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  • Shudder Chapter 2

    Chapter by Kripto · 30 Dec 2021
  • A bodyhopper infiltrates Derek's family.
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  • Nevyn went to the window and watched the boy leave through the front door and run the few feet that separated their houses. He was no doubt thinking of barricading the door, trying to come up with some plan or other to keep him out. He had not had this much fun in, well, a very, very long time. Nevyn was going to enjoy it, while at the same time getting to the bottom of why he couldn't possess this 18 year old kid named Derek.

    Ever since Nevyn was an adolescent, he had been able to possess anyone at any time by touching any part of them, whether by bare skin or through clothes, didn't matter. His consciousness would transfer in an instant, but in that instant, his new host would shudder from head to toe during the exchange. He gathered this was the only time he could be detected. Well, that and when a certain amount of time had passed and he had to reassert control. During those moments, his host would shudder again while he reasserted himself as the dominant tenant. The time this took varied person to person, but usually was around thirty minutes or less. Derek had witnessed both these things, Nevyn transferring hosts, and having to maintain his consciousness in a host. He hadn't just witnessed it, however, he had been a part of it, as Nevyn had continually hopped between the next door neighbor mother and daughter and fucked him silly.

    Derek also saw the suggestibility Nevyn had over a host he had recently exited. He could make someone he had recently hopped act on certain impulses, like continuing an action Nevyn had started even if he had moved on to another body. That effect lasted in tandem with how long he had inhabited that host's body. What Derek didn't know however, was that the longer Nevyn was in someone, the longer time between shudders. He would use that to his advantage since he planned on playing the long game. He had stayed in some hosts for months, even years, but that's when he had been on a power trip. This was purely for knowledge, and pleasure. He'd start as soon as possible.

    Derek ran next door to his house and locked the door. He ran to the back and locked that door too. He was in the middle of checking the windows when his twin sister, Aubrey, came downstairs. She was still in her pajamas, having stayed home from school. In his highly aroused state, he realized immediately that she wasn't wearing a bra, and her youthful, perky nipples were jutting out of the soft fabric. She had soft brown hair that fell to her shoulders and was tousled from being in bed all day, but she still looked good. She had such an attractive figure and an amazing personality to match that Derek sometimes wondered if many of his friends came over to hang with him or hit on his sister. He made an effort to look her in the eye, and managed a shaky, "Hey Bri, feeling any better?"

    "Yeah," she said sluggishly. "I think it was just one of those 24 hour bugs. And I think it's been 25 hours now. But I still feel like a truck hit me."

    "Oh, that's good, that's good," Derek said while looking distractedly out the living room window. "Hey where's mom?"

    "Um," Aubrey gave her brother a concerned look. "She should be back any minute, had a last minute package to send out."

    Derek's mother worked from home buying and reselling items she found online. It wasn't great money, often not even good money but it made her happy. Besides, it was their father who brought in the big bucks. As Derek continued to stare out the window, his sister asked, "Is everything alright with you?"

    "Yeah, just want to make sure mom gets home okay." Derek said, trying and failing to sound casual.

    "Okay, weird. A bit sweet but still weird. I'm going to go drink a gallon of soup." And Aubrey shuffled off to the kitchen.

    Derek's mother pulled into their driveway minutes later, and his eyes followed her every step to the door. She moved with the confidence of an older woman who knows she looks good. She was as fit as her 18 year old daughter, but with a larger bust that barely sagged and a larger posterior that her husband couldn't keep his hands off of when he was home. She turned the key in the lock and entered. Nancy Johnson immediately found herself under the intense scrutiny of her son. Her brow furrowed. This was new. "Hi, Derek. Can I help you with something?"

    "Just wanted to.. hang out with you for awhile mom," Derek needed to keep his eyes on her for the next hour. "Let's play a game. We haven't played a game in ages." The rest of the night he never saw her shudder. It was the same with his sister, and then his father when he finally came home from work.

    As Derek lay in bed that night, he thought, "Maybe Nevyn was just messing with me. Maybe...maybe he understands that my family should be off limits... I'll just have to stay vigilant for awhile." Derek did just that as he and his sister went to school the next day. He fully expected to run into Nevyn in the guise of a classmate or teacher, but he either wasn't there, or was avoiding detection.

    Unfortunately for Derek, Nevyn was about to put his plan into action. He was now back in Derek's next door neighbor, Mrs. Roberts, and was going to pay a visit to Derek's mom, Mrs. Johnson. He approached the front door and rang the bell. He heard movement from inside, and then the door opened.

    Before Mrs. Johnson could utter a word of greeting, Mrs. Roberts reached out and took her hand. Nevyn felt the familiar feeling, like slipping through a wet tunnel, as his consciousness passed through the conduit made by the physical contact. His consciousness immediately became dominant inside Mrs. Johnson, and hers became dormant, almost like it was in a deep sleep, yet still aware in its most primal sense. All this took just a moment, and caused his new host body to shudder at the transfer. It merely looked like someone who had caught a chill. He then looked at Mrs. Roberts, and in Mrs. Johnson's voice said, "Go check the mail Mrs. Roberts, and forget you came here today."

    Mrs. Roberts stared for a second with a vacant expression on her face, then obediently went to her mailbox, and then back inside her house. Nevyn was always careful. He had edited Mrs. Roberts' mind before slipping out. She would remember going about her daily routine yesterday and this morning. She would recall getting really frisky with her husband last night. Her memories about fucking the neighbor boy and making out with her daughter had been erased, but she would probably have a few lingering feelings for them until the afternoon. Then she'd be more or less back to normal and wouldn't think twice about any missing time.

    Nevyn looked at the wrists of his new body. No watch. He'd need one today. He opened Mrs. Johnson's mind like a book. Well, it was more like a browser search. All he had to do to examine her memories was focus on a topic for a moment, and if she knew it, the answer would materialize. Unbeknownst to him, he always looked up and to the left for a few seconds while he was doing this, no matter whose body he inhabited. But everything that made up a person, he had access to it all. He could search her most private moments, her deepest fears, or how to successfully do her job. And he could tap into her feelings and emotions.

    This was quite helpful to him when he hopped people. When he had started taking over members of the opposite sex, he had only liked girls. But once he tapped into a female host's desires, he had no problem swinging the other way. But right now, he needed a time keeping instrument. He thought for a moment and searched in her mind and saw that she had some fitness watch thing (this was how she identified it) upstairs in a drawer. He ran to get it and saw that it had a stopwatch. Perfect.

    For the next several hours he would see how far apart the shudders were. This would help him know when to make himself scarce so Derek would not catch on. The rest of the time, he would spend learning about... his eyes fluttered up and left...Nancy. Her name was Nancy Johnson.

    Derek found his sister after school and they both walked home together. Aubrey thought this was nice because her brother hadn't done that in some time. They were close, like most twins, but when they had entered their senior year and turned 18 they had started to drift apart bit by bit. What Aubrey didn't know was that Derek was more interested in watching his sister's every move to see if she was possessed by Nevyn. Derek was happy to let her talk the whole way, only half listening as she talked to him about wanting to become a veterinarian when she graduated. He blindly nodded along and made sure to keep just a half step behind her so he could see her out of the corner of his eye.

    He was almost disappointed when he didn't see anything. He'd watch his parents closely to see if Nevyn had jumped into one of them. This was getting exhausting. He admitted to himself that he would not be able to keep his guard up indefinitely. By the time they walked in the door Derek was convinced that Aubrey was only herself. Now he'd just have to focus on his mom, then his dad when he came home later from his job. However, it wouldn't work out that way.

    Nevyn had had a very productive day. He had learned much about his host. The shudders had started at 23 minutes, but every time, he gained 3 more minutes. Nevyn just needed to buy time and lay low. The easiest way to do that would be to provide more than one suspect at the same time. Looking through Nancy's memories of her husband, he saw that they only had sex once in a great while. Nancy's sex drive was pretty low, but the way her husband tried to grope her all the time made Nevyn think he'd drop everything for a piece of this hot ass.

    So he'd called Richard, her husband, and used Nancy's sweetest voice to tell her husband if he came home before the kids arrived from school, she'd give him the blowjob of a lifetime. He apparently told his boss he was very ill and was home in 20 minutes. Nancy was waiting for him in see thru lingerie that Nancy's memories indicated he liked very much. Nancy then proceeded to suck and fuck him until he couldn't move, which took less time than Nevyn cared for. He would have to work on the husband's stamina if he was going to play loving wife for a while.

    When Derek and his sister walked through the door, all evidence of an intense sex session between his mother and father had been removed. All he saw was his mother, sitting at her computer in the living room, clicking away on an online auction site. As he walked over to her, determined to keep an eye on her for a bit, he noticed his dad sitting in the recliner on his smart phone. His dad shouldn't be home for a few hours? This was definitely out of the ordinary and he was on high alert now. His eyes shifted between both parents as he muttered, "Hi, everyone."

    Nancy looked up from the computer and smiled at her son. "Hi honey, how was your day?" She pushed her chair back, stood up and stretched. Then came over and hugged and kissed her son. "Your father had to come home early today because their fumigating his office building. Wasn't that what happened, dear?"

    Richard smirked a little before grunting in the affirmative, his eyes never leaving the phone.

    Aubrey entered the living room and saw her father. "Hey Daddy, you're home super early!" She ran to his recliner and hopped into his lap, causing him to lose the mobile game he was playing. He wouldn't hold it against her though, because she was daddy's little girl.

    Derek saw all this unfold before him and realized his task was now almost impossible. He needed to do something that kept them all in the same room for 30 minutes or so where he could monitor them all at once. "Hey, let's all watch a movie," he suggested. "We hardly ever do that as a family anymore. Bri and I will both be in college next year so we should hang out with you old folks while we can."

    Nancy smiled. "What a good idea, Derek." She checked her watch. "Just give me a minute to use the bathroom and we can get started. Find us something good to watch on the cable box."

    Derek watched as his mother hurried out of the room and chuckled to himself. They had satellite and digital streaming services, but she still referred to anything that popped up on the television as coming from the "cable box." Derek was suspicious that she had left, but assumed he would be able to watch for a telltale shudder from all three of his family members when she returned.

    Nevyn shut the bathroom door, and just in time as Nancy's consciousness momentarily broke the surface, only to be pushed back down by Nevyn's will. The shudder was brief, only a second, but would have been very noticeable to Derek. He looked down at the watch. He was at 47 minutes now, still gaining 3 minutes every time. He should have 50 minutes now before the next one. If he could just be careful through this night, it would get much easier. Nevyn smiled as he opened the door to join his "family" for movie night.

    Derek had a movie queued up when his mom reentered and went to sit between her husband and daughter on the couch. He looked at his watch and noted the time, then sat on the loveseat which was at an angle to the couch. This would enable him to look like he was watching the movie, but could see each family member out of the corner of his eye. He smiled, knowing he would soon be sure if Nevyn had invaded his house tonight or not.

    Thirty minutes had passed, nothing had happened. No shudders from anyone. This was longer than he believed Nevyn could go without having to push down his host's consciousness, and against Derek's better judgment, he started to relax.

    Forty five minutes into the movie, his mom asked if anyone would like some popcorn. Everyone agreed that would be great, and so she hopped up to get it. When she did, Derek saw his father give one of his mother's ass cheeks a playful squeeze. She squealed and swatted away his hand. "Not in front of the kids!" she reprimanded him.

    Derek watched as his father smiled to himself as if having an inside joke. Right before his mother disappeared from sight; he stood up and said, "I'll help with the popcorn Mom."

    Nancy paused and Derek notice a brief look of concern flash across her face. Then with a reassuring smile she said, "No dear, I won't get to mother you for much longer, so just stay there and enjoy yourself. I'll be right back with popcorn and snacks."

    Derek pondered that for a moment, then shrugged and sat back down. Nancy disappeared into the kitchen and started making popcorn. She looked at her watch a few minutes later, and then peered into the living room to make sure they were all still wrapped up in the movie. They were. She went to pour butter on the popcorn, a moment later, still undetected, a shudder passed over her body.

    The rest of the night was mostly uneventful. Derek was actually glad for some good family bonding time and was completely convinced that all of them were still themselves. They had each gone their separate ways in the house after the movie until they had a late dinner, then each retired to their bedroom. The only thing that was a little unsettling was the noises coming out of his parents' room next to him after Derek had gone to bed. His mother was moaning. Derek and Aubrey often joked that their parents never had sex because they never heard anything, which they both preferred. But tonight, Derek could definitely hear something. His mother, clearly, was having sex, and repeatedly letting out a nice, long, "Oh!"

    This was unsettling to him. He did not fantasize about his mother. But what he heard was hot as hell. His dick got hard with no prompting, and he started instinctively stroking himself in time with his mother's gasps of ecstasy. He heard scraping of furniture and a headboard start to bang loudly against the wall. He came the moment he heard his mother yell out, "Oh my god!" He felt a deep shame as the silence settled over the house, and then sleep overtook him.

    The next day Nevyn couldn't be happier. His "son" couldn't look him in the eye. He had wanted to make sure the love making was overheard last night. He wanted Derek to hear his mother having the sexual time of her life. He wanted those thoughts to go with him to school. And before he left, Nevyn wanted to give him one more, well, two more things to think about.

    "Be good today kids," she playfully admonished as she met them at the door. "Make good choices and all that. I have some errands to run in a little while so I might not be here when you get home but shortly after. I love you both."

    And then Nancy gave her daughter a quick squeeze and peck on the cheek. She then turned to Derek, who still would not look her in the eye but who dutifully opened his arms to receive a hug. She put her body between his arms and embraced him.

    "She's not wearing a bra," Derek thought, and he started to gain a small chub. He tried to push away, but his mother held him tighter.

    Nancy held on to her son, rubbing his back lovingly, feeling the erection that was beginning in her son's nether region. She felt her nipples harden as they brushed against his chest. Then she whispered into his ear, "You kids grow up so fast." Then she pecked him on the cheek and let him go. She smiled as they went out the door, noting that Derek was trying to hide his new problem behind his book bag.

    Nevyn was thoroughly enjoying teasing Derek, but he didn't want to get ahead of himself. Right now he was just planting the seeds of lust inside his host, and by the way Derek wouldn't meet his gaze, Derek himself. But now he had to think long term and was determined to slow it down a bit. He assumed Derek would still be watching for signs of a shudder from his family members, but would give up in a week or so when he saw nothing. In the meantime, he would start on his primary quest of figuring out the mystery of why he could not possess Derek.

    He planned on searching exhaustively through Nancy's memories until he found what he was looking for. Nevyn assumed this would take some time. If it were only an acquaintance of Derek or classmate, he would just think inside the host, memories of Derek, and a handful of experiences or general knowledge of Derek would float to the surface. The few people he had looked through at school were not helpful, so he assumed his family had the answer. His mother was the most likely candidate, since mothers tended to be the more responsible and present parent. The downside however, was an excessive amount of memories to go through. Filtering it down would be tricky as well. If Nevyn searched Nancy's thoughts for reasons Derek might be unusual, he got nothing, because she did not see her son as unusual. He decided to think about any accidents Derek had had growing up. This list was exhaustive as well. Tons of trips, cuts, boo boos, and a couple broken bones on a ski vacation. It would take some time to go through.

    While he was doing that, he would begin the errands he had told his "children" about. He was going to buy Nancy a whole new wardrobe, a much sexier one. He would focus on items that would accentuate Nancy's bust and show off generous amounts of cleavage. Tight jeans and leggings that would cling to her butt and leave little to the imagination. The goal was to work in these articles of clothing slowly, not all at once. He would wear one of them one day, then her old clothes the next, and so on. Mostly though, he wanted Nancy to appear as normal as possible, to maintain that she was just a loving mother and housewife who every now and then would accidentally show off a little more skin to her son than she wanted. Every outfit he tried on, he thought about how much it would mess with Derek. He was driving himself crazy and could feel his pussy getting wetter and wetter. Finally he couldn't stand it anymore and masturbated to orgasm in a changing room.

    Derek walked home again with his sister later that day, much to Aubrey's continued delight. She really felt like they were reconnecting and loved feeling closer to her brother. It was a little odd that he just seemed to watch her during the entire walk home, but chalked it up to him just being protective. Derek again felt comfortable that Nevyn was not in Aubrey, and then proceeded to check his mother off the list when she came home later with shopping bags, and then finally, his father. A week of this passed, and Derek finally came to the conclusion that Nevyn had moved on or was gone for good.

    Nevyn was most certainly not gone, and because of his faithfulness to one host's body, he could go almost nine hours between shudders. He had laid low for the last week, continually searching memory after memory and finding nothing useful. He was getting bored and figured now it was time to have some fun.

    Derek had been having trouble getting his mom as a sexual being out of his thoughts. She had been fucking his dad every other night, and it was not getting quieter, only louder. To top it off, she seemed to be wearing sexier clothes now and again. Not every day, but enough to notice. He wanted to ask about it, but didn't at the same time. It was his mom. Maybe his parents were going through a mid life crisis or that thing about higher sex drives kicking in among older women was responsible. Either way, he would just focus on school and move out at the end of summer putting troublesome thoughts like this behind him.

    Those thoughts became front and center as he and Aubrey walked into his house after school that day. He put his book bag down in the hallway and stepped into the living room, only to be greeted by the sight of his mother's shapely ass in tight, blue spandex. There was a yoga instructor on the television, and his mother was bending over, mimicking the instructor's pose. He turned around quickly and bumped into his sister who had been right behind him.

    "Hey kids," Nancy said, straightening up and turning towards them. "You've got to try this. This yoga workout is amazing."

    "I don't think..." Derek started to say bashfully.

    "Come on, Derek," said Aubrey nudging him. "Your mother wants to spend some more quality time with us. Go put on something comfortable."

    "Oh, good!" Nancy said excitedly. "You'll hang out with your old mom. And Aubrey, I got you some yoga clothes like mine. They're in your room."

    "Cool," Aubrey said delighted. And she ran upstairs to change.

    "I'll go, uh, put on my gym clothes," Derek said, as he took in the rest of his mother's outfit. It was a tight fitting black top with a low neckline that showed more cleavage than he was used to seeing from his mother. To top it off, she did not seem to be wearing a bra, something that was becoming more and more common. As he ran upstairs to change, he reasoned to himself that this would let him keep an eye open to see if Nevyn was inside either of them. He hadn't checked in a couple days so it couldn't hurt.

    It did hurt though. As Derek reentered the living room now in comfortable gym clothes, he was greeted to the sight of his mother and sister both facing him on all fours with their faces looking up at him. Both wore matching outfits, and both were showing a great view down the front of their shirts. Derek's sister was at least wearing a bra. His mother however, well, he couldn't see her nipples, but he could see just about everything else.

    "Glad you could join us Derek," his mother grinned. "Now, just get behind us and do what we do."

    This was not good. Derek would have a perfect view of them to look for a shudder; on the other hand, this was not going to get inappropriate images of his mother out of his mind. He obediently got behind them, and was about to match their pose, when his mother stood up.

    "Oh, that's right," she said, "You all need to stretch first." And she paused the yoga program.

    Uh, I thought all yoga was, was stretching," Derek mocked.

    "No young man, there's much more to it than that," his mother lectured. "If you don't stretch before doing some of these poses, you could get really hurt. The instructor said so. She showed some stretches to do so you're limbered up. So I'll show you how to do those and then we're all set."

    Derek grew nervous as his mother approached him until they were face to face. "Aubrey, you just follow my lead as I show your brother how to do this right." Aubrey nodded in agreement. "First Derek, we'll stretch your arms. Extend them all the way out to your sides, and then stretch them as far as you can behind your back."

    Derek tried to avoid looking at his mother's chest, and instead looked up as he felt his muscles in his arms tighten as he stretched.

    "Derek," his mother sighed. "You have to take this seriously or you'll get hurt. Here, like this." And she stepped so close that her breasts were now squished up against his chest. Then she pushed his arms farther back.

    Derek was startled and looked down at his mother. She was looking at his arms, clearly concerned that he was stretching right. But then his eyes went down and there were her massive tits, pushing into him, again and again as his mom pushed his arms back further and further. A dangerous erection began. Thankfully before his mother could feel it, she stepped back. Now he noticed his sister, stretching her arms as far back as she could, making her breasts stick out spectacularly. Derek had to get away from here. He made a step towards the hallway, but his mother put a hand on his arm.

    "Not so fast son," she said quickly. "We're just getting started. Now lie down on your back." Nancy gently guided her son down on his back. She had noticed a tent pole happening in his shorts, but was feigning ignorance. "Okay, pull one knee up to your chest, while you leave the other leg straight as you can."

    Derek tried to bring his leg up in such a way as to hide his increasingly hard dick. This caused his knee to be somewhat crooked against his chest.

    "No," his mother said as she got down on her knees next to him. "You have to be flat on your back and your knee should be straight, like this." She put both hands on either side of his leg, while smoothly positioning herself over his leg that was stretched out on the ground. Her crotch was now inches from his, and his penis knew it and felt like it was trying to reach out and touch it.

    She pushed his leg up into his chest. He felt her spandex glide up against him. His mother had to know he had a boner now, as her pussy was lightly rubbing against it. He chanced a look at his mother's face, and saw that she was looking at her daughter to make sure she was doing it right. He then looked down at his leg, into the cleavage that was spilling into his thoughts and wet dreams.

    Nancy turned back to her son who met her eyes an instant later. "That's right, get an eyeful," Nevyn thought. And then she pulled his leg down, and then pushed the other up, making sure to rub his dick with her pussy very firmly, just once. Nevyn felt a throb and knew Derek had just ejaculated. Derek gasped and pushed his mother off him, now thoroughly embarrassed.

    "Is something wrong, son?" his mother asked, concern in her voice.

    "Nope, just..." he carefully got to his feet, attempting to cover his dampening crotch, "I don't think this is for me." And with that he left the room.

    Nancy watched her son walk away; looking at his ass the way a lion eyes a potential meal. "Some boys just can't handle their load," she said in a lower voice than usual.

    "What was that mom?" Aubrey asked, still stretching.

    "Nothing, dear. Shall we continue?"

    Derek's parents' sexual exploits that night were the loudest thus far. He made it a point in his mind to study his family a little closer over the next few days while he continued to jerk off to the raucous sounds of his parents making love.

    The next day, Derek couldn't spot anything out of place. No shudder, no odd behavior from anyone. It didn't make sense. He even watched all of them much longer than he normally would have, so Nevyn must not be there. But as the weeks continued, once or twice a week, something that Derek found hopelessly erotic involving his mother would happen; all compounded by the fact that she wore increasingly sexy clothes around the house and fucked his dad like a porn star every night.

    One time they had had another movie night. His mom had asked him for a shoulder massage since he applied a good amount of pressure. His mother sat in front of him on the floor and as his hands dug into her tense muscles, she started to moan. It was a moan that was very similar to the sound he heard his mother make every night with his father. For what seemed like the hundredth time, his mother made his dick jump to attention.

    Right when he was about to stop, she implored him to reach a little further down and massage just above her chest, since it was really tense there. He had leaned forward, his dick now poking into her back, as his fingers felt the softness right above her breasts. She moaned louder at this, loud enough for Aubrey to comment, "Mom, you going to be alright over there."

    "I am sweetie. Your brother just has magic hands tonight."

    Derek was already past his limit and started to retract his hands, when his mother reached back and took a hold of one of his hands and brought it down and put it over her heart that was also completely surrounded by glorious boob. She then pulled his head down and whispered, "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. That felt amazing." Then she let go of Derek's hand, but it was frozen in place.

    Derek's heart was racing through his chest as he slowly slid his hand up as if he were just in the process of leaning back to resume his former sitting position. As he did, he felt his fingers slide along her soft, right boob, and then felt the difference as two of his fingers grazed past a very hard nipple. He heard his mother gasp and then he quickly finished withdrawing his hand, but his mother didn't move afterwards, didn't even look back. This led to another furious masturbation session that night while he listened to his mother fuck his father even louder in the next room.

    Another time Derek had gotten up to get a late night snack after a long study session. It had been easy to concentrate because his mom and dad had apparently decided to take a break that night.

    His hands were full of food as he turned the corner from the kitchen to the stairs and ran into his mother, hard enough to knock her down.

    "Ow!" she exclaimed, as she picked herself up off the ground.

    "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Mom, I..." and the rest of the words died in his throat as he took in what his mother was wearing. It was a dark red, silky number that looked like it had been poured over her. It was not transparent but hugged her body in the best possible ways and both her nipples were at full attention. His eyes struggled to move past her chest and looked down to see that she was also wearing a matching red thong.

    "I..." his throat was suddenly dry.

    "Derek, I'm very sorry you had to see me this way," she began firmly as her face started to turn the color of her outfit. "I didn't know you were out here and your father sent me to get some whip cream. If I had known you were out here, I would've worn a robe. I'm sorry you had to see your old mom this way." At this last part, she cast her head down in a melancholy fashion.

    "Um, I just, whip cream?" Derek managed. "Why does Dad need whip cream...?"

    His mother raised her eyes to him and she smiled bashfully. "He wanted something sweet to eat and..."

    "Holy crap that's enough!" Derek exclaimed as he put two and two together. "I have to go now. I, wow!"

    He moved to go around her but she stopped him with a hand on his arm. "It's okay, dear. We're all adults. I'm sorry again." And she let go of his arm and walked away.

    Derek had a brief glimpse of her backside, and the red, silky string that was the only thing that attempted to cover her butt.

    Nancy walked to the fridge and opened the door to retrieve the whip cream, knowing that Derek's eyes were glued to her ass the whole way. A moment later, she heard Derek's footsteps on the stairs and smiled in the glow of the opened door. Her husband had gone to sleep early, but she had heard Derek still wide awake in the next room. She had put on this very revealing outfit and had been lazily rubbing her clit, when she heard him leave his room. Nevyn, never one to miss an opportunity, quietly opened the bedroom door and crept downstairs. He then patiently waited for Derek to come around the corner so his mom could run into him. This was all so enjoyable, but Nevyn wondered how much more Derek could take.

    That answer came near the end of three months. Nevyn had been unable to find anything in Nancy's memories and had decided to soon move on to Derek's sister if he still hadn't found anything by the weekend. It had been a fun ride in Nancy's body, but he was ready to feel younger again. He would also have fun flaunting his sister's hot, little body in front of Derek the same way Nancy had been doing, all while going through her memories as well.

    But first, Nevyn decided to give Derek one last show. He picked a night that Aubrey was staying at a friend's house and Richard would be working late. He had laid low for a week, and had been planning this one carefully. If he pulled this off, he should get an Oscar.

    When Derek got home from school, his mother was not there. He breathed a sigh of relief. A few more months of school and he'd be graduating and could move out. He wouldn't be tempted by his mother's hot body anymore. But any time he could avoid the temptation was a blessing.

    He was in the living room watching television when his mother came in the front door. She was wearing a skimpy running outfit she had purchased recently, and she was glistening with sweat. He hated how hot she looked in that moment as she came in and began pacing in front of him, panting and catching her breath. He also hated how it had become second nature for him to glance at her tits. At least she appeared to be wearing a sports bra today underneath her pink top.

    "Woo," she breathed heavily as she fanned the front of her shirt, trying to get air to circulate. "I worked up quite a sweat."

    "Good job Mom. You'll outlive us all." Derek said, more determined than ever now to keep his eyes firmly glued on the television. If he had bet himself he could, he would have lost that bet.

    Out of the corner of his eye, Derek watched as his mom sniffed one of her armpits. "Oh boy, I stink," she said, in a voice that almost sounded naughty. Derek's jaw dropped as he watched his mother pull off her tight pink top. It was momentarily stuck as it lifted up her boobs, and then broke free, causing her chest to bounce hypnotically in his field of vision despite the sports bra. He was no longer looking at the television as she said, "Honey, I'm going to go take a shower, and then afterwards we can have some mother son time." And she turned and walked away, Derek watching her ass as she went.

    Derek's mind raced. It was just a sports bra. It was still clothing. But it was still damn sexy. He had to get it together. He heard the water pour out of the shower head in the other room. He cursed himself that he was now thinking of his mother naked. This hadn't been a problem before Nevyn had entered his life and taken his virginity. Now he was constantly pent up and sexually frustrated. If he hadn't been determined to focus on his academics and get out of this town, he would have banged the first girl that had shown any interest in him. Derek's gaze eventually returned to the television.

    Nevyn was busy setting scene. As the water was running, he was careful not to get Nancy's hair wet. He carefully shaved Nancy's legs and gave her pussy a trim. Nancy had been keeping it nice and tidy for her husband every night and had become very efficient at it. When that was done, she washed her body with peach scented body wash. Then she kept the shower running but stepped out and dried herself off. Then she applied lotion to her legs, arms, breasts, and butt. Then very quickly, she hopped back in and out of the running water, giving the appearance of wetness all over her body that clung to her because of the lotion. She then lightly dipped her head in and got her hair a tiny bit wet. It was still shaped the way she knew it always was, but also looked a little damp and sexy. Then Nancy screamed, turned off the water, and jumped into the shower, closing the frosted glass door behind her.

    Derek heard his mother scream and immediately ran to the bathroom door. "Mom! Mom are you okay?"

    "Ah!" his mother cried again. "No, ow, Derek, help me."

    "Um," Derek paused, freaking out but partially wanting to protect her modesty. "Are you decent?"

    "Derek I am in pain!" she yelled. "Get in here young man and help your mother!"

    Derek opened the door like it was a bomb that could go off. He peered inside and saw the steam that still hung in the air, and saw the fogged up door of the shower. Behind it he could make out the figure of his mother, hidden by the opaque glass. "What do you want me to do?" Derek asked meekly.

    "I, I think I pulled something, or it's a cramp? I don't know, I can't move without it hurting. Please help," His mother pleaded.

    "Do you...do you have any clothes on?" Derek asked, realizing it was the stupidest question of the century.

    "I was taking a shower, what do you think?" his mother snapped.

    "I'll, uh, I'll call an ambulance?" Derek suggested.

    "For a cramp? No, just get me upstairs to bed and I'll see if it works itself out. Now please, hurry."

    Derek looked up at the ceiling, and opened the shower door.

    "Derek!" his mother barked. "Look at me!"

    By instinct, he looked down at his mother's command, and could not have prepared himself for such an erotic sight. His mother was lying on the floor, looking up at him helplessly. She was wet all over with small droplets of water slowly cascading down her skin. Her legs were crossed in an attempt to cover her sex. One hand was braced against the wall of the shower for support, while another was struggling to cover her large bosom. She seemed to glow, to radiate before him, and Derek did not think he would get out of this situation with a pair of clean underwear.

    Nevyn was thoroughly enjoying watching Derek's internal struggle. It would be a miracle if he went another minute without busting a nut.

    "You'll have to be able to look at me to help me," his mom reasoned.

    "I know but, let me get you a towel."

    "There aren't any," she said calmly, "I guess your sister forgot to start the washer last night because I couldn't find one when I came in here." In reality, Nevyn had hid every single towel in the house. "Now please, let's get this over with. Help me up."

    Derek hesitantly extended a hand and grabbed the one that his mom was using against the shower wall and pulled her up. He watched as her one arm slipped and revealed a nipple and any thought of holding back an erection vanished. It was the first time he had actually seen her nipple and it was now permanently captured in his spank bank.

    "Just look me in the eyes son and we'll get through this," his mom said sternly.

    Derek's gaze snapped to meet his mother's. "Right, so, can you walk?"

    Derek's mom tried to take a step forward and almost fell, causing Derek to grab on to her, his body rubbing up against hers. As he tried to steady her and keep his hands from touching places they shouldn't, he marveled at how soft and slippery she felt, not just from water but...lotion?

    "I, no," she answered. "I can't seem to put any weight on this leg. Good think I have a big strong man to carry me up the stairs."

    She said this last part with a bit of humor to her voice, but Derek didn't think any of this was funny. "Isn't there any other way we can..."

    "Derek, again, I'm sorry. This is not ideal for either of us but the more time we spend here arguing the more my leg hurts. Take me to bed please."

    Derek's eyes widened at that last order, but he placed an arm on his mother's back, then very carefully, trying not to touch her butt, he picked her up. "Okay mom, I got you." His nostrils detected the pleasant scent of peaches.

    As they approached the door, he went to adjust her to fit through, but she cried out in pain. "No, here, let me." And the arm that was covering her boobs went to his other shoulder and she pulled herself close against his chest. Only a shirt, a very thin layer of fabric, was all that stood between his mom's breasts and Derek's chest, and his dick knew it.

    "I'm sorry," his mom said ashamedly.

    "You already said that Mom," Derek said as he walked down the hall towards the stairs.

    "I didn't mean about that," she said looking up at him. "I meant about this." And she wiggled her butt, which was directly resting on his enlarged member. "I suppose that means your momma's still got it, right?" she smiled, winking at him.

    "Mom, not now," he begged.

    They got through the door and he began ascending the stairs slowly. His mom was so slippery and at any moment Derek thought he might drop her. They were halfway up when he felt her slipping from his grasp. He went to readjust, and she did the same, and Derek felt himself losing his balance. His mom thrust out a hand and caught the banister, and pulled herself up Derek's neck at the same time, then through her arm back over his neck. This had the effect of restoring their balance, but now her head was above his.

    "Derek, are you okay?" she said, trying to show concern in her voice.

    All that escaped from Derek's mouth was a muffled sound. She looked down, and tried to maintain an innocent mother's expression. When she had pulled herself up, she had brought both tits on eye and mouth level. Derek couldn't talk because his mother's heaving breasts were directly shoved into his face. She twisted slightly to ensure one nipple was brushing against Derek's lips. Nevyn smiled internally as he felt a tongue briefly caress it, before Derek thrust his head back and positioned his mom lower. As he did, she felt his hand firmly cup her ass.

    "I'm, I'm sorry," Derek said now fifty shades of red.

    "It's no big deal," she laughed as Derek resumed climbing the stairs. "It was either that or we both fall down the stairs." Then she looked right at him and pointedly said. "Besides, it's not the first time one of those has been in your mouth."

    Derek practically sprinted the rest of the way to his mother's bedroom. He swiftly dropped her on the bed.

    "Ow," she yelped. "Gentle please."

    "Sorry mom, sorry. Here, let me help get you under some blankets."

    "They'll get wet," she sighed. "But, I suppose it's a small price to pay so that I don't have to worry about your wondering eyes."

    Impossibly, Derek's face got redder.

    "I'm just teasing dear," his mom laughed. "But seriously, let me see if I can work this cramp out with my hands. Could you go get me a glass of water?"

    Derek dashed out of the room, relieved to be anywhere else. He planned on getting her water, and then would immediately rub one out downstairs. But his mother wasn't done. When he returned with the water, she had propped herself up with a pillow, and had uncovered her legs to just above the knee.

    "Derek," she began, "I know this is a big ask after what we have just gone through, but I'm not able to apply enough pressure on the right spot. Would you be willing to give it a try?"

    "Mother, please, no," he said pathetically.

    "Derek, I'm sorry but I'm asking you a simple thing. You will really be helping me here. Come on, man up." And she pointed at her legs, and then lifted the blanket covering them a little higher.

    Derek looked at her with a moment of longing before saying, "Careful Mom or you're going to show me, well, everything."

    "I think you've already seen everything dear," she said dryly. "Now hurry up, make your momma feel better. It hurts right above the knee."

    Derek positioned himself with both knees on the bed in front of his mother stretched out before him, and gingerly put both hands underneath her leg directly above her knee. He started to massage the leg. The soft, sensual leg that was still a bit wet from the shower.

    "Mm, that feels good, but it's a little higher up," she said softly.

    Derek moved a few inches higher and massaged some more. A question was beginning to form inside his mind.

    "I'm so sorry," she said, and she was starting to breathe heavier now, "Just a little higher."

    He moved up another few inches, he could feel a heat between her legs. The question began to take shape.

    "Higher," his mother said with a sensual huskiness to her voice. Derek looked and met his mother's eyes. They were filled with lust.

    Derek mechanically moved his hands up another few inches and the back of his fingers brushed up against hair and he felt a dampness that had nothing to do with the water from the shower. He was directly below his mother's pussy. In that moment, Derek held his mother's gaze and asked, "Nevyn?"

    Nevyn had been anticipating this, so he did not flinch when asked. Rather, he continued his award winning performance by asking curiously, "What? Who's that?"

    "Uh huh," Derek gauged his mom's reaction while pulling his hands out from underneath the blankets. He continued to look into her eyes suspiciously, but she appeared unfazed. "Mom, what was the stuffed animal I always took to bed until I was six?"

    He watched as his mother's eyes went up and to the left, staying there for a couple seconds. "What an odd question Derek, but, I believe it was a stuffed lamb. I believe his name was Lamby."

    Derek was now off the bed and trying to appear as calm and collected as he could. "Okay, that's great you remember. You're a good mom. I hope you feel better soon."

    "But I thought..." she started to say, but he had already closed the door.

    Derek went downstairs, now confident that his mom had been faking her injury. Nevyn was inside her, had probably been inside her for awhile. Derek just didn't understand how Nevyn had been able to hide his shudders from him. He had hid well and been seducing him while wearing his mother's skin all this time. He then gagged as he realized he had almost fucked his mother just now.

    Nevyn lay on the bed, slowly massaging his breasts with one hand, occasionally tweaking a nipple, while he worked a dildo in and out of his dripping wet snatch with the other hand. He was about to have his third orgasm while he thought about how his "son" had been so close to burying his fingers in his mom's pussy. It had been too close though. Derek probably had serious doubts, but he would just hop out of this body tomorrow and keep the guessing game alive.

    Derek meanwhile composed himself downstairs and concluded that he needed a plan. He needed advice. He needed someone he trusted to share this information with, and more importantly, someone who he could get to believe him. No one at school would. As long as his dad was getting regular sex, he'd listen to his mother no matter what. The only person left to confide in was his sister. He'd meet with her tomorrow before school, away from the house, convince her he was telling the truth, and they'd come up with a plan to deal with this.

    At the moment though, he had no idea what that plan could be.

    To be continued...
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