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  • Shudder Chapter 1

    Chapter by Kripto · 29 Dec 2021
  • A long time bodyhopper finds a person he can't possess.
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  • Derek was about to have a problem. He was in the middle of class when
    his lifelong crush Amy, short brown hair, soft, sweet Amy, walked in
    and handed the teacher a note, then came to sit in the seat in front of
    him on the right far side. He didn't miss any of her movements and she
    seemed to glide towards him, her chest bouncing more than usual. He
    wasn't complaining, but that was different.Right before she sat,
    their eyes met. She smiled slyly, then slowly, purposefully, lowered her
    gaze to her breasts, and gave them a little shake, and then laughed at
    the reaction on Derek's face. That was the moment when Derek realized
    Amy wasn't wearing a bra. This was way out of the norm for Amy. She was
    about as straight laced and conservative as they come. She rarely dated,
    and if she did, no one ever got anywhere. She was easily the most
    sought after girl in his school. Derek assumed she was probably waiting
    to cut loose in college as soon as she got away from her parents.College.
    Right. He needed to pay attention. This was easily his worst subject
    and he needed to focus up. It was his senior year and a scholarship was
    his only shot at getting into college. He had turned 18 a month ago and
    had decided he need to get serious about planning for his future. But
    Amy's swaying breasts kept jutting into his memory, blocking out the
    lesson from the teacher's mouth.If it wasn't Amy's breasts, he
    was thinking about the teacher's mouth. Mrs. Darcy was discussing the
    industrial revolution at the front of the classroom. She was a knockout
    with bright red hair and the definition of an hour glass figure. Between
    Amy and Mrs. Darcy, it was no wonder this was his worst class.He
    noticed Amy's right arm move in front of him. Her shoulder was making a
    circular motion. Her left had was grabbing the edge of her desk. She
    had propped up her textbook on the desk in such a way to obscure her
    chest from the other students and teacher. He was the only one to seem
    to have noticed her strange behavior so far.Deciding he needed to
    investigate further, Derek shoved his pencil off the right side of his
    desk and watched as it rolled until it bumped the wall. He playfully
    smacked his hand to indicate what a klutz he was, then got up to
    retrieve it.He glanced to see what Amy was up to and saw, as he
    was now the only one who could see over her book, that she had
    unbuttoned her yellow blouse and was slowly, methodically, massaging her
    exposed left breast.He stood there, frozen by what he was
    seeing. The girl he fantasized about, doing something so erotic in a
    classroom full of people. Then in a quick movement, she turned and
    stared at him as if she had caught him peeping. Then her expression
    turned into a wicked smile, and she shifted her breast so the nipple was
    pointing right at him. Then she winked at him and kissed the air with
    her mouth.Derek's erection was so fast, he sat down a little too
    quickly and loudly, causing other students and Mrs. Darcy to look at
    him. He smiled sheepishly, and the lesson continued, but Derek would not
    remember a fact or date of this history lesson. He just continued to
    stare at the back of Amy's head, replaying that erotic moment in his
    head over and over.He watched as both of her hands started deftly
    moving and assumed she must be buttoning up as class was about over. He
    must have been right because a moment later, she laid the book flat on
    her desk. Then he saw something weirder than he had seen thus far. Her
    entire body shuddered, just for a moment. It was like her body had
    jumped into cold water and she had experienced a frigid chill. Then as
    suddenly as it had started, it stopped, and Amy was still.Derek
    was even more confused. Plenty was amiss, but this was another out of
    the ordinary piece of behavior. They were inside, it was warm, not a bit
    drafty. Why had she shivered like that? And then the bell rang. Amy
    spun around in her seat and looked at Derek as if he were a hearty meal."I
    hope you enjoyed the show. She knows you look at her all the time." Amy
    said matter of factly. "But don't worry, I won't let your hard on go to
    waste. I'll just be taking charge of it for a while." And with that she
    touched his cheek with his hand. He felt a tiny jolt ripple through his
    face, and then... nothing.If Derek was confused, it was nothing
    compared to the look on Amy's face. She withdrew her hand from his face,
    then touched his nose, then his arm, then his hand, each time furrowing
    her brow and getting more and more frustrated. "What is going on?" she
    exclaimed."Is something the matter?" Mrs. Darcy called from the front of the room as the last of the students filed out the door."Yes
    something's the matter!" said Amy impatiently. "This works every time!
    Every time!" Amy grabbed Derek by the arm one last time and waited. When
    nothing happened, she narrowed her eyes, looked at him closely, then
    got up and walked towards the front of the classroom, straight towards
    Mrs. Darcy.Mrs. Darcy calmly asked, "Could you please tell me the nature of your problem Ms. Fairchild?""It'll just be faster if I show you," Amy said coldly. And then she reached out and touched Mrs. Darcy on the shoulder.Derek
    watched, fascinated and utterly confused by everything going on. He
    watched as, for a moment, Mrs. Darcy looked at Amy with great concern on
    her face, and then for only a moment more, Mrs. Darcy's body gave a
    little shudder. Mrs. Darcy looked at Derek immediately and said, "Mr.
    Johnson, please see me before you go to your next class.""Um,
    okay." Derek muttered. He continued to look from Mrs. Darcy to Amy. Amy
    was just standing there, looking dazed, like she was in the middle of
    waking up. She looked like she was trying to focus on her surroundings,
    trying to get her bearings. When she spotted Derek, she licked her lips
    and her eyes filled with lust."You may go to your next class now Ms. Fairchild," Mrs. Darcy ordered.Amy
    slowly turned to face Mrs. Darcy, and then, as if she was trying to
    figure out a very complex math equation while still sleeping, she said,
    "Okay... " and then headed out the door.Mrs. Darcy seemed to
    relax, leaned back a bit in her chair and began unbuttoning the top two
    buttons on her blouse. "Why does know one at this school show a decent
    amount of cleavage?" Mrs. Darcy mused. "But much more importantly? Who
    are you Derek?"Derek's mind was whirring as fast as it could but
    half of it was now consumed with the breast's that were starting to
    spill out of Mrs. Darcy's top. "I, um... What? Wait, did Amy seem to be
    acting weird? I mean, you're also, um.. "Mrs. Darcy frowned.
    "Focus up Derek. She'll be fine. She should be back to her boring
    uptight self in a few minutes. And she'll probably only think about your
    cock for the next hour. I wasn't inside her that long. Back to the
    original question. Who are you?""I.. You know who I am!" Derek managed to get out. "What do you mean she'll want my, my.. ""Cock, Derek. It's not a bad word. And I'd like to see yours but first I must have answers!"Derek
    shook his head and said incredulously, "You need answers? I've been
    clueless ever since Amy walked in today as to what is going on? What are
    you even talking about?"Mrs. Darcy's eyes seemed to bore into
    his soul. "You have to know what I'm talking about," she snarled. "I
    can't possess you. I always assumed if I met someone like me, we
    wouldn't be able to possess each other."The pieces started to
    click for Derek, but he struggled to believe what he was hearing.
    "Possess? You, you were Amy during class?" he asked.Mrs. Darcy
    sighed. "You've known her since you were little. You have always acted
    like you were intimidated by her and she has never once seen you in a
    romantic light because of it. Do you think she'd just all of a sudden
    flash you her boob out of boredom?""How do you know that about her?" Derek asked."Because
    I was her," Mrs. Darcy explained. "I mean to say, I didn't just inhabit
    her body. I had access to her memories, her mannerisms, everything that
    makes her the Amy you're infatuated with, I had access to. But... you
    really don't know all this? You can't possess? Or you can, you've just
    never tried?"Mrs. Darcy had casually begun massaging her breasts
    with both hands, almost but not quite letting her nipples become
    exposed. Derek was trying to keep up, but this did not help. "Okay, so, I
    accept this isn't a prank.Mrs. Darcy smirked. "Because your hot
    teacher is fondling herself in front of you? Tell you what. You tell me
    why I can't possess you and I'll let you suck on her tits. I'll even
    role play for you. That's one of my favorite things to do. But first,
    Mr. Johnson, answer my questions.""We can't do that! "Derek almost yelled. "What about the next class coming in?"Derek
    watched as Mrs. Darcy's eyes rolled to the upper left side and she
    pursed her lips, thinking. "That won't be a problem," she said
    confidently. "This is her free period. So what do you say?" She
    unbuttoned another button and pulled her left breast out of her top.
    "Will you let Mrs. Darcy tutor you? I know you've been struggling in my
    class. Just answer my questions and I'll tutor you so good." She then
    slid a hand down her skirt and started moaning while her other hand
    pinched her nipple.Derek paused. His hormones were raging, but
    this seemed.. dangerous. "I'd feel better if you'd tell me something
    about you first, like who are you?"Mrs. Darcy stopped. Her eyes
    narrowed. "Well that's the problem. I'm a very private person who has
    always been able to know what I want to know by possessing someone. I
    can see all their memories laid out like a book. I've been able to fool
    everyone around me, and if, if I messed up, I can make people forget by
    possessing them too. That way I've been able to be careful and go
    completely undetected, until now. I can't possess you and I can't make
    you forget, and that's a huge problem for me.""Make me forget?" Derek said worriedly.Mrs.
    Darcy got to her feet and stood over him and acted as if teaching. "No
    one remembers what I made them do while I was possessing them. To them,
    it seems to be like a blank spot that they can almost but not quite
    remember. What does happen though is, right after I leave them, they
    have some residual thoughts and emotions left over from my thoughts and
    actions when I was in control. It's why Amy wanted you right after,
    because I did. And everyone in that state is very suggestible for a tiny
    bit. I can tell them what to do for a little while or tell them what
    happened during their memory lapse, and they'll do or believe whatever I
    say."Derek was shocked. "That seems like an incredible abuse of power."Mrs.
    Darcy undid her blouse and let it fall to the floor, all while staring
    directly into Derek's widening eyes. Then she slowly pulled down the
    pink panties she had on underneath. Then she walked purposefully over to
    Derek's chair, shoved the desk in front of him aside, and straddled
    him. "Oh, it is," she demurred. "I've been presidents. Kings.
    Celebrities. But it all gets old so fast. I'd much rather be just a
    married school teacher who is sitting on a student who is starting to
    show a lot of promise in the boner department."She started
    grinding against his crotch and leaned into his ear so that her hot
    breath left goose bumps down his spine. "Tomorrow's panties would have
    been much sexier. Tomorrow is Saturday and I always wear something sexy
    for my husband since I know he'll fuck my brains out before noon. Could I
    pretend you're my husband right now? Just answer my question first,"
    she purred."I, I'm just me," Derek said, struggling to
    concentrate as Mrs. Darcy rubbed harder and harder against him. He was
    still a virgin and would not be able to last much longer without leaving
    a mess on his jeans. "You know me. You can access Mrs. Darcy's memories
    about me, can't you?"Mrs. Darcy took off her top and shoved both
    tits into Derek's face. "Of course. But all she knows about you is that
    you're a bright boy that could be doing better in her class if you'd
    just focus on the subject matter instead of her sexy mouth and titties.
    Not that I mind at the moment. But I don't know what I want to know and
    this is your last chance to tell me. Just tell me and maybe we can be
    friends. Don't, and I will make your life a living hell."Derek
    was close to orgasm, but the threat scared him enough to rally. He
    shoved her off and Mrs. Darcy landed on the floor, hard. "Don't threaten
    me! I told you, I'm just me. Just a normal guy trying to finish high
    school and get out of this town."Mrs. Darcy glared at him from
    the floor. When she spoke next, it was not with Mrs. Darcy's voice, but
    the deep voice of a man. "Fine kid. Play dumb. Maybe I just find out
    from your best friend. Or a family member. Getting the information out
    of them should be easy, and a lot of fun."Mrs. Darcy got to her
    feet and started dressing, and continued to speak in that same low
    voice. "It's funny. I've been bouncing all over this school, possessing
    different people here and there. Getting off where I could and causing a
    little drama. It's the only thing that keeps me going since I don't
    have my own body anymore. And I was just about to move on, today in
    fact, but now, I'll be sticking around. Thanks for livening up my... "The
    words were cut off and for the third time today, Derek watched a person
    in front of him shudder for a second from head to toe. Something
    clicked in Derek's brain. "That shudder thing I saw Amy do, her whole
    body just shook for a moment like she had caught a chill, then you did
    it when she touched you at the end of class. That's when you took over
    Mrs. Darcy. A person shudders when you... jump in or whatever and then..
    I'm guessing it's something that happens every so often.Mrs.
    Darcy now looked very annoyed. "Yeah, there's that intelligence this
    chick knows you have. It's about the only involuntary reaction I have.
    My tell as it were. And yes, it happens when I take over someone, or
    when I need to reassert control of my host."Derek nodded along,
    then said, "I'm sorry. It's so weird to hear a strange man's voice come
    out of Mrs. Darcy's mouth. Could you maybe, speak like her again?"Mrs.
    Darcy finished buttoning her top and bellowed, "I'll talk how I damn
    well please kid! You have no idea how long it's been since I was able to
    use my real voice to talk to someone. I've been at this a long time. A
    very long time.""How long till you have to reassert control of someone?" Derek asked."Everyone's
    a little different, but the longer I'm in someone, the less it happens,
    and the more and more I can change their personality."Now it was Derek's turn to shudder. "You can... rewrite someone?"Mrs. Darcy grinned coolly. "Sort of. But you'll see soon enough."Then
    she walked to the door and held it open. Then in Mrs. Darcy's voice,
    she declared loudly, "Just follow that lesson plan and that should get
    you caught up. If you still need help, well," she put on a flirty smile.
    "I'm sure I'll be seeing you real soon. Here's a note so you won't be
    counted tardy for your next class.""Really? You think I'm worrying about a tardy?" Derek wondered aloud as he stepped into the empty school hallway."Appearances
    are everything Mr. Johnson. Like I said, I'm careful. Now if you'll
    excuse me, I'd like to make the most out of this free period." And with
    that Mrs. Darcy closed and locked the door of her classroom.Derek
    floated through his remaining classes for the day in a state of
    paranoia. He really didn't know why he would be so important to Mrs.
    Darcy, or Amy, or, really, this mystery man that had somehow inhabited
    their bodies. It was like something out of a cheap science fiction film.
    Was he safe from him, or her, whoever? Would he see her again as Mrs.
    Darcy, or someone else next time? Maybe someone closer to him? He had to
    tell someone, but who on earth would believe him. Maybe he should do
    nothing and wait to see if it would blow over. He doubted it, but didn't
    see any other choice.When the last bell rang, he figured he'd
    make a beeline for home and so he could keep a close eye on his family.
    He knew his parents were okay because they would still be at work, and
    his twin sister had been sick. He wasn't sure they were in danger, but
    he didn't know what to think, and that was the worst part. Nothing had
    happened since history class, and he was hopeful nothing else would.As
    he exited the school, Derek took a second to look around. Students
    milling about, talking laughing, waiting for a ride. He noticed his
    neighbor, Jessica. She was in his grade, also 18, and currently sporting
    her cheerleader outfit. Her long, blonde hair was tied up in a long
    ponytail and she was standing on her tiptoes as she kissed her
    boyfriend, Brad, the star quarterback . Both were just a few feet away
    from him.As their lips detached, he overheard Jessica say, "I
    told you, I can't stay to watch you practice today. The squad is already
    mad at me but they understand. Nana is not doing well and so my parents
    are taking us to see her in the hospital.""Then why are you wearing your cheerleader outfit?" Brad asked as his eyes and hands raked across her figure."Down boy," she giggled. "I wore it just so you could see me in it before I said goodbye.""Well,
    goodbye," and Brad leaned in and they were joined at the mouth again.
    Derek was almost past them, when Jessica detached herself from Brad and
    grabbed Derek's arm. "You'll walk me home, won't you Derek? Brad can't
    be late for football practice."Derek eyed her warily. "We haven't walked home together in years?"Jessica shrugged. "I know. I miss those days, don't you?""Not really."She
    playfully punched his arm. "Rude much." She laughed. "C'mon, you can
    fill me in on your latest college prospects. Don't tell me you're still
    thinking about taking a year off?"Derek looked at her intently.
    "No, no I decided against that. I guess, let's just go, I gotta get
    home?" He started walking away from her."Okay," she gave an
    apologetic wave to her boyfriend and ran to catch up. She jogged up to
    him and they had walked a couple blocks before she asked, "What's got
    you in such a hurry today? Hot date tonight?"He kept glancing at her, as if he were looking for something. "No. I just, need to get home is all. It's been a weird day.""How so?" she asked casually."I don't want to talk about it," he replied sharply. They were now a block away from their houses. He just wanted to get there.She
    gingerly grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop. "Hey," she said, and
    there was compassion in her voice. "We used to talk about anything and
    everything. I opened up to you all the time when my parents were
    fighting and it really helped. If something's bothering you, I want to
    hear it."Derek's armor was starting to crack. "I mean, I would like to talk about it. But, you have to go see your grandma.""It's
    okay," and her eyes went up and to the left. "My parents won't be here
    for another 20 or so minutes, so come inside real quick and tell me
    what's on your mind."Reluctantly, Derek stopped outside her house, then said, "Okay.""Yay,"
    she squealed and started fishing out her house keys. "C'mon in. Gosh,
    it's been awhile since you were inside. Mom painted again as you can
    see."Derek nodded before diving in with, "Yeah, look, I'll make this short and I know you're not going to believe me but.. ""Hold
    that thought," Jessica interrupted. "I need to change so I can be ready
    when my parents get here. Follow me upstairs and you can tell me
    there?""While you're changing!" Derek exclaimed.Jessica
    eyed him wryly. "No you pervert. You'll be outside my bedroom, and I'll
    be on the inside, and there will be a door between us. I'll be able to
    hear you just fine." She hit his arm again as if playing tag, then
    bounded up the stairs ahead of him. Derek turned to follow, but when he
    looked up he was temporarily distracted by a vision of bright orange
    panties at the top of the stairs."You coming?" she asked as she looked back,
    and then realized the view she had just given him and pulled her skirt
    down in embarrassment."Ooh," she murmured, blushing. "Can we just pretend that didn't happen?""Nope," he said with a wide smile, the first he could remember today. "It's locked in my brain forever.""Pervert,"
    she said again rolling her eyes and smiling. She went into her bedroom,
    shutting the door almost but not quite all the way. "So, what's going
    on?""Well," he didn't really know how to begin, "I guess it started when Amy came in to history class.. ""What?" Jessica yelled. "Come closer. I can't hear you."Derek moved closer towards the crack in the door. "I said, it started when Amy.. "Then
    Derek noticed the crack in the door in front of him. It gave him a
    direct line of sight to her closet doors, one of which had a full length
    mirror. That door had been opened in such a way as to give him a
    perfect view of Jessica's reflection next to her dresser, just behind
    the door he was standing in front of. She was just starting to pull off
    her cheerleader top and he was suddenly captivated by the two D size
    orbs on her chest which strained at her flowery bra. "I should've
    known it would have something to do with the girl you've had a crush on
    since middle school," she said, as her thumbs hooked her cheerleader
    skirt and he got an even better view of her orange panties. He
    watched, speechless as she started rummaging through her dresser. Her
    perfect ass was now turned towards the mirror as she bent to the lowest
    drawer to look for a top, when he saw it. A shudder. If he hadn't been
    transfixed on her, he might have missed it. Jessica stood up
    straight, and turned to the mirror, making eye contact with Derek. "Oh
    poo," she pouted. "You saw that didn't you?"She reached behind
    her back and unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor. "You were
    watching so closely, weren't you," she said seductively. "You were just
    being a good neighbor, weren't you?" In one quick movement, she pulled
    off her panties, and then opened the door. One hand went to his cheek,
    while the other went to his rock hard crotch. "Tell me something,
    Derek," she pressed her naked body against him, "why did we never get
    together? I mean, I'm the girl next door after all.""Why are you doing this?" Derek demanded, taking a step back. "Because
    of that right there," the deep man's voice was back. "I'm used to being
    in control of each and every situation, and I can't control you. Can't
    make you forget, and I'm going to find out why. I found out where you
    lived easy enough with Mrs. Darcy's access to student's files. Then
    hopped a few more people till I found someone who lived close to you.
    Someone who's known you for awhile and might have a clue to this mystery
    for me.""It's just wrong," Derek grumbled, while trying not to keep staring at Jessica's marvelous chest. Jessica
    took a step towards him. "No, what's wrong is that this fine piece of
    ass had the hots for you a couple years ago and you never made a move.
    Other than that there were no useful memories.""I was dating someone a couple years ago," Jake defended. Jessica's
    eyes went up and to the left. "Heather. Yeah, okay, she was pretty hot
    too. But you weren't married." The voice then switched over to Jessica's
    seamlessly. "You could have had us both." And she lunged for him,
    wrapping her body around him and kissing him on the mouth. Derek
    momentarily kissed back. It was what his body wanted. Really wanted. He
    felt like he had had blue balls since history class. But.. he ended the
    kiss and gently pushed her back. " You're not Jessica!" he snapped.
    "This isn't what she'd want.""But I am, and it is, at least for
    now," she smiled demurely. "I'm willing to put my question on hold for a
    bit. I need some release."She was about to pounce again when
    they heard the door slam. Panic shot through Derek's eyes as he realized
    he was standing in front of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts daughter. Mr. Roberts
    liked him, but would still probably kill him anyway in this
    circumstance. "I figured you were lying about her parents coming home,"
    Derek whispered. "I was and I wasn't," Jessica said quietly as
    she stepped inside her room and put on a bathrobe. "That should be my
    mom. Remember a few years back when you told me you had a sex dream
    about her and I said it was totally gross.""I.. Man I hate how you can just tap into her memories like that," Derek said, anticipating the worst. "Aw, you're so nervous, it's cute." Jessica gestured towards her room. "Go hide in the closet. I'll take care of 'mom."As
    Derek walked into Jessica's room and crammed himself into her closet,
    Jessica yelled, "Mom, can you help me with something real quick?"From
    downstairs, Derek heard Mrs. Roberts yell back, "Jessica? What are you
    doing home? Shouldn't you be at cheerleader practice?" He then heard
    her footsteps on the stairs. He watched through the slats in the
    closet as "Jessica" walked into her room. Now he started to sweat. He
    didn't know how this was going to play out, but it couldn't be good. "Jessica?" her mother called out. "In here mom," Derek saw Jessica say, and then she turned and winked at him, knowing he was watching through the closet slats.Derek
    saw as Mrs. Roberts entered her daughter's room. She had apparently
    been out for a light jog. She had on tight black running shorts and a
    tight purple top. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail just like her
    daughter. They looked very much alike. Mrs. Roberts had certainly aged
    well and had certainly kept her figure and was probably in her late
    forties but looked like a woman in her thirties. Derek didn't tell
    Jessica that there had been more than one sex dream about her mother. "Mom,
    I was wondering if you'd act out a little scene with me," Jessica
    started. "You see, I never have an audience. Sure, I've had some fun
    before, but I was the only one who could enjoy it. It was just for me.
    Would you help me?""I, sure honey," Mrs. Roberts hesitated, "but what are you talking... "Jessica
    touched her mom. Mrs. Roberts shuddered, then her face slowly turned,
    as she aimed the most seductive grin at Derek in the closet. Jessica
    didn't fall to the floor, but continued to stand there, her eyes
    slightly glazed over. Mrs. Roberts turned to face her daughter
    and said in a concerned mother's tone, but with a hint of lust, "Yes,
    Jessica dear. I'll help in any way I can." She touched her daughter. Jessica shuddered, took her mother's hand and said, "Well, there's this boy see, and I think he likes me."Shudder. Mrs.
    Roberts resumed speaking, "How could he not like you dear. I mean, look
    at these spectacular breasts you have." Mrs. Roberts pulled her
    daughter's robe apart, and then pushed it off her shoulders, letting it
    hit the floor. She then reached out and started groping her daughter's
    chest. Shudder. Mrs. Roberts continued to squeeze her
    daughter's breasts, but it was Jessica who said, "Well, I have you to
    thank for that Momma. I mean, just look at yours." Jessica pulled her
    mother's top over her head, and then helped remove her sports bra that
    was underneath. "They're even bigger than mine!" Jessica proclaimed as
    if seeing them for the first time. Then she bent over and started
    kissing her mother's breasts. Derek felt his eyes try to jump out
    of his sockets as he took in Mrs. Roberts' massive tits. They were
    nearly identical to her daughter's, just a little bigger, and a little
    saggier. His eyes kept trying to jump out as Mrs. Roberts continued
    groping her daughter's chest, while Jessica kissed her mother's tits.
    Derek noted that the formerly possessed would continue to actions of the
    possessor even when he had jumped into his next victim. Shudder. "Oh Jessica dear," Mrs. Roberts moaned. "I hope he's as good at foreplay as you are?"Shudder. "That's
    the problem Momma," Jessica pouted as she looked up from her mother's
    tits. "There hasn't been any foreplay yet. We haven't even kissed, and
    I'm just so nervous I'll do it wrong."Shudder. Mrs.
    Roberts put her hand under her chin and brought up her daughter's pretty
    face. She then looked into her glassy eyed daughter's eyes. "I'd be
    happy to give you a lesson in kissing."Derek's jaw was on the
    floor as he watched mother and daughter shudder again and again, a new
    one taking the lead each time as their mouths met and they started to
    embrace and let their hands roam over each other. This went on for a few
    minutes, Derek completely swept along by what was easily the most
    erotic thing he'd ever seen. His heart raced as he saw Jessica remove
    her mother's running shorts and give her mom's ass a playful smack, then
    resume their makeout session. Finally Mrs. Roberts broke from a
    prolonged, sloppy kiss and said breathily, "Yes. Kiss him like that and
    he'll have the hardest dick you've ever seen."Shudder. "Oh Momma, you think so? Could we test it right now?" And Jessica hopped up and down with feigned excitement. Shudder. "What do you mean dear daughter?" Mrs. Roberts asked as if clueless.Shudder. "Well
    Momma, I'm pretty sure he's been staring at us from inside my closet
    this whole time," and Jessica blew a kiss at the closet.Shudder. Derek
    knew this was being staged, but it was hard not to get swept up in the
    moment as his hot, naked classmate's mother walked over and slid the
    closet door open and looked at Derek with mock outrage on her face. "Derek!
    You naughty boy! All this time you were in my daughter's closet,
    watching us kiss and groping one another?" Mrs. Roberts said
    accusingly. "Hey," Derek said somewhat amused and a lot horny, "You would know, you put me in here."Mrs.
    Roberts covered her hand with her face, "How dare you? I would never do
    something so scandalous. I'll have to ask you to leave." Mrs. Roberts
    reached over and tagged her daughter who hadn't moved. Shudder. "But
    Momma, I'd like to practice more, and he's right here," Jessica pulled
    Derek out of the closet and started taking off his jeans. When she
    pulled off his underwear, she looked at her mother and stated, "And it
    looks like he's got that nice hard dick you were talking about." When
    Jessica had Derek as naked as she was, she stood and tapped her mom's
    shoulder. Shudder. "Well, I do want to be a good mother,
    and a good neighbor." Mrs. Roberts eyed Derek with pure carnal desire,
    then started removing his shirt. She then led him to Jessica's queen
    sized bed. "Having fun so far Derek? Enjoying my little play?""Y-yes, ma'am" he admitted. He couldn't stop this now if he wanted to."Good,"
    Mrs. Roberts smiled, shoving him down on the mattress. "And please,
    call me Mrs. Roberts like you always have. Now watch this. Jessica."
    Jessica was still standing in the place where she had taken off Derek's
    pants, but now she turned and faced her mother. "Come over here and put
    those perky tits in our neighbor boy's face while I start sucking his
    dick."Derek watched in amazement as Jessica obediently came over
    and clumsily placed her large breasts in his face. Derek wasn't sure if
    it was Mrs. Roberts who was fantastic at blowjobs, or her possessor, but
    either way he came in seconds. He watched as Mrs. Roberts swallowed,
    then tapped her daughter.Shudder. "Oh, now that just won't
    do Derek." Jessica circled her right breast with her hand before
    squeezing it and guiding the nipple into his mouth. "Momma, please keep
    stroking his cock until he gets hard again. She looked at him with an
    innocent, questioning face. "Or maybe you'd like us to make out some
    more? Or you could watch as my mom ate out my pussy?"And just
    like that Derek was ready to go again. This time he grabbed Jessica and
    kissed her. She returned his kiss then broke for air to say, "Momma,
    play with this boy's balls while I ride his dick." And then Jessica
    mounted him and rode him for all he was worth. He watched as she came
    multiple times and was about to himself, when she expertly rolled off
    him and slapped her mother's ass hard causing the firm flesh to jiggle
    slightly. Shudder. "Sorry," said Mrs. Roberts
    apologetically, climbing on top of him. "I like to have multiple orgasms
    in multiple bodies when I can." And then she started to ride him, nice
    and slow, squeezing her breasts and moaning like a porn star, achieving
    orgasm in just a few minutes. "Older ladies bodies must be a lot
    more sensitive," Derek thought to himself as he came for the second
    time. Mrs. Roberts dismounted and they both lay there a few moments with
    Jessica standing with a vacant expression inches away. Then an
    uncharacteristically low voice came out of Mrs. Roberts mouth. "Sorry
    neighbor boy. That was fun but I can never bask in the afterglow when
    I've had two at once." Then Mrs. Roberts got up and started to put
    herself back together. Derek sat up and started getting dressed himself. "You've done that before!""A
    few times," the deep voice said. "It's not always worth it to me
    because I have to move quick before one of them comes to their senses,
    and there's a slight buffer in sensation when I'm hopping so quickly.
    But like I said, I ain't never had an audience before, and that made it
    really hot.""It was hot," Derek agreed. "The hottest thing ever.
    But you know what's not hot? Hearing your voice coming out of Mrs.
    Roberts' mouth."Mrs. Roberts frowned, then walked over and touched her daughter. Shudder. Jessica's
    peppy voice burst out of her mouth indignantly, "I'm sorry. You only
    like it when I 'pretend' to be the person I'm possessing, is that it?""I'm
    sorry, no, it's just a lot to get used to," Derek tried to say coolly.
    "It just, makes me feel like I just slept with a man is all.""I
    was a man!" said the male voice indignantly. Jessica started to put her
    clothes back on but it was the low voice that continued. "That's what I
    started out as anyways. But when my situation happened years ago, I
    could become whatever gender I wanted on the fly. I haven't used my
    original voice in decades, mainly because I like fooling everyone around
    me into thinking I'm the person I'm possessing. It's my biggest kink
    really.""It feels like I should call you another name when you
    use that voice, or if we meet again and you're in some other body,"
    Derek offered, trying to be helpful. "Ha! Sure kid. You can call me Nevyn when and if you figure me out again. Like I said, you not knowing is my biggest turn on."And
    with that Nevyn looked at Mrs. Roberts and switched back to Jessica's
    voice. "Mom, go use the restroom, then lay down in your bed. When you
    come around you'll remember taking a nap after you went for a run and
    nothing else." Mrs. Roberts walked out of the room. "That's all you have to do?" Derek said in disbelief. "Yeah,"
    Nevyn shrugged, talking like his original male self again. "It's pretty
    easy. As long as I've possessed someone recently, they're in that
    obedient and suggestible window like you saw with me and 'mom.' If I
    miss the window at all, I just possess that person, making them forget,
    and it's all fixed. Which brings us back to business. We've had our fun.
    I put on a good show for you. Now why can't I possess you?" She/he
    poked Derek in the chest. "Look, I honestly don't know. If I knew I would tell you."Nevyn studied him a moment. "I think I believe you, but I'm not through investigating."Derek smiled a little. "You gonna go dust for some clues? Interview some witnesses?"He
    watched Jessica's mouth curved wickedly and resume her girlish voice.
    "Witnesses. Yes. That's exactly what I'm going to do. Find more
    witnesses. Examine more memories. Find out from the people who know you
    best and for the longest."The smile was gone from Derek's face. "What do you mean? You're not talking about.. ""Your family of course," Jessica said with laughter in her voice. "No!" Derek growled. "Oh,
    I'm sorry," Jessica's voice was still playful, but with a bite. "I
    don't like being told what to do. But I do take requests. Usually I just
    find out what people want by taking them over. But since I can't do
    that with you, you'll have to tell me.""I don't want you to do it at all," Derek barked. Jessica
    looked at him as if he were being a disobedient child. "Now now, I
    haven't given you the options. I can hop in with you knowing full well
    I'm there. Finding out what I want to know from each of your family
    members. Maybe we act out a little incest fantasy, your mom and sister
    are both very attractive. That's not just my assessment by the way, my
    'mom' thinks so too.""Why you," Derek started to shout. "Or,"
    Jessica interrupted, "I can sneak in. I can disguise myself from you
    and act like your family members completely. Until I get bored and start
    to mess with you.""Or until I see your tell!" Derek countered. "But you won't get them. I won't let you."Jessica
    put both her hands on his face. "Derek sweetie. Are you going to lock
    them up in your house? If you can't, I can come at them a million
    different ways."She leaned in and kissed him forcibly, then shoved him
    away. "Now get out of here. My 'mom' will be waking up from her nap any
    minute." Jessica waved him towards the stairs, then Derek saw the
    familiar eye movement that meant Nevyn was accessing her memories. "And
    my daddy will be home any second, so beat it."Derek looked at
    her/him with loathing. He tried to disassociate her from Nevyn who was
    inside, but it was difficult. When he was downstairs and starting to
    open the front door, he heard Jessica call, "Derek, I'll be seeing you
    real soon."To be continued...
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