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Gemma signs up to be a test subject in a ‘Temporary Human Neuroengineering Trial’ that’s a little bit hazy on the details. It turns out a new neural transmitter and receiver pair are being tested, which allows somebody to experience all the sensations from, and control all the inputs to, somebody else’s body. Unfortunately for Gemma, she’s the receiver, and it really does feel like she’s still the one in control…
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“I don’t think we should be playing with that.” said Olivia. As a prefect, she always thought it was her duty to be responsible. Unfortunately, this took the form of telling us not to do anything fun. It’s a shame, because she was really quite kind otherwise.
“Shove it, Olivia!” laughed Ava, playfully. She snatched the package from Evelyn’s hands. “I want to see what it does!”
It was Christmas evening at St Clare’s School For Girls, and Evelyn had just received a parcel from her great Aunt. It had arrived quietly in the evening, separate from all the other presents, and had come with a short note, written in a flowing old-lady script.
“My dear Evelyn, this flute has been in my care for nearly a century. I’ve heard of your troubles this past year, so I loan it to you with the hope you use it wisely. Point the end of the flute at a bully and play a note to change their tune. Do not get carried away with it, girl. ~~ Mildrid”
So it was we were now we huddled in the common room, wondering what it actually did.
“We must be very careful.” warned Evelyn, “My great aunt is perhaps the most unusual woman in our family.”
Ava chucked at that. She thought that Evelyn was the most unusual woman in her family.
“We should hand it in to Professor Tumut”, said Olivia. “She’ll be able to tell us if it’s dangerous.”
“And she’d never give it back!” complained Ava, “Let’s just try playing it first, quickly, see what it does.”
“Who should we point it at?” I asked. “I don’t want to risk something bad happening to me.”
“Try it on me then!” said Ava, opening the box and handing the flute to me. “Don’t be a wuss, Sophie!”
I hesitantly took the cold brass instrument. “Um, I don’t know. Maybe Evelyn should be the first one to use it?”
I glanced at her, but she shook her head. She was as worried as I was.
“What about Charlotte?”
I looked at the ditsy girl sitting to my left.
“Me?” said Charlotte “But I don’t know how to play the flute.”
“I don’t think you need to know how.” I said “I think you can just blow across it?”
“Oh, okay.” said Charlotte, unfazed. She was pretty used to us telling her answers. Barely passing her classes, she was quite different to the rest of us. I mean, Ava failed plenty too, but that was just because she didn’t try.
Charlotte took the flute and raised it to her lips.
“Point it at Ava first!” I said nervously. Whatever this thing was going to do, I didn’t want it doing it to me.
“Oh, right, okay.”
She turned a bit, pointing the end at Ava, who grinned.
“Fire away!” laughed Ava and threw her hands in the air.
Charlotte blew and a soft, airy note sounded… then she slumped forward, unconscious.
“Oh no!” shrieked Olivia “What do we do!? She’s hurt!”
Evelyn, however, reached out and gently brushed Charlotte's lips. “She’s still breathing.” she said. “I wonder what happened? Did you feel anything, Ava?”
We turned to look at Ava, and found her mouth wide with shock. She was looking at her hands like she’d never seen them before, wiggling them in front of her eyes. I tapped her on the shoulder.
“Oh! Hi!” she said, her voice strangely bright. “Um, this is weird!”
“What happened?” Olivia whispered.
“Well, um, when I blew into the pipe, I guess it put me into Ava’s body?” said Ava, scrunching up her face. She reached down and squeezed her breasts. “It feels really weird.”
“Oh, you’re Charlotte?” said Evelyn, as if this was as normal as a stroll down to the kitchens. “Do you know what happened to Ava?”
Charlotte shook Ava’s head. “Noooo, I can’t feel her or anything.” then she giggled and patted herself down “Or can I?”
“Ha ha”, I said, “Can you get back to your own body?”
Charlotte scrunched up Ava’s face again as if straining. “Oh no! Does that mean I’m stuck?” she suddenly looked very worried. “I don’t think I want to be Ava! She’s too short!”
Olivia picked up the flute and pushed it into Charlotte's new hands. “Try blowing it again. Point it back into your body.”
Charlotte did so, and a moment later her body sat up again, giggling.
“Ooooh, that was fun!”.
Ava, meanwhile, just blinked. “What happened!? Did it knock me out?”
“Charlotte took over your body.” I said, “I think this is a kind of possession flute.”
“Oh my god!” said Ava, grinning. She felt herself up. “What did she do? I can’t remember a thing!”
“She was only in you for a minute.” said Olivia, biting her lip and squeezing her legs together. “And now that we know what this does, we should definitely hand it in to Professor Tumut.”
“Are you kidding?!” shouted Ava “I’ve got to try it! Who’s turn is it to be possessed next?”
She looked at each of us, her ratty face beaming with excitement.
“Come on guys! It’s easy! You just wake up a minute later, no harm done!”
I shivered. What would Ava do inside my body? She didn’t have much of a filter in her own -- she’d probably make me run around the common room singing or something.
“I’ll give it a go.” said Evelyn “But I do want a turn after. I think whoever gets possessed should be allowed to choose who they possess next.”
Ava looked around at us, pleading. “What do you say, girls?”
Olivia bit her lip. I could tell she was curious... and since there hadn’t been any harm…
“Very well” said Olivia “As long as Ava uses her turn on Evelyn.”
I shivered slightly, wondering what it would be like inside Olivia’s body. I’d get a turn in either her or Charlotte, right? That could be really fun.
“I’m in too.” I said, swallowing nervously.
“I’ve already had a turn!” chirped Charlotte.
Ava grinned again and wasted no time pointing the flute at Evelyn.
“Please don’t do anything weird!” said Evelyn.
Ava blew an ugly note and her body slumped forward. A second later, her trademark grin grew on Evelyn’s innocent face.
“Wow!” said Evelyn’s voice. Ava’s sharp way of speaking sounded very odd coming from Evelyn’s floaty and soft register. It was like she was a whole other person.
Evelyn’s body suddenly stood up.
“Wow!” she said again. “I’m so tall!”
Ava made Evelyn jump up and down, laughing as Evelyn’s bust wobbled in a way Ava’s never could.
“This is amazing!”
“Take it easy, Ava.” said Olivia, “That’s still Evelyn’s body.”
Ava stepped over to her own sleeping body and dug through the pockets of her robes.
“I can’t feel my old body at all!” she said. She grabbed one of her own small boobs in Evelyn’s hand and laughed. “Haha, look everyone, Evelyn’s feeling me up!”
Olivia’s eyes went wide and she glanced around the common room to see if anyone was watching. Luckily it was pretty deserted because of Christmas.
“Stop it!” hissed Olivia, “That’s…”
“What?” said Ava, Evelyn’s voice sounding smug. “It’s my own body! Who says I can’t touch it!”
A naughty look flashed across Evelyn’s innocent face, then Ava bent down and kissed herself on the lips. I felt a strange sensation grow between my legs.
“Kidding! Kidding!” she said, “I actually only wanted my mirror.”
She pulled out a small pocket mirror and let her old body flop back onto the couch. Looking at her reflection, Ava tried moving Evelyn’s face into all sorts of expressions. Usually Evelyn was very gentle and quiet, she never made faces, but now…
“Oh man! She looks so funny when she frowns!”
Ava turned and made an exaggerated frowning face at me and Olivia.
“Hey, I didn’t get to do any of that stuff when I was you!” said Charlotte. “I want another turn!”
“After me!” I said.
“I think that’s enough Ava.” declared Olivia “Evelyn shouldn’t miss more than a minute or two.”
Ava pouted and stuck Evelyn’s finger up at Olivia, but went back to her seat. I chuckled -- it was really weird seeing Evelyn act like this.
I watched closely this time, wanting to see what happened to Evelyn’s body as she came back to awareness. Ava took the flute and aimed it at her own body, then she stuck her finger up at Olivia again and blew.
It was instant, one moment Evelyn’s face was frowning, then it relaxed and glanced around. Evelyn blushed to find the gesture she was making at Olivia and quickly dropped her hand back into her lap.
“Wow.” she said quietly. “That really was instant.” Then she smiled. satisfied.
“Did you have fun, Ava? I’m glad you got to see what it was like to have my body.”
“She had a lot of fun!” laughed Charlotte.
Ava meanwhile was pushing herself back up, rubbing her shoulder. “I shouldn’t have let myself fall like that.” she said “I think I must have clipped the armrest or something. Owww.”
I laughed at her.
“Serves you right.”
She stuck her tongue out at me.
“So is it my turn now?” Evelyn asked, the dreamy girl surprisingly focused. She was keen.
Olivia sighed and nodded. I wonder who Evelyn would choose -- Charlotte may be kind of dumb, but her body was like a exaggerated version of Evelyn -- a bit taller, blonder, and bustier. On the other hand, Olivia’s more stern and solid figure might appeal to Evelyn. I smiled at the idea of the responsible and focused girl being controlled by somebody so airy and dream-like.
Evelyn picked up the flute and smiled at me.
“Are you ready, Sophie?”
She raised the flute to her lips and blushed. “It is okay if I have a turn as you?”
I shut my open mouth and steadied myself. That’s okay, I thought, just means I get to definitely pick Olivia.
I nodded at Evelyn and watched her blow a note.
A second later I awoke to find myself cuddling with Ava on the other couch. It was like no time had passed at all -- just suddenly my body was in a different position. Evelyn had kicked by slippers off and loosened my tie, I noticed, and my right hand was on Ava’s--
I yelped and jerked my hand back. I stared accusingly at Evelyn -- I hadn’t expected anything like that from her.
“I made her do it.” said Ava, grinning. “And you think I got touchy when I was inside her.”
I gasped.
“It was nothing like that.” said Olivia, quickly. “They just played a prank at the end.”
Charlotte giggled. “And she flashed your boobs in the middle.”
“Evelyn!” I said, shocked.
Evelyn shrunk down her seat a bit. “I knew you wouldn’t mind, really. We’ve compared our boobs before. Besides, it was like it was my body.” She smiled shyly at me. Grrr.
I huffed a little and redid my tie. I didn’t really mind, but it still felt a bit… odd? I imagined my body standing up and flashing Olivia without me there. I tried to get it through my head. That had just happened -- I had stood up and flashed everybody. But I also had been asleep… I glanced down at my body. Nothing had changed about it, yet for a minute or two it hadn’t been mine at all.
I looked up at the others and raised the flute. Conveniently, it was already in my hand from when Evelyn had blown back into herself.
“Fine then.” I said. “You’re turn, Olivia.”
Olivia went red and shuffled in her seat. She squeezed her legs together again and shut her eyes tight.
“Very well.” she said, biting her lip. “Have fun…”
I pointed the flute at Olivia and blew. A kind of tearing sensation came over me, like my very soul was being ripped out of my body. Then…
I landed in Olivia’s body. It didn’t feel like I’d moved anywhere, but my whole perspective had suddenly shifted.
“Holy hell…” I whispered, hearing Olivia’s innocent voice coming out of my lips. Strangely, I felt a little bit horny. Had she--?
“Soooooooo, what’s it like?” said Ava, grinning mischievously.
I caught up again. It felt really weird to talk out of somebody else's mouth.
“It’s nice?”
I patted myself down, feeling Olivia’s body through her thick jumper. I was really surprised to find how much bigger I was in the chest.
“Well, hurry up!” said Ava, “Show us the goods!”
Charlotte chuckled, and Evelyn blushed. “It’s only fair”, she said.
“Fair would be if I made you flash everybody!”
I straightened up and put on my best Olivia impression, exaggerating her prim way of speaking to a comical level.
“This body must remain prim and proper at all times, otherwise I will tell the teacher that you aaall deserve a detention.”
Ava guffawed. I continued.
“I will serve the detention too, of course, to make sure none of you are having fun.”
I pointed a mockingly stern finger at Ava, who was in stitches laughing on the cough. I made Olivia wiggle it back and forth in an exaggerated way.
“Do you find this funny?!” I chided her. “You just WAIT until the headmaster hears of this!”
“Olivia?” an innocent voice said.
I froze. Ava’s laughter cut off instantly.
I looked up to see one of the other girl’s making her way down from the bedding area. “Is everything okay? I heard you shouting.”
“Everything’s-fine-you-can-go-back-to-bed-now” I let out in a rush, Olivia’s voice strangely high pitched. “I was just playing a game!”
The girl frowned at me, confused. I couldn’t remember her name, but I think she was a friend of Olivia’s.
“Oh… okay then.” she frowned again. “Please don’t make too much noise. I wouldn’t have thought I’d have to ask you that, Olivia.”
“Right, no, thanks, sorry!” I said in a rush. Ahh, this was not a good Olivia impression. Thankfully, the girl shuffled back off to bed.
“It was weird seeing Olivia get flustered like that.” said Everlyn, thoughtfully. “Normally she’s so in control, but you’re-”
“Yeah thanks”, I cut her off. “That was close.”
“That was brilliant!” said Ava, “She had no idea that you’re not Olivia!”
“Well, obviously.” I said, “Nobody knows about the flute.”
“This is amazing. I think we should make this a game.” Ava continued, ignoring me. “I bet you two hobnobs that you could get through all of potions tomorrow without anybody realising.”
“I can’t stay in Olivia all that time!”
“Actually, maybe you should get out of her now, it’s been a few minutes.” said Evelyn.
I fixed Ava with one of Olivia’s piercing glares -- only half joking -- and then blew myself back into my sleeping body. It felt a little uncomfortable from lying on its face all that time.
Olivia woke up instantly and glanced around, confused. She felt herself up and frowned. “I feel completely normal.” she said, almost sounding… disappointed?
“Ava wanted me to stay in you till tomorrow.” I said accusingly. Olivia fixed Ava with the exact same glare I’d made her give a second ago.
“Noooooooo.” said Ava, “I bet that Sophie could pretend to be you all through potions without anybody noticing. It’s different.”
Olivia didn’t miss a beat. “Well I can’t miss potions, so that’s out.”
Charlotte suddenly chimed up, out of the blue. “I bet I could do the splits in Everlyn’s body.” she said.
We all turned to look at her. Where had that come from?
“See, it’s a game!” said Ava. “Somebody makes a bet. If they win, they get to take over the loser’s body for a bit. If they lose, the loser gets to take over their body.”
“And my body is just used to decide the bet?” said Evelyn.
“Yes! Well, whoever’s body is needed for a particular bet, I mean.”
“I don’t like this.” said Olivia, predictably. Then she blushed. “And I don’t think you could do the splits in Evelyn’s body, Charlotte.”
“Wait, are you taking the bet?” I asked, surprised. “You know that means Charlotte gets to control you for a bit if she wins?”
“I know.” siad Olivia, quietly.
“Okay then!” said Ava, grinning. She threw the flute over to Charlotte. “Go for it, girl!”
Charlotte smiled confidently and pointed the flute at Evelyn, who shrugged. She seemed really unfazed by this whole ‘body possession’ thing.
A moment later and Everlyn’s body was doing practice stretches, while Charlotte's body lay collapsed onto its side.
“Ugh!” Evelyn’s (usually soft) voice grunted “What the hell, I can barely move my arms!”
I watched as Charlotte tried to contort Evelyn’s body into a pretzel, something that had apparently been easy for her in her own body.
“On to the splits.” said Olivia smugly.
Charlotte stood Evelyn’s little body up, hands high in the air. She actually looked more graceful - and solid - than I’d ever seen Evelyn look.
It wasn’t enough though, Charlotte tried to bend down, forcing Evelyn’s chest forward as she crab walked the legs out sideways, but she barely made it halfway into a split before getting stuck.
“COME ON!” shouted Evelyn’s voice. Charlotte tried to force her legs wider, pulsing dangerously as she thrust towards the ground. “ARRRGH.”
Ava kicked her and Charlotte sprawled back onto the floor, Evelyn’s body flopping unceremoniously.
“Not fair!” she grumbled, punching herself in the thigh.
“Back in your body now!” said Olivia, holding out the flute. Charlotte begrudgingly took it and blew at her own sleeping form. The instant she did, Evelyn’s face crinkled with pain.
“Owww, what did you put my body through?”
Evelyn looked down at herself, gingerly rubbing the spot on her thigh where Charlotte had punched her.
Punched her with that same hand, I thought.
Charlotte just scowled as Olivia reached over and plucked the flute out of Evelyn’s hand and took her over. Olivia’s body collapsed and Charlotte grinned.
“It was my turn anyway.” she said, Olivia’s prim way of speaking echoing weirdly with Charlotte’s voice. I noticed Olivia paused several times in the process of feeling herself up, spending an inordinate amount of time rubbing Charlotte’s legs.
“Hey, I bet I could do the splits now!” said Olivia. She sprung up in Charlotte’s body, energetically. “Wow, she’s so fit!”
Olivia easily slid Charlotte’s legs out on the floor to either side. She grinned as she wiggled her toes. She also seemed to be grating Charlotte’s hips slightly on the floor, though I must have been imagining it.
“This is so easy! No wonder Charlotte thought she could do it as Evelyn!”
“Yeah, yeah.” said Ava. “Next bet. I bet nobody would be able to tell I’m not Sophie”
“Hey wait what?” I said.
“You heard me.” said Ava, “Nobody will be able to tell that I’m not you. I’m great at impressions, watch.”Ava screwed up her face and made her voice comically flat.
“Yeah guys I dunno.” she said in a mocking imitation of me. “Yeah that’s pretty good guys. I don’t know.”
“You already said that one.” said Evelyn.
“That’s because she doesn’t say anything else!” Ava said, gesturing at me.
“Rude!” I said, only half pretending to be annoyed. “Anyway you don’t get to possess me because nobody will take the bet and risk getting possessed by you!”
Ava frowned. “Why wouldn’t anybody want to be possessed by me?”
“Because you’ll make them do something crazy!”
“Yeah, but it will be funny!”
I sighed.
“I’ll take the bet.” said Olivia from inside Charlotte’s body, still doing the splits on the ground. “But only if I don’t have to leave Charlotte's body first.”
“Wait, does that mean- ?” I started, but Ava cut me off.
“Boo-yeah! Give me that flute!” she snatched the flute from Olivia’s body’s limp hands and aimed it at me.
“Hold on!!” I shouted quickly. “Rules! We need rules!”
“I’ll take your body and go chat with Steph and that over there.” said Ava, gesturing across the common room to where the only other group sat playing chess. “If they don’t ask if I’m really Ava, I win.”
“No!” said Olivia sharply. “Of course they won’t ask if you’re Ava. If they so much as say “Are you feeling okay, Sophie?” or suspect something is wrong in any way, then I win this bet. Evelyn makes the final decision.”
“Fine” said Ava. “Ready, Sophie?”
I stared down the barrel of the flute and gulped. Ava blew into it and-
I was standing on my tippy toes.
What the hell? Going from lounging about to standing in an instant was weird. My clothes felt a bit ruffled, and my right arm was a bit sore for some reason, but otherwise I felt completely normal.
I noticed I suddenly felt really sleepy, as if I’d stayed up waaaay past my bedtime. I was still in the common room, fortunately, but the candles had burned more than halfway down. I frowned. Ava had stayed in me much longer than I’d meant her too.
I glanced around the room, letting the hand holding the flute drop to my side. It was basically empty, and a candle flickering up the stairs to the bedrooms signalled that somebody had just left. Evelyn was dozed off on one of the lounges, and Olivia’s body was still slumped over where I’d last seen it. Was she still inside Charlotte then?
In front of me, Ava stretched and grinned. “Hey, I’m not too sore this time!”
“What happened? How long did you stay inside me?” I cringed “And what did you make me do?”
“Only an hour or two.” said Ava, yawning. “I won the bet, by the way. Nobody could tell I wasn’t you.”
It was hard not to feel a little bit hurt by that. Ava patted me on the shoulder lazily as she headed up to bed.
“You can beat me in an arm wrestle, by the way.”
“What? How could you know that?”
Ava just giggled and wandered upstairs.
Ava had apparently worn me out, as well as kept me up past my bedtime, so it was with a bleary shuffle that I made my way down to breakfast late the next morning
I didn’t look nearly as out of sorts as Charlotte, however. She stumbled in about 10 minutes after me, red eyed and frazzled.
“What the hell happened last night?” she asked, as she took the spot beside me. “I don’t remember a thing after bloody Evelyn couldn’t do the splits.”
“I missed most of it as well.” I told her.
She raised an eyebrow at me.
“Ava” I said, gesturing at myself. Charlotte let out a snort.
“I would have thought Olivia would have been better, but apparently…” she trailed off, obviously too tired to get her thoughts into words. “Where is she this morning anyway?”
Olivia, it turned out, was right behind us. She leaned over Charlotte and me, wearing an uncharacteristic smirk.
“Mornin’” Olivia chirped. “Have fun last night, Charlotte?”
“I can’t believe you possessed me all night, Liv. Not cool.”
Olivia chuckled and threw back her hair. “Just having fun, you know! Gotta let my hair down every now and again!”
“Bitch” Charlotte muttered, turning back to her cereal. Olivia grinned and messed up her hair.
“It’s so tight that who knows how wild it can get when I let it go?”
Olivia winked at me, and it clicked.
“Ava?” I asked.
Olivia grinned wider. “Got it in one. If only you had been there for the bet last night!”
“Were you…”
“No, I only took over Olivia about two minutes ago. That was all her in Charlotte last night! I caught her trying to sneak out of the Great Hall when she spotted you guys and thought, since I had won that bet, I’d better bring her over.”
Charlotte smiled darkly.
“Make her pick her nose.”
Ava obliged.
“And now stand on one leg.”
Ava did, wobbling slightly.
“Now jump on the table and do that again.”
Ava gave her a look.
“This just feels like I’m the one being humiliated! Let me jump out of her afterwards.”
She pulled the flute out from somewhere inside Olivia’s robes.
“But where’s your body?” I asked.
“Last night we discovered you don’t need to go back to your own body.” said Ava. “I can just blow right into the next person and Olivia will wake up like normal.”
“How did you work that out?” I asked, confused.
Ava ignored me. She made Olivia stand up straight as an arrow, head held high in the air like a prince entering a ball. Then she leapt up onto the breakfast table, raised a finger high into the air, and shoved it into her own nose.
People started to turn around and look at the commotion. I heard whispers of disbelief. Olivia had apparently gone mental.
“Hey, wait a minute! You got to possess Olivia because she bet against you! Who are you going to bet with now?”
Ava crinkled Olivia’s face as she wobbled on the table, a finger in her nose.
“I bet that you can’t make Sophie… I dunno… take off her shoes.”
“Deal accepted” smirked Ava, and raised the flute towards me.
An instant later I was staring down at my school shoes, which had apparently teleported to where my breakfast had been a moment before. I wiggled my toes and found that, yes indeed, Ava had managed to make me take them off. Very impressive.
Next to me, Charlotte giggled like mad. “Your face!!” she laughed, pointing. “You look so resigned! Ha!”
So Ava had ‘won’ that bet too then.
“Come on.” Ava said standing up. “Let’s go find my body.”
“But I haven’t eaten yet!” I grumbled.
“I ate it for you!” laughed Ava, “Come on, Charlotte’s exhausted and I don’t want to stay in her a moment longer than I have to.”
The chilly air of Alphonse's dorm room was cut by the soft humming of a high end laptop, built more for specs than style. Alphonse himself sat hunched over, squinting at the glow of the screen in the darkness. The page he had stumbled upon was unlike anything he’d seen before, its dark background and neon lines carrying an aura of the illicit.
Or at least, an aura of a programmer who used dark mode, which was always a good sign.
It was late - late enough that his roommate Quincy was out on the town, courting danger or a damsel (or both). Alphonse sighed, running a hand through his mousy brown hair as he considered the proposition before him: a chance to buy into the surreal, the impossible.
Stealth Control Nanobots™
They were the stuff of whispered rumours and online conspiracy theories. The government had banned the technology long ago, citing concerns over privacy, consent, and potential for abuse. Concerns that were well founded. Even though the tech had never reached the mainstream, and was tightly controlled for government use only, there were still regular stories of leaks. It seemed like every few months some starlet would seem to lose her mind, and go masturbate in public, or dance nude on a balcony.
Stealth control was always blamed, and tighter controls always followed. Alphonse wondered how many of these cases were real – and how many times a drugged up rock star would just blame their latest bender on stealth control. “It wasn’t me! It was just my body!”
Still, if they were real… well, basic logic would dictate for every case you heard about, there were probably hundreds of people being controlled in ways that weren’t overt enough to make the news.
And if that were true, then maybe you *could* just buy a vial of the stuff from a random Russian IP address.
Alphonse knew he was talking himself into it.
His mouse hovered over the 'Buy Now' button, his heart pounding. He looked at the reviews again: users swearing up and down that the tech was real, functional, and life-altering. A few death threats to the seller. Someone asking how to exit vim. It seemed legitimate enough…
A mental image of Luna filled his mind, her dark goth aesthetic barely containing her wild exuberance. What would it be like to *be* her? His pulse quickened at the thought of experiencing her world, of seeing the universe through her eyes. It was such an intimate thought that he felt a pang of guilt immediately. Yet, there was a small part of him that yearned for that intimacy, a desire fueled by a confusing amalgam of curiosity, love, and the heady promise of forbidden… …science.
Maybe, if he controlled her, he could plant the idea in her mind that they should date… “incept” it, if you will. Alphonse rolled his eyes.
His sister Christina's warnings echoed in his mind. "Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should." She would definitely disapprove of his current predicament.
Just as he was about to close the tab, a notification beeped. A text from Quincy: "Bro, where you at? Rosa and Luna asking for you at the Fox's Den." His heartbeat quickened again. Luna was asking for him?
The weight of the decision weighed heavy on his heart. He was no womaniser like Quincy, no social butterfly like Rosa. He was Alphonse, the bassist in the band, the nerd in the corner, the one who was always observing, dreaming… not doing. This technology, dangerous and alluring as it was, could be his chance to connect, to understand, to be a part of something bigger.
"Damn it," he muttered under his breath, his hands trembling as he clicked 'Buy Now'. The screen confirmed his purchase, and the weight seemed to lift a little, replaced with a heady blend of exhilaration and anxiety.
He hastily shut his laptop, grabbed his bass, and left the dorm room. Tonight, he was going to enjoy his regular life. Tomorrow, he thought, with a mix of excitement and fear, everything could change. He could change. He only hoped that the price wouldn't be too high.
A week later Alphonse and Luna sat in that same dorm room, staring at a non-descript metal box. It had arrived that morning.
Alphonse, tall and gangly, was hunched over it. His fingers tapped on the plain surface, a thumb running over the embossed logo of a butterfly - a suitable symbol for a box of Stealth Control Nanobots™, he thought.
Luna, wearing her habitual black skinny jeans and band tee, watched Alphonse with a barely contained excitement in her emerald eyes. It was a look that Alphonse knew too well, and it always made his heart stumble and his palms dampen. How was it possible that she would even want to hang out with him, when she was so damn cool, and he… well, he wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans. He wondered if she noticed his pulse thundering in his throat, betraying his nervousness.
"Alphonse, stop stalling," she teased, playfully punching his arm. He winced, more from the contact than any supposed pain, but he allowed a hesitant smile. "I want to see what they look like!"
He opened up the box with a click. Inside lay rows of vials, each containing a small amount of silvery liquid. They were tiny, barely a few millilitres, and yet they held the power to wrestle control from the mind of one and place it into the hands of another.
“Huh, smaller than I thought”, said Luna. She picked one up, and he winced at the sacrilege. “Ready to give it a go?”
A ripple of unease traversed Alphonse's spine as he carefully picked up one of his own. He looked down at Luna and found himself wondering what it would be like to *be* her. Her dainty hands fiddled with the vial impatiently, the pale skin and black painted nails looking ghostly against the silvery vial. Was he really about to have a turn controlling those hands?
He looked down at himself. Large. Kinda gangly. Not unfit, just, like his limbs didn’t quite sit right. Would she even want a turn controlling him? Would he let her? Immeasurably powerful tiny little robots were about to float across his blood brain barrier, attach themselves to his neurons, and force them to fire in a pattern that matched the one in Luna’s brain – at least, as far as sensation and movement were concerned.
He shivered. Then he thought of Luna – lively, unpredictable Luna – wielding that power over him and shivered again, and not just from fear. He could feel a stirring beginning in his pants. That might be an awkward one to explain if Luna took a turn using it on him.
"Are you sure about this?" he questioned, his voice barely a whisper.
Luna responded with an impish grin. "You’re not backing out on me, are you! Al, when on earth will we get another chance like this! I want to know what it’s like!"
Her eyes sparkled with a dangerous sort of thrill.
"I-I'm- no! Let’s do it!" Alphonse managed, voice steady despite the tumultuous storm of anxiety brewing within him.
Luna raised her vial in the air as if making a toast, then swallowed it in one go. Alphonse hesitated and then drank his as well.
She looked down at herself. “Okay, I don’t feel any different. What now?”
Alphonse swallowed, finding his voice again. "It said that the nanobots in the liquid will make their way to our brains and establish a sort of connection with our neurons." He explained, hands slightly shaking as he held up his own, now empty, vial.
"Once that's done, a small light will flash in our vision, and we'll be able to navigate a basic user interface in our minds. It's like... you know, when you're dreaming, and you're aware that you're dreaming? It's a bit like that. It doesn't intrude on your day-to-day life; it's just there, waiting to be accessed."
Luna's eyebrows furrowed as she took in his explanation, a tinge of curiosity and apprehension in her eyes. "And then what?"
"There's an option in the UI," Alphonse continued, gesturing vaguely with his hands, "that lets us select whether to make ourselves 'open' to being controlled by anybody else who's swallowed the nanobots. It's like setting your phone to hotspot. Anyone can connect, provided they have the same kind of nanobots, and are nearby"
“Wait, anyone?” Luna stared at him, silent for a moment, before a slow smile spread across her face. “I really should have waited before chugging that. Remind me not to leave that setting on! Don’t want me to be taken over by some old perv! Ha!”
Alphonse blushed and nodded.
“Oh, wait, wait! Something’s changed! I saw the flash!”
As she spoke, Alphonse himself saw a brief flash of yellow light pulse in the exact centre of his vision and then fade away. His brain felt different somehow, like there was something else in there with him…
“Okay! I’m trying the UI!” said Luna excitedly.
Alphonse watched as Luna closed her eyes. He couldn't help but marvel at her. She was so beautiful! Fierce, fearless… cute. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, her lips forming a small 'o' as if she was exercising a muscle that she had never used before.
A moment later, her eyes sprang open. "I did it!" she announced, grinning wide enough to light up the room. "I set it to 'open', Al!"
She threw her arms wide. “I’m open!”
Alphonse nearly choked on his saliva. Did she know what she was doing to him? How turned on he was? His dick throbbed in his pants, and he tried to adjust as subtly as he could. “Don’t be a creep, don’t be a creep.” he thought to himself. “Don’t do it!”
"A-alright," he stuttered, his fingers nervously entwining together in his lap. He concentrated on his own UI, bringing forth that odd feeling that was layered behind his thoughts. It was a surreal feeling, like reaching out for a dream and finding it solid under your touch.
Navigating the interface was strange, like trying to control an extra limb that he'd never noticed before. He squinted, a line of concentration forming between his brows as he looked for Luna in his mind's eye. And there she was, a clear node of light, pulsating softly, inviting him in. Open. Ready for him.
"Are you sure about this, Luna?" he asked, his voice a threadbare whisper.
"Absolutely!" she replied, the excitement in her voice doing little to calm his racing heart. "Now, come on! Try controlling me!"
Alphonse took a deep breath, readying himself for the plunge, then reached out to that pulsing light. The world shifted, tilted, and for a moment he was standing on the edge of an abyss, a strange sense of anticipation and terror swirling within him.
And then, he fell.
Into her.
The sensation of falling was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. It wasn't just a jolting sense of weightlessness – it was like he was passing through something, a layer, a boundary that held his own self distinct from Luna's. Like rising up from deep underwater, feeling the changing sensations as the water changed temperature and the light got brighter… and then he landed!
Alphonse jolted and gasped. He was here! He was inside Luna! His mind stuttered at the realisation, his thoughts becoming a chaotic whirlpool. The interface was still there, a pressure at the edge of his perception, giving him a semblance of stability.
He heard a soft thud as his own body slumped to the floor across from him. What the hell…
His floating mind seemed to settle a little bit, the sensations becoming less fuzzy, more distinct. He looked down, Luna's hands were smaller, softer than his. Her nails, painted a deep black, looked stark against the pale complexion of her skin. He clenched and unclenched the delicate fingers, feeling the smoothness of her skin, the fragility of her slender bones beneath.
He looked around the room. The world seemed sharper, clearer, as if he was seeing through a camera lens. He knew Luna wore glasses for reading, but her natural eyesight seemed to be so much better than his. Colours were brighter, shapes more distinct.
The strangest feeling, however, was the raw sensation of being in a female body. It was an uncanny mix of familiarity and strangeness. The contours of her body were alien to him, the slight swell of her breasts, the narrowness of her waist, the curve of her hips. It was like he had been handed a new instrument and was expected to play without any practice.
He glanced down for a second, and caught a glimpse of his new breasts inside his shirt, held by a plain black bra. He jolted his head back up as if burned.
Don’t be a creep, don’t be a creep!
Instead, Alphonse slowly and deliberately lifted his -- Luna's -- hand to his face. Smooth, soft. His fingers traced over the foreign features, feeling the curve of her cheekbones, the button-like softness of her nose, the plumpness of her lips. Her nose felt particularly different. It was smaller and flatter than his own, and, strangely, easier to breathe through.
His heart was beating like a war drum in his tiny chest as he slowly lowered his hand again, careful not to touch anything *inappropriate*. That thought brought his mind to the body below him, hidden beneath his clothes. He had tits on his chest. Luna’s tits. A warmth spread through his nether region, and a very strange sensation of a wetness appearing in his underwear. A wetness… He had a vagina! He, Alphonse, could *feel* Luna’s vagina. Involuntarily, he felt it pulse at the thought, a wave of foreign pleasure spreading up through him.
Oh god, oh god. Could she tell? Surely she could tell. She was supposed to be aware of everything. Oh god, he’d blown it. He’d blown it!
His breathing increased, his heart pounded. He felt his new face flush, and his fingers began to lightly tingle. He needed to get out! Out out out! Something instinctual kicked in within him and he found himself reaching out with that mental limb, that construct of a UI, and somehow managed to force himself out of the body. He felt like he was swimming upward, through currents and waves pushing him back down, upward and upward towards the light, his body going numb, his senses a dull ringing!
With a jolt, Alphonse found himself laying on his back.
The sudden sensation of returning to his own body was a shock in and of itself, like being thrust into ice-cold water. His senses scrambled to readjust, vertigo swooping through him like a bird of prey. The ceiling spun above him, a hazy whirl of colours before it gradually settled into the familiar sight.
He blinked, his eyelashes brushing against the lenses of his glasses. His hands, rougher and larger, lay on his stomach. He was back in his body.
Sitting up, Alphonse drew in a shuddering breath. From across the room, Luna began to laugh, a sound as clear and bright as the sun. "Holy shit, Alphonse! Did you really control me?"
Her eyes were shining with excitement as she sat up. Her fingers brushed back the hair from her face, her movements noticeably more fluid and familiar than when Alphonse was in charge.
“Um”, said Alphonse, “Sorry.”
“Sorry? Al! This is amazing!” she looked down at herself, then she grabbed her boobs through her shirt and jiggled them up and down. “It’s so weird. I felt like I *really* wanted to do this a few moments ago, but couldn’t bring myself to for some reason. Being controlled by this thing is wild!”
“Oh… um…” Alphonse stammered. “I- uh- I didn’t do anything! I was decent!”
“Yeah, yeah I know!” said Luna with a laugh. “I was getting so horny though. It must have been really strange for you to feel me getting horny while you were in control. Sorry about that!”
“Um, yeah, it was odd.” Alphonse said, blushing.
“Wait! *You* were in control! I didn’t get horny! You did!” Luna cackled like a madman. “Oh my god that’s so much worse. You made me horny!”
Alphonse buried his head in his hands, but he couldn’t help but smile. Somehow he always assumed Luna would act way more… normal… then she did.
Luna bounced on the spot, her face ablaze with excitement, her teeth biting at her bottom lip as she examined her own hands. "You know what's crazy? I was fully aware. I knew what I was doing, how I was moving… I felt like I was doing everything myself!" She tilted her head back, eyes wide as they stared at the ceiling in wonderment. "But like, I knew that I wasn’t? I saw you fall back, I knew I was acting unnatural, but it was just… it felt so normal!! Al, this stuff is incredible. If I didn’t know I was going to be controlled, there is *no way* I’d be able to tell."
Alphonse watched her, his own thoughts a jumble of emotions. Awe, curiosity, apprehension, guilt...
"Did you... um, did you feel uncomfortable?" he asked tentatively, his gaze dropping to his own lap.
Luna let out a bark of laughter. "Uncomfortable? No! It was insane! Good insane! Sort of like... you know when you're in a dream, and you're just kind of going along with it because dream logic?"
Alphonse nodded, an uneasy chuckle escaping his lips. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense..."
“You made me feel so awkward!” Luna chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eye. “When I was trying not to look at my boobs, I felt like a naughty school girl caught kissing in the locker room. If you wanted to see them that bad, you could have just asked.” she winked at him, and Alphonse felt himself turning a deep red and his previously subsiding erection shot back up. She couldn’t be serious, could she?
“Anyway! My turn now!”
“Wait, what?”
“Yes! I want a turn! It’s only fair - you got to be me.”
Alphonse cringed. One part of him desperately wanted Luna to experience being him, and he was scared and turned on at the idea of being controlled by his crush. Another part of him was aware of the throbbing erection between his legs, and the fact that Luna would *know*.
“Hurry up! I can’t see you yet!” Luna called out, her eyes squeezed shut as she navigated the ghostly UI.
Fuck it.
Alphonse reached out with that strange new part of his mind, and found the right settling. A strange sensation went through his body as he flipped it from ‘closed’ to ‘open’. There he was. Totally exposed.
“Okay, I’m-”
He stopped talking and looked down at himself. What would it feel like to be controlled? Nearby, Luna’s body slumped to the ground.
“Wow, you were really excited!” he said to himself as he reached down to adjust his erection. It seemed to grow three times harder as he tried to adjust it, not quite getting the usual knack right.
“Do you mind?” he said, and began undoing his belt.
Some part of him cringed for a moment. He really shouldn’t undress with Luna *right there*. She literally just needed to turn her head a little, and she’d see him exposing himself right in front of her!
Wait a minute…
Alphonse tried to say something to Luna, to ask if she had remote accessed his nanobots, but some part of him decided against it. Best not to disturb her.
Best… not to disturb her? What the hell?
He was being controlled, wasn’t he?
It didn’t feel like it. He stared down at his hands as they worked his belt and buttons. It felt like he was just taking off his pants. But… Luna was passed out, he’d set his nanobots to receive the connection, and they had *literally* just agreed to have her control him.
Even knowing all of that, Alphonse didn’t believe it in his bones.
“Wow, these things really are powerful”, he thought.
He finally got the buckle undone and ripped his pants down, his erect dick catching a bit as he yanked them roughly. He stared at it. Average size, average width. Hard as a nail. It was the most erotic thing he’d seen in his life.
Hey wait, if he was being controlled by Luna right now, did that mean she was feeling turned on too?
He reached down to feel it in his hands, gently running his fingers along the length of his shaft, and lightly squeezing the end. It felt amazing.
Not just feeling turned on too, she was turning *him* on. If Alphonse was being controlled, then this wasn’t really his erection! It was hers!
He wanted to chuckle at that thought, but decided not to.
He reached a little lower and cupped his balls, lightly lifting them with his hand and feeling how they responded. He gave them a little slap and felt them jiggle.
“Hah, that’s not so bad.” he said “I knew guys were exaggerating.”
He flicked one a little harder and- Argh!
A heavy throbbing pain washed over him. The taste of bile appeared in his throat. He doubled over and gasped.
“Ugh. Okay. Okay. Bad idea.”
Still, he was hard. The pain gradually subsided as he played more with his erect dick. He wanted so badly to quickly rub one out, but couldn’t seem to bring himself to get into bed or the bathroom to do it the way he usually would.
Instead, Alphonse reached up to his chest and cupped his pecks through his t-shirt.
“Heh, these certainly beat boobs”, he said. He tapped one, and tried to make them dance by flexing them, but couldn’t quite manage it properly. Then he grabbed his shirt, dug his fingers in hard, and with as much force as he could muster, tore it open right down the middle.
“I always wanted to do that!” he laughed. “I guess I owe you a shirt now.”
Pretty soon his eyes fell upon Luna’s unconscious body, slumped on the ground. He effortlessly picked it up and dumped it on his bed, giggling as he watched her flop around.
“I’m so light! I never realised how easy that was for you!” he laughed again, pushing Luna’s empty head side to side. “I should be a lot less impressed, but you do have some serious muscles for such a serious geek.”
He flexed an arm and looked at it approvingly. Meanwhile, his dick still beckoned.
He found himself biting his lip.
“Now”, he said to himself, “I knoooow how you felt when you were me. And how I felt like I was doing everything. And I don’t want to freak you out. But, this is me in here. This is Luna speaking right now.”
Alphonse tried to force that thought to stay with him. It still didn’t feel like it.
“And that’s my body lying right there.” he continued, “So, I’m going to just go ahead, and, well…”
He looked down at his dick again, which had hardened right back up to full mast. Then, Alphonse found himself climbing on top of the bed… over Luna’s vacant face… and…
Oh, no, he couldn’t do that, could he?
He lined up his dick and gently pushed it into Luna’s mouth.
But it was Luna doing this, right? Luna was controlling him now?
He slowly pushed it inside, passed the teeth, and deep down her throat.
“Hah. No gag reflex!” he laughed.
If Luna was controlling him, did that mean she *wanted* to give him a blowjob? Or… did she want to get a blowjob?
He began thrusting slowly. It felt… very strange. He was extraordinarily horny, and the idea that Luna was making him do this was hot as fuck, but at the same time, the blowjob kind of sucked.
“I wish I could make my body suck properly!” said Alphonse, frustrated. He readjusted his position, and pushed in deeper. He could feel Luna’s body’s lips pressing right down near the base of his shaft.
Did Luna have a crush on him? Or did this fall under the category of masturbation?
He didn’t have long to think about it because soon, far sooner than he was ready, he felt a familiar barrier get crossed, and his load spurted out into Luna’s throat and over her face. The orgasm was a surprisingly disappointing one, all things considered.
“Gah!” he said. “That can’t be it!”
He kept thrusting, but his dick quickly became soft and uncomfortably sensitive against Luna’s teeth. He sighed.
“That was definitely an experience. Thanks Alphonse.”
He wanted to collapse down onto the bed and fall asleep, but instead he found himself climbing off of Luna. Without bothering to get dressed, he grabbed some tissues and cleaned up her face a bit.
“Might as well do this before heading back!”
And with that, he lay down on the floor, still naked below the waist, and-
“What the hell…” muttered Alphonse. Nearby, Luna pushed herself up, gagging slightly.
“Ugh, that is not very comfortable on this end.” she coughed. “Do you have any water?”
“That was… did you really control me?” Alphonse asked.
“Na-dar. Looking good by the way.” she smirked.
Alphonse glanced down and then sat up with a start. Apparently he’d- she’d- forgotten to put his pants back on. He quickly covered himself up, blushing.
“That was the strangest thing that has ever happened in my life.” he said.
“Maybe third, for me” Luna laughed. “Hey, sorry for really jumping into it, I just… ah, I dunno, you felt the same things right?”
Alphonse nodded, blushing. “It felt like I was the one doing everything.”
“I know right!” Luna smiled down at him. “I think we need to bring the others in on this.”
“Ye-huh. Tomorrow night. I’ve got a game in mind.”
Luna picked up her bag.
“I really need a shower after all of that. I’ll call you later, okay?”
And with that, she left. Alphonse flopped back down and sighed. What he just unleashed?
In the windowless confines of a government facility buried deep beneath Washington D.C., two men sat opposite each other in an unadorned room, the light from the single overhead bulb pooling around them. One was young, his buzzcut hair making him appear younger than his 28 years, and his brown eyes shone with defiance. The other was older, with the lined face of someone used to bearing weighty responsibility. His blue eyes held a stern, almost desperate look. These men were Jacob and Gordon, agents of the clandestine organization known as the CBI.
The room hummed with a quiet tension as a holographic display flickered to life between them. Images of a young woman with brown hair flashed on the screen. She looked bright, bubbly even, her smile filled with the naiveté of the privileged. Her name, the display read, was Ashley. Her father was a big shot in the government, and she was their next assignment.
Jacob leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest as his gaze darted from the hologram to his partner. The disdain in his voice was almost tangible. "So, we're playing babysitters now?"
Gordon's stern gaze remained fixed on the display. "We're protecting an innocent life, Jacob," he said, his voice tight. "An innocent life that, if lost, could plunge the country into chaos."
Jacob scoffed, unconvinced. "The rich girl's daddy has a lot of enemies, huh?"
"More than you'd think." Gordon looked at Jacob, his eyes betraying his seriousness. "This isn't just about Ashley. It's about national security."
The display changed to the image of a blonde-haired woman named Sherry and an Asian woman, labelled Barbara. "They're friends of Ashley’s. We’ve known Sherry for quite some time, but Barbara We believe Barbara is new to us. We haven’t been able to verify her identity."
Jacob's eyebrows shot up. "And we're supposed to do what? Use stealth control and become sorority sisters?"
Gordon ignored Jacob's sarcasm. "We're to protect Ashley, and if necessary, neutralize Barbara."
“Neutralize Barbara, Jesus Christ. We don’t even know who she is yet. She could just be some college student!”
There was a moment of silence as both men took in the gravity of their mission. Gordon continued, "We're to use the stealth control, as needed, to keep an eye on the girls without disrupting their holiday plans. We will be meeting them before the mission, so they will know who we are, and that we are there to keep them safe.”
Jacob looked like he'd swallowed a lemon. "Why am I always the one getting dressed in women's clothes?"
Gordon shrugged and gave a slight smile, "I can’t speak to your previous experience their, Jacob. Perhaps you make a good girl"
“Yeah, fuck you.” Jacob laughed, “We’ll see what happens.”
As the room plunged into darkness, both men rose from their chairs. They had a mission to accomplish. They were CBI agents; their personal feelings had no room in the grand scheme of things.
They were the unseen guardians, ready to step into the lives of the oblivious to keep them safe. It was their duty. Their burden.
“Hey, if you take over Sherry, will you show me her tits?”
It was just another day in the CBI.
The private jet was an opulent capsule of wealth and privilege, humming smoothly above the clouds. Inside, Jacob and Gordon sat across from Ashley and Sherry. The air was thick with tension as they divulged the secrets of the CBI and their stealth control technology.
Jacob, lounging in his plush seat, was narrating a previous mission with a cheeky grin. "It was a nunnery in Budapest, you see," he began, "I had to infiltrate the sisterhood, become one of them. You wouldn't believe the shenanigans I got up to with those rosary beads."
Gordon winced at Jacob's choice of words. The older man knew that his partner's irreverence towards their technology would not help soothe the girls' anxiety. He cast an apologetic glance at Ashley, who was listening with wide-eyed disbelief.
Sherry, however, was less tolerant. The blonde girl crossed her arms, her blue eyes flashing with anger. "Are you telling me," she began, her voice icy, "that you could just take over one of us without us even knowing? That's... that's gross! It's disgusting!"
Jacob merely shrugged, not at all perturbed by her outrage. "It's the job," he said, leaning back into his seat. "It's not personal. And it's only if necessary. It's all about protecting your dear friend Ashley here."
Ashley looked terrified at the thought of her body being taken over. Sherry, on the other hand, looked downright furious.
Gordon, sensing the escalating tension, decided to intervene. "It's a measure of last resort, ladies," he assured them. "We would not use this technology unless it's absolutely necessary."
"But how can you make that decision?" Sherry protested, her voice shaking. "What gives you the right to use our bodies like... like empty vessels?"
Gordon's gaze hardened. "It's our duty, Miss. We're here to protect Ashley and you from potential harm."
"What potential harm?" Ashley asked, her voice tiny. "We're just on college break."
Gordon's glance slid to Jacob, then back to the girls. "We have reason to believe that one of your college mates, Barbara, might not be who she claims to be."
Sherry's nostrils flared, her sharp eyes narrowing on Jacob. "You probably enjoy this, don't you?" she accused, her voice dripping with contempt. "You get your kicks out of wearing women's bodies. Must be a real ego trip."
Jacob looked unfazed by her accusations. Instead, he let out a small chuckle, leaning back against his seat. "You know, Sherry," he said, his voice smooth as silk, "You really should learn to relax. Life's too short to always be angry."
Sherry's retort was cut off as the plane jostled slightly, a patch of turbulence causing everyone to grip their armrests. The distraction provided Jacob with the perfect cover. His hand moved deftly, slipping a small device from his pocket. With a swift, practised movement, he reached out under the guise of steadying Sherry and attached the receiver to the back of her neck.
She gave him a sour look, completely oblivious to the device now nestled under her blonde curls. "Keep your hands to yourself," she snapped, swatting his arm away.
Jacob simply raised his hands in a show of innocence, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Just making sure you're safe, princess."
Gordon shot Jacob a stern look, shaking his head slightly. The younger agent was playing a dangerous game, but Gordon knew they didn't have the luxury of time. For now, they had to trust Jacob's instincts, as reckless as they seemed.
As the jet soared above the clouds, a game of cat and mouse was beginning to take shape. Unbeknownst to her, Sherry was now at the mercy of a technology that made her body an unwitting pawn in a high-stakes game. And all around her, eyes watched, ready to protect, and if necessary, to control.
Jacob fished out the small, innocuous-looking device from his pocket. It was the transmitter, the critical piece of technology that could bridge minds. "Now, ladies," he began, holding up the device for them to see, "this little gadget here is the key. It links me to the receiver, allowing me to 'borrow' the body."
Sherry scoffed, her face flushing with anger. "You mean 'hijack,' not 'borrow.'"
Jacob merely shrugged, the corners of his mouth pulling into a wry grin. "Potato, potahto."
"And you're planning to use it on me?" Sherry spat, her fingers curling into tight fists. “No way I’ll let you put one of those receiver things on me.”
"Why, Sherry, it's almost like you're worried." Jacob teased, his grin broadening. "I promise you won't feel a thing. One moment you'll be here, the next you'll be... well, still here. But with better decision-making skills."
Gordon frowned at Jacob's flippant remark, but remained silent. Ashley, on the other hand, was growing more anxious by the second. Her wide eyes darted between Jacob, Sherry, and the device in Jacob's hand.
"But... how can you ensure she won't realize?" Ashley asked, her voice quivering.
Jacob leaned back, clasping the transmitter device in his hand. "That's the beauty of it, Ashley. The person being controlled won't even realize they're not making their own decisions. They just think they're having a particularly decisive day."
Ashley gulped, her gaze drifting towards Sherry, who was now standing, her eyes blazing with fury. "And what if I refuse?" Sherry snapped, her voice echoing in the confined space of the jet.
Jacob met her gaze unflinchingly, his grin never wavering. "Well, then, princess," he said, his voice deceptively soft, "you can consider this a lesson in diplomacy. Or better yet, consider it... an adventure."
"An adventure?" Sherry scoffed, her eyes alight with a mixture of anger and defiance. "I think you'll find, Jacob, that I'm not as easy to control as you think."
Jacob's grin widened, his gaze meeting hers. "Is that a challenge, princess?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. His eyes gleamed with anticipation at the thought of finally putting the arrogant heiress in her place.
Beside Sherry, Ashley's brow furrowed in thought. "But... what does it feel like?" she asked quietly. "Being controlled, I mean."
Jacob shifted his attention to Ashley, his grin softening into a gentler smile. "It's like being a passenger in your own body, Ashley," he explained. "You feel everything, you see everything. But the decisions, the actions, they're all made by someone else. And the best part? You won't even realize it's not you."
Ashley chewed on her lower lip, her brown eyes filled with a mix of fear and curiosity. "So... it's like sleepwalking?"
"In a way," Gordon chimed in, his voice steady. "You're aware of everything happening, but it's like you're on autopilot."
"But I can resist, right?" Sherry cut in, her voice filled with determination. "I mean, it's my body. I should be able to fight it."
Jacob chuckled, the sound echoing through the private jet. "I'd love to see you try, princess," he said, his tone filled with a challenge. He was relishing the opportunity to use the stealth control technology, and even more so, the opportunity to take Sherry down a notch.
Gordon watched the exchange quietly. There was an undeniable tension building between Jacob and Sherry, a silent power struggle that hung heavy in the air. As for Ashley, she was a mixture of curiosity and fear. But Gordon knew they didn't have the luxury of choice anymore. A game was set to begin, and whether they liked it or not, they were all players.
Jacob lifted the transmitter, his fingers curling around the device. His eyes locked onto Sherry's defiant glare, a predatory grin playing on his lips.
"Let's put your theory to the test, shall we, princess?" His voice was low and taunting, as he pressed a button on the transmitter.
The moment the button was pressed, Jacob's body slumped back in his chair, eyes closed, and a blank expression on his face. Meanwhile, the effect on Sherry was immediate and startling.
Sherry's eyes glazed over for a moment, before a confident, almost mischievous smirk spread across her face - a mirror image of Jacob's. Her posture changed subtly, carrying the swagger and bravado that Jacob exhibited. Her hands reached out, grabbing onto the arms of her chair, and then she was pushing herself up to a standing position.
Inside Sherry's body, Jacob was reveling in his control. His – or rather, Sherry's – hands spread wide as he straightened her back, pushing her shoulders back with an exaggerated flourish. He could feel the luxurious fabric of her clothes, the power of her healthy, young muscles. Sherry's outraged expression had been replaced by his confident smirk, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of his delight and daring.
"This," he made Sherry's voice purr, gesturing to her body with her hands, "is rather impressive."
Across the aisle, Ashley's eyes went wide with shock, her gaze darting between Sherry's animated form and Jacob's lifeless body. She was silent, her hand hovering uncertainly over her mouth as she grappled with the reality of what she was witnessing.
Gordon's face was a stoic mask, his eyes moving between his own lifeless partner and the heiress, now dancing like a puppet on a string. He noted the smug satisfaction radiating off of 'Sherry', and knew Jacob was thoroughly enjoying himself.
A strange sensation gripped Sherry, but it was not an unpleasant one. It was like waking up in the morning and not quite remembering your dream, but knowing it had been delightful. She found herself giggling, her hands drifting down to the hem of her dress and tugging it experimentally. It was her decision, she thought. Why else would she do it?
She was aware of the luxurious fabric sliding between her fingers, of the way it hugged her figure. She was not usually one to admire herself so openly, yet now she found herself doing just that. She glanced down at her designer heels and in the blink of an eye, decided they were far too constricting. With a small huff, she kicked them off, the shoes sailing through the air with a satisfying arc before landing with a muffled thud.
Her gaze returned to her bare feet, her pedicured toes wriggling against the plush carpet of the jet. The sensation was... liberating. She looked at her own body, her hands exploring the curves of her form, the feeling so natural it was as if she had decided to do it herself.
Yet somewhere, a small part of her mind fluttered with uncertainty. She remembered Jacob's promise, his taunting grin, the way his body had slumped lifelessly. Was it possible that she wasn't in control, that she was just a passenger in her own body?
She pushed the thought away immediately. She was Sherry, the woman who bowed to no one, the woman who was always in control. She was not going to be manipulated by a man who saw her as nothing more than a plaything.
She cupped her breasts with a smirk. Yep, these were hers all right.
The moment was interrupted by Gordon's stern voice, "Alright, Jacob. That's enough. Don't embarrass the girl."
Jacob's smirk, painted on Sherry's face, deepened at his partner's reprimand. With a dramatic bow, he surrendered the controls. The moment he disengaged the transmitter, his own body jerked back to life, a yawn escaping his lips as though he had just woken from a nap.
At the same time, Sherry's body froze, the audacious smirk slowly melting from her face. She blinked, her eyes returning to their usual fierce determination. She looked around, her brows furrowed in confusion, as if waking from an odd dream.
Ashley rushed over to her friend, concern etched into her face. "Sherry, are you okay? What did it feel like?"
Sherry frowned, her hands running down her dress, straightening it out. "What do you mean, 'what did it feel like'? I was just...having a bit of fun, that's all."
"But... but Jacob was controlling you," Ashley stammered, glancing between her friend and the CBI agent. "Didn't you feel that?"
"Nonsense," Sherry huffed, a flush creeping onto her cheeks. "No one controls me. Not even Jacob."
Gordon watched the exchange in silence. If Jacob's demonstration had taught them anything, it was the power and subtlety of the stealth control technology. Even now, Sherry refused to believe she'd been manipulated.
Jacob, meanwhile, stretched in his seat, a satisfied smirk still dancing on his lips. He'd enjoyed the ride more than he'd anticipated, and Sherry's continued denial was just icing on the cake. Despite the underlying seriousness of their mission, he found himself looking forward to what would come next.
It didn’t have to be him that was stuck inside that gorgeous female body, after all.
As the private jet descended onto the private airstrip of the island resort, Ashley and Sherry gazed out the window, their eyes filled with anticipation. From above, the resort looked like a paradise. An ocean of turquoise blue lapped against white sandy beaches, while luxurious villas lay dotted amidst lush, tropical greenery.
Once they'd landed, Ashley and Sherry, fueled by excitement, hurried off the jet and disappeared into the resort. They were seemingly unaffected by the strange events on the plane, or perhaps just choosing to ignore them for now.
With the girls out of earshot, Gordon turned to Jacob. His stern gaze bore into his partner's smirking face. "What you did up there was inappropriate," he chided, his voice low but firm. "This isn't a game, Jacob. We're here to protect Ashley and Sherry, not to make fools of them."
Jacob's smirk didn't waver. If anything, it grew wider. "Oh, I'm well aware of that, Gordon," he said casually. "But I also think it's important to enjoy your work, don't you?"
Gordon sighed, rubbing his temples. "This is serious, Jacob. We have a mission."
Jacob rolled his eyes. "Yes, I know. All serious and no play. But tell you what, Gordon. Next time, you get to do the controlling. I'd love to see what 'fun' you'd have with Sherry."
Gordon's face blanched at the thought. "Jacob, I..."
Jacob cut him off with a dismissive wave of his hand. "No arguments, Gordon. We'll see how much of a straight shooter you are then."
As Jacob walked off towards the resort, leaving a dumbstruck Gordon behind, he couldn't help but chuckle. His mission had just gotten a whole lot more interesting.
Inside one of the private villas in the resort, Gordon and Jacob had swiftly set up their temporary base of operations. Surveillance equipment was neatly arranged across the tables, while a screen displayed the layout of the entire resort. Here, they would keep a close eye on Ashley and Sherry while blending into the luxurious backdrop of their surroundings.
The evening brought with it a gentle breeze that swept across the balcony of the villa, rustling the leaves of the palm trees outside. Gordon found himself standing there, staring out into the approaching dusk, his thoughts burdened by the prospect of the task ahead.
Jacob joined him, his posture relaxed, a glass of some exotic drink in his hand. "Nervous, Gordon?" he asked, a teasing edge to his voice.
Gordon shot him a sidelong glance. "I just... I don't agree with this method. It feels wrong."
Jacob chuckled, taking a sip from his drink. "You'll get used to it. Besides, we're doing this for Ashley, remember? So she can enjoy her break with her friends, oblivious to the danger lurking around."
Gordon sighed, a resigned expression crossing his face. "Fine. I'll take over Sherry. But you're tailing us in your own body. No more 'fun' at their expense."
Jacob laughed, raising his glass. "Deal. And don't worry, Gordon. I'll be the perfect, invisible shadow. No antics, promise."
The decision to initiate the stealth control came swiftly and without ceremony. In the privacy of their villa, Gordon held the small transmitter, a device no larger than a pocket watch, and connected to the receiver implanted on Sherry. The world swirled around him for a moment, and then, darkness.
When he woke up, he found himself seated at the resort bar, ambient music softly playing in the background. He was now in Sherry's body, her senses his, her world his to navigate. As he came to terms with the transfer, he took a moment to observe his new surroundings.
The air was filled with the scent of exotic perfumes and tropical drinks, mixed with the salty tang of the nearby ocean. His ears picked up the faint laughter and chatter of other guests, the clinking of glasses, and the distant crash of waves against the shore. It was a sensory overload compared to the quiet solitude of the CBI headquarters, and Gordon had to suppress a wave of vertigo.
Cautiously, he glanced down at his new body. It was strange to see Sherry's slender fingers resting on the bar counter instead of his own callused hands. He could feel the cool, polished surface of the bar under these fingers, the smooth grain of the wood distinct and real.
Sherry was dressed for a night on the town, in a little black dress that shimmered under the warm lighting of the bar. He could feel the soft fabric against his skin, the hemline resting high on his - no, Sherry's - thighs. The sensation of the strappy heels on his feet was new and uncomfortable. It felt like he was walking on stilts, precariously balancing with every step.
Just as he was grappling with the surreal experience, Ashley approached. She was dressed equally stylish, a bright smile on her face as she took the seat next to Sherry's body. "Sherry, you were right! This place is fabulous!"
Keeping up appearances, Gordon forced a smile, trying to mimic Sherry's mean-spirited charm. "Told you, didn't I? Only the best for us, Ash."
Gordon, having assumed the role of Sherry, felt a rush of panic as Ashley, buzzing with youthful exuberance, grabbed his - her - hand. "Let's dance, Sherry!" she said, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. Before Gordon could utter a word of protest, Ashley had pulled him onto the dance floor. The pulsing beat of the music seemed to engulf him, the rhythm a foreign language his body did not speak.
He found himself in the midst of a swirling kaleidoscope of colors, the flashing strobe lights illuminating the dance floor in a frenetic array. The energy was contagious, the crowd swaying and moving as one, but Gordon felt like an intruder in this world. He was an agent, trained to navigate the darkest corners of the world, not a dance floor.
Despite his discomfort, Gordon pushed aside his reservations, trying to mimic the moves of the people around him. He attempted to keep a safe distance from Ashley, but she seemed keen on dancing more intimately, matching the rhythm and closeness of the other dancers.
The heels were another challenge altogether. With each step, he could feel his balance falter. It was a stark contrast to his usual surefootedness in sturdy combat boots. He cursed Jacob under his breath - this was a world he was unprepared for.
To add to his mounting discomfort, the hemline of Sherry's dress seemed determined to defy gravity, riding up with every movement he made. It was a battle to keep pulling it down, all the while trying to maintain his balance and continue the dance.
"I didn't know you were so shy, Sherry," Ashley giggled, seemingly oblivious to his discomfort. "You usually take the lead."
Gordon laughed, hoping it sounded genuine. "I guess, it's just one of those nights, Ash. Let's just enjoy the music, shall we?"
As the music blared and bodies swayed around him, Gordon realized that he was not just in uncharted territory. He was on a battlefield, far removed from his comfort zone. But, as with all battles, he would adapt and overcome.
As the tempo of the music began to slow down, two men approached them. One was a tall, dark-haired man with a charming smile, while the other had sandy hair and blue eyes that held a hint of mischief. Ashley, ever the social butterfly, eagerly introduced herself and, in a matter of moments, was whisked away to the other side of the dance floor by the dark-haired stranger.
Gordon, still in Sherry's body, was left alone with the sandy-haired man. He was named Chris, a name Gordon committed to memory in case it was needed later. As the man extended his hand to him, inviting him for the slow dance, Gordon felt a pang of unease. This was far from the battlefields he was used to.
As Chris pulled him closer, Gordon felt the distinct discomfort of being in an attractive woman's body. The warmth of the man’s body was uncomfortably intimate, his hand resting at the small of Sherry's back felt invasive, and the smell of his aftershave was too potent, a little too sweet for Gordon's liking.
Gordon forced a smile, playing along with the dance, his body moving in sync with the rhythm. He kept reminding himself that this was all a part of the mission, a necessary discomfort for the greater cause. But, as Chris's hand moved a little too low for Gordon's comfort, he found himself fighting a blush of embarrassment. The feeling was both foreign and unsettling.
"Sherry, you're quite the dancer," Chris murmured, his gaze appreciative, as Gordon tottered around awkwardly in Sherry’s heels.
"I bet you say that to all your girlfriends." Gordon replied in his high pitched voice, trying his best to emulate Sherry's sharp and sassy tone.
Jacob sat across the room, sipping on a glass of whiskey as he observed the dance floor. His trained eyes scanned the crowd, on the lookout for any signs of danger. But, his attention inevitably strayed to the sight of Gordon, in Sherry's body, tottering about like a newborn lamb on the dance floor.
A smirk spread across Jacob's face, his brown eyes twinkling with amusement. The usually stern and upstanding Gordon was now attempting to navigate the world of high heels and mini dresses, and from Jacob's perspective, it was a sight to behold.
He watched as Gordon, or rather Sherry, swayed gently to the rhythm of the music, an awkward contrast to the fluid movements of his dancing partner. Jacob stifled a laugh as he saw Gordon struggling to pull the dress down, only for it to rebelliously creep back up.
His gaze then slid to Sherry's legs, an aspect of her appearance he hadn't previously given much thought. The dress, although a source of discomfort for Gordon, did accentuate the length and graceful curve of her legs. A pang of appreciation and regret hit Jacob simultaneously. He couldn't deny that Sherry's body was appealing, yet it brought back a surge of memories from earlier in the day - memories he tried to suppress, but couldn't help revisiting.
Jacob sighed, taking another sip of his whiskey. His smirk morphed into a serious expression as he forced his attention back onto his duty.
Just as Jacob was about to glance back at Gordon, a flicker of movement at the corner of his eye caught his attention. He squinted, his gaze zeroing in on a familiar face in the crowd. It was Barbara, the Asian woman from their briefing, her tall and curvy frame immediately recognizable.
His heart pounded a little faster as he noticed her subtly trailing after Ashley, who was now being led away by her dark-haired dance partner. Jacob shot a quick look towards Gordon, who was still entangled in a dance with Chris, completely oblivious to Ashley's movement.
With a roll of his eyes, Jacob pushed away his amusement at Gordon's situation. This was not the time for distractions. He slid off his barstool, leaving his whiskey behind, and started towards Barbara. He blended effortlessly with the crowd, his black suit camouflaging him in the dimly lit room.
As he neared Barbara, he fell into his well-rehearsed pattern of shadowing a target, maintaining a safe distance while keeping her in his line of sight. His hand subtly rested on the small device in his pocket - the stealth control transmitter & receiver pair - just in case he needed it.
Jacob was an expert at this - the stalking, the anticipation. The adrenaline rush was a part of his job he genuinely relished. A predatory smile curled on his lips as he thought of what he might have to do next.
For Ashley, the evening was a thrilling dance of laughter, flirting, and cocktails. Yet, something was off. Sherry, her usually energetic and vivacious friend, had been acting weird all night. Her antics on the dance floor were one thing, but the occasional stiff body language and the moments of awkward silence were entirely unlike her.
But these concerns paled as she found herself being led off the dance floor by the charming man she'd met earlier. He introduced himself as Tom, and the way he spun her around the dance floor had her head spinning with delight. It was the way he whispered compliments into her ear, his lips brushing against her hair, that kept her enchanted.
However, as they ventured further into the quieter, more secluded parts of the resort, a flicker of apprehension ignited within her. The lights of the dance floor were fading, replaced by the low hum of the backstage area. It felt wrong, almost predatory. Tom, her partner, no longer looked charming but sinister under the harsh backstage lights.
Before Ashley could process her thoughts and voice her concerns, a strong hand clamped around her mouth, silencing her surprised yelp. Her heart hammered in her chest as she was yanked off her feet and into the obscurity of a darkened room. The last sight she caught was that of Tom, a twisted smile playing on his lips as the door shut, plunging her into darkness.
Jacob swore as he walked off the dance floor, following Barbara’s mesmerising hips. He’d lost track of Ashley. He could have sworn she’d come this way just a moment ago. In a blur of colors and movement, he stopped in his tracks, eyes scanning the crowd in a frantic attempt to spot her. She had vanished. He cursed under his breath, his fists clenching at his sides. He'd let himself be distracted by Barbara's tantalizing movements, the hypnotic sway of her hips, the seductive bend of her spine as she moved with the rhythm of the music.
He looked back toward her as she pushed through a door to the backstage area. Those damn beautiful legs, with their thick muscles, silky curves, and glinting steel…
Wait, what?
He squinted. Strapped to Barbara’s thigh, just showing under the bunched up fabric of her dress, was a small, but lethal-looking knife. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut. Barbara was the assassin they had been warned about.
He swallowed hard, forcing his gaze to remain focused. It was easy to get lost in the appreciation of her form, but the sight of the weapon brought him back to reality. He was not here to admire. He was here to protect.
He watched as Barbara made her way off the dance floor, her gait smooth and purposeful. His gut told him that Ashley was in danger, and he had to act fast. His fingers curled around the receiver in his pocket, ready to make his move. Now was not the time for admiring; now was the time for action.
The door to the backstage area swung shut behind Barbara, separating her from the bustling dance floor. The echo of her exit rumbled in Jacob's ears, setting his adrenaline surging. He'd let Ashley out of his sight once already, and he couldn't let it happen again.
With a newfound determination, Jacob took off after Barbara, his footfalls silent against the resort's plush carpeting. He wove his way through the throng of party-goers, his gaze fixed on the door Barbara had just passed through.
The backstage corridor was a sharp contrast to the vibrant scene they'd left behind. The din of the party was muffled here, replaced by the low hum of equipment and hushed conversations of staff. There, just a few strides away, Barbara moved with a killer's grace, her body coiled like a viper ready to strike.
Taking advantage of her lack of awareness, Jacob made his move. In one swift motion, he closed the distance between them and attached the stealth control receiver to the back of her neck. It adhered with a near-silent click, an unassuming speck on her tanned skin.
A rush of adrenaline swept over him. He was about to step into the shoes of an assassin. He couldn't afford to mess this up. His own body fell into its unresponsive slumber as he activated the transmitter, his consciousness diving into the unknown territory of Barbara's mind and body.
The transfer was instantaneous, like diving headfirst into a cold pool. One moment, Jacob was on the precipice of the transition; the next, he was immersed in the mind and body of an assassin. His first instinct was to familiarize himself with his new form.
Flexing his — no, Barbara's — fingers, he traced the curvaceous lines of her body. The strength beneath the feminine exterior was not lost on him; every curve, every muscle was toned and firm, sculpted by years of disciplined training.
He took a moment to chastise her for her line of work, delivering a firm slap to her cheek. The sensation was jarring. He could feel both the sting of the slap and the tremor that ran through her hand. His lips curled into a smirk at the absurdity of the act.
His gaze traveled downwards, observing the dress that clung to her like a second skin. He raised an eyebrow, taking in the sight of her attractive form. Being in a woman's body was one thing; being in the body of an attractive assassin was an entirely different ballgame.
He quickly pulled out the skin tight dress to stare down into his new cleavage. What was the point of taking over a female form if you couldn’t admire it, anyway? He shook his hips side to side, noticing the strange sensation that his legs were further apart then they should be. He quickly felt between his legs and smirked. He loved being a woman.
Jacob found himself musing about what life might be like for Barbara. How often did she use her beauty as a weapon, ensnaring her targets in a web of desire before delivering the final blow? How did she navigate the world of shadowy figures and deadly contracts while maintaining her femininity? It was a world he was about to explore, albeit temporarily. He only hoped he could navigate it as well as she did.
Sherry found herself in the throes of a dance she didn't understand. It was a slow dance, her body swaying rhythmlessly, almost clumsily in a stranger's arms. The guy, a young man with a keen interest in her, had a grip on her that seemed too firm, too persistent. But for reasons unknown, she didn't pull away.
She was usually more composed, her moves fluid and natural. Tonight, though, something was off. Each step she took felt like a struggle, her legs buckling under her as if they had forgotten how to dance. Her signature grace was replaced with an awkwardness that puzzled her. It was as if her body was operating independently, responding to cues that she wasn't consciously giving.
It wasn't just her dance skills that were off, it was her entire perception. She felt detached from her actions, like a spectator in her own body. "What is happening to me?" she thought, as she once again found herself gently brushing down the front of her dress, between her legs, as if something was missing there.
Her eyes flitted around the room, desperately seeking a familiar face. Ashley was nowhere to be seen. A twinge of worry gnawed at her. She considered breaking away from the dance to find her, but her body continued to sway to the rhythm of the song. For the moment, she was trapped in the dance, locked in the arms of a stranger, her concern for Ashley gnawing at the back of her mind.
Ashley was trying to keep her calm. Her wrists were bound together with a harsh, biting cord, her body shoved onto a chair in a dim, musty room. The man, who she now knew as Tom, was pacing restlessly in front of her.
Tom had a gruff exterior, his features hardened by what Ashley could only assume were years spent in illicit activities. He was irritated, glancing at the door every few seconds, his grumbles growing louder as time passed.
"Where the hell is she?" Tom growled under his breath, his gaze darting towards the old, rusty clock hanging off-kilter on the wall. The room, which seemed to be some sort of storage area, echoed with the loud ticking of the clock, punctuating the heavy silence that lay between them.
Ashley felt a wave of dread wash over her. She didn't know who they were waiting for, but she was certain that her appearance wouldn't bode well for her. Her mind raced, thoughts whirling in a tornado of fear and anxiety.
Suddenly, the door to the room burst open, revealing the silhouette of a woman. Barbara. Ashley knew her only casually from their classes, but she had always had a cold, distant demeanor. Ashley watched her with wide, fearful eyes, her heart hammering in her chest. Barbara stalked into the room, her eyes glinting dangerously. Tom straightened, a surprised grunt escaping his lips.
"Finally," he growled. "What took you so--"
His sentence was cut off as Barbara lunged at him. It happened so fast that Ashley barely had time to blink. One moment, Tom was standing, the next, he was sprawled on the floor with Barbara on top of him. She moved with a grace and precision that belied her size. Her fists rained down on Tom, and Ashley could hear the dull thud of each punch landing.
Tom fought back, his surprise turning into a snarl of anger. But Barbara – or was it Barbara? - was relentless. It was as if she was a completely different person, her eyes filled with a cold fury that Ashley had never seen before.
There was a crack, a yelp of pain from Tom, and then silence. Barbara rose, leaving Tom lying motionless on the floor. She turned towards Ashley, and for a moment, Ashley's heart seized in terror.
But then, Barbara – no, this couldn’t be Barbara - merely crossed the room to where Ashley sat, her eyes filled with an intensity that made her shiver. Her hands, surprisingly gentle, began to work at the cords binding Ashley. As she was freed, Ashley felt a rush of relief, her mind a whirl of questions.
Who was this woman really? And why had she come to her rescue?
It was strange. Jacob had been in female bodies before but somehow, controlling Barbara was different. There was a raw, physical power in her, a vitality that felt foreign and exhilarating. He flexed her hands, still tingling from the impact against Tom's face. He had managed to put the brute down, but not without some struggle. Women weren't supposed to be as strong as men, or so Jacob thought, but Barbara was an exception.
At the same time, he was irked. Controlling Barbara’s body had revealed a new set of challenges. Her strength wasn’t the same as his own, particularly his arms. It had taken quite a few punches to deal with Tom, and his knuckles were painful and swelling. As he kneeled to untie Ashley, he felt a pulse of fatigue.
"Who are you?" Ashley stuttered as the ropes loosened.
Jacob paused, a grimace crossing Barbara's face. "It's me, Ashley," he said, trying to infuse Barbara's voice with as much of his own character as possible. "Jacob. I’m using the stealth control tech."
He saw the confusion flicker across Ashley’s face before comprehension dawned on her. Her eyes widened in shock. "Jacob? Really?”
"We’ll have time for questions later," Jacob interrupted, finishing untying her. "Right now, we need to get you out of here."
As he stood up, he once again took a moment to appreciate the body he was controlling. Powerful, agile and, he had to admit, seductive. Barbara was a woman to be reckoned with. If he had his way, he wouldn't mind using this body a bit more.
Jacob felt Ashley stiffen as they approached his own limp body lying unnoticed in the corridor. He hated seeing himself like this - vulnerable and defenseless. It was a risk of the stealth control tech, but a necessary one.
“Jacob?” Ashley’s voice quivered, “Is that… your body?”
“Yeah, it is,” Jacob replied with a curt nod, feeling a grim satisfaction at the shock on Ashley’s face. He let go of her arm and knelt beside his own body. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a spare receiver, a near-invisible piece of technology that was the size of a coin.
"Here, turn around," Jacob instructed, holding the receiver up.
“What are you doing?” Ashley asked, a note of panic edging into her voice as she moved away.
Jacob rose to his feet, raising an eyebrow. “Well, you saw what happened tonight, right? Clearly, you need more protection. This," he said, holding the receiver up, "this will let me keep a closer eye on you."
Ashley looked from the receiver to Jacob’s unconscious body and then back to Barbara, a dawning realization in her eyes. “You want to control me too?”
“Only if necessary,” Jacob replied, his voice firm. “Besides, I did just save your life.”
Ashley hesitated for a moment longer, her gaze darting between Barbara and Jacob’s limp body. Finally, with a resigned sigh, she turned around. As Jacob attached the receiver onto the back of her neck, he could feel her shudder under his touch.
“Don’t worry, Ashley,” Jacob reassured her, “You’re in safe hands.” A grin spread across Barbara’s face as he said it.
“Um… okay.” said Ashley. “I’m going to head back up to my room now. Tell Sherry where I went.”
With that, she scampered away. Was it safe to let her run off by herself like that? Jacob thought. How many times could somebody get kidnapped in one night anyway?
Some part of him said probably more than once, but fuck it. He pushed through the door back into the club.
With Ashley finally off to safety, Jacob turned his attention back to the dance floor. He scanned the throng of gyrating bodies and found Gordon, still looking completely out of sorts in Sherry's body. His movements were clunky and unsure, like a fawn taking its first steps. A smirk played on Jacob's lips as he moved towards him.
As he approached, he saw a group of young men watching Gordon with a mix of amusement and lustful curiosity. "Excuse me, gents," Jacob said in Barbara's sultry voice, sliding between them with an ease that belied his masculine mind.
He reached Gordon and took his hands, leading him onto the dance floor. He could feel Gordon stiffen in surprise but made no attempt to pull away.
"Sherry," Jacob said, grinning mischievously, "you dance like you have two left feet. Let me show you how it's done."
Gordon, looking surprised, stuttered a reply. "Barbara? What are you—"
Jacob silenced him with a finger to his lips. "Shh. Dance with me, Sherry."
With that, Jacob led the dance. As Barbara, he moved fluidly, sensually, leading Sherry around the dance floor in a dance that drew the attention of everyone in the room. Jacob revelled in the moment, both in the control he held over the situation and in the pleasure of making Gordon squirm.
As the music swelled, Jacob spun Sherry out and then pulled her back in. Sherry's surprised yelp was swallowed by the cheers of the crowd. Jacob could barely contain his laughter as Gordon, wide-eyed and flushed, stared at him.
The song ended, and Jacob released Gordon, flashing him a smug smile. "That," he said, pointing a finger at Gordon, "is how you dance."
Jacob lowered Barbara’s already sultry voice. “Want to see how you do… something else?”
Sherry’s body stared up at him, eyes wide, and reached a hesitant hand around the side of Barbara’s neck. Jacob felt the fingers explore, settling on the receiver still attached just above the spine.
A look of understanding passed over Sherry’s face, and then she gave a small, subtle nod. Jacob leaned in for a kiss. The frat boys around them cheered.
Five drinks later, the two agents turned college girls were in each other's arms, sloppily alternating between making out and examining their new bodies.
“I think Sherry is a- a lightweight” giggled Gordon, blushing at the situation. “Here I am, a twenty one year old girl, or a fifty six year old man, or a jesus…”
“I don’t think you’re Jesus,” smirked Jacob. He used Barbara’s hand to fondle one of Sherry’s breasts. “He wasn’t nearly this stacked.”
“Should we… should we…” Gordon started.
“Find somewhere more private? Sure.” Jacob forced himself to his feet, once again admiring the long, feminine legs that stretched out before him.
“I was going to say dis- disengage” grumbled Gordon. “But I think I like your idea better.”
He nearly rolled one of Sherry’s ankles as he stumbled to his feet. He leaned on Barbara’s body as the two of them snuck away from the emptying bar and up to a room.
“You know the best thing about being a girl?” said Gordon drunkenly. “Everybody wants to have sex with you. Tom wanted to have sex with me. Chris wanted to have sex with me. Even hot college girls like Barbara want to have sex with me.”
He fell back onto the bed, rubbing his legs together.
“Evvveeerybody wants to have sex with me. I’m a sex god.”
“I’m not a college girl.” said Jacob, smirking as he took off his dress.
“Assassin, whatever.”
Jacob laughed. He reached underneath Sherry’s dress and pulled down her silk panties.
“And you know the worst part about being a girl? Evvverrrybody wants to have sex with me. What if I don’t want to have sex with them?”
Jacob pawed at one of Sherry's legs, nibbling at her thigh. Gordon mewed at him.
“I don’t get to turn it off. They always want to have sexxxx, even if I don’t want to. Every guy was staaaaaring at me. Half the girls were staring at me.”
Jacob tore off his own underwear and frowned down at his flat crotch. Oh yeah.
“Being a girl suuuuuuccccks. Everybody always wants to have seeeexxx with me.”
“Being a girl sucks alright”, thought Jacob as he drunkenly felt around between his legs. “How the fuck am I meant to have sex without a dick?”
He grunted and stared down at the hot, horny woman that was lying on her back in front of him, so wet it was running onto the sheets. He was so damn turned on. He would have had a throbbing erection if he was in his own body.
He looked down at himself. Past the large, hanging breasts, and to the bare vagina nestled between his thighs. He spread the labia uselessly, growly with frustration as he squinted, trying to see anything but the tiny clit that was pulsing there. It was so damn small. What the fuck was he meant to do with that?
“I’ll be right back,” Jacob growled. Gordon moaned in disappointment and began feeling himself up.
“You’re meant to rub it.” said Gordon, absentmindedly, as he began to use Sherry’s hands on her own body.
Jacob barged out of the door.
Sherry was having a hell of a night. First she found she couldn’t dance for shit, next she spent like an hour being felt up by the same uncharming douchebag, and then she got drunk and made out with one of Ashley’s random college friends – Barbara? What was her name?
She stared down at herself, spreadeagled on the bed, horny as she had ever been. Now Barbara had disappeared, god knows where, and she could barely get herself off.
“Ugh!” she moaned in frustration. “This is way harder than it looks!”
She cupped her boob in one hand and tried to stick out her tongue to lick it, but couldn’t reach. Her other hand grabbed at her clit, tugging it up and down like a tiny little dick. Why wasn’t she acting normal? It usually took her two minutes to get off and go to sleep!
“Fuck this!” she huffed and collapsed back onto the bed. She raised her bare legs into the air and stared at them. One leg, two legs, kicking in the air.
She admired her toes as she flexed them about, rubbing one leg up and down the other. She had never really looked at herself like this before, but she had to admit, she had nice legs. She blew a kissy face at them.
“Hellloooo toes,” she chortled.
She moaned again in frustration. She didn’t want to talk to her toes. She wanted to get off! She’d been alternating between horny and frustrated all night – not to mention seemingly fascinated with her own body. What was that all about?
The door burst open.
“Still awake?” came a man’s voice. “It took me a while to sort out Barbara’s body, hand her over to the cops, make sure Ashley was safe, etcetera, etcetera.”
Sherry just stared at him. What the fuck was Jacob doing in her room?
“Nice view, boss.” he said, staring right up at her. Her legs were still raised in the air, her bare nether region exposed. She thought she should maybe cover up, but decided, why not let the perv get a view? Closest someone like him would ever get to her!
Jacob tore his pants off. “Glad you could save it for me.”
“Never tell anybody about this.” Sherry found herself hissing.
“You got it, boss.”
She looked down to see Jacob’s monster member growing before her eyes. She threw her head back and moaned. Maybe she could have sex with him after all? What’s the worst that could happen? Not like she’d been able to do much without him…
“Hurry up! You better be able to get me off in this damn horny body!”
A thick, meaty hand grabbed her ankle and pulled her along the bed. Then she felt a peculiar sensation of something big touching a hole that she had never felt before…
Of course she had felt that before, what was she thinking?
An alien sensation burst through her in little waves as Jacob’s dick entered her. She squeezed her eyes shut, concentrating on the sensation that bore through every nerve in her body.
“It feels so good!” she screamed, “and-what-the-fuck-it-feels-so-weird!”
Jacob began thrusting into her. He grabbed her arms and held them down on either side of her. All she could do was gasp as the sensations overwhelmed her body. In out in out in out.
Jacob grunted. “You like that old man? You like that Sherry?”
“Yes! Yes!”
“Fuck both of you! I’m the fucking king! What did either of you do tonight for the mission? What have you ever done for me!”
“No- nothing!”
“You like being made a little bitch, don’t you Gordon? Don’t you Sherry!”
Gordon? What the fuck was he talking about? But Sherry didn’t care, she let out a scream.
“Yes! Yes! Fuck me Jacob!”
“Cum like you haven’t had sex in a decade, old man!”
“Twenty five years! This is.. My first time… in twenty five years!”
Sherry was talking nonsense, but who cared? Her eyes rolled back in her head. She saw white. Every muscle in her body spasmed, every nerve cried out, she felt a wave slam into her mind, her fists clenched, her toes kicked, her whole body seized up, Jacob’s dick pulsating inside her, spurting deep into her body!
She collapsed back onto her bed. Jacob pulled out, and they quickly fell asleep.
The next morning, Jacob was having a coffee outside the control room when Gordon, his old body looking tired and sore, grumbled his way out of the sleeping quarters.
“I don’t want to hear a fucking word.”
Jacob smirked, and that was that.
“Ah, Mia, if you wouldn’t mind volunteering?”
I started from my stupor. All the party goers turned to look at me expectantly. I could see Jessica Thomas smirking at me from the corner. She knew I hadn’t been listening, the bitch.
I smiled sweetly and strutted into the space Sam Smegly had cleared. He was a run-of-the-mill creeper - short and kind of chubby, bad fingernails, greasy hair. He grinned at me from behind about a hundred pimples as I deliberately stopped a few metres away from him.
“Now,” he said, gushing “I’m going to turn the device on-”
He flicked a switch and a blazing blue light appeared from the table in front of him. I glanced down and saw what looked like a kind of saw, but instead of a blade there was a flickering blue hologram thing. Smegly let out an excited noise and picked it up.
“Yes, excellent. And um, now I’m going to…” he hesitated for a moment, then turned to me. “Mia, hold your hands out in front of you.”
I scowled at him but with everybody staring at us I didn’t feel like I had much choice. I held my perfectly maintained hands out in front of me.
“Yes, good, good, um, this is going to feel a bit strange.” Smegly chuckled slightly and positioned the blue band saw thing above my arms.
“What-” I started to say when he slammed the fucking thing down through my wrists.
I shrieked and jumped back. Somebody in the crowd screamed! What the fuck, Smegly, I could have really gotten hurt! I reached up to tuck my hair back into place and froze. I couldn’t seem to grab my hair... I… something was very wrong.
I looked down at my hands and shrieked again. They were gone! My wrists just ended in fucking stumps, with nothing but a dim blue glow on the end of my wrists where my hands should have been! Jesus Christ!
“It’s okay! It’s okay! Don’t worry!” Smegly was shouting. I ignored him, my breath coming in short and fast. This maniac had cut my hands off.
“Don’t panic! It’s okay! You can still feel them, right? You can still feel your hands?”
What? That didn’t-- actually… I could still feel my hands. The sheer surprise of it pulled me up short. What the hell? I flexed one and felt it rub against something. A moment later I jumped about a foot in the air when I felt something grab it!
“The device uses Jacksonion nanobots to cut through biomatter and form a remote connection between the body and the… that is to say, you’re fine! Your hands are right here!” Smegly stood up from where he’d been fiddling on the floor and waved something at me. My hands! Those were my hands he was holding! And I could feel it too - his sweaty fingers wrapped around mine. Eww.
I reached out to snatch them back but missed. Fuck. Not having hands on the end of your wrists suuuucks.
“Put them back on you creep!” I shouted at him.
“I will, I will!” he said, “Just a moment, there’s more to show first.”
The crowd was still watching, stunned. Several people had moved to help, but they now stood frozen, not really sure what to make of what was happening.
“I’ll do it too, see.” Smegly called to me, and to the crowd. He put my hands down on the table - which was kind of cold-- then slammed his wrists through the device as well. I watched with my mouth open as his hands dropped to the floor and wriggled around. He held his stumps up in the air. He was getting really excited now.
“Now this is the really cool bit! Watch, watch!”
Grinning stupidly, Smegly placed his bare wrists on the table and lined them up with the bottoms of my hands. Then, in one smooth motion, he touched his arm stumps to my detached hands and I felt them just… disappear.
I mean, they were still there on the table, I could still see them. But all the sensation from my hands just cut off. It was like, beyond numb. I tried to flex my fingers, but nothing happened. I couldn’t feel them, I couldn’t move them, it’s like they were just gone. Really cut off.
Smegly straightened up and raised his arms in the air again.
“And VOILA!”
I gasped. At the end of his arms were my hands. My small, delicate, perfectly manicured dainty little hands were on the end of fat-fucking-Smegly’s wrists! What the ever-loving fuck!
I watched in horror as he wiggled my fingers, showing them off to the crowd.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to leave this device here for the rest of this evening’s, ah, fun. You’re welcome to experiment with it!”
The tension broke, and the crowd erupted into chatter. I could see Jessica laughing at me meanly from across the room as I stood there alone with my useless stumps. Smegly was trying to say more to the crowd, but nobody was listening anymore.
“Just remember to be careful! There’s no way to get it back if you misplace a finger or something!”
He was swamped by a gaggle of equally oily geeks who fawned over him like he was royalty. He showed off my hands to them, twisting them this way and that and wiggling my fingers. The idiot was going to ruin my nail polish -- not to mention how creepy it was, to see his friends touching and prodding and admiring my hands without me!
“EXCUSE ME!” I yelled at them. “Smegly, I don’t think you’ve finished here yet!”
Smegly waved his friends off and walked over to me, grinning. “Oh yeah, yep, yeah. Um. Firstly you should seriously be more impressed, Mia! This is a seriously amazing technology we’re experimenting with here.”
“I don’t give a fuck about the technology, Smegly. I want my damn hands back.”
I raised my useless stumps in front of him. Smegly grabbed my arm -- with my own bloody fingers -- and felt around the blue haze lightly glowing on my wrist.
“Wow, look at that. It’s like the nanobots have constructed a perfect seal around the…”
He caught sight of my glare and hesitated.
“Look Mia, let’s just stay like this for a little bit. It’s an experiment, isn’t it? We should, um, you know. Try it out? I appreciate it a lot!”
He turned to go. The audacity of this guy! I looked around for backup, but nobody was watching. Not that they’d help me if anybody did see.
“And what am I supposed to do?”
“Well, um, my hands are still sitting on the table?”
He scratched himself with my beautiful long nails and disappeared into the crowd before I could yell at him again. I thumped him on the back, but I jolt of pain went through my arm stump -- it clearly wasn’t built for hitting.
Smegly ignored me. Oh, so you want me to wear you hands, then, do you? I’ll show him not to mess with me. I wonder how he’d feel about getting his hands back shaved? Or his nails painted? Or fuck it, a tattoo? Those hands wouldn’t be the same when he got them back, oh no.
I grinned wickedly and stormed over to the table where Smegly’s hands and the saw sat, pushing my way through the group that had congregated around it. Some girl had already picked up the saw and was lining it up with her friend's neck carefully.
Smegly’s big gross hands were sitting by themselves on the table -- clearly nobody was too interested in them. I braced myself, pushing down my disgust.
“And after I’m done destroying these ugly mitts, I’m going to use them to punch him right in the face.”
The image of Smegly getting attacked by his own fists brought a smirk to my face, helping me steel myself as I lined up my wrists and pushed. Sensation returned instantly. My hands felt big and clumsy -- almost like I was wearing gloves -- but I could feel and move them okay.
“You’re gonna regret this, Smegly.”
Nearby, a girl shrieked as she lifted her own head up off her shoulders, struggling to keep her body upright as she controlled it with her head in her hands. She blushed as she thought about the possibilities of being headless. “Oh my god.” she thought “I’ve got to find a room alone.”
Walking with your head in your hands is really difficult.
I shuffled very slowly and carefully forward, almost getting knocked over completely when this girl with man-hands brushed past. I turned my whole body to grin at Stace.
“I’m going to go for a wander!” I squealed. “I’ll catch up with you in a bit!”
Stace gave me a thumbs up. There was already a group surrounding her, since she still held onto the saw. I knew when I came back things were gonna be real different down here.
I bit my lip and shuffled over to the stairs as fast as I could without falling over. Everytime I took a step my head bounced and rolled slightly in my hands, making me dizzy. Ugh, this would have been so much more convenient if I could make it to the bedroom then take my head off.
I elbowed my way through the gawking crowd and eventually made it into an empty guest room. I shoved the door shut with my butt and threw my head onto the bed…
The world spun and flew about me in a blur! Oft! Fuck! That was a bad idea! I found myself looking back at my body at an angle from one eye, my face on it’s side pressed into the doona. Instinctively I tried to turn my neck and push myself up, but nothing happened.
Well, not nothing. My body lifted it’s arm and I could see my neck stump wiggle. Jesus, it was so strange, it still felt like my body was directly underneath me. Like, if I shut my eyes, I would think I was standing up with a pillow pressed into the side of my face.
Hmmmmm… that’s a good idea. I shut my eyes and tried moving about. It was way easier to get my bearings like that -- though balance was still a bit of an issue. I quickly stripped off my skirt and thong and kicked them away. Fuck this was gonna be fun.
I opened my eyes and clumsily walked my body over, controlling it like a mirror image. My hands eventually brushed my curly hair and I picked myself up carefully, tilting my head to look up at my body, which seemed to tower over me. I shivered in anticipation.
I’d never seen myself from this angle before. It was super weird, and almost intimidating. I eyed my exposed belly button for a moment for a moment before tilting my head down slightly to stare straight at my pussy. It was dripping wet. My clit was engorged and pulsing, and below it I could see past my dark skin to little flashes of light pink flesh inside me.
I closed my eyes and felt like I was instantly transported, my sense of self jumping to the spot above my neck. I felt like I holding someone’s head down between my legs. I scratched that head with a finger, and felt it above my ear. The disconnect was fascinating.
Very gently, carefully, I lowered the head down until…
I felt something brush my lips. And at the same time I felt something touch me down below.
I stuck out my tongue and grazed the vagina in front of me, and simultaneously felt something graze my labia. Just a little to the side… I licked again and felt it nearer my clit this time… a bit higher…
Ooooh my god!
I froze in pleasure. The moment dragged on and I wished the teasing would continue…
Ah. Right.
My eyes still shut, I stuck out my tongue again and felt another electric shock of pleasure. My pussy pulsed between my legs.
I went down on myself, knowing exactly what to do to elicit the strongest sensations from my own body. Knowing how long to pause between stimulation, knowing when to go harder… it would have been impossible for another person to do it this well.
As I sucked and licked and nibbled, I let my mind wander. With my eyes shut it really did feel like somebody was going down on me -- my head felt like it was where it had always been. At the same time I could feel a pussy dripping on my lips and tongue. I could smell my own arousal so damn intensely. I was almost like I was going down on somebody else at the same time somebody went down on me and we were copying each other’s movements.
My attention snapped back as I felt an orgasm begin to build up. I carefully shifted my head lower, my hair snapping in my fingers as I pushed my face around. I felt safe in my own hands, my little fingers pressing into my head and holding me securely.
I stuck my tongue out experimentally and felt it graze the opening of my vagina. At the same time somebody licked me softly.
I pushed the head between my legs further in and felt something warm press hard against my face. I kissed myself and stuck my tongue in further, jiggling it around. Normally this wouldn’t be quite as good as going down on my clitoris, but the idea of being pushed into my own vagina was soooo hot…
I licked again and felt myself build up more, getting closer to cumming. I found I could wiggle my head from side to side in my hands and rub my clit with my nose. I squirmed in delight and pushed down harder. Uncomfortably hard, even.
It didn’t matter. My toes clenched and I stuck my tongue in still further, knowing there was a spot just above the opening that if I could reach would---
Oh my god!
The very tip of my tongue touched a button of ear-screeching pleasure and I moaned out loud -- unable to keep myself quiet any longer.
I reached back to that spot and pressed against it harder still. My whole body shivered and squirmed and I crushed my head between my legs. I was so close! A bit further! I pushed my tongue as deep as it would go and pulled my head in hard AND-
The feelings just... stopped. I opened my eyes in shock. What had happened? I gave my vagina an experimental lick. I couldn’t feel it at all. It was completely numb! Yet I watched it pulse in front of me. I frowned in confusion.
“Yeah don’t stop!” said a voice above me.
I jumped in surprise, but my hands didn’t move. I tried to tilt my head up to look, but found I had no control of my arms. One of my fingers stroked the back of my head. I gasped. What a moment before had been a comforting sensation was now scary and alien. Those hands were no longer mine!
My world lurched as I was shoved back into my pussy. It was leaking, ready to burst, just as it had been a moment before - only now I couldn’t feel it!
Not fair!
“Keep going!” said the voice, my own hand patting me on the head expectantly. Wait! That was a guy’s voice!
“What the fuck!” I tried to say, but it came out muffled. The body above groaned and I saw a neckbeard face above my neck smirk down at me. He stretched my body, shifting my weight from side to side.
“Come on!” he said, wiggling my hips. A moment later my hands smushed my face against the vagina that used to be mine and dragged me about on top of it.
That’s not how you do it!
I tried to snap at him to be careful, but when I opened my mouth my wet pussy clumsily slapped into it and I gagged.
Suddenly having my arousal ripped away, my pussy seemed super gross to me. Especially since I knew some guy was getting all the pleasure from it! My body didn’t stop though. My fingers clenched and pulled my hair painfully. My own hips humped my face. Bam! Bam! Bam!
“Ugh! Jesus!” came the voice from above. The hips pushed out hard against my head and stayed there. Then they swung back and forth one more time, hitting me in the face with a wet slapping sound, and I watched, numb, as my body tightened and quaked without me.
The guy groaned and the vagina pulsed rapidly.
Don’t do it you bastard!
A stream of liquid gushed out from between my old legs and hit me in the mouth. My own hand held me tight against the pouring hole, shaking. I spluttered in disgust. Fucking hell! That was so gross! Some guy had orgasmed in my body -- and used me for it -- then squirted all over my mouth!
And I didn’t even get to feel it!
I also couldn’t wipe the cum from my face. All I could do was glower at the guy who stole my body. And my orgasm! And hope he would fix us back up, leaving me with a spent and tired body. Yeah, thanks.
He didn’t seem affected by my gaze, however. He patted me on the head, then grabbed my hair with my own bloody hand and swung me out of the way. I landed on the bed with a bounce and a growl.
“Hey, what the hell man! I was having a good time there!”
“Oh I know.” the guy muttered with a smirk. I could see his face clearly now - It wasn’t someone I knew. Nerdy white guy, bit of a scraggly beard. I watched aghast as he squeezed my boobs through my crop top. Both physically and behaviorally - he looked super out of place on my body.
“I’ve always wanted to be a black girl!” he winked at me then strutted over to the door.
“HEY! Give me my body back!”
He opened the door, the noises of the party came blasting through.
“Put my clothes back on at least!”
He glanced down at the skirt and thong I’d flung into the corner of the room.
“Eww, no.” he said. Then he left, casually showing my vagina off to the world.
With my face covered in my own fluids, without any way of wiping my face and down one orgasm, I sighed.
“That didn’t go well.”
Read the next Part Swap story here!
“I’m not sure Sarah, I’m not that desperate.”, I said.“Come on Elle! Aren’t you at least a bit curious?” Sarah whined.Body Rentals had been around for a few years now, but only recently had the price and portability of their control unit’s dropped low enough for regular people to afford them. Regular people like Sarah, who was now sitting on the floor of my room desperately trying to get me to let her try it on me.“Curious, yes.” I said “Keen for you to take control of my body? No.”“Why not? It’s perfectly safe!” Sarah pressed me. She knew I had a hard time saying no to her, and she could tell my reluctance was waning. “It’s easy as pie, all you have to do is stick the receiver to the back of your neck, and then when I put on the helmet and remote in, I get to see what you see!”“And make me do whatever you want.”“I won’t do anything weird!” she exclaimed. Sarah had been telling me all about the Body Rental kit on the way home from class. Her father worked for the company that produced them, and had brought home this new, portable version just yesterday. Sarah had snuck it out of her house -- without permission, I’m sure -- and brought it over to try it on me. Why she wanted to try out being the small mousy girl from biology, I had no idea, but the concept made me uncomfortable.See, the thing is, when you’re wearing the receiver, whoever wore the helmet had complete control over your body - as if it were their own. Sarah would be able to feel, see, and hear everything I did, and she’d also be the one behind the controls. I would be just a passenger in my own body, unable to even blink by myself, just watching myself move until Sarah had the good graces to release me.It actually was even worse than that. If she wanted, she’d be able to make me completely ‘black out’, cutting me off from any awareness of what my body was doing. In that case, I’d just wake up afterwards, having no idea what had transpired while she rode me. It gave me the shivers. I liked Sarah, but we hadn’t known each other all that long, and I didn’t trust her with something like that.“Why don’t I try it on you, if you just want to see it work?” I asked.“Becaaaause”, Sarah replied “You don’t know how to work the controls! I have to be the one to wear the helmet.”I hesitated. I didn’t quite believe her, but I couldn’t really see a way out. She was right -- I was curious.“Come on Elle, I’m not asking much. Just 5 minutes, to see if it works.”. She wasn’t used to not getting what she wanted, and I’d been fiddling about too long.“Okay.” I said. “But only for 5 minutes.”“Yes! Thank you Elle! Thank you!”, Sarah jumped up, excited, and started setting up the equipment.“But I want to remember everything that happens, okay? And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”, I tried to think if there was anything else I should say. “And don’t leave my room, okay? I don’t want my brother or someone to see me acting weird.”“I won’t act weird.”, Sarah said, her face bent low as she fiddled with the helmet.“And the other stuff?”“Sure, sure”.I don’t think she was really listening, but before I had a chance to repeat my rules, she straightened up, holding a small metal piece in her hand.“Okay, turn around Elle! I’m going to put this on your neck!”. I signed and turned around for her, as she lifted up my hair and stuck the piece right above my spine. It felt kind of cold.“Oooooh, this is going to be so much fun!”. Sarah moved back over to the bed and put the helmet on her head, then carefully laid herself down.“What do I need to do?” I asked, but she wasn’t listening again. I just stood there, looking down at my arms and legs. They’d startled to tingle, just a little bit, like a quiet kind of pins and needles.I was in the middle of wiggling my fingers when suddenly... they stopped moving. I tried to wiggle them again, but couldn’t, it was like somebody had just chopped off all the control signals from my brain. It was a very strange sensation, since I could still feel everything.I tried to look over at Sarah to see if she’d connected yet, but I couldn’t do that either. My eyes wouldn’t obey my commands, they were just stuck, staring at my now stationary hand. I found I couldn’t even blink, no matter how hard I tried. Was it supposed to be like this? Had Sarah stuffed something up? Luckily I was still breathing automatically.Then I felt a very strange sensation, like ice washing down my spine, through my fingers and toes, over my face. And I felt myself smile. Now that was weird, because smiling was about the last thing I wanted to do right now.The fingers on my right hand clenched and opened themselves, I was powerless to do anything about it. Then I felt myself look up, and the smile became a grin. “Looks like it worked!” my voice breathed, in a low kind of voice.Inwardly, I cringed. This wasn’t going to be good.“WOW!” my voice cheered with Sarah’s enthusiasm, as she easily controlled my body. It was kinda unnerving, having your tongue and lips move by themselves. My eyes flickered over to Sarah’s comatose form laying on the bed, helmet fixed on top of her head.“I look like I’m asleep!” Sarah said, way too loudly. I didn’t want my brother walking in on us. “I’ve never seen myself from this angle before!”.Never looked at a photo, then?I was annoyed at myself for letting Sarah take control of me. She was making me act all outgoing and girly -- like her -- not like the mousy nerd I was. It felt weirdly wrong.I felt my weight shift and found myself taking a step towards Sarah’s body, my legs moving without my command, my bare ankles rolling slightly on the carpet as Sarah got her bearings in my body.Careful, I don’t want to get it back hurt because of your clumsiness.“Haha, you’re so short.” she said, her attention distracted away from her limp body. I felt my legs bend as Sarah maneuvered me into a squat. Then she used my legs to suddenly spring up into the air, jumping as high as she could, swinging my arms awkwardly to try and get more height.“I can’t even jump up to my normal height! This is so cool!” She jumped again, and again. Then - OUCH! A sharp pain shot up my leg, I’d landed on something. Outwardly my body didn’t react at all, even as I sent the automatic command to yelp in pain and move away.Goddamn it Sarah I said be careful!The pain flared as Sarah kept the weight on that foot, squishing something sharp into me. I instinctively tried to adjust my weight off the painful object stabbing me, but nothing happened. I couldn’t pull my leg away, couldn’t wiggle, couldn’t do anything. I was helpless!SARAH! What are you doing!?A moment later she looked down, noticing she was standing on something. Another flare of pain as she adjusted my weight and lifted my leg up, to look at the bottom of my foot. One of my brother’s lego pieces sticking out of it. Wasn’t that kid too old to have lego?“Huh, that’s weird.” my mouth moved, betraying none of the frustration I was feeling. “Shouldn’t that have hurt?”Yes it hurt!She flicked off the lego brick, the skin had an indentation, but wasn’t pierced. I wasn’t being a princess, I swear, those things hurt!I felt another sharp jab of pain, this time in my arm. Sarah had pinched me with my own hand! That bitch!“Wow, I can’t feel that at all!”. She pinched me again, harder. I could feel the muscles in my hand straining under her command to squeeze.HEY!“I mean, I can still feel the touch, but no pain at all. This is great!”Yeah, great…She chuckled. “Sorry about that Elle, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She pinched me again as she spoke, clearly not putting that much thought into her apology. At least this one wasn’t as hard.“It’s just so weird not to feel the pain, you know?”, pinching up and down my arm. I tried as hard as I could to stop myself, willing the muscles in my hand to let up, concentrating… concentrating…!“Ah, well”, she said, brushing herself down. “I suppose I shouldn’t try that one out too much, unless I want you to bitch about it all day!”. I’d poured all my energy into letting go, and she hadn’t even noticed. I felt my nervousness increase -- I was totally at her mercy.She brushed herself down again, my own hands moving down my chest and flat stomach. She made me look down, eyes lingering on the lumps that were making my shirt stick out. I felt myself bounce on my toes a little bit, as if in indecision. I hoped Sarah wasn’t thinking what I thought she was thinking.“Um um um um…” the ditsy girl said. “I’m just going to… well… it’s just… I just want to see, just quickly.”Oh no.My betraying hands reached down and began lifting up my shirt, moving quickly, sloppily. Sarah pulled the shirt over my head, getting it caught on my boobs on the way. “Oops, sorry!”.I felt myself look down, at my breasts held tight by my bra. “Oh my god.” Sarah breathed. “They’re so big.”.My boobs weren’t that big, they just stood out on my small frame. But the way Sarah was making me stand, with my chest jutting out and head tilted down as far as it would go -- well, it was certainly showing them off in a way I never would.“I’ve always wanted tits like these, Elle.” I felt my stomach knot up a little bit. Was that why she asked to come over and try out this thing on me? To try out having bigger boobs? My god that girl was shallow. She was tall, blonde, and hot. The fact her boobs were only an A cup didn’t dissuade any of the dozens of guys she got with each semester, why did she care so much?My hands reached behind and undid the clasp of my bra, letting it fall to the ground. Sarah didn’t even notice the uncomfortable position she put my shoulders in while doing it.“Oh my god.” she said again, hefting a boob in my small hand. My hand felt cold and uncomfortable to me, but Sarah certainly was feeling something else…I felt myself grow wet. And that was certainly not at my command. My own hands fondled my boobs more, the fingers pressing into them as Sarah heaved and jiggled my chest around. It was surreal, to have my body respond to the touch, while I felt totally trapped and helpless -- and not wanting to be aroused!But I felt it too, and inwardly I gasped as Sarah used my finger to flick my nipple. She squeezed my boobs hard, hard enough to be a little painful, even.Take it easy Sarah! I think that’s enough for now!She pressed my legs together as I felt myself get wetter. She was going to ruin my underwear at this rate. She slowly began lowering a hand, down to between my legs.That’s not yours to play with!And then I heard a gasp. Sarah made me look up, and there, in the doorway, was my little brother Ben staring open mouthed at me. Shit! How long had he watched me -- Sarah -- fondling? Not cool!I cringed and tried to cover myself, but Sarah made me sit still, hands still squeezing my boobs. She forced me to smile. “Oops.” she said. He stared for a moment longer, then ran away.She turned back to her limp form on the bed. “Guess I should let you go, ay?”, she said casually, genuinely enjoying herself.I’m going to kill you for this, Sarah.Sarah walked me back to the bed, my eyes looking down at her body’s limp form. She stopped and smiled down at herself. I wanted to scream.My brother just saw me fondling myself! Get the hell out of my body Sarah!Ignoring me, she reached down to brush her hair out of her face. My eyes lingered on my nails as she did it. “You have such nice nails, Elle. And such small hands!”. She waved them in front of her own face, giggling. Then she poked her sleeping form in the cheek, with one of my outstretched fingers.“I can’t feel anything from my own body.” Sarah said to herself. Or maybe she said it to me, it’s hard to tell who she’s talking to when she’s using my mouth to do it. She laughed as she used my hands to push her own mouth into a smile, and then a frown, playing with her features from the outside.Yes, yes, very funny. Now get out of me!Sarah fiddled around with her eyebrows for a moment, using my nails to pluck a few hairs. Then she stuck my finger up her own pert nose, letting out a snort of laughter from my body.That’s disgusting, Sarah. And it’s your own body!!“I suppose I better check how you’re feeling about this, Elle.” Sarah said, sighing. She leaned across her body, and flicked a switch on the side of the helmet.Instantly, I felt myself falling, suddenly no longer having Sarah control my balance. I fell forward, landing awkwardly on top of Sarah’s body on the bed. I scrambled back, regaining control of my rebellious limbs.“Haha, careful!” said Sarah, opening her eyes and grinning. She sat up on the bed and stretched. “I wouldn’t want to do that for too long, already my body feels funny coming back!”My own arms and legs were tingling slightly, but the feeling was going away. I quickly found my bearings and rounded on her.“What the hell, Sarah!” I hissed. “What do you think you were doing?!”“I just wanted to see what it felt like having big boobs!” she replied, innocently. “I didn’t think you’d mind that much. Even you have to admit you have a great rack.” She gestured at my bare chest, and I blushed, scrambling to find the clothes Sarah had thrown around the room.“You should have asked first.” I grumbled, putting my bra back on.“Oh come on! I could tell you enjoyed it!” she chucked “I certainly did.”“About that! I don’t appreciate somebody else turning me on like that!”“Don’t we usually get turned on by other people?” Sarah grinned mischievously. “Maybe I’m just extra good at it.”“That’s not the same, and you know it.” For all my posturing, it was actually kinda hot, having my body get all aroused without my input. Wait -- did I only find it hot because Sarah found it hot, and she was controlling my body’s feelings? Argh, this was so confusing.Sarah was still looking at me, a bit of a glint in her eye. “Oh yeah? I bet I could make you soooooo horny.”I gulped. She wasn’t going to do that, was she? I hesitated, then began to reach up to remove the receiver from the back of my neck.“Maybe another time-- “Sarah flicked the switch on the helmet again, and my hand froze in the air. I felt a chill wash over me. A moment later, her body collapsed back onto the bed.Really?“Oh yesssss.” my traitorous voice breathed. My mouth opened wide. “I’m baaaaaack” Sarah sung, way too loudly.Keep it down, Sarah!My eyes looked down at my chest, with my recently re-donned bra holding up my perky breasts. Sarah jutted out my chest to get a good look. “Can’t be having that, can we?”. She reached behind my back and removed my bra, letting my breasts once again fall freely. She took them in my hands. “Mmmmm, where were we?”I could feel a growing wetness down below, as Sarah squeezed my boobs tight. She ran my fingers down my flat stomach and began to undo the buttons on my jeans.“You’ve been working out, have you? I suppose you wouldn’t mind if I pigged out in your body then?” She giggled, forcing my voice into her girly mannerisms. It sounded wrong - I don’t normally giggle.She pulled down my pants and kicked them across the room, controlling my foot with a finesse completely foreign to me. Then she bent all the way down, and used my eyes to stare directly at my vagina.“Didn’t even shave for me!” she laughed. This was so embarrassing. Not that I had pubic hair, of course, that was totally normal. But bending over and talking into my own vagina? Not something I would normally be caught dead doing.She poked it with one of my fingers, and I felt a wave of arousal wash through me. Sarah was enjoying this immensely. I could even see some of my pubic hair glistening with the wetness Sarah was forcing on me.Sarah poked the lips again, pushing my labia to the side, inspecting the hole. And… “Haha, your clit is much smaller than mine.” It was bad enough she was controlling my body, but did she have to compare everything between us?She used my middle finger to give my clitoris a rub, and I felt a spike of pleasure jolt through me. Sarah gasped, and clenched my vagina in arousal. I tried to rub it again, but couldn’t -- my body was still completely out of my control.If you’re going to do it, bloody do it!My fingers curled themselves, then flicked my clitoris. Hard.Ouch! Hey!My body responded positively though, the pulsing wetness within me getting even more powerful. Sarah flicked again, another jolt, of pleasure and of pain. “This normally hurts too much to be much fun.” my voice announced, “But when I’m controlling you, we can’t feel any of the pain! Isn’t that great?”Hey! Wait! I can still feel the pain!I wanted to shout, but nothing came out. I concentrated on moving my lips, but only felt myself lick them as Sarah worked herself up. Another flick. Another jolt.Sarah moved my body down onto it’s knees, a grin on my face. She reached behind and slapped me hard on my bottom, using all the pitiful strength of my weak arm. This was humiliating! Not that I masturbated very much, but when I did it was lying comfortably back on my bed, quietly rubbing myself until I orgasmed.This was loud, messy, and not at all comfortable. Sarah lent forward, my face and shoulder pressing into the ground, uncomfortably close to her dirty shoes and socks. She reached down with both arms and began rubbing in a circle, pushing down harder then I would have liked. It was so strange. And so, so hot.I could feel all of Sarah’s pleasure as she played with my body. A warm, radiating, pleasurable pulsing deep inside me, with spiking jolts as she manipulated my clitoris clumsily. She rammed the fingers of my other hand deep into my vagina and began pumping. My voice moaned loudly into the floor.Sarah, keep it do-- dow--- dooowwwn…I could feel every ministration, all the build up, and not being in control just made it ten times hotter. Sure, a lot of this pleasure was just because of Sarah enjoying it -- it was her making my body wet, after all -- but I secretly was into it as well.We built up closer and closer, my hands pushing harder inside. I could feel my right hand start to cramp, but I couldn’t control it, couldn’t loosen the muscles or adjust the position. My face pressed into the ground, and my knees ached. The massive orgasm continued to build up, and I couldn’t do anything about any of it.Oh god, I’m coming!“Ooooooooh!!” Sarah made me moan. “OoooOOooh GOD!”. I came, squirting all over my bedroom floor, fingers continuing to rub inside of me. My toes curled, my breath caught, my eyesight went white and unfocused. Holy shit, Sarah.“Wow.” Sarah panted. “Told ya I could turn you on.” She didn’t even bother getting up, just rolled over on the floor and reached up to her form on the bed above. I could feel the mess she had made on the ground pressing into my bare bottom.She forced me to do a slight sit up, and flicked the switch on the helmet again. I fell backwards onto the ground, my shoulder hitting painfully as my stomach muscles instantly lost the commands they’d been receiving from Sarah. I just lay there, overwhelmed.Sarah, her body still fresh, got up easily. She removed the helmet and blushed as she looked down at me.“I’ll, uh, I’ll leave you to clean up the mess you made.” she said. “I’ll come get the stuff later, my Dad won’t notice it’s gone for a few days.” She made for the door quickly, leaving me laying in her mess. “Bye!”“Bye…” I mumbled. I don’t know how I felt about what just happened.__________Next: Body Rentals - Elle Gets Controlled Part 2 (Chap 4, 5, 6, 7)
“Why would I give you a freebie again?”
“Because I’m really, really into it.”
“Doesn’t sound like a good reason to me, buddy.”
My friend Mia was negotiating with a new guy. It was a slow night, so the two of us were sitting with four or five other girls in the lobby of Madame Maxine’s. The four or so girls who’d already been rented were still in their rooms, so it wasn’t exactly kicking off out here.
When Mia had told me she was working for one of those new Body Brothel’s I wasn’t surprised -- she was always into weird shit. When she managed to convince me to do a trial shift two months later, I was shocked that I went along with it.
While some people kind of liked having a job where they could just sit back and let somebody move them around, I always had a lot of initiative -- and independence. But when the recent round of layoffs hit, and it was this or McDonalds. Fuck it, I thought.
The way it worked was us girls would hang out in the lobby, drinking and chatting with clients, or johns as Mia called them. This gave us an opportunity to vet the people who’d have control of our bodies beforehand, and gave the johns an opportunity to see us as real people, rather than just bodies to be worn.
If john liked the look of you, and you were okay with him (or sometimes, her) jumping into your skin, they’d pay at the desk and disappear into a backroom. Meanwhile, you’d go into another room with a bed, a mirror, and a bunch of other amenities and toys.
The john would then take control of your body for 15 minutes. At least.
There were rules of course. No sex without outsiders was one. Kinda ironic for a brothel, I know. I mean, sure, the clients could masturbate if they wanted, or go back out into the lobby and find another girl to make out with, but no sex, you know? It was supposed to be a classy place, and nobody wants to find their body was used by some lame-ass girlfriend to give a blowjob birthday present for her ugly-ass man.
All the girls were clean, and the clients would have to make do with just some fondling between us girls. No outsiders allowed.
They also weren’t allowed to do anything to the body that lasted too much beyond the session. No injuries, obviously. No haircuts. Not even shaving, unless it was cleared beforehand.
My first night I was so nervous I nearly puked. See, the girl’s get to decide if we want to be awake while we’re controlled, or just black out and wake up afterwards in whatever position the john put us in. Some girls even do their settings so that they think they’re doing everything of their own free will, which sounds fucking nuts to me.
Anyway, I’ve always chosen the ‘blackout’ option. The idea of somebody controlling my body, making me flirt, making me masturbate, checking out my ass -- nah man, I’m happier just waking up after, $100 richer.
I know $100 doesn’t sound like much, but man, that’s for 15 minutes work. And there are cameras and people looking after my body, so it’s pretty safe. I’m amazed more people don’t do it, to be honest. Now that I’ve actually gotten in, and seen from the other side what it’s like, it’s like, what was I worried about?
But, yeah, on my first night I was sitting here all nervous like. I hadn’t really learnt how to chat up the john’s yet, you know? There’s a skill to it. The fast spend or the fast rejection is what you want. You have to charm them quickly, because you’re on the clock. I didn’t know any of that yet, so I was just lounging around, quietly chatting with different guys as they arrived.
Eventually, one guy asked if he could rent. (Nowadays I usually ask first because it’s quicker). Anyway, he asked if he could rent, and I was all like “Sure, babe, let’s go.” and inside I’m panicking. This guy is going to control me? He paid at the desk and I hid away in the smallest back room I could.
I remember looking down at myself and thinking “Holy shit, somebody else is going to have this view in a moment?” I kicked my feet and cupped my boobs, and giggled nervously. It takes a few minutes for them to set up the john in the other room, but all of us girls are already hooked in wirelessly to be rented at any time. Which means I have a few minutes to sit there and panic! I imagined waking up outside, somehow, or to a broken arm, or all manner of things. I stared down at my skimpy dress and wondered what a guy would do if he had this view.
An instant later I found myself back in the lounge. Naked. And standing on a table.
Turned out they cut that session off early because the john was ‘Recklessly endangering the worker’s safety’. Funnily enough, that made me feel way more confident about the place, because all he’d been doing is dancing on a coffee table in stripper heels. Nothing I hadn’t done before, haha. But it wasn’t allowed -- he’d been jumping about and shaking my boobs all over. If he’d fallen, I could have been hurt, so they kicked him out of my body, and I got to wake up naked on a table.
Usually they send them back to the room first.
My next few rents went pretty smoothly. One was a bodybuilder who came in looking for the “Smallest, weakest girl I ever saw” and he chose me, the bastard. I woke up after that one with every muscle in my body completely wrecked. Turned out he’d rented me for like two hours! And he’d spent most of that time finding out that, yeah, small women can only lift a few kilograms. Maybe he got off on it, I don’t know.
They didn’t kick him out because ‘all he was doing was exercising’, but fuck, I felt sore for days after. He’d made me do squats, jumping jacks, situps, weightlifting, deadlifts… and apparently was completely amazed when he couldn’t do a pushup. Yeah, fuck off, skinny girls can’t do push ups, okay? He apparently didn’t know that, and my friend Kiera told me he kept trying to, over and over, giggling the whole time. He used my skinny arms to push me up a little bit off the ground and then fall back down onto my boobs. Again and again. Yeah.
At the opposite end was this big fat guy who wanted to be small and skinny. He picked me too for some reason. I was really nervous beforehand that he’d gorge my body on crap, but he was a pretty friendly guy and literally negotiated how much chocolate and shit he would be allowed to eat in my body. He had a fantasy about eating chocolate off a hot girl, apparently, but was easily embarrassed and didn’t actually want the girl to be there while he did it -- so his plan was to do both roles in my body. Eat chocolate off a hot girl, alone, from inside the hot girl’s body. Hah.
Anyway, we pissed around for a while chatting about it, and eventually I get him down to just one of those small packets of family chocolates. He protested until I showed him how large the packet was compared to like, my whole head, and he relented, lumbering over to the back room to be hooked up.
I took the chocolates to one of the bedrooms and quickly changed out of my good outfit -- this arsehole was going to get chocolate all over me, I didn’t want it ruined. I was rushing to do up my leather body suit when the rent signal hit my brain.
Instantly, I found myself lying on my back, on the bed, and covered all over in this sticky brown goo. One of my hands was holding a tit, and the other was in my mouth. I could taste the chocolate -- not bad, actually -- and I could feel the john’s leftover arousal pulsing through me. Usually I woke up feeling pretty satisfied (if a bit sore and used) but apparently fatso had spent the whole time on his chocolate fantasy and hadn’t finished masturbating. He’d probably run out of money.
The cleanup from that was a nightmare. He’d somehow got chocolate all through my hair, in my butt crack, between my toes, all over my face… I felt full and bloated the whole time I cleaned myself up from somebody else's' festivities. And I was still damn horny!
It’s weird waking up horny. It’s not like when you wake up from sleeping next to a hot guy and in the mood. It’s waaaay more intense than that! It’s like waking up right in the middle of having sex, except that you’re literally in the middle of doing all the movements yourself, and probably pretty close to cumming.
I don’t know how to describe it. Imagine the horniest guy you can imagine -- this guy thinks you’re a bloody goddess sent from heaven. Ordinarily he couldn’t get within five miles of a girl as hot as you, and he’d be right -- no way you’d touch him sexually, even if you were getting paid. But now he’s in you -- and there’s no hesitation or embarrassment since he’s alone. No shyness, no being careful or trying to get the other person off or anything. It’s just him, and your body. He’s having the fucking time of his life, moving your arms about, fondling your tits and sticking your fingers in god knows where. He’s just about to have the orgasm of his life…
Then his allotted time runs out, and you wake up right in the middle of it.
It’s fucking intense, let me tell you.
That’s part of what keeps me in this work, I’ll admit. I don’t have to actually let anybody touch me or have sex with me -- it’s all just my body, and man do they get it off. Sometimes guys are a bit too rough for sure -- once I woke up with four of my fingers in my pussy -- but the johns almost always play nice. Madame Maxine’s is a classy place, after all, and they won’t want to be banned.
Anyway, I was going to tell you about what’s happening with Mia and this guy with a kink for it. He wants a freebie because he says we’ll have such a good time being controlled by him. Yeah, right. I’m getting called over, so I’ll tell you more about it in a moment.
“He wants a ride in both of us lad.”
I swaggered over to where Mia and the new guy were negotiating. It was normal -- encouraged, even -- for the john and the gal to chat for a bit beforehand. You want your clients to know what’s okay, and to know you’re a real person in there, not just a hunk of flesh they can ride.
I mean, you were a hunk of flesh that they got to drive around, but you were a person too.
“I want you to stay aware for it, too.”
“This guy reckons he has a fetish for this shit, and that when he’d controlling us all that pent up energy will bubble through.”
“I can tell you now, it will be the best orgasm you’ve ever had.”
“I told him you always go the blackout route, though.”
“How come you want us awake dude?” I asked. I was way more comfortable just jumping ahead in time, not knowing what the guy’s did with my body. Being forced to move about while you were aware would be pretty damn freaky.
“That’s part of it.” the guy said, “I like to know you’re watching, getting off alongside me.”
“Most people do this because the *don’t* want their partners to see what they do.” I quipped, but the guy just shrugged.
“I’ll find another girl if you’re not interested. How often do you get the opportunity to have the orgasm of your life?”
“Literally every day.”
Mia laughed.
“I’m happy to stay awake, if that’s what you’re into, but no way you’re getting a freebie for it.”
“How about you?”
I hesitated. It had been a slow night, and was kinda curious what it felt like to be controlled. I mean, I’d been controlled dozens of times, but I’d never been awake for it. Would I regret it? Maybe. But I would probably have given it a go at some point anyway, why not with the kink man? If how I felt after waking up was any indication, the feelings were pretty intense even for my regulars.
“Double rate, bitch.” I said.
“Fuck, really?”
“You want me to be awake, you gotta pay for it. You’re not the only one that can negotiate prices.”
“I’ll just find somebody else then.”
He didn’t move. I shrugged..
“Fiiiine.” the guy said. “Let’s do it.”
He sighed and looked at Mia. “You first.”
Mia winked at me and strutted into one of the back bedrooms, while the john went over to the counter to pay and be setup in the jump room. Mia was a thicc gal, not much taller than me, but about twice as big. And not fat, either, her waist was trim af. She just had a huge ass, tits, and was built a gymnast. Guy’s liked renting her body when they wanted to turn the feminine assets to the max.
I waited on the couch while she ducked into the back room. I wondered what it would be like to be awake while controlled? I wouldn’t be able to stop it, you’re kind of committed once you choose the setting. That’s part of what stopped me from trying it before. What if I panicked, and couldn’t even move to get help? What if the guy made me do something gross? Would I really not have any control at all? I knew what having a numb arm or leg felt like, but not being able to move my eyes? Not able to even talk or breathe by myself?
Fuuuuccck thaaaaat.
I didn’t have to wait long for Mia to be jumped. Barely two minutes after she ducked into the room, her body swaggered back out under the john’s control. He pumped her hips side to side in an over the top way.
“Hey gal.”
I looked him over lazily. I was used to seeing other girls controlled, of course. They put us out in the lounge not just to flirt with the john’s going in, but also to play with the john’s coming out, if you know what I mean.
They guy held up Mia’s hands in front of his face and wiggled his fingers. He stared at them with a fascination not uncommon for the johns, but the way he bit her lip… well, he was obviously turned on.
“Taking it slow?”
He just nodded dumbly, mesmerised my Mia’s pale fingers in front of him. He waved them this way and that, making her look kinda stupid. He didn’t have her flow, you know, he looked out of place in her body. Like a bad actor on stage for the first time, conscious of every movement to a degree that made it all seem so unnatural. Mia was never like that -- never like that when she was in control of herself anyway. Cool as a cucumber, that one was.
Eventually he lowered his hands to fondle Mia’s chest through her bra. As soon as he touched the assets he gasped and moaned, and I giggled a bit nervously. What did that feel like for Mia, from the inside? She was awake right now, watching her body fondle itself with apparent ecstasy. She would feel the horniness, for sure. Feel the guy’s arousal making her pussy quiver and pulse… fuck, I’d be having a turn in a minute too.
I looked down at myself and tried to imagine it. Nothing. I waved my hands in front of me, then squeezed my boobs too, imagining what Mia was feeling.
Nope, didn’t feel like much. Hmmm.
I looked back up to find Mia’s face staring at me, horniness screaming right out of it. The guy reached out and grabbed my hand.
“Let’s go to one of the rooms.”
I shrugged and let him lead me there. He’d be paying through his nose for a turn inside me in a moment, might as well let him get his money’s worth.
Once inside though, he just kind of stood around. Overwhelmed maybe? It happens. Definitely horny, he was squeezing Mia’s hands as tight as a nun hiding a vibrator.
I decided I might as well have some fun.
“Hey Mia, ya in there?”
Mia’s face smiled slyly back at me.
“I bet you’re hoping we don’t do anything toooooo crazy, ay. Tell you what, if you don’t want to get on all fours, just raise your arm up into the air.”
The guy controlling Mia’s body giggled at me.
“It’s easy as!” I said, demonstrating. “All you have to do is raise your arm. Go on, then!”
“Well, I guess you better get on all fours.”
Mia’s body fell to it’s elbows and knees, and the guy gasped again. Mia’s tits were big enough that they grazed the floor when he put her body like that, and he was definitely enjoying the feeling.
“Good girl” I said, and he shuttered again. I slapped him on the ass for good measure.
I plonked myself down on Mia’s back, riding her like a horse, but facing the other way. Her body shivered again, but I couldn’t tell if it was from arousal, or from the guy’s effort in holding me up with Mia’s skinny little girl arms. Didn’t matter, I supposed.
I slapped him on the ass again a few times, playing Mia’s ass cheeks like a pair of bongo drums.
Alright, so I don’t really know how to do this sort of thing. I’m not a dominatrix, I’m usually asleep when all the sex stuff happens. Bear with me!
The guy moaned, and then spoke with Mia’s voice.
“I’ll be controlling you instead in a few minutes.” he said.
“I know.”
“I bet Mia will have a thing or two to say to you.”
“Oh yeah?” I swung myself around, still sitting on her back. “Let’s give her something to be angry about then, shall we?”
I slapped Mia’s thigh like a jockey. She laughed and started crawling forward.
“Mush!” I cried, as Mia’s body chuckled.
“Oi, oi, okay, enough!” the guy said. “I’ve only got two minutes left in here, and need to make this body orgasm before I switch out.”
“Sounds like a challenge” I said, standing up. The guy made Mia gaze up at me. He sat on her haunches and began fondling her tits again, one hand snaking down to play with her pussy. He let out a quiet moan.
“Want me to dance? Cause I ain’t helping you with that.”
I began bopping my hips side to side.
The guy slowly began to rub Mia’s pussy, pushing gently between the folds. Her body was quivering already.
I spun around and waved my ass in front of her face. He gasped and leaned forward, pressing Mia’s face against my ass check. I gasped softly as he stuck her tongue out and gently licked the back of my thigh. Shit, this was turning me on too.
The guy moaned softly with Mia’s voice as he masturbated in her body. I turned around and began slowly removing my jacket as I danced.
“What do you want me to do in your body?” he asked, panting.
I gave him a cheeky smile. “I want you to make me cum.”
“Ooooh, that can be arranged.”
He licked Mia’s lips.
“But I’m not just going to make you cum. I’m going to make you beg for it.”
“Are you now?”
“I’m going to make you sing out for more. I’m going to make you wriggle and dance and grin and kiss.”
He was really getting into this shit.
“I’m going to take control of that smug little face of yours and do whatever I want with it.”
Oi, smug?!
“And when I’m done, I’m going to make you get down on the floor and kiss these feet!”
He wriggled his toes for effect, then grunted with Mia’s cute high pitched voice and his whole body gave a shudder.
Mia’s face changed suddenly and she feel backwards as her muscles suddenly relaxed for a moment. She was back in control.
“Holy fuck” she said. “He wasn’t kidding about that. What a bloody trip.”
I looked down at myself. Any moment now they would rewire the connection and he’d be in control of my body. And for the first time, I’d be awake for it!
“You bitch!” she said, getting up. “I’m going to make you pay for that.”
“Oh yeah?” I said. “And what-”
And then my mouth stopped working.
The original Body Rentals series can be found here!
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Gemma signs up to be a test subject in a ‘Temporary Human Neuroengineering Trial’ that’s a little bit hazy on the details. It turns out a new neural transmitter and receiver pair are being tested, which allows somebody to experience all the sensations from, and control all the inputs to, somebody else’s body. Unfortunately for Gemma, she’s the receiver, and it really does feel like she’s still the one in control…
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I glanced at her, but she shook her head. She was as worried as I was.
“What about Charlotte?”
I looked at the ditsy girl sitting to my left.
“Me?” said Charlotte “But I don’t know how to play the flute.”
“I don’t think you need to know how.” I said “I think you can just blow across it?”
“Oh, okay.” said Charlotte, unfazed. She was pretty used to us telling her answers. Barely passing her classes, she was quite different to the rest of us. I mean, Ava failed plenty too, but that was just because she didn’t try.
Charlotte took the flute and raised it to her lips.
“Point it at Ava first!” I said nervously. Whatever this thing was going to do, I didn’t want it doing it to me.
“Oh, right, okay.”
She turned a bit, pointing the end at Ava, who grinned.
“Fire away!” laughed Ava and threw her hands in the air.
Charlotte blew and a soft, airy note sounded… then she slumped forward, unconscious.
“Oh no!” shrieked Olivia “What do we do!? She’s hurt!”
Evelyn, however, reached out and gently brushed Charlotte's lips. “She’s still breathing.” she said. “I wonder what happened? Did you feel anything, Ava?”
We turned to look at Ava, and found her mouth wide with shock. She was looking at her hands like she’d never seen them before, wiggling them in front of her eyes. I tapped her on the shoulder.
“Oh! Hi!” she said, her voice strangely bright. “Um, this is weird!”
“What happened?” Olivia whispered.
“Well, um, when I blew into the pipe, I guess it put me into Ava’s body?” said Ava, scrunching up her face. She reached down and squeezed her breasts. “It feels really weird.”
“Oh, you’re Charlotte?” said Evelyn, as if this was as normal as a stroll down to the kitchens. “Do you know what happened to Ava?”
Charlotte shook Ava’s head. “Noooo, I can’t feel her or anything.” then she giggled and patted herself down “Or can I?”
“Ha ha”, I said, “Can you get back to your own body?”
Charlotte scrunched up Ava’s face again as if straining. “Oh no! Does that mean I’m stuck?” she suddenly looked very worried. “I don’t think I want to be Ava! She’s too short!”
Olivia picked up the flute and pushed it into Charlotte's new hands. “Try blowing it again. Point it back into your body.”
Charlotte did so, and a moment later her body sat up again, giggling.
“Ooooh, that was fun!”.
Ava, meanwhile, just blinked. “What happened!? Did it knock me out?”
“Charlotte took over your body.” I said, “I think this is a kind of possession flute.”
“Oh my god!” said Ava, grinning. She felt herself up. “What did she do? I can’t remember a thing!”
“She was only in you for a minute.” said Olivia, biting her lip and squeezing her legs together. “And now that we know what this does, we should definitely hand it in to Professor Tumut.”
“Are you kidding?!” shouted Ava “I’ve got to try it! Who’s turn is it to be possessed next?”
She looked at each of us, her ratty face beaming with excitement.
“Come on guys! It’s easy! You just wake up a minute later, no harm done!”
I shivered. What would Ava do inside my body? She didn’t have much of a filter in her own -- she’d probably make me run around the common room singing or something.
“I’ll give it a go.” said Evelyn “But I do want a turn after. I think whoever gets possessed should be allowed to choose who they possess next.”
Ava looked around at us, pleading. “What do you say, girls?”
Olivia bit her lip. I could tell she was curious... and since there hadn’t been any harm…
“Very well” said Olivia “As long as Ava uses her turn on Evelyn.”
I shivered slightly, wondering what it would be like inside Olivia’s body. I’d get a turn in either her or Charlotte, right? That could be really fun.
“I’m in too.” I said, swallowing nervously.
“I’ve already had a turn!” chirped Charlotte.
Ava grinned again and wasted no time pointing the flute at Evelyn.
“Please don’t do anything weird!” said Evelyn.
Ava blew an ugly note and her body slumped forward. A second later, her trademark grin grew on Evelyn’s innocent face.
“Wow!” said Evelyn’s voice. Ava’s sharp way of speaking sounded very odd coming from Evelyn’s floaty and soft register. It was like she was a whole other person.
Evelyn’s body suddenly stood up.
“Wow!” she said again. “I’m so tall!”
Ava made Evelyn jump up and down, laughing as Evelyn’s bust wobbled in a way Ava’s never could.
“This is amazing!”
“Take it easy, Ava.” said Olivia, “That’s still Evelyn’s body.”
Ava stepped over to her own sleeping body and dug through the pockets of her robes.
“I can’t feel my old body at all!” she said. She grabbed one of her own small boobs in Evelyn’s hand and laughed. “Haha, look everyone, Evelyn’s feeling me up!”
Olivia’s eyes went wide and she glanced around the common room to see if anyone was watching. Luckily it was pretty deserted because of Christmas.
“Stop it!” hissed Olivia, “That’s…”
“What?” said Ava, Evelyn’s voice sounding smug. “It’s my own body! Who says I can’t touch it!”
A naughty look flashed across Evelyn’s innocent face, then Ava bent down and kissed herself on the lips. I felt a strange sensation grow between my legs.
“Kidding! Kidding!” she said, “I actually only wanted my mirror.”
She pulled out a small pocket mirror and let her old body flop back onto the couch. Looking at her reflection, Ava tried moving Evelyn’s face into all sorts of expressions. Usually Evelyn was very gentle and quiet, she never made faces, but now…
“Oh man! She looks so funny when she frowns!”
Ava turned and made an exaggerated frowning face at me and Olivia.
“Hey, I didn’t get to do any of that stuff when I was you!” said Charlotte. “I want another turn!”
“After me!” I said.
“I think that’s enough Ava.” declared Olivia “Evelyn shouldn’t miss more than a minute or two.”
Ava pouted and stuck Evelyn’s finger up at Olivia, but went back to her seat. I chuckled -- it was really weird seeing Evelyn act like this.
I watched closely this time, wanting to see what happened to Evelyn’s body as she came back to awareness. Ava took the flute and aimed it at her own body, then she stuck her finger up at Olivia again and blew.
It was instant, one moment Evelyn’s face was frowning, then it relaxed and glanced around. Evelyn blushed to find the gesture she was making at Olivia and quickly dropped her hand back into her lap.
“Wow.” she said quietly. “That really was instant.” Then she smiled. satisfied.
“Did you have fun, Ava? I’m glad you got to see what it was like to have my body.”
“She had a lot of fun!” laughed Charlotte.
Ava meanwhile was pushing herself back up, rubbing her shoulder. “I shouldn’t have let myself fall like that.” she said “I think I must have clipped the armrest or something. Owww.”
I laughed at her.
“Serves you right.”
She stuck her tongue out at me.
“So is it my turn now?” Evelyn asked, the dreamy girl surprisingly focused. She was keen.
Olivia sighed and nodded. I wonder who Evelyn would choose -- Charlotte may be kind of dumb, but her body was like a exaggerated version of Evelyn -- a bit taller, blonder, and bustier. On the other hand, Olivia’s more stern and solid figure might appeal to Evelyn. I smiled at the idea of the responsible and focused girl being controlled by somebody so airy and dream-like.
Evelyn picked up the flute and smiled at me.
“Are you ready, Sophie?”
She raised the flute to her lips and blushed. “It is okay if I have a turn as you?”
I shut my open mouth and steadied myself. That’s okay, I thought, just means I get to definitely pick Olivia.
I nodded at Evelyn and watched her blow a note.
A second later I awoke to find myself cuddling with Ava on the other couch. It was like no time had passed at all -- just suddenly my body was in a different position. Evelyn had kicked by slippers off and loosened my tie, I noticed, and my right hand was on Ava’s--
I yelped and jerked my hand back. I stared accusingly at Evelyn -- I hadn’t expected anything like that from her.
“I made her do it.” said Ava, grinning. “And you think I got touchy when I was inside her.”
I gasped.
“It was nothing like that.” said Olivia, quickly. “They just played a prank at the end.”
Charlotte giggled. “And she flashed your boobs in the middle.”
“Evelyn!” I said, shocked.
Evelyn shrunk down her seat a bit. “I knew you wouldn’t mind, really. We’ve compared our boobs before. Besides, it was like it was my body.” She smiled shyly at me. Grrr.
I huffed a little and redid my tie. I didn’t really mind, but it still felt a bit… odd? I imagined my body standing up and flashing Olivia without me there. I tried to get it through my head. That had just happened -- I had stood up and flashed everybody. But I also had been asleep… I glanced down at my body. Nothing had changed about it, yet for a minute or two it hadn’t been mine at all.
I looked up at the others and raised the flute. Conveniently, it was already in my hand from when Evelyn had blown back into herself.
“Fine then.” I said. “You’re turn, Olivia.”
Olivia went red and shuffled in her seat. She squeezed her legs together again and shut her eyes tight.
“Very well.” she said, biting her lip. “Have fun…”
I pointed the flute at Olivia and blew. A kind of tearing sensation came over me, like my very soul was being ripped out of my body. Then…
I landed in Olivia’s body. It didn’t feel like I’d moved anywhere, but my whole perspective had suddenly shifted.
“Holy hell…” I whispered, hearing Olivia’s innocent voice coming out of my lips. Strangely, I felt a little bit horny. Had she--?
“Soooooooo, what’s it like?” said Ava, grinning mischievously.
I caught up again. It felt really weird to talk out of somebody else's mouth.
“It’s nice?”
I patted myself down, feeling Olivia’s body through her thick jumper. I was really surprised to find how much bigger I was in the chest.
“Well, hurry up!” said Ava, “Show us the goods!”
Charlotte chuckled, and Evelyn blushed. “It’s only fair”, she said.
“Fair would be if I made you flash everybody!”
I straightened up and put on my best Olivia impression, exaggerating her prim way of speaking to a comical level.
“This body must remain prim and proper at all times, otherwise I will tell the teacher that you aaall deserve a detention.”
Ava guffawed. I continued.
“I will serve the detention too, of course, to make sure none of you are having fun.”
I pointed a mockingly stern finger at Ava, who was in stitches laughing on the cough. I made Olivia wiggle it back and forth in an exaggerated way.
“Do you find this funny?!” I chided her. “You just WAIT until the headmaster hears of this!”
“Olivia?” an innocent voice said.
I froze. Ava’s laughter cut off instantly.
I looked up to see one of the other girl’s making her way down from the bedding area. “Is everything okay? I heard you shouting.”
“Everything’s-fine-you-can-go-back-to-bed-now” I let out in a rush, Olivia’s voice strangely high pitched. “I was just playing a game!”
The girl frowned at me, confused. I couldn’t remember her name, but I think she was a friend of Olivia’s.
“Oh… okay then.” she frowned again. “Please don’t make too much noise. I wouldn’t have thought I’d have to ask you that, Olivia.”
“Right, no, thanks, sorry!” I said in a rush. Ahh, this was not a good Olivia impression. Thankfully, the girl shuffled back off to bed.
“It was weird seeing Olivia get flustered like that.” said Everlyn, thoughtfully. “Normally she’s so in control, but you’re-”
“Yeah thanks”, I cut her off. “That was close.”
“That was brilliant!” said Ava, “She had no idea that you’re not Olivia!”
“Well, obviously.” I said, “Nobody knows about the flute.”
“This is amazing. I think we should make this a game.” Ava continued, ignoring me. “I bet you two hobnobs that you could get through all of potions tomorrow without anybody realising.”
“I can’t stay in Olivia all that time!”
“Actually, maybe you should get out of her now, it’s been a few minutes.” said Evelyn.
I fixed Ava with one of Olivia’s piercing glares -- only half joking -- and then blew myself back into my sleeping body. It felt a little uncomfortable from lying on its face all that time.
Olivia woke up instantly and glanced around, confused. She felt herself up and frowned. “I feel completely normal.” she said, almost sounding… disappointed?
“Ava wanted me to stay in you till tomorrow.” I said accusingly. Olivia fixed Ava with the exact same glare I’d made her give a second ago.
“Noooooooo.” said Ava, “I bet that Sophie could pretend to be you all through potions without anybody noticing. It’s different.”
Olivia didn’t miss a beat. “Well I can’t miss potions, so that’s out.”
Charlotte suddenly chimed up, out of the blue. “I bet I could do the splits in Everlyn’s body.” she said.
We all turned to look at her. Where had that come from?
“See, it’s a game!” said Ava. “Somebody makes a bet. If they win, they get to take over the loser’s body for a bit. If they lose, the loser gets to take over their body.”
“And my body is just used to decide the bet?” said Evelyn.
“Yes! Well, whoever’s body is needed for a particular bet, I mean.”
“I don’t like this.” said Olivia, predictably. Then she blushed. “And I don’t think you could do the splits in Evelyn’s body, Charlotte.”
“Wait, are you taking the bet?” I asked, surprised. “You know that means Charlotte gets to control you for a bit if she wins?”
“I know.” siad Olivia, quietly.
“Okay then!” said Ava, grinning. She threw the flute over to Charlotte. “Go for it, girl!”
Charlotte smiled confidently and pointed the flute at Evelyn, who shrugged. She seemed really unfazed by this whole ‘body possession’ thing.
A moment later and Everlyn’s body was doing practice stretches, while Charlotte's body lay collapsed onto its side.
“Ugh!” Evelyn’s (usually soft) voice grunted “What the hell, I can barely move my arms!”
I watched as Charlotte tried to contort Evelyn’s body into a pretzel, something that had apparently been easy for her in her own body.
“On to the splits.” said Olivia smugly.
Charlotte stood Evelyn’s little body up, hands high in the air. She actually looked more graceful - and solid - than I’d ever seen Evelyn look.
It wasn’t enough though, Charlotte tried to bend down, forcing Evelyn’s chest forward as she crab walked the legs out sideways, but she barely made it halfway into a split before getting stuck.
“COME ON!” shouted Evelyn’s voice. Charlotte tried to force her legs wider, pulsing dangerously as she thrust towards the ground. “ARRRGH.”
Ava kicked her and Charlotte sprawled back onto the floor, Evelyn’s body flopping unceremoniously.
“Not fair!” she grumbled, punching herself in the thigh.
“Back in your body now!” said Olivia, holding out the flute. Charlotte begrudgingly took it and blew at her own sleeping form. The instant she did, Evelyn’s face crinkled with pain.
“Owww, what did you put my body through?”
Evelyn looked down at herself, gingerly rubbing the spot on her thigh where Charlotte had punched her.
Punched her with that same hand, I thought.
Charlotte just scowled as Olivia reached over and plucked the flute out of Evelyn’s hand and took her over. Olivia’s body collapsed and Charlotte grinned.
“It was my turn anyway.” she said, Olivia’s prim way of speaking echoing weirdly with Charlotte’s voice. I noticed Olivia paused several times in the process of feeling herself up, spending an inordinate amount of time rubbing Charlotte’s legs.
“Hey, I bet I could do the splits now!” said Olivia. She sprung up in Charlotte’s body, energetically. “Wow, she’s so fit!”
Olivia easily slid Charlotte’s legs out on the floor to either side. She grinned as she wiggled her toes. She also seemed to be grating Charlotte’s hips slightly on the floor, though I must have been imagining it.
“This is so easy! No wonder Charlotte thought she could do it as Evelyn!”
“Yeah, yeah.” said Ava. “Next bet. I bet nobody would be able to tell I’m not Sophie”
“Hey wait what?” I said.
“You heard me.” said Ava, “Nobody will be able to tell that I’m not you. I’m great at impressions, watch.”Ava screwed up her face and made her voice comically flat.
“Yeah guys I dunno.” she said in a mocking imitation of me. “Yeah that’s pretty good guys. I don’t know.”
“You already said that one.” said Evelyn.
“That’s because she doesn’t say anything else!” Ava said, gesturing at me.
“Rude!” I said, only half pretending to be annoyed. “Anyway you don’t get to possess me because nobody will take the bet and risk getting possessed by you!”
Ava frowned. “Why wouldn’t anybody want to be possessed by me?”
“Because you’ll make them do something crazy!”
“Yeah, but it will be funny!”
I sighed.
“I’ll take the bet.” said Olivia from inside Charlotte’s body, still doing the splits on the ground. “But only if I don’t have to leave Charlotte's body first.”
“Wait, does that mean- ?” I started, but Ava cut me off.
“Boo-yeah! Give me that flute!” she snatched the flute from Olivia’s body’s limp hands and aimed it at me.
“Hold on!!” I shouted quickly. “Rules! We need rules!”
“I’ll take your body and go chat with Steph and that over there.” said Ava, gesturing across the common room to where the only other group sat playing chess. “If they don’t ask if I’m really Ava, I win.”
“No!” said Olivia sharply. “Of course they won’t ask if you’re Ava. If they so much as say “Are you feeling okay, Sophie?” or suspect something is wrong in any way, then I win this bet. Evelyn makes the final decision.”
“Fine” said Ava. “Ready, Sophie?”
I stared down the barrel of the flute and gulped. Ava blew into it and-
I was standing on my tippy toes.
What the hell? Going from lounging about to standing in an instant was weird. My clothes felt a bit ruffled, and my right arm was a bit sore for some reason, but otherwise I felt completely normal.
I noticed I suddenly felt really sleepy, as if I’d stayed up waaaay past my bedtime. I was still in the common room, fortunately, but the candles had burned more than halfway down. I frowned. Ava had stayed in me much longer than I’d meant her too.
I glanced around the room, letting the hand holding the flute drop to my side. It was basically empty, and a candle flickering up the stairs to the bedrooms signalled that somebody had just left. Evelyn was dozed off on one of the lounges, and Olivia’s body was still slumped over where I’d last seen it. Was she still inside Charlotte then?
In front of me, Ava stretched and grinned. “Hey, I’m not too sore this time!”
“What happened? How long did you stay inside me?” I cringed “And what did you make me do?”
“Only an hour or two.” said Ava, yawning. “I won the bet, by the way. Nobody could tell I wasn’t you.”
It was hard not to feel a little bit hurt by that. Ava patted me on the shoulder lazily as she headed up to bed.
“You can beat me in an arm wrestle, by the way.”
“What? How could you know that?”
Ava just giggled and wandered upstairs.
Ava had apparently worn me out, as well as kept me up past my bedtime, so it was with a bleary shuffle that I made my way down to breakfast late the next morning
I didn’t look nearly as out of sorts as Charlotte, however. She stumbled in about 10 minutes after me, red eyed and frazzled.
“What the hell happened last night?” she asked, as she took the spot beside me. “I don’t remember a thing after bloody Evelyn couldn’t do the splits.”
“I missed most of it as well.” I told her.
She raised an eyebrow at me.
“Ava” I said, gesturing at myself. Charlotte let out a snort.
“I would have thought Olivia would have been better, but apparently…” she trailed off, obviously too tired to get her thoughts into words. “Where is she this morning anyway?”
Olivia, it turned out, was right behind us. She leaned over Charlotte and me, wearing an uncharacteristic smirk.
“Mornin’” Olivia chirped. “Have fun last night, Charlotte?”
“I can’t believe you possessed me all night, Liv. Not cool.”
Olivia chuckled and threw back her hair. “Just having fun, you know! Gotta let my hair down every now and again!”
“Bitch” Charlotte muttered, turning back to her cereal. Olivia grinned and messed up her hair.
“It’s so tight that who knows how wild it can get when I let it go?”
Olivia winked at me, and it clicked.
“Ava?” I asked.
Olivia grinned wider. “Got it in one. If only you had been there for the bet last night!”
“Were you…”
“No, I only took over Olivia about two minutes ago. That was all her in Charlotte last night! I caught her trying to sneak out of the Great Hall when she spotted you guys and thought, since I had won that bet, I’d better bring her over.”
Charlotte smiled darkly.
“Make her pick her nose.”
Ava obliged.
“And now stand on one leg.”
Ava did, wobbling slightly.
“Now jump on the table and do that again.”
Ava gave her a look.
“This just feels like I’m the one being humiliated! Let me jump out of her afterwards.”
She pulled the flute out from somewhere inside Olivia’s robes.
“But where’s your body?” I asked.
“Last night we discovered you don’t need to go back to your own body.” said Ava. “I can just blow right into the next person and Olivia will wake up like normal.”
“How did you work that out?” I asked, confused.
Ava ignored me. She made Olivia stand up straight as an arrow, head held high in the air like a prince entering a ball. Then she leapt up onto the breakfast table, raised a finger high into the air, and shoved it into her own nose.
People started to turn around and look at the commotion. I heard whispers of disbelief. Olivia had apparently gone mental.
“Hey, wait a minute! You got to possess Olivia because she bet against you! Who are you going to bet with now?”
Ava crinkled Olivia’s face as she wobbled on the table, a finger in her nose.
“I bet that you can’t make Sophie… I dunno… take off her shoes.”
“Deal accepted” smirked Ava, and raised the flute towards me.
An instant later I was staring down at my school shoes, which had apparently teleported to where my breakfast had been a moment before. I wiggled my toes and found that, yes indeed, Ava had managed to make me take them off. Very impressive.
Next to me, Charlotte giggled like mad. “Your face!!” she laughed, pointing. “You look so resigned! Ha!”
So Ava had ‘won’ that bet too then.
“Come on.” Ava said standing up. “Let’s go find my body.”
“But I haven’t eaten yet!” I grumbled.
“I ate it for you!” laughed Ava, “Come on, Charlotte’s exhausted and I don’t want to stay in her a moment longer than I have to.”
The chilly air of Alphonse's dorm room was cut by the soft humming of a high end laptop, built more for specs than style. Alphonse himself sat hunched over, squinting at the glow of the screen in the darkness. The page he had stumbled upon was unlike anything he’d seen before, its dark background and neon lines carrying an aura of the illicit.
Or at least, an aura of a programmer who used dark mode, which was always a good sign.
It was late - late enough that his roommate Quincy was out on the town, courting danger or a damsel (or both). Alphonse sighed, running a hand through his mousy brown hair as he considered the proposition before him: a chance to buy into the surreal, the impossible.
Stealth Control Nanobots™
They were the stuff of whispered rumours and online conspiracy theories. The government had banned the technology long ago, citing concerns over privacy, consent, and potential for abuse. Concerns that were well founded. Even though the tech had never reached the mainstream, and was tightly controlled for government use only, there were still regular stories of leaks. It seemed like every few months some starlet would seem to lose her mind, and go masturbate in public, or dance nude on a balcony.
Stealth control was always blamed, and tighter controls always followed. Alphonse wondered how many of these cases were real – and how many times a drugged up rock star would just blame their latest bender on stealth control. “It wasn’t me! It was just my body!”
Still, if they were real… well, basic logic would dictate for every case you heard about, there were probably hundreds of people being controlled in ways that weren’t overt enough to make the news.
And if that were true, then maybe you *could* just buy a vial of the stuff from a random Russian IP address.
Alphonse knew he was talking himself into it.
His mouse hovered over the 'Buy Now' button, his heart pounding. He looked at the reviews again: users swearing up and down that the tech was real, functional, and life-altering. A few death threats to the seller. Someone asking how to exit vim. It seemed legitimate enough…
A mental image of Luna filled his mind, her dark goth aesthetic barely containing her wild exuberance. What would it be like to *be* her? His pulse quickened at the thought of experiencing her world, of seeing the universe through her eyes. It was such an intimate thought that he felt a pang of guilt immediately. Yet, there was a small part of him that yearned for that intimacy, a desire fueled by a confusing amalgam of curiosity, love, and the heady promise of forbidden… …science.
Maybe, if he controlled her, he could plant the idea in her mind that they should date… “incept” it, if you will. Alphonse rolled his eyes.
His sister Christina's warnings echoed in his mind. "Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should." She would definitely disapprove of his current predicament.
Just as he was about to close the tab, a notification beeped. A text from Quincy: "Bro, where you at? Rosa and Luna asking for you at the Fox's Den." His heartbeat quickened again. Luna was asking for him?
The weight of the decision weighed heavy on his heart. He was no womaniser like Quincy, no social butterfly like Rosa. He was Alphonse, the bassist in the band, the nerd in the corner, the one who was always observing, dreaming… not doing. This technology, dangerous and alluring as it was, could be his chance to connect, to understand, to be a part of something bigger.
"Damn it," he muttered under his breath, his hands trembling as he clicked 'Buy Now'. The screen confirmed his purchase, and the weight seemed to lift a little, replaced with a heady blend of exhilaration and anxiety.
He hastily shut his laptop, grabbed his bass, and left the dorm room. Tonight, he was going to enjoy his regular life. Tomorrow, he thought, with a mix of excitement and fear, everything could change. He could change. He only hoped that the price wouldn't be too high.
A week later Alphonse and Luna sat in that same dorm room, staring at a non-descript metal box. It had arrived that morning.
Alphonse, tall and gangly, was hunched over it. His fingers tapped on the plain surface, a thumb running over the embossed logo of a butterfly - a suitable symbol for a box of Stealth Control Nanobots™, he thought.
Luna, wearing her habitual black skinny jeans and band tee, watched Alphonse with a barely contained excitement in her emerald eyes. It was a look that Alphonse knew too well, and it always made his heart stumble and his palms dampen. How was it possible that she would even want to hang out with him, when she was so damn cool, and he… well, he wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans. He wondered if she noticed his pulse thundering in his throat, betraying his nervousness.
"Alphonse, stop stalling," she teased, playfully punching his arm. He winced, more from the contact than any supposed pain, but he allowed a hesitant smile. "I want to see what they look like!"
He opened up the box with a click. Inside lay rows of vials, each containing a small amount of silvery liquid. They were tiny, barely a few millilitres, and yet they held the power to wrestle control from the mind of one and place it into the hands of another.
“Huh, smaller than I thought”, said Luna. She picked one up, and he winced at the sacrilege. “Ready to give it a go?”
A ripple of unease traversed Alphonse's spine as he carefully picked up one of his own. He looked down at Luna and found himself wondering what it would be like to *be* her. Her dainty hands fiddled with the vial impatiently, the pale skin and black painted nails looking ghostly against the silvery vial. Was he really about to have a turn controlling those hands?
He looked down at himself. Large. Kinda gangly. Not unfit, just, like his limbs didn’t quite sit right. Would she even want a turn controlling him? Would he let her? Immeasurably powerful tiny little robots were about to float across his blood brain barrier, attach themselves to his neurons, and force them to fire in a pattern that matched the one in Luna’s brain – at least, as far as sensation and movement were concerned.
He shivered. Then he thought of Luna – lively, unpredictable Luna – wielding that power over him and shivered again, and not just from fear. He could feel a stirring beginning in his pants. That might be an awkward one to explain if Luna took a turn using it on him.
"Are you sure about this?" he questioned, his voice barely a whisper.
Luna responded with an impish grin. "You’re not backing out on me, are you! Al, when on earth will we get another chance like this! I want to know what it’s like!"
Her eyes sparkled with a dangerous sort of thrill.
"I-I'm- no! Let’s do it!" Alphonse managed, voice steady despite the tumultuous storm of anxiety brewing within him.
Luna raised her vial in the air as if making a toast, then swallowed it in one go. Alphonse hesitated and then drank his as well.
She looked down at herself. “Okay, I don’t feel any different. What now?”
Alphonse swallowed, finding his voice again. "It said that the nanobots in the liquid will make their way to our brains and establish a sort of connection with our neurons." He explained, hands slightly shaking as he held up his own, now empty, vial.
"Once that's done, a small light will flash in our vision, and we'll be able to navigate a basic user interface in our minds. It's like... you know, when you're dreaming, and you're aware that you're dreaming? It's a bit like that. It doesn't intrude on your day-to-day life; it's just there, waiting to be accessed."
Luna's eyebrows furrowed as she took in his explanation, a tinge of curiosity and apprehension in her eyes. "And then what?"
"There's an option in the UI," Alphonse continued, gesturing vaguely with his hands, "that lets us select whether to make ourselves 'open' to being controlled by anybody else who's swallowed the nanobots. It's like setting your phone to hotspot. Anyone can connect, provided they have the same kind of nanobots, and are nearby"
“Wait, anyone?” Luna stared at him, silent for a moment, before a slow smile spread across her face. “I really should have waited before chugging that. Remind me not to leave that setting on! Don’t want me to be taken over by some old perv! Ha!”
Alphonse blushed and nodded.
“Oh, wait, wait! Something’s changed! I saw the flash!”
As she spoke, Alphonse himself saw a brief flash of yellow light pulse in the exact centre of his vision and then fade away. His brain felt different somehow, like there was something else in there with him…
“Okay! I’m trying the UI!” said Luna excitedly.
Alphonse watched as Luna closed her eyes. He couldn't help but marvel at her. She was so beautiful! Fierce, fearless… cute. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, her lips forming a small 'o' as if she was exercising a muscle that she had never used before.
A moment later, her eyes sprang open. "I did it!" she announced, grinning wide enough to light up the room. "I set it to 'open', Al!"
She threw her arms wide. “I’m open!”
Alphonse nearly choked on his saliva. Did she know what she was doing to him? How turned on he was? His dick throbbed in his pants, and he tried to adjust as subtly as he could. “Don’t be a creep, don’t be a creep.” he thought to himself. “Don’t do it!”
"A-alright," he stuttered, his fingers nervously entwining together in his lap. He concentrated on his own UI, bringing forth that odd feeling that was layered behind his thoughts. It was a surreal feeling, like reaching out for a dream and finding it solid under your touch.
Navigating the interface was strange, like trying to control an extra limb that he'd never noticed before. He squinted, a line of concentration forming between his brows as he looked for Luna in his mind's eye. And there she was, a clear node of light, pulsating softly, inviting him in. Open. Ready for him.
"Are you sure about this, Luna?" he asked, his voice a threadbare whisper.
"Absolutely!" she replied, the excitement in her voice doing little to calm his racing heart. "Now, come on! Try controlling me!"
Alphonse took a deep breath, readying himself for the plunge, then reached out to that pulsing light. The world shifted, tilted, and for a moment he was standing on the edge of an abyss, a strange sense of anticipation and terror swirling within him.
And then, he fell.
Into her.
The sensation of falling was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. It wasn't just a jolting sense of weightlessness – it was like he was passing through something, a layer, a boundary that held his own self distinct from Luna's. Like rising up from deep underwater, feeling the changing sensations as the water changed temperature and the light got brighter… and then he landed!
Alphonse jolted and gasped. He was here! He was inside Luna! His mind stuttered at the realisation, his thoughts becoming a chaotic whirlpool. The interface was still there, a pressure at the edge of his perception, giving him a semblance of stability.
He heard a soft thud as his own body slumped to the floor across from him. What the hell…
His floating mind seemed to settle a little bit, the sensations becoming less fuzzy, more distinct. He looked down, Luna's hands were smaller, softer than his. Her nails, painted a deep black, looked stark against the pale complexion of her skin. He clenched and unclenched the delicate fingers, feeling the smoothness of her skin, the fragility of her slender bones beneath.
He looked around the room. The world seemed sharper, clearer, as if he was seeing through a camera lens. He knew Luna wore glasses for reading, but her natural eyesight seemed to be so much better than his. Colours were brighter, shapes more distinct.
The strangest feeling, however, was the raw sensation of being in a female body. It was an uncanny mix of familiarity and strangeness. The contours of her body were alien to him, the slight swell of her breasts, the narrowness of her waist, the curve of her hips. It was like he had been handed a new instrument and was expected to play without any practice.
He glanced down for a second, and caught a glimpse of his new breasts inside his shirt, held by a plain black bra. He jolted his head back up as if burned.
Don’t be a creep, don’t be a creep!
Instead, Alphonse slowly and deliberately lifted his -- Luna's -- hand to his face. Smooth, soft. His fingers traced over the foreign features, feeling the curve of her cheekbones, the button-like softness of her nose, the plumpness of her lips. Her nose felt particularly different. It was smaller and flatter than his own, and, strangely, easier to breathe through.
His heart was beating like a war drum in his tiny chest as he slowly lowered his hand again, careful not to touch anything *inappropriate*. That thought brought his mind to the body below him, hidden beneath his clothes. He had tits on his chest. Luna’s tits. A warmth spread through his nether region, and a very strange sensation of a wetness appearing in his underwear. A wetness… He had a vagina! He, Alphonse, could *feel* Luna’s vagina. Involuntarily, he felt it pulse at the thought, a wave of foreign pleasure spreading up through him.
Oh god, oh god. Could she tell? Surely she could tell. She was supposed to be aware of everything. Oh god, he’d blown it. He’d blown it!
His breathing increased, his heart pounded. He felt his new face flush, and his fingers began to lightly tingle. He needed to get out! Out out out! Something instinctual kicked in within him and he found himself reaching out with that mental limb, that construct of a UI, and somehow managed to force himself out of the body. He felt like he was swimming upward, through currents and waves pushing him back down, upward and upward towards the light, his body going numb, his senses a dull ringing!
With a jolt, Alphonse found himself laying on his back.
The sudden sensation of returning to his own body was a shock in and of itself, like being thrust into ice-cold water. His senses scrambled to readjust, vertigo swooping through him like a bird of prey. The ceiling spun above him, a hazy whirl of colours before it gradually settled into the familiar sight.
He blinked, his eyelashes brushing against the lenses of his glasses. His hands, rougher and larger, lay on his stomach. He was back in his body.
Sitting up, Alphonse drew in a shuddering breath. From across the room, Luna began to laugh, a sound as clear and bright as the sun. "Holy shit, Alphonse! Did you really control me?"
Her eyes were shining with excitement as she sat up. Her fingers brushed back the hair from her face, her movements noticeably more fluid and familiar than when Alphonse was in charge.
“Um”, said Alphonse, “Sorry.”
“Sorry? Al! This is amazing!” she looked down at herself, then she grabbed her boobs through her shirt and jiggled them up and down. “It’s so weird. I felt like I *really* wanted to do this a few moments ago, but couldn’t bring myself to for some reason. Being controlled by this thing is wild!”
“Oh… um…” Alphonse stammered. “I- uh- I didn’t do anything! I was decent!”
“Yeah, yeah I know!” said Luna with a laugh. “I was getting so horny though. It must have been really strange for you to feel me getting horny while you were in control. Sorry about that!”
“Um, yeah, it was odd.” Alphonse said, blushing.
“Wait! *You* were in control! I didn’t get horny! You did!” Luna cackled like a madman. “Oh my god that’s so much worse. You made me horny!”
Alphonse buried his head in his hands, but he couldn’t help but smile. Somehow he always assumed Luna would act way more… normal… then she did.
Luna bounced on the spot, her face ablaze with excitement, her teeth biting at her bottom lip as she examined her own hands. "You know what's crazy? I was fully aware. I knew what I was doing, how I was moving… I felt like I was doing everything myself!" She tilted her head back, eyes wide as they stared at the ceiling in wonderment. "But like, I knew that I wasn’t? I saw you fall back, I knew I was acting unnatural, but it was just… it felt so normal!! Al, this stuff is incredible. If I didn’t know I was going to be controlled, there is *no way* I’d be able to tell."
Alphonse watched her, his own thoughts a jumble of emotions. Awe, curiosity, apprehension, guilt...
"Did you... um, did you feel uncomfortable?" he asked tentatively, his gaze dropping to his own lap.
Luna let out a bark of laughter. "Uncomfortable? No! It was insane! Good insane! Sort of like... you know when you're in a dream, and you're just kind of going along with it because dream logic?"
Alphonse nodded, an uneasy chuckle escaping his lips. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense..."
“You made me feel so awkward!” Luna chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eye. “When I was trying not to look at my boobs, I felt like a naughty school girl caught kissing in the locker room. If you wanted to see them that bad, you could have just asked.” she winked at him, and Alphonse felt himself turning a deep red and his previously subsiding erection shot back up. She couldn’t be serious, could she?
“Anyway! My turn now!”
“Wait, what?”
“Yes! I want a turn! It’s only fair - you got to be me.”
Alphonse cringed. One part of him desperately wanted Luna to experience being him, and he was scared and turned on at the idea of being controlled by his crush. Another part of him was aware of the throbbing erection between his legs, and the fact that Luna would *know*.
“Hurry up! I can’t see you yet!” Luna called out, her eyes squeezed shut as she navigated the ghostly UI.
Fuck it.
Alphonse reached out with that strange new part of his mind, and found the right settling. A strange sensation went through his body as he flipped it from ‘closed’ to ‘open’. There he was. Totally exposed.
“Okay, I’m-”
He stopped talking and looked down at himself. What would it feel like to be controlled? Nearby, Luna’s body slumped to the ground.
“Wow, you were really excited!” he said to himself as he reached down to adjust his erection. It seemed to grow three times harder as he tried to adjust it, not quite getting the usual knack right.
“Do you mind?” he said, and began undoing his belt.
Some part of him cringed for a moment. He really shouldn’t undress with Luna *right there*. She literally just needed to turn her head a little, and she’d see him exposing himself right in front of her!
Wait a minute…
Alphonse tried to say something to Luna, to ask if she had remote accessed his nanobots, but some part of him decided against it. Best not to disturb her.
Best… not to disturb her? What the hell?
He was being controlled, wasn’t he?
It didn’t feel like it. He stared down at his hands as they worked his belt and buttons. It felt like he was just taking off his pants. But… Luna was passed out, he’d set his nanobots to receive the connection, and they had *literally* just agreed to have her control him.
Even knowing all of that, Alphonse didn’t believe it in his bones.
“Wow, these things really are powerful”, he thought.
He finally got the buckle undone and ripped his pants down, his erect dick catching a bit as he yanked them roughly. He stared at it. Average size, average width. Hard as a nail. It was the most erotic thing he’d seen in his life.
Hey wait, if he was being controlled by Luna right now, did that mean she was feeling turned on too?
He reached down to feel it in his hands, gently running his fingers along the length of his shaft, and lightly squeezing the end. It felt amazing.
Not just feeling turned on too, she was turning *him* on. If Alphonse was being controlled, then this wasn’t really his erection! It was hers!
He wanted to chuckle at that thought, but decided not to.
He reached a little lower and cupped his balls, lightly lifting them with his hand and feeling how they responded. He gave them a little slap and felt them jiggle.
“Hah, that’s not so bad.” he said “I knew guys were exaggerating.”
He flicked one a little harder and- Argh!
A heavy throbbing pain washed over him. The taste of bile appeared in his throat. He doubled over and gasped.
“Ugh. Okay. Okay. Bad idea.”
Still, he was hard. The pain gradually subsided as he played more with his erect dick. He wanted so badly to quickly rub one out, but couldn’t seem to bring himself to get into bed or the bathroom to do it the way he usually would.
Instead, Alphonse reached up to his chest and cupped his pecks through his t-shirt.
“Heh, these certainly beat boobs”, he said. He tapped one, and tried to make them dance by flexing them, but couldn’t quite manage it properly. Then he grabbed his shirt, dug his fingers in hard, and with as much force as he could muster, tore it open right down the middle.
“I always wanted to do that!” he laughed. “I guess I owe you a shirt now.”
Pretty soon his eyes fell upon Luna’s unconscious body, slumped on the ground. He effortlessly picked it up and dumped it on his bed, giggling as he watched her flop around.
“I’m so light! I never realised how easy that was for you!” he laughed again, pushing Luna’s empty head side to side. “I should be a lot less impressed, but you do have some serious muscles for such a serious geek.”
He flexed an arm and looked at it approvingly. Meanwhile, his dick still beckoned.
He found himself biting his lip.
“Now”, he said to himself, “I knoooow how you felt when you were me. And how I felt like I was doing everything. And I don’t want to freak you out. But, this is me in here. This is Luna speaking right now.”
Alphonse tried to force that thought to stay with him. It still didn’t feel like it.
“And that’s my body lying right there.” he continued, “So, I’m going to just go ahead, and, well…”
He looked down at his dick again, which had hardened right back up to full mast. Then, Alphonse found himself climbing on top of the bed… over Luna’s vacant face… and…
Oh, no, he couldn’t do that, could he?
He lined up his dick and gently pushed it into Luna’s mouth.
But it was Luna doing this, right? Luna was controlling him now?
He slowly pushed it inside, passed the teeth, and deep down her throat.
“Hah. No gag reflex!” he laughed.
If Luna was controlling him, did that mean she *wanted* to give him a blowjob? Or… did she want to get a blowjob?
He began thrusting slowly. It felt… very strange. He was extraordinarily horny, and the idea that Luna was making him do this was hot as fuck, but at the same time, the blowjob kind of sucked.
“I wish I could make my body suck properly!” said Alphonse, frustrated. He readjusted his position, and pushed in deeper. He could feel Luna’s body’s lips pressing right down near the base of his shaft.
Did Luna have a crush on him? Or did this fall under the category of masturbation?
He didn’t have long to think about it because soon, far sooner than he was ready, he felt a familiar barrier get crossed, and his load spurted out into Luna’s throat and over her face. The orgasm was a surprisingly disappointing one, all things considered.
“Gah!” he said. “That can’t be it!”
He kept thrusting, but his dick quickly became soft and uncomfortably sensitive against Luna’s teeth. He sighed.
“That was definitely an experience. Thanks Alphonse.”
He wanted to collapse down onto the bed and fall asleep, but instead he found himself climbing off of Luna. Without bothering to get dressed, he grabbed some tissues and cleaned up her face a bit.
“Might as well do this before heading back!”
And with that, he lay down on the floor, still naked below the waist, and-
“What the hell…” muttered Alphonse. Nearby, Luna pushed herself up, gagging slightly.
“Ugh, that is not very comfortable on this end.” she coughed. “Do you have any water?”
“That was… did you really control me?” Alphonse asked.
“Na-dar. Looking good by the way.” she smirked.
Alphonse glanced down and then sat up with a start. Apparently he’d- she’d- forgotten to put his pants back on. He quickly covered himself up, blushing.
“That was the strangest thing that has ever happened in my life.” he said.
“Maybe third, for me” Luna laughed. “Hey, sorry for really jumping into it, I just… ah, I dunno, you felt the same things right?”
Alphonse nodded, blushing. “It felt like I was the one doing everything.”
“I know right!” Luna smiled down at him. “I think we need to bring the others in on this.”
“Ye-huh. Tomorrow night. I’ve got a game in mind.”
Luna picked up her bag.
“I really need a shower after all of that. I’ll call you later, okay?”
And with that, she left. Alphonse flopped back down and sighed. What he just unleashed?
In the windowless confines of a government facility buried deep beneath Washington D.C., two men sat opposite each other in an unadorned room, the light from the single overhead bulb pooling around them. One was young, his buzzcut hair making him appear younger than his 28 years, and his brown eyes shone with defiance. The other was older, with the lined face of someone used to bearing weighty responsibility. His blue eyes held a stern, almost desperate look. These men were Jacob and Gordon, agents of the clandestine organization known as the CBI.
The room hummed with a quiet tension as a holographic display flickered to life between them. Images of a young woman with brown hair flashed on the screen. She looked bright, bubbly even, her smile filled with the naiveté of the privileged. Her name, the display read, was Ashley. Her father was a big shot in the government, and she was their next assignment.
Jacob leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest as his gaze darted from the hologram to his partner. The disdain in his voice was almost tangible. "So, we're playing babysitters now?"
Gordon's stern gaze remained fixed on the display. "We're protecting an innocent life, Jacob," he said, his voice tight. "An innocent life that, if lost, could plunge the country into chaos."
Jacob scoffed, unconvinced. "The rich girl's daddy has a lot of enemies, huh?"
"More than you'd think." Gordon looked at Jacob, his eyes betraying his seriousness. "This isn't just about Ashley. It's about national security."
The display changed to the image of a blonde-haired woman named Sherry and an Asian woman, labelled Barbara. "They're friends of Ashley’s. We’ve known Sherry for quite some time, but Barbara We believe Barbara is new to us. We haven’t been able to verify her identity."
Jacob's eyebrows shot up. "And we're supposed to do what? Use stealth control and become sorority sisters?"
Gordon ignored Jacob's sarcasm. "We're to protect Ashley, and if necessary, neutralize Barbara."
“Neutralize Barbara, Jesus Christ. We don’t even know who she is yet. She could just be some college student!”
There was a moment of silence as both men took in the gravity of their mission. Gordon continued, "We're to use the stealth control, as needed, to keep an eye on the girls without disrupting their holiday plans. We will be meeting them before the mission, so they will know who we are, and that we are there to keep them safe.”
Jacob looked like he'd swallowed a lemon. "Why am I always the one getting dressed in women's clothes?"
Gordon shrugged and gave a slight smile, "I can’t speak to your previous experience their, Jacob. Perhaps you make a good girl"
“Yeah, fuck you.” Jacob laughed, “We’ll see what happens.”
As the room plunged into darkness, both men rose from their chairs. They had a mission to accomplish. They were CBI agents; their personal feelings had no room in the grand scheme of things.
They were the unseen guardians, ready to step into the lives of the oblivious to keep them safe. It was their duty. Their burden.
“Hey, if you take over Sherry, will you show me her tits?”
It was just another day in the CBI.
The private jet was an opulent capsule of wealth and privilege, humming smoothly above the clouds. Inside, Jacob and Gordon sat across from Ashley and Sherry. The air was thick with tension as they divulged the secrets of the CBI and their stealth control technology.
Jacob, lounging in his plush seat, was narrating a previous mission with a cheeky grin. "It was a nunnery in Budapest, you see," he began, "I had to infiltrate the sisterhood, become one of them. You wouldn't believe the shenanigans I got up to with those rosary beads."
Gordon winced at Jacob's choice of words. The older man knew that his partner's irreverence towards their technology would not help soothe the girls' anxiety. He cast an apologetic glance at Ashley, who was listening with wide-eyed disbelief.
Sherry, however, was less tolerant. The blonde girl crossed her arms, her blue eyes flashing with anger. "Are you telling me," she began, her voice icy, "that you could just take over one of us without us even knowing? That's... that's gross! It's disgusting!"
Jacob merely shrugged, not at all perturbed by her outrage. "It's the job," he said, leaning back into his seat. "It's not personal. And it's only if necessary. It's all about protecting your dear friend Ashley here."
Ashley looked terrified at the thought of her body being taken over. Sherry, on the other hand, looked downright furious.
Gordon, sensing the escalating tension, decided to intervene. "It's a measure of last resort, ladies," he assured them. "We would not use this technology unless it's absolutely necessary."
"But how can you make that decision?" Sherry protested, her voice shaking. "What gives you the right to use our bodies like... like empty vessels?"
Gordon's gaze hardened. "It's our duty, Miss. We're here to protect Ashley and you from potential harm."
"What potential harm?" Ashley asked, her voice tiny. "We're just on college break."
Gordon's glance slid to Jacob, then back to the girls. "We have reason to believe that one of your college mates, Barbara, might not be who she claims to be."
Sherry's nostrils flared, her sharp eyes narrowing on Jacob. "You probably enjoy this, don't you?" she accused, her voice dripping with contempt. "You get your kicks out of wearing women's bodies. Must be a real ego trip."
Jacob looked unfazed by her accusations. Instead, he let out a small chuckle, leaning back against his seat. "You know, Sherry," he said, his voice smooth as silk, "You really should learn to relax. Life's too short to always be angry."
Sherry's retort was cut off as the plane jostled slightly, a patch of turbulence causing everyone to grip their armrests. The distraction provided Jacob with the perfect cover. His hand moved deftly, slipping a small device from his pocket. With a swift, practised movement, he reached out under the guise of steadying Sherry and attached the receiver to the back of her neck.
She gave him a sour look, completely oblivious to the device now nestled under her blonde curls. "Keep your hands to yourself," she snapped, swatting his arm away.
Jacob simply raised his hands in a show of innocence, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Just making sure you're safe, princess."
Gordon shot Jacob a stern look, shaking his head slightly. The younger agent was playing a dangerous game, but Gordon knew they didn't have the luxury of time. For now, they had to trust Jacob's instincts, as reckless as they seemed.
As the jet soared above the clouds, a game of cat and mouse was beginning to take shape. Unbeknownst to her, Sherry was now at the mercy of a technology that made her body an unwitting pawn in a high-stakes game. And all around her, eyes watched, ready to protect, and if necessary, to control.
Jacob fished out the small, innocuous-looking device from his pocket. It was the transmitter, the critical piece of technology that could bridge minds. "Now, ladies," he began, holding up the device for them to see, "this little gadget here is the key. It links me to the receiver, allowing me to 'borrow' the body."
Sherry scoffed, her face flushing with anger. "You mean 'hijack,' not 'borrow.'"
Jacob merely shrugged, the corners of his mouth pulling into a wry grin. "Potato, potahto."
"And you're planning to use it on me?" Sherry spat, her fingers curling into tight fists. “No way I’ll let you put one of those receiver things on me.”
"Why, Sherry, it's almost like you're worried." Jacob teased, his grin broadening. "I promise you won't feel a thing. One moment you'll be here, the next you'll be... well, still here. But with better decision-making skills."
Gordon frowned at Jacob's flippant remark, but remained silent. Ashley, on the other hand, was growing more anxious by the second. Her wide eyes darted between Jacob, Sherry, and the device in Jacob's hand.
"But... how can you ensure she won't realize?" Ashley asked, her voice quivering.
Jacob leaned back, clasping the transmitter device in his hand. "That's the beauty of it, Ashley. The person being controlled won't even realize they're not making their own decisions. They just think they're having a particularly decisive day."
Ashley gulped, her gaze drifting towards Sherry, who was now standing, her eyes blazing with fury. "And what if I refuse?" Sherry snapped, her voice echoing in the confined space of the jet.
Jacob met her gaze unflinchingly, his grin never wavering. "Well, then, princess," he said, his voice deceptively soft, "you can consider this a lesson in diplomacy. Or better yet, consider it... an adventure."
"An adventure?" Sherry scoffed, her eyes alight with a mixture of anger and defiance. "I think you'll find, Jacob, that I'm not as easy to control as you think."
Jacob's grin widened, his gaze meeting hers. "Is that a challenge, princess?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. His eyes gleamed with anticipation at the thought of finally putting the arrogant heiress in her place.
Beside Sherry, Ashley's brow furrowed in thought. "But... what does it feel like?" she asked quietly. "Being controlled, I mean."
Jacob shifted his attention to Ashley, his grin softening into a gentler smile. "It's like being a passenger in your own body, Ashley," he explained. "You feel everything, you see everything. But the decisions, the actions, they're all made by someone else. And the best part? You won't even realize it's not you."
Ashley chewed on her lower lip, her brown eyes filled with a mix of fear and curiosity. "So... it's like sleepwalking?"
"In a way," Gordon chimed in, his voice steady. "You're aware of everything happening, but it's like you're on autopilot."
"But I can resist, right?" Sherry cut in, her voice filled with determination. "I mean, it's my body. I should be able to fight it."
Jacob chuckled, the sound echoing through the private jet. "I'd love to see you try, princess," he said, his tone filled with a challenge. He was relishing the opportunity to use the stealth control technology, and even more so, the opportunity to take Sherry down a notch.
Gordon watched the exchange quietly. There was an undeniable tension building between Jacob and Sherry, a silent power struggle that hung heavy in the air. As for Ashley, she was a mixture of curiosity and fear. But Gordon knew they didn't have the luxury of choice anymore. A game was set to begin, and whether they liked it or not, they were all players.
Jacob lifted the transmitter, his fingers curling around the device. His eyes locked onto Sherry's defiant glare, a predatory grin playing on his lips.
"Let's put your theory to the test, shall we, princess?" His voice was low and taunting, as he pressed a button on the transmitter.
The moment the button was pressed, Jacob's body slumped back in his chair, eyes closed, and a blank expression on his face. Meanwhile, the effect on Sherry was immediate and startling.
Sherry's eyes glazed over for a moment, before a confident, almost mischievous smirk spread across her face - a mirror image of Jacob's. Her posture changed subtly, carrying the swagger and bravado that Jacob exhibited. Her hands reached out, grabbing onto the arms of her chair, and then she was pushing herself up to a standing position.
Inside Sherry's body, Jacob was reveling in his control. His – or rather, Sherry's – hands spread wide as he straightened her back, pushing her shoulders back with an exaggerated flourish. He could feel the luxurious fabric of her clothes, the power of her healthy, young muscles. Sherry's outraged expression had been replaced by his confident smirk, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of his delight and daring.
"This," he made Sherry's voice purr, gesturing to her body with her hands, "is rather impressive."
Across the aisle, Ashley's eyes went wide with shock, her gaze darting between Sherry's animated form and Jacob's lifeless body. She was silent, her hand hovering uncertainly over her mouth as she grappled with the reality of what she was witnessing.
Gordon's face was a stoic mask, his eyes moving between his own lifeless partner and the heiress, now dancing like a puppet on a string. He noted the smug satisfaction radiating off of 'Sherry', and knew Jacob was thoroughly enjoying himself.
A strange sensation gripped Sherry, but it was not an unpleasant one. It was like waking up in the morning and not quite remembering your dream, but knowing it had been delightful. She found herself giggling, her hands drifting down to the hem of her dress and tugging it experimentally. It was her decision, she thought. Why else would she do it?
She was aware of the luxurious fabric sliding between her fingers, of the way it hugged her figure. She was not usually one to admire herself so openly, yet now she found herself doing just that. She glanced down at her designer heels and in the blink of an eye, decided they were far too constricting. With a small huff, she kicked them off, the shoes sailing through the air with a satisfying arc before landing with a muffled thud.
Her gaze returned to her bare feet, her pedicured toes wriggling against the plush carpet of the jet. The sensation was... liberating. She looked at her own body, her hands exploring the curves of her form, the feeling so natural it was as if she had decided to do it herself.
Yet somewhere, a small part of her mind fluttered with uncertainty. She remembered Jacob's promise, his taunting grin, the way his body had slumped lifelessly. Was it possible that she wasn't in control, that she was just a passenger in her own body?
She pushed the thought away immediately. She was Sherry, the woman who bowed to no one, the woman who was always in control. She was not going to be manipulated by a man who saw her as nothing more than a plaything.
She cupped her breasts with a smirk. Yep, these were hers all right.
The moment was interrupted by Gordon's stern voice, "Alright, Jacob. That's enough. Don't embarrass the girl."
Jacob's smirk, painted on Sherry's face, deepened at his partner's reprimand. With a dramatic bow, he surrendered the controls. The moment he disengaged the transmitter, his own body jerked back to life, a yawn escaping his lips as though he had just woken from a nap.
At the same time, Sherry's body froze, the audacious smirk slowly melting from her face. She blinked, her eyes returning to their usual fierce determination. She looked around, her brows furrowed in confusion, as if waking from an odd dream.
Ashley rushed over to her friend, concern etched into her face. "Sherry, are you okay? What did it feel like?"
Sherry frowned, her hands running down her dress, straightening it out. "What do you mean, 'what did it feel like'? I was just...having a bit of fun, that's all."
"But... but Jacob was controlling you," Ashley stammered, glancing between her friend and the CBI agent. "Didn't you feel that?"
"Nonsense," Sherry huffed, a flush creeping onto her cheeks. "No one controls me. Not even Jacob."
Gordon watched the exchange in silence. If Jacob's demonstration had taught them anything, it was the power and subtlety of the stealth control technology. Even now, Sherry refused to believe she'd been manipulated.
Jacob, meanwhile, stretched in his seat, a satisfied smirk still dancing on his lips. He'd enjoyed the ride more than he'd anticipated, and Sherry's continued denial was just icing on the cake. Despite the underlying seriousness of their mission, he found himself looking forward to what would come next.
It didn’t have to be him that was stuck inside that gorgeous female body, after all.
As the private jet descended onto the private airstrip of the island resort, Ashley and Sherry gazed out the window, their eyes filled with anticipation. From above, the resort looked like a paradise. An ocean of turquoise blue lapped against white sandy beaches, while luxurious villas lay dotted amidst lush, tropical greenery.
Once they'd landed, Ashley and Sherry, fueled by excitement, hurried off the jet and disappeared into the resort. They were seemingly unaffected by the strange events on the plane, or perhaps just choosing to ignore them for now.
With the girls out of earshot, Gordon turned to Jacob. His stern gaze bore into his partner's smirking face. "What you did up there was inappropriate," he chided, his voice low but firm. "This isn't a game, Jacob. We're here to protect Ashley and Sherry, not to make fools of them."
Jacob's smirk didn't waver. If anything, it grew wider. "Oh, I'm well aware of that, Gordon," he said casually. "But I also think it's important to enjoy your work, don't you?"
Gordon sighed, rubbing his temples. "This is serious, Jacob. We have a mission."
Jacob rolled his eyes. "Yes, I know. All serious and no play. But tell you what, Gordon. Next time, you get to do the controlling. I'd love to see what 'fun' you'd have with Sherry."
Gordon's face blanched at the thought. "Jacob, I..."
Jacob cut him off with a dismissive wave of his hand. "No arguments, Gordon. We'll see how much of a straight shooter you are then."
As Jacob walked off towards the resort, leaving a dumbstruck Gordon behind, he couldn't help but chuckle. His mission had just gotten a whole lot more interesting.
Inside one of the private villas in the resort, Gordon and Jacob had swiftly set up their temporary base of operations. Surveillance equipment was neatly arranged across the tables, while a screen displayed the layout of the entire resort. Here, they would keep a close eye on Ashley and Sherry while blending into the luxurious backdrop of their surroundings.
The evening brought with it a gentle breeze that swept across the balcony of the villa, rustling the leaves of the palm trees outside. Gordon found himself standing there, staring out into the approaching dusk, his thoughts burdened by the prospect of the task ahead.
Jacob joined him, his posture relaxed, a glass of some exotic drink in his hand. "Nervous, Gordon?" he asked, a teasing edge to his voice.
Gordon shot him a sidelong glance. "I just... I don't agree with this method. It feels wrong."
Jacob chuckled, taking a sip from his drink. "You'll get used to it. Besides, we're doing this for Ashley, remember? So she can enjoy her break with her friends, oblivious to the danger lurking around."
Gordon sighed, a resigned expression crossing his face. "Fine. I'll take over Sherry. But you're tailing us in your own body. No more 'fun' at their expense."
Jacob laughed, raising his glass. "Deal. And don't worry, Gordon. I'll be the perfect, invisible shadow. No antics, promise."
The decision to initiate the stealth control came swiftly and without ceremony. In the privacy of their villa, Gordon held the small transmitter, a device no larger than a pocket watch, and connected to the receiver implanted on Sherry. The world swirled around him for a moment, and then, darkness.
When he woke up, he found himself seated at the resort bar, ambient music softly playing in the background. He was now in Sherry's body, her senses his, her world his to navigate. As he came to terms with the transfer, he took a moment to observe his new surroundings.
The air was filled with the scent of exotic perfumes and tropical drinks, mixed with the salty tang of the nearby ocean. His ears picked up the faint laughter and chatter of other guests, the clinking of glasses, and the distant crash of waves against the shore. It was a sensory overload compared to the quiet solitude of the CBI headquarters, and Gordon had to suppress a wave of vertigo.
Cautiously, he glanced down at his new body. It was strange to see Sherry's slender fingers resting on the bar counter instead of his own callused hands. He could feel the cool, polished surface of the bar under these fingers, the smooth grain of the wood distinct and real.
Sherry was dressed for a night on the town, in a little black dress that shimmered under the warm lighting of the bar. He could feel the soft fabric against his skin, the hemline resting high on his - no, Sherry's - thighs. The sensation of the strappy heels on his feet was new and uncomfortable. It felt like he was walking on stilts, precariously balancing with every step.
Just as he was grappling with the surreal experience, Ashley approached. She was dressed equally stylish, a bright smile on her face as she took the seat next to Sherry's body. "Sherry, you were right! This place is fabulous!"
Keeping up appearances, Gordon forced a smile, trying to mimic Sherry's mean-spirited charm. "Told you, didn't I? Only the best for us, Ash."
Gordon, having assumed the role of Sherry, felt a rush of panic as Ashley, buzzing with youthful exuberance, grabbed his - her - hand. "Let's dance, Sherry!" she said, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. Before Gordon could utter a word of protest, Ashley had pulled him onto the dance floor. The pulsing beat of the music seemed to engulf him, the rhythm a foreign language his body did not speak.
He found himself in the midst of a swirling kaleidoscope of colors, the flashing strobe lights illuminating the dance floor in a frenetic array. The energy was contagious, the crowd swaying and moving as one, but Gordon felt like an intruder in this world. He was an agent, trained to navigate the darkest corners of the world, not a dance floor.
Despite his discomfort, Gordon pushed aside his reservations, trying to mimic the moves of the people around him. He attempted to keep a safe distance from Ashley, but she seemed keen on dancing more intimately, matching the rhythm and closeness of the other dancers.
The heels were another challenge altogether. With each step, he could feel his balance falter. It was a stark contrast to his usual surefootedness in sturdy combat boots. He cursed Jacob under his breath - this was a world he was unprepared for.
To add to his mounting discomfort, the hemline of Sherry's dress seemed determined to defy gravity, riding up with every movement he made. It was a battle to keep pulling it down, all the while trying to maintain his balance and continue the dance.
"I didn't know you were so shy, Sherry," Ashley giggled, seemingly oblivious to his discomfort. "You usually take the lead."
Gordon laughed, hoping it sounded genuine. "I guess, it's just one of those nights, Ash. Let's just enjoy the music, shall we?"
As the music blared and bodies swayed around him, Gordon realized that he was not just in uncharted territory. He was on a battlefield, far removed from his comfort zone. But, as with all battles, he would adapt and overcome.
As the tempo of the music began to slow down, two men approached them. One was a tall, dark-haired man with a charming smile, while the other had sandy hair and blue eyes that held a hint of mischief. Ashley, ever the social butterfly, eagerly introduced herself and, in a matter of moments, was whisked away to the other side of the dance floor by the dark-haired stranger.
Gordon, still in Sherry's body, was left alone with the sandy-haired man. He was named Chris, a name Gordon committed to memory in case it was needed later. As the man extended his hand to him, inviting him for the slow dance, Gordon felt a pang of unease. This was far from the battlefields he was used to.
As Chris pulled him closer, Gordon felt the distinct discomfort of being in an attractive woman's body. The warmth of the man’s body was uncomfortably intimate, his hand resting at the small of Sherry's back felt invasive, and the smell of his aftershave was too potent, a little too sweet for Gordon's liking.
Gordon forced a smile, playing along with the dance, his body moving in sync with the rhythm. He kept reminding himself that this was all a part of the mission, a necessary discomfort for the greater cause. But, as Chris's hand moved a little too low for Gordon's comfort, he found himself fighting a blush of embarrassment. The feeling was both foreign and unsettling.
"Sherry, you're quite the dancer," Chris murmured, his gaze appreciative, as Gordon tottered around awkwardly in Sherry’s heels.
"I bet you say that to all your girlfriends." Gordon replied in his high pitched voice, trying his best to emulate Sherry's sharp and sassy tone.
Jacob sat across the room, sipping on a glass of whiskey as he observed the dance floor. His trained eyes scanned the crowd, on the lookout for any signs of danger. But, his attention inevitably strayed to the sight of Gordon, in Sherry's body, tottering about like a newborn lamb on the dance floor.
A smirk spread across Jacob's face, his brown eyes twinkling with amusement. The usually stern and upstanding Gordon was now attempting to navigate the world of high heels and mini dresses, and from Jacob's perspective, it was a sight to behold.
He watched as Gordon, or rather Sherry, swayed gently to the rhythm of the music, an awkward contrast to the fluid movements of his dancing partner. Jacob stifled a laugh as he saw Gordon struggling to pull the dress down, only for it to rebelliously creep back up.
His gaze then slid to Sherry's legs, an aspect of her appearance he hadn't previously given much thought. The dress, although a source of discomfort for Gordon, did accentuate the length and graceful curve of her legs. A pang of appreciation and regret hit Jacob simultaneously. He couldn't deny that Sherry's body was appealing, yet it brought back a surge of memories from earlier in the day - memories he tried to suppress, but couldn't help revisiting.
Jacob sighed, taking another sip of his whiskey. His smirk morphed into a serious expression as he forced his attention back onto his duty.
Just as Jacob was about to glance back at Gordon, a flicker of movement at the corner of his eye caught his attention. He squinted, his gaze zeroing in on a familiar face in the crowd. It was Barbara, the Asian woman from their briefing, her tall and curvy frame immediately recognizable.
His heart pounded a little faster as he noticed her subtly trailing after Ashley, who was now being led away by her dark-haired dance partner. Jacob shot a quick look towards Gordon, who was still entangled in a dance with Chris, completely oblivious to Ashley's movement.
With a roll of his eyes, Jacob pushed away his amusement at Gordon's situation. This was not the time for distractions. He slid off his barstool, leaving his whiskey behind, and started towards Barbara. He blended effortlessly with the crowd, his black suit camouflaging him in the dimly lit room.
As he neared Barbara, he fell into his well-rehearsed pattern of shadowing a target, maintaining a safe distance while keeping her in his line of sight. His hand subtly rested on the small device in his pocket - the stealth control transmitter & receiver pair - just in case he needed it.
Jacob was an expert at this - the stalking, the anticipation. The adrenaline rush was a part of his job he genuinely relished. A predatory smile curled on his lips as he thought of what he might have to do next.
For Ashley, the evening was a thrilling dance of laughter, flirting, and cocktails. Yet, something was off. Sherry, her usually energetic and vivacious friend, had been acting weird all night. Her antics on the dance floor were one thing, but the occasional stiff body language and the moments of awkward silence were entirely unlike her.
But these concerns paled as she found herself being led off the dance floor by the charming man she'd met earlier. He introduced himself as Tom, and the way he spun her around the dance floor had her head spinning with delight. It was the way he whispered compliments into her ear, his lips brushing against her hair, that kept her enchanted.
However, as they ventured further into the quieter, more secluded parts of the resort, a flicker of apprehension ignited within her. The lights of the dance floor were fading, replaced by the low hum of the backstage area. It felt wrong, almost predatory. Tom, her partner, no longer looked charming but sinister under the harsh backstage lights.
Before Ashley could process her thoughts and voice her concerns, a strong hand clamped around her mouth, silencing her surprised yelp. Her heart hammered in her chest as she was yanked off her feet and into the obscurity of a darkened room. The last sight she caught was that of Tom, a twisted smile playing on his lips as the door shut, plunging her into darkness.
Jacob swore as he walked off the dance floor, following Barbara’s mesmerising hips. He’d lost track of Ashley. He could have sworn she’d come this way just a moment ago. In a blur of colors and movement, he stopped in his tracks, eyes scanning the crowd in a frantic attempt to spot her. She had vanished. He cursed under his breath, his fists clenching at his sides. He'd let himself be distracted by Barbara's tantalizing movements, the hypnotic sway of her hips, the seductive bend of her spine as she moved with the rhythm of the music.
He looked back toward her as she pushed through a door to the backstage area. Those damn beautiful legs, with their thick muscles, silky curves, and glinting steel…
Wait, what?
He squinted. Strapped to Barbara’s thigh, just showing under the bunched up fabric of her dress, was a small, but lethal-looking knife. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut. Barbara was the assassin they had been warned about.
He swallowed hard, forcing his gaze to remain focused. It was easy to get lost in the appreciation of her form, but the sight of the weapon brought him back to reality. He was not here to admire. He was here to protect.
He watched as Barbara made her way off the dance floor, her gait smooth and purposeful. His gut told him that Ashley was in danger, and he had to act fast. His fingers curled around the receiver in his pocket, ready to make his move. Now was not the time for admiring; now was the time for action.
The door to the backstage area swung shut behind Barbara, separating her from the bustling dance floor. The echo of her exit rumbled in Jacob's ears, setting his adrenaline surging. He'd let Ashley out of his sight once already, and he couldn't let it happen again.
With a newfound determination, Jacob took off after Barbara, his footfalls silent against the resort's plush carpeting. He wove his way through the throng of party-goers, his gaze fixed on the door Barbara had just passed through.
The backstage corridor was a sharp contrast to the vibrant scene they'd left behind. The din of the party was muffled here, replaced by the low hum of equipment and hushed conversations of staff. There, just a few strides away, Barbara moved with a killer's grace, her body coiled like a viper ready to strike.
Taking advantage of her lack of awareness, Jacob made his move. In one swift motion, he closed the distance between them and attached the stealth control receiver to the back of her neck. It adhered with a near-silent click, an unassuming speck on her tanned skin.
A rush of adrenaline swept over him. He was about to step into the shoes of an assassin. He couldn't afford to mess this up. His own body fell into its unresponsive slumber as he activated the transmitter, his consciousness diving into the unknown territory of Barbara's mind and body.
The transfer was instantaneous, like diving headfirst into a cold pool. One moment, Jacob was on the precipice of the transition; the next, he was immersed in the mind and body of an assassin. His first instinct was to familiarize himself with his new form.
Flexing his — no, Barbara's — fingers, he traced the curvaceous lines of her body. The strength beneath the feminine exterior was not lost on him; every curve, every muscle was toned and firm, sculpted by years of disciplined training.
He took a moment to chastise her for her line of work, delivering a firm slap to her cheek. The sensation was jarring. He could feel both the sting of the slap and the tremor that ran through her hand. His lips curled into a smirk at the absurdity of the act.
His gaze traveled downwards, observing the dress that clung to her like a second skin. He raised an eyebrow, taking in the sight of her attractive form. Being in a woman's body was one thing; being in the body of an attractive assassin was an entirely different ballgame.
He quickly pulled out the skin tight dress to stare down into his new cleavage. What was the point of taking over a female form if you couldn’t admire it, anyway? He shook his hips side to side, noticing the strange sensation that his legs were further apart then they should be. He quickly felt between his legs and smirked. He loved being a woman.
Jacob found himself musing about what life might be like for Barbara. How often did she use her beauty as a weapon, ensnaring her targets in a web of desire before delivering the final blow? How did she navigate the world of shadowy figures and deadly contracts while maintaining her femininity? It was a world he was about to explore, albeit temporarily. He only hoped he could navigate it as well as she did.
Sherry found herself in the throes of a dance she didn't understand. It was a slow dance, her body swaying rhythmlessly, almost clumsily in a stranger's arms. The guy, a young man with a keen interest in her, had a grip on her that seemed too firm, too persistent. But for reasons unknown, she didn't pull away.
She was usually more composed, her moves fluid and natural. Tonight, though, something was off. Each step she took felt like a struggle, her legs buckling under her as if they had forgotten how to dance. Her signature grace was replaced with an awkwardness that puzzled her. It was as if her body was operating independently, responding to cues that she wasn't consciously giving.
It wasn't just her dance skills that were off, it was her entire perception. She felt detached from her actions, like a spectator in her own body. "What is happening to me?" she thought, as she once again found herself gently brushing down the front of her dress, between her legs, as if something was missing there.
Her eyes flitted around the room, desperately seeking a familiar face. Ashley was nowhere to be seen. A twinge of worry gnawed at her. She considered breaking away from the dance to find her, but her body continued to sway to the rhythm of the song. For the moment, she was trapped in the dance, locked in the arms of a stranger, her concern for Ashley gnawing at the back of her mind.
Ashley was trying to keep her calm. Her wrists were bound together with a harsh, biting cord, her body shoved onto a chair in a dim, musty room. The man, who she now knew as Tom, was pacing restlessly in front of her.
Tom had a gruff exterior, his features hardened by what Ashley could only assume were years spent in illicit activities. He was irritated, glancing at the door every few seconds, his grumbles growing louder as time passed.
"Where the hell is she?" Tom growled under his breath, his gaze darting towards the old, rusty clock hanging off-kilter on the wall. The room, which seemed to be some sort of storage area, echoed with the loud ticking of the clock, punctuating the heavy silence that lay between them.
Ashley felt a wave of dread wash over her. She didn't know who they were waiting for, but she was certain that her appearance wouldn't bode well for her. Her mind raced, thoughts whirling in a tornado of fear and anxiety.
Suddenly, the door to the room burst open, revealing the silhouette of a woman. Barbara. Ashley knew her only casually from their classes, but she had always had a cold, distant demeanor. Ashley watched her with wide, fearful eyes, her heart hammering in her chest. Barbara stalked into the room, her eyes glinting dangerously. Tom straightened, a surprised grunt escaping his lips.
"Finally," he growled. "What took you so--"
His sentence was cut off as Barbara lunged at him. It happened so fast that Ashley barely had time to blink. One moment, Tom was standing, the next, he was sprawled on the floor with Barbara on top of him. She moved with a grace and precision that belied her size. Her fists rained down on Tom, and Ashley could hear the dull thud of each punch landing.
Tom fought back, his surprise turning into a snarl of anger. But Barbara – or was it Barbara? - was relentless. It was as if she was a completely different person, her eyes filled with a cold fury that Ashley had never seen before.
There was a crack, a yelp of pain from Tom, and then silence. Barbara rose, leaving Tom lying motionless on the floor. She turned towards Ashley, and for a moment, Ashley's heart seized in terror.
But then, Barbara – no, this couldn’t be Barbara - merely crossed the room to where Ashley sat, her eyes filled with an intensity that made her shiver. Her hands, surprisingly gentle, began to work at the cords binding Ashley. As she was freed, Ashley felt a rush of relief, her mind a whirl of questions.
Who was this woman really? And why had she come to her rescue?
It was strange. Jacob had been in female bodies before but somehow, controlling Barbara was different. There was a raw, physical power in her, a vitality that felt foreign and exhilarating. He flexed her hands, still tingling from the impact against Tom's face. He had managed to put the brute down, but not without some struggle. Women weren't supposed to be as strong as men, or so Jacob thought, but Barbara was an exception.
At the same time, he was irked. Controlling Barbara’s body had revealed a new set of challenges. Her strength wasn’t the same as his own, particularly his arms. It had taken quite a few punches to deal with Tom, and his knuckles were painful and swelling. As he kneeled to untie Ashley, he felt a pulse of fatigue.
"Who are you?" Ashley stuttered as the ropes loosened.
Jacob paused, a grimace crossing Barbara's face. "It's me, Ashley," he said, trying to infuse Barbara's voice with as much of his own character as possible. "Jacob. I’m using the stealth control tech."
He saw the confusion flicker across Ashley’s face before comprehension dawned on her. Her eyes widened in shock. "Jacob? Really?”
"We’ll have time for questions later," Jacob interrupted, finishing untying her. "Right now, we need to get you out of here."
As he stood up, he once again took a moment to appreciate the body he was controlling. Powerful, agile and, he had to admit, seductive. Barbara was a woman to be reckoned with. If he had his way, he wouldn't mind using this body a bit more.
Jacob felt Ashley stiffen as they approached his own limp body lying unnoticed in the corridor. He hated seeing himself like this - vulnerable and defenseless. It was a risk of the stealth control tech, but a necessary one.
“Jacob?” Ashley’s voice quivered, “Is that… your body?”
“Yeah, it is,” Jacob replied with a curt nod, feeling a grim satisfaction at the shock on Ashley’s face. He let go of her arm and knelt beside his own body. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a spare receiver, a near-invisible piece of technology that was the size of a coin.
"Here, turn around," Jacob instructed, holding the receiver up.
“What are you doing?” Ashley asked, a note of panic edging into her voice as she moved away.
Jacob rose to his feet, raising an eyebrow. “Well, you saw what happened tonight, right? Clearly, you need more protection. This," he said, holding the receiver up, "this will let me keep a closer eye on you."
Ashley looked from the receiver to Jacob’s unconscious body and then back to Barbara, a dawning realization in her eyes. “You want to control me too?”
“Only if necessary,” Jacob replied, his voice firm. “Besides, I did just save your life.”
Ashley hesitated for a moment longer, her gaze darting between Barbara and Jacob’s limp body. Finally, with a resigned sigh, she turned around. As Jacob attached the receiver onto the back of her neck, he could feel her shudder under his touch.
“Don’t worry, Ashley,” Jacob reassured her, “You’re in safe hands.” A grin spread across Barbara’s face as he said it.
“Um… okay.” said Ashley. “I’m going to head back up to my room now. Tell Sherry where I went.”
With that, she scampered away. Was it safe to let her run off by herself like that? Jacob thought. How many times could somebody get kidnapped in one night anyway?
Some part of him said probably more than once, but fuck it. He pushed through the door back into the club.
With Ashley finally off to safety, Jacob turned his attention back to the dance floor. He scanned the throng of gyrating bodies and found Gordon, still looking completely out of sorts in Sherry's body. His movements were clunky and unsure, like a fawn taking its first steps. A smirk played on Jacob's lips as he moved towards him.
As he approached, he saw a group of young men watching Gordon with a mix of amusement and lustful curiosity. "Excuse me, gents," Jacob said in Barbara's sultry voice, sliding between them with an ease that belied his masculine mind.
He reached Gordon and took his hands, leading him onto the dance floor. He could feel Gordon stiffen in surprise but made no attempt to pull away.
"Sherry," Jacob said, grinning mischievously, "you dance like you have two left feet. Let me show you how it's done."
Gordon, looking surprised, stuttered a reply. "Barbara? What are you—"
Jacob silenced him with a finger to his lips. "Shh. Dance with me, Sherry."
With that, Jacob led the dance. As Barbara, he moved fluidly, sensually, leading Sherry around the dance floor in a dance that drew the attention of everyone in the room. Jacob revelled in the moment, both in the control he held over the situation and in the pleasure of making Gordon squirm.
As the music swelled, Jacob spun Sherry out and then pulled her back in. Sherry's surprised yelp was swallowed by the cheers of the crowd. Jacob could barely contain his laughter as Gordon, wide-eyed and flushed, stared at him.
The song ended, and Jacob released Gordon, flashing him a smug smile. "That," he said, pointing a finger at Gordon, "is how you dance."
Jacob lowered Barbara’s already sultry voice. “Want to see how you do… something else?”
Sherry’s body stared up at him, eyes wide, and reached a hesitant hand around the side of Barbara’s neck. Jacob felt the fingers explore, settling on the receiver still attached just above the spine.
A look of understanding passed over Sherry’s face, and then she gave a small, subtle nod. Jacob leaned in for a kiss. The frat boys around them cheered.
Five drinks later, the two agents turned college girls were in each other's arms, sloppily alternating between making out and examining their new bodies.
“I think Sherry is a- a lightweight” giggled Gordon, blushing at the situation. “Here I am, a twenty one year old girl, or a fifty six year old man, or a jesus…”
“I don’t think you’re Jesus,” smirked Jacob. He used Barbara’s hand to fondle one of Sherry’s breasts. “He wasn’t nearly this stacked.”
“Should we… should we…” Gordon started.
“Find somewhere more private? Sure.” Jacob forced himself to his feet, once again admiring the long, feminine legs that stretched out before him.
“I was going to say dis- disengage” grumbled Gordon. “But I think I like your idea better.”
He nearly rolled one of Sherry’s ankles as he stumbled to his feet. He leaned on Barbara’s body as the two of them snuck away from the emptying bar and up to a room.
“You know the best thing about being a girl?” said Gordon drunkenly. “Everybody wants to have sex with you. Tom wanted to have sex with me. Chris wanted to have sex with me. Even hot college girls like Barbara want to have sex with me.”
He fell back onto the bed, rubbing his legs together.
“Evvveeerybody wants to have sex with me. I’m a sex god.”
“I’m not a college girl.” said Jacob, smirking as he took off his dress.
“Assassin, whatever.”
Jacob laughed. He reached underneath Sherry’s dress and pulled down her silk panties.
“And you know the worst part about being a girl? Evvverrrybody wants to have sex with me. What if I don’t want to have sex with them?”
Jacob pawed at one of Sherry's legs, nibbling at her thigh. Gordon mewed at him.
“I don’t get to turn it off. They always want to have sexxxx, even if I don’t want to. Every guy was staaaaaring at me. Half the girls were staring at me.”
Jacob tore off his own underwear and frowned down at his flat crotch. Oh yeah.
“Being a girl suuuuuuccccks. Everybody always wants to have seeeexxx with me.”
“Being a girl sucks alright”, thought Jacob as he drunkenly felt around between his legs. “How the fuck am I meant to have sex without a dick?”
He grunted and stared down at the hot, horny woman that was lying on her back in front of him, so wet it was running onto the sheets. He was so damn turned on. He would have had a throbbing erection if he was in his own body.
He looked down at himself. Past the large, hanging breasts, and to the bare vagina nestled between his thighs. He spread the labia uselessly, growly with frustration as he squinted, trying to see anything but the tiny clit that was pulsing there. It was so damn small. What the fuck was he meant to do with that?
“I’ll be right back,” Jacob growled. Gordon moaned in disappointment and began feeling himself up.
“You’re meant to rub it.” said Gordon, absentmindedly, as he began to use Sherry’s hands on her own body.
Jacob barged out of the door.
Sherry was having a hell of a night. First she found she couldn’t dance for shit, next she spent like an hour being felt up by the same uncharming douchebag, and then she got drunk and made out with one of Ashley’s random college friends – Barbara? What was her name?
She stared down at herself, spreadeagled on the bed, horny as she had ever been. Now Barbara had disappeared, god knows where, and she could barely get herself off.
“Ugh!” she moaned in frustration. “This is way harder than it looks!”
She cupped her boob in one hand and tried to stick out her tongue to lick it, but couldn’t reach. Her other hand grabbed at her clit, tugging it up and down like a tiny little dick. Why wasn’t she acting normal? It usually took her two minutes to get off and go to sleep!
“Fuck this!” she huffed and collapsed back onto the bed. She raised her bare legs into the air and stared at them. One leg, two legs, kicking in the air.
She admired her toes as she flexed them about, rubbing one leg up and down the other. She had never really looked at herself like this before, but she had to admit, she had nice legs. She blew a kissy face at them.
“Hellloooo toes,” she chortled.
She moaned again in frustration. She didn’t want to talk to her toes. She wanted to get off! She’d been alternating between horny and frustrated all night – not to mention seemingly fascinated with her own body. What was that all about?
The door burst open.
“Still awake?” came a man’s voice. “It took me a while to sort out Barbara’s body, hand her over to the cops, make sure Ashley was safe, etcetera, etcetera.”
Sherry just stared at him. What the fuck was Jacob doing in her room?
“Nice view, boss.” he said, staring right up at her. Her legs were still raised in the air, her bare nether region exposed. She thought she should maybe cover up, but decided, why not let the perv get a view? Closest someone like him would ever get to her!
Jacob tore his pants off. “Glad you could save it for me.”
“Never tell anybody about this.” Sherry found herself hissing.
“You got it, boss.”
She looked down to see Jacob’s monster member growing before her eyes. She threw her head back and moaned. Maybe she could have sex with him after all? What’s the worst that could happen? Not like she’d been able to do much without him…
“Hurry up! You better be able to get me off in this damn horny body!”
A thick, meaty hand grabbed her ankle and pulled her along the bed. Then she felt a peculiar sensation of something big touching a hole that she had never felt before…
Of course she had felt that before, what was she thinking?
An alien sensation burst through her in little waves as Jacob’s dick entered her. She squeezed her eyes shut, concentrating on the sensation that bore through every nerve in her body.
“It feels so good!” she screamed, “and-what-the-fuck-it-feels-so-weird!”
Jacob began thrusting into her. He grabbed her arms and held them down on either side of her. All she could do was gasp as the sensations overwhelmed her body. In out in out in out.
Jacob grunted. “You like that old man? You like that Sherry?”
“Yes! Yes!”
“Fuck both of you! I’m the fucking king! What did either of you do tonight for the mission? What have you ever done for me!”
“No- nothing!”
“You like being made a little bitch, don’t you Gordon? Don’t you Sherry!”
Gordon? What the fuck was he talking about? But Sherry didn’t care, she let out a scream.
“Yes! Yes! Fuck me Jacob!”
“Cum like you haven’t had sex in a decade, old man!”
“Twenty five years! This is.. My first time… in twenty five years!”
Sherry was talking nonsense, but who cared? Her eyes rolled back in her head. She saw white. Every muscle in her body spasmed, every nerve cried out, she felt a wave slam into her mind, her fists clenched, her toes kicked, her whole body seized up, Jacob’s dick pulsating inside her, spurting deep into her body!
She collapsed back onto her bed. Jacob pulled out, and they quickly fell asleep.
The next morning, Jacob was having a coffee outside the control room when Gordon, his old body looking tired and sore, grumbled his way out of the sleeping quarters.
“I don’t want to hear a fucking word.”
Jacob smirked, and that was that.
“Ah, Mia, if you wouldn’t mind volunteering?”
I started from my stupor. All the party goers turned to look at me expectantly. I could see Jessica Thomas smirking at me from the corner. She knew I hadn’t been listening, the bitch.
I smiled sweetly and strutted into the space Sam Smegly had cleared. He was a run-of-the-mill creeper - short and kind of chubby, bad fingernails, greasy hair. He grinned at me from behind about a hundred pimples as I deliberately stopped a few metres away from him.
“Now,” he said, gushing “I’m going to turn the device on-”
He flicked a switch and a blazing blue light appeared from the table in front of him. I glanced down and saw what looked like a kind of saw, but instead of a blade there was a flickering blue hologram thing. Smegly let out an excited noise and picked it up.
“Yes, excellent. And um, now I’m going to…” he hesitated for a moment, then turned to me. “Mia, hold your hands out in front of you.”
I scowled at him but with everybody staring at us I didn’t feel like I had much choice. I held my perfectly maintained hands out in front of me.
“Yes, good, good, um, this is going to feel a bit strange.” Smegly chuckled slightly and positioned the blue band saw thing above my arms.
“What-” I started to say when he slammed the fucking thing down through my wrists.
I shrieked and jumped back. Somebody in the crowd screamed! What the fuck, Smegly, I could have really gotten hurt! I reached up to tuck my hair back into place and froze. I couldn’t seem to grab my hair... I… something was very wrong.
I looked down at my hands and shrieked again. They were gone! My wrists just ended in fucking stumps, with nothing but a dim blue glow on the end of my wrists where my hands should have been! Jesus Christ!
“It’s okay! It’s okay! Don’t worry!” Smegly was shouting. I ignored him, my breath coming in short and fast. This maniac had cut my hands off.
“Don’t panic! It’s okay! You can still feel them, right? You can still feel your hands?”
What? That didn’t-- actually… I could still feel my hands. The sheer surprise of it pulled me up short. What the hell? I flexed one and felt it rub against something. A moment later I jumped about a foot in the air when I felt something grab it!
“The device uses Jacksonion nanobots to cut through biomatter and form a remote connection between the body and the… that is to say, you’re fine! Your hands are right here!” Smegly stood up from where he’d been fiddling on the floor and waved something at me. My hands! Those were my hands he was holding! And I could feel it too - his sweaty fingers wrapped around mine. Eww.
I reached out to snatch them back but missed. Fuck. Not having hands on the end of your wrists suuuucks.
“Put them back on you creep!” I shouted at him.
“I will, I will!” he said, “Just a moment, there’s more to show first.”
The crowd was still watching, stunned. Several people had moved to help, but they now stood frozen, not really sure what to make of what was happening.
“I’ll do it too, see.” Smegly called to me, and to the crowd. He put my hands down on the table - which was kind of cold-- then slammed his wrists through the device as well. I watched with my mouth open as his hands dropped to the floor and wriggled around. He held his stumps up in the air. He was getting really excited now.
“Now this is the really cool bit! Watch, watch!”
Grinning stupidly, Smegly placed his bare wrists on the table and lined them up with the bottoms of my hands. Then, in one smooth motion, he touched his arm stumps to my detached hands and I felt them just… disappear.
I mean, they were still there on the table, I could still see them. But all the sensation from my hands just cut off. It was like, beyond numb. I tried to flex my fingers, but nothing happened. I couldn’t feel them, I couldn’t move them, it’s like they were just gone. Really cut off.
Smegly straightened up and raised his arms in the air again.
“And VOILA!”
I gasped. At the end of his arms were my hands. My small, delicate, perfectly manicured dainty little hands were on the end of fat-fucking-Smegly’s wrists! What the ever-loving fuck!
I watched in horror as he wiggled my fingers, showing them off to the crowd.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to leave this device here for the rest of this evening’s, ah, fun. You’re welcome to experiment with it!”
The tension broke, and the crowd erupted into chatter. I could see Jessica laughing at me meanly from across the room as I stood there alone with my useless stumps. Smegly was trying to say more to the crowd, but nobody was listening anymore.
“Just remember to be careful! There’s no way to get it back if you misplace a finger or something!”
He was swamped by a gaggle of equally oily geeks who fawned over him like he was royalty. He showed off my hands to them, twisting them this way and that and wiggling my fingers. The idiot was going to ruin my nail polish -- not to mention how creepy it was, to see his friends touching and prodding and admiring my hands without me!
“EXCUSE ME!” I yelled at them. “Smegly, I don’t think you’ve finished here yet!”
Smegly waved his friends off and walked over to me, grinning. “Oh yeah, yep, yeah. Um. Firstly you should seriously be more impressed, Mia! This is a seriously amazing technology we’re experimenting with here.”
“I don’t give a fuck about the technology, Smegly. I want my damn hands back.”
I raised my useless stumps in front of him. Smegly grabbed my arm -- with my own bloody fingers -- and felt around the blue haze lightly glowing on my wrist.
“Wow, look at that. It’s like the nanobots have constructed a perfect seal around the…”
He caught sight of my glare and hesitated.
“Look Mia, let’s just stay like this for a little bit. It’s an experiment, isn’t it? We should, um, you know. Try it out? I appreciate it a lot!”
He turned to go. The audacity of this guy! I looked around for backup, but nobody was watching. Not that they’d help me if anybody did see.
“And what am I supposed to do?”
“Well, um, my hands are still sitting on the table?”
He scratched himself with my beautiful long nails and disappeared into the crowd before I could yell at him again. I thumped him on the back, but I jolt of pain went through my arm stump -- it clearly wasn’t built for hitting.
Smegly ignored me. Oh, so you want me to wear you hands, then, do you? I’ll show him not to mess with me. I wonder how he’d feel about getting his hands back shaved? Or his nails painted? Or fuck it, a tattoo? Those hands wouldn’t be the same when he got them back, oh no.
I grinned wickedly and stormed over to the table where Smegly’s hands and the saw sat, pushing my way through the group that had congregated around it. Some girl had already picked up the saw and was lining it up with her friend's neck carefully.
Smegly’s big gross hands were sitting by themselves on the table -- clearly nobody was too interested in them. I braced myself, pushing down my disgust.
“And after I’m done destroying these ugly mitts, I’m going to use them to punch him right in the face.”
The image of Smegly getting attacked by his own fists brought a smirk to my face, helping me steel myself as I lined up my wrists and pushed. Sensation returned instantly. My hands felt big and clumsy -- almost like I was wearing gloves -- but I could feel and move them okay.
“You’re gonna regret this, Smegly.”
Nearby, a girl shrieked as she lifted her own head up off her shoulders, struggling to keep her body upright as she controlled it with her head in her hands. She blushed as she thought about the possibilities of being headless. “Oh my god.” she thought “I’ve got to find a room alone.”
Walking with your head in your hands is really difficult.
I shuffled very slowly and carefully forward, almost getting knocked over completely when this girl with man-hands brushed past. I turned my whole body to grin at Stace.
“I’m going to go for a wander!” I squealed. “I’ll catch up with you in a bit!”
Stace gave me a thumbs up. There was already a group surrounding her, since she still held onto the saw. I knew when I came back things were gonna be real different down here.
I bit my lip and shuffled over to the stairs as fast as I could without falling over. Everytime I took a step my head bounced and rolled slightly in my hands, making me dizzy. Ugh, this would have been so much more convenient if I could make it to the bedroom then take my head off.
I elbowed my way through the gawking crowd and eventually made it into an empty guest room. I shoved the door shut with my butt and threw my head onto the bed…
The world spun and flew about me in a blur! Oft! Fuck! That was a bad idea! I found myself looking back at my body at an angle from one eye, my face on it’s side pressed into the doona. Instinctively I tried to turn my neck and push myself up, but nothing happened.
Well, not nothing. My body lifted it’s arm and I could see my neck stump wiggle. Jesus, it was so strange, it still felt like my body was directly underneath me. Like, if I shut my eyes, I would think I was standing up with a pillow pressed into the side of my face.
Hmmmmm… that’s a good idea. I shut my eyes and tried moving about. It was way easier to get my bearings like that -- though balance was still a bit of an issue. I quickly stripped off my skirt and thong and kicked them away. Fuck this was gonna be fun.
I opened my eyes and clumsily walked my body over, controlling it like a mirror image. My hands eventually brushed my curly hair and I picked myself up carefully, tilting my head to look up at my body, which seemed to tower over me. I shivered in anticipation.
I’d never seen myself from this angle before. It was super weird, and almost intimidating. I eyed my exposed belly button for a moment for a moment before tilting my head down slightly to stare straight at my pussy. It was dripping wet. My clit was engorged and pulsing, and below it I could see past my dark skin to little flashes of light pink flesh inside me.
I closed my eyes and felt like I was instantly transported, my sense of self jumping to the spot above my neck. I felt like I holding someone’s head down between my legs. I scratched that head with a finger, and felt it above my ear. The disconnect was fascinating.
Very gently, carefully, I lowered the head down until…
I felt something brush my lips. And at the same time I felt something touch me down below.
I stuck out my tongue and grazed the vagina in front of me, and simultaneously felt something graze my labia. Just a little to the side… I licked again and felt it nearer my clit this time… a bit higher…
Ooooh my god!
I froze in pleasure. The moment dragged on and I wished the teasing would continue…
Ah. Right.
My eyes still shut, I stuck out my tongue again and felt another electric shock of pleasure. My pussy pulsed between my legs.
I went down on myself, knowing exactly what to do to elicit the strongest sensations from my own body. Knowing how long to pause between stimulation, knowing when to go harder… it would have been impossible for another person to do it this well.
As I sucked and licked and nibbled, I let my mind wander. With my eyes shut it really did feel like somebody was going down on me -- my head felt like it was where it had always been. At the same time I could feel a pussy dripping on my lips and tongue. I could smell my own arousal so damn intensely. I was almost like I was going down on somebody else at the same time somebody went down on me and we were copying each other’s movements.
My attention snapped back as I felt an orgasm begin to build up. I carefully shifted my head lower, my hair snapping in my fingers as I pushed my face around. I felt safe in my own hands, my little fingers pressing into my head and holding me securely.
I stuck my tongue out experimentally and felt it graze the opening of my vagina. At the same time somebody licked me softly.
I pushed the head between my legs further in and felt something warm press hard against my face. I kissed myself and stuck my tongue in further, jiggling it around. Normally this wouldn’t be quite as good as going down on my clitoris, but the idea of being pushed into my own vagina was soooo hot…
I licked again and felt myself build up more, getting closer to cumming. I found I could wiggle my head from side to side in my hands and rub my clit with my nose. I squirmed in delight and pushed down harder. Uncomfortably hard, even.
It didn’t matter. My toes clenched and I stuck my tongue in still further, knowing there was a spot just above the opening that if I could reach would---
Oh my god!
The very tip of my tongue touched a button of ear-screeching pleasure and I moaned out loud -- unable to keep myself quiet any longer.
I reached back to that spot and pressed against it harder still. My whole body shivered and squirmed and I crushed my head between my legs. I was so close! A bit further! I pushed my tongue as deep as it would go and pulled my head in hard AND-
The feelings just... stopped. I opened my eyes in shock. What had happened? I gave my vagina an experimental lick. I couldn’t feel it at all. It was completely numb! Yet I watched it pulse in front of me. I frowned in confusion.
“Yeah don’t stop!” said a voice above me.
I jumped in surprise, but my hands didn’t move. I tried to tilt my head up to look, but found I had no control of my arms. One of my fingers stroked the back of my head. I gasped. What a moment before had been a comforting sensation was now scary and alien. Those hands were no longer mine!
My world lurched as I was shoved back into my pussy. It was leaking, ready to burst, just as it had been a moment before - only now I couldn’t feel it!
Not fair!
“Keep going!” said the voice, my own hand patting me on the head expectantly. Wait! That was a guy’s voice!
“What the fuck!” I tried to say, but it came out muffled. The body above groaned and I saw a neckbeard face above my neck smirk down at me. He stretched my body, shifting my weight from side to side.
“Come on!” he said, wiggling my hips. A moment later my hands smushed my face against the vagina that used to be mine and dragged me about on top of it.
That’s not how you do it!
I tried to snap at him to be careful, but when I opened my mouth my wet pussy clumsily slapped into it and I gagged.
Suddenly having my arousal ripped away, my pussy seemed super gross to me. Especially since I knew some guy was getting all the pleasure from it! My body didn’t stop though. My fingers clenched and pulled my hair painfully. My own hips humped my face. Bam! Bam! Bam!
“Ugh! Jesus!” came the voice from above. The hips pushed out hard against my head and stayed there. Then they swung back and forth one more time, hitting me in the face with a wet slapping sound, and I watched, numb, as my body tightened and quaked without me.
The guy groaned and the vagina pulsed rapidly.
Don’t do it you bastard!
A stream of liquid gushed out from between my old legs and hit me in the mouth. My own hand held me tight against the pouring hole, shaking. I spluttered in disgust. Fucking hell! That was so gross! Some guy had orgasmed in my body -- and used me for it -- then squirted all over my mouth!
And I didn’t even get to feel it!
I also couldn’t wipe the cum from my face. All I could do was glower at the guy who stole my body. And my orgasm! And hope he would fix us back up, leaving me with a spent and tired body. Yeah, thanks.
He didn’t seem affected by my gaze, however. He patted me on the head, then grabbed my hair with my own bloody hand and swung me out of the way. I landed on the bed with a bounce and a growl.
“Hey, what the hell man! I was having a good time there!”
“Oh I know.” the guy muttered with a smirk. I could see his face clearly now - It wasn’t someone I knew. Nerdy white guy, bit of a scraggly beard. I watched aghast as he squeezed my boobs through my crop top. Both physically and behaviorally - he looked super out of place on my body.
“I’ve always wanted to be a black girl!” he winked at me then strutted over to the door.
“HEY! Give me my body back!”
He opened the door, the noises of the party came blasting through.
“Put my clothes back on at least!”
He glanced down at the skirt and thong I’d flung into the corner of the room.
“Eww, no.” he said. Then he left, casually showing my vagina off to the world.
With my face covered in my own fluids, without any way of wiping my face and down one orgasm, I sighed.
“That didn’t go well.”
Read the next Part Swap story here!
“I’m not sure Sarah, I’m not that desperate.”, I said.“Come on Elle! Aren’t you at least a bit curious?” Sarah whined.Body Rentals had been around for a few years now, but only recently had the price and portability of their control unit’s dropped low enough for regular people to afford them. Regular people like Sarah, who was now sitting on the floor of my room desperately trying to get me to let her try it on me.“Curious, yes.” I said “Keen for you to take control of my body? No.”“Why not? It’s perfectly safe!” Sarah pressed me. She knew I had a hard time saying no to her, and she could tell my reluctance was waning. “It’s easy as pie, all you have to do is stick the receiver to the back of your neck, and then when I put on the helmet and remote in, I get to see what you see!”“And make me do whatever you want.”“I won’t do anything weird!” she exclaimed. Sarah had been telling me all about the Body Rental kit on the way home from class. Her father worked for the company that produced them, and had brought home this new, portable version just yesterday. Sarah had snuck it out of her house -- without permission, I’m sure -- and brought it over to try it on me. Why she wanted to try out being the small mousy girl from biology, I had no idea, but the concept made me uncomfortable.See, the thing is, when you’re wearing the receiver, whoever wore the helmet had complete control over your body - as if it were their own. Sarah would be able to feel, see, and hear everything I did, and she’d also be the one behind the controls. I would be just a passenger in my own body, unable to even blink by myself, just watching myself move until Sarah had the good graces to release me.It actually was even worse than that. If she wanted, she’d be able to make me completely ‘black out’, cutting me off from any awareness of what my body was doing. In that case, I’d just wake up afterwards, having no idea what had transpired while she rode me. It gave me the shivers. I liked Sarah, but we hadn’t known each other all that long, and I didn’t trust her with something like that.“Why don’t I try it on you, if you just want to see it work?” I asked.“Becaaaause”, Sarah replied “You don’t know how to work the controls! I have to be the one to wear the helmet.”I hesitated. I didn’t quite believe her, but I couldn’t really see a way out. She was right -- I was curious.“Come on Elle, I’m not asking much. Just 5 minutes, to see if it works.”. She wasn’t used to not getting what she wanted, and I’d been fiddling about too long.“Okay.” I said. “But only for 5 minutes.”“Yes! Thank you Elle! Thank you!”, Sarah jumped up, excited, and started setting up the equipment.“But I want to remember everything that happens, okay? And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”, I tried to think if there was anything else I should say. “And don’t leave my room, okay? I don’t want my brother or someone to see me acting weird.”“I won’t act weird.”, Sarah said, her face bent low as she fiddled with the helmet.“And the other stuff?”“Sure, sure”.I don’t think she was really listening, but before I had a chance to repeat my rules, she straightened up, holding a small metal piece in her hand.“Okay, turn around Elle! I’m going to put this on your neck!”. I signed and turned around for her, as she lifted up my hair and stuck the piece right above my spine. It felt kind of cold.“Oooooh, this is going to be so much fun!”. Sarah moved back over to the bed and put the helmet on her head, then carefully laid herself down.“What do I need to do?” I asked, but she wasn’t listening again. I just stood there, looking down at my arms and legs. They’d startled to tingle, just a little bit, like a quiet kind of pins and needles.I was in the middle of wiggling my fingers when suddenly... they stopped moving. I tried to wiggle them again, but couldn’t, it was like somebody had just chopped off all the control signals from my brain. It was a very strange sensation, since I could still feel everything.I tried to look over at Sarah to see if she’d connected yet, but I couldn’t do that either. My eyes wouldn’t obey my commands, they were just stuck, staring at my now stationary hand. I found I couldn’t even blink, no matter how hard I tried. Was it supposed to be like this? Had Sarah stuffed something up? Luckily I was still breathing automatically.Then I felt a very strange sensation, like ice washing down my spine, through my fingers and toes, over my face. And I felt myself smile. Now that was weird, because smiling was about the last thing I wanted to do right now.The fingers on my right hand clenched and opened themselves, I was powerless to do anything about it. Then I felt myself look up, and the smile became a grin. “Looks like it worked!” my voice breathed, in a low kind of voice.Inwardly, I cringed. This wasn’t going to be good.“WOW!” my voice cheered with Sarah’s enthusiasm, as she easily controlled my body. It was kinda unnerving, having your tongue and lips move by themselves. My eyes flickered over to Sarah’s comatose form laying on the bed, helmet fixed on top of her head.“I look like I’m asleep!” Sarah said, way too loudly. I didn’t want my brother walking in on us. “I’ve never seen myself from this angle before!”.Never looked at a photo, then?I was annoyed at myself for letting Sarah take control of me. She was making me act all outgoing and girly -- like her -- not like the mousy nerd I was. It felt weirdly wrong.I felt my weight shift and found myself taking a step towards Sarah’s body, my legs moving without my command, my bare ankles rolling slightly on the carpet as Sarah got her bearings in my body.Careful, I don’t want to get it back hurt because of your clumsiness.“Haha, you’re so short.” she said, her attention distracted away from her limp body. I felt my legs bend as Sarah maneuvered me into a squat. Then she used my legs to suddenly spring up into the air, jumping as high as she could, swinging my arms awkwardly to try and get more height.“I can’t even jump up to my normal height! This is so cool!” She jumped again, and again. Then - OUCH! A sharp pain shot up my leg, I’d landed on something. Outwardly my body didn’t react at all, even as I sent the automatic command to yelp in pain and move away.Goddamn it Sarah I said be careful!The pain flared as Sarah kept the weight on that foot, squishing something sharp into me. I instinctively tried to adjust my weight off the painful object stabbing me, but nothing happened. I couldn’t pull my leg away, couldn’t wiggle, couldn’t do anything. I was helpless!SARAH! What are you doing!?A moment later she looked down, noticing she was standing on something. Another flare of pain as she adjusted my weight and lifted my leg up, to look at the bottom of my foot. One of my brother’s lego pieces sticking out of it. Wasn’t that kid too old to have lego?“Huh, that’s weird.” my mouth moved, betraying none of the frustration I was feeling. “Shouldn’t that have hurt?”Yes it hurt!She flicked off the lego brick, the skin had an indentation, but wasn’t pierced. I wasn’t being a princess, I swear, those things hurt!I felt another sharp jab of pain, this time in my arm. Sarah had pinched me with my own hand! That bitch!“Wow, I can’t feel that at all!”. She pinched me again, harder. I could feel the muscles in my hand straining under her command to squeeze.HEY!“I mean, I can still feel the touch, but no pain at all. This is great!”Yeah, great…She chuckled. “Sorry about that Elle, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She pinched me again as she spoke, clearly not putting that much thought into her apology. At least this one wasn’t as hard.“It’s just so weird not to feel the pain, you know?”, pinching up and down my arm. I tried as hard as I could to stop myself, willing the muscles in my hand to let up, concentrating… concentrating…!“Ah, well”, she said, brushing herself down. “I suppose I shouldn’t try that one out too much, unless I want you to bitch about it all day!”. I’d poured all my energy into letting go, and she hadn’t even noticed. I felt my nervousness increase -- I was totally at her mercy.She brushed herself down again, my own hands moving down my chest and flat stomach. She made me look down, eyes lingering on the lumps that were making my shirt stick out. I felt myself bounce on my toes a little bit, as if in indecision. I hoped Sarah wasn’t thinking what I thought she was thinking.“Um um um um…” the ditsy girl said. “I’m just going to… well… it’s just… I just want to see, just quickly.”Oh no.My betraying hands reached down and began lifting up my shirt, moving quickly, sloppily. Sarah pulled the shirt over my head, getting it caught on my boobs on the way. “Oops, sorry!”.I felt myself look down, at my breasts held tight by my bra. “Oh my god.” Sarah breathed. “They’re so big.”.My boobs weren’t that big, they just stood out on my small frame. But the way Sarah was making me stand, with my chest jutting out and head tilted down as far as it would go -- well, it was certainly showing them off in a way I never would.“I’ve always wanted tits like these, Elle.” I felt my stomach knot up a little bit. Was that why she asked to come over and try out this thing on me? To try out having bigger boobs? My god that girl was shallow. She was tall, blonde, and hot. The fact her boobs were only an A cup didn’t dissuade any of the dozens of guys she got with each semester, why did she care so much?My hands reached behind and undid the clasp of my bra, letting it fall to the ground. Sarah didn’t even notice the uncomfortable position she put my shoulders in while doing it.“Oh my god.” she said again, hefting a boob in my small hand. My hand felt cold and uncomfortable to me, but Sarah certainly was feeling something else…I felt myself grow wet. And that was certainly not at my command. My own hands fondled my boobs more, the fingers pressing into them as Sarah heaved and jiggled my chest around. It was surreal, to have my body respond to the touch, while I felt totally trapped and helpless -- and not wanting to be aroused!But I felt it too, and inwardly I gasped as Sarah used my finger to flick my nipple. She squeezed my boobs hard, hard enough to be a little painful, even.Take it easy Sarah! I think that’s enough for now!She pressed my legs together as I felt myself get wetter. She was going to ruin my underwear at this rate. She slowly began lowering a hand, down to between my legs.That’s not yours to play with!And then I heard a gasp. Sarah made me look up, and there, in the doorway, was my little brother Ben staring open mouthed at me. Shit! How long had he watched me -- Sarah -- fondling? Not cool!I cringed and tried to cover myself, but Sarah made me sit still, hands still squeezing my boobs. She forced me to smile. “Oops.” she said. He stared for a moment longer, then ran away.She turned back to her limp form on the bed. “Guess I should let you go, ay?”, she said casually, genuinely enjoying herself.I’m going to kill you for this, Sarah.Sarah walked me back to the bed, my eyes looking down at her body’s limp form. She stopped and smiled down at herself. I wanted to scream.My brother just saw me fondling myself! Get the hell out of my body Sarah!Ignoring me, she reached down to brush her hair out of her face. My eyes lingered on my nails as she did it. “You have such nice nails, Elle. And such small hands!”. She waved them in front of her own face, giggling. Then she poked her sleeping form in the cheek, with one of my outstretched fingers.“I can’t feel anything from my own body.” Sarah said to herself. Or maybe she said it to me, it’s hard to tell who she’s talking to when she’s using my mouth to do it. She laughed as she used my hands to push her own mouth into a smile, and then a frown, playing with her features from the outside.Yes, yes, very funny. Now get out of me!Sarah fiddled around with her eyebrows for a moment, using my nails to pluck a few hairs. Then she stuck my finger up her own pert nose, letting out a snort of laughter from my body.That’s disgusting, Sarah. And it’s your own body!!“I suppose I better check how you’re feeling about this, Elle.” Sarah said, sighing. She leaned across her body, and flicked a switch on the side of the helmet.Instantly, I felt myself falling, suddenly no longer having Sarah control my balance. I fell forward, landing awkwardly on top of Sarah’s body on the bed. I scrambled back, regaining control of my rebellious limbs.“Haha, careful!” said Sarah, opening her eyes and grinning. She sat up on the bed and stretched. “I wouldn’t want to do that for too long, already my body feels funny coming back!”My own arms and legs were tingling slightly, but the feeling was going away. I quickly found my bearings and rounded on her.“What the hell, Sarah!” I hissed. “What do you think you were doing?!”“I just wanted to see what it felt like having big boobs!” she replied, innocently. “I didn’t think you’d mind that much. Even you have to admit you have a great rack.” She gestured at my bare chest, and I blushed, scrambling to find the clothes Sarah had thrown around the room.“You should have asked first.” I grumbled, putting my bra back on.“Oh come on! I could tell you enjoyed it!” she chucked “I certainly did.”“About that! I don’t appreciate somebody else turning me on like that!”“Don’t we usually get turned on by other people?” Sarah grinned mischievously. “Maybe I’m just extra good at it.”“That’s not the same, and you know it.” For all my posturing, it was actually kinda hot, having my body get all aroused without my input. Wait -- did I only find it hot because Sarah found it hot, and she was controlling my body’s feelings? Argh, this was so confusing.Sarah was still looking at me, a bit of a glint in her eye. “Oh yeah? I bet I could make you soooooo horny.”I gulped. She wasn’t going to do that, was she? I hesitated, then began to reach up to remove the receiver from the back of my neck.“Maybe another time-- “Sarah flicked the switch on the helmet again, and my hand froze in the air. I felt a chill wash over me. A moment later, her body collapsed back onto the bed.Really?“Oh yesssss.” my traitorous voice breathed. My mouth opened wide. “I’m baaaaaack” Sarah sung, way too loudly.Keep it down, Sarah!My eyes looked down at my chest, with my recently re-donned bra holding up my perky breasts. Sarah jutted out my chest to get a good look. “Can’t be having that, can we?”. She reached behind my back and removed my bra, letting my breasts once again fall freely. She took them in my hands. “Mmmmm, where were we?”I could feel a growing wetness down below, as Sarah squeezed my boobs tight. She ran my fingers down my flat stomach and began to undo the buttons on my jeans.“You’ve been working out, have you? I suppose you wouldn’t mind if I pigged out in your body then?” She giggled, forcing my voice into her girly mannerisms. It sounded wrong - I don’t normally giggle.She pulled down my pants and kicked them across the room, controlling my foot with a finesse completely foreign to me. Then she bent all the way down, and used my eyes to stare directly at my vagina.“Didn’t even shave for me!” she laughed. This was so embarrassing. Not that I had pubic hair, of course, that was totally normal. But bending over and talking into my own vagina? Not something I would normally be caught dead doing.She poked it with one of my fingers, and I felt a wave of arousal wash through me. Sarah was enjoying this immensely. I could even see some of my pubic hair glistening with the wetness Sarah was forcing on me.Sarah poked the lips again, pushing my labia to the side, inspecting the hole. And… “Haha, your clit is much smaller than mine.” It was bad enough she was controlling my body, but did she have to compare everything between us?She used my middle finger to give my clitoris a rub, and I felt a spike of pleasure jolt through me. Sarah gasped, and clenched my vagina in arousal. I tried to rub it again, but couldn’t -- my body was still completely out of my control.If you’re going to do it, bloody do it!My fingers curled themselves, then flicked my clitoris. Hard.Ouch! Hey!My body responded positively though, the pulsing wetness within me getting even more powerful. Sarah flicked again, another jolt, of pleasure and of pain. “This normally hurts too much to be much fun.” my voice announced, “But when I’m controlling you, we can’t feel any of the pain! Isn’t that great?”Hey! Wait! I can still feel the pain!I wanted to shout, but nothing came out. I concentrated on moving my lips, but only felt myself lick them as Sarah worked herself up. Another flick. Another jolt.Sarah moved my body down onto it’s knees, a grin on my face. She reached behind and slapped me hard on my bottom, using all the pitiful strength of my weak arm. This was humiliating! Not that I masturbated very much, but when I did it was lying comfortably back on my bed, quietly rubbing myself until I orgasmed.This was loud, messy, and not at all comfortable. Sarah lent forward, my face and shoulder pressing into the ground, uncomfortably close to her dirty shoes and socks. She reached down with both arms and began rubbing in a circle, pushing down harder then I would have liked. It was so strange. And so, so hot.I could feel all of Sarah’s pleasure as she played with my body. A warm, radiating, pleasurable pulsing deep inside me, with spiking jolts as she manipulated my clitoris clumsily. She rammed the fingers of my other hand deep into my vagina and began pumping. My voice moaned loudly into the floor.Sarah, keep it do-- dow--- dooowwwn…I could feel every ministration, all the build up, and not being in control just made it ten times hotter. Sure, a lot of this pleasure was just because of Sarah enjoying it -- it was her making my body wet, after all -- but I secretly was into it as well.We built up closer and closer, my hands pushing harder inside. I could feel my right hand start to cramp, but I couldn’t control it, couldn’t loosen the muscles or adjust the position. My face pressed into the ground, and my knees ached. The massive orgasm continued to build up, and I couldn’t do anything about any of it.Oh god, I’m coming!“Ooooooooh!!” Sarah made me moan. “OoooOOooh GOD!”. I came, squirting all over my bedroom floor, fingers continuing to rub inside of me. My toes curled, my breath caught, my eyesight went white and unfocused. Holy shit, Sarah.“Wow.” Sarah panted. “Told ya I could turn you on.” She didn’t even bother getting up, just rolled over on the floor and reached up to her form on the bed above. I could feel the mess she had made on the ground pressing into my bare bottom.She forced me to do a slight sit up, and flicked the switch on the helmet again. I fell backwards onto the ground, my shoulder hitting painfully as my stomach muscles instantly lost the commands they’d been receiving from Sarah. I just lay there, overwhelmed.Sarah, her body still fresh, got up easily. She removed the helmet and blushed as she looked down at me.“I’ll, uh, I’ll leave you to clean up the mess you made.” she said. “I’ll come get the stuff later, my Dad won’t notice it’s gone for a few days.” She made for the door quickly, leaving me laying in her mess. “Bye!”“Bye…” I mumbled. I don’t know how I felt about what just happened.__________Next: Body Rentals - Elle Gets Controlled Part 2 (Chap 4, 5, 6, 7)
“Why would I give you a freebie again?”
“Because I’m really, really into it.”
“Doesn’t sound like a good reason to me, buddy.”
My friend Mia was negotiating with a new guy. It was a slow night, so the two of us were sitting with four or five other girls in the lobby of Madame Maxine’s. The four or so girls who’d already been rented were still in their rooms, so it wasn’t exactly kicking off out here.
When Mia had told me she was working for one of those new Body Brothel’s I wasn’t surprised -- she was always into weird shit. When she managed to convince me to do a trial shift two months later, I was shocked that I went along with it.
While some people kind of liked having a job where they could just sit back and let somebody move them around, I always had a lot of initiative -- and independence. But when the recent round of layoffs hit, and it was this or McDonalds. Fuck it, I thought.
The way it worked was us girls would hang out in the lobby, drinking and chatting with clients, or johns as Mia called them. This gave us an opportunity to vet the people who’d have control of our bodies beforehand, and gave the johns an opportunity to see us as real people, rather than just bodies to be worn.
If john liked the look of you, and you were okay with him (or sometimes, her) jumping into your skin, they’d pay at the desk and disappear into a backroom. Meanwhile, you’d go into another room with a bed, a mirror, and a bunch of other amenities and toys.
The john would then take control of your body for 15 minutes. At least.
There were rules of course. No sex without outsiders was one. Kinda ironic for a brothel, I know. I mean, sure, the clients could masturbate if they wanted, or go back out into the lobby and find another girl to make out with, but no sex, you know? It was supposed to be a classy place, and nobody wants to find their body was used by some lame-ass girlfriend to give a blowjob birthday present for her ugly-ass man.
All the girls were clean, and the clients would have to make do with just some fondling between us girls. No outsiders allowed.
They also weren’t allowed to do anything to the body that lasted too much beyond the session. No injuries, obviously. No haircuts. Not even shaving, unless it was cleared beforehand.
My first night I was so nervous I nearly puked. See, the girl’s get to decide if we want to be awake while we’re controlled, or just black out and wake up afterwards in whatever position the john put us in. Some girls even do their settings so that they think they’re doing everything of their own free will, which sounds fucking nuts to me.
Anyway, I’ve always chosen the ‘blackout’ option. The idea of somebody controlling my body, making me flirt, making me masturbate, checking out my ass -- nah man, I’m happier just waking up after, $100 richer.
I know $100 doesn’t sound like much, but man, that’s for 15 minutes work. And there are cameras and people looking after my body, so it’s pretty safe. I’m amazed more people don’t do it, to be honest. Now that I’ve actually gotten in, and seen from the other side what it’s like, it’s like, what was I worried about?
But, yeah, on my first night I was sitting here all nervous like. I hadn’t really learnt how to chat up the john’s yet, you know? There’s a skill to it. The fast spend or the fast rejection is what you want. You have to charm them quickly, because you’re on the clock. I didn’t know any of that yet, so I was just lounging around, quietly chatting with different guys as they arrived.
Eventually, one guy asked if he could rent. (Nowadays I usually ask first because it’s quicker). Anyway, he asked if he could rent, and I was all like “Sure, babe, let’s go.” and inside I’m panicking. This guy is going to control me? He paid at the desk and I hid away in the smallest back room I could.
I remember looking down at myself and thinking “Holy shit, somebody else is going to have this view in a moment?” I kicked my feet and cupped my boobs, and giggled nervously. It takes a few minutes for them to set up the john in the other room, but all of us girls are already hooked in wirelessly to be rented at any time. Which means I have a few minutes to sit there and panic! I imagined waking up outside, somehow, or to a broken arm, or all manner of things. I stared down at my skimpy dress and wondered what a guy would do if he had this view.
An instant later I found myself back in the lounge. Naked. And standing on a table.
Turned out they cut that session off early because the john was ‘Recklessly endangering the worker’s safety’. Funnily enough, that made me feel way more confident about the place, because all he’d been doing is dancing on a coffee table in stripper heels. Nothing I hadn’t done before, haha. But it wasn’t allowed -- he’d been jumping about and shaking my boobs all over. If he’d fallen, I could have been hurt, so they kicked him out of my body, and I got to wake up naked on a table.
Usually they send them back to the room first.
My next few rents went pretty smoothly. One was a bodybuilder who came in looking for the “Smallest, weakest girl I ever saw” and he chose me, the bastard. I woke up after that one with every muscle in my body completely wrecked. Turned out he’d rented me for like two hours! And he’d spent most of that time finding out that, yeah, small women can only lift a few kilograms. Maybe he got off on it, I don’t know.
They didn’t kick him out because ‘all he was doing was exercising’, but fuck, I felt sore for days after. He’d made me do squats, jumping jacks, situps, weightlifting, deadlifts… and apparently was completely amazed when he couldn’t do a pushup. Yeah, fuck off, skinny girls can’t do push ups, okay? He apparently didn’t know that, and my friend Kiera told me he kept trying to, over and over, giggling the whole time. He used my skinny arms to push me up a little bit off the ground and then fall back down onto my boobs. Again and again. Yeah.
At the opposite end was this big fat guy who wanted to be small and skinny. He picked me too for some reason. I was really nervous beforehand that he’d gorge my body on crap, but he was a pretty friendly guy and literally negotiated how much chocolate and shit he would be allowed to eat in my body. He had a fantasy about eating chocolate off a hot girl, apparently, but was easily embarrassed and didn’t actually want the girl to be there while he did it -- so his plan was to do both roles in my body. Eat chocolate off a hot girl, alone, from inside the hot girl’s body. Hah.
Anyway, we pissed around for a while chatting about it, and eventually I get him down to just one of those small packets of family chocolates. He protested until I showed him how large the packet was compared to like, my whole head, and he relented, lumbering over to the back room to be hooked up.
I took the chocolates to one of the bedrooms and quickly changed out of my good outfit -- this arsehole was going to get chocolate all over me, I didn’t want it ruined. I was rushing to do up my leather body suit when the rent signal hit my brain.
Instantly, I found myself lying on my back, on the bed, and covered all over in this sticky brown goo. One of my hands was holding a tit, and the other was in my mouth. I could taste the chocolate -- not bad, actually -- and I could feel the john’s leftover arousal pulsing through me. Usually I woke up feeling pretty satisfied (if a bit sore and used) but apparently fatso had spent the whole time on his chocolate fantasy and hadn’t finished masturbating. He’d probably run out of money.
The cleanup from that was a nightmare. He’d somehow got chocolate all through my hair, in my butt crack, between my toes, all over my face… I felt full and bloated the whole time I cleaned myself up from somebody else's' festivities. And I was still damn horny!
It’s weird waking up horny. It’s not like when you wake up from sleeping next to a hot guy and in the mood. It’s waaaay more intense than that! It’s like waking up right in the middle of having sex, except that you’re literally in the middle of doing all the movements yourself, and probably pretty close to cumming.
I don’t know how to describe it. Imagine the horniest guy you can imagine -- this guy thinks you’re a bloody goddess sent from heaven. Ordinarily he couldn’t get within five miles of a girl as hot as you, and he’d be right -- no way you’d touch him sexually, even if you were getting paid. But now he’s in you -- and there’s no hesitation or embarrassment since he’s alone. No shyness, no being careful or trying to get the other person off or anything. It’s just him, and your body. He’s having the fucking time of his life, moving your arms about, fondling your tits and sticking your fingers in god knows where. He’s just about to have the orgasm of his life…
Then his allotted time runs out, and you wake up right in the middle of it.
It’s fucking intense, let me tell you.
That’s part of what keeps me in this work, I’ll admit. I don’t have to actually let anybody touch me or have sex with me -- it’s all just my body, and man do they get it off. Sometimes guys are a bit too rough for sure -- once I woke up with four of my fingers in my pussy -- but the johns almost always play nice. Madame Maxine’s is a classy place, after all, and they won’t want to be banned.
Anyway, I was going to tell you about what’s happening with Mia and this guy with a kink for it. He wants a freebie because he says we’ll have such a good time being controlled by him. Yeah, right. I’m getting called over, so I’ll tell you more about it in a moment.
“He wants a ride in both of us lad.”
I swaggered over to where Mia and the new guy were negotiating. It was normal -- encouraged, even -- for the john and the gal to chat for a bit beforehand. You want your clients to know what’s okay, and to know you’re a real person in there, not just a hunk of flesh they can ride.
I mean, you were a hunk of flesh that they got to drive around, but you were a person too.
“I want you to stay aware for it, too.”
“This guy reckons he has a fetish for this shit, and that when he’d controlling us all that pent up energy will bubble through.”
“I can tell you now, it will be the best orgasm you’ve ever had.”
“I told him you always go the blackout route, though.”
“How come you want us awake dude?” I asked. I was way more comfortable just jumping ahead in time, not knowing what the guy’s did with my body. Being forced to move about while you were aware would be pretty damn freaky.
“That’s part of it.” the guy said, “I like to know you’re watching, getting off alongside me.”
“Most people do this because the *don’t* want their partners to see what they do.” I quipped, but the guy just shrugged.
“I’ll find another girl if you’re not interested. How often do you get the opportunity to have the orgasm of your life?”
“Literally every day.”
Mia laughed.
“I’m happy to stay awake, if that’s what you’re into, but no way you’re getting a freebie for it.”
“How about you?”
I hesitated. It had been a slow night, and was kinda curious what it felt like to be controlled. I mean, I’d been controlled dozens of times, but I’d never been awake for it. Would I regret it? Maybe. But I would probably have given it a go at some point anyway, why not with the kink man? If how I felt after waking up was any indication, the feelings were pretty intense even for my regulars.
“Double rate, bitch.” I said.
“Fuck, really?”
“You want me to be awake, you gotta pay for it. You’re not the only one that can negotiate prices.”
“I’ll just find somebody else then.”
He didn’t move. I shrugged..
“Fiiiine.” the guy said. “Let’s do it.”
He sighed and looked at Mia. “You first.”
Mia winked at me and strutted into one of the back bedrooms, while the john went over to the counter to pay and be setup in the jump room. Mia was a thicc gal, not much taller than me, but about twice as big. And not fat, either, her waist was trim af. She just had a huge ass, tits, and was built a gymnast. Guy’s liked renting her body when they wanted to turn the feminine assets to the max.
I waited on the couch while she ducked into the back room. I wondered what it would be like to be awake while controlled? I wouldn’t be able to stop it, you’re kind of committed once you choose the setting. That’s part of what stopped me from trying it before. What if I panicked, and couldn’t even move to get help? What if the guy made me do something gross? Would I really not have any control at all? I knew what having a numb arm or leg felt like, but not being able to move my eyes? Not able to even talk or breathe by myself?
Fuuuuccck thaaaaat.
I didn’t have to wait long for Mia to be jumped. Barely two minutes after she ducked into the room, her body swaggered back out under the john’s control. He pumped her hips side to side in an over the top way.
“Hey gal.”
I looked him over lazily. I was used to seeing other girls controlled, of course. They put us out in the lounge not just to flirt with the john’s going in, but also to play with the john’s coming out, if you know what I mean.
They guy held up Mia’s hands in front of his face and wiggled his fingers. He stared at them with a fascination not uncommon for the johns, but the way he bit her lip… well, he was obviously turned on.
“Taking it slow?”
He just nodded dumbly, mesmerised my Mia’s pale fingers in front of him. He waved them this way and that, making her look kinda stupid. He didn’t have her flow, you know, he looked out of place in her body. Like a bad actor on stage for the first time, conscious of every movement to a degree that made it all seem so unnatural. Mia was never like that -- never like that when she was in control of herself anyway. Cool as a cucumber, that one was.
Eventually he lowered his hands to fondle Mia’s chest through her bra. As soon as he touched the assets he gasped and moaned, and I giggled a bit nervously. What did that feel like for Mia, from the inside? She was awake right now, watching her body fondle itself with apparent ecstasy. She would feel the horniness, for sure. Feel the guy’s arousal making her pussy quiver and pulse… fuck, I’d be having a turn in a minute too.
I looked down at myself and tried to imagine it. Nothing. I waved my hands in front of me, then squeezed my boobs too, imagining what Mia was feeling.
Nope, didn’t feel like much. Hmmm.
I looked back up to find Mia’s face staring at me, horniness screaming right out of it. The guy reached out and grabbed my hand.
“Let’s go to one of the rooms.”
I shrugged and let him lead me there. He’d be paying through his nose for a turn inside me in a moment, might as well let him get his money’s worth.
Once inside though, he just kind of stood around. Overwhelmed maybe? It happens. Definitely horny, he was squeezing Mia’s hands as tight as a nun hiding a vibrator.
I decided I might as well have some fun.
“Hey Mia, ya in there?”
Mia’s face smiled slyly back at me.
“I bet you’re hoping we don’t do anything toooooo crazy, ay. Tell you what, if you don’t want to get on all fours, just raise your arm up into the air.”
The guy controlling Mia’s body giggled at me.
“It’s easy as!” I said, demonstrating. “All you have to do is raise your arm. Go on, then!”
“Well, I guess you better get on all fours.”
Mia’s body fell to it’s elbows and knees, and the guy gasped again. Mia’s tits were big enough that they grazed the floor when he put her body like that, and he was definitely enjoying the feeling.
“Good girl” I said, and he shuttered again. I slapped him on the ass for good measure.
I plonked myself down on Mia’s back, riding her like a horse, but facing the other way. Her body shivered again, but I couldn’t tell if it was from arousal, or from the guy’s effort in holding me up with Mia’s skinny little girl arms. Didn’t matter, I supposed.
I slapped him on the ass again a few times, playing Mia’s ass cheeks like a pair of bongo drums.
Alright, so I don’t really know how to do this sort of thing. I’m not a dominatrix, I’m usually asleep when all the sex stuff happens. Bear with me!
The guy moaned, and then spoke with Mia’s voice.
“I’ll be controlling you instead in a few minutes.” he said.
“I know.”
“I bet Mia will have a thing or two to say to you.”
“Oh yeah?” I swung myself around, still sitting on her back. “Let’s give her something to be angry about then, shall we?”
I slapped Mia’s thigh like a jockey. She laughed and started crawling forward.
“Mush!” I cried, as Mia’s body chuckled.
“Oi, oi, okay, enough!” the guy said. “I’ve only got two minutes left in here, and need to make this body orgasm before I switch out.”
“Sounds like a challenge” I said, standing up. The guy made Mia gaze up at me. He sat on her haunches and began fondling her tits again, one hand snaking down to play with her pussy. He let out a quiet moan.
“Want me to dance? Cause I ain’t helping you with that.”
I began bopping my hips side to side.
The guy slowly began to rub Mia’s pussy, pushing gently between the folds. Her body was quivering already.
I spun around and waved my ass in front of her face. He gasped and leaned forward, pressing Mia’s face against my ass check. I gasped softly as he stuck her tongue out and gently licked the back of my thigh. Shit, this was turning me on too.
The guy moaned softly with Mia’s voice as he masturbated in her body. I turned around and began slowly removing my jacket as I danced.
“What do you want me to do in your body?” he asked, panting.
I gave him a cheeky smile. “I want you to make me cum.”
“Ooooh, that can be arranged.”
He licked Mia’s lips.
“But I’m not just going to make you cum. I’m going to make you beg for it.”
“Are you now?”
“I’m going to make you sing out for more. I’m going to make you wriggle and dance and grin and kiss.”
He was really getting into this shit.
“I’m going to take control of that smug little face of yours and do whatever I want with it.”
Oi, smug?!
“And when I’m done, I’m going to make you get down on the floor and kiss these feet!”
He wriggled his toes for effect, then grunted with Mia’s cute high pitched voice and his whole body gave a shudder.
Mia’s face changed suddenly and she feel backwards as her muscles suddenly relaxed for a moment. She was back in control.
“Holy fuck” she said. “He wasn’t kidding about that. What a bloody trip.”
I looked down at myself. Any moment now they would rewire the connection and he’d be in control of my body. And for the first time, I’d be awake for it!
“You bitch!” she said, getting up. “I’m going to make you pay for that.”
“Oh yeah?” I said. “And what-”
And then my mouth stopped working.
The original Body Rentals series can be found here!
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VexenFox · 14 Dec 2021 -
Gemma signs up to be a test subject in a ‘Temporary Human Neuroengineering Trial’ that’s a little bit hazy on the details. It turns out a new neural transmitter and receiver pair are being tested, which allows somebody to experience all the sensations from, and control all the inputs to, somebody else’s body. Unfortunately for Gemma, she’s the receiver, and it really does feel like she’s still the one in control…
“Test Number One, beginning!”
The voice came out of a small loudspeaker on the wall across from me. I didn’t know exactly what was being tested, but I figured it had something to do with the injection they’d given me when I first arrived.
My name is Gemma, and I’m just broke enough that getting paid $500 to be a subject in a ‘Temporary Human Neuroengineering Trial’ was pretty damn appealing.
I’d followed a listing on the student board all the way to this dingy room in the back of the nanotech building, where some excited postgraduates had made me sign a consent form and explained that they couldn’t explain anything before the experiment started. Then they stabbed me in the arm with a needle and left. Really helpful.
I deduced it had something to do with the new nanobots the faculty had been working on. These microscopic machines could be put into a syringe and injected into mice, where their nervous system could be stimulated directly by a human wearing an EEG or something. I’d seen videos on instagram of the mice being made to run around mazes and do things they couldn’t have figured out so quickly on their own.
I found that stuff super fascinating. Were they going to get me to control a mouse with my own set of nanobots? Or would they try to get my arm to jerk under somebody else's control, like that BrainNet/TMS experiment back in 2019? That would be kinda hot. I shivered and felt myself get a little bit aroused.
I looked down and briefly cupped my boobs with my hands, a little gasp coming out of my mouth. Then I snapped my head up and stared at the wall across from me, throwing my hands down to the sides. Had anybody seen that?
I glanced at a camera on the wall above me. I hadn’t noticed it before, but I smiled and shrugged at it anyway. It would be super embarrassing if somebody caught me fondling myself in the waiting room, I guess I felt like I needed to apologise.
I got up, feeling a little bit clumsy and awkward, and walked over to a whiteboard on the other side of the room. I stumbled in my heels on the way and twisted my ankle a little bit. Ouch. Normally I was pretty good at walking in heels.
I went and picked up a blue pen and began to write some numbers on the board. 3, 6, 8, 1… I was just scribbling, wasting time while I waited for the experimenters to get back. I noticed I was slouching uncharacteristically as I wrote, so I thought about straightening my back. Kinda odd that I “thought” about it, instead of just doing it, but you know. I decided I was too engrossed in the drawing to muck up my positioning, so I just stayed slouched.
Maybe that was better, anyway, because my nipples were really hard. Like, eraser hard. I wanted to look down to check if they were poking through my dress, but didn’t think I could risk it. Instead I just gave one a subtle little rub as I drew on the board.
Ooooh, yes, they were hard. A huge wave of pleasure shot through me as I touched my nipple… I don’t know what’s gotten into me! I gave myself a shake and muttered to myself in embarrassment. “They should have gotten a girl to do this test.”
I’d written a few silly words like “Red” and “Pineapple” on the board, and drawn an ugly picture of a cat. Satisfied, I walked back to my seat and sat down. I shivered a little bit. It was kind of cold in here.
Thankfully, one of the researchers chose that moment to walk back into my little waiting room. He smiled at me. Yung? Was that his name? I gave him a small smile back.
“Is the experiment going to start soon? I’m getting bored just waiting here.”
“Sure, just a few questions first. Is that alright?”
He was going to follow some rigid formula for questions, I knew it. Didn’t they teach these guys how to socialise? That sort of formalism isn’t necessary in normal conversations!
“Firstly, did you notice anything strange while you were waiting here?”
Noooo, what did he mean? I wasn’t exactly going to tell him about getting horny out of the blue!
“Nope, nothing unusual. I was just waiting, nothing happened.”
“And did you write this on the board?”
“Yeah, who else would have?”
His smile grew deeper. “No, that’s great. Could you tell me why you wrote these numbers?”
“They just came into my head, is all.” I shrugged. “If I’d written a different number you would have asked why I chose that one. It’s just random.”
“Very good. And this picture of a cat, why did you draw that?”
“I just like cats.”
“You didn’t feel any unusual urge to draw a cat?” Yung asked, peering at me curiously.
“No…? I didn’t even realise it was going to be a cat until I was halfway through doodling.”
What was this guy getting at? Why was he so interested in my ugly scrawling on the wall? Funnily enough, I usually had really nice handwriting.
“Very good! Okay Gemma, we’re about ready to go to the second test, and good news! I get to explain what’s going on now!”
Yung sat down opposite me and grinned. He was really excited.
“We’re testing the first high fidelity brain-to-brain interface!”
I frowned at him. “What does that mean, exactly?”
“It means you get to be the receiver, while somebody else in the other room gets to send instructions to your brain.”
Now that was super cool. Groundbreaking, even! I wondered what it would feel like to have some technology “write” to my brain. I know it would be super crude, but still, it was going to be a hell of an experience.
“The injection you had earlier contained a solution with two trillion nano-scale neurostimulators. Another subject received a similar injection of neuro-readers, and we’ve successfully connected the two of you!”
“Wait, so, you mean you’ve already connected our brains? When does the experiment start?”
Yung laughed. “It’s already started!”
“Like, you’ve been observing our brains and now part two is to try and make my hand twitch, or something?”
“No, no, no!” Yung looked at me cheerily. “I mean we’ve already controlled you!”
“I- what? How?”
I hadn’t felt any weird jolts or muscle twitches. Except for when I stumbled in my heels, perhaps, but I think that was just me being clumsy.
“Everything you wrote on the board, Gemma, that wasn’t you. That was the other subject -- we asked him to do exactly that.”
I stared at him. Was this just some psychological test to see if you believed anything a researcher told you?
“I... think you’ve made a mistake, I was just doodling.”
“No, see, we didn’t really know how your brain would process it. Would it feel like your limbs were out of your control? Would you black out? It looks like it’s much simpler -- your brain just pretends that it was the one that made those decisions!”
“I’m not pretending! I really did decide to do all that!” I gestured at the board, frustrated. I was getting a bit loud, but Yung wasn’t listening to me at all! I think I would know if some guy with a brain interface had controlled me.
“It’s like a split brain patient, Gemma. If you cut the corpus callosum and ask one hemisphere of the brain to do something, the other half will pretend that it was it’s idea all along -- and it will make up nonsense justification. That is essentially what you’re doing now!”
This didn’t make any sense. I had decided to get up, hadn’t I? I’d… gotten horny all of a sudden. That wasn’t like me. But I’d had hot flashes before. I was still the one controlling myself, right? Come to think of it, I had acted a bit odd. I’d said “They should have gotten a girl to do this test.” out loud. Why had I said that? Why had I gotten up? Could Yung be telling the truth?
“The next test is to see if the effect remains now that you’re aware of it. I’m going to leave the room again, just sit there and do whatever comes naturally. I’ll be back to check on you in a bit.”
“Umm… okay then.”
This couldn’t be real, could it?
I sat in my chair and bounced my leg nervously on the floor. If Yung was telling the truth, some guy had used my body to write some nonsense on the whiteboard. He’d made me stand with bad posture, he’d twisted my ankle… he’d made me get horny!
No. I’d done all of those things. I couldn’t get past the thought that if somebody else had been moving my body I would know. The prior probabilities pointed strongly to this being a psychological test, Yung was just trying to work out how gullible I was.
But still. If I had been controlled, how would I know? Could I somehow test it from the inside? Maybe if I decided to do something -- or not do something -- I could tell if I was being controlled. If I actually did do it, then I knew I was myself. If I found myself doing something else, then I must have been controlled. That seems simple enough, right?
So I decided I’d just sit here and not do anything, and to hell with this whole test. That’ll show Yung and his team of nerds, teach them to play with my mind… I shivered a little bit.
Wouldn’t it be funny if I just pretended that I was controlled, though? I looked down and smiled. Yeah, that would really show them. I poked one of my boobs and watched it jiggle.
What would I do if I was being controlled? Moreover, what would the person controlling my body do? I stood up and wobbled slightly, feeling a little bit off balance in my heels. I chuckled and kicked them off. “Well, they told me to relax in here.” I said to myself, brushing myself down.
I noticed I scuffed one of them when I kicked it off. ‘That wasn’t good,’ I thought. I kinda wanted to take a closer look, but instead I sashayed over to the whiteboard again and grabbed a marker. If I was going to pretend I was being controlled then I had to commit to it.
Instead of writing anything on the whiteboard, I turned and looked at my reflection in the window, grinning at the other me. I gave myself a little wave and chuckled.
“I bet you still think you’re the one in control!” I said to myself, slyly. “Well news flash, lady. You aren’t.” Oh yeah, I was good at this whole ‘pretending-to-be-controlled thing’. I took the marker lid off and ran it around my lips like lipstick, leaving an ugly black smudge on my mouth.
“Haha, I can make you do anything!” I laughed. I stuck out my tongue and wiggled it about, tasting the dirty marker on my lips. Then I winked at myself and began scribbling over my cheek. I doodled over my nose and eyelids, totally ruining my makeup with the ugly marker. This is exactly the kind of thing I’d do if I was controlled, I thought, that’ll really fool Yung.
I ran the marker down my neck and found myself staring at my cleavage. I was wearing a simple black dress today that doubled as a bra, but I still looked pretty hot. I felt my body begin to become aroused again as I looked down at my boobs, the marker poking into one.
I mustn’t be taking good care of myself -- becoming this horny from just the odd stray thought really wasn’t reasonable. I glanced around, then popped out one of my boobs, pulling the side of the dress down and wiggling out of the strap. I stared at my hard nipple in awe, then poked it with the end of the marker. It left a little black spot. I chuckled at the absurdity of it all.
I took the boob in my other hand and kneaded it gently. A wave of pleasure washed through me and I gasped. I usually didn’t get this aroused from touching my nipples, I was kind of a downstairs girl. I mean, two minutes in the shower playing with my clit and I was done. I wondered what had changed about me, was it just because of the danger of doing it where I might be caught?
I squeezed my boob harder, moaning slightly. Oh yeah, this did feel good. I reached down with my other hand and felt around the flat space between my legs, exploring carefully, as if I was touching myself for the first time…
I jumped as I heard the door open. Yung walked in, smirking, but I didn’t cover myself. If that pervert wanted to catch me with my top off, so be it.
“Having fun?” he asked casually.
“Fuck yeah dude. You have to have a turn of this,” I said. I… don’t know why I said that. What a weird thing for me to say.
“That’s enough now, I have to quiz her on what happened. See you back in the other room.”
“Laters.” I shivered a little bit, it was cold in here with my chest exposed. Chest exposed! Eek! I quickly covered myself up. What had I been thinking! Touching myself? Letting this nerd see my boobs? I know I was just playing around to try and trick him, but gees, that seemed too far. What had gotten into me?
“Okay Gemma, tell me. Why did you draw all over your face?”
I touched my cheek self-consciously. Some of the ink rubbed off onto my fingers.
“I- ,” my words caught in my throat. My excuse seemed so stupid now that I had to explain myself. “I was pretending to be controlled to trick you.” I said dumbly. I cringed.
“I see,” said Yung, “And why did you pull your dress down?”
“Um, well…” I paused. Hold the horses. Why had I pulled my dress down? It was definitely not something I would do -- no matter how hard I had been pretending to be controlled. What the actual fuck?
“I was being controlled?” I whispered to Yung, not quite believing it.
“Very good!” he said happily. “What was the give away?”
I swallowed. This was so weird. I still felt like I had been the one to do all of that. Even when I had looked at my reflection and told myself I was being controlled - that still felt like me. I could remember deciding to do that! Not in a ‘I’ve thought about this decision’ kind of way, but just like when you randomly decide to skip for a few steps down a path, or to whistle for no reason.
But I believed Yung. I had been controlled. There was no way I would have played with myself in public like that if I’d been the one behind the wheel. But if I hadn’t been told I was being controlled… hell, even if I’d been told but only made to do half-way reasonable things, there’s no way I would have figured it out.
“It was the boob thing. I wouldn’t have exposed myself like that.”
I knew at that point that this neurostimulator stuff was powerful. You could rule the world with that stuff. Did Yung and his team know what they’d created here? Did they see the potential? I doubted it.
“Ah, that makes sense,” Yung said, noting something down on his tablet. “Okay then, for this next test I’d like you to try and resist the commands coming from the other subject. He’s going to try and make you stand up and do star jumps, you just need to stay sitting down and not move. Is that okay?”
I nodded and sat down on the chair opposite Yung, holding myself rigidly. So that’s how it’s going to be, is it?
“Go ahead,” I said “I’m not going to move.”
I sat there tensely, staring at Yung who sat opposite. Yung smiled at me and tapped a few more times on his tablet.
“I’ll stay in the room this time. You should expect to be mounted soon.”
Mounted? Is that what they were calling it now? I felt butterflies in my stomach. Would I be able to resist? Would I even be able to tell if I was being controlled? Yung seemed satisfied that I had been able to tell last time, but really I’d only figured it out afterwards.
No. I would be able to. Neurorecivers or not, I was in control of myself, and I was ready. I shivered a little bit at the thought, then glanced down at my hands. I flexed them experimentally, wiggling my fingers in front of my face. I was still in control so far, at least, since my hands were certainly responding properly.
I looked up at Yung and smirked. “I’m back.” I told him, happily. Not that I’d ever left, you know, just that I… hadn’t left… hadn’t been… -what? What was I saying? I thought about opening my mouth to clarify myself, but decided against it. A moment later I opened it anyway.
“Star jumps, was it?” I found myself asking. “Why not make it more interesting, eh?”
I knew the answer to that already since Yung had just told me -- I was going to be mounted and made to do starjumps and I was supposed to resist. All I had to do was stay sitting down. I wouldn’t give in to this damn thing.
I stood up.
...just to stretch for a moment then I’d sit back down again, I figured.
Wait, no, that wasn’t right, was it? I’d decided not to stand up at all, why had I suddenly changed my mind?
Oh no. I knew why, of course. I was being controlled. Right this moment, I was being controlled by some guy in the next room.
I knew that intellectually, but I certainly didn’t feel like it. I looked down and stared at my chest, reaching my hands up to grope my boobs. I felt every bit like I was the one the one doing it. This was so damn weird! I knew I was being controlled, I knew that somebody else was fondling my chest without a care in the world, but I didn’t feel like it. I felt like I was just standing here, poking at my boobs for no reason whatsoever. Or, really, for whatever stupid reason my mind made up to explain my actions a second after my body moved.
I slipped my arms out of the straps and pulled my dress all the way off. It caught on my wide hips and I wiggled as I tried to force it down all the way.
And that still felt like me! Even though I knew this dress was meant to come off the other way - over my head - and I would never make such a stupid mistake. Hell, I’d never undress in front of this damn nerd in some university waiting room full stop!
Some part of my mind was pressing upon me that I was doing this just because I was nervous and wanted to take control of the situation by flaunting my sexuality… and it felt like such a good excuse, even though I knew it was just total bullshit generated by my unconscious brain and spoon-fed to me.
I watched as I finished undressing myself, tearing off my panties in one swell movement, and kicking off my socks ungracefully. I wiggled my toes into the carpet, admiring my black nail polish. My eyes traced the gentle curves of my legs up to my crotch, and I gasped as I stared at my own vagina. I patted it with one of my hands, becoming so incredibly aroused. I grinned at Yung.
“Okay, star jumps.” I said slyly.
I decided right there that I was going to grab my dress and run from this room as fast as I could. I have pretty damn good willpower, and I really decided to do it, right then and there… but I didn’t. My body just stayed where it was, a stupid smirk on my face, and I felt like I’d changed my mind on the whole leaving thing… even though I knew on some level I really hadn’t!
I decided to just get this over with and do the damn star jumps. At least, that’s what I felt like I decided, because at that same moment my body started jumping up and down, my arms swinging out.
Ugh, I wasn’t even doing them properly! My breasts bounced against my chest uncomfortably as I hopped high in the air. I hit my leg hard on the coffee table below, but found myself ignoring the pain as I kept going.
And more concerningly - I could feel myself getting so wet it was beginning to leak down my leg. Oh. My. God. I felt like I was a creep by getting aroused from exposing myself here, even though I knew it was really some guy’s arousal coming through in my body as he controlled me.
That was freaky to think about. This guy was making me wet from the inside. He was making me feel like I was turned on by looking at my own body, as he controlled my eyes and hands and pussy.
I stopped doing star jumps and grinned down at Yung, panting. He was staring at me open mouthed, the tablet hanging forgotten in front of him.
I winked. “Wanna touch her tits?”
He was kinda cute, sitting there all flustered. I wiggled my chest at him suggestively, feeling my breasts sway slightly from side to side. My pussy ached between my legs and I wanted nothing more than to run off and give it a quick rub, but my feet held firm.
I strutted up to him, popping my hips from side to side suggestively. I knew I could seduce this nerd if I wanted to. I liked the power that gave me over him. I might be the naked one, but he was the one in my control... Okay, so probably not my control, but it sure felt like it. Would it be so bad just to relax and go with the flow?
A moment later I fiiinaaally reached a hand down and began playing with my clit, pinching it between my fingers like I was holding a little dick. I jerked my hand up and down gently. Hmmm… Still, I moaned slightly at the sensation and didn’t break eye-contact with Yung. It wasn’t the smoothest way to masturbate, but whatever.
I reached down with my other hand and wrapped it around Yung’s hanging wrist, then pulled his hand up to my chest. He stiffened slightly but didn’t complain, so I figured he was okay with it. I mushed his fingers into my breasts and moaned again, throwing my head back in apparent ecstasy.
That seemed a bit overboard. I was rolling my head from side to side and moaning in pleasure… from just having some nerd grab my breasts? “Fuck yeah…” I breathed. I had to admit I did feel damn amazing - I was so wet I could feel it sticking to my thighs. I could sense a major orgasm on the way as I squeezed my clit between my thumb and forefinger. My fingers kept slipping off as I tried to masturbate, though, and I couldn’t quite bring myself to change the position...
“It’s so fucking small!” I complained between moans. “I can’t get a good grip. How do girls fucking do this?”
My fingers slipped off again and I growled in frustration. Fuck it! I grabbed Yung by the back of the head and shoved his face forcefully into my wet snatch.
“Eat me out!” I shouted down at him. “Quickly!”
Yung tried to say something but I pushed his head in harder until he finally gave in and began licking.
‘I’m not an ice-cream, you gumbi!’ I thought, disappointed. I wanted to tell him how to do it properly, but instead I just pushed his face in harder and moaned. Ooh. Oh, actually, that wasn’t too bad. My vagina clenched as his tongue grazed my clitoris. Oh yeah, that’s the spot. Right there! Right there!
I gasped. I could feel the orgasm building up now. My legs began to shake and I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. I used both hands to shove Yung’s face so hard against my pussy it hurt, but I didn’t care, I was past the point of no return, I was sex, I was pleasure, I was ooooOOooooHHHOHH!!
My whole body shuddered in the biggest orgasm I’d ever felt in my life. My hands clenched, my toes wiggled, my legs gave out. I collapsed to the floor in a heap, writhing on the ground in an almost alien level of pleasure. I convulsed on the ground, my vision completely white as I felt wave after wave of pleasure flow through me…
Oh my god. That was… that was a good one.
Yung had been thrown back onto the couch. He now looked down at me with an expression of worry on his face. What was he worried about? That was fucking a-ma-zing.
“Alright.” I said “I’ll get out now.”
A second later my head dropped back against the floor and I shivered slightly.
Read the next Stealth Control story here!1 / 1Loading...Loading...- “Test Number One, beginning!”
The voice came out of a small loudspeaker on the wall across from me. I didn’t know exactly what was being tested, but I figured it had something to do with the injection they’d given me when I first arrived.
My name is Gemma, and I’m just broke enough that getting paid $500 to be a subject in a ‘Temporary Human Neuroengineering Trial’ was pretty damn appealing.
I’d followed a listing on the student board all the way to this dingy room in the back of the nanotech building, where some excited postgraduates had made me sign a consent form and explained that they couldn’t explain anything before the experiment started. Then they stabbed me in the arm with a needle and left. Really helpful.
I deduced it had something to do with the new nanobots the faculty had been working on. These microscopic machines could be put into a syringe and injected into mice, where their nervous system could be stimulated directly by a human wearing an EEG or something. I’d seen videos on instagram of the mice being made to run around mazes and do things they couldn’t have figured out so quickly on their own.
I found that stuff super fascinating. Were they going to get me to control a mouse with my own set of nanobots? Or would they try to get my arm to jerk under somebody else's control, like that BrainNet/TMS experiment back in 2019? That would be kinda hot. I shivered and felt myself get a little bit aroused.
I looked down and briefly cupped my boobs with my hands, a little gasp coming out of my mouth. Then I snapped my head up and stared at the wall across from me, throwing my hands down to the sides. Had anybody seen that?
I glanced at a camera on the wall above me. I hadn’t noticed it before, but I smiled and shrugged at it anyway. It would be super embarrassing if somebody caught me fondling myself in the waiting room, I guess I felt like I needed to apologise.
I got up, feeling a little bit clumsy and awkward, and walked over to a whiteboard on the other side of the room. I stumbled in my heels on the way and twisted my ankle a little bit. Ouch. Normally I was pretty good at walking in heels.
I went and picked up a blue pen and began to write some numbers on the board. 3, 6, 8, 1… I was just scribbling, wasting time while I waited for the experimenters to get back. I noticed I was slouching uncharacteristically as I wrote, so I thought about straightening my back. Kinda odd that I “thought” about it, instead of just doing it, but you know. I decided I was too engrossed in the drawing to muck up my positioning, so I just stayed slouched.
Maybe that was better, anyway, because my nipples were really hard. Like, eraser hard. I wanted to look down to check if they were poking through my dress, but didn’t think I could risk it. Instead I just gave one a subtle little rub as I drew on the board.
Ooooh, yes, they were hard. A huge wave of pleasure shot through me as I touched my nipple… I don’t know what’s gotten into me! I gave myself a shake and muttered to myself in embarrassment. “They should have gotten a girl to do this test.”
I’d written a few silly words like “Red” and “Pineapple” on the board, and drawn an ugly picture of a cat. Satisfied, I walked back to my seat and sat down. I shivered a little bit. It was kind of cold in here.
Thankfully, one of the researchers chose that moment to walk back into my little waiting room. He smiled at me. Yung? Was that his name? I gave him a small smile back.
“Is the experiment going to start soon? I’m getting bored just waiting here.”
“Sure, just a few questions first. Is that alright?”
He was going to follow some rigid formula for questions, I knew it. Didn’t they teach these guys how to socialise? That sort of formalism isn’t necessary in normal conversations!
“Firstly, did you notice anything strange while you were waiting here?”
Noooo, what did he mean? I wasn’t exactly going to tell him about getting horny out of the blue!
“Nope, nothing unusual. I was just waiting, nothing happened.”
“And did you write this on the board?”
“Yeah, who else would have?”
His smile grew deeper. “No, that’s great. Could you tell me why you wrote these numbers?”
“They just came into my head, is all.” I shrugged. “If I’d written a different number you would have asked why I chose that one. It’s just random.”
“Very good. And this picture of a cat, why did you draw that?”
“I just like cats.”
“You didn’t feel any unusual urge to draw a cat?” Yung asked, peering at me curiously.
“No…? I didn’t even realise it was going to be a cat until I was halfway through doodling.”
What was this guy getting at? Why was he so interested in my ugly scrawling on the wall? Funnily enough, I usually had really nice handwriting.
“Very good! Okay Gemma, we’re about ready to go to the second test, and good news! I get to explain what’s going on now!”
Yung sat down opposite me and grinned. He was really excited.
“We’re testing the first high fidelity brain-to-brain interface!”
I frowned at him. “What does that mean, exactly?”
“It means you get to be the receiver, while somebody else in the other room gets to send instructions to your brain.”
Now that was super cool. Groundbreaking, even! I wondered what it would feel like to have some technology “write” to my brain. I know it would be super crude, but still, it was going to be a hell of an experience.
“The injection you had earlier contained a solution with two trillion nano-scale neurostimulators. Another subject received a similar injection of neuro-readers, and we’ve successfully connected the two of you!”
“Wait, so, you mean you’ve already connected our brains? When does the experiment start?”
Yung laughed. “It’s already started!”
“Like, you’ve been observing our brains and now part two is to try and make my hand twitch, or something?”
“No, no, no!” Yung looked at me cheerily. “I mean we’ve already controlled you!”
“I- what? How?”
I hadn’t felt any weird jolts or muscle twitches. Except for when I stumbled in my heels, perhaps, but I think that was just me being clumsy.
“Everything you wrote on the board, Gemma, that wasn’t you. That was the other subject -- we asked him to do exactly that.”
I stared at him. Was this just some psychological test to see if you believed anything a researcher told you?
“I... think you’ve made a mistake, I was just doodling.”
“No, see, we didn’t really know how your brain would process it. Would it feel like your limbs were out of your control? Would you black out? It looks like it’s much simpler -- your brain just pretends that it was the one that made those decisions!”
“I’m not pretending! I really did decide to do all that!” I gestured at the board, frustrated. I was getting a bit loud, but Yung wasn’t listening to me at all! I think I would know if some guy with a brain interface had controlled me.
“It’s like a split brain patient, Gemma. If you cut the corpus callosum and ask one hemisphere of the brain to do something, the other half will pretend that it was it’s idea all along -- and it will make up nonsense justification. That is essentially what you’re doing now!”
This didn’t make any sense. I had decided to get up, hadn’t I? I’d… gotten horny all of a sudden. That wasn’t like me. But I’d had hot flashes before. I was still the one controlling myself, right? Come to think of it, I had acted a bit odd. I’d said “They should have gotten a girl to do this test.” out loud. Why had I said that? Why had I gotten up? Could Yung be telling the truth?
“The next test is to see if the effect remains now that you’re aware of it. I’m going to leave the room again, just sit there and do whatever comes naturally. I’ll be back to check on you in a bit.”
“Umm… okay then.”
This couldn’t be real, could it?
I sat in my chair and bounced my leg nervously on the floor. If Yung was telling the truth, some guy had used my body to write some nonsense on the whiteboard. He’d made me stand with bad posture, he’d twisted my ankle… he’d made me get horny!
No. I’d done all of those things. I couldn’t get past the thought that if somebody else had been moving my body I would know. The prior probabilities pointed strongly to this being a psychological test, Yung was just trying to work out how gullible I was.
But still. If I had been controlled, how would I know? Could I somehow test it from the inside? Maybe if I decided to do something -- or not do something -- I could tell if I was being controlled. If I actually did do it, then I knew I was myself. If I found myself doing something else, then I must have been controlled. That seems simple enough, right?
So I decided I’d just sit here and not do anything, and to hell with this whole test. That’ll show Yung and his team of nerds, teach them to play with my mind… I shivered a little bit.
Wouldn’t it be funny if I just pretended that I was controlled, though? I looked down and smiled. Yeah, that would really show them. I poked one of my boobs and watched it jiggle.
What would I do if I was being controlled? Moreover, what would the person controlling my body do? I stood up and wobbled slightly, feeling a little bit off balance in my heels. I chuckled and kicked them off. “Well, they told me to relax in here.” I said to myself, brushing myself down.
I noticed I scuffed one of them when I kicked it off. ‘That wasn’t good,’ I thought. I kinda wanted to take a closer look, but instead I sashayed over to the whiteboard again and grabbed a marker. If I was going to pretend I was being controlled then I had to commit to it.
Instead of writing anything on the whiteboard, I turned and looked at my reflection in the window, grinning at the other me. I gave myself a little wave and chuckled.
“I bet you still think you’re the one in control!” I said to myself, slyly. “Well news flash, lady. You aren’t.” Oh yeah, I was good at this whole ‘pretending-to-be-controlled thing’. I took the marker lid off and ran it around my lips like lipstick, leaving an ugly black smudge on my mouth.
“Haha, I can make you do anything!” I laughed. I stuck out my tongue and wiggled it about, tasting the dirty marker on my lips. Then I winked at myself and began scribbling over my cheek. I doodled over my nose and eyelids, totally ruining my makeup with the ugly marker. This is exactly the kind of thing I’d do if I was controlled, I thought, that’ll really fool Yung.
I ran the marker down my neck and found myself staring at my cleavage. I was wearing a simple black dress today that doubled as a bra, but I still looked pretty hot. I felt my body begin to become aroused again as I looked down at my boobs, the marker poking into one.
I mustn’t be taking good care of myself -- becoming this horny from just the odd stray thought really wasn’t reasonable. I glanced around, then popped out one of my boobs, pulling the side of the dress down and wiggling out of the strap. I stared at my hard nipple in awe, then poked it with the end of the marker. It left a little black spot. I chuckled at the absurdity of it all.
I took the boob in my other hand and kneaded it gently. A wave of pleasure washed through me and I gasped. I usually didn’t get this aroused from touching my nipples, I was kind of a downstairs girl. I mean, two minutes in the shower playing with my clit and I was done. I wondered what had changed about me, was it just because of the danger of doing it where I might be caught?
I squeezed my boob harder, moaning slightly. Oh yeah, this did feel good. I reached down with my other hand and felt around the flat space between my legs, exploring carefully, as if I was touching myself for the first time…
I jumped as I heard the door open. Yung walked in, smirking, but I didn’t cover myself. If that pervert wanted to catch me with my top off, so be it.
“Having fun?” he asked casually.
“Fuck yeah dude. You have to have a turn of this,” I said. I… don’t know why I said that. What a weird thing for me to say.
“That’s enough now, I have to quiz her on what happened. See you back in the other room.”
“Laters.” I shivered a little bit, it was cold in here with my chest exposed. Chest exposed! Eek! I quickly covered myself up. What had I been thinking! Touching myself? Letting this nerd see my boobs? I know I was just playing around to try and trick him, but gees, that seemed too far. What had gotten into me?
“Okay Gemma, tell me. Why did you draw all over your face?”
I touched my cheek self-consciously. Some of the ink rubbed off onto my fingers.
“I- ,” my words caught in my throat. My excuse seemed so stupid now that I had to explain myself. “I was pretending to be controlled to trick you.” I said dumbly. I cringed.
“I see,” said Yung, “And why did you pull your dress down?”
“Um, well…” I paused. Hold the horses. Why had I pulled my dress down? It was definitely not something I would do -- no matter how hard I had been pretending to be controlled. What the actual fuck?
“I was being controlled?” I whispered to Yung, not quite believing it.
“Very good!” he said happily. “What was the give away?”
I swallowed. This was so weird. I still felt like I had been the one to do all of that. Even when I had looked at my reflection and told myself I was being controlled - that still felt like me. I could remember deciding to do that! Not in a ‘I’ve thought about this decision’ kind of way, but just like when you randomly decide to skip for a few steps down a path, or to whistle for no reason.
But I believed Yung. I had been controlled. There was no way I would have played with myself in public like that if I’d been the one behind the wheel. But if I hadn’t been told I was being controlled… hell, even if I’d been told but only made to do half-way reasonable things, there’s no way I would have figured it out.
“It was the boob thing. I wouldn’t have exposed myself like that.”
I knew at that point that this neurostimulator stuff was powerful. You could rule the world with that stuff. Did Yung and his team know what they’d created here? Did they see the potential? I doubted it.
“Ah, that makes sense,” Yung said, noting something down on his tablet. “Okay then, for this next test I’d like you to try and resist the commands coming from the other subject. He’s going to try and make you stand up and do star jumps, you just need to stay sitting down and not move. Is that okay?”
I nodded and sat down on the chair opposite Yung, holding myself rigidly. So that’s how it’s going to be, is it?
“Go ahead,” I said “I’m not going to move.”
I sat there tensely, staring at Yung who sat opposite. Yung smiled at me and tapped a few more times on his tablet.
“I’ll stay in the room this time. You should expect to be mounted soon.”
Mounted? Is that what they were calling it now? I felt butterflies in my stomach. Would I be able to resist? Would I even be able to tell if I was being controlled? Yung seemed satisfied that I had been able to tell last time, but really I’d only figured it out afterwards.
No. I would be able to. Neurorecivers or not, I was in control of myself, and I was ready. I shivered a little bit at the thought, then glanced down at my hands. I flexed them experimentally, wiggling my fingers in front of my face. I was still in control so far, at least, since my hands were certainly responding properly.
I looked up at Yung and smirked. “I’m back.” I told him, happily. Not that I’d ever left, you know, just that I… hadn’t left… hadn’t been… -what? What was I saying? I thought about opening my mouth to clarify myself, but decided against it. A moment later I opened it anyway.
“Star jumps, was it?” I found myself asking. “Why not make it more interesting, eh?”
I knew the answer to that already since Yung had just told me -- I was going to be mounted and made to do starjumps and I was supposed to resist. All I had to do was stay sitting down. I wouldn’t give in to this damn thing.
I stood up.
...just to stretch for a moment then I’d sit back down again, I figured.
Wait, no, that wasn’t right, was it? I’d decided not to stand up at all, why had I suddenly changed my mind?
Oh no. I knew why, of course. I was being controlled. Right this moment, I was being controlled by some guy in the next room.
I knew that intellectually, but I certainly didn’t feel like it. I looked down and stared at my chest, reaching my hands up to grope my boobs. I felt every bit like I was the one the one doing it. This was so damn weird! I knew I was being controlled, I knew that somebody else was fondling my chest without a care in the world, but I didn’t feel like it. I felt like I was just standing here, poking at my boobs for no reason whatsoever. Or, really, for whatever stupid reason my mind made up to explain my actions a second after my body moved.
I slipped my arms out of the straps and pulled my dress all the way off. It caught on my wide hips and I wiggled as I tried to force it down all the way.
And that still felt like me! Even though I knew this dress was meant to come off the other way - over my head - and I would never make such a stupid mistake. Hell, I’d never undress in front of this damn nerd in some university waiting room full stop!
Some part of my mind was pressing upon me that I was doing this just because I was nervous and wanted to take control of the situation by flaunting my sexuality… and it felt like such a good excuse, even though I knew it was just total bullshit generated by my unconscious brain and spoon-fed to me.
I watched as I finished undressing myself, tearing off my panties in one swell movement, and kicking off my socks ungracefully. I wiggled my toes into the carpet, admiring my black nail polish. My eyes traced the gentle curves of my legs up to my crotch, and I gasped as I stared at my own vagina. I patted it with one of my hands, becoming so incredibly aroused. I grinned at Yung.
“Okay, star jumps.” I said slyly.
I decided right there that I was going to grab my dress and run from this room as fast as I could. I have pretty damn good willpower, and I really decided to do it, right then and there… but I didn’t. My body just stayed where it was, a stupid smirk on my face, and I felt like I’d changed my mind on the whole leaving thing… even though I knew on some level I really hadn’t!
I decided to just get this over with and do the damn star jumps. At least, that’s what I felt like I decided, because at that same moment my body started jumping up and down, my arms swinging out.
Ugh, I wasn’t even doing them properly! My breasts bounced against my chest uncomfortably as I hopped high in the air. I hit my leg hard on the coffee table below, but found myself ignoring the pain as I kept going.
And more concerningly - I could feel myself getting so wet it was beginning to leak down my leg. Oh. My. God. I felt like I was a creep by getting aroused from exposing myself here, even though I knew it was really some guy’s arousal coming through in my body as he controlled me.
That was freaky to think about. This guy was making me wet from the inside. He was making me feel like I was turned on by looking at my own body, as he controlled my eyes and hands and pussy.
I stopped doing star jumps and grinned down at Yung, panting. He was staring at me open mouthed, the tablet hanging forgotten in front of him.
I winked. “Wanna touch her tits?”
He was kinda cute, sitting there all flustered. I wiggled my chest at him suggestively, feeling my breasts sway slightly from side to side. My pussy ached between my legs and I wanted nothing more than to run off and give it a quick rub, but my feet held firm.
I strutted up to him, popping my hips from side to side suggestively. I knew I could seduce this nerd if I wanted to. I liked the power that gave me over him. I might be the naked one, but he was the one in my control... Okay, so probably not my control, but it sure felt like it. Would it be so bad just to relax and go with the flow?
A moment later I fiiinaaally reached a hand down and began playing with my clit, pinching it between my fingers like I was holding a little dick. I jerked my hand up and down gently. Hmmm… Still, I moaned slightly at the sensation and didn’t break eye-contact with Yung. It wasn’t the smoothest way to masturbate, but whatever.
I reached down with my other hand and wrapped it around Yung’s hanging wrist, then pulled his hand up to my chest. He stiffened slightly but didn’t complain, so I figured he was okay with it. I mushed his fingers into my breasts and moaned again, throwing my head back in apparent ecstasy.
That seemed a bit overboard. I was rolling my head from side to side and moaning in pleasure… from just having some nerd grab my breasts? “Fuck yeah…” I breathed. I had to admit I did feel damn amazing - I was so wet I could feel it sticking to my thighs. I could sense a major orgasm on the way as I squeezed my clit between my thumb and forefinger. My fingers kept slipping off as I tried to masturbate, though, and I couldn’t quite bring myself to change the position...
“It’s so fucking small!” I complained between moans. “I can’t get a good grip. How do girls fucking do this?”
My fingers slipped off again and I growled in frustration. Fuck it! I grabbed Yung by the back of the head and shoved his face forcefully into my wet snatch.
“Eat me out!” I shouted down at him. “Quickly!”
Yung tried to say something but I pushed his head in harder until he finally gave in and began licking.
‘I’m not an ice-cream, you gumbi!’ I thought, disappointed. I wanted to tell him how to do it properly, but instead I just pushed his face in harder and moaned. Ooh. Oh, actually, that wasn’t too bad. My vagina clenched as his tongue grazed my clitoris. Oh yeah, that’s the spot. Right there! Right there!
I gasped. I could feel the orgasm building up now. My legs began to shake and I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. I used both hands to shove Yung’s face so hard against my pussy it hurt, but I didn’t care, I was past the point of no return, I was sex, I was pleasure, I was ooooOOooooHHHOHH!!
My whole body shuddered in the biggest orgasm I’d ever felt in my life. My hands clenched, my toes wiggled, my legs gave out. I collapsed to the floor in a heap, writhing on the ground in an almost alien level of pleasure. I convulsed on the ground, my vision completely white as I felt wave after wave of pleasure flow through me…
Oh my god. That was… that was a good one.
Yung had been thrown back onto the couch. He now looked down at me with an expression of worry on his face. What was he worried about? That was fucking a-ma-zing.
“Alright.” I said “I’ll get out now.”
A second later my head dropped back against the floor and I shivered slightly.
Read the next Stealth Control story here!No more chapters.
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No, it shouldn't have. I'm not sure why it updated, working on fixing the way that's handled to avoid similar issues.