped off her clothes, bent her over his desk, and fucked her. He thought of Riley, the pretty doe eyed blonde that had been so sweet and chaste during the interview. He thought of Avery being inside her, teasing him with her body, making him grope her. He thought of what tomorrow would bring, and he came. He told the girl to clean up the mess, and then sat down in his chair. He’d needed that. He could finally think straight again..
Back in the exam room, the doctor’s nude assistants helped the doctor with silent efficiency. He’d trained them to help draw blood, check reflexes, take blood pressure, examine pupils, ears, gums, and more. They’d help him record it all. The new hires were perfectly calm during this whole process.
The cursory examination over, the doctor ordered them to remove their clothes. The four new hires all stood and undressed quickly. There was nothing sensual about their movements, just the subconscious desire to follow the order as expediently as possible.
The doctor gave orders to his assistants to pull out the stirrups attached to the tables, then had the new hires put their feet in them. They all did with no complaint. Each of them laying slightly back, their legs spread wide for the doctor. He gave each woman a pelvic exam. They did not flinch as his fingers pushed into them. Did not make a sound. They merely laid there as if this were all routine.
“Okay, that’s that,” the doctor said as he took off his gloves. “Get dressed, new hires.” As the naked women complied, he sent an assistant to fetch Marcus. Upon his return, the doctor told him, “I’ll have the lab results before you leave today. You can take them to get fitted and supplied now.”
Marcus was aware that the doctor had just seen these women naked before he had. He was not jealous though. He considered himself patient. He’d worked hard to get where he was. And tomorrow, he’d be able to upload into any of them and have complete control of their bodies. And when they returned next week, he could order them to do all manner of sexual acts on him, and they would agree readily.
When the new hires weren’t being made to serve him sexually or one of the other employees at Del Corp, they’d be ordered to do the mundane tasks. Like cleaning, or secretarial work, or anything that anyone deemed beneath them in this place. Thanks to different women being forced to come in on different days throughout the week, they always had plenty of willing slaves to do the grunt work at headquarters. But between now and next week, the new hires were strictly off limits until the field tests had been run.
As Marcus next led the women to a series of rooms that would get their measurements for clothes, outfits, and sex toys they might need while servicing a client, Ben was doing what Riley had joked about when she left. He was making the house sparkling clean. In their first five weeks of marriage, they’d fallen into stereotypical gender roles, where Ben played video games and did nothing, and Riley did everything that needed done like laundry, cleaning, and cooking. It had been a big step for Ben to make breakfast that morning. Now he tried his hand at laundry and cleaning. He was better at them than breakfast for sure. Riley would be so happy, that maybe he could talk her into doing something kinky tonight.
Being raised in a very conservative family, Riley had been a virgin when they got married. But Ben hadn’t. Far from it. He’d never admit to being a sex addict, but considered it a possibility. Before dating Riley, he’d had a few one night stands, some long term girlfriends, and had developed quite a few kinks thanks to those women. And porn. He’d watched porn every day, and was always finding something new he’d like to try in the bedroom with a girl, but Riley had put a stop to all that when they’d got married.
Riley didn’t want him watching porn or masturbating. The first time she’d told him, he’d thought she was joking. Riley’s hurt face let him know that she wasn’t. She wanted to be enough for him. Didn’t want him looking at girls online and getting ideas for positions or roleplay. Ben had hoped that over time his bride would change her mind about some of that, but except for the infrequent blowjobs, she would only do missionary or on top.
Because of his love for her, he’d stopped watching porn and jerking off. It hadn’t been too difficult, because Riley was usually around. As they both tended to work 2nd shift, they could fuck in the morning, and then again when they both got home. But now she had a 40 hour or more job a that took her away from him during a time where he was home by himself.
The hours seemed to drag by, and even though he’d gotten blown early that morning, he was already thinking about looking up his old friend pornography by the time noon rolled around. But he knew it would most likely affect his performance that night with his wife. So he waited, and focused on making the interior of their house shine.
It was mid afternoon when Marcus got the bad news. He’d just presented the women with a small boxed meal and told them to eat. It was a flavorless, tasteless mush, and was very cheap to manufacture. They chewed and swallowed it as they were told. Marcus watched them shovel it down while he ate a steak their onsite chef had prepared. He couldn’t stop smiling, that is, until the doctor walked in.
“I’m afraid I have some bad news,” the doctor said gravely.
Marcus put his fork down and asked, “Well, don’t keep me in suspense. What’s the problem?”
“The blonde is pregnant.”
Marcus wiped his mouth and slammed a fist on the table. “Dammit!” His eyes fell upon Riley. He did not want to lose her, but a pregnancy meant instant termination. The nanites could stop future pregnancies, but not the one she’d come in here with. “Are you sure?”
The doctor nodded, then looked at who Marcus had focused on. “Oh, sorry. Forgot you had two blondes. Not that one. The other one,” he said, pointing at the unnamed blonde who sat there quietly eating her mush.
Relief flooded Marcus. It wasn’t great that he was already down a team member, but it hadn’t been Riley. Besides, it was easy to recruit. He’d just put out another ad that promised big money while working from home.
“Kathleen,” he said sternly. The blonde now known as Kathleen stopped eating and looked at him keenly. “Pitch your food and go wait in the conference room you interviewed in last week. Turn on the monitor in there, and watch the exit interview until I come to fire you.”
“Yes sir,” Kathleen said, and without hesitation she stood, dropped her food in a trash bin, and made her way to the conference room.
After she exited, the doctor reported the rest of his findings. “All the rest are very healthy. Two of them have been sexually active however,” he said, pointing at Riley and the redhead. “Their swabs had traces of sperm under the microscope. Could be a one night stand, or something more serious. Easiest way is just to ask and-”
Fearing that he might hear something he didn’t want to, Marcus cut him off. “Thanks doctor, I’ll take it from here.”
“But the board will want to-” the doctor began with a raised eyebrow.
Anger rose in Marcus, but he tapered it down and replied calmly, “Don’t worry about the board I will handle it. If I find any problems during the field tests, I’ll take the necessary steps to deal with them.”
The doctor let out a knowing sigh. “Ah, I get it. You really want to field test them. Fair enough.”
“So you’ll leave that out of the report?”
“If she gets the greenlight,” the doctor said, pointing at Riley, “You let me have first dibs when she comes back in.”
‘You can have my sloppy seconds,’ Marcus thought. Out loud he said. “I think we can make that happen.”
The doctor extended a hand, and Marcus shook it. “Well then, I found no traces of sexual activity. See you next week, ladies.”
They did not stay goodbye, or give any other parting niceties. They just sat there. Their meal finished, and the empty box on their laps. They simply stared straight ahead, and awaited their next command.
Marcus ushered them to their last stop for their first day. This room had several cubicle workstations, each with a laptop that resembled the ones they would be taking home. Marcus had them each log on, and click on a program that walked them through an endless series of data entry. They copied one set of numbers from one place on the screen to another. Dragged one file here, another there. They opened spreadsheet after spreadsheet. None of it meant anything, but served one purpose. It helped cement the illusion. It gave the lie a solid foundation on which to stand.
Should these women ever question in the outside world what their job really entailed, the nanites would lead their minds back to this place. This moment. Where they dragged and clicked and typed over and over again. It’s what they would think they were doing all day instead of doing menial tasks and getting fucked. It’s what they think they would be doing in their homes, even as client after client came to see them to use their bodies. Just another boring day, entering facts and figures.
But as boring as they might remember it being, they would never want to leave. They would be so happy with their job. Because as they stared at their monitors, they each began to intermittently flashed the core tenets they would come to live by until they were released from their employ.
Over and over again during those last few hours, the following messages were repeated on a loop.
You love Del Corp.
You will be faithful to Del Corp and its employees.
You will not draw undue attention to yourself outside of work.
You never want to take off your bracelet.
When your bracelet pings, you will log onto your computer at work within 30 minutes. If unable, you will call your team lead.
Always do what your team lead tells you to do.
Always believe whatever your team lead tells you.
When you are on Del Corp property, you will be an obedient slut, doing whatever tasks required of you.
You will feel grateful to be of use to any Del Corp employee.
You will take good care of your body, because it belongs to Del Corp, its employees, and its clients.
You live to serve your team lead, Del Corp employees, and those we deem clients.
You no longer care about having a social life.
You no longer care about dating anyone.
If you are currently dating someone, you will break up with them as soon as possible in a way that does not bring undue attention to Del Corp.
You do not seek sexual intimacy outside the confines of Del Corp employees and clients.
You are focused on being the best employee you can be.
You will only ever remember doing data entry when working remotely.
You will stow your take home bag in a secure place in your home and not look in it unless directed to by a client or team lead.
You will do everything in your power to protect Del Corp and its employees.
When asked, you will always describe your job as ‘boring data entry.’
If pressed for more information about Del Corp beyond that, you will respond with, ‘We value our clients’ privacy so I can’t elaborate further.’
Should anyone seem a threat to Del Corp, you will report to your team leader as soon as possible and await further instructions.
Riley blinked. She felt like she’d been staring at this screen forever, but saw in the lower left hand corner of her monitor that there was only five minutes left of work today! The job was tedious, but not at all hard. She found she didn’t mind it though. She was going to love working for Del Corp, and was thankful to have gotten Marcus as her team lead.
Marcus walked between their cubicles and announced, “Time to punch out ladies. You’ll find your laptop and take home bag are waiting for you at the exit. You all did wonderful today. I don’t see you all back again here until next…” he checked his phone, “a week from tomorrow.”
Riley’s face fell a bit. In such a short time she’d grown to love this place and her team. She looked at the others, and saw their faces mirror hers.
“I know, I’ll miss you too,” Marcus said with a wide grin. “Say, what did you all think of that delicious steak dinner we had for lunch today?”
“Steak…dinner?” Josie asked, furrowing her brow.
This was a simple test to see if the programming had worked. It was one thing for them to be in blank slate mode. They were more like mindless functioning robots in that state. The real test came when they were back to themselves.
“Yes,” Marcus said confidently, trusting that the nanites and brainwashing they’d received would dictate their reality. “You all had a wonderful steak dinner. You thought it was amazing. You even licked your plate clean Josie, remember?”
Josie blushed. She did remember now. It had been the best steak of her life. “I guess…I was just really hungry.”
“Thank you for feeding us such a great meal!” Riley exclaimed. “Do we get to eat that good every time we come?”
Marcus stepped towards her and said with a wink, “I think you’ll always leave here with something yummy in your bellies.”
All the girls smiled at each other, already looking forward to next Tuesday’s lunch time.
“Ladies, you’ll believe whatever I tell you, correct?” Marcus asked.
“Yes sir,” the three new hires said in perfect unison.
“And you’ll do whatever I tell you, correct?”
“Yes sir!” the ladies replied cheerily.
“Good,” Marcus said, his smile curving into something sinister. “I want you each logging in at 9am sharp every day and running the data entry program. Keep familiarizing yourself with it so that we can eliminate possible errors for our clients.” Doing this would ensure the brainwashing cemented itself in their brains.
Marcus continued. “I’ll be chatting with each of you individually over the next few days. Riley, you’ll be first up tomorrow. It’ll be a video chat, so please wear something that shows off your boobs.”
Riley’s thoughts hit a wall suddenly. The training, the steak dinner, all of that had been great, but, to ask Riley to show off her boobs on a conference call was…was…
Marcus watched Riley’s face contort while the nanites made her accept the programming. Her resistance met a torrent of words that seemed to imprint on her very soul.
‘I will do what my team lead tells me to do. I live to serve my team lead. I will obey him. I will wear whatever Marcus tells me, because he is my team lead and I am his obedient slut.
Riley’s face smoothed out, and she beamed at him before saying happily, “Yes sir.”
“Good girl,” Marcus said, then looked at the other two. “And I’ll expect you both to do the same. Actually Josie, you wear nothing at all.”
The two women had already been having an internal struggle after hearing what he’d said to Riley, so they were quicker at both saying, “Yes, sir,” but not quite as in sync.
“Make sure our video chats are in a private area in your house. An office space, bedroom, bathroom, whatever. And you’re not to be disturbed during this time.”
All of this was to limit exposure to a family member, boyfriend, girlfriend, or roommate. They could all be dealt with over a short period of time, but the field test was crucial in ensuring Del Corp’s safety protocols.”
“If all goes well after those video chats, you’ll be ready to handle clients. I hope to be sending you each several by the end of the week. Now head home. You’ve all done great work today.”
Marcus led them back the way they came. The walk didn’t seem as far now. The building that had once seen drab and foreboding now felt so much like home. She wished she didn’t have to leave. She loved Del Corp.
“I’m going to be thinking about that steak all week,” Josie confessed to Riley as they stepped out into the sunlight.
“Me too!” Riley laughed.
“I can’t believe I licked the plate in front of all of you. That’s…not something I’d usually do.”
The image swam vividly in Riley’s mind. Josie’s hands picking up a white plate with the remnants of savory juice on it. Josie’s face drawing near it. Her tongue sticking out and licking it from top to bottom until it was all clean. She found her own mouth watering as she remembered the taste of it.
“If I had my plate in front of me right now, I’d do it too.”
They said goodbye as they headed to their own cars, and headed home.
Marcus went to the conference room where the pregnant blonde was. Kathleen had watched the exit interview video over and over again so the message of it would be very clear in her mind.
It had read as follows:
I am grateful for the opportunity, but this job just wasn’t for me. It was my decision to leave. I will find work elsewhere. I will surrender my bracelet, and leave immediately..
Marcus pulled her up on his phone and took her out of blank slate mode, and deactivated the nanites in her body. Without the bracelet, they would pass out of her naturally over the next 24 hours, but the brainwashing she’d received should hold.
Lastly, he put his hand on the bracelet and said, “Release.” With a smooth click, it unlatched, and hung loosely on Kathleen’s arm.
A few seconds passed, and Kathleen blinked and looked around as if waking from sleep.
“Well, I’m sorry it didn’t work out,” Marcus said, extending a hand to her.
“No, no,” she said sincerely as she accepted it. “I’m so grateful for the opportunity, but this job just isn’t for me. I’ll just have to find work elsewhere.”
Marcus nodded, then gestured towards the door. She took off her bracelet and set it on the table, then walked out. As soon as she was out of sight, Marcus shook his head. She would have been a great addition. Pity he never got to field test or fuck her. Maybe someday the company would start accepting pregnant women. Or married women for that matter. He had a client that would pay a small fortune for the chance to have regular sessions with a married woman. Apparently it was a big fetish of his. But right now the board’s mandate was clear. They only enslaved and hopped unattached women that would not raise suspicion. They wanted to be in business for a long, long time.
The whole drive home Riley kept thinking how much she loved Del Corp. How much she loved her team. Marcus, Josie, and… and there were two more, weren’t there? Another blonde like her, but…but she hadn’t seen her on the way out. But the beautiful redhead had been there. How had she not gotten her name? That was very rude of her, and quite embarrassing!
As she questioned this egregious oversight, the memory of typing numbers and clicking a mouse came into her mind very strongly. She just hadn’t had a chance was all. All she could remember was her time at the computer, and a wonderful steak dinner that the company had so generously provided. She was so lucky to have gotten the chance to work for them. She would make them proud. She belonged there. She belonged to Del Corp. All of her belonged to them. Her mind and her body.
Riley had been so enraptured by how amazing her orientation had been, that she almost forgot to pick up food on the way home. But as her stomach growled, she remembered she needed to take care of her body, so she stopped by a fast food place. Instead of her typical burger and fries, she got a salad. She paid for it and was about to pull onto the street, when she realized she’d forgotten Ben. How could she forget her wonderful husband? She drove back around, and got him a salad too.
Ben was famished by the time Riley walked through the front door, but first made a grand sweeping gesture at the house. “Ta da!” he exclaimed as she walked past him carrying a large black duffel and two fast food bag. She didn’t seem to notice how he’d swept, mopped, done the dishes, and had the place cleaner than it had been in a couple of weeks.
In fact, she didn’t say anything, didn’t even give him a kiss. She set the fast food bags on the table, and then disappeared into their guest bedroom that would now serve as Riley’s office. She stowed the bag in the highest part of the closet in there, and moved a box in front of it. Hopefully that would keep the contents secure. She wondered what was in the bag, and had the desire to check. But then very strongly in her mind came a pulsing thought.
You will not look in it unless directed to by a client or team lead.
Riley’s eyes unfocused and heard herself say aloud in a monotone voice, “I will not look in it unless directed by a client or team lead.” She looked around. What had she been thinking? Oh yes. She needed to take care of her body. She went back to the dining room and sat down at the table.
Ben was now feeling a little ruffled. “Uh, ahem, nothing? No, wow hon, the place looks great! This must have taken you all day.’”
Riley was unpacking her salad, but did stop to look around. “Oh, yeah, wow,” she said with less enthusiasm in her voice than Ben had been hoping for. “Come eat, Ben, and I’ll tell you what a great company Del Corp is.”
For the love of his wife, Ben chose to let it go and joined her at the table. His face fell though as he realized he was also eating a salad. “Hey, what was in that bag you brought in?”
“Work stuff,” Riley said quickly. She then proceeded to prattle on about how amazing Del Corp is. How great her team lead Marcus was. How all the people there were great. How her clients would great and how she might have some by the end of the week. How she couldn’t wait to log on to her new company laptop tomorrow to start working hard.
As she unpacked her day, the realized that she would have to break up with Ben. That was unfortunate, but it was a directive from the company, so she’d have to go through with it. She should do it now, but the way he was looking at her, like everything she said was so important, like she were the only woman in the world. Despite a growing desire to tell him they were through then and there, she convinced herself to do it tomorrow, or maybe even push it off till the weekend. She just wanted to stay with him a bit longer.
It was at this point, Ben got a word in edgewise. “So, what exactly will you be doing?”
“Boring data entry,” Riley said wistfully, as if it was all she wanted to do for the rest of her life.
“Uh, wow, you make it sound so exciting,” Ben quipped. “Seriously though, what kind of data entry? What kind of information will you be-”
Riley’s eye twitched, and then words burst forcefully out of her, “We value our clients’ privacy so I can’t elaborate further.” She took a bite of salad and considered the matter settled.
Ben was taken aback. “C’mon Riles, we’re not dating. We’re married. Husband and wife. Surely you can tell me of all people.”
Her husband’s words changed everything. It was true. They weren’t dating. They were married. She would not have to break up with him because they were not dating. She checked them carefully against what she knew of Del Corp’s mandates, and her mind seemed to accept this. She was so relieved.
Ben laughed at her silence. “What? Are they a dark and shady organization that is trying to enslave the general populace?”
Riley suddenly tensed. Ben was asking her to go against company policy by telling him what they did there. Why couldn’t he just accept her answer? Did he pose a threat to Del Corp? She tried to calm herself, tried to make sure not to draw any undue attention. With a sweeter but still serious disposition, she said, “Ben, honey, I’m telling you I can’t talk about it. So drop it.”
Ben looked down at his salad. This evening was not going as planned. She knew he hated salad. Why had she brought him one? She hadn’t even called and asked what he wanted. It’s like he’d been an afterthought. Surely the honeymoon stage couldn’t be over already. He tried to let it all pass. He loved her and she loved him. They’d go to bed together soon. They’d make love. “Fine,” he finally said. “I’m gonna go make a sandwich.”
Riley didn’t stop him, but was a little perturbed he didn’t seem to appreciate the salad she’d brought him because… because he… no. No!. Only she needed to take care of her body. But, as his wife, she wanted him to take care of his body too. Just, for her, it was a mandate. She NEEDED to take care of her body. If he wanted to make a sandwich that was fine. She found herself calming quickly, and got up as soon as she was done.
As Ben sat down at a vacant table, Riley went to work out on their treadmill. It had been a wedding present, and she’d only used it once. Now it seemed very important. She needed to take care of her body, and working out was a good way to do that.
A disconnect grew through the night as the couple seemed to keep going their separate ways. Ben tried to get her to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie, but she got lost in a skin care regimen that seemed to take forever.
As it got dark, Ben heard Riley say from their bedroom, “Goodnight, Ben.” And then the door shut.
Ben quickly got up from the couch to join his wife in their marital bed. He had his clothes off in a flash, and got under the covers. She was turned on her side away from him. He loved the feeling of pressing his boner against her round ass. But Instead of her warm, smooth, naked skin, he pressed up against fluffy pajamas. He tried not to sound indignant as he asked, “Why are you wearing clothes?” They hadn’t been wearing clothes to bed for the last five weeks, save some skimpy lingerie that Riley would put on sometimes.
“I was chilly,” Riley said simply.
“But, I always warm you up, don’t I?” Ben said hopefully as he wrapped an arm around her waist. His hand lifted up the bottom of her shirt, and he felt her skin. It traveled up quickly to her breast. He was already so hard. He was glad he’d waited for her. He would be inside her soon and everything would be perfect again.
As Riley felt her husband’s hands fondle her breasts, she felt a spark between her legs, and butterflies in her tummy. She wanted to roll over. To kiss him. To let his hands eagerly explore her as they so often had. To let him be in awe of her body. It was his after all.
But that…that wasn’t right. It wasn’t his body. Her body belonged to Del Corp. And she did not seek sexual intimacy from anyone but Del Corp employees and clients. Her body belonged to them now. This fact seemed to repent nonstop in her mind as she slowly brought her hand down, and pushed Ben’s away from her breasts. The brief twinge of sexual desire had faded entirely.
“What gives, Riles?” Ben asked, hurt in his voice. “Look, I’m sorry if you thought I was prying. I’ll respect that you can’t talk about your work.”
“It’s not that,” Riley said, feeling bad for turning him down. Why couldn’t he understand? She loved him, but he was not a Del Corp employee or client. But she couldn’t tell him that, because it would draw undue attention to Del Corp. So she made up another excuse. “I’m just…tired, honey. Long day, and I gotta be up early in the morning to log on to work.”
“I’ll…I’ll be super fast,” Ben said.
“No, Ben,” Riley answered quietly but firmly.
Ben’s boner was in full retreat. “Can I hold you at least?”
Riley thought about that. Holding wasn’t sexual, and Ben was her husband. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
So he did. He held her tight and whispered in her ear, “I love you. I really do. Maybe we can do it first thing in the morning.”
“Maybe,” Riley hedged. But she knew she would not let him have her. She was already planning to be up before him. To shower and shave her legs and maybe even put some makeup before she found an outfit that would accentuate her cleavage for Marcus. Her body belonged to him now, and the employees and clients of Del Corp. But she wouldn’t tell Ben any of that. It would hurt him to know that. He was her husband after all. They would be together till death do us part. So instead, she said what she knew to still be true, “I love you too.”
Ben hoped she’d change her mind, but soon heard his wife’s breathing change, and knew that she’d drifted off. He regretted not masturbating earlier then. He thought about getting up and going to the living room to rub one out, but he still had hope for tomorrow morning. So in the end, he slept.
When he woke up the next day, he rolled over to kiss his bride, but her spot was empty. He checked his phone and saw that it was almost 9am. He sat up and called out, “Riles!”
“Getting ready to log on for work honey,” she replied from the kitchen.
Ben swore and jumped out of bed. He was naked as usual first thing in the morning. He walked quickly to the kitchen and saw that his wife looked incredible. She always looked very beautiful to him, but here she was in a yellow buttoned top that he’d only seen her wear once before, plus a short black skirt that drew copious amounts of attention to her long legs. His eyes were still on the top though, because the top three buttons weren’t fastened, and her cleavage was fully on display.
“You’re…working from home today, right?” Ben asked, perplexed, but glad she wouldn’t be showing off her amazing rack to a bunch of drooling office mates.
“Yeah,” Riley replied excitedly. “Just getting my coffee and going to go into the guest bedroom. I finished converting it into an office early this morning. Nothing fancy, just a card table and your gamer chair. We can get an actual desk and my own office chair when I get my first paycheck.”
“Yeah, no prob babe,” Ben said hurriedly, even though he was a little miffed that he wouldn’t have his gamer chair today. “Can we please make time for a quickie before you-”
Riley was already fervently shaking her head. “I don’t want to be late. I’m to log on promptly at 9am.”
“Will you get a break?”
Riley thought about that. She wasn’t sure. Surely she’d be able to walk away for bathroom breaks and a lunch. “I should be able to, yes, but I’ll know more once I log on as to what that looks like. We can probably have lunch together.”
The way she smiled at him while talking made Ben’s heart melt. He felt like some of the inexplicable distance that had materialized last night was dissipating. “I’d like that, babe. Yeah. I’ll make us something nice.” He remembered their diminishing food supplies and then said, “Like ramen.”
She laughed, and it lit up the room. “My favorite.” She moved forward to kiss him, but at the last second, swerved and walked by him. She didn’t want Ben to get the wrong idea, because kissing could lead to sexual intimacy, and her body belonged to Del Corp and its employees and clients.
That act had felt cruel to Ben. He didn’t like whatever this was. Everything had seemed normal for a second, and then she acted like a stranger towards him. He followed her into her new office area. They still had two minutes before she needed to log on.
Riley was opening up her laptop and about to sit down when she realized he was behind her. “What are you doing?” she snapped. “You’re naked, and you’re in my workspace! Are you trying to get me fired!”
“Why would it matter if I’m naked?” Ben argued. “It’s not like they’re gonna see me and-”
“But they might,” Riley said frantically. “I’m having a video chat with my team lead first thing! If he sees your penis, I imagine that’d be it for me!” She waved him away with both hands.
Ben’s shoulders slumped, and he left the room.
“Close the door!” Riley called after he’d taken a few steps from the office. “I don’t want you overhearing anything confidential.”
“It’s not like I’m going to sell your company’s secrets to a foreign power or-” but he stopped, because she was glowering at him. He just nodded, and shut the door. It was going to be a long day. He walked back to the kitchen and began to make himself breakfast.
Riley was staring at the monitor, waiting for her marching orders, when she saw an alert come up that she was receiving a video chat request. She clicked on it, and saw Marcus’s face. He looked very happy to see her. She pushed her chest out so he could see in the camera that she’d done like she’d been told.
“Hey, Riley, is there anyone in the room right now with you?” Marcus asked as he studied her low cut top very closely.
“No, sir,” she said confidently.
“Good. Are you ready for your field test?”
“My what?” Riley asked curiously. She remembered a video call, but didn’t know what the term ‘field test’ meant.
“In a moment, I’m going to upload into your body and have a look around your home. I’m going to dig into as much of your personal life as possible to make sure there’s no external plans or people that might pose a threat to Del Corp. It’s all company policy.”
Marcus loved telling her all this, knowing that she’d be forced to accept it.
Riley furrowed her brow. She didn’t want Marcus to be in her home. To be…did he say in her body? But even as she tried to resist, the nanites did their job, smoothing her face, making her compliant to his will. And why should she be? She trusted Marcus completely. “Whatever you need,” she said. “Does that mean I won’t be doing data entry today?”
“You will actually. At least, that’s what you’ll remember doing. That’s what you’re going to do right now. Pull up the data entry program and begin moving the numbers around.”
Riley did as she was told. A spreadsheet with several numbers came up and began to flash for her to drag it from one place to another.
Marcus saw on his tablet that she was following his instructions to the letter. “Good. Now I want you to look at it. Remember it. All you did today was work on this data entry program.”
“All I did today was work on this data entry program,” she repeated.
“Excellent,” Marcus said. “Stay there. I’ll be joining you very soon.” He disconnected the chat, and pressed more buttons. A large pod opened in front of him. He was in the upload room. There were 64 pods in here, and more were being added every month. Several were already filled by the retired sex workers on staff, such as his number two Doris. A few were also used by the occasional client who was willing to pay through the nose to experience life in another body.
That’s what Marcus would be doing for the next several hours. He’d be scouring Riley’s life. Making sure she posed no threat. He certainly hoped she didn’t. He was delighted to have her on his team. He’d enjoy being in her body. And he’d be getting paid very well to do it.
He pressed a button on his phone, and the pod shut, and began to hum.
70 miles away in her home, Riley’s bracelet pinged. Her eyes rolled up into her head, and heard herself saying, “Uploading. Uploading. Uploading. Upload complete.”
“Finally,” she said as she looked down at herself with a hungry smile. “Look at you, all dressed up for the job. Good girl.” Her hands came up and were a hair away from her chest when she stopped and looked at the monitor. Her fingers minimized the screen so she could see herself in the laptop’s camera. “That’s better,” she said.
She brought two eager hands to her chest. Marcus was reminded how good they felt when Avery had made him grope her yesterday. Now he had unfettered access to them. He was supposed to do a perimeter check, but he’d said she lived alone. He would explore her a bit first. Let himself feel the pleasures of her body. Then and only then would he begin a deep dive into her life.
Riley’s hands began furiously unbuttoning the few buttons she’d fastened on her top. There was still one to go at the bottom but she yanked it forcefully off, sending the last button plinking off the wall. The top landed on the floor. Her hands went behind her back, and for several moments, Marcus struggled to unclasp the bra. The nanites did not give him access to her muscle memory, and he had only uploaded a couple of times before as a part of his own training. Since he’d be uploading a lot more in the future though, he'd better learn how to remove a bra from this perspective more proficiently.
At last he was rewarded with the clasp releasing, and he felt gravity pull at the weight on Riley’s chest. The bra joined the blouse on the floor and two double D’s bounced in the monitor. Riley’s body was heating up exponentially, especially between her legs. Marcus wanted to touch there as quickly as he could, so he stood up from the chair and pulled the skirt down. He saw pink cotton panties underneath. Riley took a deep breath, then pulled those down as well. Neatly trimmed blonde pubic hair covered her slit. Marcus made her watch the monitor as her right hand went straight there. The middle finger felt the soft coarseness of the hair, and then her lower lips parted and there was only silky wet bliss.
“Fuck!” Riley called out louder than Marcus meant to. “You’re such a naughty girl, aren’t you? Masturbating on company time. Well, you’re gonna be doing a lot more than that soon.”
After being kicked out of her office by his wife, Ben had gone to put on a plain white shirt and gray sweatpants. He’d eaten breakfast and eventually ended up moping in their living room. It was a small two bedroom house. The office was adjacent to the living room. When Riley yelled ‘Fuck!’ Ben heard it. It took a lot to make his wife swear, so he assumed something was very wrong. He leapt up to investigate. He didn’t care about confidentiality in that moment, and pushed the door open. His jaw dropped. Her back was to him, but he had no problem seeing his wife on the monitor.
For a split second, he thought his wife was getting off to internet porn. But it wasn’t porn. It was her. She was recording herself on the laptop with her legs spread, her finger frantically rubbing her pussy while her other hand wildly fondled her boobs.
He’d never seen her behave in such a way. Was she doing this for him? So he’d have something to wank to while she was working? To him, it was the hottest she’d ever looked, and blurted out, “You’re so fucking sexy babe. Let me watch.”
Riley’s eyes had been closed as she slipped a finger deep inside herself. But they flew open as she heard the sound of a man behind her. She whirled around in the spinning chair, a look of annoyed confusion on her face. She made no attempt to cover herself, or even pause masturbating. All she said was, “Who the hell are you?”
To be continued…
Drynn Finestra had never thought about what would happen if he didn’t pass his wizard exams. It wasn’t something that was discussed much in the wizarding world. And as Drynn was from a lineage of skilled magic users, his family hadn’t discussed it at all. So it was with deep shame and regret that Drynn found out the hard way what happened when he bombed every exam during his seventh and final year at Hogwarts.
He learned the wizarding world really only offered two legal choices. He could live as a squib, allowed to perform minimalist magic. This would effectively crush his dream of ever opening his own potions shop. Or he could go to Mastiffus Dungus, a last resort two year wizarding school for overaged wizards who had washed out of their local magical schools.
Drynn had never heard of the place. It was just so unusual for someone to fail as spectacularly as he had. It had been his own fault. He had chased after a girl named Mara. They’d dated for two years. And then a week before the exams that would determine their magical careers, she’d dumped him. That hadn’t been the part that was his fault. He’d known it was probably coming. She’d been acting distant. Had said they wanted different things.
But even with these warning bells, when the hammer fell, Drynn had taken the break up hard. After wallowing in self pity for two days, he experimented with making a potion that would erase the memory of their relationship. He wanted the heartache to vanish, along with the memories of all their time spent together. He finished it the day before the exam, and downed it in one gulp.
He waited. And waited. But the memory of his ex girlfriend did not fade. It seemed that the potion had been a complete dud. But the next day, Drynn found that something from his memory had been erased. As he took each final, he found that almost the entirety of the lessons he’d learned that seventh year had vanished. Every spell, every fact, every new thing he’d learned over the past several months, it simply wasn’t there. The examiners were very disappointed that he couldn’t perform a single piece of advanced magic that he needed to pass. And he’d been too embarrassed to tell them, or his family, or anyone, why it had happened.
The effects of the potion were thankfully temporary. Drynn found the memories oozed into his brain slowly at first, and then as a flood, in the span of a few days. But the damage had been done. And now he had the choice of giving up on his dreams, or facing the shame of going to what was essentially a high school for over aged wizards where everyone is eighteen or older. Given those choices, there was really only one to make.
So that following September, an eighteen year old Drynn found himself taking a portkey to Mastiffus Dungus. He could apparate. He’d passed that exam halfway through his seventh year, but it had been revoked after failing. So he had to use a portkey to magically transport him to what turned out to be a very dilapidated looking castle.
He briefly wondered if he was in the right place, but there was a small sign, stuck in some mud and tilted at an angle, that let him know there was no mistake. As he walked through a silent and gloomy courtyard, he remembered years past, where he got to ride a train to school. And then cross a lake, or ride in a carriage. Those times had been so magical. As he walked up the dilapidated steps, that all felt like a distant dream.
He endured a brief orientation with twenty other fellow dropouts, most of whom he did not recognize. That wasn’t a surprise, as there were several other known magical schools. Good to know all their failures got shipped to the same place.
Amazingly, Drynn recognized one person right away. A former classmate by the name of Bastion Perch. Even thought they’d been in the same grade, Bastion was several inches taller. He had a massive frame, a chiseled jaw, and could probably benchpress the old gameskeeper. They hadn’t been close friends. They’d run in different houses. That being said, they’d shared a lot of joint classes together over the years. But the way that Bastion’s face lit up when he saw Drynn at orientation made it seem like they were long lost brothers reuniting after a long time apart.
Drynn hadn’t known Bastion had failed his exams, which gave him a little comfort that he hadn’t been the only one in his class that didn’t make it. And then he recognized two others, also from different houses. They were both girls. The cute red head was from Hufflepuff. He thought her name was Nitz. And he was pretty sure the stunning blonde was from Ravenclaw. They were supposed to be so clever, but she hadn’t graduated Hogwarts either.
Drynn and Bastion ended up with rooms across from each other in the boy’s dormitory, which solidified their friendship. They helped each other unpack and swapped stories of their old alma mater. As they headed off to the cafeteria, they complained at length at how demeaning it was that even though they were all now eighteen, the sleeping areas were still split up by gender.
There was no magical dining experience. No house elves that made meals magically appear at their table. They found they had to wait in line, with trays, for food to be slopped onto their plates. Like muggles.
They were contemplating where to take their unappetizing looking meal, when Bastion caught the eye of one of their other two former classmates. They had locked eyes for a second in recognition, and then the former Ravenclaw had looked away quickly. That was like an engraved invitation to Bastion, and he hustled over to their table, with Drynn in tow.
Bastion didn’t ask if the two empty seats were taken. He just sat down with his tray, mumbled a greeting, and then began shoveling food into his mouth. The Ravenclaw girl’s lip curled in disgust, but the other one gave a soft laugh and said, “Well, nice to see being in this dump hasn’t curbed your appetite Bastion.”
“Uh, hey,” Drynn said. “I’m-”
“Drynn Finestra,” the Ravenclaw girl said sharply. “We went to the same school for seven years. It would be stupid if we didn’t know each other’s names by now.”
“Y-yeah, right,” Drynn said as he suddenly became very interested in his food.
The Ravenclaw girl’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those idiots who only ever bothered to know the people in your own house.”
“Give him a break, Persephone,” the other girl said with an eye roll. “He only had eyes for his girlfriend all last year, remember? It’s understandable that he forgot about the rest of us.” As she stabbed something that resembled a potato on her tray, she asked, “Whatever happened to you and Mara? She was such a pretty girl, Drynn. Are the two of you getting married after you get out of this place of lower learning?”
As Drynn’s face fell even further down, Persephone sneered. “I take it you didn’t hear, Nitz. Our boy got dumped a few days before finals. Is that why you’re here? A broken heart made you go stupid?”
Drynn’s head snapped up to glare at Persephone. The problem was, he didn’t have anything to say. That’s exactly what had happened.
Bastion interjected with a mouth half full of food. “Hey, leave my guy alone. We’re all here because we fucked up in some form or another. Everyone knows I partied a little too hard seventh year, and my exams showed it. Nitz, I know that…”
“I’ll answer for myself, dear Bastion,” the red haired girl said sweetly. “My written exams were fine, but I, well, I overcompensated on three of the practical exams.”
“Which ones?” Drynn asked.
“Defense against the dark arts, Charms, and Potions. I knew what I needed to know. Had the wand work down cold, knew the words to say, and had memorized as much of the potions book that I could. But then I choked when I had my dark arts duel.”
“I heard that guy spent a week in the hospital,” Bastion laughed.
“It wasn’t funny,” Persephone argued.
“Then I went and got my wand signs mixed up during Charms and my partner, well…”
“I heard that girl spent a week in the hospital,” Bastion said as seriously as he could, but a smile cracked his mouth at the end.
“And then my potion-”
“Thank goodness the professor had an antidote handy,” Persephone interrupted.
“Wouldn’t have needed a hospital,” Bastion nodded. “Would have needed an auror, because that would have been murder.”
Nitz slapped Bastion’s arm playfully. “Oh, shut up. Everyone lived. The only downside is that, well, I’m here now.”
“So, why are you here?” Drynn asked Persephone coldly. “I thought all you Ravenclaw bunch were supposed to be smart?” The pretty blonde leaned towards Drynn with a scowl, and he tried not to stare at her exposed cleavage.
“Well sorry to disappoint you.”
“So what happened?” Drynn pressed.
“How about we just leave it at none of your business.”
They both stared at each other, as both decided they didn’t care for the other very much.
Then Bastion blurted out, “She got caught cheating.”
Now it was Persephone’s turn to go red. “That’s not true!”
“That’s not what I heard,” Bastion said in a sing song voice.
“Fuck you!”
“Hey, hey,” Nitz said holding up a hand to both of them. “It doesn’t matter. We’re all here now. Wouldn’t it be better if we got through the next two years as friends?”
Persephone looked at Bastion like she wanted to shoot a killing curse right between his eyes. Then she glanced at Drynn, and her eyes did not soften. Then she looked at Nitz, and then exhaled sharply from her nose. “I…I suppose you’re right. It would be good to have allies in this hellhole. Especially to ensure we all pass our exams at the end of this.”
“Allies, sure,” Drynn nodded and held out a hand to Persephone. “But not friends.”
For the first time, the hint of a smile appeared at the corners of Persephone’s mouth. She accepted his hand and shook it, then did the same with Bastion’s outstretched hand. “But not friends,” she agreed.
By the end of the week, they were thick as thieves. And by the end of a month, Drynn didn’t know how he’d ever gotten by without them. It was good they had each other, because their comradery helped them through what turned about to be immensely frustrating classes. For the most part, they weren’t difficult. That was part of why they were so frustrating. They were often treated like second or third years, going over subjects that they had learned as children. But here it was again, being taught to them like they were simpletons. Drynn at first thought his intellect had advanced significantly during their first few homework assignments and quizzes. Then he realized the subject matter was just stuff he’d learned forever ago.
Most of the teachers were dull and acted like they wanted to be there less than the students. But not all of them. There were a couple of standouts that made for an enjoyable class. There was Professor Galstik who was charismatic and very handsome. And he really seemed to enjoy teaching at Dungus. He was also just a few years older than they were, and seemed to easily connect with his students. All of this caused him to be very popular among the ladies of the school.
An equally popular teacher, especially the young men, was Professor Sindla. She was a very curvy, formerly famous witch, who had modeled in her early twenties for various advertisements in the Daily Prophet. Many a young wizard had clipped her out of the paper and stuck her to their walls to watch her sell some product or another in a tight, revealing outfit that accentuated her bust line.
As a teacher in her mid forties, she no longer wore such scandalous clothing, at least not in front of her students. But she still had an amazing figure. Young men were always asking her for extra tutoring or volunteering to help her clean up after a spell went awry. A brave few even asked her out, but to Drynn’s knowledge, any and all advances had been firmly declined.
Drynn got to know several other students, but not as many as Bastion. He seemed to want to get to know everyone, especially the women. He thoroughly enjoyed chatting up the witches from other countries. Nothing got lost in translation because Persephone bewitched a bracelet for him so he could understand and be understood by every foreign language spoken at Dungus. He used it to great effect. By the second month, he had slept with at several of the prettiest students. His real quarry, Professor Sindla, seemed out of his reach though, at least until he found out about Drynn’s proficiency in potion making.
“What!” he exclaimed as he was sitting on Drynn’s bed. He had been trying to transfigure Drynn’s pillow into an iguana, but could only manage turning it into a salamander. “You can make any potion?”
Drynn smiled at his friend. “I didn’t say any potion. I said I could make a lot of them.”
As Drynn’s pillow turned salamander crawled onto Bastion’s leg, he asked excitedly, “Can you…can you make polyjuice potion?”
Drynn laughed. “I can, yes. I did it once before in my sixth year. But it is difficult. And I’m not just talking about getting all the ingredients. It’s also something you have to get special permission for after what happened at Hogwarts.”
“Are you talking about when the guy spent that year as another guy before trying to kill the chosen guy?”
“Yeah, that’d be what I’m talking about. It can still be made, but in limited quantities, and only for household use.”
Bastion smirked. “What kind of household use?”
Drynn flushed. “I mean, probably like, you know, bedroom stuff.”
“Bedroom stuff! Ha! Look at you man! You’re too embarrassed to even say it. People use it to fuck their partners while looking like other people they want to fuck.”
“I’m, yeah, I’m sure that’s probably it.”
“So you can make it, but you never used it like that?”
“You mean for sex?”
Bastion looked at him in disbelief. “Yeah, for sex. You…you have had sex before, right?”
Before he could say a lie, Drynn’s hesitation gave him away, and Bastion’s eyes went wide.
“You mean to tell me you’re a virgin! I thought you and Mara were all hot and heavy?”
“We did stuff, sure. But, well, she never let me go all the way. Look, can we not make a big deal out of this?”
“You’re right, you’re right,” Bastion said nodding enthusiastically. “But do you know how many of the chicks here would bang you if they knew that you’ve never popped your cherry? So many. I could set it up tonight. Just say the word and-”
“I’m good. Thanks.”
Bastion went still, and looked like he was thinking harder than usual. “So, could I ask you a favor though?”
“What’s that?”
“Could you like, make me some polyjuice potion?”
“It could get us kicked out of here, Bastion.”
“No one’s going to know, man. I’ll get you everything you need. You just have to make it, and that’ll be that.”
Even though Bastion cajoled and begged, Drynn still refused. The next day however, the conversation got brought to their lunch table.
“Hey Persephone, if you could fuck anyone you wanted, who would it be?” Bastion asked.
“I can fuck anyone I want, meathead,” Persephone smirked. “Look at me. I’m hot as fuck. My brains are just the icing on the cake.”
“Not everyone,” Bastion said, pointing towards Professor Gastlik who was chatting up a table of girls nearby. They were hanging on every word he said.
Persephone gave a wistful sigh. “Only because he’s decent enough to not fuck his students.”
“But what if you could anyway.”
“Oh I’d definitely take him for a whirl. I bet he’s got monster under those robes.”
Nitz giggled. “Like a basilisk?”
“Or maybe a phoenix.”
Drynn looked confused. “A phoenix?”
Persephone winked at him. “Yeah. You think he’s done for, but then he’s able to go another round.”
“That’s the dream,” Nitz sighed.
“They make spells for that, don’t they?” Bastion asked.
“They make lots of stuff for that, Bastion,” Nitz said helpfully. “Potions mostly. But what brought on this whole sexually charged line of conversation. Are you hitting a slump with the ladies?”
Bastion looked offended by the very idea. “Absolutely not. I just wanted to know what you thought. The both of you. Just what you would do if you could have sex with someone that seemed out of your reach?”
Drynn found he was having trouble looking at Nitz or Perspephone in the eyes during this whole conversation. But when Bastion finally posed the question to them, he looked up for a moment to see what Nitz would say. To his surprise, she was looking right at him. The second their eyes met, she glanced away and met Bastion’s gaze.
“Haven’t given it much thought,” she answered.
“But there is someone you’d let under those short skirts you wear all the time?”
Nitz rolled her eyes. “Get to whatever point you’re trying to make right now, Bastion.”
Bastion looked back and forth between the girls a few times, letting the suspense build. Then he leaned forward, and motioned for them to do the same. Their faces were very close to the middle of the table when Bastion whispered, “Our boy here can make polyjuice potion.”
“What!” Persephone shrieked.
“Neat!” Nitz said in wonder. “That’s supposed to be pretty advanced stuff.”
“Yeah, and like, illegal,” Persephone objected in a much quieter tone.
“It’s not technically illegal,” Bastion corrected. “I checked. It’s very frowned upon, and might get you probation or a fine if they catch you misusing it, but not illegal.”
“Well it’s close enough.”
Bastion smiled at her, then took something out of his pocket. He held it up to the others, who stared at it curiously. It was a hair. He placed it in the middle of the table, and looked at Persephone. “Want to know who that hair belongs to?”
“Why would I-”
“It’s Gasltik’s. The teacher you and all your friends have been drooling over since the start of term.”
No one said anything. They just stared at it. What Bastion was suggesting was starting to sink in.
“It was easy enough to get,” he continued. “People leave hairs all over the place. This one was on his desk. It could transform me into a perfect copy of him. Just one hair, dropped into a complicated brew that Drynn happens to know how to make, and we can look like anyone we want.” With a flourish, he gestured towards the whole of the school and emphasized again, “Anyone.”
That kind of idea is dangerous, because it burrows under the surface and puts down roots. Their little group couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was there when they were trying to study. It kept them up at night. It was one of the first things they thought about in the morning. The magical ability to look like someone else. To feel what it was like to be in their skin. Or to have access to the unattainable. For Bastion and the girls, fantasies and scenarios began to run on loop in their minds.
The only one seemingly immune to the idea, was Drynn. Much to his friends’ dismay, he didn’t want any part of it. He made it very clear that he wasn’t looking for love in this place. A failed relationship had landed him here, and he wasn’t going to let it happen again. Bastion tried to let him know he wasn’t talking about love, but it was still too close for Drynn.
The girls both said they understood, and Nitz backed off. Way off actually. For a time, they only saw her at meals. She said she needed to focus on her arithmancy assignments, which were still proving a challenge for her the second time around.
Persephone, however, did not back off. If anything, she pushed harder, even offering him a hefty amount of galleons. The answer had still been no. Bastion assured him that he didn’t have to drink any of the potion. And he promised to do as much of the prep work as possible, even helping to brew the potion once all of the ingredients were gathered. That had made Drynn laugh. He’d seen his friend make a potion once. They’d had to evacuate the school that day.
Despite Drynn’s refusal, Bastion started placing the ingredients for polyuice outside his friend’s door. Drynn would sigh every time he saw another ingredient show up. He surprised himself by not throwing any of it away, but reluctantly took them all into his room. It didn’t mean he was going to make it. It was just easier to take it inside instead of arguing about it. When Persephone started helping gather the supplies, Drynn became worried, because in a matter of days, all the materials were there, and they both began trying to persuade him with renewed vigor. Drynn’s resolve was weakening, but he didn’t want the trouble the potion might bring.
Then one afternoon, Nitz approached Drynn at the end of the day’s classes. She was very excited. They’d all just passed their disapparation exam. This meant that their right to disapparate had been reinstated, at least locally. They could now officially disapparate anywhere in the boundaries of the school and in select, discreet areas of the nearby town. This was a big deal to all of them. It was another step towards being seen as competent witches and wizards.
Nitz said they should celebrate by disapparating for a trip to the local muggle coffee shop. But she didn’t ask their friend group, just Drynn. Drynn naturally looked around the common room to ask if Bastion or Persephone wanted to celebrate with them as well. Oddly, they were already together nearby, staring at him. The second he saw them, they both looked away, and before he could say anything to them, they both disapparated from the room.
Despite what his examiners and most of the teachers in this school thought, Drynn wasn’t stupid. Based on his friends’ reaction, he smelled a set up. He turned back to Nitz, about to ask her if this was meant to be a date, but she had a pitifully cute expression plastered on her face. The kind that said, please say yes or I’ll die. Drynn sighed and decided not to ask. If there was any doubt, he’d assure anyone who’d asked that they had just wanted to disapparate somewhere, anywhere, and happened to be together. The fact that Nitz was generally fun to be around and had an ability to silence Drynn with her cuteness would not get brought up.
The pair appeared in a vacant square that had enchantments on it that made muggles not see it properly, especially if someone just seemingly materialized out of thin air. From their it was a hundred yards to a quaint little coffee shop. They walked in and placed their order, and Drynn insisted on paying. The problem was he still hadn’t figured out muggle money. Apparently, he hadn’t brought near enough. He thought the paper money was worth more, but it turned out some of the papers were worth more than others. Nitz assured him it was okay and handed the cashier a piece of rectangular plastic. Drynn was amazed as the pretty barista behind the counter took it as if it were the most normal thing, and that seemed to do it. But she didn’t keep the thing, she gave it back to Nitz. Drynn had so many questions.
As soon as they were out of earshot at a table with their drinks, Drynn asked, “So, you just show them that card thingie, and they give you whatever you want? But they don’t keep it? They give it back to you?”
“I don’t fully understand it either,” Nitz said. “Persephone gave it to me the other day and said it had plenty of muggle money on it. She said I just needed to present it to whoever takes the money, and that should be that. It worked just like she said it would! We don’t give muggles enough credit sometimes.”
“No, no I suppose not. So…have you gotten caught up with your arithmancy?”
Nitz’s face reddened. “Not really. I hate that subject so much, and I worry that I might fail again.”
Drynn smiled at her sympathetically. “How can I help, Nitz? You want me to tutor you or-”
She scrunched up her face and blurted out quietly, “I’d like you to make the polyjuice potion!” She saw that he was about to protest, so she hurriedly added. “I’m just so stressed out right now, and when I think about what we could use that potion for…” Nitz’s face reddened.
“Yeah, yeah,” Drynn said dryly. “You could sex away your troubles by banging one of Dungus’s hottest students. Or teachers.”
Nitz looked at him intently for a moment, then bit her lip as she looked away shyly. “I…I wouldn’t need to use the potion if I thought the person was at all interested in me.”
“How could they not be? You’re great Nitz. And don’t let this go to your head, but you’re pretty cute.”
Nitz sat up straighter at that and beamed at him. She started to reach across the table for his hand, but he became distracted by someone yelling outside at the far end of the cafe. Drynn thought he saw movement through the large glass window, but couldn’t make out any particular face or what was going on.
He refocused on Nitz and continued casually, “If I weren’t still trying to put my shattered heart together after last year, I might have made a move on you myself.”
Nitz’s hand froze a hair’s breath from the hand that held Drynn’s coffee. Drynn did notice this, and saw her hand slowly retreat back to her side of the table. He also noticed her whole countenance change. She looked sad, or hurt. Had he said something offensive?
“That’s sweet of you to say, Drynn,” she said quietly. She began fumbling with something in her bag. “I just, look, if you’re still worrying about getting in trouble with the whole polyjuice thing, I’d be willing to lend you one of my family’s magical artifacts to help you out.”
That piqued Drynn’s curiosity. “A magical family heirloom! Cool! I’d love to see it.”
Nitz looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to them, she pulled on a chain that she always wore around her neck. Drynn had never seen what was attached to it, but as it came out of her shirt, he saw that it was a small golden hourglass. She gently put it on the table in front of her.
Drynn knew what it was immediately, and wrapped his hands around hers to hide the object from view. He spoke in a hushed voice. “Nitz! That’s a time turner. How do you have a time turner? The Ministry of Magic destroyed all of them.”
Nitz was looking at Drynn’s hands. Drynn’s hands that were on hers. She made no move to pull away. “They destroyed all that belonged to the Ministry. This one has belonged to my family for centuries.”
“But…aren’t they illegal to own now?”
Nitz giggled, and glanced down at their conjoined hands. “More like highly discouraged. Sort of like polyjuice potion. Would you like to try it out?”
Nitz had no idea how much Drynn wanted to try it out. He had wished he’d had one a thousand times over the last year. He wanted to undo so much. He took his fingers, and gently pulled Nitz’s hands apart to peek at the time turner. He’d heard about the dangers of time travel with these things, but he would have gladly faced them to undo so many regrets. He never thought he’d get a chance to see one, and now he was being offered the chance to use one.
“I would love to try it out,” he whispered. “That is, if you think we can do it safely. When should we…”
Before he could finish, Nitz had taken one more quick look around, then leaned forward and gestured for him to do the same. When he did, she looped the chain around his head, connecting them.
Drynn began to panic. “You’re not going to do it right here are you?”
But his question was answered a second later, as Nitz gave the little golden device a turn. Drynn felt very odd, like he was sitting on a broom that was going very fast, but also very backwards. He also felt like his stomach had left his body. And then the table felt solid again, and the seat didn’t feel like it was moving underneath him anymore. Their drinks had vanished, and the barista was focused on taking the orders of a woman that had just appeared.
“C’mon. Out the back. This way!” Nitz said excitedly as she pulled him from the table. They went out the other door at the end of the shop, and Nitz pointed at the window and told him, “Okay, now look.”
Drynn was at a loss. “What? Did we…are we back in time? What am I looking for?”
Nitz looked at her watch. “Shush. Just give it a second or two, and…there. Look who’s coming through the door.”
Drynn watched as identical copies of himself and Nitz walked into the coffee shop. He watched as they placed their orders, and watched the other version of himself fumble with muggle money. “This is so weird.”
“But cool, right?” Nitz asked hopefully.
“Oh, so cool!” Drynn agreed. “Can we go say hi?”
Nitz shook her head. “No, because you don’t know I have this yet. Something could go terribly wrong, like you could accidentally kill yourself. I’d be fine, because I know I have this. I’ve interacted with myself loads of times.”
“Really? What have you gotten up to with yourself?”
Nitz went red and began to stammer, “Nothing, just…stuff. Just like, helping organize my room or doing homework.”
“You’re joking!” Drynn said with a twinkle in his eye. “If you actually used it for homework, we wouldn’t be here.”
“I always, uh, mean to help myself with homework, but I often get…distracted.”
Drynn cocked his head and looked at her. “You distracted yourself from doing your homework? How did…” As he noticed her face get even redder, and how she couldn’t meet his eyes, he finally got it. “No way! You used time travel to get yourself off?”
“Shut up,” she hissed. “It’s…it’s just like a form of masturbating, just with more hands. And a mouth that know exactly where to…” She sighed wistfully, then shook her head. “Let’s just drop it, okay.”
Drynn did not want to drop it. If anything, he wanted every detail imaginable. But this was not the time to ask. Because he had just traveled back in time, and it was awesome. “I don’t think I’d kill myself. I think I’d be fine,” he argued.
“You really can’t know for sure. It’s very possible you’d try to attack yourself, or create a whole paradox of some sort.”
“And nobody wants that,” said a familiar voice behind them.
“What the-” Drynn yelled. And then he was being pushed away from the window by identical copies of himself and Nitz.
“Careful,” the copy of Drynn said. “You almost saw yourself in the window there.”
Drynn’s mouth fell open. It had been his future self he had heard earlier at the table. “This is so cool! But when did-”
“You really wanted to say hi to yourself,” future Nitz said with a smile and an eye roll.
“Of course he did,” Nitz agreed.
“When?” Drynn asked.
“In the future, dummy,” future Drynn laughed. “Right after this conversation.”
“I…is it always this confusing?” Drynn asked.
“You get used to it,” future Nitz said.
“Has Nitz told you any more details about her hookups with herself?” Drynn asked.
Future Drynn smiled, but before he could reply, two very red faced Nitz’s exclaimed, “We never should have told you that!”
Then future Nitz looked at her watch and said, “Oh, we need to get out of this area. You’ll be time traveling soon.”
“Right, thanks!” Nitz said, as she put the chain over Drynn again.
“Wait, so is this…is this when we time travel again?”
“Stop asking so many questions and just go with it,” future Drynn said.
“Yeah, you don’t have time. You’ve got some polyjuice potion to make,” future Nitz grinned.
Future Drynn nodded slowly and said, “I suppose I do.” A second later, he and future Nitz disapparated out of sight.
“You ready?” Ntiz asked.
“This is so bizarre,” Drynn said
“Welcome to time travel,” she grinned.
“And you’ll just…you’ll just let me borrow this thing?”
“Yes,” she said.
“If I make you guys a batch of polyjuice?”
“That’s the deal.”
“Only if I get to say hi to myself.”
Nitz laughed as she gave the device a little turn.
As time rewound around them, he saw a blur of the events that just happened. The sound was warped and backwards, but as it slowed, he heard a voice, Nitz’s voice, say, “It’s very possible you’d try to attack yourself, or create a whole paradox of some sort.”
Drynn cut her off by saying, “And nobody wants that.” He remembered what came next. Even as he heard his past self yell, he looked into the coffee shop, and sure enough, his past past self was about to look their way. He shoved himself out of view. And then he had a very familiar conversation before he eventually said, “I suppose I do.” And then he and Nitz turned, and vanished on the spot.
They reappeared in their common room. Drynn was overwhelmed, but also very excited to see what he could get up to with the time turner. As Nitz took it off discreetly and handed it to him, he asked, “But wait? Isn’t there a future version of us here now? The you and I that disapparated here earlier?”
“It doesn’t work like that?” Nitz giggled, and then she lowered her voice and said in an attempt of an American southern drawl, “Time is a flat circle.”
Drynn laughed, but then said, “But…but I still don’t-”
“Don’t try and understand it, Drynn. Just have fun with it. Now get to making that polyjuice.”
Drynn nodded, and went to his room. He had a potion to brew.
With all the ingredients already assembled, brewing the potion itself took him just over 24 hours. It might have taken him longer if he had been allowed to make any mistakes. Three times his future self had appeared and let him know he was about to stir the cauldron’s contents the wrong way, or that an ingredient had to be brewed for 18 hours, not 17, or that he’d cut an ingredient he was supposed to mash. He’d corrected the problem he was about to make, then gone back to warn his past self, and then watched his past self correct the problem, and then go back and warn his past self. A flat circle indeed.
At last near the end of the next day, the potion turned the proper consistency of mud and a dark greenish color. Drynn did not tell his friends that it was finished. He planned on letting them know in the morning that he had been successful. Then they could spend the rest of the day figuring out how to use it. He knew that wouldn’t be hard for Bastion. Along with the ingredients, he had been collecting hairs from various students, and teachers, all of which were in a suitcase he’d left in Drynn’s room, along with several vials ready to hold a small amount of potion. Bastion probably had an order and set list of fantasies to act out. When it came to hooking up, Bastion was very organized.
Drynn was thankful that no one else knew that he had a large batch of polyjuice potion, and he wanted to keep it that way until he could give it to his friends. The dark green sludge bubbled slowly. It looked perfect. It smelled nasty, just as it should. He hoped it made his friends happy. He also hoped that Nitz would let him keep the time turner for a good long while.
A part of him wondered if he should…if he should test the polyjuice potion, to make sure that it worked properly. But no, that hadn’t been his intention. He was doing it for his friends. His friends and temporary time turner privileges. He didn’t want to get in trouble. Besides, who would he turn into? He put the idea out of his head, finished his homework, and went to bed early.
Knock knock.
The sound on the door was slight, but enough to rouse Drynn from his sleep. Then he heard the sound of something sliding under his door. He sat up quickly and reached for his wand on his night stand.
“Lumos,” he whispered. His room was bathed in light. He looked at the floor, and there was a piece of parchment at the foot of his door. He picked it up. If he had been fully awake, he might have noticed the handwriting was very familiar to him. It read:
“You are invited to a polyjuice party tonight at the space of specification. Bring the time turner. Go now.”
Drynn’s head reeled. This had to be from Nitz. No way had she told the others about the time turner. He leapt up and raced to his door. He peered up and down the hallway. No one was there. He retreated to his room and shut the door. As he put on a fresh set of robes, he wondered what this was all about? Nitz was the only other person who knew about the time turner. But what if someone else had seen him use it? What if it wasn’t a secret? He’d always been so careful, except when they had been at the coffee shop. And how was there a polyjuice party tonight when it was still in his cauldron on the floor? He double checked. Yes, it was still there. Had someone else made a batch? And now they were just inviting everyone in the school? That didn’t make any sense! What did make sense was that somehow, somebody knew more than they should. He needed to find out what was going on, and make sure that he and his friends didn’t get expelled.
Drynn’s feet carried him quickly to the space of specification. It was what they called the room at Dungus that was sort of a catch all for whatever a student needed. If you needed to relax, the room created bean bags, hammocks, scented candles and soothing music. If you needed to have a dance party, it lined itself with speakers and a stage. It was whatever you needed. Supposedly Hogwarts had its own version, but Drynn had never been to it, because you apparently had to walk up and down a certain way and say some password or something that Drynn had never learned.
He could have saved himself some time by disapparating directly into the space of specification, but he was trying to catch a glimpse of whomever might have left that note. Plus, he didn’t want to magically appear into what might be an attempt to blackmail or expel him.
He passed empty corridor after empty corridor. Climbed several vacant staircases. He heard and saw no one, until he got to the sixth floor. The space of specification was at the end of the hallway from the last set of stairs. He passed a set of men’s and women’s toilets midway to the room, and thought he heard hushed voices. He hesitated. It was coming from the women’s. As he tried to make out what they were saying. It sounded like a disagreement. But then they stopped talking suddenly. Immediately after, he heard the telltale pop of two people disapparating.
As the bathroom would no doubt be empty, he carried on stealthily towards the space of specification. He double checked his surroundings. He was alone. It was quiet, but he could already hear noises coming from inside the room. He pressed his ear against the door and listened hard for anything that should give him pause. What he heard was the sound of passion.
He heard moans and grunts. Panting and cooing. And a plethora of dirty talk from what seemed like a room full of people just going at it. Maybe this was the real deal. Maybe this was an actual invite from some other student who had made their own batch of polyjuice potion.
Drynn tried to open the door quietly to take a peek of what his ears told him was a full blown orgy. But the door creaked loudly, and suddenly all those sounds stopped. A voice called out, “Get in here Drynn!”
They were expecting him. Was he the last to arrive? How did they know he’d come? All the questions stopped as the inhabitants of the room came into view. There were several men and women, all of whom Drynn knew, most very well. They seemed to be the most attractive students at Dungus, both girls and guys. But it wasn’t just students. He saw the muscular figure of Professor Gastlik, and the seductive body of Professor Sindla. His eyes kept bouncing rapidly around as he saw more than one version of Bastion, Persephone, and Nitz in the room. But what stood out more than anything else, was that every single person in the room didn’t have a stitch of clothes on. And everyone was in the middle of fucking or being fucked.
There was silence for a few beats as Drynn took all this in. Then as if on cue, everyone in the room cried, “Hi Drynn!” And then they went back to fucking each other as if Drynn walking in on all of them in a state of sexual frenzy was just the most normal thing in the world.
Drynn wanted answers, but his body was signaling that it might want more than that. The sight of so much flesh gave him a throbbing erection, but he wasn’t the type to just shuck off his clothes and jump in. He briefly thought about running, and even took a step back. As soon as he did however, Professor Sindla called to him from the middle of the room. She was on all fours on the floor, and was was being fucked from behind by Bastion nice and slow.
“Come over here, young man,” the voluptuous teacher commanded. She sounded like she always did while she was calling on a student to answer a question. The difference was that she was getting the full length of Bastion’s cock plunged into her pussy every few seconds, which caused her big tits to sway hypnotically.
Drynn couldn’t help but stare at them as he drew closer. The professor must have noticed, because she snapped, “My eyes are up here, Mr. Finestra.”
His eyes quickly found hers, and he saw Bastion stifle a laugh in his peripheral vision. “That’s a good boy,” she moaned, looking intently at Drynn as Bastion slammed into her. “I know how much all the males here love staring at my tits. And now that they’re here completely exposed and right in front of you, swaying back and forth while your friend fucks me from behind, I must say I’m impressed by your level of self…Oh! Nope. Your eyes are back on my tits again. Back up here, Mr. Finestra. There we are. Look at me while I’m speaking to you. You have some questions you’d like to ask, am I right?”
Drynn swallowed hard. It was taking a lot of willpower not to look down at her jiggling boobs. He couldn’t help but wonder if he’d get to-
“Ask your questions and I might let you suck on them,” she purred.
Drynn’s eyes went wide at the prospect. He let a question tumble out of his mouth. “Is that really you, Professor Sindla?”
She gave a laugh that turned into a moan before she answered. “You’re not allowed to ask who anyone really is at a polyjuice party.” When Drynn gave her a puzzled look, she pulled away from Bastion. She stood up in front of Drynn and brought her mouth to his. She parted his lips with her long, sensuous tongue, and his hands instinctively began to explore her body. She broke off the kiss and pulled his hands to her breasts. “No, I’m not really the professor, Drynn. But does that matter? I look exactly like her. I feel like her. I taste like her.”
She made a sweeping gesture at the writhing bodies around her. “None of these people are their actual selves, that’s the whole point. Everyone can toss their inhibitions aside and enjoy the bodies of their crushes, their fantasies. And by the way you're groping me, I bet you’ve had a crush on me, haven’t you Mr. Finestra?”
“I…yes.” Drynn stammered.
“Yes, Ma’am,” the professor corrected.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Drynn repeated. “So, who sent me the invitation?”
“All will be revealed in due time. But there is a bit of a clock on this potion, and before it runs out, I think there’s someone you’d like to meet.”
She gently spun him around, and Drynn’s heart sped up at the vision before him. It was his ex-girlfriend Mara. How could Mara be here? She was naked. Her curly brown hair fell to her shoulders. Her smile was the same he remembered. At one time he would have walked across hot coals for that smile. And now she was here. But it wasn’t her. How could it be her? She’d graduated Hogwarts and moved on with her life and was probably dating some successful wizard who’d had common sense enough not to flunk all his final exams.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Mara whispered as she gently stepped forward and took his hand. “I know you miss me. I know I broke your heart. I know there’s a million things you’d like to say to me, or would like to undo, or redo in our relationship. You can say anything to me right now. You can do anything to me right now. I’m here to give you the closure you need to move on.”
Drynn heard the words but was having trouble processing them. She was so close. And she looked so good. He wasn’t aware, but his breathing had become shallow and loud as his eyes drifted over her. He’d loved her for more than her body, but her body was also a treasure in and of itself. The thought of being able to say, or do anything to her right now was overwhelming. He didn’t know where to start, where to begin.
So Mara, or the person that looked exactly like her, took the lead. She led him to the far corner of the room where an empty bed sat, almost as if it had been reserved specifically for them. Unbeknownst to Drynn, almost every eye watched as they went. By the time they arrived at the bed, they had all looked away and refocused on their own partner, or partners as was the case.
Mara began to undress him quickly, and in seconds Drynn was as naked as everyone else in the room. He tried to cover his erection, but she gently moved his hands away and let her fingers slide up and down his shaft with one hand. Then she lay back on the bed, and spread her legs for him. She brought her hands up to fondle her boobs, pushing them together for him. She continued to squeeze them with one hand, while the other went to her face, where a finger slid into her mouth. It went in and out a few times, before it quickly dropped to her pussy lips, which parted for her fingers. She began to pant and lick her lips. She saw how enthralled Drynn was at every little thing she did. She had his undivided attention. It was like they were the only ones in the room.
“Please fuck me, Drynn,” she moaned. “I need your cock inside of me. Please. Please give it to me. You can touch me anywhere you want. Fuck me however you’d like. Just give me your big, throbbing cock.”
Drynn lowered himself to her. He was about to lose his virginity, at an orgy, at school. He could live with that. He tried to enter her, but he couldn’t quite find her entrance.
She smiled at him. “Let me help.” Her hands encircled him, and guided him to where he needed to be.
He felt her warmth and wetness as she slid him up and down her pussy lips. Then he gave a small, tentative thrust with his hips, and he felt her tightness as his dick went into her. His breath caught, and for a moment time stood still.
“That’s it, Drynn. You’re inside of me. And it feels amazing. Please, go deeper.”
And go deeper he did. Balls deep in fact. And then he pulled out a little, and then pushed back in. It felt amazing. Why had he waited so long? Sex was great! He was having sex! With Mara. Something he’d dreamt about doing with her every day when they were married. But she’d dumped him. She’d dumped him and they would never be married and…. His hips began to slow as an unexpected wave of sorrow hit him.
“Hey, no,” Mara panted. “Don’t slow down. Keep fucking me. Keep fucking me and know that if I had really, truly been in love with you, I would have stayed. But I wasn’t the one for you, and you know it. We grew apart that last few months together. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. The spark just left. I know you loved me, oh! Oh yeah! Yeah. Good. Right there. You loved me, but we weren’t meant to be. And it hurts so much because I was your first love. I need you to let me go. But first I need you to-”
Drynn felt the explosion build from within as his balls tightened. Then his dick began to pulse and he let out a long groan. As soon as he did, the whole room burst into applause, cheers and whistles.
He smiled sheepishly at them, then looked down at his ex and asked a question guys have been asking since forever after their first time. “Was that okay?”
“It was lovely, Drynn,” Mara said as she pulled him into a hug. “You lasted about as long as I expected. But don’t worry, next time you’ll last a little longer.”
Drynn pushed himself up so he could look at her. “Next time?”
She wiggled out from under him and sat up. Then she bent over and picked up Nitz’s time turner he still wore. “You’ve got this, remember?”
Drynn’s eyes went wide. “You want me to relive this? But how would that even work?”
“Why don’t you disapparate to the men’s bathroom down the hall and find out.”
“What? What’s in the men’s…” he stopped as he noticed Mara’s skin begin to ripple. He almost panicked, but then remembered that it was just the polyjuice beginning to wear off. He looked around.
Everyone had finished fucking and were standing, and all of their skin was rippling. People’s hair was shortening everywhere and changing color. Professor Sindla’s large breasts were deflating rapidly. Professor Gastlik’s abs began to look more like a single ab. And they were all looking at him and smiling. It was a pained smile. The transformational effects of polyjuice were not a painless process, but clearly all the people in the room were pleased with themselves, or, pleased with him for some reason.
He looked over to Mara, but she hardly looked like herself anymore. Her boobs had also shrunk, and had she gotten taller?
“Go now Drynn!” she ordered. But her voice was deeper, less feminine.
Drynn shook his head. “But I want to see who you all really are.”
As her hair became darker and shortened into her scalp, she said in a masculine voice, “Right, I forgot. You don’t go of your own accord the first time?” With a quick motion, she reached out and gave his time turner a turn.
Right before the room began to spin, Drynn said, “Wait, are you actually a dude?”
And then he was in a dark and empty room. It was the same room, just a different time. The polyjuice party hadn’t started yet. But he could do it all again. He’d get to fuck Mara, again. As he looked down at his spent penis, he hoped he could. He was sure once she was in front of him he’d be able to rise to the occasion. But…if he knew she was actually a guy, would that affect his ability to do it with her.
Instead of dwelling on that, he disapparated to the men’s bathroom down the hall as he had been instructed. It was also empty. And then suddenly it wasn’t. He watched a person who looked exactly like himself appear directly in front of him. The second he did, Drynn heard pops from the direction of the other closed stalls around him.
Drynn was glad it was himself he was looking at, because he was still very much naked. His clothes were on the floor in the other room in the future. Then he wondered if this was actually him he was looking at, or… “Hey, are you…are you me? Or someone that drank-”
“Shh, no time, here,” his doppleganger said as he popped open a familiar looking briefcase full of vials of dark greenish polyjuice.
“Hey, that’s Bastion’s case,” Drynn exclaimed.
“You don’t miss a trick, do you,” the other Drynn smirked. “Now pick one and drink up.”
“Polyjuice party, idiot. If you want to go back in that room, it’ll be as someone else. Now pick!”
Drynn thought he was beginning to understand. He hadn’t seen another version of himself in that room, so of course he would come back as someone else. That prospect excited him, and he felt his dick stir. He reached for a vial in the middle, only for his other self to smack his hand.
“Not that one,” his twin laughed. “Pick another one.”
Drynn laughed back. “Fuck you. I want that one.”
“You’re not ready for that one. Maybe next time.”
Drynn looked at the vial that he supposedly wasn’t ready for. “Well fine then.” And he grabbed a different one. He gave it a swirl, popped the cork, and downed the nasty liquid. It tasted truly awful. As soon as he had swallowed it all, he felt like he was going to be sick. And then his body began to change. He felt like his skin and bones were stretching as he grew a few inches. He looked in the mirror and watched his black hair shrink to a tight crew cut and turn blonde. He knew who he was becoming.
“I’m Bastion!” he exclaimed, already in the deeper voice of his friend.
“That you are!” the other Drynn chuckled. “And I believe you have a date with a hot teacher.”
Drynn’s new chiseled jaw dropped. “No way! Am I the Bastion that got to fuck Professor Sindla?”
“You sure will be.”
“And…and you know this because…because you’re a future version of myself?”
The other Drynn smiled. “Who else would I be?”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“If you want to go again after this, disapparate into one of the stalls here and drink the potion that’s there.”
“How many times do I do this?”
“That’s up to you.”
“But…you know, don’t you?”
The other Drynn sighed. “I forgot how much I like to ask questions.”
“And what about my…” Drynn said as he nodded down at his deflated cock.
“Oh right, thanks for reminding me.” The other Drynn took out a vial filled with blue liquid from the pocket of his robes and held it out to Drynn. “Drink this and…”
Drynn snatched it and unstopped the cork. “I know what it does. I made it last week for Bastion so he could keep up with the demands of his social life.”
“Didn’t need it though, did he. Good thing, cause you will. Now get going. You’re going to have a good time, and maybe learn something about yourself. You can trust me. I wouldn’t lie to myself.”
“I would hope not.”
“Go. You should be in there already.”
“Right!” Drynn said enthusiastically.
“Be sure to give those big titties a squeeze for me!” the other Drynn smiled.
There was a brief sound of muffled laughter all around him, and then several pops.
“Sure will!” Drynn said. He disappeared a moment later.
He reappeared back in the space of specification. It was no longer empty. There were several people now, and everyone was still naked, but nobody was fucking. Yet. Drynn noticed Professor Sindla, and they locked eyes with each other. She looked like she was waiting for him specifically. Drynn made a beeline to her in the center of the room, and she gave him a predatory smile.
“Well hello, Bastion,” she said. “I hear you’ve been wanting to get your hands on my voluptuous body for some time now.”
Drynn paused. “Uh, is that okay?”
As an answer to his question, she turned around, and got on all fours on the floor. Then she lifted her ass in the air and presented it to him. Drynn sank to his knees and gripped the sides of her hips. He tried to insert himself into her, but didn’t quite know the mechanics, which was very frustrating. His dick was fully reinflated, and he could feel the heat of her wet slit, but he couldn’t quite enter her. After a couple of tries, she rolled over for him and said, “I forgot, you’re not very experienced yet. Why don’t you try this way first? Get that dick wet, and put your mouth on these forbidden titties.”
Drynn pounced on her, and on the first attempt, he found her pussy entrance. It all felt so different this time around. He did have a different dick, but it was also Sindla’s pussy. It was gripping him. And she was looking at him like he was a meal she couldn’t wait to devour.
“Don’t forget my big tits, Bastion,” she said firmly. “You’re always looking at them in class. Get your mouth on them.”
Drynn obeyed. First he buried his head between them. He’d fantasized about being buried between her cleavage, and now it was a reality. Then he licked from the middle of her chest to her right boob, and stopped at the nipple. He swirled his tongue around it and sucked. Then repeated the process on the left breast. All while her pussy pulsed around his hard cock.
“That’s right,” she said encouragingly. “They’re quite the mouthful, aren’t they. Ooh, and has your dick gotten even harder while sucking on them. I think it has. You’re so big inside me. So big. This is the best dick so far. Even better than Gastlik’s.”
“What? Have you…”
She pushed him off before he could finish the question, and spun around. “Mount me, Bastion.”
“You’ll be able to do it this time. I know you will. And you’ll like how my pussy feels even better in this position. It’ll feel so tight. You’ll love it.” When nothing happened, she looked over her shoulder and said, “It’s okay. You can trust me.”
A weird sense of deja vu passed through Drynn as he heard those words. But it didn’t last, because Sindla’s hot ass had hypnotized him as she began to sway it back and forth, side to side. He put his hands on her hips again, and she raised her ass higher for him. He was determined to do it right this time. He took his cock in a firm grip. It really was much bigger than his own. He edged it forward, poking blindly at first, but then felt hot wetness encircle the tip. He pushed ahead a little more, and he heard her moan. She pushed back into him in turn, and he was suddenly deep in paradise. She had been right. It was tighter. He pulled out a little, then went back in.
“That’s it,” she said in a ragged voice. “Just like that. Do your hot professor doggystyle. I’m your bitch now. Fuck me hard from behind.”
And then the door creaked. And someone in the room yelled, “Get in here Drynn!”
The door opened, and Drynn saw the strangest thing that anyone can see while fucking a polyjuiced version of their hot teacher in the middle of a magical orgy. Drynn watched as his past self peered into the room, open mouthed. Drynn smiled, as he knew exactly the thoughts that had been rolling through his head in that moment. He knew what was coming next, and after a few beats, he joined in with a bunch of other voices that cried out, “Hi Drynn!”
He thought this was hilarious now. He knew that he’d soon be in front of himself as he fucked Sindla, and he made sure to go nice and slow. He brought his dick almost all the way out of her, then shoved it all the way back in hard. Then slowly brought it out again, and found a nice rythym. Every time he slammed into her, her big titties swung back and forth in front of her. Drynn remembered seeing them from a different angle last time, and liking it a lot. There was about to be a conversation between past Drynn and Sindla, all while he was fucking her from behind. This was now officially the best night of his life.
Drynn kept pumping while he heard Sindla say loudly and firmly, “Come over here, young man.”
He loved her authoritative teacher voice. She was so fucking sexy. He never wanted this to end.
“My eyes are up here Mr. Finestra.”
Drynn stifled a laugh. He much preferred being on this side of the conversation. The side with his dick in Sindla’s pussy.
“That’s a good boy,” she moaned. “I know how much all the males here love staring at my tits. And now that they’re here completely exposed and right in front of you, swaying back and forth while your friend fucks me from behind, I must say I’m impressed by your level of self…Oh! Nope. Your eyes are back on my tits again. Back up here, Mr. Finestra. There we are. Look at me while I’m speaking to you. You have some questions you’d like to ask, am I right?”
Drynn couldn’t see her tits right then. But he could sure see her perfect ass.
“Ask your questions and I might let you suck on them,” Professor Sindla purred.
“Is that really you, Professor Sindla?” Drynn’s past self asked.
Sindla laughed, and as she did, Drynn felt the vibrations up and down his cock. He pushed into her as deep as he could, and the laugh turned into a moan.
“You’re not allowed to ask who anyone really is at a polyjuice party.” And then she moved forward, and let Drynn’s hard cock fall out of her.
Damn. Drynn had forgotten about that part. He watched though, silently, as Sindla stood up and kissed his past self. He watched as past Drynn began to explore and grope her body. He put a hand on his cock and stroked himself.
“No, I’m not really the professor, Drynn. But does that matter? I look exactly like her. I feel like her. I taste like her. None of these people are their actual selves, that’s the whole point. Everyone can toss their inhibitions aside and enjoy the bodies of their crushes, their fantasies. By the way you're groping me, I bet you’ve had a crush on me, haven’t you Mr. Finestra?”
Drynn realized he was becoming jealous watching his other self grope those big tits that had been in his mouth minutes ago. He wanted to get back to fucking her.
“I…yes.” past Drynn stammered.
“Yes, Ma’am,” the professor corrected.
“Yes, Ma’am,” past Drynn repeated. “So, who sent me the invitation?”
“All will be revealed in due time. But there is a bit of a clock on this potion, and before it runs out, I think there’s someone you’d like to meet.”
As past Drynn turned, Drynn saw her again. He hadn’t noticed her this second time either. She had been leaning against the wall near the door, apart from the orgy. She had been waiting for him. Drynn felt a brief pang of hurt in his heart, and then Sindla was in front of him again.
“Lay down on the floor, young man,” she ordered him.
He did, and watched as she positioned herself over his dick. Then she slowly, half inch by half inch, sunk down on top of his member. When he was all the way in, she lowered her tits towards his face, and told him, “Suck.”
His mouth opened, and he greedily attacked her boobs with his tongue and mouth. As soon as he did, she used her hips to bounce and gyrate atop him. He didn’t last very long after that. He felt the pressure build. He felt her pussy squeeze him. He heard her cry out in ecstacy and her body quiver. And then he was cumming. And cumming. And everything was amazing.
Sindla collapsed on top of him and asked, “Are you going to go again?”
“I…you know about the time turner? Were you the one who-”
“If you do, you should disapparate into the women’s bathroom this time.”
“But I thought I was supposed to go back to the-”
“Just trust me. You’ll love it.”
Suddenly Drynn’s skin began to ripple. Sindla’s was as well. To his dismay, her boobs were rapidly deflating. He looked over at his past self, who had finished having sex for the first time. He smiled at the thought. And then he watched as Mara, or the person who sort of looked like Mara, turned Past Drynn’s time turner for him. He heard his past self say, “Wait. Are you a dude?” right before he disappeared.
He looked at Sindla with a smirk. But she wasn’t there. She had disapparated. He thought about what she’d told him. The girl’s bathroom. It wouldn’t hurt to check. He almost used the time turner, but then remembered to disapparate first. A second later, he found himself in the girl’s bathroom. There was no one there, but he thought he heard movement from one of the stalls. Since he didn’t want to be caught naked in the middle of a girls’ bathroom, he used his time turner.
The room spun, and then he felt the ground solid underneath him. He heard movement still from the stalls, but got distracted when a clothed version of himself appeared in front of him. He opened the briefcase full of vials and pointed at the one Drynn had tried to take earlier. The other him said, “Hey, I see you made it to the girls bathroom. Still want to try that other vial?”
To be continued...
Author's note:
What a great idea for a story. I really like writing this one, and have already started the next chapter. I'm working backwards from the ending, so it will hopefully flow together nicely.
Please consider becoming one of my supporters here at outfoxstories. It helps keep me writing!
There comes a time in every marriage where the spark dims, or goes out entirely. For some, it can happen very quickly, over the course of a few months or years. For other couples, it can take much longer, but at some point, it is inevitable. It doesn’t mean the love isn’t there. It just means that the romantic fire is smoldering, or about to go out altogether.
Peter and Christine were in that season of marriage. They never thought they would get there, and perhaps for good reason. They had said their vows in their early twenties, and were still very much in love after 42 years. They weren’t in the best of shape, the wrinkles were plentiful, and everything seemed harder to do. But they’d say they were happy, and if asked, would say they wanted for nothing. But that wasn’t entirely true. Because they both felt their marriage was in a slump.
The love was still there, but the sex life had wained. This is something that for so many years they would have thought impossible. They felt their sex life was richer than most, especially since they were both bodyhoppers.
Their first date had been while inside other people’s bodies, as had their second. For the third they met up in real life, and had been together ever since. They hopped many people all throughout their relationship, and lived out each other's fantasies in any body that caught their eye.
There were certainly lots of people to choose from. They could be anyone, their neighbors, the clerk at the grocery store, the waiter at a local restaurant, a random passerby, or a person at their place of employment. Peter had fucked so many of his secretaries that he’d lost count.
And there was the problem. It all felt the same now. Even their ability to be anyone new had become a rut, because after a couple of decades living in the same town, they had been there, done that. Was this how they were to spend their golden years? Just come home, drink wine, watch television, and sleep. And the problem would just get worse when they retired in a few years. What they needed was to renew the spark. Could they? Is that what they wanted at this stage? Or would it just be better to coexist in a loving but sexless marriage?
Peter especially had felt this for a few months. As he poured his wife a cup of coffee that particular morning, he decided they should finally talk about it.
“You know,” he started carefully. “It’s been awhile.”
Christine half heard him as she cracked his eggs. Her husband liked his eggs cooked in a very specific way. It was both endearing, and a little annoying, because if they weren’t perfect, he wouldn’t eat them. He really should have learned to cook his own eggs by now. But no. Like so many other things, she was always the one to do it because he proved too incompetent. She was sure he could have mastered them by now, especially folding laundry, if he just put in the same effort he did with his hobbies. But he hadn’t when they were young, and so why would anything ever change. She was stuck making his eggs until one of them died.
As the eggs sizzled and marital complaints ran through her mind, her only response was a mumbled, “Put it on the calendar.”
“You want me to put our sex life on the calendar?”
“I…what? No! What are you on about?”
“It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?”
“Since what?”
“Since we’ve had sex.”
“With each other?”
“Yes. But also, as other people.”
That answer gave Christine pause. They hadn’t hopped someone to have sex in long while. They used to do it all the time in their first couple decades of marriage, multiple times a day, whenever they got half a chance. It had lessened after that, both getting swept up in the busy of life and preferring to relax at the end of the day. When was the last time they had bodyhopped someone for sex?
“Didn’t we hop the Johnson’s?”
“Yes, what for my birthday last year, right?”
“The Smith’s?”
“For your birthday two years ago, I believe.”
“Oh, what about the Parker’s?”
“Is your memory alright? That was ages ago!”
Christine sighed. “I know. But we had really great sex in them, didn’t we?”
“I suppose,” Peter agreed. “Maybe if we hadn’t hopped them after work for a month straight they wouldn’t have lost their appeal.”
“Or maybe if they hadn’t gotten old like we did.”
“So that brings me back to my question. When was the last time we had sex?”
“I…I don’t know. Oh damn it! I’ve ruined your eggs.”
“That’s okay, I don’t have to-”
Her glare made him change course.
“But I will, I will eat them, because I love you so much,” Peter finished.
“Smart man,” she smiled as she scraped them onto a plate. As she started making her own, she asked, “So what are you proposing?”
“Well, I mean, I think we should have sex.”
“I gathered that much. You want to do it now, or after breakfast.” It was as romantic as scheduling a trip to the store.
“Are you in the mood right now?” Peter asked curiously.
Christine pursed her lips. “Not particularly. You?”
“Me neither.”
“Part of getting older I guess.”
“But when did that happen?”
“For me it was probably after the millionth load of laundry, or maybe thinking about all the repairs that need done to this house. Or one of the other hundreds of things that I’m thinking about all the time.”
Peter nodded. “For me it's just, well, I come home, and I don’t even think about sex.”
Christine furrowed her brow. She felt the same way. “And no one does it for you out there anymore?” Christine gestured to the outside world. “No people you want to hop, or make me hop?”
“I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’ll think about it every once in a while. But not as much as I used to. And when I do, it’s fleeting. By the time I get home from work, it feels like another thing that I, we, keep putting off to do other things.”
“Oh, speaking of work. I’d better get going. I’ve got a meeting.”
Peter checked his watch and made a face. “Me too. I guess we can pick this up later.”
“Don’t forget your eggs.”
“I’ll be late.”
“But you’ll be alive.”
Peter paused, then quickly ate his eggs under the watchful eye of his wife.
As the hours passed that day, both husband and wife would ponder this conversation. It was one of those brief interactions that gnawed at both of them. They both wondered, was the other person getting bored of them? Why had they stopped pursuing each other as they had in the past? Both took note of the people around them throughout the day, and briefly fantasized about their significant other hopping them for a sexual liaison. Every person they saw, no matter how attractive, barely moved the needle.
Peter arrived home from work first and poured two glasses of wine. He looked at the dark red liquid in the glass. As he did, he wondered if he should pick up that morning’s conversation, or let it lapse.
Two minutes later, Christine practically burst through the door. She moved quickly to where she knew her husband would be and picked up her glass of wine. She downed it in two gulps, and then said, “I’ve been thinking about it, and I think we should hop the next couple we see, and fuck.”
Peter took a sip of wine and shook his head. “Look, I wasn’t trying to upset you this morning. We don’t have to rush into anything. It’s been a long day and-”
“No, no, you were right earlier,” Chrstine said firmly. We are in a rut. We’ve become boring.”
“There’s nothing wrong with boring,” Peter argued.
“Boring is fine sometimes. But is that’s what our marriage has become all the time. We used to take chances, and hop someone at the slightest hint of arousal. Let’s step outside of our comfort zone and try something new.”
Peter sighed. At their age, when they assumed an incorporeal form, their range was limited. “So you want to go out? Cause new is several miles in any direction.”
“We could pick one of the neighbors.”
“I thought you said new.”
Christine crossed her arms as she thought about potential candidates. The well really had run dry all around them. Even if there was someone that piqued their interest, it would still be the same. Their sexual proclivites over the years had been very vanilla by other bodyhopper standards. But still, it should be this hard to convince her husband to go out with her to bodyhop and fuck someone. The situation was really more dire than she thought.
“Well, we need to get out there and start looking?”
“That’s the problem isn’t it. I haven’t seen anyone that gets me going anywhere recently. Maybe we find someone if we go into the city. And you know how that story goes. I have to fight city traffic. We take forever to find someone we like. And if and when we find a pair we can agree on, we have the logistics of getting somewhere private to have sex, and that’s a whole thing. And then it’s late, and I have to fight traffic on the way back. And then we’re both tired the next morning-”
“I get it, Peter. But we can’t just shove this under the rug. It might take some effort on our part. It’s not like the perfect solution is just going to show up right outside our door.”
Peter was about to respond, when a series of loud beeps echoed up and down their street. It was the familiar cry of a large truck signaling its intentions to back up. Peter and Christine went to investigate, and saw a large truck pull into the driveway across from their house. Two men wearing a moving company logo exited and opened the back of the truck to unload it.
Two car doors slammed, and Peter and Christine noticed two other people. A man and a woman had parked their car along the curb, and were heading towards the house. The woman put her arm around the man’s shoulder. The man reciprocated, and they gave each other a side squeeze. They began talking. Peter and Christine couldn’t hear what they were saying, but they appeared very excited.
The man went back to the car and began to retrieve a couple of bags from what Peter now saw was a very full car. The man was young, probably in his early twenties. He had fair skin and short brown hair. He wasn’t muscular per se, but the way he lifted the bags, Peter knew he was fit. He probably had abs. Christine loved men with abs.
The woman came to the trunk and took out a small cardboard box. Christine noticed two things about her right away. The first was that she was very pretty, in a girl next door kind of way. She had a very cute face, and long hair a shade darker than the man’s. The second thing she noticed was that she was for sure older than the man. If she had to guess, at least 9 or 10 years older. That wasn’t a big deal when you got to be Christine’s age, but she’d bet that woman had been accused of robbing the cradle when they got married.
“What are you thinking?” she asked her husband. She saw that his eyes had fixated on the woman.
Peter looked at his wife and winked at her. “I think the woman’s my type.”
Christine smiled. “I know she is.”
“And what are you thinking?” Peter asked.
“I haven’t had that young in years,” Christine mused. She arched an eyebrow. “I bet he’s got a lot of stamina.”
“So, shall we go introduce ourselves to the new neighbors?”
By the time the older couple crossed the street, they were already fantasizing about the many different sexual positions they would put the other couple in. Peter had to stop himself and think about work so he didn’t appear too aroused. A pitched tent did not make for a good first impression.
They were on the front lawn when the couple reappeared from the house, on their way to grab another load. They saw Peter and Christine, and the woman beamed at them.
“Are you the welcoming party?” she asked.
“Only the first wave, I’m sure,” Peter said. Now that he was closer, he tried not to stare at her ample chest which strained under a lavender shirt. He looked forward to seeing this woman naked.
Christine was having the same thoughts about the man, but saw that she was perhaps mistaken about his age. He was even more attractive up close, but now she thought he might be 20, or…even 19. Was that too young? And how old was the woman then? Because she appeared a few years older than she previously thought, like 33 or 34. That was a large gap at that age.
She extended her hand to the woman. “I’m Christine, and this is my husband Paul. We live right across from you. Happy to see someone finally moved into this house.”
“Oh we are happy to be here,” she said, taking Christine and Peter’s hands in turn. “My name’s Sara, and this is Mark.”
Mark took the cue, and also shook their hands. “Pleased to meet you,” he said, then began rifling through the contents of the car. He carefully extracted a fragile wooden clock. “Where do you want this, Mom?” he asked.
Peter and Christine stiffened at this question. For them, the idea of incest had always been off the table.
“Um, so, uh,” Peter sputtered, wanting to make absolutely sure he had heard correctly. He pointed towards Mark who was already heading back to the house with the clock. “So he’s…not your husband?”
Sara laughed. “Oh heavens no. He’s way too young for me. And also he’s my son. That’s why he calls me mom.”
Christine nodded her head like this made perfect sense. Without thinking, she said, “He seems younger up close.”
Sara thought that was an odd thing to say. She must have communicated that with her face, because Christine quickly added, “You both look young. Everyone looks young at our age.”
“Sweet of you to say,” Sara said graciously. “I’ll be 35 this year, so compliments like that keep me going.”
“So, will your husband be along shortly?” Peter asked insistently, and with less tact that Christine would have liked.
Sara’s face tightened a little. “My husband died a long time ago, unfortunately.”
“Well, we’re sorry to hear that, dear,” Christine said sympathetically.
Peter’s face looked like he was trying to solve a challenging riddle. “But…you look too young to have a son that old.”
“You two are just full of compliments!” Sara said, beaming again. “His father and I were high school sweethearts, and I had Mark when I was still a teenager. I was younger than he is now when I had him.”
Despite new reservations, Chrstine was still trying to do the math. “So, Mark is how old exactly?”
“He’s 18,” Sarah replied. She was beginning to feel like she was in an interview. “He seems older because he’s been the man of the house for so long. It’s been just the two of us for almost his whole life.”
“I see,” Peter and Christine said in unison.
The couple did not want to dally now, and looked for a way to excuse themselves without appearing rude. As Mark reappeared to collect more items from the car, Peter piped in, “Well, we don’t want to interrupt you while you’re moving. Lots to do I suppose.”
Before she could stop herself, Christine offered, “Unless you would like any help?”
Peter silently cursed his wife. She knew about his bad back. And he knew about her bad knees. What did she expect them to do that would actually be helpful?
During this meeting, Sara had also been giving her neighbors a bit of an appraisal. They seemed nice enough. But as far as helpful moving candidates, they might be a little past their prime. The husband looked like he might have a heart attack if she asked him to do any manual labor. Probably best not to chance it. Plus, there was something a little creepy about the way they had looked at her and her son. She had caught Peter staring at her chest repeatedly. She didn’t like it, but given her figure, she had lived with it for most of her life. What she hadn’t appreciated was how Christine had looked at Mark like he was a piece of meat, right up until she told them they were mother and son.
She began filling her arms with more odds and ends from the car. “You know, I think we’ve got it. But thank you!”
“Oh, okay, we’ll let you get to it,” Peter said quickly. And the couple turned and walked back to their house.
Sara cocked her head as she watched them go. Maybe her intuition was off. They clearly meant well, coming over to meet them and offering to help. Maybe she was just tired from the trip. She shouldn’t make such rash judgments against her neighbors. She pushed the thoughts aside and focused on the task of moving into their new home.
Back across the street, Peter and Christine were discreetly watching from each end of the living room curtains.
After a minute, Chrstine gave a heavy sigh. “Well, I guess it was too good to be true.”
“So we’re for sure ruling them out?” Peter asked regretfully. “I mean, you did say the next guy and gal-”
“They’re related,” Christine said sharply. “And not distantly. They’re mother and son. About as close as it gets.”
“I know, but-”
“How is there a but? We’ve always had that rule, Peter. No incest.”
That should have been the end of it. They should have explored other options, or turned on the television. But they both stood rooted to the spot, and continued to stare across the lawn. Peter watched intently as Sara hurried to get another load from her car. Her breasts bounced rhythmically as she hurried her steps. It was a warm summer afternoon, and she paused briefly before lifting anything to wipe her brow with her short sleeve.
Mark did something similar on one of his trips, but Christine watched, entranced, as the young man lifted the whole front of his shirt to wipe the sweat. She saw the outline of abs. Young, eighteen year old abs. She unconsciously licked her lips.
After what could have been a few minutes or a few hours of spying on their new neighbors, Peter suggested, “Maybe…maybe we try it anyway.”
Christine tried to swat him, but couldn’t quite reach without looking away, which she didn’t want to do. “No! We’re not going to go there.”
“In all our years, we have done a lot of kinky stuff. But we’ve sure never done that before. And you’re the one who suggested we try something new.”
Christine shook her head, not that her husband noticed, as his eyes were devouring Sara’s legs at the time. “I didn’t mean that.”
They kept watching, then Peter put out another proposition. “What if we take turns hopping them?”
“Right now? While they’re all hot and sweaty?” Christine said this like it was a bad thing. But she wouldn’t at all mind running her hands all over the front of Mark’s perspiring body. And she wouldn’t stop with her hands.
“No, of course not. We’d pick another time when they don’t have so much going on.”
Christine honestly thought about it, but then shook her head. “No. It’s more fun to bodyhop as a couple. And no one feels left out that way.”
“Well then let’s just hop them both and we can…we can just look at them while we make them masturbate.”
Christine didn’t like that Peter’s propositions kept turning her on. Regardless, she stuck to her guns. “I said no, Peter. We’ll find someone else. Someone that isn’t related.”
“I could go hop Mark tonight and-”
“You’re not listening, Peter. Maybe that’s part of our problem.”
“I thought our problem was we stopped having sex.”
“And that’s all my fault, is it? What about you? You’re always too tired after coming home. You don’t want to go anywhere or do anything. It’s pretty difficult to try something new if you won’t put forth some effort!”
Peter pointed across the street and his voice grew louder. “I’m not too tired for this right here! It’s something we’ve never done, and I’m more than willing to try it!”
“Because it’s something only the most degenerate bodyhoppers do! Remember? We always thought it was disgusting.”
“I mean, almost all bodyhoppers would qualify as degenerate then. All of them we’ve run into seem to have a incest story or two. Maybe we shouldn’t knock it before we try it.”
Christine gasped. “The last time a bodyhopper brought it up, you said the very idea was appalling.”
“I was just saying what I thought you wanted to hear.” He regretted the words as soon as they tumbled out of his mouth.
Christine shot him a withering look. “Well, I guess I thought you were better than that. If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll retire early tonight.” She swept from the room, taking the rest of the bottle of wine with her.
“So does this mean we’re not having…” He left the rest of the question hang in the air.
It didn’t hang there long. “Not tonight!” she yelled. “I’m no longer in the mood.”
He almost yelled after her that this wouldn’t be any different than any other night. Almost.
Both tossed and turned restlessly in bed. Both found their thoughts returning to the new neighbors and the tempting possibilities there. One kept trying to put it out of her mind. When Christine bodyhopped, she loved to become the other person as much as possible. To talk like they talked, to act like they acted, and fuck like they fucked. To take on that role of a mother and then…it was out of the question. Even if the son was the sexiest thing she’d seen in some time.
Mark, on the other hand, wasn’t trying to convince himself not to. He was thinking of a way to push them both into uncharted waters without ending their marriage. And he had an idea.
The next morning, Christine woke up first. She looked over at her snoring husband for half a minute, decided she still loved him, and lightly kissed his cheek. That was as far as she’d go in way of an apology right that second. He stirred and reached for her, but she backed away and got out of bed. As she put on her light pink robe, she decided she’d also go as far as to make sure Peter’s eggs weren’t burnt this morning.
The second Peter heard his wife’s footsteps on the stairs, his eyes popped open. He looked at his alarm clock. He had time. He quietly got out of bed and cracked open a bedroom window. He closed his eyes and concentrated. It had been awhile since he took on an incorporeal form. It took him longer than usual, but that was like everything else he did at his age. Finally, after several seconds, his body seemed to evaporate and become a transparent mist. He floated out the window, and swirled across the street towards their new neighbors’ house. He shot through the front door keyhole and began gliding room to room. In an upstairs bedroom, he came upon Mark, still asleep in bed with his mouth slightly open. The mist rushed towards Mark’s mouth, and a second later, Mark’s body twitched. He coughed once, then his eyes flew open and he sat up.
It felt so good to be in a young body again. Peter studied the room through Mark’s eyes. He saw a box marked clothes. He rushed to open it. He found a new shirt, but no pants. He saw yesterday’s on the floor, and quickly put them on. He raced downstairs and was headed towards the door, when a familiar voice called, “Mark?”
Peter halted in his tracks, and turned Mark’s head towards the sound. It was the very cute neighbor, Sara. Or more appropriately at the moment, Mom. “Yeah, Mom?”
She looked at him with cheerful curiosity. “I thought you’d probably sleep til noon. What got you up so early?”
Peter tried to keep from staring directly at Sara’s chest, but it was difficult. Her hair still looked bedraggled, but it didn’t take away from her sex appeal at all. He realized too late that he was getting an erection and turned away from her. “I don’t know. Just felt like an early breakfast.”
“So grab some cereal and pull up a chair next to your mom.”
“I, uh, felt like eggs this morning,” Mark said with a hand on the door.
“We don’t have any eggs yet. I haven’t gotten a chance to go to the store.”
Mark smiled. “I know. I was going to go borrow some from our new neighbors.”
Sara frowned. “Okay, tell them I said hello.”
“Most definitely,” Mark agreed as he slid out the door.
Christine had just dropped the second egg in the sizzling pan when the doorbell rang. She was in a robe, but was in no state to be opening the front door. She thought about yelling for her husband, but by the time he put clothes on and stumbled downstairs, whoever it was would be long gone. She sighed and headed towards the door. She wondered who it could be? Were they expecting a package? It still seemed too early for that.
She made sure the robe was tight around her, and opened the door. There stood the new neighbor boy, wearing yesterday’s jeans and a green shirt with a band’s name she’d never heard of. He was smiling politely at her, but didn’t say anything, so she took the initiative. “Yes, Mark was it?” As if she didn’t know and hadn’t thought about running her tongue up and down his body. Can I help you?”
“Oh, uh. Sorry for coming over so early, ma’am. I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“No, no. I was making breakfast. Oh shoot, I’ve got to get back to my eggs. Come in, come in.”
“Thanks,” he said as he followed her inside and shut the door. “That’s actually why I’m here. To see if I could borrow some eggs.”
Christine was glad it was something simple. “Of course. Yes, yes. Help yourself to as many as you need in the fridge,” she said as she pointed to the refrigerator on her right.
The kitchen had an island in the middle for prepping food, storage, and trash. Mark could have gone around the island on the right, directly to the fridge. But instead, he went to the left, which put him in very close proximity to Christine.
She didn’t notice this until he was brushing past her. He was so close she could smell his musk. He obviously hadn’t showered since yesterday’s move, but it wasn’t altogether unpleasant.
“Excuse me,” he said as he passed. He put his hand briefly on her lower back. The area where he touched radiated warmth.
As he opened the refrigerator door, she let out the breath that had gotten lodged in her throat and asked shakily, “So, all moved in?”
“Yup,” he said as he began looking through the contents of the fridge.
Christine watched him closely. She couldn’t see his face, but could make out his backside. She’d bet anything that he had a very tight, good looking butt. “So what brought you and your mom to our town?”
“Well, I got accepted to the local college here, which I’ll be starting in the fall. And my mom got a transfer from her bank management job to a branch here, so I’ll still be able to live at home and help her however she needs.” He took out the egg carton and shut the door.
She looked away from his direction quickly. Had he seen her perving on him? Was he going to take the rest of the eggs? “Well, it sounds like you’re a very good son. I hope that, oh shoot!” she yelped. “Not again!”
“What’s wrong?” Mark asked concernedly.
Christine gave a sad chuckle as she looked at her pan. “Oh nothing. Just ruined my husband’s eggs for the second day in a row.”
And then she felt strong arms wrap around her waist. She felt something hard poke against her behind. Mark’s hot breath tickled her ear, as he said, “I know of a way you could make it up to him.”
For a moment she was too stunned to speak. Her body was responding, as it felt his strong arms around her, and a hardness that made her wet. But she knew the truth, and with a sharp intake of breath, she exclaimed, “Peter! What are you doing in the neighbor boy?”
“Why don’t you turn around and find out.” He loosened his grip as she spun about.
As she did, she concentrated and so she could see the face of her bodyhopping husband. It made it easier for her to yell at him that way. “Peter, what have you done? I thought we agreed that the new neighbors were off limits!”
“I just wanted to show you what you’re missing darling,” her husband’s voice said. And then he looked down.
Christine followed his gaze, and saw that her husband had seen fit to take Mark’s dick out of his pants. It was thick and long. She hadn’t seen one that nice for a long time. She didn’t realize it, but her breath had quickened, and one hand was reaching out to touch it. At the last second, she stopped. “We…we can’t.”
“Sure you can. You clearly like this body. It’s right here in front of you. You can touch it all you want. Here.”
A strong hand grabbed Christine’s and wrapped her palm around Mark’s cock. She gave it an instinctive squeeze, and got to hear Mark’s voice moan appreciatively. She stroked it once, then twice. She felt him tug at the knot in her robe. It parted for him, and she felt a strong hand paw at her sagging breasts. He leaned in close, his lips almost to hers.
Then all at once he pulled back. His rigid penis withdrew from her hand. As it went, she reached out for it, but her husband was already tucking it back into Mark’s jeans.
“Thanks for the eggs,” Marks’ voice said as he retrieved them from the counter.
“Peter! Are you going to leave me in this state?” she asked angrily.
“I’m not really in the mood,” Peter with a wink and his voice. Then he shut the door.
Right when Mark stepped back inside his own house, mist leaked out of him. A few seconds later, he wondered why he was standing in their entryway, sporting an erection and holding a carton of eggs. He had a vague recollection of getting them from the neighbors, but everything else was like a dream that he could not recall.
A few minutes later, Peter came downstairs from their bedroom, fully dressed and ready to go to work.
“Here’s your eggs!” Christine snapped as she pointed to a plate’s white and yellow rubbery contents.
Peter ignored the eggs. He pulled his wife into an embrace, and kissed her passionately. She was still angry at him, and definitely sexually frustrated, but she kissed him back anyway.
“C’mon. That was kind of fun, right?” Peter teased. “And no one got hurt, did they?”
“Oh, someone will get hurt if you do that again.”
“So you don’t want to see Mark’s cock again? Don’t want to hold it in your hand? Don’t want it inside of you?”
Christine narrowed her eyes and huffed. The problem was, that’s exactly what she wanted, but she didn’t want her husband to think that he’d gotten to her. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Now eat your eggs.”
Peter did eat the overdone eggs. And that night, they made love in their own bodies for the first time in many weeks.
“Peter, Peter,” Christine said insistently the next morning to her slumbering husband.
“Yes. What?”
“I’m determined to fix your eggs right this morning, but someone took them all yesterday. Can you go get some?”
Peter stretched and yawned, then said, “I suppose I can make a run to the store before work.”
“No, just go across the street and ask for some of ours back. You took the whole carton, remember? There were still seven in there. I just need two.”
“Okay, okay. Let me get dressed.”
“Thank you. And be quick so we’re not late for work.”
Had his brain fully cleared, he might have asked why his wife didn’t go ask. He also might have wondered why his wife wasn’t in the kitchen when he came downstairs. The fact was, she wasn’t in the house at all anymore. As soon as she left their bedroom, she hung up her bathrobe in the bathroom, and dissolved into a transparent mist. She zoomed out of the house, to the neighbor’s front door, through the keyhole, and began looking for her quarry. Christine found her coming out of the shower. Perfect.
As the doorbell rang, Christine looked at her newly acquired naked and dripping wet body in the foggy mirror. “I can’t answer the door like this, or I’ll give him a heart attack.” She wrapped a large towel around herself, and headed towards the door. She opened it and put on one of Sara’s huge smiles and said to the man gaping at her, “Howdy neighbor.”
Peter’s eyes were all over her. He couldn’t stop himself. She was covered, yes, but there was still so much flesh. Water still dripped from her hair, her legs. His mouth remembered that there was a job to do. “Eggs,” he rasped.
“You need some eggs. Well come on in,” she said, and gestured for him to come inside. “I wouldn’t want to give any more neighbors a free show. Just imagine what would happen if this towel suddenly decided to fall off.”
And then Peter watched as it did just that. The towel hit the tile floor, and there stood Sara with a very embarrassed look on her face.
“Oh my! I’m so sorry!”
She bent quickly to get it, and Peter did the same. His hand was a little quicker, and it grasped the damp fabric. But he couldn’t lift it, because her foot was firmly on it. A warm, slightly wet foot. A foot connected to a very attractive, very naked woman. And she was looking at him with a seductive smile.
“Maybe I don’t need a towel just yet,” she purred. Then she took his hand and pressed it firmly against her supple breasts. “You don’t mind, do you?”
Peter nodded dumbly. Then his mind registered the obvious. He concentrated, and saw his wife’s face inhabiting the young mother. He smiled. “I see you’ve had a change of heart.”
She pressed against him, feeling his hardness on her skin. “What can I say? I felt like being a couple decades younger this morning.” And then she kissed him. She felt his hands grip her, then begin to travel over her body. Before they could get very far, she broke off the kiss and pushed him back. ‘Nuh uh, mister. Now it’s your turn to feel frustrated.” She retrieved the egg carton from the refrigerator, being sure to put a little extra sway in her hips as she went. She gave them to Peter and said with a smile, “Why don’t you take those back to the Missus.”
“But, we could just…”
Sara gave him the look, and even without seeing her actual face, he knew his wife wouldn’t allow him to push. He dutifully took the carton. He was backing towards the door, slowly, so as to drink in as much of Sara’s body as possible, when he heard Mark yell from the adjoining hallway.
“Mom! What’s going on?”
Sara quickly reached for the towel and covered herself. She turned sheepishly to Mark and said, “Oops, sorry. I dropped my towel. Very clumsy of me. I’m so sorry for flashing you both. You’re welcome for the eggs Peter.”
Mark turned away from the sight of his barely covered Mom. Peter retreated quickly, but held the door open for his wife to follow. Mark didn’t see the mist that escaped from his mother and flew back across the street.
When Peter came back into his house, he found his wife naked, sitting on the table with her legs spread wide. Nobody got eggs that morning, and they were both late to work.
When they got home later that day, they were both very quiet for the first hour. They drank wine and gave each other nervous fleeting glances. Neither wanted to voice what they really wanted. Peter didn’t because he thought his wife would still turn the idea down. And Christine didn’t because she didn’t want to admit how much she had come around to the idea.
Finally, Peter asked. “So, it’s Friday. Shall we go out to eat?”
In way of reply, Christine opened the curtains that faced the street. They both looked towards the neighbors house. A shirtless Mark was outside mowing the lawn. “How about we order in?”
Peter nodded. “If that’s what you want.”
“I’m beginning to think it is.”
“What should we get?”
Christine gave her husband a winning smile. “I think I’d like to try something we’ve never done before.”
“Oh really.”
“Yeah. Who knows. Maybe we’ll discover something that will become our new favorite.”
“I’m glad you’re open to trying new things.”
“As long as I get to try it with you.”
“So should we, uh, do it right now?”
“Probably. Every place takes about an hour to get here.”
Peter’s shoulders sagged. “Oh. Right. Of course. For a second there I thought maybe we were talking about something else.”
Christine tore her eyes away from the neighbor boy and walked towards her husband. She put a hand on his cheek, and gave him a passionate kiss. Then she said, “I can talk about two things at the same time, dear.”
For the second time that day they made love in their own bodies while waiting for food to be delivered. That hadn’t happened in quite some time.
Afterwards they poured more wine. By the time the food arrived, they had a nice buzz going. After eating, they talked about next steps, as they climbed the stairs to their bed. They fell asleep in each other’s arms earlier than they’d anticipated. It had been a long week, but they were looking forward to tomorrow.
When Peter awoke that Saturday morning, a thrill went through him. He rolled over to see if his wife was awake, and saw that she was. She had been waiting for him. The expression on her face told him that she was just as excited.
“Shall we?” Peter asked.
Christine winked. “Let’s shall.”
Peter got up and opened the window a crack. After a few moments, their bodies dissolved into mist, and zoomed across the street and through the neighbor’s keyhole. They drifted room to room, and grew more impatient as they came up empty. It was taxing to be in this form at their age, and they both wanted to find their desired hosts soon.
After coming to the conclusion that no one was home, they went back outside. They verified that the car was in the driveway. They drifted higher over the house, looking to and fro, and finally spotted their neighbors. They were jogging, about half a block away.
Peter and Christine’s ethereal forms raced towards their marks. Peter outpaced his wife and got there first. He took a moment to watch mother and son as they ran together. He admired the way Sara’s ponytail swung back and forth. He admired even more how her ass looked in the light blue lycra running shorts. They were tight and rode up the crack between her cheeks. He turned his attention toward Mark and shot forward. He hung in the air a few paces ahead, and allowed Mark to run into him.
Mark was briefly aware of running into a patch of fog as mist hit his face. But the condensation quickly started flowing into his mouth and nose. Something wasn’t right. He felt his mind clouding, as if something were trying to make him go to sleep. But it also felt like he wasn’t alone. Like someone else was there with him in his mind. Fear gripped him, but only for a moment, then everything went dark.
Peter instantly felt the power of strong legs and a youthful physique. He hated running, or jogging, or even a slow walk in his older body. But this body seemed like it could run for miles with no complaints. But he wasn’t here to win any races.
The first thing Peter did was slacken Mark’s pace. This allowed him to have an excellent view of Sara’s tight butt. He could watch those cheeks move up and down all day. He wanted to spread them, to stick Mark’s dick between them. The more he looked, the harder it became to run, because of the monster growing in his running shorts.
He looked up and saw his wife’s mist keeping pace over Sara’s head. What was she waiting for? Then he realized that she was probably enjoying his new problem, as his boner was easily viewable as it tented his shorts.
Peter stopped running and began a leisurely walk. “C’mon,” he said Mark’s voice. “Just do it already.”
Sara was twenty paces ahead, and didn’t quite hear what her son said. She turned around. “What did you say? And what are you stopping for?”
“I said I’m tired already. I feel like something’s slowing me down.”
Concerned, she walked back towards her son. “Are you feeling okay?”
He smiled at her. “It’s just hard to run when I’ve got this problem down here.” He gestured towards the tent in his shorts.
Sara looked down and gasped, then began to sputter, “Um, okay. That, uh, that doesn’t usually happen when we run.”
“I know. But this time I couldn’t keep myself from looking at your butt, so now I’ve got this massive boner.”
She was about to admonish him, when a mist flew into her face. She flailed as a presence hit her consciousness like a wrecking ball. Her eyes rolled back in her head, but a moment later, they reappeared with a lustful gleam. She smiled and said, “Do you like looking at mommy’s butt?”
Peter found that Mark was so hard it was almost painful. “I sure do.”
“Well maybe I’ll walk ahead of you on the way back home. Would you like that? Would you like to see my sexy ass sway back and forth?”
“I sure would?”
“And maybe when we get home, you can take those constricting shorts off and let that massive pecker free.”
Mark looked at his mother and asked, “Is that something you’d like to see?”
“I just might.”
Peter and Christine walked briskly in the direction of their neighbor’s house. It took a supreme effort by Peter not to reach out and slap or grab Sara’s ass. It took plenty of willpower for Christine not to turn around and reach down the front of Mark’s shorts to touch his throbbing member.
“They expecting anyone?” Peter asked in his voice. “The boy’s pretty clueless about what’s happening.other than helping Sara”
Christine easily rifled through Sara’s thoughts and memories. “Nope,” Chrstine replied in her voice. “They were going to focus on setting up the house this weekend. Then Sara reports to her new job on Monday.”
“So we’ve got the weekend then.”
Christine quickened Sara’s pace. “So it would seem.”
Christine began perusing Sara’s mind for other details. All of Sara’s life was an open book for Christine. It was the thing she loved most about bodyhopping, to have complete and utter access to another person’s deepest wants and desires, and be able to act them out in the way the real Sara never would.
Christine thought about the last time Sara had had sex. The hardworking mom hadn’t dated in two years, and that relationship hadn’t lasted more than a few weeks. She rarely pleasured herself, opting to put her time into work and raising her son. But now, faced with sudden and intense arousal, it was apparent that the woman was a little more than pent up. By the time they got to the front door, there was a growing damp spot on the front of Sara’s shorts. The woman desperately needed to get laid. Thankfully she had a stud in close proximity.
As soon as the door was closed, Peter grabbed Sara. The sweat of their bodies intertwined as mother and son’s mouths met. Mark’s hands began to grope and squeeze. He was so horny. Peter knew the kid had only ever had sex once, and he didn’t think he had been any good at it. But his body was now touching a beautiful, experienced woman, who just happened to be his mom, and it was sending his hormones into overdrive.
He stopped kissing after a few seconds, but spun Sara around. He shoved her up against the wall and cupped her butt. As he let a hand slide along the fabric buried between her cheeks, he let her in on Mark’s recent thoughts. “He hasn’t been able to get the picture of you naked out of his head. It really did a number on him, seeing his hot mom without a stitch on her in the kitchen. He feels ashamed, because he can’t stop thinking about it, and was turned on by it.”
Christine moaned in her voice, then turned back around to kiss Mark’s lips again. They stayed connected that way for a minute. Christine was content to let her husband paw greedily at the tight fitting sports bra. She also busied herself by letting a hand snake down Mark’s front and feel the length of him. Chrstine had seen bigger, but Sara hadn’t. Right before being hopped, Sara’s thoughts had been surprised by the size of her son’s penis. And unbidden, the thought of what it would feel like to be stretched out by a dick that big had flitted through her head. It was quickly replaced with fury over her son exposing himself to her, and in public. But there was no fury now. Only need. The need to know what a dick like that could do to Sara’s very neglected pussy.
As Peter tried and failed to remove Sara’s sports bra, Christine gently pushed his hands down. In her own voice, she said, “Peter, they’re both hot and sweaty. Why don’t we go make use of the showers in this house before we have our fun?”
“We could shower together,” Peter said hopefully.
“No. It’ll build up the anticipation, and give us a chance to learn about our hosts more. You know I like it when we play out a couple’s fantasies.”
“But they’re not a couple?” Peter pointed out before he could stop himself.
“That didn’t stop Mom here from fantasizing about her son’s big dick.”
Mark’s jaw dropped. “Really?”
“Only for a split second. And she’d never act on it in a million years, but the thought was still there. Her body is hungry for sex, and when it saw that hard young dick, it’s thought of little else. She’s got a wild side her son knows nothing about, until today.”
Peter reached for her again, but Christine swatted him away. “Nope. No more until you’re all clean.”
Knowing there was no sense arguing, Peter nodded Mark’s head. “Whatever you say, dear.”
Sara’s mouth burst into a smile. It was the same one she had used when greeting them the first time on their front lawn. She put a hand on Mark’s shoulder and said with genuine warmth and affection in Sara’s voice, “Call me Mom.”
Mark’s dick found a new level of hard. In Mark’s voice, he dutifully replied, “Yes Mom.”
She patted his cheek. “That’s my good boy. For right now, there is no Peter and Christine. Only Sara and Mark, a mother and her son.”
They went their separate ways, Mark to the smaller bathroom on the ground floor. It had a shower that Mark had to stoop slightly to use, but Sara had already claimed the upstairs one as hers. Sara always liked to have her own personal bathroom. It was about the only thing she didn’t share.
Sara climbed the stairs and entered her much larger bathroom. She turned on the shower to get it to the temperature she wanted. Then she slowly began to undress in front of the large vanity. Chrstine was thoroughly impressed by what was underneath. She had been in such a hurry yesterday, she hadn’t gotten much time to appreciate it. Sara had a tight body with ample boobs with barely any sag to them. “Oh, to be young again,” Christine said aloud.
As Christine stepped into shower, she began a thorough examination of the inner workings of Sara’s mind.She looked at how Sara saw herself. She was a woman who liked to stay professional at work, and carefree at home. She hadn’t really dressed up or pampered herself since that last date two years ago. She also didn’t think much of her body, which Christine thought was ridiculous. As she brought a hand up to pinch a sensitive nipple, she said, “If you only knew how hot and bothered your son is right now for this body, you’d think otherwise.”
As Peter showered in Mark’s body, he let his thoughts blend with Mark’s sexual preferences. The kid liked porn, what teenager didn’t. He masturbated almost every day. He recognized that his mother was attractive, only very recently though for obvious reasons. He hadn’t stroked it to her yet, but it was probably inevitable that her face popped up the next time he stroked it. Before yesterday, he had got a brief side view of her tits while she was changing. She thought she had the door closed, but it was open enough that he saw her without a bra. He had never told her about it. He had been too embarrassed to ever tell her about it, and had buried it in his memories.
But Peter saw, just below the surface of tits and ass, there was another kink that really got him going. It was in almost every internet search he did these days. He realized he’d need to clue Christine in. He got out of the shower and toweled off. He saw no need for clothes, so he bounded upstairs naked. He heard water running, so he opened the door.
“Is that you, Mark?” his mother’s voice called. “I’m in the shower.”
Peter began in his voice, “This kid really likes-”
“I’m sorry, Mark. You don’t sound like yourself. Could you try again?”
Peter nodded. He’d forgotten to stay in character. “Right, sorry Mom. I was wondering if you could scrub your feet like, really well. And when you get out of the shower, maybe like, put some toenail polish on them.”
The top part of the shower curtain popped to the side and Sara’s face appeared. “Ooh, does my son have a foot fetish?”
“I believe I do. A big one. Did you suspect at all?”
Sara’s lips pursed as she thought. “Yeah, oh, actually very much, yes. You forgot to close out a browser once. And I’ve seen your search history several times, young man.”
“Yeah,” Mark nodded. “I remember getting a lecture from you recently. You said it was natural for me to masturbate, but you didn’t want to ever see the kinky stuff I jacked off to.”
A little bit more of the curtain moved, and Sara revealed the top half of her body. “Do you still like looking at kinky stuff, Mark?”
Mark gulped. “Yes, Mom.”
She noticed his penis begin to rise. “Oh my. Does looking at your mother in the shower count as kinky?”
“I think it does, Mom.”
“I see,” she said, as she began to soap up her boobs. “Well since it’s about your mother and not some random internet hussy, I suppose we can make an exception this time. Why don’t you run along now, so I can give my feet some special attention.”
“Seriously. I’m going to get blue balls here,” Mark pouted.
“Tsk, tsk. It’ll be worth the wait. I promise. Now go on.”
As Mark exited, Sara chuckled to herself, then grabbed the loofa and resumed scrubbing between her toes. “I’ll make sure these feet are squeaky clean for you, son.”
Peter began pacing up and down the upstairs hallway. He finally heard the shower shut off. He knew Christine was drying off Sara’s body. She was on the other side of the bathroom door, completely naked and wanted to fuck. He paced faster. He kept this up for 20 seconds, when finally, Sara called out, “Mark, I can hear you pacing. Please go wait in my bedroom.”
“How much longer do I have to wait, Mom?” Mark groaned.
“Painting toes takes time, sweetie. And then I’ll have to dry them. Why don’t you go busy yourself picking out something for Mommy to wear. I forgot to bring anything in here with me, and I’d just hate to expose my naked body to you again so soon. Please pick out something from my top middle dresser drawer.”
Peter was off like a shot. When he got there, he saw that it was familiar to Mark. He had gone snooping through it once, to see what a bra looked like. He had marveled at how soft and silky they were. There were plenty of bras and panties, but nothing too terribly scandalous. That would have to be remedied soon. Peter took the time to sniff a few of the undergarments. They smelled like Sara. He longed to smell her skin directly instead of this material that had held up her boobs or rubbed against her pussy.
He finally decided on a red, lace bustier that he thought would display her boobs perfectly. It also went with the only thong she possessed. He took them and stood outside the bathroom door. He heard a blow dryer running. He knocked loudly.
“Yes sweetie?”
“I picked out some clothes for you, Mom.”
“Thank you so much. You can leave them on the floor and I’ll get them shortly.”
“How much longer?”
“Don’t rush me young man, or I'll break out the nail polish remover. Now go and wait in my room.”
Shortly after Peter went back to Sara’s room, he heard the bathroom door open and close. Christine had retrieved the lingerie. She’d be putting it on, then coming to the room. Why did this turn him on so much more than anything he’d ever experienced before as a bodyhopper? Was it the incestual nature of it all? It must be. But the wait was driving him mad. He lay sprawled out naked on his mother’s bed for what seemed like hours, absently mindedly stroking his meat every few seconds. And then finally he heard soft footsteps padding towards the room. He moved to the end of the bed and sat there, waiting expectantly for the door to open.
As Sara opened her bedroom door, she said, “Mark, I’m not sure you picked out something that’s appropriate for me to wear around her son.” And then she saw her son sitting on her bed, naked and staring at her with wide eyes. “Mark, please cover yourself!” She chided, and then bit her lip.
“It is not okay to be naked in my room, Mark. Were you masturbating again? Was it because you got to go through Mommy’s underwear drawer?”
Peter could see the outline of Sara’s nipples. They were hard and pointed in his direction. Obediently, he reached back and grabbed a pillow to cover his crotch. “Yeah. I couldn’t stop myself. I, I sniffed your panties and now I can’t get it to go back down. Sorry, Mom.”
Sara gave him a knowing look. “Well, you are still a teenager. I’m sure you get turned on by so many things. I just didn’t think it would be from sniffing your Mom’s panties.”
“Do you think I’m a pervert?”
“No. Well, maybe a little. I have seen your internet history, you know. I was surprised by some of the things you searched for. Your fascination with feet for example.”
“It’s not a fascination, Mom. It’s a fetish. I get off on looking at them. I think about touching them, and…and more.”
Sara cocked her head inquisitively. “Like what?”
Mark looked away. “I…can we not talk about this anymore, Mom? It’s embarrassing.”
“It’s okay, Mark. I’m your mother, and I love you. You can tell me anything. Why don’t you start by telling me what kind of feet you like?”
“What kind?”
“Yes, sweetie.” Sara lifted a leg and placed her delicate foot onto the pillow positioned over her son’s crotch. “Take mine for example. Do you like my feet?”
Peter couldn’t have cared less about feet when he woke up this morning. He was always a boob guy. But as he saw Sara’s feet through Mark’s eyes, the clean skin, the toenails with bright red polish, he knew these were exactly the kind of feet that got him off. “I do Mom. Very much.”
“Well thank you, Mark. Now tell me, what else would you do?”
“If you could do more than look, I mean. Would you touch them? Would you like to touch my feet?”
“Mom, please. We don’t have to.”
“They’re your mother’s feet, Mark. I don’t mind. You’ve seen them before. You can touch them if you want.”
Mark put a hand on her foot and began to caress it, letting his palm slide up and down and feel its smoothness. He loved the dark red color she had used on her toenails. It really made them stand out. “It’s so nice, Mom. Would you let me feel the other one too?”
“Of course dear, but why don’t we get more comfortable first.” Sara crawled onto the bed on all fours, and gave Mark another great view of her ass in the thong. She propped herself up against the headboard, and then waved one of her feet invitingly at her son. “Come on. Touch them. Touch them both as much as you want.”
Mark got on his knees at the end of the bed and reached for his mother’s feet. He lowered his face to them and sniffed. They smelled of her rose scented body wash. “They smell really nice, Mom.”
“I’m glad you think so. Is there anything else you’d like to do to them?”
“Uh, well, I’d like to, uh…”
“It’s okay, Mark. Spit it out. You don’t have to be shy. You can do anything you want to Mommy’s feet.”
“I’d like to suck your toes.”
Sara feigned shock. “Oh my. You…you want to put your mouth on my feet? To lick my toes with your tongue?”
“Yes, Momma.”
Sara licked her lips. “Well, I guess it’s okay, if it’s just this once.”
Mark smiled, lowered his mouth, and kissed her big toe. Then he put it into his mouth and let his tongue swirl around it.
Sara began to squirm. “It kind of tickles, but it feels nice. How about you? How does it make you feel, sucking Mommy’s toes?”
Mark didn’t answer right away, but continued to lick and kiss his mother’s feet. Then he showed her how it made him feel, as he raised his upper half, pulling her forward a little to keep one foot near his mouth. Sara saw that his dick was fully extended and rigid. A bit of precum dribbled down the front.
“My feet did that?” Sara gasped.
“They did.”
“Would it feel good if Mommy did this?” She lifted her free foot, and pressed it against her son’s cock. She was rewarded with a moan. She pulled her other foot free, and he looked at her like a child that had been deprived of their favorite toy. But his expression changed when it joined the other foot touching his dick. She let both feet encircle Mark’s engorged member. Then ever so slowly, she began to stroke it with her feet. She’d never done anything like this before. Her late husband and few other sexual partners had never requested anything like this. Still, by the way her son was moaning, she’d say she was a natural. “I believe I saw the term, footjob, in your history. Is that what this is?” she asked innocently.
“Oh fuck,” Peter said in his voice. “This kid’s always dreamed of something like this. Too bad I’m the one that gets to enjoy it, and with his mother’s feet at that.”
“Peter!” Christine’s voice snapped. “Stay in the moment!” And then to shut him up, she brought a foot back up to Mark’s lips. In Sara’s voice, she said, “Did I get them clean enough for you, Mark. I gave them so much attention because, well, I thought you’d like to look at them up close. I didn’t intend for it to go this far though.”
As the other foot encircled his dick, Mark opened his mouth and began licking the bottom of her feet, from sole to toe. “”Oh, they’re clean alright.”
“Oh, Mark,” Sara’s voice moaned. “This is turning me on so much. I haven’t been treated like a woman for so long. We should stop before it goes any further.” Her words didn’t match her actions, because even as she said them, she spread her legs at the knees, and shoved the front of the thong to the side. This gave Mark an unfettered view of her glistening snatch. She began to rub it slowly. She wanted to quench the burning ache she felt there. “We should stop, right Mark?”
Mark fervently shook his head side to side.
“Well if you get to put Mommy’s toes in your mouth, I think it’s only fair that you let your mother put something of yours in hers.” She withdrew her feet and kneeled facing him on the bed. Her hands lightly gripped his penis and squeezed. “You're such a big boy. I don’t know if I can fit it all in, but I’m going to try.”
She lowered her head, put her elbows on the bed, and slowly took her son’s cock into her mouth. At first, it was just the tip. Her tongue greedily lapped up on the pre cum. There wasn’t near enough of it. She longed to taste more of him. More of her son. She crawled forward, and took inch after inch of him into her mouth. And then she began to slide her lips up and down his shaft. While she did, her tongue never stopped moving. She was on a mission now. She wouldn’t stop until she gave her son release.
“Uh, Christine. I mean, Mom. That feels really good. Too good! This body isn’t going to be able to-to…oh, here we go!”
Christine had sucked a lot of cock in many bodies. Some couldn’t take it, others faired better, but Sara took her son’s spunk like a pro. She didn’t lose suction as it spewed into her mouth, and quickly and efficiently, she swallowed it down her throat. When she finally relinquished his cock, it was as clean as her feet.
“I’m sorry, Mom. I’ve never had a girl go down on me before.”
Sara sat up and stroked his cheek. “That’s okay. As hard as you were, I didn’t think you’d last too long. I hope you recover quickly though.”
“Because I’d like you to stick that hard dick into more than just my mouth.”
“Really?” Mark asked excitedly.
“Really. I’m afraid you’ve got mommy very hot and bothered. But I can’t wait for your dick to recover. I’ll need you to tend to Mommy right away.”
“I’ll do anything you say, Mom.”
“I know you will, son.” She unfastened the bustier, and took it off, then pulled down the red thong. She lay back down on the bed fully naked, and spread her legs. “Have you ever eaten a woman out before?”
Mark shook his head no.
“Well I’ll teach you.” She used her fingers to spread her pussy. “You see this?” she asked, as she pointed to her clit. “It feels very good when I rub here. I’d like you to put your tongue there. Move it up and down, and side to side, and every so often, I want you to stick it way up inside me right here. Can you do that for your very horny Momma?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
A new wave of moisture coated her pussy as Mark began licking her. The way he did, it certainly seemed like he was lying about never having done it before. “That’s it Mark. You’re doing so good, baby. Oh, bring a hand up here and squeeze Mommy’s tits.”
A strong arm reached up and began groping and pawing at her boobs. “Do you like my tits, Mark? Have you ever thought about them before?” She thought she heard a muffled yes. “Of course you have. They’re amazing, aren’t they? They got so much bigger after I had you. It’s only natural to want to sneak a peek at them. To want to put your hands and mouth on them. You did it when you were little, and now you’re doing it again. Feel them. Grab them. Pull at them. Yes. Yes! That’s Mommy’s good little pervert. You are a pervert, aren’t you, Mark, with your face buried in your mother’s pussy. You love it, don’t you? Oh right there. Right there! Oh, fuck! Yes. Yes! Harder! Use that long tongue of yours. Yes!”
Her hips began to buck and writhe. And then Mark’s tongue went deep inside her as she came.
She let out a few longs breaths, then said, “Oh, sweetie. That was-”
Before she could finish, he had lifted a leg onto his shoulder. He spread her other leg just a little bit, and then he stuck his rejuvenated penis into her and began thrusting for all he was worth.
“Oh!” she screamed with pleasure. “Oh fuck! What are you doing Mark? Oh, I was wrong about you! You are a damned pervert, fucking your mom’s pussy like this! Please, please lick my foot while you pound mommy’s pussy!”
Mark did. His tongue was a blur on her foot. His dick was a blur in her drenched pussy. Peter was able to go on for longer this time, and he loved every second of it as he watched Sara come again and again and again. Finally, he erupted in her a second time. His strength left him, and he flopped onto the bed next to her.
After they lay there for several minutes, Peter’s voice mumbled. “That was amazing. Should we…should we clean them up and go back home?”
“We’re in no rush,” Christine’s voice panted. “We could stay inside these bodies for the night. Or the weekend.”
Peter chuckled. “I think you really liked it this mother son roleplay. You might be one of those bodyhopping degenerates I’ve heard so much about.”
“Oh be quiet. This was a one time thing.”
“Was it?”
“I mean…well. I suppose now I’m more open to trying something new.”
The end?
Author's note.
I'd be willing to continue this with the same couple as they try brother/sister, father/daughter, etc. Feel free to create a commission, and consider becoming one of my supporters here on outfoxstories. Your comments and support keep motivating me to write.
Jeff Cobble was thankful to finally be home. It had been a long, strange day. But as he turned the doorknob and stepped inside, he felt all the stress and anxiety leave him. It was almost dinner time, and what he felt now more than anything else was hungry. He just wanted to microwave some leftovers and crash on the living room couch.
Normally, that wouldn’t have been an option. His parents were sticklers about always eating the evening meal at the dinner table with the whole family, or at least, the family that still lived at home. But his mom and dad were on an anniversary cruise and wouldn’t be back until sometime next week. Until then, it was just him and his oldest sister, Abby.
Jeff had three older siblings. The oldest was his brother, Andrew, who was seen as the golden child. He had become the successful one, with a lucrative job, trophy wife, large home, and lots of expensive toys.
Abby was born a year after Andrew. She had been the smart one, and had been on track to be just as successful as Andrew, if not more so. But she had been swept up in a torrid love affair that led to an ill advised marriage. To no one’s surprise, it ended in divorce, and Abby found herself adrift without any educational or job prospects. Her life had stalled, and her parents had allowed her to see refuge back at home until she could get back on her feet.
Jeff’s other sister, Jenny, was still in college, and having the time of her life. She still had two years to go, but she was making the most of them. She loved to party, which her sorority did plenty of.
That left Jeff, who was seen by everyone as the baby of the family, a fact they reminded him of constantly. He had recently turned eighteen and wanted to be seen as an adult, but knew it was unlikely to ever happen. He was a senior in high school, and everything was currently going his way. He got good grades, was popular, had a part time job, and best of all, had a smoking hot redhead named Heather for a girlfriend. In his social circle, he was seen as the man, envied by classmates and peers. But at home, he was the baby, the runt, the one who got told what to do whenever an older sibling was around.
Jeff pulled out leftover meatloaf and stuck it in the microwave. He heard his sister call from somewhere in their house, “Is that you brat?”
Brat was Abby’s affectionate nickname for him. She said it was because their parents let Jeff get away with anything and everything. Jeff disagreed, he’d gotten in trouble plenty with them, but that wouldn’t ever stop Abby from calling him that.
“It’s me!” Jeff yelled back. “Just got home. You want me to microwave you anything?”
He heard a muffled response as his sister moved through the house. It was a big house. It had to be to hold all six of them. It wasn’t a mansion, and they had to double up if they all came home for holidays or special occasions, but it suited their needs. Instead of asking her to repeat herself, Jeff waited, assuming she was making her way to the kitchen.
A few seconds later, his 23 year old sister walked in. Jeff tried not to judge as he took in her appearance. She was still wearing her pajamas, the ones she had worn the day before, and possibly the day before that. Her hair was disheveled, and she looked tired, even though she had probably been in bed all day with a bottle of wine. Before he could stop himself, the words were out of his mouth. “Another productive day of moping I see.”
Abby punched her baby brother in the arm. Hard. “Shut up! I don’t need you kicking me while I’m down.”
“Ow! Hey, sorry. I’m just saying you’ve got to get back out there and live your life. Get a job. Go out on a date. There’s plenty of fish in the sea and you should have no problem landing one.”
“Why do you say that?”
“You know why. You’re super talented and…”
His sister arched her eyebrow. “And?”
He vaguely gestured at her buxom hourglass figure that was mostly hidden behind baggy pajamas.
“Are you saying I’m pretty?”
Jeff blanched. “I said no such thing. What I am saying is that you won’t look like this forever, so best make the most of it.” He sniffed the air between them and noted, “But you might want to shower. I can smell you from here, and that stench lowers your chances significantly.”
She swiped at him again, but this time he dodged. The microwave began beeping, and Abby opened the door and grabbed the plate of warmed meatloaf. “Thanks for making me food, brat.”
“Those are my leftovers!”
“I asked you to make me something,” she argued.
“When I was coming to the kitchen!”
“I couldn’t hear you,” he protested. He tried to grab the plate, but she retreated. “That’s the last of the meatloaf! Give it!”
“You’ll just have to eat the rest of the casserole then, brat, cause you’re not getting this. It’s the price for my silence.”
“What silence?”
Abby gave her brother a sly grin. “About your little sleep over last night.”
Jeff’s mouth fell open, and his face went red. His girlfriend, Heather, had pretended to go home last night, but then had snuck into his room and stayed until morning.
“How did you…”
Abby laughed. “Are you kidding me? You don’t sleep in a soundproof room, dummy. I could hear your girlfriend’s moans all through the house. For a little brat, you must be doing something right.”
“I’m bigger than you are!”
“And I can still put you in a headlock you can’t get out of,” Abby warned with a smile.
And that was the last that Jeff saw of the meatloaf. As he scanned the fridge for more leftovers, he appreciated the normal interaction he and his sister still had. That was something. He would have liked to tell her about his crazy day. He should tell someone. He texted Heather to see if she could spend the night again. He assumed by his sister’s chill response that he could get by with another sleepover with his girlfriend. But then he thought about how his sister had heard them have sex. That was so embarrassing. Why did Abby have to tell him that?
His phone dinged. His girlfriend reminded him that she was studying tonight, and told him that he should be doing the same. They had a big test tomorrow, and she was right, he should be studying. It was his worst subject. The test was like a quarter of his grade or something. But he absolutely would have preferred to get laid. Try as he might, he could not change her mind, but she did promise to come over first thing in the morning. That was something at least. Maybe she’d give him a morning bj. And since he was wishing, why not a million dollars too.
He could call up a friend to come over, but he was tired, and he really should get some studying done. First though, he plopped down with the rest of the casserole and turned on the television. He absent mindedly shoveled the food into his mouth while watching a movie that wasn’t that great. When he was done eating, he reclined on the sofa, and scanned his textbook for twenty minutes. That was the most studying he could manage, and then he resumed the movie. When it ended, he started another one, but only got halfway through before he was fast asleep.
A few time zones away on a large cruise ship, Jeff’s parents were very much awake. Ned and Vickie Cobble were happily celebrating twenty five years of marriage on a cruise that catered to their every whim. Even though they were both in their late forties, they were still up for everything, and mostly in shape enough to do it. Victoria was anyway, Ned had developed more of a dad bod in recent years. But that didn’t stop them both from snorkeling, parasailing, dancing, and taking in the sights at every port they stopped at. Neither stressed about their careers, and just got lost in each other for the last several days. They didn’t even miss the kids.
They also made plenty of time for sex. That was supposed to be a given on an anniversary. But their pace had taken its toll on Jeff’s libido. He couldn’t keep up with his wife, which was ironic, because he had been the one with the high sex drive most of their marriage. But that particular night, Ned had another reason to not be in the mood. Around the time Jeff was falling asleep, Ned was overindulging at the buffet. They took in a show the cruise offered, and by the time they got back to their room, Ned was ready for unconsciousness.
His wife, however, was ready for lovin’. While Ned plopped onto the bed, his wife put on her most risque lingerie she had worn so far. She liked to keep getting racier every day just to keep her husband on his toes. She was worried she might wear him out though. Something about the ocean air made her sexually insatiable.
When she came back into the room, Ned was fast asleep. She tried to wake him up, but to no avail. She sighed. As she snuggled in next to him, she vowed to start the next morning off with a bang. In so many ways for their family, it did.
The sun was just making its appearance when Ned stirred. The first thing that he noticed was that the boat had stopped. He could not feel the thrum of the engine he had become accustomed to. They must have made an unexpected stop. But he couldn’t hear the waves splashing against the boat either.
His half lidded eyes shot wide open as his mind fully awakened. His wife wasn’t next to him. He wasn’t even on a bed. He was reclining on a sofa. It was a familiar sofa, in a familiar room. These weren’t the clothes he had gone to bed in. He sat up and looked all around. There was no doubt about it. He was not on the boat. He was in his house. Was he dreaming? It all felt so real. He pinched himself. He growled at the pain, but his voice sounded off.
Ned stood up. That’s when he noticed something else. He had morning wood. That was a rarity these days. He used to get them every day when he was younger. Now that he thought about it, he felt younger. He felt great. He didn’t feel any aches and pains from sleeping on the couch. He felt like he was, like he was…
He caught his reflection in the television screen. His figure was warped, but it didn’t look like him. It looked like… Ned walked quickly to the downstairs bathroom and turned on the light. To his credit, when he saw his body in the mirror, he didn’t scream, or make any sound for that matter. All he could do was stand and stare at the sight of his youngest son’s body, staring back at him with a dumbfounded expression on his face.
Ned was a rational thinker, but all reason escaped him. The only person that might have an answer was his son, who presumably would be in his body. Problem with that was, his body was on a boat in the middle of nowhere with a cell phone that had spotty reception, but was turned off at the moment anyway. He would find a way to contact them. In the meantime, he would remain calm. No sense getting worked up. Not yet anyway.
Ned caught a whiff of his son’s body. It didn’t stink per se, but he could definitely use a shower. He turned the water on and got undressed. He caught his reflection in the mirror again, and thought how good it was to be a young person. His son’s body had definition and sculpted abs, something that Ned lost after the first two years of marriage. Ned also couldn’t help but notice the monster between his legs. Was it bigger than his? When had that happened? His son was certainly a man now.
As he stepped into the falling water, he realized how good everything felt. This was the body of an eighteen year old. As the soap glided over his sensitive skin, he felt an erection begin. He put a hand on it, and an electric pulse shot through him. It was a familiar sensation, but stronger and more persistent than he was accustomed to. He usually needed the help of a pill to maintain an erection, and his wife was always right there to help him with it. But at this moment, he had a hard, natural cock, that needed no help, only release.
Ned hadn’t masturbated in a long time. He assumed it was like riding a bike. But he shouldn’t. It wasn’t his cock. As he gripped the shaft tightly and experienced a pleasurable jolt, he questioned this fact. It certainly felt like his cock. If he could touch it and feel it, didn’t that make it his? Wasn’t possession nine tenths the law or some philosophical bullshit. He was walking a mile in another’s shoes, and one that was in the prime of life. If he didn’t jerk off, it would be doing the universe a disservice.
Having thusly rationalized his deviant behavior, he began to vigorously stroke himself. Everything happened quicker than his own body. The pleasure came faster, and felt his balls tighten in less than a minute. And then there it was. His spunk shot out like a rocket, covering the shower wall and curtain. He chuckled at how intense it had been, and finished showering.
Ned first went to his room to get dressed, but was quickly reminded that his clothes were too big for his son’s frame. He went to Jeff’s room, and shook his head at the selection of clothes. It was shirts with names of bands he didn’t know, or pop culture things he knew even less of.
He was getting dressed when the doorbell rang. He wondered who it could be? He then wondered if he should be the one to get it. His daughter Abby was here. Maybe she should be the one to answer given his current circumstance.
When the doorbell rang again, he heard his daughter’s voice screech from her room, “Answer the door, brat!”
He narrowed his eyes. He was not a brat. He was her father, and he had a mind to go and set her straight. He was glad they could be there for her during this tumultuous time in her life, but he was still her father and would be treated accordingly.
As the bell rang again, he realized that in this body, that was only partially true. Ned was both her dad, and her little brother. He sighed and headed for the door. When he opened it, he saw Jeff’s girlfriend, Heather, standing there with a sly smile on her face.
“I know I’m early,” the cute redhead said. “But I did promise you a reward if you were a good boy and studied.”
Ned didn’t know what Heather was talking about, and Jeff’s face must have show this, because Heather asked, “Were you a good boy?”
Ned knew the answer to that question. “Yes.”
She beamed at him, and thankfully had no follow up questions. She squeezed by him and grabbed his hand. He barely managed to get the door shut as she began pulling him quickly towards Jeff’s room.
As soon as they got there, she pushed him onto Jeff’s bed and said quietly but firmly, “Get your pants off.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s going to be hard to reward you if I can’t see your cock.”
Ned understood now. Jeff’s girlfriend wanted to give him a blowjob. He instantly regretted jerking off in the shower 10 minutes ago. If he had known this was a possibility, he would have waited. There was no way he’d be able to perform now.
But as Heather pulled her shirt over her head, and unsnapped her bra, he felt his dick pulse. As his eyes took in Heather’s large, freckled breasts, his dick leapt. And by the time he had yanked his jeans and underwear off, his dick was at the starting line, ready to race.
Heather’s mouth was on Jeff’s large member a heartbeat after that. There was no foreplay. She had come there to suck dick, and it was clearly not her first rodeo. She started moaning, and playing with his balls. She looked Ned right in the eyes as her tongue swirled about the shaft, and right then, Ned knew his son had found a winner. When she deep throated him, he wanted Jeff to propose marriage to her as soon as possible.
She was a gift cocksucker. Maybe a prodigy. He hadn’t thought he’d be able to achieve an erection so soon after cumming, even with a much younger body. But here he was, on the verge of another climax. His wife hadn’t sucked him like this in years. Heather’s mouth was so wet. Her tongue was all over. He could feel the tip of his dick hitting the back of her throat. He squeezed her hair, indicating that he was about to blow his load.
Heather’s mouth came off immediately, but she kept stroking him with her hand. “Cum on my tits!” she pleaded.
Ned would pay for the ring himself at that point. He started to ask if she was sure, but it was too late.
As his first shot landed, Heather stroked even faster and said, “That’s right, Jeff! Paint my big tits with your cum! I know you like that! They’re all yours baby! Cum on them!”
Ned was surprised by how much spunk his son could still manage. By the time he was done, cum was sliding down both of Heather’s breasts, and in one case, dripping off a nipple.
Heather unceremoniously grabbed one of Jeff’s shirts on the floor and wiped herself off. “That was pretty hot. Now remember, if you get an A on the test, I’ll let you fuck me again tonight.”
As Heather ushered them off to school, Ned hoped he excelled at whatever subject this test was on.
Around the time Ned was taking Jeff’s very important test, Jeff was waking up on a cruise ship. His mind was foggy, but his body felt good. Really good. He felt a weight on his midsection, and hot, wet pressure on his dick. Heather had snuck into his house and was fucking him. This was amazing. She was the best girlfriend.
Jeff opened his eyes and got the shock of his life. His mother was on top of him. She was wearing a red see thru bra and was grinding him for all he was worth.
As he started to struggle, she looked down at him. “I’m sorry I didn’t wake you up before climbing on top of you this morning, darling. You were just so hard, and I wanted to feel you in me.”
“Mom! Stop! It’s me! Your son!”
Her face looked shocked, but also intrigued. “That’s pretty kinky, but I’m down.” Instead of stopping, she leaned down and pushed her boobs into Jeff’s face. “Did you miss mommy’s boobies? Would you like to suck on her titties?”
“No, I-” but then he couldn’t talk without getting a mouthful of boob. What made it worse was that his dick didn’t find his mother’s boobs repulsive at all. He felt his dick get harder. So, apparently, did his mom.
“Yeah, you like that don’t you! You like momma’s titties! Well get a good mouthful while I, I…Oh Ned! Oh fuck! Momma’s cumming!”
All Jeff could do was hold on as his mother began to slam her pussy up and down on him frantically for several seconds. Then she shook all over, then looked at him expectantly while she slowly rolled her hips. She was about to ask if he got his, when she felt his hot seed pump inside her. “That’s it, son. Fill Mommy up. Get it all out.”
When she saw his body relaxed and felt his dick begin to soften, she rolled off of him. “Well, that was different. We’ve never done mother son roleplay before. I’ll admit, it was pretty hot.”
After a few seconds of silence, Jeff managed a meek, “Mom, it’s really me, Jeff. I don’t know how you got here, but…”
She turned towards him. “What are you talking about, Ned?”
“You think I’m Dad?” Jeff asked.
She laughed and shook her head at him, thinking he was still teasing her. She got up to go get a towel. While she did, Jeff took in his surroundings. He was in a small room. A bed, a television, two chairs, a dresser, he could hear water. He was on the cruise with his parents. He looked down at himself. His belly had gotten bigger overnight. His body felt achy. He rushed into his bathroom, almost stopping as he saw his mom peeing into the toilet. At that point he figured it didn’t matter as he’d just seen a whole lot more. He looked into the bathroom mirror, and almost passed out as he saw his dad looking back at him.
An hour later at Jeff’s school, the principal came over the intercom. “Jeff Cobble. Please come to the principal’s office.”
The students tittered and jested as Jeff left the room. He got lost twice on the way through the halls, but eventually found the office. The principal pointed to the phone on his desk and said, “It’s your father, Jeff. He said it was urgent.”
Ned tried not to smile as he picked up the receiver. “Uh, what’s up, Dad?”
“Do you have any idea what is happening right now?”
“Not sure what you mean?”
“I mean the fact that when I woke up this morning, I wasn’t me! I was you! And I’ve been horribly traumatized because Mom is here and she thinks I’m still you and she wants to…she wants to…”
“Oh, I know what she wants to do. Good luck with that. If there’s nothing else, I’ve got to be getting back to class.”
“Are you nuts! You went to school today! I had a test!”
“Don’t worry about the test. I aced it.”
“You…you did?”
“Oh yeah. Your girlfriend gave me the right motivation.”
Jeff thought his borrowed heart might give out at that news. “Did she…did Heather show up at the house this morning?”
“That she did. She’s a real special girl, Je-Dad. Anyways, have fun on your anniversary-”
“No, Dad! We’ve got to do something about this! We’ve got to-”
“I love you too. See you in a few days.” And Ned hung up the phone. His poor son. Stuck on a cruise in his body with his nympho mother. Oh well, he had his own problems. Math problems. Specifically the problem of figuring out how many condoms he’d need for tonight with Heather.
On the ship, Jeff could only stare at the phone. His dad was going to have sex with his girlfriend. He’d had sex with his own mother, and now his dad was going to fuck his girlfriend. Might have already fucked her. And he was stuck on this ship with his horny mother that thought he was trying to roleplay with her. What the fuck was he going to do?
“Will that be all sir?” the ship’s concierge asked patiently.
“Oh, uh, could I use this again in an hour?”
“Of course sir, but the rate will be the same.”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s my dad’s credit card, so that’s fine by me.”
“Your father, sir?”
“Um, right. Nevermind.”
An hour later, Jeff placed his second call. School was out by then, and he hoped his girlfriend would pick up. She did.
“Hello, Mr. Cobble,” his girlfriend chirped.
Jeff’s heart sank as he repeated, “Mr. Cobble?”
“Yes, Jeffrey told me you might be calling.”
“Did he.”
“Yes. He said you were playing some weird game where you pretended to swap bodies. Is that why you’re calling?”
Jeff couldn’t believe how sneaky his dad was. “Heather, it’s true. It’s really me!”
She giggled. “But you don’t sound like you.”
“But it is me! You have to believe me! Remember that time I took you to the carnival and got you that bear. It took my whole wad of cash. But when I gave it to you, you told me how much you lived it, and you…uh, well that was the first night you let me cum on your tits.”
“Oh, so that’s a regular thing you kids do, is it?” Jeff heard his voice say. His dad had taken the phone away from Heather! “I thought maybe this morning was special.”
“Dad! Give the phone back to Heather!”
“I don’t think so. Especially since this call can’t be cheap. So run on back to mom, and just focus on you two having a great anniversary.”
The click was deafening to Jeff. His father was going to fuck his girlfriend, and he wasn’t going to be able to stop him. As he walked back to his cabin, he thought about why this might be happening. What event had occurred that had allowed him to swap bodies with his own father?
As walked into his room, his mother greeted him. “So, what should we do tonight? There’s a magic show this evening. But we could also just stay in and-”
“Mom, no.”
“Every time you call me Mom I just want to shove my tits in your face and-”
Mom! Stop. Listen to me, please. I just got off the phone with Dad. He’s in my body. He’s going to fuck my girlfriend.”
Jeff hated saying it out loud. But he was startled by his mother’s expression. She didn’t look frightened. She looked…even hornier. “Mom, I’m Jeff. Dad and I somehow swapped bodies. He went to school as me today. He is pretending to be me, and Heather has no idea. What can we do?”
To Jeff’s dismay, his mother was already removing her clothes. “Is that what you want? Do you want me to pretend to be Jeff’s girlfriend? I don’t mind that, especially if you keep calling me Mommy.”
“Oh, Mom! No!” Jeff exclaimed, and then retreated from the room.
As Jeff avoided his mom for the rest of the day, Ned was fucking Heather every hour, on the hour. In the bathroom of a restaurant, at the back of a movie theater, in the car, and then finally, back at Ned’s house.
Heather didn’t know what had come over her boyfriend, but she really, really liked it. He was so confident. So sure of himself. He was giving her pleasure in ways she’d never experienced, and he was insatiable. Everytime she turned around, he was hard again. Everytime he looked at her like she was the only girl in the world and he was so lucky to have her. So everytime, she gave herself to him.
When they got to Jeff’s house, Heather was even louder than the night before. She knew Jeff’s sister would be able to hear. She didn’t care.
Abby cared. It was her brother after all. But good for him for being able to give his girl the O. It must be nice. Her ex husband almost never did. And here her little brother was handing it out two nights in a row. She thought shaming him earlier might have made them quieter though. Oh well. Young love and all that.
When Jeff finally came back to her cabin to go to sleep, his mother had drifted off to sleep. He was glad he would not have to rebuff her further. He hoped beyond hope that maybe, just maybe, when he woke up, he’d be back in his house, and this would all be over.
He was right on one count, but not both.
When Jeff woke up that second morning, he too, noticed that the sounds and feeling of being at sea had disappeared. He was also in a bed alone. This was all very encouraging, yet something still felt off. He didn’t recognize the room he was in. Well, that wasn’t true. It was familiar, but it wasn’t the cabin on the ship, nor was it his bedroom at home. He dimly saw the shape of a lamp, and pulled the switch.
As light bathed the room, he saw his hand. It was smaller, smoother, and most importantly, not his. He looked down at his body, and almost passed out again. He had tits. He threw the covers off and saw to his horror, that he was now in the body of his oldest sister, Abby.
He rushed from the room and ran to his. At least now he could confront his father. He threw open his door, and there, just as he’d suspected, were the naked forms of his own body and his girlfriend.
“Dad!” he shouted. “Wake up! I’m back, but now I’m Abby!”
Brief, sleepy pandemonium ensued, as Ned tried to quell his son in the body of his daughter, while at the same time, ushering out Jeff’s girlfriend so she didn’t have to be a part of the circus that their lives had become.
Ned kissed Heather on the cheek at the front door. Heather mumbled, “Your family is so weird. It’s a good thing you’re hot.”
Ned just smiled at her as the front door closed, and went to make dinner for him and his son in the kitchen. He raised his eyebrows as he walked in on his son with Abby’s shirt pulled up over her boobs. Jeff was lifting and dropping his new boobs over and over again.
“Why don’t you put your sister’s boobs away there, son,” Ned admonished.
Abby’s face went beet red, and Jeff did as his dad said. But as soon as his boobs were covered, he went off. “Don’t shame me for looking at boobs! I’ve never had boobs before and it’s, it’s…well, wouldn’t you do the same thing if you were me?”
“That I would,” Ned agreed as he started preparing bacon and eggs. “Have you checked out the downstairs yet?”
“Dad, it’s…it’s Abby.”
“Hey, like you said. You’ve never had boobs before, and you’ve never had a vagina either. And right now they belong to you, same as this body belongs to me.”
“I can’t believe you fucked my girlfriend!”
“Jeff, let’s look at the facts. We swapped bodies. No one’s going to believe that. And we can’t fix it, can we? Do you know something I don’t? Like how this came to be.”
Jeff slowly shook Abby’s head back and forth.
“Well then what are you whining about? We just have to make the best of an extraordinary situation. It’ll either right itself, or we’ll learn to live with it.”
“That’s easy for you to say! You got like, what, 20 years younger. And you get to sleep with my girlfriend!”
“Some of us do have it easier than others. How’s your mom by the way?”
Abby’s face went red again. “Oh, she’s great. I had to avoid her all day yesterday.”
“Why’d you do that?”
“Because she thought I was role playing or something whenever I called her mom and she wanted to…you know.”
“Your mom’s been on fire lately, that’s for sure. I couldn’t keep up with her without the help of modern medicine.”
“Dad. Ew. Stop. Gross.”
“So no idea why this happened though. An ancient curse, magic spell, we both said the same thing at the same time, a wish, an enchanted artifact, you disturbed one of the old gods, a mad scientist experimented on you, aliens got bored, someone at your school developed a body swapping device capable of swapping at great distances, the alignment of the planets coincided with our exact physical locations on earth and-”
“No! None of those things happened. And that is an awful lot of theories you have about what could cause a body swap.”
“I used to read a lot of erotic stories. You’d be amazed at some of the stuff people come up with for body swaps. Pretty far out stuff sometimes. The worst is when they never explain it at all, which I think is just lazy writing.”
Ned and Jeff look directly into the eyes of the readers, but just for a second.
“Regardless of whatever happened,” Ned continued, “we just have to ride it out and hope the universe fixes it.”
“But I am a girl!” Jeff pouted. “And worse yet, that girl’s my sister!”
“Jeff, don’t be ashamed. It’s your body right now. If you want to go to your room, er, your sister’s room that is, and use one of her dildos to-”
“Please stop talking!”
“You’re right,” Ned said as he scraped eggs onto plates. “I’ve got to eat and get to school. Wouldn’t want your grades to slip.”
“You’re enjoying this far too much.”
“Your mom probably has some better dildos than your sister if you really want to get crazy.”
“Dad!” Jeff screeched as he fled the room.
“It’s just a suggestion,” Ned called after him. “I mean, it’ll just be you in the house. All day!”
Jeff would spend most of it wondering why his parents were so much more perverted than he would ever be. And he’d spend the rest of it trying to keep from touching various parts of his female body, and hoping that tomorrow this nightmare would be over and he’d be in his own body again tomorrow.
When Abby woke up a few hours later, her experience was much like her brother’s the previous day. She slowly came to the conclusion that she was somehow on her parents’ anniversary cruise. But what she noticed quickly, was that she had a dick between her legs. And it was hard.
She gripped it. It felt nice in her larger hand, and hot to her cold fingers. She squeezed it lightly, and it gave a reflexive jump, which sent a little shiver through her body. She pulled it towards her stomach, her much harrier, and larger stomach. She was taking in all these differences, but the dick, having a dick, completely captivated her. She fondled and stared at it for a couple minutes before finally noticing there was another person in bed with her. Upon closer inspection, she saw that it was her mom.
She shook her mom awake, but before she could ask any questions, her mom said, “Are you ready to get fucked now?”
Abby’s mouth went dry at the question. She was the one that was supposed to be asking questions. And so far, the only thing that was answering was her dick, which hardened even more. And then she watched in silent fascination, as her mom winked at her, then lowered her mouth towards her new cock. Abby was in heaven as warm and wet collided up and down her shaft. It was amazing. No wonder her ex had always pressured her for blowjobs.
But she wanted more. She had questions, sure. But she had a cock! If it felt like this in a mouth, what did it feel like in a pussy? She needed that answer, for science! So as soon as her mother came up for air, she gently pushed her down, and got on top of her.
“Oh yeah, put it in me!” her mother demanded.
This was weird. This whole thing was weird. But all Abby could think about right then, was that she had a cock, and it felt great, and she’d think about weird later. Her mother helped guide her cock into her pussy, and it did feel even better than her mouth. She wiggled her hips, letting her dick rub against her mom’s vagina. That felt okay, but she was missing something. She pulled it out a little, and then pushed back in, and that was it. She began doing that over and over again. Slow at first, then faster and faster. She felt pressure and pleasure building in her groin. It was so easy to feel good. The pleasure was right there for the taking. Abby quickened her pace.
Her mother encouraged her on by saying, “You can call me Mommy again if you want to.”
There was that weird again. But her new dick didn’t seem to mind. Her new dick kind of liked that, so why the hell not. “Okay Mommy. Thank you for letting your little girl fuck your pussy.”
Her mother looked at her like she’d grown a third arm instead of a penis. It didn’t slow down Abby’s rhythm though. Nothing could break her focus. Pleasure was the only thing that mattered. Her dick in her mother’s warm, wet hole was the epicenter of her world. And then suddenly the intense, glorious pressure could no longer be contained. And she was cumming. And cumming. Her mother let out a moan, and started shaking beneath her. Her mother was cumming too.
Abby had never felt anything so singularly intense. And then she was sleepy. So sleepy. And so she closed her eyes, and woke up thirty minutes later, still on a boat, still with a cock, and that’s when she knew for certain that she wasn’t dreaming.
For Abby, the body swap couldn't have been better. She was on a cruise with her mom. That definitely beat moping around her childhood home getting day drunk. She didn’t love that she was in her dad’s body, but fucking as a guy had been pretty great. She briefly wondered if she should keep her predicament a secret, but this was too huge! And if she couldn’t tell her mom, who could she tell? She just hoped her mother wouldn’t get too grossed out.
As they sat across each other enjoying a beautiful breakfast spread, Abby began with, “Mom, I know this is going to come as a shock to you, but-”
“Let me guess, you swapped bodies with one of our daughters?” Vicky smirked.
“What? How did you know?”
“Well you spent all day yesterday trying to convince me you were our son, Jeff. And when you called yourself a little girl earlier, I just figured, oh, okay. My husband is pretending to be Jenny.”
“Abby. I’m Abby. Why would you just assume Jenny? And this happened yesterday too?”
“I’ll give you points for commitment,” Vickie laughed. “You’ve even got some of her mannerisms down. But we should probably just keep this kind of role playing in the bedroom, shouldn’t we? I must say, it’s very imaginative. Wouldn’t have expected it from you. I don’t hate it though.”
Abby wanted to ask again why Jenny and not her, but she just nodded along. This had happened before. Yesterday in fact, to Jeff.. Did that mean her father was in Jeff’s body yesterday? He never said anything? Would she have believed him? Would she have been any help to him whatsoever with the amount of alcohol she kept in her system these days?
She knew the answer to both questions was no. She wouldn’t have believed him, and there was nothing she could have done about it if she had. Exactly like there wasn’t anything she could do about it now. She was on this cruise, in her dad’s body, and it might only last a day. So why not make the most of it.
“So what do you want to do today?” Vickie asked.
Abby clapped her hands together excitedly. “Everything!”
While Abby began having the time of her life on a cruise ship, Jeff had taken up his sister’s hobby of day drinking. He figured this body was of age, and the alcohol helped dull his senses. He needed that today of all days. He didn’t want to feel what it was like in a woman’s body, especially his sister’s! First his dad, now this! Why was the universe fucking with him?
His dad came home late in his body, and Jeff was there on the couch to greet him. “Where have you been young man?” Jeff asked with slurred speech.
“Oh buddy,” Ned asked, concerned. “How long have you been hitting the sauce?”
“Don’t lecture me, Dad!” Jeff said heatedly as he tried to stand. He got halfway, then fell back onto the couch. “I’m older than you right now. Why are you getting home so late? Where’s Heather? Did you guys have any more of the sex?”
Ned came over to help Jeff up. It was much easier in his lighter frame. “Why don’t we just get you up to bed?”
“Why don’t you answer me?” Jeff asked as he allowed his father to get him on his shaky feet. “Did you make the sex? Did the sex happen with my girlfriend? Did you girlfriend my sex Dad!”
“I would have thought your sister’s body would have built up more of a tolerance to alcohol by now. What did you eat today, champ?”
“Eat? I ate breakfast. You made breakfast. Then I found the booze. I drank it so I wouldn’t touch my sister’s titties.”
Ned rolled Jeff’s eyes. “You haven’t had anything since breakfast. Well, that would explain it.”
Jeff swayed in his father’s arms as they got to the foot of the stairs. “Abby does have a nice body. Boobs are weird though from this angle. Look at them.” He lifted up Abby’s pajama top so that her boobs were on display. “Look at these girl boobs. They’re just bags of fat. And they belong to my sister. Isn’t that gross? Why do we want to touch them all the time?”
Ned pulled down Abby’s top and said, “Because we’re guys, son. But hey, maybe you won’t have them tomorrow. Maybe you’ll be…maybe you’ll be back in this body…”
Even as he said it, Ned hoped that wasn’t the case. His son tumbled into Abby’s bed and was out like a light. Ned then retrieved Heather from his car, and they came in and made the sex, but just in case, he sent her home right after.
The first to wake that next morning was Vickie. She had a pounding headache and an upset stomach. She felt hungover, which didn’t make a lot of sense. She had drank a little last night, and might have drank more, but her husband had taken her straight to bed and fucked her good and proper.
She reached over to him to see if he’d get her some medicine and a glass of water, but he wasn’t there. And then she took in the room. She wasn’t in the cabin. She was in…she was in Abby’s room! How did she get here? Had she slipped into a coma somehow and they’d brought her back home while she was under? But that still wouldn’t explain why she was in Abby’s room. What was going on?
She got up and stumbled in the dark. She got to the light switch and flipped it on. The first thing she saw was Abby’s figure reflected in her daughter’s vanity. She held up her hand. Abby’s reflection did the same. She held up her other hand. The reflection mirrored her movements. And then she understood. Her husband hadn’t been roleplaying. He had been serious! Her children had been in her husband’s bodies the last two days…and she’d fucked them!
Well, Jeff hadn’t really. He’d done nothing but avoid her. But Abby, wow. She had been on fire last night. Her daughter really knew how to please a lady, probably because she was a lady. She had so many questions. She knew who might have some answers, but first some water and medicine.
After peeing and procuring what she needed, she headed to Jeff’s room. Jeff was snoring softly. She flicked on his light and asked tentatively, “Son?”
He stirred slightly in his bed, but didn’t say anything. She asked again, louder this time, “Son? Is that you?”
Jeff’s body suddenly sat up, and looked at her curiously. “Did you just call me son? Does that mean…”
“I’m actually your mother,” Vickie said. She was surprised when Jeff began to laugh.
“No, you’re not!” he exclaimed. “You’re my wife!”
Ned got dressed and began to explain everything that had happened during the last two days. As they sat down to a healthy breakfast that Saturday morning, Vickie told what she had experienced on the ship with who she thought was her husband. They were both open and honest about everything. They could be, because they were husband and wife, who happened to be in the bodies of their son and daughter.
Ned gave all the details about his sexual escapades with Heather. And Vickie talked about fucking their kids with his body. It was so strange, yet had in no way been terrible. And now they were together. They were in younger bodies. They both felt great, especially now that Vickie’s hangover had faded. And hearing what each of them had been up to had got them both excited in more ways than one.
Their hands had intertwined at the breakfast table while they’d been talking. And when Ned leaned forward to kiss his daughter’s face, Vickie matched his movements. They kissed passionately for several seconds before Ned broke it off.
“So, even though we’re not on the boat anymore, that doesn’t mean our anniversary trip is over…”
Vickie winked at him. “What did you have in mind?”
He picked his daughter up in Jeff’s strong arms and carried her upstairs. “I think we’ll figure something out.”
They did figure something out. Twice that morning.
A little while later, Jeff was awoken by someone shaking him going, “Mom, Mom, wake up. I’m still here in Dad’s body! Let’s have sex again!”
That was his father’s voice. He was back on the ship. With his father. Who was shaking him and calling him…Mom.
“No. No!” he said briskly. But he didn’t hear his voice. He heard his mother's voice coming from his vocal chords. “You have got to be kidding me!” he yelled.
“Mom, what’s wrong?”
Jeff looked over and saw his father, naked and ready to go. His hand was stroking his cock, which was at full mast, and he was eyeing Jeff expectantly. “Do not touch me with that thing! Why are you calling me Mom? Abby? Is that you?”
“Jeff?” Abby asked.
“If you’ll excuse me,” Jeff said getting up in his mother’s body. “I’m going to go jump into the ocean.” His mother’s body moved differently than Abby’s. It felt older. Certain parts of him hurt. His breasts were saggier. He was still a woman. Everything sucked.
“Stop complaining, brat. This will probably be over tomorrow. We might as well make the most of it.” She tugged at his arm, trying to pull him back onto the bed.
Jeff jerked away. “Please don’t touch me while you have that thing between your legs.”
“Come on! We’re married! We can make each other feel good!”
“We are not married!” Jeff argued as he found his mother’s clothes and began struggling to put them on. “We are brother and sister trapped in our own parents’ bodies!”
“So? It’s temporary, right? It’s been happening the last couple of days. We’ll probably be back to normal by Monday.”
“That’s pretty fucking optimistic, don’t you think? And haven’t you even asked why it’s happening to begin with?”
“It seems to revolve around you,” Abby observed. “But as to the why? Who cares. This is amazing. Let’s not waste it. Come to bed.”
“Absolutely fucking not. I respected your body yesterday when I was in it. Well, I got drunk and respected it. And I’m sure our parents are not going to…” Jeff stopped mid sentence and thought about that. His dad had been fucking Heather like crazy. Abby had thought he was their mother and had asked to have sex again, which meant they had both done it. His whole family was a bunch of perverts! “They’re going to fuck each other in our bodies, aren’t they?”
Abby smiled and nodded. “I mean, they are married. And now they’re in our younger, hotter bodies.”
Jeff nodded as if this made perfect sense, then said, “I’m going to go throw up now.”
While Jeff was having another bad day, Ned called Heather and asked if she wanted to come over. It was late afternoon when she arrived. She wore a tight teal dress that made her red hair pop.
It was the first thing Vickie noticed when she opened the door to let in her son’s girlfriend. “Wow, you look amazing, dear.”
“You’re one to talk,” Heather said in surprise. Heather had seen Abby around Jeff’s house several times since she’d moved back home, but she always looked like a trainwreck. She wasn’t wearing anything fancy just then. Just black leggings and a low cut, white tshirt. But she looked, well, put together. She had on a bit of makeup and great hair. And she exuded the confidence of a woman that was going out for a night on the town.
For that reason, Heather asked as they strode into the living room, “Are you going out tonight?”
“No,” Vickie said sweetly. “I thought I’d stay here and chaperone you lovebirds.”
“Oh, great,” Heather said with thinly veiled disappointment. “So, where’s Jeff?”
“He’s in the kitchen cooking us a five star meal. Can’t you smell it?”
Something did smell great. But since when could her boyfriend cook? She went to the kitchen, and thankfully Abby didn’t tag along. She saw Jeff wearing an apron, which was adorable, and he looked like he knew what he was doing as he seasoned something in a pan.
“Uh, hey, Jeff,” Heather started. “Did you know your sister plans on hanging out with us tonight?”
Jeff spun around with a spatula in his hand. He used it to point at the words on his apron that read, ‘kiss the cook.’ Then he cleared his throat and waited.
“Oh, sorry,” Heather giggled, and went over and gave him a peck on the cheek.
As she withdrew, Jeff cleared his throat again, shook his head, and pointed emphatically to his apron.
Heather ignored him as she figured her news was more urgent. “We won’t be able to do much more than that with your sister around!” she hissed.
“Won’t be able to do what?” Abby asked innocently as she came into the kitchen.
Heather turned redder than her hair, but Jeff saved her by saying, “Food’s ready. You can have some. But you have to pay the toll.”
“The toll?” Heather asked.
“But of course,” Abby purred. And then she picked up a plate from the counter, went over to Jeff, and locked lips with him.
It was a long kiss. A sensual kiss. A kiss that Heather would have put a stop to if it had been some random girl, but…this was Jeff’s sister. What was going on? Why were they kissing like that? And why did Jeff seem cool with it?
When they broke it off, Jeff winked at Abby, and filled her plate with steak and steamed vegetables. When Heather just stared, Abby motioned to Heather, “Go on, before it gets cold.”
Heather moved as if on autopilot and picked up a plate. When she held it out to Jeff, he cleared his throat again. She looked at him, still very confused by what she’d seen.
“You have to pay the toll,” Abby gently reminded her.
Heather scoffed. She could pay the toll whenever she wanted. She was Jeff’s girlfriend after all. But to put her mouth where Abby’s had just been, it was weird, wasn’t it? And why wasn’t Abby going to the dining room? Why was she just standing there, staring? Was she seeing if she’d just go along with it? Was this a prank? It had to be that! Jeff and his older sister were messing with her. That was a pretty risque prank. But she wouldn’t back down. She’d show them that they couldn’t pull one over on her. She put the plate down, put her hands on the side of Jeff’s face, and kissed him even more passionately than Abby had.
When she was finished, Jeff looked shell shocked, then quickly filled her plate. Heather turned to see Abby giving her an approving smile, and then a wink at Jeff.
Sometimes siblings were weird, but Heather was hungry enough now not to care. She followed Abby to the dining room, and Jeff joined them a minute later. They ate in relative silence for a few minutes, then Heather felt something brush against the inside of her legs. It was a foot! And it was sliding up and down her bare skin. That might have been normal if Jeff was sitting across from her, but he wasn’t. Abby was!
Heather looked at her and mouthed, “What the hell?” to the older girl.
In response, Abby just blew her a kiss, and took another bite of vegetables.
As Abby’s foot made no sign of retreating, Heather looked at Jeff and said, “You know what, Jeff, this was really great, but I think I think I’d like some dessert now. Can we go get ice cream?”
“Or you could stay here and have something just as sweet,” Abby offered suggestively as her foot climbed higher and higher.
“Would you like to stay here and have something sweet with us, Heather?” Jeff asked with a charming smile.
Heather scooted back from the table, letting Abby’s foot fall to the floor. She looked at her boyfriend questioningly. “Okay guys? What is going on? First that kiss. Now your sister is making a pass at me under the table? You guys are fucking with me, right?”
“Oh, we’d like to fuck with you alright,” Abby cooed.
“If that’s something you’d be into,” Jeff added.
“But…but, you’re brother and sister!” Heather argued.
“Not today,” Jeff smiled. “Today is sort of a cheat day. Tomorrow might be too, who knows?”
“I don’t understand what that means,” Heather said.
“It means,” Abby said, “That I’m fine with you fucking my hus- sorry, ‘your’ boyfriend today, as long as I can be there to help.”
Heather was temporarily at a loss for words at the offer. She’d never been invited to a three way before. That’s what this was, right? Yeah, it would be. She’d be fucking Jeff, and Abby would be there, and she’d be ‘helping,’ which meant she’d be participating. So yeah, that’d be a three way. She thought she’d have to wait until college for one of those. She looked at Jeff to see his thoughts on the matter.
“My sister and I have talked it over,” Jeff explained. “As you know, she’s recovering from a failed marriage, and she’s looking to get back in the saddle again. I think this will help her out.”
“Having sex with her brother?”
“No, no!” Jeff said with feigned shock. “With both of us! And as I said, this is a cheat day.”
“What does that mean though!”
“It means I’m your boyfriend, so it’s not cheating. And Vickie- I mean, Abby, is my sister, so…”
“That doesn’t make any sense!”
Abby pulled her white shirt over her head. It had been obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra before. And now it was really obvious. “So, you want me just to fuck Jeff without you?” she challenged.
“What!” Heather balked.
But before she could protest further, Abby stood up and put her tits in Jeff’s face. Jeff didn’t shrink back, but began kissing and fondling his sister’s boobs.
“In or out?” Abby asked.
Heather narrowed her eyes at Abby. She didn’t know what these two perverts were playing at, but whatever it was, she wasn’t going to lose. In a quick, fluid movement, she pulled her dress up over her head. In another second, her bra was falling off. She moved to the other side of her boyfriend, her slightly smaller tits on display for him. He turned to her, and put his mouth on them. Heather arched a brow in Abby’s direction as if to say, ‘you’ll have to do better than that, cause he likes mine better.’
But after a few seconds of kissing Heather’s boobs, Jeff stood, looked at both women and said, “It’s a shame. I guess the rest of this food is going to get cold.” And then he bolted from the room.
Abby squealed with glee and chased after him.
Heather wondered what was possessing them, but followed after. But they weren’t headed towards Jeff’s room. They were heading to the master bedroom. The one that belonged to Jeff’s parents. By the time she got there, Jeff was already shedding clothes, and Abby had lost the black leggings.
The siblings climbed into bed as Heather watched, and as if to prove that they were completely serious, Abby got on all fours, and Jeff expertly mounted her from behind.
Heather gasped. Her boyfriend was fucking another woman right in front of her. How dare he! And how dare he look so good doing it! Heather shed her panties and got beside Jeff and started kissing him. Then she got on all fours and stuck her ass right next to Abby’s. She briefly thought how funny it was that she had worried about Abby from hearing them the other night. Maybe that’s what set this off. Maybe hearing her get fucked had turned Abby on, and she was so desperately horny that she’d asked Jeff to help her out.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a firm smack on her ass from Jeff. “Hey!” she protested. But then his hands were bracing her hips, and now he was shoving into her. She was even wetter than she thought, because he slid all the way in. It felt so good. She looked beside her, and there was Abby. She was smiling at her. And then her mouth was right there. And they were kissing. She was kissing a girl. A girl that was her boyfriend’s sister, while her boyfriend was fucking her from behind. It was not how she thought the night was going to go, but she wasn’t complaining.
After doing them both doggystyle for a few minutes, they changed positions. Well, Heather did anyway. Abby stayed on all fours getting plowed by her brother, while Heather positioned her pussy in front of Abby for the older woman to lick. That lasted a few minutes. Then they switched. Then they switched to missionary, so Abby could sit on Heather’s face. Jeff blew his load 20 minutes in. He watched the two women go at it for another 10, and then tagged back in.
Heather had never felt so sexy. Jeff and Abby were touching her everywhere. Kissing her everywhere. She got off again and again and again, and she was louder than ever. Everytime she came, it just made the siblings go even harder. There seemed to be no end to their stamina. It was like they wanted to fuck all night!
Ned loved being young again. Vickie did too. And they especially loved sharing the hot redhead in bed. It was the best anniversary they’d ever had.
At some point before Jeff, Abby, Ned and Vickie fell asleep that night, they all wondered if they’d be back to normal the next day. If anything could be normal again.
Jeff was pretty sure it wouldn’t be when he woke up in a sorority house the next day. With a different pair of tits that looked all too familiar.
To be continued?
Author's note:
What a fun idea for a commission. If people like this, I'd be down to right another chapter.
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Chapter by
Kripto · 03 Jan 2022 -
A magical mirror changes the lives of four friends.
"Wow," Brian Patterson said, his eyes taking in the vast, cluttered
expanse of his attic, "I always forget how much junk we keep up here."
He gave himself a brief moment to reconsider his current course of
action, then finished climbing the stairs to make way for his three
friends to follow.Justin Davis, Brian's best friend, was next to
ascend into the messy space. His skinny chest coughed twice at the dust,
then adjusted his glasses. "I changed my mind. I thought this was going
to be way easier and a whole lot less depressing. Which of your parents
are hoarders?""I think it's a combination of the two," Brian
guessed, watching as the two large brothers, Sam and Eric brought up the
rear into the cramped space."So, what are we looking for again?" Sam asked earnestly.Brian
had to love the brothers. They weren't the sharpest, but they were
always willing to lend a hand when he needed it, and with their muscular
frames, they were always ideal when any heavy lifting was required.
"Anything that might be valuable. My mom said I could sell some of the
clothes up here that we've kept in storage forever. But she also said
there might be a few antiques I could pawn off downtown.""And why do you need this extra cash again?" Eric asked."Cause
of the girl, dumb dumb, remember?" Justin responded jovially, gently
wrapping on Eric's skull with his knuckles. "The one he works with and
wants to ask out. If she says yes he wants to take her to an expensive
restaurant to show her he's not the loser we all know he is."This
caused all four of them to laugh as the word 'loser' was sort of an
inside joke in their little clique. If possible, all four of them would
have tied for 'Most Likely Never To Accomplish Anything in Life' in
their senior yearbook. They had all barely graduated four years ago but
each had no aspirations for higher learning or the American dream.
Instead they had each settled into simple jobs with little to no
responsibility, little room for advancement, and never enough money to
live on. They could each make the paychecks stretch though, as they each
still lived at home. In situations such as this, where the need to
impress on a first date was seen as a priority, they had to get
creative.This is what had led them to ransack the Patterson's
attic in the middle of summer. Brian had promised each of his friends a
tiny cut of whatever it is he could sell, and in his mind it was way
better than doing it all by himself.They opened boxes of useless
childhood memorabilia that had not seen the light of day in some time.
They scoured inside various chests that reeked of mothballs. And they
investigated with the eye of one who can only appraise with imaginative
dollar signs in their eyes anything that might come close to being worth
some money. They found little, at least, in regards to what they were
willing to carry. Some larger furniture items might have been well worth
their time, but long ago their creed had been to keep any sort of
effort to a bare minimum.Justin opened a trunk that looked
promising but found more of the same clothes that would be worth pennies
on the dollar at a consignment store. On the off chance that maybe
there was something more, he plunged his hands under the heap of old
clothing. As he slid his hand down the length of the trunk's bottom, his
fingers hit an impasse. He felt around and was able to get his hand
around the mystery item and pull it towards the surface. Out in the
open, he saw it was just a small, rectangular wooden box about eighteen
inches long. There were no distinguishing marks or design on it. The
wood was not anything special. It had nicks and bumps and seemed old but
not ancient.Justin still held out hope that maybe what was
inside contained something of value, and he lifted a small clasp in the
middle of the box and peered inside. Again, he was disappointed. There
was nothing inside but a small, handheld mirror resting on a velvet
lining. Justin extracted it from the box and marveled at how cheap and
worn it looked.The mirror's frame was made entirely of wood, but
looked like something someone had hand carved and badly. An inch of wood
surrounded the mirror and there were markings that had been etched in.
The symbols were like nothing Justin had ever seen, but also looked like
they could have just been done by several random stabbings at the
frame. The handle was the only thing that was the tiniest bit nice. The
wood here was dark, smooth and well polished. After his quick
examination, Justin put it back in the box and yelled, "Heads up," as he
tossed it without warning to Brian.Justin had forgot to fasten
the clasp and as the box sailed towards Brian, the mirror flew out and
crashed to the floor. Brian also failed to catch the box which was a
surprise to none of his friends in the room.Justin laughed. "Sorry man. I was going to see if you thought if that mirror was worth anything, but I'm sure it's not now."Sam
and Eric came over to investigate the find as Brian bent over to pick
up the mirror, now laying face down. He expected to see reflective
shards as he lifted it, but there were none. He turned to look at the
mirror's surface and saw there was not even one crack, a miracle given
the impact it had suffered. "It's okay. How is it okay? Did they make
mirrors sturdier back in the day.""Maybe it's plastic?" Sam suggested.Brian
scrutinized it, then frowned. "It's not. It should have shattered." And
then he threw it on the ground. All four men were astonished as they
watched the mirror bounced once, then come to rest again on the floor.
No wooden splinters flew and no shards were seen. Brian picked it up
again and noted that, other than its shabby exterior, it didn't look as
if it had taken on any damage."So you found an indestructible mirror," Eric said helpfully. "That's got to be worth something?""Not
the same with the case it was in," Justin added as he stopped to
retrieve the open case. "It's not broken but the lining came out of the
top." As he saw the cheap velvet that was drooping down, he saw that it
had been held there with a cheap glue. He tugged it lightly and it came
out. "Hey, there are words or...something written in here?""What
do you mean something written?" Brian asked, stepping towards his
friend. Justin held up the lid and could see that there did appear to be
symbols scrawled on the upper inside portion of the lid. As he pulled
the box closer to study it, he let his other hand that held the mirror
drop to his side.The door to the attic opened and Brian's
sister's head popped into view a moment later. Casey Patterson was the
polar opposite of her brother. She was driven, capable, popular, and in
general a delight to be around. She was also gorgeous and Brian's
friends were glad she had come home for the summer instead of staying at
her college campus. She drastically improved the scenery with her long
strawberry blonde hair, svelte figure and long legs.Casey knew
Brian was a bit of a loser, but she loved him fiercely and wanted
nothing but the best for him. She tolerated his friends because, though
prone to checking her out now and again, they had never behaved
inappropriately towards her. She eyed their progress before asking, "Mom
wanted to know if you all wanted anything to eat? I see you, um, well
you probably haven't worked up too much of an appetite..." she began,
noting that no real progress had seemed to be made in their disaster of
an attic.Sam and Eric were already raising their hands. "We'll eat!" Sam said enthusiastically."Nothing for me, thanks though," Justin said.Casey paused, looking at her brother who hadn't seemed to have even acknowledged her presence. "Brian? You want anything?"Brian
had not noticed his sister. He had continued to look at the symbols in
the box. Symbols that, the longer he stared, seemed to reshape
themselves into words that resembled English. His sister called his name
again. One word, the word that he now saw at the top of a list of words
became perfectly clear, and he uttered it aloud. "Capture."The
moment he said it he noticed a soft red glow out of the corner of his
eye and looked down to spot the source. It was coming from the mirror in
his hand. The outer rim where symbols had been etched into the wood
were each giving off a dim red glow and Brian saw that the reflection
that shown there was his sister's. She must have stepped into it's path
while he held it down at his side. He looked up to see her reaction but
was surprised to see her standing completely still, her body awash in
the red light. And then it was over and she blinked as if she had
momentarily lost her train of thought."I, what was I...?" Casey began, then nodded her head as she remembered. "Brian, do you want anything to eat or not?"Brian
looked at her quizzically, then shook his head. She went back down the
stairs, and all at once all four friends began to speak."What just happened?""What was that light?""Did that mirror hypnotize your sister?""All I said was the first word on the list in the box, and then that light hit Casey," Brian explained, still not understanding."There
weren't any words," Justin said dubiously, retaking the box to examine
it again. "Yeah, there's just these symbols that don't mean anything.""Yeah,"
Brian agreed, "that's what I saw at first too. But the longer I looked
they, well, they became words, or at least the one on top did."Justin
stared at his friend as if he'd lost his mind. "Uh huh, okay. You said
the first one was 'capture', here." He tossed the box back at Brian who
for once caught something. "What's the next one?"Brian had caught
the box, but awkwardly as he was still holding the mirror in one hand.
It shifted precarious in his hand as he flipped the lid open. Again,
unreadable symbols were carved there, but as he watched, words began to
manifest again, quicker than before. "Copy. The second word is copy."Again
the mirror in his hand shown red and Brian looked over to see that
Eric, who had been on his left, was in the path of its reflection."Guys,
what's happening?" was all Eric got to say before the rest of them saw
light seem to bend around him. His whole form flickered for a moment,
and then popped back into startling focus. All the more startling
because it was not his form, but that of Brian's sister Casey."That
was weird," the newly appeared Casey exclaimed, then threw her hands
over her mouth. Brian, Justin and Sam watched in morbid fascination as
her eyes went wide as she looked down at herself. She let her hands
glide down from her mouth, stopping at the skin at the top her her
yellow t-shirt. After a moment, she continued down until both her palms
came to rest on her C cup breasts and without any thought to the others
in the room, she gave them both a firm squeeze. "I have boobs guys? Why
do I have boobs?""Casey?" Brian asked, too confused tell his sister to stop groping herself in front of him and his friends."Who?" the girl asked. "You think I'm Casey? I'm not I'm..""Eric,
" Justin interjected. Lazy though he might have been, he was the smart
one of the bunch. Brian was their unofficial leader, but Justin took the
lead in the brains department. "It's the mirror. You held it on Casey
when she was up here and said capture, and it did. It captured her form.
Then when you had it on Eric and said copy, it copied Casey's form onto
him.""But that's impossible?" Brian said stubbornly."Then
explain to me another reason why your sister would have a hand down her
pants in front of all of us," Justin queried while pointing at Casey's
form. She had moved past her breasts and unzipped her pants and plunged
one hand beneath her underwear."Guys," the girl said in a scared
but excited voice, "it's not just the boobs. I don't have a penis
either! I have...something else." Immediately after saying this, her
knees went weak and she almost fell to the floor as her fingers
continued to move underneath her panties. She let out a small moan.
"Holy cow this feels amazing!"Seeing his sister begin to touch
herself in front of him caused Brian to snap back into focus. "Eric?"
When his sister looked up he knew Justin was right. "Stop touching my
sister!" He strode quickly over to her and grabbed the arm connected to
the hand that had not stopped moving and pulled it into the light. Brian
noted with disgust that three of the now exposed fingers glistened with
moisture and he wanted to punch Eric but it felt wrong since it would
feel like punching Casey.Eric, sensing possible violence, let out
a sound akin to a gasp and a scream but conveyed a powerful need to be
rescued. While Brian was still holding Eric's feminine arm, Sam
materialized right next to them and growled in Brian's ear, "Let my
brother go."Brian released the arm but stood firmly at the
slightly taller, but much more muscular man, "Tell him to keep his hands
off my sister's body."Free of Brian's grasp, Eric melted into
Sam's powerful arms, letting them envelope his smaller, more delicate
form in a protective fashion. Eric then looked up at his brother's face
with the admiration of a damsel that had been rescued from a villain.
Brian's face twisted in confusion as Sam took one of Eric's hands gently
and said, "I won't let anyone hurt you."Justin decided to point out the obvious, "Sam, you do know that's your brother, right? And you're holding his hand right now?"Sam
looked down and then released Eric's hand, causing Eric's sweet face to
look hurt. "I, yeah, I know it's just real confusing with him looking
like that. Especially since I always, uh...""Don't say it," Brian's voice said two octaves deeper than normal.Eric
finished for him with Casey's lilting voice, "He's always had a bit of a
crush on Casey. Here Sam, feel her tits, you've always wanted to." And
before Sam could protest Eric had already grabbed Sam's hand and pushed
it firmly against her perky breast, then helped him give it a good
squeeze. This sensation seemed to surprise Eric, as a small moan escaped
his lips.Brian started to move quickly towards them in an effort
to stop what he was seeing, but stopped as he heard the attic door open
and someone ascend the stairs."Is everyone okay up here?" Mrs.
Patterson asked her head appearing from below and began to scan the room
as she climbed higher. "It sounded like someone was yelling a moment
ago."Sam quickly dropped his hands from Eric's new breasts before Mrs. Patterson could see, but they didn't have time to hide him."Hey
Mom," Brian said, thinking fast. "Everything is fine. We were going to
call it quits for today and go over to Justin's house for awhile.""Absolutely,"
Justin agreed, going along with any plan that would give them a chance
to undo Eric's problem. "Thanks for letting us snoop around up here."But Mrs. Patterson was frowning. "Casey? Didn't I just see you downstairs? How'd you get up here so fast?"She
watched as Casey just gawked at her, looking completely at a loss for
words. Sam shoved her a little to remind Eric that he was a copy of
Casey, and she stammered tentatively, "I guess I'm, really fast... Mom?"Mrs.
Patterson broke the tension by giving a little laugh. "Why are you
acting so weird? Whatever. I'll see you men later. Casey, I'll still
need your help in the kitchen in a few minutes.""Uh, okay," Eric as Casey said. "I'll probably beat you downstairs." The rest of the guys gave an uneasy chuckle at this.Mrs.
Patterson shook her head and smiled, then went back downstairs. "Oh my
gosh that was too close," Brian said. "Here's what we do. I'll hold onto
this mirror and the box for it. We sneak Eric out and go to Justin's
and figure out how to reverse this.""Sounds good," Justin said
and Sam nodded. Eric was the only one who seemed unsure, but followed
after as they all quietly retreated from the attic.Brian went
first, making sure the coast was clear, and they were all able to steer
clear of Brian's mom and sister without incident. Brian's dad was still
at work so they didn't have to worry about being surprised by him.Justin's
house was a short five minutes away, and they thankfully had his house
to themselves as Justin's parents frequently traveled and he was an only
child. Once inside, Brian immediately set the mirror on the kitchen
table and began studying the symbols inside the box, trying to will them
to form words that he recognized. Try as he might, nothing changed,
nothing transformed into English, no matter how hard he concentrated.The others had gathered around him, waiting patiently, until finally Justin broke the silence. "Well, you seeing anything?""No," Brian said with frustration etched on his face. "I don't get it. I don't even see the first two words.""Let
me try," Justin said, and he pulled the box towards him and squinted
inside, seeing the same gibberish as before. "What were you doing when
you read the first word?""I, let me think, I was holding the box and the mirror and the symbols seemed to swirl around and...""That's
it!" Justin interrupted. He picked up the mirror on the table and
resumed looking at the box. "There's the first word." Less than a minute
later he said, "There's the second." He was careful not to say the
words out loud to avoid having a new predicament on their hands.Brian
had caught up to Justin's hypothesis, and explained it to the befuddled
brothers. "It seems it will only show you the words that make the
mirror do stuff if you are holding onto the mirror at the time. Has it
shown you a third one yet Justin?"Justin carefully pointed the
mirror face down and replied, "Yeah. Connect. Didn't show me anything
else yet. It's possible we have to utilize the word before it will give
us another one."Brian looked bemused. "I didn't know you were such a magical mirror expert.""Just drawing conclusions as we go along man. Remember, I'm not the one who started this. You should do the honors."Casey's face showed fear and Eric made his objection known. "Guys, I don't want to be a guinea pig for this.""Not what we want either man," Justin assured him. "But we've got to try something or you might be stuck like this."When Eric said nothing else, Brian shakily lifted up the mirror towards his sister's face and said, "Connect."The
symbols around the mirror's edge shown with a dull red light, then a
pained gasp escaped Eric's lips and his hands flew to his forehead. "Ah!
Something's happening. It's, I don't know, I feel like I'm becoming
someone else.""What do you mean?" Brian asked worriedly."It's like I know what it's like to be a girl all of a sudden."Justin smirked. "You are a girl right now dummy.""No,"
Eric protested. "I mean I can remember being a girl my whole life. I
know how to put a bra and make up on. I remember getting my first period
and I remember, being apart of your family, Brian.""My family?" Brian was again confused."You're
a slacker, but you've always been a good brother," Eric continued but
there was a tenderness to the voice. "And, oh holy crap. So much
knowledge. I feel like I'm getting so much smarter. I remember
everything from college this last year, including, oh, wow. I had sex. I
know what sex feels like as a woman and, it's damn good if the guy
knows what he's doing."Brian was trying not to panic or go into shock. "Justin? Any theories here buddy?"Justin
was processing this new development as quickly as he could. "I think
Eric here is absorbing all of your sister's knowledge. Probably not just
that, her memories, her personality and mannerisms, everything that
makes her her. I think the mirror connected them to each other. Made
them like an extension of each other. The question is..." He stopped and
looked cautiously at Eric. "Hey Eric? You still in there?"Eric lowered his hands from his head. "Yeah. Yeah I am, I just, I
need a minute." He sat down and Sam put a large hand on his small
shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm still me. I'm still Eric
but now, it's like there's this other part of me that I have access to
as well. Everything that is Casey is right there, like a river of
knowledge and personality, and if I wanted, I feel like I could just
jump in and ride it.""Okay," Justin said thoughtfully, "using
that analogy, are you able to just put your toes in. Are you able to
access Casey but maintain control?"Eric tossed Casey's long hair back in a gesture they had all seen Casey do a million times before. "Hold on. Let me try."The
three men all stood in silence and watched as the young woman in front
of them closed her eyes. After a few minutes, she opened them and
smiled. "I could totally pass for her, but I could still be myself.
What's great is I don't just have access to her amazing body, but also
her superior intelligence.""What does that mean?" Sam asked frowning.Eric
stood up and turned towards Sam, who now was a good foot taller than
him. "It means, Sammy, that I've always been kind of a dullard. But with
access to young Casey's intellect, my IQ has been raised by several
points."Sam blinked. Casey was the only one to ever call him
Sammy and get away with it. She had been doing so since she was little.
Hearing Eric do it in Casey's form was further blurring the lines of who
was who, especially for Sam. He slowly shook his head, either because
he didn't understand fully or just was flatly denying the reality of the
situation. Or both. "Here's what I propose for the moment
gentlemen," the pseudo Casey said brightly. "My brother here is clearly
shook up and I clearly need to have a quick word with him to calm his
nerves. We'll go upstairs to your room Justin, and you two figure out
what the rest of the symbols mean." Before anyone could object to this,
she had taken her brother's hand and was leading him upstairs."This is all too weird, right?" Brian said, looking at them disappear out of sight. "I mean, I should be waking up any moment.""Aw
come on," Justin chided. "It's just starting to get good. If we can
figure this thing out. Imagine what we could do with it. This is a game
changer.""We could look like people, so what?""Yeah, if
you're thinking small. If we look like them, imagine the fantasies we
could play out, the secrets we would have access too. You want to know
if Stacey from work really likes you, this would be an easy way to find
out."The possibilities of this began to play through Brian's head
as he imagined having a cheat sheet to a possible real relationship
with his coworker Stacey Smith. As those possibilities continued to
float through, Stacey's smile and physique and the way he could just
talk to her for hours came to the forefront in his mind.Justin
snapped his fingers in front of Brian's face causing him to jerk. "Earth
to Brian. Come in Brian. Now that you've thought about the potential
here like I have, let's look at the rest of those symbols." As both men
reached for the mirror, a much different conversation was happening
upstairs. "Could you repeat that?" Sam asked slowly as the very
pretty girl twirled her hair and looked up at him with a twinkle in her
eye."I said," she began again, "I'm not really Eric. I'm really Casey. Somehow I switched places with your brother.""Then, where's Eric?""I'm sure he's fine, he's probably at home... your home I mean."Sam
was tired of being confused today. He knew he wasn't the smartest, but
he was determined to figure this out. He fished his cell phone from his
pocket. "I'll call him then and make sure he's alright.""No don't!" Casey said quickly. "I mean, you can in a second, just let me tell you a secret first.""What secret?" Sam asked hesitantly.Casey
sat on Justin's bed and looked bashfully at Sam. "Well first, I'll ask
you a question about a secret you have. I heard from your brother that,
you might have had a crush on me once? Is that true?"Sam looked like he had just been sucker punched. "I, uh, you're Brian's little sister."Casey
stood up and walked confidently towards him. "I know I'm Brian's sister
Sammy, but I'm not so little anymore." At this she clasped her hands in
front of her and pushed her arms in, causing her breasts to jut out and
look even larger than they already were. "But you didn't answer the
question. Did you have a crush on me at some point?"Sam made no attempt to hide the fact that he was openly staring at Casey's bust. "I, yes."Casey
smiled and lifted the shirt over her head in one graceful gesture. A
bright yellow bra that went well with her light complexion was now all
that Sam could see in the world. Casey reached both arms behind her back
and lowered her head to meet Sam's eyes. "Do you still have a crush on
me?"Sam was practically drooling as he said, "Very much.""Glad
to hear it Sammy, because here's my secret. I've had a crush on you
too." And then she deftly unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the
floor. Sam got a very good look at milky white skin dotted with the
occasional freckle. The flesh was round and incredibly soft looking. Sam
reached out to touch one but Casey was already lunging for him like a
predator that knows its prey is trapped.Sam's hands collided with
her breasts and he started groping and pawing and squeezing as her
mouth found his and their tongues intertwined. Casey encouraged this for
a minute, then broke off and led him to the bed. "Take off your clothes
and sit here on the edge of the bed. I want to show you my favorite
position." Then she pulled down her jeans and panties.Downstairs,
Brian and Justin had agreed to both touch a part of the mirror at the
same time and try to decipher the rest of the words. Another word had
revealed itself to them, but nothing else."It looks like there's
still two more words," Justin surmised. "But we probably won't be able
to see them until we use this next one on Eric.""I don't know," Brian faltered. "That word, it seems like it could be a dangerous one." "That's very possible but, what other choice do we have at this point?" Justin reasoned. They
both halted the conversion as they heard the scraping of wood against
the floor upstairs, followed by the sensual cries of a woman in ecstasy.
They stood up and proceeded towards the stairs. Justin was in
possession of the mirror as his hand had been on the handle. Brian had
picked up the box. They found the noise was coming from Justin's
bedroom, but the door was locked."One second," Justin said. "I'll get a screwdriver from downstairs."Brian
listened as the woman's cries grew louder and the banging against the
floor sped up. It sounded like Casey was... Brian banged on the door.
"What the hell is going on in there?""Oh, one, second, big,
brother!" Casey called, pausing between each word. Then she added to
someone else, "Yeah, right there. Here, suck on this tit.""Casey? Eric! Dammit what is happening?" Brian bellowed.Justin
ran back up with screwdriver in hand and quickly picked the rudimentary
lock. When he flung the door open they both froze at the sight of the
frenzied pair on Justin's bed. They were both completely naked. Casey,
or Eric, they didn't really know anymore, was straddling Sam who was
sitting on the edge of the bed. Casey was bouncing up and down rapidly
causing Sam's sizeable dick to repeatedly plunge into Casey's wet box.
Casey was pulling Sam's face in towards her breasts, moving his head
from one boob to the next while Sam sucked and bit greedily at whichever
one was in front of him.Justin was the first to weigh in. "This was unexpected and much more fucked up than I thought it would be.""Stop fucking each other!" Brian roared. "Not
yet!" Casey yelled back. "I'm almost there. Keep giving me that big
dick Sammy, just like you always wanted to!" Sam didn't even acknowledge
the presence of the other guys. He just continued to revel in the
incredible moment.Brian looked angrily at the couple, then yelled at Justin," Use the mirror! Say the new word!"" You sure?" Justin asked, but he was already pointing the mirror in their direction. "Do it and make them stop!" Brian demanded.Justin calmly said, "Control." The mirrors edges burned red. At the same time, Casey screamed as she orgasmed."Get off him now!" Brian growled.Casey continued to grind on Sam's shaft, and was rewarded seconds later as it twitched and ejaculated inside of her."It's not working," Brian said angrily. "You said the magic word, maybe you have to be the one to order her.""Let's see," Justin said. "Eric, get off your brother's dick."Casey
suddenly stood up, letting cum and Sam's softening penis slide out of
her pussy. She then spun around but there was a fire in her eyes.
"Justin, I really like when you tell me what to do. Make me do something
else. Anything. I'll do anything you want." She started to lithely
approach him and Justin could only stare and marvel at how incredibly
sexy Brian's sister looked in that instant."Justin!" Brian barked."Right,
sorry," Justin mumbled. He was sorry. Sorry that Brian was here and
that he couldn't order his sister to ride his cock the same way she had
ridden Sam's. "Put your clothes on.""Yes sir," Casey said,
offering a salute and immediately begin to dress. "And then you could
tell me to suck your dick. I bet you'd really like that, wouldn't you?"
She gave him a flirtatious wink."I..." Justin's throat went dry and words failed him. Thankfully Brian interjected."Justin, shut up before you say something that'll make me hate you forever. Give me the mirror."Justin handed the mirror over and Brian proceeded to examine the box again, hoping for another word.Sam had come down from his orgasm and said, "Look, guys, I know this looks bad but, this isn't Eric. It's actually Casey."Brian didn't look up from the box but said wryly, "Even if that were the case it wouldn't make it better Sam."Justin
thought he'd try an experiment. He wasn't holding the mirror but he
wondered if he'd still have control without it. "Eric, slap your brother
in the face."Casey paused trying to get the clasp reconnected to
her bra, and smacked Sam full in the face. Then she went right back to
the bra.Sam rubbed the red spot on his cheek. "Casey, baby, why'd you do that?""Cause I told him to," Justin smiled. "Eric, tell your brother the truth right now. About what you both just did."Casey
smiled sweetly at Sam, then pulled the rug out from under him. "It's
really me, Eric. I lied before. I'm not really Casey but I feel like I'm
Casey and I could remember fucking and a girl's orgasm and I remembered
you telling me about the crush you had on Casey. She did have a crush
on you too and that made me want to get you up here and I was so horny
and I knew I could convince you to let me fuck you and here we are." She
blew him a kiss, then turned from a horror stricken Sam and looked at
Justin. She was now fully clothed and expectant. "Don't you want to
order me to suck your dick now?""Nope," Brian interrupted. "Because I just got the word that will change you back." He lifted the mirror.Casey spun towards Brian and shrieked, "No! I don't want to go back! I like being smart and sexy and..."The rest of the her words were cut off as Brian said, "Cancel."The
three men watched transfixed as the air around Casey seemed to shimmer,
then her whole body was just a bright light that made then all look
away. Then the light was gone and when they looked back, it was Eric's
large frame standing where Casey had been. He was wearing the same
clothes he had had on in Brian's attic. He also looked very disappointed
and his hands went to his head."It's all slipping away," Eric moaned. "All her memories and intelligence. I can feel myself getting dumber.""Sorry man," Justin grinned. "Just try reading a book every once in awhile. Let's go downstairs. I got some questions."Brian was still keyed up. "How can you be so calm and collected about this?""What's
the alternative?" Justin threw back at him. "We found a magic mirror
that can copy people and is full of possibilities, remember? Yes it led
to this unfortunate scene that we all witnessed but, well, in Eric's
defense, he wasn't exactly himself. Now that he is, we should find out
what we can about his experience and learn from it so we can avoid, uh,
having sex with family members."Brian hated the smile that teased
the edges of Justin's mouth. It was easy for him since it wasn't his
sister or brother and he was really just a spectator in this debauchery.
"Fine, but so help me if we can't control it, we should destroy it.""For
sure, for sure," Justin agreed. "We'll be smart about it, but we're in
this together now. We'll do what's best for the group."Brian
wasn't sure what that last part meant, but he followed Justin as he went
back downstairs. They all sat at the kitchen table and accepted the
coffee that Justin poured for them. "Alright," Justin began. "Tell us
everything from the beginning, Eric. Start from the moment you got
zapped by the mirror."Eric concentrated hard, forming the
necessary words in his mind. "It didn't hurt. I was me, then I looked
like Casey. I felt amazing actually.""How so?" Justin asked."I don't know. Lighter? Sexy, very horny.""You
felt... horny?" Justin liked this line of questioning, but he was
careful how he proceeded as he noticed Brian shift uncomfortably in his
chair."Yeah, I mean at first I thought it was because I had boobs and a pussy and...""Careful, still my sister's body we're talking about," Brian warned.Eric
lowered his head apologetically. "I'm sorry. It's just there were all
these new sensations that I didn't know what to do with and when Sam..."
He refused to look his brother in the eye. "When he moved to protect me
in the attic from you, Brian, and I felt his arms against me, something
just went off inside and I, I wanted him. I wanted anyone really. And
when you gave me access to Casey's mind it made it a million times worse
and I was determined to fuck someone in that body.""You were? Or she was?" Justin asked for clarification."Um,
I'd like to tell you both, but it was a mixed bag. Sometimes I felt in
control, other times not at all. I just kept getting hornier and soon
sex, getting sex became all that mattered.""You articulated that
very well," Justin observed. "Maybe some of Casey's smarts are still
there. One more question. Would you do it again?""In a heart beat," Eric said without pause."You are not taking my sister's shape again!" Brian said, slamming a fist on the table."Relax," Justin soothed. "I'm not talking about Casey. We'll experiment with someone else. Someone who's not family.""Yeah," Brian nodded. "First rule, no copying family.""Good," Justin agreed. "What else?""Rule two," Sam said joining the conversation for the first time. "We don't try to trick each other.""Not as fun but I certainly see where you're coming from Sam," Justin smiled at him. "No malicious deception." "Rule three." Brian said. "We don't use the control option." "Unless we want them too," Eric added a little too eagerly, causing the others stare at him. "Okay," Justin said pivoting the focus off Eric. "Anything else?""Yeah," Brian added firmly. "If this starts to go south, we destroy this thing.""All agreed?" Justin asked the group. All nodded. "Do you think Brian's parents know what this mirror can do?" Eric asked. Justin
shrugged. "I don't think so. I mean why would they have it buried at
the bottom of an unlocked trunk in their attic if they knew what it
could do? They could have sold it and made a million dollars. We could
do that too after we have a little fun." The others nodded enthusiastically at this. "Oh hey, Brian," Justin continued. "Did you see the last word after cancel?"Brian hesitated for a split second, something that Justin knew he did right before telling a lie. "No. That was the last word." Justin blinked at his friend for a moment and then let the lie pass. "Great, then who should we experiment with first?"A
few names were thrown around, including Stacey's, Brian's hopeful
future girlfriend. Brian rejected this outright saying he didn't want
Stacey to be a part of the experimentation process. Sam and Eric both
wanted someone hot, and Justin pointed out that it probably didn't have
to be a woman, but oddly enough this was rejected outright by the other
three."We should be using it to score with ladies," Sam argued."That does mean one of us becoming the lady each time," Justin pointed out."Totally fine with that," Eric said.Brian raised an eyebrow. "Oh, we know you are. Look, it needs to be someone we all know, who's not family, and who's close by.""Oh, I got somebody," Justin said excitedly. "Mrs. Matthews."The
other three's eyes went wide at this and they all began to nod at the
idea. Mrs. Matthews had been a new teacher their senior year. She had
been the hottest thing on campus and asked to prom by several students
but were all shut down. What wasn't in her favor was how often she was
mistaken for a student. She had a very youthful face and a sunny smile
that still conveyed hopes and dreams. She had always been professional
and never flirted back with any of her youthful suitors, but just the
way she entered a room was enough to get the blood pumping for every
heterosexual male. She was small, but had an amazing figure, black silky
hair, and a spring to her step that could be seen by a bra that never
quite gave enough support to her ample chest.With a target in
mind, they each went back to their homes with plans to reconvene
tomorrow and begin experimenting. They agreed, with barely any
hesitation, that Brian should take the mirror home for safe keeping as
he had discovered the words and it had been found in his attic and was
more technically his than the rest of them.When Brian got home,
he stashed the mirror and its box in the back of his bedroom closet,
then went to find his sister. He struggled to look at Casey after seeing
a version of her naked an hour ago, but needed to ask her a question.
"Anything weird happen while I was gone?""Weird?" Casey looked at him curiously. "Like how?""Like, I don't know. Did you, disappear at all or, uh, miss time or, remember anything funny?""I
don't know what you guys were smoking over at Justin's, but share next
time," Casey joked. "No to all those things. Well, Mom almost jumped out
of her skin around the time you left because she swore it was like I
was in two places at once, but otherwise, no. I helped Mom in the
kitchen, hung around the house. Nothing big."Satisfied that there
seemed to be no other repercussions, Brian went to bed, dreaming about
all that might happen the next day. Upon waking, he went to retrieve the
mirror from his closet, just to look at it again, to hold it and
fantasize about the mischief he would soon get up to. But it was gone.
Brian raced to the hallway. "Mom, Casey? Who's been in my room?""I wouldn't go in there if you paid me," Casey called from her open door down the hall.When
he didn't hear a reply from his mom, he went downstairs and found her
in the kitchen reading a cookbook with great intensity. "Mom, did you go
in my room last night?""No dear," she said as she continued to
scan for recipes. "Haven't for a couple days and that was to give you
your laundry. I know you value your privacy."Brian thought about
other ways the mirror might have suddenly disappeared. "What about Dad?
Did he go in my room? Mom? Can you stop reading the book for a second?"Mrs. Patterson's gaze had not wavered from the words on the page and
they did not still at her son's prodding. "Your dad says he wants
something new for dinner and I'm not to stop looking until I've found
something that I know will make him happy."Brian shook his head.
He knew his mom unquestionably loved his dad, but sometimes she seemed
more like his servant than his spouse. "Did dad go in my room?""I don't see why he would? Oh, here's one he'll like. Thank goodness. My eyes were getting tired.""You don't have to do everything he says all the time you know," Brian chided.Mrs. Patterson looked appalled by this. "Of course I do. I love him."Brian
laughed. "Okay Mom." Brian's cell rang. The caller ID said Justin. As
he walked away from his mother he hit talk and started in on their new
wrinkle. "Hey man, something's happened. I don't know if someone broke
in last night but the mirror's gone." "Way ahead of you buddy," Justin said coolly. "It's here."Brian
stopped dead in his tracks and his voice suddenly lowered. "What do you
mean it's there? Did you come into my room last night?""Of
course I didn't. I got up this morning, went downstairs, and inside my
front door, like someone had dropped off a package, was the box with the
mirror inside. You didn't drop it off?""No!" Brian exclaimed. "What is going on?"There
was a long silence while Justin mulled this information over. "I think
it came back to me then, since I was the last to use it."Brian guffawed. "That's impossible.""It's
a magic mirror dude. We can't break it by dropping it, it can make us
other people, and it apparently goes where it wants. Don't worry. It's
safe. You can use it today and we'll test my theory. Meet at my house in
an hour."Brian hung up and an hour later was being greeted by
Justin at his house who showed him the mirror safe and sound on his
kitchen table. . "You sure you didn't..." Brian started."I
didn't," Justin assured him. "I'm telling you, magic mirror. Sam and
Eric are in the other room playing video games. I'll tell them you're
here and we can all take off.""Wait, are we just going to show up at Mrs. Matthews' house? Just like that?""Relax. I got a plan, just follow my lead," Justin said confidently.Brian
peered into the other room to see the brothers were indeed playing a
first person shooter. "How have they seemed? Have they been weird
since...""They fucked each other?" Justin finished.
"Surprisingly, no. Although they're not really talking about it. Eric
does seem different. A little more, feminine I guess, you'll see. Now
let's hit it."They piled into Brian's car and put in Mrs.
Matthews' address Justin had found online into their GPS. Ten minutes
later, they had pulled into her driveway. "Sam, Eric, you guys wait in
the car," Justin ordered. "Brian, you're with me. Let me do the talking,
and I'll be the one to use the mirror for this part. Then you can use
it the rest of the day." Everyone nodded and Justin and Brian exited the
vehicle and approached the front door. Brian was a little nervous, not
knowing how Justin was going to accomplish this smoothly. Justin rang
the doorbell. A few moments later, Mrs. Matthews opened the door.
It had been four years since they'd seen her, but she looked as
youthful and as perky as ever. As recognition flooded her round face
upon seeing two former students, her mouth broke into a dazzling grin
that conveyed genuine warmth and delight at this unexpected reunion. She
extended a hand to both of them. "Brian, Justin, it's very good to see
you. It's been awhile.""Yes it has Mrs. Matthews," Justin said feigning surprise. "I didn't know this was your house.""Oh yes, me and my husband's. And please, you're not in school anymore. Call me Kim."Justin's mouth curved into a winning smile. "Absolutely Kim."She looked between the two of them expectantly. "So, what can I do for you gentleman today?"In
one swift movement Justin pulled the mirror that he had tucked into the
back of his pants and put the reflective surface in front of her.
"Capture," Justin said quickly. The mirror glowed red and for a brief
moment Kim Matthews eyes glazed over. When the light faded, Justin
stuffed the mirror back into his pants. Kim shook her head as if
clearing cobwebs from her brain. "I'm sorry, what were you...what brings
you to my home today?""We were thinking about starting a lawn
service in the area and we're seeing if there's any potential here,"
Justin said. It was clear to Brian that he had this all queued up. "Did
you have any need for landscaping or mowing or anything such as that?"Kim looked thoughtful. "I don't think so. My husband takes care of all that. He loves any chance to get outdoors."Justin
nodded appreciatively at this. "I understand completely. We won't take
up anymore of your time. It was really good to see you again Kim." He
extended his hand again and she shook it, then he lightly grabbed
Brian's arm to pull him away, letting him know their job was done here.
They all drove back to Justin's and again found themselves sitting
around his kitchen table, staring at the mirror.Eric was the first to volunteer, "Can I turn into her? It's all I've been thinking about."They
all stared at him but it was Justin who spoke. "Not yet, Eric. We're
trying to learn some things here and we need a new test subject. I'm
going to be the guinea pig this time. Brian is going to be the only one
to use the mirror, but only when I say, okay?" Brian nodded. "Sam, I
want you to record everything on your phone. I want to make as many
observations as I can. I doubt I'll be having sex with any of you
because, you know, I'm straight, but maybe I'll show you what Mrs.
Matthews looks like naked."Eric looked at him defiantly. "Hey, I'm straight too."Justin
inclined his head towards his friend. "We always thought so buddy, but
yesterday said otherwise. Nobody here cares if you really swing both
ways. Get your phone ready Sam. Brian, take the mirror and let's do this
thing before I lose my nerve."Sam hit record and Brian lifted
the mirror to Justin's face and said, "Copy." Light bent around Justin
and an instant later, it was Kim Matthews sitting where Justin's body
had been.She sat still for a few seconds, then looked at Sam's
phone. "Everything feels different. It's like, all my sensations feel,
strange, foreign. It's like my mind knows that this isn't my real body
and is processing everything differently but, it doesn't feel bad." Her
hand stretched out before her and she looked at her fingers. Then it
came back and rested on a breast and squeezed, then found the nipple and
gave it a pinch. Her mouth couldn't stifle a moan. "This feels, really
pleasant actually. Is this how you felt too Eric, when you were Casey?"Eric gave an affirmative nod. "Almost from the moment it happened. I felt so good and, aroused. I got...wet almost immediately."The
men watched as Kim's other hand seemed to move in slow motion down to
the same jeans she had been wearing earlier. She stood up and dropped
her other hand from her breast and unbuttoned and unzipped and let them
drop to the floor. She stood there in silky turquoise panties which were
then invaded by her fingers. "Oh," said their teacher's voice. "Well,
it wasn't just you Eric. I'm like a swamp down there." She looked at the
camera and licked her lips while massaging her slit with her fingers.
"It would appear that upon transformation, the senses become heightened,
at least when it comes to anything sexual. This is possibly due to the
newness of the situation, the fact that we picked a hot teacher, or
because of the magical properties of the mirror itself."Sam's erection was already straining at his pants. "So, do we get to see her naked now?"Kim's
fingers stopped stroking and reluctantly came to the surface,
glistening from her arousal. "No, we push further. Here's the part where
Eric got into trouble and it's the part we have to see if we can
master. Brian, say the next word."Brian hesitated. "You sure?""Yeah, go."Brian held up the mirror again to his friend and said, "Connect."Kim's
hands flew to her forehead, "Ow, that freaking hurts! Whoa. So much
information. Her whole life is here. You were pretty accurate with your
description Eric. It's like a river of knowledge and, everything that
she is. It's all right there. What do I have to do to make sure I don't
get swept away?"Eric blushed. "To be honest, my whole goal became
getting laid and I didn't fight it. I just jumped in and I was me and
in control but then I wasn't and I became her as well. It was
intoxicating and the horniest I've ever been."Kim nodded. "Okay,
don't get swept away. Got it. Brian, I'm not worried here because I know
you can always cancel this out, but don't let me, I don't know, fuck
anybody?""Uh, okay," Brian said, although his mind was stuck in a loop of seeing his teacher finger herself in front of him.Kim
then gave one of her brilliant smiles. "Okay, everyone meet me in the
living room in one minute. This should be fun. Keep the camera on me
when I get back Sam."The three traipsed into the living room and
sat on the large couch as Justin/Kim disappeared. A minute later, she
reappeared carrying a portable white board and stand, and set it up in
front of them. She produced a dry erase marker and proceeded to write
Mrs. Matthews on the board and underline it. "Hello class. I'm your new
teacher, Mrs. Matthews. I went to college near here and have wanted to
be a teacher since I was a little girl and now here I am. I hope you're
as excited to learn as I am to teach."This was very surreal to
the three men huddled on the couch. Their favorite, hottest teacher was
standing before them, showcasing her bubbly personality. And she was
doing it without any pants on."Uh, Justin?" Brian said.Kim
frowned at him, which she managed to do and still look as cute as hell.
"Mr. Patterson, is it? Yes, Justin is still very much here and in
charge, but for the time being, because we're having fun right now and
getting this on video, call me Mrs. Matthews, okay?""Um, yes Mrs. Matthews," Brian said sheepishly. "Now,"
Mrs. Matthews continued, "I believe this first lesson is about the
female anatomy. Who has ever seen a naked woman before?"All three
hands raised. Justin noted that he had them all now in the palm of his
hand. He'd make it good but he wasn't going to let them do anything,
even though this body was just getting hotter and...he was still in
control, wasn't he? Mrs. Matthews started to unbutton her top. "Have you
ever seen your teacher naked before?" All three hands dropped. "Have
you ever wanted to?" The hands shot higher than before. "What eager
students." With that, she pulled the top free, and then unclasped her
beige bra that had been underneath. She marveled at how their eyes were
glued to her, taking in her now exposed flesh. Her crotch was getting so
hot. She would need to stop soon or..."These are breasts," Mrs.
Matthews resumed in a professional voice. Her hands lifted and began to
caress and squeeze and pinch her large chest and pointy nipples. "They
love to be touched. I prefer softly at first, then roughly. It feels
really good. Would anyone like a turn? I believe in hands on teaching."
She thrust her boobs towards Sam and Eric's already outstretched arms.Brian squirmed, wanting too very much, but instead asked, "Justin? Is this, are you losing yourself?"Kim
smiled at him mischievously. "I'm still in control. This is just for
the video and learning purposes. Now come here and get a handful." Brian
reluctantly reached forward and was then in heaven as he groped his
former teacher who moaned at all the hands that now were touching her
more places than just her chest. One hand snaked down and began to lower
her panties and slid into her pussy. Something flipped inside Justin
and she grabbed the mirror from Brian's hand."Hey," Brian yelled.She
jumped back out of his grasp and looked at the hungry, lustful faces of
Eric and Sam. "I'm sorry Brian. This body needs to get fucked. You'll
fuck me, won't you Sam and Eric?" They both nodded immediately."No!" Brian said. "Give me the mirror back. I can cancel this before you end up doing something you'll regret.""Don't
be like that," Mrs. Matthews said with a twinge of menace. "Here, why
don't we try a new experiment." She held the mirror towards Brian and
said, "Copy."The light around Brian shimmered and when he looked
down, it was at a much smaller body with large breasts protruding from
his former chest. "What the hell man?""I'm sorry Brian," Mrs.
Matthews said, looking at her new fully dressed clone. "You need to see
what this feels like. You need to understand the desire. Connect!"Brian's
head felt like it was being split open as thoughts and feelings and
memories all rushed in violently into his brain. "Stop! Make it stop!"And
then the pain vanished and everything about Mrs. Matthews was laid out
before him in a stream of consciousness. Her thoughts, feelings and
memories were rushing by and all around him but he steeled himself
against it, determined to stay in control."Do you feel it?" Brian heard Mrs. Matthews ask. "Don't fight it. It's what your new body wants."Brian
stood and as he did, he felt the heat radiating through him, the
excitement that fluttered through his transformed groin. He took a step
towards his friend and reached for the mirror. "I'm stopping this now,"
his feminine voice said angrily.His doppelganger shook her head
in disbelief. "I've got to give you credit Brian. You're much stronger
than I am." Then she raised the mirror towards Brian's new form and
said, "Control.""No," Brian yelled as the red glow washed over
him. The warmth in his body increased tenfold and his arousal seemed
like a tangible thing that had form and substance. It was this body. It
needed something. To be touched, to be filled. Still he resisted. "It's
not too late Justin. Cancel it out! Turn us back.""Sure thing," Mrs. Matthews flashed a winning smile. "But first I'm going to need you to get naked and fuck Eric here.""I'm
not going to do that," Brian said stubbornly, even as he started to
unbutton the same shirt they had all seen Mrs. Matthews take off minutes
ago."And I'm going to need you to fuck him the way Mrs. Matthews
would. Like he's your student that needs teaching and the world is
bright and full of wonder and possibilities. And you'll love every
second of it, won't you Mrs. Matthews, because as of now, you're so
incredibly horny and up for anything." And then the person who had been
Justin pulled the person who had been Brian towards her, and Eric and
Sam watched as two exact copies of Mrs. Matthews proceeded to make out
with each other directly in front of them. The first Mrs. Matthews
helped the other remove her pants and then kiss her breasts. The two ran
their hands over the other's soft tan skin, letting them glide
sensuously and seductively while still exploring each other's mouths.
Then the first Mrs. Matthews broke it off and playfully smacked the
second Mrs. Matthews' ass and pointed to Eric. "You know what to do,"
she said.The second Mrs. Matthews, now naked as a blue jay,
sauntered over cheerily to Eric, swaying her hips as she did so. "Eric,
have you ever had sex before?""Yeah, yes," he managed."Oh
good, you have some experience. We can skip beginner and go write to the
advanced course. First I'm going to get you nice and hard." She reached
for his jeans and undid the zipper, releasing a sizeable boner. Her
mouth enveloped his tool and began expertly sucking, sliding her tongue
up and down but creating pressure with her lips. Far in the back of her
mind, Justin wondered how he knew to do this, then saw from memories
rushing by that it was something she did every anniversary for her
husband because she knew how much he loved seeing her small mouth
wrapped around his big dick. This knowledge sent more moisture to an
already wet pussy that would not wait much longer to be stuffed with
Eric's girth. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her twin
getting nailed doggie style by a very excited Sam. He was pumping her
for all he was worth and she was moaning in ecstasy. This encouraged the
second Mrs. Matthews to resume her tongue lashing of Eric's dick with
new vigor. She looked up at him with her big brown eyes while she
swirled his erection around inside her mouth and winked at him. She saw
his face tighten and knew that he was getting close so she stopped and
positioned herself like her copy. "Eric, your teacher wants you to take
that nice big dick you have now and slam it into the wet slit right
here." She reached back and used two fingers to stretch her pussy lips
apart. "I want you to push it all the way in and keep slamming until
we've both cum. Can you do that for me, Eric?" Eric dropped down
to his knees and did exactly as his teacher instructed, sliding neatly
into her and aggressively started shoving his rod all the way in,
pulling back to where it almost came out, then ramming it all the way
back deeper than before. Mrs. Matthews reveled in her teaching ability.
She knew how to bring out the best in her students, and now Eric was
endeavoring to show her how much he had learned. He leaned over her and
stretched his arms underneath her to find her breasts. He grabbed them
forcibly and she moaned at how desperate he was to touch them. "That's
really good Eric. Squeeze my titties. But don't slow down. Keep up your
pace. I know you can do it. Your still so young and have such a nice
dick and oh!" Her whole body shook as the orgasm rippled out from her
pussy. This was heaven. Eric was such a good student. But if she was to
fulfill her role as a good teacher, she'd need to make sure he came too."Eric,
keep going, but slow down a little bit. Yeah, just like that. I want
you to feel the insides of my pussy. I want you to feel me flexing it
for you, causing it to tighten around your dick. Do you feel that Eric?
Do you feel Mrs. Matthews sweet pussy grabbing and milking that big dick
of yours?"Eric grunted in response."Good boy. What a good
student. Now I want you to cum in me Eric, the way you've always
dreamed about cumming in me before when you were in my class." She
turned her head so she could see him out of the corner of her eye. She
was smiling as she said, "I always saw so much in potential in you. Will
you show me how much you've learned today, Eric." And then the smile
faded as she licked her lips for him seductively. Then she felt herself
flooded with warmth as Eric released his seed inside of her. He didn't
slow as he came and then she was cumming again, overcome with the
emotion of successfully connecting with such a good pupil.Sam and
his Mrs. Matthews had finished shortly before, and now all four of them
laid on Justin's living room floor, basking in the afterglow. Sam
eventually picked up the mirror and looked at his brother. "Should we
change them back now?""Yeah, I call next though," Eric said.Sam pointed it at his Mrs. Matthews who was starting to protest but then he said, "Cancel."A
flash of light later and Justin was laying where the naked Mrs.
Matthews had been. "Man, I wanted to stay as her for a little longer,"
Justin complained."Much longer, and I'm not sure you would've ever wanted to come back," Sam pointed out.Justin
looked thoughtful. "You may be right. I don't know what happened. I was
in control at first but then, I wanted to have sex and nothing was
going to stop me. And then when it seemed like Brian was going to get in
my way I... Oh no." The gravity and betrayal of what he had done to his
friend choked out whatever else he might have said.Sam pointed
the mirror at the other Mrs. Matthews but Justin stopped him. "No, let
me do it." Sam handed him the mirror and Justin held it out to his
friend, probably now his ex friend and said, "Cancel."A moment later, and Brian was on the floor
next to them. The sensations did not all disappear right away. He still
felt what it was like to have a pussy, to be penetrated, to be so
incredibly horny, the thrill of being controlled. But the anger of how
it had all happened overrode those sensations and rage was all that
remained. He slowly got to his feet and looked down at Justin who was
still seated on the floor. He extended a hand to pull him up. Justin
accepted the hand and was pulled to his feet. Then Brian snatched the
mirror out of Justin's grasp with his left hand, and with his right hand
he delivered a forceful punch to Justin's face. Justin went down hard.Sam
and Eric were on their feet but Brian was already at the front door.
"I'm going to destroy this thing. Don't follow me. As far as I'm
concerned our friendships are over." He slammed the door behind him.Sam and Eric made to chase after him, but Justin yelled, "Don't. It's okay. We kind of had that coming.""But the mirror!" Eric said panicked.Sam
gave a melancholy smile. "I'm almost positive he won't be able to
destroy it and unless he uses it, we'll have it back tomorrow." The
brothers exchanged looks, clearly clueless as to what he meant, but
didn't pursue it further.Brian was a man on a mission. Upon
pulling into his driveway, he opened the garage and went straight to his
father's work bench. He laid the mirror on the hard surface, grabbed a
large steel hammer, and brought it down with all his might onto the
mirror's surface. He expected to hear the tinkling sound of glass
breaking and the sight of shards flying in all directions. But neither
of those things happened. When he moved the hammer, not a dent, not a
scratch was anywhere to be found.Undaunted, Brian procured a flat
head screwdriver. He would wedge it along the edges and pop the mirror
out of the frame and go from there. Try as he might, this also proved
futile. He grabbed a hand held saw to see if he could at least saw the
wooden handle off. The jagged teeth of the blade chipped and gave out
before the handle showed any sign of damage. Completely flustered, he
brought it in and set it on the table. He was getting a drink when his
father walked in. He had completely forgotten that his mother had said
he would be home early, but didn't think he would react at seeing the
old mirror on the table. He was very wrong."Son," Steve Patterson said calmly but with an edge to his voice, "where did you find that mirror?"Brian
recognized his father's questioning tone. It was the one he used when
he expected a response to a question he already knew the answer too. No
use lying. "I found it in the attic buried in a trunk."His father studied him. "Does anyone else know about it?"Brian
did not want to answer that question at all, but it seemed of
increasing importance to his father. "I found it with my friends."Brian's father sat down, looking like he'd be sick. "Tell me the truth. Did you, did any of you use it?"Brian waited a long moment before saying a soft, "Yes.""Do
you know if anyone has said the last word yet?" he suddenly demanded,
slamming his fist on the table. His anger quickly abated as a thought
occurred to him. "What am I saying, if they had, you wouldn't know. At
least you were able to carry the damn thing in here so I know you
haven't said it yet.""Dad, you're really starting to freak me out."Now
his dad looked like he really would be sick. "I hoped it would never by
anyone in my family. I hoped I would be dead before it happened." He
looked at Brian with eyes that eked misery. "Sit down. I need to tell
you a story."As Brian sat, he realized that his father knew all
about this mirror. He was probably about to learn things he didn't want
to ever know."When I was in my early twenties, my best friend
Curt Buchanan and I loved to go to estate sales whenever we could get
the chance. One day, we came across this box, nothing special about it
but what you've seen before and know contains that mirror. I bid on it
during the auction and won it. I took it home and discovered the words,
or at least the first one that night. When Curt came over the next day, I
showed it to him. We both wondered what it could mean. Then Curt saw my
cute next door neighbor walk by my front window. He knew I had a crush
on her but had rejected me on more than one occasion. As a joke, he
grabbed the mirror and ran out to her and said capture, and that's what
it did. You know, you've seen it. We were both mystified at the red
light and it's temporary stunning effect on my neighbor." "He
brought it back inside and we looked in the box and saw the next word.
We both came to the same conclusion as to what might happen, and flipped
a coin to see who would become her copy. I lost the toss, but Curt,
seeing the look of disappointment on my face, tossed again, and this
time, he lost. I didn't know it at the time, but he, in a way, saved my
life right there. He transformed into my heart's desire right before my
eyes. After making sure he was okay, we looked to see if there was
another word. We didn't think about stopping because we assumed the box
would show us a word to undo any changes.""We were sitting on the
couch together, and before I had said the next word, Curt's hand, her
hand, was already on my knee. Right there I should have known the
changes weren't just physical, but internal as well. The mirror was
pushing Curt, making him accept who the mirror had transformed him into
and cranking up his sex drive. After I said the next word, he seemed to
become her. He knew everything about her. How she walked, talked, how
she didn't like me. But her hand didn't leave my knee. The look on her
face made it seem like she was having some internal struggle before I
had read the next word. She was in the process of telling me that even
though she didn't have feelings for me, maybe she'd let me see her
naked, and then I said control. I made her...do things that I will not
go into detail about with you but...I definitely took advantage of my
friend's loss of free will. Curt was lost in this new identity. When the
final two words appeared, I let him know he could go back, that I could
undo it all. He begged me not to do that, to let him stay as he was,
that he'd do anything I'd ever ask of him if I would let him stay her.
So, I said the last word instead of saying cancel and changing him
back."Brian felt like the story was coming to some shocking
conclusion. He thought he already knew what it was but was terrified to
ask.His father took a deep breath. "The change became permanent.
The original copy of my neighbor disappeared, as in completely ceased to
exist, and so did my best friend. The copy that was now in my room was
for all intents and purposes, the new original. One that I was in
complete control of and who would do whatever I said whenever I said it
and also had a raging libido. When I asked her, she had no recollection
of the magical process. She only remembered being in her house, then
there with me, and was sorry she had never given me a chance and wanted
to get married and be together forever."Now it was Brian's turn to look sick. "Please, please, please tell me that you're not talking about Mom right now?"His
dad looked at him ashamedly. "Have you ever seen your mother and I have
an argument? Have you ever wondered why she'd always do whatever I said
without any hesitation whatsoever? She waits on me hand and foot. All
because of this mirror.""My mom was your best friend, this Curt guy?" Brian exclaimed suddenly overwhelmed. "You did that to your friend?"His
dad leveled an accusatory gaze at his son, "You said you'd used it. Was
it you that transformed? Was it Justin or Sam or Eric? Did it go well
for you and they didn't ask or beg to not go back to who they were? This
mirror wants someone to say that last word. It wants the changes to be
permanent. That's its curse."Brian threw up his hands and asked the obvious. "Then what the hell is it still doing in this house?""Well
let's see, judging by the sounds I heard earlier from my garage, you've
just learned that it can in no way be destroyed. Here's something else.
It will always stay with the person that used it last. I had your
mother try burying it, throwing it in a lake, putting it in a safe
deposit box, and it would always show back up inside our house near the
front door. Once I realized I couldn't get rid of it, I had your mother
try locking it up in a safe in our bedroom. Nope, found it at the front
door the next day. I briefly tried renting another residence to see if I
could keep it there. Also no. The only thing it will allow is to be
hidden in the house that I sleep at night."Brian was confused. "Why did you have Mom do all those things?""Oh,"
his dad said with an eye roll, "forgot to tell you that part. After I
said the last word, I wasn't able to touch it anymore. Look." He reached
for the mirror. The minute his fingers should have touched it, they
passed through. It was as if the mirror was a hologram to him. "Since
your mother does whatever I want her to do, this hasn't been an issue.
I'll tell her to get rid of it or hide it and then I'll tell her to
forget about it.""So," Brian asked worried, "what should I do with it now?""Is it in your possession? Were you the last to use it?""No," Brian acknowledged. "Justin was.""Then it'll go back to him unless you use it.""I'm never using it again," Brian said firmly.His
father gave him a very concerned look and stood from his chair. "You
might not have a choice. The mirror wants to be used. Your friends won't
forget what it was like to be someone else. It was all Curt could talk
about during the first two phases. And if it's ever a choice to who says
the last word, you or someone else, make sure it's you. Now go hide it
before your mother or sister sees it. I'm sorry you've become entangled
in this but I don't want either of them involved. Thank goodness that
hasn't happened."In retrospect, Brian realized he should have
gone with silence, or moved the conversation elsewhere. Anything would
have been better than the awkward, "Um..." that escaped his lips causing
his father to sit down again."Are your mother or sister already involved?" his dad asked nervously."Not
really," Brian tried to assure him. "What started this mess was I
accidentally captured Casey's image and then copied her onto Eric and,
well then it kind of spiraled like you said when Casey, um, Casey..."Brian
unable to finish that statement was all Mr. Patterson needed to hear.
"Understood. Yes, but you somehow managed to cancel it out. Great.
Great. Well, this is going to have to play all the way out isn't it?" He
was on his feet again, pacing, talking out loud. "If your friends show
up here, they can't be around. I've got to get them out, somewhere far
away." He stopped and looked at Brian. "Son, I've got to protect your
mother and sister. I don't know if they'll come back to capture Casey,
or hell, your mother, but they might. If Eric felt a connection to
Casey, it might be strong enough for him to want to try again and she
can't be here when that happens."Brian looked appalled. "Well, I don't want that either, but it sounds like you're going to leave me here."His
father nodded solemnly. "You're right. I am. If they show up with that
mirror, I can't take it from them, you can. All I can do is get your
mother and sister far away until this is done, and believe me, it will
be done soon, one way or the other.""I told them to leave me out of it. I don't want anything to do with them anymore."Mr.
Patterson thought about this. "Maybe, but not a chance I'm willing to
take. Here, we'll do this as a litmus test." He took a piece of paper
from a drawer and wrote his friends' names, Eric, Sam, Justin in pen.
Underneath, he wrote, '3 names, if there are ever 2 names, tell parents
to come home.' "I don't get it," Brian said quizzically. "How's that supposed to work?"Mr.
Patterson sighed. "The mirror alters reality if you say the final word,
did I not make that clear? Curt ceased to exist. I went to his parents
to try and explain in some way what happened and they had no idea who
Curt was. Any memory of him was erased from the minds of everyone who
knew him except for me. With that in mind, three names on this paper. If
they use it, and mind you, I bet one of them will very soon, one of
these names will disappear. What shouldn't disappear is the message
underneath it, theoretically." "Wow Dad, sounds like you've really given this some thought.""I
thought about it all the time years ago, about what would happen when
and if somebody stumbled across it and used it. I pushed it out of my
mind when you kids came along, like it was a bad dream. Now the
nightmare is back and I'm sorry you're in it, but you're smarter and
more capable than you know. If they show up here, don't let them in, let
them make the mistake of using it until one of them disappears. They
can deal with the curse from then on. I'll have your mother and sister
out of the house tonight. I'll tell them it's a last minute family
vacation but you can't go because of work. Be careful." He hugged his
son, then left to have everyone pack. Brian put the mirror in a
drawer in his room, and the next morning it was gone, along with his
parents and sister. That day he had called in sick to work, locked the
doors, and waited for someone to come. No one had. No one called except
his dad a few times to check in. He checked the piece of paper regularly
but it hadn't changed. By the next day, he was already stir crazy from
hiding in his house and not knowing what the other guys were doing with
the mirror. Determined not to be a prisoner in his own house, he went to
work. It wasn't that he wanted to go, but he knew he'd see Stacey
there, and that prospect made the risk seem worth it. Maybe it was the
notion of being in potential danger, but he thought he might have the
courage to finally ask her out on a date.Brian hadn't been
smitten with Stacey right away. They worked the same shift, in the same
position, moving freight and restocking shelves for a major retail
store. Brian had always struggled talking to girls, but his proximity to
Stacey at work made it comfortable for him to engage her in
conversation. He had always appreciated her body, but finding out that
they had many common interests and could talk effortlessly for long
periods of time was what made him fall for her. But he had chickened out
so many times when it came to asking her out on a date. He didn't want
to ruin what they had, but he didn't want to stand still either. Earning
some extra money had been his big push to finally make it happen. He
would wine and dine her and tell her all about how she made him feel and
did she feel the same way? But he had found the mirror instead.All
this was swirling in his head as he punched in and started moving
freight. He worked mindlessly for a an hour before Stacey came up behind
him and smacked him in the back of the head. "Hey Brian! You mad at me
or something? You haven't said two words to me yet? And what's this
whole you were sick yesterday? You made me work an entire shift without
you and you know how I feel about that."He turned around and
looked at her, appreciating her beauty every time. Even though her words
had bite, she was giving a half smile, letting him know she was
teasing. She wore her long brown hair up and in one of the work provided
hats that he thought increased her cuteness factor. The polyester shirt
did not hide her large breasts, and seemed to cling to them in a very
complimentary fashion. And the standard black pants just looked better
on her than they did everyone else. He realized that if he stared a
second longer he would be venturing into creep territory. "Sorry, yeah, I
know. Here's a secret. I wasn't really sick. Family stuff. My parents
left on a vacation and they wanted to hang out with me one day before
they left."Stacey looked surprised. "They left you behind? What's up with that?""It's
my fault," Brian added quickly. "I told them I had work
responsibilities and, you know you couldn't do this job without me for a
week."She smiled causing Brian's heart beat faster in his chest.
"It is a little less awful when you're here, but responsibilities,
really?"Brian straightened his shoulders. "I'm trying to impress
management with my work ethic. There's a promotion coming up in a few
weeks that I was thinking of applying for." In reality he hadn't, but it
seemed like the thing to say to impress her."Wow, well I think they'd be stupid not to give you the position. You're a good guy."Brian
took a deep breath. This was his moment. "Stacey, do you, would you
ever want to, I don't know, want to hang out outside of work sometime?"Her smile was back, bigger than before. "Like a date? Are you asking me on a date Brian Patterson?""No
I mean..." he saw her eyebrow arch subtly, "yes, yes a date where we go
out and, I treat you to someplace fancy and I tell you how good you
look and then maybe, I don't know, romantic things..."Stacey giggled. "That was really hard for you, wasn't it?"Brian
let out the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. "Yes! I'm
sorry, I've wanted to ask you out for so long because I think you're so
amazing and, oh crap, you haven't said yes yet. I'm going to shut up
now."She batted her long lashes at him and then said sweetly, "I
would love to go on a date with you. How about next weekend? Can you
wait that long? I have plans with my family this weekend."Brian was on cloud nine. "Absolutely, next weekend, sounds great."Brian's
productivity drastically increased and the rest of the day seemed to
fly by for him. Everything was great and as it should be. But when he
got home, the paper that he had left on the fridge hadn't changed. How
long would this go on? He needed something to happen. He purposed to
stay alert, to stay home or be at work and nothing else. Hopefully this
would all be over long before his date with Stacey. He finished out his
work week without incident, and without any changes on the paper. Other
than calls from his parents and one from Stacey, his former friends had
not made any contact with him. He hoped that was a good sign and that
they had moved on.The weekend was upon him and he was lazing
about with his doors locked, on alert but feeling safe in his castle.
Late that afternoon from right outside his house, he heard the slam of a
car door, then two more doors in quick succession. He assumed it was
friends of the neighbors who would often park along the street, but a
few seconds later, his door bell rang. Thankfully he was fully dressed,
something that was uncommon for the weekend, but this was an unwanted
surprise. He didn't know if a magic mirror could work through the
peephole of his front door, but he decided to chance it. To his
surprise, it was Stacey. He immediately opened the door and gestured for
her to come in and closed the door behind her. "Stacey? I thought you
had plans with your family this weekend?""I did but they
canceled. I thought we could have a predate before our actual date. Sort
of take the tension out of the next one by just being casual for this
one."She looked anything but casual. She was wearing a short,
silver sparkly dress that showed off her perfect legs. She had elegantly
applied makeup, just enough to accentuate her finer features. She
looked like she was ready for a night on the town or trying very hard to
catch a man. Either way Brian made every effort to stuff his eyeballs
back in. "I, that sounds great. I am a little under dressed for the
occasion though.""Oh, sorry," Stacey apologized. "This is what I
was going to wear out with my family tonight. Probably shouldn't have
picked out such a short skirt now that I think about it. Do you think
it's too short?" She gave a slow twirl for him, watching as his eyes
drifted all over her, lingering at her legs.
Brian's voice was suddenly much higher than normal. "No. No I think its fine. Not too short at all."She
eyed him with a mischievous glint in her eye and then turned her back
to him. "Even if I do this?" And she bent down and touched her toes.
Brian's eyes exploded from their sockets as the dress pulled up to
reveal that Stacey had chosen to go commando that evening. As his mouth
fell open, he heard her say while still touching her toes, "Brian, I can
feel you staring."Brian's eyes immediately found the ceiling as
Stacey stood up and turned back to face him. She stepped towards him so
they were only inches apart. "You're fun to tease Brian. Do you like it
when I tease you?" And then she touched his erect penis through his
pants.As much as Brian loved what was happening in that moment,
he was suddenly aware of how off it seemed. He stepped back from her,
causing her to give him a sour look. "You're not really Stacey, are
you?"he guessed.Brian heard clapping coming from behind him and
Justin stepped into the room. "That didn't take you very long Brian,
although you definitely came on a little strong there Eric. Kind of gave
it away. Hey Brian, FYI, your back door still doesn't really lock if
you jiggle it a certain way."Brian scanned the room, looking for a
quick exit or anything that could block a mirror. Justin saw his
frantic posture and in a soothing voice said, "Brian, relax, we're here
to make amends.""Sorry pal, but the last time you said something like that, I ended up getting screwed, literally."Justin
put his hands palm out in a penitent gesture. "I know. It was the
mirror. I let it take over. Everything got way out of hand and I take
full responsibility for that. But like I said, we're here to make
amends. You're my best friend and all I've thought about the last few
days is how I could make it up to you. None of us have used the mirror
until today, till just a few hours ago really, right before Stacey left
town. I figured this could be our apology."Justin motioned
towards Stacey who cautiously approached Brian and put an arm on his
shoulder. "Do you want to see me bend over again? You can see more than
that if you want to?""No," Brian said brushing off her arm. "You'll use the mirror on me like last time."Justin
nodded. "I knew you might say something like that, since again, I did
step way out of line last time. So this time, I'm going to give you all
the power. I've already used copy and connect on Eric and Sam, but I
haven't said control on them. You get to say control to both of them,
and to me, and then order all of us to not touch the mirror.""What?" Brian said looking around. "You used it on Sam? Where's Sam?" From
behind Justin, another figure stepped out from behind his shadow. "I'm
right here." But it wasn't Sam's voice. It was Stacey's. They had copied
Stacey twice, just like they had Mrs. Matthews. This Stacey was also
wearing the same short, silver dress. "Like I said, we are all
sorry and we figured we owed you," Justin said. "Sam is even a woman for
the first time. How's it feel so far Sam?""Damn good," the
second Stacey said before licking her lips in Brian's direction.
"Congratulations on finally asking me out on a date. Did you know I've
been waiting for you to do that for months? I've even masturbated
thinking about you a few times. Would you like to see that? Would you
like to see me masturbate thinking of you?" Before Brian had a chance to
give any response to that, she had lifted the front of her short skirt
to reveal that she also was not wearing panties, and began to finger
herself in front of all of them.Justin slowly pulled the mirror out from behind his pants and tossed it to Brian. "Say the words to me buddy."Brian looked down at the thing he wished they'd never found. "I can't. I don't want to."Justin
sighed heavily. "Look man, I'd do it myself but we learned today that
someone has to use it on you. You can't use it on yourself. I trust you
with it. Control all of us tonight. Make us live out your every fantasy
only better because you'll have three of the girl you've been crushing
on forever and we'll do whatever you want. And then you'll turn us back
and we'll be good, right?"Brian looked at the mirror, then
pointed it at his friend and said without conviction, "Sure. Copy."
Light bent around Justin and then a third Stacey was before him but she
was wearing normal clothes. It was a green top and blue jeans that were
not anything fashion worthy but still looked pretty on her. The
third Stacey eyed him curiously. "You need to say connect. Oh, I see,
you're wondering why I'm wearing these clothes. It's what she was
wearing earlier when I visited her house. This is what she was actually
going to wear out with her family. We went and bought the dresses. Got
some looks for that but I'd say it was worth it. Now come on, say it.""Connect."The
third Stacey looked pained momentarily, then appraised Brian like he
was a piece of meat. "I'm really going to enjoy this. Hit me again.""Control!"
Brian yelled. Then pointed at the other two and yelled it at both of
them. Each time it was like their bodies had received a near orgasmic
shock. They all drew closer to him. "Listen to me. None of you are to
touch this mirror in any way. Now tell me before I order any of you to
do anything, what do you want to do right now?"In unison, all three Stacey's said, "Fuck!""You, Stacey three, undress me," Brian ordered. "You two, make out with each other."As
Brian felt the Stacey who was Justin remove his shirt and then unzip
his fly, he stood enraptured at the sight of the other two Stacey's who
were kissing passionately, all while their hands wandered to their
twin's face and breasts and butt and back again. When he was completely
naked, he said to Stacey three, "Go and get a permanent marker from the
junk drawer in the kitchen. Write a big three on your right hand. I want
to make sure I know which one is you. Then come upstairs to the master
bedroom." She disappeared into the other room, and Brian picked up the
mirror at his feet, and ordered the other two to follow him.It
felt weird doing this in his parents' room, but they had the biggest bed
and he reasoned he would need the space. He told one Stacey to straddle
his chest and let him kiss her breasts while the other one was to begin
sucking him off while fingering the Stacey who's ass was in her face. A
minute later, Stacey three joined them and Brian promptly told her to
eat out the Stacey who was giving him a very good blow job.
Unfortunately for Brian, it had been way too long since he had gotten
any action, as a guy anyway, and the sight of his dream girl times three
sent him over the edge all too soon. He then pulled up a chair and made
the Stacey swap his cum from girl to girl and then back again, all
while fingering the Stacey on their left. He was like a horny, mad
director and he instructed the girls to take turns performing
cunnilingus on each other, or made them one dance while one masturbated
and would have the third continually lick his balls. It did not take
long for his erection to restore itself and this time he knew he could
last longer than five minutes.He had them each line up on all
fours on the bed, as he had been when Eric had fucked him when he had
been Mrs. Matthews. He told them they were hornier and more sensitive
than they had ever been and each thrust would drive them crazy with lust
but they were not allowed to cum until he told them they could. They
were all allowed to beg for it though.He started with the first
Stacey, shoving into her from behind roughly. His cock glided in with
ease at the wetness it found there. He pumped just once, then moved to
the second Stacey and did the same thing. When he got to the third, he
repeated the process, and then went back to the first one who by now was
already begging for release. He did this for several minutes, ordering
the girls to kiss and fondle one another while he slammed them from
behind. It was obvious as they grew louder and louder that they were
desperate to orgasm. Finally, Brian told them, "When you feel me shove
my cock into you this next time and smack your ass, you may cum."As
his cock slammed into the first Stacey, his hand landed hard on her ass
cheek. She came huge, screaming as her whole body shook from the pent
up orgasm that she had been denied for so long. The second Stacey was
the same. But when he got to the third Stacey, he double checked to make
sure she had the 3 on her hand, then he rubbed the tip of his penis
along her slit but did not let it slip inside. He leaned over her and
said, "You don't get to cum until I do. Do you want to make me cum?""Yes, please! Let me make you cum!" she shouted, almost hysterically."I'm going to need you to squeeze your pussy around my cock each time I push it into you, okay?""Whatever you say. Now please, give it to me!""You
don't have to tell me twice." And Brian began pumping her like a man
possessed. He ordered the other two Stacie's to get on either side of
him and had one reach underneath and tease Stacey three's clit, while
the other let him suck on her boobs. The moment Brian came Stacey
three's back arched as she let out a shriek of ecstasy, then she
collapsed on the bed beneath him. He ordered the other two Stacey's to
clean him off with their tongues, then told them to go get Stacey
three's clothes from downstairs. When they returned he ordered Stacey
three to get dressed, then for all three of them to sit on the bed
facing him as he sat in the chair.Brian retrieved the mirror he
had set on the dresser. He pointed it at the first Stacey and said,
"Cancel." Eric appeared in the clothes he had been wearing a moment
later and flopped back on the bed, exhausted and no longer having to sit
up now that his free will was restored. Brian then did the same with
the second Stacey, and this time Sam flopped back. Brian looked
at Stacey three with a pained expression on his face. Stacey looked at
him, reading his expression. "You're thinking about saying it, aren't
you?""About saying what?" Brian said somberly.She smiled at him. "The final word in the box."Brian stared at her, knowing it was Justin underneath the surface. "How did you know I knew about that?"She
laughed. "You've been my best friend for years. I know when you're
lying. I checked it out later and came to the same conclusion you
probably did. If you say that, this becomes permanent. I want you to
know I'm okay with that."Brian's gaze faltered but he still held the mirror towards her. "But, you won't be you anymore.""Maybe,"
she said kindly, "but I can tell you right now that it's what I want
more than anything. We'll be together forever and you can do everything
you did to me tonight whenever you want."Brian thought about that
as he looked into Justin/Stacey's eyes. The mirror's curse would not be
gone, but it would buy him some time to find another way to be rid of
it, even if it meant passing it on somehow. He would find a way to get
it out of his house and away from his family. In the meantime, he'd be
with the kind of girl he'd always thought was out of his league and made
him feel like he could be a better person than he was. He reasoned that
he'd have to start being a better person tomorrow though, as he looked
at the Stacey in front of him and said, "Complete."The mirror
burned hot in his hand and a white llight shout out of it temporarily
blinding everyone in the room. A few seconds later, the light subsided
and Brian felt the mirror's handle seem to lose substance and slip from
his hand and hit the floor. He quickly told Stacey, his Stacey, to pick
it up and put it under his bed and forget about it. She dutifully did as
he had commanded.A moment after Stacey had left the room, Eric
and Sam both sat up on the bed, both shaking their head as if coming out
of a fog. "Hey man," Eric said. "Why are we here in your parents'
bedroom?""Were we hanging out or something?" Sam asked. "Today's like, really fuzzy for me right now.""You came with Justin, remember?" Brian asked and then held his breath.The brothers looked at each other, stumped by this statement. Finally Eric asked, "Justin who?""Are we supposed to know a Justin?" Sam added.Brian let the breath out but had one more question. "Do you remember a mirror?"Eric
stood up and started for the door. "Mirror? What are you on about man?
Drugs? Did we all take drugs and that's why we can't remember anything
from today and you're asking us these weird questions?"Brian
choked back emotion as he shook his head. "I'm sorry man, I was just
playing. You guys should probably go home and get some rest. You might
be coming down with something." When they left, he found Stacey in his
room."I've never been in your room before, but it somehow feels
like I have," she said. Then she turned and kissed him softly. "Thanks
for letting me come see you tonight. Anytime you want to get together
again just let me know."Brian looked at her sadly, then made the choice to move forward. "I'm going to move in with you, is that okay?""That would be great," she said bouncing up and down, clearly excited by the idea. He
knew she had to say yes. Even though he knew he had complete control
over her, he still wanted to try and be worthy of her. He would grow up,
be responsible, become a family man, and... he swatted her ass causing
her to giggle. And get sex whenever he wanted.They walked
downstairs and Brian saw the note on the fridge. Justin's name was gone,
but the rest of the message remained. He found his cell phone and
called his dad. "It's done, you can come home. Justin's gone.""Who's Justin?" his dad said, which Brian should have seen coming."Just
a friend I won't be seeing anytime soon. Hurry home, I could really use
you guys right now." And with that, he hung up. It was over, at least
for awhile.The end.
If you enjoyed this story, you might like to know that it is connected to other stories I have written. It all starts with Shudder, and connects to Mind_Hack.exe and The Last Shapeshifter. I hope you'll give them a try. If you'd like to see any specific scenarios between any characters in these works, feel free to drop a commission for it on this site, and I'll do my best to make it happen. You can also email any and all feedback to kripto1@yahoo.com.Thanks for reading!Kripto1 / 1Loading...Loading...- "Wow," Brian Patterson said, his eyes taking in the vast, cluttered
expanse of his attic, "I always forget how much junk we keep up here."
He gave himself a brief moment to reconsider his current course of
action, then finished climbing the stairs to make way for his three
friends to follow.Justin Davis, Brian's best friend, was next to
ascend into the messy space. His skinny chest coughed twice at the dust,
then adjusted his glasses. "I changed my mind. I thought this was going
to be way easier and a whole lot less depressing. Which of your parents
are hoarders?""I think it's a combination of the two," Brian
guessed, watching as the two large brothers, Sam and Eric brought up the
rear into the cramped space."So, what are we looking for again?" Sam asked earnestly.Brian
had to love the brothers. They weren't the sharpest, but they were
always willing to lend a hand when he needed it, and with their muscular
frames, they were always ideal when any heavy lifting was required.
"Anything that might be valuable. My mom said I could sell some of the
clothes up here that we've kept in storage forever. But she also said
there might be a few antiques I could pawn off downtown.""And why do you need this extra cash again?" Eric asked."Cause
of the girl, dumb dumb, remember?" Justin responded jovially, gently
wrapping on Eric's skull with his knuckles. "The one he works with and
wants to ask out. If she says yes he wants to take her to an expensive
restaurant to show her he's not the loser we all know he is."This
caused all four of them to laugh as the word 'loser' was sort of an
inside joke in their little clique. If possible, all four of them would
have tied for 'Most Likely Never To Accomplish Anything in Life' in
their senior yearbook. They had all barely graduated four years ago but
each had no aspirations for higher learning or the American dream.
Instead they had each settled into simple jobs with little to no
responsibility, little room for advancement, and never enough money to
live on. They could each make the paychecks stretch though, as they each
still lived at home. In situations such as this, where the need to
impress on a first date was seen as a priority, they had to get
creative.This is what had led them to ransack the Patterson's
attic in the middle of summer. Brian had promised each of his friends a
tiny cut of whatever it is he could sell, and in his mind it was way
better than doing it all by himself.They opened boxes of useless
childhood memorabilia that had not seen the light of day in some time.
They scoured inside various chests that reeked of mothballs. And they
investigated with the eye of one who can only appraise with imaginative
dollar signs in their eyes anything that might come close to being worth
some money. They found little, at least, in regards to what they were
willing to carry. Some larger furniture items might have been well worth
their time, but long ago their creed had been to keep any sort of
effort to a bare minimum.Justin opened a trunk that looked
promising but found more of the same clothes that would be worth pennies
on the dollar at a consignment store. On the off chance that maybe
there was something more, he plunged his hands under the heap of old
clothing. As he slid his hand down the length of the trunk's bottom, his
fingers hit an impasse. He felt around and was able to get his hand
around the mystery item and pull it towards the surface. Out in the
open, he saw it was just a small, rectangular wooden box about eighteen
inches long. There were no distinguishing marks or design on it. The
wood was not anything special. It had nicks and bumps and seemed old but
not ancient.Justin still held out hope that maybe what was
inside contained something of value, and he lifted a small clasp in the
middle of the box and peered inside. Again, he was disappointed. There
was nothing inside but a small, handheld mirror resting on a velvet
lining. Justin extracted it from the box and marveled at how cheap and
worn it looked.The mirror's frame was made entirely of wood, but
looked like something someone had hand carved and badly. An inch of wood
surrounded the mirror and there were markings that had been etched in.
The symbols were like nothing Justin had ever seen, but also looked like
they could have just been done by several random stabbings at the
frame. The handle was the only thing that was the tiniest bit nice. The
wood here was dark, smooth and well polished. After his quick
examination, Justin put it back in the box and yelled, "Heads up," as he
tossed it without warning to Brian.Justin had forgot to fasten
the clasp and as the box sailed towards Brian, the mirror flew out and
crashed to the floor. Brian also failed to catch the box which was a
surprise to none of his friends in the room.Justin laughed. "Sorry man. I was going to see if you thought if that mirror was worth anything, but I'm sure it's not now."Sam
and Eric came over to investigate the find as Brian bent over to pick
up the mirror, now laying face down. He expected to see reflective
shards as he lifted it, but there were none. He turned to look at the
mirror's surface and saw there was not even one crack, a miracle given
the impact it had suffered. "It's okay. How is it okay? Did they make
mirrors sturdier back in the day.""Maybe it's plastic?" Sam suggested.Brian
scrutinized it, then frowned. "It's not. It should have shattered." And
then he threw it on the ground. All four men were astonished as they
watched the mirror bounced once, then come to rest again on the floor.
No wooden splinters flew and no shards were seen. Brian picked it up
again and noted that, other than its shabby exterior, it didn't look as
if it had taken on any damage."So you found an indestructible mirror," Eric said helpfully. "That's got to be worth something?""Not
the same with the case it was in," Justin added as he stopped to
retrieve the open case. "It's not broken but the lining came out of the
top." As he saw the cheap velvet that was drooping down, he saw that it
had been held there with a cheap glue. He tugged it lightly and it came
out. "Hey, there are words or...something written in here?""What
do you mean something written?" Brian asked, stepping towards his
friend. Justin held up the lid and could see that there did appear to be
symbols scrawled on the upper inside portion of the lid. As he pulled
the box closer to study it, he let his other hand that held the mirror
drop to his side.The door to the attic opened and Brian's
sister's head popped into view a moment later. Casey Patterson was the
polar opposite of her brother. She was driven, capable, popular, and in
general a delight to be around. She was also gorgeous and Brian's
friends were glad she had come home for the summer instead of staying at
her college campus. She drastically improved the scenery with her long
strawberry blonde hair, svelte figure and long legs.Casey knew
Brian was a bit of a loser, but she loved him fiercely and wanted
nothing but the best for him. She tolerated his friends because, though
prone to checking her out now and again, they had never behaved
inappropriately towards her. She eyed their progress before asking, "Mom
wanted to know if you all wanted anything to eat? I see you, um, well
you probably haven't worked up too much of an appetite..." she began,
noting that no real progress had seemed to be made in their disaster of
an attic.Sam and Eric were already raising their hands. "We'll eat!" Sam said enthusiastically."Nothing for me, thanks though," Justin said.Casey paused, looking at her brother who hadn't seemed to have even acknowledged her presence. "Brian? You want anything?"Brian
had not noticed his sister. He had continued to look at the symbols in
the box. Symbols that, the longer he stared, seemed to reshape
themselves into words that resembled English. His sister called his name
again. One word, the word that he now saw at the top of a list of words
became perfectly clear, and he uttered it aloud. "Capture."The
moment he said it he noticed a soft red glow out of the corner of his
eye and looked down to spot the source. It was coming from the mirror in
his hand. The outer rim where symbols had been etched into the wood
were each giving off a dim red glow and Brian saw that the reflection
that shown there was his sister's. She must have stepped into it's path
while he held it down at his side. He looked up to see her reaction but
was surprised to see her standing completely still, her body awash in
the red light. And then it was over and she blinked as if she had
momentarily lost her train of thought."I, what was I...?" Casey began, then nodded her head as she remembered. "Brian, do you want anything to eat or not?"Brian
looked at her quizzically, then shook his head. She went back down the
stairs, and all at once all four friends began to speak."What just happened?""What was that light?""Did that mirror hypnotize your sister?""All I said was the first word on the list in the box, and then that light hit Casey," Brian explained, still not understanding."There
weren't any words," Justin said dubiously, retaking the box to examine
it again. "Yeah, there's just these symbols that don't mean anything.""Yeah,"
Brian agreed, "that's what I saw at first too. But the longer I looked
they, well, they became words, or at least the one on top did."Justin
stared at his friend as if he'd lost his mind. "Uh huh, okay. You said
the first one was 'capture', here." He tossed the box back at Brian who
for once caught something. "What's the next one?"Brian had caught
the box, but awkwardly as he was still holding the mirror in one hand.
It shifted precarious in his hand as he flipped the lid open. Again,
unreadable symbols were carved there, but as he watched, words began to
manifest again, quicker than before. "Copy. The second word is copy."Again
the mirror in his hand shown red and Brian looked over to see that
Eric, who had been on his left, was in the path of its reflection."Guys,
what's happening?" was all Eric got to say before the rest of them saw
light seem to bend around him. His whole form flickered for a moment,
and then popped back into startling focus. All the more startling
because it was not his form, but that of Brian's sister Casey."That
was weird," the newly appeared Casey exclaimed, then threw her hands
over her mouth. Brian, Justin and Sam watched in morbid fascination as
her eyes went wide as she looked down at herself. She let her hands
glide down from her mouth, stopping at the skin at the top her her
yellow t-shirt. After a moment, she continued down until both her palms
came to rest on her C cup breasts and without any thought to the others
in the room, she gave them both a firm squeeze. "I have boobs guys? Why
do I have boobs?""Casey?" Brian asked, too confused tell his sister to stop groping herself in front of him and his friends."Who?" the girl asked. "You think I'm Casey? I'm not I'm..""Eric,
" Justin interjected. Lazy though he might have been, he was the smart
one of the bunch. Brian was their unofficial leader, but Justin took the
lead in the brains department. "It's the mirror. You held it on Casey
when she was up here and said capture, and it did. It captured her form.
Then when you had it on Eric and said copy, it copied Casey's form onto
him.""But that's impossible?" Brian said stubbornly."Then
explain to me another reason why your sister would have a hand down her
pants in front of all of us," Justin queried while pointing at Casey's
form. She had moved past her breasts and unzipped her pants and plunged
one hand beneath her underwear."Guys," the girl said in a scared
but excited voice, "it's not just the boobs. I don't have a penis
either! I have...something else." Immediately after saying this, her
knees went weak and she almost fell to the floor as her fingers
continued to move underneath her panties. She let out a small moan.
"Holy cow this feels amazing!"Seeing his sister begin to touch
herself in front of him caused Brian to snap back into focus. "Eric?"
When his sister looked up he knew Justin was right. "Stop touching my
sister!" He strode quickly over to her and grabbed the arm connected to
the hand that had not stopped moving and pulled it into the light. Brian
noted with disgust that three of the now exposed fingers glistened with
moisture and he wanted to punch Eric but it felt wrong since it would
feel like punching Casey.Eric, sensing possible violence, let out
a sound akin to a gasp and a scream but conveyed a powerful need to be
rescued. While Brian was still holding Eric's feminine arm, Sam
materialized right next to them and growled in Brian's ear, "Let my
brother go."Brian released the arm but stood firmly at the
slightly taller, but much more muscular man, "Tell him to keep his hands
off my sister's body."Free of Brian's grasp, Eric melted into
Sam's powerful arms, letting them envelope his smaller, more delicate
form in a protective fashion. Eric then looked up at his brother's face
with the admiration of a damsel that had been rescued from a villain.
Brian's face twisted in confusion as Sam took one of Eric's hands gently
and said, "I won't let anyone hurt you."Justin decided to point out the obvious, "Sam, you do know that's your brother, right? And you're holding his hand right now?"Sam
looked down and then released Eric's hand, causing Eric's sweet face to
look hurt. "I, yeah, I know it's just real confusing with him looking
like that. Especially since I always, uh...""Don't say it," Brian's voice said two octaves deeper than normal.Eric
finished for him with Casey's lilting voice, "He's always had a bit of a
crush on Casey. Here Sam, feel her tits, you've always wanted to." And
before Sam could protest Eric had already grabbed Sam's hand and pushed
it firmly against her perky breast, then helped him give it a good
squeeze. This sensation seemed to surprise Eric, as a small moan escaped
his lips.Brian started to move quickly towards them in an effort
to stop what he was seeing, but stopped as he heard the attic door open
and someone ascend the stairs."Is everyone okay up here?" Mrs.
Patterson asked her head appearing from below and began to scan the room
as she climbed higher. "It sounded like someone was yelling a moment
ago."Sam quickly dropped his hands from Eric's new breasts before Mrs. Patterson could see, but they didn't have time to hide him."Hey
Mom," Brian said, thinking fast. "Everything is fine. We were going to
call it quits for today and go over to Justin's house for awhile.""Absolutely,"
Justin agreed, going along with any plan that would give them a chance
to undo Eric's problem. "Thanks for letting us snoop around up here."But Mrs. Patterson was frowning. "Casey? Didn't I just see you downstairs? How'd you get up here so fast?"She
watched as Casey just gawked at her, looking completely at a loss for
words. Sam shoved her a little to remind Eric that he was a copy of
Casey, and she stammered tentatively, "I guess I'm, really fast... Mom?"Mrs.
Patterson broke the tension by giving a little laugh. "Why are you
acting so weird? Whatever. I'll see you men later. Casey, I'll still
need your help in the kitchen in a few minutes.""Uh, okay," Eric as Casey said. "I'll probably beat you downstairs." The rest of the guys gave an uneasy chuckle at this.Mrs.
Patterson shook her head and smiled, then went back downstairs. "Oh my
gosh that was too close," Brian said. "Here's what we do. I'll hold onto
this mirror and the box for it. We sneak Eric out and go to Justin's
and figure out how to reverse this.""Sounds good," Justin said
and Sam nodded. Eric was the only one who seemed unsure, but followed
after as they all quietly retreated from the attic.Brian went
first, making sure the coast was clear, and they were all able to steer
clear of Brian's mom and sister without incident. Brian's dad was still
at work so they didn't have to worry about being surprised by him.Justin's
house was a short five minutes away, and they thankfully had his house
to themselves as Justin's parents frequently traveled and he was an only
child. Once inside, Brian immediately set the mirror on the kitchen
table and began studying the symbols inside the box, trying to will them
to form words that he recognized. Try as he might, nothing changed,
nothing transformed into English, no matter how hard he concentrated.The others had gathered around him, waiting patiently, until finally Justin broke the silence. "Well, you seeing anything?""No," Brian said with frustration etched on his face. "I don't get it. I don't even see the first two words.""Let
me try," Justin said, and he pulled the box towards him and squinted
inside, seeing the same gibberish as before. "What were you doing when
you read the first word?""I, let me think, I was holding the box and the mirror and the symbols seemed to swirl around and...""That's
it!" Justin interrupted. He picked up the mirror on the table and
resumed looking at the box. "There's the first word." Less than a minute
later he said, "There's the second." He was careful not to say the
words out loud to avoid having a new predicament on their hands.Brian
had caught up to Justin's hypothesis, and explained it to the befuddled
brothers. "It seems it will only show you the words that make the
mirror do stuff if you are holding onto the mirror at the time. Has it
shown you a third one yet Justin?"Justin carefully pointed the
mirror face down and replied, "Yeah. Connect. Didn't show me anything
else yet. It's possible we have to utilize the word before it will give
us another one."Brian looked bemused. "I didn't know you were such a magical mirror expert.""Just drawing conclusions as we go along man. Remember, I'm not the one who started this. You should do the honors."Casey's face showed fear and Eric made his objection known. "Guys, I don't want to be a guinea pig for this.""Not what we want either man," Justin assured him. "But we've got to try something or you might be stuck like this."When Eric said nothing else, Brian shakily lifted up the mirror towards his sister's face and said, "Connect."The
symbols around the mirror's edge shown with a dull red light, then a
pained gasp escaped Eric's lips and his hands flew to his forehead. "Ah!
Something's happening. It's, I don't know, I feel like I'm becoming
someone else.""What do you mean?" Brian asked worriedly."It's like I know what it's like to be a girl all of a sudden."Justin smirked. "You are a girl right now dummy.""No,"
Eric protested. "I mean I can remember being a girl my whole life. I
know how to put a bra and make up on. I remember getting my first period
and I remember, being apart of your family, Brian.""My family?" Brian was again confused."You're
a slacker, but you've always been a good brother," Eric continued but
there was a tenderness to the voice. "And, oh holy crap. So much
knowledge. I feel like I'm getting so much smarter. I remember
everything from college this last year, including, oh, wow. I had sex. I
know what sex feels like as a woman and, it's damn good if the guy
knows what he's doing."Brian was trying not to panic or go into shock. "Justin? Any theories here buddy?"Justin
was processing this new development as quickly as he could. "I think
Eric here is absorbing all of your sister's knowledge. Probably not just
that, her memories, her personality and mannerisms, everything that
makes her her. I think the mirror connected them to each other. Made
them like an extension of each other. The question is..." He stopped and
looked cautiously at Eric. "Hey Eric? You still in there?"Eric lowered his hands from his head. "Yeah. Yeah I am, I just, I
need a minute." He sat down and Sam put a large hand on his small
shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm still me. I'm still Eric
but now, it's like there's this other part of me that I have access to
as well. Everything that is Casey is right there, like a river of
knowledge and personality, and if I wanted, I feel like I could just
jump in and ride it.""Okay," Justin said thoughtfully, "using
that analogy, are you able to just put your toes in. Are you able to
access Casey but maintain control?"Eric tossed Casey's long hair back in a gesture they had all seen Casey do a million times before. "Hold on. Let me try."The
three men all stood in silence and watched as the young woman in front
of them closed her eyes. After a few minutes, she opened them and
smiled. "I could totally pass for her, but I could still be myself.
What's great is I don't just have access to her amazing body, but also
her superior intelligence.""What does that mean?" Sam asked frowning.Eric
stood up and turned towards Sam, who now was a good foot taller than
him. "It means, Sammy, that I've always been kind of a dullard. But with
access to young Casey's intellect, my IQ has been raised by several
points."Sam blinked. Casey was the only one to ever call him
Sammy and get away with it. She had been doing so since she was little.
Hearing Eric do it in Casey's form was further blurring the lines of who
was who, especially for Sam. He slowly shook his head, either because
he didn't understand fully or just was flatly denying the reality of the
situation. Or both. "Here's what I propose for the moment
gentlemen," the pseudo Casey said brightly. "My brother here is clearly
shook up and I clearly need to have a quick word with him to calm his
nerves. We'll go upstairs to your room Justin, and you two figure out
what the rest of the symbols mean." Before anyone could object to this,
she had taken her brother's hand and was leading him upstairs."This is all too weird, right?" Brian said, looking at them disappear out of sight. "I mean, I should be waking up any moment.""Aw
come on," Justin chided. "It's just starting to get good. If we can
figure this thing out. Imagine what we could do with it. This is a game
changer.""We could look like people, so what?""Yeah, if
you're thinking small. If we look like them, imagine the fantasies we
could play out, the secrets we would have access too. You want to know
if Stacey from work really likes you, this would be an easy way to find
out."The possibilities of this began to play through Brian's head
as he imagined having a cheat sheet to a possible real relationship
with his coworker Stacey Smith. As those possibilities continued to
float through, Stacey's smile and physique and the way he could just
talk to her for hours came to the forefront in his mind.Justin
snapped his fingers in front of Brian's face causing him to jerk. "Earth
to Brian. Come in Brian. Now that you've thought about the potential
here like I have, let's look at the rest of those symbols." As both men
reached for the mirror, a much different conversation was happening
upstairs. "Could you repeat that?" Sam asked slowly as the very
pretty girl twirled her hair and looked up at him with a twinkle in her
eye."I said," she began again, "I'm not really Eric. I'm really Casey. Somehow I switched places with your brother.""Then, where's Eric?""I'm sure he's fine, he's probably at home... your home I mean."Sam
was tired of being confused today. He knew he wasn't the smartest, but
he was determined to figure this out. He fished his cell phone from his
pocket. "I'll call him then and make sure he's alright.""No don't!" Casey said quickly. "I mean, you can in a second, just let me tell you a secret first.""What secret?" Sam asked hesitantly.Casey
sat on Justin's bed and looked bashfully at Sam. "Well first, I'll ask
you a question about a secret you have. I heard from your brother that,
you might have had a crush on me once? Is that true?"Sam looked like he had just been sucker punched. "I, uh, you're Brian's little sister."Casey
stood up and walked confidently towards him. "I know I'm Brian's sister
Sammy, but I'm not so little anymore." At this she clasped her hands in
front of her and pushed her arms in, causing her breasts to jut out and
look even larger than they already were. "But you didn't answer the
question. Did you have a crush on me at some point?"Sam made no attempt to hide the fact that he was openly staring at Casey's bust. "I, yes."Casey
smiled and lifted the shirt over her head in one graceful gesture. A
bright yellow bra that went well with her light complexion was now all
that Sam could see in the world. Casey reached both arms behind her back
and lowered her head to meet Sam's eyes. "Do you still have a crush on
me?"Sam was practically drooling as he said, "Very much.""Glad
to hear it Sammy, because here's my secret. I've had a crush on you
too." And then she deftly unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the
floor. Sam got a very good look at milky white skin dotted with the
occasional freckle. The flesh was round and incredibly soft looking. Sam
reached out to touch one but Casey was already lunging for him like a
predator that knows its prey is trapped.Sam's hands collided with
her breasts and he started groping and pawing and squeezing as her
mouth found his and their tongues intertwined. Casey encouraged this for
a minute, then broke off and led him to the bed. "Take off your clothes
and sit here on the edge of the bed. I want to show you my favorite
position." Then she pulled down her jeans and panties.Downstairs,
Brian and Justin had agreed to both touch a part of the mirror at the
same time and try to decipher the rest of the words. Another word had
revealed itself to them, but nothing else."It looks like there's
still two more words," Justin surmised. "But we probably won't be able
to see them until we use this next one on Eric.""I don't know," Brian faltered. "That word, it seems like it could be a dangerous one." "That's very possible but, what other choice do we have at this point?" Justin reasoned. They
both halted the conversion as they heard the scraping of wood against
the floor upstairs, followed by the sensual cries of a woman in ecstasy.
They stood up and proceeded towards the stairs. Justin was in
possession of the mirror as his hand had been on the handle. Brian had
picked up the box. They found the noise was coming from Justin's
bedroom, but the door was locked."One second," Justin said. "I'll get a screwdriver from downstairs."Brian
listened as the woman's cries grew louder and the banging against the
floor sped up. It sounded like Casey was... Brian banged on the door.
"What the hell is going on in there?""Oh, one, second, big,
brother!" Casey called, pausing between each word. Then she added to
someone else, "Yeah, right there. Here, suck on this tit.""Casey? Eric! Dammit what is happening?" Brian bellowed.Justin
ran back up with screwdriver in hand and quickly picked the rudimentary
lock. When he flung the door open they both froze at the sight of the
frenzied pair on Justin's bed. They were both completely naked. Casey,
or Eric, they didn't really know anymore, was straddling Sam who was
sitting on the edge of the bed. Casey was bouncing up and down rapidly
causing Sam's sizeable dick to repeatedly plunge into Casey's wet box.
Casey was pulling Sam's face in towards her breasts, moving his head
from one boob to the next while Sam sucked and bit greedily at whichever
one was in front of him.Justin was the first to weigh in. "This was unexpected and much more fucked up than I thought it would be.""Stop fucking each other!" Brian roared. "Not
yet!" Casey yelled back. "I'm almost there. Keep giving me that big
dick Sammy, just like you always wanted to!" Sam didn't even acknowledge
the presence of the other guys. He just continued to revel in the
incredible moment.Brian looked angrily at the couple, then yelled at Justin," Use the mirror! Say the new word!"" You sure?" Justin asked, but he was already pointing the mirror in their direction. "Do it and make them stop!" Brian demanded.Justin calmly said, "Control." The mirrors edges burned red. At the same time, Casey screamed as she orgasmed."Get off him now!" Brian growled.Casey continued to grind on Sam's shaft, and was rewarded seconds later as it twitched and ejaculated inside of her."It's not working," Brian said angrily. "You said the magic word, maybe you have to be the one to order her.""Let's see," Justin said. "Eric, get off your brother's dick."Casey
suddenly stood up, letting cum and Sam's softening penis slide out of
her pussy. She then spun around but there was a fire in her eyes.
"Justin, I really like when you tell me what to do. Make me do something
else. Anything. I'll do anything you want." She started to lithely
approach him and Justin could only stare and marvel at how incredibly
sexy Brian's sister looked in that instant."Justin!" Brian barked."Right,
sorry," Justin mumbled. He was sorry. Sorry that Brian was here and
that he couldn't order his sister to ride his cock the same way she had
ridden Sam's. "Put your clothes on.""Yes sir," Casey said,
offering a salute and immediately begin to dress. "And then you could
tell me to suck your dick. I bet you'd really like that, wouldn't you?"
She gave him a flirtatious wink."I..." Justin's throat went dry and words failed him. Thankfully Brian interjected."Justin, shut up before you say something that'll make me hate you forever. Give me the mirror."Justin handed the mirror over and Brian proceeded to examine the box again, hoping for another word.Sam had come down from his orgasm and said, "Look, guys, I know this looks bad but, this isn't Eric. It's actually Casey."Brian didn't look up from the box but said wryly, "Even if that were the case it wouldn't make it better Sam."Justin
thought he'd try an experiment. He wasn't holding the mirror but he
wondered if he'd still have control without it. "Eric, slap your brother
in the face."Casey paused trying to get the clasp reconnected to
her bra, and smacked Sam full in the face. Then she went right back to
the bra.Sam rubbed the red spot on his cheek. "Casey, baby, why'd you do that?""Cause I told him to," Justin smiled. "Eric, tell your brother the truth right now. About what you both just did."Casey
smiled sweetly at Sam, then pulled the rug out from under him. "It's
really me, Eric. I lied before. I'm not really Casey but I feel like I'm
Casey and I could remember fucking and a girl's orgasm and I remembered
you telling me about the crush you had on Casey. She did have a crush
on you too and that made me want to get you up here and I was so horny
and I knew I could convince you to let me fuck you and here we are." She
blew him a kiss, then turned from a horror stricken Sam and looked at
Justin. She was now fully clothed and expectant. "Don't you want to
order me to suck your dick now?""Nope," Brian interrupted. "Because I just got the word that will change you back." He lifted the mirror.Casey spun towards Brian and shrieked, "No! I don't want to go back! I like being smart and sexy and..."The rest of the her words were cut off as Brian said, "Cancel."The
three men watched transfixed as the air around Casey seemed to shimmer,
then her whole body was just a bright light that made then all look
away. Then the light was gone and when they looked back, it was Eric's
large frame standing where Casey had been. He was wearing the same
clothes he had had on in Brian's attic. He also looked very disappointed
and his hands went to his head."It's all slipping away," Eric moaned. "All her memories and intelligence. I can feel myself getting dumber.""Sorry man," Justin grinned. "Just try reading a book every once in awhile. Let's go downstairs. I got some questions."Brian was still keyed up. "How can you be so calm and collected about this?""What's
the alternative?" Justin threw back at him. "We found a magic mirror
that can copy people and is full of possibilities, remember? Yes it led
to this unfortunate scene that we all witnessed but, well, in Eric's
defense, he wasn't exactly himself. Now that he is, we should find out
what we can about his experience and learn from it so we can avoid, uh,
having sex with family members."Brian hated the smile that teased
the edges of Justin's mouth. It was easy for him since it wasn't his
sister or brother and he was really just a spectator in this debauchery.
"Fine, but so help me if we can't control it, we should destroy it.""For
sure, for sure," Justin agreed. "We'll be smart about it, but we're in
this together now. We'll do what's best for the group."Brian
wasn't sure what that last part meant, but he followed Justin as he went
back downstairs. They all sat at the kitchen table and accepted the
coffee that Justin poured for them. "Alright," Justin began. "Tell us
everything from the beginning, Eric. Start from the moment you got
zapped by the mirror."Eric concentrated hard, forming the
necessary words in his mind. "It didn't hurt. I was me, then I looked
like Casey. I felt amazing actually.""How so?" Justin asked."I don't know. Lighter? Sexy, very horny.""You
felt... horny?" Justin liked this line of questioning, but he was
careful how he proceeded as he noticed Brian shift uncomfortably in his
chair."Yeah, I mean at first I thought it was because I had boobs and a pussy and...""Careful, still my sister's body we're talking about," Brian warned.Eric
lowered his head apologetically. "I'm sorry. It's just there were all
these new sensations that I didn't know what to do with and when Sam..."
He refused to look his brother in the eye. "When he moved to protect me
in the attic from you, Brian, and I felt his arms against me, something
just went off inside and I, I wanted him. I wanted anyone really. And
when you gave me access to Casey's mind it made it a million times worse
and I was determined to fuck someone in that body.""You were? Or she was?" Justin asked for clarification."Um,
I'd like to tell you both, but it was a mixed bag. Sometimes I felt in
control, other times not at all. I just kept getting hornier and soon
sex, getting sex became all that mattered.""You articulated that
very well," Justin observed. "Maybe some of Casey's smarts are still
there. One more question. Would you do it again?""In a heart beat," Eric said without pause."You are not taking my sister's shape again!" Brian said, slamming a fist on the table."Relax," Justin soothed. "I'm not talking about Casey. We'll experiment with someone else. Someone who's not family.""Yeah," Brian nodded. "First rule, no copying family.""Good," Justin agreed. "What else?""Rule two," Sam said joining the conversation for the first time. "We don't try to trick each other.""Not as fun but I certainly see where you're coming from Sam," Justin smiled at him. "No malicious deception." "Rule three." Brian said. "We don't use the control option." "Unless we want them too," Eric added a little too eagerly, causing the others stare at him. "Okay," Justin said pivoting the focus off Eric. "Anything else?""Yeah," Brian added firmly. "If this starts to go south, we destroy this thing.""All agreed?" Justin asked the group. All nodded. "Do you think Brian's parents know what this mirror can do?" Eric asked. Justin
shrugged. "I don't think so. I mean why would they have it buried at
the bottom of an unlocked trunk in their attic if they knew what it
could do? They could have sold it and made a million dollars. We could
do that too after we have a little fun." The others nodded enthusiastically at this. "Oh hey, Brian," Justin continued. "Did you see the last word after cancel?"Brian hesitated for a split second, something that Justin knew he did right before telling a lie. "No. That was the last word." Justin blinked at his friend for a moment and then let the lie pass. "Great, then who should we experiment with first?"A
few names were thrown around, including Stacey's, Brian's hopeful
future girlfriend. Brian rejected this outright saying he didn't want
Stacey to be a part of the experimentation process. Sam and Eric both
wanted someone hot, and Justin pointed out that it probably didn't have
to be a woman, but oddly enough this was rejected outright by the other
three."We should be using it to score with ladies," Sam argued."That does mean one of us becoming the lady each time," Justin pointed out."Totally fine with that," Eric said.Brian raised an eyebrow. "Oh, we know you are. Look, it needs to be someone we all know, who's not family, and who's close by.""Oh, I got somebody," Justin said excitedly. "Mrs. Matthews."The
other three's eyes went wide at this and they all began to nod at the
idea. Mrs. Matthews had been a new teacher their senior year. She had
been the hottest thing on campus and asked to prom by several students
but were all shut down. What wasn't in her favor was how often she was
mistaken for a student. She had a very youthful face and a sunny smile
that still conveyed hopes and dreams. She had always been professional
and never flirted back with any of her youthful suitors, but just the
way she entered a room was enough to get the blood pumping for every
heterosexual male. She was small, but had an amazing figure, black silky
hair, and a spring to her step that could be seen by a bra that never
quite gave enough support to her ample chest.With a target in
mind, they each went back to their homes with plans to reconvene
tomorrow and begin experimenting. They agreed, with barely any
hesitation, that Brian should take the mirror home for safe keeping as
he had discovered the words and it had been found in his attic and was
more technically his than the rest of them.When Brian got home,
he stashed the mirror and its box in the back of his bedroom closet,
then went to find his sister. He struggled to look at Casey after seeing
a version of her naked an hour ago, but needed to ask her a question.
"Anything weird happen while I was gone?""Weird?" Casey looked at him curiously. "Like how?""Like, I don't know. Did you, disappear at all or, uh, miss time or, remember anything funny?""I
don't know what you guys were smoking over at Justin's, but share next
time," Casey joked. "No to all those things. Well, Mom almost jumped out
of her skin around the time you left because she swore it was like I
was in two places at once, but otherwise, no. I helped Mom in the
kitchen, hung around the house. Nothing big."Satisfied that there
seemed to be no other repercussions, Brian went to bed, dreaming about
all that might happen the next day. Upon waking, he went to retrieve the
mirror from his closet, just to look at it again, to hold it and
fantasize about the mischief he would soon get up to. But it was gone.
Brian raced to the hallway. "Mom, Casey? Who's been in my room?""I wouldn't go in there if you paid me," Casey called from her open door down the hall.When
he didn't hear a reply from his mom, he went downstairs and found her
in the kitchen reading a cookbook with great intensity. "Mom, did you go
in my room last night?""No dear," she said as she continued to
scan for recipes. "Haven't for a couple days and that was to give you
your laundry. I know you value your privacy."Brian thought about
other ways the mirror might have suddenly disappeared. "What about Dad?
Did he go in my room? Mom? Can you stop reading the book for a second?"Mrs. Patterson's gaze had not wavered from the words on the page and
they did not still at her son's prodding. "Your dad says he wants
something new for dinner and I'm not to stop looking until I've found
something that I know will make him happy."Brian shook his head.
He knew his mom unquestionably loved his dad, but sometimes she seemed
more like his servant than his spouse. "Did dad go in my room?""I don't see why he would? Oh, here's one he'll like. Thank goodness. My eyes were getting tired.""You don't have to do everything he says all the time you know," Brian chided.Mrs. Patterson looked appalled by this. "Of course I do. I love him."Brian
laughed. "Okay Mom." Brian's cell rang. The caller ID said Justin. As
he walked away from his mother he hit talk and started in on their new
wrinkle. "Hey man, something's happened. I don't know if someone broke
in last night but the mirror's gone." "Way ahead of you buddy," Justin said coolly. "It's here."Brian
stopped dead in his tracks and his voice suddenly lowered. "What do you
mean it's there? Did you come into my room last night?""Of
course I didn't. I got up this morning, went downstairs, and inside my
front door, like someone had dropped off a package, was the box with the
mirror inside. You didn't drop it off?""No!" Brian exclaimed. "What is going on?"There
was a long silence while Justin mulled this information over. "I think
it came back to me then, since I was the last to use it."Brian guffawed. "That's impossible.""It's
a magic mirror dude. We can't break it by dropping it, it can make us
other people, and it apparently goes where it wants. Don't worry. It's
safe. You can use it today and we'll test my theory. Meet at my house in
an hour."Brian hung up and an hour later was being greeted by
Justin at his house who showed him the mirror safe and sound on his
kitchen table. . "You sure you didn't..." Brian started."I
didn't," Justin assured him. "I'm telling you, magic mirror. Sam and
Eric are in the other room playing video games. I'll tell them you're
here and we can all take off.""Wait, are we just going to show up at Mrs. Matthews' house? Just like that?""Relax. I got a plan, just follow my lead," Justin said confidently.Brian
peered into the other room to see the brothers were indeed playing a
first person shooter. "How have they seemed? Have they been weird
since...""They fucked each other?" Justin finished.
"Surprisingly, no. Although they're not really talking about it. Eric
does seem different. A little more, feminine I guess, you'll see. Now
let's hit it."They piled into Brian's car and put in Mrs.
Matthews' address Justin had found online into their GPS. Ten minutes
later, they had pulled into her driveway. "Sam, Eric, you guys wait in
the car," Justin ordered. "Brian, you're with me. Let me do the talking,
and I'll be the one to use the mirror for this part. Then you can use
it the rest of the day." Everyone nodded and Justin and Brian exited the
vehicle and approached the front door. Brian was a little nervous, not
knowing how Justin was going to accomplish this smoothly. Justin rang
the doorbell. A few moments later, Mrs. Matthews opened the door.
It had been four years since they'd seen her, but she looked as
youthful and as perky as ever. As recognition flooded her round face
upon seeing two former students, her mouth broke into a dazzling grin
that conveyed genuine warmth and delight at this unexpected reunion. She
extended a hand to both of them. "Brian, Justin, it's very good to see
you. It's been awhile.""Yes it has Mrs. Matthews," Justin said feigning surprise. "I didn't know this was your house.""Oh yes, me and my husband's. And please, you're not in school anymore. Call me Kim."Justin's mouth curved into a winning smile. "Absolutely Kim."She looked between the two of them expectantly. "So, what can I do for you gentleman today?"In
one swift movement Justin pulled the mirror that he had tucked into the
back of his pants and put the reflective surface in front of her.
"Capture," Justin said quickly. The mirror glowed red and for a brief
moment Kim Matthews eyes glazed over. When the light faded, Justin
stuffed the mirror back into his pants. Kim shook her head as if
clearing cobwebs from her brain. "I'm sorry, what were you...what brings
you to my home today?""We were thinking about starting a lawn
service in the area and we're seeing if there's any potential here,"
Justin said. It was clear to Brian that he had this all queued up. "Did
you have any need for landscaping or mowing or anything such as that?"Kim looked thoughtful. "I don't think so. My husband takes care of all that. He loves any chance to get outdoors."Justin
nodded appreciatively at this. "I understand completely. We won't take
up anymore of your time. It was really good to see you again Kim." He
extended his hand again and she shook it, then he lightly grabbed
Brian's arm to pull him away, letting him know their job was done here.
They all drove back to Justin's and again found themselves sitting
around his kitchen table, staring at the mirror.Eric was the first to volunteer, "Can I turn into her? It's all I've been thinking about."They
all stared at him but it was Justin who spoke. "Not yet, Eric. We're
trying to learn some things here and we need a new test subject. I'm
going to be the guinea pig this time. Brian is going to be the only one
to use the mirror, but only when I say, okay?" Brian nodded. "Sam, I
want you to record everything on your phone. I want to make as many
observations as I can. I doubt I'll be having sex with any of you
because, you know, I'm straight, but maybe I'll show you what Mrs.
Matthews looks like naked."Eric looked at him defiantly. "Hey, I'm straight too."Justin
inclined his head towards his friend. "We always thought so buddy, but
yesterday said otherwise. Nobody here cares if you really swing both
ways. Get your phone ready Sam. Brian, take the mirror and let's do this
thing before I lose my nerve."Sam hit record and Brian lifted
the mirror to Justin's face and said, "Copy." Light bent around Justin
and an instant later, it was Kim Matthews sitting where Justin's body
had been.She sat still for a few seconds, then looked at Sam's
phone. "Everything feels different. It's like, all my sensations feel,
strange, foreign. It's like my mind knows that this isn't my real body
and is processing everything differently but, it doesn't feel bad." Her
hand stretched out before her and she looked at her fingers. Then it
came back and rested on a breast and squeezed, then found the nipple and
gave it a pinch. Her mouth couldn't stifle a moan. "This feels, really
pleasant actually. Is this how you felt too Eric, when you were Casey?"Eric gave an affirmative nod. "Almost from the moment it happened. I felt so good and, aroused. I got...wet almost immediately."The
men watched as Kim's other hand seemed to move in slow motion down to
the same jeans she had been wearing earlier. She stood up and dropped
her other hand from her breast and unbuttoned and unzipped and let them
drop to the floor. She stood there in silky turquoise panties which were
then invaded by her fingers. "Oh," said their teacher's voice. "Well,
it wasn't just you Eric. I'm like a swamp down there." She looked at the
camera and licked her lips while massaging her slit with her fingers.
"It would appear that upon transformation, the senses become heightened,
at least when it comes to anything sexual. This is possibly due to the
newness of the situation, the fact that we picked a hot teacher, or
because of the magical properties of the mirror itself."Sam's erection was already straining at his pants. "So, do we get to see her naked now?"Kim's
fingers stopped stroking and reluctantly came to the surface,
glistening from her arousal. "No, we push further. Here's the part where
Eric got into trouble and it's the part we have to see if we can
master. Brian, say the next word."Brian hesitated. "You sure?""Yeah, go."Brian held up the mirror again to his friend and said, "Connect."Kim's
hands flew to her forehead, "Ow, that freaking hurts! Whoa. So much
information. Her whole life is here. You were pretty accurate with your
description Eric. It's like a river of knowledge and, everything that
she is. It's all right there. What do I have to do to make sure I don't
get swept away?"Eric blushed. "To be honest, my whole goal became
getting laid and I didn't fight it. I just jumped in and I was me and
in control but then I wasn't and I became her as well. It was
intoxicating and the horniest I've ever been."Kim nodded. "Okay,
don't get swept away. Got it. Brian, I'm not worried here because I know
you can always cancel this out, but don't let me, I don't know, fuck
anybody?""Uh, okay," Brian said, although his mind was stuck in a loop of seeing his teacher finger herself in front of him.Kim
then gave one of her brilliant smiles. "Okay, everyone meet me in the
living room in one minute. This should be fun. Keep the camera on me
when I get back Sam."The three traipsed into the living room and
sat on the large couch as Justin/Kim disappeared. A minute later, she
reappeared carrying a portable white board and stand, and set it up in
front of them. She produced a dry erase marker and proceeded to write
Mrs. Matthews on the board and underline it. "Hello class. I'm your new
teacher, Mrs. Matthews. I went to college near here and have wanted to
be a teacher since I was a little girl and now here I am. I hope you're
as excited to learn as I am to teach."This was very surreal to
the three men huddled on the couch. Their favorite, hottest teacher was
standing before them, showcasing her bubbly personality. And she was
doing it without any pants on."Uh, Justin?" Brian said.Kim
frowned at him, which she managed to do and still look as cute as hell.
"Mr. Patterson, is it? Yes, Justin is still very much here and in
charge, but for the time being, because we're having fun right now and
getting this on video, call me Mrs. Matthews, okay?""Um, yes Mrs. Matthews," Brian said sheepishly. "Now,"
Mrs. Matthews continued, "I believe this first lesson is about the
female anatomy. Who has ever seen a naked woman before?"All three
hands raised. Justin noted that he had them all now in the palm of his
hand. He'd make it good but he wasn't going to let them do anything,
even though this body was just getting hotter and...he was still in
control, wasn't he? Mrs. Matthews started to unbutton her top. "Have you
ever seen your teacher naked before?" All three hands dropped. "Have
you ever wanted to?" The hands shot higher than before. "What eager
students." With that, she pulled the top free, and then unclasped her
beige bra that had been underneath. She marveled at how their eyes were
glued to her, taking in her now exposed flesh. Her crotch was getting so
hot. She would need to stop soon or..."These are breasts," Mrs.
Matthews resumed in a professional voice. Her hands lifted and began to
caress and squeeze and pinch her large chest and pointy nipples. "They
love to be touched. I prefer softly at first, then roughly. It feels
really good. Would anyone like a turn? I believe in hands on teaching."
She thrust her boobs towards Sam and Eric's already outstretched arms.Brian squirmed, wanting too very much, but instead asked, "Justin? Is this, are you losing yourself?"Kim
smiled at him mischievously. "I'm still in control. This is just for
the video and learning purposes. Now come here and get a handful." Brian
reluctantly reached forward and was then in heaven as he groped his
former teacher who moaned at all the hands that now were touching her
more places than just her chest. One hand snaked down and began to lower
her panties and slid into her pussy. Something flipped inside Justin
and she grabbed the mirror from Brian's hand."Hey," Brian yelled.She
jumped back out of his grasp and looked at the hungry, lustful faces of
Eric and Sam. "I'm sorry Brian. This body needs to get fucked. You'll
fuck me, won't you Sam and Eric?" They both nodded immediately."No!" Brian said. "Give me the mirror back. I can cancel this before you end up doing something you'll regret.""Don't
be like that," Mrs. Matthews said with a twinge of menace. "Here, why
don't we try a new experiment." She held the mirror towards Brian and
said, "Copy."The light around Brian shimmered and when he looked
down, it was at a much smaller body with large breasts protruding from
his former chest. "What the hell man?""I'm sorry Brian," Mrs.
Matthews said, looking at her new fully dressed clone. "You need to see
what this feels like. You need to understand the desire. Connect!"Brian's
head felt like it was being split open as thoughts and feelings and
memories all rushed in violently into his brain. "Stop! Make it stop!"And
then the pain vanished and everything about Mrs. Matthews was laid out
before him in a stream of consciousness. Her thoughts, feelings and
memories were rushing by and all around him but he steeled himself
against it, determined to stay in control."Do you feel it?" Brian heard Mrs. Matthews ask. "Don't fight it. It's what your new body wants."Brian
stood and as he did, he felt the heat radiating through him, the
excitement that fluttered through his transformed groin. He took a step
towards his friend and reached for the mirror. "I'm stopping this now,"
his feminine voice said angrily.His doppelganger shook her head
in disbelief. "I've got to give you credit Brian. You're much stronger
than I am." Then she raised the mirror towards Brian's new form and
said, "Control.""No," Brian yelled as the red glow washed over
him. The warmth in his body increased tenfold and his arousal seemed
like a tangible thing that had form and substance. It was this body. It
needed something. To be touched, to be filled. Still he resisted. "It's
not too late Justin. Cancel it out! Turn us back.""Sure thing," Mrs. Matthews flashed a winning smile. "But first I'm going to need you to get naked and fuck Eric here.""I'm
not going to do that," Brian said stubbornly, even as he started to
unbutton the same shirt they had all seen Mrs. Matthews take off minutes
ago."And I'm going to need you to fuck him the way Mrs. Matthews
would. Like he's your student that needs teaching and the world is
bright and full of wonder and possibilities. And you'll love every
second of it, won't you Mrs. Matthews, because as of now, you're so
incredibly horny and up for anything." And then the person who had been
Justin pulled the person who had been Brian towards her, and Eric and
Sam watched as two exact copies of Mrs. Matthews proceeded to make out
with each other directly in front of them. The first Mrs. Matthews
helped the other remove her pants and then kiss her breasts. The two ran
their hands over the other's soft tan skin, letting them glide
sensuously and seductively while still exploring each other's mouths.
Then the first Mrs. Matthews broke it off and playfully smacked the
second Mrs. Matthews' ass and pointed to Eric. "You know what to do,"
she said.The second Mrs. Matthews, now naked as a blue jay,
sauntered over cheerily to Eric, swaying her hips as she did so. "Eric,
have you ever had sex before?""Yeah, yes," he managed."Oh
good, you have some experience. We can skip beginner and go write to the
advanced course. First I'm going to get you nice and hard." She reached
for his jeans and undid the zipper, releasing a sizeable boner. Her
mouth enveloped his tool and began expertly sucking, sliding her tongue
up and down but creating pressure with her lips. Far in the back of her
mind, Justin wondered how he knew to do this, then saw from memories
rushing by that it was something she did every anniversary for her
husband because she knew how much he loved seeing her small mouth
wrapped around his big dick. This knowledge sent more moisture to an
already wet pussy that would not wait much longer to be stuffed with
Eric's girth. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her twin
getting nailed doggie style by a very excited Sam. He was pumping her
for all he was worth and she was moaning in ecstasy. This encouraged the
second Mrs. Matthews to resume her tongue lashing of Eric's dick with
new vigor. She looked up at him with her big brown eyes while she
swirled his erection around inside her mouth and winked at him. She saw
his face tighten and knew that he was getting close so she stopped and
positioned herself like her copy. "Eric, your teacher wants you to take
that nice big dick you have now and slam it into the wet slit right
here." She reached back and used two fingers to stretch her pussy lips
apart. "I want you to push it all the way in and keep slamming until
we've both cum. Can you do that for me, Eric?" Eric dropped down
to his knees and did exactly as his teacher instructed, sliding neatly
into her and aggressively started shoving his rod all the way in,
pulling back to where it almost came out, then ramming it all the way
back deeper than before. Mrs. Matthews reveled in her teaching ability.
She knew how to bring out the best in her students, and now Eric was
endeavoring to show her how much he had learned. He leaned over her and
stretched his arms underneath her to find her breasts. He grabbed them
forcibly and she moaned at how desperate he was to touch them. "That's
really good Eric. Squeeze my titties. But don't slow down. Keep up your
pace. I know you can do it. Your still so young and have such a nice
dick and oh!" Her whole body shook as the orgasm rippled out from her
pussy. This was heaven. Eric was such a good student. But if she was to
fulfill her role as a good teacher, she'd need to make sure he came too."Eric,
keep going, but slow down a little bit. Yeah, just like that. I want
you to feel the insides of my pussy. I want you to feel me flexing it
for you, causing it to tighten around your dick. Do you feel that Eric?
Do you feel Mrs. Matthews sweet pussy grabbing and milking that big dick
of yours?"Eric grunted in response."Good boy. What a good
student. Now I want you to cum in me Eric, the way you've always
dreamed about cumming in me before when you were in my class." She
turned her head so she could see him out of the corner of her eye. She
was smiling as she said, "I always saw so much in potential in you. Will
you show me how much you've learned today, Eric." And then the smile
faded as she licked her lips for him seductively. Then she felt herself
flooded with warmth as Eric released his seed inside of her. He didn't
slow as he came and then she was cumming again, overcome with the
emotion of successfully connecting with such a good pupil.Sam and
his Mrs. Matthews had finished shortly before, and now all four of them
laid on Justin's living room floor, basking in the afterglow. Sam
eventually picked up the mirror and looked at his brother. "Should we
change them back now?""Yeah, I call next though," Eric said.Sam pointed it at his Mrs. Matthews who was starting to protest but then he said, "Cancel."A
flash of light later and Justin was laying where the naked Mrs.
Matthews had been. "Man, I wanted to stay as her for a little longer,"
Justin complained."Much longer, and I'm not sure you would've ever wanted to come back," Sam pointed out.Justin
looked thoughtful. "You may be right. I don't know what happened. I was
in control at first but then, I wanted to have sex and nothing was
going to stop me. And then when it seemed like Brian was going to get in
my way I... Oh no." The gravity and betrayal of what he had done to his
friend choked out whatever else he might have said.Sam pointed
the mirror at the other Mrs. Matthews but Justin stopped him. "No, let
me do it." Sam handed him the mirror and Justin held it out to his
friend, probably now his ex friend and said, "Cancel."A moment later, and Brian was on the floor
next to them. The sensations did not all disappear right away. He still
felt what it was like to have a pussy, to be penetrated, to be so
incredibly horny, the thrill of being controlled. But the anger of how
it had all happened overrode those sensations and rage was all that
remained. He slowly got to his feet and looked down at Justin who was
still seated on the floor. He extended a hand to pull him up. Justin
accepted the hand and was pulled to his feet. Then Brian snatched the
mirror out of Justin's grasp with his left hand, and with his right hand
he delivered a forceful punch to Justin's face. Justin went down hard.Sam
and Eric were on their feet but Brian was already at the front door.
"I'm going to destroy this thing. Don't follow me. As far as I'm
concerned our friendships are over." He slammed the door behind him.Sam and Eric made to chase after him, but Justin yelled, "Don't. It's okay. We kind of had that coming.""But the mirror!" Eric said panicked.Sam
gave a melancholy smile. "I'm almost positive he won't be able to
destroy it and unless he uses it, we'll have it back tomorrow." The
brothers exchanged looks, clearly clueless as to what he meant, but
didn't pursue it further.Brian was a man on a mission. Upon
pulling into his driveway, he opened the garage and went straight to his
father's work bench. He laid the mirror on the hard surface, grabbed a
large steel hammer, and brought it down with all his might onto the
mirror's surface. He expected to hear the tinkling sound of glass
breaking and the sight of shards flying in all directions. But neither
of those things happened. When he moved the hammer, not a dent, not a
scratch was anywhere to be found.Undaunted, Brian procured a flat
head screwdriver. He would wedge it along the edges and pop the mirror
out of the frame and go from there. Try as he might, this also proved
futile. He grabbed a hand held saw to see if he could at least saw the
wooden handle off. The jagged teeth of the blade chipped and gave out
before the handle showed any sign of damage. Completely flustered, he
brought it in and set it on the table. He was getting a drink when his
father walked in. He had completely forgotten that his mother had said
he would be home early, but didn't think he would react at seeing the
old mirror on the table. He was very wrong."Son," Steve Patterson said calmly but with an edge to his voice, "where did you find that mirror?"Brian
recognized his father's questioning tone. It was the one he used when
he expected a response to a question he already knew the answer too. No
use lying. "I found it in the attic buried in a trunk."His father studied him. "Does anyone else know about it?"Brian
did not want to answer that question at all, but it seemed of
increasing importance to his father. "I found it with my friends."Brian's father sat down, looking like he'd be sick. "Tell me the truth. Did you, did any of you use it?"Brian waited a long moment before saying a soft, "Yes.""Do
you know if anyone has said the last word yet?" he suddenly demanded,
slamming his fist on the table. His anger quickly abated as a thought
occurred to him. "What am I saying, if they had, you wouldn't know. At
least you were able to carry the damn thing in here so I know you
haven't said it yet.""Dad, you're really starting to freak me out."Now
his dad looked like he really would be sick. "I hoped it would never by
anyone in my family. I hoped I would be dead before it happened." He
looked at Brian with eyes that eked misery. "Sit down. I need to tell
you a story."As Brian sat, he realized that his father knew all
about this mirror. He was probably about to learn things he didn't want
to ever know."When I was in my early twenties, my best friend
Curt Buchanan and I loved to go to estate sales whenever we could get
the chance. One day, we came across this box, nothing special about it
but what you've seen before and know contains that mirror. I bid on it
during the auction and won it. I took it home and discovered the words,
or at least the first one that night. When Curt came over the next day, I
showed it to him. We both wondered what it could mean. Then Curt saw my
cute next door neighbor walk by my front window. He knew I had a crush
on her but had rejected me on more than one occasion. As a joke, he
grabbed the mirror and ran out to her and said capture, and that's what
it did. You know, you've seen it. We were both mystified at the red
light and it's temporary stunning effect on my neighbor." "He
brought it back inside and we looked in the box and saw the next word.
We both came to the same conclusion as to what might happen, and flipped
a coin to see who would become her copy. I lost the toss, but Curt,
seeing the look of disappointment on my face, tossed again, and this
time, he lost. I didn't know it at the time, but he, in a way, saved my
life right there. He transformed into my heart's desire right before my
eyes. After making sure he was okay, we looked to see if there was
another word. We didn't think about stopping because we assumed the box
would show us a word to undo any changes.""We were sitting on the
couch together, and before I had said the next word, Curt's hand, her
hand, was already on my knee. Right there I should have known the
changes weren't just physical, but internal as well. The mirror was
pushing Curt, making him accept who the mirror had transformed him into
and cranking up his sex drive. After I said the next word, he seemed to
become her. He knew everything about her. How she walked, talked, how
she didn't like me. But her hand didn't leave my knee. The look on her
face made it seem like she was having some internal struggle before I
had read the next word. She was in the process of telling me that even
though she didn't have feelings for me, maybe she'd let me see her
naked, and then I said control. I made her...do things that I will not
go into detail about with you but...I definitely took advantage of my
friend's loss of free will. Curt was lost in this new identity. When the
final two words appeared, I let him know he could go back, that I could
undo it all. He begged me not to do that, to let him stay as he was,
that he'd do anything I'd ever ask of him if I would let him stay her.
So, I said the last word instead of saying cancel and changing him
back."Brian felt like the story was coming to some shocking
conclusion. He thought he already knew what it was but was terrified to
ask.His father took a deep breath. "The change became permanent.
The original copy of my neighbor disappeared, as in completely ceased to
exist, and so did my best friend. The copy that was now in my room was
for all intents and purposes, the new original. One that I was in
complete control of and who would do whatever I said whenever I said it
and also had a raging libido. When I asked her, she had no recollection
of the magical process. She only remembered being in her house, then
there with me, and was sorry she had never given me a chance and wanted
to get married and be together forever."Now it was Brian's turn to look sick. "Please, please, please tell me that you're not talking about Mom right now?"His
dad looked at him ashamedly. "Have you ever seen your mother and I have
an argument? Have you ever wondered why she'd always do whatever I said
without any hesitation whatsoever? She waits on me hand and foot. All
because of this mirror.""My mom was your best friend, this Curt guy?" Brian exclaimed suddenly overwhelmed. "You did that to your friend?"His
dad leveled an accusatory gaze at his son, "You said you'd used it. Was
it you that transformed? Was it Justin or Sam or Eric? Did it go well
for you and they didn't ask or beg to not go back to who they were? This
mirror wants someone to say that last word. It wants the changes to be
permanent. That's its curse."Brian threw up his hands and asked the obvious. "Then what the hell is it still doing in this house?""Well
let's see, judging by the sounds I heard earlier from my garage, you've
just learned that it can in no way be destroyed. Here's something else.
It will always stay with the person that used it last. I had your
mother try burying it, throwing it in a lake, putting it in a safe
deposit box, and it would always show back up inside our house near the
front door. Once I realized I couldn't get rid of it, I had your mother
try locking it up in a safe in our bedroom. Nope, found it at the front
door the next day. I briefly tried renting another residence to see if I
could keep it there. Also no. The only thing it will allow is to be
hidden in the house that I sleep at night."Brian was confused. "Why did you have Mom do all those things?""Oh,"
his dad said with an eye roll, "forgot to tell you that part. After I
said the last word, I wasn't able to touch it anymore. Look." He reached
for the mirror. The minute his fingers should have touched it, they
passed through. It was as if the mirror was a hologram to him. "Since
your mother does whatever I want her to do, this hasn't been an issue.
I'll tell her to get rid of it or hide it and then I'll tell her to
forget about it.""So," Brian asked worried, "what should I do with it now?""Is it in your possession? Were you the last to use it?""No," Brian acknowledged. "Justin was.""Then it'll go back to him unless you use it.""I'm never using it again," Brian said firmly.His
father gave him a very concerned look and stood from his chair. "You
might not have a choice. The mirror wants to be used. Your friends won't
forget what it was like to be someone else. It was all Curt could talk
about during the first two phases. And if it's ever a choice to who says
the last word, you or someone else, make sure it's you. Now go hide it
before your mother or sister sees it. I'm sorry you've become entangled
in this but I don't want either of them involved. Thank goodness that
hasn't happened."In retrospect, Brian realized he should have
gone with silence, or moved the conversation elsewhere. Anything would
have been better than the awkward, "Um..." that escaped his lips causing
his father to sit down again."Are your mother or sister already involved?" his dad asked nervously."Not
really," Brian tried to assure him. "What started this mess was I
accidentally captured Casey's image and then copied her onto Eric and,
well then it kind of spiraled like you said when Casey, um, Casey..."Brian
unable to finish that statement was all Mr. Patterson needed to hear.
"Understood. Yes, but you somehow managed to cancel it out. Great.
Great. Well, this is going to have to play all the way out isn't it?" He
was on his feet again, pacing, talking out loud. "If your friends show
up here, they can't be around. I've got to get them out, somewhere far
away." He stopped and looked at Brian. "Son, I've got to protect your
mother and sister. I don't know if they'll come back to capture Casey,
or hell, your mother, but they might. If Eric felt a connection to
Casey, it might be strong enough for him to want to try again and she
can't be here when that happens."Brian looked appalled. "Well, I don't want that either, but it sounds like you're going to leave me here."His
father nodded solemnly. "You're right. I am. If they show up with that
mirror, I can't take it from them, you can. All I can do is get your
mother and sister far away until this is done, and believe me, it will
be done soon, one way or the other.""I told them to leave me out of it. I don't want anything to do with them anymore."Mr.
Patterson thought about this. "Maybe, but not a chance I'm willing to
take. Here, we'll do this as a litmus test." He took a piece of paper
from a drawer and wrote his friends' names, Eric, Sam, Justin in pen.
Underneath, he wrote, '3 names, if there are ever 2 names, tell parents
to come home.' "I don't get it," Brian said quizzically. "How's that supposed to work?"Mr.
Patterson sighed. "The mirror alters reality if you say the final word,
did I not make that clear? Curt ceased to exist. I went to his parents
to try and explain in some way what happened and they had no idea who
Curt was. Any memory of him was erased from the minds of everyone who
knew him except for me. With that in mind, three names on this paper. If
they use it, and mind you, I bet one of them will very soon, one of
these names will disappear. What shouldn't disappear is the message
underneath it, theoretically." "Wow Dad, sounds like you've really given this some thought.""I
thought about it all the time years ago, about what would happen when
and if somebody stumbled across it and used it. I pushed it out of my
mind when you kids came along, like it was a bad dream. Now the
nightmare is back and I'm sorry you're in it, but you're smarter and
more capable than you know. If they show up here, don't let them in, let
them make the mistake of using it until one of them disappears. They
can deal with the curse from then on. I'll have your mother and sister
out of the house tonight. I'll tell them it's a last minute family
vacation but you can't go because of work. Be careful." He hugged his
son, then left to have everyone pack. Brian put the mirror in a
drawer in his room, and the next morning it was gone, along with his
parents and sister. That day he had called in sick to work, locked the
doors, and waited for someone to come. No one had. No one called except
his dad a few times to check in. He checked the piece of paper regularly
but it hadn't changed. By the next day, he was already stir crazy from
hiding in his house and not knowing what the other guys were doing with
the mirror. Determined not to be a prisoner in his own house, he went to
work. It wasn't that he wanted to go, but he knew he'd see Stacey
there, and that prospect made the risk seem worth it. Maybe it was the
notion of being in potential danger, but he thought he might have the
courage to finally ask her out on a date.Brian hadn't been
smitten with Stacey right away. They worked the same shift, in the same
position, moving freight and restocking shelves for a major retail
store. Brian had always struggled talking to girls, but his proximity to
Stacey at work made it comfortable for him to engage her in
conversation. He had always appreciated her body, but finding out that
they had many common interests and could talk effortlessly for long
periods of time was what made him fall for her. But he had chickened out
so many times when it came to asking her out on a date. He didn't want
to ruin what they had, but he didn't want to stand still either. Earning
some extra money had been his big push to finally make it happen. He
would wine and dine her and tell her all about how she made him feel and
did she feel the same way? But he had found the mirror instead.All
this was swirling in his head as he punched in and started moving
freight. He worked mindlessly for a an hour before Stacey came up behind
him and smacked him in the back of the head. "Hey Brian! You mad at me
or something? You haven't said two words to me yet? And what's this
whole you were sick yesterday? You made me work an entire shift without
you and you know how I feel about that."He turned around and
looked at her, appreciating her beauty every time. Even though her words
had bite, she was giving a half smile, letting him know she was
teasing. She wore her long brown hair up and in one of the work provided
hats that he thought increased her cuteness factor. The polyester shirt
did not hide her large breasts, and seemed to cling to them in a very
complimentary fashion. And the standard black pants just looked better
on her than they did everyone else. He realized that if he stared a
second longer he would be venturing into creep territory. "Sorry, yeah, I
know. Here's a secret. I wasn't really sick. Family stuff. My parents
left on a vacation and they wanted to hang out with me one day before
they left."Stacey looked surprised. "They left you behind? What's up with that?""It's
my fault," Brian added quickly. "I told them I had work
responsibilities and, you know you couldn't do this job without me for a
week."She smiled causing Brian's heart beat faster in his chest.
"It is a little less awful when you're here, but responsibilities,
really?"Brian straightened his shoulders. "I'm trying to impress
management with my work ethic. There's a promotion coming up in a few
weeks that I was thinking of applying for." In reality he hadn't, but it
seemed like the thing to say to impress her."Wow, well I think they'd be stupid not to give you the position. You're a good guy."Brian
took a deep breath. This was his moment. "Stacey, do you, would you
ever want to, I don't know, want to hang out outside of work sometime?"Her smile was back, bigger than before. "Like a date? Are you asking me on a date Brian Patterson?""No
I mean..." he saw her eyebrow arch subtly, "yes, yes a date where we go
out and, I treat you to someplace fancy and I tell you how good you
look and then maybe, I don't know, romantic things..."Stacey giggled. "That was really hard for you, wasn't it?"Brian
let out the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. "Yes! I'm
sorry, I've wanted to ask you out for so long because I think you're so
amazing and, oh crap, you haven't said yes yet. I'm going to shut up
now."She batted her long lashes at him and then said sweetly, "I
would love to go on a date with you. How about next weekend? Can you
wait that long? I have plans with my family this weekend."Brian was on cloud nine. "Absolutely, next weekend, sounds great."Brian's
productivity drastically increased and the rest of the day seemed to
fly by for him. Everything was great and as it should be. But when he
got home, the paper that he had left on the fridge hadn't changed. How
long would this go on? He needed something to happen. He purposed to
stay alert, to stay home or be at work and nothing else. Hopefully this
would all be over long before his date with Stacey. He finished out his
work week without incident, and without any changes on the paper. Other
than calls from his parents and one from Stacey, his former friends had
not made any contact with him. He hoped that was a good sign and that
they had moved on.The weekend was upon him and he was lazing
about with his doors locked, on alert but feeling safe in his castle.
Late that afternoon from right outside his house, he heard the slam of a
car door, then two more doors in quick succession. He assumed it was
friends of the neighbors who would often park along the street, but a
few seconds later, his door bell rang. Thankfully he was fully dressed,
something that was uncommon for the weekend, but this was an unwanted
surprise. He didn't know if a magic mirror could work through the
peephole of his front door, but he decided to chance it. To his
surprise, it was Stacey. He immediately opened the door and gestured for
her to come in and closed the door behind her. "Stacey? I thought you
had plans with your family this weekend?""I did but they
canceled. I thought we could have a predate before our actual date. Sort
of take the tension out of the next one by just being casual for this
one."She looked anything but casual. She was wearing a short,
silver sparkly dress that showed off her perfect legs. She had elegantly
applied makeup, just enough to accentuate her finer features. She
looked like she was ready for a night on the town or trying very hard to
catch a man. Either way Brian made every effort to stuff his eyeballs
back in. "I, that sounds great. I am a little under dressed for the
occasion though.""Oh, sorry," Stacey apologized. "This is what I
was going to wear out with my family tonight. Probably shouldn't have
picked out such a short skirt now that I think about it. Do you think
it's too short?" She gave a slow twirl for him, watching as his eyes
drifted all over her, lingering at her legs.
Brian's voice was suddenly much higher than normal. "No. No I think its fine. Not too short at all."She
eyed him with a mischievous glint in her eye and then turned her back
to him. "Even if I do this?" And she bent down and touched her toes.
Brian's eyes exploded from their sockets as the dress pulled up to
reveal that Stacey had chosen to go commando that evening. As his mouth
fell open, he heard her say while still touching her toes, "Brian, I can
feel you staring."Brian's eyes immediately found the ceiling as
Stacey stood up and turned back to face him. She stepped towards him so
they were only inches apart. "You're fun to tease Brian. Do you like it
when I tease you?" And then she touched his erect penis through his
pants.As much as Brian loved what was happening in that moment,
he was suddenly aware of how off it seemed. He stepped back from her,
causing her to give him a sour look. "You're not really Stacey, are
you?"he guessed.Brian heard clapping coming from behind him and
Justin stepped into the room. "That didn't take you very long Brian,
although you definitely came on a little strong there Eric. Kind of gave
it away. Hey Brian, FYI, your back door still doesn't really lock if
you jiggle it a certain way."Brian scanned the room, looking for a
quick exit or anything that could block a mirror. Justin saw his
frantic posture and in a soothing voice said, "Brian, relax, we're here
to make amends.""Sorry pal, but the last time you said something like that, I ended up getting screwed, literally."Justin
put his hands palm out in a penitent gesture. "I know. It was the
mirror. I let it take over. Everything got way out of hand and I take
full responsibility for that. But like I said, we're here to make
amends. You're my best friend and all I've thought about the last few
days is how I could make it up to you. None of us have used the mirror
until today, till just a few hours ago really, right before Stacey left
town. I figured this could be our apology."Justin motioned
towards Stacey who cautiously approached Brian and put an arm on his
shoulder. "Do you want to see me bend over again? You can see more than
that if you want to?""No," Brian said brushing off her arm. "You'll use the mirror on me like last time."Justin
nodded. "I knew you might say something like that, since again, I did
step way out of line last time. So this time, I'm going to give you all
the power. I've already used copy and connect on Eric and Sam, but I
haven't said control on them. You get to say control to both of them,
and to me, and then order all of us to not touch the mirror.""What?" Brian said looking around. "You used it on Sam? Where's Sam?" From
behind Justin, another figure stepped out from behind his shadow. "I'm
right here." But it wasn't Sam's voice. It was Stacey's. They had copied
Stacey twice, just like they had Mrs. Matthews. This Stacey was also
wearing the same short, silver dress. "Like I said, we are all
sorry and we figured we owed you," Justin said. "Sam is even a woman for
the first time. How's it feel so far Sam?""Damn good," the
second Stacey said before licking her lips in Brian's direction.
"Congratulations on finally asking me out on a date. Did you know I've
been waiting for you to do that for months? I've even masturbated
thinking about you a few times. Would you like to see that? Would you
like to see me masturbate thinking of you?" Before Brian had a chance to
give any response to that, she had lifted the front of her short skirt
to reveal that she also was not wearing panties, and began to finger
herself in front of all of them.Justin slowly pulled the mirror out from behind his pants and tossed it to Brian. "Say the words to me buddy."Brian looked down at the thing he wished they'd never found. "I can't. I don't want to."Justin
sighed heavily. "Look man, I'd do it myself but we learned today that
someone has to use it on you. You can't use it on yourself. I trust you
with it. Control all of us tonight. Make us live out your every fantasy
only better because you'll have three of the girl you've been crushing
on forever and we'll do whatever you want. And then you'll turn us back
and we'll be good, right?"Brian looked at the mirror, then
pointed it at his friend and said without conviction, "Sure. Copy."
Light bent around Justin and then a third Stacey was before him but she
was wearing normal clothes. It was a green top and blue jeans that were
not anything fashion worthy but still looked pretty on her. The
third Stacey eyed him curiously. "You need to say connect. Oh, I see,
you're wondering why I'm wearing these clothes. It's what she was
wearing earlier when I visited her house. This is what she was actually
going to wear out with her family. We went and bought the dresses. Got
some looks for that but I'd say it was worth it. Now come on, say it.""Connect."The
third Stacey looked pained momentarily, then appraised Brian like he
was a piece of meat. "I'm really going to enjoy this. Hit me again.""Control!"
Brian yelled. Then pointed at the other two and yelled it at both of
them. Each time it was like their bodies had received a near orgasmic
shock. They all drew closer to him. "Listen to me. None of you are to
touch this mirror in any way. Now tell me before I order any of you to
do anything, what do you want to do right now?"In unison, all three Stacey's said, "Fuck!""You, Stacey three, undress me," Brian ordered. "You two, make out with each other."As
Brian felt the Stacey who was Justin remove his shirt and then unzip
his fly, he stood enraptured at the sight of the other two Stacey's who
were kissing passionately, all while their hands wandered to their
twin's face and breasts and butt and back again. When he was completely
naked, he said to Stacey three, "Go and get a permanent marker from the
junk drawer in the kitchen. Write a big three on your right hand. I want
to make sure I know which one is you. Then come upstairs to the master
bedroom." She disappeared into the other room, and Brian picked up the
mirror at his feet, and ordered the other two to follow him.It
felt weird doing this in his parents' room, but they had the biggest bed
and he reasoned he would need the space. He told one Stacey to straddle
his chest and let him kiss her breasts while the other one was to begin
sucking him off while fingering the Stacey who's ass was in her face. A
minute later, Stacey three joined them and Brian promptly told her to
eat out the Stacey who was giving him a very good blow job.
Unfortunately for Brian, it had been way too long since he had gotten
any action, as a guy anyway, and the sight of his dream girl times three
sent him over the edge all too soon. He then pulled up a chair and made
the Stacey swap his cum from girl to girl and then back again, all
while fingering the Stacey on their left. He was like a horny, mad
director and he instructed the girls to take turns performing
cunnilingus on each other, or made them one dance while one masturbated
and would have the third continually lick his balls. It did not take
long for his erection to restore itself and this time he knew he could
last longer than five minutes.He had them each line up on all
fours on the bed, as he had been when Eric had fucked him when he had
been Mrs. Matthews. He told them they were hornier and more sensitive
than they had ever been and each thrust would drive them crazy with lust
but they were not allowed to cum until he told them they could. They
were all allowed to beg for it though.He started with the first
Stacey, shoving into her from behind roughly. His cock glided in with
ease at the wetness it found there. He pumped just once, then moved to
the second Stacey and did the same thing. When he got to the third, he
repeated the process, and then went back to the first one who by now was
already begging for release. He did this for several minutes, ordering
the girls to kiss and fondle one another while he slammed them from
behind. It was obvious as they grew louder and louder that they were
desperate to orgasm. Finally, Brian told them, "When you feel me shove
my cock into you this next time and smack your ass, you may cum."As
his cock slammed into the first Stacey, his hand landed hard on her ass
cheek. She came huge, screaming as her whole body shook from the pent
up orgasm that she had been denied for so long. The second Stacey was
the same. But when he got to the third Stacey, he double checked to make
sure she had the 3 on her hand, then he rubbed the tip of his penis
along her slit but did not let it slip inside. He leaned over her and
said, "You don't get to cum until I do. Do you want to make me cum?""Yes, please! Let me make you cum!" she shouted, almost hysterically."I'm going to need you to squeeze your pussy around my cock each time I push it into you, okay?""Whatever you say. Now please, give it to me!""You
don't have to tell me twice." And Brian began pumping her like a man
possessed. He ordered the other two Stacie's to get on either side of
him and had one reach underneath and tease Stacey three's clit, while
the other let him suck on her boobs. The moment Brian came Stacey
three's back arched as she let out a shriek of ecstasy, then she
collapsed on the bed beneath him. He ordered the other two Stacey's to
clean him off with their tongues, then told them to go get Stacey
three's clothes from downstairs. When they returned he ordered Stacey
three to get dressed, then for all three of them to sit on the bed
facing him as he sat in the chair.Brian retrieved the mirror he
had set on the dresser. He pointed it at the first Stacey and said,
"Cancel." Eric appeared in the clothes he had been wearing a moment
later and flopped back on the bed, exhausted and no longer having to sit
up now that his free will was restored. Brian then did the same with
the second Stacey, and this time Sam flopped back. Brian looked
at Stacey three with a pained expression on his face. Stacey looked at
him, reading his expression. "You're thinking about saying it, aren't
you?""About saying what?" Brian said somberly.She smiled at him. "The final word in the box."Brian stared at her, knowing it was Justin underneath the surface. "How did you know I knew about that?"She
laughed. "You've been my best friend for years. I know when you're
lying. I checked it out later and came to the same conclusion you
probably did. If you say that, this becomes permanent. I want you to
know I'm okay with that."Brian's gaze faltered but he still held the mirror towards her. "But, you won't be you anymore.""Maybe,"
she said kindly, "but I can tell you right now that it's what I want
more than anything. We'll be together forever and you can do everything
you did to me tonight whenever you want."Brian thought about that
as he looked into Justin/Stacey's eyes. The mirror's curse would not be
gone, but it would buy him some time to find another way to be rid of
it, even if it meant passing it on somehow. He would find a way to get
it out of his house and away from his family. In the meantime, he'd be
with the kind of girl he'd always thought was out of his league and made
him feel like he could be a better person than he was. He reasoned that
he'd have to start being a better person tomorrow though, as he looked
at the Stacey in front of him and said, "Complete."The mirror
burned hot in his hand and a white llight shout out of it temporarily
blinding everyone in the room. A few seconds later, the light subsided
and Brian felt the mirror's handle seem to lose substance and slip from
his hand and hit the floor. He quickly told Stacey, his Stacey, to pick
it up and put it under his bed and forget about it. She dutifully did as
he had commanded.A moment after Stacey had left the room, Eric
and Sam both sat up on the bed, both shaking their head as if coming out
of a fog. "Hey man," Eric said. "Why are we here in your parents'
bedroom?""Were we hanging out or something?" Sam asked. "Today's like, really fuzzy for me right now.""You came with Justin, remember?" Brian asked and then held his breath.The brothers looked at each other, stumped by this statement. Finally Eric asked, "Justin who?""Are we supposed to know a Justin?" Sam added.Brian let the breath out but had one more question. "Do you remember a mirror?"Eric
stood up and started for the door. "Mirror? What are you on about man?
Drugs? Did we all take drugs and that's why we can't remember anything
from today and you're asking us these weird questions?"Brian
choked back emotion as he shook his head. "I'm sorry man, I was just
playing. You guys should probably go home and get some rest. You might
be coming down with something." When they left, he found Stacey in his
room."I've never been in your room before, but it somehow feels
like I have," she said. Then she turned and kissed him softly. "Thanks
for letting me come see you tonight. Anytime you want to get together
again just let me know."Brian looked at her sadly, then made the choice to move forward. "I'm going to move in with you, is that okay?""That would be great," she said bouncing up and down, clearly excited by the idea. He
knew she had to say yes. Even though he knew he had complete control
over her, he still wanted to try and be worthy of her. He would grow up,
be responsible, become a family man, and... he swatted her ass causing
her to giggle. And get sex whenever he wanted.They walked
downstairs and Brian saw the note on the fridge. Justin's name was gone,
but the rest of the message remained. He found his cell phone and
called his dad. "It's done, you can come home. Justin's gone.""Who's Justin?" his dad said, which Brian should have seen coming."Just
a friend I won't be seeing anytime soon. Hurry home, I could really use
you guys right now." And with that, he hung up. It was over, at least
for awhile.The end.
If you enjoyed this story, you might like to know that it is connected to other stories I have written. It all starts with Shudder, and connects to Mind_Hack.exe and The Last Shapeshifter. I hope you'll give them a try. If you'd like to see any specific scenarios between any characters in these works, feel free to drop a commission for it on this site, and I'll do my best to make it happen. You can also email any and all feedback to kripto1@yahoo.com.Thanks for reading!KriptoNo more chapters.
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