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  • Shudder Chapter 4

    Chapter by Kripto · 30 Dec 2021
  • Nevyn breaks Derek's will to resist.
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  • Bekka was having a euphoric moment. She had just had sex with her best friend, Aubrey, something she thought would never happen in a million years. And it would not have been possible without the body swapping talents of someone who called himself Nevyn.

    Nevyn wanted Bekka's help in solving the mystery of the one person he had been unable to possess, Aubrey's brother, Derek. Nevyn had secretly hopped Derek's mother, Nancy Johnson, and posed as her for three months, behaving very provocatively around her son, until Derek finally figured out the truth.

    Derek, Aubrey, and Bekka had made a plan to escape Nevyn's reach for a few days, but it all had gone awry when Nevyn had possessed Aubrey. Through her, Nevyn had learned of their plan to hide out at a local hotel, and also of how erotic Bekka thought Nevyn's ability was. He had used Bekka's aroused interests to sway her to his side, promising her that they could act out some of her more secret and forbidden fantasies. He had started by acting out a slumber party scene lodged in Bekka's mind where her and Aubrey ended up having sex. Now he had her undying loyalty.

    The girls had both dressed, Nevyn still in Aubrey's body, and put their travel bag, complete with some very sexy attire that Nevyn had made sure to pack for Aubrey later, back in Derek's room. Then they both hurried downstairs, got in Bekka's car, and closed the doors.

    "Listen cause Derek will probably be here any minute," Nevyn as Aubrey said.

    Bekka loved that Nevyn was using Aubrey's voice. Loved that she could do anything she wanted to her friend as long as he was inside her. She boldly let her hand shoot out and caress her friend's sizeable chest.

    "Um, okay," Aubrey's face was amused. "You do remember that I just brought you to orgasm like, a million times, right?"

    "I know," Bekka pouted. "But I'm not going to get to touch them for awhile cause Derek will be around and they're so, so great!"

    "Fine, have at it. As long as you can multi-task," Aubrey said while reaching out with her fingers to lightly pinch Bekka's nipples. She hadn't put a bra back on, which would not be out of character for her after school. "Derek will be here any minute, and I'm due to shudder in less than five."

    The moment Nevyn possessed someone, it would cause their body to shudder from head to toe. After a period of time, usually starting under 30 minutes, his host would shudder again, and that would continue for as long as Nevyn remained inside of them. Derek knew of this unfortunate outward manifestation of his and had witnessed it many times. Also Derek had recently figured out that Nevyn's time between shudders lengthened the longer he was in a host. If Nevyn were to stay hidden this time, he would need Bekka's help.

    "What do we need to do?" Bekka asked worriedly.

    "As soon as Derek gets here, we tell him to go grab the bag and anything else he thinks we might need, and suggest he raid the pantry for snacks, try to keep him in there awhile. We tell him we'll stay here with the doors locked as lookout for his mom, who he still thinks is me? That should get me through now, but later I'll need your help distracting him."

    "Don't forget about the question he's going to ask to look for your other tell," Bekka added, trying to be helpful.

    Aubrey smiled and kissed her friend quickly on the mouth. "Thanks, I almost forgot. I'll make sure not to do the eye thing."

    In the past, when he had to access specific memories, Nevyn would subconsciously roll his host's eyes up and to the left. Nevyn had learned this about himself when he possessed Aubrey, which was a stroke of luck because it was something Derek thought Nevyn had to do. It was a habit, like anything else, and Nevyn would concentrate hard to break it and stay hidden until the right moment.

    Aubrey turned slightly to look out her window. "I'm sorry Bekks, you'll have to stop pawing at me now. Derek's right down the block."

    Bekka reluctantly put her hand down at her side. "Remember what I told you, help me when I need it, and when the time comes later, go with the flow. Oh, and stay in character."

    "Yes ma'am," she saluted, remembering that Nevyn's favorite thing to do was role play in a host's body.

    Derek slid into the back seat of the car a minute later and eyed the girl's suspiciously. "I thought we said we were all going to meet up in Bekka's car a block from here, not right in front of our house! What if Nevyn had shown up?"

    "Relax bro," Aubrey said coolly. "We were down the block for the last couple hours and only just drove up here 10 minutes ago. We didn't see Mom's car but we weren't going to go inside. That would be stupid."

    "Yeah, stupid," Bekka agreed, laughing internally at how funny that concept was given that's exactly what they had done.

    "Now hurry upstairs and grab the bag so we can get out of here," Aubrey ordered.

    Derek was about to get out, but then stopped and looked at both of them again, like he was examining the smallest details about their appearance and behavior. Bekka's palms started to sweat as Derek's eyes narrowed. "First, I ask each of you a question, remember?"

    "Can't you do it after you get back?" Bekka responded quickly. "I mean, we should get out of here as quick as we can."

    Now Derek was definitely going to ask them a question. Aubrey looked at the clock on the car's dashboard. A shudder was imminent. "Please look at me in the eyes, Bri!" Derek said sharply. "I have to be able to see your eyes, both of you." He had both girls' undivided attention. He started with Bekka. "When Bri introduced me to you the first time and told you I was her twin, what did you say right after?"

    Bekka blushed instantly at the thought of how stupid her answer was. "But you don't look anything alike."

    "That's still funny," Derek smiled. "You pass." He now focused his intense gaze on his sister. "How long until I stopped wetting my bed?"

    Aubrey's eyes twitched slightly, but did not go up. It was taking her longer to answer than Derek thought it should. Then she said, "Seven. Sorry that took so long, I was just really surprised you wanted me to say that in front of Bekka."

    "Please," Derek said relaxing his gaze. "She's like my other sister. I don't care if she knows."

    "Yeah, a sister that wants to sleep with you," Aubrey teased.

    Bekka and Derek shared an awkward laugh before Bekka said looking at Aubrey, "Yeah, but that would never happen, because I would never endanger our friendship."

    Aubrey took her friend's hand and said with as much cheese as possible, "And I appreciate that sacrifice." Both girls broke into a fit of giggles.

    "This is going to be a fun weekend," Derek said sarcastically.

    Aubrey looked the clock and tried not to panic. "Glad we both passed, now get your butt in that house, grab the bag, some snacks, and then get your butt out here so we can make a clean getaway."

    Derek jumped out and went into the house as ordered. Less than 30 seconds later, Bekka witnessed Aubrey shudder for the second time that day. She thought her pussy might never be dry again. She reached out to touch Aubrey's boobs once more immediately after, but her hand was swatted away.

    "Settle down," Aubrey chided. "You're going to get us caught. Man, you might be hornier than I am." Then she marked the time on her phone so she could set the benchmark between then and the next shudder. One more and she'd know how much time she was gaining between each one. It usually varied person to person. Both girls patiently sat in the car. One lusting, the other planning, until Derek returned.

    The trio agreed that tomorrow they would research their body hopper problem, but tonight they would enjoy each other's company. They went to check in at the only hotel in town, something they got away with without a credit card because one of their classmates worked there part time, and of course, Bekka had dated him at one point. They hung out for a bit in their hotel room, and Aubrey made sure to say she needed to be in the bathroom when it was almost time for the next shudder.

    "I'll go with you," Bekka said, knowing why Aubrey wanted to disappear for a moment.

    "That's really not necessary," Aubrey said confused.

    "Nonsense, Bri. You know how we girls go the bathroom in groups."

    Derek had nodded in agreement at this, but his eyes remained on the hotel television.

    Aubrey shook her head but smiled. "Grab the bag, Bekks. We might as well take turns showering while we're in there."

    Bekka squealed and then composed herself. "Right, take turns." And they both disappeared into the bathroom, locking the door.

    "What are you doing?" Aubrey giggled while Bekka started to yank Aubrey's shirt over her head the second the door was shut.

    "I'm sorry I just, I want to have my hands on your tits the next time you shudder," Bekka said desperately.

    "You've got it bad, Bekks. At least turn off the water to drown out some of the sounds we'll be making in here before you strip me naked."

    Bekka paused in the middle of trying to unclasp Aubrey's bra. "Sounds smart." She turned the water on, and then almost broke Aubrey's bra trying to get it off.

    "Easy, easy," Aubrey said soothingly. "We've still got a few minutes. It takes longer each time, remember. Here, let me help you." Aubrey unbuttoned her pants, then gracefully hopped up on the bathroom sink behind her. "There, that should help you take my pants off." Bekka couldn't stop smiling as she pulled her hot friend's pants down.

    Aubrey motioned with her finger for Bekka to come closer. "Now your turn." Bekka obediently walked between Aubrey's legs, now spread wide open for her and let her friend pull her top off and unfasten her bra. Then they started to kiss passionately. After a minute, Aubrey broke away and checked her cell phone. "Should be any second now. I believe you wanted to do this?" And she took both of Bekka's hands and placed one on each of Aubrey's breasts. Bekka started kneading and massaging them immediately. "I hope you appreciate this," Aubrey noted. "It's about the most intimate thing I have ever done."

    Five seconds later, Bekka noticed as her friend's eyes became unfocused, and then she felt Aubrey's body begin to shudder. It was almost like her entire body was vibrating, and she thought she felt a pleasant shock as her hands maintained a firm grip on Aubrey's large, quivering breasts. And then as quick as the shudder had started, it was gone.

    Aubrey's eyes refocused and she flashed a sexy smile at Bekka. "Did you like that Bekks?"

    She had. She really had. And she was about to tell Aubrey how hot it was, before her friend said, "You know what, I know this is going to reset the time and all, but I think I'd rather just see for myself."

    Bekka then felt her hands begin to shudder atop Aubrey's breasts. She only had a second to shoot Aubrey a questioning look, and then she had the familiar sense of falling and having someone squeezed into a tight space with her, and then darkness.

    "Why did you do that?" Bekka thought, knowing Nevyn could hear her thoughts now that he had possessed her body.

    Then she heard Nevyn's low voice coming from her mouth. "For a couple reasons, which I'll tell you here momentarily. But first, I want to see if this works."

    All of a sudden the darkness in front of Bekka disappeared, and she was able to see herself in the large bathroom mirror. It wasn't exactly the same as seeing out her eyes, but more like a large projection screen that showed her whatever Nevyn made her eyes look at. She had stepped to the side of the sink where Aubrey's body was still perched.

    "Did that work?" Nevyn asked. Bekka thought it was the strangest thing, seeing her lips form the words but hearing Nevyn's voice.

    "It did," she thought at him. "I can see whatever you see, which is really cool, and thank you, but..."

    "Why did I possess you?" Nevyn finished for her. "Well, first to see what this felt like." Everything Bekka thought, saw and felt washed over Bekka's mind as she remembered feeling Aubrey's body during the shudder. "Oh man," Nevyn's voice moaned, "that's never been a pleasurable experience for me, but you, you really get off on it."

    "I know," Bekka agreed. "I like seeing you pretend to be Aubrey. But when you shudder, it's a reminder that it's not her in there, but someone controlling her and, well that's really hot!"

    Nevyn started to slowly undress the rest of Bekka's body in front of the mirror, making it a show for her eyes. When he spoke next, he was using her voice. "Do you like it when I pretend to be you? Control you?" And Bekka watched as Nevyn made her hands run all over her body, paying special attention to her boobs, butt and pussy.

    "I do," Bekka responded, completely engrossed by her openly erotic movements.

    "Good, then you'll really like remembering this next part?" Nevyn said in Bekka's voice. Then she saw herself wink at the mirror, reach over, and touch Aubrey's arm. Bekka felt the shudder begin, and her mind went blank.

    Then next thing Bekka knew, she was kneeling in the shower. Her hands were gripping Aubrey's butt and she had her face completely buried in Aubrey's snatch. She was licking it for all she was worth. Bekka pulled back confused, and Aubrey looked down at first in disappointment, and then understood that Bekka had regained control of her senses. "Oh, glad you're back. You've been a busy girl."

    "You didn't have to order me to eat you out," Bekka said, staring up at her friend whose body looked sleek and shiny as water droplets trickled down her naked form.

    "Well, that was the very last order I gave you," Aubrey smiled mischievously. "Think back to what I made you do when I left your body." Aubrey studied Bekka's face, watching for the realization of all she had done return to her memory.

    Then first thing Bekka remembered was the vacant expression reflected in her face from the bathroom mirror. The expression of someone who was not all there and could be made to do anything her master told her to do. She saw Aubrey stand up and move directly in front of her. "I think you like being told what to do," Aubrey said. "And to prove it, I'm going to watch as your face fills with lust as your remember all this. Now take off the rest of your clothes."

    All she had left on was her panties and socks. Bekka watched in her memory as she mindlessly obeyed and took them off. It was hot, but nothing terribly new or exciting so far, until she remembered what Aubrey had ordered her to do next.

    "Now you will act like your normal, confident, cute and crazy self. You will run out this bathroom door, and then out our room door, and run all the way down the hall yelling 'streaker.' Then you'll run back to our room but the door will be shut and you'll have to ask someone to open it. You'll yell for me but I'll say no, and so Derek will have to do it. I saw in your memories that he's never seen you naked before. Well that changes now. When he looks through the peep hole, and he will, you are not to cover up in anyway. When he opens the door door for you, you are then to mildly attempt covering yourself with your hands. Flirt with him briefly like you would, then get back in here with me."

    Bekka remembered obeying everything Aubrey had just said without a second thought. She had burst loudly out the door, and knew she had given Derek a great view of her tight ass as she went out their room door. She had run to the end of the hall yelling as she had been told. When she got back, the weighted door had indeed closed and locked.

    "Aubrey!" she had yelled. It was so weird how she was remembering doing something that she hadn't felt present for. "Aubrey I'm locked out! Let me in!"

    "Hey, I dared you to do it!" Bekka remembered Aubrey calling back. "You'll have to get someone else to open the door for you."

    "Aubrey!" Bekka whined. A door had opened farther down the hall and now a man was gawking at her. She made no attempt to cover up.

    "Not my problem! Maybe if you ask Derek real nicely," Aubrey teased.

    Derek had indeed walked to the door and was feeling conflicted about looking through the peep hole to see if Bekka was out there in her birthday suit. He hesitated for only a moment before looking. She was very naked, making no attempt to cover herself. In fact, it seemed like she had positioned herself in the best possible way to give him a perfect view.

    "Derek," she remembered herself saying seductively, "please let me in. I'm all naked out here and everyone can see everything." There were now two men in the hall, making no effort to hide the fact that they were eye fucking this very cute, blonde haired exhibitionist.

    Derek had slowly opened the door and when he he saw her, his face had been beet red and he was looking at the ceiling. The hard on in his pants had been as obvious as her nudity. "Hey Derek," she teased, "my boobs are down here."

    He had looked down at this as she stepped into the room. She was now barely covering herself with her arms. One hand was covering what he now knew was a completely shaved pussy, and the other was doing a poor job of covering her breasts. He could still see one of her nipples. He noted that though her breasts were petite, they were wonderfully perky and her nipples could have cut glass the way they stood out, firm and pointy.

    "Wow, streaking is such a rush!" Bekka exclaimed. "Here, feel how fast my heart is beating." She had then grabbed Derek's wrist with the hand that had been covering her pussy, and place it in between her tits. Her other other arm was pushing up her breasts from underneath, causing them to look bigger than they were.

    " Yeah," he said stunned."It's really pounding there."

    "She released his hand and moved the hand back down to her crotch. Sorry," Bekka remembered saying. "I hope you don't think I was flirting with you." She winked at him. "It was just a dare."

    She made sure to wiggle her naked ass the short distance to the bathroom door, knowing that Derek was still watching. "You can put your eyes back in your head now," she had said without looking back. And then she had shut the bathroom door.

    Aubrey was in the shower and had ordered her inside. Then she had told her to get in the position that she had been in when she regained consciousness. And then she'd been ordered to eat Aubrey's pussy until she came to.

    Aubrey watched Bekka's face as all that had transpired played back through her mind. She nodded in approval as the lust poured over her friend, and saw her almost achieve climax at the memory alone. "You naughty girl, I told you not to make any moves on my brother." Nevyn was role playing again.

    Bekka tried to look apologetic to play along. "I'm sorry, I, I couldn't help it. I wasn't myself. Is there something I can do to make it up to you?"

    "Well Bekks, you can finish what you started down there. I'd like to cum sometime today."

    Bekka smiled. "I'm pretty sure you have actually, many times in fact."

    "Enough talking, more eating." And she pushed Bekka's face back between her legs.

    Aubrey came a couple of times, very quietly. Bekka did not have the same will power and Aubrey allowed her to only cum once because she had screamed.

    "She dropped the soap," Aubrey yelled to Derek. Both girls broke out into raucous laughter at that.

    Derek shook his head at how weird girls could be sometimes. He was glad he had enough self control to avoid masturbating in the room after Bekka's little show. He had thought he would be titillated less on this outing away from his exhibitionist mom, not get more of the same. Bekka had been flirting with him for years though, so he really didn't think twice that she was upping her game.

    After the girls had showered and Bekka had lathered and rinsed every inch of Aubrey's body twice, they got out to towel off and change to go out to eat. Bekka whispered in the confines of the bathroom, "One thing I don't understand, Nevyn. Why all the secrecy still? He's going to find out tonight, isn't he?"

    "Call me Bri still please," Aubrey corrected her. "And yes, but every moment I fly under his radar is hotter than the last. Once he knows though, there will still be more fun to be had. Remember to go along with whatever I say so that he doesn't know you're in league with me."

    "Will do, and..." Bekka hesitated, looking down bashfully.

    "Yes?" Aubrey prodded at this sudden shyness from a girl who had just seen every part of this body. "What is it?"

    Bekka let the question rush out of her mouth. "Are you going to possess me again and make me do things I can remember later?"

    Nevyn had never wanted to settle down, but this girl gave him pause. "Do you want me to?" Aubrey asked sweetly.

    "Yes please," came the quick answer. "And don't tell me when you're going to do it."

    "Alright then," Aubrey nodded. "This should be a fun night."

    Nevyn saw that the time between the shudders had indeed reset back inside Aubrey, and was back to about 30 minutes. This was okay as he planned on hopping in and out of both girls for the rest of the night. He'd stick mainly in Aubrey, but would keep things interesting for Bekka.

    They were almost ready. Their hair and make up was done up like they were going to prom. Aubrey's shoulder length brown hair had been curled a little at the ends in the back and bounced when she walked. It had the effect of making her look younger, but the lipstick and eyeliner that had been carefully applied made her look older. It was a hot combination and she finished it off by wearing a tight red top with a plunging neckline. Her cleavage popped even more by the push up bra she planned on only having on for just half the night. She wore a short black skirt with a red thong underneath.

    As sexy as she felt, Bekka thought she couldn't compare to how amazing her friend looked, but she was doing pretty well. She had stuck a blue flower barrette in her short blonde hair. It matched her eyes and the affect greatly increased her already exorbitant cuteness. She wore a blue, sparkly dress with spaghetti straps, something that she had only ever worn once for a wedding and had gotten several guys' numbers after the ceremony. The dress was a tight fit, and it did a good job of accentuating her smaller bosom. When they both came out, they were both very pleased with Derek's reaction to their outfits.

    "You guys look amazing!" he said, ogling Bekka from a bed. "I didn't know we were going some place fancy."

    "Well thank you kind sir," Bekka said with fake modesty. Then both girls gave him a twirl, going on about each other's outfits.

    Derek had never seen his sister look so good. He hadn't thought about her in any sexual way except for the brief time during a yoga session Nevyn had tricked him into. Nevyn, had been disguised as his mom at the time and had made him cum in his pants. He was very good at seducing people, and recalling this made Derek wonder aloud, "Bri, where did you get that outfit? I don't remember packing that for you?"

    Aubrey didn't miss a beat responding. "Bekka thought it would be fun to dress up tonight and go someplace fancy. She brought this for me in her bag she brought from home. I think you said it belonged to your mom, Bekks?"

    When Bekka hesitated, Aubrey stepped lightly on her foot out of Derek's line of sight. "Yes! It was my mom's...for someplace fancy."

    Aubrey eyed her brother and then looked down at her ample cleavage. She asked with genuine sounding concern, "Do you think this is too risqué? I don't usually wear stuff like this but I thought, who knows what tomorrow will bring, let's go for it."

    "No," Derek said, and there was a brotherly love in his voice. "You look real good sis."

    Aubrey looked down and leaned over a bit in front of him. "It doesn't show too much of my boobs, does it?"

    Derek glanced a moment longer than his brain said he should. "Well, certainly more than than I'm used to you showing but, you won't have to worry about me checking you out."

    Bekka marveled at how adept Nevyn was at showcasing someone's body and no one being able to tell it was really him inside. The girls grabbed their purses, and they all headed out for a night on the town.

    They ended up at the fanciest restaurant they could afford on the limited amount of cash they had been able to pool together, and they quickly realized that between the hotel room for three nights, and several meals left to go, they could really only have one big splurge, and this would be it. And this splurge still couldn't exceed 20 dollars a plate. Stuff like this made Derek reconsider adulthood. But they all seemed to be in good spirits regardless of the lack of refinement that now seemed to surround them in what was not so much a five star restaurant, but more like a hum drum bar and grill.

    They declined the server's offer of a booth, and took a table at the far end close to the kitchen. As soon as they were seated, Derek excused himself saying he needed to used the restroom. Aubrey touched Bekka's arm the moment he was out of sight and Bekka recognized the shudder, falling, squeezing. "Hey Bekka," Nevyn said in Bekka's voice. "How far would you be willing to score us some free appetizers?"

    Bekka got as far as the pronoun, "I..."

    But Bekka heard herself say, "It was a rhetorical question." Then Bekka felt her hand touch Aubrey's arm and consciousness eluded her yet again.

    Aubrey told a now very compliant Bekka to go into the kitchen and find the head chef. She was to show him her boobs for ten seconds, and then come back. She was to be her normal, flirty self the entire time. When Derek returned, she would engage in a game of footsie with him and would not stop until she had touched his dick. Nevyn wasn't sure she'd be in a trance this whole time, but he knew Bekka worked fast.

    Bekka immediately stood up and strode through the door of the kitchen. She found the head chef, who was a gruff looking man who didn't like unexpected guests in his kitchen. He was about to bark at her to get out, when he watched in surprised silence as she smiled sweetly at him and pushed down both straps of her dress. Then she pulled it down enough to reveal two very perfect C size breasts with pert nipples that were standing at attention. The chef dropped his spatula. She was standing there, letting him gawk for what seemed like an eternity, but what was actually just ten seconds. Then she pulled her dress back up and walked back out to her table.

    Derek had returned and Bekka sat across from him at their small table. Aubrey watched Derek's expression carefully with a smile while she engaged him in conversation about his plans after high school. Meanwhile, Bekka had slipped off a shoe and was rubbing her foot next to Derek's. The it slowly started it's way up his leg. Derek jumped a little at this and looked at Bekka in surprise, but she just smiled innocently and batted her eyelashes.

    Aubrey asked Derek a question that regained his attention. As Bekka's foot continued it's ascent, Derek grew rock hard. She paused right above his knee, and Derek was both relieved and disappointed. Then Bekka slid down her seat a little and extended the last few inches until she touched his unbelievably firm member. Derek's eyes went wide and he sat bolt upright. Bekka also sat up straight and just smiled sweetly at him.

    Joining the conversation about post graduation, Bekka said, "Wow Derek, it seems like you'll do really well. I can tell you have a lot to offer."

    "Thank you?" Derek said, confused and aroused.

    Aubrey giggled. Then she watched as Bekka seemed to jolt awake for a moment, just as their waiter brought them a platter of different appetizers.

    Bekka looked at them confused. "Did we order appetizers?"

    "Their compliments of the chef," the waiter said, winking at Bekka. "And he said the rest of your meal is on the house as well. I'll be back in a minute for your orders."

    "I'm confused, how did we..." Bekka started. And then her past actions while under Nevyn's suggestive control all played back in her mind. Her face turned scarlet as she remembered flashing the chef, and then even more so as she remembered the hardness of Derek's rod against her toes.

    Aubrey looked at her grinning like the cat that ate the canary. "Did you have an epiphany there, Bekks?"

    "I, uh, I probably dated the chef's son at some point showed him a good time."

    Aubrey laughed. "You definitely showed someone something."

    Their meals arrived shortly after they placed them and were cooked to perfection. They had been enjoying themselves for almost 30 minutes when Bekka tapped Aubrey and said, "Don't you need to use the little girl's room? It's about that time isn't it?"

    Aubrey knew she was reminding her that a shudder was coming on. She just smiled coolly and with one hand, deftly knocked her napkin on the floor while saying, "No, I think I'm good, but if you have to go." Then looking at Derek she said, "Bro, could you please pick up my napkin, I don't want to lean down and show the world what my momma gave me."

    Derek bent over to try and reach it, but it was too far away so he had to go under the table. He didn't notice as Bekka's legs shuddered momentarily, and then Aubrey's shuddered a second later. Nevyn had hopped in and out to give Bekka another task.

    When Derek came topside, he saw his sister whispering something in Bekka's ear. He noticed her eyes seemed glazed over, like her brain was somewhere else. Bekka then stood up, grabbed her cell phone, said a quick, "Excuse me." Then sauntered off in the direction of the ladies room.

    "What was that about?" Derek asked?

    "Oh nothing," Aubrey grinned, watching Bekka's cute butt as she walked away. "She just wanted some girl advice."

    Around four minutes later, Bekka returned, looking perplexed. "Um, Aubrey, I..." She stopped and looked at Derek. "Sorry Derek," she said apologetically. "Can I just talk to Aubrey alone for like, one minute?"

    Derek shrugged. "Sure, I'll just, go wash my hands." As he walked away, his cell phone beeped, indicating he was getting a text.

    After he was out of earshot, Bekka asked Aubrey, "I don't understand. You ordered me to go sit in the bathroom? That's all I can remember doing?"

    "Is that all?" Aubrey teased.

    "Well, there's a blank spot in there somewhere, and no matter how hard I try, I can't focus on it."

    "That's because I told you not to remember doing it after you did it, " Aubrey was giddy with anticipation.

    "You can do that?" Bekka asked, impressed. "But I thought you said you'd let me remember?"

    "This was an exception."

    "So, what did you make me do?"

    "I told you to excuse yourself, go to a stall in the ladies, and take pictures of your breasts, butt and pussy. Then I told you to text them to Derek."

    Bekka looked both horrified and amused. "I, what am I supposed to say when he comes back?"

    Aubrey tapped the stopwatch showing on her smartphone. It was the one they had been using to track the shudders, but Aubrey had reset it the moment Derek left. "According to Aubrey's memories, one of the quirks of her brother is that he doesn't like public restrooms. He tries to spend as little time in them as possible. He will go out of his way to do little more than maybe pee and wash his hands. But I'm guessing he needs a little more time because he just got some very revealing pics of his sister's long time friend he only recently saw naked for the first time."

    Bekka's horror was being replaced with excitement. "You think he's going to jack off to me in a stall?"

    "I don't see how he could not with the way you've been winding him up. I bet when he comes back he won't be able to look you in the eye."

    Now Bekka looked concerned. "But, won't this be crossing the line? I mean, Derek has always been off limits because of, well, you, and now I'm sending him nude selfies."

    "I will tell him that you get a pass this weekend for helping us out."

    "That's cool, but," Bekka lowered her voice even though no one was listening, "Won't this affect his stamina for tonight?"

    "Probably not, he's 18. He's young and virile, but just in case," Aubrey said holding up a small empty packet that looked like it had a tiny bit of blue, powdery residue. "I slipped this into his drink earlier?"

    Bekka smiled. "Is that..."

    "It is," Aubrey matched her friend's smile. "Our boy should be able to go all night. I've been slipping it to Richard on a regular basis so he could fuck me, I mean his wife Nancy, for longer than two minutes at a time. I made sure to pack it as part of my contingency plan. As a matter of fact, the effects should be kicking in soon."

    They both stared at the increasing seconds of the stopwatch. Bekka grew more flattered and hornier every passing minute. Derek was indeed in a stall, having received multiple pics of some of Bekka's hottest attributes. He had seen her naked earlier, but hadn't been able to do anything about it. Now he was going to take care of business and try to get some relief. When he was done, his dick didn't go soft right away, but seemed to be trying to stay at attention. It was going to be an awkward walk back to the table, but he knew he'd better get going as he had been gone awhile. As he neared their table, shuffling along so as not to rouse the beast that seemed to want to be unleashed in his pants, he heard the girls burst into a fit of giggles.

    "Wow bro," Aubrey teased, "we thought you fell in?"

    Derek kept his eyes glued to Aubrey, too worried to look at Bekka, both because it would just make him hard again, and because he had masturbated to someone his sister didn't didn't want him to date. "Uh, no, just uh, um..."

    "Looking at some pictures?" Aubrey finished for him. "Maybe relieving some tension?"

    Derek's jaw dropped and now he did stare at Bekka. "You told Aubrey you did that?" Then he turned to Aubrey. "And you don't want to kill her?" Then he turned red and looked down at the table. "And you, you know that I beat off in there?"

    Aubrey tapped the stopwatch. "We timed you bro. And I told Bekks I'd give her a little leeway this weekend as she's helping us out so much. Just don't go falling in love with her."

    Derek sat down and stared at his sister, mulling this new information over. He still didn't think he was going to be having sex this weekend, with Bekka or anyone else. But he reasoned this relentlessly teasing might be the reason his boner was refusing to go quietly into the night.

    Aubrey stood up. "Well, I think it's about time we head back to the hotel. I want to take a dip in the pool. Mom got me a new bikini and I've been dying to break in."

    "Oh, me too!" Bekka exclaimed.

    Derek hoped their swimwear would be more conservative than what they were wearing now, but he highly doubted it. It was a quick drive back to the hotel. On the ride up in the elevator, Aubrey shuddered behind Derek's back, much to Bekka's continuous arousal.

    When they entered their room, then girls banished Derek to the bathroom to change into his swimming trunks, and the girls told them they'd announce when they were decent. The girls changed into very revealing bikinis, Bekka's a lime green that contrasted well with her blue eyes while hugging her frame in all the right places and showing plenty of her butt cheeks. Aubrey's bikini was jet black and pushed up her boobs to showcase an incredible amount of cleavage.

    Before telling Derek he could come in, Bekka asked, "So, what's the plan here? We just keep teasing him?"

    "No," Aubrey answered with confidence. "I've been planting seeds of incestuous lust using his mom and sister for some time now. Given how much you got him worked up today, the boner medicine in his system, and the amount of flesh he's about to see, when we come back to the room, he should be dying to fuck us. That's when I reveal myself and let him know I'll be calling the shots from now on. I was happy to just keep teasing him, but trying to get away from me, well, I have to put him on a leash now."

    Bekka looked startled.

    "Not literally," Aubrey clarified, "unless he's into that sort of thing. Now listen, if he still tries to resist, I might have to threaten him with some very unpleasant things, like completely wipe his sister's memories. Understand I would never do these things, not anymore anyway. But if he tries to weasel out of a good time with his sister tonight, it's important you act sufficiently frightened if he forces my hand."

    "That shouldn't be a problem," Bekka said. "I trust you, and I'm just glad I get to be a part of this."

    Nevyn thought he might be developing feeling for this girl. That hadn't happened since the beginning of his journey through other people's lives. He shrugged it off for now. He had a mission tonight.

    The girls yelled that the coast was clear, and Derek came out with a very obvious tent pole in his trunks. "I seem to be having problem," Derek mumbled, refusing to make eye contact with either of them.

    "Nothing a little cold water won't fix," Aubrey said winking at Bekka. Then they both darted to where he was sheepishly standing and each grabbed a hand and dragged him to the elevator.

    Unfortunately for Derek, there was not enough cold water in the world to deflate the hardness that had begun throbbing underneath the lukewarm water. The ladies would not let him leave and seemed to keep rubbing up next to him or making a show of touching each other. They had started splashing each other, then Derek. As he was rubbing the water from his eyes, he thought he saw his sister shudder almost direct in front of him. But that was impossible. He rationalized that he must be seeing things and being paranoid, but his guard was up now. In the meantime, he tried remembering important historical dates or the table of elements, anything to make his dick go limp, but nothing was working.

    After what seemed like an eternity, but had really been close to 24 minutes, he convinced the girls to let him go back to his room. They said they'd stay a little longer, but that would not be the case. They gave Derek a five minute head start, then went upstairs and quietly approached their room. They were rewarded by their silence by catching Derek laying on the bed with his trunks down around his ankles, furiously masturbating. In his surprise at seeing them there, Derek attempted to stand up and turn from them, but fell down in the process.

    "Oh man," Aubrey managed to get out between tears of laughter. "I wish I had gotten that on video."

    "What are you doing up here?" Derek demanded, jumping into his bed and pulling up the covers. "I thought I at least had 20 minutes or more."

    "I thought we could give you a hand," Aubrey purred. And much to Derek's growing discomfort, both girls came and sat at the foot of his bed.

    "Not funny Bri," Derek said. He was angry, and horny, and suspicious of everything now.

    "I'm sorry, bro," Aubrey said calmly, "It's just, it's been almost 30 minutes now, and I'd really like to show you something."

    Derek swallowed hard. He thought he knew as he asked, "Show me what?"

    Bekka played dumb. "Yeah, what? I thought we were just coming up here to mess with him?"

    Aubrey just continued to stare and smile at her brother. After a few seconds, she shuddered right in front of him. "That," she said.

    Bekka did her best to act surprised, while Derek didn't have to act. "But how?" he asked coldly.

    "Derek, Derek," and now it was Nevyn's deep voice talking, "You still don't know the depths of my abilities. I've been with you one way or another for months now. I'm smarter and sneaker than you know and you cannot get away from me. I may not be able to possess your body or alter your memories, but understand that I'm in control of you from this point on. I'm holding all the cards. I'm calling on the shots."

    Bekka really committed to her deception and with feigned panic in her voice, she asked, "Derek, what do we do?"

    Aubrey's hand shot out to touch Bekka's arm. "Please don't interrupt when I'm talking." A shudder passed through Bekka. Aubrey now stared vacantly at her brother, but as if looking through him, not at him.

    Nevyn's low voice continued from Bekka's mouth. "Aubrey, I want you to do a sexy strip tease. While you do, I want you to tell your brother exactly how much you mean to him, but in the sexiest voice possible."

    "No!" Derek shouted. "You can't do this!"

    "Aubrey, hold on a second," commanded Nevyn's voice, then he made Bekka jerk the covers off of him, exposing him. "See, yes, I can. And I know there's a part of you that wants this. You almost screwed your own mom for crying out loud. Your sister is a dead ringer for her but 18 years younger. Besides, that dick of yours is crying out for release."

    "But that's because you've been forcing Bekka to tease me and flaunting my sister's..."

    Derek couldn't finish, but Nevyn saw his opportunity. Bekka touched Aubrey's arm.


    It was now his sister's voice that addressed him as her hands reached around and unfastened her bikini top. "Flaunt what, bro?" Aubrey let the top fall to the floor. "These?" She looked down and motioned to her large tits that Derek was seeing in all their youthful glory for the first time. "You don't think they're pretty. You don't want to put them in your mouth? Maybe just lick one nipple?"

    "Bri..." was all Derek could choke out, but he knew she wasn't with him right now.

    "I know you licked one of our mother's nipples. How come you'll lick hers and not mine?" Aubrey pouted.

    "You pushed them into my face?" Derek was on shaky ground. "You shoved one in my mouth?"

    Aubrey smiled. "But I didn't make you put your tongue on it, Derek. You did it all by yourself. Now are you going to lick the ones in front of you or not?"

    Derek's dick was making a very strong argument, but Derek managed a weak, "I can't."

    Aubrey rolled her eyes at him. "Well, someone has too. Bekks?" She turned to Bekka who had been staring straight ahead and now looked directly at her. "Get naked and come suck on my titties. Suck on them like you've fantasized about them your entire life and they are the epitome of pleasure for you."

    Derek's gaze locked on to Bekka as she too unclasped her bikini top, letting her petite boobs spring out. She then quickly pulled the bottom of her bikini down, revealing again to him her hairless bush and very cute backside. She crawled on the bed in front of Derek but facing Aubrey and proceeded to very loudly and forcefully suck and lick her best friend's tits.

    "What do you want?" Derek asked, finally coming to terms that there was no way out of this.

    Aubrey huffed. "I wanted you to suck my tits."

    "But what do you really want?" Derek pressed.

    Aubrey narrowed her eyes. "Originally I wanted to know why I can't possess you. Your mom had no fucking clue so I'll look through your sister's memories, and even your old man if I have too. But now even more than that, I want you to know that you can't get away from me and I'm in charge. And I'm going to prove it to you by making you fuck your sister, and her best friend. But I'll make you a deal. If you don't fight me anymore or try to run away, I will give you a special reward tomorrow and the next day before the weekend is over."

    Derek only shrugged and asked, "What reward?"

    "Well that's a surprise, and depends on your performance tonight."

    "Okay," Derek said, utterly defeated. "So, what do you want me to do, just, have sex with you?"

    "Just have sex with me?" Aubrey looked appalled. "Oh no, bro. We're going to stretch this out. This is a production to me, and I slipped you something that should allow you to go all night."

    Derek nodded his head. "You really did think of everything."

    "I did." Aubrey appeared triumphant. She looked down at Bekka, still licking and sucking like Aubrey's boobs were the best thing ever presented her. "Bekka, before you come out of your trance, go and give Derek the best blowjob he's ever had. Go deeper with him than you've ever gone with any boy before, and cancel your gag reflex."

    Bekka left Aubrey's tits and turned to crawl hungrily towards Derek's equally thirsty dick. She shoved it into her mouth and Derek was amazed as her lips sunk all the way to his balls. She proceeded to go up and down with her entire head, coating his shaft with her saliva and expertly working her tongue everywhere as she increased her pace. He came in under a minute.

    "Still hard," Aubrey smirked. "Good. And you'll last even longer next time. Bekka, be a good girl and clean that cum off his dick."

    Bekka was tenderly licking up all the drops off Derek's tool, when she awoke. She gagged for a moment, then looked at Derek who looked back apologetically. She hadn't played back the memory yet, but knew that she would like it. In the meantime, she put on a scared face with Derek, but when she turned to Aubrey, she flashed a smile and winked.

    Aubrey gave nothing away, but said to Bekka, "Oh Bekks, I see you're awake? You give very good head, did you know that? Derek couldn't last a whole minute."

    Bekka looked at Derek with sad eyes and said, "Sorry. I mean, it is something I've wanted to do for a long time with you. I just, well I thought I would remember doing it after it happened."

    This information floored Derek. "You wanted to give me a blowjob?"

    Aubrey's look let Derek know what a stupid question that was. "Yes you dummy. The only reason she hasn't is because of Aubrey! But tonight, she gets to live out her fantasy of fucking you, and then I'm going to fuck you. And if you make both of us cum, I will let you live out two fantasies over the next two days, and I erase all this from your sister's memories. I'll erase everything about me from her actually. You're stupid attempt at a plan, all the shenanigans I pulled off today, all of it. On the flip side, don't make us both cum, and she remembers everything. Sound like a good deal?"

    "You're sick," Derek said. "But you got a deal."

    "Excellent, and thank you," Aubrey said. "Now watching all that got me really hot, so if you don't mind, I'm going to play with this hot body while I watch you two fuck."

    Derek and Bekka were both surprised by this. After a pause, Derek finally asked, "You're not going to possess Bekka and make her fuck me?"

    Aubrey stood up and positioned herself in a sitting position facing Derek. "Why? She wants to fuck you, don't you Bekka?"

    Derek looked at Bekka who was biting her lip and looking at Derek. She had been able to replay the memory of sucking his dick in her mind and now her pussy wanted a turn with it. "Yes, I would like that very much."

    "Well then get to it!" Aubrey ordered. "The night is young and there's a whole lot of positions to try."

    And with that, Bekka climbed on top of Derek, running her hands over his chest, his arms, until she gently caressed his face. The she lowered her dripping pussy over his waiting dick, and slowly guided it in. Aubrey grinned with approval before saying, "Ride 'em cowgirl."

    Bekka started slowly grinding, but lost no time speeding up when Derek's hands started moving all over her. He wasn't fighting anymore, especially while he was already inside a hot little blonde he had thought was exceptionally cute for years. He pulled her closer and sucked on her pointy, pink nipples while his hands gripped both ass cheeks. Bekka moaned and rode him even harder, cumming twice in a matter of minutes.

    After she came the third time, Derek was in a frenzy. He had not cum yet and his dick was screaming for release. He picked Bekka up and sat her next to him on all fours. Then he mounted her from behind and began slamming into her with increased vigor.

    "Slap her ass!" Aubrey moaned next to them, frantically fingering her clit. "I bet she really likes it."

    Derek did just that and was rewarded with Bekka's pussy gripping his dick harder than before and her voice screaming in ecstasy. It was all he needed as the dam burst and he shot inside his sister's best friend, causing her to feel gloriously full. When he pulled out, he was surprised to see he was not flaccid, but at half mast. Bekka flopped down on the bed, very happy. She needed a minute but she hoped Derek would fuck her at least once more tonight before it was all over.

    "Well done," Aubrey said. She had stopped masturbating momentarily to clap. "One down, one more to go. Now get over here, bro." She laid down on the bed and spread her legs wide, then motioned for him to join her.

    As he stood up and took in the sight of his sister perfectly positioned for sex, showing her moistened pussy and a face that was full of lust, he felt his boner spring back to life. He climbed on top of her, looking at her pretty face, but he did not slide into her like she had expected. He stroked her hair, looked into her eyes, and seemed to be having a very tender moment. Nevyn decided he could work with this.

    "Hey bro," Aubrey said in her sweetest voice yet. "Thanks for walking home with me after school these past few months. It seemed like we had started to drift apart this last year, and, I don't know, I feel like we reconnected."

    Derek knew this wasn't his sister talking right now, but it all felt so real.

    Aubrey continued. "Even though we're twins, you've always acted like a good, protective older brother. I know that you really love me and care about me. And I want you to know that I love you too, so much. I'm really going to miss you when we go off to separate colleges, and I want you to know that I'm really, really glad, that you're about to take my virginity."

    And then Aubrey gently gripped Derek's hips, and slowly pushed his dick into her waiting pussy. As he slid inside, Aubrey gasped and said, "Bro! You're so big. It feels so good. Thank you."

    It was all too much for Derek and he came much faster than he thought he would inside his twin sister. She just smiled at him and said not unkindly, "Still can't handle your load I see. It's alright, I know you won't leave your sister hanging." And she kissed him, tenderly at first, feeling his face, then his arms and chest.

    He didn't pull out of her. His hands discovered her breasts and he groaned as he made first contact with them. As his fingers became tiny explorers, covering every inch of her sizeable mounds, his hard on raged again.

    "Mm," Aubrey cooed into his ear. "Welcome back. You must really like your sister's tits, don't you?"

    Derek pushed himself up to openly gawk at them. "They're perfect. They're almost exactly like mom's."

    "Derek?" Aubrey whispered in a naughty, reproachful voice. "Are you thinking about our mother's titties? Hm...well, that may be something we have to help you get out of our system later."

    And now Derek was thrusting inside his sister with a newfound energy. He kept thrusting as her pussy experienced multiple orgasms. He kept thrusting as she yelled out for him to go harder and faster. He kept thrusting as she yelled out, "Fuck me Derek! Give it to me big brother!" Finally, he blew another huge load, this time inside his own flesh and blood, and they both cried out as a mind shaking orgasm swept over both their bodies.

    "I hope you're happy," Derek mumbled. He was not happy, but he found he was not unhappy, and certainly not as pent up any more as he had felt for the last three months despite many masturbatory sessions.

    "I am bro, I am," Aubrey managed while pulling the sheets up over her and nestling into the bed. "You've certainly lived up to your end of the bargain. I promise you'll get a couple of real treats over the next two days. Just don't go doing anything stupid." She looked over at Bekka on the other bed. "Get over here, Bekks. We're all sleeping in one bed tonight."

    Bekka gave a tired and happy smile and came over to their bed. The girls nestled into Derek, now in the middle. They slept for an hour, then had another intense fuck session, this time with all three of them kissing, groping, sucking any body part that offered itself. They each helped the other two get off until they were thoroughly spent again, and this process repeated itself throughout the night.

    When morning came, they all showered together, taking special care not to let any crack or crevice escape a generous lather of soap and water. This led to another romp between the sheets with all three of them ending up panting and exhausted.

    "I know it's weird me saying this," Aubrey groaned happily, "But I need a break for a bit. Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to leave you both for awhile. Have fun together. I trust you, but only as far as I can throw you, so remember who has the power. I'm going to take the day to pour over Aubrey's memories and try to find the answer I'm looking for. Derek, try not to have sex until you see me again and meet me back in this room alone at 6pm sharp. Bekka don't look so disappointed, I promise I'll make it up to you. Just tell your mom you cut the camping trip short because you remembered too late you hate the outdoors. Any questions?"

    "I mean, plenty," Derek said. "But I'll just ask, how come you didn't do the eye thing when I asked you a question?"

    "Derek," Aubrey said acting bashful, "a girl has to have some secrets. Now have fun and I'll see you at 6."

    As Aubrey walked out the door, he wondered if this was it. If he'd be forever at the mercy of a controlling body hopper who could keep his family hostage indefinitely. But at the forefront of his mind, he was also wondering what the reward Nevyn had in store for him would be.

    To be continued...
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